The Nick DiPaolo Show - H.R. 1 - Dems Destroying Democracy | Nick Di Paolo Show #501

Episode Date: March 4, 2021

H.R. 1 passes in the house. White House cuts off Biden before he can speak off-script. Migrants arrive at the border sporting Biden shirts....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, how are you folks? Welcome to the show, final day of the week, it's a Thursday. Welcome to the show. Final day of the week. It's a Thursday. Good to be with you and my fellow domestic terrorists. Yes. Don't you like that label? I am fucking. I'm just marinating in it. I love it. Domestic terrorists, huh? I got radicalized online. You know how I did that? Yeah, I went to Nancy Pelosi's website, read a couple of her speeches. Was the equivalent of a 14-year-old Arab kid who wants to become part of ISIS watching a movie about bin Laden's killing. I was fucking fuming when I got done. Then I clicked over to Bass Bro Shop and ordered a couple of guns. So maybe they're right. Maybe they are right. And we're not going to yell,
Starting point is 00:01:32 God is great before we blow something. What are we going to yell, folks? Get her done. All right. There's the start of a bit somewhere. Mother of God, Nick, what are you doing? Can't stop fucking eating. I don't buy junk food. The wife fucking, you know. She looks like Karen Carpenter when she was very sick. Bring it home. You ever have a fucking Little Debbie strawberry shortcake roll?
Starting point is 00:02:04 I was snorting them off a mirror last night right up my nose. Jesus H that I ate a box of gold, a fucking package of goldfish. Could I be any more of a fucking, that's it. I'm promising you people, I'm going to drop like 20. I want to look like Freddie Mercury right before he said, I don't feel good. All right. I've killed enough time up front.
Starting point is 00:02:27 What's the big news today, ladies and gentlemen? We talked about this yesterday. I think I touched on it, right? The HR1 bill. And I told you about what it would do. Well, apparently it passed last night in the house, like 220 to 210 or whatever the fuck by party lines, obviously. And there's the House. Look at all those jerk-offs. Everybody in there. I'm so disappointed in that so-called insurrection. That stage had been burned to the ground, and Pelosi's nipples should have come out on a platter.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Guy wearing a Trump hat, belly laughing calling covered in blood the united states house of representatives on wednesday passed hr1 otherwise known as and here's the key anytime the name sounds like it benefits us you know it's uh and it's coming from the democrats it's sticking right in your ass it's called for the people act which republicans warn will compromise election integrity and ultimately lead to the federalization of u.s elections and they're exactly right i read some of this shit the democrat-led house passed the legislation on party lines 220 to 210 that's where uh what's your name pelosi likes to keep her weight now a summary of the bill notes that it expands voter registration e.g. automatic and same day registration and
Starting point is 00:03:54 voting access vote by mail and early voting all the shit that helps you steal an election it works so well in November they're gonna it law. And then the Republicans will never win another fucking thing. And listen, it imposes limits on removing voters from voter rolls. We are finished. Good night until we meet again. Adios, au revoir, adieu. Thank you so much. That was a Bobby and a sissy singing when the buckets full of dump it.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Now a word from my friends in Battle Creek, the Kellogg's people. Yeah. So all the shit, all that shit. Imagine mandating mail-in ballots and shit. Again, it has to pass in the Senate. I'm guessing that how a bill works. Republicans have, but why wouldn't it? Don't they control that too?
Starting point is 00:04:47 Republicans have warned that the Democrat legislation would vastly reduce the power of states to control and operate elections at the local level. Yeah, well, we learned a lot from Pennsylvania, didn't we? If this bill passes, it puts in all these terrible provisions. You know who said that? This fellow here, Hans von Spakovsky. You can tell he's smart. Look at his hands. Manager of the Heritage Foundation
Starting point is 00:05:12 Election Law Reform Initiative, which I got kicked out of a couple weeks ago for chewing gum. It's a federal, he says, this is him quoted, it's a federal micromanagement of the election process and everything that folks on the left want to do to reduce the integrity and the security of the election process is in that bill. So who the fuck is running this place? You're a communist.
Starting point is 00:05:34 They are. Huh? Yeah. How do you like it? They tell you all the time what to do, what to think, what to feel. Do you want to be like a cheap? Like all those other people, man? Bah! Bah! I don't have to listen to this bullshit.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Do you want to work eight, ten fucking hours? Do you own nothing? Do you got nothing? Do you want a ciabatta on every corner, man, looking after you, watching everything you do? A ciabatta? Sorry. That just shocked me, the ciabatta line. It line was very dirty i can't even smoke if you're if you're a state like alabama or texas that has a voter id law you might as well forget it because this
Starting point is 00:06:15 federal law would override all state voter id laws so they're now unenforceable, added Mr. Spekovsky. Speaking to Breitbart News on Tuesday, Rep Mo Brooks, Alabama, good guy, warned that the Socialist Democrat Election Fraud Enhancement Act would do great damage to the nation's election system by taking power away from the states. The socialists seek to mandate no-fault absentee ballots. That means you can write it in crayon. There could be nine mistakes on it, long as it says Democrat. We're putting it through. No-fault absentee ballots, which are the tool of choice for thieves. How do you feel about stealing, Jason?
Starting point is 00:06:59 Listen to my friend here. Don't steal nobody's fucking shit. Don't touch nobody's shit. That was Clarence Thomas. I couldn't believe it. They seek to eliminate the photo identification requirement. And by the way, when the federal government does it, that eliminates all state laws to the contrary. Are you getting this? And they'll punish the states that don't go along with this. You're going to lose a seat in the house. Isn't it time for revolution and violence? I don't mean to be, nobody wants it, but seriously,
Starting point is 00:07:29 this is like we're being raped anally and just fucking laying there going, I hadn't heard that bad. That's even a horrible analogy. It's worse than that. It, to a very large degree, federalizes Mo Brooks. It micromanages the election process administered by the states. It implemented, as I mentioned, some of the worst changes in election rules that occurred during the 2020 election. The Alabama congressman continued, it requires states to restore the ability of felons to vote the moment they're out of prison, regardless of uncompleted parole, probation, or restitution requirements, or what states may believe is the appropriate restoration of voting rights for convicted felons. They want everybody. Do you see this? What a power grab
Starting point is 00:08:17 this is? Rep. Lauren Bobart, Republican Colorado, also won against the legislation during an exclusive interview with Breitbart News last week. But the For the People Act, and she says For the Swamp Act, you know, this actually, listen to this, tax dollars that will pay for a politician's campaigns. They have a matching thing in here. A major pillar of the legislation is setting up a new public financing system for congressional and presidential elections to incentivize small dollar donations.
Starting point is 00:08:50 In other words, you make a, you know how Bernie got a ton of small dollar, the government's going to match those donations from individuals with your tax money. So you're probably going to be financially supporting. I could be wrong. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Politicians that you disagree with. Do you fucking believe this? Give me the money understand everything you hear me you hear me the legislation would establish a six to one match for each grassroots contribution to a candidate up to two hundred dollars for example a a $200 donation to a House candidate would garner a $1,200 match in public funds for a total contribution of $1,400. Fucking disgusting. The reset button is pushed, folks. Other Republicans forcibly spoke out against the bill following the passage.
Starting point is 00:09:40 The House passage of H.R. 1 appears to mark the beginning of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's plans for a two-week legislative blitz, turning her chamber into a factory for Democratic priorities. And there she is with those firm bags. It really is apropos. She has a mask on pulling all these crimes. Huh? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Oh my God. Representative Mark Green tweeted. he's a Republican, H.R. 1's provision, expanding the definition of an election-related communication, will open the door for bureaucrats in Washington to label any political speech they dislike as election-related. So it'll be stricken and you'll be punished. White House cuts feed on Joe Biden. I went right into the next headline. We have to work on the segues.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Well, it is related. It's coming all from the Democrats. Do you remember when Trump became president? Remember the first couple of weeks, they're like, we have to bring up the, we got to get him on the 25th amendment. He's not fit to serve. Remember they said he was mentally ill ill they had psychiatrists weighing in
Starting point is 00:11:08 and shit how funny you look at that then look at this this guy in his late thousands running the fucking country that's what he did when they said show us your left hand so uh he was speaking yesterday on one of those things. I don't know if it was a Zoom or actual people in the room. The White House abruptly cut off the live feed. It was a live feed for an event President Joe Biden was hosting with White House Democrat caucus after the commander in chief appeared to venture off script. Oh, no, somebody they're going to lasso him in.
Starting point is 00:11:46 By saying he'd be willing to answer some questions from the audience, Biden appeared with the douche House Spancer. Spancer. House Spancer, Nancy Pelosi, and other members of the Democratic Party during the live event and spoke about his administration's ongoing obsession with COVID-19 and the steps purportedly taken to halt its spread.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Now they're taking credit. He's out there trying to take credit for all the vaccinations, all the shit Trump did. You guys are just fucking mind boggling. Oh, my God. Numbers are falling because, you know, it's been around a fucking year and a half now. And, uh, but anyways, check out the video when he thinks, yeah, I'll take questions. Tell me they're not scared to let him talk on his own. Thank you. Thank you. And I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do, whatever you want me to do. Get him out of there!
Starting point is 00:12:46 Get him out! Bye-bye, dickhead. That's his people cutting him off. Did you hear him slurring? Jason, play that again. He's slurring his words like he's drunk. Thank you, thank you. Listen.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do, Nance, whatever you want me to do. What are we doing? What's going on right now? You're drunk. You're running the free world. And you have a nice warm load in your pants. They're afraid to let him fucking take questions.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I don't know why. Everybody that's going to ask him would probably be a setup. He was probably yelling at him after going, what are you doing? I had CNN lined up. I had Rachel Maddow's life partner in the front row. Un-fucking-real. Guys, I just...
Starting point is 00:13:41 And again, people acting like it was illegitimate. The further we get away from the election people are just like yeah you won are you scared yet are you scared yet how can this end good folks even if trump let's say trump won four years from i ran and won what's that going to result in does anybody see any way out of this? Here's another sign that the FBI was so anti-Trump, even working under him, and so involved with the Russia gate and all the other. Guess, well, this is the headline here. Looks like they were involved in helping fraud, election fraud. FBI takes shredded ballots. The Gateway Pundit reported
Starting point is 00:14:26 on January 9th that the FBI in Georgia stepped in and shut down the forensic analysis of shredded ballots, took the ballots away from the forensic team and brought them back to the shredder to destroy the friggin evidence, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Here's the evidence. Today we have more on this incident from two sources. So do you guys want the real story? Are you interested
Starting point is 00:14:55 in the real story? I am. This story was first reported by Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of He reported on Twitter that the deep state
Starting point is 00:15:04 was stealing evidence in Georgia related to the 2020 election update on Georgia balance. The DHS department of Homeland security had been trying to move forward this week. Two days ago, FBI jumped in. This was on January 9th or whatever, jumped in, um, claiming jurisdiction yesterday at 3. PM FBI took control of shredding truck and materials directed they be returned to the shredding operation and the shredding job completed. That was like January 9th of 2020, 2021, I mean. We now have more information regarding this incident from individuals with knowledge of the events. This
Starting point is 00:15:46 all started when a shredding company was hired to come in and shred election material. Companies do that for a living. I own my own too. Watch. It's called the Bic lighter. When the truck arrived, the shredding truck at the scene, the material asked to be shredded turned out to be ballots and other official records from the 2020 election. Now, why am I seeing this on Fox News and maybe America One's covering it? I don't know, but this should be everywhere. And when I say everywhere, every three conservative outlets out of the 7,000 that are on, the company began shredding the material into little balls which are basically impossible to piece back together once they're uh shredded uh in that manner after the shredder operator
Starting point is 00:16:31 obtained the material to shred he noticed something unusual and eventually connected with members of the trump team who were in georgia at the time he explained the situation and brought the material to this trump related, this group of individuals who are connected to the investigation to uncover the 2020 election fraud immediately began sifting through what was not yet fully destroyed. They reportedly found shipment transit receipts linked to China. To China. Are you interested in the real story?
Starting point is 00:17:04 Yes. Biden's son,? Yes. Biden. Hunter Biden. Okay. I'll say that again. Transit receipts linked to China. Ballots. And other sensitive information related to the 2020 election.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Nothing to see here, folks. A local DHS investigator was also invited to review the material. When the China information was found, the information was immediately shared with the Trump White House and the DHS in Washington, D.C. One of our sources believes it was the DHS in Washington that then notified the friggin FBI. DHS is Department of Homeland Security or Danvers High School where I went. That notified the FBI about the situation. Can you fucking... Is this moron number one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Put moron number two on the phone. I got some information. Within a short period of time, the local DHS investigator was pulled off the case by a very senior individual with the DHS. How fishy is this? All right, get out! Soon thereafter, the
Starting point is 00:18:06 FBI showed up and ordered the investigation to be shut down. The FBI insisted they had jurisdiction over the review of these ballots in Georgia. Are you kidding me? I'm going to kill you, you light-gut sucker!
Starting point is 00:18:21 They took control of the shredding truck and materials and demanded the shredding operation be completed. Fortunately, there were photos taken of some of the information found in the shredded material before the FBI ordered it destroyed. That's the beauty of a cell phone. The investigation was thwarted by the FBI. The evidence was destroyed we have two sources who contributed to this report and nobody knows where they are now
Starting point is 00:18:49 check the shredding machine you'll find a necktie and a pair of ground teeth do you fucking believe that? why isn't this everywhere? oh that's right that's right I forgot the mainstream media is a propaganda arm of the Democrats. Yeah, no, it was above board, the election.
Starting point is 00:19:12 No doubt about it. He won it fair and square. There was so much fucking evidence that that's to the contrary. I could shit blood right now. I'm just, people should be mad. I'm just people should be mad and again looking back I'm so I'm so disappointed
Starting point is 00:19:28 at that January 6th insurrection again half of them were in TIPA I don't give a fuck that'll come out to eventually like I told you yesterday watch the fucking footage closely I want you to go online tonight be a homework watch the January 6th ride and when the cops are
Starting point is 00:19:44 pushing tell me anybody is really trying to hurt anybody to go online tonight for your homework. Watch the January 6th riot and when the cops are pushing. Tell me anybody is really trying to hurt anybody. It looked like fucking Scorsese was direct. Cut! Guy in a Trump shirt. You got to look more angry. Punch that woman in the head with a fucking Biden t-shirt. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:20:00 But you know what it did? Whether it was real or not. I think it's a big play. But apparently QAnon, I'm becoming a big fan, supposedly crazy, you know, conspiracy theorists. They put out a threat. I don't know if you guys know that. They're saying on March. Is it March 4th or 6th, I think March 6th, they have a theory there's going to be another insurrection and Trump's going to be put back in power. And you're probably going, that's fucking crazy, which I think is too. But apparently, and again, I don't know if they're legitimately scared, the people, the Democrats, or they're just playing along because they wrote the script. Leaders of the House of Representatives decided to scrap planned votes on Thursday,
Starting point is 00:20:45 that will be today, due to reports that QAnon conspiracy theory adherents may attempt to storm the Capitol in a far-fetched scheme to return former President Trump to the office, according to Democratic congressmen. So they were scheduled to vote on something today, and they frigging moved it. That's enough for me i hope they really believe it they shit in their pants faggots the capitol complex is rigged with non-scalable barbed wire topped eight foot fences and and is still guarded by hundreds of National Guard members following the January 6th Capitol riot, during which a mob, and it says of Trump supporters, wink, wink, smashed into the building and disrupted certification of President Biden's victory. Not good enough. He's the president. I'm not buying any of that shit. Keep saying it.
Starting point is 00:21:42 You're lying. Yes, they are. And you're a piece of shit. I'm not buying any of that shit. Keep saying it. You're lying. Yes, they are. And you're a piece of shit. But House leaders were fearful enough of another assault to move Thursday's votes to last night.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Rep Jim Hines, Democrat, told CNN, who's still on the fucking air, they're shitting their pants. obviously from a security standpoint it's better to have a scattering to the four winds as opposed to all concentrating in one building heim said i hope i really hope this is that they're genuinely scared but if i believe that it diffuses my other theory that they're all in on the shit but the democrat who was a member of House of Intelligence Committee said he found it doubtful that anyone would be able to breach the Capitol given the intense security. Yeah, exactly. There's no, they have no evidence. Remember that for the last, since the election, they've been saying, oh, there's chatter online, but nobody can get specific about it. Capitol Hill, and it makes me sad to report this, is still an armed camp.
Starting point is 00:22:48 This is Himes talking, Democrat. There are very heavily armed, body armed national guardsmen all over the place. There are still fences. You can't get near the Capitol without an ID, Himes said. And again, he's a Democrat. Well, whose fault is that? You know who. Pelosi, AOCoc all this shit you know when i talked about the hr1 bill and how left it is and how it's going to just wipe out the republic
Starting point is 00:23:14 can't you tell don't biden has nothing to do with that that just it has a whiff of AOC in her shitty Hispanic perfume. Fucking Bernie Sanders, all the America haters. Biden, the plan's working perfectly. He's a puppet. The House will vote late into the night on legislation, including police reform bills, so that it won't have to convene on Thursday because they could get hurt. Somebody with a Viking hat could come in
Starting point is 00:23:44 and hit him with a spitball. Baguette! The threat reportedly involves online chatter about a theory that Trump will return to power because March 4th, that's today. I said the 6th, that's today. So sit home and watch TV. You might see something. It's my sister's birthday.
Starting point is 00:24:03 She's more right-wing than me. She's probably on an Amtrak train right down there. Trump will return power because March 4th was historically a date for presidential inaugurations before that was modified to January 24th. I hope all that was I really do I am your voice Oh God help us ladies and gentlemen Somebody I almost blew an accidental snot right there Can you imagine? Are they scared? What do you think think or is this part of the show
Starting point is 00:24:47 because i believe all that fence and barbed wire that's optics just letting you know nobody's even questioning why our fucking capital has been occupied for the last few months the soldiers we did a report yesterday they're feeding them raw fucking beef. They're laying on floors. It's like a third world. Fucking Russia and China must be laughing their balls off. And we're doing it to ourselves. They don't even have to get involved, in my opinion. Although, apparently, from those receipts they shredded, China was involved.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Sidney Powell, doesn't matter how much evidence you got, apparently, all the courts are fucking Trump haters and deep state cocksuckers. A large number, here's the next headline, a large number of migrants, this fucking will infuriate you, were photographed near California at the U.S.-Mexico border wearing guess what, folks? No.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Not Yves Saint Laurent gowns. Biden T-shirts. And on the T-shirt, it had a question that asked they'd be let into the united states it's look biden can we please be let in it's a sick question you're a sick fuck and i'm not that sick that i'm gonna answer it yeah you are joey the photographs were taken on tuesday on the mexican side of the border at the San Ysidro. I know right where that is. Crossing Port in Tijuana, Baja California State. Here's some tweets of people that were really pissed about it, right?
Starting point is 00:26:20 I sent you a bunch of tweets from politicians, didn't I? Oh, is this just pictures of people? Oh, there's one. Got another one. Do we already show? That looks like L.A. I know. Is that the wall?
Starting point is 00:26:36 Very easy to get over. Ten fingers. They ask finger race. Look at Biden t-shirts i bet you it's the coyotes and the uh the human smugglers and they do deals with the people look if you bring us six kids on a company you get a free biden t-shirt and go to the biden website get a biden loves greasy mug what look at this folks look at this this ain't gonna be a crisis in 30 seconds the president is working to process as many as 25 000 asylum seekers you know why that is because he's a real jack off 25 000 asylum seekers who were forced to wait in Mexico under the Trump administration's remain in shithole.
Starting point is 00:27:28 I mean, remain in Mexico policy under the Migrant Protection Protocol. That's the MPP. I'll be selling MPP mugs soon. Fox News reported that Biden has promised to accept more refugees into the country during his time in office and implement more humane policies, such as a proposal to pay for the transportation in the health care costs of migrant families who were separated at the border under Trump. Again, those are your tax dollars, folks. Just remember. And that's what Biden's plan to do. What a vindictive and phony
Starting point is 00:28:05 fuck oh that dirty cocksucker may he have brain cancer just like fucking john mccain and ted kennedy the same kind that kills you in eight minutes our father who art in heaven two u.s lawmakers both democrats listen to this these are democrats here's a good sign folks these are democrats saying b Biden's fucking policies are going to be getting us in deep shit already. Two United States lawmakers, both Democrats,
Starting point is 00:28:32 warned this week that Biden's immigration policies are causing a crisis on the border that will be disastrous for their party and for the country. Well, that's all we're counting on. They're going to overplay the hand,
Starting point is 00:28:44 which they're already doing. I'm not even doing a story I heard last night before I fell asleep. My doll face, Shannon Breen, was talking about flags, American flags. They're trying to pass a bill that they can't. They can only be so big and you can only have so many on your property and they can't be bigger than like other flags. Can you make this up? Could you make this up? That probably doesn't offend guys who lost their arms and legs fighting this country.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Anyways, back to the Democrats, even saying Biden's nuts. Rep. Henry Cuellar, Democrat, Texas, warned the Biden administration against easing up too much on unauthorized immigrants, citing their impact on his constituents, local hospitals, and their potential to spread coronavirus. Not to mention other shit that we wiped out in 1933. Okay, this is a Democrat, Cuellar. Okay, this is a Democrat, Cuellar. Axios reported that Cuellar sees that the pro-immigration agenda that the far-left Democrats are pushing could blow up in the administration's face. You got that right. It's mind theater, folks.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Cuellar hopes the administration continues using a Trump-era public health order to quickly expel migrant adults. Here's a Democrat hoping we go back to Trump's policies at the border. You guys have outrun your coverage. You Democrat left wing, far left. You don't even know what that means for you sports people. You're probably a little young. They used to say that. Jason, you remember that phrase? When a punter would
Starting point is 00:30:37 outpunt his coverage, he'd boom the ball so far that the guys going down couldn't catch up. And the guy who caught it would get like a 30 yard running start. What? I should be at ESPN arguing with Stephen Smith. Anyways, so this guy is hoping that they go back to what Trump was doing. You remember what Trump said about these people? They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists.
Starting point is 00:31:04 And some probably have people but but but anyways so he's worried about these migrant adults and their families uh you know having covid they're doing this they're letting people pour in during a pandemic which tells you what the pandemic is a hoax. He said smugglers will likely use the shift in immigration tactics from the Trump to the Biden administration to convince migrants to come to the United States. Well, apparently they're already convinced. They already have the Biden T-shirt. They had a couple with Pelosi mugs and there was another guy doing Chuck Schumer shots out of a tequila out of a Chuck Schumer shot glass during an interview at CNN this week rep of Vincente
Starting point is 00:31:50 Gonzalez another Democrat Texas made even more dire remarks about the situation at the border these are that's him what's his name Gonzalez yeah Jesus Christ I look more like a Gonzalez and he does he says well my again this is a Democrat talking about Biden's policies as far as immigration. Well, my concern at this in the recent weeks in my district, migrants who made it across the border, who even passed the line of MPP, that's migrant protection protocols, who were 5000 folks that have been waiting for two years across the border, made it across the Rio Grande Valley, were processed and released. Gonzalez responded, if that is the message that we sent to Central America and around the world, I can assure you, and he said this in English,
Starting point is 00:32:38 it won't be long before we have tens of thousands of people showing up to our border. Well, thanks for connecting the dots. Biden undoing everything Trump did to finally slow down this mess. This is hilarious. That's what this is. That was Nicholson and a few good men when they're trying to arrest him. That's funny. That's what this is. I'm going back to my MPs. Grab the... That's funny. That's what this is. I'm going back to my MPs. Grab the. And he continued, and it'll be catastrophic for our party, for our country, for my region, for my growing, my mother's hairdo and all kinds of kids. What? For my district in the middle of a pandemic in an area where we've lost over 3,000 people in my small congressional district, he continued. He says, so I think we need to have a better plan in place. I think asylum seekers
Starting point is 00:33:32 should be able to ask for asylum and be processed in their home country, like Trump was doing, or a neighboring country, like let's say Australia. a neighboring country, like let's say Australia, and we shouldn't have a policy in place that impulses people to make this 2,000 mile trek where cartels and human traffickers are enriching themselves. Wow, wow, wow. Biden's been in office how long? A couple months, and he's already got people in his party going, what the fuck are you doing? And Biden's going to say, it's not me. I'm just moving my lips.
Starting point is 00:34:12 I have AOC's hand up my ass like I'm Miss Piggy here. She's Jim Anson. What are you blaming me for? I had to have my wife brush my teeth this morning. I'm not making the call on the shots. Unbelievable. It really is an interesting time, folks. It really is. Where is this headed? There's nobody out there smart enough to, well, actually Trump, believe it or not. You ever click on bait, click bait, they go, there's always one that catches my eye.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I'm so stupid, I've read it three times. IQs of all the president. My memory's so bad, I can't remember. Guess, did you know Donald Trump was up there like third or fourth highest, I think, like 158 or some shit? How about that? I told you, I went to good schools. You thought I was dumb.
Starting point is 00:35:03 I took my father's business, ran it into the ground but brought it back he must have been one fucking animal imagine dealing with him as a businessman when he was young I love the guy folks sorry about that I fucking love him and you should love him too when you hit your knees tonight
Starting point is 00:35:22 please say a prayer for Brian Piccolo anyways And you should love them too. When you hit your knees tonight, please say a prayer for Brian Piccolo. Anyways, I'm losing my shit. You know why? Last day. Hey, everybody, my fans. First of all, you're the best. I can't thank you enough. So many of you have been purchasing Nick DiPaolo's show gear.
Starting point is 00:35:41 And I encourage you people to take pictures, you know if you're the ft especially the girls nick you can't well i can't i love conservative women here are a couple photos i got from fans this one is from stacy who gets it who got the official nick topolo show logo t-shirt and i do have to say it looks better on her than it does jason jason stayed at my house the other night with my wife and he had that on but nope i didn't understand what was going on but uh those are some fucking long gams i'll tell you that much stacy thank you now if you got a daughter give her one i uh what what are you anthony cuomo anthony how about andrew i never touched nobody.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I grabbed the bitch's face at the wedding. Big fucking deal. I mean, uh, I never, I didn't make, I made him uncomfortable. I regret that, but, uh, I was just trying to get some finger popping going. I mean, they're playing the music. Here's one from our buddy down under. I love this guy, Lee Priest, uh, who's such a great supporter of the show. Look at his forearm. Now, he told me in a text that he's 5'5". How is that possible? Look at that forearm. Look at that bicep.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Mother of Christ. And he's never lifted weights. Never touched a weight in his life. He was born like that. Look at that ham hock. It's a leg of lamb. Thank you, Lee. He's a good supporter of the show.
Starting point is 00:37:16 And anyway, get all the Nick DiPaolo Show logo gear and the knicker designs on my website at And if you have a photo of yourself that, you know, in a shirt or a hat or sitting in a mug and you want us to share it on the show, send it in, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:36 through my website as well again. Everything, all the stuff's at And I thank you guys. You really are the best. It's a way we stay afloat, folks is tough you know what i'm saying one-time donations i have to thank these people my great fans lucas knox minnesota craig goodmanson washington roy lind norway i love it Love it. Roy, send a picture of your niece. Robert Curley, New York. Nathan Stevens, Georgia. Louis Jones, Illinois.
Starting point is 00:38:11 David DaCasa, New York. Dr. Seuss Matters, Kentucky. Ron Raymond, New Jersey. And we had one monthly contributor sign up. I hope I get a bunch over the weekend. That's how it is. Eric Smith from California. Eric, thank you so much. And guys, Eric, get out of California.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Please. Eric, are you listening? Get the fuck out of there. I don't care if you're a billionaire and you're living next to P. Diddy in Malibu. Get out of there. How many times am I going to tell you? Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I don't give a fuck where you're going. Take a back at him. Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. In our shut up and make me a sandwich segment tonight. You two shut up and make me a sandwich. Rachel, BLT, you know how I like it. Curly from the Stooges on the right with a wig.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I want a cheesesteak. That's all I have to say. Next story. Isn't it great that we're all worried about getting vaccinated and shit and they're making you wear masks and double masks. And while they're doing that, guess what? That is illegals pouring in from countries
Starting point is 00:39:32 where they haven't even cured dandruff yet. They're fucking coughing up shit. Anyways, illegals test positive for CCP. I thought that was some type of Russian hockey team. What is that? Corona? China Corona? Virus? More than 100 illegal immigrants released into Texas. Can you imagine? Think about this. We got people moving to Texas, right? From California. It's perfect. If you sneak in, you just get in with them. Whatever. You do like Max Cady did in
Starting point is 00:40:07 what's the movie? Cape Fear. You wait for a family like in Sherman Oaks as they're packing up to move the day they're driving to Texas. You grab underneath and you hold the SUV and you hold on to the underneath all the way. Immigrants
Starting point is 00:40:25 released into Texas since late January by U.S. border agents have tested positive for CCP virus, which causes COVID-19. So next time somebody tells you to put a mask on, you just say, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, up for the next thousand years, letting these people in, un-fucking-tested, then telling you how big a flag can be in your, are you shitting me? It's just unbelievable. And then change HR1, your tax money's going to go to support shit you don't even support. Felipe Romero, shortstop for the Mets, was let go today because he could only go to his left. Look at the hands on Felipe. I guess it's the camera.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Felipe Big Hands Romero, a spokesperson for Brownsville, Texas, told Fox News that 108 migrants tested positive for the CCP virus since January 5th when rapid testing began. That represents about 6.3% of the total undocumented, who's saying undocumented, illegals who rapid tested at Brownsville bus station. Is that where we're doing medical work now, at a Brownsville bus station? I had my ass swabbed at Midas Muffler yesterday. The guy said it was part of the Georgia New Rule. I said, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Officials at the Department of Homeland Security, that would be DHS, the agency that oversees the Border Patrol, didn't immediately respond to a request by the Epoch Times, which is a great publication, for comment. Of course, they didn't pick up their phone. Hello? Hello? Hello? We're not home. Hello? Hello? Hello? We're doing the dishes. Come back. Romero told Fox that the city doesn't have the authority to halt migrants who test positive for the virus from traveling anywhere else in the United States. Well, give them the power.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Although officials have advised them to quarantine and follow federal health god would you give them a pamphlet are you fucking dog oh my god we're fucked beyond fuck how'd you like to be living in brownsville i mean we're joking around here you got kids and you're doing the right thing you're paying your taxes your daughter comes home with leprosy whenever tits falls off in the shower I mean what are you Nick calm down our father who art it in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in Mexico as it's done in heaven. Something about eating bread and drinking Sprite. The city of Brownsville continues to follow all guidelines provided by the CDC and Department of State Health Services for COVID-19. The migrants who test positive at the B Metro facility will be taken out and shot behind a tent. No.
Starting point is 00:43:43 positive at the B Metro facility will be taken out and shot behind a tent. No. They're advised to quarantine procedures and are asked to socially distance. You tell people who live 11 to a one bedroom to socially distance. They stack 60 in an SUV, but you got to socially distance once you get here. Romero also told Noticias del Mundo investigation, there are several NGOs, those are non-governmental organizations,
Starting point is 00:44:18 providing resources to a positive case. He said to the, for example, organizations help with quarantine either in a shelter, or guess what, send them to a positive case. He said to the, for example, organizations help with quarantine either in a shelter or guess what? Send them to a hotel. That's right. Maybe there's a comedian there staying on the third floor
Starting point is 00:44:31 and you can let Andre and fucking Maria stay right on the couch. Can I ask you seriously, these hotels that they're using, are they hotels that had closed or? Right. Somebody explain this to me. Don't tell me they're using? Are they hotels that had closed or? Somebody explain this to me. Don't tell me they're like functioning hotels. And once, let's say they're not,
Starting point is 00:44:52 and they're all filled with quarantine people. Is anybody ever going to stay there again? I mean, if this is a real disease. I mean, I won't even touch the remote at a Red Roof Inn. Trying to change the channel with my big toes. Since the city started testing the migrants on January 25th, there has been 6.3%
Starting point is 00:45:10 of positive cases. The Cameron County positivity rate is 13.8%. So let them all in. And believe me, you're going to hope it's just COVID they're bringing. Several illegal immigrants
Starting point is 00:45:23 told Notias Talamando investigation that they tested positive for the CCP virus after taking a rapid test in Brownsville, which is located near the U.S.-Mexico border. I could have sworn I read that already. Did you do that again to me? We were tested by the COVID,
Starting point is 00:45:42 for COVID, and they separated about eight of us because we were positive. Miriam Isagar said of Honduras on March 2nd, we are waiting now, she says. She was waiting to catch a bus. She says we are waiting now, meaning I think for the results. And then the next thing, the guy who wrote this says she's waiting for a bus to Houston. That's what she's waiting for. Isn't that what you're saying?
Starting point is 00:46:08 We're waiting for like the results. And the guy's like, yeah, you're waiting for a bus to fucking Houston. Some illegal immigrants who told the network they had tested positive said they are planning to go to New Jersey. So in Maryland, good. Moving next to the Bidens. In North Carolina. So you guys in those states, put on your mask. All right, get up. Yeah. Now you got the problem. You're at home. It's nighttime and you hear a fucking noise in the backyard. You look out and you see like three Latonians
Starting point is 00:46:41 with masks on. You're like, are they just sneaking in? Are they COVID or are they going to fucking break up? Nick, that's racist. I know it's the internet. Eva Orellana, 29, told the outlet that she's planning to go to North Carolina because she's a big basketball fan and she wants to spread that shit. She wants to spread it to the Duke players on the way. We were wearing a mask all the time. A gel washing our hands.
Starting point is 00:47:11 She said, really? I don't feel anything. Yeah. That's how it works because you know what? You don't have anything representative, a Henry Quay, a Democrat who April mentioned whose congressional district lies partially on the border, told Fox
Starting point is 00:47:27 News this week that the surge of migrants along the border may turn into a full-fledged crisis. It's not a crisis yet, but it will become a crisis, he says. The numbers have been increasing, and as your report just said a few minutes ago, the numbers are just increasing every day. The number of unaccompanied kids, the number of families who are coming in are just increasing every effing day, I added. In my district, just a couple of days ago, 166 people, he said, and it goes on, and just different numbers are going up. So it's not a crisis yet, but it's going to get there very, very soon, and he's pissed at his own party. And you blew it! You blew it!
Starting point is 00:48:08 You did. That's a good sign for us, isn't it? The Dems are starting to come around. Two of them. You know, Cuomo. I want to see how Cuomo gets out of it. I guarantee you, slap on the wrist. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Let me hold your face. Maybe we can dance. Lovely, you never invited me for a cup of coffee. When you show up at the mansion, you want me to touch your boobs. I'm about to show you a clip. You know how much I hate Pelosi and Hillary, how they're neck and neck? I will sleep with both of them tonight before I fucking talk to this woman for a sec. This is the most racist minority in our country with the most power.
Starting point is 00:49:01 She's the president of the school union out in Los Angeles. And she is the most hateful. I think she's Hispanic. Doesn't matter. She hates white people. I'm showing you a clip that she put on a website a few weeks ago. I think Tucker Carlson had one even more recently, just as hateful. This fucking broad.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Seriously, trigger warning. You want to hear somebody who hates white people and keep in mind she's the president of the uh the union school unions that affects your kids every day listen to this this is a perfect example of somebody she's uh like my age or younger who's younger younger than me, actually. First of all, her voice is unlistenable. You're going to want to put a bullet in her head too. She's a man, in my opinion. So she's just angry.
Starting point is 00:49:51 She doesn't know what the fuck she is. Hates white people. She's perfect. This is the people they vote in. I don't even know if you vote in, you're appointed. I don't give a fuck. If there was a white person saying the shit that she's saying, again, she's a school union president.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Huge power. She can't be fired, by the way. UTLA president, Cecily. I hate white people. Mywort, I think, or Mywort Cruz. I had to fucking pause my TV. I was watching the first three minutes. I paused it.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I went upstairs and tried to play cocaine on my guitar. Got even more mad. Came back down. But just listen to this ugly, left-wing, outright racist minority female. Hit it. There are some lines being crossed. female hit it there are some lines being crossed whether it's news anchors radio host or frustrated parents who are spewing hate racism and misogynistic behavior pause that means white people right racist white guys misogynistic this is the most hateful twat i could just
Starting point is 00:51:07 poke her eyes out right go ahead and we have to call out the privilege there not all parents are experiencing this crisis the same way pause translation white people have it better when it comes to the covet crisis. Perpetual victim. This shit is so ingrained in her from her education. I wouldn't even look up her background. Plus, she's just an angry, ugly bitch to begin with. She hates the world. Listen to her voice first. I just. She's a malignant cunt. I know, Paulie. I didn't want to say that. Go ahead. For too many black and brown families, this pandemic has meant economic disaster. Pause.
Starting point is 00:51:48 As opposed to white people who own restaurants and shit. You dumb cunt. Go ahead. A loss of their loved ones. Just black and brown people. Pause. How many of the 15,000 people that died in New York nursing homes are black and brown? I'm sure enough, but have you ever? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Just incredible. Saying the temporary trauma from crisis distance learning is greater than the illness and death of family members, minimizes the reality that COVID-19 disproportionately impacts poor, black, Latino, and Pacific Islander families. Pause. You racist twat. That statement meant everybody, black, brown, yellow, red. It didn't just mean fucking, oh my God. My vagina's angry. It is.
Starting point is 00:52:51 My vagina is pissed off. It is. It's pissed off. I'm gonna rub it later. My vagina is furious. Yes, it is. Let the ugly bitch say some more. I hate the Los Angeles. Because it is the working class families of la who suffer the most that'll be black and brown no white elected county and state officials have made the decision to let
Starting point is 00:53:15 this disease run rampant although thankfully how can that be when you're living in a state that has the most rules? The governor is actually being fucking booted out because he's overdoing it with rules. What are you fucking talking about? Do you see that? This is a perfect. She is a victim to the core. Ugly, stupid fucking mouth. There's not enough angry buttons here for me today. Go ahead. Illness and death among children are rare. 78% of the children who have died in the U.S. are children of color. This disease was disproportionately killing white children, parents and grandparents. The response to COVID-19 from our politicians would have looked very different. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:54:19 Imagine some politician, white politician, go, you know, maybe it's because you don't take care of your kids. They're running wild in a fucking street. How about that? Where's the politicians going to say that? We're never going to be in the fight until people start saying shit like, people in positions of power. I know we get Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan. No, I want you to take it up a notch.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I want you to be bleeped on national TV calling this bitch the hateful racist that she is. Nobody will call her a racist. She's just angry. I don't like this woman. You fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Good. That was it. Oh, I could use more. It's like a good song. Oh, my God. Have you ever? So it's all a plot to let brown and black kids die how come you're the only one saying that lady oh that's right you're president of a school unit in the biggest state in the you know she can't be fired this whore
Starting point is 00:55:20 but something could happen to her brake lines in her toyota i don't know what who said the problem you're the fucking problem you fucking dr y onking jam rag arkin spunk bubble i'm telling you h you keep looking at me i'm gonna put you in a fucking do you see where there's no way out of this how does she get that position of president out and out. Who's the black lady behind her? Is that a painting? Then she goes on to say this pig, I'm feeling that this is a black history month like no other coming up after a righteous reckoning on racism and the unjust killing of black people by the police. This is a, this is the student. This is the fucking president of the school unions. So you wonder what they're feeding your kids as far as curriculum. We are living history.
Starting point is 00:56:13 The Nobel Peace Prize nomination for the Black Lives Matter movement is history, she says. No, it should be history. The Nobel Peace Prize nomination for voting rights activist Stacey Abrams is history yeah wrong side of history and we know the truth about Black History Month it should not be a month it should be all the time year round yeah we don't talk about it enough oh my god to mark the achievement of black people and celebrate those who are still rising and blazing trails year round we need to commit to action to dismantling the scaffolds on which white supremacy is built including in our systems of education so you can imagine what kind of curriculum she's going to approve and to keep pushing ourselves as educators towards anti-racist
Starting point is 00:57:06 practices in our schools. We'll share some of the resources in the chat, including a link to Black Lives Matter at schools, which is building an awesome year of purpose to advance abolitionist practice. What are we, at 18? Fucking 12? Abolitionist practice and uproot institutional racism. Have you ever heard somebody so unhappy? Kill the white people!
Starting point is 00:57:37 She never gives any specifics either. She doesn't point to anything in the system, specifically that's oppressing people. It's just, for whatever reason in the mainstream, it's enough just to say there's racism and everyone nods their heads that's been going on for 20 years jake your button's still on here you go um that's been going on forever that's why they yell systemic racism or institutional racism and again it relieves them of the obligation of actually pointing out individual cases and actual evidence.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Just easy to go. The whole fucking system is rigged against us. She's as hateful. Seriously. I'd hang out with Al Sharpton. I'd take him as a roommate before I talk to this bitch for a second. I have never disliked anybody so much in my life. How does she get put in that position?
Starting point is 00:58:25 Fucking California, you get what you deserve, man. Finally tonight, New York, speaking of New York, is rolling out an app to use to show your coronavirus status to enter sports and entertainment venues. Oh my God. Welcome to the new normal. With the limited resumption of sporting events at venues in new york madison square garden and the barclay center will be used a they're going to be testing grounds for a new digital pass that could confirm the owner's covet status it will confirm an individual's vaccination or recent negative coronavirus
Starting point is 00:59:05 tests. In other words, it's like you being Jewish, walking the streets in Poland in 1946 and a Nazi comes out. Do you have your fucking papers? It's another way to track people. This is the silliest shit. I got to think the more governors that stand up like DeSantis,
Starting point is 00:59:26 the guy in Texas and somebody else, Mississippi, I think that's going to get a groundswell gone. We're going to, you know what? Fuck you. Stop us. And then society comes apart.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Um, yeah. So show us your walking papers. And for you, do I get it? All right. Do I get it? Flies. I get it. What did he say? Show us your walking papers. And for you, do eigenarbeit, do eigenen fleisch, eigenen Trostein.
Starting point is 00:59:46 What did he say? He says we're sitting in row three, section nine. First tested at the Brooklyn Nets game at Barclays Center on February 27th. What is it called? The Excelsior Pass created with IBM was tested for a second time during the New York Rangers game on Tuesday at Madison Square Garden. Like a mobile boarding pass, people can print out their Excelsior pass or store it on their smartphones. The pass has a, you know it's coming, folks.
Starting point is 01:00:14 You're going to have to have this. I can't wait to see this country fall apart. The pass has a secure QR code, which the venue then scans to confirm the owner's COVID status. The QR code only informs the venue if a pass is valid or invalid. Yeah, I'm sure that's all it does. And then the information is sent right to fucking Amazon, where two seconds after you open your phone the next time, you'll get an advertiser for New York Knicks sportswear.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Plans are in the works for the Excelsior pass to make its way to Apple and Google app stores. Oh, I can't wait. What am I? I don't live in New York. We're doing everything we can to vaccinate as many New Yorkers as possible as quickly as possible while keeping the infection rate down and re-energizing our economy in a safe, smart way.
Starting point is 01:01:05 And you know who said that, ladies and gentlemen? Governor Andrew. It sounds like the orca and jaws were in the boat. The engine was starting to... Remember, Quint was pushing it too fast. Whoopi's like, don't push it. Oh, shut up. That was Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Starting point is 01:01:36 He was weighing in as he was finger popping one of his A's. As we begin reopening the valves on different sectors of our economy, we are putting guidelines in place to ensure individuals attending events involving larger gatherings have tested negative for COVID or have been vaccinated to avoid an outbreak of the virus. Then he and then he added this. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Imagine right in the middle of the interview. The Excelsior Pass will be tested for a second time during the New York Rangers game on Tuesday at Madison Square Garden.
Starting point is 01:02:12 As of February 23rd, the venues with over 10,000 seats were allowed to reopen at 10% capacity. What a faggy state. All staff and guests must have negative PCR tests within 72 hours of the event and wear face coverings. The Excelsior Pass will play a critical role in getting information to venues and sites in a secure, streamlined way, allowing us to fast track the reopening of these businesses and getting us one step closer to reaching a new normal. And then Cuomo added this.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Again, I don't condone that. Anyways, that is it, ladies and gentlemen, for the week. I want to thank you again for your support. You guys are the best. Don't forget
Starting point is 01:02:59 That is the new permanent home of the show where I'll be able to say everything. We're still adding platforms. We're already on Rumble and BitChute and Gab and we're adding more. We brought a guy back into the fold
Starting point is 01:03:11 that worked for us. He brought us from 10,000 followers on YouTube to about 100,000 in about, what, eight, nine months. He's back in the fold and we will be dominating the world soon. So move your stuff over there if you haven't yet.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Don't forget If you'd like me to roast one of your friends or relatives, I will make a personal video on my phone and send it to them. You go to, click on the profile of me and fill in a little information and I can make or break the day. It's fun to zing zang. Got three waiting for me right now. That is it. Do I got it all, Jace? Good week, by the way.
Starting point is 01:03:53 You guys think it. I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here. I can't believe I'm saying this again. On Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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