The Nick DiPaolo Show - Free Speech Hating Lefties | Nick Di Paolo Show #1295

Episode Date: October 25, 2022

NYC Subway Criminal Arrested. Synthetic Origin? Phillies Give Wall St. Willies. Father Preaches to Woke School Board. Ted Cruz's View. PSU Nittany Nit-wits....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make sure to join me on Patreon to get the exclusive Encore episode. Today I'll be talking about CNN claiming that if you have pets you're hurting the climate. Do they ever have a good day? Oh my god. guitar solo It's freedom, baby, yeah! How you is, kids? What it was. What it is and what it was. Welcome, Tuesday. Great state of Georgia. Already, I don't even have this as a story like I should have.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Looked at the papers. This one I always forget. Hillary Clinton's out there. Out there in the public, in the media again, claiming the Republicans are already planning to steal the 2024 election. Are already planning to do that. Preempting a Meanwhile she and all the other assholes that are saying that now
Starting point is 00:01:29 Five minutes ago. They were saying if you question the integrity of election It's worse than she actually said it's worse than 9-11 at one point if anybody questions the election You're anti-patriot. You're you're an enemy of the state, all that shit. Now here they are already. It's like fighting with children. That is a sign of a death. And it's going to cause, if this doesn't cause a civil war, this type of shit, if the Republicans, and I'm not talking about the one in a couple of weeks, I'm talking 2024.
Starting point is 00:02:06 If they win that, and that's what, Yeah, but Nick, that's what the Republicans... They had reason to. And again, watch 2,000 Mules, and of course people on the left are going, that was a propaganda piece. It wasn't based in any... What? It's people on film. It's empirical
Starting point is 00:02:21 evidence. You can prove it with a pen and pencil. Or a crayon. Or a fucking paint paintbrush or your fucking sister's ass um but do you see what i'm saying how does that not lead to fucking wanting to kill each other they don't have to cheat biden's been so fucking bad they don't have to cheat the Republicans. I gotta believe. Wow, have another slice of bread, Nick. Anyways, Jesus, that's what happens when you eat a bag of croutons at one in the morning. You know the croutons that you put on your salad? Have you ever eaten those as a snack?
Starting point is 00:02:59 Oh my God, I don't even smoke pot. Fucking perfect. Little heavy, even smoke pot. Fucking perfect. A little heavy. A little bit of drinking, too. I'm like, you know, FDR. I have a pint of brandy in the morning. Or whoever it was. Not FDR.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Fuck his name. The good guy for us. The one in England. Not Chamberlain. Churchill. Yeah, thank you. Jesus. Thank you. Jesus. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I left the airs on, right, Dallas? Because I'm roasting like a pig over here. All right. Hopefully that'll kick in. Anyways, all right. Patriots embarrass themselves against one of the worst teams in the league, in my opinion, unless the Bears got their shit together in five days. Anyways, let's start the show.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Don't want to bore you with any. When's the World Series start Dallas? it's being Friday alright that sounds about right I hate when they take that break but I guess you gotta
Starting point is 00:03:51 alright let's get right to the first story of the day ladies and gentlemen we got a bunch of crap to talk about and I do mean crap there are white niggers
Starting point is 00:03:59 I haven't seen a lot of white niggers in my time the way he says that. In our RTR segment tonight, Brooklyn career criminal. Is Brooklyn not, I would like to know, ex-cons per capita in Brooklyn? It has to be the most densely populated
Starting point is 00:04:18 with felons and thugs of any city in the United States. First of all, Brooklyn's the fifth largest city in the United States. Realize that? Or fourth. Forget. Welcome back caught, I used to say. You're too young for welcome back. But you know it. Yeah. Welcome back. Anyways, Brooklyn career criminal. I don't know who isn't a criminal.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Even my IRS guy's in Brooklyn. I mean, my tax guy has been busted in Friday's caught on video subway shoving, and the suspect's kin, that means their family, his family, say they were even so fed up with him that they posted signs outlawing him from their home. Lamal McCray, who previously did 20 years, Jesus, man, behind bars for attempted murder. See, I see it straightened right up.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Was identified as a suspect in last week's attack. I love how, now this guy's supposedly, didn't they say he was homeless or indigent or whatever? All I know, he's got a coat on that I couldn't afford and a nice winter hat. And I love how, well, we're going to show you the clip but uh first of all this is the pushing right let me just do play by play see see jerk off on the right over there with his yellow hoodie in his bag look i i partly agree hold on i partly agree um that you gotta you gotta be a look I lived there when it was good, when New York was safe, and I had my head on a swivel at all times, because I never forgot that I was
Starting point is 00:05:54 living in a big city, a big city, and I always fucking had my head on a swivel. You can ask my wife, if we're out to dinner, you know, on the sidewalk eating at a restaurant, I would be like, the guy behind me is fucking, I can feel him staring, whatever. And she'd go, oh, you're crazy. I'm telling you, that's how you got to be. And then I would see girls walking down the sidewalk with their headphones in at fucking 1 in the morning. Going, what are they fucking, even a cab driver said to me,
Starting point is 00:06:24 Jamaican guy, big black dude, I can't do Jamaican. All right, make him Puerto Rican. But he says, look, man, she's going to get killed, man. You know, she's going to get raped, man. I'm like, yeah, I add man to it. It makes it very Jamaican. Anyways, so right there, the predator actually eyes him up, because why? Well, he's a white guy by himself, not paying attention. So I'm not blaming the victim at all, but I'm just saying, with all the pushing and shoving in front of subways, you got to be a little more aware. Again, not blaming him. It's like saying, look what she is wearing, you know. But anyways, watch Jerkoff, Super Predator on the right.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Are you fucking shitting me? Are you shitting me? Watch out because I'm... Yeah, that was nice, huh? Sometimes real trains are coming, too. New York is just, how, again, I'll say it. Yeah, maybe your job, you have to be there. But other than that, I don't know what you're waiting for, folks.
Starting point is 00:07:40 The 41-year-old suspect was arrested by the Queens Warrants Squad on Monday near his Brooklyn home. Of course, excuse me, they kicked in his tent. Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out. Relatives told the Post that they were already far too wary. This is his relatives talking about him. They were far too wary of McCrae's antics. talking about him. They were far too wary of McCrae's antics and finally posted their own sign on a stairwell in the Brooklyn building urging anyone spotted, if anybody spotted him, to call the cops. If you see a brown-skinned guy, hey that's
Starting point is 00:08:17 racist motherfucker, if you see a brown-skinned guy in the hallway please call the police. He is trespassing. That's from his family. He was off, said the cousin. Off his meds, do you mean, or just off? Who only gave a first name, K? Okay. Something is wrong with him. That's why he can't stay here. He's been off for two years now. What's funny is when you say off, you know, people are a little off, but either way, medication, it's... She said McCrae even once attacked the local mailman. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Imagine attacking the mailman. He's a fucking mad dog, that's all.
Starting point is 00:09:04 McCrae was charged in the unprovoked assault on strap hanger David Martin, who was waiting for an L train to go to work at a trendy Manhattan eatery when he was pounced on, police said, and his family said. Martin's mother said the attack left her son so distraught that he won't leave the house. He's in a lot of pain, Audrey Martin said. His shoulder's completely shot. His back is completely shot. leave the house. He's in a lot of pain. Audrey Martin said his shoulders completely shot, his back is completely shot, his underarm is completely shot and he won't get the shot.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I'm not laughing folks. I'm just saying super proud. Now let me ask you a question. A guy's mentally ill, and all these people, that's what they claim, these are mentally ill. It's funny how black mentally ill people, one of their symptoms is going after unsuspecting white people or old Asian people. You know, kind of weird, isn't it? Yeah. Other recent transit attacks include, listen to this. I told you guys every day I skipped these, right?
Starting point is 00:10:06 I could bring you a couple of these every day. Other recent transit attacks include a Sunday assault on a 62-year-old commuter who was randomly slugged and knocked onto the tracks at a Bronx station in what police say may have been part of a knockout game, a social media challenge where people are urged to punch strangers. A black, I will say, a black game. How about that? Nick, how do you say? Yeah, I did. A retired NYPD cop was punched in Brighton Beach in Brooklyn last week in an incident
Starting point is 00:10:37 also linked to the knockout game. You got knocked the fuck out, man. Last week, a 26-year-old man also was randomly pushed onto the tracks at a Bronx station while a 48-year-old man was slugged during a dispute in Queens and knocked into the path of a train which struck him and killed him. And there's been more than one of those deaths this year, by the way. Hey, Mayor Adams, great job. We have video of the arrest too. Yes, we do. And let's take a listen because apparently this guy follows politics. Listen to this hate. Might as well be LeBron James saying this. Go ahead. China and North Korea are my allies. We at war. What's up? China and North Korea
Starting point is 00:11:26 are my allies. We at war. What's up? He ain't that crazy. That sounds like a mainstream Democrat to me. What? LeBron James doesn't suck China's dick? And so does Chuck Schumer and fucking
Starting point is 00:11:41 half the Democrat Party? North Korea and China are my allies. We at war. Somebody ought to tell Whitey. Know what I'm saying? And here's the other thing I want to mention before we move on. I read about five articles about that pushing incident we just showed you. Hate crime didn't come up once in any of them. Isn't that funny? That's why it's a reverse the races, folks. Picture a white guy doing that to a black guy.
Starting point is 00:12:12 You think the Democrat Party would be talking about it? You think they'd ever stop talking about it? It didn't even come up once. Not once. Yeah, but he's mental. I don't give a fuck. As my old man used to say with you know people uh plead insanity well when a dog or an animal kills somebody that you know the dog's rabbit
Starting point is 00:12:33 or insane you put it down and i used to say that's right dad you're a fucking mean prick are you well also uh the st louis shooter at the school just yesterday was also black, but in no article was he ever mentioned that way, nor is his picture shown. I don't even know what shooter you're talking about. St. Louis. Kid walks into a school, shoots a teacher and a 15-year-old girl and says, y'all about to fucking die, and cops end up killing him. I can't keep him safe. Black shooter. Black shooter. No pictures or anything. I had to do some searches up killing him. But a black shooter. Black shooter.
Starting point is 00:13:05 No pictures or anything. I had to do some searches to find him. Well, but here's why that's not a good argument, because school shooters are almost always white. But that's what I'm saying. But they also post a picture of these white shooters all the time, first and front, top of the article. Now we have a black shooter, no picture.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Well, it'll be up. No, it's up. It's just not in the article. The picture of him is out there yeah the picture's out there but you have to search for it it's not in any of the news articles that actually talk about yeah of course of course i don't get it well i do get it but it's been like that since i was three protecting this race of people. And again, I'm so sick of saying this, but I have to. Even for my fans, because it'd be somebody like going,
Starting point is 00:13:51 you're generalized, whatever the fuck. I moved to Savannah knowing it was 60% black, so I'm not a fucking racist. But I'm just saying, this fucking country keeps talking about a crime. It's a black crime problem. Because if you take that out of the equation, there's about a crime. It's a black crime problem. Because if you take that out of the equation, there's hardly any crime. Believe it or not. Well, that's not true. Yeah. As far as murder goes, I'm talking violent rape. Yeah, it is true. But you can't. It's just, they can't even say black when they're reporting it.
Starting point is 00:14:28 We're not even close. We're not even close to solving this race, whatever the fuck. Because one side is protecting, and again, that's where their bread is buttered, to keep us at each other's throats and make black people perpetual victims. to keep us at each other's throats and make black people perpetual victims. And again, the majority of black people aren't criminals. But I would like to hear more black people who aren't criminals speaking up. Like the whole frigging race. I mean, it's insane.
Starting point is 00:15:01 And again, it's a dissolution of the black family. Again, God forbid I say that. But I just laugh. I sit there watching, whether it's Fox News, whatever. Even the fair networks, they talk about incidents. They don't even say black on white, unless it's three days in a row. It's just fucking mind boggling.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Anyhow, let's move on to some lighter news. A lady found a fetus in her sink yesterday. Thing was, it was 13 months old. No, what's the headline here? Something I put up I can't even pronounce. Endonuclease fingerprint indicates synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2. Endonuclease fingerprint indicates synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2. Endonuclease fingerprint indicates...
Starting point is 00:15:49 It said it again. What the fuck? Edit this shit, will you? Are you interested in the real story? I am. To construct synthetic variants of natural coronaviruses in the lab, researchers often use a method called in vitro genome assembly. That's by Mattel.
Starting point is 00:16:10 It's a good game. It's like hospital. No, it's like, what's the, what was the one where they fucking, wrenched ankle? Operation. Operation. Tough word, Nick.
Starting point is 00:16:22 And here's the, I told Dale, this looks like a commercial they always show when you're watching college football. Penn State is a land-grant institution. Back in 1850, and they always cut to this. This method utilizes special enzymes called restriction. This actually, I followed this. This is pretty logical. Called restriction enzymes to generate DNA building blocks that then can be stitched together.
Starting point is 00:16:46 That's like a hockey player's lip. No, I don't know. Like a girl's beaver after having triplets. Like what? Be stitched together in the correct order of the viral genome. To make a virus in the lab, researchers usually engineer the viral genome to add and remove stitching sites called restriction sites. I kept Googling stitching
Starting point is 00:17:12 I couldn't find it. The way researchers modify these sites can serve as a fingerprint of a vitro genome assembly. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. That's what they heard. Two chopsticks. Come kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I shove up your ass. That's what they heard. Two chopsticks. Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Like a somebody. That's what they heard. When they put it on a slide and looked at it through a microphone, they had headphones on. What they're saying is fingerprints, meaning you can tell
Starting point is 00:17:42 if it's man-made or it came right from nature, from animal to, I haven't fucked a sheep in a long time. We found that SARS-CoV has the restriction site fingerprint that is typical for synthetic viruses. The synthetic fingerprint of SARS-CoV-2 is anomalous in wild coronaviruses, meaning the ones actually come up, you know, they evolve on their own, in common in lab-assembled viruses. You need any more? Yes, sir. Okay?
Starting point is 00:18:16 They're just telling you it was put together. Now, if you want to argue our own government did it or whatever, which I don't, I'm sorry. The Chinese, they're playing the long game. Look how they treat us. They don't even open the door for us when we go into a restaurant. The type of mutations, synonymous or silent mutations, that differentiate the restriction sites in SARS-CoV-2 are characteristic of engineering.
Starting point is 00:18:41 That means somebody did it on purpose. A choo-choo engineer. What? And the concentration of these silent mutations in the restriction sites is extremely unlikely to have arisen by random evolution. In other words, humans had to get involved and make this thing and made it lethal. And did we cover a couple days ago that they would, yeah, we did last week, they're testing another one at BU that has a higher kill rate. They will make both the restriction site fingerprint and the pattern of mutations generating them are extremely unlikely and wild coronaviruses as opposed to farm-raised.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Like fucking, like salmon or veal. God, that's a good one. I should write it down, but who cares? And nearly universal in synthetic viruses. Synthetic means, guys, humans made it. And I mean, for Christ's sake, it came with a side order of applesauce. You have to fucking... Some people believe it started at a side order of apple salt. You have to fucking...
Starting point is 00:19:45 Some people believe it started at the salad bar at Olive Garden. Shoney's. Shoney's? I haven't used Shoney's ever! Is Shoney's a Southern thing? It is, right? Fucking Shoney's. I have not fucking... Maybe when I started comedy and I was doing that, you know, I'd throw up Fucking Shonies. I have not fucking...
Starting point is 00:20:05 Maybe when I started comedy and I was doing that, you know, I'd throw up a Shonies. Anyways, our findings strongly suggest a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2, okay? Don't give me that smart-alecky shit. What do you mean? I followed it perfectly. I have a different theory. I think one lady in China is to blame for this because
Starting point is 00:20:28 they have her on film making her favorite casserole. How I forgot to send this to my wife so I could come home and see her unconscious on the rug. This is my theory. I love, I don't know if you guys have ever had rat fucking cheesecake, but this is how it starts. Honey, rats are up. Oh, no. All right. Did I end this? Dallas is jerking off in a... Fucking rat anyways.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Whole family's all rats. Who would have brought up to be a rat? I like the music. Very sentimental music. Yeah, you did. As they're peeling skin. I looked over and he was meditating. Oh my God, how gross is that?
Starting point is 00:21:27 Fuckers will eat anything, won't you? I mean, seriously. We know rats carry tons of fucking deadly bacteria, right? What, if you boil them, though? Oh, put it in a fucking toaster oven for a few minutes. It's like an Helios pizza.
Starting point is 00:21:45 What the fuck is that about? See, now I can't. I don't even know if that was China. That could have been Taiwan or fucking. Vietnam. Yeah, probably Nam, exactly. And I don't eat much Vietnam food since I got back from the Delta Common thing. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I sound like John Kerry lying. Anyways, let's move on. That's where it came from. Nick, it did not. Okay. Let me roast your buddy or say happy birthday. Let me roast a rat. We should do a cooking segment.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I'm going to get a dead rat. I'm going to put, you know, shake and bake in a bag, put the rat in the chicken. Fucking deep fry it in peanut oil. Anyways, let me roast a friend to buddy or say happy birthday to your mom. Tell her to get her panties out of the house. Through Cameo. I really like doing these.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And you can find my listing at slash Nick DiPaolo. Go there and you can see some of the cameos I've done and order one yourself. Or just go to the cameo app on your phone and search my name. It's great. I make a, you know, you tell me about the person and I look into the, my phone, make a little a minute, minute and a half thing, ripping them a new one. Oh, again, happy birthday, but who wants to be nice? It's the United States. Let's, let's get to some current news. As, as I mentioned yesterday the philadelphia phillies
Starting point is 00:23:07 and the houston astros are in the world series starting this weekend sometime and let me tell you that astros team and it is badass but the phillies seem like this team of destiny i don't know what do they have in common scary good pitching as always uh great defense and i would kind of like to see i'm a bryce harper fan i like i like cocky guys that people don't like even though he's mellowed out since he was a young guy people sort of like him uh i would like to see them uh and i'm sick of the fucking astros this is the sixth time in a row they've been in the ACLS Champions. Imagine that? In a row. Fucking A. Yankees who?
Starting point is 00:23:48 Anyways, why am I talking about the Phillies? Because they give Wall Street the willies. What does that mean? Wall Street is likely rooting. Listen to this. This is, excuse me. Dallas, you found this, didn't you? Good one.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Wall Street is likely rooting for the Houston Astros to beat the Philadelphia Phillies in the upcoming World Series since the markets have historically crashed whenever a baseball team from the city of brotherly love has taken the crown. And I'm like, get out of here. But of course, the Phillies winning the World Series will be the trigger for a stock market collapse. Historical fact, a user with a handle, Wall Street Silver, retweeted early on Monday. There's no crying in baseball. The city has won three World Series titles, one by the Athletics in 1929.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I think everybody knows that was a tough year for stocks. And two by the Phillies in 1980 and in 2008. In 29, the title coincided with the worst stock market collapse in U.S. history, signaling the beginning of the Great Depression. Then it says the A's, who also won in 1910, 1911, and 1913, moved to Kansasansas city in 1954 leaving the phillies as the sole professional baseball team in in philadelphia the phillies won their first title in 1980 behind hall of famers mike schmidt steve carlton pete rose um i remember that one why because i was madly in love with a girl named Linda who I went to high school with.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I was still in high school. She went to UNH. Oh, no, it was my first year up at Maine. She was already at UNH. I would hitchhike from the University of Maine to fucking UNH in sub-zero weather. Yeah, when you're a young man, mink you, huh? Just to see a little bit of shrubbery.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I used to get picked up by a trucker. I wouldn't do that. If you told me my wife was dying of cancer 10 miles from here, and it was in the 30s, I'm not doing it. I'm kidding. I love her. Steve Coutt and Pete Rose. That also happened to be the year that the U.S. economy went into
Starting point is 00:26:01 what was at the time considered the worst recession. I remember that because it was a big Chinese restaurant in Saugus, Massachusetts, outside of Boston, that everybody went to in the Boston area. It looked like a Hong Kong. It was fucking huge. They were building it, I should say. Yeah, it was up for about six months. And then the thing went in the tank, and it sat there unfinished for years. Anyways, I'm sure you appreciated that.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Anyways, the worst recession since World War II era. Okay. That's two. And then it would take Phillies nearly 30 years. Thank God they've stunk or we'd be all dead. It would take the Phillies 30 years to win another World Series title when they prevailed over the Tampa Bay Rays in 2008. Remember what happened in 2008? That was helped by, you know, a lot of shit.
Starting point is 00:26:54 While Philadelphia, and by the way, we bailed out the big banks, if you remember it correctly. We got stuck with the bill. Adam McKay made a great movie about it. I forget what it's called. While Philadelphia celebrated its heroes, the nation was in the throes of the Great Recession, the global economic meltdown that was caused by the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble. Remember, they were packaging whatever the fuck. I understood it back then. I'm not going through it.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I lost a house and two kids. The Phillies' success this postseason coincides with a turbulent economic environment characterized by record level you know i'd kind of blame biden before i blame fucking you know bryce hopper in the record levels of inflation high gas prices surging interest rates and a downturn in the stock market how much 41 so uh very interesting isn't it that's what do you take from that Get your hot dogs here. How much? $41. So very interesting, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:27:49 What do you take from that? People say, well, it's a coincidence. Other people, you know. But we are on the verge. I keep seeing these ads on TV and on the internet. Pack up your shit now. Whatever. Get your money.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Put it under a mattress. It's coming. What am I going to lose? 11 bucks? I'll ask my brother. Fucking guy. Outperforms the market every year. He's like Bernie, what's his name? Madoff.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Bernie, Madoff with my money. Anybody make that joke? Ding, ding, ding, ow. Say that again then. He Madoff with my money. Anybody make that joke? Ding, ding, ding, ow. Say that again. He made off with my money. Who did? Bernie made off. Anyhow.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yes. Let's move on. Now, here's a black gentleman. I love guys like this. I told you, when Obama ran for president, and, you know, I'd say, I'd never vote for him. That's because he's like a bullshit. I said, depends who it is. And this is my example that made people think I was kidding. But I'd go, you know who I'd vote for? I want a real black guy. Not Obama, who was biracial, wore his mother-in-law's jeans when he rode his bike.
Starting point is 00:29:05 I would vote for a guy like John Amos from Good Times. You know the guy that played the father? That's a black man, a hard, seriously, a hard, I know people would laugh me in the face. In real life he also played in the NFL. That's one guy I wouldn't fuck with even now. He's probably 88. But I always would say that. Anyways, this guy here, I love it. The school board's getting lectured. And what's beautiful is now the people that they pretend to be protecting see what they're doing to their
Starting point is 00:29:35 kids with this. Father to woke school board, wait this. This is Reverend Jeremiah Wright. No, I don't know. That's what I wore to the prom, by the way. I dress like a limo driver. Let's listen to him. He's going to, he's calling out the school board on their, you know, all the fucking horseshit transgender, all the crap and not teaching the three W's, whatever that is. You know what I mean? Let's's listen to this is a father of a kid i i don't think he's a pastor oh like dallas said he has all the he's got the presence anyways preach brother in the jim crow era black students were locked out of the public school system but today they day they are trapped in and many of these students need options they need school choice they need the opportunity to take their taxpayer dollars and take it to school systems that will benefit them
Starting point is 00:30:37 and support them and educate them and as we talk about inclusion and making sure that the trans student feels comfortable and the queer student feels comfortable, what does that have to do with reading, writing, and arithmetic? As we are teaching cultural Marxism and grooming children to be the next pervert, we are damaging our kids in this public school system. And it needs to stop. You are correct, sir.
Starting point is 00:31:13 What did he say that was wrong? Absolutely nothing. Absolutely. And it's all planned, folks. It's not an accident. They're fucking, they're destroying future generations. And that is pure cultural
Starting point is 00:31:26 Marxism. That's what you're witnessing. And then he added this. Your mother sucks cocks in hell. That's how I knew he wasn't a pastor. The progressive left, he says, no, this is, the progressive left is diabolically genius they managed to set up indoctrination camps also known as public schools for the purpose of grooming kids to become their minions for their cause these are some of the people uh responding online all funded by you this guy says this is satan infiltrating our society in the darkness. Darkness? They got every fucking network covering them and helping them out. It's Satan.
Starting point is 00:32:12 The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. That's true. But we all know that Joe Biden exists for a little longer. How about him nodding off during the interview? Oh, my goodness gracious hell, Louise. I feel bad for the guy.
Starting point is 00:32:32 No, I don't. Fuck him. I like his... You know, I've said this before. If I was Hunter and I had all that white privilege, I kind of think I'd be... I don't know. I don't know if I'd do that much blow,
Starting point is 00:32:44 but I'd sure have a lot of strange, dirty girls running around. Make plans to come and see me, speaking of dirty girls, on the road. Here's where I'll be and when. November 11th, the Palm Beach Kennel Club, West Palm Beach, Florida. The next night, the 12th, Snappers Comedy Club in Fort Myers, Comedy Club slash OBGYN office. November 13th, Sidesplitters Comedy Club, Tampa, Florida. After the show, I'll be doing a Q&A with VIP ticket holders.
Starting point is 00:33:13 January 13th and 14th, Comedy Off-Broadway in Lexington, Kentucky. February 3rd and 4th, The Grove Comedy Club in Lowell, Kansas. March 11th and 12th, the Comedy Club of Kansas City. That's in Kansas City, Missouri. You can get tickets to all these shows at and click on that tour button, folks. I hope to see yous out there. What's the next headline? Shitty view, huh? Co-host Sarah Haynes. You know, who the fuck? They move broads in and out of this show. Where was Joy yesterday when Ted came on? Oh, she didn't?
Starting point is 00:33:53 She took a day off when she knew she'd get her ass handed to her. I should say four asses. Coast, co-host, Coast, look at me all excited. I can't get it. Yeah. Co-host Sarah Haynes, my former wife, asked Cruz about Republican plans to combat inflation, Fox News said. And while Cruz responding, invoking Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman, protesters in the crowd, and again, like they probably didn't let him in, tried shouting over Cruz.
Starting point is 00:34:22 They were yelling, they were yelling, cover climate now, cover climate now, like little kids. I want my candy now. Cover climate now, the leftist protesters shouted in a repeated chant, an outburst presumably directed at the show's co-host. Oh, my aching stomach. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Shut up! Cruz continued his answer as the chant wore on, which made it difficult to focus on Cruz's words. Let's see. Let's listen. Last year, the federal government took in $4 trillion in tax revenues, most money in history we've ever taken in. The problem is we spent nearly seven trillion dollars and
Starting point is 00:35:05 that's what we do cover climate here guys. Excuse me! Excuse me! Ladies, ladies, excuse us! Let us do our job! Let us do our job! We hear what you have to say but you gotta go! Only on The View can you be a hero, right? For shutting down people who are shutting down free speech. How much evidence do you jerk-offs need to know? And that goes for you dumb fucking twat housewives that watch your show on a regular basis. How much evidence do you need to know that you guys are against free speech because you know your ideas suck and you're going to get crushed in a debate by anybody
Starting point is 00:35:47 you know that uh especially if Ted's Intel I mean hey Behar what is she oh she didn't call in sick did she but this has happened before they've just shouted other people off you see what happens on college campuses you guys are just angry because you're dumb. You know, in the end, that you're wrong. You know, when you're a little kid and somebody's got the best of you, you lose your temper. That's all you guys do.
Starting point is 00:36:14 You're fucking retarded. Hope you all get cancer in the eyes. It's very Italian for me to say. My friend used to go that, on my mother's eyes, I'd go, you hate your fucking mother. What kind of bet is that? Okay, my uncle's.
Starting point is 00:36:28 With that, Whoopi Goldberg stepped in and actually gave the protest as a what for. You got to grow up. You're not a kid anymore. You got to grow up. Co-host Anna Navarro, the dumbest bitch on that panel by far. Used to be a Republican, by the way. She's retarded. Ted Cruz is making a good point about how the left,
Starting point is 00:36:56 how the left questioned every election. She was busting balls about how the Republicans wouldn't accept the, you know, the results of the last election. She was busting balls about how the Republicans wouldn't accept the, you know, the results of the last election. And he's bringing up, you did that with George W. Bush's election. You did it.
Starting point is 00:37:12 He brings up like three examples and she goes, do you have to yell? That was her. He wasn't even yelling. He was talking at their level. And Ted's like, okay, that's, you know.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Co-host Anna Navarro, who I hope really gets pushed in front of a train, quipped about Yankees fans, which presumably referred to Ted Cruz the night before Sunday night, showed up at the Yankees to watch game for the American League Championship Series against the Astros. Of course, he's from Texas, rooted for the Astros, and Yankees fans spotted him in the crowd and gave him a good old-fashioned Bronx cheer. That's not what a Bronx cheer is, by the way. But here we go.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Boo! Boo! I like this guy. He's got a judge shirt on. He's getting a picture. Over here, man. I like this guy. He's got a judge shirt on. He's getting a picture. Get over here. You can hear a guy calls him a fucking racist or something. Anyways, he showed up.
Starting point is 00:38:24 There's no crying in baseball! Later in the show, an audience member, this is back to The View, hollowed fuck you at Cruz, which Fox News said was bleeped out of the broadcast. The conservative center was addressing America's
Starting point is 00:38:38 overall quality of life. And you could hear it clear as somebody yells fuck you. But of course they, you know, bleeped that out. You can't find it on as day somebody else fuck you but of course they you know bleep that out ever you can't find it on the fucking internet anyway you know take a big step back and literally fuck your own face that was me anyways uh and i i just said that the alice mcfuller show i i believe yeah he goes on here just to troll them. You know what I mean? He has to. I don't know what you get out of this, other than, hey,
Starting point is 00:39:08 he's not afraid to go, who's your, but what does it prove? Even when you out-trick a bunch of dumb fucking broads. Look at him with his hands folded, like he's in a Senate hearing. I hear what you're saying, Whoopi, but you realize how, I yield the floor to the dumb bitch next to me from Transylvania. Anyways, the cable network said the protesters were removed from the studio before the next segment, adding that Navarro said she had been critical of Cruz, but was apologetic for the audience's conduct towards, yeah, they were following your lead.
Starting point is 00:39:43 She's a fucking, I'd date Joy Behar before I fucking talk to that. Anyways, finally tonight, Penn State Nittany Nitwits. What? You want to see lefties? You want to see what college campuses have turned into? Folks, what's this guy's name? Charlie? No, not Charlie Stein. Alex. Gee, Nick, you were close. I said first of all, it's Charlie Steiner, the guy who was the voice of the Yankees. So I even had that wrong.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Anyway, he's the guy. It is high, it is far, it is good. Shocking video footage caught an enraged woman. First of all, it's not a woman. It's an ugly he-she, a girl, again, who couldn't get a prick stuck in a prison in Turkey. Why Turkey? It's always a Turkey prison. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Caught in an enraged woman. It's a girl. Spitting at a right-wing provocateur, Alex Stein. If you're not familiar with his work, he goes around to college campuses and trolls these motherfuckers. And he makes a living. I mean, he's just great at it. Spitting at a right-wing provocateur, Alex Stein, as he mocked the protests that shut down his show at Penn State University. He was supposed to speak there, which I'm guessing he knows it would never come out.
Starting point is 00:41:03 I don't know. Maybe he did. But they shut it down because he's a right winger. And this is beautiful, exposing what the real problem is in this country. The Blaze TV personality caught the vile moment as he mingled with those rallying to stop the uncensored American event, also featuring Gavin McGinnis, event also featuring Gavin McGinnis, a co-founder of both the Proud Boys and the Vice Media Empire. Here's the, I love Gavin. Look at her though. Let's just study her face for a second. First of all, she goes into a hair salon and they go, well, what are we doing with your hair today?
Starting point is 00:41:45 She goes, can you make me look like an angry cunt? Oh, you want the cunt cut? Yeah, I do. Something that, you know, it could be on a third basement in high school or look at her face. I'm 60. I wouldn't bang her. I'd bang the guy next to her, Jose Feliciano. Look at the fat white guy in the back, the bald guy.
Starting point is 00:42:00 How do you get in? No neck. No neck. Yeah, no neck. No neck Nathan shows up. Hey, that guy's got a Patriots shirt on. New England Patriots. You can see the little flag under. Anyways, here's this. I just want you guys to soak in the anger of these kids. They're only, she's probably 20 years old. How can you get this hateful? I'll tell you how,
Starting point is 00:42:26 by four years or two years or a year of college. They are fucking Marxists. They don't get it because it's, they don't understand why the rest of the country isn't accepting it.
Starting point is 00:42:37 They really, they have been, watch this, this is the fucking anger and the loogie. Supporting Kate's voice. Get on me! I feel like I'm losing my mind. Anger and the loogie Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
Starting point is 00:43:08 Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! He's going, he's going to a bunch of college kids. Wah! That guy's got big balls. Go ahead. I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you, I love you.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I'm here with Big Bo pretty Latina. Why is there any big booty Latinas that go to school here? You sick of what I'm saying? Here's a fat blonde chick, again, who would never see a dick in her life, telling him to shut the fuck up and he's a shithead. Anything else?
Starting point is 00:43:43 If this is our future, we are a bunch of... Anything else? you should have been aborted he starts laughing even harder you fucking whore yeah that's it go home get my ready. That's how I would handle it. He also quipped that it would make lefty New York rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez jealous. Writing, sorry, AOC, I've got a new boo. Meaning that girlfriend that spit on him is his new girlfriend. Stein called the protesters a bunch of cowards who are against free speech with some angrily shouting, shut the fuck up, as he tried to speak to them. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Look at that. She saved up that loogie. Penn State said the event, listen to this now, had to be canceled due to the threat of escalating violence. That's what they use. Really? You don't have, really? If that was, oh, I don't know, Michelle Obama, could you file the security or whatever? I'm just saying,
Starting point is 00:45:12 you know, on a, if she was on a red campus, would that happen? That's, that's really the question. The university has been clear that the views and speech of the two speakers at tonight's student organization, this is the university statement. The speech from the speakers at tonight's student organization. This is the university statement. The speech from the speakers at the student organization hosted event are abhorrent and do not align with the values of Penn State.
Starting point is 00:45:35 So you're against democracy at Penn State and freedom of speech. Who said that? Dean. Who the fuck said that? Dean Wormer. Who's the slimy little commoner shittwinkle-toed cocksucker down here
Starting point is 00:45:47 who just signed his own death warrant? We have encouraged peaceful protests. This is the school spokesman. And while protest is an acceptable means of expression, it becomes unacceptable when it obstructs the basic exchange of ideas. Such obstruction is a form of censorship, no matter who initiates it or for what reason, said the university. Even there, they're trying to split the fence. They're trying to straddle
Starting point is 00:46:13 the fence, like it's both sides' fault, like it's his fault for making them shut him down. Is that how you're reading it? Or are they actually trying to defend him a little bit? I don't know. It's designed to be confusing. Yeah, exactly. That's the point. It's ambiguous. The climate in our nation has been polarized for quite some time.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Again, this is the school. On campuses across the country, violence is proliferating, and individuals are being intimidated and even harmed. This must stop. I'm guessing that was still the school talking, wasn't it? Okay, so they're finally going, hey, we're out of line here, at least with that last paragraph, I'm guessing. But you've got to like Alex Stein. He just looked him in the eye and goes, I'm staying right here.
Starting point is 00:46:59 He's doing God's work out there. I'm not doing it. I've been punching and facing up. Okay, that is it for today, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, unless you're a monthly subscriber. You've got a bonus story coming up right after this.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Again, thank you for tuning in. You guys think that I'll say it? You're very welcome. See you back here tomorrow at the same time. Take care.サブタイトル キミノミヤ guitar solo Outro Music

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