The Nick DiPaolo Show - Give Back SBF Money Joe | Nick Di Paolo Show #1323

Episode Date: December 15, 2022

Norway Practicing Stalinism. WH Ignores SBF Funding Question. Musk Vs Sweeny. 12 Year Old Giant....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi boys and girls, happy holidays to you. Don't forget to share the show, whether it's Facebook, Rumble, all those things the kids love and the Chinese love too. Okay? Alright, I'll talk to you later. guitar solo You ain't getting shit for Christmas Christmas? You ain't getting shit for Christmas You can't shove that fruitcake on your ass. Fashion, strategic, and strategic. Hi. Welcome to Johnny Mathis' Christmas Hour. John says,
Starting point is 00:01:14 How you doing, folks? That's my idea of decorating for the holidays. This thing has been through some battles. It used to have a battery in it. If you guys have been watching the show for years, you hit a little button and it would wiggle. We called it the Santa fag. It would wiggle its ass like this.
Starting point is 00:01:32 But it's all rotted. I left it outside. Are you sure that's what happened? Yes. I don't know what that means, but it sounded dirty. I used to put it in a stroller and push it around our neighborhood in Savannah. People thought I was nuts. I pretended I was our kid.
Starting point is 00:01:50 It's got that fucking, what do you call it, Benjamin Button in reverse. Anyways, happy Hanukkah to you fucks. And also, you Ramadan lovers in Kwanzaa, enjoy your shoplifting. And the baby Jesus, I don't know about him either. I don't, I have a lot of problems with all of it, you know that. But as the great Louis C.K. said, if you don't believe in God, you better hope, you better hope you're right on that one.
Starting point is 00:02:19 He goes, that's a big thing to be wrong about. All right. What else has happened since? I'm in full-blown. I'd show you guys, but I'm not proud of full-blown blisters here. Fucking shingles. I don't know. I was enjoying the aging process. I almost canceled today.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I woke up nauseous, clammy. A fucking 10-year-old girl could push me over right now. How do I know that? I'll try to get one in the trunk of my car. . Fucking bitch. Anyhow, what time did the show start? Three minutes ago? Huh? About 103? Me and Dallas are on cruise control.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Anyhow, what did I do last night? Anything that interests you people? No. Let's move on. What's the headline of the first? You can tell them a little. No way, Norway. No way, Norway. A woman in Norway,
Starting point is 00:03:35 this is getting creepy, is facing up to three years in prison on criminal hate speech charges after saying that a man cannot become a lesbian. Can we let that sink in that statement for about two years? We're at the point on this planet, I don't give a fuck what country, how liberal, Norway, blah, blah, blah. This is Europe right next door, over the pond, whatever the fuck you want to say.
Starting point is 00:04:04 We're actually arguing whether a man can be a gay woman. Straight guys can be gay. I eat pussy. Why am I not in this conversation? Lesbians hate me for it. They see me as a threat. They have the same haircut, goatee. Yet I get all the gash when I was young and innocent and single. Now I pretend to get all the gash when I was young and innocent and single
Starting point is 00:04:25 now I pretend to get all the gash nice thing to call a woman gash maybe because my dad used to say to my mother at Christmas pass the gravy you gash what? oh now I'm going to pronounce some Norwegian names fucking Tony
Starting point is 00:04:44 a lesbian filmmaker. There she is when she was a tight end for the Raiders in the late 90s. Like the Detroit Lions with the silvering. Yeah, she's wrapped up like a fucking one of those hot dogs you get. Tony Guillaume, a lesbian filmmaker and actress, was informed on November 17th that she was, she was, do you hear me? Anybody picking up on this?
Starting point is 00:05:12 I sound like Amy Poehler doing that hyper character she used to do on SNL, that little girl that ran around. She was actually funny at one point. Was informed November 17th that she was under investigation for speaking out against prominent Norwegian activist Christine Gentoft on Facebook. Gentoft is a transgender female. That means that was a guy who's pretending to be a woman now. Oh my God. This thing didn't have a choice. Declare my age throat. Look at this thing. Again, not going to get laid either way. You could identify as a fucking caribou.
Starting point is 00:05:49 You get a better chance of getting a prick stuck in you. Yeah fucker. Gentoff, it's, oh I got a lungy caught in my, I coughed and a schnooger went up under the retainer and right now it's hanging. No let it roll. It has a taste. right now it's hanging. No, let it roll. How's it taste? Fucking, it's like an oyster. On the half shell with no breadcrumbs.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Gentoff is a transgender female that often refers to herself as a linebacker at a University of Minnesota. No. Refers to herself as a lesbian mother. You mean motherfucker. Gentoff previously accused another woman, Christina Ellingson, of, oh my God, what happened? No ways to be, eh, doable. Of transphobia for similar claim. Ellingson is also under investigation and faces three years in jail if found guilty.
Starting point is 00:06:44 It's just so ridiculous. What the hell? This is Norway, folks. We're already on the path to this. This is where it's headed. Why do you think they banned... Everything is hate speech that the left doesn't agree with. Thank God Elon Musk stepped in a little bit.
Starting point is 00:06:59 But how about all the Google and all the other fucking big tech platforms? This is what... A lot of times you don't realize, especially, and like Dallas said earlier, this is what the left, and by the way, now Norway and all these countries the left used to point to, these democratic, you know, Western democracies, that used to be their goal. Now that's too moderate. But this again, this isn't fucking Europe, folks. And they're talking about imprisoning people for fucking disagreeing about gender and sex and whatnot. Are you shitting me?
Starting point is 00:07:35 It's not much different than what's going on here. The left, they don't have the balls quite yet. I wish they'd get to it. Because I think that would be the point, when somebody really gets hurt. Here's what I also want to say. I don't want to condone gay bashing, but since we let these little gremlins out of the closet, and they don't know how to behave, they've abused it, time to chase them back in. And now what form that takes is up to you guys. I'm too old to commit any more hate crimes. It's a joke, folks. Don't get your panties in a fucking faggy bunch. The post on Givon's Facebook page, I call her a different name again. There she is. Now she's a utility infielder for the brewers. Facebook page under investigation read, it's just as impossible for men to become a lesbian
Starting point is 00:08:26 as it is for men to become pregnant. Oh, this is a Libs Eatin' Libs, by the way. I'll say that right now. In our Libs Eatin' Libs segment. So, they're arguing. Oh, my God. And she, I want to give her credit. What she's saying is true,
Starting point is 00:08:47 but that's not the spirit she's saying it in because she's, she's insecure about somebody taking her spot as a lesbian on the food chain.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes. She's absolutely right there, ladies and gentlemen. My vagina's angry. She ain't got no bad. It is.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Come on now. It's pissed off. Javon has said that she intentionally wrapped herself in Reynolds wrap for this interview. No. Posted her, pasted her faux spick ma, faux, faux spook ma, Nick. Alright. Welcome to Georgia. Hey, Hoop. Hey, Hoop. Chief. Mayor.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Ladies and gentlemen. Posted her Facebook message to draw attention to Norway's hate speech laws. You girls, I'm getting that fixed. I know you're all concerned. Javon's comments, is a fourth pronunciation, appear to be under investigation for falling under a 2020 amendment to the country's penal code. It's too easy. That added gender identity and gender expression. Underprotected categories from hate speech. They're just taking big blocks of conversations and labeling them.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Not going to work, lefty fucks. I know 1984, you're probably a wet dream. It's not going to work. It's not going to work. Because even a lazy old white guy like me will get off the couch if somebody tries to send me to jail for calling a twat a twat. People found guilty of hate speech face a fine or up to one year in prison with sandbag been freed. In prison for private remarks and a maximum of three years for public comments
Starting point is 00:10:49 what so they actually have two categories they're telling you you can't say shit in private did i read that right yeah god help me here exactly so my question is how do they prove that if it's in private? Are you relying on somebody recording what you say or just accusing you because that's very Stalinistic in its own right? Yes, well the definition of private First of all, we all know if you use a cell phone First of all, we all know if you use a cell phone, they have text, not even text, phone call, terabytes. They have a building that's got, I'm just waiting for a video for me to come yanking it.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Any luck? Can't they end? Yeah, no, absolutely. How about if you're texting your brother-in-law in a private conversation? They don't care, is what they're saying. Women's rights activists, including Women's Declaration International Norway, of which Allingsen is a representative, have claimed that the amendment undermined free speech and expression in the country. Yeah, I guess the fuck. This is not the first time that Javon has spoken out on controversial topics surrounding gender and women's rights. Now, this is a video of another lady who had the balls to speak out, right? And say pretty much the same thing. Her name's Zanzin, whatever. But let's, she's facing three years too she put out a pamphlet this lady first she made a statement and then a pamphlet that got her in trouble here she is uh given her point of
Starting point is 00:12:30 view if the court decides to ban my pamphlet then the bible should also be banned because they have the same message and that's why i i think that this is very dangerous i thought that was fauci in a wig for a second holy moly um so she she gay too boy i gotta get over there seems like a lot of huh i could take some good lessons over there clam uh so anyways she's saying yeah my my my pamphlet i put out says the same thing as a Bible, that it's wrong to, so if you're going to outlaw my, you're going to outlaw the fucking Bible, the most popular book ever written, after
Starting point is 00:13:12 obviously the guy from Screech put out that autobiography. Dustin Diamond's autobiography. Last year, Javon confronted Annette, Jesus, there's a lot of angry puss over there here she has seen as the uh actually the pittsburgh pirates catcher she's up she passed waivers last year last year javon confronted annette funicello no trentonberg shuud norway's minister
Starting point is 00:13:39 of culture now there's a again you give her a girl's haircut, bangable, but now she's got a head of hair like Elon Musk. I don't know what to do with her. Got a neck like a goddamn. Culture and reality, fucking tell us wonder. Nick, don't be sexist. No, I'm not. I'd bite her neck. Culture and reality claiming that misconstruing gender identity and biological sex has harmful and discriminatory implications for women, especially lesbians.
Starting point is 00:14:07 I can't even keep track of it. You can't keep track of the dykes without a program. Will the equality minister take action to ensure that lesbian women's human rights are safeguarded by making it clear that there are no lesbians with penises? Wait a minute. Well, technically, you're right. But, boy, I've been into a few of those stores. Holy shit. I thought I walked into a Louisville slugger factory.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Thing's a little too realistic. That males cannot be lesbians regardless of their gender identity. See, we're encringing on their turf. That's what they were. What a bunch of children, like you said. And by tidying up the mess of the harmful gender policies of the left behind, by the left behind behind, Jesus, slow down, Nick.
Starting point is 00:14:54 They said don't drink coffee with shingles, cup four. Behind, left behind by the previous government, Jem Long asked. Also, I don't like nobody touching me. Any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you. That's how all the... Anyways, let's move on to the dumbest spokesperson ever. A million pardons to Big Red.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I actually miss her. I didn't realize how good... What was her name? Doardons to Big Red. I actually miss her. I didn't realize how good, what was her name? Do you remember? Big Red. All right. You know who? Oh, what the fuck? First of all, let it roll. First of all, Tommy just walked in, my manager. I saw your silhouette. I thought you were Zook. I'm not fucking kidding you. That just scared.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I don't believe in ghosts and shit. You were the same. Holy shit. That was creepy. He doesn't even tell me he's coming down here. He did ask. Tommy sent a vague text going, what are you doing after the show Thursday? And as he does, I said, no idea and never heard from him again. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:16:12 he's either coming here or he needs a ride to jail. Let's move on to, oh God, KJP. That's Karine Jean-Pierre, a true fucking moron. And I miss, Tommy, do you remember Biden's spokesman, the redhead, what her name was? Jen Psaki. Psaki. Yes. Thank you for not helping. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to confirm whether President Joe Biden will return more than $5 million he received as a campaign donation from the
Starting point is 00:16:45 disgraced FTX founder, Sam Bankman-Fried. Again, a fake Jewish name like I've never heard in my life. Do you believe that name, Tommy? Sam Bankman-Fried. You saw that on the regular guy. You'd laugh your balls off. Why don't you just call him fucking Saul Israel slash Jerusalem slash checking account slash money-lo loving fucking rent.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Anyways, What am I trying to say? I just hate this. That wasn't the one I was looking for. Anyways, how about this? Fucking bitch. So there's the ragamuffin right here. I love this poor girl.
Starting point is 00:17:28 She's so out of her league. She blinks her eyes to look intelligent. By the way, she says Nobel Prize. A couple weeks ago, not Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize. Not fit. She shouldn't be. She should be behind.
Starting point is 00:17:43 She's not qualified to be behind a fucking Wendy's counter. And I mean that with all the racism in my little black heart. Bankman Freed, who was arrested in the Bahamas on Monday night, reportedly donated $5.2 million to Biden's 2020 presidential campaign against Donald Trump. Now, let me ask you douchebags out there who think it wasn't fucking rigged, take away all the machines and Old Dominion, all that other horse shit, and consider how the laptop story of Hunter Biden was buried. Even, we have proof, they've done polls, people that would have affected how they voted, number one.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Number two, this cocksucker bankrolled the goddamn midterms. So I don't want to hear, I mean, bankroll 2022, I don't want to hear that Biden's our president. But anyways, but despite the 30-year-old's recent arrest and his haircut, here he is staring into the windows of a Great Clips, furious. And accusations Bankman Free conspired to defraud the United States in a form of violating campaign finance laws, Jean-Pierre refused to comment whether Biden will return the $5.2 million campaign donation. When pressured by White House reporters, I like they put reporters. Do you mean Steve Doocy or the one person trying to be a reporter? On Tuesday, this is what I mean.
Starting point is 00:19:01 That's directed at me. I'm limited on what I can say and anything that's connected to political contributions from here, I would have to refer you to the DNC. Biden's ragamuffin press secretary responded when a reporter from the AP asked about the multimillion dollar donation. I'm asking the president's opinion,
Starting point is 00:19:20 the reporter said, though, and the AP reporter pressed further, at which point Jean-Pierre cited the Hatch Act. I was gonna look it up, then I went, you know what, I'm on the internet, who gives a fuck, I'll make it up. An act which promotes, excuse me, prohibits civil service employees from engaging in certain forms of political act. That's like a broader, right? It's even more specific than that. Isn't it like you, if you're a civil servant, you can't be trying to do deals at a different time. It's a little more specific than that, right? They must've just said to her, say this to them. I swear to God,
Starting point is 00:19:59 that's how cynical and hateful the fuck I love. You asked me two questions. You asked me about, will he return donations? And then you asked me about his opinion, Jean-Pierre explained. I'm answering the first part, which is I'm covered by the Hatch Act. Somebody should have said, I want you to state what the Hatch Act is, you little dummy. Is it like the Nobel Prize in science? Yeah, fuck staying. I'm limited on what I can say and I just can't talk to political contributions or anything related to that you're the spokesman we're not asking you to play a recording of you trying to do a deal on the what that does not that's not under the Hatch Act. Am I right, Tommy? You know, Tommy was indicted on the Hatch Act. Look, she's actually a white supremacist. That's a very, that's a salute. She's not proud of it.
Starting point is 00:20:57 The 30-year-old founder of the now bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX was charged with a conspiracy to commit wire fraud, exchange FTX was charged with a conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to commit securities fraud, laundering money, and conspiring to defraud the United States in the form of violating campaign finance laws and refusing to use hairspray. He is also reportedly facing a series of separate charges filed by the Securities Exchange Commission. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. Oh, my God. That's not a violation of the Hatch Act. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:21:36 They just said go out and say that. Because nobody else other than the guy from, when you get the guy from the AP doing a follow-up question, you must be really bad at your job. Because the AP is as liberal as the Biden administration. Anyways. Folks, guys and girls, everything in between.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And yes, I do have some trans fans, believe it or not. I gave one of them a handjob named Diane behind the funny bone dumpster. I'll be back on the road soon. Here's where you can see me. January 13th and 14th. Comedy off-Broadway. That's way the fuck off-Broadway. Lexington, Kentucky. That's how far off-Broadway. February 3rd and 4th, the Grove Comedy Club in Lowell, Arkansas. I have never performed in Arkansas other than fellatio. March 11th and 12th, the Comedy Club of Kansas City
Starting point is 00:22:20 in Kansas City, Missouri. April 21 and 22. The Funny Bone St. Louis. Last time I was there, and I'm not kidding you, which is so long ago, guy was so fucked up, I watched him. I watched him. I'm in the lobby after the first show. I'm watching the guy stagger to the door. He's trying to push on a pull door
Starting point is 00:22:39 for like fucking two minutes. I went over and did this, and he came up. And so the Funny Bone, St. Louis, and St. Charles, Missouri. Then you can get tickets to all those shows at and click on the tour button, and there you go. Here's a guy who loves my comedy.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I heard it through the grapevine. Musk. Elon Musk trashes tracker. Elon Musk revealed Wednesday night that he's taking legal action against the teenager who runs a since suspended Twitter account tracking the billionaire's jet flights. What the fuck? Counselor.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Look at this mommy little. Counselor. Look at this kid. He's like a college. He looks like a 45 year old accountant. Boring as the day is long. Why does Musk, why do they always use that picture of Musk? Looks like Christopher Reeve right after the, just put a tube in his throat. Does he not? The Twitter CEO made the announcement after implying the jet-tracking account operated by Jack Sweeney, that little weasel there, a University of Central Florida freshman.
Starting point is 00:23:51 How much time do these guys have on their hands, these kids? Go back to learning what a dick and a penis is in gender studies. Was to blame for a Tuesday night stalking incident where somebody followed Musk's family. God, I wish this would happen to me once. Last night, a car carrying Lil X, that's his kid, I think he refers to, in LA was followed by a crazy stalker thinking it was me who later blocked the car from moving and climbed onto the hood, Musk tweeted. Turns out it was Diane Cannon. What? Referring to his two-year-old son, X, A-12. Legal action is being taken against Sweeney, that kid, and his organizations who supported
Starting point is 00:24:37 a harm to my family. Three hours later, Musk shared a video of a man wearing a mask and a hood inside a white Hyundai with the caption anyone recognize this person or car he claims the identified man is the alleged stalker turned out to be who Paulie sure no here's the here's the fucking what's the kid drinking there a purple slumber hey look look this the clip. It's making me ill. Just thinking about it. Yeah, for sure. Gotcha. What's her name?
Starting point is 00:25:13 Who the fuck are you? Are you writing a book? Who the fuck are you? Here's the plate. Can you imagine having the gall? You're in a car in a parking lot with a mask on, hoodie up, and you're asking the guy, security, who the fuck are you? Los Angeles police told the Post they do not have information on the incident. That makes me wonder, too. Anyways, Musk suspended Sweeney's account earlier Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:25:40 and this proves Musk is a fair guy. It was briefly reactivated allowing the kid the teen to press musk for clarity on the rules before the account was shut down again later wednesday he's so unfair isn't he he's making a mockery of all these like keep this in mind folks again he's a democrat bus by the way that's how far off the reservation the left has gone. He looks like Pat Buchanan with his politics. Musk said that any Twitter account doxing real-time location info of anyone, except for Kathy Griffin, will be suspended as it is a physical safety violation,
Starting point is 00:26:24 which makes sense to me, don't it? After the first suspension, Sweeney told the Post, the move made the tech mogul a full-on hypocrite. You fucking hypocrite. I want to know how that's, by the way, he looks like Kurt Metzger 10 years ago when I met him. I want to know how he's a full-on, that's what all these kids this age are saying when he's shutting down. They're like, yeah, but he's not letting people make fun of him. Yeah, he is.
Starting point is 00:26:50 It's when you – they don't know the difference between – it's when you start lying, doxing people, putting people's lives in danger. That's when you – yeah, but we can't make fun of him. What are you talking about? I've seen all kinds of insults. At least 25 other Twitter accounts tracking billionaires' private jets. Jesus, how many people have jet... were suspended in the aftermath, the New York Times have found. I hope they let the ones that are tracking like John Kerry and Leonardo DiCaprio's plan go. Those are righties. Two days before his suspension, Sweeney claimed his
Starting point is 00:27:25 account had been shadow banned. Oh, boy, you, you faggot. Sweeney claimed a Twitter employee told his account was weighed down with heavy visibility filtering. Yeah, welcome to the club, shit stain. Try being an outspoken righty. Go home and hang yourself with that tie. After Barry Weiss, Go home and hang yourself with that tie. After Barry Weiss, that's right, it's abroad, claimed former, there she is. Again, former Pittsburgh Steeler. Claimed former Twitter executives unjustly shadow banned conservative users in a recent Twitter's file thread. Musk stated he was developing a software update that will notify users, and I wanted, Tommy, I wanted to talk about this today, will notify users whether accounts have been secretly blacklisted so they could appropriately appeal.
Starting point is 00:28:12 I put myself in that goddamn category. I got it. You got to like Moscow. He was the best guy around. He's still there. Relax. Yeah, I'm one of those guys that fits in that category. I'm like, please, please be some proof that I was shadow banned,
Starting point is 00:28:26 that I just suck at tweeting. Other than me just suck at tweeting. But I know, I miss it. Tom, I got to be honest. I miss, I like the ones where I would put a picture and a caption. Like I was cooking octopus. And I had the, before I dropped it in water, I had that octopus. And I said, am I cooking octopus or cleaning the sink at Planned Parenthood? Fucking 2,000 likes.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Whatever the fuck. And then another one about a punter on a college football team who looked like Billy Burr. That was my biggest one ever. That's only because Billy Burr's huge. I think this is the last story, right? It's got to be. 12 or 22. How's that for a clever headline? I couldn't. Tommy, I get shingles, by the way. I'll show you after. I'm like Ben-Hur's mother. Remember she's in the cave all wrapped up with lepidus? I get about a cluster of cold sores right here. It makes the girls damp. these I got about a cluster of like cold sores right here that makes the girls damp Jeremiah Johnson Jeremiah was a 12 year old running back
Starting point is 00:29:40 Christmas this year? What? A big fat cock! Oh! In my ass! Well, we got the guy for you. Jeremiah Johnson, 12-year-old black running back from Fort Worth, Texas, has the internet dumbfounded over his size and maturity.
Starting point is 00:30:00 That's what I say to that. Look at, he's holding the Heisman with one hand. Look at that, looks just like a Heisman. See how big the trophies are? Look at him. If this guy's not 48, he's not a Dale. The athlete became a viral sensation after photo of him sporting what appeared to be a facial hair and a tattoo. Now, when I read the story, I, you know, I was half awake. I ripped through it. I thought it said he had a tattoo that looked like a mustache. That's why I picked this story, only to reread it before I sent it to you, and it was still interesting enough. Appearance of facial hair and a tattoo surfaced on social media following the 2022 Youth National Championships over the weekend in Miami,
Starting point is 00:30:45 where he was crowned the MVP. What the hell's going on out here? When I played youth football, folks, in Danvers, Massachusetts, the heaviest you could be was 140 pounds. They had an A team and a B team. The B team was the smaller kids. The A team were the bigger kids. 140. We had a pair of twins, Matt and Tim Foley, who they were six foot one. They were identical twins. Their parents would starve them for the summer. I'm not kidding you, Tom. I am not kidding you. They would look like greyhounds. Their ribs would be showing. A week after weigh-in, they'd bounce up to 160 and just wreak havoc on our hometown, knocking kids out, running over. They had a meeting about kicking them out of the league, and we had them on our A-team. Won two onion bowls in a row, by the way. I weighed literally, what
Starting point is 00:31:39 did I weigh? You football fucking, I don't even know. What do you weigh in like fifth, sixth grade? I don't know. I wasn't juicing that i waited till high school um johnson who's dallas dragon elite academy dea these black guys and their drugs team won the championship game can be seen holding the trophy that read 12 and under division one most valuable uh player you gotta be now i'm gonna show you a clip the best part of this clip is the guy that asked the question to him if this guy's not right out of 1938 i needed a goddamn subtitles for this two second clip listen to this black guy ask this kid how old he is in black speak how you will boy this boy 12 how you will speak. How you doing? Boy, this boy twirl. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:32:31 It was one word. How you doing? How you doing? God damn it. Anyways, here's a clip of him covering a kickoff. This might be a sign that he's a little bigger and stronger. When you tackle a guy and you make contact at like the 25 or 30, and the guy lands in the bleachers behind you, watch this.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Watch this. Watch this. There, right there. Can you imagine? Un-frigging-real. A A A R P card falls out of his helmet. Look at, they're asking, how much juicing you been doing? About this much inches. Look at, the guy's a homeless guy in his late 60s lying behind a Generation Next, N-E-X-X-T, a national youth sports school and network in Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
Starting point is 00:33:38 shared photos of Johnson at his 31st birthday, changing attire. at his 31st birthday, changing attire. She had photos of Johnson to Facebook and Instagram, identifying him as a 12 and under football player. Nonetheless, not everyone on the internet is convinced that the phenomena is a preteen, including one NFL pro. Other people on social media are speculating Johnson's age with one person writing, Other people on social media are speculating Johnson's age with one person writing,
Starting point is 00:34:05 aight. Aight. Not aight. I say aught. I thought I was being hip when I text my friends and I go aight. It's aight. Like light without an L. God damn it. How did I flunk that?
Starting point is 00:34:22 Somebody puts aight. Guessing it's not a white suburban house, ma. He says, number one, Jeremiah Johnson is one of the most common names out there. I don't know what the fuck that's got to do with the price of yen. Rule two, the mustache, he says. Number three, the locks. The locks, meaning his hair, with the pushback hairline. That really is the giveaway. He goes, now, I'm going to say 22. He's guessing his age. He goes, I can be convinced on 17
Starting point is 00:34:55 to 21, but 12? Hell no! Hell no! How are you? How are you? How are you? What? How are you? Are you saying he knows nothing about these matters. What? How you is.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Hello. Are you saying he knows nothing about these matters? To my knowledge, nothing. I'm going to find out what the hell happened here. All right, this committee is now in. Remember, Mrs. Johnson, you're on the subpoena. One person tweeted, ain't no fucking way this person 12. When you get the brothers riled up about this shit well
Starting point is 00:35:25 another added I demand Jeremiah Johnson's birth certificate and and not the I am 12 kind from the bench warmers apparently a movie I didn't say Johnson 111 198 pounds according to twitter okay 511 198 11 inch dong according to his white cheerleader girlfriend according to me uh account the twitter account i'm believed to belong to the youngster it also states that he is eligible for college in 2027 when asked asked for a quote, Jeremiah Johnson said, Hey, where are the white women at? Shauna Evans, who is believed to be Johnson's mom, took Facebook to share a photo of him writing on Friday, Check my baby out.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Check my baby out. Bailing or bawling out. There's my racist. I thought it said bailing out. Nope, nope. You're not the only one. I was looking at it and I said, is it bailing or balling out there's my racist i thought it said bailing out nope nope you're not the only one i was looking at is he bailing out check me bailing my baby out already already he got street cred he only 12 tried as adult check my baby out at balling out at nationals Nationals. Black moms are cool. My dad is, you know. Anyways, I want to thank all 12 of you that contributed in the last three months. It's been a real fucking run, I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:36:55 No, I'm kidding. On behalf of myself, wait a minute. Are there names here? Yes. On behalf of myself and all the listeners, I want to thank everyone that is a patron or who contributes to the show. It's you guys that make this show possible. So if you listeners like what you are hearing, go to forward slash the Nick DiPaolo show and sign up for exclusive content like these guys did this past week. Jonathan Kuhn.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Oh, no. Giacomo Manzano. Is that real? Chris Cardassi. Okay, so three people from the Bronx. And Todd W. From Iowa. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:37:42 If you don't want to sign up at Patreon but want to make a one-time or monthly contribution, you can do it right at with Venmo, Cash App, PayPal, or any credit card. Thank you to Sean Powell. His liver's still holding in there. Robert Hitt, Wade Sabatini, and Paul Sagonella. We really appreciate the contributions, folks. Seriously. That's it for the week, folks, okay?
Starting point is 00:38:10 We have a lot of great stuff for you guys next week. I'll be interviewing. It's all interviews next week. You guys get such positive feedback from, what was it, AJ Rice interview. People are like, we want more of that. I'll be interviewing hilarious comedians, Dave Landau, and you know him from Crowder Show, Anthony Kuma Show, AJ Rice interview. People are like, we want more of that. I'll be interviewing hilarious comedians, Dave Landau and you know him from Crowder's show, Anthony
Starting point is 00:38:28 Coombe's show, Last Comic Stand. Brilliantly funny. Kurt Metzger, you got to watch this one. Because you want to see a generation clash? He was talking internet speak. I didn't understand a fucking thing he was saying. I kept nodding and going
Starting point is 00:38:44 yes! He was going into the guy that ran Reddit. But he's brilliantly funny, to the point where I can't even, you know. So you guys know Metzger. He's always getting in trouble, my type of comic. And Dave Smith, who's a libertarian comic, I look at a lot of his premises. I said it during the interview, and I went, goddammit, how did I miss that one? How did I miss that one? He's a really funny dude. He's got a real strong following and veteran and
Starting point is 00:39:08 patriot. Also a funny guy who jumped out of airplanes, 82nd Airborne, a real man, Dan Holloway from the Drinking Brothers podcast. That was a very interesting one too. I thought I had a chip on my shoulder. You won't want to miss those. Believe me. I want to wish you guys all a very happy Kwanzaa Ramadan fucking Yom Kippur I'm forgetting what in there what is it what do the dykes celebrate some type of
Starting point is 00:39:35 I don't know obviously a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year now because we'll be off the following week for the holidays we'll be back here on January 2nd. Okay. So have a great time with your friends and family. And you guys think it, I'll say it.
Starting point is 00:39:51 You're welcome. We'll see you on January 2nd. Take care, everybody. Hi. Good night, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo Thanks for watching!

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