The Nick DiPaolo Show - EU Pisses Off Gretas | Nick Di Paolo Show #1236

Episode Date: July 8, 2022

EU Parliament rules on Green Energy. Another Biden staffer bails. 2 illegals stopped from mass shooting. Black woman attacks food truck. Left wing restaurant not left wing enough. A FL man......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Hey, it's Ned. How are you tonight? Great show tonight. We've got Tony Fields, Rich Little, and that's right, John Denver. He survived the crash. Up. How are you, folks? Welcome to the Filthy Show on a, well, last day of the week, a Thursday for us.
Starting point is 00:01:04 I just got great news. We're supposed to go out to dinner. It's my wife's birthday. It was yesterday, and we're supposed to go out to dinner tonight with her. Our best friend and her husband or whatever, and guess what? They just moved the date. Oh, it makes me excited.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Why, Nick? No, I fucking... The couch. That's my nickname, the couch. Okay? I lay on the couch when I design this show, find the story. Well actually that's not true. The guest bedroom, I lay on the bed, I do that there. And what else?
Starting point is 00:01:40 To pick up my guitar. I had the national anthem down six months ago, so I was gonna put that out on the 4th of July, you know, with my guitar. I had the National Anthem down six months ago, so I was going to put that out on the 4th of July, you know, with my guitar. And I'm like, I'll remember it. Holy shit, am I 60. Fucking sound like I was playing the theme to Green Acres. So I had to re-educate myself, and now it's ready.
Starting point is 00:02:00 What is it, almost Christmas? Nice going, shithead. But I'm going to put it out there. I finally learned how to use this amp. It's called the Spark Amp. It has all the different settings. Like if you want your guitar to sound like Slash, people put the settings.
Starting point is 00:02:19 It's preset in the thing. Or you go into search and put Slash, knocking on heaven's door, and you click it, and it comes up, the presets. I've had this thing for about two years, and I finally figured it out. And the more modulation and shit, the more it hides your mistakes. Oh, anyhow. So that was that. That's about it. I guess we got to get going.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I got to... Is it a tooter? A fuckton? I don't know. That has to be... It's the one I lost during the movie. By the way, go to... I don't even know how to say it. Interrobang.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I-N-T-E-R-R-O-BANG. Great write-up about the movie. It's a comedy magazine, but, you know, somebody appreciates Louis, and anyways, for what he is. Fucking brilliant. And, of course, I love me again. I don't know why. It was a deep character. A lot of layers.
Starting point is 00:03:21 That's right. Yeah. You're not shitting. Speaking of that, I bought my wife a, am I fucking up? I should have read the opening read. I bought my wife a little mini red velvet cake. And a little, I didn't know it had that buttermilk icing or whatever, which is a little rich for me. You're not supposed to eat three quarters of the cake, but... You eat three quarters of, you know, pounds of pasta, it's rich. Anyways, folks, this show is entirely funded by you viewers. I want to thank you for that and encourage you to go to
Starting point is 00:03:58 Come and click on the red text at the top of the page to make a contribution. You'll get your name read here on the show. But more importantly, you'll be supporting free speech and a forum for people like you and I to tell it the way we see it and not the horse shit you get on TV. That's, and I thank you guys as always. As I come on the air here,
Starting point is 00:04:21 this was handed to me by my producer. Boris Johnson is stepping down as the prime minister of England. And you're like, well, who's that? You know, the guy that looks sort of like the English version of Trump with the crazy hair. And he was a kind of a Trump fan. He was kind of their Trump, but he changed. Once he got to be prime minister, you could see it change politically. I don't know why he's stepping down. Maybe it's hair follicles. I don't know. change politically. I don't know why he's stepping down. Maybe it's hair follicles. I don't know. He looks crazy as hell, but he's stepping down. I wonder if it's related to one of the stories we're going to do about the European Union labeling certain fossil fuels as green. I guess
Starting point is 00:04:56 several of his cabinet members are also stepping down. Are they doing all this in unison? I wonder what went on. Not sure, but that's the latest. You can check it out later for yourselves. I'm not your fucking slave. All right, let's get on with the show. This was kind of refreshing, showing that the worm is turning a little bit, I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:18 EU, I know this is kind of a dry story, but anything that pisses off the fucking libs and environmentalists, who are the most, talk about domestic terrorists. They're the craziest people on the earth. And that includes Bill Gates, who's dead, and Bill Gates himself. All those fuckers, do you know they want to get overpopulation?
Starting point is 00:05:36 They want us. Seriously. You can tie that into COVID, take it any way you fucking want. They're all people looking on the long term, like we can break the planet. way you fucking want. They're all people looking on the long term like we can break the planet. Fuck you. Anyways, European Union ruling on green energy has environmentalists
Starting point is 00:05:52 seeing red. The European Parliament has now endorsed labeling some gas and nuclear energy projects as green. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy. I was on the wrong page.
Starting point is 00:06:17 That's even funnier. This designation will now enable these energy projects to have access. This is how you know. The minute I said, wow, something's fishy here. Why would they have the balls to do that? Of course. Money should be the next thought. Enable these energy projects to have access to hundreds of billions of euros in cheap loans and even state subsidies. Excuse me. Most importantly, the European Union has now determined,
Starting point is 00:06:39 at least for the moment, that certain, they don't believe this again, some type of scam that they'll let you know about down the road, that certain fossil fuels like natural gas and non-renewable energy sources like nuclear, which is really, the answer's right there, you know. Well, it's dangerous. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:07:01 We're not a third world country like Russia, although we did have a couple of spills, but I'm not cleaning this shit up. Who gives a fuck? Are considered green for purposes of EU policy with respect to which projects deserve loans and funds on the basis of being environmentally friendly. So they're just labeling things green
Starting point is 00:07:19 that weren't thought of as green so they can get the... Because the people lending the banks don't give a shit. Am I right? You can sum it up like this, folks. Give me the money, understand me? Give me the fucking money, you hear me? You hear me? I got to come here and bust my body.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Give me the fucking money. I always think of a politician choking somebody. Effectively, the European Union, like U.S. regulatory agencies such as the SEC, is intent on stopping greenwashing the pervasive practice of mislabeling energy projects as environmentally friendly. They get upset when you do that. But the EU's definition of greenwashing, which is likely to be influential due to the EU's major role in the global economy, has now expressly classified certain energy sources as environmentally friendly, even though many environmentalists object to that type of approach. Who gives a fuck what you think?
Starting point is 00:08:15 Greta Thunberg. Have you got any hair on your armpit yet? I cleaned that one up. I forgot I have to, I don't know. I cleaned that one up. I forgot I have to, I don't know. Indeed, certain critics of the proposal contend that classifying gas and nuclear projects as sustainable is in itself greenwashing. Greta Thunberg didn't take the, well, this is a new Greta Thunberg.
Starting point is 00:08:41 It's another girl, young, who's very upset about this. I guess Greta's her hero. But this is how she took it in most of the environmentalists. Sounds like my wife the first time I took off my underwear. And it wasn't out of fright. Okay. Good night, everybody. What?
Starting point is 00:09:05 Hey! Oh, la, la, la, la, la, la. Good timing, Nick. 20 minutes late with that rim shot. But as the great Bill O'Reilly said... We'll do it live. Okay. We'll do it live!
Starting point is 00:09:20 Fuck it! Love him. Fucking anyways. Let's stick with politics, shall we? Next story. Another Biden staffer bails. This is so fun. Kate Bendingfield, a longtime aide to President Biden, will step down. He likes his redheads. As White House communications director later this month, White House communications director later this month as a new report this week suggests the administration is lost in a sea of dysfunction. And she's like, you know what? Kiss my grits. Out the door she goes. Bendingfield, who has been with Biden since he was Barack Obama's vice president, she's to blame, was a key strategist on the president's 2020 campaign, which he lost, by the way.
Starting point is 00:10:07 We all know that. I'm sick of fucking hearing otherwise. Leading White House chief of staff Ron Klain to suggest in a statement that without her talent and tenacity, Donald Trump might still be in the White House. Yeah, right. You're a loser. You'll always be a loser. She played a huge role in everything the president has achieved. Like that's a compliment? From his doing a cartwheel
Starting point is 00:10:32 down the stairs of Air Force One to shitting his pants in front of the Queen of England, leaving his false teeth in a submarine sandwich on the Mass Pike, checking his own stool with a magnifying glass for a fucking crown he swallowed, like myself. President, everything he's achieved from his second term as vice president
Starting point is 00:10:54 through the campaign and since coming to the White House, Klain said, hailing Bendingfield's work on pushing one point, this was, she helped get this through, $1.9 trillion dollar covid relief package through congress as well as a confirmation of katanji brown jackson who's as qualified as i
Starting point is 00:11:12 am to sit on the supreme court in other words she sucked uh those are compliments have proven to be a double-edged sword for the administration the 1.9 trill rescue plan has been blamed in large part for inflation, reaching levels not seen since 1980-fucking-1. CNN reporter Tuesday, I'm predicting Jimmy Carter's going to die before the end of the year. And I like him. I met him. I told him. I'm just saying that guy had a brain operation, what, two years ago, like cancer? And I said he's a goner because he was in his late 90s then. What a tough little peanut farmer. CNN reported Tuesday that the White House was caught flat-footed by the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson's Women's Health Organization to the extent that the press aide in charge of crafting a response,
Starting point is 00:12:01 you know what she was doing? She was getting coffee at the time when the opinion by Justice Samuel Alito was handed down. Un-fucking-real. They are everything. I'll say everything. They're everything. Everything that they said
Starting point is 00:12:20 Trump's administration was going to... It's fucking mind-boggling. Even CNN is shitting on these guys. Joe Biden, you were better off hiding in the pack for 50 years. Imagine your work all you get, finally you get, it's the height of a politician in this country to be the president and it just, he'll be besmirched and deservingly so for the next thousand years. When Biden himself responded to the ruling, Democrat leaders reportedly mocked his statement, saying,
Starting point is 00:12:55 You know you're a fucking mumbling, stuttering little fuck, you know that? Which had to be kept deliberately vague because the president and his aides had not agreed on more precise language, despite having several weeks notice bending fields departure comes on the heels of biden's first white house press secretary my old girlfriend and uh super looker jen saki oh boy when did she get fucking wc fields nose oh yes the munchie nuggets it is's still in the way. It is. Jimmy Durante, the poor thing. Anyways, Jen Psaki leaving the administration for a job with MSNBC. Psaki's replacement, Karine Jean-Pierre, who's been a fucking utter disaster.
Starting point is 00:13:40 You know why she's an utter disaster and she can't hit it? You know why? Because they hired her based on immutable characteristics, like being black and a woman. See, that's what happens when identity politics is all you can think about. She's not fucking qualified for this. But we did it. The first black, openly gay woman. Super.
Starting point is 00:13:58 That's more important to the douchebags. Has experienced a rough first few weeks on the job. That's putting it fucking mildly. With Politico recently reporting that her answers to questions have baffled reporters and even made some of her white house colleagues wince that's why you gotta appreciate jen sackey i mean we knew she was full of shit but she sounded professional delivering it you know i mean this poor girl's looking at the cards and I don't have anything for you on that, you know. A missile just hit the Oval Office. I don't have anything. We'll circle back to use Jen Psaki's. Meanwhile, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby was,
Starting point is 00:14:37 this is when he had really bad gas, was shifted to the White House to fill a senior communications job shortly after Jean-Pierre became press secretary in mid-May. You know what that means? They went, oh, my God, she's horrible. We've got to have somebody in the wings. Yeah, it implied a lack of confidence in the first black woman and clam lapper to hold the position. She's terrific.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Seems like a nice lady. I'm gay. I'm really gay. I'm super duper gay. I'm gayer than a rainbow and I like it that fucking way. Dallas is dancing right now. This guy, again, did two tours in Afghanistan, so we forgive him. Things are so bad at the Biden White House, a former aide put together an instruction video on how to leave the administration as quickly as possible. Look at the video they did teaching people how to get away from Biden if they want to leave the administration.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Always try and escape or evacuate, even when others insist on staying. Encourage others to leave with you, but don't let them slow you down with indecision. Yummy. That was terrific. I'm a producer. Anyways. Hey guys, please take a moment while I think of it and click the share button to share today's episode with a friend or co-worker. Nothing helps a show grow as much as word of mouth and ass. And I thank all of you who have continued to let people know about the show. I really do. And that's how things percolate, man.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Spread the word. Nobody's doing this for a reason. You get canceled. They can't cancel me. I'm only beholden to my fucking wife. So what? I sleep outside. Thanks to Biden, too. This is the next story, by the way. Thanks to Biden, two foreign nationals almost committed a mass shooting. I'm saying thanks to Biden. Doesn't say it in the article. I'm saying it. And I think you guys can put two and two together.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Why I'm saying it. As people pour in unvetted from all over the fucking place. There's got to be over 100 people on the terror list by now. It was 50 about a month ago. So I'm just guessing. Do you understand bad shit's going to happen down the road? Even if Trump gets back in the... You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:03 They're going to... It's going to, and they're going to go, it's on his watch. Just remember I said that, if I don't, if I make it that far. Two foreign nationals, either on non-immigrant visas or illegal aliens, did I say either? Yeah, were arrested for allegedly plotting a mass shooting at Richmond, Virginia's 4th of July celebration. Do you understand that? Folks, do you understand that? We would have had two.
Starting point is 00:17:33 They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. They're flying them in at night. Okay? Flying them in at night. Okay? Flying people in at night. Gates wide open.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Still coming over the river. All you got to do is throw some crocodiles in that river, and you'll see why I said that in the encore. Is that the encore? Anyways, on Wednesday, Richmond Police Chief Gerald Smith announced the arrest of 52-year-old Julio Alvarado Dubon and 38-year-old Roman A. Balasasel, the two foreign nationals behind an alleged plot to carry out a mass shooting on the 4th of July. Yeah, you can't judge a book by its cover. First of all, the guy on the left looks like a Hispanic Gene Hackman. How'd you do it? Who did he play?
Starting point is 00:18:31 Little, in The Unforgiven, was it Little Bob? No, English Bob and Little Bill. The guy on the right. Why would you let him into anything? Huh? I say be racist, prejudge. I want you to think about that. I'm going to tell you why it was foiled. I don't know if they mentioned it or not. According to Smith,
Starting point is 00:18:54 a hero citizen, a citizen called the Richmond Police Department on July 1st to report that he had overheard a man discussing a plan to shoot up the city's 4th of July celebration. That is when police raided Dubon's residence to find two rifles, a handgun, and 223 rounds of ammunition. You fucking believe that shit? Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Dubon was subsequently charged with being in possession of a firearm as an alien to the United States. Again, I'll remind you, gun control freaks. The other kid was a total psycho, mentally ill to the bone. These guys are just fucking terrorists from another land. Again, no NRA members, no people who own guns responsibly. After police reached out to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Smith said they put surveillance on Bala Sarsol, who lived at the same residence as DuPont.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Here is the police commissioner. Security and our special investigations team went over to the 1000 block of Columbia Avenue here in the city of Richmond to begin their investigation. Thanks to the 1000 block of columbia avenue here in the city of richmond to begin their investigation thanks to the citizen once inside that residence they saw evidence in plain view that collaborated the hero witnesses step statement there was a concern hero witness the investigation continued they seized two assault rifles one handgun and 223 rounds of ammunition. At that time, Julio Alvarado was taken into custody. He was charged with being a non-U.S. citizen in possession of a firearm. He is being held currently at the Richmond...
Starting point is 00:20:37 Hey, police commissioner, how did he get here? What do you think? You might want to bring that up. How did he get in here? And when? And why? Huh? It would be racist to stop him, wouldn't it? I want to bring that up how did he get in here and when and why and huh be racist to stop wouldn't it Nancy Pelosi you filthy pig good city jail the investigation continued officers continued to put surveillance on a
Starting point is 00:20:58 second subject and that second subject was watched throughout the holiday until afterwards in which PC was actually obtained, and he was taken into custody as well and charged with the same thing. All right, that's enough. Just the facts, man. That's all, folks. Just the facts again. How do you people sleep at night that voted the 80 years that voted for Biden? Honestly, knowing as you sleep
Starting point is 00:21:26 tonight they're still pouring in honestly you're not going to recognize this country by the time this jerk off's done and that's the whole goal those are future dem voters but see i have a theory about that they're going to look around and there's going to be so much violence and garbage because a bunch of people who don't share the same culture beliefs are coming here. I don't hold it against them. You want to live in fuck in those shitholes? I don't. But I'm saying they're going to come here, be surrounded by people that don't fit in.
Starting point is 00:21:55 We're transforming to a high tech society. Some of them have an eighth grade education. So it's not going to work. And they're going to go, what the fuck? What did I do? It's already started happening. Exactly. Well, we got the Latinos, you know, who finally, that's how bad Biden is.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Especially Latino women. They're all jumping to the Republican Party. And the Dems are shitting their pants. Breitbart News reached out to immigration, customs, just say ICE, you fucking morons, to inquire about Dubon. Do you have any gray Dubon? But of course. And Balasarsal's
Starting point is 00:22:32 immigration statuses, but the agency did not respond at the time of the publication. Because a witness, a civilian saved all those people. Dubon and Balasarsal have been booked into the Richmond City Jail without bail, ladies and gentlemen. Without bail.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Pretty racist. Think about that. We could have had two. Ugly. And again, I know even people who like me, you're going to go, I can't help it. Is this a coincidence? You know how many more there were going to be, Massroom, before the midterms? It's creating a little something for them to hang on on, like we're throwing them a life preserve.
Starting point is 00:23:14 But I think it's too late, I'm hoping. And I know you're going, well, prove that the government's behind. It's just weird. The timing is weird. I don't know the skills they have to brainwash people online. I don't know. People get radicalized online. I got to believe our government is how to do it. Because they know there's a lot of people like that Cremo creep that are out there, that are on the fence, just looking for a push. Just a theory I have. Enjoy your
Starting point is 00:23:41 next parade. All the good people get killed. Nobody like this next lady. What? Fat black woman attacks food truck. See, that's what the headline should be. You understand? That should be in the New York Times, the New York Post. That's what it should be. Why?
Starting point is 00:24:00 Let's get these racial tensions out in the open. We know who this fucking psych is. Street vendors are an iconic part of Los Angeles food scene, but many are growing more and more concerned as they become targets for smash-and-grab robberies. I'm telling you, man, it's over. Call it a day.
Starting point is 00:24:29 telling you, man, it's over. Call it a day. Check. I'm going to tell you, the reason she's so mad, this lady, they told her that they were setting up. She had to wait a few minutes. She's probably the first one there, as you can see the size of her. But watch, this is a fit she threw because they said you gotta wait a couple minutes so we get a stuff, you know. And this is a response, this is the mentality of a, I'd say a two year old losing his binky or whatever the fuck you call it. Honest to God. And this isn't an isolated incident.
Starting point is 00:25:02 This shit happens almost every day. Watch this fucking savage, what she does to these people trying to make a living. Smartphone cameras were rolling as the Saturday attack unfolded, showing a woman trashing the South Tacos stand, dumping tins full of food and pouring out barrels of horchata and juice
Starting point is 00:25:25 before assaulting Berta Zuniga, who told us Monday her neck is sore and she's afraid. Afraid and nervous to speak out, Zuniga says the woman, who they've seen before near their spot on Slauson and Normandy in South L. South LA went ballistic after workers told her it would take a few minutes to make her order. After hitting Zuniga, they say she fixed herself a plate of food and then, as seen here, spit on everything left behind. Okay. Okay. Not her fault, though, because, you know what I mean? 300 years ago or whatever the fuck. Okay, I'll say two. I'll go 150.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Her great-great-great-grandparents, you know, were dragged over here. So, you know, it's not her fault. Which some lib idiot shall tell you who just can't handle the fucking truth. But remember, all cultures are equal. Mexicans just trying to work, make a living. You know what I mean? That's a grown woman in more ways than one. She threw what? Enchilada in the street? Oh, no. I get hungry listening to the menu. They're scared to speak out, said, oh, my God, I was going to say chief. It's chef and street vendor advocate Jimmy Sosa.
Starting point is 00:26:52 What a name. He's got sauce in his name. His name is sauce with a Z on it. Preordained. Exactly. That's like strippers who are named Destiny. One of my greatest jokes ever. That's like strippers who are named Destiny.
Starting point is 00:27:04 One of my greatest jokes ever. Nine or ten women that are sexually abused end up becoming strippers. I go, that's why they're all called Destiny. For Christ's sake, that alone I should be fucking a billionaire. That's why they're attacking them, because they feel like they're not going to say anything. Exactly. I think they're just trying to get something for nothing. This is what the guy said to the chef.
Starting point is 00:27:28 And so by robbing and stealing and just attacking people, it's an easy way to get something they want. Well, you must be a detective. Yes, sir. I mean, of course that's what they're doing. Workers said that it took police nearly an hour to respond. Okay? Which I don't... Hello?
Starting point is 00:27:43 That's what we keep hearing. Hello? Right? Every story. Anybody there there it's because it's la it's because it's everywhere nobody's responding anywhere dude fucking we did a story already where the cops didn't show the fireworks in minneapolis which we didn't show i think black dudes going down it's four in the morning, shooting fireworks, like professional grade fireworks at people and shit. And the cops never showed up. Now, I'm trying to figure out, people go, well, it's because, you know, some of it's defunded, money problems, they don't have this stuff. Other is cops saying, I'm not fucking, I'm not going to get in a lawsuit and ruin my life or whatever. Or is it from the top, which that's my theory,
Starting point is 00:28:32 that the people who want to overturn this country are going, don't you dare stop this shit. This is our plan. Yeah, call me crazy. You'll fucking read about it 10 years from now anyhow you know what's fun cameo if you get someone who is celebrating an upcoming birthday or an event or a circumcision or some type of pap smear what the fuck are you talking about or someone uh you want to send a great gift to send them a cameo from yours truly i'd love to send a personal gift to, send them a cameo from yours truly. I'd love to send a personal message to Roast, your loved one or coworker. People love it. They're usually fans of mine.
Starting point is 00:29:10 And it really is a good, it's an original gift. Dallas is going to put the link on the screen where you can do that. I guess that's it, isn't it? I don't know. Go there and you can see some of the cameos I've done and order yourself one. Or just go to
Starting point is 00:29:25 Cameo and search my name. You tell me a little bit about the person, it tells you how to do it. And people love it, man. One guy showed, I did one when I first started doing this, he showed it at his wedding in front of 200 people. Can you imagine? I'm like, hey, Needledick,
Starting point is 00:29:42 how are you? I heard you fucking made the mistake of getting married, you douche. I'd be less disappointed if you were gay, blah, blah. He's shown that as well. I love my job. I don't really ruin anybody. In our Libs, eating Libs segment tonight, a left-wing coffee shop in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania was shut down by its woke employees because the owners weren't extremists enough.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Left-wing extremists. The left-wing infighting was documented by the popular Libs of TikTok account on Twitter, which is great. It shows the Libs in all their glory and how they think and how mentally ill they are. Mina's World was celebrated as a safe space. And again, safe space. Adults using the term safe space. I'll say it before, and I'm going to say it again because it's in my act now. There was only one safe space on this planet. Like I said, you left it nine months after your dad shot a load on your mom. That's a great quote. For members of the LGBT community, it was a safe space.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Until workers began accusing the owners of wage theft and gentrification. And you know what? At that part of the article um i'm like hmm gentrification they're accusing them and wage stuff and i go well i'm guessing the employees uh were black it turns out once again the prejudge of the prejudice guy right on the money who knows what they're going to take the wrong way on july 1, wait till you see the owners of this. You're going to just think this country is rotten from the inside. On July 1, the owners announced that the shop would close after weeks of controversy. That's what they get
Starting point is 00:31:35 by hiring young black people. That's how grateful they are. Mina's world is closed, the post declared. We don't have enough money to continue operating. In a video, and again, that's a guy on the left, in transition, I think. On the right, on the right is, I don't know, a Samoan farmer. I don't know. I don't know, a Samoan farmer. I don't know. I don't know. Oh, my God. In a video previously posted to Instagram, the co-owners of the shop admitted their complicity
Starting point is 00:32:17 in anti-black gentrification and said that they were looking for ways to pass on ownership of the store to the employees. In other words, the work had tried to raise enough money, work as I should say, through a GoFundMe account before the shop had to close down. Of course. Who the fuck said that? The owners, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Who's the slimy little commoner shit-twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? I think it's me now. Here are the – I want you to listen to what they say. I almost think this has to be staged. They're trolling guys like me. This can't be true. You can't have people this young, this brainwashed as far as being guilty of whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Or it's a hostage video so they can try and save their business. Well, exactly. This reads just like a hostage video. There might as well be, you know, two Iranians pointing rifles at them. Listen, I mean, just listen and keep in mind, they started this as a safe space for gay people.
Starting point is 00:33:22 By the way, that sounds kind of illegal. I couldn't go in there, straight person, have a cup of whatever. I'm almost glad you're getting fucked over, you nitwits. Listen to these two shitheads. This is Sonam. And Kate. Good, Kate. I'm hungry!
Starting point is 00:33:36 We're going live as part of a radical accountability process. Listen to this. We're complicit in the gentrification and anti-blackness on 52nd Street. Pause. They're complicit into the anti-blackness and gentrification of 52nd Street. That's what they're reading it. Go ahead. We put our community at risk with our presence as well as our workers.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Pause. Put their community at risk as well as their workers just for being them. I can't believe even these two people that are this fucked up believe that. I think they're trolling me. Get the fucking address. I'm going over there right now.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Go ahead. And particularly, this was highlighted by an action from us, and we are here to take responsibility for that inaction and for the harm that we caused. Please give me a call. With the guidance of the workers and Black and Brown Workers Collective, we are trying to raise funds. Pause.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Do you hear the language? Black and Brown Workers Collective? Guys, that's right out of fucking communist manifestos. That's what you're watching. A little bit of Marxism here, whatever you want to call it. It's playing, it's a cultural revolution. It's fucking unreal.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Gutfeld did a story the other night about a business who was going to, they were going to do a Zoom call, I think it was, or whatever, and they refused to do it on time because that's a sign of white supremacy. This is what a cultural revolution looks like.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Go ahead. To buy the business and turn it over to our staff. Spin it out, you jerk-off. We put our workers in harm's way each day that we're open and we want to recognize that harm how are you harming them your workers by being open every day
Starting point is 00:35:34 we're putting them in harm that's what he just said that has no rational no logic no reason to that fucking state that's it I can't I can't I can't fucking listen to these faggots what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard everyone in this room is now safe space for having listened to it may God have mercy on your soul you're not going to heaven says right in the Bible don't
Starting point is 00:36:01 lay down with that fucking guy who's got a nose ring. Fucking leather nipples. That's from Genesis. Paragraph 6, line 19, whatever the fuck. That's me preaching. Have you ever, though? You might as well have had Putin behind me pointing a gun at her. I mean, it's fucking... I don't know what to believe. Do they really believe they're doing harm by opening a business and hiring minorities?
Starting point is 00:36:29 If I could say that right, it's not like Biden. I don't know what to believe anymore. Anyways, we'll go from the extreme leftist. No, no, no, no! We'll go from the extreme leftist to... No, no, no, no! In our FLA segment tonight, Florida Never Disappoints. You're going to love this one. This guy is, I think Larry the Cable Guy based his...
Starting point is 00:36:56 A Florida man has been arrested, accused of killing his neighbor's pet rooster. You don't hear that happening in Detroit. Well, if it happens, it's a pimp named Rooster. You don't hear that happening in Detroit. Well, if it happens, it's a pimp named rooster. Wait a minute. What was Beretta? Beretta had a pimp in his show. Oh, boy. I think it had the word rooster in it. God damn it. The owner of the rooster, Jason DeFelice, told Action News Jacksonville that he believes... Jacksonville, boy. That's redneck. Huh?
Starting point is 00:37:30 That's Florida, baby. That he believes James Nix killed his pet on purpose. He said, I lose them to animals, but I was not expecting to lose them to my neighbor that was like my friend, he said. However, Nix insists he was defending himself as the rooster attacked. Let's try that again, but in the right accent. I lose my roosters to animals, but I wasn't expecting to lose them to my neighbor,
Starting point is 00:37:57 who is like my friend. However, Nix insists he was defending himself as the rooster attacked. Let's listen to this fella. Flares up, and he's doing his thing, and he's trying to jump up at me. He was trying to get the animal away. And I tried to hit it, but the chicken's jumping up at me, and I accidentally knocked it in the head. You know, call it a lucky shot, whatever. But when Dave Felice came home, all he saw was his rooster dead in a ditch. I said, I'm calling GSO. I called GSO. GSO didn't do nothing.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Then a couple days later, I realized I could call animal control. And in late June, James Nix went to jail for animal cruelty. Next thing you know, he calls the chicken police on me. While the neighbors continue the fight, N Nick says he never should have been arrested. Chickens are dying every day people at churches Popeyes and Kentucky Fried Chicken. Really? You shit kicking stinky horseman horse smelling I love them. They are dying every day. He hit it with a stick. He says, I just checked my mail.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I don't even get this. And turn around and go. I hear bang, bang, bang. What's a chicken armed? Bang, bang, bang. And I turn around and there's a chicken out there with a AR-15 pointed at me chicken out there on the street I said oh boy it's go time oh boy here we go he says turn around walk to my place, bang, bang, bang. Figured he's out of bullets by now.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Now the chicken's in my yard. Now Nick flares up big and whatnot. Oh my God. He goes, I didn't know. Where's this come from, this line? I don't know to give it a 21-gun salute, Nick says. CPR, mouth-to-mouth, do you know? Or call the chicken ambulance?
Starting point is 00:40:10 Kids in the neighborhood told DeFelice that Nick's had beaten the rooster. I kind of believe the kids. So DeFelice called animal control. Can you get any more Florida than that? He should be the goddamn state flag. His head. You know what I mean? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:40:30 They never disappoint. Church's chicken. K-L-C. I love how the word chicken has six syllables. Chicken. That is it for the week, ladies and gentlemen. Again, we appreciate you tuning in. We couldn't do it without you.
Starting point is 00:40:50 But for you people who are monthly subscribers, don't go anywhere. There's another story coming up. It's a terrific one. It involves a crocodile. Ain't no faggy rooster. Just be a crocodile up in this motherfucker. Okay, that is it. Don't forget to sign up monthly, please.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Spread the word on all your platforms that you're on. And don't forget to sign up at, then, which is great. And you go to to check out my... I'm going to be in Florida in November for like three or four nights. Bing, bang, bang. That'll be fun. I'll be somewhere before that, I think. Probably my living room
Starting point is 00:41:28 watching TV. Don't forget If you want me to roast a friend or a relative or say happy birthday to mom or whatever, just go to and they'll tell you how to do it. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:41:44 I got it all? So that's it. You guys keep thinking it. I'll keep saying it. That was my slogan way before anybody else ripped it off. And have a great weekend. We'll see you on Monday. Take care.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Take care. guitar solo guitar solo Thanks for watching!

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