The Nick DiPaolo Show - Donald Trump Jr. Returns | Nick DiPaolo Show #406

Episode Date: September 3, 2020

Pelosi apologizes for being "set-up". President Trump vs. Governor Cuomo. Potential Covid vaccine by Nov. 5th. Thank you Todd D. from Irwin, PA for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued sup...port on Patreon! The Donald Stuff: Promo Code: nickdip FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. The election, the big one's coming up real quick on us. It's probably the biggest one in the history of this country. They always say that, but I think we know it's true this time. If you're watching the news lately, well, one of the news channels, the rest of them are lying to your fucking face. That's why you should come here and get your news from me. But people like me are being squashed by YouTube and everybody else not yet but they're on my heels so it's more important now than ever that you go to
Starting point is 00:00:32 and if you can contribute you can do it on a daily basis at you can become a Patreon member which is a monthly subscriber if you do that you get an extra story every day nobody else gets you get to ask me a question. You get access to the archive shows. It really is only one of the few shows on the internet where you can actually hear somebody
Starting point is 00:00:55 talk the way you do amongst your friends. But I don't know how long it's going to last. But in the meantime, we need your support. So, um, subscribe. And, uh, if you're on YouTube, don't forget to click that button and make sure you stay subscribed. All right. It's very important. It's the truth. guitar solo Yeah! Hello! Good day, folks. How are ya? Welcome to the morning show. Today we'll share egg salad recipes and have on Calista Flockhart. La la la la la. Today we'll share egg salad recipes and have on Calista Flockhart. How are you, folks?
Starting point is 00:02:11 Good to be with you. Final day of the week here. Yesterday we mentioned Nick DiPaolo Show. Merchandise is available at We got a couple of fan photos. Check these out. I like one better than the other. We'll see if you can get.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I like this. First of all, I like this guy right here. This guy, look at the tractor behind him. I'm guessing he's not taking this in Seattle, but it looks like he just celebrated burying somebody on his farm. Maybe an ex-wife and having a nice cup of Nick DiPaolo Joe. And then we have... All righty then.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Well, it's about time. This is why I get into comedy. That's Carla. Carla, is that right, Russ? Look at the eyes on her. I don't like she's got the giant ring, wedding ring in the picture. That kind of bummed me out. Carla's husband?
Starting point is 00:03:05 Holy bugamole. That looks like an ad you'd see in a magazine. Nice cup of Nick DiPaolo she's having. In my mind. Dressed up for the picture and everything. Thank you, Carla,
Starting point is 00:03:22 very much. You made Raz's day. He liked it. Why women? What? Where am I, Raz? So those are the photos. Mugs and hats and shirts at Send your photos.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Thanks also to those of you who chat live during the show. We really appreciate those super chats like this one from yesterday. New York Frank, for the love of God, just how low can the Dems go? That is actually a great question. It really is.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Every time you think that they have topped themselves, they are shameless. I don't know. That's a great question frank they are well as low as hell because that's they're they are the fucking devils i mean biden just they wheel him out there like hannibal lecter and he just fucking tries to blame all the violence on trump are you shitting me you think that's gonna fly? And Pelosi going to the hair salon, no mask. They're fucking assholes.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I'll say it again. And every time I talk about this, I think of my comedian friends sitting around the table. Most, a lot of them were like me, but more of them were, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:41 ooh, mix a little too much with that. I couldn't have been more fucking right. Oh, you fucking, you're living in a different world. They really think we're going to, it's a great question, how low they can go. I don't know. You know what we're going to find out, Frank, when the election happens, when Trump wins big and they delay it for about a month and a half,
Starting point is 00:05:02 and all of a sudden Biden's ahead when they start counting up but that's what good question actually just got my blood in a burl as Archie would say huh dates Jonathan's at Gunquit, Maine
Starting point is 00:05:20 October 2nd and 3rd stand up live Huntsville, Alabama Saturday October 10th. I'm working a lot. Zany's in Nashville, Tennessee, October 11th. And then Thursday, November 19th, the improv. Wait a minute, Tommy.
Starting point is 00:05:34 That was fucking Thanksgiving, isn't it? Guys, get me on the road like a... We'll talk about this one. No, I'll do it. The improv in Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina. I said it like my mom. North, I'll do it. The Improv in Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina. I said it like my mom. North. Your father went north. He's looking at horses. A what? My guest today
Starting point is 00:05:55 is a New York Times bestselling author. He was just here a few months ago with a book. He has a new one out, Liberal Privile biden and the democrats defense against the indefensible it's uh donald trump jr thanks for uh doing this don we appreciate it my pleasure nick good to be back with you how do you that book just came out triggered uh and i know i see you on tv every night uh campaigning for your dad or whatever and when do you have time to write well you know i i didn't and I wasn't planning on doing another book at all. What happened was, you know, because of the lockdown, I found myself in mid-March. I couldn't go to work. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't campaign.
Starting point is 00:06:33 I couldn't be on the trail. I was doing a bunch of Zoom calls. And it gave me, you know, quite a bit of time to just do a little bit of research against the guy that we'd ultimately be running against. And what I found was sort of amazing because, you know, the media will dig up anything they can possibly about Donald Trump. And even if it's a lie, they'll run with it as though it's the gospel. But when I looked at Joe Biden, I saw all of these things. I mean, think about it, Nick, a 50 freaking year career in D.C. And it's as though he's like new guy. He's not part of the political class. He's, you know, undefined, undescript Democrat Joe Biden, blue collar Joe who's been in D.C. for 50 years.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I'm like, well, you're neither blue collar. I've had more blue collar jobs than Joe Biden. OK, you know, but they run with it. I just couldn't believe how much just cancelable stuff is out there, things that would destroy a regular candidate. And the media is just pretending as though it doesn't even exist,
Starting point is 00:07:25 as though there's no history, as though it's not relevant to him running for the presidency. And yet, you know, things that are a fraction of that, if it was Donald Trump, it'd be over. They'd be global stories. So I said someone has to take on the mainstream media who have stopped being journalists and started being left wing activists and put pen to paper. So I self-published because I wasn't sure I'd have time to finish. If the lockdown lasted a month, I wouldn't have been able to do it. But I got into the project, finished it up. And, you know, I think it's the kind of thing that everyone has to know going in. The media won't tell you these things. So before you vote on November 3rd,
Starting point is 00:08:02 make sure you at least understand the other side of the story, because you're not getting it. The media is a cheerleader for the left at this point. So they're not going to tell you these stories, these instances, this destruction, these bad policies, the graft from his family, the health issues. You know, they're going to say, no, no, no, he's great. He's moderate Joe from Scranton. It's the biggest lie ever. But they'll sell it to the American people because most people aren't going to do the work like I did. I didn't. That's the biggest lie ever. But they'll sell it to the American people because most people aren't going to do the work like I did. I didn't. That's the difference between you and me. During the lockdown, you write a book. I'm teaching myself to play electric guitar at 58.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Oh, that's cool, too. I wish I could do that. So maybe I should have done that. It would have been a little bit more cathartic. Instead, I'm just sitting there frustrated that these major stories, you know, the trade deals, the son, the brother, the multibillion dollar contracts being given to the Biden family, nothing, no experience, no reason for it to happen other than they have access to Joe Biden. It happened for 30 years. If I was doing those things, I'd be in jail right now. It'd be global news, but they can get away with it and there's nothing to see here. So it's actually a disgrace what's happened to journalism. And someone has to call them out. Luckily, I'm really loud. I'm not afraid
Starting point is 00:09:13 to be canceled. They try to cancel me 15 times a day. They'll probably cancel you for having me on. They'll cancel me for being on with you, you know, for the 16th time for the day. And I just don't give a shit anymore. It's great. It's very cathartic. It's that must really piss you off when they they defend Hunter Biden and at the same time accuse you of just being a rich, spoiled kid who had everything handed to you, which I've read your book and how you grew up and you always worked. And that's got to be doubly angering to you. When they do that. Yeah, it is. And, you know, the reality is this. I get that I'm blessed. I don't pretend that I'm not like it's not like I'm pretending that I didn't benefit a lot from my father. You know, I just didn't do that in a way like Hunter Biden, who did it through his dad's taxpayer funded office. I hear how he's this great public servant. You know, his son, you know, goes through the ranks at MBNA, which happens to be the largest bank in Delaware,
Starting point is 00:10:05 which happens to be the state where daddy is the senator who's signing favorable banking legislation. He gets on the board of Amtrak magically. What is the experience? Dad takes the train every once in a while. You know, then you have the Ukraine, 83 grand a month to sit on a board of a company that he doesn't speak the language of or know anything about the business. that he doesn't speak the language of or know anything about the business. $1.5 billion from the Chinese government. The government, not like a Chinese company, like the Chinese government. That's $30 million a year in fees, a year, annuals, to Hunter Biden for what?
Starting point is 00:10:38 For having no experience as an investor? The Chinese government doesn't do that. I interviewed serious business guys, hedge fund guys that are multi-billionaires, have been doing it for decades. They don't do that. I interviewed like serious business guys for hedge fund guys that are multi-billionaires have been doing it for decades. They go, they don't do that. The Chinese government doesn't look at a guy like Hunter Biden with the cocaine problems, uh, with the, you know, knocking up strippers and running for three months from child support. I assure you, Nick, that if I did that, that would be a big story. If I hid from child support of someone like that, if I was, you know, you talk about the stuff with the brother and the, you know, his brother's widow. And I mean, these are, I don't even want to talk
Starting point is 00:11:08 about them. They're so disgusting. If I was doing those things, it would be the tabloid fodder every day of the year till November 4th. He gets a total pass and someone has to call out the bullshit. Are you telling me you've never ran from a stripper don jr i'm not saying that i'm just saying i never i i'm just saying i've never tried hiding from child support let's just say that you know that that is the worst and and but not to mention the plagiarism by biden himself over the years the the uh the racist remarks in the last few years yeah to look at black people and go if you if you having trouble thinking about whether both be, you're not black,
Starting point is 00:11:48 right. Can you imagine your own man saying that? And the racial jungle comment about the school integration stuff and the busing and the segregationist he's been with. But more importantly, how about the brain surgeries? I mean, Joe Biden's had two brain aneurysms.
Starting point is 00:12:00 They always say Donald Trump, he's, he's about to drop dead. It's not true. That's not what the reports, they leaked something this week. Donald Trump suffered a series of mini strokes. You know, Walter Reed Medical Center, you know, government. It's just not true. But they run with it. But when Joe Biden's degradation, the decline of his mental aptitude and well-being. And you say, OK, wait a minute. The guy's had two explosions in his brain. Now, when he gets up on stage, he forgets where he is. He forgets the states he's in. He confuses
Starting point is 00:12:35 his wife and his sister. He can't read a teleprompter. He's reading the subtext on the teleprompter, thinking it's part of what he's supposed to read. The guy has no idea where he is. But obviously, there's no connection, Nick. It has nothing to do with the fact that he had explosions in his brain requiring surgery. Nothing to see here, folks. I mean, it's a disgrace what they're letting him get away with.
Starting point is 00:12:56 And I don't mean to make light of mental decline. We all know people, we have grandparents, we have elderly people that suffer from these things, but we're not giving them the nuclear freaking codes. Right. We're not giving them the biggest economy in the world, a multi-trillion dollar economy and say, make sure to make this better for our kids and grandkids. You know, the fact that no one's even mentioning it. You think if Donald Trump had multiple brain aneurysms requiring surgery, you don't think that would be news? if Donald Trump had multiple brain aneurysms requiring surgery? You don't think that would be news? Exactly. It's insane. And you know what? They're not going to give them the nuclear codes or put them in charge of the economy. He's going to be the figurehead and the idiots behind him,
Starting point is 00:13:34 the far left idiots. They're going to be in charge of that. That's I think they looked at him. This is how at the level of nobody knows better than you that they work at they looked at uh at um biden making all those gaffes for the last couple years and said this guy's a perfect empty vessel we can we can fill him he'll say camouflage for their radical agendas you know they'll put him on every he's looking at me so nice not that that should be a qualification for president like i don't want someone that's a schmuck that's nice uh you know being president i don't want to give that guy the nuclear codes but he's camouflage to get in kamala Harris, who will be running the ship, to get in AOC, to get in Bernie. And those are policies that are actually on his website. I mean,
Starting point is 00:14:13 he's got four trillion dollar tax hike for middle class Americans. He wants to eliminate Donald Trump's tax cuts, which 82 percent of Americans benefited. So he wants to add four trillion dollars. So you have the privilege, Nick, of paying for free health care for illegals, free lawyers for illegals coming in from the border, free education for illegals. Now, you don't have the privilege, Nick, even though you're a taxpayer and have been paying into the system for decades, you don't have the privilege of getting those benefits for yourself or for your kids.
Starting point is 00:14:43 But you should feel blessed to get to pay for it for illegals and to encourage them to flood the country and to encourage, you know, flooding our schools and already overworked systems and our medical systems. This will destroy the middle class of America. It's going to destroy the lowest income earners who for the first time under Trump's policies have seen wages go up. But that's their plan and they don't care. And they're not going to tell you the truth about it because the Democrats and the media are on the same team. How do we and I've asked this question to everybody. I mean, we have again and I always say this, we have Fox News, we have Levin, Hannity.
Starting point is 00:15:21 How do you how do we expand? And I laughed that they talk about Fox like it's a propaganda arm of the right. Yeah. When you know, it's it's about I'm not I'm not plugging Fox. I have no connection there. But I mean, I see liberals on there. They have both sides on. And, you know, and they they dare compare Fox to MSNBC. They always go, oh, Fox is like MSNBC. they they dare compare Fox to MSNBC. They always go, oh, Fox is like MSNBC. I mean, listen, Sean Hannity, he doesn't pretend I don't think to be, you know, he's an opinion guy. There's going to be. But if you look at like daytime Fox, like it's like 50 percent anti-Trump. I mean, it's much more moderate. It's much more down the middle than MSNBC or CNN. Now, the difference is those people get outraged when you point out their bias, when you point out the flagrant hypocrisy.
Starting point is 00:16:07 I mean, they literally still think or they're they're acting very well, that they're like totally down the middle of the road, despite being 96 percent negative against Trump. It's insane. So, you know, I'm not saying there's not people on the right. It's just it's like ninety five five. Right. You know, guys like me. There's a reason, you know, I've been able to have a conservative bestseller. There's a reason this has been successful, because there's not that many voices on our side. You know, the bench isn't really deep. There's not that many of there's plenty of people that want to hear the message. There's plenty of people that are conservative. There's just not that many conservatives who actually are willing to fight for it.
Starting point is 00:16:43 There's not many conservatives willing to risk being canceled. You know, there's even in the political class, people who are, you know, they're clearly conservatives. They're this. They get to D.C. and they roll over and die because the left is going to write a mean article about them. Well, guess what? They're going to do it anyway. It's not like they like you. Right. The difference between me and them is I'm not willing to sell out to to have them write a three instead of a two out of 10 article on me. I don't care. Let's move forward to today. I was a little nervous the last couple of months with the the whole covid. I think it's a complete hoax. You know, a figure came out a couple of days ago. What is it? Ninety ninety six percent of the people uh there was only six percent
Starting point is 00:17:27 of the people that died actually died from covid that was the only and they're 94 percent at underlying conditions but this is a ploy by them isn't it um listen when i saw that i go wait a second you mean you mean to tell me 96 percent percent of these people you may have died i mean it was like a big number i don't know what the exact I mean, it was like a big number. I don't know what the exact percentage was, but it was like a big number that would have died anyway in the next year. Right. But to shut down the economy, to run on this fear.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Now, coincidentally, they don't talk about that stuff in the past. They have no interest in telling that information. You see it's barely being covered right now because the Democrats feel that that fear is an advantage. If your business, Nick, goes out of business, they don't care because guess what? Now you're dependent on government. Congratulations. You're now a lifetime Democrat voter. So if you're a small family business or the family, I spoke
Starting point is 00:18:13 about it in my RNC speech, you know, many of these small businesses are minority owned. Guess what? They don't care. They don't want you independent. They don't want you getting those benefits. They want you dependent on them. If you're not dependent on them, they don't offer you all that much. You know, it's not like Democrat policies have been great for people, but if people who need it, who don't have another option, who can't take care of themselves. Yeah, that's a Democrat voter. You know, it's Democrat voters. It's Joe Biden voters that are burning down these cities. It's the first time in the world history where you get in more trouble for opening up your business to feed your family than you do
Starting point is 00:18:45 for looting someone else's yeah it's it's so obvious that's their policy at this point yeah i mean if you read your history this isn't no they actually mention it we played some communist manifesto about a pandemic it's how they divide the people it's all been done before if you read it's so transparent now they're not even good good. Let me ask you about the election. Their goal is to have this mail-in, all mail-in ballots. And this COVID thing furthers that agenda, does it not? I don't know how. A hundred percent. You know, they want to be able, you notice how, you know, Republicans never seem to go win the runoff when the magic ballot boxes show up. You know, they say, oh, look, you were down by four thousand ninety nine. Oh, look, five thousand ballots magically showed up099. Oh, look, 5,000 ballots magically
Starting point is 00:19:26 showed up. And every single one of them is a Democrat. Wow. Oh, wow. Look, the Democrats won. I mean, they literally want to send 360 million ballots to every American based on census data that's 10 years old. So people, I mean, I know someone, they did it in some of the states in New York. There's a lieutenant governor whose daughter lived in New York. She got four ballots for a New York election to her apartment. Four. So you get someone who's nefarious. They fill all four of them out.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Democrat, Democrat, send them back in. We have no problem with absentee ballots. States like Florida have done it for decades. One person with an ID is requesting an ID to their license or to their address. It comes there. You fill it out. You send it back. Fine. But then we're going to blanket this leave 350 million ballots, 360 million ballots out there. And let's hope they get turned back in the right way. It's just a disaster.
Starting point is 00:20:15 And you see the Democrats doing that. They're staffing up legal teams. They're not working on a ground game like most Republicans would have. And most Democrats would have in a normal cycle. They're staffing up legal teams to try to win it that way because I don't think they think they can win it any other way. We're talking to Donald Trump Jr. And let me ask you this. Is Biden really going to debate your dad? I mean, he just came out a couple of days ago and gave a speech, like you said, from some basement in Pittsburgh with no, you know, and tried to talk about Corona, butchered it completely. How is he can't he can't go off
Starting point is 00:20:51 the cuff? How was I really, you know, I don't know, though, you know, they'll give him some sort of stimulant. Some intern will write like three one liners. If he gets one of them out, they'll say he won. That's the reality. If he doesn't drop dead on the debate stage, they'll say he won. Whether he gets slaughtered or not. That's what the media will do. But you see that. I mean, he comes out of his burrow every couple of weeks for two seconds, totally botches it, is so exhausted he has to go back into hiding for three or four days before he can even be seen on a Zoom call again. I mean, but no one's questioning his fitness. You know, you saw even his speech that he gave it.
Starting point is 00:21:25 The wife has to come out and sort of you see she's like carrying weight, like trying to get him off the stage. Like this isn't a guy that he's going to wake up at three o'clock in the morning because there's something going on in North Korea. I don't think so. And that should scare all of us. And the media should have the decency of at least asking the question. And the fact that they've refused tells you all you need to know. I disagree with that. He will be up at three in the morning because uh you know prostate problems um he'll be wide awake uh but i'm telling you don if he debates roman i think it's going to be such a horror show the first debate i swear i really put i first of all i still can't believe he's the nominee i've been saying that yeah that it was going to be but he's going to make such an ass of himself
Starting point is 00:22:04 that i really think they're going to say his his his health is not good. They're going to come up with an excuse. They are, they're not going to do the next. Well, they're trying. Nancy Pelosi is trying, trying to say he shouldn't do it. The CNN, Washington Post, the New York Times, you know, three months ago during the Democrat debates, they loved the debates because they thought they were going to get Kamala as their presidential nominee now all of a sudden magically it's joe biden oh hey you know what since uh yesterday uh starting to think that debates are you know they're sort of obsolete we don't really need them anymore let's just forget about it you notice that change it yeah let me ask you this um we had uh pelosi yesterday being the typical because I know your book is about liberal privilege. I thought that was a great. But before I get to that, here's my only question about your debt. With all the unrest going on, I kept saying, when does when is he going to send in the feds? But I again, I don't know the law. I don't know the Constitution. I was told you need the permission of the governors. You know, we believe in states rights as conservatives. We believe in federalism. So the states have certain powers. So he's offered
Starting point is 00:23:09 those things to the governors. They've refused to write. They refused it in most cases. So he's like, I'm there to back you up. But, you know, for the media calls him a dictator. But he wasn't overruling that. He's letting them make the decision. And these governors, whether it's, you know, the Cuomo's of the world and what's going on in New York City is a disgrace or Portland or so many of the other cities or Kenosha. They would rather, I guess, let their cities burn down. You get in more trouble for opening your business than you. No one once talked about the rioting, the looting, the vandalism until Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon on CNN said, man, this is starting to hurt us in the poll numbers. We better address it.
Starting point is 00:23:51 About 15 minutes later, you know, Joe Biden puts out, you know, it's sort of a weak press release, but nonetheless, we must stop this. I go, where were you? I mean, it's sort of like, Joe, you know, something can happen. He emerges from the basement 90 days later.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Like, where have you been for the last three months, Joe? What's going on? What was scary about that speech he gave a couple of nights ago and wherever he was, Pittsburgh, whatever closet he was in. He he kind of he said, you think if Donald Trump gets reelected, that this violence is which was like a veiled threat, I think. And it makes it sound like a threat to me and no one calls him on it. But he also told the people of Pennsylvania, like, I'm not against fracking when it's literally on his Web site. You know, so he gets to say whatever he wants to whoever he is in front of. And the media, you know, notice there's no fact checking. There's no taking down by the social media masters of those videos that are flagrant lies that are against what he said in the
Starting point is 00:24:45 CNN debates, against what he said in the town halls, against what's on his own website. But because that's an issue that would hurt him in Pennsylvania, he gets to lie to those people and no one says anything about it. I yeah, it's nerve wracking. Does that concern you, though? I'm actually concerned for your dad's safety if he gets reelected, are you concerned? I mean, that they're going to I don't see this. I'm a pessimist. Well, I don't see this violence going away. People who are committing violence are Democrat voters. The people who are doing these kind of things are just, you know, my ex-wife got an exploding white powder envelope to our home. Right. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:25:26 That's going from, you know, people left. That was someone who worked on Elizabeth Warren's campaign. Right. You know, for the party of tolerance and unity, they're neither unified, nor are they tolerant. I mean, try wearing a MAGA hat in Portland. Now, you could wear a Joe Biden hat in the most conservative city in the world, in the country, and no one would say anything. They'd let you be. Because we believe in freedom of expression. We believe you have a choice. We believe in hearing the other side. They don't. If you come out even a little bit against them, they'll cancel
Starting point is 00:25:52 you. They'll destroy you. They'll hit you over the head with a brick. It's just a very different thing. So, you know, we can't let them win. We can't let them get away with it. Or that's the future of America. Yeah, there will be no more America. And that's not an exaggeration. No, I believe that. It is frightening. They say it every election, but there has never been a more consequential election than this one coming up. And I don't know. I'm just – I was nervous a few months ago, but after seeing all this social unrest in these cities,
Starting point is 00:26:24 the people on the fence and in the middle had to be going, look, now this is too much. I got to believe your dad benefited from some of this. Well, listen, I don't want to benefit from it. But I mean, I think people do see that he is for law and order. I think people who may say, you know what, maybe he's a little aggressive. Now, I'd be aggressive, too, if they called me an agent of Russia for three years, if they tried putting my family in jail like they did with me. You know, maybe you wouldn't have the nice, happy demeanor when they're constantly attacking you, despite a record of incredible accomplishment. You know, so, you know, I can understand, you know, them maybe not loving that.
Starting point is 00:26:59 But the reality is he's getting it done for the American people. Herschel Walker sort of said it best at the RNC last week. He's getting it done for the American people. Herschel Walker sort of said it best at the RNC last week. He was like, listen, when I played football, you know, I put my shoulder down and I ran through the people to get what I needed to do, get done. They didn't love it, but I'm just doing my job.
Starting point is 00:27:14 And that's what my father's doing. So you might not love the personality, but he's the guy to get it done. Notice when they said, okay, fine, we need the reinforcements. Within a day, the Wisconsin stuff was over. Yeah. It was over. Now they burned down the city because they waited for a week to actually was over. Yeah, it was over. Now they burned down the city because they waited for a week to actually address it. They allowed it to happen. But when Trump got involved, he did what he needed to do, got it done. You know, hopefully those
Starting point is 00:27:34 cities can rebuild. And I think, again, I'd like to believe that the mainstream media can see through the bias. They can see through the filter that they're getting their news from. Not everyone's going to see it, which means we have to play a better game. We have to be more efficient. We have to try harder. We have to work harder. You know, but again, it's why I wrote the book, because it's so flagrant to me that they can just get away with this and pretend it's again, like the gospel. It's this definitely is the case. It's like, how do you not talk about these things? How do you not address them? If if Donald Trump or Donald Trump Jr. did any of these things, it would be disqualifying. But Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, you know, no problem here.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Nothing to see with Biden, Inc. It's nuts. Final question. I'll let you go. I know you're busy. What did you what did you how would your father react to Cuomo's? I know he must be like a mosquito now to your father. But him coming out and saying that your dad better not come to New York. You know, you have bodyguards that even made me shake my head. Well, what's he doing? You know, Cuomo's trying to do his tough guy thing, I guess, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:32 But it's interesting. You look at Cuomo, you look at what he did. You look at the executive order that literally put sick people back into nursing homes, the most susceptible population in the country. He's sending them back there. Ten thousand people dead alone from Andrew Cuomo's executive order. Now, magically, they can't find the records of those cases. They said they would release them on November 5th because magically after the election, they'll find them. But Andrew Cuomo has been hailed as this hero. He can sort of perpetuate violence because the left is violent. They will say those kind of things. He will not be held accountable for it. But more importantly, he can be number 50 out of 50.
Starting point is 00:29:08 More people have died in New York than any other state by by multiples. More people died because of Andrew Cuomo's executive order with the nursing homes than have died in the entire state of Florida with a larger population and an elderly, more susceptible population. Yet the media says because he'll say bad stuff about Trump, the media, Andrew Cuomo's done such a wonderful job. Ron DeSantis in Florida has done a terrible job. I go, Cuomo's got five times the count on him because he would much rather play arts and crafts with de Blasio than actually deal with the issue. Much rather, you know, talk negative about Trump than deal with the murder rates skyrocketing because they're perpetuating and encouraging lawlessness. Remember, you can't open up your shop, but you can riot in the streets. You can't go to church, but you can set cars on fire.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Your kids can't go to school. But if you if you protest and not socially distance, that's 100 percent fine because the virus knows the difference between whether you're at church and if you're marching for some sort of social justice. This is bullshit. Yeah, this is bullshit. But they get away with it. Well, so, you know, I guess I'm one of those voices that's not afraid to call them out and I'll continue to do so. Well, those all the things you just mentioned that they get to get away with is a liberal privilege, which is the name of the book. It's on New York Times bestseller. Joe Biden, the Democrats, a defense of the indefensible. Don, we thank you for taking time again. You're very good to us. And thanks, Nick. I appreciate it, man. You guys be well. I'll talk to you soon. Yeah. Keep your chin up. Thanks. Always. All right. What's going on in the world today? Nancy Pelosi. We got a follow-up from yesterday.
Starting point is 00:30:51 This vile twat. This vile twat. This fucking twat. She's 80 years old. This is the funny part. We reported yesterday, right? Her hairdresser, the woman that owned the salon, whose business has been shut, and this bitch and her entitled Karen self makes an appointment to get her hair blown out and all other shit. Breaks 19 rules that she's telling the rest of us to follow. Anyways, that made national news two days ago. So yesterday she came out and she was the victim. She was set up. She was set up like a Gambino member. She was set up.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Do you believe the gall on? First of all, let's show the clip from yesterday, Rez. I think you pulled it up of her. La, la, la, la, la, la. Here I come you pulled it up of her. La la la la la la. Here I come with my shaggy tits. Look at my hair. I'm 80 years old and it's black. Yet my bush looks like tinders from a campfire.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Fucking hooah. Look at her. No mask. Getting her hair done. So anyways, the lady that owned that, no mask, getting her hair done. So anyways, the lady that owned that salon called her out for her hypocrisy, and then Pelosi has like a press conference. The world is burning, her country is burning, and this is what she finds important. She really has her pulse on what's going on
Starting point is 00:32:21 in society today in this country, doesn't she? How do you people in San Francisco, I don't even know how you, here's her telling us what a victim she is. I take responsibility for trusting the word of a neighborhood salon that I've been to over the years many times, and that when they said what we're able to accommodate people one person at a time and that we can set up that time, I trusted that. As it turns out, it was a setup. So I take responsibility for falling for a setup.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Pause. Fucking. You fucking hypocrite. Oh, boy, you. In other words, she takes blame for nothing it was a setup doesn't even have the balls to say that makes it sound like she's apologizing i was responsible for being set up what a horrible she must have been the most spoiled bitch when she was raised. You talk about the definition of entitled. Look at her with this fucking $3,000 Ernie scarf and shit.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Nick, how do you know that? Are you a fag? No, I just said, taking a guess. Can you imagine? She has all these people and their businesses closed, her city's covered in human feces. I was set up by my hairdresser. Cities are burning, rioting, looting. They lied to me. So passive aggressive. It's a
Starting point is 00:33:53 place that I've gone over the years. In other words, they fucked me over. I can't believe it. You fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. Fucking whore. Fuck you. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. Disgusting.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Almost as disgusting as that lady's legs on the left. Why is she wearing that? Because Oprah said, you go, girl. Yeah, you go to the fucking gym. Do some more squats. You'll be playing for the Cowboys next year. All of them with their stupid masks on. That mask thing is a hoax.
Starting point is 00:34:28 COVID's a hoax. I read you the statistic yesterday. 9,600 people have died out of the 180,000 because of COVID alone. And you people are still strapping on your little masks. Again, if you're old, I understand that, or you have diabetes, because you're the only ones dying. But you just keep listening to the television and all the horse shit they've been lying to you about for a thousand years.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Why is this shirt riding up my back like a goddamn dirt bike? I hate you, Pelosi. I hope you find a lump the size of a grapefruit in your fucking Adam's apple. Nick, that's horrible. I know. It's the internet. It's great. We get to say this shit for another few years and, you know, then they shut everybody down and we turn into Russia circa 1911 or China
Starting point is 00:35:17 2020. Oh, another liberal. Let's stay on the entitled liberal and jerk off. You guys know who Ted Wheeler is? Huh? Yeah. Mayor of Portland, Oregon. Far left radical who told the cops to stand down when they were burning down the city and shit. Remember? Wouldn't didn't want Trump to send troops and shit. But then the shit got near his house.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And oh, he changed his fucking tone another one you fucking hypocrite yeah um i think we have video yeah there was uh the rioters got too close to his condominium wherever his fucking let's take a look what this choo-choo had to say portland's mayor has now reportedly told his neighbors that he is moving out of his own home because of the damage and fear that riots and protests have brought to his neighborhood. This comes
Starting point is 00:36:13 after a riot on Monday night in which police say demonstrators set fires outside the mayor's condominium tower and inside an occupied building, also burglarizing a business to use furniture for fuel. Stealing furniture from businesses to use for fuel for the fire. Well, the Portland mayor looks on.
Starting point is 00:36:36 This is what he let go. This is all on his hands. Didn't want Trump to send in people to help him out. Now he's moving. You know, it's getting a little smoky in my kitchen. I don't like it. These guys are yelling at me and shit. Fucking muddle his fuck head.
Starting point is 00:36:55 People were arrested in an unlawful assembly outside of the mayor's condominium building that has 114 units. Portland's mayor writes in an email to his neighbors that it would be best for himself and everyone's safety and peace that he finds a new home, writing in part, I want to express my sincere apologies for the damage to our home and the fear that you are experiencing due to my position. It is unfair to all of you who have no role in politics or in my administration. Pause.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Due to my position. No, duty of policies. Not just because you're the mayor because of your policies i'm smarter than these fucking people are and i'm a nitwit i'm smarter than this shithead they don't even know how to lie right oh he hears lie he thinks you're gonna fall for that because i'm mayor, I don't want to draw attention. You guys don't do... No, because of the policies you've enacted or lack of as the mayor. That's what you should be apologizing for. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:37:55 You're goddamn right. So you know what? Leave. All right, get out! Yeah! Yeah! Ow! Oh, fucking an idiot!
Starting point is 00:38:08 See ya, Teddy. Ya bitch ya. Mmm, your tears are so yummy and sweet. Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness. Mmm, yummy. Yummy, you guys. Teddy Wheeler is such a puss like all the other liberal cocksuckers.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Wah, wah, wah. Boy, I hope Don Jr. is not watching this part of the show. Well, he can't. We're pre-recording. Right here on our show, great friend of mine from the San Francisco area, Nancy Pelosi's hairdresser, says she's a wild twat getting her hair colored at 80, trying to hide those varicose veins in her legs and her tits.
Starting point is 00:38:55 A big warm welcome for this wild twat. Let's go on to another liberal governor, Let's go on to another liberal governor, a certain governor, whose brother can be seen lifting weights every night, Monday through Friday, on Tucker Carlson's show. Every time Tucker talks about Chris Cuomo, he shows clips of him in the gym and shit. It's just like, you know, it's like, look at this journalist. Look at this musclehead Italian jock pretending he's a journalist. That's the spirit that Tucker shows in it.
Starting point is 00:39:29 It makes me laugh every time. He's sitting at his desk doing curls. I'm like, he's a big fuck, by the way. Oh, God. Andrew Cuomo slams Trump as a maniacal, calls him a joke for threatening to pull federal funds from New York City. Do you believe that? You need to shut the fuck up. Glasses, please.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Oh, my God. You know what I was doing until quarter of four this morning? I've been doing this last two nights. I bring my phone to bed and I start reading about horrible rapes and murders. Fascinating. And then they have a list of the most gruesome ways people have died.
Starting point is 00:40:21 One through 25. Took me about an hour and a half. I read it all. Unbelievable. What is wrong with me? Fascinating, though. A whole family fell into like they're on a fucking on a ride at some carnival. And they fell into the parents fell into the fucking wheels of the machine,
Starting point is 00:40:42 grinded like meat in front of their kids. I got so hungry, I went downstairs and made a BLT. So anyways, a few-man Governor Cuomo painted Trump as a maniacal tabloid cartoon who better watch his back. Who the fuck are you if he returns
Starting point is 00:41:00 to the Big Apple after the Commander-in-Chief threatened to cut off federal funds to his hometown over rising crime. Do you hear that? I love what Trump said. The governor unleashed a lengthy tirade against Trump Wednesday, as he always does, accusing the president of having a grudge against the city because New York knows him for the joke he is. How dare you? This is a guy who has the blood, who has the blood thinner of fucking, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:30 11,000 old people who died in nursing homes on his hands. We're talking about the worst president for New York City in history, Cuomo said during an evening call with reporters. Those who know him best like him least. Really? I think his family knows him best, and they seem to love
Starting point is 00:41:46 him. I don't even know the guy and I love him. What do you think of that, Cuomo? I hate to go against the Italian thing, but that's what he says. Those who know him best, like him least. That's true of New York City. That's true of his own family, he said, which is just a fucking out and out problem. You're the fucking problem.
Starting point is 00:42:04 You fucking Dr. White on Dr. White, onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time. Not this time. Cuomo went on to say Trump's recent change of address to Florida was due to his no longer being
Starting point is 00:42:20 welcome in his old Manhattan neighborhood. Forget bodyguards. He better have an army if he walks down the streets in New York City. He couldn't set foot in New York City, he added. Cuomo, who also sarcastically said he hopes the president doesn't contract coronavirus in the Sunshine State, later walked back his vaguely threatening comments saying that he simply meant that Trump is a persona non grata in the city. That's what he meant.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Oh, backpedal. Get backpedaling. That's what I meant by the bodyguard remark, he said. The scathing call came after Trump signed a memo ordering federal agencies to send reports to the White House Budget Office detailing funds allotted to cities, specifically mentioning New York City, Seattle, Portland, and Washington, D.C. Trump said, My administration will not allow federal tax dollars
Starting point is 00:43:16 to fund the cities, allow themselves to deteriorate into lawlessness. The memo reads, It is imperative that federal government review the use of federal funds by jurisdictions that permit anarchy, violence, and destruction in American cities. The memo specifically mentions the recent rise in shootings throughout the United States in all the cities run by libs and calls out other cities that have experienced prolonged protests against police brutality and racism, which is a lie.
Starting point is 00:43:47 That's not what this is about. It was for about 11 minutes after George Floyd died. So let's not keep telling that lie, media. I can't find an article in the morning when I'm trying to do research and just get a neutral article. I can't. Even the one I'm going to read about Trump doing good in the suburbs now. It's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:44:08 It's so they reluctantly write it. It's fucking. I've never seen anything like it. Trump also directs federal agencies to consider whether cities cut funding for police or restricted local law enforcement from attempting to restore order. According to the document, New York City's recently passed budget redirected one billion in funding away from the police. Boy, how's that going to work out? Those cuts haven't even hit yet. And murders are through the roof.
Starting point is 00:44:39 You guys are just, you're fucking retarded. Evidence, empirical evidence, goes against everything you libs believe in. Everything. The Department of Justice is tasked with developing a list of anarchist jurisdictions in two weeks, and federal agencies are expected to review funds provided to those cities and restrict their eligibility
Starting point is 00:45:04 for federal funds where permissible, the memo reads. But what's going to happen, though? I mean, you cut funds and shit, right? And the city's already, they're already experienced violence and rioting and stuff. I don't, maybe he'll cut from other,
Starting point is 00:45:21 you got to give the place there, if there's any left. Cuomo budget director, mojica said the city could stand to lose a whopping seven billion in education child care medicaid funds calling the figure a significant portion of the city's overall budget. And they think that they need that money. You're entitled to shit. Oh, say that again, Tony. You're entitled to shit.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Exactly. I say I'm entitled. You're entitled to shit. Tony. I'm entitled to have you're entitled to shit Tony don't make this ugly these guys live for it and he goes and I don't
Starting point is 00:46:13 my favorite character of all time Cuomo calling Trump a tabloid cartoon said he doesn't believe anything will come of the memo brushing it off is nothing more than political statement and campaign tactic keep underestimating Cuomo calling Trump a tabloid cartoon said he doesn't believe anything will come of the memo. Brushing it off is nothing more than political statement and campaign tactic. Keep underestimating Cuomo. He thinks he's a king. Do you understand what this is? This is Cuomo being bitter.
Starting point is 00:46:34 He can't believe that Trump from the same city became president. He hasn't yet. That's all this is about. He thinks he's a king.'s not the governor said there's a constitution and law not that he knows anything about that this this coming from the guy who shut down all businesses and restaurants and you know he's not going to do anything because there are laws i don't believe anything will come of this it's just a political statement well boy you've been talking about it for a whole two pages but something you don't believe anything will come of this. It's just a political statement. Well, boy, you've been talking about it for a whole two pages, but something you don't believe is going to happen.
Starting point is 00:47:09 He's got your panties in a bunch, governor. It's cheap. It's political. It's gratuitous, he added. Well, well, well, you ain't going to get the cash. Where your brother going to get the weight? Where your brother gonna get the weight? He's sitting there. He's got like a fucking 80-pound thing. He's doing triceps while he's at his death. Strong kid.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Big guy. I'm smart. Not like everybody says, dumb. I'm smart. And I want smart. Not like everybody says, dumb. I'm smart. And I want respect. That's the way Pop wanted it. Not the way I wanted it. You're my kid brother, Mike.
Starting point is 00:47:58 You ever think of that? You ever think of that once? I want respect. Do you know that guy was in five movies and they all won best picture? John Casale, something like that. He was dying of cancer, by the way, in the last couple, when they did Deer Hunter.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Well, well, well. What other scams are going on in the country oh this was weird a res sent me this this morning it was an eye-opener cdc letter urges governors to prepare for covid19 vaccine distribution well well well uh let's take a look of course fauci's in here involved so but let's take a look at this uh story because this opened my eyes a bit go ahead run the clip dr jesse goodman is the former chief scientist at the fda he oversaw several vaccine approval and distribution efforts goodman is concerned that the new letter from the CDC did not come sooner.
Starting point is 00:49:06 We have safety, effectiveness, quality, good logistics and distribution system, a safety monitoring system, and we don't screw up the trust. A safe and effective vaccine can save lives. But that's a tall order to come up with in the remaining time before then. Dr. Goodman worries that political pressure on the FDA could lead the public to doubt its safety and effectiveness. But both FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn and Dr. Anthony Fauci said no vaccine would be approved or granted emergency authorization without sound data and science behind it. I would not be comfortable. Yeah, let's pause. That's him. That's him.
Starting point is 00:49:53 That's what he's going to look like when he dies. Why are we still listening to him? Raz has been more right about COVID than this guy. And myself. And my sidekick, Timmy. It's going to look weird if they come up with a vaccine. They said November 2nd, it might become that. Obviously, even I was like, oh, that's going to look very political.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Who gives a shit? You know, you know why they're doing it? Because the Dems are using this COVID thing to keep people away from the ballot box. So people mail it in and they have more room to fuck with it. Simple as that. And this guy's part of it. I was on it to him before anybody else. Remember? After about the third clip, I go, this guy's like a New York Democrat.
Starting point is 00:50:37 This guy owns stock and shit. And him and Bill Gates are in cahoots. You ever read about it? I'd do it on the show, but it's too deep. I got a story about a girl cupping a tiger's balls. I'm not going to cut into that for this shit. Go ahead. Let idiot talk some more.
Starting point is 00:50:53 With a vaccine, unless it was shown in a clinical trial, clearly to be safe and effective. No kidding. Is that it? Smart guy, but you're gonna find out take a look at his stock options and shit here's what's making the dems nervous a little bit and this is from yahoo news i don't know how it keeps popping up on my phone. You see how they propaganda, they drive it down your throat. I can't get it on my. But even may Yahoo News, which is total left wing horseshit. Even they had to admit to this news slash you.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Gov poll suggests that over the last month, a period that encompassed both parties conventions, the shooting of Jacob Blake, the killing of two Kenosha protesters by an armed Trump supporter who was defending himself, and the killing of a right wing, oh, a right wing counter-protester. You see how they refer to the dead guy? A right wing. And the two guys
Starting point is 00:51:59 that Rittenhouse killed were fucking anarchists. Put that in your article, you motherless fucks. Nick, calm down. It's a coffee. Can I get a cup of Sanka up on this motherfucker? You see the disrespect, though? By an armed Trump supporter in the killing of a right-wing counterprotector.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Where am I? Concern about crime has climbed and patience with protesters has waned among the key block of swing voters. Trump has been trying to target with the talk of agitators and anarchists. And that's in quotes. They have those two words in quotes. Why is that, Yahoo? What would you call people who fucking threaten you, burn shit down, actually shoot at people? That's not agitators?
Starting point is 00:52:56 Because when somebody on the right does it, he's a militia man. I hope you people are picking up on this. I don't know where you should go for your news anymore. At the same time, Trump's numbers have improved in the suburbs and Joe Biden's have slipped. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Joe, go back to the fucking bingo.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Have a sandwich. So as previously reported, the poll taken at the end of July showed Biden with a lead of a little less than nine percentage points. In the new survey, those same registered voters gave Biden an edge of just over six points, 47 to 41. His smallest margin in nearly two months. Not a good sign for dummy. Bye bye, dickhead. Nationwide, Trump's gains were modest roughly see how reluctant they are roughly one percent of registered voters switched from biden
Starting point is 00:53:52 and trump while a smaller number who previously said they would uh not vote changed their minds and said they would vote for trump here comes the juicy part the yahoo news slash you gov survey is just one poll see they're gonna who wrote this biden its margin of error is about four percent still the trend lines among suburban americans from late july to late august tell a fairly consistent story and suggest at least some risk yes they gotta qualify some risk for for Biden in the parts of the country poised to swing the 2020 election one way or the other. You better be sweating your balls off, Dem. Danger, Will Robinson.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Danger, no Will Robinson. For instance, between July and August, the same suburban Americans interviewed twice by Yahoo News and YouGov came to see Biden in a less favorable light. In the earlier poll, 46% of them said they had a favorable opinion of the former vice president. 49% said their opinion was unfavorable. One month later, Biden's favorability among the same suburban Americans had fallen to 42%. His unfavorability had risen to 53%. In other words, Biden's suburban numbers are now nearly as bad
Starting point is 00:55:12 as Trump's, which did not change between July and August. You're a loser! You'll always be a loser! What did change, however, were the head-to-head numbers between Trump. Did I just read that? Likewise, in July, 39% of these suburbanites predicted that Biden would win the election compared with just 34% for Trump. In August, they reversed course.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Okay? They bury this in, you know, paragraph 11. With 46% picking Trump as the likely winner and only 41% choosing Biden. It's perilous to attribute this shift to any one cause. Oh, is it really? Particularly when you're talking about a sample size of just 386 respondents. You see how they have to qualify everything because they just said something that they can't put a spin on trump numbers a nine point swing but they have to go you know it'd be crazy to put all your eggs in that basket but again they're changing response to questions about race crime and protests
Starting point is 00:56:17 suggest a pattern uh a few data points here you go in july July, are you listening to Joe Biden and are you lefties? The Black Lives Matter movement received a 46% favorable to 45% unfavorable rating from suburban Americans. Hey, suburbs, wake the fuck up. You actually had a favorable view. This is how ignorant we are as a nation. You had a favorable view, more than unfavorable, for a Marxist organization that's going to come to your neighborhood eventually and terrorize you. How'd it go, America? Ay-yi-yi.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Right after the... So July, Black Lives Matter received 46 favorable, 45% unfavorable rating for suburban America. Right after the Republican convention July, Black Lives Matter received 46 favorable, 45% unfavorable rating for suburban America. Right after the Republican convention, that rating flipped 44% favorable to 50% unfavorable. Well, it's about time you caught on. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. That's bad news for Joe.
Starting point is 00:57:24 They hit him with five shots and he's still alive. Well, that's bad news for me and bad news for you if you don't make that deal, Tom. Hey, folks, I want to thank our sponsor. These guys have been great to us. for their continued support. If you got something from their site already, you know it's good stuff. For those who haven't, take a minute and grab yourself one of these coffee mugs. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:57:50 This guy never stops working, does he? Go to Check out all their gear. And when you use the promo code Nick, you get 10% off everything on the website, not just these three mugs. That's We thank them for sponsoring our show as usual. I want to thank also contributors to the show financially.
Starting point is 00:58:18 You guys keep us on the air or whatever you call the internet. You keep us recording shit and putting out there five o'clock. One-time contribution since yesterday. Paul Sagnella, who's in here every day. And a lot of other people. Kevin Higgins, Tennessee. Anthony Wienieski, Ohio. John Rusay, New York.
Starting point is 00:58:40 The South Park Kids, Arizona. James Stevens, North Carolina. Jason Talby, Oregon. Kevin kids, Arizona, James Stevens, North Carolina, Jason Talby, Oregon, Kevin McCaffrey, Pennsylvania, Attorney General Elton John, Pennsylvania, Tim Raleigh, Iowa, uh, help me with this one, Raz, El Leftario, Texas, Tennessee, I don't know what that means. This is a joke. Terry McPaul in Illinois. Daniel Stark, California.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Raz's Underground Railroad Fund. California. That was fucking funny. Raz, you're starting to become big on the show. My first impression was Tennessee Tuxedo When I was fourth grade Gee Tennessee What has a horn and gives milk? I don't know, what has a horn and gives milk?
Starting point is 00:59:34 Milk truck Something like that, fuck the joke up New monthly supporters Mary Messonetti Cheek Bustin'. That's a good one. Drew P. Anal Fissure. Jesse Samudio.
Starting point is 00:59:54 And Michael Buffa. How about Buffa's brother that does the UFC? How fucking nuts is that guy? It is time! Fighting! Out of the blue corner! how fucking nuts is that guy? It is time! Fighting! Out of the blue corner! She's from Taiwan. She hasn't eaten in three months.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Here we go. Let's lighten it up, huh? I don't do much funny stories lately, but, well, you know, the Civil War go on. I have a tendency to go to that shit. But this one tickled my uh testicular cancer what what do you say image of woman holding drugged tiger's testicles at tai zu prompts a backlash makes me horny my balls are that big i'm not fucking kidding you i'm 58 they just keep growing and growing it's fucking unbelievable i'm gonna be on the cover of one of those national geographic specials about a guy with an elephant ball images of women fondling a tiger's uh testicles at a zoo
Starting point is 01:01:01 in chiang mai th, have sparked social media backlash every time somebody touches an animal, the fucking, and reaffirmed concerns among animal welfare groups about the mistreatment of big cats in captivity. See that pic? Put that picture up again, man. Leave it up there.
Starting point is 01:01:18 It's the whole fucking story. Mm. Delicious. Thank you. The Taurus who Vice News has chosen not to name, we'll call her Ballsucker. Betty Ballsucker was widely criticized after posting a photo of herself clutching the cat's testicles at Tiger Kingdom in May Rim last week. Pray, this is what it said under her picture. This is what got me.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Pray in your heart and squeeze hard, then you'll be free from suffering. What the fuck does that even mean? Hmm. That's how I wake up every morning. Time to get up, big bag. Hmm. That's how I wake up every month. Time to get up, big bag. So they asked the tiger what he thought of this girl's hands, and here he is.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Goddamn right, bitch. How was that for fun? What is this, the john oliver show ah then the tiger said this take your sticking paws off me you damn dirty ape i like that a girl girl cupping balls. She saw balls and they look human. She wanted to cup the motherfuckers. The image was posted in Animal Lovers' Facebook group. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:02:53 According to the Bangkok Herald, prompting fierce backlash from locals who accused the woman of humiliating the tiger in the zoo of... Not humiliating herself, the tiger. Tiger looks like a pimp here. He's loving it. and the zoo of... Not humiliating herself, the tiger. Tiger looks like a pimp here. He's loving it. And the zoo of animal abuse.
Starting point is 01:03:12 They make a good point here, though. Two staff members at Tiger Kingdom were allegedly punished over the incident with the tiger keepers claiming in their own defense that they had told the woman the rules and risks before letting her into the tiger camp. Why are you letting a... What the fuck? Are we that far ahead of people?
Starting point is 01:03:29 Do we do that in this country? You don't let a Taurus into a tiger cage, do you? I mean, the Tiger King did. Still the best thing I've watched on TV in 10 years, I swear to God. The tiger, for his part, appears completely unfazed like a husband in the early morning. But it is precisely this detail that has raised serious concerns among animal rights groups who have fought for years to raise awareness around the liberal use of sedative drugs in big cat parks and zoos across Southeast Asia. Which is true.
Starting point is 01:04:01 I got to believe if that cat was totally aware and somebody did that, I think, you know, he'd get a snack, wouldn't he? Unless maybe he wanted it. Nobody touched him. It's not like fucking the, not like she blew him. It's the big deal. Wild animals like tigers shun human contact. And if this animal hadn't been so drugged, it's very likely he would have attacked the tourists. Now that would have been a great picture. Nirali Shah, a senior campaigner at PETA Asia told Vice News, tigers and other big cats used for photo ops are regularly drugged because
Starting point is 01:04:36 zoos cannot tame them. Captivity is a living hell for tigers like this one. And they live in constant stress, anxiety and agitation every day. Sort of like us during COVID lockdown. Ha? Nobody's rubbing my balls during the lockdown, except for myself. Nick, how's your balls? They are great. Shah explained that big cats used for photo opportunities in zoos, parks, and other tourist institutions are often violently beaten into submission, drugged, mutilated, and restrained in an effort to make them safe around public whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Which I kind of believe a lot of. You know, that's why I've gone to the zoo maybe once or twice in my life. And it causes anxiety in me. They're pacing back and forth. Unless you're a drug dealer and you can have it on your front lawn like Tony Montana where it can roam around, that's okay. But if you have to drug these poor,
Starting point is 01:05:32 you know what I mean? It's this, they're wild animals. The last place they belong is a cage. Why? So some little kid can go, look at the giraffe. You look at the giraffe. You look at the giraffe.
Starting point is 01:05:47 By posing with the wild animals, visitors unknowingly condemn these animals to a lifetime of confinement and suffering, Shah said, adding that Thailand has a long way to go when it comes to animal welfare. We do not allow tourists. This is from the Tiger Kingdom, some guy. We do not allow tourists to grab the tiger's testicles, but they are allowed to touch any part of the animal's body as long as our specialists are present. What are you, like a physical? Tell the tiger to turn his head and cough.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Tell the tiger to turn his head and cough. From now on, we will make sure that no visitor will ever be able to touch this part of a tiger's body again. To which the girl said, but how about the shaft? All right, folks. That is it. Another week in the books. Want to thank you guys so much for contributing at Keep it up.
Starting point is 01:06:45 And the people at, we appreciate your support there too. Speaking of Patreon, I have a Patreon question. All right, we'll do a question at the end. And the show on a low note. Todd D. Erwin, Pennsylvania. Hey, Nick, do you think once the vaccine is available these face panties
Starting point is 01:07:02 can go away? Short enough question for you? Yes. Todd, that was pithy. Todd wrote that in so we could use the phrase face panties. Which, didn't we show a clip? Remember the black guy using the panties in the back of the seat?
Starting point is 01:07:20 It looked like it was sort of set up, but they should be face panties. That'd be terrific. No, I don't know how to answer that, Todd. I really don't. Depending on who wins, they want to control you, the Dems. So even if a vaccine comes out,
Starting point is 01:07:47 you know, they'll make up shit. I don't trust them to do anything. They'll say that oh, people are getting sick over it. Whatever. Just to keep you, I mean, if their goal is really to fucking overthrow this economy and insert their own shit, they're gonna string this out for as long as they can. They'll make up stories.
Starting point is 01:08:04 That's what they do. Oh, somebody died of the vaccine in Ohio. You know, so I'm not sure, Todd. I don't trust anybody, but let's, I had to, I went to post office yesterday. I had to strap that on. That's good. She's got one on. She's got like a Jamaican accent. I got one on and she can't, I can't understand her. Oh, for the love of God. Anyways, that is it. Thank you for the question, Todd. Remember, you guys think it. I will say it.
Starting point is 01:08:29 You're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo

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