The Nick DiPaolo Show - Dems to Make Election Fraud Permanent | #502 | Nick Di Paolo Show

Episode Date: March 9, 2021

MSNBC's Joy Reid spews more I-hate-whitey garbage. Biden backs H.R. 1 with an executive order on voting. The Cuomo brothers have a bad weekend.   FREE! UNCENSORED! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST    Supp...ort FREE SPEECH via The Nick Di Paolo Show!  CONTRIBUTE: SubscribeStar Entropy "SuperChat"   FREE every Monday - Thursday 5PM EST on The Comics Gym, Gab, Instagram, Facebook, Rumble, Bitchute, Telegram, DLive and Monthly members of The Comics Gym receive exclusive ENCORE content, access to "Ask Nick" questions, and 300+ videos in the archive. All for Members ONLY, so JOIN!​​​     CAMEO personal video from me!​    MERCHANDISE & TOUR DATES

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah. How are you, folks? Welcome to the show on a Monday. Coming to you from the state of Georgia. Thanks for joining us. How was your weekend, all right? COVID free? This fucking hoax.
Starting point is 00:00:49 How long are we going to have to play this game? What did I do? I watched, paid 70 bucks to watch Adesanya get beat by a giant Pollock. Good fight. Great fight. My girl Amanda Nunez took some 6 foot three brought apart in about 30 seconds. They have to have her fight a guy. Dana White, you're a marketing genius.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Find a guy who's ranked like 140th in the world, and it'll be a great thing for the transgender people. Although she's just gay. She's such a pleasant person for such a vicious fighter. I'd actually like to meet her. She seems like a cool cat. What else did I do? I had my buddy up, my ex-cop buddy, made Chinese spirit. I ate 22, then laid on the couch the rest of the day like a paralyzed sea elephant.
Starting point is 00:01:39 So anyways, Joy Reid, I was going to start with the Biden stuff, the big stuff, but I just saw this about half hour ago. Joy Reid, the biggest racist on television, just an anti-white, just a hater, just an ignorant broad. Of course, you know, she's the face of MSNBC. How the fuck, nobody else can talk about race on TV, but MSNBC and most of the left-leaning networks can say anything they want. This is fucking outrageous. The thick-tongued Joy Reid, excuse me, spewing more hate, hate whitey garbage, I call it. Far left MSNBC host Joy Reid's
Starting point is 00:02:15 outrageous week continued Wednesday when she tweeted that conservatives all love to openly say the N-word and felt oppressed because they couldn't openly be racist, is what she said. Here's her saying it. What folks says about this family, I does. I has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady, but the way that she eat in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkinson and eat like a field hand and dabble like a hog.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Yeah, make me a fucking sandwich, Joy. I'll say it again. This is her. I'm quoting her. I'll say it again. People on the right would trade all the tax cuts for the ability to openly say the N-word like in the good old days. Hey, you know what, Joy? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. And let me tell you something. The N-word would be gone if it wasn't for people like you. Let me just say this. How about this? Black people would turn in, they would refuse their welfare checks if they could, you know, murder and kill whitey. Oh, wait a minute. They're already doing that and still getting welfare checks. To them, she says, not being able to be openly racist and discriminatory without consequence is oppression. No, it's about freedom of speech, you ignorant whore. Trump is the avatar for this freedom, Reid tweeted. Reid made the comment while responding
Starting point is 00:03:42 to MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson, who is himself responding to a tweet from former New York Times opinion editor Barry Weiss. Johnson asserted Weiss was trying to defend the idea of privately using racial slurs when she discussed how many people feel the need to self-censor for fear of being, it says, reprisal. Reprisal, I'm thinking, is what she meant. A center-left writer, Weiss, is lulled by many figures on the left, particularly for her views on free speech. Reid's bizarre tweet came the same day. She said states like Texas and Mississippi that are opening up and reversing mask mandates are doing so excuse me because white residents want black people to get their behinds into the factory and make my steaks is what the fuck she's a malignant cunt oh is she ever oh my god yeah
Starting point is 00:04:42 it's only black people that that make products white people. What year are you stuck in, Joy? Your fucking hatred is so deep rid of whitey. There was a term called necropolitics, which is essentially the politics of which say that black and brown lives matter less, Reed told Johnson. What a fucking douchebag. And so all that matters is that black and brown people get their behinds into the factory, make my steaks, make my stuff, get there and do my nails, work, get back to work now and do the things that I, the comfortable, things that uh ivy comfortable affluent person need what a douche isn't that what we're seeing in states like texas she continued no you dumb bitch what you're seeing is people making choices on their own i know you don't believe this but the government is for uh of and by the people we'll decide whether we need masks and i got nothing to do with race but everything has to do with race with you i can't believe this fucking broad is still on tv and of course the ignorosis she's talking to johnson nodded in agreement before
Starting point is 00:05:57 adding the hunger games would be more humane what the fuck reed also was forced to apologize, remember this, in 2018, after her homophobic, anti-Semitic, and conspiracy theory-laden blog post from the 2000s emerged. Despite her controversy, Reid is the face of the MSNBC network, leading its political coverage in 2020, of the MSNBC network leading its political coverage in 2020 and getting promoted from a weekend program to a nightly primetime slot. Even with her homophobic anti-fucking Jewish stuff, she gets promoted. Proving right there that the country is not racist, Joy. The fact that a hateful black racist is the face of a network
Starting point is 00:06:44 just fucking blows your theory right up. You're as ignorant as the day is long. And if I see you on the street, I'm going to buy a fucking can of Sprite and drill you in the head with it. What? Who the fuck said that? It's violence. Ah, shut it. Can you imagine that? You watch other networks. They can't even talk about race.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And she's seeing that. The red states, the governor saying, enough of this shit, our economies are dying, we're opening up. And she sees racism in that. What the fuck? And if I hear one more time a black person go, oh, this country was built on our people. Hey, my fucking grandfather laid railroad track for five cents an hour, fucking 1919.
Starting point is 00:07:26 The fuck? A lot of people built the country. Somebody get me a national TV show where I can curse. Oh, this is one. Oh, it's the internet. Anyways, I'm sure Joe Biden would really be discouraged of that type of language. Sorry, I've been vaping all weekend. I have lung, I have fucking lung omelets bubbling up.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Let's get to stupid, hey, he's not my president because he stole the election and I can prove it with a fucking pencil and paper. President Joe Biden issued an executive order on access to voting on Sunday that instructs the federal government agencies to promote voter registration, help Americans apply to vote by mail. Boy, I didn't know we were having such a problem. And combat misinformation, among other measures. Translation, you know what he's doing, folks?
Starting point is 00:08:24 He's codifying all the shit that they did illegally to steal the last election. And it worked so fucking well that he's making it into law. And the states that don't follow these laws, like the red states, they will be punished if they don't go by this shit. And if this stuff passes, it passed in the House this weekend, Republicans, they'll cease to exist as a party. That's not an exaggeration. Somebody get me my musket. Could be a good name for my next album.
Starting point is 00:08:53 The executive order on promoting access to voting reads like a Democratic Party wish list of reforms that enshrines many of the practices that were adopted on a temporary basis during the pandemic-affected 2020 election. Its provision includes, listen to some of these things, okay? Just think about it. Using federal agencies, in other words, the feds are going to control now the national elections, you know, at all levels. It's a recipe for a one-party country. Using federal agencies to promote voter registration. Using federal agencies to inform Americans about voting. Jesus Christ. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, he'll do that by websites. Providing voter registration and voter by mail applications you see where they're going with this no no no no no no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah using approved non-partisan third-party organizations to register voters at federal agencies using i listen to this one this one i'll get you fucking dick in a knot using identification documents issued by the agency to help people register to vote let me ask you a question we've been doing this for a couple hundred years
Starting point is 00:10:10 why all the problems now people don't know how to register they don't know how to find the voting polls i wonder who they're talking about providing more multilingual services uh to potential voters which is an important one of course since. Since he's working with China. And by the way, half of South America is waiting at the border to come in here. And you better get bilingual, right? So they can vote. Given public employees time off to vote in federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial. Thank God for the tribal
Starting point is 00:10:46 what's that six indians drinking moonshine in north dakota what i mean what are you talking about and promoting voter registration for federal prisoners because no election will be complete without a third time rapist telling us how he feels about the president. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. One provision states it is the responsibility of the federal government. You hear that, folks? The federal government's responsibility to expand access to and education about voter registration and election information
Starting point is 00:11:24 and to combat misinformation. And you know what they mean by that? Anybody that disagrees with their politics, that's misinformation. Boy, that's the one that gets my fucking nipples just. In order to enable all eligible Americans to participate in our democracy. What a sack of shit. They're just trying to really codify all the illegal shit they did So it's in writing and mother of Christ the list of measures in the executive order parallels those included in Democrats Legislation HR 1 this is how you know, it's it's called the for the People Act which really means it's a you know it's called the For the People Act, which really means it's, you know, for the federal government act where we can control the people, which intends to override state measures that bolster ballot integrity.
Starting point is 00:12:11 HR1 recently passed the Democrat run house. The list also appears aimed at providing opportunities for the Department of Justice. Here we go. Play that race card. Civil rights division to pursue legal action against states that have photo ID requirement. I'll repeat that. The civil rights agency is going to come after you if you require plane to get your passport to sneak into a bar when you're 12? Motherfuckers. Can you imagine if you try to, again,
Starting point is 00:12:54 it's mostly red states. Can you imagine we're asking to find out who you are before you vote, and they're taking that away. They want everybody and anybody to vote, and I'm talking about those people that are waiting at the border right now you have no idea who they are with it from all they know is well you saw the picture last week they have biden t-shirts on you think they've locked up the vote already uh anyways or that
Starting point is 00:13:20 remove ineligible voters from the rolls if If you take away ineligible voters, if you have requirements that get rid of ineligible voters, you'll be punished for that too. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, they are way overplaying their hand folks. Even Democrats. You got that guy Cuellar in California. Remember you quoted him last week twice saying Biden's fucking up this. This is a crisis at the border. They had like 4,000, was it 7,000 unaccompanied children waiting to get in.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Biden can barely read. Oh, next story. I'm sorry. Put a segue in there, Jason, something. Biden can barely read script trying to explain. As you know, they passed that giant stimulus bill and about 90 percent of it has nothing to do with COVID. These motherless fucks, do they hate this country? But what's stupid? Our president trying to explain why one point nine trillion with T like titty, COVID bill is good for the economy. Take a look at him. Are you going to tell me this guy has the marbles to run a lemonade stand at this point? Check out this video of Biden.
Starting point is 00:14:39 It'll improve people's lives. He's slurring. One more thing. people's lives. He's slurring. One more thing. The vast majority of economists left, right, and center from Wall Street to the private economic polling initiatives. In addition to the needs that people have, we need this to grow the economy. All right. I can't.
Starting point is 00:15:09 That's it. Shut it. Stop it. Follow the cues. God damn it, people. You can act like a man. What's the matter with you? That guy is the fucking most powerful person
Starting point is 00:15:21 in the free world. Folks, I'm serious. It really is elderly abuse. This poor prick. I don't know. We know that Kamala Harris will be president, I'd say. I'm going to give Biden a year. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:15:37 He might just drop dead watching murder, she wrote, if we're lucky. What? Who said that? I did. Did you hear that? He can't even form a sentence. And all these policies, this HR1, the Equality Act, it's got AOC's fingerprints all over it. Bernie Sanders, the far, far left implementing that, and he's the perfect puppet for it. My aching stem. It's all about big government, but you know what,
Starting point is 00:16:06 folks? Some people have had enough. Some of the governors in red states mostly, led by Ron DeSantis, right? Florida's been open like it was spring break in 1988. They don't give a fuck. They get rid of the mask,
Starting point is 00:16:22 all the businesses open, and you know what? Other governors are going, hey, Ron DeSantis is getting too much heat. I want the... So Texas governor, talked about him last week, enacts a plan to stop illegals, thanks to Biden's idiot open border horse shit. Texas governor Greg Abbott on Saturday launched a program that would deploy state National Guard troops and other agencies to respond to the burgeoning crisis at the southern border.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Thanks to fucking Joe Biden. Abbott announced that his office has launched an operation called Lone Star, which will deploy air. This is great, man. Ground in Marine. What's that going to be? Three soldiers in a canoe on the rio grande just shooting people uh and tactical border security assets to prevent mexican criminal organizations from smuggling drugs and people into texas so finally somebody's trying to do something don't you move you motherfucker blow your brains out yeah you know the cocktails are
Starting point is 00:17:25 getting closer and closer like they're right on the some of them you know are doing business they've been doing business forever in the united states but i'm saying physically it's getting closer and closer i remember the day when america everybody was so secure because of the geographical location of america we had the fucking Pacific on the left, the other big ocean on our right, the Atlantic, and that's what saved us. Now we're killing each other from within, like many people predicted.
Starting point is 00:17:55 The operation that Abbott's launching, the operation will be launched in collaboration with the state's Department of Public Safety. Can you imagine that? I got to believe Biden and all his bitches are going to get upset about this. Hey, what are you doing? Those are potential voters you just shot.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Yeah. Well, our kids want to play in the front yard without being raped. Nick, they're not all raped. No, fuck, I know. Let me look it up. It says one out of four. I just made that up. But Texas, God bless them. Let me look it up. It says one out of four. I just made that up.
Starting point is 00:18:31 But Texas, God bless them. And that don't believe people when they go. Texas is purple, almost blue. Don't believe that. The reason it might be is all the people are fleeing that shithole socialist state called California. But I got to believe when they go to Texas, I got to believe they've learned their lesson in California and would start voting to the right. But then again, Texas supports legal immigration. This is the governor speaking, but will not be an accomplice to the open border policies that cause rather than prevent a humanitarian crisis on our state and endanger the lives of Texxans abbott said in a statement to media outlets on saturday he said we will search excuse me we will surge the
Starting point is 00:19:14 resources and law enforcement personnel needed to confront this crisis well it's going to be more than a national guard you better call up the actual Marines. This comes as the number of illegal crossings at the southern border continue to steadily rise since October last year. The number of encounters at the southwest border between October of last year and January of 2021, get this, was up 296,259, which is up from 164,932 during the same period, 2019 to 2020, according to data from Donald Trump. No, from the U.S. Custom and Border Patrol. That would be the CBP. Representing, folks, it's not too bad at the border. It only represents a almost 80% increase. Okay? Everything Trump did is being undone by shithead. What the hell's going on out here?
Starting point is 00:20:13 I'll tell you what's going on out there, Vince. We have a jerk-off that stole the election, and he's being controlled. And never mind socialism. This is going to be a fucking communist country. Oh, Nick, that's hyperbole. No, it's not. Mark my words, or I should say marks my words. Meanwhile, Reuters has reported, citing anonymous sources,
Starting point is 00:20:35 that the number of illegal immigrants apprehended by U.S. border agents spiked even further for the month of February at nearly, get this, 100,000. And that was just in the kitchen at Chili's. How about that SUV that was in a horrible accident? They had 25 people in an SUV. You know, we make these stereotypical jokes that libs hate, but that was always one of them. You know, 40 Mexicans in a car.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Sorry. Life is just proving that those racist jokes are right on the money a lot of the times. that libs hate, but that was always one of them, you know, 40 Mexicans in a car. Sorry, life is just proving that those racist jokes are right on the money a lot of the times. Nearly 100,000 in February, migrants were detained. I wonder if Pelosi's putting them up at her palatial mansion in San Francisco or if Biden's having some to his four houses. No respect for people in Texas and California, you know, people who grew up there. CBP has yet to release its February data. Since taking office, Biden, I can't feel my feet, has reversed several Trump-era border security measures that were aimed at stemming the flow of illegal immigration.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Could they be any more transparent about how they're going to steal the next hundred elections and who they're going to use immigration could they be any more transparent about how they're gonna steal the next hundred elections and who they're gonna use could they be any more transparent where are all these white supremacists i heard about why aren't you down in texas on the border it's just uh you know that was a rhetorical question anyways uh stemming the flow of illegal immigration at the southern border and increasing America's public security is what Trump did. And what Biden is doing is just the fucking opposite. I despise it with every fiber of my being. Yes, I do. The increased number of unaccompanied minors, oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Those, oh, Epstein's dead. Arriving at the border in recent weeks has sent the Biden administration open more overflow shelters to handle the influx. I wonder if they're using cages that Obama used. The Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas added on. Hey, that was pretty good. Holy shit. I'm going to get a job at Telemundo. Added on Monday that instead of expelling young children to Mexico while processing their asylum claims, as was done under Donald Trump and working beautifully, DHS is working to get this release minors to relatives or sponsors in the United States if the miners are from Guatemala, Honduras, or El Salvador, some of the most beautiful countries in the world.
Starting point is 00:23:21 She was taking the citizens test. She got two wrong. So they're going to release them and go, yeah, you got relatives here. Go, you know, put them on a bus, whatever. Can you imagine? Welcome. We're opening it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:37 It's like fucking MS-13 is getting RSVP in the mail. Some of the immigration policies that Biden implemented include temporarily ending former President Trump's migrant protection protocols that sent the legal immigration back to Mexico while their cases were being decided. Remember that as opposed to Obama, Biden catch and release that hand them a paper and say, show up in court two years later and they would never fucking show up. You know, this is much more,
Starting point is 00:24:02 this is, I got to give Biden credit or whoever's the pop, you know, puppet master is at least fucking Obama kind of faked it a little bit. These guys have a plan that's gonna turn this country brown in ten minutes. Uh and it's an insult to uh Latinos and people that come from Mexico and they do it legally. that got in line, and that are productive. And they are. They're hardworking people.
Starting point is 00:24:29 It's such a fucking insult to them, too. Not to mention black and brown people are going to be fighting with these zillions of people for jobs. When you go to Home Depot now and you want to pick somebody up to fucking do your garage or whatever, there's going to be 400 people. to fucking do your garage or whatever. This is going to be 400 people. He has also reversed Trump's ban on travel from terror-prone countries.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Let me repeat that. He has reversed the ban of people flying here from terror-prone countries. Now, somebody look me in the fucking eyes and justify that one. Well, these are terror-prone countries. Doesn't matter. We need the votes.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Yeah, but they're going to probably start blowing shit up. I don't give a shit. It's about power and control. You shut your dirty mouth, Nick. Okay. So he's reversing the ban of flights from terror-prone countries,
Starting point is 00:25:26 halted the remaining construction of the border wall. And has, do you see what I'm saying? They're not trying to hide what they're doing. I guess why should they? And issued a sweeping immigration package to Congress that offers a legalization pathway. I love this. They're still using the number 11 million. You know, for illegals, we've been using that number for almost like 10, 12
Starting point is 00:25:51 years now. I remember a study came out out of Harvard. I always recite on the show. They have it at around 28 to 33 million. And probably more than that by now even those numbers are all estimated 11 um 11 million illegal immigrants already in the country and we all know it's way fucking more than that i like them i do i'm gonna kill your daughter, too. Aye, aye, aye, aye. Nick, that could be construed as racist. Yeah, I hope it is. Try sleeping tonight.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I don't count sheep anymore. I count the legals jumping over the fence. All right, enough of uh and his stupid immigration policies but people have had enough you know uh of the covid shit uh what are you talking about well if you watch the news this weekend like boise idaho i don't know i don't even know what they're, uh, if they had a mandate like everybody else, but they were burning masks. That's right. The mask you wear on the state Capitol steps in Boise. Okay. This was a tweet from Sergio almost, uh, he tweeted, uh, at a mass burning rally in Boise, Idaho, a man throws a mask into the fire with the words Biden sucks written on it.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Oh, such strong language. But check this out. It's like a little bonfire on the Capitol steps. Hurry up, old man! Is that Bob Euchre? Light it for Christ's sake! No mask. This is the clip I chose. Better hurry before the cops come. Hurry up before the cops come. Yep.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Okay, everybody take a picture. What a waste of masks. Everybody take a picture. I got to tell you. People on the right suck at protesting, and that's their idea of violence. You know what I mean? Lady Jimmy, I can't, and my hands are shaking. Hurry up.
Starting point is 00:28:46 I see the cops coming. Compare that to fucking, you know, Black Lives Matter. Lighting up a Wendy's or a fucking, you know, some local business. At least they're pushing back, though. That was kind of uplifting. Come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom. God love it, that movie so much. Anyway, so at least there's a little pushback. But again, the right, you know, the people are in the late 70s that are upset
Starting point is 00:29:28 where are those young cubans in miami we're gonna get them spread out across the country you know like people who know what real oppression is but the young ones in miami they're even fucking libs it's their parents who are right-wingers and hard-working people but good for you idaho really showed them your burn 11 mask that ought to get rid of the mandate huh speaking of uh there's a drug called ivermectin i think i'm pronouncing it it's supposed to be one of these cover drugs there seems to be a growing interest in a drug called ivermectin to treat humans as opposed to what? Birds? With COVID-19, ivermectin is often used in the United States to treat or prevent parasites in animals. Really?
Starting point is 00:30:18 Who's an animal? Your mother's an animal, you son of a bitch. Oh. Oh. Jason, have you tried the ivermectin? It's delicious. A little you-hoo. The FDA has received multiple reports of patients who have required medical support
Starting point is 00:30:36 and been hospitalized after self-medication with ivermectin intended for horses. I tried this shit. I thought it made your dick grow bigger. They said horses, and I was all in. But, you know, I got a rash on my balls, and I went home. What? Here's what you need to know about ivermectin. I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 00:30:54 It's probably very effective. Let me give you my point of view on this. It's probably very effective, because it doesn't come out of the Pfizer camp or the Moderna camp. They're like, ah, ah, ah, this is killing people. Spread it around, media. This is killing people. Remember that story we did on the couple that took,
Starting point is 00:31:14 right when the fucking COVID came out, remember they took fish tank cleaner? Because it had the word, I forget what Trump was pointing at the time, like phosphate or whatever the fuck. Remember the fucking husband died? One of my favorite stories. Oh, stop it.
Starting point is 00:31:27 FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in treating, because they were told by the big companies, you approve this and we're going to shut you down. They haven't approved ivermectin for use in treating or preventing COVID-19 in humans. However, if you've got a chimpanzee or a parrot from Africa, they are healthy as fucking hell. Ivermectin tablets are approved at very specific doses for some parasitic worms.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I better get some of these. I felt something crawling the other night on the toilet. And there are topical things you can rub on your skin. Formulations for head lice. This is stuff you use on your kids when they come home from school after, you know, playing in a sandbox with 12 Guatemalan kids. Nick, that is so right. I hope the fuck so. You rub it on the head for lice, you know, head lice and skin conditions.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Rosacea. It works. How can something that kills worms in your intestines make your face less red look at the bottle it doesn't look very fda approved it looks like some type of poison ivermectin is a not an antiviral a drug for treating viruses it's not that but you know people like fuck it you mix a little Tom Collins. Taking large doses of this drug is dangerous and can cause serious, as we say in Boston, serious harm.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. No, Will Robinson. Danger. If you have a prescription for ivermectin for an FDA-approved use, get it from a legitimate source and take it exactly as prescribed. Never use medications intended for animals on yourself. Ivermectin preparations for animals are very different from those approved for humans.
Starting point is 00:33:22 There's a lot of misinformation around, and I'm sorry, but I'm hearing Pfizer put this out or whoever. A lot of misinformation around, and you may have heard that it's okay to take large doses of ivermectin. That is just, that is wrong, they say. That is absolutely wrong. Are you interested in the real story? I am, Nick. Go on. Even the levels of ivermectin for approved uses can interact with other medications like blood thinners. Once again, old people, you're fucking up the curve.
Starting point is 00:33:56 I used to have a bit about me walking around the mall when I was young. You know, girls would flirt and shit. Now I go, now my wife's in CVS. I'm sitting on a bench by myself in a members-only jacket waiting for my blood thinners. Here's another thing, Jason, you might not know about ivermectin.
Starting point is 00:34:14 You can also overdose on ivermectin, which can cause, oh, really? Overdosing causes nausea? Vomiting? Diarrhea? Really? So does my wife's fucking enchiladas. Look out, everybody. Hypertension, low blood pressure, allergic reactions, itching and hives, dizziness, ataxia, problems with balance. I have all these things and I've never tried this shit. Except for seizures. Coma and even death if you play your cards right. In a Joe Biden world.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Ivermectin products for animals are different from ivermectin products for people. For one thing, animal drugs are often highly concentrated because they are used for large animals like horses and cows, which I like how they talk to us like idiots, which can weigh a lot more than we do, a ton or more. Such high doses can be highly toxic in humans. But you know what? I'm going to try it anyways. Hello. I'm Mr to try it anyways. Hello. I'm Mr. Ed.
Starting point is 00:35:29 A horse is a horse, of course, of course. And no one can talk to a horse, of course. That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed. Right to the source. And ask the horse, take your biopectin. He's always on a steady course. Talk to me. That guy should be shot that wrote that jingle.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Good show, but aye, aye, aye. Talking horse. Used to watch that on a regular basis. Moreover, FDA reviewed drugs not just for safety. They reviewed drugs not just for safety and effectiveness of the active ingredients, but also for the inactive ingredients, the lazy ones that lay around the house. Many inactive ingredients found in animal products aren't evaluated for use in people. Or they're included in much greater quantity than those used in people.
Starting point is 00:36:19 In some cases, we don't know how those inactive ingredients will affect how ivermectin is absorbed in the human body. But I say go for it. Who wants to live in a Joe Biden world? Am I right? Drink that shit up. Honey, I need some more ivermectin. Does it have pectin in it? Close enough.
Starting point is 00:36:49 I haven't even heard of the drug. I watched TV all weekend. I didn't hear anybody doing ivermectin stories. I had to get this story from Artie Lang. He knows all the drugs. My boy, I tell. Chase, when's the last time you smoked weed? Two years ago.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Two years ago? I thought you were kind of a pothead. No. You just retarded on your own? I really thought you were high all the time. I tried heroin this weekend. That was good. I was nervous.
Starting point is 00:37:22 I had a volleyball tournament, so I fucking mainline. Anyways, we need something to lighten this fuck up, don't we? Oh, I found a clip. Remember Pelosi wanted to get her hair done during COVID? Remember she was telling everybody to stay home and to wear masks? And we had footage of her going to the hairdressers. Remember this surveillance cam in black and white with no mask on? Well, they caught her again this weekend.
Starting point is 00:37:47 She was having her nails done. Check this out. Yeah. Okay. I want that fucking Marvin. Can you run that again? One more time. Say hello.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Oh, I want that freaking dog. Oh, please. I was thinking somebody dubbed that in it sounded so human but I guess not you know we haven't talked about in about three seconds the greatest governor in the United States of America a guy who won literally won an Emmy Award for his press conferences when COVID first happened. A guy who was at 84% approval rating about a year ago. And then we did some crunching of the numbers and he has more fucking all people's blood on his hands. That's fucking unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:39:03 And, but you know what they're doing folks this came out right about all these dead people in nursing homes because of cuomo and there's no doubting it he fucking covered up the numbers but see they don't even want they don't want a a guy a left-wing governor of a giant left-wing well state basically with new York City. See, they can't have all that negative attention, so they're like, how do we get rid of them? Oh, sexual harassment. They dig in deep there. And I said this right last week, Chase.
Starting point is 00:39:34 People are more upset about the sexual harassment than actual dead people. That's the feminist movement. They fucking trump everything. I don't care if Grammy and Grampy died on the toilet in Maple Street Nursing Home. You try to grab somebody's titty at a prom or a fucking wedding. That is what we should be upset about. A defiant Governor Andrew Cuomo, we like to call him Dice, on Sunday vowed,
Starting point is 00:40:04 and he said this in quotes, there is no way, he's a stubborn ginsaloon, there is no way he'll step down over sexual harassment allegations. He said, maybe rape, I might do that, but not sexual harassment. Now lodged against him by over 5,000 women and men and 12-year-old kids. No, that's a joke. Everybody relax. More women came out this weekend against him, like three more. He's the governor.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Only the feminist movement could make me almost defend the guy that I fucking hate. But a lot of this is that hashtag me too over-the-top horseshit. I hate Cuomo as much as you guys do. But give me a fucking break. He put his hands on my face. I had post-traumatic syndrome for the next 10 years. So now there's five women lodging complaints against him. He's waving off calls for his resignation
Starting point is 00:41:02 and motivated. He says all the calls for him to resign are motivated by politics. Yeah, you're a politician. He's supposed to roll a derby. People are going to get upset about it. I was elected, he says in quotes by Cuomo. I was elected by the people of the state. I wasn't elected by politicians, said Cuomo during a brief conference call with reporters.
Starting point is 00:41:28 He says in quotes, I'm not going to resign because of these allegations, he said. I'm staying right here. Yeah, but your fucking hands smell like, you know. What, Nick? I don't know. I can't think of anything funny. Get off my back it's early it's monday but do you guys feel that way a little bit that it's a little
Starting point is 00:41:53 what's the point of being a governor of a state or a i swear to god it's the reason politicians get into politics for the same reason mick jagger get into rock and roll great carp whether you're a senator, a senator gets as much ass as a goddamn fucking great guitar player. I'm not condoning it, folks. And ladies out there, and half-ladies,
Starting point is 00:42:16 I'm with you. I mean, seriously, the woman's right movement, it did some good shit. Yes, you should be paid the same as a guy if you're doing the same job working the same hours all day and yes it's wrong for your boss to go hey blow me behind the copier or you're fired on monday that shit went on for a long time and yes i'm glad i was scraping it out now but then the hashtag movement came along and i mean
Starting point is 00:42:40 it's getting a little fucking crazy don't make me defend this fucking mook. I hate him because he killed a bunch of old people who I don't even know. Fuck. He's killed more old people than what? Hotel tubs and chair masters that have mechanical problems. The governor spoke one day after another two former staffers, Anna Liss. That's a great name, and Karen Hinton accused him of untoward behavior, including inappropriate physical contact, trying to finger pop them while they were making brownies for him. What?
Starting point is 00:43:19 No. Inappropriate physical contact, adding to previous allegations from fellow ex-aides, Lindsey Boylan and Charlotte Bennett, as well as, don't forget, Anna Ruck. Anna Ruck. That boy is a P-I-G pig. Yes, he is, but he's also governor for not much longer. I guess the head of the Senate, State Senate of New York, is calling for him to resign. Now it's really getting serious. Even the Dems are jumping on him. This is great, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:43:50 A year ago, this guy was flying high. He wrote a book while he was killing old people. He wrote a book how he's great at saving old people. And like the true greasy Guinea that he is, he hid the numbers. What's the matter with you Italians? I'll remind you people, I'm more Irish and English than Italian by 1%. I know I look like a plate of pizza, but that's not my fault. I look like two pieces of garlic fucked. Oh, that was a lung clam.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I'm going to bread that one throat in a fryer later. The premise of resigning because of allegations, this is Cuomo talk, is actually anti-democratic, said the horny mayor. Anybody has the ability to make an allegation in a democracy, and that's great, he says. But it's in the credibility of the allegation do you want us to believe mr governor all due respect you had a bunch of first of all when these guys whether it's a senator a president that's funny about it even trump when you look around and all the people close to him are like 50 of them are fucking good looking girls and i would do the same thing if I wasn't in prison today.
Starting point is 00:45:08 I'd have a... If I was the president, my fucking... My inner staff would look like the fucking... The prime shift at Hooters. Saturday night at 8 o'clock. I'd make them wear those shorts too. I used to sit at Hooters when I was on the road and pretend to drop my fork like eight times. So I waged with some Bend-O and picked it up.
Starting point is 00:45:31 They caught on to me. I was banned from San Antonio and Daytona. An embarrassed Cuomo last week offered a conditional apology. And this is his apology in quotes. his apology in quotes if and it says in parentheses his accusers were offended by his remarks while vehemently denying accusations of inappropriate physical contact he's saying if they were offended by his remarks well your actions too i guess fella again we live in a different world um i told you how to solve this problem whether it's date rape on campuses or whatever. I told you this, fellas.
Starting point is 00:46:08 There's two ways. You can either wear a body cam like a cop and say to the girl, if we're going to have sex, I'm filming it. My lawyer's right in the kitchen. I can't remember the second option. Oh, hookers. As my dad used to say to me, you pay to make them leave. I'm kidding. He was never with a hooker.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Not that I know of. Cuomo on Sunday characterized Hinton as a longtime political adversary of mine, he said, claiming that her allegation to the Washington Post, that he grabbed her inside a dimly lit hotel room during a 2000 trip to Los Angeles. He says it was not true. I would bet my life, my mother's life, all the kids that are sick in a children's hospital, I would bet their lives that he's full of shat. Ms. Hinton, this is Cuomo speaking. Every woman has a right to come forward. That's true, said Cuomo.
Starting point is 00:47:05 But the truth also matters. Tell us again about how many dead people in the nursing homes. Truth matters. Listen to this guy. What she said is not true. Yeah, it was. You can't handle the truth. As everybody who has been involved on any level in New York politics knows,
Starting point is 00:47:28 she has been a longtime political adversary of mine, highly critical for many, many years, and has made many, many accusations. Yeah, but none of you trying to finger pop her in the broom closet. Let's be honest, Governor. At the time, Cuomo allegedly grasped Hinton in a way she described and this is a quote from her as very long too long too tight too intimate she said and then she added this she was serving as the head of the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Asked about Liss, another woman, allegation that he asked her inappropriate questions about her dating life. Cuomo said only that he engaged in friendly banter. Friendly banter, you know, like guys would do at a firehouse when they're drunk. Hey, you fuck that broad. Hey, did you see the New York Post, I forgot to give you this clip, Jason, some supermodel, not a supermodel, but a model, visited the firemen at some in New York City, did you see these pictures, I mean, they're not for this show, this is a family show, so I couldn't, fucking, this girl had an ass on her like fucking a nectarine. Oh, my aching stem.
Starting point is 00:48:48 As to lists citing a photograph taken during a 2014 reception showing the governor with his hand around her waist. Cuomo said that over the years, he's posed for photos with hundreds of people, including men as well as women. And he said, I dare you find one with a guy in me hands around his waist somebody's digging that up uh asked point blank if he was accusing the women of lying listen to this answer if this isn't a politician asked a point blank if he was accusing women of lying about their experiences cuomo offered a seemingly contradictory response i guess the he said no he said i don't think they're lying i just said what karen hinton said was not true the third time democrat said that demands for his resignation, which have come from both sides of the political
Starting point is 00:49:46 aisle, are motivated by politics. No, it's motivated by about 15,000 dead octogenarians, son. See, the Democrat Party is a machine, right? Once they use you, and they used him during the pandemic, right? Once that, and then a little dirt comes up, like, we're done with him. We don't need him anymore. He said, motivated by politics. And explanation, he previously offered in response to bipartisan calls for a probe into his administration's handling of the coronavirus in nursing homes. Somehow, this is the story now
Starting point is 00:50:18 about sexual harassment. Cuomo held a quick presser, actually, yesterday, and here's a quick clip of Cuomo talking yesterday. Yeah, good old Mother Goose. Remember her? I fought the... Andrew Cuomo, superstar. He was riding high a year ago.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I'm going to believe, I'm going to have a prediction by the end of the week. They'll have to take him out in cuffs. Then they'll find bodies everywhere. That would be hilarious. Let's go on to another Cuomo. Bad week for the Cuomo family, I guess. Chris Cuomo, you know Chris Cuomo. He was blasted on Twitter this weekend after he joked that he's black on the inside
Starting point is 00:51:12 while talking to a favorite fruit cup in the world, Don Lemon. Ah, the homosexuals. The controversial comment came after the CNN host host 50 years old why is that important began singing the words and it's the whitest version i've ever heard to 70s sitcom good times which featured an african-american family can we say black who's anyways so chris cuomo's in a battle with his brother to see who's the big. And again, because we live in such a politically correct world, I would never try to defend either Cuomo. But we are so far uptight, so far left with this PC language patrol shit that I'm actually defending him here, too.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I've had enough of this. Anyway, here's the clip of him and what got him in trouble on Don Lemon this weekend. Just looking out of the window watching the asphalt grow thinking how it all looks handy.
Starting point is 00:52:19 How do you know the words to good times? You know I'm black on the inside. Good times, anytime you need a... Ugh. Ugh. to good time you know I'm black on the inside you know I'm black on the inside because when you say that you know that's a fucking New York thing white people I feel bad for the limbs in New York you guys have just how much black ass kissing can you do you know I'm black. And then how about Don Lemon being a rapist? I mean racist.
Starting point is 00:52:48 How about Don Lemon going, how do you know the words? That's racist. Why? Because I'm white? I can't. I didn't watch. I watched it all the time. But that was a terrible version.
Starting point is 00:53:00 This was keeping your head above water. Something like that. Anyways, I was worse than him how dare i anyways while the two hosts appeared to be uh sharing a joke critics on twitter and that's all there are is critics on twitter's fucking virtue signaling jerk offs did not see the funny side. Journalist Aisha Staggers wrote, Black's not a costume. I don't get to be white when I don't feel like not dealing with racism or racist police or just regular bullshit black people deal with. I can't even hide at home because I can be killed there in my own bed. So understand there was nothing silly about this,
Starting point is 00:53:46 said this fucking ignorant broad. Oh, boy, you. She added, black isn't something you can just say you feel you are inside without having to deal with the racism that comes with being physically black on the outside. This is cultural appropriation is it really shut your mouth shut the up you can't oh let's just make a new rule white people you don't get it you can't even talk about race in any context they don't want you mentioned in a black sitcom
Starting point is 00:54:22 you get it it's all considered a perp they don't want you mentioned in a black sitcom. Do you get it? It's all considered a perp. They don't want you talking about it, thinking about it, unless they're accusing you of it. And even then, they want you to keep your mouth shut. So black people, you know what? Get over yourselves. And not all black people, because I think a lot of black people would find this stupid too.
Starting point is 00:54:42 But I'm saying people like Aisha, get the fuck over yourself, okay? Some social media users compared Chris to his brother Andrew, who's facing multiple allegations of sexual harassment claims he denies. One person asked if the journalist was competing for the shittiest Cuomo. Aren't you a fucking card?
Starting point is 00:55:00 Hope your kids die in a house fire. Another said the entire household needs to talk less. Maybe we can agree on that one. You are correct, sir. We had to turn off the television because I'm not here for that nonsense. At CNN needs to have some sensitivity training with that on-air personalities. A third jerk-off tweeted, what a fucking bunch of babies oh my god give it a rest will you are we not supposed to fucking how about the fact that good times
Starting point is 00:55:37 wouldn't have been hit without white people watch it cuz see back then we were about 200% of the population how How about a white guy wrote it? I don't even know that I threw that out there, but I bet you I'm right. Jewish people are white guys, right? But Chris Cuomo, you know, you know, Chris. I'm smart, not like everybody says. Like, don't, I'm smart and I want the sticks.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Finally tonight, ladies and gentlemen, this is one trigger warning. I say that kiddingly, obviously, but if you have any common sense, you're going to go through the roof on this one. This, to me, defines the progressive modern-day movement. ABC wants to nix the word pedophile. ABC has told reporters to avoid referring to child sex abuses as pedophiles. Get this, because it marginalizes people with pedophilia. And we wouldn't want that, would we? We wouldn't want people who fuck kids to hurt their feelings.
Starting point is 00:56:38 I'm not making this up. I am not making this up. They don't want to use the word pedophile. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard everyone in this room I'm just going now dumber for having listened to it may God have mercy on your soul Diane Sawyer according to the Australian a leaked email sent from a senior producer to all new staff in Tasmania this week advised against using the term pedophile, even when describing serial child abusers.
Starting point is 00:57:09 The email followed a discussion between a reporter and a local sexual assault support service, SASS, last weekend. prompted by reporting on alleged pedophile nurse, James Jeffrey Griffin, who killed himself in October 2019 while facing multiple charges relating to child sex abuse and producing child exploitative material. So he did his civic duty and he did the planet a favor, but we don't wanna hurt feelings like that. Listen to the rationale for not using the word pedophile. The email noted that the sexual assault support Service concerns about describing Griffin as a pedophile
Starting point is 00:57:49 and advised reporters to avoid using the word. Why? We should avoid it, they said in the email, unless we know he had a clinical diagnosis of pedophilia. Well, we don't know if he went to a doctor, but we found the shit of a Cub Scout on his cock, so that pretty much put us over the top. And instead, use serial sexual offender slash predator or sexual abuser of children and young people. That's what they want to use. It's so stupid. It's so stupid. It's so stupid.
Starting point is 00:58:21 How is sexual abuser of young children less offensive than pedophile? It's actually more descriptive. SASS says another consideration is from their point of view, there are a lot of pedophiles slash people with pedophilia who do not act on those impulses, especially if they reach out for and receive professional psychological help describing perhaps technically inaccurately Griffin as a pedophile who could discourage those people from seeking help make it more like if they go on to abuse children I can't even handle boy you want some candy so let's stop using rapist because, you know, that has a negative.
Starting point is 00:59:08 This is what they're saying. It's a negative connotation. So you won't come out if you're a pedophile even thinking about it. You're not going to go and get help because you have to say I'm a pedophile. I want you to let that sink in, folks. The fucking mentally ill, liberalism, mental illness. It's not an exaggeration. These sentiments are nothing new.
Starting point is 00:59:29 In 2014, the New York Times, who else, published an op-ed piece arguing for an end to the stigma associated with pedophilia because it prevents pedophiles from seeking treatment to help manage urges. So you should just go on fucking kids quietly. Can you make this up? In the years following, TDX hosted lectures in which academics set forward essentially the same argument.
Starting point is 01:00:00 The minute you hear academics, you know you're in for a load of shit. The minute you hear academics, you know, you're in for a load of shit. Suggesting society has to break taboos and stop hating pedophiles in order to solve the problem of child sex abuse. Yeah, let's have a parade for them right after the LGBTQ transgender parade. And I'm not linking those. I'm just saying anything involved with sex you're supposed to celebrate now. The rationale here is that children are being sexually abused due to the social stigma associated with the sexual attraction towards minors, a stigma that chains pedophiles into hiding, leaving them untreated and therefore more
Starting point is 01:00:34 likely to commit crimes. It doesn't matter if they are treated. We know the recidivism rates about 95%. So there goes your fucking argument. One lecturer, which was eventually removed from YouTube for violating the platform's terms of service, even claimed pedophilia is a natural, unchanging sexual orientation. Well, at least he was honest. It's unchanging. Can you imagine how bad you have to be to have YouTube? Are you a lefty? Well, Nick, how do you know these aren't people on the right? Shut the
Starting point is 01:01:06 fuck up. In recent years, this idea has even found its way into schools. In 2019, there were reports that a college in Ohio was teaching students that pedophilia is an orientation that could be part of the acceptance of diverse sexual identities. What the fuck? It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. You fucking believe that? So you can go, I identify as a pedophile. Just make it another category. Earlier that year, government school officials in California,
Starting point is 01:01:37 are we surprised, horrified parents by admitting to teaching students that pedophilia is an orientation recognized throughout history. Yeah, bring that shit into prison and C-block. Let's see how far that ideology goes. The one thing you can say about prison, that's the one good thing. They found out you're a pedophile, they're going to use your fucking asshole for a pin cushion. So remember that, folks, if you took anything away from the show, don't say pedophile. Because it's got a negative connotation. You know, fucking kids.
Starting point is 01:02:11 It gives people the wrong idea. Anyways, that is it. I am tapped out. I want to thank Marvin, who's doing this remotely and did a surprise. I didn't know. I mean, I thought there'd be way more glitches. This guy is capable, in my opinion. Jason Raz.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Everybody did a great job getting this thing going today. And that is it. Don't forget If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, I'll make a little clip on my phone. About a minute, minute and a half, you know, ripping them a new asshole. Or saying happy birthday to uncle Teddy, the alcoholic, whatever you guys want. It can be nice.
Starting point is 01:02:49 I can make a break today. Go to Click on my profile and follow the instructions. That is it. You guys. Oh, don't forget the comics, That's going to be the permanent place. Am I safe?
Starting point is 01:03:01 Safe place. Dare I say it? Hopefully for this show, And I'm going to be doing Komi later on this afternoon. That is it, you guys. Thank you. I will say it. You are very welcome. I will see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo you

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