The Nick DiPaolo Show - Giuliani Damns Desperate Dems | Nick Di Paolo Show #445

Episode Date: November 16, 2020

Pollsters say Biden turnout improbable. Giuliani reveals another fraud scheme. Obama bears his hypocrisy on 60 Minutes....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, this Saturday night, November 21st, I'll be performing at the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, and you can watch it live wherever you are. I'm bringing in a crew to live stream the show. You'll be able to watch it right along with the audience in the showroom on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon TV, or you can watch it on your computer. So you're gonna get the live experience
Starting point is 00:00:24 without leaving your house. Get tickets to the stream on my website at and make plans to see me live this Saturday night from Las Vegas. Can't wait. guitar solo All righty. Oh, yeah. It's Monday, folks. Welcome to the big show in a country that's in the middle of a political and social upheaval. It's been planned for a long time and they've finally hit the button on it. And the people that you should hate are the Bill Gates's of the world and the fucking Bezos's and all the monarchs.
Starting point is 00:01:40 And do your Illuminati reading and you'll find out that this shit has been tried over and over again. And boy, are the Democrats bad at stealing an election. Apparently, there's more evidence out there than they need to overturn this thing. But it depends what channel you're watching, because the cocksuckers on CNN and MSNBC keep repeating. They have all these claims, but they're unsubstantiated and there's no base for them over and over. Jake Tapper,
Starting point is 00:02:12 you should die in a house fire tonight. What a piece of garbage. That guy used to work for Fox, by the way. What a scumbag. Anything to make a living, though. But you should be ashamed of yourself. Democrats,
Starting point is 00:02:24 people who vote democrat i used to never let politics get in the way of my friend but this isn't even about politics it's about you being a scumbag and have no moral compass whatsoever or ethics i should say i don't morally i'm corrupt too but uh you know that's how it goes with human beings i mean but you gotta be shitting me you have to be be. The more I read, letting a company from Venezuela count the votes, oh, that's on the up and up. And we have plenty of goddamn evidence. So that was a big question today.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Was the, over the weekend, actually, and it's going to be until, they watch Biden and the Democrats, now's the time to heal. Now's the time to open a womb about 18 inches wide and expose your scummy black heart. Healing. We're going to treat you if you end up being the president. What you did to fucking Trump and the media, the way they treated him, you're going to wish we treated you that way. It's getting ugly.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I don't know if you noticed out there this weekend, there's a lot of Trump rallies and it's getting violent. It's what I call a revolution in slow motion. It's starting to kick off. It starts with fireworks and molotovs and then we break out the heavy artillery. Do we not? We have all the guns. You guys are picking on the wrong fucking people. I really, you think I'm exaggerating, but I don't. When you have Alito, a Supreme Court justice, worried about the future of this country and freedom of speech, that's creepy when that comes out of a Supreme Court judge. Because they sort of know what's going on. Supreme Court judge, because they sort of know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:04:10 But the question this weekend was, you keep hearing it, was the election stolen? Of course. It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Well, I am going to answer it, you midget. Well, millions of people feel that way, that it was stolen. The turnout numbers are odd in some states, like Wisconsin, which hit 89%. Now, is that figure impossible? No.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Wall Street Journal's Kimberly Strassel did the math. But it's highly improbable, given the turnout rates in the surrounding areas. Here's what she came up with. It would require, listen to this, 900,000 people showing up for same-day registrations to have that kind of turnout. Milwaukee? I don't think that many people turned out to see the Brewers in the last 40 years. Or any shitty basketball team, you might mention.
Starting point is 00:04:58 But Newt Gingrich, who looks like Jack Black in 40 years, that's Jack Black's fucking face when he laughs. I see it every time. But Newt, one smart MF-er, even Bill Clinton said so. Why, who cares what he says? I know, I know. Sometimes rapists are smart. House Speaker Newt Gingrich was blunter last Sunday
Starting point is 00:05:18 when he said, we believe these people are thieves. We believe the big city machines are corrupt, the former House speaker said. Interestingly, Patrick Bicham, who's the most accurate pollster, he's British. He wrote in a British newspaper that this clearly was a stolen election. That's impossible to imagine that Biden outran Obama in some of these states. And you know what he's talking about. I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all, and I'm blacker than black, and I'm black, y'all. outran Obama in some of these states. And you know what he's talking about. Which is so true. Think about this. Trump picked up 10 million more people this time.
Starting point is 00:06:02 10 million more and did better with Hispanics, blacks, women. Right. And we picked up 10 or 12 seats in the House. But you want me to believe that the Democrats suck a bag of cock meat. If you count the ballot fraud, most pollsters clearly failed. If you don't include the fraudulent ballots, most pollsters failed on a spectacular scale. Roe Basham. And again, this guy knows his shit. Basham. And again, this guy knows his shit. He cites Basham cites Richard Barris, a big data poll who noted something funny about Biden's numbers in the in the in the cities, how it lagged behind even Hillary Clinton's numbers, but shot off to the moon in these four cities. Explain that, people. Huh? Do you have any fun? Just take a look at the states in which these cities are located as well. How curious that, as Barris notes, Trump won the
Starting point is 00:06:53 largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. The guy they've been calling a bigot and a racist for four fucking years, even before he came down the escalator. The guy has defied all odds. Honest to God, best president of my generation. Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country. Metro means, you know, people of color. Yeah, people of color. Save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, andanta and philly you know this is cities where
Starting point is 00:07:27 they did well yeah the big corrupt machine cities sticks out like a sore thumb you guys don't even know how to cheat well you're such fucking morons robert barnes the foremost election analyst observes these big cities and swing states run by Democrats. The vote, listen to this. Here's another sign. The vote even exceeded the number of registered voters. You dog style of me. Don't say a fucking word to me. I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head. Yeah, try it, bitch.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Cocaina. Trump's victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until in the middle of the night, people got tired. We got to stop counting. Can you imagine? Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin. He was kicking ass. In the middle of the night, they stopped the voting and they said, hey, this cheating isn't
Starting point is 00:08:14 going the way we planned. We have to wait for more votes to come in. Unbelievable. Counting was arbitrarily halted. Miraculously, several hundred thousand votes all for Biden were mysteriously found in the middle of the night. Trump rail leads, his rail leads in those places subsequently vanished. President Drew, here it is, 10 million new supporters in 2020. Okay. We have a tweet from Real American Politics.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Look at this. Iowa 15.9, Ohio 60, Michigan 37.9, Pennsylvania 57.7. Boy, that sort of sticks out, don't it? 24.7 in Illinois. Did you guys not think it out on the left when you were trying to steal this thing that would actually do math after and shit? And here's my I've been asking this question since the election. What happens if it is overturned in Trump? Huh?
Starting point is 00:09:20 You really think the left's going to take it lying down? Oh, my God. Learn how to take apart your AR-15 and put it together again with a blindfold on. And your kids. Get them some flamethrowers. Let little Johnny play with matches and a can of gas. Because it's a coming. Giuliani, my favorite guinea on the planet. Crazy as a shithouse rat. But smart as a shithouse rat. Every picture now is like that of him. That's like the most normal one we could find. That's him saying to his kid, I'll give you a fucking backhand.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Finish up, man, I got ping-pang. What's he got on his finger there? Some type of code ring? What is that? He looks like he just pulled his baby finger out of a stripper's ass. Look what I found. Giuliani is talking about Dominion, you know, the company that counted the votes. He says it was a front for Smartmatic run by a Biden, a former Biden, no, a Biden official, actually.
Starting point is 00:10:22 That doesn't stink to high heavens, does it? a former Biden, no, a Biden official, actually. That doesn't stink to high heavens, does it? Ah, un-fucking-believable. I don't know where it is. Anyways. So here's the video. He was on with the money babe,
Starting point is 00:10:41 Bartiromo. Maria, what's her name? You don't know. I think Maria Badaromo. Anyways, I'm going to give you a trigger warning. Her voice will go through you like a fucking hot knife through. I can't believe it's not jizz. I'm telling you, her voice is brutal. But you know what? She's great. I mean, she's smart as a whip and she's had this money show forever. And so just bear with her voice. It makes me mental.
Starting point is 00:11:08 But I'm going to let her speak before Giuliani comes on because she sets up the clip. Go ahead, let her roll. I want to show this graphic of the swing states that were using Dominion and this software, the Smartmatic software.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I mean, you just said it all. This is a Smartmatic, a Delaware entity registered in Boca Raton, Florida. Activities in Caracas, Venezuela. The voting machines were used. Dominion voting machines were used in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Yeah. Only the important states. That doesn't stink to high heaven, does it? Your sister's tramp stamp go ahead and i have a graphic showing
Starting point is 00:11:48 the the states where they stopped counting uh which i thought was also strange to stop counting in the middle of oh they stopped counting in the middle of the night and where what are you doing make it bigger all right wisconsin michigan penn, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona, Nevada. All the other shit ran smoothly. Well, well, well, something really smells. Back to her, please. Election night. One source says that the key point to understand is that this smartmatic system has a back door that allows it to be, that allows the votes to be mirrored and monitored, allowing an intervening party a real time understanding of how many votes will be needed to gain an electoral advantage. That's what I was talking about. Remember Operation Scorecard and was the other one Operation whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Operation Hammer. Very good, Jason. Thomas McInerney used to work in intelligence. Remember, he was touting this before the election. This is what they're talking about. Roll that badge. The states that use that software did that. Well, I know I can prove that they did it in Michigan. I can prove it with witnesses. We're investigating the rest. In every one of those states, though, we have more than enough illegal ballots already documented
Starting point is 00:13:10 to overturn the result in that state. Because not only did they use a Venezuelan company to count our ballots, which almost should be illegal per se, but number two, they didn't allow Republicans in key places to observe the mail vote.
Starting point is 00:13:29 That makes the mail vote completely invalid. Now, they didn't do it everywhere. They did it in big cities where they have corrupt machines that will protect them. Meaning, in Pennsylvania,
Starting point is 00:13:40 Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh, in Detroit. They didn't have to do it in Chicago and New York or Boston. They could have. They have corrupt machines there. They did it absolutely in Phoenix, Arizona. They did it absolutely in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Republicans were shut out from enough of the count so they could accomplish what Smartmatic wanted to do. And what you and that pattern that you have there, we have evidence that that's the same pattern Smartmatic used in other elections in which they were disqualified. In other words, this is their pattern of activity. And yes, there is a backdoor. And we actually have proof of some of the connections to it. Smartmatic. That doesn't sound too crooked. That's right. Get Julian on that, my little one. Schautzler.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Oh, my goodness. Look at he's threatening to backhand somebody. But isn't it hilarious in all those states where they had the halt? I mean, you got to be kidding me. And if I hear one more jerk off at MSN,
Starting point is 00:14:37 even NBC, ABC, CBS, L.A. Whatever the usual suspects, they're right out there saying they have no proof. They have no proof they have no proof hey i can hear somebody can you hear somebody talk it's weird we pick up other radio stations every once in a while um it's probably uh maria botarama anyways if you look if you don't think this was stolen you're being intellectually dishonest or, you know, you're just watching your own.
Starting point is 00:15:06 I watch all the shit, folks. I click on CNN. I put a vomit bucket next to me and I click on, you know, Rachel Maddow watching her do one arm pushups for her life partner, Diane. And I try not to vomit. And they do understand. And this is no bullshit. And many people say it's not about biden and trump anymore if they get away with this the republicans will never win another fucking election that's how
Starting point is 00:15:32 power hungry these cocksuckers on the left are and they will shit all over the constitution they've already told you they're gonna shit they're gonna pack the court they have their only desire is to fuck have a one party state can you fucking believe this shit i don't like them no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh yeah they're playing Smartmatic is doing a contract with, you know, Dominion was a cover for Smartmatic is what they said. Anyways, yes, let's use third world countries voting. Why don't we dip our dicks in purple ink after we vote, too, like they do in Afghanistan? And here's the problem. The other problem. We have a bunch of milquetoast pussies, Republicans, a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Like who, Nick? Well, like Mike DeWine. He is the governor of Ohio. Look, he's got his little boy pants he's about to put on. What did he do? What the fuck? What did he do, strip a Catholic schoolgirl? You dirty, dirty, rotten.
Starting point is 00:17:01 President Trump on Monday encouraged a re a reelection challenge to Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. For you people, let me explain that. He's a Republican governor, right? And he said something that pissed Trump off to the point where Trump says he wants somebody to beat him now. I love the way Trump plays. He's like me. He's got rice paper thin skin. Good. Good. So anyways, yeah, he says he wants a re-election challenge to DeWine after the fellow Republicans said Trump should begin handing over the reins to President-elect Joe Biden. See, Mr. DeWine, see what I'm saying? This is why we're in the shitty mess we're in, because guys like you have been doing it too long. You forgot why, you know, you got involved in government. You have no spine.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Trump tweeted, who will be running for governor of the great state of Ohio? We'll be hotly contested. He tweeted shortly after writing, I won the election. And he really did. I don't give a fuck if you guys believe me or not. DeWine, a former senator who will soon be a ditch digger at the age of 72 and a former janitor who used to look at boys in the shower. That's a lie that nobody said. But anyways, he he worked for 12 years alongside Biden in Congress. He was elected to a four-year
Starting point is 00:18:25 term as governor in 2018 and won't face voters again until uh 2022 but you can believe uh trump will do his damnedest whether he's in office or not to i can't you know i want trump to be the president for another four years but a little part of me is like, what is this guy going to do? He's going to be, you think he was a loud mouth when he was president? Wait till they hand him his own network, a radio show or something. Mother of Jesus. But this DeWine, really? I mean, you can't fucking.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Let's show a clip of him talking about this. this sis do you share those concerns that this delay could actually ultimately hurt the american people and that the transition should start as soon as possible shut up fuck face you know jake i think we have to have uh faith in our judicial system faith in our electoral system i'd say this to both, both sides of, of certainly a supporter and remain a supporter of, of the president. But the president has every right to go into court, every right to bring any kind of evidence that he has, and no one should begrudge him that or say that there's anything irregular
Starting point is 00:19:37 about that. On the other hand, it's, it's clear that certainly based on what we know now that Joe Biden is the president of the black. Stop getting cockunty. Really? Based on what we know now,
Starting point is 00:19:51 you just contradicted yourself. Didn't he? He just said don't begrudge Trump for digging in illegally and blah, blah, blah. So we don't know that. In my opinion, he did. Put that skirt on, bitch. You're a crumb creep.
Starting point is 00:20:06 You need to shut the fuck up. We know that he's... As long as your job doesn't conflict with mine, I wish you the best. Trump's expected to remain a powerful Republican Party figure after leaving the office. That's an understatement. He won Ohio by more than eight percentage points, by the way.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Another Republican jerk-off with no spine is Governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson. Another career politician... Look at him. I want to take that tie and hang him in front of his kids. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas on Sunday encouraged Trump to accept defeat after narrow losses in swing states,
Starting point is 00:20:56 including Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. You piece of shit. You need to shut the fuck up. Trump's campaign insists those losses could be reversed with recounts and legal challenges. Not only does Trump say that, but a lot of other people. You know who I like? That's Sidney Powell, the woman.
Starting point is 00:21:15 She always got, she's a powerful lawyer. Trump's got her on the team. She goes, I never talk about stuff I can't prove in court. It's a good fucking line. But she's a lawyer. I don't know what to tell you, folks.
Starting point is 00:21:33 How long is this going to go on? All I'm going to say is, Joe Biden, you're not my president. You never will be. And you won't be. 70 million people hate your fucking guts. Now look back in retrospect, right? Look back about it. It makes all sense, doesn't it? They already knew they were going to win by cheating.
Starting point is 00:21:53 That's why it wasn't important for Biden to be out there on the stump every day, not to mention he's 106. But they didn't seem nervous about it, did they? Nobody ever gave him hard questions. And he actually said, we showed a clip a couple weeks ago,, we're going to win that. But I mean, there was no urgency. And you want me to believe, you want me to fucking believe, you know, he talked in front of 50 cars for about a week and Trump's getting drawing crowds like the Beatles in the fucking 60s. And that means not only did Trump win, he fucking won in a landslide.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I'm going to go that far. Oh, it makes me sick. But you know what? You know who else has to weigh in? Because, you know, the truth is never established until Barack Hussein Obama, Marxist half a fag who I fucking hate, who was the worst president in the history of this country,
Starting point is 00:22:44 who has the nerve, who was the worst president in the history of this country, who has the nerve, the nerve to speak about transitioning when he fucking spied on, and that's all proved, by the way, I'm not talking out of, he spied on Trump and then gave him a bunch of shit about how we had to watch Russia. But he was on 60 Minutes. So, you know, it's going to be a hard hitting interview. Barack Obama, first African-American president on 60 Minutes, the most left leaning show on the fucking major networks.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Let's take a look at stupid big ears and see what he had to say. There's been this sense over the last several years that literally anything goes and is justified in order to get power. And that's not unique to the United States. There are strongmen and dictators around the world who think that I can do anything to stay in power. Pause. Yeah. That's funny coming out of you, Jerkoff.
Starting point is 00:23:52 It really is. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. This is a guy who killed an American with a drone. You remember that? We got Milwaukee, the terrorists, and then we got a 16 year old kid who was born in Colorado and didn't have a record on anything.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Smoked him with a fucking drone. This is a guy whose administration spied on James Rosen at Fox News. So much so, and we know this is fact because Eric Holder said it was his only regret when he worked with Obama, that they spied. They also spied on Cheryl Atkinson, CBS News. And he's calling fucking Trump a dictator. Shut your fucking mouth. Shut the fuck up, you cunt. Oh, see, that's what Mr. Pelley should have said. But he sat there and nodded, even knowing everything I just told you. He sat there like the fucking puppet that he is because he got his marching orders from whoever, Pelosi or the New York Times, to just go along with it. Can you imagine having the gall? Who gives a fuck what he thinks anymore?
Starting point is 00:24:55 Honestly, about anything. Stick to filling out your March Madness bracket. This guy did nothing for eight years for anybody but himself. Black people will tell you that first. If he did so well, why is Trump doing so well with black people? He's the reason Trump's in office. And you have to live with that, stinky. How's your homeless brother doing living in Kenya in a fucking banana hut? Obama tapped 20 associates. Listen to this. He tapped
Starting point is 00:25:25 the phones of 20 Associated Press office lines. Okay? 20 reporters that work for the AP. And they were on his side, for Christ's sake. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hey, there's something going on here. Hang up.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And he's calling Trump a dictator. Obama spied on, I already mentioned this, James Rosen. You know why he did that? I might be wrong here, but I had an opinion on why he did that. Hates Jews. Hates Jews. Did nothing for Israel. Did nothing for black people. did nothing for Hispanics, but him and his wife, what are they worth now, about 100 mil or more?
Starting point is 00:26:12 Nice. But Trump is the bigot, the racist. And Obama, I told you, Cheryl Atkinson, she was digging in deep to his mess. And he killed that kid, 16-year-old American. to his mess. And he killed that kid. 16-year-old American. Can you imagine if Trump did that? Can you fucking imagine? Although I did read Trump whacked Milwaukee's daughter. Like, that's what it said. Eight-year-old. I don't give a fuck. Take out all the family terrorists. But anyways, the difference is Trump's not on TV calling him a dictator or he was a dictator. difference is Trump's not on TV calling him a dictator or he was a dictator. That's the difference. Who's with me in this bipartisan show I do? Hey, folks, this Saturday night, I'll be at the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. If you're in Vegas, you can come see me do stand up live in person. For everyone else, we're going to live stream the show. Okay. You can experience it live on your
Starting point is 00:27:05 computer, Roku, Apple TV, Android TV, or Amazon Fire TV. How come we don't mention the thing in it?, right? is how you can stream me doing standup live. I don't get to get to all the cities, and even people overseas want to see me. To get tickets for the stream, go to, and I'm really looking forward to this. I really am. Flying out on Friday, and I can't fucking wait. Also, as I announced last week,
Starting point is 00:27:40 my new platform will be That's gym like G-Y-M dot com. And I'll be able to say whatever the hell I want without big tech stepping on my throat, as they're doing right now. The site is finally ready and will be going up tomorrow. So make sure to go to and register for free. It's going up tomorrow. So make sure to go to and register for free. It's going up tomorrow. And lastly, I want to thank all of you guys who have contributed to the show. As you know,
Starting point is 00:28:17 your contributions keep us going here. Please keep supporting me and I'll keep doing what I do. Thank you guys so much. We need more shows like this. Obviously, the left is playing dirty we'll do anything to run this country and to shut people like me up and that's why i bought a nice super soaker and i'm filling it with battery acid and cat peepee trump supporters uh were out in droves this weekend did you notice this was a little bit this made me happy it made me happy they inC., they had a big pro, you know, don't steal the, don't let them steal the election. I'm paraphrasing. McEnany said there was a million people and people laughing at it. I don't know. All I know is it looks like the Trump supporters have had enough, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:58 But what happens when Trump supporters have a rally, folks? I'll tell you what happened. They get attacked with fireworks. folks. I'll tell you what happened. They get attacked with fireworks. Trump supporters were bombarded with fireworks while dining at a D.C. restaurant following Saturday's Mega Million Man March in the nation's capital. One of several outbreaks of violence at the demonstration, according to reports. Can you imagine? They just go. And that's peaceful, by the way, until the same scum shows up. So to them, I say, oh, watch it. Watch the language.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Footage from the encounters show a small group of Trump supporters sitting outside an eatery near the White House when a large crowd of scum, left wing Antifa scum, surrounds the patio. And again, folks, you have cutlery on your table. Pick up a knife and throw it wildly at them. I don't give a shit. And exchange words with the three diners. They go after three diners, a whole bunch of them, okay?
Starting point is 00:29:53 Other diners begin to leave as counter-protesters can be seen hurling debris and then fireworks into the patio, lighting it up with sparks and forcing the last three Trump supporters to walk away. Take a look at this video. Fucking jerk-offs. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. Nice.
Starting point is 00:30:18 You got a firework show with your spaghetti and meatballs. What? Fucking assholes. Huh? Again, they don't know what tree they're barking up. They're making a bet. Those are the civil people on the right that you're attacking.
Starting point is 00:30:31 You know, it's a real tough target. You're picking out white people having dinner in their 50s and 60s and 70s. You're really tough people. Wait till the supremacists show their dirty faces. You're gonna wish you were dead. What's supremacists? I don't know. I heard there's's a bunch of them i've been hearing it for fucking uh last eight years now i don't see any uh maybe there's no such thing elsewhere in the city anti-trump protests is also
Starting point is 00:30:56 through liquid and other items the liquid was probably pissed they do that Other items as the pro-Trump rally broke up, while others snatched Trump flags and hats as this demonstration wound down. Problem. You're the fucking problem. They are. You fucking Dr. White, onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time. Not this time. ground, I promise you. Not this time. Not this time. Metro Police said Sunday that there were 21 arrests during the unrest with one person being stabbed. And you know what's funny about it? Because the Trump supporters were the victim of the violence, none of the networks touched it. None of them touched it. Isn't it funny, huh? You see how one-sided this is? This can only end bad people. Six people were hit with weapons charges,
Starting point is 00:31:48 including four for carrying guns without a permanent license, and two were charged with assaulting a police officer. Several others were charged with assault, theft, or disorderly conduct. Well, well, well. As far as the gun charges, I'm hoping there are a few Trump supporters in there. I'm just saying are a few Trump supporters in it. I'm just saying, show your peace. As Uncle Junior said to Tony when they set up a meeting, he said, come heavy or don't come at all.
Starting point is 00:32:20 88-year-old Italian guy telling his grandson to come heavy or don't come at all. They love to go after the slow-moving targets, you know? I used to say that about The Daily Show. Same thing. Oh, you guys are edgy. Going after the Republican Party. You guys are vicious. Somebody has to fucking...
Starting point is 00:32:42 Somebody has to give George Soros a ride up into the country and let him out, if you know what I'm saying. You know how, like, when your dog gets sick, when he's, like into the country and let him out, if you know what I'm saying. You know how like when your dog gets sick when he's like 16 and your dad goes, we're going to bring him up country to a farm. That's what I think should be done. Check out this Black Lives Matter, picking on an old white guy. This makes me, because again, don't forget, I know we keep pointing out the double standard. If you ever reverse the races in this, can you imagine like a bunch of white guys
Starting point is 00:33:09 with Trump hats? Huh? Picking on an elderly black couple. Have you seen that since Trump became? No, you haven't. Send me the footage if you have. It doesn't happen. Jake Tapper, you cum guzzler.
Starting point is 00:33:24 It goes for you too. David Muir at ABC and fucking ugh, all the usual. But watch them hassling a white old lady with a flag, a Trump flag. Get the fuck right, loser. Goodbye, loser. Fuck your back, bitch. Get the fuck out of here. Ignorant minority. Fuck your back. Bitch. Bitch. Look at all the brown people. Call an old lady a pussy.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Fucking scumbags. That's faggot stuff. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags. If I could, I'd grab this microphone and I'd beat your brains out with it because that's what she deserves. That's what she deserves. I can't. My shoulders hurt.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Real tough guys, huh? That's how you know if this thing ever got like, let's say if the shit hits the fan, you can see who the cowards are. We only, on our side we have vets. Most of them, 99% who are, you know, obviously
Starting point is 00:34:38 pro-Trump. You know, guys who know how to use a rifle and shit. So you don't want it to go much further than this. Look at the ladies, like 65 year old white woman. You're a tough guy, huh? Look at it. His down jacket still has the price tag on it. Got it at the last fucking protest. Anyways. Help me, Jason. Help me. God, I wish I was 22 again.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I'd be starting my own militia. I don't know what you call it. I guess I'm not white because I have Italian blood on me. Are you young guys? God bless you. R you written house you're a fucking american hero you can tell i ate like an animal over the weekend at least jowls anyway made a chicken and sausage gumbo not much salt in that the milwaukee speaking of health the milwaukee health department shut down a pro-trump rally Saturday at Serb Hall after the roughly 1,000 attendees did not. I'm not sure, but I think I played Serb Hall.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I'm not shitting you. Did not comply with its social distancing rules. Do you believe that? They shut it down again. But when Biden won, they were literally blowing each other in manhattan on the sidewalks having sex fought on each other's tits i mean that's faggot stuff yeah you want to call it by its name that's strictly for f it down your sister's box yeah i kill you i kill you right now kill me i'm right here kill me
Starting point is 00:36:32 come over here talk to me in the face no i will not lick some booty not after Chinese boot. Yeah, they shut it down because of COVID concerns. The health department showed up and shut it down. When officials asked the group to sit down, you know what they did? We're finally getting some pushback from the right. They stood up and chanted USA, which is kind of faggy. You should have chanted go bang your sister. Something.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Come get creative, will you? Get mean about it. that go bang your sister, something. Come get creative, will you? Get mean about it. Anyways, this made me laugh so hard. Check out the guy who comes from the health department. Again, this is Milwaukee.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Typical, typical government worker. Big pot belly, half a fruit cup, glasses, just a wishy-washy, hey, big government. You guys, you got to be careful. Oh oh my god and he got just what he deserved take your clothes again go on come on in here hey that looks like my neck after fucking uh ironically chinese food look at you you see how he fell down on stages? Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:38:07 The health department worked with Mr. Ilioto the day before the event to explain what the rules were and what the potential consequences were for violating those rules, the department said in a statement. When the health inspectors arrived after the rally begun. They saw people not wearing masks, people not socially distancing, sort of like when Biden won, supposedly won, and the crowds exceeding the maximum allowed. Oh, my God, there must have been deaths everywhere. I'm watching the NFL. The refs have masks on, but players are fucking sweating and tackling each other, hugging each other on the side. What a crock of shit this is. And again, survival rate, 99.9%.
Starting point is 00:38:50 This is, every time they go, ooh, 155,000 new cases, they might as well be selling, saying, 155,000 people got a bad cold today. Ooh, lock it down. A number of people, ooh, they had way too many people, and there's Chubby fucking in shock. Look at, ah, you can't touch me. Health Department policy is if inspectors spot a violation, the Health Department no longer gives warnings, so Serb Hall should be expecting a citation oh fuck me a citation of who however Eliotto told WSN the incident highlight he's he's the guy that set up the rally uh highlights to us that this was inappropriate no I guess he works for the city that's the chubby guy Eliotto yeah
Starting point is 00:39:41 I'm sorry confusing me uh he said uh it was inappropriate for the city to put us in a position where we have to enforce the laws. You know why? Because they know they're full of shit. Do you understand? If it was serious, they wouldn't have sent you down. Such a physically fit guy with 11 necks. He says, this is what we were not trained to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:04 I sort of got that. I gleaned it from the clip. Not exactly a bouncer at the COPA. Look at that Chubbette, just a government pig. Can you imagine showing up at a pro, are you really? After you stole the election, you show up at a pro-Trump rally going, hey, you guys got to spread it out. Folks, this episode of the DePaulo podcast, brought to you by good friends at Express VPN.
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Starting point is 00:42:46 Oh, you'll have them back in 24 to 48 hours. Here we are on Monday. I'm going to make nine phone calls. What if I have AIDS and cancer at the same time? What are you going to get? Leftists and mainstream media. Speaking of health, Dr. Scott Atlas. You know who he is?
Starting point is 00:43:01 Look at him. Handsome son of a gun. Leftists and mainstream media. They hate this guy, Dr. Scott Atlas. They hate that he has the president's ear and that they hate that he's not calling for everyone to cower in fear of the pandemic. Listen, with a ninety nine point nine nine six recovery rate, we're supposed to be scared of this. That's faggot stuff. You want a call by its name, that's strictly for fags. Yeah, stick your mask up your mamalook.
Starting point is 00:43:30 That's why it's not surprising they clutch their pearls harder than they have in weeks when he posted a tweet in response to Hitler, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's newest lockdown announcement. He's had enough, the doctor.
Starting point is 00:43:45 What's that say? At SW Atlas Hoover. There you go. At SW Atlas Hoover. He says the only way this stops is if people rise up, you get what you accept. And the minute he uses the word rise, because remember they tried to kidnap this witch, so the left is shitting their pants. He says the only way is if the people, God, I love that he said that.
Starting point is 00:44:11 That really, and he's right. You are correct, sir. Of course, the left took it as a call for attacks against the governor as an alleged potential victim of an insane scheme by militia members to kidnap her. The left was particularly sensitive to mentioning her in the same sentence as rise up. Jason, nothing from the neck up. Fucking stand up. I don't want this.
Starting point is 00:44:41 They're all upset on Twitter. They've been attacking him uh ever since making his uh name trend on twitter and prompting unhinged new articles claiming he's starting an armed insurrection against the governor of michigan you people on the left are the biggest fucking pussies on the planet how How embarrassing. Ugh. We are the counterculture. I feel, I'm so glad I'm on this side. Can you imagine defending somebody like Whitmer who's shutting people down?
Starting point is 00:45:14 She has 14 new rules now for Thanksgiving and stick them up your box. None of it's true, of course, what they're saying about Atlas. As he noted in a subsequent tweet, he sees state government, including the leftist government of Whitmer, as the root cause of the lockdown mandates that have crippled not only the nation, but most of the world. He invoked federalism.
Starting point is 00:45:36 For you people who don't know what that is, any powers that aren't done by the federal government automatically go to the states. That's the 10th Amendment, I believe. Sometimes I read this shit. He invoked federalism as a, the states that's the 10th amendment i believe sometimes i read this shit yeah he invoked federalism as uh i hope it was a 10th as he uh rightly should to point people in the right direction to express their discontent with the government this is on the states first and foremost he said finally a doctor with some nuts and he he read after he caught a bunch of shit he retweeted or he fight back he said hey i never was talking about violence people vote for people peacefully uh peacefully protest never would i endorse or incite violence never yeah because a lot of
Starting point is 00:46:20 doctors you know do you people on the left, you scared of a doctor? You scared of the truth, too. You such guzzlers of jizz. If there's one politician that I have the huts for and that I've wanted to bang forever, I'm just being honest here. It's that politician from Oregon. I don't even know her name, but she's a real piece of ass.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Do we have her name, Jason? It's Joanne Hardesty. Thank you. Joanne. Every time I see her, I get horny. What? What?
Starting point is 00:46:56 What is that? That's whoopee with AIDS. Oh, my God. Doesn't mean she's a bad. Oh, my God. Doesn't mean she's a bad, no, she stinks. Not only is she a fucking sight for sore eyes, she's evil. A Portland, Oregon politician who called the cops, get this, over an argument with her Lyft driver. She's a politician, folks.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Despite her support for the defund the police movement, now says she acted out of fear of white supremacists what else white power one two three four that's a catchy tone she's afraid of white supremacists we haven't seen country. Don't you remember the train? We are all about now. We are all about now. That's a catchy tone. She's afraid of white supremacists. We haven't seen any. This is a broad who was for defunding the police. She has the nerve to call the police because of something this minor. City Commissioner Joanne, that's right, Joanne Hardacy and her Lyft driver made dueling 911 calls during a November ride from hell as Hardacy griped about everything from confusion over the pickup location to the car's windows being open.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Yeah, because you probably stink to high heavens. Nick, why would you say that? I don't know. She looks like a dirty, dirty girl. The Oregonian previously reported that and Hardesty gets it. Who caught flack for the move in light of her claiming most 911 calls aren't for real crimes, she said. She said that like months ago. Most 911 calls, this is when she was pushing defunding the police, like months ago. Most 911 calls, this is when she was pushing defunding the police,
Starting point is 00:48:45 weren't for anything serious. Said during that city council meeting on Thursday that she was motivated, listen to this, by a fear of far-right demonstrators who have recently rallied in the City of Roses. City of Roses?
Starting point is 00:48:59 Is that Portland? City of Roses. Listen to this. White people, you should take this personally and just say that's it. I've had it. I'm moving to Uruguay. This is another example. This is her quote of being black in America.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Meanwhile, she got voted in and being put in a position where I have to be the one to look out for my personal safety, she said. She makes me sick. You fat, nasty black bitch. She ain't fat. Can you imagine? She said, I don't expect the Lyft driver to do it, to watch over my safety. Certainly didn't expect the police to do it.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Then why'd you call him, you scummy little... It was my responsibility to make sure I got home safe. Yes, because you're an adult. You don't rely on government, cops, and all that shit for everything. Try getting that through your empty, dreadlocked skull. It was up to me, an adult, to get home safely. Yes, you ignoramus. Fuck you!
Starting point is 00:50:01 Fuck you! Hey, hey. I'm just waiting for somebody to go that's it's what it's like to be white in america in a country that's so in love with african americas and and uh try getting home safely try getting a lift in downtown atlanta if you're white at three in the morning see that would be a legitimate complaint uh when you're living in a city she she says, where white supremacists are probably riding around in their big trucks with their flags. So naturally, right, you're a white supremacist if you've got a big truck and a flag on it. Oh, my God. We've gone from George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and whatever.
Starting point is 00:50:42 She's in the government. Can you imagine saying that big trucks with flags makes you a white supremacist yeah sort of like a tricked out Nissan Maxima with 78 foot woofers that makes you a Black Lives Matter follower
Starting point is 00:50:58 ugh trucks with their flags and you're a black person and somebody wants to put you in the side of the road at night. She's fucking crazy. Hardesty continued, not going to happen. Not going to happen. Hardesty, who also oversees Portland's emergency dispatch system, imagine she's crying racism and she's got more responsibility than me, has repeatedly campaigned to slash Portland's police budget, even though she calls them, as the city has been overwhelmed
Starting point is 00:51:33 by sometimes violent clashes between far left and even far right protesters. No, the far right hasn't showed their face yet, media. You'll know when they come. They're like the mafia. Remember when Henry at the end of Goodfellas, backing out of his driveway? Don't you move, you motherfucker. He goes, when I heard their voices, I knew it was the cops.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Because when they come for it, you don't hear or see anything. Something like that. I'm paraphrasing. Anyways, Miss Hardesty, you should do the evening gown competition for Miss Oregon. Oh, my God. That is it for today, ladies and gentlemen. I'm already losing my voice on Monday.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Again, don't forget Saturday night. Saturday night, my big live streaming show from Vegas. You can watch it at Cannot wait to do it don't look forward to the six hour flight but
Starting point is 00:52:28 anyways what else had a bunch of them this weekend if you want me to make a little video on my phone you go to click on my profile tell me a little about the person that you want me to roast or to say happy birthday to or whatever, congratulations on the wedding or just destroy
Starting point is 00:52:50 your neighbor, shit on his dog, whatever. It's really fun., click on my profile. That is it. You guys think and I will say it. You are very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Have a good rest of the day. guitar solo I'm out.

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