The Nick DiPaolo Show - Horrible Media Hacks Hype White Hate

Episode Date: August 14, 2018

FBI Fires Fuck Face...Finally, Fenway - ‘Free To Pee Next To Me’...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Hey! Ho ho ho! Yeah! Here we are on a muggy Monday. Hey! How are you folks? Welcome to the show. 833-599-NICK. 833-599-6425. 833-599-6425 if you want to call into the show. Treat this just like a regular radio show, which is hard
Starting point is 00:00:59 to do. I think you realize that. So what's going real quick dates for me still my bread and butter the old stand up comedy tomorrow night the comedy cell on McDougal Wednesday the comedy cell on McDougal Thursday August 23rd one of my favorite gigs Governor's Levittown Long Island
Starting point is 00:01:20 830 start Saturday September 1 the fat black pussycat Saturday September 8th the fat black Pussycat. Saturday, September 8, the Fat Black Pussycat. That's in New York City, around the corner from the cellar. Friday, September 14, and Saturday, September 15, Arlington Draft House in Arlington,
Starting point is 00:01:36 Virginia. Friday, September 21, fast approaching, Orpheum Theater, Flagstaff, Arizona. Saturday, September 29, the Fat Black Pussycat. Go to You can see it up there on the screen for ticket information, links, and all that poo-poo. Shout-outs.
Starting point is 00:01:57 This is a free show, by the way, you know. We'll do it live. We'll do it live! Fuck it! Do it live! I'll write it, and we'll do it live okay we'll do it live fuck it do it live i can i'll write it and we'll do it live that's me snapping um monday and wednesdays free it streams live on youtube facebook live eventually to be other places once we get uh get our shit together shout outs what a shout outs these are the people who joined you know there's three tiers the fredo the sunny the michael corleone which is the 30 a month one uh and uh that is
Starting point is 00:02:32 the gold package the michael corleone willie thompson has joined the michael level so is kobe callahan and matt combs thank you guys very much for joining at the Michael Corleone level. What do you get there? You get all four shows in the week. You get a free hat or T-shirt, I think 20% off merchandise, and you get your name mentioned on the show. So people still signing up. Had a great week.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Over the weekend, people were signing up. This is all good stuff. I can't thank you guys enough. Let's keep it going, huh? Let's keep it to the point where I can't thank you guys enough. Let's keep it going. Huh? Let's keep it to the point where I can't leave the house or I'll lose money. You know, like Pablo Escobar. I'll tell you how well things are going. I got my own building.
Starting point is 00:03:18 If you guys want to see what the outside of where I do the podcast looks like, we have a pic of that, don't we, Jace? Look at that. That's no bullshit. That's not Photoshop. Somebody saw that. Of course, the Main Walk Kitchen down below where I get my beef and broccoli. And the Caribbean convenience store
Starting point is 00:03:39 where I get my jerk chicken in a jar and my cigars and some good ganja. That's my black car, the third one in from the left, right in front of my own building. Dad, Mom, you didn't think it would happen, huh? Well, it did. It happened somewhere. I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 00:03:56 That must be on an island somewhere, although that's not a palm tree. That's a shitty pine tree behind it. Love to find out where that is. It's the Nick DiPaolo building, for the love of Christ. Should be a space between the I and the P. I'll have to call the superintendent. That's how good it's going.
Starting point is 00:04:13 833-599-6425. And what's the big news? I'm only going to give this first story a little bit of juice, because I don't know, I don't want to give her more publicity than she wants. You know who I'm talking about, Omarosa, the gold-digging whore who Trump, this is one of the things where I question his judgment when he hired her in the first place.
Starting point is 00:04:38 And, well, anyways, you know, she got canned, and now she's coming out with a tell-all book. I don't even know the name of it, Unhinged. I don't know. Maybe I just made that up. But we know she's a money grubbing gold digging whore. Very attractive, I might add. Very beautiful woman. And she's just she used to praise Trump, suck his ass, say nothing bad about him ever. She got fired from The Apprentice a few times and now she's got a book out so she's got all kinds of dirty secrets and apparently trump's in the n-word during an apprentice taping and they have that on audio and she hasn't heard it yet but uh she heard it but she didn't you know wasn't aware of it beforehand and uh all kinds of stuff to sell her book which
Starting point is 00:05:22 will which will disappear everybody will forget about it in 11 minutes and uh the fact that she can write is surprising it's so it's called unhinged an insider's account of the trump white house okay unhinged an insider's account of the trump white uh african-american victim inside the most powerful white man's office. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah. But, yeah, she's all over the, you know, all over every TV show and MSNBC and NBC. And they laughed at Trump when he hired her. Now they're, like, taking her word as fucking gold.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And John Kelly is the guy, chief of staff who fired her brought him to something called the situation room where uh she serotipus serotipusly oh my god say it jason serotipusly serotipusly that's right serotipusly recorded uh john kelly uh with her phone i. When you go into the situation room, it's the first thing to do. You're supposed to take your phone away or you hand it in or whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:30 And this is... She violated the law, but nobody gives a shit about that. She did it because she knows, because she was the only black woman in the administration that eventually the evil white man would turn on her.
Starting point is 00:06:42 So she was just protecting herself. And she's got all... We all know she's a camera hog, a star fucker, and needs all the attention she can get. And of course, Trump already went after her on Twitter. Call her a lowlife and blah, blah, blah. And I'm glad he did. You people get upset at that. I'm glad he did.
Starting point is 00:07:03 I'm just like Trump. I'm the same way. I told you. Don't let anything slide. If I'm at the mall and an eight-year-old girl is giving me the evil eye, I'll ask her what she's looking at. That's just how... It's a teachable moment. So, of course she had to
Starting point is 00:07:17 bite the white hand that feeds her. Nobody would know who she is thanks to Trump. But now he's the most evil fucking guy on the planet and blah blah blah on and on it goes and she said John Kelly's running the White House
Starting point is 00:07:33 and Trump has no idea what's going on meanwhile really look at the unemployment rates and he's such a racist she said he's such a racist that black unemployment is at record low so is brown unemployment and Trump has doubled his approval ratings as far as black people go
Starting point is 00:07:49 from 15 to 29% over the last year since he took office. So write all the books you want, dummy. And Chuck Todd's on there just... She's on all the shows, softball questions, and he's such an evil fuck, Chuck Todd. Meet the press.
Starting point is 00:08:05 What a dick he is. Ugh. The point being, that book will be irrelevant in six minutes. 833-599-6425. Last week I went in to do, you ever hear of Barstool Sports? They have a podcast slash radio show called KFC. I took the time last Friday to drive into the city
Starting point is 00:08:30 on a pouring shitty Friday. Nightmare traffic. Took me forever to get there. Parked my car. I was there an hour. Cost me 40 bucks. That's New York City. Not to mention gas and tolls. Did the show with two white guys. I forget their names.
Starting point is 00:08:48 They're supposed to be edgy. And by the way, Rita is on phones today. And Rita? No, she's not listening. Anyways. Okay. I went into the, so I went in to do podcast kfc podcast and and uh we got into talking about race and i quoted bill maher when he remember bill margaret in trouble for calling
Starting point is 00:09:13 referring to himself as a house nigger on hbo so we were talking about that so i quoted bill maher uh and then monday rose along this this uh last monday or Tuesday, and I noticed the show wasn't up. They said it was going to post then. So I sent that email. And the guy gets back to me, one of the producers, saying that they thought it was a little too edgy, the fact that I dropped the N-word, which I didn't. I was quoting Bill fucking Maher. Is that where we are, really? And some of the other stuff was a little over the top.
Starting point is 00:09:47 It was an apologetic tone. They said, you know, we should have done more research. We didn't know you hit these issues head on. Yeah, you did. Yeah, you did. And I knew something was going to go south. About halfway through the interview, one of them says, well, you've got to admit, we're lucky to be white, right?
Starting point is 00:10:00 And I said, no, I don't have to fucking admit that. I've earned everything I've ever earned. And I can tell they ingested the pc shit they're at that age and the tone kind of changed right there but i don't remember saying anything over the and if i did say anything over the top it's because i'm a comedian was done obviously in jest but this is another show you know posing is edgy and whatnot until you get whatnot. I called Hillary a thick ankle lying whore, which she is. Everything I said was factual. And again, supposedly edgy podcast or slash radio show, whatever. But they didn't post it because they said it would be too choppy if they edited all the stuff out.
Starting point is 00:10:40 So, which surprised me. I did, Cat Temp used to have a podcast on Barstool. I don't know what happened to that. I did a few there, too. And very, very disappointing because I made the effort. It was a real pain in the ass. And I want to plug this show. But it was too too over the top, too scary.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Again, another more evidence of censorship from the other side so that was kind of a bummer but you know stop with that shit again they were like they're probably in their 30s or whatever and one of them grew up in New York and they just this PC it's in there
Starting point is 00:11:22 how's it going how you doing folks I didn't want to say something about this This PC, it's in there. How's it going? How you doing, folks? I didn't want to say something about this. Whatever. I made the effort. All for naught. These things happen.
Starting point is 00:11:39 But they shouldn't for those reasons. What else is going on? NBC ignores own reporter and crew assaulted by in deeper. It says in Charlottesville. It wasn't in late Saturday night. By the way, did you notice all the coverage? You know, because the white nationalists had their rally in D.C. this weekend. And every broadcast Fox News, all of them started with,
Starting point is 00:12:12 on the one-year anniversary of the girl that got killed at Charlottesville. They kept, one-year anniversary. They were celebrating it like it was Halloween. They couldn't mention that enough. The one-year anniversary. That's how every story about this white nationalist rally that happened in dc started nobody mentions the one year anniversary of the five cops who were gunned down in dallas because of black lives matter in july of 2016 we don't talk about that anniversary that went away after
Starting point is 00:12:38 a few months didn't it but this they're holding on to and can let me can i just say this after that charlesville thing trump came out remember made his quote and part of the quote was i'm sure there was fine people on both sides he wasn't talking about the fucking white national supremacist neo-nazi assholes or antifa he was talking about other people on both sides because there were normal civilians there at that rally and i'm so sick of for a year now hearing that. He said there were fine people. Do you really think he was talking about the people that ended up running over that girl in the car? Do you really fucking believe that?
Starting point is 00:13:16 They must have said it 18 times. The one year anniversary. 833-599-6425 is the phone number. 833-599-6425 is the phone number. Late Saturday night, NBC News reporter Cal Perry and his crew were in the thick of it as Antifa members ganged up on them and attacked. The next morning, NBC's Sunday Today ignored the attack and suggested the media was simply heckled, in quotes, by their assaulters. We have a quick snippet of these people coming after the NBC camera people.
Starting point is 00:13:45 We have a quick snippet of these people coming after the NBC camera people. There you go. All right. What is it? Fuck you, snitch-ass media bitches. Okay, that was an NBC guy. Did they mention it on Meet the Press or any other fucking MSNBC? Didn't even mention it because they're lying fuckstains.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Fuck you, snitch-ass news bitch. Fuck you, another very eloquent Antifa fella. Maybe not. His face wasn't even covered, I don't think. Things got superheated when one, and fuck you news bitches, they tried to pull the camera away. And again, no mention of it because that doesn't fit their shitty narrative.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Despite the video evidence on the ground from their own reporter, NBC went to Garrett Hockey, who was at the White House in anticipation of violence there as another white supremacist rally was set to be held. They actually used footage Perry and his crew shot, but didn't show anything from their attack.
Starting point is 00:14:55 So, you know. Can you stay counterintuitive? You are fake news, sir. Fucking, the assault on NBC's reporter came almost a year since their political director, Chuck Todd, that's the guy that hosts meet the press i never thought i'd long for the days of david gregory used his msmbc program mtp daily to elevate antifa's violence as a legitimate tactic against
Starting point is 00:15:17 the right he even doubled down and allowed them to use the formerly prestigious meet the press as a platform to push their hate and violent methods. Todd has never condemned them. Of course not. He's part of the fucking problem. Todd appeared on Sunday today and had nothing to say about the attack or Antifa, which had been declared a domestic terrorism group by the state of New Jersey before he had them on the show last year. Instead of condemning Antifa, he lambasted the president for criticizing anthem protesters and targeted his supporters as racist.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Some real objective reporting there, Chuck. So I don't, this is a quote from Chuck Todd. So I don't think if the president's quote learned anything, learned anything. I think in his mind, he has seen this as an effective political strategy to keep his base his base. That is the president's continuation of using to be generous dog whistles. He's saying that's a generous term, dog whistles.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Others say they're not so silent. You can hear the whistles pretty loudly. You're a liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. He's calling everybody out there that voted for Trump a fucking racist. This is Chuck Todd, MSNBC, the face of Meet the Press. You didn't show your cameraman getting attacked, you lying fuck.
Starting point is 00:16:36 I mean, you lying person. Just as crooked and... You wonder why the media approval rating is lower than congress you know how that is to do uh that's it though nbc is i i tried watching sunday i put on the shows i tried watching for four minutes all of them i switched around everyone on the anniversary one year anniversary of charlottesville that's how every one of them said i didn't hear black lives matter mentioned once it's all it's all white racism from the right and we'll get to the uh we'll get to the rally right now the uh white
Starting point is 00:17:19 nationalists failed to draw crowds on anniversary of deadly... It's even in the headlines, on anniversary of deadly... They got like 40 people or 20 people or some shit. Quack, quack, quack, wow. Quack, quack, quack, wow. The Unite the Right To rally in the nation's Capitol Sunday was a complete washout. The planned white nationalist gathering across from the White House was cut short when only about 20 supporters showed up to hear
Starting point is 00:17:47 speeches that were overpowered by the chants of thousands of counter-protesters. By the way, they're not counter-protesters. Okay? They're rioters. We have the footage of them fucking throwing eggs at the cops and shit and just beating up people surrounding cars
Starting point is 00:18:04 and so, but those are counter-protesters. And do you know why nobody showed up for the white nationalist rally? You know how you should take from this story? It's not a threat anymore. That's about right, 2000 against 20. Because they're not the media overhyped this thing because Kessler and his and his people they're not a threat neither was the fucking Klan white supremacy white nation so dangerous it's all overhyped by the fucking media that's what you should take from it
Starting point is 00:18:40 it. We have, let's play video three, Jason. I think this is them against the cops. There you go. There you go. Oh! That doesn't even look like a cop spraying that guy.
Starting point is 00:19:04 But they were throwing shit at the cops and the cops are backing up, which is the first mistake. Sometimes I wish we handled it like China did and Russia would. What do you mean that? You know what I mean. At least fight back. Don't back up on your motorcycles.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Oh, I'm going to spray this one guy in the eyes. Rough him up, for Christ's sake. Then Trump will get blamed for that, too. But again, 20 white nationalists. What a power movement. You guys should be scared shit of the alt-right movement that barely exists. Anyways, following the rally, a group of about 200 anti-fascist activists, which is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:19:48 That's Antifa. You know, the people that say, if you don't agree with our politics, we're going to bash you over the fucking head and beat you up. Because you're a fascist. Fucking priceless. Yeah, following the rally, a group of 200 anti-fascists many wearing black masks marched around the nation's capital in the rain
Starting point is 00:20:10 and confronted police officers who pushed them back. The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division. This is Trump's tweet. We must come together as a nation.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I condemn all types of racism and acts of violence. Peace to all Americans, he wrote. Ooh, let's parse those words. What did he mean by that? Why just Americans? I bet you there's some non-citizens there, too. You...
Starting point is 00:20:33 I can't say. Let's go to Oliver in Harrisburg, PA. Oliver, what's happening? Welcome in Harrisburg, PA. Oliver, what's happening? Welcome to the show, buddy. Hey, Nick. Thanks for having me. I just want to say, big fan of your work. Thank you, sir.
Starting point is 00:20:53 You've been following your career for a little while. Thank you. I wanted to call in and ask about, you're talking about anti-fund, these rallies and whatnot. Yeah. Do you think this is just going to play out in the exact opposite way that they hope, you know, to see? Don't you think this will actually get Trump reelected for a second term? My answer to that kind of behavior.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Well, my answer to that, if we had a fair press and not a corrupt press, the answer would be yes to that. But because he's got 90, since he hasn't been elected and they've done polls, 93 percent of the coverage in the mainstream media has been negative on Trump. They fucking when it comes to race, when it comes to the issue of race, the media is more corrupt than anything for 25, 30 years now, they've been cherry picking stories where a whether it's a white cop shooting an armed black kid or whatever, a or a black is a victim of white crime. They cherry pick this stories that have created this narrative for the last 35 years that this is such a white racist country. Meanwhile, plenty of thousands of black and brown people are trying to sneak in from all over the planet. That's how racist it is but the the answer is no i it might backfire a little bit but as long as the press is 90 against trump they're always going to be in the game don't you think
Starting point is 00:22:12 no absolutely that actually leads me to my next question uh do you think it is possible at this point in time with technology social media and whatnot to actually get the press to kind of become more neutral? Or do you think we're in too deep with all this stuff and that there's no way out? Well, I don't I don't see any way out because the Internet came along and I was hoping that would provide some balance. But as we see, the Internet is run by leftists, fucking Google and Twitter, Apple, and they hate Trump's guts for the most part. So I don't know where that balance is going to come from. You have a little bit from Fox News and you have some conservative talk show hosts. But I don't I don't see how it's going to how it's going to change.
Starting point is 00:22:55 And there's enough dummies in this country who fucking use the TV as their Bible. And but if they didn't have that, Oliver, if they didn't have that, they would never fucking even be in an election. It wouldn't even be competitive in my opinion. Thanks for the call, buddy. I appreciate it. Thank you. You know what I'm saying? But Chuck Todd doesn't even show
Starting point is 00:23:17 the NBC camera guys getting attacked by Antifa. They don't even show it. They don't even talk about it. And a lot of these people, yes, are bussed in by Soros and company with his billions. When's that guy going to kick the fuck off?
Starting point is 00:23:34 I'd like to see somebody sneak up with him like they did Kim Jong-un's brother at the airport with a rag and some perfume on it, if you know what I'm saying. Let's go to Cameron in South Carolina. I want to talk about the riots of last year. I'm not sure which ones he's referring to.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Cameron, welcome to the show. How are you? I'm doing well, man. How are you? Pretty good. Well, I wanted to mention, it's funny you talk about Soros busing these people in. I was in Charlotte, North Carolina last year when they burned down the city for three days. And it was funny because that's all you saw was these white Econoline vans with numbers on the side. So the shit asses knew what bus to get back into when they were about to get arrested. It's like limousines sent by Soros.
Starting point is 00:24:32 That's exactly what it is. But, yeah, man, the media never wants to talk about that stuff. I mean, they burned the city down for three days and tried to make people pay tolls on roads and stuff like that, and they never want to talk about that. Yeah. And meanwhile, Cameron, this weekend, 20 people, I think, that's what the reports say, 20 people showed up, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:51 supposed white nationalists. And Kessler said, look, it was about freedom of speech. It's not even, but it just shows how impotent this so-called white supremacy movement is. And Antifa was exposed once again. They're the violent, scary ones. They're the fucking left-wing thug, fascist thugs who literally resort to violence.
Starting point is 00:25:13 They don't want law and order. They went after the cops. They're going after the press. They'll hit anybody who, you know, who they don't like. So, I mean, this narrative of, you know, what a white racist, it's just, it never, the numbers prove that this movement has no legs, right? That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:25:36 That's exactly right. And, you know, the white nationalists, I mean, they're just doing it because they're fucking bored or something. I don't know. But these Antifa people, I mean, they're doing it as a job, as a career. You know, I mean, they believe in this crap. And they're just going to hit anyone that disagrees with them. So, yeah, I totally understand.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Yeah. Thank you, Cameron, for the call. They don't, I mean, they're the ones who are out of control. How much evidence do you goddamn need? You know? But, and again, trump gets blamed for it chuck todd and nbc since trump has become president these white nationalist movements have become emboldened under him which is so much bullshit they've they've always been marching and
Starting point is 00:26:17 done that shit and i love how he is now the racist under obama i'll get to a poll about race relations what people think in this country we under obama it couldn't have been any more anti-white with fucking eric holder the most racist attorney general in history uh whether it's the way they handed baltimore riots ferguson and then trump comes in and doesn't even just just tries to balance it or push back a little. And now he's he's deemed, you know, the fucking the racist. And meanwhile, he's done more for black and brown people than Obama did in eight fucking years. But let's not talk about those numbers. Chuck Todd and everybody else. Let's go to I think it's Jim in, uh, South Dakota.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Jim, welcome to the show. Hey, uh, thanks, man. I've been a fan for a long time, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:15 watching your standup on TV, comedy central. I remember back in the day you had a bit about ZZ pop and, uh, refusing to get shaved for a commercial. Oh my God. You're going back to my, if a commercial. Oh, my God. You're going back to my... If I remember...
Starting point is 00:27:27 That was my first year in comedy, but go ahead. Yeah, I just wanted to kind of make a comment on these alt-right figures. A lot of the reason this whole second event kind of fell apart is because a lot of the leaders of these organizations are kind of jokes or kind of suspicious on their own. Like Richard Spencer, for the most part, for a lot of people, is kind of suspected as being controlled opposition by the government. If you look up Richard Spencer, I believe it's Laura Bush. There's a picture of him with Laura Bush and his either past ex-girlfriend
Starting point is 00:28:04 or current wife. And she's actually from some, I believe, Russia. And she has a ribbon, the St. George ribbon, which is sort of a memorial for Russian veterans. Yeah. A lot of them are just kind of coops.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Yeah, well, look, the movie Death of a Nation Dinesh D'Souza's latest movie they interview Spencer and you know one on one Dinesh dug really into his political beliefs
Starting point is 00:28:36 and he sounded like a socialist so it's like you said controlled opposition I mean he's so full of shit he's what everybody's scared of he's the evil white fucking guy. It was laughable. Sounded like Tiny Tim. He's about as much.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah, and a lot of these figures, they're basically socialists that just want to be picky about who they want to be socialists with. Yeah. But there's also just some guys that are kind of unhinged, like I believe his name is Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Workers Party, who was there last time.
Starting point is 00:29:13 If you see any of these rallies and guys in all black with sort of LARP-y symbols, like stuff like that, that's usually them. The TWP, they call themselves. Christopher Cantwell hung out with them a lot yeah who uh dave smith a comic guest on your old show okay he did a couple of things with him yeah all right jim yeah uh he uh i just wanted to just a quick story real quick real quick basically runs his thing like a quick. Basically runs his thing like a cult. Yeah, he runs his thing like a cult, basically, where he was married to one of his followers' daughters, but then on the side was banging the same follower's wife
Starting point is 00:29:54 and actually sired what I believe would be his daughter. All right, we're getting into the weeds here. The point is, they're full of shit. Thanks for the call, Jim. I don't want to get torn to the fucking weeds, but people are still falling for this shit. This country, it could be the least racist place on the planet,
Starting point is 00:30:12 yet the narrative keeps being driven home, and it's ridiculous. I mean, like I said, how many black and brown people trying to sneak into the country? It's such a racist... It's just fucking ridiculous. We have one other clip of Antifa, right?
Starting point is 00:30:28 Six guys. This, I think, was from a previous rally this year or last year, but this is... Just to give you an idea, this is Antifa at work again. No audio on that? There you go. I think that was an earlier rally
Starting point is 00:30:50 this year. But there's Antifa. They're the good guys. They're the anti-fascists. My fucking aching stem. Oh my aching stem. Uh... Anyways. They never draw anybody. Because most of us don't believe in this shit.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Okay. Neither does Trump. Ripple. Look, and another headline. Again, one year after Charlottesville. Again, it's like celebrating fucking Christmas, you know? One year after Charlottesville. Majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise do you really were you paying attention to
Starting point is 00:31:47 the eight years of obama there's a fucking riot on tv other every other week i'd get i'd come home on a tuesday night get my recliner have friends over the riots are going to be on at 8 30 you could predict them watching fucking cities being looted and burned to the ground. Hands up, don't shoot. Total myth, total lie, which gave birth to the Black Lives Matter movement. So give me a fucking break, would you? Most Americans feel racial tensions have grown over the past year,
Starting point is 00:32:20 and partisan, as well as white and black Americans, divide sharply on how President Trump handles race relations. Racial tensions in the last year have. This is the poll. Increased 61 percent. Decreased 10 percent. Stayed the same 29 percent. He's he's getting fucking blamed for this. Majorities of whites, blacks and Hispanics feel this way.
Starting point is 00:32:40 But blacks are especially likely to think so. 78 percent feel tensions have increased. Yeah, because you got a white guy who's pushing back a little against the PC bullshit. So that makes him, the conversation on race has been so bastardized to the fucking left that if you push back a cunt here, it's like, whoa, these white people are out of control. Meanwhile, we get along on a personal level every day. Blacks and whites work together. Blacks and Hispanics.
Starting point is 00:33:08 And everything's fine. It's the media that does this. And the media is not run by people on the fucking right. Wake up, will you? Jesus Christ. Today, 58% of Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump's handling of race relations and racial issues. But these views, like many others on the president, are dramatically split by partisanship and by race.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Well, naturally. I'll tell you, you can break it down. You get people who know enough not to believe the horseshit that the mainstream media throws at you every day, and then you get another half of the population who buys that shit. Trump's handling of race issues, 41 approve, 58 disapprove. In other words, Trump's supposed to shut his mouth and his administration and do what George W.
Starting point is 00:33:53 and all the other white presidents did before him. Just shut your mouth, Whitey. Let the black let the black move in the black caucus, poke you in the chest, trying to pick a fight. You just keep your mouth shut. We have to have a conversation on race well is it gonna be a dialogue or is it gonna be a lecture by al sharpton and and fucking uh ellison and uh pelosi and everybody else what we've heard for the last fucking 50 years 82 percent of blacks disapprove 73 percent of his disapprove. Whites are evenly split. 49% approve. 51% disapprove. And those would be the white liberal jerk-offs who only inflame racial tensions
Starting point is 00:34:31 as soon as they die off, which won't be soon enough. And then you get a whole younger generation who's ingested this fucking shit, and they believe it. I noticed this too. I was going to get to it, and John beat me to it. John, I can hear you. Hey, Nick. Hey, Nick, can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:35:00 Yeah, John, what's happening? You made the same observation as I did with the golf tournament with Tiger, the PGA, and how the guy from Texas, Brooks, what's his name? Yeah, well, he's from Kansas. But, you know, he's the poster boy for white supremacy, the big beefcake. But you've seen how many people were, you know were i went to the pga on friday and we watched the whole tournament yeah and uh you know we were enthralled with the tiger comeback and you know and and when he finished the entire uh you know everybody who was at the tournament was on that final hole there to watch him and cheer him. And, and, you know, that just proves, you know, how racist of a country we are.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I've been saying that, John, I've been saying that since, thanks for the call, man. I was going to bring it up. You beat me to it. I've been saying that since even when Tiger, before he had his big fall uh you know i would say look how look how racist this country is throngs of white people and tiger was at one point the greatest call i get sucked into watching golf because of tiger and and i understand the attraction but but once that happened with his wife and his career went in the toilet uh which was forever he hasn't won a major in 10 years.
Starting point is 00:36:26 They would show clips of him even when he wasn't playing in tournaments and majors. They would go back to him. And I'm like, am I imagining this? And then I opened the New York Post, Phil Mushnick, a great sports writer. He became obsessed with how obsessed the golf world and the media that covers golf would give no attention to the great young guys at the time, just obsessed. And you have to ask yourself, I understand he's biracial
Starting point is 00:36:52 and golf was traditionally an old white man's game. I understand all that. But the ass-sucking, Koepka, this guy, he's won the U.S. Open and then the PGA. Five guys have done that in the history. And he got literally like lukewarm applause compared to Tiger. And the announcers, oh, I've been hearing this now. I'm on, my brother's a big golf fan and my family likes to follow it.
Starting point is 00:37:20 And I'm texting saying to my sister, he's going to choke. He's not going to win this. He can't put people away anymore. Nobody's afraid of him and uh he played a hell of a round he came in you know second in the PGA and he has been improving it but we've been hearing this forever and the people you can just see it look I'm applauding for the black golfer I'm white and I love him I love him it's love him. It's hilarious. And the announcers and they even caught themselves a few years back.
Starting point is 00:37:50 But Koepka, this guy's unbelievable. And McElroy and all of them. Jordan Spieth and stuff. But I couldn't believe the coverage that Tiger was getting. And all the talk in the booth was about tiger and then uh when kepka got the trophy you know you get a nice polite round of applause meanwhile
Starting point is 00:38:13 they show tiger going into the clubhouse and there's a a cute little broad uh that he kisses and she slaps him on the ass she um she looked very familiar like i i don't know I'm pretty sure the hostess at the Waffle House in Atlanta but even I noticed it and I'm glad I'm not the only one oh Nick you're just imagining that shit oh sure let's go to Joey in Long Island
Starting point is 00:38:44 hey Joe what's happening what's going on there nick nothing i don't know why you're surprised i don't know why you're surprised with the media i mean they're never going to give them any credit it's the only thing they can attack them on they can't attack them on the economy well i'm the white supremacist it just fits the narrative they're never going to give him any credit and i know that but i'm not going to start pointing all right you all right joe we just heard your phone we're getting all kinds of static i'm not going to i'm not going i'm not surprised i'm just trying to educate the people because apparently there's a whole bunch of them
Starting point is 00:39:19 who who buy this bullshit but i'm going to point it out day after day. They're the fringe, though. They're fucking retards anyway. You're not going to win them over anyway. You're not going to get through. They already got their minds stopped. No, no, no, no. I'm not talking about the fringe. I want a lot of people over with being on Sirius for one year
Starting point is 00:39:40 who fucking email me personally on my radio account saying, you know, you pointed out a lot of shit I've never heard of. When I started pointing out how white guys betraying commercials, everybody freaked out. So I'm not going to stop. Even if it's three people a year, Joe, I feel obligated to do it. I've got to cut you off, man. There's something wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:40:04 No, no. I have to. Your phone's cutting in and out. It sounds like you're in a fish tank But I'm not surprised by it. I've been following this shit forever I've been pointing out this hypocrisy forever. So You know Don't make me out to be Pollyannish on the subject eight three three five nine nine six four two five And it's hotter than a witch's tit in this room again i don't know it must be me in the coffee i'm fucking so uh yeah i'm not surprised but i'm not gonna stop i'm not gonna stop pointing it out but jesus christ you dummies who fall for this stuff oh this country
Starting point is 00:40:40 and they all you notice all the broads have purple hair they're ugly as a fucking stump fence and they all, you notice, all the broads have purple hair, they're ugly as a fucking stump fence, and they got fat legs, and like I said, their beef is with God, not with the right. Trump might have said the N-word. Everybody who points and calls you a bigot and a racist, I'm supposed to assume you never said the N-word or thought it or had a racist thought?
Starting point is 00:41:01 Because that's the only way you'll have the right to judge people, is if that's the case. You've never had a racist thought or uttered a racist thought? Because that's the only way you'll have the right to judge people is if that's the case. You've never had a racist thought or uttered a racist... This is such fucking horseshit. Wait till that tape breaks. I don't know. What's worse?
Starting point is 00:41:16 Trump saying he likes to grab pussies or if he dropped the N-bomb? He's the Teflon Don, motherfucker. Chris in the Bronx. Chris, what's going on? Mickey D, man, big fan. Thanks for taking my call.
Starting point is 00:41:33 You got it, fella. Real quick, I just want to thank you also for introducing me to the term goo gobbler, which I yell at people at the Cross Bronx in sweat spray four or five times a day. I just want to talk about the media real quick about how fucking left slant left slanted they are they really are just despicable and disgusting uh what do you think it's going to take to finally somebody to come along and to give us honest news when i put on the television man do you think maybe somebody will come along and invest some money in a honest media source at some point well fox murdoch has fox news i don't care people can laugh at it and shit
Starting point is 00:42:10 if you watch all the i flipped through all the channels and uh fox news has people like shepherd smith hates trump there's a lot of people over there don't like trump and uh but they interview liberals they'll have both sides on fox. There's a lot of opinion stuff and people on Brett Baier show. The special report at six o'clock is about the most down the middle to me, the most honest broadcast. But the point is, that's that's all that's out there. That's making an honest effort. In my opinion, I know I'll catch a bunch of shit. Oh, all the people that criticize. They fucking lean right. They suck Trump's dick but well i go do you watch fox no but i fucking um it's gonna take it's gonna take more than just fox news and a couple of uh you know mark
Starting point is 00:42:56 levin and and hannity and a few others um but but i i don't know i i don't know murdoch's made an effort a little bit. But like I said, even then, when they were talking about on Sunday, when they were talking about the white nationalist rally, I couldn't even watch it. I was getting a headache from thinking they kept, you know, one year to the anniversary when that girl and this is Trump back then saying there was fine people on both sides and and and uh i don't know i thought the internet would be the answer uh chris but but uh but but that's more left wing than the goddamn mainstream media thanks for the call uh i don't know what it's gonna take maybe a thousand me's doing podcasts but see the libs got into got into all the institutions that matter, the media. When I say media, I'm talking news. Then pop culture, Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:43:50 And then the college campuses, we know what goes on there. So they did their fucking homework, and they started this plan 60 years ago. You're watching it come to fruition when somebody like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can actually get some heat on her, although she's fizzling nicely. They'll always be in the ballgame. But all you can do is fight back. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:17 I'm going to write about an hour's worth of dick jokes and become famous, because apparently nobody wants to hear them. The Village Underground last week was good, though. I was giving it right back to them and they were loving it sometimes the audience is fair but uh you got a whole generation fucking brainwash there's another thing out today some poll where democrats actual politicians were no longer hiding the fact that they're for socialism which has never worked anywhere on the planet. Go to Venezuela. They're actually eating zoo fucking,
Starting point is 00:44:48 they're eating zoo animals. Literally going to the zoo and killing animals to feed their family. So if you want zebra balls every Wednesday night, along with Yazidi, vote socialist, vote Democrat. That's what they're about. They hate this fucking country.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Go to Venezuela. Johnny in Springfield. Elizabeth Warren had some comments about race in this country. I forget what that Pocahontas Indian fucking ugly six-foot-eight creature said. Refresh my memory. Johnny.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Hey, Nick. How's it going pretty good so uh elizabeth warren said that the criminal justice system is racist front to back which is speaking of colleges first of all she fucking caters to the smith college types out here in western mass she's insane but i mean my neighbor's a black cop right he goes in there you know springfield mass He goes in there every night risking his fucking life to protect the community he grew up in. Yep. And my question to Elizabeth Warren is, if she was in charge of the system and made a system that's quote unquote not racist, could you then employ that system with racists and not have the same result? Is that what she's trying to say?
Starting point is 00:46:01 I can't even follow that logic. People involved don't matter. Yeah, that's what she's trying to say? I can't even follow that logic. That the people involved don't matter? Yeah, that's what she's trying to say. Well, she's saying the system is racist. Right. If the system is racist, that means you can have a racist system with no racist cops. Does that mean her system could just employ a bunch of racists and still work? Right.
Starting point is 00:46:16 There's no fucking logic behind her. Well, there's never, especially in the issue of race. Sorry for cursing. There is no logic when it comes to the when you're discussing race especially on the left it's all emotion they keep pointing and going 60 of the people in prison in this country are people of color yeah well that speaks to who's committing the crimes not you want me to believe that they're all in there unjustly shut the fuck up you fucking indian pocahontas almost all of them are men so is it sexist yes
Starting point is 00:46:45 it's very sexist it's actually a great point you ever watch and I'm glad it's men it makes for better episodes of lock up I don't know if you watch that show I fucking every once in a while they go to a woman's prison and in three minutes into the show I'm fucking snoring because you know
Starting point is 00:47:01 it's a bunch of broads that look like me with the same haircut writing each other love notes. But, yeah, that's a great point. No, you're exactly right. Back to front. It couldn't be. You know who? Good call, Johnny, by the way.
Starting point is 00:47:18 You know who opened our eyes to that? Mark Furman. Remember during the OJ thing and he was caught years before that saying the n-word on the cop radio remember that whole fucking and he was labeled a typical racist way and and and and after it all came out Oprah had him on because he was totally he I remember him being on Oprah and this changed it a little bit he said I'm a white guy in black neighborhoods every night protecting them but I'm a fucker and. And Oprah gave him like a fair shot at it. And next thing you know, he was getting news gigs.
Starting point is 00:47:50 And Elizabeth Warren's just a dumb cunt. I don't know how to put it. That's kind of rude. But she's just typical Massachusetts. What happened to my state of Massachusetts? It's fucking embarrassing. It makes San Francisco look right wing now. But, you know, remember, she's a point
Starting point is 00:48:11 0.001 percent Cherokee or some shit. So why would anybody listen to her? Huh. Next story, please. FBI fires a PET Strzok. Wow. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired.
Starting point is 00:48:30 You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. Finally. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired.
Starting point is 00:48:37 What the fuck? That clips three seconds. Yeah, he finally got canned. He played a lead role. You know who I'm talking about. Fuckface Peter Strzok with his lovely girlfriend. Remember all the texts saying he actually said to Lisa Page, his girlfriend, we will stop him from becoming president. But none of his political bias had anything to do with his job.
Starting point is 00:48:59 He was able to separate the two. Well, apparently not. But the thing, the disturbing thing is he had a lead role in the russian meddling and the hillary clinton email probes uh but after all those texts came out you know nobody could protect it struck uh attorney ayton goldman said in a statement monday that his client a 21 year fbi veteran was fired friday afternoon claiming this was a departure from standard practice and politically it was politically motivated Goldman said bureau deputy director David Bowditch overruled the FBI's office
Starting point is 00:49:31 of professional responsibility to remove him this decision should be deeply troubling to all Americans but it's not your dickhead it's a fucking most Americans are sitting home that are saying going it's about time this jerk off is still employed by the fbi so not most americans get out of your bubble shit teeth you fuck stain all americans are troubled that peter struck uh you know they didn't go through the proper protocol it takes a long time you, when the government does an investigation. It takes forever. I thought he was gone, officially.
Starting point is 00:50:11 I mean, give me a fucking break. You fucking hypocrite. Yeah. What she said. Reacting to the firing, the president, that would be Trump, tweeted, finally, that's what I said, finally, while asking whether Russia case will now be dropped. He tweeted, Agent Peter Strzok was just fired from the FBI, finally. The list of bad players in the FBI and the DOJ gets longer and longer.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Based on the fact that Strzok was in charge of the witch hunt, will it be dropped? It is a total hoax. No collusion. No obstruction. I just fight back. All that's true. Hate to bust your just fight back. All that's true. Hate to bust your balls, America. All that's true. My question is, when is the thick-ankled dog face lying whore up in Chappaqua?
Starting point is 00:50:53 When is she going to be fucking tried for her crimes? Taking a hammer to her cell phones. She hid a secret server under her giant ass for two years. That's where she kept it. It wasn't in a closet. It wasn't in a bathroom.
Starting point is 00:51:06 She was sitting on it with that giant fucking cow ass. When is she going to be held accountable? When they find anklets big enough to get around rhino feet? Is she ever going to jail? Jesus Christ. Strzok's not going to go to jail. He'll just disappear. But he should be brought up on charges.
Starting point is 00:51:30 It's all going to blow up eventually. It's taken a long time because Mueller is stringing it out. We have the midterms coming up. It's all a nice dance, folks. You know it. I know it. Your sister knows it. Who's your sister? Diane.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Diane. Strzok was removed from the special counsel probe last year after a discovery that he exchanged Andy Trump and other politically charged men. We know that with Lisa Page. Anyways, I thought that was refreshing. What a pompous ass. Did you see him testify?
Starting point is 00:52:06 But one of his texts came out and said he vowed to stop Trump from becoming president. But that's his political bias had nothing to do with it. He could separate his job from that. Are you dog styling me? Jesus H. Christ. I wish it would all go away. You know what I do to flush all this out at the end of the night? I put on the Munsters and I laugh at Grandpa.
Starting point is 00:52:31 I put that on, sometimes leave it to Beaver. It douches my mind of what a sewer we're living in today. Back to the good old days, the 50s, white picket fence. All this shit. I like to say that to my buddy Keith Roberts what are you shitting me man come on man fucking ask black people how they had it in the 50s man
Starting point is 00:52:52 okay good point anyways that's all you he added a lengthy investigation and multiple rounds of congressional testimony failed to produce a shred of evidence that Special Agent Strzok's personal views ever affected his fucking work.
Starting point is 00:53:10 You've got to be kidding me. I know what you did. You're a damn tyrant. All right, just get the hell out of here, huh? David in Alabama. David, welcome to the show. Hey, Nick. What's up, Dave?
Starting point is 00:53:36 Hey, Nick. What's up, Dave? You're a great comic man. Been following you for a long time. Thank you, fella. Well, basically, I just wanted to ask, do you think that geography plays any part in how you feel politically? Because I'm a lifelong Democrat, but I find myself defending Trump supporters more and more. Even being surrounded by them in South Alabama, I feel like the left has gone loony. That's refreshing to hear somebody who's a Democrat say that.
Starting point is 00:54:08 If you're being totally honest with anybody who doesn't think the left has lost their fucking mind is being intellectually dishonest. You can't look at those clips of Antifa and shit. You can't look at that and you can't have been following this collusion story for the last almost two years and say, hey, there's something fucking wrong here. Somebody told me there's something called the hashtag walk away movement where Democrats are walking away. But how can that filthy douchebag Nancy Pelosi still be the face of the party? I grew up to answer your question. I grew up in Massachusetts and went to school in
Starting point is 00:54:46 Maine. And then I lived in Boston as a young adult, moved down to New York. I've been down here in New York for 20-something years. So I've been surrounded by liberalism. And I wasn't even that political until I moved to New York City. And I read the New York Times a few times. And I picked up the New York Post. and I went, holy shit, I think I'm on this team. But that's refreshing to hear you say that, that you're a Democrat. And you can see that they've fucking lost their minds, haven't they? I mean, it's just went bonkers.
Starting point is 00:55:20 So much so that, like, I mean, my father is is retired military so 30 years like and he was a lifelong democrat no kidding sounds crazy yeah today's age to say that yeah you know what i mean but uh i loved him to death and i listened to everything he said he used to tell me you know democrats are for the working man they're there for the guy who makes forty thousand dollars a year and even though i'm the highest ranklisted rank I could ever go, I served three tours in Nam, this is all I can do, so I voted for Clinton. I'm 35 now, so I listened to that, and I really believed it. I voted for Obama twice, and then after the shit fucking went down over the last couple of years i'm just like jesus christ i don't know if i've made the right move here yeah well you know your dad meant probably meant well but again
Starting point is 00:56:13 go see death of a nation if you want to see the history of the democrat party they're the history of the ku klux klan they've always been the fucking racist from the civil war on and uh they might have been for the working man for five minutes. But then that turned into unions where a bus driver in Cleveland makes $350,000 a year because he can work overtime. And Toyota had to move out of the country because after they paid everybody's benefits and dental, they were losing money on making cars. So somewhere they lost a handle on it. But God bless your dad, three tours in Nam.
Starting point is 00:56:45 But how does he feel now? Has he woken up and smelled the napalm? I mean, the coffee? He was starting to. He passed away a few years back from Agent Orange poisoning. He got cancer from it. Oh, my God. I couldn't have made a worse joke.
Starting point is 00:57:03 I apologize a thousand times that yeah the polo it's a it's all good make an even worse but not and here i i think you were starting to come around to it is a little bit we were started to get with more that this socially liberal people than it was the financially liberal people if you understand what i'm saying.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Yes. We still kind of got, and we like social programs. I mean, my mother now is 72, and thank God she has TRICARE for life. She inherited that from my father who was in the military for so long. Yep. And so her health problems are being covered by that.
Starting point is 00:57:42 But at the same time, we wonder, like, I mean, are they really looking out for our best interests? Because what I look at right now is everybody screaming and clamoring for these fucking holes who are bitching about wanting rights that they already have. I mean, Roe versus Wade happened in what, the 70s? Yeah, it's never. And they're still, we need, you know what I mean? And it just never and yeah they they're still we need you know what i mean and it just extends further and further past that and so i'm like well what fucking team am i on here i don't know i i'm literally confused well i suggest uh you go to your general manager and say you want
Starting point is 00:58:18 to be traded because uh your team is 112 games out of fucking under 500 right now. But great, great, great, great call, David. I appreciate it. But it's true, man. And what Trump's election did, him getting elected, it stripped the veneer off the fucking left. And there's a poll out today that I'm talking about elected officials, Democrats,
Starting point is 00:58:47 are no longer trying to hide the fact that they're for fucking socialism. Something that's never worked. You've always had the Bernie wing and the Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democrat Party, but that's no longer the fringe.
Starting point is 00:59:03 That's their party. Socialism. You want to have giraffe nuts? Go ahead. Mom, what's up at dinner? We're having fish sticks and parakeet teeth. Oh, yummy. I got to blow this thing up. I got to get... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:26 I'm not getting contacts, okay? Somebody said they have bifocal contacts, which sounds like a nightmare to me. If I look down just to cut hair, it's going to get blurry and look up. There's no way that can work. Bifocal glasses don't work. I'm going to have the Lasix.
Starting point is 00:59:40 And I want Asian eyes. Can they do that? I think I would look good with nice Asian eyes. Can they do that? I think I would look good with nice Asian eyes. I'll tell people I was a veteran of North... of the Korean War. Yeah, no, they can. You just have to pay a lot extra.
Starting point is 00:59:56 For what, Asian eyes? Yeah. Jason, that was a beautiful add to that joke. You came in strong with it. You delivered it like a champ. I thought the timing was solid. I think the delivery could have been better. I've got to be honest with you. I thought you fucking swung and missed on both ends. But no, that was... Fuck.
Starting point is 01:00:13 That's Jason. Ryan's on vacation with the Boy Scouts. They went to Australia. They're learning how to tie ass knots. I don't know what that means. Let's skip.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Well, if you need more evidence about the media, 128 establishment news outlets coordinate attack on Trump. This is from Breitbart, John Nolte. First time, he says, I'm aware of where the media have openly and proudly coordinated attack on Trump. This coming attack is premised on the entitled belief within the establishment media that the First Amendment protects the media from criticism
Starting point is 01:00:55 and that the First Amendment restricts a sitting president from criticizing the media, which, by the way, every president since George Washington has had a beef with the media. Once again, like it's Trump is the first one. And he didn't coin enemy of the people. They did.
Starting point is 01:01:11 You guys have done more to damage this country in the media. I'm glad he takes a big runny dump on you every fucking day on Twitter. And I hope he never stops. Now papers are getting. Listen to this. He's no. Now papers are getting... Listen to this. He says, how else do you explain 128 and counting news outlets coordinating to attack the president
Starting point is 01:01:30 but daring to criticize the media for launching coordinated attacks against him? The event is being organized by who? Guess who? By the far left Boston Globe. Once again, a decent paper when I was a kid. Now I wouldn't let my fucking cousin timmy take a dump on it well that's no it's the dog cousin timmy we named a german chef basically on august 16th some 128 strongly worded op-eds will run to mislead readers into believing criticism of the
Starting point is 01:01:59 media is unacceptable in quotes and an attack on the First Amendment. Over the weekend, Brian Stelter, a CNN goo-gobbler staffer who regularly spreads conspiracy theories, accidentally pointed out just how bad of an idea this is. Back in March, listen to this, Stelter blasted the Sinclair Broadcast Group after its local television affiliates broadcast a rather anodyne editorial against fake news. Stelter spent days savaging Sinclair for pressuring its local affiliates
Starting point is 01:02:28 to be on the same page editorial. This week, however, Stelter is all in favor of big media companies pressuring local newspapers to be on the same page editorially. He describes his upcoming attack against the president as, in quotes, another example of unity across the news business. You fucking hypocrite. He thinks they're supposed to be unified. He thinks that's a good idea.
Starting point is 01:03:00 The press is unified against the president. Unbelievable. good idea the press is unifying against the president unbelievable in other words yeah the bottom line is that the coordinated attack coming from all corners i i don't know how you can read this shit and not uh of the establishment media only serves to validate the criticism coming from trump and other media critics so 128 papers are going to get together on august whatever the date i said was 16th and and and deliver an op-ed, an anti-Trump op-ed. Because he has the balls to point out how
Starting point is 01:03:30 corrupt CNN is, and MSNBC, and ZB, and by the way, they've done a ton of polls. I mean, independent media research counts, 90, was it 93% of the stories were negative on Trump last year? He doesn't have a legitimate point how evil you people are.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Fucking Boston Globe. He used to fucking read the Globe. Mmm. Gatorade and rum. Have you tried it? Get your electrolytes and a buzz at the same time. Finally tonight. I'll save the other two for tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Fenway Park has... They have all-inclusive bathrooms now. So that's good news, huh? That's terrific news. So you can go in the bathroom. depending on how you feel you identify that day new fenway bathrooms signage focuses on gender inclusivity by the way fenway is an area in boston that fenway park also obviously the back bay fen the fens we call them, okay? But all the buildings in that area, not just Fenway Park. It says, now when you visit a Fenway health location,
Starting point is 01:04:52 you will see the following changes. Single-person restrooms at all locations will now be labeled all-gender restrooms, which is good. Now, you can go in, let's say even at fenway park which we have a picture i think of uh we have a picture at fenway uh the door i'm believing that's fenway because it's red but uh this is again the whole part of boston but that's good so now you can go in um if first of all've experienced what's, I've gone to a few restaurants that have done this.
Starting point is 01:05:26 I almost got in a fucking fight after a gig in Tarrytown. Uh, I'll get to enter that in a second. But don't you think when there's a, uh, a line a mile long at the ladies room, those women are going to go, you know what I am? I'm holding a dump. I identify as David. I'm going to the men's room and they're going to go to the men's room. And, you know, it's great.
Starting point is 01:05:51 So you can be in there, your dad with your little daughter in there. And a guy can come in, you know, and take a big dump next to your baby as you're trying to. It's good, isn't it? It's all inclusive. You know, the thing is, before all this came about, there were no problems in the bathrooms. No transgender people were getting discriminated against. There was nothing. Now it's a big fucking mess. I did a gig in Tarrytown a couple years ago.
Starting point is 01:06:13 I go to use the bathroom at this bar after, and there's a guy standing, a guy in there for like 20 minutes in the men's room. He comes out. I'm next. So I start to go. He puts his hand on my chest and lets his wife go behind him into the men's room he comes out I'm next so I start to go he puts his hand on my chest and lets his wife go behind him into the men's room she's in there having fucking hip surgery or fucking a brain transplant it must have been an hour and
Starting point is 01:06:32 a half so I start to fuck I go fuck this I try to go around him and he puts his finger on next thing you know we have each other by the shirt and and whatnot but it's good you can go into Fenway Park now with you with your little kid and listen you can But it's good. You can go into Fenway Park now with your little kid and listen. You can hear beautiful sounds like this. You're scaring the baby with your giant shit stick. How about that J.D. Martinez, huh?
Starting point is 01:07:03 How about that J.D. Martinez, huh? You're causing a lot of confusion where there should be none. Nobody was getting fucking discriminated against. Such, did you, I don't remember reading a thousand stories, do you? I'm transgender. But I'm going to use it to my advantage now. I'm telling you, if the men's room line is too long and they have bathrooms like this, all-inclusive, I'm going into the ladies' room.
Starting point is 01:07:33 What are you doing in here? Well, I'm Diane, and I'm here to change the trolley paper. I don't know. Use it to your advantage, kids. I told you, young guys, you're at a nightclub, you see some hot chicks going into the ladies' room, follow them right the fuck... Put a little rouge on, a fake lipstick, whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Follow them right in there. Kick that stall in. It's much easier than getting on Tinder or all that fucking shit. What are you doing in here? Well, I'm Pam. Nice to meet you. Do we have pictures of the signs?
Starting point is 01:08:10 I don't know if I gave those to you in the article. I can't even read all the emblems. Do we have that? Our Father. I think it's in the article. No? Yeah, it's embedded in the email. I can pull up the email.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Yeah, it's embedded in the email. Everything's embedded in the email i can pull up the email it's um yeah could you it's embedded in the email you know everything's embedded in the email you guys have to learn how to fucking un-embed the shit that's embedded in the email it doesn't matter it's got a wheelchair next to a guy look at this you gotta yeah but you gotta have your pilot's license to fucking read the signs here. There's a baby and a toilet. Changing station.
Starting point is 01:08:56 These are some of the blue ribbons I won for inclusivity with my show. What's that? Like that lady in a dress? That could be be a guy and the guy could be a woman right it says please use the restroom that best fits your gender identity yeah well again if there's a line a mile along the the men's shitter again i'm diane i'm gonna put a couple of popcorn buckets under my shirt. All right. That's enough for tonight.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Don't you think, kids? I think... I think that's enough. This is the free show, by the way, on a Monday. And go to I'll be at the Comedy Cellar tomorrow night and Wednesday. I'll save the...
Starting point is 01:09:48 We get some good footage of a fight at McDonald's. Guess who was involved in that? Let me give you a hint. They weren't from Utah. And then I got another white kid being choked out by a person of color criminal. But I'll get to that tomorrow, I guess. That's it, folks. Again, thanks for tuning in and spread the word on Facebook and everywhere else.
Starting point is 01:10:18 And remember, you think it, I'll say it. You're quite welcome. And we'll see you at the same time tomorrow. All right. Oh, say can you see By the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming Whose broad stripes and bright stars
Starting point is 01:11:10 through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched were so now Lunchly streaming And the rocket's red light I'll see you next time.

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