The Nick DiPaolo Show - Garland Soviet Tactics Repulsive | Nick Di Paolo Show #1271

Episode Date: September 13, 2022

Administration embracing Soviet tactics. Kamala lies about border. Fetter-woman? NYC teacher teaching activism to kids. Kids blasted for singing lyrics to song. Chic-Fil-A attacked again....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah! How you is, folks? How you is? Here's Nick! It is Nick. Great to be back. Hell of a weekend, Ed. Great show tonight. We got, I forgot the guests. Let me make them up.
Starting point is 00:01:03 We got Mason Reese, that little red-headed midget that does the devil hams commercial. Probably before you're talking. A very great impressionist, black guy, George Kirby will be with us, and Jack Nicholas. All righty. Cocaina. Anyhow, how are you, folks? Good to be back. A great week. Successful. And yeah, I know I was mentioning maybe shutting it down, stand-up-wise, for a little while, whatever. But I got to tell you, my fans sort of got me thinking twice. Because Soul Joel's was great. Joel, thank you. Great fucking outdoor tent was in a different town this time. So I apologize.
Starting point is 00:01:47 They didn't tell us. When I got sick last time, they changed the venue. He got changed to another town because the libs, I guess, wanted him. But it's the same thing. An outdoor white tent. And they're sitting on sand in Sanchez.
Starting point is 00:02:02 It's fucking... Like a makeshift stay. A beautiful makesh under it. It's fucking on a makeshift stand, beautiful makeshift stand. It's big, made of plywood and whatever the fuck. I said, this is the kind of stage you see a politician from South America getting assassinated on. And then they're sitting in the sand, and I said, halfway through the show, I go, the tide's coming, I gotta wrap this up. It was great. And then the next night was the best. At the Anisquan Arts Theater, whatever the fuck it was called, Manisquan, New Jersey,
Starting point is 00:02:34 which was down the shore. I had no idea. That's me, I just do the gigs, I don't even look. It's down the Jersey shore, and a beautiful theater, with 380 Nick DiPaolo troopers in there. And that's the hardest I've killed in a long time. And I was laying it on thick. And I was saying, eh, stuff. Anyways. Partial standing ovation, maybe more than half. I mean, just, I'm like, how do you quit this? And then on to Chester, New York, another beautiful theater up in the middle of,
Starting point is 00:03:09 up in the woods there, and just killer, killer audience. Chief of police, Chris Edwards, I mean, chief, fire chief, Chris Edwards, he had his thing on because it was a 9-11. He had his suit on with a, and he gave me the pin, and, which means so much to me. You forget people you think you're a comic but in these days if you're saying anything you know uh that's near the truth you're a hero to people like that and also about
Starting point is 00:03:38 10 guys in the front row i noticed had all tattoos they all a lot of them had beards it looked like carly davidson Davidson got only younger. And the day after, I go out and go, and I go, hey, they all have kind of the same shirt. It's my boys. That's right, the Proud Boys. And hey, don't hold it. Anybody sees this, I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I love that they come out. What, I'm not going to take a picture with these guys? And they're leaving. They're going, Nick, you're doing God's work. I am. I'm telling dick jokes to drunk people. I don't know if God was doing that. Hey, Peter, you hear about the one?
Starting point is 00:04:19 Two Jews walk in the bar. I'm not one of them. So they, dude, and yeah, the fire captain, a cop gave me a patch, one of the towns up there, which means the world to me, guys. And that you came out in those numbers
Starting point is 00:04:35 means the show, and we got the next night, after the Saturday night show, my wife called, and 10 or 12 people signed up on Patreon. This is what it's about because the show's needed. Anyways, enough about that. Thank you for such a great weekend.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I got gifts. They bring me all kinds. A guy made a hat for me. The guy that gave me that ring I wear sometimes made a hat for me. They come, you know, it's just, I got the best fans in the world. That's all I'm saying. Me and John Wayne Gacy. He had a following you couldn't.
Starting point is 00:05:05 A lot of young boys ripped his shreds under his house. All right. Not even going to mention the. So Dallas, Monday night game. I got Denver in the fucking pool. And I just heard. I was half paying attention. I was doing something on my thing.
Starting point is 00:05:24 And I saw a long field goal at paying attention. I was doing something on my thing. And I saw a long field goal at the end that he didn't make. And then my buddy, Tony Seymour, just told me on the phone, dude, did you watch the game last night? No, I didn't. It's like fourth, with a minute and a half left, fourth and five from like Denver zone 40, the guy had him run down the clock and brings in the kicker
Starting point is 00:05:48 to make a 66 yarder or something. Try to make a, instead of trying to get a, you got Russell Wilson at the helm. What are you doing? That really is. Tommy was on, my manager was going,
Starting point is 00:06:03 nah, the guy should be fine. Apparently he had the Broncos at a bet. And he goes, ah, in the car on the way here. He goes, that guy should be fired. I'm going, well, he's over the top. That's a little over the top. And then I just heard what he did. He should be fired. Fucking Mama Luke.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Anyways, I'm going to pull with 100 and something people. And Miss Ann Hodgson won. I mean, she had 11 wins. It's always a woman. How'd you pick them? I like the colors. What do you mean? The plays? The black guys? No, I like the shirts and the... Anyways.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Sloppy college football weekend too. Yes. I knew Dallas was going to jump in on that one. Some great upsets, man. Notre Dame. That's 0-2 for the first time, and whatever. How, and again, who was it, Marshall? Marshall, who's nobody to, Marshall. No, those guys are legit now. They shouldn't be overlooked. Yeah, this is no accident. And, but what a, imagine Notre Dame, beautiful day.
Starting point is 00:07:08 There's, what, 100,000 people there? There's not a seat empty. And you lose at home to a team you should beat. But, Marshall, again, nothing to sneeze upon. But the poor young black coach. I say black because it's Notre Dame. They had a black dude, though, right? A few years ago, didn't they?
Starting point is 00:07:23 Nick, why are you bringing that up? I don't know. Just saying. I actually felt a little for them, but not much. And Texas A&M ranked number six in the country. And who upset that? App State. App State. At Texas A&M. That's right. At Texas
Starting point is 00:07:38 A&M. And there were other ones. There were a few other ones that were big surprises. That's what makes college fun. Alright, let's get on with it, folks. There were a few other ones that were big surprises. That's what makes college fun. All right, let's get on with it, folks. There's a lot of gay and trans people watching who don't like the sports and juice. Anyways, guys, remember,
Starting point is 00:07:53 I'm back today after a long weekend, and Tommy wrote this like I wasn't going to say it myself. On the road, and I'm looking forward to telling y'all about it. I just did. I'm also going to be talking about, in the encore presentation, we're talking about, was that the Project Veritas? Yeah, the teacher undercover, lefty teacher.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Again, unfuckable woman who has her, she's proud to teach her kids not to stand for the, is that them or am I confusing? No, that's it. And to, you know, cause violence and protest. Yeah, throwing bricks is all right. And again, she's unfuckable, so what's new? So that's the Encore story that only you people get who join on Patreon monthly.
Starting point is 00:08:41 So please do that now if you haven't. If you don't get the Encore show, make sure to subscribe at Patreon. Get the exclusive content and a shout out on the show. And here we go. Mein Führer Biden. It's getting creepy out there, folks.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Justice Department officials have seized the phones of two top advisors to former President Donald J. Trump and blanketed his aides, a blanket with aides, like we gave the Indians. This is me trying to work my email.
Starting point is 00:09:20 His aides with about 40 subpoenas. His age, with about 40 subpoenas, that's 40 people that are close to Trump that they are sending sub was clearly needed to be subverted because it was stolen. Suck a dick and die, whoever disagrees with that. That makes me a terrorist now, if you've been following. Anybody who argues that is literally like, you're a terrorist in the eyes of Mallorca and the DHS and Biden. No, the other lib cock suck is Obama sitting home in his mom jeans making the shots. That's what I say. People familiar with the inquiry said on Monday. So imagine subpoenas to get texts.
Starting point is 00:10:16 One of them is Trump's lawyer, and that's protected attorney privilege. You don't get to, and it doesn't matter. They're doing whatever the fuck they want, man. You fucking people. What? You have no idea how to defend a nation. The seizure of the phones coupled with a widening effort to obtain information from those around Mr. Trump after the 2020 election represent some of the most aggressive steps. Boy, that's putting it mildly, left-wing writer. Aggressive steps. Imagine if Trump did this to the left. Would you say aggressive steps or authoritarian dictator fucking aggressive steps of department? I got to get my eyes checked.
Starting point is 00:10:58 It's like they're all has taken thus far in its criminal investigation into the actions that led to the January 6, 2021 assault on the Capitol. Such an assault that nobody was literally, nobody charged with insurrection and nobody on that side had a gun. And one person was killed, an unarmed Trump supporter. So it's getting scary out there. That should say Gestapo on the back.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Federal agents with court-authorized search warrants took phones last week from at least two people. Boris Epstein, an in-house counsel, that's a lawyer, folks, who helps coordinate Mr. Trump's legal efforts. And Mike Roman, a campaign strategist, strategist, I got that from George W. Bush, strategy, strategist, who was the director of Election Day operations for the Trump campaign in 2020, people familiar with the investigation said.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Fuck you, mother! Exactly, that's what I say. Now, Tucker Carlson last night, and again, if you guys are going to watch anybody on TV, and I don't give a fuck. By the way, the proof that he gets more
Starting point is 00:12:10 independents and Democrats now than CNN and MSNBC, proves that he's a little closer to the... You know what I mean? For my money. My opinion, you don't have to. But the first 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:12:22 of his show last night, the hair was standing up on the back of my neck. And it's not fucking exaggeration. Listen to him explaining. Let me just read that. It says, any claim that the vice president and or the president of the Senate had the authority to reject or choose not to count presidential electors. They're talking about 2016.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Trump's Pete, whatever the fuck. And they're saying, the DOJ's saying that's bullshit, whatever. But now, hear you go any claim that the vice president of the senate but had the authority to reject or choose not to count presidential electors keep in mind that any claim you make as an american citizen about electors anything you make
Starting point is 00:13:02 about american politics period is protected explicitly under the First Amendment. That's our core freedom. It's why we live here. It's why we're proud to be Americans. It's why so many American servicemen died protecting our country. Those are the freedoms that they fought to preserve. That's why nobody prosecuted leading Democrats in 2016
Starting point is 00:13:20 when they sought to reject electors for Donald Trump. Pause. You remember that? When they had a big beef about the electors? There was no repercussions there. It's beyond double standard. It's friggin' triple, quadruple, you live in your world, we'll do whatever we want. Again, it's that analogy, two football teams, you don't have to play, you don't buy the rules. This team does.
Starting point is 00:13:42 You guys can clip, you can run out of bounds. Who's going to win? Right. Right. to play you know by the rules this team does you guys can clip you can run out of bounds who's gonna win it right right it's why none of those people including kamala harris is now in jail but right now according to the subpoena that we have obtained merrick garland's doj is demanding all communication from the following people on this topic and let's be clear before we read their names that it is not clear what the investigation is actually about and And that's the most terrifying part. What is this? On what grounds are you demanding my private communications with people? They never say. But included in this precedent-breaking sweep of political opponents of the Biden White House would be former White House advisor Bernie Kerik, who is the former police commissioner of New York
Starting point is 00:14:26 City. Boris Epstein, who is the current attorney for Donald Trump. At no time in American history has it been okay to grab the personal communications of someone's lawyer, because those are privileged. Not anymore. Matt Morgan, Justin Clark, Kenneth Chesbrough,
Starting point is 00:14:42 Mike Roman, RNC official Joshua Finley, Trump attorneys John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, Joe DiGenova, James Truppes, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Victoria Tenzing, Cleta Mitchell, Bruce Marks. We could go on and on and on and on. The DOJ is now going after, from a White House official, Stephen Miller, frequent guest on this show. I love that guy.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Why? Well, it could be because Stephen Miller went on this network and said, quote, if we win these cases in the courts, then we can direct the alternate state of electors are certified. In other words, he didn't call for an election insurrection, much less violence or a coup. He called for alternate electors to be seated if the court ordered them to be seated. In other words, he was following the constitutionally prescribed process. How creepy.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Me and Colin argue about this all the time. And I see where I caught my buddy Colin Quinn, who's very bright coming from, about he, you know, he said Trump was stupid to be there on January 6th and he caused the interrupt, blah, blah. And, you know, he, I'm like, words either mean something or they don't. Trump came out that day
Starting point is 00:15:53 and said, you know, peacefully, we're going to, whatever. And he's saying he took the bait, whatever. And I go, now that what we found out about it, how many FBI guys are in there
Starting point is 00:16:04 and they were opening the gates for him. And again, nobody had guns or anything. So I'm fucking, what are you supposed to sit there and take it? Because it was stolen. And he's like, yeah, you have to, you can't do something like this, which I can see in hindsight what he's saying. They took the bait. Now they're trying to, Biden administration is trying to prosecute under all those charges of not insurrection. Again, nobody was charged with it, but whatever, they're doing whatever they want because people
Starting point is 00:16:31 went into the Capitol. And I'm like, so I'm starting, we start arguing. He never gets angry, you know, and I'm yelling over the, I go, you're fucking not, what are you supposed to lay down and take it? Conley goes like this. He goes, you're, he goes, I'm Michael Corleone right now, and you're Frankie Five Angels. Why do you make me lay down on Mike? Talking about
Starting point is 00:16:56 the Rosario bumps. Why do you make me lay down on him? I said, no, you're Michael and I'm Sonny. People might not have been in the Capitol, Sonny. I say, we blast the motherfuckers. It's such a funny call. See, these two guys, and Colin mostly, we agree on most of this shit, but you know. I said, the time for cleverness is over. You know what I mean? What the, when do you, I said the fucking, the founding fathers, the colonial army, at one point, they're like, oh, it's go time.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I mean, I don't know. Not that I'm asking for that. It's a horrible thing. But Jesus Christ, if they throw Trump in jail or even try, I mean, you don't think all hell's going to break loose? I would pray. But then again, we get flat screen TVs, nice couches, college and NFL, not to mention UFC. Anyway, let's move on. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Yeah, you thick-ankled whore. What do you got there? First of all, she'd never have lettuce. Pig face. Vice President Kamala Harris, former defensive member of the Kansas City Chiefs, has a cock bigger than anybody in show business.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Look at her. Insist that the United States southern border, I don't even know why I'm doing this story. After what I just told you, it pales. But I just wanted to remind you guys what a dumb horse she is. She says the southern border is secure. Despite the number of legal migrants arrests on pace to surpass, listen to this,
Starting point is 00:18:24 staggering two million this month i thought i read that wrong for the first time ever and she says the border is secure what you just said you wrinkled neck pink is one of the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul. Fuck that. May the devil stick a pitchfork at her fucking stretched out muff. In an interview with NBC's Meet the Fucking Depressed, as Mark Levin likes to say on Sunday, Harris acknowledged the immigration system still needs to be fixed.
Starting point is 00:19:02 You know who needed to be fixed? Your parents. Then we wouldn't have had you. Fucking tubular ligation. I just made that word up. Before pinning the blame on the Trump administration for the border surge.
Starting point is 00:19:14 They're blaming Trump on the border. He had it under control. He had people staying in Mexico. Remember that? No more catch and release. Do you remember? The numbers went down and shit. They have the gall to go out there because the media,
Starting point is 00:19:28 the Chuck Tods of the world, carry their water for them. Let's go, Tom Collin. Administration for the border surge that has happened since President Biden took office. This is her talking, the dink. The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration. Here it
Starting point is 00:19:43 comes again. No, we have a broken immigration. Here it comes again. No, we have a great immigration system if you enforce the law. People wait in line and do it the right way, you dumb hoa. We also have a broken immigration system, in particular over the last four years. Oh, my God, they all talk from the same. Before we came in, and it needs to be fixed. Harris told the host the devilish. Look at this. This guy's everything that's wrong with the media right here. You piece of you're lying. And that's actually a good picture of the joke.
Starting point is 00:20:20 We're going to we're going to have two million people cross the border for the first time ever. And Chuck says, do you understand, before they go on, do you understand that Kamala's press person says you have to ask this and that? It's like watching the home run derby. I want you to put it right down the middle so she can knock it out of the park. This border for the first time ever.
Starting point is 00:20:38 You're confident, Chuck says, this border's secure. You know, nice softball. And listen to how she answered. It's like a non-sequitur. We have a secure border in that, that it's a priority for any nation, what's that got to, including ours and our administration, Harris insisted. But there are still a lot of problems that we are trying to fix. And how exactly, can you tell us what you do? That would be my question. What are you doing exactly to try to fix it? Given the deterioration that happened over, again, the last four years, again, blaming
Starting point is 00:21:08 Trump, we also have to put into place a law and a plan for a pathway for citizenship for the millions of people who are here illegally and are prepared to do what is legally required to gain citizenship. to that I say you stupid fucking blabbermouth and I mean it Harris again tried to ship the blame away from Biden administration saying we don't have that in place because people are playing politics in a state like this and in Congress, please help me. Migrant arrest numbers have almost doubled under the Biden administration, but it's Trump's fault. You leathery, nipple, pig-faced, cheese-eating, motherless, buck-stained, and have already exceeded last year's record,
Starting point is 00:21:59 according to the latest Customs and Border Protection data. That would be CBP. So far this fiscal year, Border Patrol agents have reported more than 1.94 million encounters, and none of them with Kamala Harris. Here's a great joke. Stick it in there nice. At the border,
Starting point is 00:22:18 which is up from 1.73 million encounters in all of 2021, and just over 458,000 in 2020. And it's Trump's fault? Why, you yeast infection? Cut it out. Cut it out. Get out of the way.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Folks, this show is entirely supported by you listeners and a couple of Chinese girls on the tip of Taiwan. But thank you to those who joined on Patreon in the past weekend, too. Those who made contributions. Like I said, woke up the next day. Please continue to do so. I promise I'll keep working to spread honest and direct commentary and comedy through this show and Chappelle's.
Starting point is 00:23:04 What? It's off the air. Okay, pick one. Samantha Bee. She's gone. Okay. Listen. Drag racing, 18 wheeler. You can contribute at and I'll read your name on the show and again, it'll change your life. I'll tell you, kids. What's the headline? Fetterfag. Instead of Fetterman. And you'll see why. Pennsylvania Democrat, Senate candidate John Fetterman. This is the guy that's had a few strokes. And he makes Biden sound like a fucking linguistics major.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Declared himself Fetterwoman at a pro-Borch rally on Sunday. First of all, would you ever know, looking at this picture, that he's running for a political seat? Or would you think he's a defensive coordinator for a Division II school that just got beat 78-0? Or a union muscle arm guy in a small fucking town in Pennsylvania. Yeah, there you go. He promised to codify Roe versus Wade, okay?
Starting point is 00:24:06 You need to shut the fuck up. In other words, ignore the will of the people. That's what I'm going to do. Standing before a pink and black woman for Fetterman sign at a rally in Bluebell, Pennsylvania, Fetterman unveiled a pink shirt emblazoned with the label, Fetterwoman across the chest. The shirts immediately went on sale.
Starting point is 00:24:29 He wasn't even done with his speech on Fetterman's campaign website. Give me the fucking money. You hear me? You hear me? I got to come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. Just in case you didn't believe me, here he is. I'm saying it.
Starting point is 00:24:43 My name is John. Pause. What a time for a mass shooter from Vegas to be up in the window. Not with real bullets, folks. Just like I said, you know, just rubber ones. You don't have to kill anybody. Just sting them. And again, if you can't find those, you get the super soakers, about a thousand of them with cat piss, why people don't do that,
Starting point is 00:25:10 during the rally, Fetterman reiterated his support for abortion, which includes himself, look at this cheesy fucking, looks like a bass player from Metallica, which includes his support for the deadly practice, up until the moment of birth. In other words, a kid comes out and he's standing there with a shotgun. Nice guy. You people are, I never believed in, I always thought the right went a little nuts, the religious people with the devil and the evil and shit. I'm seeing it.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I'm starting, it's really starting to sway me. Yeah, kill a baby up to the moment of birth and pledge that he would vote to codify Roe v. Wade in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision. Can you imagine this guy? Take a big step back and literally fuck your own face! John Fetterwoman. Please give me a cup. Oh, come on, John.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Women are the reason we can win. Let me say that again. He sounds like a comedian trying to get laid after a show. Women are the reason we win win. Let me say that again. He sounds like a comedian trying to get laid after a show. Women are the reason we win, Fetterman told the crowd. And he said, let me repeat that. Stroke victim. Don't piss women off, he added. What a bitch. Where's your cock? In a mayonnaise jar in the mantle, you big fucking bag. Fetterman then pointed his attack at his opponent, Dr. Mahatma Oz. Dr. Oz, I think Oprah spawned this idiot, characterizing him as a pro-life extremist. This decision,
Starting point is 00:26:34 should it be made up to Dr. Oz or to a woman and a real doctor to choose? Fetterman asked the crowd, should it be left to them? Oz believes abortion is murder. No exceptions. Rape or incest. If every abortion is a murder, that means Dr. Oz considers every woman who had to choose abortion is a, I would say, accessory to murder. Even he should have said that, but he's too dumb. Fetterman added. You're raping me. This is rape.
Starting point is 00:27:03 You're going to have the kid anyway! By the way, on that one, I'm with them. Sorry. Don't get mad out there. I have a whole joke about it, if you haven't heard it, about a woman having to have the baby after she's raped, which is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Come out to see me if you want to hear the end of it. Oh, it's terrific. It'll be worth the 12-hour flight. Let's move on, shall we? Intolerant twat? What kind of headline is that? A New York City private school administrator has been secretly recorded
Starting point is 00:27:34 confessing that she sneaks her liberal, like she has to, political agenda into the classroom and complaining about really awful white Republicans. Oh, my God. Let me guess that on a scale of 10, as far as looks, I'm guessing she's probably a two. Jennifer Gin, G-I-N-N, Norris. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:27:58 She's a one and a half. Look at that fucking. Jennifer Gin Norris, again, unfuckable. I'll say it again, my theory holds. Any woman who's that far left is usually gay, ugly, unfuckable, doesn't fit into the mainstream of the society, and is bitter since nobody would finger pop her in the back of a car in 1981. So she joins these shitty leftist groups that hate everything about this country
Starting point is 00:28:24 because it's the society's fault. Jennifer Gin Norris, who works at the Trinity School on the Upper East Side, used to return punts for the football team there, was filmed by conservative outlet project Veritas, our boy O'Keefe, saying that she tries to, in quotes, disrupt wherever she can. And that she and other teachers have been sneaking their activism in through cracks, she said, again, because nobody wanted to see hers. I'm gay, I'm really gay, I'm super duper gay. I'm gayer than a rainbow, that's the way I like it. What?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Elsewhere on the secret recording, Norris suggests she has issues with some white male students on campus. Now, you have issue with males on campus. The fact that the white ones are fashionable to bash is why you're doing that. But no, not even a black dude would fuck you. They'd go with a 600-pound blonde chick. You know the ones they like. You're just, you look like a shortstop for a high school team, a male high school team. I don't like you. I hope there's fucking Preston in that Diet Coke you're drinking. Anyways, let's take a look at Dinkweed.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I'll actually, when we show these Veritas clips, the audio in the background, the noise kind of drowns out because, you know, it's a secretly recorded thing. So for you people just listening, I mean, yeah, listening and not watching, I'll read the subtitles below. Whoops. Huh? Okay. I work in a really fancy private school up on the Upper West Side.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Fancy private school up on the Upper West Side. It's definitely a school where conservatives would not feel comfortable. Oh, look at her space between her teeth. She's a fucking pig. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:30:12 I had one of those. It's a school where conservatives would not feel comfortable. I don't hide how I feel. I don't hide how I feel, but I can't pretend I'm promoting an agenda, even though I clearly am. And then she
Starting point is 00:30:26 laughs with all the stuff I'm doing. Wait till you get, wait till this gets out there. But when I started there, I hid my whole life. I felt like a double agent or something, she said. Fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. Go ahead. I hid my whole life.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I felt like a double agent or something. Unfortunately, it's the white boys. Unfortunately, it's the white boys who feel very entitled to express their opposite opinions and just push back. They feel entitled. Now, that's where you go. Again, this is undercover, so you play along. And by the way, you know what the whole key to all these are is? Booze.
Starting point is 00:31:16 You give anybody, including myself, a few drinks, you start yappity yappy. He should bring Coke, too. You want to hear some chatter? Unfortunately, it's white boys who feel entitled. First of all, I would if I was asking on a real I'd go wait Tell me what tells you that they feel entitled and they're just not giving their opinion. Why do you think they're entitled? Where's the wiggle room there? So they either shut up or they give their opinion You know, I mean do they stand up a desk and say shut the fuck up. I got something to say No You know what I mean? Do they stand up on desk and say, shut the fuck up, I got something to say? No.
Starting point is 00:31:46 It's the white boys who feel entitled to express their opinion and just push back. See, she's bitter. She's bitter because lack of cock. She had to switch teams. I'm telling you. All true is born that way. Either way, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Who feel very entitled to express their opposite opinions and just push back. feel very entitled to express their opposite opinions. They have the balls to express their opposite opinions. Take it easy. She also said there's always groups of teachers who want to do these activist things, but the administration just wouldn't let us, Norris said in the clip. So we've been just sneaking things in through again the crowd norris who was listed as the director of student activities at the sixty thousand dollar a year school said she has the opportunity to bring in guest speakers
Starting point is 00:32:37 twice a week and that she told her boss she would be a hundred% Democratic with the kids. Asked by Project Veritas if she would ever let a Republican voice again. Norris said, I won't. I won't, she said. And Nick DiPaola replied, Fuck your mother! How about that? And guess what, folks?
Starting point is 00:32:59 When that gets out there, she'll get a raise. But let me tell you something, lady, who's all high and mighty and, you know, feeling your oats right now. When it turns, oh, you're going to run. You're going to run. You're going to run. Not pitchforks. We're going to have sporks.
Starting point is 00:33:20 That's more PC. They'll just break the skin a little bit. Folks, can I ask you a question a favor let me roast your buddy or say happy birthday to your mom through cameo as she's picking up her bra behind the stereo I really like doing these in Dallas has the link on the screen there go there you can see some of the cameras I've done and order one for yourself. Or just go to Cameo, search my name, and again, it'll tell you how to do it. I make a little video. You tell me a little about the person. I record it on my phone. We send it to them,
Starting point is 00:33:55 busting balls. And usually the people send it to bust balls of a person who likes me, wants his ball busted by me. Or again, if your grandmother's osteoporosis is kicking up and you want her out of the house, I can tell her to fuck off. Anyways, let's move on. Entrain. Whoa, boy. I used to take the Entrain in New York. I lived in Astoria. A video showing a large group of white students singing lyrics. Oh no, where is this going? Including offensive terms and banging on the ceiling. They are rowdy of the rail car. They're on a train. Has gotten the attention on many on Twitter. This is where we're at. White guys were singing, white kids singing a rap song, including a D.C. private school. And now this is a story.
Starting point is 00:34:47 This is where we. Nothing Burger. Un-fucking-believable. Nothing Burger. Two videos of the large group. This is what, in the D.C. area? Two videos of a large group of teens were posted on Twitter by people. And again, it's probably 10 people.
Starting point is 00:35:03 But what happens is everybody comments, it becomes a story, then some jerk off on a blog picks it up. He sends it to, I don't know, the Daily Beast. Then it makes legitimate media. So again, it's a minority that's doing this, but you guys are like, oh my God. This is on Thursday evening.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Somebody writes, one of the people that was on the train, what is this mess on Thursday evening. Somebody writes, one of the people that was on the train, what is this mess on my train? Oh, your train? Jose Romero? You dink. That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it.
Starting point is 00:35:36 I should ask that of you. What are you doing on my train? Country wasn't found. If you get out of here. I kid, of course. The user followed up with a second video, calling out Landon School, a private college
Starting point is 00:35:47 preparatory all-male school in Bethesda. Translation, a lot of smart white kids there that, you know, will probably in normal times they would have the future of this country looking bright. They just got off at Union Station, Romero tweeted. Landon School, control your students
Starting point is 00:36:04 is what? LOL. Will you shut up? Will you? Haggit, you're a big, big, big girl. The song the boys appear to be singing is Freestyle by one of my favorite artists. I was brought up to him at the Jersey gig, Lil Baby. I love the names of these fuckers. Lil Baby. I told you I have the best name for a band, and I told you, Dallas, for like an alternative band,
Starting point is 00:36:38 not a hip-hop, but Nicole Sunglasses. Like Nicole Brownson. It's funny, when I came up with it right after she died. Anyways, Freestyling the Lil Baby, which contains lyrics repeatedly using the N-word, which Romero claims the boys didn't shy away. Well, why would they? You shy away from that, then you got no song.
Starting point is 00:37:01 You know what I'm saying to you? That sounded like Booger McFarlane from the NFL. Anyways, can you believe this is a story on top of what I reported last week, that Duke volleyball girls team where the Duke girl on the Duke team said somebody yelled racial slurs throughout the volleyball. They did an investigation like it was a Kennedy assassination. You know what? They found nothing. Another hoax.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Only this isn't a hoax. This is just, once again, a double standard. Go ahead. Listen to it. You can't even understand, but go ahead. He's joined in as that song dropped a slur several times. The N-word slur several times. Since the N-word is said three times.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Since the N-word is said three times. That's two more times than I say cock in an hour. Let's go to a Hispanic gay man for an objective opinion on young white boys. Go ahead. The word in Romero's video and blurred their faces. There was a young African-American girl sitting in front of me and the look on her face, like her jaw was just like open, like in shock.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Like yours is every night when it's filled with fucking hard salami. Check that one, dude. Let's go back to it. Do you believe it? Do you believe it? First of all, they have to bleep it. What takes the impact out of the point they're trying to make? If you're playing the story and the N-word's in it,
Starting point is 00:38:36 at least it would seem, oh, my God, right? They can't even do that. They're so afraid of it, they bleep it. It takes any shock value that they're trying to get across but anyways uh go ahead you know i gave props to the whoever stopped it you know the kid that said no it did not end there however romero said some boys then laughed oh my god trivialized what they did now listen and listen to his reason why the white kids were using the N-word. And listen how he has no problem generalizing. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:39:09 A lot of it is probably ignorance. They don't realize what they're saying. They haven't been taught that. They haven't grown up around minorities or ****. You feel safety in that group and you feel like you can do anything. And I think that's what happened there. And that's dangerous. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Now you're dangerous. Let me tell you what happened there, you goo gobbler from fucking Tijuana. Look at his hands, by the way. You can smell his boyfriend's balls on them. That's him pulling his boyfriend's hips towards his fucking hook nose.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Oh, they probably didn't grow up. First of all, you're making assumptions about a whole group of white people that if we did that to you you know like me going oh that guy probably loves refried beans and cuts grass for a living you fucking dummy all the shit that you rail against you're doing um secondly they're singing a hip-hop song that they know the words to and that's sort of proof that they're not racist. That they buy black music or whatever. Or are they appropriating now? Is that
Starting point is 00:40:10 what it is? You're so full of shit and they're singing. And by the way, it said in the article there were black people on the train singing along. So you're trying to make a beef where there was none. Greaseball fuckstain. See that? Just targeting white kids.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Just like, remember the Nick Sandman and the Indian, that whole thing? You're the threat to this country. You and your girlfriend, Teddy. We absolutely do not condone, this is the school, here it comes, or tolerate the behavior displayed in this video. You don't?
Starting point is 00:40:43 Then go after the black hip-hop, or the record producers. The ones who are keeping the N-word alive. You really think we're going to live in a country where somebody can have use of a word but another segment can't? You fucking idiots. Display in this video.
Starting point is 00:40:59 And we deeply regret the hurt it has caused to this poop. We are looking into the matter. The statement reads, as we begin the school year, we look, listen to this whore. Listen to this poop. We are looking into the matter. The statement reads, as we begin the school year, we look, listen to this whore, listen to this white pablum. We look forward to continuing our work to build on our boys the characteristics of respect, honor, and kindness
Starting point is 00:41:15 that you don't see in the black hip-hop community, I added, that are so essential in preparing the next generation of victims, I added. Stop! Thank you. Might be the best segment I ever did. Romero said they were African-American riders on the train at the same time.
Starting point is 00:41:34 The students sang the words to, oh my God, so you'd rather have it do it behind their back. Oh, poor you. He added he believes this can be a teaching moment, which, is a phrase that the Marxist Obama came up with. And it's always, you notice it's always people on the right, white guys. It's a teachable moment for them, yet never the most ignorant people on the planet. Anyways, that's all. I, you know, how many times can we go on?
Starting point is 00:42:04 I'm sick of pointing out the double and triple stamp, but you have to. Because some people aren't even aware of them, believe it or not. Finally tonight, on the Sugarloaf Express, your people love it. Chick-fil-A, boy, do they have it out for these guys. Remember they tried to make them anti-
Starting point is 00:42:24 LGBT. They never, you know do they have it out for these guys. Remember they tried to make them anti-LGBT. They never, you know, they hired gay people that never had it in, but they were, you know, the owner contributed money to a pro-life assault, which makes him anti-gay and, you know. Anyways, Chick-fil-A has a new problem. Scrambled to explain itself after a reply to a customer with the phrase, your community, which, by the way, is used a million times a day by the left. Your community sparked allegations of racism. The social media backlash began last Friday after one user tweeted,
Starting point is 00:43:03 here we go again, more manufactured, you know, rage, tweeted the message, grilled spicy deluxe, but still no spicy nuggets. They tweeted that to the fast food giant's official account. And then the company responded, your community will be the first to know if spicy items are added to the permanent menu, Don. Chick-fil-A's account responded.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Obviously, if you read that and you're not hung up on race and looking for racism everywhere, you'd know exactly what they meant. Your community, meaning where the store is located. There's Chick-fil-A's all over the place. Your community. This time, they literally mean your community I Said to my wife Andy. I've said it in the show I think you keep hearing the word community right for the last what ten years now you hear it 40 times a day the
Starting point is 00:43:53 LGBT community the Hispanic community they trans community community commune communists you get it folks Do you seriously do you get it where we're going? It's the opposite of a country coming together. The United States is supposed to be one big community, not a billion divided ones. A review of Chick-fil-A's social media accounts show the company is frequently, oh my goodness, I'll never eat there again,
Starting point is 00:44:24 use the phrase in recent days to convey they will announce when spicy chicken nuggets return to the menu in specific areas, as in specific communities, meaning geologic, as far as geography goes. I was going to say geological. What the fuck is that? It has something to do with nuggets. But this time, the seemingly innocuous reply drew immediate criticism from fat, ugly girls
Starting point is 00:44:51 on Twitter who have nothing else to do, who questioned whether the words, your community, had a racist connotation. They didn't say, hey, it'll be available in your hood. Shut up, Jasper. Do you mean like the black community? One jerk-off asked? No, this is what I meant. Go in the fucking kitchen and give me your hood shut up Jasper do you mean like the black community one jerk off asked no this is what I meant
Starting point is 00:45:14 that was me getting thrown out of a Popeyes then it says W I am what you mean I'm guessing is that what that means by a brother what you mean, I'm guessing. Is that what that means? By a brother? What you mean, WIM, by your community? Another Twitter user added. Now I got to cancel Chick-fil-A? I'm logging out of Twitter for the day. I'm guessing that's a black guy who's laughing, maybe. He doesn't even care. Take care, another person wrote. Oh my God, what a bunch of bitches. Those look good, by the way. You could have told me that those are dipped in the founding father's slave-owning jizz and fried, and I'd gobble them down. As of Monday, Chick-fil-A's reply remained online
Starting point is 00:45:55 and drew more than 1,600 comments. What a useless nation of judgmental fucking jerk-offs. And more than 8,000 retweets as Twitter users ripped the post. Meanwhile, some users noted the fact that Chick-fil-A has used similar replies on Twitter when asked about whether specific menu items would return. Chick-fil-A addressed the situation in a statement to NBC News, noting that the use of the words community, in quotes, was meant as a reference to areas where the restaurants are located,
Starting point is 00:46:26 which is exactly how I would take it, unless you're looking for a beef or a chicken this time. Good night, everybody. Their response was a poor choice of words. No, it wasn't! Stop backpedaling, faggots! But was not intended in any way to be insensitive or disrespectful or accompany spokesmen.
Starting point is 00:46:42 We often use the term community to refer to the blacks. And it brought a sense to talk about places where we operate restaurants. Serve the surrounding community. God damn it. Get off our backs. Oh, God. You want to see a racist chicken ad? This is from Australia.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Watch this. This is from Australia. Watch this. Need a tip when you're stuck in an awkward situation? Too easy. KFC's crowd pleaser. A huge ride. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I know what you did. You're a damn tight end. All right, just get the hell out of here. That's still all right over there. That looked old, by the way. But it's still all right over there, but if you see him without a mask, they'll fucking throw you in jail.
Starting point is 00:47:36 But how funny was that? They had a white hand just in case. You see where the white hand reached in with the chicken, but like four black ones? And I said to Dallas, well, the black people agreed to do that commercial. And if it bothered them, they're selling their people out. They're just doing it for the money.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Either way, but whatever. In a perfect world, the tension between blacks and whites in this country, if you had that commercial, we could all laugh at it together. Do you know what I'm saying? Have an Italian like they do at the Olive Garden, you know. And it reminded me of one of my favorite bits Chappelle did when he was a young comic. It's the first one that really stuck in my head. This is him about a hundred, have you seen him lately? Guy's about 240 and he smokes. I fucking love him. But here's the one that caught my eye when he did it at the comedy cell again all these years I thought I liked
Starting point is 00:48:26 chicken because it was delicious turns out I'm genetically predisposed to like a chicken I got no say in the man I got ruined chicken for me I'm scared to eat it in public I don't i want somebody to see me and say something i mean you be eating some chicken look at him he loves it. That's the one that I'm like, oh, this kid's on to something.
Starting point is 00:49:10 All right, that's it. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. God, I thought that was a fun show for Monday. Thank you again to all of you guys who came out. You know, whether it was in Pennsylvania, it sold Joel's. The next night in Jersey, Manisquan, Anisquam, dead Indian name, and Chester, New York. I complained for months to get on the plane, but everything went well. That's how I am. I'm like a college football player. When things are going good, I'm high fiving everybody. When things are going bad, I go poo-poo. I quit. Let me do thank yous before I go.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I go, poo-poo, I quit. Let me do thank yous before I go. Can't forget that for the love of my sister. Our Patreon family is growing like a lump on Pelosi's big, saggy knobs. I want to thank all our new members, Michael, League, and Sylvain. Are these real names? Daganese, who moved from the comics gym to Patreon. Guys, please do that. DMB86, Michael Mullen.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Are these people? I got to talk to Andy. Are these still people who are moving? No, I think these are new. Okay, Michael Mullen, Eric Starkey, Mark D. Aldridge, Chris Volpe, Tommy Boy, Will, Andre, those are brothers I'm hoping, Paul Alexander, founding father, the angry Guinea hour, and they spell Guinea G-I-N-E-E-Y. That's a guy from the South trying to say Guinea. Stephen J. Tack, I'm guessing the P is silent, Tack.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Steven J. Tack. I'm guessing the P is silent. Tack. Chad Lindstrom. Daniel Tate. Not Taint. Tate. Anthony Porcelli.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Good. These are great. No name. Christopher Spalding. Jones the Dead. Thomas Asgoza. For those of you that want to support the show with a one-time or automated monthly contribution without signing up at Patreon, you can do that at forward slash podcast and click on the contribution link. You can use a credit or debit card, PayPal, Cash App, or Venmo.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Thank you to Jonathan Keller, Heather Joyce Fenton, Buddy Sean Powell. Those are like daily contributions. That is it. You guys think I'll say it? You're very welcome. See you back here. Tomorrow's already Wednesday, right? We'll see you back here tomorrow. Have a great day. I'm going to get you out of here I'm going to get you out of here guitar solo Outro Music

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