The Nick DiPaolo Show - Docs Push Back on Lockdown Lie | Nick Di Paolo Show #341

Episode Date: April 28, 2020

Cali doctor says death rate doesn't justify shutdown. Biden not being asked the hardest question. Chicago coronavirus house party. Thank you Lukasz M. from Queens, NY for your "Ask Nick!" question and... for your continued support on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah. How are you folks? Tuesday in the great state of Georgia. You know, I take it for granted the weather down here. I'm sitting out up front last night on my steps, two in the morning, smoking cigarettes. Just talked to my mother. She's like, yeah, it snowed here two days ago. Ugh. Jesus H, best move I ever made. Sure it's going to be 171 in a month down here.
Starting point is 00:01:04 And I don't like that either. You know what I mean? You have testicles. That humidity is just not good. So how you doing, folks? Are you as confused as the rest of the world whether this shit is deadly or not? How deadly is it? Should we be, you know, locking down?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Should we not? And, of course, the Democrats are playing it for all it's worth. Trust me, they don't mind any of this. It's the only way they were going to get Trump out of it. It's still this is the little guinea in me, the paranoia. I still don't still not completely sure that it wasn't deliberate. I know that sounds crazy, but boy, the timing, you got to admit, was weird, huh? Right after he clears impeachment and the economy's roaring. Oh, a pandemic shows up that hasn't showed up in 100 years. Probably find fucking Chuck Schumer's fingerprints on a Wuhan microscope, that dirty fuck.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Ian Pelosi. What a nitwit. So, yeah, this is conflicting. Before we get to the corona, let's get to. Well, first, let's say hello. Anyways, I am the Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. That's right, man. Run through a motherfucker face. This court can fuck itself, too. Anyways, let's get to the story that's not being covered by the mainstream media.
Starting point is 00:02:26 And that would be Joe Biden, who allegedly finger popped one of his female aides back in the 80s or whatever, pinned her against a wall and digitally penetrated. It's the only time he's done anything digital in his life. We're all what are we? What are we doing? What's going on right now? Anyways, Tara Reid is the woman who's making these accusations. Nobody's covering it but Fox News, of course. Just the corrupt left-wing media.
Starting point is 00:03:02 No interest in the truth. Meanwhile, Kavanaugh, they took him over the coals, ruined his life almost, right? With hearings after hearings, nothing came of it. How you people can fucking vote that way is beyond me. Tara Reid was the woman, and she said her mother called Larry King. Remember Larry? Hello! Raz Mishner, line two.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Savannah, go! Norm MacDonald used to do Larry King on SNL. He just makes fun of Larry King. Makes everything sound important. He'd go like the hippie face and turn up. But what it's worth,
Starting point is 00:03:40 I think yellow is the best color. Anyways, Tara Reid is the woman who Biden allegedly digitally penetrated. But she said her mother called Larry King Show to report her allegations against Biden in 1993. A tape has emerged of that show. I think we have a clip. Yes, 1993, supposedly he assaulted Tara Reid. And again, well, here's the clip. San Luis Obispo, California. Hello. Yes. Hello. I'm wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington. My daughter has just left there after working for a prominent senator and could not get through with her problems at all.
Starting point is 00:04:29 And the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him. Or she had a story to tell, but out of respect for the person she worked for, she didn't tell him. She was finger-popped. But these are the people who do come to the Lois Romanos, right? The staff worker who says,
Starting point is 00:04:44 I want to let you know about what's going on even with my boss or the guy down the hall and a lot of these people have a sense of obligation they feel that this public official should be accountable if it's something the whistleblowers to the press exactly yeah the whistleblowers to the press and that that press unless that press uh is a propaganda arm for the uh for the you know for that politician and uh joe biden nobody msnbc cnn abc see the usual suspects no interest compared to you know if uh they have a slush fund you know remember a couple years ago there was a black senator a congressman who got caught messing around with the secretary and they have a slush fund, you know. Remember a couple of years ago, there was a black senator, a congressman who got caught messing around with the secretary and they have a slush fund. That's what came out of that story. Like to handle this shit. Hanky panky. But this was a young girl at the time. And you think the media might be interested? Brett, Brett Baer had a had basically my take on it. But this is what Brett Baer said. Brett, Brett Baer had a had basically my take on it.
Starting point is 00:05:44 But this is what Brett Baer said. The facts, there is more here than there were to some of the allegations that got a ton of coverage in the Brett Kavanaugh case. I think that disparity is the greatest disparity for journalism. Whether, you know, whether you can find out the truth by asking questions, you can at least ask the questions you are correct sir but brett's saying uh they're saying you know nobody's commenting on this because they're not being asked the questions by the mainstream media you know people say well none of the politicians are you know commenting and. Well, nobody fucking asked him about it. So, Brett, get on your fucking helicopter, your motorcycle, get over to Biden's house. Go listen, you dirty pig. You're a finger fucker.
Starting point is 00:06:36 And he would say, hey. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Idiot. Just the media is more corrupt than they have lower approval ratings than the goddamn Congress if you can believe that which is very believable but it's the most corrupt thing and as you know you need a free press for a democracy to work right. They're supposed to you're supposed to you know keep the
Starting point is 00:07:04 powerful accountable. And there's only one person doing it, Shannon Breen. Yum, yum. Come on, Nick. So let's get right to the Corona Corona. It's getting more confusing by the day out there. confusing by the day out there. The headline here says case fatality rates
Starting point is 00:07:26 rise as coronavirus runs a deadly course. Depends who you want to believe, you know. The percentage of people excuse me, the percentage of people who die
Starting point is 00:07:41 after testing positive of the coronavirus is rising even as thousands of new U.S. cases are identified each day. A troubling preview of the weeks and months that lie ahead. Epidemiologists and experts say increased case fatality rates are a natural function of deadly virus running its course. running its course. The people who succumb today, that means die, were probably infected as long as a month ago when the number of cases began accelerating. Bye bye. As the epidemic picks up and you see a sudden rise in case deaths will be very low, said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research. It's just new onsets. And then as they work their way through the process,
Starting point is 00:08:30 the person becomes very ill, becoming hospitalized, being in the ICU, and then dying. It's a long-term process of up to three to four weeks. So the death numbers are always going to lag behind the number of cases. So, you know, it's going to give you the appearance that it's more lethal than it is. That long-term process is starting to show itself in states that were at the heart of the second wave of the outbreak in the United States. Connecticut, where communities outside New York City have been hit hard. The case fatality rate has risen three percentage points in just two weeks.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Those are probably people who got sick a few weeks ago. Today, 7.6% of all confirmed COVID-19 patients have died among the highest rates in the nation in Connecticut. That equates to 1,431 deaths over just the last two weeks. In the facts, ma'am. In Massachusetts, Louisiana and Minnesota case fatality rates are up two points to 5.3, 6.2 and 7.5 respectively. So these guys, it's just, you know, the people who got hit with this stuff a few weeks ago are dying.
Starting point is 00:09:39 So the numbers are going up. The overall mortality rate among those who contract coronavirus is unknown because so many people can be asymptomatic and might never be tested. We live in a huge country, 330-something million people. You're never going to be able to test everybody. Antibody tests conducted in some U.S. cities suggest that hundreds of thousands of people, and perhaps as many as a million in New York City, have been infected, far greater than the number of people who have tested positive. Danger, Will Robinson, danger.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Excuse me. But the rising rates across the country suggest the death toll is likely to increase, even as states begin to loosen restrictions on business. So keep that in mind. Don't panic. Don't go, why are you loosening restrictions? Because the next story I'm going to do is Tucker Carlson. He had two doctors on last night who are epidemiologists. They they they are also immunologists. They cover up. This is what they do for a living. They're actually more well schooled on it than Fauci. And they point out in the interview that Fauci hasn't seen any patients in years.
Starting point is 00:10:43 These guys deal with it. They're in L.A. and California. After those restrictions are loose and people have already contracted the virus will continue to get sick and some will die. The number of deaths is not likely to decline until three or four weeks after the number of cases diagnosed. In other words, the more you're testing, the more scary the numbers will be as far as the death rate. What you're seeing in death is transmission that occurred three to five weeks ago. It's now just catching up. You can flatten the curve of infections and still see deaths going up. But, of course, the Dems and those governors like douchebag in Michigan, right, they're scaring people with the numbers.
Starting point is 00:11:24 those governors like douchebag in michigan right they're scaring people with the numbers case fatality rates vary widely across this country which is in part a function of each state's capacity to conduct testing the greater the capacity the more low symptom and asymptomatic cases will be identified and therefore the lower mortality rate so i I had that wrong. The more tests you do, the lower the rate. Like two days ago in California, in the beginning of April, they thought there was 8,000 people with it. And then a month later when they did the antibody test,
Starting point is 00:11:58 they found two to 400,000 people had it, which meant it wasn't as lethal as they thought it was. So in other words, the greater the capacity to test, the more low-symptom asymptomatic case will be identified. Therefore, the mortality rate goes down. In states with less capacity, only the sickest and therefore the most vulnerable to the worst outcomes will be tested. A low case fatality rate is not necessarily a positive sign for the long run, though. South Dakota is one example of fatalities as a lagging indicator.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Two weeks ago in South Dakota, the state confirmed only 730 cases. Today, that figure is more than three times higher, 2,213. But only 11 residents have died, a case fatality rate of only 0.5%. In the next several weeks, those who have been diagnosed more recently will either recover or slide in the other direction. recently will either recover or slide in the other direction. Prabhup Singh, a physician and health systems expert in Mount Sinai, New York, said states with higher rates are experiencing what he called streetlight effect. The coronavirus is transmitting within the communities across the country, but health systems are only identifying patients who have been pushed into what we might be considered the halo of streetlight when they become sick enough to require care. Other counties have seen their case fatality rates fall
Starting point is 00:13:09 and transmissions of the coronavirus virtually grind to a halt through testing regime that is far more robust than any that have been attempted in the United States. Australia, study of surveillance systems that screens for fever and cough and rapid identification, new cases could effectively eliminate community transmission. But in the United States, but the United States remains a long way from building the capacity needed to duplicate successes seen in countries such as Australia, New Zealand zealand taiwan singapore and south korea a new uh analysis by harvard research for the news publication stat found that more than half the united states still lacks the testing capacity necessary to bring the virus under control you hear trump every day and say we tested more than anybody in the world but but we they have tests they haven't got them out there yet a lot of them. So that's the problem.
Starting point is 00:14:06 And again, the more people that are tested, I believe you're going to see the mortality rate plummet. And why do I say that? Tucker Carlson had a great show last night. New evidence means the coronavirus is far less deadly than we were told. Also, I don't like nobody touching me. Any of you homos touch me and I'll kill you. Apparently the virus is homophobic.
Starting point is 00:14:38 The study from New York you just heard about is a remarkable new development in what we know about the Wuhan coronavirus. One four new yorkers may have already contracted the illness and not known they had it that's not even close to the result we expected this new evidence means that the virus is far less deadly a full order of magnitude less deadly than authorities told us it was that's why i you know like i said you can see why governors want to fucking open up they're reading this shit too but don't take it from this take it from this doctor that in a few seconds um a recent analysis published in the wall street journal found virtually no correlation listen to
Starting point is 00:15:16 this at all no correlation between how quickly a state locks down and how deadly that state's coronavirus outbreak was that's huge news that again you're not going to hear right shut up and this is tucker saying what the government says to you shut up and lock down you're saving lives people will die if you don't but he says uh but those are political slogans they're not science increasingly people that which is funny the left loves their science they're the party of science. That's all they brag about until it doesn't favor them politically. Then they just, you know, it's their opinions and telling you what to do. Increase increasingly people fluent in the actual science of epidemiology are asking hard questions about what we're doing. Here's a
Starting point is 00:16:02 physician and researcher from California, Dr. Dan Erickson. He and his partner just delivered a 50-minute briefing on the latest numbers in California. The video has been viewed by millions of people online, and here's their take on it. Here's a physician and researcher from California called Dr. Dan Erickson. Erickson and a partner just delivered a 50-minute briefing on the latest numbers from California. The video they made has been viewed millions of times in a few days online. The bottom line is, after looking carefully at the data, these two researchers have concluded that California should end its shelter-in-place order.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Oh no! We've seen 1,227 deaths in the state of California, with a possible incidence or prevalence of 4.7 million that means you have a 0.03 chance of dying from covid 19 in the state of california zero zero point zero three chance of dying from covet in the state of california does that necessitate sheltering in place does that necessitate shutting down medical systems does that necessitate people being out of work and he says emphatically no and he even questions uh fauci who like a few people on tv do you remember me
Starting point is 00:17:21 after about seeing fauci after like the third time? I go, I'm starting to say this guy, Democrat, New York. I'm not saying he's not on the up and up, but I like how Tucker Cosgrove goes, why are we taking his word as gold? He's been wrong so many times. But again, he's basing his models on information, garbage in, garbage out or whatever. But these guys work with the shit every day. They see patients every day. You hear what they said? 0.03 chances of you dying. That was Raz's goddamn GPA in African-American studies. 0.03.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I'm going to start smoking. You know I'm allowed to smoke in here. They actually said that when I signed the lease. I'm only doing it because this is the only place I don't smoke. And I don't want to bother Razz. He's got some type of a sickle cell or some shit. What the fuck? In other words, are the lockdowns worth it? What's the answer of that? I just read the first article saying, you know, death rates are going up and then you got these guys uh what's the answer to that many politicians couldn't seem less interested in asking just today the san francisco bay area announced it will be extending its lockdown until the end
Starting point is 00:18:36 of may of course it will they've of course does that make uh Does that make a fucking quiz? Hey, Pelosi, you may remember what they first told us back in February and March. We've got to take radical steps in in order to, quote, flatten the curve. Six weeks later, the curve had been flattened, but not because of the lockdowns. The virus just isn't nearly as deadly as we thought. Hospitals never collapsed outside of a tiny number of places. It never came close. And you know that because Cuomo was, remember, I need 30,000 ventilators. Now they're selling them at yard sales. They needed about 12 of them.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Fucking 10 people on that ship they sent over there. What do they use, 12 beds? Think about it. So I tend to, I don't know, it feels, something smells fishy. Something smells fishy, and it ain't Joe Biden's fingers. That was a long time ago. Now look at here. Joe Biden, he's still not going to be the nominee. I hope he touches a table and licks his fingers and he'll get whacked out easy. Imagine Ruth, where's Ruth Bader Ginsburg? She must be wearing a fucking hazmat suit under a table.
Starting point is 00:20:05 You could kill her with an air horn. Other experts on TV warn that full-blown lockdowns will be necessary until a vaccine or treatments are found, which we know is not true because you know what? They never found a vaccine for, you know what, SARS. And we went back to fucking work and all that shit. It's up to you guys to decide, okay? You can be little pussies who believe
Starting point is 00:20:30 everything you hear on the television, or you can be like these black kids I'm going to show you. They had a kick-ass house party. Realistically, you know who Rahm fucking Emanuel zeke emmanuel worked for obama he lied about health care and all that shit he was part of you can keep your doctor he was all behind
Starting point is 00:20:51 that created an echo chamber between the new york times and him and he came out with a book he's a fucking scam artist he says realistically covet 19 will be here for the next 18 months or more we will not be able to return to normalcy until we find a vaccine or effective medications. Is all that economic pain worth trying to stop COVID-19? The truth is we have no choice. What a dick. You smoke cocksucker. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yeah, he's full of horse caca. Never found one for SARS. And he's been a fucking proven liar millions of times. But again, big government guy, big lib. Doesn't it feel like a test run, folks, for something? They want to see how far they can push you and tracking you now, fucking drones over your house, fucking go to play ball with your kids in the park, the cops show up. The Constitution is never, it's never trumped
Starting point is 00:21:48 by even a pandemic, believe it or not. I feel good. Although, boy, 4.30, 5 o'clock this morning, I gave birth to like quintuplets. I don't know what I ate, what happened. Just drain the shit out of happened. Ugh. Just drain
Starting point is 00:22:05 the shit out of me. Literally. Just sitting there exhausted. Is anything worse? You want to be in your bed sleeping? I'm having these contractions. Horrible. I was in there for 25 minutes. But what's better than that post-diarrhea
Starting point is 00:22:21 nap? It was like Terry Schiavo. Went back to sleep and fucking woke up late, threw this together. So if I'm not on my game, I get coronavirus in the ass tip. Anyway, some people don't believe in this social distancing and a shocking video shows a massive Chicago house party during coronavirus lockdown. Now, I read that headline and me being the racist that I am, so we know who that is. They're still playing basketball in Brooklyn. Fucking eight guys all sweaty banging into each other.
Starting point is 00:22:58 They don't really like the establishment that we created here over the last 200 years and it's going to push back. However, I'm actually siding with these people because I don't think it's lethal as it is. And we all know Ripple will kill this virus. What kind of racist horseshit was that? In a shocking display of contempt for the social distancing measures during the coronavirus pandemic,
Starting point is 00:23:25 dozens of young adults. You mean black adults. Can you just say it? I'm black, y'all. And I'm black, y'all. And I'm blacker than black. I love how they just say young adults. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:23:37 If it was a fraternity of white kids, they'd say it. It's just. Anyways. Let's take a look at the, I think we have a video. A woman taped it on her phone. I don't know if you can hear her say this. Go ahead. You can't even move in this bitch.
Starting point is 00:24:19 can we kill the audio can i read this tink purcell y'all sound stupid as. So what y'all gonna do when they open? Yeah, I got invited to a party and I went. Then y'all mad over party when y'all go out to stores. Food for less, Walmart talking. Food for less. Is that a store or something? And touch all types of shit after somebody else already touched it. This jerk off.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Here's another asshole. Pritzker. Pause. By the way, can we get rid of the sign language people? I'm fucking, I won't vote for any politician who has one of those jerk offs next door. Can I ask you a question? What did they do? They just showed up a few years ago, these sign people. What were
Starting point is 00:25:08 they doing in the 70s and 80s? Can't deaf people read lips? And all these fuckers are always coronavirus and they go like this. When they mention the president, they go, this guy just a fucking,
Starting point is 00:25:29 he's like the male version of the woman from Michigan, just a fucking hell-bent on big government and typical Chicago lib. But that party looked pretty good. Hey, everybody, we're all going to get laid. More than a 23-minute clip captured some of the rogue revelers wearing Chicago sports paraphernalia. Some are also seen
Starting point is 00:25:52 wearing masks in the tight quarters as the person recording the footage boasts that 800 people are watching live on Facebook. At one point, a woman is seen shaking her butt for the camera. On Sunday, Purcell posted on Facebook, I have my mask and sanitizer. I was good. Mayor Lightfoot.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Have you seen her? Gay black woman, the mayor of Chicago. Oh, my God. She's more manly than Ray Lewis. Nick, why do you have to? Because she... Mayor Lightfoot slammed the Saturday night bash in a tweet as reckless and utterly acceptable.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I'm sorry. After reading the statistics and all this shit, after hearing that, you know, in California, 0.03 fatality rate. I'm sorry. Party up. Party on. While most Chicagoans are doing their part to prevent the spread of COVID, this is the mayor, reckless actions like these threaten our public health and risk erasing the progress we have made. We will hold those responsible accountable. Ooh,
Starting point is 00:26:58 will you? What are you going to do? Listen to these empty threats. Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, the asshole we just put up, said Sunday that all the partygoers had violated not only the trust of his executive order to remain at home, but also the trust of their friends and family. What the fuck? Do you hear just the knee jerk political crack? political correct while we cannot authenticate the nature or location of the gathering you can't you can't you can't find out where they had the gathering we want to remind everyone of the social distancing requirements in place uh pritzker said on sunday afternoon he didn't see the clip but he says you're literally putting everyone around you in danger you are they are putting you in danger. Let me tell you, you go to a party like that, a normal party without COVID, usually you're putting your friends in danger.
Starting point is 00:27:56 It ends with gunshots and shit. You know what I'm saying? Nick, come on. I'm just saying. Look at the statistics in Chicago. Every time more than five black people get there together, it ends in gunshots. I read that somewhere. Obviously, I'm kidding. You're you are the you're putting a day by this guy. He just you need to shut the fuck up. Police have the authority to enforce Pritchard's stay-at-home order, but he said he hopes to rely mostly on self-enforcement. What a nitwit.
Starting point is 00:28:35 We just showed a clip with self-enforcement. They're doing just the opposite. You know why? Because they've caught on to your horse shit. If they refuse, I broke another fucking cigarette. Second one today. If they refuse and if they repeatedly refuse, I broke another fucking cigarette. Second one today. If they refuse and if they repeatedly refuse, there is the ability by the police officers to charge them with reckless conduct and take them into into custody. We're waiting.
Starting point is 00:29:05 So, again, we have discouraged police from doing that because we believe that people will in general follow the rule we just showed you evidence that they're not and you just put a bunch of veil we could arrest you we're not gonna but we could oh how to put your foot down you big girl what a fucking just empty threats you party on kids i want to know now they should find they should I want to know now. They should find, they should, I want to know, they should find, track down the people who are at the party and shit.
Starting point is 00:29:29 See how many of them get sick. It'd be fucking hilarious if none of them did. Then they'd come out and say, weed kills the shit. Hey, you guys, besides being sponsors of this show, the are big fans.
Starting point is 00:29:46 They heard me talking about New York's Governor Cuomo. Came up with this new T-shirt design. Huh? Raz, I'm reading the copy you gave me. Oh, you got that one, too. There he is. These guys make great stuff. The shirt is on the site under the Nick DiPaolo Show collection,
Starting point is 00:30:09 but you should go to and check out all their gear. When you use the promo code Nick, you get 10% off not just the shirt, but everything on the website. Go to, pick up a shirt or mug or a hat and support these guys. And we thank them for supporting us by sponsoring the show. Guy's doing pretty well. Wash your filthy hair. I'm going to send that to my mom. Mother's Day is coming up. Ma, quit taking a dump and jumping right into the dump. Mark, quit taking a dump and jumping right into the tub.
Starting point is 00:30:48 My mother's sick, obsessed clean. She doesn't jump in the tub. That was a joke. But my dad would come home, and he's with the newspaper. My mother had already thrown it away. He hadn't even read it yet. Fucking cuckoo. Love her, but cuckoo. Not as cuckoo as this her, but cuckoo.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Not as cuckoo as this bitch, Olivia Nuzzi. Excuse me. She writes for New York Magazine. You couldn't get more left wing. She was at the press conference yesterday. And this is what this dumb broad asked the president. If an American president loses more Americans over the course of six weeks than died in the entirety of the Vietnam War,
Starting point is 00:31:32 does he deserve to be reelected? I suck cock. Yeah, we've lost a lot of people, but if you look at... What she asked was, if an American president loses more Americans over the course of six weeks than died in the entirety of the Vietnam War, does he deserve to be reelected? And why is he doing these again?
Starting point is 00:31:53 He said he wasn't going to do them. Well, what the look at look at the fucking look that Pence has given this broad. I will cut your tits off and boil them in my garage. Look at him. He wants to bitch slap her. Do you believe the question? Do you believe that question? If an American president loses more Americans over the course of six weeks,
Starting point is 00:32:16 then died in the entirety of the, did you ask Obama that when the H1N1 fucking, he didn't do anything for six months. What a dumb. Yeah, they're all, he's responsible for all this. Do you believe what childish, we are really fucked as a nation. And by the way, the question's even false.
Starting point is 00:32:36 The number of deaths from coronavirus as of April was 25th, was 52,459. You know how many people died in Vietnam, Americans? 58,220. So her question's wrong to begin with. Not that that's the point. The point is her trying to pin all this on. What a fucking walking yeast infection.
Starting point is 00:32:59 If I met her, I'd say, make me a sandwich. met her, I'd say, make me a sandwich. Nuzzi tweeted about her interaction with the president on Twitter. If more than 50,000 Americans died over the course of a few weeks at any time in our history, it would be fair to ask the president
Starting point is 00:33:17 if he deserves to be reelected. No, it wouldn't, you dumb bitch. This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. wouldn't you dumb bitch this is a once in a lifetime thing she says it wasn't a gotcha question no it was dumber than that it wasn't designed to provoke yes it was you project it and I appreciate the fact that Trump took it seriously. I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. Tummy.
Starting point is 00:33:54 What's this? I staple the second story. Did I give you this, Raz? I might not have. Did I give you the clip of the ABC local news guy making a mistake talking about lacrosse kid yes do we have that did I give you that clip I did can we play it now there's a uh I think it was a New York guy I don't local news guy ABC anchor makes horrific
Starting point is 00:34:20 mistake live on air he's talking about and I remember this kid. He's a New Jersey kid. He was like an all-American lacrosse player. He got very sick right when the beginning of this started. And this reporter, the kid recovered, but this reporter, watch this. When that would be, it's going to be a long time. Anthony, thank you. We do want to mention one person
Starting point is 00:34:40 who was singled out today by Governor Murphy. This young man that you're looking at right there, 26-year-old Jack Allard. We profiled him last month, Michelle Charlesworth, with a powerful story. A former Ridgewood High School lacrosse star and two-time All-American was in a medically induced coma
Starting point is 00:34:55 after coming down with a virus after spending time on a ventilator and five full weeks in the hospital. The governor today announcing that Jack has died. It was a long month, but slowly Jack rebounded. And last Thursday, he was clapped out by the doctors and nurses who saved his life as he walked out of the hospital. For Jack and for the hundreds more who have left our hospitals, we are hopeful and optimistic. I feel horrible. Jack is very much alive.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Jack, we love you. And the story Michelle did brought so many people closer to you and your story closer to all of us again. Jack is alive and back home. He has come home, not in the figurative sense, but in the quite literal sense. And my deepest apologies for that. I was just misread. I apologize. But he is alive and we are grateful for that. Yeah, it's so good to hear all of those success stories. I'm sure that smile he had in that picture is even brighter right now.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Well, that's so. I didn't give you all that. Follow the numbers I give you, will you? The fuck? I don't want to look at this ugly bra. The guy admitted to mystery. He goes, I misread the whole thing. How to vet your stories.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Imagine that kid sitting at home watching, belly laughing with his buddies. Going, you're dead. More great reporting. You know who's a real chooch a real mama luke a real fucking fuck stain come chewing brainless tit wonder chucky schumer chucky i never met a camera i
Starting point is 00:36:38 didn't like schumer this is what he's upset about res Raznov. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is looking to block President Donald Trump's name from appearing on federal stimulus checks in the future. Money provided is financial relief from the economic effects. If he had his way, he'd be blocking the checks. That's what he's worried about. Trump's name on the friggin' checks. boat. Trump's name on the frigging checks. The New York Democrat effort to push such legislation tees up another confrontation with the White House over how best to handle the federal response to the outbreak, this time concerning the administration's last minute decision to feature the president's name on the checks have they fucking busted his balls
Starting point is 00:37:26 since he came down that escalator every second of every friggin day president trump unfortunately appears to see the pandemic this is chuck schumer being quoted as just another opportunity to promote his own political interest schumer said i can't believe what assholes are running our country. It's just the no PR act. You get it. Public Relations Act puts an end to the president's exploitation of taxpayer money for promotional material that only benefits his reelection campaign. Sounds like you're scared shitless, Chuck. Even with this pandemic, sounds like you are scared shitless. And you should be.
Starting point is 00:38:11 You got Joe Biden sitting home in a diaper who's going to debate Trump. He's going to sniff his hair and they're going to try to finger him. Delaying the release of the stimulus checks so his signature could be added is a waste of time and money schumer said schumer's office says the senate minority would like to include legislation preventing names likeness or signatures of trump from being included in the next round of covid checks oh my god the saga over trump's name on the checks has become another layer of controversy surrounding the federal response which has faced accusations of political. So you think so? Earlier this month, a senior administration official confirmed to CNN that Trump's name in a last minute Treasury Department order would appear on checks sent to man's Americans.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Treasury officials told the Washington Post, which is the most crooked paper in the country, which first reported that the move would probably set back the delivery date on the first set of checks, potentially slowing a process that could already take up to 20 weeks. But it's all lies. The IRS, however, insisted that the move will not result in a delay. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin later said it was his idea, not the president's, to include Trump's name on it. I don't know about that. He might just be covering Trump's ass. I don't know. But if you're the president, if it was Obama, George W. fucking Clinton, you put your picture on the fucking. Oh, my God, this is what they're fighting over. Fucking people are dying, Chucky. I'm sure people, when Trump was asked about it, his name, he said, well, I don't know much about it, but I understand my name is there.
Starting point is 00:39:57 I don't know anything about it. I'm only the president. I don't know where they're going, how they're going. You don't know where they're going, how they're going? I'm sure people will be very, this is what he says, Russ. I'll be sure, I'm sure people will be very happy to get a big, fat, beautiful check. Put my name on it. He said, I wanted a picture, I wanted to put a picture of my dick and balls on the back.
Starting point is 00:40:21 But Schumer also called on monday listen schumer also called on monday for called for public senate hearings nice typing whoever did into testing shortages they want to have hearings and a questioning testing shortages and implementation of stimulus law urging senator mcconnell to instruct his committee chairs to immediately begin vigorous and desperately needed oversight another investigation into the trump administration uh administrations i get too much coffee me response to covet 19 pandemic and its implementation of the cares act you believe this guy oh my aching stem get this through your head get this through your head you jew motherfucker you take it easy mr president make it personal
Starting point is 00:41:13 schumer and trump have previously clashed over the president's invoking the defense production act last month to compel general motors to produce more ventilators for increasing why would you push back against that? At that point, we needed ventilators. Why would you push back against that? These guys, politics, it's their religion. Fucking, ugh. When is Schumer going to retire?
Starting point is 00:41:37 Seems like he's been around forever. Speaking of New York politicians and real liberal ones this comrade bill de blasio you remember him the mayor that nobody likes even the lefties don't like him bill de blasio uh and his wife cherylene mccray strolled through prospect park amid the coronavirus that's in brooklyn so they're trying to spread the shit that's what they're trying to do it's supposed to be quarantine you fucking hypocrite de blasio and his wife charlene mccray didn't let coronavirus stop them from traveling 11 miles from manhattan to brooklyn's prospect park for a leisurely stroll eliciting outrage from new yorkers uh we have an online video
Starting point is 00:42:20 of this kid this is what goes on i even hate even hate, even though I hate de Blasio, I hate the kid that's busting his ball. Sounds like a whiny, entitled, fucking spoiled little... Play the clip, please, Mr. Rez. Seriously, you guys have a park. You live in the middle of a park. You don't need to not essentially travel to Brooklyn. Come on, you wouldn't even open roads for people of all backgrounds. Of all backgrounds. I'm not going to give it a break. Like this is selfish behavior. This is so terribly selfish. You call yourself a progressive but you chauffeur yourself to Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:43:01 You force people to drive you. Thank you. Thank you. you force people to drive you thank you thank you you call yourself a progressive which is what this kid is yeah he's doing what progressives do do as i say not as they do you voted him in you jack off you'd call yourself a progressive i'd be embarrassed to call myself a progressive. How about the arrogance on fucking de Blasio? Give it a break, guys. Everything's cool. I'm with my black wife. How much cooler can I get? I thought it was Howard Stern and Robin at first. I love libs eating libs.
Starting point is 00:43:54 It's not the first time de Blasio and McCrae have been spotted walking in prospect parts since the coronavirus started. Before non-essential businesses like gyms were ordered closed amid the coronavirus crisis, de Blasio regularly made the journey in an SUV, motorcade, to the nearby Park Slope YMCA. YMCA. What the Slope YMCA. YMCA. What the hello? YMCA from Gracie Mansion. He works his lats. You can tell he's huge. What's he doing at the gym?
Starting point is 00:44:14 Taking a nap on the mats? Fucking skinny, pale fag. Fucking. Oh, yeah. See that buff prison body. Fucking, oh yeah, see that buff prison body. Our father who art in heaven. I didn't get to this a couple days ago.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I didn't get to this, okay? My favorite senator of all time, a congresswoman, whatever she is, this piece of garbage. Minneapolis, this is a headline is lost Muslim call to prayer blasts over loudspeakers five times a day in Ilhan Omar's district The Muslim call to prayer. You ever hear that? It's so fucking. Something like that. As Colin Quinn calls it, because you always hear that shit on cabs in New York.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Be a Middle Eastern guide right here that Colin Quinn goes. I get in the cab. The guy's playing the best of female circumcision. One of my favorite jokes about that. The Muslim called to pray echo for the first time ever throughout a minute. This is what Ilhan Omar brought you. Glad you voted for folks. Terrific.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Is that her goal? Is that why she came over here? folks? Terrific. Is that her goal? Is that why she came over here? To bring a religion that really doesn't match the values of the United States, but it echoed for the first time ever throughout the Minneapolis neighborhood in what is believed to be the first publicly broadcast call to prayer in a major U.S. city. Boy, we're making progress, huh? The prayer known as the Adhan, the Adhan, it's a joke there, I can't figure it out,
Starting point is 00:46:09 will echo from loudspeakers through parts of Minneapolis five times a day per day for the entirety of Ramadan. I celebrate Ramadan. I make my own hummus and I jerk off I celebrate Ramadan. I make my own hummus and.
Starting point is 00:46:32 And I jerk off five times a day, which is impossible. Not when I was in high school, though. Anyways, this is this is what she brought to Minneapolis. You guys voted for you. She's a malignant cunt. Yeah, I agree with that. Durka Durka Muhammad Jihad. Haka Sherpa Sherpa. Abakala.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Here's the words to this. Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. Who wrote this? The Monkees? Definitely was a Bernie Taupin tune.
Starting point is 00:46:58 I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah. What the fuck? Is this guy stutter? I bear witness that Muhammad is the worthy of worship but Allah. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah. What the fuck? Is this guy stutter? I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Hurry to prayer. Hurry to prayer.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Hurry to salvation. Hurry to salvation. Those lyrics are tremendous. Oh, for the love. Nice going, Ilhan Omar. Thank you. She won't be happy until, you know, where the love. Nice going, Ilhan Omar. She won't be happy till, you know, where she lives. Looks like the dump that we pulled her out of. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Can I get a haircut soon? I'm looking like Chris Christopherson in the original Star Wars movie. Right. This one kind of uh let me thank the uh let me thank uh our contributors because you guys are keeping the show going and uh we are very grateful that you tune in we hope we give you some relief when you're trapped in the house and there's nothing on but reruns of dirt bike races and shit um but you can make financial contributions to keep the show going uh at you can also go to and uh subscribe to my show become a monthly supporter for doing that you get an extra story a day nobody else gets you get to ask me a question and you get access to over 300 shows
Starting point is 00:48:23 we've done previously so uh also if you have a company and you get access to over 300 shows we've done previously. So also, if you have a company and you'd like to become a sponsor on the show, go to You can find that information there. But I would like to thank people who contributed in the last day or so. Daniel Boswood, the United Kingdom, Tim Hershey, that name shows up a lot, Ohio, Stephen Conley, Tennessee, Bruce Bast, Washington, Sofonda Cox. Get it? Sofonda Cox. That sounds like a black chick. Sofonda Cox, Kansas, Scott Byers, Michigan, Elmer Fudpucker, Pennsylvania, David Dryden, South Carolina. Paige Morreale, California. And we have a monthly support who signed up last night. Roland Burke.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Thank you guys very much. Seriously, I know things are getting tight for you guys too. Even my woman who gives me piano lessons, she wants me to go online and do it. No way. I don't know how to do that shit. It takes a while. She'll give me a link. I'll click on it and she'll. No way. I don't know how to do that shit. It takes a while. She'll give me a link. I'll click on it
Starting point is 00:49:26 and she'll see my feet up on a coffee table. I won't even show her the piano. I'll just put on an Elton John record and go, that's me. How am I doing? Anyways, maybe I will.
Starting point is 00:49:41 People need help financially. Finally tonight, I'll meet the press. We need some sports, right? Some great writer, I don't know who it was, sports writer, he was quoted as saying, sports is the toy department of life, which I love that quote. It's true.
Starting point is 00:49:58 And right now this coronavirus is taking away our toys. People are just fucking itching for some sports. I'm surviving on UFC Unleashed. Again, I don't know if you're into that shit, but that show, they'll put together like three to four of the greatest fights. So you're guaranteed to see
Starting point is 00:50:15 good fights. And they run them like they're a half hour, some of them an hour. And they're just, it's helping me get through this because I'm a sports fanatic like everybody else nfl is considering major schedule changes to the uh 2020 season son of a whore the schedule makers are in the process of designing several versions of the 2020 slate some of which include a super bowl on february 28th the regular season starting as late as thursday october 15th
Starting point is 00:50:44 The regular season starting as late as Thursday, October 15th. And a season without bye weeks or a Pro Bowl. Good. Fucking Pro Bowl. Why do they still play that? You ever watch? They used to actually hit and tackle. They took it seriously. Now it's worse than like fucking watching college girls play flag.
Starting point is 00:51:00 It is the waste. Get rid of it. Just name a Pro Bowl. Put their names in the paper whatever and as far as the buys go i i like the fact that uh two team they're gonna have to eliminate the buy maybe uh if these are the good changes i like them what the hell's going on out here it's marking it marks a striking but also unsurprising about face in the league's thinking since the end of march when the nfl executive vice president and general counsel Jeff Pash said he was planning on having a full season and in the same way as previous years.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Since then, Commissioner Goodell has said the league is prepared to make changes as the coronavirus pandemic has left many professional leagues around the world, including the NFL, with an uncertain future. NFL with an uncertain future. The schedules are expected to be released early next month and include the standard 16 games, 17 weeks late, but will allow for flexibility. One version would delay the season start by up to five weeks while pushing back the Super Bowl, currently scheduled for February 7th in 2021 in Tampa, by as much as three weeks. Two weeks of early season games could be moved to the back of the season, which makes sense, while a third week, which would feature two opponents with the same bye weeks, that means they'll get rid of the bye week. You know how one week a bunch of teams don't play because they have a bye? That would eliminate each team's one bye week. It's unclear whether these ideas have been discussed with the players' union.
Starting point is 00:52:30 The two sides recently ratified a new collective bargaining agreement through 2030 another change would include getting rid of the frivolous pro bowl please please get rid of it which takes place uh the weekend between the conference championship and the super bowl please get rid of that the coronavirus is almost worth it if that's the fucking Please get rid of that. The coronavirus is almost worth it if that's the fucking result. Get rid of the Pro Bowl. Not mentioned in the report is whether the preseason or five scheduled international games
Starting point is 00:52:55 still would be played under any of those scenarios. An announcement from the league next month isn't guaranteed, according to Sports Business Daily, because the league is worried about the backlash it could face for announcing return plans with so many unknowns even as states have begun to loosen social distancing restrictions team facilities have remained closed you know that because tom brady got busted for loitering a couple times in tampa but over the past two weeks teams have begun virtual offseason program which the league says includes classroom
Starting point is 00:53:25 instruction oh i would love to tune into that wouldn't you like to fucking watch them nfl lyman taking a class just hack into that uh which the league says includes classroom instruction workouts and non-football uh education programs like what jesus what a pc shithole hey res the show's an hour and five minutes so you get a question i do it went with the last story but we uh we didn't breeze through good lugas m queens new york nick after the coronavirus ends do you think prostitutes will start working again how do, how do prostitutes social distance? I was thinking of creating app, maybe Uber fuck. I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Sorry, Lucas. Nice try. Strike three. You get caught looking. I didn't know they weren't working. I figured they were still out there. I'm more, you know, prostitutes, you know, hanging out by fucking the Greyhound bus station in Times Square.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Whatever's in their crotch is much more lethal than Corona will ever be. You got loads from fucking homeless guys. Ugh. Is that your big worry, Lucas? So create the app. Maybe Uber fuck. I don't know. He asked me like I frequent these whores.
Starting point is 00:54:54 I did once the first time I moved in. You know, girl look like a young Whitney Houston. She left my apartment the next day crying with her headphones on. Not even the next day. What am I saying? Like a fucking hour after. She was like fucking stunning. I was single at the time.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I'm sorry. Another time my friends got me a hooker on my birthday. My buddy's apartment. Guess what? They found her like six months later in a dumpster. Swear to God. Anyways, that's horrible. And you call me a
Starting point is 00:55:32 conservative. Please. That's the show, folks. Holy Christ, we gave you a good whopping hour. We can't thank you enough. Keep the donations coming. I like to call them contributions. Hey, Raz, a funny thing happened. I was playing Rick Ross in my car.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I had the windows down. And he drops the N-bomb about 19 times, and it's a black homicide comes over to my side. I got that on. Fucking N-word bus went eight times. He just looks at me and fucking laughed. I gave him a dollar. Then I boiled my hands for ten minutes.
Starting point is 00:56:08 That's it, folks. You guys think and I will say it. You're very welcome. Stay safe. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Bye-bye. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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