The Nick DiPaolo Show - Estee Palti | Nick Di Paolo Show #1585

Episode Date: June 12, 2024

In this episode right leaning comedian Nick Di Paolo brings back Estee Palti! For more information on "Switch To America", visit to get on a call with Estee's team! what you hear?  Get TWICE as much "Nick Di Paolo Show", full episodes of Steven Crowder’s “Louder with Crowder” show and more on Mug Club! Sign up today to get all their content at and use the promo code NICKDIP to get your first month FREE! For Tour Dates, Merch, stand-up clips and more visit 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ["Sweet Home Alone"] Look at this. It fucking wrinkles like an old lady's cunt. Oops. I thought that was the old lady going, I'm tired. So I don't know if you want to open with that. Is that all right? That's a Nick DePaulo show, folks. You know, I love that word. I've never fucking shied off from it. Only because people make a big deal about it. Hey, speaking of... No. We got a great show. She's back by popular demand. You've probably seen her on Gut Belt, other new shows, doing a killer Kamala Harris.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Of course, SNL would never have her on. And she's really funny when she's not doing Kamala Harris. She got a great sense of humor. She's really smart. And you guys, I got a ton of positive shit when she was on the first time. Anyways, welcome back to the show, our friend Esti Palti. How are you, Esti?
Starting point is 00:01:27 I'm good, Nick. Thank you for having me. Ah, there you are. Where at? Now you're in New York, right? Yes. I forget, city? In the city, you know?
Starting point is 00:01:35 Yeah, in the city, unfortunately. Anybody stab you? You got a punch in the face yet? Last week, like just on Wednesday, surprisingly. Only on Wednesday. I actually, she always gets me going. I can't, I haven't been back. I feel like I left New York right before it turned into a fucking cesspool. And the fact that people, I don't know, I guess people, some people have to be there. But what a good reason to go somewhere else. You're 100% right.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I mean, listen, I'm with you. I won't leave for other reasons. My husband just refuses to leave, but... Is he a native New Yorker? He's not. No, we all immigrated here when we were really young. And I told him, like, we need to leave. Our parents came here for a better life.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Obviously, shit's gone down ever since Giuliani left his post. We need to really think about why we're still here surrounded by Dems, homelessness. I have a migrant in my fucking backyard right this second. He's sleeping on my petunias. I'm sick of this shit. Do you believe... Because when I read the comments, you know, I'll read comments after a story about New York City and, you know, how bad Alvin Bragg is, blah, blah, blah, or the mayor. He was the biggest disappointment, but I saw that coming a mile away.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Then people in the comments will always go, well, New Yorkers deserve what they, that's what they voted for. I'm so cynical. I say no. I say Alvin Bragg's in a world where they get appointed. I know in some, that's a bad example, some states the attorney general does get appointed, some get elected. I don't know what it is in New York.
Starting point is 00:03:12 But I'm saying it's not always the case that people, I'm so cynical, I don't even believe my vote counted in the last presidential election. So you're 100% right to say that because long island new york state is all red they hate that this really densely populated area new york city is responsible for you know this election turnout um it's between the white liberals and it's between the minorities that love when people like aoc blow smoke up their asses i don't know what it is but it's it's straight and pure ignorance like i've asked people why did you vote for AOC? Why do you want her in this district?
Starting point is 00:03:48 She's a she's literally a retard. She you know, she's an ex bartender. No offense to bartenders, but that's all she can bring to the table. She doesn't know what she's doing. And it's because she's Latina at the end of the day. And that's what they say now. We're going to have a Latina in office now. Now it's our turn now.
Starting point is 00:04:03 It was the same shit when Obama was in office all the black people I'm like can you name one thing you like and I tell them like you're not the reason he's in office the white conservatives and a lot of the white Dems voted Obama in it really had nothing to do with that but it's the people that are keeping these people in power the Democrats are very easy to sway you got to just go like this with the Kamala pearls. Did you say white conservatives helped Obama get in? Some white conservatives did. They had high hopes for him. They did. He knew how to speak.
Starting point is 00:04:33 He was like a perfect Trojan horse, let me tell you. Oh, I know. Yeah. And he's an overrated speaker, by the way. As far as his delivery, yes, I'll give him an A. But as far as originality, he's never said anything profound in his fucking life because again we lower the standards out of fairness for everybody and I think his fingerprints are all over the shit that's happening right now and of course you say that you know if you toggle over here the mass comes right off and then the black skin appears when you do that to Joe okay that's all I'm gonna say on the topic I have firsthand experience I'm his initial I'm his favorite diaper changer, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:07 But I've seen everything under the suit. I can tell you right now, Barack Hussein Obama is running the show. Amen, Vice President Harris, who's soon to be ex-vice president, fucking Target cashier. That's why I came back, Nick. Are you going to have a job for me in November?
Starting point is 00:05:23 It's looking bad. Oh, Christ, yeah. We, I'll, what can I do? You need your diaper changed? Actually I uh I go commando so did you see? It's so funny so does Joe sometimes we hate it. You know it's funny but well he used to senator, remember, he used to jump in the pool with women, secret agents. Oh yeah, you weren't even around, Kamala. Secret agents were around and female secret. And he would come out completely naked in the fucking pool at the White House. Just you know, apparently, he hunches a chip off the old block.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Just a fucking he not only the worst president of all time just an unlikable jerk-off Yeah, he wasn't even when he had his marbles. He was a fucking dope He was and he was racist. He was disgusting We are in a very narcissistic relationship with this entire administration everything they've said that Trump has done I know they take credit for it's the complete opposite So I always tell liberals like I know that it's really hard for you to try to rewire your brains because they've already melted, but literally just take the opposite of what you hear from this administration and understand that it's exactly the opposite of what they say and you'll be better off and you'll understand
Starting point is 00:06:36 politics a lot better, but they can't do it. They really do project and I remember Tucker Carlson saying all the time, whatever they're accusing you of doing, they're doing right now. And I thought that was a bit of an exaggeration. And then I go, holy shit, especially with the Trump. Yeah. Here's the other thing. Have you even heard?
Starting point is 00:06:54 I understand, I think, but nobody even brings up the 25th Amendment now, which is if you're not fit to be president. I mean, this guy was the reason it was invented and and I can only guess that the Republicans or people Don't bring it up because let him hang himself. Why replace somebody let this guy who's literally the worst ever let him Let him hang himself, but it's so funny. You don't even know her. I haven't heard the term 25th amendment from anybody Sean Hannity anybody isn't, anybody. Isn't that all we heard when Trump was in office for a month they were like, he's not fit to, it is fucking like you said, it's the exact opposite. And Trump's not the one that-
Starting point is 00:07:36 He's the one that lowered insulin costs. Biden came in, undid it and then did it again and took credit for everything that Trump did. That's the insanity that we're dealing with and I'm still seeing people four years down the line I'm still seeing these idiots on on X all the time on Facebook and they're still saying well Biden did this for the country What the hell did Trump do and you can't even argue with them? You're like what are you talking about Trump is the one that put that into motion you guys said he's gonna start World War three We're in three fucking proxy wars right now. What are you guys talking about? No, he's the only one that was able to get us out of Afghanistan I'm like, did you see how he got us out?
Starting point is 00:08:09 He fucking flushed us out the toilet like I don't understand what these people how they see it in such a different perspective But it's sickening at this point because it's destroying the country. Well that brings up the we're talking to SD palti, by the way Where it brings up the question, the age old question. Do they really believe, I believe most of them actually believe what they're saying. The other ones know it's bullshit, but they just want to win. They don't care if that results by any means necessary.
Starting point is 00:08:42 The Joe Scarboroughs of the world. I think he's smart enough to know that's his bullshit. And what? It's an ego thing. They're not going to admit it because then they have to admit that they were wrong. And that's really what I see. I see like, I see Bill Mayer. I see these people that just don't want to admit it.
Starting point is 00:08:56 And they're going to sit there and say, when you really press them into a corner, they're going to be like, look, is Biden the best thing in the world? No, but it can't be that guy. And that's what this entire administration bet banks bets on. Like as long as it's not Trump, anybody else is better. Even Joe. That's really what I see what's happening. They say the same shit. No, you're right. I've never seen the hate like that, but, uh, you know, I'm 62, so I've voted in a lot of elections. Uh, Reagan,
Starting point is 00:09:23 they called him a Nazi. It doesn't matter what Republican. It's the same arguments racist Nazi Homophobe we've been hearing for 40 fucking years I think the reason that they take it up a notch with Trump and nobody says this but me white Christian blonde hair blue-eyed old white billionaire that that is the devil to them blue-eyed old white billionaire that that is the devil to them he yeah you combine Reagan and all those other guys and and this is to them he embodies the fucking devil and it's like you said I can't understand we have a track record to look back now on it's one thing to say it when he's running for the first time but then to fucking live through it and go look the economy was killer you
Starting point is 00:10:03 know and everything else crime crime was done all that shit unemployment and and to look at that and go no we we can't have them well what do you find so you really do your fucking Marxist hey guys in the second half of the show I will be continuing our interesting talk me and Esti Palti, and we bring up all kinds of stuff as far as the rescue this past weekend of the hostages, why people hate Jews, and why they hate me. I don't understand. Actually I do. My mother tells me every time she sees me. She always goes, why do you think that is Nick? I go, I get your personality. No.
Starting point is 00:10:46 She's a sweetie. Anyways, so yeah, stay tuned for the second half of that. Get full episodes of the Nick DePaulo Show and Lauderdale with Crowder, four days a week. Brian Callan and Mr. Guns and Gear weekly and exclusive live streams with Alex Jones. For nine, all of that, for $9 monthly or $89 annually that's exclusively a mug club so sign up now and for you listeners out there we're now uploading the complete audio version of the show in addition to the video
Starting point is 00:11:14 watchers you can still access the video version as normal now back to more of my chat with a great Esti Pelti hey boys and girls head over to to get exclusive hats t--shirts, hoodies, and more. Which yet another way for you to support the show and look sexy at the same time. You can also get signed copies of my previous specials and all of the Nicka shirts. Just go to and click on store. Again that's, click on store. Again, that's, click on store.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Thank you guys so much. See you soon. I keep saying let's stop calling the Democrat Party and call them what the fuck they are, which is a criminal enterprise, aka the Democrats. But they're fucking, people used to say good and evil. I thought that was a little hyperbolic. No, it really is good and evil now. It is. I a little hyperbolic. No, it really is good and evil now. It is! I ought to say God.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah, it really is. It has to be because look at everything that's happening. They're everything against God and Christian values, and it doesn't have to be Christian. That's true. It's just religious values to have that fear of God. They took him out of school, and they're starting to get way too liberal and it's the progress, it's this progression, this progressivism that's gonna kill everybody. These liberal women especially, the liberal white women, I don't understand why they think everything is their problem, like from the war in Ukraine to, you know, Hamas, even like, like this is all about me, like I don't understand, they feel this sense of entitlement,
Starting point is 00:12:46 of I'm going to sit here and be against the white man, like you said. And everything just got very convoluted, and people's emotions are at an all-time high. And you can really see there's two sides here. It's really not Democrat versus Republican anymore. It's good versus evil. It's what values do you wanna land with?
Starting point is 00:13:03 That's it. Yeah, there is no buffer between and and when it gets at that point where you can't agree on what color the fucking sky is I gotta believe violence isn't far in the future no we're gonna be in it this nation's going through like a really this is this nation's gonna go through a bad divorce I'm just curious like with the custody battle who's gonna get the kids I don't know what's gonna happen I don't get what the country down the. I'm just curious like with the custody battle who's gonna get the kids? I don't know what's gonna happen. I don't care who gets them. I really think we should split the country down the middle. I'm the only one saying this. I don't say it really too much out loud on social media, but we really should. We'll take the guns.
Starting point is 00:13:34 We'll take the Constitution. You take your fucking rainbow flag. You stand all the way over there. We'll take your guns. We'll take them off your hands. Don't worry about it. And we're just gonna live life like that the way that they want the way they insist you marry whoever, you know, you call yourself a goat, a sheep, you do what you got to do. Take Biden with you take Hunter, take Hillary, take Pelosi, my god, go make you know, like, go crazy. Leave the normal sound minded people here. It's just going to become like a race of you know, what side do we want? Do we want California? like a race, you know, what side do we want? Do we want California? Or do we want the East Coast? Yeah, we're talking about Balkanization. And yeah, no, I know. Who gets the military though?
Starting point is 00:14:12 Clearly us. I don't want this new age military shit. I want the, you know, I want the old school boys. I want that. Oh, I don't. I want to see it. I want to see a guy try to shoot me in a fucking hoop skirt. A hat from Belks. Fucking twat. Yeah, it is, we are living in bizarre times. Over the weekend, let's talk about, first of all, the great rescue the IDF did saving four hostages. And in funny CNN, fucking five minutes after, there, did you read their book? at least yeah release they use the word released
Starting point is 00:14:48 Can you fucking imagine and we're supposed to first of all they hope we don't notice and when we do they like all clearly a mistake And our you motherfuckers do you ever stop lying? Well, that's why all eyes on Rafa that's why they didn't want us in there and you know, we see this we know this Like I feel like Jews like we talk To each other about this. It's like some of us get frustrated We get that's what makes us nervous up. Yes, dear when you guys start chatting amongst yourselves. This is when we all get nervous. I Just can I just I'm gonna digress a bit I'm flipping through X and I see Rogan Clipper Rogan, I'm guessing it's today or yesterday
Starting point is 00:15:25 or this weekend, and they're showing Hitler giving a speech and there's some, there's some whatever, some app or something you can do that decode, you know, it translates it into English subtitles. And supposedly this is legit. And he's saying about, you know, how foreigners are invading and and and whatever it sounds a lot and and I'm not saying I'm not saying Trump is Hitler But I'm saying what he was saying is just defending Germany and to get all these foreigners out or whatever It's very similar to the man. I don't have a problem with it. I just don't fucking genocide
Starting point is 00:16:00 I mean you don't fucking do that, but what are your feelings as a Jew on that? People are like, because he was blaming the Jews, you know, Hint was blaming the Jews for everything, for you know, their change in our culture, blah blah blah. What do you say? I mean, it's the way that you- Because you're a Trump fan. They're going to try to make Trump look like a Nazi for saying that. Like when he said that he didn't want people from the border coming in, he was talking
Starting point is 00:16:23 about the criminals, like they're bringing rape, they're bringing, do you remember how they went wild with that video? And they said, Oh, look, the racist, he doesn't want Mexicans, he doesn't want this, this, that's what built this country. We know it's bullshit. What are the Jews saying? We look, I'll tell you like this, I told you this before, in the last episode, the Mizrahi Jews and the Jews that are very understanding of and closer to God in the sense of we're practicing Jews and we did not assimilate to that extent where we have become liberal Jews. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:50 The Jews that have said, I still say it, the Jews that are normal very much understand that Trump is our only hope. And the reason why I say this is because it's true. If we allow Biden and Harris to get another four years, well, they're pretending that they're pro-Israel. They're not. They're pro a two-state solution. And Jews understand that there is no such thing as a two-state solution.
Starting point is 00:17:07 These people want Jews dead. It is throughout history. Even before this occupation that they state, even in 1920, 56 people killed brutally, 56 of them in Hebron. There was no occupation. What's your excuse then? All of the Jews that are getting slaughtered from Iran, from the 20 nations surrounding that little tiny triangle, they want Jews gone.
Starting point is 00:17:27 They want them eradicated. We know this. This is our history. It is millennia old. We understand this. Unfortunately, we are right now battling with the Jews that don't understand this, that are more like, well, politically, I don't really like Trump. And I'm like, okay, well, not politically, your family is going to fucking die.
Starting point is 00:17:43 It's our lineages that depend on this decision this time around. Now I know a lot of Jews came around this time, especially after October 7th. A lot of them are like, you know what? I don't like the policies, I'm a hardcore Democrat. This year that has to change because we don't like what's going on.
Starting point is 00:17:56 It's too similar to Nazi Germany. We can't have this happen. I care, I give a shit. I'm gonna vote for Trump because I feel like he can stop this. But there's another side that's like, no, Biden said he's pro-Israel. Those are the blind Jews. I'll tell you something before you cut me off. I want to say that only 25, I think 25 or 30 percent of Jews followed Moses out of Egypt. A lot of people don't know this. Do you know how many
Starting point is 00:18:21 Jews were terrified and stayed behind? They all perished. They all died. Do you know how many Jews were terrified and stayed behind? They were, they all perished. They all died. You know how many Jews on the road were terrified and said, no, you know, Pharaoh is going to be pissed. He's going to come after us. We're going to go back. Okay. So fucking go back. And then there was also the Jews that pretty much, you know, betrayed their fellow Jew to go ahead and survive. Only 20 to 30% made it across and actually got into the land of Israel. I say this because it's very important to understand that that's what we see happening right now. Not all the Jews are unified in this. Some of them very blindly don't understand
Starting point is 00:18:52 that Hamas, it's not gonna stop here. October 7th is one of many unfortunate events. It's not gonna stop. It has to be Trump if we want the Jewish state to continue thriving. If not, a two-state solution, they're gonna get rid of Israel that way. That's it.
Starting point is 00:19:07 What do you say to the conserved far, you know, this far right, not just conservatives, that say, but that say that the Jews are playing too big a role in the US government. And, and as, you know, as far as... Well, you know what? Indians play too much of a fucking role at 7-Eleven for me, okay?
Starting point is 00:19:24 The Greeks have way too much of a role at all the diners over here. The Asians got way too much of a role in all the grocery stores around here. I'm sorry we're successful. I don't know what these people want us to say, but the amount that we have donated and attributed to civilization, look at how many Nobel Peace Prize winners are Jews. Oh, no doubt about it. But people, the anti-Semsemites say you're playing us goyim which I'm like well whatever I go if that's what you think do something about it and I said you're
Starting point is 00:19:55 the last time you're on I said I think people are insecure about how intelligent the average jew is that's my take on it. That may be true and I do say that it makes, you know, it makes Jews, look I'll say it like this, I see a lot of Jewish last names that run media, right? That's a good example. Media. Very, you know, a lot of Jews are in media. If media was controlled by the Jews though, wouldn't the propaganda be on our side? Because all I see is the Jews losing the propaganda war. But aren't those the Jews that you're talking about that disagree with the normal Jews that run the media? That's exactly my point. It's not all on one team. There are the Jews that actually practice Jewish values that honor life, that just want to... They're calm. Look at these protests. Look at every Jewish protest. They're all calm people. They just want to assimilate and live normally and you know
Starting point is 00:20:46 Hold on to their faith and their values But the confusion comes in when there's people with the last name like Rothschild that happens to be Jewish These are not practicing Jews. These are not these are not practicing Jews We don't consider them a part of our you know, these are elitists. These are elite Jews So that's why it's so dangerous to talk about all Jews are bad for this reason Hey for those of you guys a mug club stick around for the rest of this great interview. Everyone else, go to and join to get my full show, Steven Krauter's full show, and a whole lot more.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And I mean, a lot more. Hi, good night everybody. And I'm not gonna take it all light down Cause once I get started I go to town Cause I'm not like everybody else, no no I'm not like everybody else I'm not like everybody else, whoa I'm not like everybody else, I'm not like everybody else And I don't wanna live my life like everybody else
Starting point is 00:22:14 And I don't wanna be destroyed like everybody else And I don't wanna get in trouble like everybody else Cause I'm not like everybody else Cause I'm not like everybody else See you singing, what are you? I'm not like everybody else

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