The Nick DiPaolo Show - Don Squeezes His Lemons | Nick Di Paolo Show #624

Episode Date: November 10, 2021

Don Lemon sexual assault. Hate Hoax. Morgan Vs Schiff. ASU Professor: Grading is white supremacy. Pfizer CEO calls misinformation "criminal"....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television, or from the White House, now more than ever, our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed, and that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show, and that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning, honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much. Let's keep this freedom fight going. 🎵 Oh, yeah. I got the cat scratch fever, baby.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Ow! How are you, folks? Welcome to the big show on a, I don't know, what is it, Wednesday? On a Wednesday. Flying out to Vegas tomorrow night. Hope to see you guys out there at the Plaza Hotel and Casino. Las Vegas. That's old downtown Vegas.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Very, very cool. And, yes, one show Friday, one Saturday. Don't forget, tomorrow on the big show, Pete Navarro, who was the senior trade advisor for Trump and a no-bullshit guy who pinned the COVID thing on China three seconds after it happened,
Starting point is 00:01:54 and I love this guy. He's a serious man, like Vesuvio over in Italy on the other side in The Sopranos. Uncle Gina goes, Heads up, buddy boy, he's a serious man. The fuck does that mean? You know what it means.
Starting point is 00:02:09 My little nephew. Anyways, all right, let's get to it. Ooh, in the N-word segment tonight, on Monday, China's state-run Global Times, that'll be like a paper, boasted how China's coal production output hit its highest level in recent years. That's right, they announced this on day seven of the COP26 summit, a summit that Xi Jinping blew off completely. You see, unlike our phony
Starting point is 00:02:39 politicians, Xi Jinping doesn't waste time pretending to be interested in something he doesn't give two fucks at all about just to be polite. China knows it's addicted to coal, and it's fine with it. They're like the alcoholic skipping his 20th AA meeting in a row and getting shit-faced on every one of those days. He's got a problem, and he doesn't care who knows it. And the summit was supposed to be like an intervention by other countries to help China break its coal habit, but they didn't even have the nerve to talk about it. While Beijing was spewing more carbon-filled black smoke into the skies that connect the whole world, China built, get this, three times as many coal plants in 2020 than all other nations combined. Did you hear that, AOC? Senator
Starting point is 00:03:27 Ed Markey, China gave you and the rest of the world a black soot-covered middle finger. Here's the deal, AOC and Markey, until you can convince China to cut back its daily fix, get this, 11.66 million tons in the first five days of November of coal. Until you can convince them, a country that's been around for almost 5,000 years, the world is going to end in 12 years if they keep misbehaving. Shut your CO2 spewing pie holes about the U.S. cutting back on fossil fuels. Because if we do it and they don't, it doesn't matter. I don't want to hear another word about switching to electric cars that don't have the power of all Madonna's vibrators combined. I don't want to hear we have to convert to wind power, a point President Biden drove home in front of Camilla
Starting point is 00:04:14 Bowles last week. Only honest thing he's ever said. Oh, come on. I don't want to hear about laws that will force people to retrofit their houses with solar panels that El Chapo couldn't afford, or how me turning down my computer screen from 100% to 70% will save 20% of its energy use, especially while China just this month ordered an all-out campaign to produce as much coal as possible to keep its billions of Moe Howard lookalikes, no offense, to keep its billions of Moe Howard look-alikes, no offense, to keep them warm this winter. Quit busting our balls. The United States is one of the few countries who has reduced carbon emissions in the past few years. Go after cities like Beijing, where 15 years ago you'd see more surgical masks on the
Starting point is 00:05:00 subway than a MASH marathon on A&E. Okay. Our Indian, I should say, or India, where there are as many as 305 million cows, you know where I'm going, at any given time, sound like the Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass warming up before the big show. Please get them some peptid AC in those oats. Please, somebody let these people in India, where they find cows sacred, let them try an In-N-Out burger 4x4 and silence those pastors. Or Pakistan, where last year they had to call off Little League Baseball because the fly balls kept getting stuck in the air.
Starting point is 00:05:42 It's so thick. Okay? Until you get those heavy hitters under control, you're just wasting your CO2-filled breath. And that's the N-word for today. Oh, look who's in the news. A big girl. A big black girl.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Donnie Lemon. Don Lemon. He's a lying cocksucker, literally. Look at him there, just as dumb as a bag of shit. Guess what? This isn't even about him lying about whatever. This is his personal life coming into question. And right away, you don't have to worry. He's a gay black man on TV. They really going to do anything to him? He could shoot a baby in the face and be like, ah, come on. He's had it tough.
Starting point is 00:06:31 He's checked off two of the three boxes of victimhood. Don Lemon, sexual assault case. We reported on this months ago. The man who accused CNN host Don Lemon of sexually charged assault says his, I'm drooling, I'm so excited, says his pending lawsuit isn't about money and he can prove he isn't financially motivated because he's turned down multiple settlement offers. It's been over two years since Dustin Heiss, seen here, oh God, he's delicious.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Doesn't, I said this last time. I'll say it again. The movie. Why can I never remember that? Team America. Don't tell me he's not in that. Don't tell me the puppet's not based on this guy. And right away, I'm sorry, the way he looks hurts my case that I believe. I don't know. Anyways, Dustin Heiss filed a bombshell lawsuit against Lemon, who was openly gay. No kidding, huh? I didn't know that. I suck cock and I love it.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. No, come on, Donnie. Anyways, accusing the CNN host of assault and battery at a bar in New York's Long Island during the summer of 2018. The case is expected to end up in court early next year after prolonged legal process. And Heiss still insists he isn't simply looking for a payday echoing comments he made last year although lemon's attorney doesn't agree and oh i'm sure anybody who represents don lemon must be as honest as the day is long if this was about money heist said i would have taken any of the three separate settlement attempts he offered me he Heiss told Fox News Digital on Tuesday. Lemon's attorney, Caroline Polizzi, told Fox News Digital that Lemon simply offered to settle Mr. Heiss's claims for a nuisance value of eight grand.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Is that really the legal name? A nuisance? Guy rubs his fuck, puts his hand on his crotch, rubs his balls and sticks it in your nose? Yeah, that's a bit of a nuisance. Make it sound like there's a mosquito flying around you trying to eat dinner. That's a nuisance, huh? Yeah. CNN did not respond to a request for comment as they never do. Fucking mama Luke's. Heist maintains he's looking for closure and he's not talking about his a-hole. I invented a new joke move. And he's not looking for closure.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Peace of mind. He's looking for peace of mind after what he says is a horrific encounter that included this CNN star. Allegedly, allegedly putting his hand down the front of his own shorts. This is Lemon. Vigorously rubbing his genitals, which I do, and I'm watching football on Saturday. And shoving the same hand into Heiss' mustache, which I do to my wife. And, well, she is Italian and Greek. Listen. Rubbing his fingers in Heiss' mustache area. Is that a euphemism?
Starting point is 00:09:58 Well, asking a vulgar question, and the question was, why the shrimp appetizer so expensive? And the question was, why the shrimp appetizer so expensive? Lemon intentionally pushed his fingers against plaintiff's face under plaintiff's nose, forcing plaintiff's head thrust backwards as defendant repeatedly asked the plaintiff, do you like pussy or dick? That's Don Lemon. I'm starting to like him. Do you like pussy or dick? And of course,
Starting point is 00:10:32 Heiss replied, that's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. He's right on. What a show this is. My eyes are fucked up. While saying this, Mr. Lemon continued to shove his fingers into plaintiffs' face with aggression and hostility. The lawsuit filed August 11th, 2019 in Suffolk County alleged, this horrible ordeal has taken a huge toll on not only me, but my loved ones as well. Here's where you're starting to lose. Really? See, now here's where you, you're a pretty boy, probably didn't make it in modeling or acting, and you want your 15 minutes. Not that I'm defending this piece of shit, gobbler of goo.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I'm more disgusted he works for CNN, I'll be honest with you, than taking it in the ass. I gotta be honest. Nick, why do you say homophobic things like that? Because right now I still can. Someday I won't. Probably a week from today.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I'm just ready to get this behind me, he said. Wink, wink. But our day in court is coming soon, and so is Don. What? Kill a guy? No, buddy. Anyways, I don't know what to believe there. Well, I do believe.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I believe Don Lemon had a few of them. Supposedly this guy is not a fantasy then, so that automatically makes him guilty. They bring up, he had some posts on his Facebook, you know, he's anti-Syrian. Yeah. Yeah. I hope they
Starting point is 00:12:02 find him guilty. But like I said, folks, he's a famous gay black man. Do you understand? Do you understand what he has to do? And by the way, if you sent him to jail, it's only like rewarding him. They love that shit. Nick, what do you mean, bae? You don't know who I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:12:19 CNN anchors. Wolf Blitzer. Please come to Denver. She said no. Boy, why don't you come home to me? Oh, what do we got here? Oh, a hate hoax. Oh, goodness gracious.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Haven't talked about one of these in about, what, eight minutes? That's how little racism there actually is. Black people have to make this shit up. Not just black people. white liberal fucks too. That's how much racism in the United States. They have to make incidents up. And you people still vote Democrat? You still believe all that shit, huh?
Starting point is 00:12:56 Just fucking retarded, mentally ill. Providence College is alleging that racist statements were painted on cars affiliated with their campus. But the video showed that the people caught on video were not exactly white supremacists. No, they looked like the OJ's backup singers. Is it because we're black? Yeah, it is. Providence College has shared surveillance images. I'm sure they. I'm surprised they did that. Oh, he's light-skinned. Might as well be white.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Surveillance images showing a group of vandals that etch the N-word on some students' cars, including one that belongs to a black basketball player. Oh, my. See how they do their research before they do this? They go, who's a high-profile black guy on the campus? Make it more believable. Look at this kid. Guilt. You can't judge a book by its... You can't? Guilty. I don't care if that's his fifth grade pick. Guilty. The racial slur was written in frost. Now, hold on a a second does that mean there was frost on the windshield or is frost a color of paint honestly in frost that means by
Starting point is 00:14:15 noontime the hate crime went away is that what you're fucking telling me I think that's what they mean because this time of year it does get frosty in Providence. In frost. Was it supposed to say in frosting? Like on a cake? Somebody help the anchorman out. The racist law is written in frost on multiple vehicles in the, it says the Glay. That's right, right?
Starting point is 00:14:46 That's a name. It's not the gay student parking lot where all the Priuses are. Glay student parking lot sometime between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. Saturday, campus security officials said, and whoo-hoo. I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all. And I'm black, and I'm black, y'all. Wah, wah, wah, wah. I'm sure Biden will get the FBI on it once they stop looking at white people over 50 for anything. This outrageous and entirely unacceptable. This is the guy talking that works at this.
Starting point is 00:15:21 This is outrageous and entirely unacceptable. And I want you to know that the Office of Public Safety and, what is the Office of Public Safety? Is that sort of like a police station? Isn't it what it should be? And the Providence Police, yeah, they're not on the take. Providence has its own legal system. You know that, right? The Greasy Guineas, my people, took over that city years ago. It's unbelievable. Still to this day, I hear it. They have their own fucking... I love the Italians. They get educated, and then they use it for good.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Safety and the Providence Police Department are investigating this matter aggressively. Oh, yeah, I'm sure. Stop! Thank you. We will do everything we can to find the person or persons responsible and hold them accountable. The Reverend Kenneth R. Sicard, the college president, who looks like a healthy and happy Bill Belichick, wrote in a campus-wide email.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Is he dressed like a friar is a monk? Is that what that is? Or is that just Nike's latest horseshit? While this act appears to be random in nature, at least one of the vehicles that was involved is owned by a student of color. Is he saying all this? Here's where I'm confused.
Starting point is 00:16:43 They have this, don't they? He knows about this. Is he still saying this? Here's where I'm confused. They have this, don't they? He knows about this. Is he still saying this? He says owned by a student, or is he just saying even, you know, doesn't matter that the perpetrators were black, they did it on a student. It does matter. Then it's not a hate crime. It's busting a brother's balls. Sicard said he unequivocally condemned. Really? You didn't have a little part of you that said, I kind of like it. I just love this horseshit, lay it on hyperbole apology. Unequivocally condemned the behavior and offered to support those affected, like half the United States.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Oh, boy, you. Students are also denouncing the cold-hearted hate. The cold-hearted hate. Really? That's this journalist's take? What if it was cold-hearted hate? What if that cold-hearted hate was fake hate? Which it usually is about, what, 88% of the time when somebody hangs a noose on a doorknob
Starting point is 00:17:53 or, you know, swastika. But that's all right, by the way. It's all right for BLM to spray paint all kinds of shit on Columbus's face. That's all right. That's just activism and social justice and why don't you go fuck your sister. The students renounce this cold-hearted behavior. Then they have a party with four girls wake up naked
Starting point is 00:18:27 in the student union bleeding from their acid eyes. And what happened? I don't know. It's Sigma, anyway. Hey, guys. I'm back on the road
Starting point is 00:18:41 this weekend and nobody's happier than my wife. Friday and Saturday I'll be at the Comedy Works at the Plaza Hotel and Casino in downtown Las Vegas. This is where I did my live stream from last year. It's a great old school Vegas showroom, and I'll be doing one show a night, one Friday and one Saturday, which is terrific because terrific because you know it's 59 I
Starting point is 00:19:06 used to have to do three when I get into this the comedy was so big stand up I'd go to the punchline Atlanta there'd be a 7 9 and an 1130 as much as I loved it back I oh my god anyway now you're sitting home. Some guy's watching. This is a coal miner going, shut the fuck up. You're telling jokes. You can get tickets now at and I hope to see you this weekend. Maybe do a few shots and, I don't know, finger pop some of the dances. Who's with me? I mean male dances. You know that.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Well, guess who climbed out from under his rock again? This guy, out of all the politicians in the history of the planet, deserves to be hung up by his Buster Browns, the bulgy-eyed little nerd, pencil-necked geek, lying, fucking psychotic, habitual liar. And only in the state of California would you keep re-electing him, you idiots. This guy is vile. He's as, what's hilarious?
Starting point is 00:20:22 He's as dishonest as he says Trump is. Times 10. And he's evil because he's a fucking senator. Or congressman, or girl scout. You take your pick. But he was on The View, which is, he probably went on there because that's friendly turf. You see, but I think Meghan McCain's leaving the show. So they're trying out new conservative, they called her conservative.
Starting point is 00:20:48 They're trying out somebody who leans right to sit in with a black beanbag chair with dreads. That's whoopee. And Joy Behar, that filthy lying pig. And whoever else goes on there. And so he wanders in there thinking, this ought to be easy. But he wasn't aware of this good-looking broad, what's her name? Asis Mugadudis, what do you mean, Al? I don't know what her name is.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Anyways, she's going to surprise him by actually asking some questions that he probably hasn't heard since the whole Russiagate thing. Let's check out. And he gets all dry mouth like the pussy that he is and starts stumbling and stammering near the end. Oh, God, I'd like to I'd like to open his head like a ripe honeydew. Go ahead. And let's not forget what we learned in that investigation. let's not forget what we learned in that investigation we learned that the trump campaign chairman home and afford was giving
Starting point is 00:21:47 internal polling data campaign polling data to russian intelligence while russian intelligence was helping the trump eyes buzz okay even if that was true not didn't fuck it matter he get fired by the white man afford by trump uh... but even that was the case. What has come out now, you shithead?
Starting point is 00:22:09 She didn't even defend herself as good as she could. You know, what we have breaking this week is that DNC was directly involved. This Danchenko guy, who Hillary paid, paid Christopher Steele, who was getting his info from Danchenko, this fucking Russian, just made the shit up while he was drunk. So everything you said right now is just, it's just stupid. But he has to have something to say. And he's in shock that he's getting grilled on this show. He thought he was, you know, going to get his two-inch penis struck by these pigs. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Let her. This girl's good. I hope to keep her. Go ahead. He was fired halfway through the campaign. Well, he may have been fired. But the effort to get Russian help continued, and even beyond the effort to get Russian help. But you may have spread Russian disinformation yourself for years by promoting this.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I think that's what Republicans and what people who entrusted you as the Intel Committee Chair are so confused about your culpability in all of this. Well, I completely disagree with your premise. It's one thing to say allegations. Really? Well, here's how I say your premise is right. Was freaking, did anybody get convicted after the Russiagate fucking, after the two and a half year investigation by Mueller?
Starting point is 00:23:22 after the two and a half year investigation by Mueller? Other than Paul, did any of Trump's kids, family, whatever, go to jail? So you disagree with the premise that you weren't spreading misinformation? And you went away for about eight months after that. Why is that, dinkweed? Go ahead. Should be investigated, and they were. It's nothing to say that we should have foreseen in advance that some people were lying to Christopher Steele, which is impossible of
Starting point is 00:23:50 course to do. But let's not use that as a smokescreen to somehow shield Donald Trump's culpability for inviting Russia to help him in the election, which they did. It's the exact opposite. Hillary and the DNC invited Russia. It's the exact, there's even people in the Washington Post as a critic, his last name's Hempel or Kemple. He's a high profile critic and he works for the Washington Post. And he said yesterday that the Washington Post and other media outlets left-leaning like there's any other kind Have to retract the story or whatever. They can't just let it This is it saying about his own paper that he works for and this shit heads on they're going. Yeah, but let's not forget
Starting point is 00:24:38 Let's not forget. We saw a guy that looked Russian hanging out with Trump littering so He saw a guy that looked Russian hanging out with Trump, littering. So that's basically what he's saying. Instead of coming on and going, yeah, we were wrong. I should be spanked. Hire her. I don't care what she has to say.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I like her face. Go ahead. Course Ukraine into helping him in the next election, which he did. Oh, really? Ukraine? He's on the phone? Was that the one when they impeached him on the phone call? The perfect phone call? It was the perfect call.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Really? That one that we had an impeachment trial of? And... How do you guys, seriously, look me in the fucking eyes. Why? You're my fans, you don't even vote that way. Bad question. Go ahead. Into inciting an insction, insurrection.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Pause. Pause. Pause. Pause. Pause. Pause. I suck cock. Pause.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Pause. Pause. Pause. Inciting a what? An erection. Which is so Freudian because he probably got an erection thinking he had Trump by the short hairs. See, he's all getting stammering because he's getting grilled now. I can't believe Whoopi didn't jump in or actually Joy Behar did at the end. Anyways, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:26:00 None of that is undercut. None of that serious misconduct is in any way diminished by the fact that people lie to christopher steele no i think just your credibility is well i think the credibility your question credibility your question uh is in doubt all right i have a look at his crazy eyes good for you i love you whoever you are she got her name really i think i got it here somewhere. Let's call her Manalolo. Morgan. It's like Austis Morgan.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Austis, right? Great job. Sure she'll get hired. You want to bet my mother's shoes? They're very nice. I got them for her. L.L. Bean, clamming boots. Anyways, I love it.
Starting point is 00:26:53 What a great job. I guarantee, I guess they're auditioning people, I think. She's good. Say goodnight, honey, because you just did everything they despise. Say goodnight, honey, because you just did everything they despise. And Schiff, you are just an evil, psychotic, congenital fucking liar. I don't like you. I'm going to find out where you live, witch rock.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Then I'll lift it. You'll be laying there, all the other maggots. Just say hi. We haven't talked about racism and about what, one story? Other than the hate hoax. Time for some more because this is America. Arizona State University, by the way, the hottest girls on planet Earth. I did a gig out there, and the gig was near the camp.
Starting point is 00:27:59 I sat in a hotel lobby at the foot of an escalator watching girls go up to a nightclub. Still have nightmares. ASU professor. Honey, that was a joke. I never did that. Arizona State professor, and this is what he says. Grading is white supremacy. You see how? Now you see why Africa was such a shithole and no country has been run successfully by African descent. I don't give a fuck if you
Starting point is 00:28:28 say racist or not. Prove me wrong. What? No. No, no. Detroit is not a nation. What? No, Atlanta is not a nation. No, no, no, no, no. Baltimore? No, no, no. Those are cities. So grading is white supremacy. Do you see? Do you see how our culture blew past everybody else? Do you see why we're the only superpower left until Biden got here? A professor at Arizona State University arguing that traditional grading system is racist
Starting point is 00:29:01 and is calling for an end to white language by encouraging teachers to grade students based on the labor they put into their work. You're still going to get zeros. What do you mean they? Oh, people, lazy people. All colors, whites, I mean everybody, but this applies that we're talking about. They put into their work.
Starting point is 00:29:26 So the labor, how do you prove that? I mean, I did that in fucking eighth grade. I worked on this for four hours. No, I didn't. I was playing football in the backyard for four hours. How do you, what do you film yourself? Oh, look it, I'm working. Anyways, judge them on the labor they put into the work
Starting point is 00:29:47 instead of factors like, you know, stupid stuff. Stuff like that created society as we know it, spelling, grammar. Yeah, we should all, why don't we just turn this country into a fucking Travis Scott concert? Is that what you're looking for? You know, instead of
Starting point is 00:30:05 grading them on spelling and grammar or quality. You don't want quality. I can't even fucking believe I'm reading this. You need to shut the fuck up. I don't. That guy does. Aseo Inu.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Are you sure that's him? I was expecting a guy in a grass skirt and a bone through his nose. Aseo Inouye, are you sure that's him? I was expecting a guy in a grass skirt and a bone through his nose. Aseo Inouye, a professor of rhetoric and composition. Oh, he got his degree in rhetoric and composition. Has given a series of lectures on the topic and most recently delivered one during a virtual event Friday during which he argued that labor-based grading redistributes power in ways that allow for more diverse habits of language to circulate you know let me translate that for you it allows us to glorify ignorance and make it mainstream that's all that fucking means the college fix first reported that.
Starting point is 00:31:07 The other ones, that's a great college. They go on campuses and fucking find all this bullshit. And he's, look at it. What is he? Again, I have no idea. There's something wrong with the black man. No, he ain't black. There's something wrong with his mind.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Absolutely not. It looks like a white fella. I know by his name he's not. Are you sure that's him? Yes. During his lecture titled The Possibilities of Anti-Racist Writing Assessment Ecologies, Inouye said,
Starting point is 00:31:37 white language supremacy in writing classroom is due to the uneven and diverse linguistic legacies that everyone inherits and the racialized white discourse that I use as standard. You know why that is, you dumb fuck? This country was founded by white people, and then Europeans came over. It's a white country, basically. That's like me going over to Africa going, hey, that's racist. It's African-English.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Oh, come on. It's a joke. But seriously, which gives privilege to those students who embody those habits of white land. You know, white kids who grew up in America who had no choice but their skin colors. Oh, you make me sick. Quiet. Quiet like a bitch. In other words, in a way, urge teachers to focus on how much effort students put into their assignment.
Starting point is 00:32:33 That might even be worse. And understanding the lesson rather than traditional spelling, grammar, and punctuation grading norms. Why don't you just say you want to tear down the educational system that the world was envious of? Unreal, folks. I have never in my life seen such an assault on a great country. Just a quick
Starting point is 00:32:57 reminder as we're getting closer to the holidays that now is the time to grab a Nick DiPaolo show t-shirt or hat or mug or maybe a Nick-a-rich or what-up Nick-a-shirt for fans of the show or maybe your lib neighbor. I see these when I do my show, the DiPaolo t-shirt. Get all the stuff at and click on the store button. It'll make a great, get it for your Grammy. It's going to be your last Christmas anyways. Just get her one of those beauties. Is this the final story of the show?
Starting point is 00:33:33 Finally tonight, Pfizer CEO said this, people who spread misinformation on COVID-19 vaccines are criminals and have cost millions of lives. So why don't you arrest yourself right now, you lying, money-grubbing sack of shit? Albert Bourla said that. People who spread misinformation are criminals. Criminals. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:34:01 He doesn't look like a fucking highfalutin stick in the mud, does he? Look at him. He doesn't look like a fucking highfalutin stick in the mud, does he? Speaking with Washington, D.C.-based think tank Atlantic Council, Baller said there's a very small group of people. I want you to pay attention because right at the end, they're going to— it's like cowardice writing. Right at the end, they reveal who. It's like going, fuck you, and running away when the elevator door is shut or whatever. Atlantic Council, Baller said there was a very small group of people
Starting point is 00:34:28 that purposefully circulate misinformation on the shots. No, it's a huge group. It's the CDC. It's the media saying that people who are unvaccinated are a threat to people who are vaccinated, which means the vaccination doesn't work, yet you still want us to get the shot. Again, a child could see through this. Arrest yourself. Turn yourself in. Misinformation on the show.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Misleading those who are already hesitant about getting vaccinated. I don't listen to anybody else but myself. Those people are criminals, he told Atlanta Council CEO Frederick Kemp. They're not bad people. They're criminals because they have literally cost millions of lives. Millions of lives. Fucking liar. Baller's comments come as millions of eligible adults in the United States
Starting point is 00:35:24 who think by themselves and don't let the government lead them around by the head of their dicks have yet to get vaccinated, even though the shots have been available to most Americans most of this year. Public health experts say misinformation is likely playing a large role. According to a survey published Monday by the Kaiser Family Foundation, more than three quarters of the United States adults either believe or aren't sure at least one of eight false statements about COVID or the vaccines with unvaccinated adults. And here it comes, Republicans among those most likely to hold misconceptions. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. You could have phrased that another way. Most adults and Republicans, people who think like adults and think on their own. Unreal. Un-frigging-real. And that's where we're headed.
Starting point is 00:36:26 They're going to try to label unvaccinated people. You're not going to be able to go to a movie. We're doing the China thing where they have a social credit score. If you don't go to the gym three times a week, you can't do this and that. That's where we're headed, but it's not going to work. I'd bring up 2022 midterms, but time for talk is over, or even voting.
Starting point is 00:36:51 What are you saying? I don't know. Sharpen a stick. Poke somebody in the eye with it. That's all I got. All right, that is it, ladies and gentlemen. Again, don't forget,,, to click on the tour to see where I'm going to be and click on the store button.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Don't forget if you'd like me to roast a friend or relative. Go to Cameo, click on my profile. I'll make a video about a minute and a half long roasting. It's a lot of fun. Don't forget tomorrow, the great Peter Navarro, again, senior trade advisor for Trump, will be our guest. That is it. You think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome.
Starting point is 00:37:37 We'll see you back here tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. We'll be right back. guitar solo.

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