The Nick DiPaolo Show - Democratic Speakers MAIL it in at DNC | Nick DiPaolo Show #396

Episode Date: August 18, 2020

Mail in ballots show party affiliation. Proud Boys vs Antifa. Biden supporting the Confederacy. Thank you Ian R. from Long Island, NY for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Pa...treon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here, and I know we're living in crazy times. You're watching your society burn down. The far-left radical jerk-offs are doing it. And you're not going to get any straight news on TV or on social media. They're squashing guys like me, who have an opinion from the right. And they haven't squashed me yet here. So I suggest you come here at, watch the podcast. We rely on you to make daily donations at And you can go to,
Starting point is 00:00:32 become a monthly subscriber. And if you do that, you get an extra story nobody else gets. You get access to all the shows. You get to ask me a question. So also, if you have a business and you want to be a sponsor of the show, go to nickd shows. You get to ask me a question. So also, if you have a business and you want to be a sponsor of the show, go to Right now, it's the only place we can talk honestly. And I don't know how long that's going to last. But I already have a safety net built
Starting point is 00:00:57 in case they chase me off of here, which could be very likely. Anyways, when you're watching on YouTube, don't forget to click that bell and subscribe and make sure you stay subscribed. That's it. Now I want you to enjoy the show. So enjoy. guitar solo Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Hello. Hello. Hello, I'm Mike Lindell. Now I'm making fucking dog shoes. I was a crackhead. Now I have more energy than ever. Now that Christ is my life, I can't stop making shit. For fuck's sake.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I got a thousand lighters. I am back. Hold on. All right. Lock it. Leave it in. We'll do it live. Lock it. Where were we? Hello. Fuck it, leave it in! We'll do it live! Fuck it! Where were we? Hello.
Starting point is 00:02:53 You might want to edit a little of that out, but no. First before I forget, I want to thank Cheryl. It's either Mealy or Melly. Sorry Cheryl if I'm butchering your name. Anyway, she's from Philly. She sent me this. Yeah, look at that beautiful face. Huh? Guys know who that is? You know who that is? Thank now, great Philly mayor.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I'll give you a hint. You're a real crumbum. Frank Rizzo. Thank you, Cheryl, very much. And also, some guy sent me a bunch of a couple decks of playing cards. I didn't bring them with me. Anthony. Anthony, it's either Froler or Troller. It looks like an F, Froler, but thank you for the cards, Anthony. They're like playing cards. They have Pelosi on them and fucking every douchebag liberal ever born, and I will use those. I will burn each one before I go to bed.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Very, very nice. How are you, folks? The hell's going on? Did you watch any of the DN uh snooze fest last night virtual they did a virtual convention oh my god they are the most depressing unhappy people and that's who votes for them depressing Depressing, unhappy people who are unhappy with themselves, not the country. And they want to blame it on somebody else. So let's blame the Republican, Michelle Obama. Oh, she started her thing. Don't play it yet. I got her in Kasich and I get
Starting point is 00:04:39 fucking Bernie Sanders, but he, she starts her thing. I first, you have to know this, but I love this country. No, you don't. So you started out with a fucking lie. And you know how we know you don't love it? In 2008, when your husband got elected, the first thing you said was, this is the first time I can be proud of my country.
Starting point is 00:04:58 So we know you don't love the country. Or is that what it took? You know, I hate this place. But, you know, let's say I got married and a guy became president. That's what they'd have to do to make me like America. Why don't you go to training camp and run fucking out routes? Whatever you do. Oh, that's right, you're a defensive back.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Do ding-dong drills. Something. Use that 18-inch black neck for something. Other than shitting on white people. Oh, cut it out. I'm just joking. Michelle Obama. Ugh!
Starting point is 00:05:35 So they did it virtually. And you know what? I don't know if anybody watched or not. I'm going to be honest with you, but I'm telling you right now. Let's watch a clip, and then I'll tell you what Trump should do. Here's Michelle first, lying through her fucking crooked teeth. They see people shouting in grocery stores, unwilling to wear a mask to keep us all safe. They see people calling the police on folks minding their own business just because of the color of their skin. Pause. Do they see black people
Starting point is 00:06:05 six at a time beating up old white people, knocking out white kids, holding up a lemonade stand? Do they see any of that shit? You fucking liar! Ha ha ha. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:06:21 They see an entitlement that says only certain people belong here. Pause. She's talking to you white people. We only make up 68% of the country. This country's done everything for the last 100 years to bend over backwards to make this shit work. Go ahead, Fang. That greed is good and winning is everything.
Starting point is 00:06:40 It is. As long as you come out on top. It doesn't matter what happens to everyone see they're good we're bad people we're greedy you don't like this you just said you love this country you don't love it you just listed eight things you hate about it look at that face go ahead and else and they see what happens when that lack of empathy is we don't feel anything for anybody else right wingers they feel they're good people you just shut the fuck up and be racist is what she's saying.
Starting point is 00:07:27 If you people vote Democrat, honest to God, I never used to let politics get in the way of my friends. I really have to question what you're all about. You people who live in nice houses and nice suburbs deal with maybe two black people every five years, but we're all the racists.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Go ahead. Right disdain. They see our leaders labeling fellow citizens enemies of the state while emboldening torch-bearing white supremacists. Pause. What? What? White supremacists? I haven't seen one.
Starting point is 00:08:04 There's been rioting going on. I'm trying, I don't think they exist. Burning down cities, going to white suburbs and terrorizing. I haven't seen white supremacists yet. Give us some proof, you fucking liar. That's her message. This country is just, we have to fix it.
Starting point is 00:08:25 It is so racist. You couldn't come up with anything new since you left the White House in shambles. How about your husband? The Marxist spying on the next president to come in. Go ahead. Watching horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages and pepper spray
Starting point is 00:08:47 that was done on your husband remember they put pictures up somebody put pictures up on the internet and they trolled some right winger trolled the left they said look what look look what's going on under trump and then he went haha, ha ha, these are from Obama when he was, and this is how he handled illegal immigration. She's fucking told five big fat lies already. Go ahead. Bullets are used on peaceful protesters. She's complaining about Trump sending the federal troops to break up using bullets on peaceful protesters.
Starting point is 00:09:29 First of all, they're not peaceful. They're burning and looting. How many fucking lies can you tell? And I don't remember anybody getting shot. What is she talking about? Peaceful protesters? She's lying right to your face go ahead sadly this is the america that is on display for the next generation
Starting point is 00:09:54 better than when your husband that's underperforming is that it a nation that's underperforming had the strongest economy in the world before COVID hit. It's underperforming. Actually got the respect back of a bunch of countries around the world who are envious of our economy. We put China in place. He wiped out ISIS. All shit that was created by your dope of a husband.
Starting point is 00:10:22 You're a big fat liar. I don't like you, okay? Who said that? I did. Who the fuck said that? Michelle Obama. Who's the slimy little commonest shit twinkle
Starting point is 00:10:33 toad cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Michelle, I'm going to say one more thing. Go in the fucking kitchen and give me my big piece of chicken. I'm out of here. Thank you, dude. Give me my big piece of chicken.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I'm out of here. Thank you, dude. One of my favorite Chris Rock bits of all time. I just got home from work. Let me get my foot in the door. Let me take a fucking shit. It's true. When I come home, i don't want to hear anything or when i get up in the morning i can't hear yep yep yep yep uh next up is a former republican the guy was actually a contributor to fox news former governor i think he's former governor john casick of ohio remember this jerk
Starting point is 00:11:22 off who can't decide whether he's a Republican or Democrat? And he jumped. He finally jumped the fence. Now, keep in mind, this is the Democratic National Convention going on. And he's speaking at it as a Republican. This is his last gasp as a politician because nobody wants him, the left or the right. Let's listen to what Cheese Dick has to say. Because we're being taken down the wrong road by a president who has pitted one against the other. He's unlike all of our best leaders before him who work to unite us, to bridge our differences and lead us to a united America. Pause. I'm going to tell you, you light-gut sucker!
Starting point is 00:12:12 He's standing, by the way, at a fork in a road. I don't know if they show it at the beginning. He's literally at a fork in a road. Ooh. Fucking great metaphor, John. Go ahead. Oh, that was it? I don't even know what he said. Go shit in your hat, silly.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Boy, do they hate Trump. You know why? Guys like Kasich hates Trump. He's been in politics his whole life. Trump was in it for five minutes, became president. This cheese dick couldn't do it. You know why? Because he can't take a stand. I never trust people. Oh, I'm right down the middle. I'm not left or right.
Starting point is 00:12:56 There are a few people who could say that, like libertarians that mean it. But most of them is like, oh, you're afraid to take one side or the other. You're afraid to take a stand. Fuck this reaching over the aisle shit. The only time Republicans reach over the aisle is to choke somebody like John Kasich. Now let's listen to a friend of mine. I live in Vermont. I'm sick and the American people are sick and tired.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I'm sick and tired. I'm in my late hundreds. I'm sick and tired. I'm in my late hundreds. I'm sick and tired. I haven't taken a good dump since 1972. Donald Trump is a racist. He's a misogynist. Take it out. Oh, hold on.
Starting point is 00:13:39 I have to play. I got to put in one more sound effects for this guy. You just said talk, Raz, to play one. I got to put in one more sound effects for this guy. You just talk, Raz, to the people. Tell the people. I play the lasers. Here you go. Here you go. Here you go.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Exactly. United States of America, to which it stands a couple of kids and you know what? Okay. Here's my boy, Bernie. Here's what he had to say last night. He has tried to prevent people from voting, undermined the U.S. Postal Service, deployed the military and federal agents against peaceful protesters.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Pause. Again with the peaceful protesters. Do you people fucking hear this? And as far as the post office, we'll get to that in a second. They're accusing Trump of removing mailboxes so people can't vote by mail. Mailboxes are removed every day in this country. Oh my god these fucking people. Go ahead. Threatened to delay the election. And suggested that he will not leave office. Get this through your head you What the fuck are you? This is not normal. Is that it for him? No! Get out of here Raz! No, I gave you more than that!
Starting point is 00:15:16 God damn it! Are you sure? Yeah, you're pretty sure. You've been pretty sure a lot of times. Yeah, that's what I got right here. You might be right, It was only 19 seconds. No, that was for Michelle, wasn't it? No? Alright, you win. Fucking, just living in a black man's world, I can't get shit. He said a lot of horse shit. Anyways, here's my plan trump i i don't know what the ratings were i gotta believe nobody watched because it's not like tuning into a big event with balloons and
Starting point is 00:15:55 10 000 people cheering where they're telling lies on stage you know i mean there was none of that it was like a few a bad infomercial so mr trump'm giving you, I bet you this is in the works already. I'm making a prediction. You should do the Republican thing live. I know it's, oh, COVID and all that shit. No. People want to go back to work in this country. They're going to vote for you because they know you can fix the economy.
Starting point is 00:16:21 They don't give a shit about COVID. They want to get the country running again. Prove to them. Fill an arena with tent out like you usually do make them wear masks even if you have to do half the numbers but do it live because nobody's going to remember the shit the Democrats just did it was like a boring infomercial
Starting point is 00:16:39 so you should do it live and if nobody if none of the states will let you do it because of COVID, call Dana White from the UFC. You can go to Fight Island. The United Arab Emirates. Oh, yeah, wait a minute. There's no crowd over there either.
Starting point is 00:16:53 That's what I don't get. Why are you fighting an island? You know what to do, Mr. Trump. Do it live. The people will love it. so he mentioned barney mentioned the uh whole fucking thing about the postal service which is a bunch of poo poo uh trump on thursday said he opposes both election aid for state and emergency bailout for the u.s postal service because he wants to restrict how many americans can vote but You hear this?
Starting point is 00:17:26 This is supposed to be journalism. Listen to all the anti-Trump sentiment in this. Because he wants to restrict how many Americans can vote by mail, putting at risk the nation's ability to administer the November 3rd elections. No, that's not why at all. Because it's been proven over and over again that mail when you mail in ballots it's ripe for fraud look at new york they had an election six weeks ago they're still sorting it out trump has been attacking mail balloting and the integrity of the vote for months but his latest broadside makes explicit his intent to stand in the way of urgently needed money to help state and local officials.
Starting point is 00:18:06 The Dems want a whole bunch more money, you know, to make this to make this happen. This, you know, mail in vote to bail out the U.S. Postal Service, which if we can all agree on one thing, even the left and the right. We've been agreeing on this for 100 years that the Postal Service is incompetent. They make the DMV look like fucking Tesla. It was pretty good, Nick. I know. I'm a fucking genius. Anyways, yeah, so Trump is saying he's holding back money needed to help state and local officials administer elections during the coronavirus pandemic. With nearly 180 million Americans eligible to vote by mail, the president's actions could usher in widespread delays, long lines, and voter disenfranchisement this fall, voting rights advocates said. No, you're doing
Starting point is 00:18:56 that. We all know the pandemic is going to end, right, on what, November 3rd, if Cherkov gets elected. Trump said his purpose is to prevent Democrats from expanding mail balloting which he has repeatedly claimed without evidence. What do you mean without evidence? We have plenty of evidence. They already fucking, they've already found, he was on TV
Starting point is 00:19:18 Trump a couple days ago. Some ballots already went to cats and dogs and dead people. You can look that up. He's saying it would invite widespread fraud. The president has also previously admitted that he believes mail voting would allow more Democrats to cast ballots and hurt Republican candidates, including himself. I think I probably read what he's just about to say. We got video, Raz?
Starting point is 00:19:41 We got video rest. It'll be the greatest fraud ever perpetrated, other than perhaps what they did to my campaign, where they spied on my campaign, President Obama, Biden, and everybody else. I love it. And they got caught. Let's see what happens. This will be one of the greatest frauds in history.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Be one of the greatest frauds in history. He runs out of breath at the end. Later Thursday, Trump told reporters at the White House that he would not veto legislation that is funding for the Postal Service, but added that the reason the Post Office needs that much money is they have all of these millions of ballots coming in from nowhere, and
Starting point is 00:20:23 nobody knows from where and where they're going and you guys think that's lies and shit i mean that's something you can check out the president is afraid of the american people said house speaker saggy titted wrinkled necked self-entitled whore nancy pelosi she said he's been afraid for a while he knows that on the legit it'd be hard for him to win pure trump offered joe biden as he wiped his ass after taking a dump behind a mailbox thinking he was in his bathroom the presumptive democrat presidential nominee in response to the president's remarks,
Starting point is 00:21:05 he doesn't want an election. That's what Joe Biden said. You're a real crumb. This is coming from a guy who hasn't come out of his basement. He's come out twice in the last. He's the Democrat nominee. He's showed his face twice on TV, but it's Trump who doesn't want an election. Your sister's tits, your sister's tits, your sister's tits. sister's tits your sister's tits the party is also working to train as many as 35 000 poll watchers what are those strip club members hello to monitor both in-person voting and ballot counting mostly in key battleground states trump's claim about voting by mail have been echoed by Attorney General William Barr, who has repeatedly said without evidence that mail-in voting could lead to a high risk of fraud and interference by foreign countries.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Without evidence. They keep saying without evidence. By the way, that's supposed to be, this is journalism in America. It's probably the Washington Post. It doesn't matter. I don't even disclose it anymore because it's all left-wing horseshit. Without evidence, they said that, what, three times? And I go, without evidence, without evidence, there's plenty of evidence. You're so caught in your little shithead bubble that you want to, you know, you can't handle the truth.
Starting point is 00:22:21 in your little shithead bubble that you want to, you know, you can't handle the truth. Remember Joe Pollack? We had him on the show a couple weeks ago, Breitbart editor. Look at him. He's always happy.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Looks like somebody just said there's more pizza in the fridge. Pollack. Democrats go postal with busted mailbox conspiracy theory democrats have spent several days flogging the false mailbox conspiracy that's what they do they create a lie they get ahead of it you know uh that the president donald trump is deliberately crippling the u.s postal service so that it cannot handle votes by mail in November, even forcing it to remove mailboxes. Yeah, right. Don't say a fucking word to me.
Starting point is 00:23:11 I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head. The truth is that the mailboxes were removed because mailboxes are always being removed. About 14,000 were removed during the Obama-Biden administration. Did you hear that, shitheads? Useless idiots who vote Democrat. 14,000 of them were removed. They're always being removed.
Starting point is 00:23:31 They remove the ones that don't get a lot of mail in them in small towns and shit because it costs the post office money. It's really a rocket science. Democrats are creating a new hysteria to cast Trump as a tyrant and motivate their conspiracy theory addled voters. Former Vice President Biden enthusiastically inflamed this phony conspiracy theory far more directly than Trump can be said to have promoted or encouraged the Kamala Harris birther theory, which he did not.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Fucking, they got him saying that? Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. No, Will Robinson. Danger. No, Will Robinson. Danger. The U.S. Postal Service has been a problem for years, like we've been saying, constantly losing money. In 2009, the Postmaster General proposed moving to a five-day per week
Starting point is 00:24:17 mail delivery to cut costs. Barack Obama criticized the service that year for failing to keep up with private sector competitors like, you competitors like FedEx and USB. The Obama administration considered closing nearly thirty seven hundred post office locations and proposed cutting twelve thousand postal jobs. Do you remember any of that, Joe Biden? Do you remember? I know you can't remember what you had for breakfast, but do you remember that? you had for breakfast, but do you remember that? Rez.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Pause. Oh my God. I'm making fun of Biden. My apologies to Joe Biden. This was in my back pocket the whole time. And if this one's empty, you're going to see a man shoot himself in the head. This isn't TV. I don't know what you call it.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I'm making this place. Good luck renting this place out when we leave. Anyways, where am I? President Trump tried a different track, demanding in 2018 that Amazon lower the Where am I? President tried. Trump tried a different track, demanding in 2018 that Amazon lower the prices that charge the U.S. Postal Service for delivering its packages to consumers. One aspect of ongoing cost management is the removal of mailbox from areas where few people deposit mail. Kimberly from Kimberly. Who's Kimberly? Who's Kimberly from?
Starting point is 00:25:44 Oh, wait. Was she a great big fat person sounds like it what a horrible name remember kim from kind of fucking fat a spokesman for the service told the hill that low volume mailboxes are regularly removed to cut costs sort of goes right through the dems theory doesn't she said that low volume mailboxes are a financial drag on the postal service, which lost more than 2 billion in the second quarter. It is a fluid process and figures can vary from day to day from said historically mailboxes have been removed for lack of use and installed in a growth areas. Okay. It's from a lady who works there. They lost $ billion dollars in the second quarter alone.
Starting point is 00:26:26 But it's so outlandish to say they're going to fuck up mail-in balloting. They even said we can't handle the fucking traffic. Democrats, do you do anything above board? You lying cocksuckers. Seriously. A man goes to a post office, he leaves. We have some video from a woman. She put a video up showing you how, you know, they say you mail in your ballot. Nobody can tell how you voted Democrat or Republican. Well, she says it's full of shit. A postal worker can look at an envelope, she says, and determine what party you're voting for.
Starting point is 00:27:09 She goes, I do not know which state this is from, but she puts up, check this out. I didn't know this either. I'll show you the comparison. Look at my brothers, who's a Democrat. It says 4212D. That's Democrat.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Thank you. Then you go here, because we're both the same address anyway. 4212R. Okay, so your vote is supposed to be protected. Nobody's supposed to know what you're voting for, but yet they put R right here and D right there. So a postal person could see this if they're a Democrat and say, oh, that's an R. Let's toss it. Let's just. I'm guessing they do vote Democrat. They work
Starting point is 00:27:53 for the government most, you know. See that is a D and an R there. You don't think people who work in the post office know that? Of course they do. How about a hand for that lady? She's terrific. She's protecting us. I am your voice. You are correct, sir. Ah, a D there and an R. What state was that from? She don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Hey, ladies and gentlemen, a quick reminder. Make sure if you're watching my show on YouTube that you click the thumbs up button. Also, make sure you subscribe to the show and click the notification bell. We got another half dozen or so emails yesterday about people who are either unsubscribed or who had the notification thing turned off. So keep an eye out for that. That's what we're up against. But they wouldn't try to throw an election. Thanks also to those of you who chat live during the premiere at 5 o'clock.
Starting point is 00:28:48 We rarely preach the ones that submit the super chats like this one from yesterday. Castles Keep. Y'all drop a super chat. We need Raz and Nick keeping the show going. Nick, give a shout out to New York City plumbers. I've been pushing your show. Well, thank you so much, Castles Keep. You plumbers out there in New York, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Shit runs downhill, am I right? That's what they always say. Only thing you need to know to be a plumber, shit runs downhill. Plumbers are amazing, though. They go under my sink, they're there for 10 seconds. It's something I've been looking at for two years It's more about me being retarded The guy goes Well you had 7 pounds of cat hair in the drink dummy
Starting point is 00:29:32 Drano don't work Unless you pour it down a kid's throat It never fucking clears anything Thank you plumbers I can see all I give a nice shout out to all your ass cracks Anyways Here's my dates real quick you plumbers. I can see all, I give a nice shout out to all your ass cracks. Anyways, here's my dates real quick. Uh, you know, barring COVID.
Starting point is 00:29:58 September 17th through 19th, the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Vegas. October 2nd, Jonathan's in Agunquit, Maine. October 10th, Stand Up Live, Huntsville, Alabama. October 11th, Zany's Comedy Club in Nashville, Tennessee. November 19th, The Improv, Raleigh, North Carolina. Go to for tech information. I haven't done stand up since when? I think McGobies, was that the last one? God damn.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Like the end of February, March. I wouldn't know. If I had to go on stage tonight, oh my God. I'd have to bring props and shit. I got to look at my old sets. I got to watch. I got to refresh. I had about eight minutes on Trump that were relevant, you know, fucking seven months ago.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I have a question. Raz, the bathroom is right behind it. Use the use the college. Thank you. Ian R., Long Island, New York. Great show, Nick. You're damn right, Ian. Nice.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Thank you. Bye-bye. Been a big fan of yours for years and love hearing your truthful takes on current news and events. I wanted to ask your opinion on the Cannon-Hinnant situation and the media's initial lack of coverage. Well, it's very easy to explain that, Ian. First of all, when he says, when he's talking about Cannon Hinnant, that's the little five-year-old white boy who was shot in the head point blank for riding his bike into his black neighbor's yard. That guy turns out to be a pedophile. But what I don't understand is the guy went out with a kid's dad for lunch like the day before. So, but of course you didn't hear anything about that.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I said it to Raz yesterday. Just switch the races. And can you imagine a white guy shooting a black kid, a five-year-old black kid in the head at point blank range? Do you understand every channel would be running that for the next 10 years at how racist this country is? Meanwhile, these cowards at CNN, MSNBC, after a few days, they're forced to cover it because it's such a big story. How much more evidence do you need to know that the mainstream media is just a fucking propaganda arm
Starting point is 00:32:07 for the Democrat Party? Especially when it comes to race. They are using as a cudgel, like they have been for the last 30 years, and it's working, because so many idiots out there believe it. So I'm not surprised at the initial, nobody should be.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I didn't even show that, I had that story, it was too fucking upsetting to me to even put on the show. Because I know you'd find out through other conservative, but just reverse the races
Starting point is 00:32:45 you can say that about a lot of shit like what we're going to show later a white kid and his girlfriend getting pulled out of the car was it Seattle or Portland by the fucking Antifa thugs you'll see it's fucking disgusting but before I get to that one
Starting point is 00:33:02 this was a couple days ago I didn't get to am I supposed to that one, this was a couple days ago. I didn't get to. Am I supposed to be? It says, shocking moment, right-wing Proud Boys group at Antifa. I like how it says right-wing Proud Boys. It doesn't say in left-wing Antifa, just Antifa. Protests is brawl during ugly clash. Why is that shocking?
Starting point is 00:33:23 You know what's shocking about it? It took so long for somebody to push back. That's what's shocking about it. A rally organized by far-right group Proud Boys in Kalamazoo, Michigan, escalated into violence when they were met by counter-protesters and Antifa members. They talk about Antifa like it's a legitimate fucking... That looks like an old guy with a san francisco giants hat getting a proud boy the ugly scene broke out after the uh after the first congregational church hosted a gathering of anti-racism protesters who formed a perimeter
Starting point is 00:34:00 around the area in arcadia um we can't really show the video, I guess, because YouTube poo-poos on it all of a sudden. But we'll show you these pictures. And so they finally got it on. It's about time. The Proud Boys, they not only have hatred for Jewish people and Muslim people, this article says. Lucy Sheriff wrote it. But they also very hateful of anybody who doesn't look like them or act like them. Boy, sort of sounds like Antifa or Black Lives Matter or the Democrat Party. Doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:34:41 Again, this masquerades as journalism. again this masquerades as journalism reverend nathan dannison the church's pastor told the local outlet that's uh that's who said that he's a lying pastor like many of them you're lying and you're a piece of shit however things quickly turn ugly when the right-wing group they keep referring to the right-wing group, they keep referring to the right-wing group, arrived waving American Trump and Gadsden flags. The Gadsden flags, that flag, you know, don't tread on me with a rattlesnake. I get six of them in my bedroom. I have a Gadsden blanket. I have a Gadsden onesie.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I have a Gadsden blanket. I have a Gadsden onesie. Anyways, so get a little pushback. Am I supposed to be upset? Come on. Beneath the rattlesnake resting on a grass of the words, don't tread on me. Exactly. Don't. Video shows the power boys start clashing with counter protesters believed to include some
Starting point is 00:35:45 members of the left-wing group oh they finally did it antifa on page three according to reporter samuel robertson who was pepper sprayed by the nationalists robertson who was black was later arrested by police for impeding traffic while he was streaming a facebook live report for his local paper hell has broken loose he tweeted while covering the protests protesters can be seen throwing punches and a white nationalist put the picture back up while i'm talking well a white nationalist was caught on camera punching a black man in the face oh really we got a a white guy punching a black guy in the face.
Starting point is 00:36:25 At least it was a squirmish between, it wasn't a little white kid getting shot in the head by a black kid. It wasn't a white kid coming out of a supermarket and being jumped by seven black kids and knocked unconscious. Or it wasn't a white kid pulled out of his car with his girlfriend. Well, I'm about to show you. At least this happened when it's supposed to happen in a brawl. Oh, you want to prove so bad how racist this country is?
Starting point is 00:36:49 Anyways, nationalists punched a black man in the face. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which is the most evil, they label everybody they disagree with. We've talked about them a million times. There was a whole article how corrupt the guys who started it. He was a lawyer worth millions. They label anybody that's even a little right of center as a hate group. Dennis Prager, Christians.
Starting point is 00:37:12 They list the Proud Boys as a hate group. I don't. I list them as patriots as a hate group because of what the center says is the group's frequent denigration of Muslim and Islam. Misogynistic rhetoric and its role as a gateway to other extremist groups. Don't ever listen to what Southern Poverty Law Center says. That's faggot stuff. You want a court by its name, that's strictly for fags. Fags. That's strictly for fags. Fags?
Starting point is 00:37:46 That's bag of debt. If you want to call it by its name, that's strictly for fags. That's from a movie called Midnight Cowboy. Came out in the 70s. It won Best Picture at John Voight, Dustin Hoffman.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Please, you young folks out there, watch it. It's in my top three. Might be my favorite. I don't know. I mean, you got, obviously, Godfathers and Goodfellas, but Midnight Cowboy. John Voight's about 25 years old in it, and it'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Very powerful movie. Let me just show you this about that. First Congressional church had reserved Arcadia Creek Festival place for a unity rally but its city leader said the Proud Boys had not requested a permit to hold the event ooh throw him in jail let me ask you a question all that rioting and shit
Starting point is 00:38:39 those people the 10,000 people in the street burning and looting did they have permits too do they get the permits suck a bag of dicks and die all of you Those people, the 10,000 people in the street burning and looting, did they have permits too? Did they get the permits? Suck a bag of dicks and die all of yous. Fuck. I'm turning into fucking, who was the guy in the 80s that had the show? He died of lung cancer. Oh, fuck. I can never remember his name.
Starting point is 00:39:16 He's always Morton Downey Jr. That's who I'm turning into. And you know what? I kind of like them. Well, what do we have here in relation we just showed you uh some some brawl going on in michigan what do we got here portland protest turns violent brutal assault caught on video violence erupted in portland late sunday just blocks from the federal courthouse after the driver of pickup truck crashed was reportedly pulled from the vehicle and then brutally beaten by a mob after a confrontation with protesters. Videos that emerged from the scene were chilling.
Starting point is 00:39:51 The man identified as the driver could be seen getting punch kicked and ordered not to leave in the middle of a city street. The man in the video at one point appeared dazed after the initial assault, but suffered the worst blow when some chicken shit coward black guy runs up from behind and kicks him in the side of the head.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Check this out. And the kid that does it is part of security. You know, she already beat him up. I'm sorry. What the fuck is she at? I'm sorry. She's trying to call me. What is she at? I'm sorry. She tried to call me. Where is she at?
Starting point is 00:40:26 She tried to call me. Can I answer it? It's his girlfriend. Get away! What the fuck is he talking about? It is him. What the fuck is he talking about, nigga? Get away!
Starting point is 00:40:37 What the fuck is he talking about? It is him. What the fuck is he talking about? I'm black, y'all. And I'm black, y'all. And I'm blacker than black. And I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all, and I'm blacker than black, and I'm black, y'all. Was that on MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC? Well, they have the kid, him and his girlfriend on the Good Morning America show, whatever the fuck it is.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Huh? Reverse the races on that one. Live in a big lie in this country. Kids get serious injuries. And the kid that kicked him in the head is wearing a thing that says security on it. Have you ever seen such fucking cowardice? Cowardice, I should say. Sergeant Kevin Allen, a police spokesman, said reports indicate that the protesters were chasing the truck before it crashed and they assaulted the driver after the crash. He said responding officers encountered a hostile crowd and a squad from the rapid response team responded to help secure the scene while the investigation was underway.
Starting point is 00:41:44 to help secure the scene while the investigation was underway. Andy Gno, a journalist who has been covering these protests, reported that the man crashed his car and the mob pulled him out and beat him senseless in front of the passenger, his girlfriend. Another reporter posted a video that purports to show the driver earlier harassed by the protesters and his female passenger assaulted. Drew Hernandez reported that the driver sped off to evade the protesters. So that's the real story. Who's an animal?
Starting point is 00:42:10 Your mother's an animal, you son of a bitch. Nights of unrest that increasingly targeted the federal courthouses prompted Trump to dispatch U.S. agents to guard the building in July, which, listen to this, they're blaming Trump for this in this paragraph. Listen to this. This is the narrative that all the left-wing outlets are saying. Because Trump sent in federal forces to guard the courthouse, you know what that did? They said it reinvigorated Black Lives Matter demonstrations, which often ended in violent
Starting point is 00:42:41 clashes. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. They want you to believe it's Trump's fault. Listen to the logic. Remember Wheeler, the fucking Portland mayor, said Trump was making it worse? These punks were burning down buildings, right?
Starting point is 00:42:55 Trying to burn down the courthouse. Under their logic, you send somebody in to stop that, you're only making it worse. Think about that for a second. So let's say you don't send anybody in. stop that, you're only making it worse. Think about that for a second. So let's say you don't send anybody in. Does it get worse? Of course it does. And what's scary is you flip through the channels, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, they'll all be reading from the same card. They use the same words. It's handed down to them. I think it comes from the New York Times in the morning or the government, the Democrats. Pelosi calls this is this is the fucking narrative today we're going with. It's that organized.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Prove me wrong, as Steven Crowder would say. I want to thank people who have contributed to this show. As you know, you guys keep the show going you can make daily contributions at or you can sign up at become a monthly subscriber and when you do that you get an extra story every day that nobody gets you get to ask me a question on the show you get access to our archives and people are signing up like mad and i couldn't be happier one-time contribution since yesterday. Amara Lorch, Colorado. Reparations for Raz, California.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Jesus, I gave him a job. What do you want? Now you just can't leave Turner, Ohio. Paul Sagnella again. God bless Paul. Connecticut every day. Mike Hochschlang day Mike Hochschlong Mike Hochschlong
Starting point is 00:44:28 I almost missed it Mike Hochschlong Hello, is Mike Hochschlong there? John Friel Minnesota Joseph Wallace, Texas Darryl Collins, Illinois I am hip, Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Raz, post-show trauma counselor. Missouri. You need a post-show. I treat you way better than anybody that's ever worked here. That's faggot stuff. Yeah, it is. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Chris Myash, California. Sean Littlehale again, Massachusetts. Victor Bruce, Tennessee. And as far as new Patreon members, we have Johan. Johan. I should say Johan. But apparently the J is pronounced now. You watch baseball, it's not Jose, it's Jose now.
Starting point is 00:45:23 And the Jose Aldo and ufc and shit they just fucking with white people phil uh mayerano sarah lungt and will erwin thank you guys so much for signing up at patreon don't forget folks if you want me to make a little video on my phone you uh go to you tell me a little bit about your friends and I'll roast them for you. Or I can be nice, say happy birthday to Grammy just before she dies in the backyard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:57 We got Biden. This is what's beautiful about this shithead. You know, it's funny. He doesn't come out of his hole. So you know what the press does? We dig up, at least people on the right, you dig up bullshit on them. It doesn't matter, Jay.
Starting point is 00:46:10 You can stay in your basement as long as you want. You have said so many stupid things over the years. You're going to be hanged with those words from the 80s. Remember they tried to say, Trump said after Charlottesville, there were good people on both sides. There were fine people. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:46:24 Which is what is not what he said. He made it clear that white supremacists should be, you know, fucking poo-pooed on. Well, and Joe Biden was out there saying that. He's a racist. Charlottesville, blah, blah, blah. They all were saying it. Well, here's a little clip
Starting point is 00:46:39 from Joe Biden at some fucking hearing back in the 80s. Senator made a very moving and eloquent speech as a son of the Confederacy, acknowledging that it was time to change and yield to a position that Senator Carol Moseley Braun raised on the floor of the Senate, not granting a federal charter to a organization made up of many fine people who continue to display the Confederate flag as a symbol. Hear that? Raz, did you hear that that he's looking at his phone
Starting point is 00:47:26 many people who fly the confederate flag many fine people Joe Biden said did you hear that see how it changes over the years he said it might as well be this guy and I say segregation now
Starting point is 00:47:44 segregation tomorrow and segregation forever. I'm all right. Nobody worry about me. I say segregation now. Segregation forever. What's funny about that? Turns turns out guy like that was right i'm not saying it black people are saying not blacks white liberals i should say because they want separate well at harvard they have separate graduations now just an all-black graduation separate dorms turns out that guy you said was such a racist, you think just like him. And you
Starting point is 00:48:26 call yourself progressives. He was ahead of the curve, apparently, by fucking 60 years. But you're progressive. Might be my best show ever. Joe Biden said people who have a Confederate flag fly it. Some fine people. That's what he said. Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again. Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again. I wish you luck with your business since it doesn't conflict with mine. Let's dig up another lefty
Starting point is 00:49:10 who's as dumb as a bag of shit. I like this picture. Did I send you the picture? It's got Anderson Cooper or just a clip of Gore. Too bad. I got a picture of Anderson Cooper. Looks like he's getting blown
Starting point is 00:49:22 under his desk right here. His eyes are closed. Huh? There you go. Look at a picture of Anderson Cooper. Looks like he's getting blown under his desk right here. His eyes are closed. Huh? There you go. Look at Anderson. His life partner is on the desk licking his taint. Mmm. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Oh, that dirty cogsucker. Razz, what are you looking at? What are you looking at? Tell the rest of the class. I'm good. What are you looking at? My phone. Why?
Starting point is 00:49:58 Can I have your undivided attention for an hour? Yes. Please. We're paying you a ton of money. Al Gore. He had to speak out about tampering with the Postal Service, and he comes out with a metaphor.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Of course, it's so brilliantly thought out. It, you know, it, again, it's talking, it's in, you know, it's. It's talking. It's in, you know. It's a reference to George Floyd in case we don't have enough division in this country. Somehow he worked that into Trump and the mail. Al Gore, Mr. The planet's burning up, yet he has a carbon footprint the size of fucking Kale O'Neill's sneaker. You know what they say about guys with big carbon footprints?
Starting point is 00:50:55 I'm fucking brilliant, honestly. Well, here's Al Gore. Listen to this. And on the Postal Service, this is an act of desperation. And Americans understand, Anderson, that during a pandemic, there are lots of older voters and voters of all ages. Pause. He sounds like a half a fruit, doesn't he? There are voters of all ages in the pandemic. I'll tell you, Anderson, why you got your eyes closed?
Starting point is 00:51:25 Somebody diddling your ball sack? Anyways, back to the mailboxes. Go ahead. Yeah, that's what you get when you look at your phone talking to your wife. On the Postal Service, this is an act of desperation. And Americans understand, Anderson, that during a pandemic, there are lots of older voters and voters of all ages with a pre-existing condition who worry that they can't breathe safely standing in line to vote. So in effect, by tampering with the Postal Service, he is in effect putting his knee
Starting point is 00:51:59 on the neck of American democracy and trying to make it impossible for people to vote by mail. Did you see what he did to work that in? That is a politician who has been around forever. He's talking about a completely different subject and he works in the visual of somebody kneeling on somebody's neck and they can't breathe. Un-fucking-real. You gotta hand it to them. This is what they do. He reminded you of how racist the country is and that Trump's trying to steal it by preventing all people from mailing in their bank.
Starting point is 00:52:35 What's mailing in your thing got to do with not being able to breathe? Are you kidding? Stop getting cocky. I agree. Oh, that dirty cocksucker. Exactly. No, no dirty cocksucker. Exactly. No, no, no, no!
Starting point is 00:52:49 Wow. Is your house on fire? What are the texts you're getting from your wife? In our FLA segment tonight. God, this one will put a chill up your ass. This is out of Volusia County, Florida. A Florida man has been arrested after deputies found thousands of files of child pornography on his phone, as well as conversations about raping children and babies,
Starting point is 00:53:19 and even a video of him sexually abusing his dog. of him sexually abusing his dog. The Volusia County Sheriff's Office said the 20-year-old Joshua Jobe was arrested on multiple charges, including possession of child pornography with additional animal cruelty and bestiality charges pending. At least he doesn't look crazy. Raz, you're not paying attention. and bestiality charges pending. At least he doesn't look crazy. Raz? You're not paying attention. At least he doesn't look crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Nice head of hair. They said that the officers recovered Job's phone from a robbery last month and discovered disturbing files on the device, including about 1,400 files of child pornography and a video of the man sexually abusing a dog. The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. Further analysis of the phone revealed that numerous text conversations containing claims of access to children in sexual contact with them, deputies said, he is said to have had multiple conversations about raping children and babies.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Job was reportedly charged on Friday as being held without bond. Deputies added that Job has autism. Oh, then let him go. And functions with a mental capacity of someone younger than his age. At this point, and his lawyer will use that, you know. Well, he's a fucking, he's autistic.
Starting point is 00:54:54 And this is the way it manifests itself. Ah, yeah, and fuck dogs. Yeah, I'm a good dog fucker. Yeah, excellent dog fucker. At this point, the sheriff's office said there are no indications that job personally had access to or sexually abused any children however anyone with potential information on him is asked to contact the child exploitation unit at 386-323-3574 that's 386-323-3574. If you want to make a ton of money.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Don't you like those infomercials? It's an Asian guy in a boat with like eight strippers. You can make money too, like me. The dog abused, known to be his family dog, has reportedly been removed from its home and is being provided care. Oh, thank God. In 2016, deputies said that Joe had sexually abused a different family dog and was taken into custody under the Baker Act.
Starting point is 00:55:54 I wonder who Baker was. The Baker Act. The dog was surrendered to animal services. to animal services. This guy is, in my opinion, going to go away for a long, long time. Now you will learn about laws. Laws of freedom.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Laws of humanity. Now you and I will truly be the same, Chancellor. Let's stay in Florida, shall we, in the FLA segment. A Florida man captured on viral video hurling racial slurs at a woman last week. And days later, leading cops on a high-speed chase has been busted. Jeffrey Adams Rouse, 40, of East Naples, was arrested Saturday after he sped through an intersection at more than 100 miles an hour on Friday, leading the deputies on a chase. Deputies entered the chase for the safety of other drivers, authorities said. But police arrested Rouse the next morning at his home.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Rouse has also been identified as the man who allegedly yelled racist insults at a woman in a disturbing incident caught on camera. I believe we have it. We have it here. Here it is. Am I supposed to be hurt? Hey! How much does your life matter right now? Tell me how much your life matters. Why is that necessary?
Starting point is 00:57:17 I'm going to spray this black mace in your black f***er face. F*** you. That's how much your life matters. Nothing. F*** you. You hear me? F*** you, f***. That's how much your life matters. Nothing. F*** you, f***. You hear me? F*** you, f***. How much do you think your life matters right now? None. F*** you, f***. Take the video, put it on Facebook, and then flick my a**hole while I f*** on your f***ing fucking face. F*** you, f***. Woo! White power, one, two, three, four!
Starting point is 00:57:49 Wow! Wow! Last time I watched my country Going down a drain That guy was psychotic. So, so, do this Think, think, do this Think, think, do this Love it all What a psychotic.
Starting point is 00:58:11 But here's my take on this. Am I supposed to be upset that he was yelling the N-word and being a maniac to a black lady? I know I'm supposed to be upset. He's a psycho. Absolutely belongs there. Whatever the fuck. But I'm not that upset because we showed clips yesterday of a black politician in Minneapolis. A guy voted in doing the same thing to a white family in a suburb. Not just some random idiot in a car.
Starting point is 00:58:37 He was a politician terrorizing a white family. So you know what? It all evens out. It almost feels good a white family. So you know what? It all evens out. It almost feels good a little bit. And who knows what happened before the camera started rolling. Right? Right.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Psychotic, I'm not saying. I'm just saying, just saw a white kid almost get his head kicked off. He could be in critical condition by a black guy. A little white boy was shot in the head. So put it all in context.
Starting point is 00:59:06 That's supposed to be so horrific? That shit's never going to go away. Left, it's never going to go away. So just know that. There's horrible people in the world on both sides. She said, the lady, the woman, the black woman, I literally just got off the highway into Naples. Naples is like beautiful part of Florida.
Starting point is 00:59:29 And this is the first thing that happens to me, she tweeted. Like this man could have killed me at a whole red light. Find this man, she said. They did. Deputies also say Rouse was caught defacing two political signs, marring one with a racial slur outside the seat-to-table market on Amokalee Road, August 8th, when someone snapped his phone.
Starting point is 00:59:49 That's just psychotic. When he realized he was being photographed, he lashed out at the person and threatened physical harm. Of course he did. Of course he did. Rouse was charged with fleeing and deluding. What's the difference? difference assault and two counts
Starting point is 01:00:07 of criminal mischief the sheriff's office is requesting a hate crime enhancement from the state attorney's office this guy's going away probably for a long time if they bring in the Until we meet again. Adios. Au revoir. Auf Wiedersehen. Speaking of good night, auf Wiedersehen. That's the end of the show, ladies and gentlemen. We thank you again for contributing to the show, both on Patreon and at Again, check those subscribe buttons.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Make sure you're not getting unsubscribed unknowingly. This is what we're dealing against in the United States of America in 2020. It's unbelievable. Remember, you guys think it. I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here, same time, same bat channel tomorrow. Have a good day. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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