The Nick DiPaolo Show - Dems Destroying Democracy | Nick Di Paolo Show #503

Episode Date: March 9, 2021

Biden withholds info on the border crisis from the media. States form coalition to sue Biden. Hillary takes aim at Trump in Women's Day interview....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you. Yeah, baby. What's going on? Welcome to the big show. On a, what is it? Tuesday Tuesday on a dirty Tuesday what's going on we got let's get right to it we got enjoying watching your country being stolen right out from under your nose these guys are hardcore fucking communist Biden has nothing to do with all this he He's just delivering the message and he can barely do that. You might as well have fucking Kamala Harris sitting in the Oval Office with AOC on one leg and Bernie Sanders on the other. That's the government we are getting. It's fucking ridiculous. Joe Biden blatantly, or the Biden administration, I should say, blatantly withholding border crisis information from reporters.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Not that that's a surprise. And even the reporters are getting impatient already. What does that tell you? All we heard is how transparent this jerk off is going to be. It's just like a Chinese communist state run, you know, just like the Russians, Putin, you never hear from him until a journalist ends up dead. You know, I was thinking about that. Trump should do that. One thing he could learn from Putin is, you know, start poisoning people at MSNBC and CNN, you know, meet Don Lemon for a nice AIDS cocktail, find him dead at the
Starting point is 00:02:03 Red Roof Inn in maryland i'm just kidding uh mr lemon you're quite a quite a fella may you die in your sleep tonight oh no so it's clear to everybody there's a crisis on a border except biden or he probably knows too he's just playing stupid and um it's i don't know he's, he's not talking to the reporters. So you have to come to me for the, you know, the real stuff. Are you interested in the real story? Yes, that's why I tune issued verbal orders forbidding senior DHS law enforcement officials to give any information to the press on the situation.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Okay? This is straight out fucking dictatorship stuff. I'm for you to iron the army, to iron the flies, iron the cross-stripes. Can you imagine telling senior officials not to talk to the press? Do you understand this country? The press, you got to have a free press or this doesn't work. We haven't had one for a long time. But these fuckers are so arrogant that they put it right out there.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Everybody knows he's saying don't talk to the reporters because Joe doesn't know what he's doing. Or I should say Kamala, AOC, Bernie, Pete Buttigieg, yum, yum, comes dumpster. Biden's open border policies have resulted in the swarming of the border, overwhelming the ability of agents to process the flood of illegal immigrants and resulting in the caging of children. Hey, where we heard that before? Hey, MSNBC. Hey, Rachel Maddow with a giant Adam's apple. Are you giving them a hard time about the cages? Cages have been used twice for kids. Both this jerk off involved with both,
Starting point is 00:03:54 and Obama and now. Something they choose Trump of, remember? They put pictures of children in cages up and try to pawn it off as Trump when it wasn't. Anyways, a practice that also took place when Barack, the Marxist Obama, was in office and Joey was the vice president. The situation with the media relations now is night and day compared to the last administration, the official said.
Starting point is 00:04:20 We have been advised not to speak on immigration issues at the border. Oh, my God. Shut up. Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut up. Shut up. And to rely on DHS's Office of Public Affairs and the White House press office to handle the messaging the officials sent. What does that tell you? Nothing goes out there until it goes through the white house and they can sanitize it you mubble as bright bart reported uh the verbal order applies to senior law enforcement
Starting point is 00:04:52 leaders within the dhs and has no formal expiration date oh this is going to go on now until biden's not president which is a week from now it comes as the administration is struggling to manage the growing crisis, keyword crisis, Joey, caused by changes in border security and immigration policies, leading to a spike in illegal crossings at the border. And Biden has no idea. I swear to God, he has no idea what's happening. What are we doing? Shut it. What's going on right now? Get in your basement and yank it maybe uh maybe your son hunter left some porn on your computer you dink uh uh as local
Starting point is 00:05:32 communities along the border can you imagine living there you're living in san diego or el paso or wherever these border can you imagine you got like a 16 year old daughter oh that's good that's good comes home with a fucking MS-13 member. Hey, look what I got. As local communities along the border continue to grapple with the release of migrants into their communities, the administration is facing criticism even amongst their own ranks. U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar at Democrat Texas. That's right.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Democrat Texas said in a recent interview on Fox News Channel, I can tell you this, those numbers of people that are being released, they're purposely withholding that information. That's coming from a Democrat, folks. He hasn't been in office, what, a month and a half, two months, and there's already a crisis at the border. He turned on the maggot magnet and people are, it's sucking people in from Guatemala, El Salvador, you know, all the third world shitholes. And guess what? You, the taxpayer, will flip the bill for all this shit. And these people have COVID, a lot of them. And I'm not making that up.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Tested positive and they're still releasing them into the United States. So stick your mask up your ass. They're releasing them into the United States. So stick your mask up your ass. Even though Biden's immigration policies are already an unmitigated catastrophe, little attention has been given to the fact that aliens who have tested positive for COVID have been allowed to continue their journey northward. Achoo! Achoo!
Starting point is 00:07:10 I have a temperature. Oh yes I do, it's about a fucking hundred and two. Aye, aye, aye, aye, I'm gonna spit in your kid's face, he don't die real soon. Things are so bad that the CEO of Greyhound, you know how bad it has to be when Greyhound complains about the quality of their passages? You ever been on a Greyhound bus? You can get blown by a toothless guy for $5 on a hamburger. Things are so bad that the CEO of Greyhound sent a letter to the Biden administration pleading, pleading for illegals to produce a negative COVID test before being allowed to board the company's buses. Oh, yeah, they're going to have that.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I'm sure there's a I'm sure the same company that prints fake, you know, what social security numbers is banging out fake COVID tests. We are finished, folks. We're rotting from the inside out. Somebody do something. It should be a major scandal at the same time that the Biden administration is engaged in a pressure campaign to keep the country masked and under punishing restrictions that they are risking the renewed spread of the virus by refusing to quarantine the filthy migrants who are testing positive. What a fucking group of jackoffs. You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation.
Starting point is 00:08:31 While the fawning media are slathering up Joe's cock and jerking it off, that served Biden's unofficial public relations team during the campaign hasn't shown any inclination to ask the right questions yet. Their patience, though, may soon be wearing thin with the tight controls on information put into place by the regime. So what? They still have social media. Over the weekend, Cochise County Sheriff Mark Daniels warned that Trump had the border crisis controlled. But with Biden, it's now, and I'm going to add the word for emphasis, a fucking disaster. You're fired. You're fired. Get him out of there. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. See, and I'll say this again. You guys already know this. The people that pass
Starting point is 00:09:23 these policies, they don't they're not subject to this. They don't deal with this on a day-to-day basis. Pelosi living in a gated mansion. Maxine fucking Waters in a $4 million house selling crack out of it with her cousin Ray Ray. They, they don't have to deal with the legals. DUIs, fucking all the crime that comes along with it. That's why they don't give a fuck about you or I, you know this
Starting point is 00:09:47 that HR1 bill, I'll get that out I think I'm getting that today, it's frightening what's in there it is frightening they're going to change the elections you won't even recognize the country oh Joey boy the, the pipes are calling. Let's stick with the Biden administration since he's shitting the bed two minutes into his term. Twelve states yesterday suing the Biden administration.
Starting point is 00:10:18 A coalition. There's Joe. Look at him. He's going, I love soup. Look at the salad. What a retard. A coalition of 12 states is suing President Biden's administration over a climate executive order that they claim has the potential to have a serious economic impact across the country through the expansion of federal regulatory power. So let's get the lawyers on it. Excuse me, lung clam. All right. The suit, which is being led by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmidt, was filed on Monday. State Attorneys General from Arkansas, Arizona, Indiana, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and the winner is Miss Utah. They also joined in the action. Listen to this, what the lawsuit says says it alleges that the biden executive order that's uh 13990 titled protecting public health and the environment and restoring science to
Starting point is 00:11:32 tackle the climate crisis do you believe just the titles folks just you can learn from the titles they it does just the opposite the more uh a more innocuous the title sounds, the more damaging it is. That's a simple fucking rule. Remember it. Live by it. Breathe it. Taste it. Public health and environment restoring science.
Starting point is 00:11:57 They actually take a shot at Trump in there. Restoring science. Meanwhile, you got a fucking girl running a track meet and her balls are hanging out of her shorts. But I guess that's not science. I hate you people on the left. And let me just say this, even if you're a friend of mine, if you vote Democrat, you're voting to ruin this country. Stay the fuck away from me. That's why I got this. I don't want to talk politics with anybody who sees that, including my mother. Ma, shut your goddamn mouth or I'll come over there and slap you.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I'm kidding. My mother's not political. I just took a shot at her for no reason. What a jerk. She doesn't see this. She doesn't know how to get Channel 7. Anyways, she's a hell of a lady. Anyways, does not, they're saying this, that this thing they're trying to pass does not have the authority to,
Starting point is 00:12:47 Biden doesn't have the authority to issue binding numbers for the social costs, that's in quotes, of greenhouse gases to be used in federal regulations. All the regulations that Trump fucking stripped away that made this economy the engine that it was. He's putting all that shit back in there. You stick that ice cream cone, you know, where the breakdown of the social cause shows, listen to this. They're putting numbers on things that they, they're just speculating. $269 billion for carbon dioxide. How do you know that? $990 billion for methane. That's cow farts. And $8.24 trillion with a T for nitrous oxide, totaling approximately $9.5 trillion, according to the lawsuit, which cited interim values determined by an interagency working group that was created by who? Biden's order.
Starting point is 00:13:46 He said, hey, guys, get a little group together. Make up. Just throw some numbers on top of the shit. Cow farts and carbon dioxide. You know, just do that. And we'll tell them that's how much money it's going to take to right the ship. Schmidt said that those potential regulations will stifle manufacturing and harm agriculture in Missouri, where state figures show that hundreds of thousands of people work in those industries. You think he gives a fuck? Guys, let me make it simple for you. The idea is to ruin this country, to gut it.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I hear people on TV, well-known journalists go, now why would he want to do that? I hear people on TV, well-known journalists go, now why would he want to do that? Under President Biden's executive order, which he didn't have the authority to enact, these hardworking Missourians who have lived and worked this land for generations could be left in the dust, Schmidt said in a written press release. So Biden's, you know, his attitude is this. Well, the world needs ditch diggers too. Yeah, you're one of them, you know, his attitude is this. Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too. Yeah, you're one of them, you mama Luke.
Starting point is 00:15:06 But the suit claims that the impact from the $9.5 trillion social costs of greenhouse gases will stretch farther than just Missouri. figure will be used to justify an equally enormous expansion of federal regulatory power that will intrude into every aspect of Americans' lives, from their cars to their refrigerators and homes to their grocery and electric bills. You understand, folks? That's what they want. They want to be right up your ass. It's already bad enough. When I lived in Westchester, New York, if you wanted to plant the tree in your yard, you had to get like three fucking permits. They're going to be telling you what kind of toilets to buy, what kind of light bulbs have already done that. Is that what you want? People vote Democrat. You want them up your ass? Congratulations. You got it. Fuck nut. fuck nut.
Starting point is 00:15:45 The lawsuit argues that Biden's order does not have the authority to set values for the social cost of carbon, methane, and nitrous oxide that will be used by regulatory agencies. In quotes, it will be used to inflict untold billions or trillions of dollars in damage to the United States economy for decades to come. Do you see? Do you see what they're doing?
Starting point is 00:16:03 They're dismantling us. And it's going to fuck up your kids. I don't have any. Frankly, they smell and they're loud. But I'm going to get some. I saw an 18-year-old Indian girl that I would like to adopt. My wife says, oh real quick before i get there's a you gotta i don't know if it's on yeah you put the whittakers soft white underbelly is the name of this guy that does these documentaries he went to some family uh in west virginia they're inbred oh my god it's called the whittakers you'll call me tomorrow and thank me for it you're gonna laugh till cry. Literally people whose eyes are touching each other. Anyways, back to the show. In claiming that Biden's order cannot set these values,
Starting point is 00:16:52 the suit claims that the action violates the separation of powers, the most fundamental bulwark of liberty. You think he gives a fuck? You're a communist. He is. Huh? No. How'd you like it? How'd you like it? They tell you all the
Starting point is 00:17:07 time what to do, what to think, what to feel. Do you want to be like a cheap? Like all those other people? I don't have to listen to this bullshit. Do you want to work eight, ten fucking hours? You want to work eight fucking ten hours a day, man? Fucking eat an octopus 12 hours a day what the fuck man you're telling joe biden fuck pelosi and fuck aoc i'm the boss that's right you're the boss frank let's stay on biden since he's the president and you remember my rule was let's treat him worse than they treated trump which is impossible i have a mean streak, and it's not even close to big enough
Starting point is 00:17:46 to hurt this Mama Luke. I hate these people with every fiber. Nick, it's just politics. Don't take it. See, I got nothing else to do. What am I doing? I cook, and I'm teaching myself guitar. It's over for me. Next time you guys see me,
Starting point is 00:18:01 I'll be doing song parodies with a fucking folk guitar. I'll have Jeff Dunham and peanut next to me. You always hear that. I always hear, you always hear that musicians really want to be comedians and comedians want to be musicians. I believe that comedians want to be musicians, but you really think Mick Jagger's in bed getting blown by two supermodels and Jeff Dunham and peanut comes on. He's like, oh, my God, get off me lap. Fucking come on.
Starting point is 00:18:29 President Biden on Monday seemed to have more dementia setting in. I, honest to God, I don't feel bad for him. I don't. I hope he stays too long and he's in a fucking a diaper when he does the State of the Union. And he's just shit in his pants. Monday seemed Biden seemed to forget Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's name at a White House event. How did he find the White House? They found him out in the backyard.
Starting point is 00:19:00 He had a weed whack. He thought he was in Delaware. Anyways, let's take a look at this is the guy that was not elected. I want to thank you both, and I want to thank the former general, I keep calling him general, but the guy who runs that outfit over there. who runs that outfit over there. The guy who runs that outfit over there. I like to thank... What the fuck's his name?
Starting point is 00:19:34 He's in charge of the Pentagon. Kevin McCarty. Yeah, fucking him. Oh, my God. The guy who runs this outfit. How does he feel today? How many more of these are we going to watch? Do you understand?
Starting point is 00:19:46 Let me take you back a little to when Trump first got in office. Do you remember all the talk of the 25th Amendment saying he wasn't fit for office? You're watching it. If this guy isn't subject to the 25th Amendment, get rid of it. This guy could not run a fucking Dairy Queen. He couldn't. He won the election. You want me to believe that?
Starting point is 00:20:09 God. Hey, where's Sidney Powell? You better get back out there. And every day you watch the news or you read the papers, they remind you that it was won fair and square. They keep saying that he's inciting violence by insisting he won. Because he did did there's videos of vans pulling up at six in the morning with bags of votes that's not fucking evidence i can't take it no more i can't take it no more he can't remember one of his general's names everybody
Starting point is 00:20:39 he meets he goes who the fuck are you are you writing a book who the fuck are you you stoon odd biden was announcing the nomination of two female generals oh thank god more bitches two female generals to uh lead the united states military uh combat and commands uh yeah that's great because we know that i think women make better ladies You see all the women head coaches in football and managers. Let's lower these standards in this country out of equality. Huh? No, yes, there are a few tough lesbians, but sorry, they don't have the skills. The guys aren't going to respect them. It's the military.
Starting point is 00:21:16 What do you think? Guys from Tennessee and Alabama who go into the military are going to respect that? Please. Although it's getting scary. They're actually getting pc in the military biden on monday nominated air force general jacqueline van ovost and no disrespect to jacqueline but i'm sorry i know there's a million guys out there in the army that are furious right now i mean in the air force that you stepped over because you have a uh pair of t. Nick, that is so misogyny. I'm telling you, my buddy the cop used to call me every time somebody got promoted above him.
Starting point is 00:21:51 It was always a black woman, always all Hispanic at the Miami-Dade police. They had been there for four years. He's been in there for like 18. They are taking us apart. Anyways, no disrespect, Miss General Jacqueline Van Orvos to lead the United States Transportation Command. And what does that mean? She's going to drive a Jeep? Come on, help me out here.
Starting point is 00:22:14 And Army Lieutenant General Laura Richardson. She's got an ass on her like a nectarine. Let me tell you, if this bitch can cook, I would marry her tomorrow. Aga, aga, aga. Laura Richardson to lead the united states southern command two chicks their nominations must be confirmed by the senate biden announced their selections in celebration get this folks sit tight celebration of international
Starting point is 00:22:42 women's day and i celebrated it it by saying this to the wife. Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. International Women's Day. We don't celebrate women enough, right? It's not enough that you're the lead character in every movie, you're beating up guys, which could never happen.
Starting point is 00:23:01 It's not enough that black women are the judges on every TV show that's come out the last 40 years it's not enough that uh husbands that look like at every commercial it's not enough that uh i don't know just i could go on and on international women's day well what the okay i want my five dollars back from valentine's day my five dollars back from valentine's day even women go what the my wife's like what the she goes i'm you don't have a celebration because you were born a certain way and if you want to play this game let's have men's international men's day where it's a three stooges marathon and you get blow job after blow job who's with with me? Pizza? That's all.
Starting point is 00:23:46 They would be the second and third women to hold such high posts following retired Air Force General Lori Robinson. You remember her, right? She was terrific. Who headed the United States Northern Command from 2016 to 2018. I'm glad I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I just don't see guys under her. Although Jack Nicholson said, and a few good men, trust me, son, nothing sexier than having to salute a woman who outranked you in the morning. Here's the quote. I want to make sure we thank the secretary for all he's done. This is Biden, I think, with a hand up his ass, moving his lips, for all he's done to try to implement what we just talked about. Even that, you can tell he forgot what he was talking about. And for recommending these two bitches, I mean, women for promotion.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Early at the event, Biden mentioned the Defense Department lead by his name, Secretary Austin, while appearing to read from a teleprompter. So you take that away from him and the poor guy turns to fucking a puddle. Biden, 78, has previously struggled with the names of his cabinet secretary selections. How about his sons? In December, remember he called his, was it his sister-in-law, his wife? In December, he mispronounced the name of his nominee for the Department of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, before correcting himself with a different mispronunciation. This poor prick.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I'd like to feel bad for him, but I can't. You're a crumb creep. Who, me? You're talking to me? Let him, but I can't. You're a crumb creep. Who, me? You're talking to me? Let me tell you something, Frank. I never turned you, Frank. Tony, you know what a hasa is, Tony? A pig that doesn't fly straight.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Why am I doing that? The shirt's riding up on me like a fucking French whoa. Let's talk about the press darling, that redheaded, oh my God, I feel bad for Jen Psaki. Not sure she confirms that Biden wants biological males to dominate a woman's sports. I do, too, in a way. I've given you my take on this. I'll give it again. They've come so far full circle, the fucking lesbian, I mean, the women's movement. So far that they're 360. They're actually acting like right-wing misogynists. They're actually hurting women, actual women with, you know, tits and vagina, the kind that we like.
Starting point is 00:26:38 They're actually hurting them in the name of inclusion. I cannot wait. in the name of inclusion. I cannot wait. Again, I cannot wait for a six foot six, 280 pound trans woman who runs a 4-6-40, joins a woman's football league and paralyzes half the poor little girls on that.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And Biden can go visit them in the hospital. The Biden administration is doing everything. Did I mention Jen Psaki? I did. them in the hospital uh the bite administration is doing everything did i mention jen saki i did you get that little red beaver right up there in front of you i don't think it's crazy at all it's my favorite sounder the body administration is doing everything in their power to attack young women these girls won't even have a fair shot to compete any longer. It's outright sickening, somebody said, who gets it. Throwing your son looks like a fag to me. Well, he should. He just got a vagina put in.
Starting point is 00:27:36 It might have smuffled. Can you imagine? But seriously, you're a parent and you have a girl who's very talented and whatever. I always go to tennis because the Williams brothers, I call them. The Williams brothers have, that's a perfect example. Come on, the Williams girls. And again, I have a sweet spot for one of them. She smiled at me on the sidewalk in New York coming out of Howard Stern. Actually said hi. Still don't know which one. Think it was Venus. But anyways, just you see how they destroy almost everybody they play. Not everybody, but every once in a while, a heterosexual woman will actually beat the Williams sisters.
Starting point is 00:28:16 No disrespect to the Williams sisters. They can't help it. They can't help it if their dad was built like Jim Brown and their fucking mother was built like Walt Frazier. I mean, speaking of trans women playing sports, let's take a look at a trans woman in 1983, a running back at the University of Maine. He was truly playing on national TV. I'm just going to show you a quick clip. CBS Sports. This was on the regional game of the week, us against Rhode Island.
Starting point is 00:28:48 I'm giving you a little background. The reason it was on is because we played Rhode Island the year before, and they had implemented the, you know, the overtime rule. You get the ball at the 25, you have four shots. That day they put it in. We were the first game, Rhode Island and Maine, to go into overtime. We lost in five overtimes. But it was such a great game that they thought it would be a good way to open the next season.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And here's me going over the middle in traffic. And watch, I had bad shoulders, right? I destroyed them in high school. So look at the size of my shoulder pads and I'm a running back, but here you go. Okay. and that was my career anyways back to the show i love it i don't even remember if we won that one or not i don't think we did rhode island was pretty good at the time. I just thought I'd throw that in there. People questioning whether I played or not. Now someone's going to go to Google and go,
Starting point is 00:29:51 you average 11, minus 11 yards every game. Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Make me a sandwich segment tonight. I love it. How about Marvin, our new producer, doing this remotely? Look, we had some glitches in post-production yesterday. That's why the show didn't come out.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Remember, we're experimenting here, folks, okay? Trying to save a penny or two, like anybody else in the business. So it came out. I apologize for the show coming on late. But we're working the kinks out. And I think he's doing a great job. And our shop and make me a sandwich segment today former secretary of state you remember who this fucking she won't go away this jason like fucking what's her name hillary clinton i can't stand her i can't fucking former
Starting point is 00:30:42 secretary of state hillary my vagina is angry. Clinton said Monday, oh, the Washington Post Live was interviewing her. That must have been a hard-hitting piece. Why don't you go on Tucker Carlson? Speaking of trans athletes, bring your big, saggy, leathery nipples on a Tucker Carlson. Because he'll open you up like a fucking right melon. Anyway, she was on Washington Post Live, and Hillary said that it was tragic to watch former President Donald Trump's,
Starting point is 00:31:09 listen to this, negligence on the coronavirus pandemic and indifference to the Black Lives Matter protests as a result of the George Floyd's killing. And to that I say, You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt! Shut up, mind your fucking business and shut up you pompous stuck-up snot-nosed english giant twerp scumbag dickhead on trump's president clinton said i hope uh in office, he would understand the enormity of the job. How would you know? How the fuck would you know? You never done it. The enormity of the
Starting point is 00:31:52 job, you know, have some of that sense of humility that presidents need to have when they're in the oval. You know, the sense of humility that presidents have in the oval office like this one. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. You know that sense of humility where you get your dick sucked while you're finishing a large Domino's, meat lovers, and then you go on TV and a few months ago, I did not pork that bitch. I can get much better ass than that.
Starting point is 00:32:21 But look who my wife is. Could you blame me? I've been sleeping with a man. Well, as we know, that did not happen, she says about Trump. It was always about him, his personal, his financial, his partisan political advantage. She continued, it really tragic to watch everything he said after Charleston. See, she's still stuck on. This is why I believe it's all a play. Everybody's in on it. Trump, the Republic.
Starting point is 00:32:48 I really do. It's a big play. There's no way she can be saying this and fucking believe it. There's just no way. You know how many times the Charleston thing's been disproved when he said there's good people on both? Do you understand how many times that was taken out of context and since then been disproved?
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yet here we are. I don't know how many years later she's still repeating it. All the way up to his absolute indifference and negligence during the COVID. You mean? Yes. Yes. He showed such negligence that he's responsible for the vaccines that Joe Biden's taking credit for. Even people on the left said about Trump, that was unbelievable, the warp speed that he got that shit out there. So Hillary, put your cock back in your pants,
Starting point is 00:33:33 go back to Westchester, lay on the couch and finish your barbecue chips and grape soda, you fucking pig. And don't forget the hot sauce. And negligence during COVID with all the costs that imposed to his behavior on the face of legitimate and peaceful protests after the george floyd i'll repeat she said peaceful protests
Starting point is 00:33:55 after the george floyd killing liar liar liar you know and others obviously his final act to try to overturn an election that had been certified repeatedly by states even once controlled by republican governors and legislatures he never grew into the job he never accepted the awesome responsibility that goes with being a president this whore said you smug cocksucker fuck you don't we have a clip of her saying some shit? Why was it in the teleprompter? Right now, Jonathan, it is really troubling to see the Republican Party turn themselves into a cult and basically pledge allegiance not to the United States of America, but to Donald Trump. Something I do not understand. I cannot accept.
Starting point is 00:34:46 And I don't think the majority of Americans, as we have seen with the very large Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the large popular victory, American rescue plan, which is so popular. I don't understand why the Republican Party is so afraid of itself because that's what it comes down to. They're afraid that Donald Trump will instigate primary opponents against them. And those primary opponents will demand loyalty to Trump, not to the Republican Party, not to the United States of America.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Yeah, that's how it works. Yeah. I think this will eventually burn out. I hope it happens sooner, not later. The country should not be so much in turmoil and really at the whim of someone who is so indifferent to... The country was so in turmoil under Trump, as opposed to Obama, when we had Ferguson, Baltimore, and 19 other things.
Starting point is 00:35:49 A president who was biracial, who could have healed us, but chose to throw gas on the racial fire because he's a Marxist cocksucker. Did she have any more to say? Go back to her. More than 500,000 deaths from COVID, from white supremacists and nationalists storming our Capitol and everything else. That's enough. I can't take it. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore. She's a good looking lady though, isn't she? I did not have sexual relations with that woman. You mean Hillary? You never looked heavier. Ugh. Oh, God. How dare she?
Starting point is 00:36:32 How? Why is she still around? You think AOC or anybody in the far left likes her? They hate her guts? And she's still yapping. The Washington Post goes to her. And she's talking about, you know, how you have to have the perfect temperament to be president. Meanwhile, you have never sat where Trump was sitting and you never will because people see right through you, you disingenuous dyke.
Starting point is 00:36:58 I got a feeling I kind of like her if I get drunk with her. You can admit she is a fucking a real handful i'd have her do one of those flaming shots and have her hair catch on fire and then throw the rest of the bottle on it anyways but can you imagine sitting there and going trump didn't give a shit about covid his apathy are you fucking kidding me how dare you which segues into the uh next um story primary care physician, Dr. Gottlieb. Dr. Gottlieb, that's him. He had a few things to say about the vaccine. Who is he? He's the former head of19 variants may slightly drive up the number of cases, but they're unlikely to trigger a new wave. So here's more fake drama. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Malib said vaccines and antibodies from previous infections are still likely to provide some protection against new variants, such as the UK's highly contagious strain.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I just don't know what exactly is different about it. Again, they're going to keep doing this, folks, in my opinion. When they get close to saying the vaccine's working, we're approaching herd immunity, they're going to go, oh, a new strain came in. From where? I don't know, New new jersey they have a filthy uh water system uh newark somebody got it off a doorknob in newark they're gonna keep coming up with variants they're gonna guy we're gonna keep you guys masked forever uh anyway i guess they have a high a real high contagious strain sometime in england uh he said i quote there's probably some crossover in the immunity you get from the uk variant and immunity you get you get against those other strains uh that's gonna probably cause infections to tick back up
Starting point is 00:38:58 again keep this hoax alive gottlieb told c anchor Margaret Brennan on Face the Dirty Nation, I don't think we're going to see another surge, he said, of infection this spring, but we might see a plateauing before we see continued declines again. And I don't know, I want to believe him, but I really don't. Well, whose fault is that? Apparently England's. Apparently Joe Biden letting the world come in. Untested. I can't wait to see what they come up with with a variance from El Salvador. You're going to look into the microscope.
Starting point is 00:39:35 You're going to see that coronavirus. It's going to have knives in it and machetes. I mean, who are you kidding? By the way, you know what? It's actually plateauing the deaths per day going down and shit. But again, they'll keep it alive. Gottlieb said he expects the number of people dying from the virus will also decline quite dramatically as more vulnerable people receive COVID-19 vaccinations.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Hey, everybody, we're all going to get laid. Just looking at nursing homes alone, if you look at overall deaths, they are declining, Gottlieb said. But of the deaths that are occurring, 13% right now are occurring in nursing homes. If you take what Cuomo did out of this fucking thing, you know what? The deaths with people over 70 declined by 99%. No, I'm just making it up. How many did he kill? Again, folks, it's a flu. It's a severe flu. It's killing all people. And somebody put up, I read something, almost 90% of people that have died are in the obese category.
Starting point is 00:40:47 So I don't know what to tell you. 13% right now occurring in nursing homes. That's down from 40%. And so that's a real significant. And who do we give credit to for that? Jerkoff, who's been in office for three minutes. who's been in office for three minutes. And so that's a real significant indication that the overall vulnerability of the most vulnerable people,
Starting point is 00:41:07 those who are succumbing to COVID, is starting to decline quite dramatically as we get more of them vaccinated. But we have to give Biden something to talk about and we got to give his administration a reason to boss you people around. So let's keep it going. Gottlieb estimated that by the end of the week,
Starting point is 00:41:24 nearly 25% of adults will be vaccinated. I'm supposed to be happy about that. So we're reducing the overall vulnerability of the population, he said. And the vaccines are working and less people are dying. La la la. Again, till you make up something else. I don't want to hear from him anymore. He gives me a headache. Shut up. Mind your fucking business and shut up. I will not. I will not. I'd like to thank people who contribute to the show.
Starting point is 00:41:51 As you know, the show is important and shows like this are important because high tech is kicking us around and shutting us down. And really, in that H.R.1 bill, again, there's a ton of shit in there that's going to affect your free speech. So we need to keep shows like this going. And you guys do it by contributing at or or, all of the above. And you really keep us afloat. I want to thank Chris Davenport, Florida, James Duff, New York, Jonathan McKenna, Arizona, Muff Diver, Texas, David Rodriguez, Missouri, Eddie Holland, Texas, Larry Ramey, Ohio, Ryan Foster, Oregon, Michael Mullen, South Carolina, Ed Midgley, Rhode Island, Ron Raymond, New Jersey, John J. Boris, Pennsylvania, Chad Fink, Pennsylvania, Eric Blacker,
Starting point is 00:42:41 Pennsylvania, Adam Cotell, Minnesota, Daniel Haley, Mississippi. And I want to thank these people who signed up with a monthly subscription, which we absolutely love if you can all do it. Rebecca Wheeler, Michigan, Ken and Mary Jo Smith, Oregon. I love we have Oregon people. David DeCasa, New York, Andy Johnstone, Vermont, Gregory Muse, California, oregon people david de casa new york andy johnstone vermont gregory muse california robert mailey uh mailey pennsylvania uh lewis smarr new york andy naven pennsylvania adam either bert or bertie colorado i want to thank all you guys for becoming monthly members when you do that don't forget you get an extra story every day that the other people don't get. And we appreciate you guys doing that. You're keeping us afloat. I've got to work out today. I have to work out
Starting point is 00:43:40 today. Ask me what I was doing two nights ago at one in the morning. I was making a tiramisu bundt cake. It's one in the morning. I'm pouring Kahlua and coffee into a fucking sponge cake I made. I didn't put the picture up. It's too gay. But here's something that's not gay. Should we do this? We should have a segment every day, Nick's lunch break. These are some chinky Chinese spare ribs that I made. I was celebrating me getting a, not getting a COVID shot, and I had my friends over. Those, look at those.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Look at those ribs. I'm telling you, man, better than any Chinese restaurant. You know why I didn't use poodle or chihuahua? I went with the old-fashioned pork ribs. Look at those. Those are not succulent. I can smell them from here. And I wonder why I have the physique of fucking Hillary Clinton when I take my shirt.
Starting point is 00:44:39 There's some days you look in the mirror at 50 and I go, I look pretty good. It's still kind of cut. Then you look another fucking hour later. I go, oh why are you looking an hour later what do you love you no I just can't believe that I look at him and I go hey have I ever been in a gym fucking smoother than Rachel Maddow's back look at those ribs Jason look at those I gotta find a Chinese girl to come over and test him I can't do that. It's over for me.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Speaking of Chinese spare ribs, let's talk about this. I think he's Korean. Well, Nick, that's different than Chinese. I know, but I like to mix them all together. People get mad. You know what I mean? I love to do that on stage. What are you, Colombian?
Starting point is 00:45:18 The kid goes, no, Puerto Rican. I'm like, what's the difference? Three grams? And they go, no. How dare you? Anyways, I think this kid's korean i'm not sure young kid started something called the super straight movement i love when people push back even if it doesn't really mean anything the super straight movement has been uh taken over the tiktok and its
Starting point is 00:45:37 followers have uh come out with its they actually came up with a flag here's everything you need to know about the latest trend that is getting slammed, of course, on social media. If something's getting slammed on Twitter and Facebook, that means it's good. It has a kernel of truth in it. TikTok has become a breeding ground for trends as several users come together and share their collective thoughts. Lately, these trends have been getting slammed on Twitter because they're humorless left-wing douchebags. The super straight movement is the latest addition and is defined as a new sexuality. That means that you are only attracted to cisgender women or men. Count me in with the men part. What? Anyways, this kid, a young kid, he's had enough of being called a transphobe or whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:26 So he made this video and put it on TikTok. Take a look. Yo, guys, I made a new sexuality now. Actually, it's called super straight. OK, since you straight people are straight men as myself, I get called transphobic because I wouldn't date a trans woman. You know, they're like, would you date a trans woman? I'm like, no. Why?
Starting point is 00:46:44 That's a female. No, that's not a real woman to me. Like, I they're like, would you date a trans woman? I'm like, no, why? That's a female. No, like, that's not a real woman to me. Like, I want real women. No, you're just transphobic. So now, I'm super straight. I only date the opposite gender women that are born women. So you can't say I'm transphobic now because that's just my sexuality, you know? I get called transphobic because I wouldn't date a trans woman.
Starting point is 00:47:05 You know, they're like, would you date a trans woman? Nah, you're not super straight. You're a super jerk. Trans women are women. Hey, no, they're not. Suck my dick, whatever you are. What was that? I guess that's a whole thing.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Well, let me tell you something, kid. I love people who push back. Good for you, Ding Cheng Lau. I'm loving it. and then he said this also i don't like nobody touching me now any of you homos touch me and i'll kill you fucking quiz come on be respectful do you see how touchy they are he's getting a ton of folks 40 million views of that clip you know what that means people have had enough and they're with him can you imagine getting upset you're that girl that poor girl who looked like a uh tight
Starting point is 00:48:01 end for the eagles going yeah no you're a stupid jerk. No, you're an intolerant fucking he, she shut it. Shuddy. If you scroll through TikTok, you'll notice multiple people identifying themselves as super straight. TikTok users, Kyle Royce was the first one to give rise to the term that kid there. That was Kyle Royce. All right. Whiter than I am. Even though he has removed the original video, people have been sharing it all over social media. These TikTok users have also come up with a flag to symbolize super straight people. It's a it's a flag. It's got a nice pair of tits and an erect penis. I don't know why they anyways. The flag is made up of black and orange colors.
Starting point is 00:48:40 I don't know the significance. Several users have made the flag their profile picture or have been using it on their bio. At the same time, people have been slamming the users who are supporting the super straight movement. Oh, hurting your feelings? TikTok users have created multiple videos pointing out why this trend must come to an end. As of now, the super straight hashtag, get this, has had over 40.9 million views on TikTok. 40.9 million views. Good for you, kid. Seriously, enough already. You wouldn't fuck a woman who was a guy eight minutes ago?
Starting point is 00:49:26 I don't know. How much Jägermeermeister you have to drink to do that. Jimmy Norton wouldn't, and I love Jimmy Norton. He wouldn't have a problem. He's a fucking, he's right out there with it. He makes me laugh so hard when he talks about this shit. Speaking of transgender people, Governor Newsom, he's a shapeshifter as we call this guy is evil personified i meant to say personified here he is giving the thumbs up to a couple of
Starting point is 00:49:54 life partners newsom recall is almost certainly a go i gotta read that again, Newsom recall, I said, you recall, Newsom recall, remember the whole state wants to recall him as governor, almost certainly ago after reaching 1.95 million signatures. Leaders of the ongoing effort to recall California's Governor Newsom have amassed enough signatures to trigger a special election this year they have announced. I love it. All right, get up! Yeah! Good for them. Don't take shit off nobody. Speaking at a press conference across the street from the state capitol in Sacramento on Sunday,
Starting point is 00:50:40 leaders of the recall effort revealed that they had collected 1.95 million signatures with just under two weeks left before the March 17th deadline. That is more than enough to be able to have this initiative qualified for a special election later this year to let people finally decide what is going to happen with the fate and the future of this piece of shit, Governor Gavin Newsom. I wouldn't get too excited, California, because you guys once had a proposition. Was it Prop 187 or 87? Prop 187. Remember gay marriage and people in California voted against it and the government in California, the state government just ignored your wishes and pushed it through anyways. So don't get too
Starting point is 00:51:25 excited, but I hope it works out for you. Randy Economy, a leader. Randy Economy? That's his name? No. Really? Randy Economy. I know his cousin, Phillips Curve. What? That's all I remember from economics. I got a D, the Phillips Curve. Randy Economy, a leader in the Recall Gavin 2020 effort, told Rebota, those pushing to recall Newsom have to collect 1,495,709 signatures to spark a statewide vote, which would take place later this year. I love it. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Those signatures, however, must be verified as many could be found ineligible and removed. You know, like the fucking election, the national election, the presidential election. By amassing more signatures, organizers will be able to ensure they will still meet the nearly 1.5 million needed, even if hundreds of thousands of deemed unusable. The California Secretary of State's office said early last month that about 83% of the signatures collected up to that point were valid. That's way more than the presidential election. That does not guarantee that the eligibility rate will remain high. Newsom, a Democrat and a shapeshifter who used to bang Kimberly Guilfoyle,
Starting point is 00:52:50 is not up for reelection until 2022. In the past year, he has seen his approval rating plummet in response to the stringent restrictions he's placed on businesses and the state's closure of schools, neither of which played a strong role in actually stopping the spread of the coronavirus. And he's in deep doo-doo. Things became worse for the state's Democratic leader when he was caught, you guys remember this couple weeks ago, violating his own coronavirus rules at a maskless dinner party at Posh Napa Valley Eatery, literally the most expensive restaurant in the country, French Laundry in November. For his part, Newsom has declined to address the recall during public appearances or in interviews. I wonder why that is. In his first statement on the matter,
Starting point is 00:53:46 at least Monday after the effort reached the point of inevitability, Newsom spokesman Dan Newman slammed the push as, and this is in quotes, hyper-partisan and a scheme. Oh, it's always a right-wing scheme. Really? You shut down every restaurant in California? Every, really? Remember, he actually came out we we
Starting point is 00:54:06 were making fun of he came out and said you can eat but you should keep your mask on between bites remember and i said he's sitting home getting blown going look at the power i have over these people and he's giggling he's evil after months of uh chanting stop the steal he says this is his spokesman who's shitting on republic these hyper hyper-Portisan Republicans continue to tilt at windmills despite California's progress on vaccinating and safely reopening, he began. Hey, stupid. Florida was wide open and they have less COVID problems than you do. End of story.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Then the guy says the Republican recall scheme is transparently partisan, an attempt to install a Trump supporter as governor of a state that elected Newsom and rejected Trump in historic landslides. You mean in the stolen election? These Republicans want to waste energy, attention, and $100 million of taxpayer dollar funds, all of which should stay focused on vaccinating, recovering, and reopening. Oh, he's lying. As for Newsom's political standing, White House Press Secretary Jen Red Beaver Saki said last month that President Biden does not support the effort and is standing by the governor.
Starting point is 00:55:18 So let me get this straight. A guy who clearly has dementia is standing by another governor which tells you what he's on the wrong side biden has no goddamn clue you're in deep shit sir that's all i get to say and if he isn't if he doesn't get recalled it'll be another example of the people's will in the state of california being ignored uh that is it ladies and gentlemen for today again i want to thank all the contributors, both on Patreon at, Go to my website, Click on the tour button if you want to see if I'm coming to a town near you soon. We're adding dates.
Starting point is 00:55:57 That is it. Don't forget If you want me to make a personal video on my phone and send it to one of your friends, I will roast them to a crisp like a Peking duck. Go to Click on my profile. That is it. You guys think it. I will say it like I always have been. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:56:19 We'll see you back here tomorrow. Have a great day, everybody. guitar solo.

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