The Nick DiPaolo Show - Election Theft from the Left | Nick Di Paolo Show #441

Episode Date: November 9, 2020

Instances of fraud pop up around the country. Trump waits while dems lose their minds. Invalid Georgia ballots may get tossed....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I want to get something off my chest that's very important to me right now, okay? Very important to me. So many of you people have sent me emails, messages on social media asking me to come to perform in your town, which I'd love to do. I've been getting these from everywhere. I'm talking everywhere. New York, Florida, Oregon, Vermont, whatever, Montana. People all over.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Not only that, Alaska. And people in countries like Canada and Australia and the UK. And I can't tell you how much that means to me. You know, I'm an international star, apparently. Stand up has always been my bread and butter. You know that. So not being able to tour during this pandemic, knowing it's a fucking has been brutal. Ask my wife. She's getting out of the shelter this week. It's been brutal. I had so much new material going into March, which makes
Starting point is 00:00:53 it even that much tougher. I wish I could come to all of your towns and countries, but I can't. My jet's not working, especially now that they're shutting everything down due to COVID. Anyways, on Saturday, November 21st, write it down. Saturday, November 21st. I've got a show at the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. The audience size will be limited to about 250 people, live people there. But I'm also going to be bringing in a full crew to do a three camera shoot of this show and we will live stream it so you people who don't get to see me are going to get to see me doing what i do best
Starting point is 00:01:32 we'll be micing the audience and doing uh we're going to do it all in one live take so it's going to be really fun i can't wait to do this i want it might be the new way we have comics live now i don't know i want all of you, no matter where you are, to be able to watch and have a live stand-up comedy experience. Watching stand-up live, it's like rock and roll. It's the only way to do it, really. It's best live, especially me, because I have no fucking idea when I go out to do what I'm going to do that night. I kind of. I have an outline, but you don't know. I could punch a waiter on the back of the head if he interrupts me. This will be streaming on the Watch Live Now network.
Starting point is 00:02:11 And tickets just went on sale. That's You can watch on your home TV or any other device through Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, or Android TV. And I just found out today that even if you can't watch it live, if you still get the stream, it's available to you for another week. So, you know, if you're wherever,
Starting point is 00:02:36 you're not going to get up to watch me at four in the morning. You're going to have it for a week, which is excellent. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to this. I've played this room before. It's excellent. People, let's say in Ireland who have never been to Vegas can see what an actual showroom looks like. I'm looking forward to this. I really hope you all be there for the live stream. Again, you can get tickets at and I'll add this to my website also at please make plans to join me live from vegas on saturday november 21st i cannot friggin wait Oh, yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Hey, hey. Happy Monday, if there is such a thing. How you doing, folks? Good to have you aboard. Fresh back from Kansas City. The Comedy Club of Kansas City, thank you people who came out even during the COVID scare. Pretty full three quarters on Friday night. Both shows sold out Saturday night and you guys couldn't have been nicer. Thank you for coming out. Just, I got pretty shit-faced Saturday night. My flight was at 6 a.m. and the car was picking me up at 4.15 because the airport's like 35 minutes away.
Starting point is 00:04:30 So I stayed up and did shots like I was 11 years old. Okay, like 18. And, uh, oh, boy was I shit-faced when I, even on the plane I was getting on a little wobbly. Ha ha! Takes me back to my younger days. Could have been fun. It't oh yeah anyways not at often i can't sleep on the fucking plane but i did anyways uh what's going on folks uh let's get right to it huh are you enjoying watching um american history being airbrushed before your eyes
Starting point is 00:05:03 you know i was thinking about jo Joe Biden, this fucking clown. And he is that type of guy. He's that, you know, he's from Scranton or he's born there or whatever, but always in a working class and a union guy. And wherever there's unions, there's usually corruption. You know what I mean? And he's been around for 47 years in Washington. If you don't think he doesn't know how to play dirty, this shit comes easy to him.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Only this time he doesn't have to do it. He's got big tech doing it for him. Mainstream media doing it. The Democrat Party itself, all in cahoots trying to jerk us off. Treating us like garbage. You people who get up and voted. How about me? I moved to goddamn Georgia. I've been bragging
Starting point is 00:05:41 about it and it comes down to my county. Maybe. All kinds of shenanigans going on. My old agent pointed that out. He goes, how ironic is that? You moved down there to get away from the libs. Folks, I don't even know if my fucking vote counted. How dare they? And of course, they're turning it on trump oh he's sour grape you know this is all planned it's fucking laid out oh so you fuck with the wrong president you're fuck with the wrong guy okay you did you fuck with the wrong guy he don't give a shit okay he's got millions and billions or whatever he doesn't he he owes nobody anything and you know what i had a peaceful
Starting point is 00:06:27 transition suck my ass if i was him really peaceful as in what me spying on fucking biden when he comes in is that your idea peaceful fuck you you left leaning assholes you lost all credibility with mullergate and with the impeachment and making cavanaugh to be array all that shit you didn't give this guy a moment of peace since he was elected so you lost any credibility no hold up people actually oh you really think it was still yeah gee why would i think the democrats did that after four years of trying to get this guy on everything and coming up with nothing. They're filthy money power-grubbing whores. And like I said, now you get big tech. It used to just be mainstream media. Now you got social media and everything else stepping on Trump's throat. And you know what? He shouldn't leave there until it's definitely decided.
Starting point is 00:07:25 He should come out in handcuffs. No, what am I saying? That means you'd be guilty. No, they have to force him out. You know what I mean? Even though he's right, do the fucking, he would just look ballsy in handcuffs.
Starting point is 00:07:38 And he'd end up, remember what he said, you got to get sick of winning? Yeah. Honest to God, if half the shit that I'm going to go over today on the show is pans out I mean the democrat party where do you go from here
Starting point is 00:07:51 you blew your whole load because you hated Trump so much I hope just because we have a you know half the country are fucking morons. Don't want to know the truth. I know a few people. I send them stories that I'm going to do on the show. Oh, I didn't. Yeah, I know. You don't get that on CNN. And you're flipping around. Oh, CNN called. Even Fox News now. I have to abandon them.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Other than the pussy, I might stick around. I mean, I'm not going to change the channel with Shannon Breen. I don't give a fuck what she's reporting. German could be coming out of her mouth. I'm staying. But I'm saying they to change the channel with Shannon Breen. I don't give a fuck what she's reporting. German could be coming out of Vermont. I'm staying. But I'm saying they took a hard left turn. The fucking Murdoch boys sold us out.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And I got to correct myself. Well, you guys corrected me, and thank you for it. I mentioned that the Fox News was purchased by Disney, and they weren't. The news organization and the sports part were not purchased that's still um whatever murder corporation uh news corp is what it's called or as uh obama would say news corps they're separate from the disney transaction so uh thank you for correcting me on that but have you noticed new york every i'm going what is going? I guess you go where the ratings are. You get marching orders.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Very disappointed in you whores. I'm disappointed. It's a third generation. But yeah, this is unbelievable. What's the corruption? And Joe Biden, like I said, he's one of those guys. Any guy that's been around unions his whole life, you know what I mean? Always dirty money around and shit.
Starting point is 00:09:26 And I don't even think he knows at what point how much we have footage. We have footage. And here's what's making me nuts. Watching other networks. I'm going to show you NBC in a second. Fact checking like they're the arbiter of the fuck sole arbiter of the truth so don't fall for that shit either and cnn go we're announcing it for biden and then hey did he come out last night and give a speech that he was supposed to probably not maybe he sees
Starting point is 00:09:58 but anyways trump's been hiding and we know why. Strategic reasons. Has something to do with Sun Tzu. The Art of War. Tony Soprano read it, so it has to be a good book. Hey, Santo, you're fucking out of me. If he's colicky, fucking irritate him some more. What the fuck, T? You're getting fucking lessons from Sun Tzu? Fucking chapter?
Starting point is 00:10:23 No shit? Not for nothing. uh anyways very interesting so here we go and trump came out this weekend uh and and you know called it like he saw it did a little speech about all the fraud that's going on and um i saw this clip on nb News, and they jump in. You'll see while Trump's talking, Lester Holt comes on. We have to fact check. Suck a bag of dicks, you fucking liar. Nick, clean it up.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I will. I say fuck way too much. Not on this show, but I do stand up. I listened to my tapes last night. Ridiculous. But anybody who doesn't like it, go fuck yourself. Anyways, NBC News.
Starting point is 00:11:10 So Trump comes out and gives how he sees it, and let's take a look. They want to find out how many votes they need, and then they seem to be able to find them. They wait and wait, and then they find them. And you see that on election night, we were ahead in vote in North Carolina by a lot, tremendous number of votes. How about this? How about this, Robert?
Starting point is 00:11:33 We're still ahead by a lot, but not as many. Pause. And this was all planned. That's why they push for the mail-in ballots and the absentee shit, because that's always figured out after the election's over. Now, why would you want to do it after the election? Then you can see what numbers
Starting point is 00:11:50 you need to make up. He probably smoked Biden on election night. He was the winner on election night. But that's why they push for the whole COVID, don't come to the thing, mail it in so we can fuck with it. Just what he's been saying and anybody who follows
Starting point is 00:12:05 politics has been saying that is just so susceptible to being fucked with and and it's panning out right now and again that's why they do it they wait till they get and you know when they shut it down in georgia and one remember they right in the middle of the night like we're gonna stop counting you know why he was smoking smoking Biden in supposedly blue counties. Let her roll, sister. Finding ballots all of a sudden. Oh, we have some mail-in ballots. It's amazing how those mail-in ballots are so one-sided, too.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I know that it's supposed to be to the advantage of the Democrats, but in all cases, they're so one-sided. We're watching President Trump speaking live in the White House. And we have to interrupt here because the president has made a number of false statements, including the notion that there has been fraudulent voting. There has been no evidence of that allegations by his campaign. But his campaign spokespeople unable to provide any evidence. He also has suggested that the polls, and many of which were incorrect,
Starting point is 00:13:04 were somehow the product of election interference. Chuck Todd, Andrew E. Mitchell with me here. Hate to cut away from the president. No, imagine we're going to fact check the president. And you idiots, you fucking Democrats, useful idiots sitting there going, yes, let's fact check them. NBC, you are fake news. Sir, we're going to fact check check because he just said misleading shit.
Starting point is 00:13:25 What the fuck are you writing a book? What the fuck are you? Lester Holt. Fuck you. Can you imagine between that and Facebook censoring his tweets? Do you guys not see what's going on? The elite ruling class is saying, fuck you and your vote. It's turning into an oligarchy, as they say.
Starting point is 00:13:46 You have to see it. Tony Burton, I'm talking to you, my ex-agent, who I love, by the way, but he grew up in Westchester. His balls are blue in this shirt. Not his balls, his vote, I should say. We're going to fact check the president. That's a new thing. Let me ask you guys a question. Did you ever hear the phrase fact check when Obama was in office? Did you ever give him three Pinocchios?
Starting point is 00:14:17 Probably twice in the eight years he was in there. Misinformation? I wonder if Mr. Lester Holt andbc they made that remark earlier in the weekend do you still feel that way with people on camera pollsters being not let in that's the other thing they're misleading are they lying about it there's human beings who were supposed to watch the boat who weren't letting bill are they lying about it? That's very easy to find. Jesus H. Christ, you guys suck at cheating. You're not fit to run the fucking world. You're going to cheat, you're going to have Trump, he's been in business his whole life.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I think he's the cleanest president ever, I swear to God. You know why he's disappeared? According to this next story, I'm going to show you this guy, Dr. Steve, it looks like Peznik or Peisnik, drops a huge bombshell exclusively on the war room. That's Steve Bannon's podcast. So you know the guy's a player. Dr. Peisnick claims that the election ballots across America have been watermarked and the Democrats will be exposed when they attempt to cheat. Very. This is very. This guy worked at the State Department years ago. He's an author. He's from Cuba originally, like a bestselling author, super smart dude and very interesting. Arthur, super smart dude and very interesting. He'll tell you why Trump has been laying low the last few days. And I find this quite interesting. Let her roll, Jason. This is really a sting operation. Contrary to what everybody else said, Trump knew this was happening.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Eric knew this was happening and warned the public. I knew this was happening. Eric knew this was happening and warned the public. I knew this was happening. However, I could not say anything about it. What happened was we marked, watermarked every ballot with what's called the QFS block chain encryption code. In other words, we know pretty well where every ballot is, where it went and who has it. So this is not a stolen election. On the contrary, we reversed the entire game of war along the lines of Sun Tzu, the art of war. And Trump was brilliant and still is brilliant at it.
Starting point is 00:16:38 The reason he hasn't been seen, and Alex correctly said, oh, I haven't seen him in several days. seen and alex correctly said oh i haven't seen him in several days well in the art of the war yes pull back allow your enemy to make all the mistakes that they are making manipulate the situation expose them and then come in for the final killing that's what i do and that's what's happening now none of this was unexpected all of was expected. All of this is part of the sting operation we're running. I can do anything better than you. No, you can't. Yes, I can. No, you can't. Yes, I can. Can I play that without getting in trouble? Anybody give a fuck about that faggy song? See the guy from Cuba? He had the cuba shirt he had a tony look he's got a tony montana shirt up can't shoot a cop what the fuck says she was one melt
Starting point is 00:17:33 when you buy one way ticket to the resurrection uh so anyways they watermark the ballots i gotta believe this is all true sun zoo yeah my dad gave me that book on my wedding day he said read this son Watermark the ballots. I got to believe this is all true. Sun Tzu. Yeah, my dad gave me that book on my wedding day. He said, read this, son. And yeah, let your enemy go out there and like they've been doing all weekend, screaming that it's just sour grapes.
Starting point is 00:17:58 They keep repeating this. There's no evidence of this. There's no evidence of that. Are you dog styling me? There's evidence everywhere. even if he doesn't even if he doesn't come out on top i don't see how he can't but even if he doesn't it's another part of trump what he did for us exposing it they're gonna have to fix this shit i'm telling you you gotta show up on voting day in person there should be a cardboard cut out of trump or whoever you're voting for you know like at the fucking mall something like that
Starting point is 00:18:31 and then they put a thing on your forehead you dip your head of your dick in purple ink whatever they do in tehran seems to work um uh but uh sun tzu he's pulling a little Sun Tzu on him. I wonder if he went to business school. They give you that book, Sun Tzu. It's a quiet reading because it's a war when you're in business, you know, but not everybody. Everybody that's seeing how much corruption
Starting point is 00:18:57 is going on during this election. They're not all partisan people. They're not all fucking Republicans. What do you mean, Nick? Well, there's a human rights attorney. What's her name, Jace? I know you got it there. Lee Dundas. What is it? Lee Dundas.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Lee Dundas. She might even be gay. I don't know. I'm just going by the haircut and the glasses. But she's a human rights attorney. They're usually a little left of center. She's upset about what went on during this election. And let's take a look at lead. They have late ballots that are still dropping. They are uniformly breaking in favor of Trump, such that Biden's lead is down to about 20,000 when a few days ago it was five times that. They are going to continue to break in that direction. And if so, we should be good to go. If not, when it's within one percent, there's an automatic recount,
Starting point is 00:19:50 as I understand it. Georgia, I think she's talking about a party can request a recount. Georgia is already going to a recount. The secretary of state there, Brian Kemp, is a Republican. He is a sane guy. They have lots and lots of overseas military ballots that are still outstanding she just says he's the same guy that's where we are that's where we are folks well he's the same guy yeah he is she doesn't look like a trump voter i gotta be honest with you she looks like the bastard daughter of john elway and kitty carlis. I don't know. Let her roll. And it is likely going to be weeks, I repeat, weeks before Georgia can be properly tallied. My state. Which means nobody at this point should be calling the race. Also, they have evidence of illegal ballot harvesting in multiple counties in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And they believe the recount, they know the recount is going to shine a light on this, bring all of the fraud to the surface excuse me to the surface where the ballots that were not properly cast can be invalidated and again once they handle this then we know how it's going to shake out and it's going to shake out in Trump's favor. Nevada they have 15,000 if I did not not even mention in the military ballots the 8,000 whatever. I think we can assume those are going to be for Trump. It is a mess out there. What the hell's going on out here? I don't know, Vince.
Starting point is 00:21:13 I'll tell you what's going on, Vince. Donald Trump, maybe one of the most popular presidents of all time in unpopular, but blinded the left with their hatred so much. They're so crazy. They want them out so bad. They don't even know how to cheat. They've lost their goddamn minds and they try to do anything to get them out.
Starting point is 00:21:40 I'm loving it. Go ahead. Misunderstand the mail-in ballots that still haven't been counted and 68,000 provisional ballots. There are literally thousands and thousands. Provisional ballot is a ballot that's under question. They set it aside for whatever reason. And then they try to figure it out after whether it's good or not. That's all that means. Good.
Starting point is 00:22:02 And thousands of voters who never should have voted in Nevada. In Nevada. Lawsuits have been filed. Clark County DA's office has been notified, as has William Barr in the Department of Justice. All of those investigations are being commenced. And again, once these inconsistencies, anomalies, and straight up election issues that never should have occurred have been handled, we have a close race there, but it's a doable thing. The other thing to know about Nevada is 90 days out, guys, apparently their legislature or governor, I'm not sure which, ran through changes that allowed for massive mail-in voter and their voting lists run up to speed. They weren't properly pruned out and weeded through. It resulted in hundreds and hundreds and thousands and thousands of ballots going out multiple times,
Starting point is 00:22:47 two, three, four times over to people at different addresses. And we all know where that ends up. Again, these are things that need to be cleaned up in future years. Pennsylvania, they have 80,000 mail-in votes and 105,000 provisional ballots. Pause.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Still outstanding. 105,000 provisional, what I just told you, that are under question. Unfrigament, and that's in Pennsylvania. How did Trump was up by 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania on election night, and now he's losing by thousands? Lick a bag of shit. Are you kidding me? Lick a bag of shit. Are you kidding me? That looks so suspect on its face.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Fucking Biden, what does he do? He sits there going, I hope he, again, he doesn't. I remember my dad near the end. I look at a TV, he'd just go, what the Christ? It's probably Biden. They're trying to explain it to him. Fucking, you're up 700, almost a million. And you're going to tell me those rallies with 30,000 people, as opposed to Joe Biden in front of 20 cars, that means nothing to you. This isn't even about Trump and Biden.
Starting point is 00:23:57 This is bigger than that. Now let her roll Sonny. Biden thinks these are going to break in his favor. The Trump campaign has reason to believe otherwise, particularly with the provisional ballots. As we all know, the Trump campaign was a bard. They were actually prevented from having observers in the process, even after the courts ordered Pennsylvania to stand the hell down and let us observe. If you don't have transparency in the voting process, you don't have democracy in function, or in fact If you don't have transparency in the voting process, you don't have democracy in function, or in fact, you don't have a constitutional republic. All of this stuff is now coming to light. They also, like Georgia, have thousands of overseas and military ballots,
Starting point is 00:24:34 if I didn't already mention it. And as we are learning, and the Trump campaign is well ahead of us on this, they had statistically impossible voter turnout, which has already been referred for investigation. And they have multiple cases of counties curing deficiencies in ballots. And we all know what that means. Putting addresses on them and signatures on them when they didn't arrive with them and doing things that should never be allowed in any sort of honest election. Again, these are the types of things that are coming to light and are being handled by the Trump campaign. Wisconsin, there were tons of irregularities on election day.
Starting point is 00:25:12 The recount is starting next week. I just want to conclude with this, guys. There's a recent study that came out, literally, I saw it this morning. Mathematicians, statisticians, and economists are concluding, not opining. These are subject matter experts who have conclusively now weighed in and said that the biden math is not just statistically improbable it is statistically impossible and i'm going to give you a couple of key quotes from this the voter turnout in wisconsin apparently annihilated the historical record of 66% by almost 30 percentage points.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Pause. What they're saying is usually about in the counties or whatever, about 50 to 60%. 66% was the record for turnout. It was like, I don't know how many counties in the Milwaukee area and in Wisconsin where it was was 95 and above the turnout just this year. They must have felt strong about that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, yeah. Go ahead. The odds of this occurring are 0.000000.
Starting point is 00:26:22 That's five zeros. That's a decimal point, zero point zero zero zero zero zero one eight nine percent oh no or one in 52 million statistical analysts have noted that this five point deviation was not only a statistical improbability but a virtual statistical impossibility i am reading direct quotes from this article, which will be in the... 0.0000189. I didn't realize that mattered.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I watch a lot of the investigative team. That's like when a guy rapes and murders a woman and 20 years later, they put a shit in a DNA bank and a one in 52 million chance that it's not him. I mean, are we supposed to ignore this? You know? Even Fox now.
Starting point is 00:27:15 I don't know about... Got to say goodbye to them. You know? They're calling it for Joe Biden. Yeah, fucking... And then I read today, well, even Jared Kushner is telling Mr. Trump that he may have to kick... calling it for Joe Biden. Yeah, fucking. Ooh. Ooh. And then I read today, well, even Jared Kushner is telling Mr. Trump
Starting point is 00:27:28 that he may have to kick. Really? Who gives a fuck what Jared Kushner has to say? You can see Trump. Yeah. You dumb Jew bastard. I'll let you marry me.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Half. Well, we know you're half a fag. Don't fucking listen to him. He was part of the cancer actually this is stunning is it not though and then in Nevada Nevada
Starting point is 00:27:55 former AG of Nevada Adam Laxalt said talking about a lot of their signatures there weren't it was tallied by a machine. Is this the clip? And not by human beings. They use this program that apparently doesn't have a good reputation.
Starting point is 00:28:15 And in particular, the Clark County Register went with a machine called the Agilis machine. No, pause. Not the Agilis machine. I use that at the gym. Fucked my back up on the Agilis machine. No, pause! Not the Agilis machine! I use that at the gym. Fuck my backup on the Agilis machine. The Agilis machine. Go ahead, he'll explain what it is. And at least 200,000 votes
Starting point is 00:28:39 were counted through the signature verification process of this machine only i repeat for the media no human beings looked at those signature matches to confirm they were in fact matches now we have oh fail the energy well okay machines don't the machines have a lot to do with tallying all this shit up the agilis machine uh that's the other thing about the high tech world you know we i told you guys about the uh what was it called scorecard app that they use and the hammer the hammer we're going to talk about that in a second that's the program that our country uses on other countries when we stick our beak into
Starting point is 00:29:26 some country's election, they turned it around and used it on us, the American people. That's our agencies and our government. That's why I'm saying it's not about Trump and Biden. You guys should be shitting your pants.
Starting point is 00:29:42 That goes on in third world shitholes. You know the people climbing over the fence with their fucking two-year-old kids? They're fleeing from that shit. Coming here so they can be victims of it now. You leftists. You fucking people. You have no idea how to
Starting point is 00:29:57 defend the nation. You have to ask me nicely, Danny. Excuse me? You can have the order for them, but you have to ask me nicely, Danny. Excuse me? You can have the order form, but you have to ask me nicely. I don't want the recognition. I don't mind the bombs. You stand there in that faggy white uniform, show me some Curtis. God, I love that fucking movie.
Starting point is 00:30:23 So, again, everything I'm showing you here proves, does it not? Does it not go against everything that every, you put on NBC, CBS, ABC, they have no proof. They're claiming for, what are you talking about? How can there be a Democrat party after this? Where do they go from here? Which is the way that's clear? Still looking for that blue jean baby queen.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Prettiest thing I ever seen. See a shake on the movie screen. Jimmy D. Knock out. Hey, everybody. This episode of my show brought brought you by Sheath Underwear I love Sheath Underwear, you know I do, I'm wearing them right now I don't have the green, I like the camouflage ones because it hides whatever I do in my pants
Starting point is 00:31:16 And they're great, I'm telling you Soft as a girl's underwear, now don't take the wrong idea But honest to God, I was always a tidy, whitey guy, you know? And like I said, then I saw Michael Joe with a Hitler mustache. I was looking for something else, and lo and behold, it's got a two-pouch compartment. Keeps your balls off your legs.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I have an extra nut, so I'm sewing and thurbing it. Supportive soft material, nice looking. I just told you why I like them. You don't get swamp ass here in Georgia. The idea for Sheath came from U.S. Army soldier Robert Patton. He came up with the idea during his second tour in Iraq. Guys, if this worked for Robert and the sunblasted deserts of Iraq, you know it'll work wherever you live, even in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Support this awesome veteran-owned company. He deserves it'll work wherever you live, even in Georgia. Support this awesome veteran-owned company. He deserves it. It's actually a great product. Go to and use promo code NickDip to get 20% off your first order. Every order comes
Starting point is 00:32:16 with Sheath's underwear, 100% money-back guarantee. That's, promo code NickDip. Get Sheath underwear and let them support your big balls even you transgender folks
Starting point is 00:32:29 maybe you gotta change your different underwear now you got a different equipment down there I like my tiny whiteys but they get stretched out and you're like your left nut dangles at least at my age they're really true your balls just start it's like okay now it's longer than my penis this isn't funny um more cheating going on which one's, Jason? I let the thing roll. This is Detroit. This is Detroit. Tony Burton, listen up.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Anybody else that hates Trump, listen up. Of course, you're not watching this show because you might be enlightened. You fucking people. Anyways, this is in Detroit. Anyways, this is in Detroit. They're actually state employees training vote counters how to cheat. Listen, it's like a military class. They have to yell back answers and shit.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Of course, there's an ignorant minority woman who's been doing this for years. Nick, what's that got to do with everything? They call useful idiots. And you're not going to believe this shit. It's just, even Jason was like, what? And I said, come on, man. You lived in the hood. You know what's going on. Oh, boy. I got sick on this. I got to be careful. I didn't play this during the last story. Danger, Will Robinson.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Danger. No, Will Robinson. Danger. Go ahead. Check this out. Again, real quick. This is in Michigan, Detroit area, I believe. And it's a woman teaching the young people who count the votes how to cheat.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Let her roll. The vote fraud scheme. If your person can issue him what type of ballot? A provisional. A provisional envelope. Why? Why? Where is it going?
Starting point is 00:34:36 Not in the tabulator. Not in the tabulator. It's going in that envelope. Pause. They have a separate envelope for the provisional one. You know, the sketchy ones? And not in the tabulator, which would straighten it out. Not at a tabulator. I can't hear you, shit bird. Not in a tabulator. Where are you from? Detroit. Only two things come from Detroit, steers and queers.
Starting point is 00:35:06 And I don't see no horns on you, private. Go ahead. Pete, we have how many days? I don't know. I don't count that high. So what is the Department of Elections going to do with it? Destroy it. Multiple Detroit power worker trainings were audio recorded, which reveal the mechanics of the plant theft of the election. They demonstrate exactly how things will and will not happen on Election Day.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I'm waiting for you guys to be listening. Step one, kick out the poll challengers. Challengers and poll watchers. They have to wear a mask and they have to stay six feet. Pause. What does that tell you? What was I saying about COVID being a whole part of this? You don't think they were thinking of this?
Starting point is 00:35:55 Going, they have to stay six feet away now. That's what they're going to use. COVID excuses. You dirty bitch. Go ahead. It's important because they can come behind your table. COVID excuses, you dirty bitch. Go ahead. It's important because they can come behind your table. But if you don't have six feet, they can't come back there.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Any questions? The six feet back ones have really good vision. Pause. I'll read the question from the tranny. So the six feet back, unless they have really good vision, they can't actually see. And the tranny says exactly. Go ahead. Unless they got really good vision. they can't actually see. And the trainer says, exactly. Go ahead. Unless they got really good vision or they brought their binoculars.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Unless they brought their binoculars. That's the rule, right? And you are entitled to your six feet. I'll give you two inches. Is that common? I mean, can we expect that? Yep. Pause. Trainee, is that common?
Starting point is 00:36:41 I mean, can we expect that? In other words, the pulse watches to show up. And Flip Wilson says this. Yep, there's a coming. I don't know if they're coming to every precinct, but they're coming to many of them in the city. Yes, we have already gotten word. The state has already said they are coming. And the basic thing they're going to challenge is what? A absente deep battle.
Starting point is 00:37:06 That is correct. Pause. Yeah, what evidence? Hey, NBC, Lester Holt, CNN, any token Asian anchor woman that they put on the left. Hey, Maddow, would you giant Adam's apple, you fucking titless one. Well, what fraud? What evidence? These are baseless claims. These are baseless claims.
Starting point is 00:37:27 These are baseless claims. Really? Stop watching what I watch. And that's the, well, you got to have a fan base like mine that sends me good shit. Any more of that? What if they're like challenging and they start yelling and kind of making a scene?
Starting point is 00:37:42 Pause. Teenage trainee. They're using teenagers, by the way. What if they're challenging and they started yelling and kind of making a scene? Pause. Teenage trainee. They're using teenagers, by the way. What if they're challenging and they started yelling and making a scene? 911. Call 911. They got standards.
Starting point is 00:37:55 They got conduct standards. Okay. They make a scene, get them invited in. Call the police on them. Call the police on them like they're my cousin ray ray exactly yes they got really nine one one step two process challenged ballots
Starting point is 00:38:27 as regular ballots to be counted instead of separating them. That's provisional. This is a ballot tabulator. It looks like a Xerox machine. Before 2020, no challenged ballot would go into the tabulator. It is now. This is because every ballot inside the tabulator. He is now.
Starting point is 00:38:46 This is because every ballot inside the tabulator is anonymous. It's not true. A tabulated ballot could not be identified or challenged in the future. So before 2020, all challenged ballots were separated. They went into a challenged ballots envelope for future processing by the whatever now as of 2020 however how do you challenge your ballot you take the ballot you write in the under the bird hole two zero zero three and you cover it with what kind of tape? Post-it. Post-it.
Starting point is 00:39:27 I did this for a few years. The Post-it tape. Post-it tape, bitch. But this time, you're going to put it in a secrecy sleeve, and Mr. Starks is going to go vote as normal. Pause. John Starks? Who they talking about, Jay?
Starting point is 00:39:43 I think they're using a guy's fake name as an example. And Mr. Stark is going to vote as normal, even though his ballot should be questioned. So his ballot is going through what? The tabulator, motherfucker. Yeah, bitch. Translation. All challenged ballots will be counted immediately on election night, and only if, after the fact, a challenged ballot is rejected. immediately on election night and only if after the fact a challenge ballot is rejected.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Will an election official locate the ballot box, break the seal, and fish out the challenge ballot from the pile of thousands to find the one with a post-it tape covering up the challenge ballot number? Not too fishy. This will never happen unless maybe in a recount. my god step three allow anyone with an easily forged piece of paper to vote oh 15. all right page 15 is an example of a new voter registration receipt in michigan what can we do now as new voters we can register to vote up and through election day. The computer system, the electronic poll book program is downloaded on Saturday
Starting point is 00:40:54 before election day. It is not a live feed. So if someone registers on Sunday or Monday, they're not going to be in your computer. But they should have a receipt when they register. If they do not vote at the time they register, they give them a receipt to bring to the precinct.
Starting point is 00:41:15 So Mr. Stark, he came in. Hypothetical guy. You looked and you didn't find him. So what are you going to say, Mr. Stark? Are you a registered voter in Michigan? Mr. Stark is going to say, sure. I'm Iron Man. I flew in yesterday and I'm registered to vote.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Right? Mr. Stark, did they give you a receipt? Hopefully he will have one. He would have either right up under here. The first type of receipt he might have is going to say process him as a challenged voter. Everybody highlight that. Then below that it says note to election inspector. Highlight that because those are going to be the directions on how you process his ballot.
Starting point is 00:42:09 The one down below says process him as a regular voter. A regular ballot. Highlight that. So there are two separate types of receipts. No evidence, huh? The first receipt is going to tell you to process him as a challenge voter. Yeah. The second receipt will tell you
Starting point is 00:42:32 to process him as a regular voter. They might have either one. A vote processed as a regular voter on election day will be tabulated and cannot be uncounted later. It only takes a crude forgery for anyone to vote anywhere that's enough but what evidence what evidence these are false claims by trump and his people these are baseless right lester holt you Let's to halt you fucking Google. I am disgraced. And again, like I said, I don't know how this pans out in the end, but you know what? Again, Trump has exposed the swamp for what it is.
Starting point is 00:43:17 You lefties. I got to hand it to you. You play as dirty as you move the goalposts. You change the fucking rules during the game you are filthy filthy people well both sides do that really give me an example of the last i don't know five republican president you fucking people you have no idea how to play play part cheesy i don't know what that means, but that lady sounded very educated. That was teaching
Starting point is 00:43:48 the people. You're a real crumb bum. She's a real crumb bum, that one. She's like a drill sergeant. Now, what are we going to do with that one? Not put it in a tabulator.
Starting point is 00:44:06 We're going to call the ambulance. We'll back, buddy. Ambulance. Somebody did that. Make it. Did you see that, Jace? Oh, my God. You know, old Black Betty, the video. Somebody spliced in a black guy on a street in some downtown city. There was an ambulance or whatever. Somebody got hurt and he goes, call the ambulance. They spliced it into, oh, Blackberry ambulance. I love the internet sometimes between those funny memes and I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Now, here's what we talked about last week. I taught you guys a little bit about the hammer and the scorecard. And last week when I talked about it, it was the former lieutenant general. He's retired. He was in intelligence for the United States. Thomas McInerney was telling us about the hammer, which is an operation the United States uses to fiddle with other people's elections. And they turned around and used it on us voters using an app called the scorecard. The vast majority of people who vote for president also vote on Senate and congressional races. Is that true? Absolutely. I check them all. I just do a straight ticket thing, which isn't the smartest thing, but literally in my town there was you know who was on the fucking ballot the the
Starting point is 00:45:27 uh coroners the coroners were in a campaign thing and me and jason and my wife have been coming up with some of the fucking great corner jokes and i said to my wife did you see they come to bury them in atlanta jason what was yours? Yeah, I was really worried that was going to be a sudden death runoff. Yes, Jason was worried it was going to be a sudden death. And what was Andy's best one? I said it last week.
Starting point is 00:45:52 They're in a dead heat. They're in a dead heat. Can you imagine? But anyways, when you guys vote, you probably do, you definitely do the Senate ones too, because that's very important. And then it gets a little, you know, president vote on Senate congressional races.
Starting point is 00:46:08 That doesn't seem to be the case this year in Michigan, a hotly contested swing state that magically manufactured enough votes to put Biden over the top at the last minute. According to current numbers from Decision Desk headquarters, 5,867,609 people in Michigan voted in the presidential election, while 5,717,819 voted in the very competitive Senate election. That's a difference of almost 150,000. So that smells fishy right there there because usually most people that vote president vote senate biden is currently ahead by guess what folks 145 935 votes so that number is almost in other words they're too on the money they're sending up a red flag counselor yes counselor yeah are you there counselor could you be there should you be oh fuck it uh some might say that it's just a competitive race that many people uh were so taunt they voted
Starting point is 00:47:18 for nobody get the fuck out of here who's buying that shit no they're ignorant that's ignorant that's very unlikely. But OK, we'll play with it. Let's look at Oregon, which is a very blue state known for rampant voter fraud that did not have any risk of flipping to red in either the presidential vote or the Senate race. There are 2,317,816 voted for president compared to 2,281,011 voting for Senate, a difference of 36,805. In other words, the bigger the difference, something smells wrong. You get it, folks? What about a red state with a competitive Senate race like South Carolina? 2,514,124 voted for the president, while nearly an identical 2,512,793 voted in the Senate race.
Starting point is 00:48:11 A mere difference of what? 1,331. That sounds much more reasonable based on past. The basing is on past history elections. You look at the numbers and there's usually a tiny difference like what happened here between, you know, voting for the Senate and the president with only a small portion of the electorate abstaining on the Senate. So, in other words, these numbers, when the disparity is that big between the two, something smells. And there are a lot of places where Republicans won or held their seats in the Senate race, but it went for Biden. The fuck out of here. Are you starting to see a trend?
Starting point is 00:48:49 Let's call it what it is. There are many types of voter fraud, including the well-known commandeered mail-in and absentee ballot gambit, where cheaters collect ballots and cast votes illegally for others. We know this was going on in Michigan, but it can be assumed that nearly all of them voted in the Senate race as well as the presidential contest. So where do all of these alleged non-Senate voters originate? That's the question. For the answer, we turn to the hammer, not Dave Schultz from the Philadelphia Flyers, and scorecard. This is the thing I told you about last week with McInerney. This is a system used by the CIA as well as the Obama administration, the dirty Obama administration.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Durka, Durka, Muhammad Jihad. Haka Sherpa Sherpa. In 2012, they used it to change voting totals during transfer. It essentially hacks into the interface between polling locations and the state's repository and changes the totals being reported in near real time remember i told you it keeps them like three percent ahead the democrats in the case of michigan it seems highly unlikely that it was used to give biden the advantage it was uh it was done in a clumsy manner that did not
Starting point is 00:50:03 also change or add votes in the Senate races. So they don't even know how to cheat. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Congressional testimony by Dennis Montgomery in 2015 stated that Joe Biden and Barack Obama used the system in 2012 to secure a win in Florida. system in 2012 to secure a win in Florida. Biden knows the system well and would have had it in his back pocket to flash in front of the DNC during his miraculous ascension from the bottom of the pack to the Democrat nomination. Do you see what I'm saying? I said at the beginning of the show, he's a union guy and all that shit, and they're always around corruption. Then he's in D.C. for 47 years. You don't think he knows these programs and shit?
Starting point is 00:50:48 South Carolina had 1,331 presidential voters not vote in the Senate race. Michigan allegedly had 149,780. If you don't think that's suspicious, you're fucking delusional. This election was hacked and Trump is going to win the goddamn thing I hope I am your voice
Starting point is 00:51:10 oh my god look at him got the tiniest mouth on the planet. He has to eat like one french fry at a time. I have tiny teeth. I don't know what happened. My mother was a small mouth bass. Have I provided enough evidence, folks? Tell your lefty friends to watch the show. Smell the coffee.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Is that enough for you? Well, we got more. How about 132,000 changes of address? Huge news last night. There are reportedly 132,000 change of address flags in Fulton County, Georgia. Ballots. I think that's where Atlanta is, is it not? Yep.
Starting point is 00:52:06 These ballots are likely ineligible. Oh, that's too bad for Joey Biden. Kyle Becker in People's Pundit on Twitter announced moments ago that 132,000 ballots in Fulton County, Georgia are likely ineligible. Nobody can write down there. What? That's not why. As noted above, the current difference between President Trump and Joe and Joe. Oh, fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Biden, after days of ballot harvesting by the left, is around 10,000 ballots. If these ballots are deemed ineligible, the state of Georgia is almost certainly won by President friggin' Trump. And this is before the illegal voter harvesting in recent days is addressed. Even before they get to fucking illegal harvesting. In Georgia. You want me to bleed because
Starting point is 00:53:07 Alyssa Milano showed her tits in Georgia four times, it's turned blue? I ain't having it. This state's as red as the zits of my eyes. That's gross. Nick, we don't need that talk leave that for the left anyways
Starting point is 00:53:31 so there's a ton of evidence folks I don't mean to be but just stay up with it there's so much if you're arguing with your jerk off friends you have a ton I mean you get clips you can show them anyways hey next weekend
Starting point is 00:53:44 it's not next weekend it is not next weekend right which is not next weekend yeah so it's not next weekend it's two weekends from now that's kind of important tommy wrote this tommy two weekends from now, not this weekend, come in the following. I'll be at the Plaza in Las Vegas, and the Saturday night show will be live streamed all over the world. You can watch on your computer, Roku, Apple TV, Android TV, your wife's vibrator, or Amazon Fire TV. To get tickets for the stream, go to That's That's It's going to be a great live comedy experience. I also announced last week my new platform, which will be
Starting point is 00:54:40 And I'll be able to say whatever the fuck I want without big tech busting my balls and getting in my way I'll be making the change over to the new platform between this Thursday when the site launches through the end of the year
Starting point is 00:54:56 you can sign up now for free at look at that handsome prick and lastly I want to thank all of you who have contributed to the show. As you know, contributions keep us going. Keep the show free. So I can't thank you guys enough. Joe Lulich, Australia. Kristen Apuzzo, Connecticut. Alicia Middleton, Michigan. Stephen or Stefan Safrulak, Texas. Michael Mudenbaugh, Washington, Michael Maggi, Pennsylvania, Wayne Glover, Ohio, William Schnell, Wisconsin, Professor Slugs, North Carolina, Lee Kennedy, the United Kingdom, Edward Spineo, Missouri, Douglas Larson, Thailand, Caroline Rollman, Florida. Kenneth Pizzo, Massachusetts. Matthew Tripp, Utah.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Greg Vodvarka, California. Stephen Sperling, Illinois. Kathy Smith, Connecticut. Robert Curling, New York. Colby Andrews, Utah. Eric M. Ryan, Illinois. Tom Lent, New York. Clifton Goss, Virginia.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And we had three over the weekend, three people signed up at as monthly supporters. Catch Kat Serini, Ross McDermott and Swami Yogananda. Yogananda, Swami Yogananda, Ross McDermott, and Katsarini signed up at Thank you guys so much. Again, more important than ever. How about this? Again, I've given you enough ammunition to argue with your friends. How about this?
Starting point is 00:56:37 Pennsylvania judge's orders ignored. Wait till you get a load of this wench. You want to crack her skull on a kitchen table. A judge, well, I'll play the clip for you. This is a woman, a lawyer, representing a judge ruling. She'll explain what it is. And she's talking to somebody that, you know, runs the thing in Pennsylvania, another woman, about why she's ruling.
Starting point is 00:57:04 She's not paying attention to the judge's order about ballot counting and where people can stand and shit. I believe. Check this out. I mean, the order is pretty clear. I've been a lawyer for 30 years. What can you tell us what's unclear about it? You're a private lawyer. I'm a private lawyer who represents the city. Great.
Starting point is 00:57:23 The city is evaluating it. And I can't tell you anything more than that more they're evaluating a judge's order pause yeah the city's evaluating she's a lawyer for the city they're evaluating a judge's order i don't think that's how it works i'm no legal scholar what a judge says goes i think they're only showing her right tit and who's the dunce standing with her mask? That's the other thing. We have to identify these people like criminals. They have their faces covered.
Starting point is 00:57:52 It really is a metaphor for what's going on, but go ahead. The order means, and when they're ready to talk to you about it, they will. But I can assure you that they're not violating the under- The order is currently in effect. You're not violating the order under any interpretation. You guys had eight attorneys. One of us had eight attorneys. I think it was eight attorneys. Enter your appearance on this.
Starting point is 00:58:09 I don't understand why eight attorneys need to evaluate this order. I did it all by myself. It says that no later than 1030 today, you're to follow the election code. And my people, my clients, representatives, are to be within six feet of the process. We have read the order and we are complying with the order and we will discuss it with you in a bit. The compliance is six feet. She just fucking contradicted herself. We're complying with the order.
Starting point is 00:58:43 You can't see from six feet away, by the way. Guys, this is... That broad that was representing the city, you know, she's, I don't know. What's the matter? What's the world coming to? I don't know. Well, I don't want to break up the meeting or nothing,
Starting point is 00:58:59 but she's something of a cunt, ain't she, Doc? What do you mean? How do you mean that? She likes a rigged game, you know what I mean? Apparently, the whole Democrat Party does. But Trump will stay on them. He will bust their balls to the bitter end. You know, I fucking hate the way you make me fucking ride you.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Now get the fuck out of here. Anyways, that's enough for today. I got a clip. Maybe I'll start with it tomorrow. Pennsylvania poll workers filling out ballots. There's a camera that they don't even know about. I'm not sure about this one because I heard, I've read the comments
Starting point is 00:59:40 and some guy said, well, I worked at a poll and she's not changing it. She's doing this and that and i said oh maybe we should give them the benefit of the doubt on that one and then facebook blocked it so uh i take that as confirmation it was something nefarious if facebook does not want you to see it right i think you're with me on that anyways that is it uh for this monday folks again thanks to the people in kc that came out i had a wonderful time uh dustin the guy that runs the club is one funny dude and knows what he's doing uh anything
Starting point is 01:00:14 else i got a couple waiting if you want me to make a video message roasting one of your friends or relatives or somebody you hate somebody you you like. I'll say happy birthday to you, nephew, whatever. I can make or break the day. I'd rather break it because that's what I bust balls. Remember, you guys think that I will say it. You are very welcome. We'll see you back here same time tomorrow. Have a good day. guitar solo guitar solo I'm out.

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