The Nick DiPaolo Show - Garland's Grisly Grilling | Nick Di Paolo Show #616

Episode Date: October 26, 2021

Steube grills Garland on extremism. Tucker Carlson questions Biden's immigration. Sinema airport sequel. Alec Baldwin film tragedy....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television, or from the White House, now more than ever, our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed, and that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show, and that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning, honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Let's keep this freedom fight going. Here's your Austin Otto. Terrorist, terrorist, purple for parents are. Terrorist, terrorists, purple for parents are. Terrorists, terrorists, purple for parents are. While some had good intentions, they all were misinformed. Now threatening violence, boxing teachers has become the norm. They come to school board meetings with lots of things to say. And they will bully, cuss, or scream if they don't get their way.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Can somebody get her a job on Alec Baldwin's next movie set? I love you. You're an ugly bitch and a stupid fucking twat. I hope you go to work and get fucking shot. That's what's teaching your kids. That's what's teaching your kids. That's what's teaching your kids. And don't think, oh, that's the anomaly. She's just an outlier. No, they're all like that.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Fucking idiots who couldn't survive in the real world with a real job. Now they get to push around their kids with their ideology and whatnot. Boy, unfuckable and stupid. You're almost a triple threat. I never used to let politics get in the way of friendships, but I'm starting to really, it's not even about politics anymore. It's whether you're fucking sane or not.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Still seeing people ride by my house with masks on, on their bikes. Can you imagine being that big a douchebag? Out of all the things that you could choose to be, a virtue signaler, I'm a do-gooder. Remember? This country was founded as fighting off the establishment these kids want to be part of it they would have complied with hitler just just fucking write cnn fan put a picture of don lemon on your mask
Starting point is 00:03:15 oh you're retarded you're dumb you're ignorant we we have no statistics on all the people who supposedly died of COVID. You notice you've never got the details? If they suffered any other maladies or shit? It's all kept in the dark and whatnot. I don't know. I'm just so discouraged. First of all, it's been a ball buster of a morning. I was thinking about, I got a call last night saying, Crowder wants you to co-host the show.
Starting point is 00:03:55 So I didn't want to leave you guys in the lurch, but then I'm like, well, it'll probably do this show some good because, you know, but he's on a YouTube ban. But he still has, you know, a ton of followers on the Mug Club and Blaze and whatnot. So all this was thrown on me at the last second, and I'm trying to decide last night. And then I was working on something else, and the only flight out was 6 o'clock this morning. It was still 2.15. I was still working on something.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And so I'm like, what the fuck? And then I get up and American Airlines says, there's weather in Dallas. So some flights might be delayed. It hadn't happened yet, but that was enough for me to go, fuck this. Anyway, so I don't know. Now they're asking me maybe tomorrow, and I haven't decided yet. I'm just letting you guys know ahead of time, because it could be good for all of us.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Maybe we add a bunch of followers and strengthen this movement, or it just bumps up the numbers in Florida at my gig this weekend by 12. See, that's how I look at it. Because I've been around the block a thousand fucking times and I've had a thousand people. It's good. You got to do it. How much did I make for doing that?
Starting point is 00:05:18 $48 more. Oh, okay. So I really think long and hard. And let's be honest,am fucking they could tell me that Megan Fox was at Terminal 6 at the Savannah Airport waiting to blow me if it's at 6am I'm going back to sleep
Starting point is 00:05:34 anyhow any who so I just wanted to and then we get here and Dallas's mouse isn't working. It's not his mouse. It's the company's mouse. And like I said, none of this shit's ready for primetime. I still find it all silly doing this. And I just think in 50 years or even 25 years, everybody's going to be, what the fuck was that? Everything's manual. Put a chip in my asshole, like they said they were going to, so I can blink. Where was I?
Starting point is 00:06:10 What were we talking about? I don't even remember. So, yeah, I don't know if I'm going to Dallas tomorrow or not. I'm kicking it around. I don't know. Either way, going to end up in Florida on Thursday night. As Chris Rock said, nobody get into
Starting point is 00:06:31 fucking comedy to work hard. Define how you fucking raise it. Alright, let's get to it, I guess. But I, but I'm still, that woman, I could just choke the light out of her, fucking people never let it go, do you, yes, so anyways, Merrick Garland was questioned by a senator named Stubbe or a congressman from Ohio. Congressman Greg Stubbe questions Merrick Garland over left-wing agitators forcing their way into the Department of Interior on October 14th. So this is Garland, who is an Obama guy, by the way.
Starting point is 00:07:21 This is his testimony as Mr. Stubbe here. Congressman Greg Stubbe grills by the way. This is his testimony. It's Mr. Stubbe here, Congressman Greg Stubbe. Grills him the way he should be grilled. Okay, let her fly, buddy. The group of extremist, environmental, and indigenous protesters forced their way into the Department of Interior. They fought with and injured security and police officers, sending some of those officers to the hospital. The extremists violently pushed their way into a restricted government building in an attempt to thwart the work of the Department of Interior. Police arrested at least 55 protesters on site. Nobody shot? But others got away. Mr. Garland, do you believe that these environmental extremists who forced their way into the Department of Interior are also domestic terrorists? So I'm not going to
Starting point is 00:08:03 be able to reference that specific incident since this is the first I know about it. So I'm not going to be able to reference that specific incident since this is the first I know about it, but I will say that the department does not care. This is the first that you know about an incident where Indian protesters forced themselves into a federal government building. He's the fucking attorney general. He's the top cop. I hate to use the word cop when it's associated with a pencil-pushing weasel,
Starting point is 00:08:27 Obama fucking lover. Just a weasel, a DC weasel. I can't answer that. I predicted that before I even said it. If he says, oh, we're in the middle of an event, it was worse. He didn't even know about it. And it didn't happen in fucking you know minneapolis it happened right under his nose oh my god you we are being fucking led by incredibly stupid pompous people i i didn't know about it was like six feet from where i live dickweed go ahead right here in dc like you didn't hear about this at all this particular example it doesn't mean the justice department doesn't know about it i've heard are you the head of the justice department you're the fucking attorney general i mean what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:09:28 It's like the fucking, you know, it's like the Red Sox, I don't know, making 21 hours in a game and losing 14 to nothing. And the owner of the Sox goes, I was in Dallas that night. What a fucking shithead. Go ahead. Personally haven't heard about it before, what you're saying right now.
Starting point is 00:09:47 You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. I'll say that again. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. What did you say? You're lying. And you're a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Who is? Well, he is. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Who the fuck do you think you are? Who the fuck do you think you are? Who the fuck do you think you are? Who the fuck? That's me in the morning before my coffee.
Starting point is 00:10:15 My wife cuts in front of me to get hers for... Oh my God, Nick. Say it's not true. What a fucking weaselly, typical Obama Democrat. That's what you vote for, you people. Are you happy with that? That fucking guy works for you. Oh, we don't.
Starting point is 00:10:32 All I know is we shot a Trump broad who was unarmed and shit. She had it coming. But environmentalists, because they're all on the environmentalist side. You understand that? This jerk-off believes in climate change and all that horseshit. Fucking homo. Suck a dick and die, you fucking prick. Nick, don't talk like that.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Well, it's not Fox Nation. I don't know. I can't comment on that. He didn't know about it. I can't even fucking believe he said that. This didn't happen yesterday. And let me tell you, the environmentalists, they are true terrorists. They've proved it under every president. They go out and blow boats up that are killing, whatever. They think you're harming the environment. They'll fucking torture your house. They are the real domestic terrorists, not people who give a shit about their kids' education.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Ah, my aching stem. My aching stem. All right, let's move on, shall we? Monday, Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson opened his program questioning the Biden administration willing to ignore federal immigration laws. Clint, you are an idiot, as it seemingly turns a blind eye to illegal immigrants streaming across the United States-Mexico border. It is creepy. I didn't even show the clips where they're running over. I don't think I say in there, right? They're bum-rushing Mexican cops, bum-rushing them, like thousands of people,
Starting point is 00:12:13 women with babies and running over cops in Mexico, which again, I believe all this. Can I just say this, folks? Nobody on the left or the right is really bothered by this, except us people, because it's all about money and commerce and cheap labor, and you get a bunch of Republicans doing nothing about this either, because they're going to get their wheels greased. Because if you really wanted, I'll say this again, I don't care if it sounds medieval, if you really wanted to, this is what landmines are for. And fucking rifles. Do you understand?
Starting point is 00:12:49 Even all that Trump wall stuff. It was all just symbolism. If you don't want anybody to come into your country, you get military. I'm not talking about a couple of border guys in a Jeep going back and forth. You fucking park tanks and shit there. Arm everybody with a flamethrower that lives in the neighborhood right on the border. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:13:12 One person gets shot, you think you're going to keep coming? That's how you know it's bullshit. Nick, that's, you can't. Yeah, you can. It's a sovereign nation. Ugh, but shithead Biden, cocksucker's doing just the opposite.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Carlin accused, Carlson accused, excuse me, President Joe Biden accused of breaking federal law, which under previous circumstances would have been an impeachable offense. And he's absolutely... Biden.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Okay, check out, this is uh tucker talking about what's going on at the border so people just come in and they know they'll never be forced to leave already the administration has released more than 160 000 illegal migrants into the country with no supervision whatsoever without telling the people into whose neighborhoods they're moving 160 000 what american citizens think they don't care what American citizens think. They don't give a fuck. By the way, how many are vaccinated? You can't go to events.
Starting point is 00:14:09 You can't have a job in this country without being vaccinated. But if you come here illegally, no problem. What does that tell you? Now, tens of thousands of those migrants, according to documents obtained by Fox News, have already received work. Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck Barack Biden. Don't fuck Kamala Harris. She fat.
Starting point is 00:14:33 All right, roll. Permits. Right. Soon they will receive free benefits and the health care that Joe Biden has promised them. That's why they're coming. Again, just ask them and they'll tell you. them. That's why they're coming. Again, just ask them and they'll tell you. Why now? The best time. Because of the administration? Because of Joe Biden. Soft spoke. Pause. I don't like soft spoken. And again, and Tucker's right, you can't blame, if you were poor, right, and living in some shithole and the president of the United States is the richest country on the planet, say, hey, we got a bunch of free shit, and the door's open.
Starting point is 00:15:08 You're not going to go? But that doesn't mean we have to accept it. Oh my, Joe Biden. Well, there's one vote you guys got. Surprised he didn't have the Biden t-shirt and hat on and shit. I'm surprised he didn't have the Biden t-shirt and hat on and shit. That cut to him in like five years and sees the taxes he's paid. Hey, fuck you, Joe. Let's go, Brandon. Let's go, Brandon. Go ahead. It's really that simple.
Starting point is 00:15:40 At the same time, you should know that Biden has ordered the government to build a wall around his family's vacation home in Delaware and build it at public expense. Diversity may be our strength. He often says that. But Joe Biden doesn't want it anywhere near him or his family. Now, the irony of that is almost difficult to digest. It was just a year ago that Biden was telling us that walls are immoral and that's why he would never build a wall. There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration. Oh, except around my vacation house in Delaware. Hypocrite. But it's more than hypocritical.
Starting point is 00:16:15 It's criminal and not in a rhetorical sense. Joe Biden is actively and intentionally breaking federal law, even as he works to protect himself and his own family from the consequences. And why isn't every Republican fucking screaming from the top of the hill? Because you're all in on it. You're all filthy. Not all, I should say. Might be a few holdouts.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Marjorie Taylor Greene, who's looked at like a wacko. She's the only one who's got any fucking balls up there. Unbelievable. And again, commerce, cheap labor. They can't wait to get rid of us out of the fucking way. But they'll be, I don't understand. Biden, you're not going to be around Pelosi to enjoy these fruits. You've got a couple of years left. Maybe less than that to keep up your shit. What?
Starting point is 00:17:01 Go ahead. Take policies. Presidents have been impeached for less than that. In fact, no American president who ever has been impeached, not Andrew Johnson, not Richard Nixon, not Bill Clinton, not even Donald Trump, has ever even been accused of crimes this flagrant or this serious, not even close. According to new court documents, between January 20th and the end of March, just for example, the Biden administration refused to take custody of 37 20th and the end of March, just for example, the Biden administration refused to take custody of 37 illegal immigrants in the state of Texas. Many of these people had additional criminal records.
Starting point is 00:17:32 According to an affidavit from a Texas sheriff, the administration refused to detain even suspects believed to have committed aggravated sexual assault and narcotics. Pause. But don't you fucking look at your secretary's tits for more than a second. If you're a congressman, a senator, you're finished. Go ahead. At the height of a drug epidemic that's killing almost 100,000 Americans every year. So it's really clear this is not simply an incredibly dangerous and destructive policy that intentionally hurts America. And it is that. It, it's neither. It's an unequivocal violation of federal statute.
Starting point is 00:18:09 It is, in other words, a crime. It's a crime. Section 236C of the Immigration and Nationality Act requires federal agents to, quote, detain and hold any alien who is released from criminal custody if the alien entered illegally and is removable on any of the criminal grounds of admissibility. Or if the alien entered legally and is removable on most all of the criminal deportation grounds. Got that? In other words, at the border. Okay, that's enough.
Starting point is 00:18:37 At least when I was in office, I wasn't letting these filthy farters bar across the border. I wasn't letting these filthy farters park across the border. But then, my brother changed the law. Uh, yeah. So Biden is an evil motherfucker and his whole administration and a lot of the Republicans. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
Starting point is 00:19:00 was convincing the world he didn't exist. That sort of fits Biden because nobody ever sees him. He's in his basement and shit. Pops his head out like the weasel that he is. Nice going to all people who voted for him. Be your mother's ass. Bang. Touchdown. Roach College football. Oh, Nelly. Well, there's a fumble on the play. How do you sum up a rivalry between Michigan and Ohio State? Well, it's about not liking somebody since about 1939.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Keith Jackson, everybody. The great. I get shivers doing that. Yeah, so Biden, we know what you're doing. Anybody calling for impeachment other than Marjorie, what's her name? Taylor Greene or Green Taylor? I had a Green Taylor once. Is anybody? They should be lining up. I don't even think the fucking Republicans know how to do it. And by the way, if I was president, I would be embarrassed if I wasn't one of those four or five guys that was impeached. Those are the guys that are really trying. That's what I say. Nick, you mean they're breaking the law? Whatever. Whatever. Time
Starting point is 00:20:19 for some good cinema, as they say. You know, what's her first name? Kirsten Cinema? Something like that. Is it? Yeah. A new video emerged Monday that showed Senator Kirsten Cinema, Democrat, Arizona, and that's important, being confronted by a, just a woman who identified herself as a constituent who walked closely next to the senator, prompting Sinema to say, don't touch me, you filthy little piggy. She didn't like to be touched. Also, I don't like nobody touching me.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Now, any of you homos, touch me, and I'll kill you. Francis, that sounds homophobic. So, let me ask you a question. This broad, we'll show you the video in a second. Do you guys on the left have anything to do during the fucking day? Like, this woman's what, maybe late 20s, 30s? What do you do? You wait at the fucking airport? Really? This is all you follow this woman into the bathroom and shit? You guys, you're all sucking off the Biden's checks, I guess, right?
Starting point is 00:21:33 This is beautiful. It gives them more time to fucking be activists and hound people who are on the right side. But watch this again. She's happy. She's got her 15 minutes of, she's got a nice rack and it got on the internet. That's all this is about. I swear to fucking God. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And I'm wondering, I know you've met with dozens of lobbyists. I did not touch you. I'm meeting with dozens, I know you're meeting with dozens of lobbyists. Pause. Why would you want me to believe, first of all, that Sinema would say, don't touch me if you didn't touch her? I didn't touch you. You're lying right there, number one. And this reminds me, she reminds me of this girl, of my wife trying to talk to me while I'm watching football.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Go ahead. With corporate donors without the package, how many times will you meet with constituents? How many times have you met with constituents in negotiating bills? Sorry about this. I think it's part of the course. Why won't you meet with my family, my constituents? I can have them meet you next week.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Every single year in Arizona, it's getting hotter and hotter. We're breaking records. Too bad you're not. I know. I know. We're going to go this way getting hotter and hotter. We're breaking records. Too bad you're not. I know. We're going to go this way. Quiet. I'm watching the game. Touchdown, Dallas.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Mexico could be the last chance. The last chance. Please answer me, Senator. Please answer me. My family, my house, we're from Tucson. We're constituents. All right. I don't need to fucking ride up the hill. Please, it's getting hot.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I think I have a melanoma on my fat forehead. Please do something. I'm a constituent. What are you, you fucking got nothing else to do in the middle of the day? You know what i'm saying cinema has been uh confronted in recent weeks by protesters displeased with her position on president biden's social services and climate change package yeah it's got nothing to do with uh it Early this month, the senator was followed into a bathroom by four protesters who recorded her dropping
Starting point is 00:23:49 some loud ones. A terrible, terrible, no, recorded the answer. Arizona State University police have since recommended charges against them. I didn't know that. Get out of the toilet.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Against them. I didn't know that. All right, get out. Get out of the toilet. Yeah! Eat it, tomato toilet paper. It's in the kitchen, Archie. I ain't in the kitchen, eat it.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Newsweek reported that the most recent confrontation marked the second time this month that the senator was confronted at an airport. The video shows a masked Sinema walking briskly with two men when the woman approaches her to walk next to her. At one point, Sinema told the woman, I'll punch you right in your dirty face. Anyways, I just showed you all this. The senator otherwise ignored the woman who accused her of not meeting with her constituents and bleep blink. I don't want to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Get away from me. I could have summed it up with that one soundbite. Every single year, Arizona's getting hotter and hotter. Is it really? Is it though? Huh? So are you going to help us?
Starting point is 00:25:11 What can you? That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Sinema's office did not immediately respond to an after hours email from Fox News. Senator Joey Manchin, Democrat, West Virginia and Sinema have almost on their own halted Biden's massive proposal from advancing. You understand, folks? Even these Democrats, and again, they're very moderate. You know, Joe Manchin is about to become a Republican, I believe. I don't know. I can't remember the last time he agreed with it.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Because if this big thing passed, you understand, it's a gateway to social. We're already there, whatever. They're pretending it's about spending and gateway to social we're already there whatever they're pretending it's about spending and shit cinema and uh which it probably is uh anyways uh with republican opposition and uh evenly split 50 50 senate biden has no votes to spare and the two democratic senators have insisted on reducing the size of the enormous package. Boy, if I had a nickel every time I heard that, I'd have nothing. The enormous pack impressed for other changes. Sinema rejected an earlier plan to reverse the Republican-led 2017 tax cuts, God bless her, and raise rates on corporations earning more than $5 million a year and wealthy Americans earning more than $400,000 or $450,000 for
Starting point is 00:26:25 couples. Democrats initially planned that Biden's package would contain about 3.5 trill. Trill, folks, with a TR worth of spending and tax initiatives over 10 years. But demands by moderates led by Manchin and Sinema to contain costs mean its final price tag could be, oh my God, the puny, paltry amount of $2 trillion. On top of the debt we are, is it even real? No, I'm serious. Is it even, I think, haven't I read that some, like, senators in Congress believe it's bullshit? And I do, too.
Starting point is 00:27:09 The budget's not even, I remember Bill Hicks saying that on an album like 25 years ago. Fucking budget's not even real. And I'm like, I think he's right. We're not going to pay. Who? We owe who what? We're the United States. Come get it.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Bitch. Which they will. The Chinese do have a billion soldiers. But anyways, Miss Cinema, we appreciate you splitting from your psycho-fucking party to get something right. He's looking at you, kid. La la la. La, la, la, la, la, la. Don't you have, excuse me, Senator, I've been sitting here since 5 a.m. to bust your balls, and my husband said I should get my tits on TV,
Starting point is 00:27:56 and maybe I could get famous. Let's talk about Alec Baldwin. Look, folks, we all disagree pretty much, you and me, with his politics. And he's no shrinking violet when it comes to busting the rights balls, especially going after the NRA and shit in the past. But even I don't, wouldn't wish this on anybody. You know, maybe one of his brothers, but not him.
Starting point is 00:28:22 No, I'm kidding. Can you, ugh, just frigging horrible? And it looks like he's on the hook for all. I mean, he's the producer. I just you guys know I just was on a movie set upstate last month, end of August, early September, upstate New York. And we had fireworks on the, I'm not talking sticks of dynamite. I'm just, you know, regular fireworks.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And it's funny because the girl who was in charge of the safety, she was about 24. I'm not shitting you. She knew what she was, but it was, we were rolling our eyes. I mean, it's,
Starting point is 00:29:09 movie sets, TV sets are already cautious, like overly, but they have to be because it's such a litigious society we live in. And anybody, you know, you don't want to be on the hook for,
Starting point is 00:29:18 so we were, you know, don't, you know, don't throw a cherry bomb at your friend's face, shit like that. Always point the bottle rocket away.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Meanwhile, when we were kids, we were shooting bottle rockets at each other. Saw a couple of kids lost eyes. We had fun. But we were rolling our eyes how safety, you know, how ridiculous we thought it was. Anyhow, I'm just saying. It's a different, when you've got a gun, when you're using guns and shit, it's a whole nother story. Alec Baldwin, Russ shooting, Russ, excuse me, shooting could have been avoided if they had done a proper safety check. The shocking death of Helena Hutchins
Starting point is 00:30:01 has left the film industry stunned. My reaction was, wow, somebody messed up. Prop master Lucien Charles told Fox News, when you go to work, you're not expecting to die that day, unless you're a cop in Minneapolis. It's just a bad situation. The 49-year-old, who was based in New York, has been a prop master for nearly 20 years, started out with Carrot Top, and then before the coronavirus pandemic, he worked on FBI Most Wanted, a television series executive produced by Dick Wolf.
Starting point is 00:30:44 He's currently involved with a Morgan Freeman film where the actor, 84 years old, by the way, does have a gun in it. So this guy's been around the block and been on a bunch of these sets. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. A prop firearm is a loose definition that could apply to anything, he said, from a rubber toy to a real firearm that can fire a projectile. However, it's considered a real gun if it's used for firing even with just blanks. A blank, the outlet noted, is a type of gun cartridge that contains gunpowder but no bullet. Still, it can seriously hurt or kill someone close by. We know that from, was it Bruce Lee's kid? Ay-yi, ay.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Charles said that on his sets in New York City, there are strict guidelines involved to ensure the safety of both cast and crew. Can you imagine trying? I can imagine. I bet you're, you know how hard it is to get a gun in New York, period? I can imagine what the rules are on a movie set being shot in New York. I'm surprised they even allow it. We have a vendor, he says, we rent guns that are specifically modified to shoot blanks if there's any firing in the scene, he explained.
Starting point is 00:31:57 And then once it gets to the set, we have to clear the guns with the police officers so they're aware of what we have, which is, I know this to be true because I had to, this just came to me. When I was on Chris Rock, I played a cop on a bunch of sketches. And sometimes we'd be out on the street, and I'm in a cop uniform, and we always had to have a cop. I didn't have a gun, I don't think. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I don't think so. You thought I was giving have a gun, I don't think. I don't remember. I don't think so. I ain't giving you a gun, motherfucker. But there was always a cop standing near me and shit. I scared the shit out of Grandmaster Flash. I was in the green room and I had my cop shit on. He hadn't met me and he came in the green room and he goes, oh man, fuck. He goes, damn, I really thought you was 5-0. Something about some weed in his bag. Charles also noted that the safety meetings are essential for the whole crew.
Starting point is 00:32:54 We make the announcement about the weapons, how the weapons are going to shoot and what rounds we're loading. He said, once all that goes through, we hand the gun to the actor. We make sure they're aware it's either a hot gun if it's loaded with blanks or if it's a cold gun and has no bullets in it. And the guy that handed it announced it was a cold gun. And by the way, he got in trouble on another set for gun improprieties, I read. Charles said that whenever there's a shooting scene involved, the crew has to stay away from wherever the action is. So do the bad actors. Usually, a camera will be there, he said.
Starting point is 00:33:34 We'll give them shade shields and ear protection, depending on how loud the load is. I do a safety check every time before I hand a gun to an actor, which you should. And you know, actors aren't big gun people for the most part. I think you know that, right? If you do enough safety checks along the way, nothing should happen. But obviously, the gun on Alec Baldwin's set was not checked.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Because if it was, they would have seen the bullet in there. Because a blank and a bullet look like two different types of ammo. And my buddy Dallas here knows this. With a bullet, you have the bullet at the end of the casing, but on the blank, the front is crimped. So they would have been able to tell the difference if they had done a proper safety check. Charles said he's never been afraid
Starting point is 00:34:26 or worried that something could go wrong on any set he's working on because there are always multiple safety checks involved before a prop gun is used. If you just followed the first two rules, you know, don't point the friggin' thing at anybody. You know,
Starting point is 00:34:41 don't have your finger on the trigger. What's the other one? Only Asian people you point? No. I'm kidding. But seriously, the number one one, don't ever point it, whether it's a fake gun or not. Me and my brother, boy, the world has changed. When I was a kid, I got a Daisy air rifle. I've told this story a few times too. It was shot pellets and BBs. So like a genius I gave it to my buddy in my driveway on a hunt some a day. And you could kill a pheasant with this. I used to pheasant hunt with it. But I told him to pump it. I said just pump it twice. And I ran down
Starting point is 00:35:20 the driveway with my, I wanted him to shoot me in the back to see if it would work. So I'm running. I get about 10 feet away. I'm figuring he should be shooting me by now. Now I'm about 20 feet away. I think he pumped it like four times. I broke the skin. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:35:38 What a fucking nitwit. I wonder if it hurts. Duh. I know what I'm handing the actor, he said. Plus, you can't really load a real bullet into a prop gun that's been modified. The casings for the blanks are a little thinner, a little smaller, and they modified the barrel. So a real bullet can't be put in it. Charles also pointed out that when it came to projects he's been involved with, like the Blacklist of the FBI most wanted the actors become well educated with props uh they were using and what can occur if they're not careful they send the actors to
Starting point is 00:36:11 weapon specialists for theatrical gun training how to hold a gun he said because a lot of them uh they don't know how to hold a gun they've never never uh shot a gun you know so uh I don't know nothing about that. Palm members taking the vendor. The weapons master is required to be on set whenever a weapon is being used. The Equity Association guidelines state that before each use, make sure the gun has been test fired off stage and then ask to test fire it
Starting point is 00:36:37 yourself. And they'll go, fuck you, we're on a budget here. We're losing light. Right? Watch the prop master check the cylinders and barrel. Why would you do that if you don't know how to work a gun? You wouldn't know if he's checking what? To be sure no foreign object or dummy bullets has become lodged inside.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Further, all loading of firearms must be done by the property master, armorer, or experienced persons working under the direct supervision. So Alec Baldwin, the poor bastard, liable, he hired, you know, and they do. Low-budget films, you try to cut corners like anything else. This chick, her father was well-known for this. She even mentioned she was uncomfortable with guns. Not good.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Not good, not good. But we, it's just, I've been on enough sets, whether it's sitcom sets and shit, and the kids, if there's kids on the set, they have to study. They have a tutor there from like two to three. And there's somebody watching from the union. It's crazy. You know, it's how, how tight it's run. Except for my, my friend, Brett Butler. I better not say it. She did something so funny with her, the kid on the set.
Starting point is 00:38:02 She came out with a, she came out with a shirt on you could see right through. I thought it was hilarious. Just something a comedian would do. What's next? Oh, I think we got a video, right? This guy gets my... I think this is a video, right? This guy gets my... I think this is a brother, as in black dude, I think. But this cracked me up.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I saw this video. The guy's got a couple dogs on a front lawn, and here comes a coyote, at least it says in the video. I wish we could have got a close-up. Something tells me it might be the neighbor's dog that he hates. But anyways, this coyote was going to... Not a Mexican coyote. Yeah, so this coyote comes up the street with three underage girls and a bag of fucking fentanyl. So anyways, this guy has a couple of dogs in line. And here comes a coyote up the street to go after the dogs. And this is how he reacted.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Motherfucker! You got knocked the fuck out, man. He beat the shit out of the coyote with his bare hands. Why not have him working the border? How fucking funny is that? That coyote was there to munch on his poodles. Dog food? I'm sure he's dog food!
Starting point is 00:39:47 Slap! Slap! Good for you, guy. I was always one of you could beat up an animal like that. I always picture myself. Then I see a squirrel and I'm like, oh, look at his teeth. And that is it for today, folks. Thank you for tuning in.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Sorry about the mix-up as far as whether I was going to be here or not, and I have to make another decision about tomorrow and Thursday. So, again, I apologize for that. That's on me. Or I could blame anybody here, but nobody works here. I don't know. I don't know what goes in the office across the we come up the stairs you can smell I swear to God is sometimes it's like hot garbage other times it's like diarrhea smell and
Starting point is 00:40:37 sometimes both like Joy Behar just took off her panties. What the fuck, T? Stinks in here, no? That is it. Don't forget Don't forget I will be in Port Charlotte this weekend, the Visani Theater for four shows, one Thursday, one Friday, two Saturday.
Starting point is 00:41:01 My boy Dallas will be filming a couple of them so we can put some clips out there for you. I think that's the plan. Don't forget if you want me to roast a friend or relative. Go to click on my profile. I'll record a little roast. Minute, minute and a half.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Zinging whoever you want me to zing. Alright? That's it. You guys thank it. I will say it. You're very welcome. I may or may not see you tomorrow. But either way, if you don't see, you can watch me on Crowder. Right? All right. Talk to you later. guitar solo Outro Music

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