The Nick DiPaolo Show - Dave Rubin, More Fake Press & A Crazy Florida Broad | Nick Di Paolo Show #347

Episode Date: May 7, 2020

Proof CBS staged fake Covid-19 testing line. Press Secretary McEnany turns the tables on press. Most New Yorkers get the coronavirus at home, says Cuomo. Thank you James G. from Centrilia, IL for your... "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. Are you like me? Are you tired of political correctness? I know that's a rhetorical question at this point. We've been asking it for 20 years. Are you sick of being lied to by all the mainstream media outlets? NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, the LA Times,
Starting point is 00:00:20 the Boston Globe, the New York Times, MSNBC, CNN, all propaganda arms for the left telling what you can and can't say. And I'm sick of it. So we've created a place where we can actually say what we want. And it's right here on the Nick DiPaolo show. And we just recently went free Monday through Thursdays. So we could use your financial contributions., you can make a financial contribution. You can also go to and sign up as a monthly supporter. If you do that, you get an extra show a day and you get to ask me questions and you get access to all the previous shows. And if you have a business out there and you want to sponsor the show, go to
Starting point is 00:01:05 We'd love to talk to you again. People say, well, there's no funny people on the right. Well, I beg to differ. And this is the show where you can find that out. That is it. We thank you so much. And remember, when you watch me on YouTube, hit that little button and subscribe. That helps us out more than anything.
Starting point is 00:01:24 So I want you to now enjoy the show so enjoy Yeah, welcome to the show. Well done, Raz. Well done. How are you, folks? Welcome to the show. Final show before a little bit of a break. We come back on Monday the 18th, it is now.
Starting point is 00:02:20 So we will have content out there, though, for you to enjoy and to take your mind off Corona Corona, your wife, your kids, your husband, your boyfriend, your dirty whores. Later on in the show, Dave Rubin from The Rubin Report has a great new book out called Don't Burn This Book. I'm more than halfway through it. And he's such a good writer. And it's a really it's a blueprint for people who are afraid to come out of the closet as far as their political views, you know, because there'll be repercussions if you think like I do. But he did it. And it's a very interesting read. So we'll have him later on in the show. Excuse me. Nice to have you aboard. Really grouchy today. The Antichrist.
Starting point is 00:03:10 You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. Me fuck you and your boomsburg. That sums it up perfectly. That's how I woke up. I can't put my socks on without my fucking dog taking them off my feet. Had them electrocuted today. Put them right down. He was that age, you
Starting point is 00:03:36 know, fucking five months. Anyways, let's get to it. Kind of a shocking story, ladies and gentlemen. Maybe not. People call it shocking. Mainstream gentlemen maybe not people call it shocking uh mainstream media cbs is it really shocking that they're lying and putting false shit out there uh my favorite guy you know o'keefe from project veritas uh insider an insider came forward to project veritas with a hidden camera recordings revealing how CBS News organized a fake coronavirus testing line using fake patients to make the crisis look worse. Could they be any more corrupt, these cocksuckers? This is CBS. We expect this from CNN.
Starting point is 00:04:23 We've grown to expect it from MSNBC. But this is CBS. We expect this from CNN. We've grown to expect it from MSNBC. But this is CBS broadcast. You know, they take their marching orders from the New York Times like all of them do. But do you believe that to make it look, the crisis look worse? Can you stay categorical? You are fake news.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Sir. The insider caught several Grand Rapids, Michigan Health Center workers on undercover video. This is James O'Keefe, Project Veritas, candidly talking about how the CBS News crew tasked them with inflating the testing lines before they began filming. Huh? And this is why I go, maybe this is all a hoax. I'm still not sure yet. Trump was kicking ass. I know this sounds paranoid, conspiracy theory. Read a book.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I always mention this book, The Hildeberg Group, and then you won't think this is so crazy, but anyways, here's some footage of them going undercover and getting people that work for the health company to admit what they put them up to. You're telling me you're 100 percent certain that CBS News, CBS News Corporation National staged a fake event they fake the news they fake the reality and broadcasted that to all of their audience last friday on cbs this morning absolutely sounds like a trans woman the news crew wanted more people i know because they knew it was scheduled. Well we knew when they were coming
Starting point is 00:06:05 we had no clue that we were gonna have to like do face patients. Did she tell you guys like hey you're not actually getting tested? Yeah yeah yeah she did. Just to make it look easy for the meals because they were right there. That's crazy. I didn't see you guys do the swab at all. I just saw you talking with them. And then I was talking with the other girl. Okay. There were a couple of real patients, which made it worse.
Starting point is 00:06:38 They probably just wanted to look busy. It's my guess. Okay. busy is my guess okay you couple that with the fact that doctors are being told uh you know when somebody dies to put it under the category of covid even if it wasn't covid that didn't kill them combine that with this type of crap doesn't it make you wonder just a little bit but that was from an insider who came forward i would tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again. Yeah, unbelievable. CBS issued a statement in response to Project Veritas report.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And of course, what else are they going to say? Lion Titless won this. CBS News did not stage anything at the Cherry Hill facility. Any suggestion to the contrary is 100% false. These allegations are alarming. We reached out to Cherry Health to address them immediately. They informed us for the first time
Starting point is 00:07:34 that one of their chief officers told at least one staffer to get in the testing line along with real patients. No one from CBS News had any knowledge of this before tonight. It's true. We got to get that. No one from CBS had any knowledge of this before that. They also said their actions did not prevent any actual patients from being tested. We take the accuracy of our reporting very seriously,
Starting point is 00:08:07 and we are removing the Cherry Hill portion from this piece. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. I don't believe you for a second. As my favorite woman on the planet would say, Judge Judy Shineland, I don't believe you. I don't believe you. Take your elbows off the table.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Eyes right here. Stand up straight. You shut the fuck up. Go back to school. Floss. Brush your teeth. Wash your ass. CBS. Why would you believe anything? Didn't Dan Rather work for CBS? Wouldn't he lie about George W. Bush? Ah, fake news, ladies and gentlemen. Fake friggin' news. It really makes you wonder how I keep from going under. Yo, yo, yo. You want to play the second clip? Oh, he got another clip. Sorry, Raz.
Starting point is 00:09:00 All right, Raz. I'm glad you're on it, brother. Yes, sir. So when this event occurred, where did you work that guy's got cherry health is that's a medical facility um it's cherry health part of the city is the full name of it um and when I came to work that day the news crew was there I was kind of asking around what happened um and they were just like Judy Gold. What did you see happen that you're claiming is fake?
Starting point is 00:09:30 Fake news about this? Well, when I was over there and the line was coming through, a lot of them were just kind of driving up and not really getting tested at all. They were just talking with the testers. So I was asking what's going on with the tests and that's
Starting point is 00:09:46 when they told me that you know majority of the line is from employees um at cherry health um so yeah the people in the line were were not people being tested but they were employees pretending to be patients? Correct. Yep. Can you stay categorical? You are fake news, sir. I understand you have to disguise the guy's voice, but for Christ's sake, I'm fucking Martian. Yeah, yeah, boy, yeah. Sounds like every female police officer. Oh, Nick, come on, will you? Stop with that type of homophobia and whatnot. Caught red
Starting point is 00:10:28 handed once again. That's why this show is so popular. You come here for the truth. I just, you know, I read the websites and I pick what, you know, what the shit's, it's obviously what's true and what's not now. But secretly secretly i really believe the dems are masturbating and laughing about the whole covid thing can you think of a better way to put the brakes on trump's success than this thing again i know i don't have any proof of that but the timing really smells fishy anyways uh i don't know if you know this or not trump has a new press secretary remember we had uh sarah huckabee sanders with a crazy eye and shit who was great she fucked she was a ball buster but now we got one who's just as smart and a piece of ass white house press secretary uh kaylee uh mcainaney she is on top of her game this is only a second
Starting point is 00:11:24 official briefing before the White House press corps, or as Obama would say, press corps. Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany was asked about a comment she made on February 25th on Fox Business Channel in which she said that because of President Donald Trump,
Starting point is 00:11:40 we will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here. At the time, McEnany was working for Trump's campaign as national press secretary. On Wednesday, Reuters White House correspondent Jeff Mason. Don't even tell me. Jeff Mason asked her whether she would take the comment back, given what has happened. That's what she says. But McEnany tried to turn the tables on the media, suggesting that a number of the outlets also downplayed the threat of the coronavirus. And here's the videotape.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I guess I would turn the question back on the media and ask similar questions. Does Vox want to take back that they proclaim that the coronavirus would not be a deadly pandemic? Does the Washington Post want to take back that they told Americans to get a grip the flu is bigger than the coronavirus? Pause.
Starting point is 00:12:41 She said this initially. It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. The Post likewise want to take back that our brains are causing us to exaggerate the threat of the coronavirus. Does the New York Times want to take back that fear of the virus may be spreading faster than the virus itself? Does NPR want to take back that the flu was a much bigger threat than the coronavirus?
Starting point is 00:13:08 And finally, once again, The Washington Post, would they like to take back that the government should not respond aggressively to the coronavirus? Hey, man, she's just saying. Do you want to go to war? Just the facts, ma'am. Love it. Love it. She had it all fucking laid out waiting for that trap. she had it all fucking laid out waiting for that trap. Can you imagine? That's the question. Another gotcha question from the White House press corps, bringing back a quote from February 25th by the campaign manager.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Why don't you? She's one person. She just called out four different networks that were fucking playing it down. that with what we just showed you from project veritas media is honest to god and they sway so much power in this country people if it's on tv think it's it's gospel that's how this country is so media driven and now we got the internet which leans left to it's gonna talk to my buddy, Dave Rubin, about that. How do you, I mean, do we have a chance anymore? But I like that.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I like a blonde chick, nice eyes, throwing it right back at those fags. Excuse my French. I say fags and I suck on a little steam cigarette. How are you? I'm vaping and smoking, okay? It's the worst thing you can do during Corona, apparently. It can't kill me. I'm stronger than that. I've been married for 16 years. I'm not afraid of anything. Hey, Tommy, when you send us copy for these sponsors, could you make the font a little smaller? Jesus H. Christ.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Why don't I do this in sign language? What the fuck? I need a Hubble telescope to read this shit. This episode is sponsored by a blue chew, ladies and gentlemen uh i love how they boss me around they never pay me on time and they say you must read verbatim kiss my fucking ass guys remember the days when you were always ready to go jerking off into a sock fucking a pumpkin at halloween let's talk about sex good sex now you can increase your performance and get that extra confidence in bed listen up that's blue like the color blue like my balls blue chew brings you the first chewable with the same fda approved active ingredients as viagra and cialis you can
Starting point is 00:15:38 take them anytime day or night even on a full stomach which which is when I love to get laid after I have a fucking half a turkey. And since they're chewable, get this, they work up to twice as fast as a pill. And because of my age, I've actually used this stuff and it works beautifully. So you can be ready whatever the opportunity arises. If you could benefit from more confidence where it counts, Blue Chew is the fast and easy way to enhance your performance. Blue Chew is the fast and easy way to enhance your performance. Blue Chew is prescribed online by licensed physicians, not some guy making the shit in the tub
Starting point is 00:16:11 in North Carolina. So you don't have to go to the doctor's office or wait in line at the pharmacy, and it ships right to your door in a discreet package. They're made in the good old U.S. of A., and since Blue Chew prepares and ships direct, they're cheaper than any pharmacy out there best of all there's no more awkwardness right now we've got a special deal for our listeners visit and get your free shipment that's
Starting point is 00:16:37 free when you use our special promo code nick pay just $5 shipping and you get the product free. That's a pretty damn good deal. Again, that's Promo code Nick to try it for free. Blue Chew is the better, cheaper, faster choice. We thank them for sponsoring the Nick DiPaolo podcast. Yes, sir. Speaking of married life, I have a Patreon question.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Oh, my God. Raz is married, too, you know. He's got like five white kids, two Chinese, and adopted a Russian girl about 21 years old with an ass like a black fullback. James G. from Centralia, Illinois. Hey, Nick, without getting too personal, how often do you piss your wife off talking about her on the show or in specials could you maybe share a story about we don't have enough time she used to put up with it then the jokes were getting a little meaner but i said to her all comics who are married do this shit don't but you know All comics who are married do this shit.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Don't, you know. And she, you know, she just, you know, she didn't say anything. I wrote a bit about Big Black Dildo. That didn't bother. You know, when it first the first thing that I was making fun of our wedding and I and I said my family's all dumb guineas and her family. I, you know, I said they had Harley Davidson ties and leather vests on and shit like that. And her mother didn't like that either. What's some of the latest bits that kind of piss her? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Very touchy. So I said to her, why don't you go fucking marry a ventriloquist? If you want faggy material, I'm gonna let you have it. and marry a ventriloquist. If you want faggy material, I'm going to let you have it. My marriage stuff is some of the best material
Starting point is 00:18:32 I've ever done. I did it on like my second Comedy Central special, I think. And it's still the best stuff because your marriage stuff is personal. You know, I mean,
Starting point is 00:18:42 you're talking about your life, so nobody else is doing anything like it. So, but personal. You know, I mean, you're talking about your life, so nobody else is doing anything like it. So, but she, you know, yeah, she used to put up with it. Now she's getting a little thin skin. Did I mention she's dating Terrell Suggs? Something is tickling my nose. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:19:09 You guys must be at home going, you're going to leave the goatee? You're going to take it off? Leave it? What are you doing? I can't help it. I watch Gamora, which you should be watching.
Starting point is 00:19:18 It's influencing my hair dosing. I'm telling you, I'm coming in with a side shave than just this left. It is the best goddamn show I've ever seen. Anyways. But back to Corona Corona. We can't get away from it, can we, ladies and gentlemen?
Starting point is 00:19:36 Here's a headline. Coronavirus survey reveals shocking statistics about hospitalized New Yorkers. Get this, ladies and gentlemen, two-thirds of New Yorkers hospitalized with the coronavirus were admitted from their homes. A shocking statistic that defies social distancing logic. Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Wednesday. Yeah, stay in the house. Stay in the house, stay in the house. Stay in the house. Stay in the house.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Don't leave the house. Turns out the call's coming from inside the house. The fucking virus is coming from inside your house. The curious conclusion was reached in a three-day survey of patients hospitalized with a bug conducted this week and revealed by Cuomo during his daily press briefing. So you give him a little credit that he admitted that we're all barking down the road. It just shows you how little we know, man. Sweden, they never locked down. And you know what? They're doing pretty good. But again, there's 11 people there. They know what? They're doing pretty good.
Starting point is 00:20:46 But again, there's 11 people there. They're all blonde hair and blue eyed. But here's Governor Cuomo admitting that he can't believe it. You notice 18% of the people came from nursing homes. Less than 1% came from jail or prison. 2% came from the homeless population. 2% from other congregate facilities. But 66 percent of the people were at home. Son of a whore! Which is shocking to us. Disproportionately older. But by the way, older starts at 51 years old. What? Pause. Since who? Says who?
Starting point is 00:21:23 The fuck are you talking about? What is that? I'm 51 years old now? Yeah, if you're a running back for the Dolphins, what the fuck does that mean? I start old. Here's how I look at my life. This is how I know I'm in denial.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I keep referring to myself as middle-aged. The only way I could be middle-aged is if I lived to 116 mathematically. I'm late in the third quarter and I'm down by three touchdowns. Is that it for Cuomo? Yeah. All right. He says, so that said,
Starting point is 00:22:00 he says, according to, the same survey found 46% were unemployed and 37 percent retired. So that says they're not working. They're not traveling. These people were literally at home. You are correct, sir. Despite the twist, Cuomo doubled down on his calls for social distancing and personal responsibility. social distancing and personal responsibility. Why?
Starting point is 00:22:24 You just admitted, especially as hospitalizations and deaths continue to trend in the right direction. He says it reinforces what we've been saying, which is much of this comes down to what you do to protect yourself. That's not what it says. It says we've been going down the wrong path. I mean, you had the fucking,
Starting point is 00:22:46 you were humble enough to admit it. you say let's continue though what do you want to kill new yorkers you know we find out most people that get sick from this are inside so stay in the house for another month cuomo told reporters at a long island hospital everything is closed down government has done everything it could society has done everything it could now it's up to you are you wearing a mask are you doing the hand sanitizer if you have younger people who are visiting you and maybe out there maybe less diligent uh with social distancing are you staying away from all the people go give grammy a nice kiss go Go ahead, little snot-nosed kid. Grammy's dead in a week. God, my nose is so itchy. And only 4% of respondents, 3% among city residents,
Starting point is 00:23:33 listed public transportation as their primary way of getting around, though Cuomo noted that 45% didn't respond to that question. Only 17% of respondents said that they were employed. Cuomo noted that fewer hospitalizations than feared were among frontline workers, predominantly non-essential employees. And that's important, he said, the ones, you know. There were 601 new cases reported in a 24-hour period in New York State yesterday. Down dramatically. Down dramatically declined.
Starting point is 00:24:03 This is how they write. Down dramatically declined. This is how they write down dramatically decline. Makes no sense from early April when officials were recording upwards of 3,200 a day, which is good news. New York's death toll also continue to tick upwards as officials recorded another 232 deaths from New Yorkers who tested positive on May 5th, essentially unchanged from the 230 and 226 deaths reported the two previous days. The data released by Cuomo's office also revealed that black and Hispanic New Yorkers accounted for nearly half the coronavirus hospitalizations in the five boroughs, adding new evidence that the pandemic is hitting the Big Apple's minority
Starting point is 00:24:43 communities the hardest. They looked into the microscope. They saw the little virus. One of them's wearing a sheet. Another one's burning a cross. Just 24% of the New Yorkers hospitalized in the Big Apple for coronavirus crisis are white. A racist virus, ladies and gentlemen, came from China. China. China.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Even though they make up 32% of the city's population, only 24% of whites got it. So, you know, we know what that says. White power, one, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! Start and watch my country going down the drain. Viruses killing my artists. It's fucking insane. African Americans account for 25% of those hospitalized.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Hispanics made up 20%. And Asian Americans accounted for another 8%. The data also showed that men accounted for slightly more than half of the hospitalizations. Oh, and that virtually all patients, 96%, had an underlying illness, and I think that's the key. For you people who aren't healthy, stay in the fucking... This is why we went at it wrong. We should have looked at other models.
Starting point is 00:26:04 You know what I mean? Old people, fat people, diabetics, people underlying. You stay in that. You should be quarantined. Not Raz. Raz is healthy. Blood pressure is 650 over 451. He had a sleep test. He had slight apnea. He's going to pull a Reggie White on us and then we're effed. That's the other bit my wife didn't like.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I think I talk about her snoring like Precious with a sinus infection. It's an old reference, but I wrote it during the movie. Anyways, I want to thank people contributing to this show. And please don't let up when we take a break. We'll be running other stuff um also my manager is working possibly on a live comedy appearance in florida somewhere uh around the end of may we'll work on it we're not promising anything but uh i gotta get out on the stage just Just ask my wife. She cries around the clock. I want to thank people who contribute at since yesterday.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Fred Jones, South Carolina. Andrew McGinley, Oregon. Dixon Sider. Get it? Dixon Sider. Florida. Don Garcia, New York. Robert Norman, New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Anthony Winnieski, Ohio. Glenn Sun, Michigan. Jack Meoff, Texas, Bradley Taylor, Florida, Jason Martin, California, Joseph Paul Lapierre, Canada. Oh, Canada, our home and native land. So many white people. Monthly supporters. These are the people that have signed up at And if you do that, you get an extra story every day.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Nobody else gets. You get to ask me a question. You get to see all the past shows. Sean Finney. Thank you. Gasman Gusus zuto thank you brian talbot thank you paulo doate thank you jacob busher thank you and matt jones thank you for signing up at and also if you have a business out there and you want to be a sponsor on the show as we're taking on new ones, go to I'd love to chat with you about that.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Back to the news, ladies and gentlemen. Here's more. Here's more evidence that, I don't know, government has become a little bit tyrannical. I know this is a new experience for everybody, but stories like this make me sweat bullets. Odessa, Texas, a SWAT team, a SWAT team raided an open business. Big Daddy Zane's in West Odessa on money. Come on. I think your brain is going soft. The business was open, but also there were armed men carrying on a peaceful protest near the bar.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Yeah, it's Texas. Owner Gabrielle Ellison said she spoke with Hector County Sheriff's Office prior to the protest. According to her, she was told everything would be fine as long as men with the guns are not seen on the property. Out of respect for law enforcement, she said she confined the men to an area in the back, which is her private property. And none of your business. Per Governor Greg Abbott's latest executive order, which I think he's changed since this story, maybe not. Bars, gyms, and salons are not allowed open yet. Ellison, the woman who owns the place, opened up her doors despite Abbott's last latest order.
Starting point is 00:29:48 She says, we can't take it no more. We're not going to make it. I am shocked. I had customers come through saying, you know, they have a SWAT built up. They have a SWAT built up. Why would you bring in SWAT on a peaceful situation ellison said the risk of staying closed outweighs the risk of any virus even if it means potentially getting in trouble that's the spirit in texas this is two stories right last two days women from texas we had the the broad the uh a la mode salon where you get a fade and some pistachio apparently uh uh you gotta love the spirit texas uh that she said the possibility of losing my license heartbreaking but she says i've already taken my income across town was another gathering owner of anytime fitness on a street clint
Starting point is 00:30:40 gillispy uh said he was issued a citation for keeping his business open. Fuck you! Fuck you! Let's not forget, folks, people have families to feed and whatnot. And we know a ton about this virus. And it's that simple. If you're afraid of getting it, if you're one of these kooks wearing three masks and, you know, stay home. Don't come out.
Starting point is 00:31:07 But these people got to make a living. Some of these, a ton of these businesses aren't coming back. Just remember that. Remember it. Don't ever go outside without your mask. Don't ever listen to what Cuomo's telling you. They could have never
Starting point is 00:31:29 out-farced Santino. I'm obsessed. I made, what did I make? Red Snapper, the whole fish, I like to roast it. Of course, I had to do this. I put it on my lap, I wrapped it in newspaper, and I opened it.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I said, what the hell is this? My little Sicilian messaging. And I sent it to Tommy, and he texts back, what do you want to say about it? They'll get it. They'll get it. It's a Sicilian message. Actually, it's a black message from Russo's Fish House.
Starting point is 00:32:05 They have the best fresh fish in Savannah. They really do. I love them. Here we go. Final story. Again, stay tuned because we got the great Dave Rubin coming up from the Rubin Report. Did his show about a year and a half ago in L.A. Great guy.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Smart as hell. Federal judges have helped release nearly 200 illegal aliens into the United States. Many convicted of murder, rape, and child sex crimes in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus. You fucking people. Liberals. You have no idea how to defend a nation. Unbelievable. Guys like de Blasio emptying Rikers on people, but shutting gun shops and shit. It's very weird.
Starting point is 00:32:49 If you were a globalist and wanted to, or an anarchist, you want, it seems like they're following a blueprint for this. It's creepy to me. Data released by the Immigration
Starting point is 00:32:58 and ICE, can we just call it ICE, please? Quit printing it out. The ICE agency this week reveals that about 192 illegal aliens thus far have been ordered freed from detention into the U.S. About 171 of those are illegal aliens, have either been convicted
Starting point is 00:33:13 or accused of crimes against Americans. Boy, I don't want them to get the sniffles. You think COVID's really going to kill them? The average criminal's a 22-year-old. Then again, there's that black and brown factor so it's a little dangerous Los Angeles, California Boston, Massachusetts you noticing a trend
Starting point is 00:33:36 New York City Philadelphia, Pennsylvania have seen the most widespread court audit releases of legal aid what do they all have what do they all have, illegal aliens? What do they all have in common? Oh, they're very, very liberal mayors and governors.
Starting point is 00:33:53 In L.A., for instance, 52 illegal aliens have been freed into the U.S. About 43 of those illegal aliens have been convicted or accused of crimes such as a homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, juvenile sex offenses and child cruelty. But you wouldn't want them to get a fever and shit. Federal judges in Boston, which is so embarrassing, my hometown politically still love them, have helped free 44 illegal aliens from ICE. have helped free 44 illegal aliens from ICE. About 42 of these illegal aliens have been convicted, accused of crimes like rape, assault, drug trafficking, and domestic violence.
Starting point is 00:34:34 You're raping me! This is rape! Meanwhile, they're telling you, we're just letting out people who are nonviolent and just lying to your face. Likewise, ICE has been forced to release 34 illegal aliens in New York City, 32 of whom have been convicted or accused of sexual assault, rape, assault, cruelty towards a child, drug possession, and drunk driving. Yet we're busy
Starting point is 00:34:55 telling a woman to shut down her bar or her hair salon. You know. Ten illegal aliens in San Francisco were released, eight which have been convicted, accused of loot acts while they're in the right city with a minor robbery, burglary and drunk fucking driving. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. The releases come as guess what? And here's the guy that needs to be.
Starting point is 00:35:28 come as guess what and here's the guy that needs to be the releases come as the george soros funded aclu which is a left-wing terror group in my opinion has sought the release of thousands of convicted and accused criminals in state prisons and ice detention centers and i say this to you george soros your mother sucks cocks and hell. Most recently, the ACLU filed a lawsuit against Orange County, California officials to demand they release about 500 inmates
Starting point is 00:35:51 from the region's prison system. Already, Orange County's prisons have been emptied by nearly 45% in recent weeks. That's almost half. What is going on?
Starting point is 00:36:11 Holy shit. You can't use the COVID thing as an excuse because it really 80% of the deaths of people over 60 is 65. Anyways, just sickening. Hey, we have another sponsor. Ladies and gentlemen, today's episode is sponsored by As you guys know, when you use the promo code Nick, you get 10% off everything on their website. Here are a few of the best sellers. You got Trump mania t-shirt. You got me on a sweatshirt right where I belong. There's the takeoff of the MASH t-shirt. I want one of those. I actually like that.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Image of a St. Trump shirt. Look at him. He's got the fingers up too. It was the perfect sin. Image of the Twitter king. And then image of the flatten the curve. Pelosi get a nice spank it. Not only do you have these shirts, they have a ton of great hats, mugs, posters, etc.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Again, that's You get 10% off everything on the website when you use the promo code Nick. We thank for sponsoring this show. Let's get to it. We'll do a couple more real quick since you guys are not going to see me for a while. Raz, don't cry. We're almost done. Raz got a disappointed look on his face.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Mama! This is the one where we do the segue at the end, Raz. In the frantic race for a coronavirus cure, scientists have turned to an unusual savior, a mocha colored llama named Winter. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:37:48 I know a thing or two about a thing or two. Look at him. Every time I see a llama, I think of Napoleon Dynamite. Remember they had a llama in the band? He goes, he just walks over. Eat your food, you lard ass. Look at that thing. I would kiss that thing right on the mouth and probably die a minute later. What a fucking weird looking animal. It's got a neck on it like fucking Melania Trump. lives in a research farm in Belgium, is at the center of a new study looking into small antibody particles
Starting point is 00:38:27 that appear to block the virus. In a paper published Tuesday in the journal Cell, the team of scientists from the U.S. and Belgium said, a fragment found in winter's antibodies, known as nanobodies, appear to tightly bind to the proteins of the virus and neutralize its effect. That's pretty friggin' good.
Starting point is 00:38:45 If that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? The researchers were already looking into llamas' antibodies as potential treatments for SARS and MERS outbreaks. The viruses share a corona or crown shape with protein spikes that the antibody latches onto. Hmm. Scientists often turn to llamas and members of the camel family for antibody research because, and here's the key part, they create antibodies that are roughly
Starting point is 00:39:13 one quarter of the size of those found in humans and can be easily manipulated to fight infections. The preliminary findings hint at a possible treatment for the virus, but researchers must now study whether the same results hold up in animal and human trials, which could be months away. The team is set to begin testing on animals soon, but human trials likely wouldn't come until the end of the year. No, no, no, no! No, no, no, no! In Florida news, FLA, a Florida woman was arrested after deputies found a six-year-old child covered with fleas inside a home ridden with dog feces and all kinds of other crap. What the?
Starting point is 00:40:00 Horrible. Okaloosa County Sheriff's deputies responded to the Fort Walton Beach area home on April 22nd after the child locked 58-year-old. We have the picture of her. There she is, 58, 158. Looks like Grandpa Munster. 58-year-old Tony Reed outside the house. That's Tony there, real piece of ass. That's Florida for you.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Deputies entered the home and found the child hiding in a closet while inside the home. Deputies reported they became covered in fleas. Three dogs were inside the home, including one that was 17, covered with flies and unable to walk. Flies, dog feces, and urine were found throughout the house. Jesus Christ. In the kitchen, there were chemicals on counters and several knives within the reach of children. Good mummy. That's a good mummy. Reed was served a warrant on May 1st and charged with child neglect. Only in Florida.
Starting point is 00:41:11 How many stories have I done like that? Even before you got here, Raz. Cops go into houses and find. We had an old lady living next to us in Westchester County. Same thing. She died. And the cops that went in there were friends with us and would tell what they found oh my god stacks of cat shit like in boxes and shit so i ran over there with my food
Starting point is 00:41:31 processor and some sticks of butter i made a pate anyways that is it uh we got coming up right now this guy i did his show uh like i said a year and years ago in L.A. He's a heavy hitter on the Internet. You know him from the Rubin Report. He's got a great book out called Don't Burn This Book. Please welcome to the show my friend Dave Rubin. My guest today is a New York Times bestselling author. We can say that right now. And you know him from the Rubin Report.
Starting point is 00:42:03 He's one of the fairest, smartest guys out there. He's a Fox contributor. See him on TV a lot. Please welcome my buddy, Dave Rubin. Dave, how are you? Nick, it's good to be with you. Yes, you're talking to a New York Times bestselling author and you better treat me as such.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Just for the record though, I am on Fox a lot, but I'm not a contributor. They don't pay me. I just go on because I'm a friendly guy. Is that how it works? If you don't get paid, you're not considered a contributor? When they officially call you a contributor, then you're paid. I'm just a guy that likes to chat with these guys and get my word out there.
Starting point is 00:42:38 So I am an unpaid, sometimes not even wearing pants contributor. I think you'll probably have your own gig on this soon. If before I get to that, though, before I get to your book and congratulations, I'm about more than halfway through it. And it's a great it's a great read. It really is. It's called Don't Burn This Book. Before I get to that, I want to talk about a little bit about obviously what we're going through right now as a country with the the the china virus why do you call that president because it's from china uh which i love which i love um but i want to talk to you about uh look i don't want to sound i'm not one of these tinfoil hat conspiracy guys but jesus you got to
Starting point is 00:43:18 wonder about the timing of this trump had this economy roaring and all of a sudden he gets acquitted uh it doesn't get impeached about a day or two later. This shows up. And I wouldn't be surprised if you found Pelosi's fingerprints on a microscope in Wuhan. Tell me how you feel about this. And I mean, what better way to put the brakes on Trump's success? But your thoughts. Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure that Pelosi got all of her fancy ice cream from the lab that's next door to the Wuhan lab that the virus came from. I mean, she's just a, what a fiasco, what a, what a farce of a human being she is. But, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:57 to your point, it's like conspiracy theories. When someone calls you a conspiracy theorist these days, it's kind of like a badge of honor because it means you're thinking about you know what i mean it means that you're like kind of like yeah i don't buy the mainstream narrative i've seen uh all sorts of russian hoaxes and ukrainian collusion and the covington kids and jesse smollett and the rest of it like we've watched everything that the media has thrown at us, right. Um, just crumble in front of us. So look, what we do know is that this thing came, the numbers are way, way, way less than anyone predicted. Now that might partly be because we did the social distancing, right. We did the shutdowns, right. And all of that. But you know, it's like, I'm here in LA in California.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I've got a progressive mayor. I've got a progressive governor. Garcetti wants me to snitch on people for money. You know, Gavin Newsom, who is the mayor of San Francisco and turned it into an absolute dump. He's now stopping us from going to the beaches. It's like, why the hell am I paying these property taxes and my state income tax if I can't go to the beach? It's 85 and sunny today. It's like the perfect SoCal day. Like, you know, the day you picture the Malibu Venice beach, it's like today is it. And I'm stuck in here. And it's like the question really is, do you trust any of the people that are giving us information? And I see a lot of reason not to trust. No, no. Lion sacks of shit. All of a mainstream media. No, lion's sacks of shit, all of them, mainstream media.
Starting point is 00:45:32 And like you said about the beaches and stuff, what we learned yesterday was, you know, the majority of patients in New York City got sick at home. And we know that sunlight and humidity is good for this. So, I mean, I think we've been barking up the wrong tree for a while now. And Cuomo admitted that, but then he says, but we still have to keep quarantine. I don't understand. I think a lot of these governors, not him so much, but, you know, Whitmer in Michigan, she's drunk with his power. And again, you look at the cities that have been hit the worst, liberally run and already in financial trouble before this hit. Right. Nick, Nick, I literally I'm fairly certain I'm a federal criminal right now because I actually mailed seeds to fans in Michigan. I kid you not. I sent Brussels sprouts and cucumber seeds to fans in Michigan. Yeah. She said you can't plant seeds and you can't do landscaping in your front yard. Like what right does this lunatic have? And that's the, that's the point that
Starting point is 00:46:20 you're getting at. It's like, she's a progressive and what she likes is power so she doesn't have to explain to you why you can't landscape there's no reason you can't landscape you can't do some gardening in front of your house but she thinks and this is so much of the problem with with the modern left they think that because they just believe it and because they have the room to grab that power yeah that in and of itself makes it just. And it doesn't make it just. It's like, if you want to do something just, well, okay, if you tell us, you know what, we can't have everybody going to the beaches tomorrow, that might be a bit too much. But how about this? How about we're going to do them at half capacity? When you park in the parking lot, you got to have a space between you and the next car. You can only go in groups of four or less.
Starting point is 00:47:01 We're going to cordon off some areas. And if you to the public bathroom you got a mess i mean that would be what a mature honest decent government would do but that's not really the business that progressives are in they're in the business of we can tell people what to do let's just do it and i got to tell you man i can't believe this you know i'm i'm from new york i was born in brooklyn i grew up in long island i lived in manhattan all my adult life and then i moved here to California seven years ago. I'm honestly thinking about moving to Texas. I cannot free. If you would have said that to me three years ago, I would have said you were completely bananas,
Starting point is 00:47:31 but I'm truly thinking about it. I wish you would. And because Texas is starting to turn blue, I was told a little bit. Well, now they're fearing. They're fearing that all the Californians who messed up this state and all the New Yorkers who messed up that state, they're all going to move to the red states and turn them blue.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Yes. Yeah. How are they going to accept a Dave Rubin, a Jewish gay guy from New York and Texas? I don't think they could give a shit. I know I'm being sarcastic. The only people who care, the only people who care about any of that stuff, religion, race, sexuality, gender, the only people who care about are the progressives. I meet every I mean, I've toured, you know, I toured with Jordan Peterson. We went all over the world, but all over America. I went to basically every city in America that I had never been to. I never met one racist. I'm not saying there are no racist people, but, you know, most of the audiences that Jordan speaks to to these are conservative leaning people you know these are right leaning people that's right i'm there were
Starting point is 00:48:27 black people trans people gay people old people young people women and it's like the media was like yeah it's a bunch of young angry white men yeah yeah it's like not only was it not young angry white men but even if it was all angry young white men and he was telling them to get their in order yeah that would be good yeah that would be good yeah god forbid yeah god forbid god forbid some of those angry uh white men that were there were actually women a couple months ago and they're transitioning that's the beauty of the beauty of this country that's the beauty of living in this place with so many different ethnicities and race and i'm'm trying to keep it alive. We bust each other's balls. It's one of the things we should be embracing, not shutting down.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Nick, who is the comic that said, only in America, talking about Michael Jackson, could a young black boy become an old white woman? I forget, but I do remember the line. I think it was his mother. It wasn't a comedian. It might have been his mother, yeah. Let's get to the book, David. It's really good, man. It's just a comedian. It might've been his mother. Yeah. Let's get to the book, David. It's really good,
Starting point is 00:49:26 man. It's just what I expected from you because, uh, thanks. Thanks. You, you do, you look at both sides and the proof that you went from left to,
Starting point is 00:49:33 and I wouldn't say right. You, you came to your senses, uh, is proof that you, you're a fair guy and that's how the book reads. Um, well,
Starting point is 00:49:43 let me ask you this. What, what was tougher coming out of the closet with your sexuality or with your politics i mean that's sort of where i start the book when i say it's time to come out because i honestly believe that the biggest growing group in america is the politically closeted the people who basically have seen the left go bananas who you know they're sort of liberal-ish, like you're kind of live and let live, like a New York jersey. You know, you don't want the government to do
Starting point is 00:50:10 everything, but you know, they got to kind of do something. And then the left went crazy and then they just purged all these people. But then all these people were also afraid of being called racist and bigoted. So they're just quiet. They're just quiet. You know, they watch Fox News, but then their wife walks in the room and they change the channel or they don't want anyone knowing that they listen to the Ben Shapiro podcast or whatever it might be. And I know this sounds crazy, but in many ways, coming out of the political closet is way harder than coming out of the closet about your sexuality. Look, I'm not saying it's easy, regardless of whether you're coming out now as a 13 year old or look, I came out, I was in my mid twenties., regardless of whether you're coming out now as a 13-year-old.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Look, I came out, I was in my mid-20s. It's also a different generation. I was born in 76. I was a child of the 80s. It was a different time. I never thought I could have a real life in a way. I also never saw, you know, gays still don't really have good role models. We got, you know, drag queens.
Starting point is 00:51:02 What are you talking about? You got RuPaul. You got the Wendy Williams you know, drag queens. And talking about you got RuPaul. You got the Williams. You got a way. I got a funny when when the election election day, Trump Clinton election day, he had moved. But I had to go to my original polling booth in West Hollywood. That's the gayest place on Earth. I lived in there for a while.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Yeah. I love a guy like you over there. Sarah Benita. I got more ass over there some of it female go ahead yeah exactly um but anyway i had to go to my polling booth in west hollywood it's truly like the gayest place ever well it sounds gay a polling booth in west hollywood ah there you go um we get in line at the polling booth yeah yeah and uh and i'm and i honestly didn't know who i was gonna to vote for. I was like,
Starting point is 00:51:45 I don't know what to do. I hate Hillary, but like Trump, is he bananas? Like, what the hell am I going to do? Right. And then I look in front of me and I'm standing behind RuPaul. And I was like, I was like, this is as good as it gets. It's the Trump Clinton election. Everyone's insane right now. And I'm standing behind the world's number one drag queen uh waiting to go into the polling booth anyway to answer your question though the the closeted thing look if you come come i know for anyone that i know that's gay you come out of the closet and usually what you find is that most of the inner turmoil and the fear is is your own it your your parents eventually come down come around your friends almost always come around your siblings everyone just wishes that you didn't put yourself through that. The political
Starting point is 00:52:29 closet is very different because you come out of the political closet and then suddenly friends, family members, the Twitter mob, you have people calling you all kinds of crazy things who never have said a bad word to you before. You'll have friends. I mean, I literally, I talked about in the book, I had a friend who was invited to my wedding, who's suddenly calling me a racist and a bigot. And I kept saying, can you show me where? And then they never can. And they move the goalposts and the rest of it. So in terms of, look, you come out of the closet. Now, I'm not saying if you live in Alabama in a very traditional family that that's easy. But for the most part, if you come out of closet you will you will thrive after and be loved
Starting point is 00:53:05 when you come out of the political closet they're going to come for your job they're going to come for your mob you on social media and the rest of it and in many ways that is that is much scarier it's a bizarre thing to say but i really believe it's the truth we're talking to uh dave rubin you know from the rubin report a heavyweight on the. And yeah, it's just how come let me ask you this, Dave. How come people like you, yourself, Dennis Miller, let's say David Horowitz, Tammy Bruce. These are former lefties. Why were you guys able to see the light? I know you in the book, you mentioned some personal experiences like working at The Daily Show and seeing how people were treated and whatnot. How come you guys were able to see, hey, my team's lost their mind, but a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Why could you make the jump? But a lot of people don't. You know, I think it's kind of different for for everybody. But I had Dennis Miller in here a couple of weeks ago, right before the lockdown. He was my last interview in person before the lockdown went down and i i really really like him you know he's a great guy he's one of these guys that he he calls it as he see it as he sees it you know he's obviously a great comic but more than anything else i think this is the answer to your question his whole world view isn't wrapped up in politics right and i don't know tammy that well but i've met her a few times her whole world view isn't wrapped up in. What I find right now is that the people that are the most miserable are the lefties that are wrapped up in politics because their whole worldview,
Starting point is 00:54:34 their whole existential being is government, power. How can we make everything perfect? How can we take from them and give to others for all the faults that may exist on the right? And by the way, at this point, I don't mind if people call me on the right or a libertarian, or in many ways, I would say I'm like a modern conservative. Like I don't buy into all of it. I'm pro-choice. I know that's a big no-no for the conservatives, but, but I, do I think that they are, have a better handle on how to live as an American? Like there's just no doubt about it. So, um, but conservatives don't view politics as the end all be all. They believe in something else. It's not their religion.
Starting point is 00:55:11 They don't put it ahead of everything else. Exactly. They have religion. Now I'm not saying you have to be religious. I'm not even saying you have to be a believer. I actually think it, I've come to believe that it helps, but because they don't view politics as everything, because their basic view of the world is individual rights. If you live in this country, you should have the same rights. We can't fix everything for everybody, but we can give you an opportunity. That's it.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Well, that'll keep you kind of sane, actually. It's a good foundational level, where on the other side, the foundational level is like, oh, government's kind of got to do everything. So we all feel good about everything. And that will only lead you to misery because because government's a miserable, a miserable project. How have they how haven't they learned that yet? I mean, you know, I mean, how and everybody brings up the DMV. That's that's where it's everything they're involved in, everything they try to roll out. Just, it's too big. You can't, why wouldn't you? You live in this country, you grow up,
Starting point is 00:56:11 and why would you be for, I mean, we were founded on throwing big government off our back. That's our roots. But like you said, I see these left-wing friends of mine. The analogy I use is like, if you were at a party in high school you'd want your parents there to make sure everything right that's the analogy oh would you rather go
Starting point is 00:56:30 fuck get the fuck out of the house i'm having my we're gonna we're gonna do what we do we'll take care of ourselves i mean it's a real pussy attitude that's it because they they they project that they're these like free thinking, open, loving, decent, tolerant, diverse things, but actually what do they love more than anything else? They love power. They love the idea that someone can tell someone else how to do something. And Nick, as a, as a Boston, I Italian, I'll tell you, I've been watching, I've been watching the Sopranos. I saw you in an episode. What was that like season three, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:09 That's a, it was the Christopher Columbus episode. I was in there. It was like a subliminal message. If you blinked, you would have missed me, but yes. Okay. So I'm in the middle of season five right now. So since lockdown began, I've been watching. Oh, it's my favorite. I've seen it before, so it's my second time through. But one of the things that I've really noticed about what I love about the show, and this is, I think, why people love mafia movies, is the mafia guys, look, Tony's beating women, he's cheating on his wife, he's literally chopping up people, he's shooting people and dumping them in a river, doing all this awful stuff. What do you mean awful? That shit went on? You know, he has his reasons. He has his reasons. But underneath all of that, he loves his family and he has a code that he lives by
Starting point is 00:57:47 and I think there's something bizarrely attractive about that now I'm not condoning killing people and beating up hookers you gotta do what you gotta do but there's something about people that have a code that is based in something that they actually believe in
Starting point is 00:58:02 that's for them not just oh I have a code so that everyone else believe in. That's for them, not just, oh, I have a code so that everyone else can live the way I want them to live. Right. That's exactly right. Well, he even touches on it when he's in one of his therapy sessions with Dr. Melfi and he's taught him, you know, the touchy-feely society. I think who's going to bring up Gary Cooper, I think.
Starting point is 00:58:22 You know, he was a strong, silent type. Then they got him in touch with his fucking feelings. What what they know he wouldn't shut up about his fucking feelings yeah it's true he he hated the social justice stuff wait you know this is 20 years ago already yeah but he was always railing against it and yet at the same time he was talking about italian pride and pride and family and all those things which we all believe in right to say you're against identity politics isn't to say that you have no ethnic traditions and foods and family and all those things, which we all believe in. Right. To say you're against identity politics isn't to say that you have no ethnic traditions and foods and culture and all of that. But they've tricked us into thinking that that should then supersede every other belief that you have,
Starting point is 00:58:54 which is just bananas. Well, that and, you know, to the left, the nuclear family is the enemy. And that's why that's why sitcoms, the dad who's the head of the nuclear family, is always the asshole and a moron and weak and the wife is strong and uh that that all the shit you watch is propaganda you know but if you i gotta give you this dave if you like the sopranos which is my favorite thing i've seen uh it's my favorite thing i like it better than goodfellas it's my favorite thing out of movies tv but have you watched gamora no on netflix no i haven't but i've been looking for something what is it
Starting point is 00:59:31 if you don't start watching this tonight it's it was a book by a game a guy named saviano about the uh about a uh italian crime family in the suburbs of naples. Okay. And they made a movie about it called Gamora. And this is the spinoff, the series. I can't stop watching it. And there's nothing, there's no nice sets. You're never in a nice house. It's in the ghettos. They actually shot it in the ghettos of Naples.
Starting point is 00:59:59 And it is violent. It is, you're going to love Ciro, this handsome Italian guy, the lead. He looks like a model. But, dude, it's a masterpiece. Colin Quinn, who knows a lot about this stuff, said to me, it really is a masterpiece. Just Gamora, please. Yeah, I'll check it out.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Next time I talk to you, I would love to get your take on that. Back to your book. I would love to get your take on that. Back to your book. What are our chances with Google, you know, big tech suppressing guys like me and you, and they control all information, people get all their news and stuff for that, which affects how they vote. Between that and the pandemic, first of all, grade Trump on his handling the pandemic from, you know, A to D.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Yeah, I mean, I'd say he probably gets, he probably gets about a b you know it's like look the numbers are way less could he maybe have done more up front yeah but hindsight's 2020 when he was calling for the china shutdown people were saying he's racist right i think i think at the end of this thing whenever we get to the end of this thing yeah short of like a true depression level collapse that we, that is unimaginable to us short of that Trump gets a major win here because what we're seeing is exactly what you said there. The progressive states are going bananas on power and, and that Trump will end up getting wins on things like immigration. He'll get wins on things like gun rights. Cause people want to protect themselves. Right. You know, right now, our Fourth Amendment, in effect, is suspended. The ability to assemble
Starting point is 01:01:30 that is one of our our God given right. Right. We can't assemble. And I think he's trying to show, well, we got to let the states do it. States rights, by the way, that's that's more of a Republican thing. So I think Trump probably gets a whole bunch of wins here. But you got it when you go to your conspiracy thing from before. It's kind of like, yeah, did the progressive governors just want to crush their own states in hopes that it tanks the whole thing? I believe they do. I'm sorry. I mean, it's not that's not crazy to me. Like that's not off the board. Crazy coming on on the heels of these other hoaxes. Like you said, it is not crazy, but big tech now uh i'm you know
Starting point is 01:02:06 google especially they have so much power i mean they're working with the chinese government to help they create programs that censor people over there and don't think they're not going to use that here come election time how do we how do we uh between the pandemic and and google can can trump can trump uh uh win You get the mainstream media who's biased now, you know, all of social media, big tech companies is suppressing guys like you and I. Well, look, we had a, we had a problem with big tech before coronavirus. And now because of coronavirus, we're, we're more addicted to big tech. We're more dependent on big tech than ever. It's the only way we can freaking communicate with anyone anymore. I mean, literally I can't go to my friend's house tonight for a
Starting point is 01:02:49 beer that that's actually against quarantine, even though we're both young and healthy and we've been shut down for two months. So we had a problem before, and then the problem just got way bigger right now. So look, Candace Owens, you probably know she's suspended from Twitter right now because she told some people to get out there in Michigan. Now, she's a private citizen. She's allowed to say what she wants. The question is, is Twitter doing that on their own behalf as a private company, in which case I think you've got to let them do what they want to do, whether I like it
Starting point is 01:03:16 or not? Or, did the government put some pressure on? Did somebody call up somebody at Twitter and say, boot her? She's going against what the governor wants. I don't know what the answer is, but I know she's been booted from Twitter for about five days now. I spoke to her briefly this morning. I mean, she's still stuck. She can't get a contact over there. I mean, this is a girl with a million and a half followers who lit the world on fire over the last two years. So if they can take out a high profile person like her, it's like what they're doing to
Starting point is 01:03:43 the underbrush. I'm not talking about the Nick DiPaolo and Dave Rubin's it's like you won't go for us right now but it's not about taking us out Nick what it's about is we have no idea the way they suppress us that we don't know right the ability for people to actually see our tweets get our videos you know I got I got something like a million and a half subscribers on YouTube. It's like, if I tell you maybe 2% actually get my videos in their feed, and I've got a contact at YouTube and I tell her every freaking day, you know, nobody sees my video. Oh, we're looking into it.
Starting point is 01:04:15 We're looking, they're always looking into it. But that goes to your big thing before, right? Like you create these systems that are so big and then nobody's responsible. Right. And by the way, David beat Goliath. So I do think there's a chance. That's how I would end that statement. Oh, don't bring the Bible into it.
Starting point is 01:04:30 I haven't read it in years. It's a little preachy, but, you know, there's a good point. Well, look, Trump won in 2016. So I guess anything can happen. Yeah, anything can happen. What else did I want to hit on real quickly? Once this pandemic, do you think our civil rights, you know, people freaked out after 9-11 and the Patriot Act,
Starting point is 01:04:54 but do you think civil rights are going to be prominently eroded, you know, because of this pandemic? I do. I think, you know, it's almost, doesn't it feel like it's kind of hard to remember the old world in a way, even though it was only six or eight weeks ago. Like it's kind of hard to remember when you used to go out for dinner. It's kind of hard to remember when you went out to a bar, grabbed a slice of pizza. Well, that's the only thing I miss is the, is going to a bar. And I really, otherwise,
Starting point is 01:05:21 it hasn't changed me. I'm a lazy bastard. Otherwise, your life is completely the same. I get up, I go to the studio, I do my show. It's very sad when you get to be 58, but go ahead. Right, so then you end up just drinking alone instead of with some other depressed guy. But the point is that I think that the way the world moves so fast right now, and it's partly because of big tech.
Starting point is 01:05:41 You know, we're stuck on these devices all the time. Everything's happening fast all the time. That we will quickly forget what the previous world was like. One of the things that I've been thinking about is my brother has three kids, he's got an eight year old, a five year old and a two year old. And for my eight year old nephew, you know, every now and again, if I have a few minutes, I play PlayStation four with him, he crushes me and everything. It's pretty sad. I can't beat an eight year old in PlayStation. But I do think when I talked to him, you know, we talk on headsets. And, you know, I asked him, I'm like, you remember going out with your friends and blah, blah, blah. And it's like, it's not that
Starting point is 01:06:12 he doesn't remember. But this thing that we're doing right now is kind of normal to him. It's just like, oh, we just live in the house all day. And mom and dad work from home. And well, you know, that's it. And I and I learn off Zoom computer and blah, blah, blah. And that's what I'm worried about with the civil liberties is that we've started to erode something that was really normal that we all maybe took for granted. And when we get to the side and then, you know, what happens if in California they just don't open? You know, like Gavin Newsom's just like, nope, we're not like this is the guy. Let's not forget. The guy who's my governor now is the same guy who ruined San Francisco. He was the mayor. He turned it into there is an app to tell you where human shit is on the street.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Yes. No, it's like so. So the idea that suddenly they're just going to do what's right or what's hard. I don't know, man. I really don't know. I use that app. And I was then saying it kept leading to Nancy Pelosi's mansion. don't know i used that app and i was in san francisco it kept leading to nancy pelosi's mansion the back door the back door eating her pistachio and bat fucking bat creamsicles uh i don't want to take too much more of your time dave uh so when this is all over you know 9-11 united us politically that's another thing this pandemic, it's shined the light on our division. When it's over, we united after 9-11 for about five minutes. I remember those five minutes. I was in Times Square for that five-minute walk. I remember. Do you think it's going to happen since we're all going through the same thing here? People are helping each other out, but is that going to evaporate like it did after 9-11?
Starting point is 01:07:43 I think the chasm's too big, but I'm a pessimist, so I don't know. You know, it's funny you say you're a pessimist. I describe myself as a world-weary optimist. I don't think I could do what I do if I wasn't an optimist. Like, I'm a realist first, but I think if you're going to be what we are, you know, you tell your opinion about things and you want things to be better. I think underneath your pessimism, Nick, I guarantee you there's an optimist there because that's why you get up and do it because you think that maybe
Starting point is 01:08:07 some of the stuff that you talk about will affect people. And it does, right? Like, you know that it does. I would say that the bulk of people in America, put aside like the true, like partisan nutbags. And you also have to put aside like the bulk of the mainstream media, which is tough, right? But if you put it, if you just talk about the people, people want to get past this. People are people. I mean, I'm sure it's similar for you. When I walk my dog now in the last two months, I have met more of my neighbors by name in the last two months than in the four years that I lived here, because people want to connect with other people. And I think if we can just do that at our level, whatever that is, that we can fix some of this stuff. But to really answer your question, I mean, we still got to fight the mainstream media that wants to keep us hating each other. And even for all the people that I've made fun of here, and Pelosi's an idiot, and Gavin Newsom, and what the progressive ideology is, it's like, I want to get those people to wake up. So I don't want to hate them. You know, we can joke about them and the rest of it.
Starting point is 01:09:07 But I don't think most people want to hate. But it's a really it's like it's like being in quicksand. You know, it's like once you're in the struggle, the more you struggle, the faster it's going to take you down. And we have to figure out ways to get out of it. Man, you're way more. If you think you could wake up Pelosi or Adam Schiff. No, those guys are going to be a goddamn magician. I'm going to put a little ecstasy, a little MDMA in a nice pint of pistachio
Starting point is 01:09:32 ice cream. See if I give it to Pelosi. What happened? God. Hey, I want to thank you, Dave. I had a great time when I did your show out there in L.A. and would like to come out there again when you have a new mayor who knows what the fuck he's doing. You're welcome back anytime or we'll do it this way. Or I may just have to leave and we'll end up doing it from Texas or the Cayman Islands or something. Absolutely. I would love to go to Texas. Congratulations on the book, folks. It's called Don't Burn This Book. New York Times bestseller. And go out and get it. You'll learn a lot from. Thank you so much, David.
Starting point is 01:10:04 We'll see you again. Good talking to you, Dan. Stay safe, buddy. You'll learn a lot from it. Thank you so much, David. We'll see you again. Right on, Nick. Good talking to you, man. Stay safe, buddy. That wraps it up for this week, ladies and gentlemen. As you know, I'm taking a little bit of a break. And we'll be back on Monday, May 18th. In the meantime, we'll put up content so you guys have something to take your mind off,
Starting point is 01:10:22 being quarantined and whatnot. Again, thank you so much for contributing at mind off being quarantined and whatnot. Again, thank you so much for contributing at and And don't forget if you want me to send a personal video roasting one of your friends or saying hi to your dad or whatever. Again, you guys think it. I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here Monday the 18th.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Have a good rest of the week guitar solo I'm out.

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