The Nick DiPaolo Show - DOJ Sues Google | Nick Di Paolo #430

Episode Date: October 20, 2020

Barr finally moves to bust up the big tech behemoth. Ratcliffe: "Adam full of Schiff." Trump tears into the liberal media for not covering Biden scandal....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, free speech is under attack and it doesn't matter if you're a comedian like me or the commander in chief and it's not just the media anymore, it's the people who run our hospitals and teach our kids, the World Health Organization. We can't let this happen, we have to keep telling the truth and that's what I try to do every day on this show. keep telling the truth. And that's what I try to do every day on this show. As you know, Twitter shadow banned me years ago before I even knew what it was. And YouTube blocked me. I've been punched in the face after a show. I've been fired from a radio job. But they can't stop me, though. OK? I'm just going to keep coming at you like the raging bull. I'm putting the finishing touches on my new platform where I can say whatever the fuck I want.
Starting point is 00:00:48 And yes, I'll be giving it away for free, just like Trump will with a vaccine. In the meantime, I'm going to use YouTube and use other platforms, and I mean use, to help spread the word so we are bigger and stronger when I finally make the jump to the new platform. I also need your help to continue to build the platform and keep this show and future shows free. It ain't cheap to build this platform. Please consider contributing at and know that your contributions keep free speech and my style of free speech alive. Thank you guys so much. guitar solo Yeah. Oh, yeah, a little bit of caffeine in me. Sorry, folks. Air guitar from 58-year-old. Put me in a Lipitor commercial.
Starting point is 00:02:30 In my garage with my fucking 80-year-old buddies. How are ya? Excuse me. Welcome to the goddamn show. On a Tuesday. Tuesday afternoon. I always pick a song I know three words to. Well, I just read a disturbing, I'm not doing it on the show, but looking through headlines. 11-year-old boy or 10-year-old boy in Georgia down here somewhere, Clayton County.
Starting point is 00:03:06 He's working on a, very disturbed, working on a, you know what, a lawnmower with his brother in the front yard. Some guy pulls up, gets out of his car, walks up to him with a ski mask on, black pants, shoots him, kills him. If you don't believe in fucking Lucifer, you don't believe in Adam Schiff. But how fucking disturbing and what an evil sewer we live in. Jesus, that fucking bugs me. Anyways. What did I want to tell you? Well, I have my 75-inch screen up.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Might be a little big for the room. The wife might have been right. But you know how guys are. I want to be at the stadium. This fucker. Oh, my God. It's like sitting in the second row at the Lowe's Theater. Wait till I pull porn on that.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Oh, my God. Those nipples are gonna be huge, are they not? I don't know. I'm still sweating at night and stuff and I'm freezing during the day. So I got some type of AIDS. I know it.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I know it. It was at Don Lemon's pool party about a month ago. And anyways, I was assaulted in the driveway by Wolf Blitzer. He held me down and Don violated me. Big girl. Speaking of violations, let's get right to it. The Justice Department on Tuesday filed its long-awaited antitrust lawsuit against Google,
Starting point is 00:04:49 trust lawsuit against Google, marking the biggest challenge to big tech in 22 years. How about a fucking hand for William Barr or whoever's in charge of that thing, huh? When did Jeff Goldblum start running Google? That's my question. I hit the fucking... The lawsuit by the law enforcement agency that's department just accuses the search giant of maintaining unlawful monopolies in its search and advertising businesses. businesses. Google's questionable tactics include a massive contract worth billions of dollars with Apple to make it the default search engine on the iPhone, as well as ensuring that its search engine is preloaded onto some smartphone, all smartphones, using Alphabet's Android operating system, which runs the majority of phones around the world.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Just the facts, man. Those are just the facts. So it's a monopoly. Really, that's Picard, isn't it? Have you had the Picard? Oh, God, help me. It's a hummus with a little bit of paprika and a shitload of curry. The end result is that no one can feasibly challenge Google's dominance in search and search advertising, Elton John said.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I remember those Eastern lights, mugights, sitting in the room downstairs. Know you done a lot, know you should have been there. Sitting like a princess perched in her electric chair. Anyways, that's Elton all depressed because now he's back in men's clothes. But anyways, Burr says this lack of competition harms users, advertisers, and small businesses in the form of fewer choices, reduced quality, including on metrics like privacy, higher advertising prices, and less innovation.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Now, how do you fucking argue with any of that? It's a monopoly. They did it to Ma Bell. You're too young, Jason. 1974, I was 12. Bell was the phone company, and they busted him up. They busted him up nice. I think it might have been Nixon or Ford. Let me just show you this. These cocksuckers are recording me on my phone. I have a monopoly on everything. Break it up.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Google was previously the subject of an antitrust investigation by the Federal Trade Commission over its search product. But the agency ended that probe. That was in 2013, despite FTC staff having recommended the agency bring a case after reportedly finding real harm to consumers and innovation. So what happened there? So I don't get it. The agency found wrongdoing, but they didn't do it. Once again, that's swamp work. Even back then, seven years ago, you guys fucking know, you know, it's so blatant right now, just with the shit that's gone on the last week with the Hunter Biden story expose being censored,
Starting point is 00:08:05 right? All over the place. Not just Facebook and Twitter either. Google's chief legal officer, Kent Walker, real chooch, called the lawsuit
Starting point is 00:08:19 deeply flawed. Did you? Prove that you wealthy college boys don't have the education enough to admit when you're wrong. Mr. fucking Walker. That was my boy, Quint. Unbelievable. How can they even have the balls to argue after what we've witnessed over the last couple weeks?
Starting point is 00:08:39 And my show here, which is Google, which is Alphabet, the company, whatever, somebody pointed out to me that, again, the Illuminati shit, it goes back, and Bill Gates is involved, and the Apple, the Illuminati thing, they really believe that, like, the Rothschild family, they were into Lucifer and all that shit. It goes back that far. And it kind of makes sense when you talk to my wife because the apple has a bite out of it. It goes back to, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:08 fucking, it all falls together. And I said to her, will you finish that BLT? Never talked to her like that ever. Can't wait till that 80-pound TV falls off my wall and crushes my little dog. That's a horrible thought. Anyway, so that's good news. William Barr, you know, finally. But how long is that going to take
Starting point is 00:09:38 to sort out? Huh? Also, I don't have a story on this. I saw this right before we came on. Trump wants to call in a special prosecutor to invest fucking Hunter Biden's computer. So again, that's going to take forever. Hey, Jace, can you put the air on a little bit? There's another edit for you. Well, you can leave it in in i don't give a fuck put it down or whatever to 74 anyways speaking of cover-ups there he is adam schiff still crazy after all these years This prick is back in the news actually saying that the Hunter Biden laptop thing is disinformation being put out there by the Russians. And they're using Rudy Giuliani as the liaison. Is this guy fucking nuts? Watch out because I'm.
Starting point is 00:10:53 fucking nuts. Watch out because I'm. Do you. Folks, this is mind boggling. He has no evidence. He's on national TV shows saying I have I have evidence that it's the Russians. Do you understand? He's not just dangerous as a politician. He's I'm not i'm not overstating this he's psychotic he is fucking nuts and how you people at home who are going to vote for biden can see a story like that but you probably won't because you're not going to see it on the channels you fucking watch right you don't want to know the truth you could you could see the story and go, yeah, I'm still voting Democrat. This guy is fucking evil, crazy evil. I'm so glad he was tortured as a kid and bullied and fucking hit in the face with dodgeballs. Fucking psych. Let's listen to this maniac.
Starting point is 00:11:39 But clearly the origins of this whole smear are from the Kremlin. And the president is only too happy to have Kremlin help in trying to amplify it. Look, even even Wolf ain't buying it. Are you kidding? You're fucking crazy. Look at poor Wolf. Anybody more depressing looking that he looked like that in third grade. I'll say it again. He hasn't changed. The Ministry of Propaganda run by Wolf Blitzer. Look at Adam Schiff's eyes. That is not the fucking, I'm telling you, they're going to find a bunch of dead male hookers out in California along the 405. And they're going to find his fingerprints all over their asses. Guy is psychotic. So once again, it's Russia, folks.
Starting point is 00:12:27 guy is psychotic so once again it's russia folks serious look me in the eye again you're my fans you vote like me look your liberal friends in the eyes and say do you even know anything about that story remember when i went on joe rogan i brought up the steel dossier which had been in the news for about a year and a half and he pretended he didn't know or maybe he didn't i don't know guy is busy but uh i mean what the fuck and let me say i gotta put this in my act if if let me ask you a question if trump was an agent of putin wouldn't he have already poisoned everybody at msnbc jason when you've already poisoned somebody at emma you're my only audience i'm trying to make you laugh i know you're producing over there what are you doing making notes and laughing
Starting point is 00:13:16 internally yeah that helps anyways you're the guy in the front row at my comedy show gone. I'm just showing you how psychotic. Jason, put the fucking clock back so I can see it, please. Thank you, sir. And we're off. Boy, you're going to be here until 7 o'clock. Anyways, we have a clip of Adam Schiff when he got home trying to take his suit off. Yeah, there he is.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Every day. Honey! Honey, I can't get out of this. Fucking lunatic chooch. But anyways, you know, somebody has to refute this shit. And you know who's doing it? Actually, the DNI, that's Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, says Schiff is full of shh. That's not what I put.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Boy, you're having a bad day. I put Adam is full of Schiff. You got, says Schiff is full of shit i put that maybe i did i did my fault i'll take that one back sorry i'm gonna i could make your day so long right now um anyways we have a clip of john ratcliffe uh refuting all this coming out of disinformation, Director? So, Maria, it's funny that some of the people that complain the most about intelligence being politicized are the ones politicizing intelligence. And unfortunately, in this case, it is Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who,
Starting point is 00:15:00 as you pointed out on Friday, said that the intelligence community believes that Hunter Biden's laptop and the emails on it are part of some Russian disinformation campaign. Let me be clear. The intelligence community doesn't believe that because there's no intelligence that supports that. And we have shared no intelligence with Chairman Schiff or any other member of Congress that Hunter Biden's laptop is part of some Russian disinformation campaign. But you know why they put that out there? Because you jerk offs on the left. They know you'll eat it up. Even if you know it's false. You'll you'll nod your head like the Dean Abedias of the world, whatever his name was. My comedian friend at CNN. You'll just nod your fucking head.
Starting point is 00:15:42 was my comedian friend at CNN. You'll just nod your fucking head. Whatever garbage they put out there, they know Democrat voters are so fucking stupid that they'll buy it. Just like they bought the lie for the last 40 years that this is the most racist place on earth. That's why they put shit out like that. You know?
Starting point is 00:16:01 Disinformation. Only they use it on their own people. Somebody was making a good point last night on TV. It's usually reserved. You use disinformation like Russia does and China does to fuck up other countries. Our media uses it domestically to fuck up the electorate.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And it works. Sometime I think those French are right. We have the dumbest motherfuckers alive. I'll tell you who thinks the media is the dumbest people alive. The president of United States. And I'll say it again. If if if his thing ends in a couple of weeks, he did more to expose these rotten weasels. This country can't run, you know, without a free press. And it's already gone. It's already gone. It's the fourth column, as they say. I don't know what the first three are. I think it's bread, wheat and carbohydrates and sugar. I don't know. President Donald Trump went off on the media on Monday while holding a tarmac press scrum before his campaign rally in Arizona.
Starting point is 00:17:12 He'll talk to anybody. Talk about transparent. Trump began his anti-media frenzy by ripping NBC's Kristen Welker ahead of Thursday's final debate with former VP Joe Biden, for which Welker will be the moderator. She was at the White House with the hug of Obama for Christmas when Obama was in office. She's been a Democrat her whole life. This segued into Trump ripping NBC's Savannah Guthrie, you know, the bitch with no upper lip and giant rabbit teeth. She moderated the last one, that lying twat's own. But challenging him during their town hall, it C-spans Steve Scully for the Twitter hacking lie
Starting point is 00:17:57 that resulted in his suspension from the network. So here's Trump ripping into them. The strategy seems to be to call Biden a criminal. Why is that? He is a criminal. He's a criminal. He got caught. Read his laptop. And you know who's a criminal? You're a criminal for not reporting it.
Starting point is 00:18:17 You are a criminal for not reporting it. A fucking man. Let me tell you something. Joe Biden is a criminal and he's been a criminal for a long time. And you're a criminal in the media for not reporting it. Amen. You're a communist. Yeah, they're a communist.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Amen. They're an accessory. They're an accessory to a felony. How about that? When are they going to be accountable? How do we douche the media, the mainstream media? How do we douche it? Seriously. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Putin, I know how Putin does it. He has one of his guys meet somebody at a nice restaurant in Moscow. Hey, have a cup of tea there, Ivan. I would love to see Don Lemon have a cup of tea there, Ivan. I would love to see Don Lemon have a nice fucking, what would he be drinking, a pink lady? Laced with Clorox and fucking AIDS jizz. Anyways, as the scrum continued, I like how they use scrum, you know? Never used it for any other president.
Starting point is 00:19:34 A reporter tried to press Trump on his murky COVID-19 testing history since being diagnosed with the virus. This lady kept harping him and harping. Finally, he goes to her. Why is this so important to you? I didn't give you that part. No. He goes, why is this so important to you? Which I love. She sounds like a 90 year old lady. But why? Are you going to be tested for this one like a psycho? Shut up. Mind your fucking business and shut up. I think that's what Trump said.
Starting point is 00:19:57 He took a question on why his apparent campaign strategy is to label Biden a criminal, which we just showed. Of course, can you imagine why you labeling him? The question is, why didn't you cover it? And why aren't you labeling him a criminal? You fucking one way motherfuckers. Excuse my language out there. I know there's some people, some older people who like my show, but I went to my doctor and he goes, he's a real Southern guy. He's younger than me, actually. And he's kind of funny. But he goes, yeah, I try to let too much custom for me. And I said, now, listen here, boy.
Starting point is 00:20:37 You don't watch that show. You can't handle custom. You from the South, boy. Anyways, I love that Trump ripped those people a new asshole. Why? Why? Why? Why are you labeling?
Starting point is 00:20:53 Why are you calling the vice president, the former vice president, why are you labeling him a criminal? Same reason we call the Vito Corleone a criminal. He's been in the racket for 47 years. Do you see the bubble they're ensconced in, their little liberal bubble? They don't talk to anybody who doesn't think like that. I don't know how they were going to change this.
Starting point is 00:21:13 That should be the question. Other than a fire at CNN and, you know, a burner exploding at MSNBC, that type of stuff. The POTUS, that's the president on Monday, denounced what he called the dumb bastards at CNN, and Fredo, a nickname he's often attached to CNN host Chris Cuomo, for paying so much attention to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I think we have a clip of him calling them dumb bastards. You turn on CNN, that's all they cover. COVID, COVID, pandemic, COVID, COVID, COVID. You know why? They're trying to talk everybody out of voting. People aren't buying at CNN, you dumb bastards. They're not buying. That's all they talk about.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I fucking love it. You dumb bastards. How is he putting up with this? Even with this Welker, this moderator that's totally in the bag. Oh, by the way, they're going to have mute buttons. I got that story coming up. I wonder who that disadvantage is at the, huh? Un-fucking-real.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I can't, folks, you don't know how painful it is to prepare for this show. I can't even, on the way to other stories, I'm just trying to find a fair story. It is a tsunami of calling Trump stupid, like I have never, talk about misinformation. They are, it's a scorched earth policy. I have never seen anything like it. Nobody has been more fucking, they get meaner with each president, but each Republican president, I'll have you know. But when he got elected, I said to my wife, he's a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, Christian, alpha male billionaire. He is a caricature of what they hate. And boy, they have not disappointed. I just can't believe how they've treated this guy and a little part of me wants biden to win just so we can return the favor not really it'll fuck up the country but whatever i just
Starting point is 00:23:33 want to show the next jerk off that's a democrat president the same respect after we kissed fucking marxist obama's black white ass in his nose tackle of a wife pretending she's pretty. Every day she switches positions. I have her as a defensive end, strong safety. She's very good like that. We move her around. We're going to run a 5-2 nickel pack. She's going to be the monster back like I was in high school.
Starting point is 00:24:04 It's kind of a hybrid of a strong safety and alignment. It's the best position out there. Anyways, so he starts to get in. He starts to bust balls about, you know who? Chris Cuomo. He says, you watch this guy. He's got lousy ratings. I didn't give you this part, did I?
Starting point is 00:24:25 Did I give him saying this? Boy, I did a lousy job. You watch this guy. He's got lousy ratings. I didn't give you this part, did I? Did I give him saying this? Boy, I did a lousy job. You watch this guy. He says he's got lousy ratings. Fredo. You know Fredo, he says. I'm smart. I'm like everybody says.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Like, don't. I'm smart. And I want the sticks. Trump added, referring to Cuomo, who is the brother of the New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo, that yeah, he's Fredo and his ratings stink. He says he gets horrible ratings.
Starting point is 00:24:54 He's talking about the pandemic. It's all they talk about. I don't know. He said he had the pandemic. He said he had COVID. I'm not sure he had it, he says. He went to the basement. It's the only time his ratings were up i love how he focuses in on the ratings oh mama mia he'd make a great
Starting point is 00:25:13 studio boss out in hollywood i mean if your ratings dipped you're on a sitcom he would fire you the next day trump also blamed governor andrew cuomo you know him, he's like Dracula to old people, for New York's tragic death toll from the virus and trashed the governor for writing a book about the experience. You know that? And he deserved to. You're a crumb creep. He is a crumb. Imagine he's writing a book about how he handled it. That's like the captain of the Valdez here's a reference from the 80s that was an exxon boat that crashed and turned every bird black and oily it's like it's like him writing a book
Starting point is 00:25:56 what a great captain he is i couldn't think of anything folks i'm'm tired. I just fucking... Anyways, hey, everybody, we've got some merchandise to announce here on the show. I think we've been doing it for the last week or two. These shirts were actually my fans' idea. The fans! And we rolled them out
Starting point is 00:26:19 through Patreon only last week, and people absolutely went nuts. So now we're on YouTube. Check these out. We have some delicious Nika shirts. There you go. It's Nika. That's just right to the point.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Nika. I'm a Nika. We got, there you go. Nika Rich. Now those are for the people, the affluent people that are fans of mine. And I do have some. I have some lawyers, believe it or not. I got some dentists.
Starting point is 00:26:47 I had a guy that went to MIT, a scientist. He used to write me. So I got that going for me. That's Nicka Rich. What else you got there, Jay? Nicka, a house Nicka. And I don't know what that a reference to. This is for the stay-at-home moms, obviously, and the wives who love the show.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And I would love to see pictures of the stay-at-home wives and moms, if you're under 160, in the T-shirt going to Betty by. You creep. You're a crumb creep. You're a crumb creep. Oh, shut it. What else we got? What up, nigga? Oh, it. What else we got? What up, Nicker? Oh, nothing.
Starting point is 00:27:28 What up, Nicker? So you guys call yourself the Nickers. They came up with that. Those are my fans pushing the envelope. Let me tell you something. Biden gets in, we'll have to burn these and all go to jail for a week or a year. Again, these shirts came about because my great fans have adopted it and anointed yourself as a Nick is. And I couldn't be happier to have you as my fans.
Starting point is 00:27:50 You get brass ones. And that's what it takes to make change. So you can buy these now through my website, I'm going to love seeing you guys send in your photos wearing these things. You asked for them. So here you go. Enjoy. Enjoy them. Enjoy. Enjoy. I want you to
Starting point is 00:28:09 enjoy your t-shirts. They're very nice. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So enjoy. And really enjoy them because Tommy's got like his daughters tied to a loom in the garage like 18 hours a day without a shit break. And he's working on him himself he sends me pictures he's in his basement painting mugs by hand oh my god you'd think it was nike hey this was the story that made my day do you guys know who jeffrey tubin is he's uh he's a real stuffed shirt anti-trump uh a legal analyst on CNN for years. He made his, he cut his teeth during the OJ Simpson saga. He wrote a book about it. They turned into a TV, maybe TV movie. He's a real left winger and he's a real creep. Apparently I call this segment Jeffrey caught with tube in hand as in meat tube listen to this folks this one made everybody's day who hates uh
Starting point is 00:29:09 the new yorker or the new york times the new yorker suspended reporter jeffrey tubin after he was caught get this spanking the monkey waxing the carrot whatever you want to call it, masturbating during a Zoom call last week with a New Yorker and W NYC radio members. Fuck you, fuck you. Oh, that dirty cocksucker. Imagine he's sitting there. He thinks he's off camera. What? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:29:44 That must have been a good feeling. What an idiot. I always put tape over my fucking camera's things. I don't even trust my wife. She puts like one of those cameras you have that outside. The security camera. I don't know if it's for deer eating bushes or something. I get tape all over the place.
Starting point is 00:30:08 This guy gets caught during a Zoom call. I'm almost thinking he can't be that stupid. He wanted to. I swear to God, people that hard up to be famous. Two people who were on the call told Vice separately that the call was an election simulation. And it turned out to be an erection stimulation. And it was pretty good, Nick. I'm a funny motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Featuring many of New York's biggest stars. They make it sound like who? Anthony Weiner? Was he on there? Tommy Weiner's not laughing his balls off. I go, finally, the heat's off me. This guy's so horny, he's whacking it before he gets off a Zoom call. Wasn't Zoom a TV show?
Starting point is 00:30:53 Yeah. Hmm. There are also a handful of other producers on the call from the New Yorker and WNYC. Both people who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak freely noted that it was unclear how much each person saw, but both and this is a quote, said they saw Toobin jerking off. That boy is a
Starting point is 00:31:18 P-I-G-P. Ah! Ah! Ah! Hmm. Big deal. Ah! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ah! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Hmm. Big deal. Come on.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Remember it came out like, it wasn't Vizio, one of those Japanese TVs that people said they could, they were actually watching you at home sometime? I'm on the fucking road, I told you. I ended up in a closet whacking it at some Motel 6 next to a dirty ironing board. I was afraid the TV was watching me. Natalie Robb. Have you had the Natalie Robb? It's like the broccoli Robb, only much sweeter. A press representative for the New Yorker confirmed,
Starting point is 00:31:58 Toobin has been suspended but did not explicitly state the reason behind the decision. Oh, I don't know, maybe because he left jizz on the lens? I'm no detective. Toobin seemingly confirmed that exposing himself was the motivation behind the suspension, so he's admitting to it. I give him that much credit. Though he claimed it was merely an accident. He's lying.
Starting point is 00:32:26 It was an accident. He's lying. It was an accident. No, spilling a cup of coffee is an accident. Banging into somebody at red light in your car is an accident. You pull out your hog during a Zoom thing
Starting point is 00:32:37 and give it a couple tugs. That ain't going to stand up in court, counselor. Counselor. That's what he is too he says i made an embarrassingly stupid mistake believing i was off camera like that's fine i thought the zoom meeting was on a break so i was gonna give it a fucking yank i apologize to my wife, family, friends, and coworkers. Can you imagine his poor wife? You know, she's got neighbors in the building. You know, they live in an affluent.
Starting point is 00:33:11 I love it. I love it. Toobin is also the chief legal analyst for CNN and reportedly appeared on the network Saturday. A CNN spokesman told the law and crime that Toobin has requested some time off while he deals with a personal issue, which we which we have granted. Yeah, they're the most trusted name in news. This is CNN, the most trusted name in news. Give it a yank, give out a yank. Why couldn't it be like one of the Fox girls that get caught on Zoom?
Starting point is 00:33:53 And it goes like viral and shit. Huh? I'm not going to say who, but as Otto and George said, I like the way I ever watch a girl masturbate. They rub that pussy like a genie's going to come out of a cock. Go watch Otto and George, folks, for a dirty laugh. Tremendous. It's a tremendous thing.
Starting point is 00:34:21 What else is in the goddamn news? Oh, debate commission inserts mute buttons for the next debate. Gee, I wonder who, who will, that'll hurt most. Huh? Do you believe this? Literally shutting down free speech
Starting point is 00:34:37 when two guys are debating. We've come a long way, haven't we? And you know that Welka bitch, she's going to be sitting on that button every time Trump makes a good point. I swear to God, this could be disastrous for them. It could backfire. The Commission on Presidential Debates has decided to mute microphones to allow each candidate the opportunity for uninterrupted remarks during this week's final forum. Oh, wow. Really? Uninterrupted?
Starting point is 00:35:08 Huh? Do you believe this shit? A mute button, folks. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? The mute button will be featured at the start of each 15-minute segment during opening comments,
Starting point is 00:35:21 according to the commission. After that time, both mics will be turned on without a mute option to enable debate i don't even really understand you understand that jace i read that eight times and it made no sense to me what the fuck does that mean it's going to be there for her to fucking mute somebody throughout the whole thing isn't it it sounds like the two minutes allotted for each person at the beginning of each question is going to be uninterrupted,
Starting point is 00:35:47 so they'll have the other guy muted. Is that what they're saying? Yeah, I think so. It didn't say two minutes. I guess that they mean by opening, I guess. I don't know. But I'll tell you, those mute buttons, we had them at the radio station.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I never, never had to get muted. Never. Jason's laughing, but it's true. Never hit the radio station. I never, never had to get muted. Never. Jason's laughing, but it's true. Never hit the car, pop, no, no. And the first debate held in Cleveland, which Trump claimed he won. I love that language. No, he won. Okay?
Starting point is 00:36:19 When you're, the guy you're debating calls you a clown and says, shut up, man. You're winning. And they said, you know, my brother made a great point. Everybody complains how bombastic Trump is the last four years. My brother said if he was 1% less bombastic, he wouldn't have made it. You have to be that bombastic when you have the whole world throwing shit at you. And I agree a thousand percent. The president interrupted either Biden
Starting point is 00:36:46 or Fox News moderator Chris Wallace 145 times, according to network analysis. Who crunched those numbers? What lesbian? Biden, for his part, interrupted a total of 67 times, according to the same, oh, it's Fox analysis. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Thank you. Trump's reelection campaign earlier Monday voiced concern over the possibility of a debate rule change allowing mic feeds to be cut. Why wouldn't they? It's to give Joe the advantage. We're also hearing the debate commission might try to change the rules once again. This is Trump's team talk.
Starting point is 00:37:30 To try to have one of these rigged workers somewhere in the control truck be able to turn off the president's microphone whenever they want to. Who would doubt that? Hello? Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 00:37:43 Hello? Hello? Hello? You know they're going to try shit like that, which, again, would be a gross violation of what the Republicans agreed to initially. Trump advisor Jason Miller told reporters and there's no doubt, folks, you know, they put this in to shut Trump up. I have never seen anything like it. I have never seen anything like it. I have never seen anything like it. It's just mind boggling and people are all right with it.
Starting point is 00:38:15 They say 30 million people have voted already. I don't know if that's a good or bad sign for Trump. It could go either way. My big fear is, and I've been saying this for the last two years, they created so much chaos around Trump. It could go either way. My big fear is, and I've been saying this for the last two years, they created so much chaos around Trump that some people who are even Trump fans are like, I need quiet now. Let's put the zombie in there. But I hope I'm so fucking wrong. But that's what they did. They created a shit storm for, how long have you been in office now?
Starting point is 00:38:43 Four years. every everything's against it's not a conspiracy it's it's palpable you can prove it with a pen and paper like this another story pennsylvania supreme court rules against republicans well of course they do. When's the last time they fucking won one? Hear ye! Hear ye! The court's in session. The court's in session now. Here come the judge.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Here come the judge. Pennsylvania ballots will be, listen to this, counted up to three days after Election Day. Let's just change the rules. The Supreme Court ruled Monday in shooting down a Republican opposition to the
Starting point is 00:39:27 extension. The 4-4 ruling by the court upholds a previous decision by the state Supreme Court of Pennsylvania that will allow ballots in the Keystone State to be counted up to November 6th. Isn't that nice? Huh? See, this benefits the mail-in people. Oh, my God, is the fix in. Oh, my aching stem. Ballots that don't have clear postmarks will also be counted under the ruling. Chief Justice, Chief Justice John. I suck cock. Roberts.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Joined with three liberal members boy what a fucking he turned out to be a a fox in sheep's clothing joined with three liberal members of the court in blocking the GOP's challenge to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's previous rulings what happened to this guy boy he fooled everybody didn'tinions by the justices were not included in the ruling. Of course not. They wouldn't want to let you know that they're under the scam. Let's see who did what. Put it in word. Republicans, he's already going to have enough tough time in Pennsylvania because of dumb suburban housewives. I hope I'm wrong on that one. I hope you care about your neighborhood not being fucking brutalized. Republicans, including President Trump,
Starting point is 00:40:51 back the challenge to Pennsylvania court's ruling, arguing it violates election law, that state election day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November. It's been that way forever, but fuck it. Let's change it. We hate Trump so much. Let's give the Dems every benefit of the doubt. Democrats in the state had sought the extension because members of their party
Starting point is 00:41:15 are requesting mail-in ballots, get this, folks, nearly three to one ratio over GOP voters. Okay? Does that answer it for you? That's faggot stuff. You want to call it by its name?
Starting point is 00:41:27 That's strictly for fags. With the extension, ballots postmarked by the time polls close November 3rd can be counted by 5 p.m. the next day. Oh, although on November 6th, three days later.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Oh, my aching stem. We are up against it, folks. Somebody explain Roberts to me. Remember he went against Obamacare? Oh, really? We wanted him to. You remember he had the final vote and he said it was a tax or whatever the fuck. Look at him. Look at him. He probably sat there going, these guys are so smart. I will act like I'm a conservative. Little does Trump know. And then I'll come out, out of the closet, like Marv Albert. What? Yes. Yes. Hey, Doc, you guys are hockey fans, I'm sure, because you're white and you're like me.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Doc Emrick, you know who he is? Greatest announcer of all time in the NHL. And he's retiring. And my instincts are so good. I watch too much TV. But he was so bad during this playoffs, in my opinion. A guy would get a shot on goal. He couldn't remember the goalie's name.
Starting point is 00:42:53 He goes, a shot taken there, and the puck is clad up there. And that was blocked by Pierre Vujo. Like two minutes later, he'd fucking. But anyways, Doc, what a great guy. Sad to see you go. I'm digressing here. I want to thank my people who contribute to the show, my fans. Vincent Kasten, Singapore.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Holy moly. You know, Singapore, you can get whipped for spitting on the sidewalk. They tan your little bottom of the stick. Todd Garber, Indiana. Michael Maness, Arizona. Jason Rose, Oregon. Mark Fleming, Illinois, Lily Scott, Nueva York, Frank Spina, Massachusetts, Donna Petit, ain't that cute, New York, Alex Neald, Florida, Charlie Wood, Nevada, Robert Daugherty at California. Thank you guys so much
Starting point is 00:43:46 for contributing to the show at As you know, it keeps us alive. Whoa! Stop the goddamn thing. Here's something. I said yesterday that Trump would do good with a black vote. Well, here's a little bit of evidence that might be true. It appears
Starting point is 00:44:04 50 Cent knows who he'd be voting for. Look at him with that turtleneck on. Who told me? Did I tell this story on air about 50 Cent? When I just worked last weekend or two weekends ago in Nashville, the guy opening knows a couple that was driving around the Atlanta suburbs looking for houses. And did I tell this story, Jace? No.
Starting point is 00:44:31 And anyways, so there's a guy out in his front lawn who comes over to they was slowly driving by for like the third time. And he said, can I help you guys? And they said, yeah, we're looking for houses in this neighborhood. And the guy goes, how would you like this one? And the couple goes, that's, we can't afford something that big, you know? And he goes, you want to bet? He goes, I'm the banker who does all the deals, all the, so they worked out a deal, some type of mortgage. So these people ended up buying the house, all right? They're there about a week. Some some guy comes over. They said he was a groundskeeper or something and told them you can't park your car in your driveway. People pay huge money in taxes to live here. They don't want to look at that jalopy or whatever. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:15 So they said, fine. They put the car on the ground. About a week later, they're watching TV. And it was 50 Cent, who they thought was like a groundskeeper. Apparently he was dressed up. Can you imagine? That story used to be nine out of ten times it would be a white guy telling some rapper, put your fucking car in the garage. 50 Cent said, you're going to park your car in the garage. Nobody want to look at that. And they go, that's the guy.
Starting point is 00:45:43 How fucking great an Atlanta story is that? they go that's the guy how fucking great in atlanta story is that i got i hope i get the right rapper i know it ain't tupac and i know it wasn't uh biggie no it was fitty son that's a funny fucking story anyways what about fitty said well he says vote for trump i fucking love it you're right i'm not voting for her and who, he says vote for Trump. I fucking love it. You're right, I'm not voting for her. Then who are you going to vote for? Vote for Pedro Sanchez. Who do you think? The 45-year-old hip-hop mogul, his real name's Curtis James, which I like better, Curtis James Jackson III. Sounds like a wide receiver. Took to Instagram on Monday to offer his support for President Trump after seeing figures related to former VP Joe Biden's proposed tax plan. That'll sober you up. The star shared an image from what appeared
Starting point is 00:46:34 to be a news broadcast displaying the top tax rates by state under the Biden tax plan. Look at California, 62%. New Jersey, 60%. New York State, 58%. New York City, 62%. That's going to help the economy back, isn't it, folks? Do you believe this fucking... Even 50 Cent, who got shot nine times, realizes. I fucking love this. Among the states mentioned was New York, which the broadcast said would not be taxed, like I said, at 58% the state, while the city would be at 62%. Jesus. Who said that? Who the fuck said that? Cuomo.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Who's the slimy little communist shit-twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Cuomo. But anyways, here's his quote 50 cents we got a quote right oh is it the he goes what the fuck vote for trump he says i'm out wrote jackson in the caption fuck new york this is what made me laugh. The Knicks never win anyway. You think that's how Buffett and those big investment guys, is that how they base where they're going to? I don't care. He goes, I don't care. Trump doesn't like black people, which is totally wrong, by the way.
Starting point is 00:48:01 62 percent. He says, are you are you out of your fucking mind? I'm loving it. Give me the money. Give me the money. That's what you call a single issue voter, folks. He all about the cheddar. 62%. Can you fucking imagine?
Starting point is 00:48:24 Even now? Even now? Even now when nobody wants to live there? What is going on? How is Biden even close to winning this election? Are you people as 50 cents out of your fucking mind? Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich beautiful in our make me a sandwich segment tonight 12-step program for whiteness this is a professor in minneapolis
Starting point is 00:48:57 this is this will make you sick okay i'll give you a trigger warning put the bucket next to you this one is just minneapolis minnesota of course the university of minnesota recently hosted a virtual lecture designed to teach white people about their ties to white supremacy and how to counteract their whiteness by using a 12-step program mirrored after alcoholics anonymous what do you think of that no they're ignorant. That's ignorant. They're comparing you to being white. It's like being an alcoholic.
Starting point is 00:49:32 It's flawed on its face right there. Why don't we do one for black people too, you know? Six-step program. I'll get to that in a second. The lecture that featured Christina Combs, she's a, look at her, this Christina Combs, wonder what happened to her. She's a little whore and a little piece of trash. Amen. This is a self-hating white bride. What the fuck? Can you imagine being that brainwash? Combs began the lecture by acknowledging that I am on traditional Dakota land. She also gave a shout out to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and all the other lives stolen from families and communities and our world due to police brutality.
Starting point is 00:50:16 State sanctioned violence is what she said. But it's all lies. You are the dumbest bitch on the planet. Yeah, let's give a shout out to Rashad Brooks. George Floyd. Who are the other people that had criminal records? You want to give a shout out to the police? Miss Combs, the white cops who work in black neighborhoods to keep black people from killing each other.
Starting point is 00:50:43 They risk their white necks every night. You don't want to give them a shout out, you dumb slit. She then asked attendees, what comes to mind when you hear the term white supremacy? And I'll tell you what comes to my mind when I hear the term white supremacy. There you go. Who's more supreme and white than these two? I'm saying that in a positive way. As part of her answer, she displayed a slide titled, listen to the title, The Face of White Supremacy. On the slide were pictures of the Ku Klux Klan members, as well as white nationalists in Charlottesville. She then took those images off and put on a picture of her own face on the screen. That was a mistake.
Starting point is 00:51:29 She shouldn't have put that under white supremacy. You should have put that under the dumb cunt section of your speech. Here are the first six steps if you want to get rid of your whiteness. One, we admitted that we had been socially conditioned by the ideology of white supremacy. That's the first step, okay?
Starting point is 00:51:49 Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. Let me explain something to this dumb slit. This country was founded by white people, actually rich guys for rich people. That's just the history of it. Do you get it? people. That's just the history of it. Do you get it? And as the years have gone on and we made big mistakes, it's evolving like anything else. Can you imagine drinking the Kool-Aid to this extent? Step two, we came to believe that we could embrace our ignorance as an invitation to learn. I don't even know what the fuck that means. Shut your fucking mouth!
Starting point is 00:52:29 Shut the fuck up, you cunt! Oh, take it easy. Step three, we develop support systems to keep us engaged in this work. Oh, help me. What does that mean, Jason? You're smarter than me. What does that mean, Jason? You're smarter than me. What does that mean? So like developed systems.
Starting point is 00:52:53 At AA, they have sponsors and sponsorship. So if you're struggling or if you are tempted, you can call your sponsor and get help. That's true. So I imagine it's similar to that. So if I'm at Target and I'm trying on khakis or polo shirt and I look in the mirror and I go, oh, my God, I look too white. I have to call somebody. Call Keith Robinson. He goes, put that shit down.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Crack up. Oh, my God. She is out of her fucking mind. Is she not? Whiteness. We're not done yet. That was step four. We journeyed boldly inward, exploring and acknowledging ways in which white supremacist teachings have been integrated into our minds and into our spirits. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Step five. We confessed our mistakes and failings to ourselves and others. These are all the things you do with drugs. You apologize to people you hurt and shit. I can apologize for being white. You know how many people, that's everybody I met that wasn't white. Step six, we are entirely ready to deconstruct previous ways of knowing as they have been developed through the lens of white supremacy.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I can't take it. I can't take it no more. Do you know how mental you are? Do you know how mental you are, lady? I don't know. I came up with six steps to counteract your blackness. Number one, stop having babies out of wedlock. Huh? For you young black girls, quit opening your fucking legs for every rapper wannabe or anybody you meet at the gold club after a Lakers game.
Starting point is 00:55:03 You know? And know that they're going to drop the filthy seed in you and you're never going to see them again. They never called out. Step two, quit relying on white taxpayers to give you free shit. How about that? And again, this doesn't go for all black people, just the people that would back her stupid shit and reparations. Step three, quit smoking weed all day while you're watching Maury Povich. These are just little steps. Step four, quit shooting your own people
Starting point is 00:55:31 and cops and white people. Boy, these are very helpful. Step five, turn down your dog shit music in the car when you pull into a parking lot of a fucking gas station. Well, I'm trying to eat my Exxon tuna fish sandwich and I get two pack, blow my ears out. Step six. Oh my God, I have more. Quit glorifying things like Rasheed Brooks, George Floyd, and Jacob Blake. Quit praising people who are criminals. Not saying they all deserve to die, but I'm just saying quit using them as martyrs.
Starting point is 00:56:06 You keep looking up to them. It makes us wonder. Seven, quit crying about racism. And eight, quit resisting arrest. The biggest one. Do you realize Breonna, who she mentioned, Taylor, George Floyd, the ones I mentioned, Jacob, what's his face, Blake, did all be a lie. The ones I mentioned, Jacob, what's his face? Blake. Did all be alive? Eric Garner. Bring up any of them. They, any of them.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Michael Brown. They would all be alive today if they all did what? Listen to the cops and not resist arrest. Sorry to hit you with the truth. The quickest way to get rid of your whiteness, folks, you don't need 12 steps. All you got to do is this. Bang. Step one. Step two.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Step three. Oh, look, a liberal did that. Oh, another liberal, Howard. All in blackface. There you go. This is Governor Northam. There you go. That's me in third grade. That was not popular at the Halloween dance. There you go. That's how you get rid of your fucking whiteness. It takes one move, not six.
Starting point is 00:57:21 That's about it, right? I'd say right about an hour folks I give you an hour of my life every day and you give me an hour of yours and I thank you so much how about thank yous did I already do those I did everything right don't forget
Starting point is 00:57:38 I have two waiting for me if you want me to make a personal video message roasting one of your friends or relatives on my phone you go to, click on my profile, tell me a little bit about the person. I'll make it and send it right to you. It's a terrific way for me to keep myself in weed and cocaine because, you know, I'm a really messed up guy. Anyways, that is it. You guys think it.
Starting point is 00:58:04 I will say it. you are very welcome we will see you back here tomorrow at the same time i'm gonna go home today tonight and watch the world series on my giant 75 inch tv that my wife says is way too big for the room. We'll see you tomorrow, kids. guitar solo I'm out.

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