The Nick DiPaolo Show - Driving While Black Thug | Nick Di Paolo Show #629

Episode Date: November 22, 2021

Mass University segregates "safe spaces". Covid riots in Europe. Michigan woman seeks assassin online. China launches hypersonic missile. Nordstrom Heist. ATL A-hole....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television or from the White House, now more than ever our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed. And that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show. And that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning,
Starting point is 00:00:26 honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much. Let's keep this freedom fight going. guitar solo Hey, hey! How it is? What it was? What up, folks? Have a good weekend? Yeah? It was pretty good. I had a good weekend? Yeah? It was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:01:27 I had a good weekend, you know. Worked out once for about 11 minutes. Sat down in a recliner, fell asleep with some porn on my lap. But, you know, the club sandwiches made it good. I don't know what to say. I'm tired of life. You know, Louis C.K. made me laugh one night at the comedy cellar. He's on stage, and he goes, sometimes you're like, yeah, life goes by.
Starting point is 00:01:52 It's really, it's too short. It goes by so fast. Then he goes, other times it's like, let's get this shit over with. I think that should be a fucking quote. Let's get this shit over with. And most days I feel like that. Unfortunately, I'm on the back nine deep. Why the fuck?
Starting point is 00:02:12 I feel like I'm 39, not 50 fucking. And I make the math mistakes all the time. When somebody goes, oh, I'm 42. And I go, oh, that's only like seven years. 17? Anyhow, I digress. But a lot of shit going on, huh? Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Let me tell you, folks. I just don't know what to say about this country, where it's headed. Do you hear that? That's a sign. I don't know if you can hear the sirens. All right, I've fucking said nothing. Let's roll. In the N-word segment tonight, there's nothing more frightening in America today
Starting point is 00:02:54 than an angry white man who said that John Blake of CNN. He says the brute, the buck, and of course the thug. Those are just some of the names for a racial stereotype that has haunted the collective imagination of white America since the nation's inception. The specter of the angry black man has been evoked in politics and pop culture to convince white folks that a big, bad black man is coming to get them and their daughters.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And boy, were they right. I'm just teasing everybody. This is how delusional the left and its cohorts in the media are when it comes to the issue of race. I'm still trying to figure out if they truly see it that way, or they know they're full of shit, but they enjoy watching the disastrous results of their words, and they see it as their job to put out this garbage to make the propaganda machines they work for millions and millions of dollars. It's the angry white man who's scary? Are you shitting me? I guess these idiots have never gone to a federal crime statistic website. It's all there, and pardon the pun, in black and white.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Black men by far commit those violent crimes, more violent crimes, in relation to the size of their demographic. We all know that. Blacks make up 12.6% of the population but commit 52% of the murders. Whites are almost 20 times more likely to be a victim of black crime than the other way around. So it's not really all myth, is it, John? But you don't need to go to a federal website, crime website, to tell you who's angry and scary. Just click on the Internet and put in the name Zach Stacey, and you can watch a former NFL thug throw his girlfriend around like a Raggedy Ann doll,
Starting point is 00:04:42 literally smashing her into a flat screen TV and other furniture for five minutes violently as a little baby looks on. How about the literally thousands of viral videos over the last few years of groups of young black thugs beating up white people, Asians, half to death in the streets, you know, Burger King, fucking IHOP, wherever. And of course, yesterday's tragedy in Wisconsin, a scumbag named Daryl Brooks, a direct product, by the way, of CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, etc. Murdering, he murdered white people with his SUV, including children, women, in cold blood.
Starting point is 00:05:24 murdered white people with his SUV, including children, women, in cold blood. Do research on this piece of garbage. And it looks like CNN and MSNBC created him in a lab. Gee, I wonder where we're getting these stereotypes. He's a, I could go on and on. I don't have time. I try to keep this tight. He's a huge, do some research on him.
Starting point is 00:05:47 He's a huge Colin Kaepernick fan, a sex offender, a BLM guy, a wannabe rapper, a police record as long as the trail of white bodies he left in the wake of the parade yesterday. He's a walking stereotype, which means he's not a stereotype. Today, CNN says he might have been fleeing from another incident that, what, that gets him off the hook? I'm sure he was fleeing because the cops were shooting at him before they even knew who was in the so I believe that, but that doesn't you know, they, CNN as of this, when I got up this morning
Starting point is 00:06:12 they hadn't even identified the guy yet, publicly. When Citizen Free Press and other real news organizations did it a couple hours after it happened. Can you believe that? I'm sure if it was a black parade and the suspect was white they would have done the same thing believe that? I'm sure if it was a black parade and the suspect was white they would have done the same thing, right? I think I just shit myself laughing
Starting point is 00:06:31 when I said that. I feel a tingling. Come on. The left-wing outlets are still howling about the Charlottesville incident, okay? You, CNN, created the thug Daryl Brooks. You, MSNBC, created the brute. You created the young buck, Washington Post. Stereotypes my ass. The truth is there's nothing scarier today than an angry young black male. And for your information, you haven't seen white men as a collective get angry yet. But if you keep up this horse shit, you're not going to have to wait long. And that's the N-word tonight. And someday my producer's going to come up with a thing that, a puff of smoke or something that makes it funny at the end. Anyways, what a crock of, I mean, 15-year-old bloggers knew who the guy was.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Can you imagine protecting because he was black? And it's just the opposite. If he was white, nobody can argue that. Not even Billy Burr will argue that point. Oh, my goodness gracious hell, Louise. Just a scumbag. just uh I don't care how he's I don't give a shit he didn't want to go back he was just bonded out two days ago a thousand dollars he doesn't want to go back to fucking jail that's what it was and I believe he was fleeing from something like I said um there's people that but but they wouldn't release his fucking name.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Probably Fox News too. Just so afraid. So afraid. It's never going to get better as long as the media treats racial issues like that. Even the people that are supposed to be right wing are so afraid of it.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I don't know. It's the weirdest thing. Obviously the George Soros's of the world, the globalists, they're using this race problem in the United States. They've been using it fucking decade after decade.
Starting point is 00:08:34 And it's finally working. It's caused a cancer that there's no going back from. And it's really dangerous. I remember before I was into politics, I was like 24, right out of, you know, a couple years after college, saying to my buddy, are they not playing with fire?
Starting point is 00:08:52 And it was CNN back then. I go, I haven't seen a report or a fucking race issue that doesn't put white people on a bad line. I'm like, how is that not going to end in disaster? Here it comes. Not even know what the fuck I was talking about that. It took a while,
Starting point is 00:09:11 but they have blood on their hands. The fucking Wolf Blitzes of the world, the Don Lemons, the Rachel Maddows, that guy Hayes, all of them, have been doing this for years, cherry-picking stories, and like the Rittenhouse thing, not even coming close to the truth, and not giving a shit about the consequences. It's so corrosive to us. I didn't think you could divide us anymore.
Starting point is 00:09:41 And now, even after the fucking trial is over, Rittenhouse, there's fucking whining. Call him a vigilante. He came over state lines with a gun. No, he didn't. They're asking the question, what was he even doing there? What the fuck was Joe Rosenbaum? They were from out of town. What were they doing there?
Starting point is 00:10:01 And it's going to lead to a fucking race war. Anyways, let me tell you about a dozen roses I got my wife. It was 10 years ago. She really enjoyed it. It really is. I am not overstating how dangerous reporting on race this long incorrectly is. And they know. There's a lot of uneducated people on the left that will buy this shit. It's so obvious that George Soros is and his money pours into campaigns and the district attorneys are appointed.
Starting point is 00:10:41 They're not fucking, they're just picked out of a hat. Militant. I can't remember the last time I saw a white woman in power other than Pelosi. I'm talking about at the state level and the city level. But anyways, and you know how this shit happens? Through academia. I mean, this is what the kids are taught for the last, I don't know how many years, and they swallow it whole. Like Fitchburg State here, the subject of our next story, which is in Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Fitchburg State University in Massachusetts hosted, guess there's several processing spaces segregated by race in response to the Kyle Rittenhouse trial verdict, which found Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges. Yeah, so apparently Fitchburg State believes in segregation. I wonder if they have a bust of this guy at the Student Union. And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. I can't do tomorrow. I have to pick up dry cleaning and bring my mother to the doctors. Can we segregate some other time? I'm busy.
Starting point is 00:11:56 The Fitchburg State University Center for Diversity, Inclusiveness, and All-Around PC Suck My Dick Horseshit announced the processing spaces in an email to campus community members, which also erroneously, get this, stated that Jacob Blake, because remember, that's where all this supposedly started, was killed by the cops.
Starting point is 00:12:19 He's still alive. He's in a wheelchair. You can't handle the truth. And I must have read about eight references last night to jacob blake because it's tied to the written house thing at least they try to where it doesn't fucking how first of all how they make it about race it's all white guys involved that shows a real grasp of the race issue you know you call them white guys black and black guys white. Yeah. And they don't mention that he had a knife or that he was trying to kidnap his baby's mama and shit.
Starting point is 00:12:53 They don't mention any of that. And then you idiots on the left that vote for Biden and Clinton and all the other jerks go, ugh, what a racist country. The Center for Diversity and Inclusiveness, I used to work there. I was kicked out for being too inclusive for the 18-year-old secretary, is creating space for our community, listen to this garbage,
Starting point is 00:13:15 to process the not guilty on all accounts verdict in the Kenosha, Wisconsin case where Kyle Rittenhouse, an Illinois native, see how they throw that in to make it sound like he came across, shot and killed two people. Nah, he defended himself, killed a child rapist and another guy who had fucking domestic violence on his, and two people protesting on the wrongful death of Jacob Blake. First of all, it wasn't wrongful, and he's not dead. They don't even take the time, these lying cocksuckers to get their lies right kyle was acquitted of all charges in the case after driving look see how they word it after driving to wisconsin yeah to a neighborhood where he works which is considered his community with an automatic rifle oh yeah but he also had paint brushes and
Starting point is 00:14:03 scrub things he was taking graffiti off walls. He's a real punk. He's a lifeguard. He's a cop cadet. You know, a real punk. Not a guy like George Floyd, who we have a statue of. A guy who held a knife to a pregnant woman's belly and sold drugs and did black porn. You know, not an asshole like that.
Starting point is 00:14:21 This kid's a real punk. So he had an automatic rifle. They're making him up to be like a killer vigilante. What murder? Exactly. He was the best guy around. Blake, by the way, who should get a statue, was paralyzed but not killed after being shot. This is in the same article.
Starting point is 00:14:46 So they got it right at the end. Why did they put that? Blake was paralyzed, but not killed after being shot by a police officer in August of 2020. The police officer who responded to the domestic disturbance call that led to Blake's shooting
Starting point is 00:14:58 was not charged by the state or by the federal government after the investigation. See, then it should go on to say because Mr. Blake had a knife and was in the process of, but they don't put that, they leave that, so you do the research. And nobody's going to do it because we're lazy fucks.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And they go, oh, more white racist cops. Fucking jackoffs. And he looks very calm in that bed, by the way. I'm not applauding him being shot. I'm just saying, he's George Jefferson when he was 28. What? See how they distort, folks? I don't have to point it out for you if you're my fans.
Starting point is 00:15:33 You know how it goes. But they're laying it on heavier than ever right now. Between the Rittenhouse thing, wait till you see what they do with this SUV scumbag, anti-white racist. By the way, I've seen a new phrase this week. There was some black girls that beat up some Asian people in Philadelphia, and they got charged with ethnic, what was it called?
Starting point is 00:15:54 Ethnic intimidation. It wasn't a hate crime. Ethnic something. So they're going to make a different category up if it's black people. You people. You have no idea how to run a nation. Europe's lockdown fury. I'm on to the next story. This is a global problem, folks. The whole COVID thing, you know that. And this story to me just lays it out,
Starting point is 00:16:19 how it's not just going on in America, the whole COVID fucking tyranny thing. how it's not just going on in America, the whole COVID fucking tyranny thing. It's all over the globe. Europe is in lockdown fury. Violence breaks out in Vienna as 10,000 protesters take to the streets and thousands more march in Amsterdam hours after two people are shot in Rotterdam during clashes between activists and Dutch riot police. They have riot police? Two hookers were wounded and a bunch of male tourists with erections.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Back to you, Tim. Violence today broke out in Vienna as 10,000 protesters, many from far-right groups. Oh, is that right? Far-right? Although it's so left over there, right? It's such a socialist shithole, Europe, after the European Union. They're so far left that you could be a moderate and they're going to call you a fucking far-right guy. But I believe, like Dallas said, I believe it's many of all stripes politically, took to the streets to demonstrate against a new COVID-19 lockdown and mandatory vaccinations. This is going on on a global fucking level.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Demonstrations against virus restrictions also took place in Switzerland, Croatia, Italy, Northern Ireland, the Netherlands, and my favorite place where I have a duplex, Northern Macedonia. I couldn't find that on a map if I lived there. On Saturday, a day after Dutch police opened fire on protesters and seven people were injured in writing that erupted in Rotterdam. Don't you move you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out. Here's some video of the unrest all over Europe because of the COVID fucking horseshit. Let's let this little face the nation. She should be facing my ass. Let's.
Starting point is 00:18:15 The streets were ablaze as rioting erupted overnight in the Netherlands in a backlash against strict new COVID rules. netherlands in a backlash against strict new covid rules a night after police fired on a demonstration in scenes the mayor called an orgy of violence tens of thousands protested in austria too after the government there not only announced a new lockdown starting tomorrow but ordered that that vaccines would be compulsory by February 1st. Oh, you see what's going on, buh? I was in an orgy of violence in college. Three of the girls had braces. They didn't tell me in the pig pile. Ah, back to the weather.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Protesters rallied against coronavirus restrictions and mandatory COVID-19 passes needed in many European countries to enter restaurants. I want you to think about this because it happens in New York here too. Meanwhile, people are pouring in over the border. Can you imagine? They're making you the taxpayer, not even testing some of the scum. Not all scum, by the way. A lot of them are good people. I don't want them here though. I don't give a fuck. My relatives are good people. I don't want them over there. Luckily, they live up north. Anyways, countries to enter restaurants, they need vaccine passports now. To enter restaurants, Christmas market, or sports events, as well as mandatory vaccinations. They got to have mandatory vaccinations. Are you asking for a global? In Italy, 3,000 slippery, greasy sons of bitches.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I can say that because I'm Italian. 49%. Do you believe I'm more fucking Irish and Scottish, I found out, through ancestry.fuckingliars? Look at me. I look like a piece of garlic toast. In Italy, 3,000 turned out in the capital's Circus Maximus. I saw that show on Vegas.
Starting point is 00:20:08 A field where in ancient times, Romans staged popular entertainment to protest against. This sentence is written weird. Now, this isn't the ancient Romans. This is the people that turned out yesterday to protest green pass certificates required at all workplaces, out yesterday to protest green pass certificates required at all workplaces, restaurants, cinemas, theaters, sports venues, and gyms, as well as for long-distance train, bus, or ferry travel within Italy. What? You goddamn guineas really make me laugh.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I take your brother in. He was banging cocktail actresses two at a time. They couldn't get a drink so you slapped around my brother in public Mike do you know who you're talking to I was making bones when you were fucking cheerleading in Northern Ireland several hundred
Starting point is 00:20:57 drunks I mean people opposed to vaccine passports protested outside the city hall by throwing up perfectly good gin protested outside the city hall by throwing up perfectly good gin protested outside the city hall in belfast where the city's christmas market opened saturday a market where proof of vaccination or negative covid19 test was required oh my god the northern ireland government voted this week to introduce vaccine certificates for admission to nightclubs, bars. You think that's going to stop these guys?
Starting point is 00:21:28 You can't keep them away from a pint of Guinness. Nightclubs, bars, restaurants starting December 13th. And when asked about it, one of the Irishmen on the street said, Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! He had done two shots of fireball right before they interviewed him. People, you ever have Fireball?
Starting point is 00:21:48 I loved Fireballs as a kid. That was one of my favorite candies. I drink that shit like I'm in high school now. Gives you a minty fresh breath before you kiss the guy next to you watching football. I go to fucking B&D every, like, Saturday, watch college football because it's 19, it's like a gay bar. Not that I'm there to pick up women, but I'm saying, Jesus Christ. That's the South, man, college football. People like us never give up, said one greasy Italiano.
Starting point is 00:22:20 People like, what do you mean like us? What does that mean? Red one banner and the red, white, and green colors of the Italian flag. Virtually no one at the Rome protest wore a protective mask. They only do that when they're in, you know, protective. Witness protection program is what I'm trying to say. Hey, Nick, have another drink of whiskey, you jack-off. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Let's get away from the tyranny in you-know-where, Europe. Let's do some domestic news. This one made me laugh until I did a little beep-beep-beep. Michigan woman seeks assassin online. And when I read that, I went, I didn't know my wife lived in Michigan. Listen. Seething and vengeful Wendy Wine was on the, whoa, Wendy.
Starting point is 00:23:13 You can see why he is fucking angry. Mother of Jesus. Who does she look like? It's a politician. I don't know. Dick Durbin with a a politician. I don't know. Dick Durbin with a wig on? I don't know. She looks like the guy that fixed my dishwasher.
Starting point is 00:23:34 That's how they describe it. Vengeful Wendy Wine was on the lookout for the professional killer. She meant to hire as she waited inside a southeastern Michigan cafe in July of 2020. She wanted to whack her husband. Goes on her website. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. Oh. Wine wanted her ex-husband dead.
Starting point is 00:23:59 But she didn't want to murder him herself and didn't know anyone else she trusted to do it for her. So she did what a lot of guys do. I mean, women do. People do. When they have a job they can't or don't want to do themselves, she searched for help on the Internet. Will you go to Craigslist to whack your fucking husband? I mean, what are you doing? You're so stupid.
Starting point is 00:24:21 You're so stupid. So fucking stupid. Here's the website you went to. It says What wine found presumably reassuring, the website promised her confidentiality. It boasted of industry awards. I love it.
Starting point is 00:24:48 It showed off testimonials. Can you imagine? You're buying a testimony. People bragging. This company was terrific. I wanted my fucking husband out of the way. In two weeks, they did it in four days. It's like they're selling fucking Murphy beds.
Starting point is 00:25:06 This is the best. Anyways, testimonials of satisfied customers, including one Laura S. And she said, I caught my husband cheating with a babysitter. This is like selling an infomercial. The website bragged about complying with HIPAA, which it defined as the hitman information privacy selling an infomercial. The website bragged about complying with HIPAA, which it defined as the Hitman Information Privacy
Starting point is 00:25:29 and Protection Act of 1964, a nod to the, you know, the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act. That's when you, you know, you have to sign a thing saying they can share your information.
Starting point is 00:25:39 The law passed in 1996 to protect patients' medical information. The trouble for Wine was she was a dumb whore. What? Cut. The trouble for wine was the It's a fake. It was a fake website.
Starting point is 00:25:55 But it's all lies. It's not run by... Here should have been another tip-off. Listen to this stereotypical name. First of all, it's a hitman website, right? They have the gall. If I'm an Italian and I was PC, I'd be going, what the, this is racist. The guy says
Starting point is 00:26:12 it's not, he was pretending it was run by a guy named Guido Finelli. Oh my god. That's, as it claims, but it was run by Guido Fineeli, but by Bob Innes, a 52-year-old Northern California man, you racist, who forwards any serious inquiries to law enforcement. Innes launched the site 16 years ago as part of an internet security business
Starting point is 00:26:39 that never went anywhere. Instead, it served as a honeypot of sorts, attracting people who want to hire professional killers. For Wine, it didn't go well. She was arrested within days of seeking out an assassin and pleaded guilty earlier this month to solicitation of murder and using a computer to commit a crime. Under her plea agreement, she faces at least nine years in prison when she's sentenced in January. Bye-bye, dickhead. Let me tell you something. It's a woman's prison. You're going to get a
Starting point is 00:27:12 lot of shing-ching-tang-tong. You will be the top. What? Wine52 is not the only one who's gotten stuck in Innes' digital trap. Listen to this. About 650 to 700 people have contacted him since he first registered the website in 2005, including some 400, like wine, filled out his service request form, which requires users to give their names, email addresses, and phone numbers, along with the same information of their targets. It's not like they track shit on the internet. Oh my god. Fucking lips gonna break out. Innes vets the entries, yeah like the Democrats vet people coming into the country,
Starting point is 00:28:05 which come in, listen to this, at a clip of about eight to ten a month these days. He tosses the crank entries, but if he can verify the existence of the person requesting a hitman and the target they want to murder, he forwards the information to one of Rent-A-Hitman's 17,985 field operatives, which just so happens to be the approximate number of law enforcement agencies in the country. All these years later, he's still a little dumbfounded. People don't realize his sight is bogus. Well, when you're mad at somebody, especially a spouse,
Starting point is 00:28:40 you're fucking blind. It's like, you think love is blinding with you? I don't know. I'm from experience. I heard this from a couple of people. My wife. I don't get it, it says, told the Washington Post. People are just stupid, he said.
Starting point is 00:28:55 You are correct, sir. They sure is. You know how you whack your wife or your husband? Sonic missile. You vaporize them when they're in front of one potato, two at the mall. Oh, that was the other thing I wanted to mention. Last week, my buddy sent me a text. My cop buddy.
Starting point is 00:29:20 There was some rapper. Oh, I think his name was... No, it wasn't Beethoven. Oh, Dolph, as in, his real name is Adolph something. Black rapper. He gets whacked. Where does he get whacked? At a titty bar, in the champagne room, a parking lot in Detroit?
Starting point is 00:29:38 No, in a butter cookie store. That does not help with street cred or album sales. A butter cookie store. Can you imagine Tupac could fucking whack in front of the yarn barn? It would sell no more. Speaking of missiles, the headline says chink missile. I don't like that type of talk. I don't know who the producers of this show, but that's some racist shit. Oh, Trump put that up. It's a chink missile. Mr. President, why do you keep calling it a Chinese missile?
Starting point is 00:30:16 It's from the chinks. Anyway, China's round theworld hypersonic nuclear weapon fired a second missile while traveling five times faster than the speed of sound. The speed of sound is about, what, 600 miles an hour? Thanks, Dallas, but can you put it in layman's terms? Dallas, my military expert, goes, it's fucking fast. Faster than speed of sound. I think speed's like 600 miles an hour, I want to say. So that's 3, it's fucking fast. Faster than speed of sound. I think speed's like 600 miles an hour, I want to say. So that's 3,000 miles an hour. The speed of light is 182,000 a second.
Starting point is 00:30:55 I don't know. No country had previously been able to demonstrate this advanced engineering feat, and the test is said to have caught Pentagon scientists off guard. Oh, did it really, fellas? Did it catch you off guard? Yeah, because you were too busy, you and fucking Millie and all the other woke military guys reading books about white rage while the Chinese are laughing their balls off. Last month, China stunned the world when it came up with a new chicken and broccoli recipe.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I'll tell you, it melts in your mouth like poodle. Nick, why do you have to do dog-eating jokes when you talk about China? It's... It's not right, you're right. Last month, China stunned the world. When it emerged, it launched a hypersonic missile right around the globe. Now it's been revealed the weapon is far more advanced than originally thought.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Oh, my God. They're trying to kill us. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:56 I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. That's the other one they're working on. Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Like a somebody. That's right. They're on hypersonic chopstick. The hypersonic glide vehicle.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I think I saw one of them at my Chevy dealer. A maneuverable spacecraft which can carry a nuclear warhead, fire a separate missile during its flight in the atmosphere over the South China Sea on July 27th, according to a Financial Times. Well, maybe that's why we're behind. We have the Financial Times checking them out. Experts at what? Charles Schwab? Experts at the Pentagon's Advanced Research Agency, DARPA,
Starting point is 00:32:41 girl I dated in college, Louis Domaine. Big ass, nice mustache. DARPA are said to be unsure how China achieved the feat. As scientists say, it tests the constraints of physics. Do you understand what that means, folks? They're going up against physics and winning. Military experts are said to have been poring over the data to discover how it was achieved. They're also said to be discussing what the projectile might be for.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Gee, what do you think? It was fired by the hypersonic vehicle, but seems to have had no obvious target before it plunged into the water. Yeah, it was practicing. Probably trying to hit a goddamn seagull. Some Pentagon experts believe the projectile was an air-to-air missile, while others think it was countermeasures to destroy missile defense systems so that, you know, we got the dome, so that they cannot shoot down the hypersonic weapon.
Starting point is 00:33:44 But like I said, we're too busy over here fighting what we should call a lesbian, a Zay, Shay, Flay, Say, while they're blowing past us. Wake up, white people. They're trying to kill us. We're killing ourselves. Did you read this one? Big North. This used to be shocking five years ago. Now it makes me yawn. Nordstrom heist.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Three people were arrested. They're bragging about it. Meanwhile, there was a hundred people in on it. Three people were arrested after a group of Amish, about 80 of them ransacked a Nordstrom department store in San Francisco Bay Area. You know what? I love it. San Francisco, you're getting just what you deserve. All your fucking PC horse shit since the 60s and 50s is coming to fucking rock. I love it.
Starting point is 00:34:39 The fucking roosters are coming home to shit on your front lawn. Something like that. Something about roosting. Chickens are coming home to roost. The pigeons are going to the kitchen to fuck. I don't know what it is. Anyways, I love it. It just proves how ignorant your politics,
Starting point is 00:34:56 your way of life in Northern California, it's all coming to fruition. Remember last week we mentioned they were actually debating. Instead of talking about security and cops and shit, they were debating about barricading yourself in your home, since it's going to be like, you guys put the pee in pussy. Not the good kind. I mean the chicken shit.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Anyways, Nordstrom's in the Bay Area Saturday night. What police believe was an organized theft. Why? Were there Italians involved? Police, I can just see the news editor at the local stations out there looking through hours and hours of footage to see somebody who has light skin, you know, just to take the edge off the truth. Police in Walnut Creek, which was whiter than the fucking Osmonds when I was out there 30 years ago, 28 years ago, doing comedy a couple of times a year. Beautiful place. Police in Walnut Creek, a suburb located 25 miles east of San Francisco, said the employees at the Nordstrom's
Starting point is 00:36:03 and the city's Broadway Plaza shopping center began calling 911. Oh, good luck with that. Good luck with that. Around 9 p.m. Thanks to your policies. When a crowd entered the store, I love it, a crowd, immediately began stealing merchandise. The Polish people were just stealing. Videos on social media show people running out of the store with large bags and fleeing in vehicles that were parked on the street.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Oh, for the love of Christ. I don't know what you're smiling at, watermelon. The Walnut Creek Police Department described the incident in a press release Sunday as clearly a planned event. Wow, thank you, Quincy. Noting that the department initially received calls about cars driving recklessly in the area. Officials said the two store employees were assaulted and one was pepper sprayed. Officers were able to stop one of the fleeing cars, arrested two of its occupants, one of whom was in possession of a firearm.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Paulo Toole of Ireland, no, the department, a third person was found to be in possession of stolen merchandise, which he was arrested or she shortly after. The arrested individuals were identified as Dana Dawson, 30, of San Francisco, Joshua Underwood, 32, of San Francisco, Rodney Robinson, 18, of Oakland. Who that be? Rodney, what up, man? There he is, God in the men's room. The remaining participants in the criminal mob fled the area in cars. Here's some footage of the brazen robbery.
Starting point is 00:38:04 This is America in 2021 under Democrat rule. And it doesn't bother me. All right, I can't take the fucking... There you go. It's life under Biden, under Kamala Harrison. Just accept it. Just shut up. You white people aren't ready for change.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I can't believe what's playing out before my eyes because for years and years, me and my buddies would always say they won't be happy until they turn this place into a third-world shithole. It is happening before faster than I could ever imagine. The remaining participants in the criminal mob fled the area in cars and met up at the Waffle House.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I, uh, what? At high speeds. Oh, I'm glad you added that person who wrote the article. They didn't fucking coast. The department said in a statement, Nordstrom did not immediately respond to BuzzFeed news requests for comment Sunday because, again, they're chicken shit. Why didn't they say it?
Starting point is 00:39:04 You think they might have had a comment if it was all white people? The incident came after several high-end retail stores in San Francisco's popular Union Square District were burglarized in similar fashion Friday night. Dramatic. We already know CVS packed up and fucking left. Here's some more footage. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:39:24 already know cvs packed up and fucking left oh here's some more footage check this out he's got two masks he's got two masks look at this those are cops. I got you. Man. Yeah, man. This ain't playing. Pause, pause. You hear the black commentary?
Starting point is 00:39:52 Man, them cops ain't playing. Is that what they're supposed to be doing, playing? Seriously, that's how fucking, he probably thinks, yeah. Why they be doing that? They ain't be doing nothing. All right, enough. So those cops are actually making an effort, I guess. This is how cynical I am.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I think it's probably staged to make it look like somebody was actually trying to do their job. That's how it turned out that I'll be London Breed's nephews playing cops. I don't know. Dramatic video show people rushing out of the Louis Vuitton store with large bags and arms full of merchandise. Police officers were seen banging on the windows of a Ford Mustang outside. How pitiful. Don't take your gun out or anything.
Starting point is 00:40:39 San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott said during a press conference, Hey, Billy. He must be. I don't put it on guys like this, the police chiefs. They're taking their fucking orders, marching orders from on high, from the jerk-off mayors who are all fucking far-left zealots. London breed is falling down, falling. That's the police chief conference. On Saturday, he said that the thieves hit
Starting point is 00:41:08 several stores in the area, including Burberry. They got great taste out there. Bloomingdale's. And the police believe that burglaries were coordinated. Their plan was to overwhelm us, Scott said. Their plan was hoping that we wouldn't be here, but we were.
Starting point is 00:41:24 All four of us. He's bragging like they shut the whole operation down. He noted that police have arrested eight people, most of them young adults. Really? No seniors? Adding that he was confident that more arrests will follow. We'll get to the bottom of this as best we can, Scott said, running on a budget of $11. During the press conference and on social media, San Francisco officials referred to the incidents as looting, but there was no evidence that the thefts were related to any protests, particularly those
Starting point is 00:41:55 arising from Kyle Rittenhouse's verdict. On Friday, a Wisconsin jury acquitted, oh, they're going to throw this in. I'm not even going to read it. They acquitted him against the law. They add this, but again, they slant it. Looting typically describes crimes of burglary in the event of war or riot or according to California Penal Code, during emergencies resulting from an earthquake, flood, riot, or other natural man-made disaster. Well, I say electing her as mayor is a man-made disaster. This article's too long. I'm going to tell Tommy to realize that I only have 11 fucking
Starting point is 00:42:30 minutes in the morning. Look at this. Look, it's still going. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and a fucking 11. It's still fucking going. Look at it. It's still going. It's still fucking going. Look at it. It's still going.
Starting point is 00:42:46 It's still going. Does he know that, like, I don't have time to, the idea that him picking the stories, that they have to be chopped up? Huh? Nick, Tommy would say, Stop getting cunty.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Look, it's still going. Does he want you to edit them? You guys got to get that straight. I'm not going to put my beak in there. Look at this. Leave this in, by the way. Don't edit this. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Finally tonight on Face the Nation, ATL, asshole. What does that mean? The accidental discharge of a passenger's weapon in a security area of Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport caused, I've been through that a thousand times, widespread panic Saturday afternoon, prompting a brief halt of departing flights
Starting point is 00:43:38 over the busy travel weekend. Nothing will clog up the TSA lines like a gun going off. The incident occurred around 1.30 p.m. when a prohibited item was detected in a passenger's property while going through the x-ray screening at the security checkpoint. Robert Spindon, the Transportation Security Administration Federal Security Director for Georgia, blah, blah, blah, blah, in a news conference. The property was flagged for a secondary search.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Oh, my God. That's funny, yeah. When a gun goes off, they look at your other shit, too? That's pretty smart. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. No, Will Robinson.
Starting point is 00:44:15 If that was New York, well, actually, the gun went off by accident, I guess. During that secondary search, a passenger lunged into his property. That's always good.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Grabbing a firearm that was located inside, which ultimately discharged, Spendon said, discharged, the passenger then fled the security checkpoint through an adjacent exit lane with his... How the fuck? I can't find the exit when my wife's going to pick me up. Knowing where we're supposed to meet.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I don't know how we get out. I really don't. We're fortunate that when the firearm went off, nobody. Now listen to this article and tell me if it makes any sense. Nobody was seriously injured, Spindon said. Three people suffered non-life-threatening injuries. That's the next sentence in the article. The TSA said in a statement,
Starting point is 00:45:08 Atlanta police have previously said no injuries were reported, but the guy with the gun who had the gun, he shot himself. That's what it says. He shot himself. Oh, that's going to stink. You think that sends up any red flags at the... Sir, do you mind stepping out a light? Why?
Starting point is 00:45:30 His blood drips out of your chest. According to a source familiar with the situation, the injured were not shot, but instead hurt during the evacuation. Oh, I see a bunch of people started running. All of the injured were adults, the source said, and two were transported to the hospital. The discharged round went into the property, oh, into the property of the person who brought the weapon. The individual whose weapon was discharged was identified as 42-year-old Kenny Wells.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Seen here in all his glory. Got to be related to Tracy Morgan. According to the Atlanta Police Department Airport Precinct Commander, the long of the title of the bullshit, Reginald L. Moorman. We have taken out warrants for carrying concealed a weapon at a commercial airport. Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
Starting point is 00:46:23 He's a convicted felon. It's the angry white male you should watch out for. at a commercial airport. Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. He's a convicted felon. It's the angry white male you should watch out for. Discharging a firearm and reckless conduct, Mormon said. We are actively pursuing this individual. Airport spokesman Andrew Ogobel characterized the discharge as accidental, like when you have side effects of taking Peptrin, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:43 oily discharge, and said the loud noise created a sense of cacapupu peepee. Airport officials and Atlanta police know who the individual is, Goebel told CNN's Jim Acosta, because the incident occurred while the passenger was being screened. Yeah, have you told us? Well, we're waiting. Erica Ziedler, who was traveling from Atlanta to Anchorage, Alaska, said she was sitting in a restaurant, Concourse T,
Starting point is 00:47:11 when people began running down the hallway. We thought they were having a special on blowjob, she said. No, we thought they were late for a flight, and then more and more people started running, she told Acosta. There was some screaming. Then somebody stopped and said, There's a shooter. You need to go. I said, fuck you. I'm finishing this cheeseburger. It's delicious. An investigation into the incident remains ongoing. We'll keep your breast on that. That's it, folks. There you go. Race, race, race, race, race, race.
Starting point is 00:47:43 So race, race, race, race, race, race. Don't forget Don't forget Click on the store button. I think we might have some holiday discounts coming up. You get Nick DiPello miniskirts now and Jimmy hats. Don't forget what else?
Starting point is 00:48:05 You want me to roast a friend or relative? Go to and click on my profile. I'll make a video on my phone roasting the poopoo out of them. That is it. You guys think it? I will say it. You're very welcome. We will see you back here, believe it or not, for the final day of the week, as I'm doing two. You know, I'm a
Starting point is 00:48:21 chef. I got to shop at a door Wednesday. That's it. You guys think it? I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll, I'm a chef. I got to shop at a door Wednesday. That's it. You guys think I'll say you're very welcome. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye. guitar solo Outro Music

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