The Nick DiPaolo Show - FBI FISA Flaws EXPOSED | Nick Di Paolo Show #274

Episode Date: December 17, 2019


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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! guitar solo Oh, yeah. How are you, folks? Need new headphones. That's the fucking conclusion. Anyways, great to be with you on a Monday from the state of Georgia.
Starting point is 00:01:22 It's in the mid-60s. How you guys doing in the Midwest? Freezing your balls off, are you? Great to be with you. I am your voice. Don't forget it okay. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So enjoy. Me fuck you and your bone spurs. Hey, hey take it easy brother man. Angry black people everywhere I'll tell you. Beating white kids up on buses. What in Christ?
Starting point is 00:01:49 I'm afraid of going to an Arby's. What? Hey, big shout-out, big thank you. We got a large donation from Charles Riley. Charles, thank you so much for supporting the show. That's Charles Riley, not Charles Nelson Riley of the match game fame in the 70s. Rich, do you remember Charles Nelson Riley? You're old enough, right?
Starting point is 00:02:15 Was he the in-coach, the show coach? No, he wasn't. Why don't you go back to fucking doing nothing? Strike one. Was he in-coach? Was he in-coach? You mean on a Delta flight to Shitville? Yeah. Actually, he was.
Starting point is 00:02:29 How are you, folks? Huh? Big day in the NFL. I am. There's two weeks left. I'm in a pool of 106 people. I am number one. Okay?
Starting point is 00:02:37 Number one so far. Of course, I got a broad breathing down my neck, and she'll pick the color of the uniform she likes and beat me fucking solidly. Let's get right to it. How about a shout-out to Chris Wallace of Fox News? I thought he did a nice job grilling Comey and shithead Schiff this weekend and sort of got the truth out of them about the FISA warrants and stuff. But watch these guys, typical elitist assholes. They know they're wrong and they kind
Starting point is 00:03:08 of admit it, but they can't, you know, it has to be beaten out of them. First of all, let's go to Adam Schiff. Here's Chris Wallace grilling this pencil neck just habitual liar. Given what you know now,
Starting point is 00:03:24 we talked earlier to Director Comey, and he basically said, I was wrong in what I represented back in 2018. Are you willing to admit that you were wrong in your defense of the FBI's FISA process? I'm the smartest man ever. I'm certainly willing to admit that the Inspector General found serious abuses of FISA that I was unaware of. Pause. That's not what he asked, you dick cheese. Can you admit you're wrong? Well, I want to admit that other people fucked up. I'm glad he got bullied. Put it back
Starting point is 00:03:54 on him. Had I known... Go ahead, Russ....known of them, Chris, yes, I would have called out the FBI at the same time. Oh, you didn't know of it? You are a fucking cheese ass. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Is that the first one god i want to put my fist through this 11 television monitor okay well i we uh we didn't we weren't aware of the ig there was 17 omissions
Starting point is 00:04:21 and mistakes that's what the harwood said the the IG, the lawyer for the White House. And, you know, if we were aware of them, we would have. But you were aware of them, you fucking liar. God help us. But you know what? It was a good weekend for Schiff because then he was speaking at some Armenian genocide convention. I didn't know people were committing genocide against the Armenians. They think they're Italian, by the way, the Armenians.
Starting point is 00:04:46 No, that's the Albanians. I'm sorry. I'm confusing my shithole countries. But here's Schiff. Rich, I don't want to hear it. You got a dumb look on your face. You have nothing to add today. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Trump supporters finally fighting back. Calling him a liar to his face. You're a liar. It's about time we saw some of this. I'm going to kill you, you lying cocksucker! Fucking Armenian. Finally, some of the Trump people getting the fucking nerve up to infiltrate these meetings. Rich, again. No, you got to smirk like you want to say something.
Starting point is 00:06:16 You got nothing. You got nothing. Nothing funny to say. Matter of fact, you're on suspension right now. What could you possibly add to that? I was just going to say the Armenians seem pretty mean. There you go. All that for that.
Starting point is 00:06:37 See, what you're doing is you're supposed to be my foil, and he knows that. But now you're going so bad that people aren't believing it. They're going, oh, he's acting as a foil. There's no way you could have thought that was fucking funny. Not in a million years. Raz started to pick up a stapler. He was going to drill you in the back of the head with it. And I would have been all for it.
Starting point is 00:06:59 It's good, though, isn't it, to see the fucking, some of the right out there causing a ruck? Shout them down. Don't let them speak. Start marching on college campuses, burning down faculty rooms. That's right. I'm encouraging that shit, kind of. Okay, I'm kidding. I was only kidding. I was kidding. Alve, truce, honey. Boot off stage. He's useless when he doesn't have a gavel in his hand and he's not making the rules. He stands there like the spineless, wonder-lying cocksucker that he is and just can't admit wrong.
Starting point is 00:07:34 And then James Comey was on Fox News. Chris Wallace, former FBI Director Comey, admitted on Fox News Sunday that he recently released Justice Department Inspector General's report on the launch of the FBI's Russia investigation. And the use of the surveillance process showed that he was overconfident when he defended his former agency's use of the Pfizer Act and overconfident. They just can't come right out. Well, he's going to admit that he was wrong, but it has to be beaten out of him. They just can't come right out. Well, he's going to admit that he was wrong, but it has to be beaten out of him. Like when I want my wife to admit I'm good looking, I have to fucking beat it out of her. Not physically.
Starting point is 00:08:13 You know, I mean verbally. I have to go, what's wrong with my 75-year-old testicles? You don't like those? What's the matter with you? Anyways. Okay. Here's Chris Wallace, who did a nice job of hammering away here. 17 significant errors in the FISA process, and you say that it was handled in a thoughtful and appropriate way.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Yeah, he's right. I was wrong. I was overconfident in the procedures that the FBI and justice had built over 20 years. I thought they were robust enough. It's incredibly hard to get a FISA. I was overconfident in those because he's right. There was real sloppiness. 17 things that either should have been in the applications or at least discussed and characterized differently.
Starting point is 00:08:55 It was not acceptable. And so he's right. I was wrong. Isn't there more? Are you sure? Huh? Goddamn me. I must get lazy while I'm doing these things.
Starting point is 00:09:13 But then Chris Wallace went on to say, well, you're acting like you were a third party to this and watching it. And, you know, you were, he said, you were the head of the FBI at the time, sir. And he was like, you were he said you were the head of the FBI at the time, sir. And he was like, oh, yes, I was. But, you know, they they almost come clean. He's the dirtiest cop ever. OK, and I just love it. Just admit you're fucking wrong. Prove that you wealthy college boys don't have the education enough to admit when you're wrong.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Exactly. Anyways, I thought Chris, but here's what's dumbfounding me. Trump's got me confused. He's bad-mouthing Fox News all weekend for putting these guys on, saying they're being more politically correct, which they are
Starting point is 00:09:58 kind of, but not with this. You just expose these two fucking liars that are trying to, you know, the Russia hoax. He just exposed them. So I don't know why he'd be jumping on Fox News for having these guys on. It's not like he was blowing them, you know, like MSNBC or whatever. And by the way, watch.
Starting point is 00:10:15 This guy, Comey and Schiff, once they're out of politics. Well, Comey. I guarantee you he'll be a pundit on CNN within the next six months. He'll get a nice fat contract and try to stay relevant. And speaking of staying relevant, you know what I love is transgender strippers. I love big, fat black guys who fucking say, I want to be a bitch and slap on some giant titties. What am I talking about?
Starting point is 00:10:40 No, I'm not talking about the latest RuPaul show. You ever see her without makeup? Jesus H. Christ, Heloise. A large trans... This is in the article. A large transgender stripper was hired by taxpayer funds to perform at an annual event aimed at tackling homelessness. What is stripping, whether it's transgender or...
Starting point is 00:11:02 What does that got to do with being homeless? Somebody fucking help me out. Other than, you know, sticking a dollar bill in their pants. You do that with both the homeless and the fucking stripper. What do they have to do with you? Only in Seattle, the city with the largest number of white homeless people I've ever seen. Seattle and King County lead is hired transgender stripper stage name Beyonce Black St. James. Can you imagine Beyonce watching this shit? Beyonce Black St. James, otherwise known as BBSJ,
Starting point is 00:11:37 up in this motherfucker. Yeah, BBC. To perform their annual conference on solving homelessness. The event, which took place last Monday at South Seattle College, kicked off a social media storm, questioning the use of public funds for performances of this kind. Oh, they finally got your attention in Seattle, you people that live there? You taxpayers finally see what the lip jerk-offs who are ruining your city, what they're doing? No, Rich, nothing.
Starting point is 00:12:05 You don't have nothing. Quiet the rest of the show. The event ran with a theme of decolonizing our collective work. Oh, it's always about colonization, huh? I love how progressives live in 1650. Colonize this, you fucking jerks. Let's take a look at this broad, because I might spank it. I might fucking rub an out to this fucking pulling guard out of Nebraska with big titties.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I saw a ham sandwich. Yeah, that's terrific. Taxpayer money. Look at a table of fucking giant mountain women. Yeah. What was that, a donut? Oh. This poor guy slash girl. All right, that's it. This makes my blood boil. Interracial kissing. Not when it's a regular black person and a white person. When it's a fucking black guy who is now a woman.
Starting point is 00:13:10 And look at the white girl. Look at her. Just brain dead. If I don't agree to do this, I'm a bigot and a racist and a Trump fan. So I'm going to pretend to kiss fucking Leon Spinks on the mouth here. And what is that thing in the background with a sweatshirt on and the fucking muffin top? Who the fuck is that? That was, look at her.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Like she's, oh my God. Do you understand? Do you understand her heart isn't in it, that girl? Do you understand that's peer pressure and shit? What is she doing? Pulling a pube out of her? Look at her pasty. She'd be on the cover of National Geographic
Starting point is 00:13:55 carrying firewood back to the fucking village. Spin, Rich. Don't want to see your face. Don't want to see that dumb look you get when you think you're going to say something. I really don't. It's fucking irritating me. Go ahead, Rich. Don't want to see your face. Don't want to see that dumb look you get when you think you're going to say something. I really don't. It's fucking irritating me. Go ahead, Rich. I think the correlation between the strippers and the homeless people are they all have a lot of $1 bills on them.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I just said that. I just made that joke. Wow. You're focused on what? Your unfunny thesaurus? God fucking... I just said that. Good to see you paying attention to the show, though. But that's where your tax money's going, Seattle.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And you know what? You deserve it. You vote these people in. Following the event's controversial performance, the event organizer, Kara Zylstra, was placed on leave. Prior to the event, Zylstra was paid about $123,000 a year. What a—we're rotting from the inside out. I'm not speaking hyperbole here.
Starting point is 00:14:58 We are just like—I can never remember who the Russian was back in the 50s who said we would rot from the inside out. We are. We are coming apart at the social. That is, that's taxpayer money being spent. Okay? So Leon Lett, who put on a few pounds, can fucking strip. Aye, aye, aye. Oh, she's been put on leave.
Starting point is 00:15:22 You know, as soon as we finish this story, she'll be put back in her job and we won't know about it. Yay for Seattle. Another liberal run city going into the toilet. My goodness gracious, Heloise. The anti-Trump shit is taking a, it is, the left is so blinded by the hate. These stories are fucking, how about, did you see this now? We talked about this on the show before, but the headline today was corrupt mainstream media accuses army Navy cadets. They played this week, army Navy,
Starting point is 00:15:56 Navy won for the first time in three years. But the mainstream media is accusing a couple of cadets of racist hand sign, and the Internet exploded over it. Here's the video of them at the game. This meaningfulness and the significance extends well beyond just when the two teams play each other. Watch the guys behind you. Not that. It's coming. the football field and they will tell you up four or down 40 they play their guts out every single play until the clock strikes zero belive me they all know if you're gonna beat army or navy that is a full day's work white power all right wipe anyways we we discussed this game raz my
Starting point is 00:16:43 buddy razia the producer said you play this in high school? Yeah, I play in high school. Play with my cousins. It's called the circle game. Yeah, you just, if they look at the circle below your waist, you can punch them on the shoulder. I have never heard of Rich. You? Oh, now he's being quiet.
Starting point is 00:16:59 When I ask you a direct question, you can talk. Such a pussy. You going to pout the rest of the show? It looks like the guy's holding a tic-tac in his finger, so I don't see anything. Oh my god. Anyways, it's an innocent game. By the way, if you know the history
Starting point is 00:17:24 of it, it was invented by a game an an Ohio resident, Matt Nelson, in the early 1980s. Nelson claims to devise the game while in elementary school as a way to punch his friends. Yeah, so if your friends move and look down, see you doing that, you get to punch them as hard as you can in the arm. Why that, though? By the way, Mr. Nelson was a Nazi. Did we mention that?
Starting point is 00:17:43 No. But Raz is black, and he played it, so I'm pretty sure it's not a white power thing. Just, you know. And the mainstream media all over these. Nothing burger. Nothing burger. Nothing burger.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Yeah, exactly. Nothing to see here. Please, Pittsburgh. Nothing to see here. Please. Anything to disparage the military, though. And you know who's to blame for this? What is it, 4chan?
Starting point is 00:18:12 Where's that piece of paper at? February 2070, 4chan uses launched operation OKK to flood Twitter and other social media websites with posts claiming the OK hand symbol was a symbol of white supremacy. In other words, see these three? That's the W, and this makes the P, power. White supremacy symbol along with a picture of an okay symbol identifying three upturned fingers as the W and the thumb and forefinger circle. Imagine how crazy to come up with that. It's literally a gag, though. They put it out as a gag, and that's how much of an appetite the left has to paint this president and anybody who doesn't agree with the left as white supremacist and shit. And it actually caught on.
Starting point is 00:18:56 These cadets were obviously fucking around, and here's my question. But it's been around enough where people are talking about being a white power symbol. So I gotta believe they know that too. Either way, I'm fine with it. Even if you, they're just fucking not, they're turning the game back on the people who came up with it. They're going, is that what we're doing? Is that a white power symbol? We're playing the circle game. I love it. Keep doing it. I mean, we have Democrats doing it all the time.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Trump does it upside down. If that's a signal, he's been sending that out since he came down the escalator. Count how many times he does this. Anyways, can you imagine, though, disparaging a couple of young guys? Now, I'm reading the articles that's going, well, these guys' careers are over. No, it's not. It's a little overreaction. But 4chan, I gotta give it to 4chan. 4chan. I wish I had a 4chan. I wouldn't be working anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Good night, everybody. Thank you. Rich sent that in. Rich laughs at the worst pun I've ever come up with. What does that say about that fucker? I'll tell you. So anyways, they came up with that being the white power single. But it was all lies. Goddamn right it was.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Hey, ladies and gentlemen, if you like this show, come see me do what I really do well. Stand-up comedy. New Year's Eve, which is right around the corner. The Tarrytown Music Hall in Tarrytown, New York. It's one of my favorite gigs. Then January 24th, I have to get back on a plane, go back up there. Hey, Tommy, there's a thing called routing. Fucking Google it. Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield, Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Now, listen up. We just added January 25th, the Larkham Theater in Beverly, Mass. Beverly, Mass is the town that borders my hometown. I have a ton of relatives in Beverly, Mass. Beverly Mass is the town that borders my hometown. I have a ton of relatives in Beverly Mass, and I got in a fight with a bunch of kids from Beverly High School in high school at a hockey game. They were our arch rival. I'll be at the Larkham Theater January 25th, and February 1st, I'll be at the Historic Ritz Theater in Brunswick, Georgia. February 15th, the Kelsey Theater, Lake Park, Florida. Another one just added, February 20th through the 22nd, and I love this, Comics at Mohegan Sun, Montville, Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:21:12 I packed that place over a year ago, so it's going to be even bigger this time. February 28th, Decatur Civic Center, Decatur, Illinois. March 13th and 14th, Magoobies. God damn it, and 14th, Magoobies. God damn it, change that name, Andrew. Magoobies Joke House. It's a beautiful club, actually. Then April 3rd, Morgan Hill Event Center in Herman, Maine. April 4th, Jonathan's in Agunquit, Maine.
Starting point is 00:21:36 One of my favorite gigs on the East Coast. Jonathan's is a big gay hangout in the summertime. And I said there are a lot like black people. They don't come out in the winter, but I hope they do. Depending on what state you're in. There's the 4chan thing. I am so fucking disorganized, it's not even funny. Here comes my favorite story of the day.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Speaking of white supremacy, we'll segue right into this. This is my favorite headline. I almost fell off the couch. Jews. Jews! Jews flock to axe-throwing self-defense class after Jersey City shooting. Bunch of rabbis doing this. A bunch of rabbis. Hello, mother. Hello. Hello. Hello. Am I making this shit up?
Starting point is 00:22:37 Rabbi Sensei Gary Moskowitz, a former NYPD officer and martial arts expert is hosting an axe-throwing counter-terrorism class in Williamsburg Monday and says Hasidic Jews have been clamoring to sign up in the wake of the kosher market massacre that left four people dead, including a cop. Really? Now, the kosher market massacre, was it Cherokees that killed those people? Fucking the Sioux? What are you doing? It was guns.
Starting point is 00:23:10 How would that have helped if you had all these guys there with their tomahawks? And these two black liberation fucking Israelites get out with long, long shotguns. Really? What, are you going to circumcise them? What the fuck? How'd you like some chopped ham? I don't understand this, and they're dead serious. I mean, the mentality behind it was, the guy who started the class, the former police officer, he makes a good point, because with hand guns, first of all, you can't take them anywhere in New York. It's very hard to get one.
Starting point is 00:23:45 That's why I bought a shotgun in New York. Came down here. I got a handgun in three seconds. I love it down here. It came with my Happy Meal, actually. Fucking chicken 10 degrees all over. Rich, focus. You're not paying attention.
Starting point is 00:23:57 What were you doing? Hurry up. I was Googling to see if Jewish people had any machetes. Oh, were you? How'd that come up? Please get to the microphone a lot quicker, okay? Thank you. He wheels over like he's a 90-year-old lady in a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:24:15 I was checking out the Jews to see if they had machetes. The situation in Jersey City changed everything. In a few lessons and with practice, this is the quickest way for Jewish people to have a chance to mitigate terror and murder. Is this serious? They're fucking throwing axes. Just buy illegal guns like everybody else does in New York. I can tell you where to meet. They come up from South Carolina every Wednesday night at midnight at Port Authority.
Starting point is 00:24:44 It's like five black guys in a Nissan. They open their trunk. You can go crazy. Okay, there were a few white guys selling them, too. You happy now? Look at this. He says at least they'll have a fighting chance. Yeah, or a bris.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Also the president of the American Jewish Security Council. What the fuck? Get this through your head, you dirty Arab fucker, you! The guy who's teaching this class, Seventh Degree Black Belt, says Orthodox community feels under siege amid a spike in anti-Semitic hate crimes this year, and claims their best defense is to literally bury the hatchet. Oh, that's a good one. Rich, are you writing for this website? He says, I'm teaching people to throw axes. Oh, damn it. Google this.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I don't know if you can pull this up, Raz. Do we have this capability? The Tonight Show. When Johnny Carson, it was in black and white, there's an Indian, a guy who played an Indian. He throws an axe. Do you guys remember this? It's the biggest laugh ever in the history of The Tonight Show. It fits in black and white. There's an Indian, a guy who played an Indian. He throws an ax. Do you guys remember this? It's the biggest laugh ever in the history of The Tonight Show.
Starting point is 00:25:49 It fits in perfectly. And if I was thinking, I would have told you to pull this up, bro. I don't know what his name is. But if you put Tonight Show, Johnny Carson, ax throwing, it's like the most famous clip ever. Ed Ames? Yes, Ed Ames. Very good, Richard. Very good.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Somebody give Richard a gold hatchet between his eyes. When you get struck with an ax, it's game over, he said, adding it's easy to train somebody to throw a two- to five-pound ax than to use a gun. No one's going to get... Yeah, all those ax-buy fucking drive-bys in the Brooklyn Saturday. No one's going to get a gun permit in New York City, so why teach it to someone in New York City when they can't carry it? We're not looking to kill people.
Starting point is 00:26:30 We're looking to stop them, he added. You all saw him. He had a gun. Do you find it, Raz? You guys are really fucking sucking the wind out of the show yes can we play it sometime before wednesday uh one jewish security guard uh experts said the tactics didn't cut it arguing axes and spears are impractical and could potentially land you in legal trouble as opposed to a handgun in New York? Watch Johnny.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Johnny's going to stop him from saying something. Watch, watch. Stop him grabbing. Like a good comedian, he's going to milk this. If you watch it closely, he's gauging how much longer he can wait to let the laugh die before what he says will be irrelevant to what happened. And he gets it just on the nose.
Starting point is 00:27:36 It's beautiful to watch. I didn't even know you were Jewish. Perfect, right? Anyways, that's what the Jews are going to do, throw axes. Oh, bow and arrows. There's an agent from William Morris showing a cancer patient. Oh, yeah. There you go.
Starting point is 00:28:11 That's going to work when Black Lives Matter comes a-knocking with their fucking 48 stolen Glocks. Let me get a beat. Are Jews being attacked on horseback? What the hell? Anyways, I thought that was fucking hilarious, that headline. It's getting hotter than my mother's ass up in here. Anyways, let's stay on racial tension. It's what we do.
Starting point is 00:28:40 But these Jews are crazy, aren't they? You are correct, sir. More racial tension. Five students charged in brutal school bus assault, allegedly motivated by victims' pro-Trump hat. Five students in Florida have been charged with assaulting a fellow classmate on a school bus, allegedly motivated by the victims' wearing of a pro-Trump hat. Here is... How many times do you have to watch videos like this a school bus allegedly motivated by the victims wearing of a pro-Trump hat.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Here is a... How many times do you have to watch videos like this before I can say something really racist and not get in trouble? I mean, even Raz was blushing on this one. Let's take a look. Interesting. Kill the white people! Wake up, white people. Let's not pretend this is an isolated incident, okay?
Starting point is 00:29:49 Is somebody going to show me a clip of somebody wearing an Obama t-shirt, getting the shit kicked out of them? Or a Hillary t-shirt with a Trump supporter supposedly fucking beating him? Huh? Reverse the races there. And it will be on mainstream news for the next three months around the fucking clock that is a hate crime those fucking bitches should be locked up and the fucking boys with them i'm fucking real i mean how many times you have to watch a cell phone video of the attack reportedly shot by another student obtained from the school officials
Starting point is 00:30:19 went viral after being shared to twitter by the 14 year old victim's mom. She actually said in a quote, my son was just beat up by eight to 10 black kids. The boy's family claimed on social media that the boy was targeted because he wore a trumpet. Why would they fucking lie about that? I love these articles when it's a righty being quoted. He allegedly, they said, keep in mind this is only the first 21 seconds of the video. The mother, who goes by username at American Diaries on Twitter, tweeted, Please retweet to have these two girls and three boys held accountable. According to the victim's mother, her son was hospitalized following the assault. The incident prompting an outcry from many supporters of Trump and high-profile conservatives,
Starting point is 00:31:00 including Charlie Kirk and Rudy Giuliani. The attorney representing the victim's family said on Friday that they are extremely grateful for the encouragement and support that they have received in the aftermath. Is that the strongest word you have, attorney, for the victim? Huh? Wow, that's big of you. A lot of balls. I hope you had some other quotes that I missed. Hamilton County District Superintendent Rex Mitchell said in a statement issued Friday that the school that investigated the incident, disciplined the students. Really? Disciplined them? Can we get more specific?
Starting point is 00:31:32 Were they booted out of school for the rest of the year? Involved and turned evidence over to the local sheriff's office. You mean the tape that some kid made? Mitchell also said the school found no evidence that the victim's pro-Trump attire had anything to do with the attack. So apparently the school district superintendent, Rex Mitchell, is part of the resistance. You can just tell. Oh, yeah, it had nothing to do with it. The mother's lying.
Starting point is 00:31:56 There was no evidence found during the investigation that indicated the student was wearing any of this apparel at the time. Nobody said that of the altercation or that his wearing of such apparel on a prior occasion motivated the incident. Well, you're just a fucking liar, and you don't want to, you can't handle the truth. That's what I say. And wake up, people. Wake up, white little fucking nerdy kid, getting the shit kicked out of him. Happens every day. We talked about bullying on Tough Crowd, you know, all the time. And Colin used to bring up, you know, because he went to school in Brooklyn and shit. And they never, the articles in the New York Post and all the, they never mention who the real bullies are. Ever.
Starting point is 00:32:41 No, I'm not saying there's no white bullies. I was one. I was also bullied. But come come on it's always seven on one give me a fucking break go ahead Rich I can see you got something brewing no I was just going to say but the white power symbol is the problem you know not this behavior I know
Starting point is 00:32:59 isn't that terrific no you're right you make a good point Rich I'm glad you added to it. I wish we were doing NPR radio right now. Richard Wood, he funds the AIDS, Thomaston, whatchamacallit campaign. And he had it. No, there's a double standard.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Look, I've been saying this fucking since since I was 21 I'd watch the news and I'd go didn't isn't there a story where there's a reverse hate crime oh by the way I have a great original idea
Starting point is 00:33:40 for a screenplay for Hollywood it's a story about a black guy who's rightly accused of a crime. Why don't you try that once? Huh? That would be really fucking thinking outside the box. According to Hollywood, a black guy has never. That's fucking.
Starting point is 00:34:03 But it wouldn't be as interesting. Yeah, it would. It would be so interesting. That's him. Yeah, wouldn't be as int... Yeah, it would. I'd be fucking... It'll be so interesting. That's him. Yeah, he did it. Fucking... Movie's over. Yeah, but it was only 20 minutes. I don't give a shit. Kill the white people. More emasculation. More feminization. More pussification of the United States of America.
Starting point is 00:34:28 There's a coach under fire, and he's a soccer coach, so he's a big girl, but anyways, under fire for taking, oh, oh, oh, real quick, I want, did you guys see Newtown High School? Did you guys, this weekend they played, played listen to this they played for the state championship in connecticut whatever their division is against dairy in connecticut this is seven years to the day of the newtown sandy hook massacre last play of the game kid throws a hail mary for a touchdown to win the newtown wins the city and they're fucking unbelievable they showed it like it was the number one play on SportsCenter. It was like all foggy and shit.
Starting point is 00:35:07 This kid just unleashes a bomb. Kid runs under. That's why sports is, you know, people go, why don't you go to Broadway plays? Because this shit is not scripted. And it's more amazing than anything that's going to come out of fucking Charles Cohen's head. I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 00:35:25 They just made up a playwright. The fuck's Charles Cohen? Anyways, I wanted to bring that up. I should have showed a clip. Hey, I'll be honest with you. Fucking later on all weekend. Wiping peanut butter off my eyeballs. Listen.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Coach under fire for taking high school soccer team to Hooters after loss. Oh, come on. Can you imagine? He's under fire for doing something. A testosterone is under fire. It has been for about 40 years in this country. Okay? High school kids, really?
Starting point is 00:36:02 You can't take a bunch of high school boys to a fucking, or girls, to a Hooters? We don't want them thinking, we don't want them, how are we going to brainwash them into thinking that pussy's bad and tits are bad? No, maybe we should get a transgender 400 pound stripper to fucking dance for them. Lake George High School soccer team is riding high. Why do you take a kid's guys playing soccer to a Hooters? They don't really like pussy. Take them to Chippendales. I'm not a big soccer fan, sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Raz is with me on that. Lake George High School soccer team was riding high with an undefeated season until a loss to Voorheesville Blackbirds on November 2nd. After a scoreless first half, Voorheesville scored on a rebound shot and ended up winning the game 3-0. After the game, Coach Blake White,
Starting point is 00:36:54 being a heterosexual male who hasn't bought into all this goo-gobbling, wanted to raise his team's morale, so he took the students to Hooters. Decision has sparked some controversy among parents and administrators. On November 12th, the team held an emergency meeting at the high school's fitness center where white school athletic director Kyle Manning and Lake George principal Fran Cocosa
Starting point is 00:37:17 could be a guy, could be a girl, discussed the decision. It's a guy? To take the teens to the restaurant best known for waitresses and tight shirts and short shorts. Yes, that's it. And they have delicious chicken wings. You know how many times you don't like their chicken wings, Raz? No, they're bad. I love their chicken wings.
Starting point is 00:37:39 The buffalo wings? Not the buffalo. This is a regular. Not the naked ones, the ones with the breading on. I love them. I know. Look, Raz wins. He's a black guy.
Starting point is 00:37:50 It's a chicken argument. So I have to fucking cede. But chicken's almost like pizza for me. I've never had bad. I just fucking loved them. The notification for the meeting stated the dinner was not in line with our athletic program school community values. No, that means you're not in line with what 13 and 14-year-old boys might enjoy.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Why do you admit it? You just have a feminist agenda about fucking everything. Oh, you make me fucking crazy. Here's the other thing. This guy has coached a soccer team for 37 years but let's you know let's forget about that because he tried to make boys into men uh he also coached tennis worked as an off-ice official for the uh adirondack flames hockey team he was appointed to take over lake georgia's basketball program in 2018 it is unknown whether he will continue to coach either sport moving
Starting point is 00:38:41 forward what an egregious mistake, huh? My goodness. Let me ask you a question. If they took the girls' soccer team to Chippendales, would anybody have a beef with it? This isn't the first time that a coach has found himself in trouble for a trip to Hooters. Again, more evidence that we're trying to feminize everything. 2013, an Oregon middle school volunteer football coach
Starting point is 00:39:05 brought his team to the controversial eatery. It's controversial. I get news for you. Waitresses at steakhouses have nice tits. Waitresses everywhere wear short skirts and flight attendants. Fuck, why don't you just make pussy illegal? Turn us all into a bunch of faggots.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Go ahead! Fuck. Why don't you just make pussy illegal? Turn us all into a bunch of faggots. Go ahead! Fuck. Administrators were scandalized and chose not to ask Coach Randall Burback to return to the Corbett Middle School after he, you know, took his kids to Hooters. And you know what he said after? It was worth losing my job. That's how good the celebration was. Good for him. How do I vote for him for senator? Imagine it's being that controversial.
Starting point is 00:39:52 You take a bunch of teenage boys to look at some tea and bucket egg. Huh? But seriously, if they took them to one of those cabaret shows with transgendered men, nobody would say a fucking word. Except for Rich. He'd say, this is crazy. I like more of the male dancers. And by the way, let's start boycotting Starbucks. Because if I hear one more story about cops not getting served at Starbucks, I'm going to go in there. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to order the biggest fucking drink you have. I'm going to make sure it's piping hot. I'm going to go in there, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to order the biggest fucking drink you have.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I'm going to make sure it's piping hot. I'm going to throw it right in your fucking minimum wage earning barista face. I want to know the color of the baristas. It doesn't have, trust me, at Starbucks, trust me, it's probably white kids. Nick, why do you have to make every, Because these are cops who protect all of us. And that anti-cop message does not come from the party for which I vote. California sheriff deputies were refused service at Starbucks, which is just fucking... No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant.
Starting point is 00:41:00 They... Starbucks issued its 58,000th apology to cops who denied service at the coffee chain. Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said Saturday two of the agency's deputies were ignored during a trip to the location near the University of California. When's that state going to break off and fall into the ocean like the turd that is? They asked if anyone was going to help them. They were laughed at. They were completely ignored, obviously ignored. Other patrons knew they were being ignored.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Did the other patrons do anything about it? Did you stand up and buy the fucking cups of coffee, or did you just sit there and film it on your cell phone? Bianco applauded the deputies who said they handled themselves well, which they did. I would have taken out my nightstick and sexually assaulted three of the fucking... Starbucks confirmed the incident in a statement saying the company was deeply sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:52 How many times are you going to say that before we fucking know you're full of shit? Go to Dunkin' Donuts where real men get coffee. Every time I walked by Starbucks when I lived in New York, I used to get a pit in my stomach just looking at these jerk-offs on their laptops and their tight jeans and Jeanine Garofalo rim glasses. Starbucks said there's simply no excuse for how two Riverside deputies were ignored for
Starting point is 00:42:15 nearly five minutes at our store on Thursday. We are deeply sorry and reached out to apologize directly to them. We take full responsibility for any intentional or unintentional disrespect shown to law enforcement on whom we depend every day to keep our stores secure. Yeah, exactly. Who do you call when homeless people are going in to shoot drugs in the bathroom at Starbucks and taking a dump on your crullers? Who do you call? Ghostbusters. The company said the employees involved in the incident will not be scheduled to work. That's not strong enough. I want to hear they're going to be fucking fired. This is a second story.
Starting point is 00:42:53 We'll get back to what happens to them. Finally tonight, here's a guy that I want to shoot in the head. White man used hashtag melanin injections to become black. You think white guilt has run, could it run any deeper?
Starting point is 00:43:11 Apparently it's skin deep here. Right, Richard? I'm black, y'all. And I'm black, y'all. And I'm blacker than black. And I'm black, y'all. But you're not. You're a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Hashtag stay woke. You guys have been asleep for the last fucking two years. How do you think Trump's the president, you fuckstains? If I want to stay woke, I'll do blow. And I'll keep my... He says, white man... I think this might be a tweet from a black kid. White used man melanin injections to become black.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Hashtag Stoic. This is not a compliment. He's talking about being invited to a cookout and loving black women, but then says he is now black and wants to kill white people. Well, I just showed you a video. That's kind of the only thing he got right. Here's the video of this piece of shit. For those of you that are just tuning in and for the people that have been following me,
Starting point is 00:44:03 on this adventure of mine, today is day 50. He thinks black people talk like auctioneers? Pause. He thinks black people talk like auctioneers? You fucking idiot. He can't even do a black voice. Yo, what's up? Yeah, yeah, yeah, boy. This guy's doing an auctioneer. He's doing that guy from FedEx that talks at 800 miles an hour
Starting point is 00:44:27 He's so nervous about pulling this shit off He's talking fast, go ahead That's right, half of a hundred days I've been injected on myself And I am, as you can see, I am getting darker And I love it, you know what I'm saying It's crazy how I get in the sun You know what I'm saying, and it's like I look like a ten shades lighter than I am
Starting point is 00:44:43 And I go into the shadows and in the shade And I look darker, you know what I'm saying? And then it's like, I look like a 10-shade lighter than I am. You know that? And I go into the shadows and in the shade, and I look darker. You know what I'm saying? It's like crazy. But my nipples are no longer pink, y'all. My dick is no longer pink. It's like light brown. It's getting in like the bottom of my lips. Your dick is still tiny, though, bitch.
Starting point is 00:44:55 You know what I'm saying? I love it. You know what I'm saying? I am so motherfucking happy. I love looking at myself in the mirror. It is like such a wonderful feeling. I can't wait till I look like Wesley Snipes. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:45:03 But anyways, I got a surprise for y'all nextipes. You know what I'm saying? But anyways, I got a surprise for y'all next week. Of course, I'm upping my dose steadily. And next week, I got a surprise for y'all. So stay... Wow. You know it's funny. If we do have a fucking... If the war ever went down, a race war,
Starting point is 00:45:19 his throat would be cut first. Black people would kill that guy before they kill a Klansman. Am I right, Roz? Yeah. What a fucking, nothing they respect less than fucking weakness. You got to ask yourself, how did he get to that point in his head? Huh? What process took place that, white guilt's not even a fucking strong enough word for it. It's brainwashing, just like the black kids on the bus. You know, they've been brainwashed all their life. Exactly right.
Starting point is 00:45:50 And there's generations of them coming. Congratulations, far left. You won the fucking war. By, again, through movies, television, fucking rap video, all that shit. Years and years of it. Fucking denying history. Rich, your little lip's quivering. Years and years of it. Fucking denying history. Rich, your little lip's quivering. You got nothing to add.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Just, it is propaganda. Look what it's turning out. Robots. He's not a little kid. He's a fucking adult. Dude, you don't know what an asshole you look like. My God. You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that? I am not. Anyways, that is it for today.
Starting point is 00:46:28 After editing, Rez, we get 20 minutes. Do you want to see the listener questions real quick? Oh, we get questions, yeah. Here we go. A little segment. Yo, Nick, I was at your show in La Jolla probably about a year ago with my Latino girlfriend. And you made a comment about how surprised you were that there are so many Latinos and whites hanging out, drinking, boozing, dating, and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:46:58 I don't even remember saying that. My question is, why do you think in almost every commercial it's either a white dude and a black woman, an Asian woman, white dude, but it's never a Latino and a white dude or vice versa? All right, pause. And this guy's name is Zach. Zach. I remember Zach. I remember the gig when I went out there and I did the Dave Rubin show. I didn't realize I was in La Jolla. But, yeah, it was a great hangout.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I was based in that. And when I lived in L.A., I didn't see much of that inter-rate. You know what I mean? But that was in the 90s, mid-90s. But as far as why you don't see that on TV, because it's much more provocative to have a black and a white guy and a white woman
Starting point is 00:47:50 or vice versa. That's more provocative. And I have seen commercials where there's, if you put a Latino girl or whatever in a, you might think she's Italian or fucking, you know. It's not as obvious. Obviously it's about getting, when you do a commercial,
Starting point is 00:48:06 you want to fucking raise people's eyebrows, you make it black and white, because we've had such a volatile history, that's why. But I'm sure there's plenty of examples of, you know, Latino women with white guys and vice versa. If not, it's coming, okay? But if you're trying to sell, you know, a Nissan Sentra, you go to the black guy and the white chick.
Starting point is 00:48:25 They love them Nissan Sentrasan centers they trick them out they used to blow by me in new york on the sprain brook it's not like you know a vibrator yankee hat on crooked diamond in the note go ahead next thank you zach this is uh dave snyder with his little family fishing trip this is dave snyder a good friend of Jeffrey Epstein's. And this is Steve Wasson. Wait a minute. What was the guy before with the fish? What's he want to know?
Starting point is 00:48:56 He didn't have a question. I think he's just a... It's a question segment, Raz. I know. I'm sorry. What are we doing? Fishing now? Fucking Joe from Big Bass Pro Shop.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Look what I caught. Caught me 25 sunfish and a couple of youngsters. I'm assuming he's talking about the story we did last week about the guy with the deer on his roof. Yeah, next. Let's get this over with. And he has a statement at the bottom. Are you able to read it? Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Steve Wasson, I went on a hike and tripped over one of Hillary's petrified mud turds. Maybe he lives up in Westchester County. He fell on his face? No question? No question. Here's a little tip. We're doing a question segment. Bring some questions, Raz.
Starting point is 00:49:43 I'm supposed to comment on pictures. I know what happened to that guy. He got hit with a tomahawk from an angry fucking rabbi. Made fun of the guy's yarmulke. All right, that is it for today. Rich, you can sit back. You got nothing to add. for all your ticket information.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Don't forget, which is the platform I will be landing on if I get booted off of, you know, YouTube and whatnot. Supposedly a purge is coming. But That's my manager, Timmy. Tommy, Timmy. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:50:17 If I can edit that out, I'll be dead. Tommy's website. So it's a great idea. He's always ahead of the curve. That is it. Remember, you guys think and I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you guys back here on Patreon tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Have a good day. guitar solo We'll see you next time. you

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