The Nick DiPaolo Show - ICE Arrests Columbia U Antisemite | Nick Di Paolo Show #1705
Episode Date: March 10, 2025In this episode Nick talks about Premises Kept, Plane Danger, a Rough Landing and more! Try VIIA with code NICKDIP at To watch FULL EPISODES and get ALL RUMBLE PREMIUM content ...AD FREE, join by clicking the link below, then the red RUMBLE PREMIUM button – enter Promo Code MUGCLUB and get $10 off an annual subscription! MERCH - TOUR DATES AND MORE - 4/25/2025 - Cohoes Music Hall, Cohoes, NY 5/15-16/2025 - Zanies, Rosemont, IL SOCIALS -
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I certainly am.
How are you folks?
I gotta learn my own opening on my guitar.
I, uh, Zeppelin, I don't know how old you guys are, but Zeppelin in their heyday to
me. I mean the Stones, yes, but Jesus Christ. As far as that heavy metal shit,
when they are, and I've turned into the guy I didn't want to be with my guitar.
I'm the guy that knows a thousand opening riffs. What am I gonna practice the rest
of the song, the rhythm by myself?
But this guy Marty Schwartz on YouTube, he's a great teacher and that's his favorite band.
And I found a thing of him going, teaching you the 10 best Zeppelin riffs.
And I'm like a fucking 14 year old.
I'm in my room and I won't come out.
Gotta go to work fuck that
Wife's out doing the taxes. I'm trying to get down the fucking first three bars to fucking back in black
What are you a child yes, I am how are you folks did you have a good weekend? I officially have a trick back
My dad had a back that would go out
I mean and he'd be on the couch for a week and then force himself to go to work but bent over as
I famously said one of my specials the posture of a jumbo shrimp I
Have I have a nerve pinched nerve. I was working out
It wasn't anything that I did while I was working out.
It stiffened up when I got home a little bit.
Last week, I went to get up.
I got a pain in my fucking back that,
and I have a high threshold for pain.
I do.
I grew up with a Marine for a father.
And if you cried, if you skinned your knee,
he'd go, well, cry about this.
Crack you with a monkey wrench.
So I fucking, it has to be a nerve.
I literally see stars.
And it brings me, as I stand up from a chair,
this is what it's like.
You guys know.
Anybody's had this back.
Not even a halfway up, you get this pain.
And then you try to straighten up a little more.
And it's fucking like somebody shoving a flagpole
into your spine
We're both related to that
Holy shit, so now I'm going on vacation
I'm gonna be sitting on a god two planes on the way to vacation and after wife have to carry me out carry me out
Like carry on luggage
There's your boarding first just do the well, you're so funny, man. You know me. You fucking know me.
I was like, how do I work this in?
But it doesn't bother me standing up, you know?
If I was a creep, yeah, I could do that.
I call people out on that shit too, all the time.
I was standing there probably a year ago,
and this fucking guy comes walking up.
He's fine.
And I see a guy getting a wheelchair.
And even the couple behind me is going, he's fine. And I see a guy getting a wheelchair. And even the couple
behind me is going, what's this guy doing? I was waiting for somebody else to acknowledge
it. And so he goes down first and, you know, and we're getting on the plane and I hear
the guy behind me go to the guy, what's wrong with you and more balls and i did
the guy goes over to the knee surgery he fucking wasn't even a little bit
you fucking liar
anyways i just ordered a fake body cast
that i'm gonna put on every time i board
uh... yeah so i got a trick back
what the fuck else anything else we did a bitch in kitchen that's gonna air
Not this week on the 24th
Well, I'm on vacation. I think as I'm getting back and it was fucking killer. It was funny. It's a great recipe
You guys gonna fucking love it Dallas his wife. Gianna was there to add a little beauty to the
Dark film that we make and all that shit. All right, let's get to it. Enough fucking around, I guess. Anybody else enjoying
the hell out of waking up and having Trump be the president and reading in the papers
every day? And now the fucking leftist, the media is back at it again, trying to create
these lies. Oh
There's a bunch of Republicans that are pissed about how he's cutting government jobs And it's all this fucking nonsense, and then they'll show a poll saying just the opposite
It's unreal they have nothing still they have do you understand?
We've been listening to this and Trump came down the escalator
And it's why the fucking Republicans are in power now
You guys got nothing because it was all built on a lie. You got to figure something else out
You finished
In Rubio and they're going Oh Rubio and Elon Musk are fighting and all this fucking horse shit and
Anyways, this is related to a Jew hater
at Columbia University booted by ICE.
Promises made, promises kept.
A Palestinian activist, I'm sure he's
good friends of George Soros, who
led the disruptive anti-Israel protests at both Columbia
University and Barnard College has been arrested by ICE agents at his campus
apartment according to his lawyer. Mahmood Khalil. Here's a new rule. Nobody can come
into the country named Mahmood or Khalil. That goes to wide receivers in the NFL. Doesn't
he sound like a wide receiver for the Jets? Mahmood Khalil, got him in the third round.
Came out of Tehran State. A former graduate
student who got his undergraduate degree in Beirut and killing Jews with a Ph.D. in Kaikism
and completed his studies at Ivy League Columbia in December also reportedly faces having his visa revoked and his black, no, platinum MX card and two discovery cards.
He is apoplectic about that.
Having his visa revoked and his green card canceled following President Trump's crackdown
on unrest at that college, and it's about goddamn time.
He was inside his university on department
a few blocks from campus saturday night
when ice agents acted the residents in token into custody
according to the a p
so he's been linked to these uh... these uprisings on campus and you know all the
jew heading going on in Columbia. Here's a here's a video of him caught in some of that mess
A polite terrorist
We're not talking to the press what are, the fucking vice president of the United States?
You believe this shit? You guys know, and I'm going to say it again, and I'm going to say
it again, and I mean it, where are the fucking fire hoses and angry German shepherds? Honestly.
You know what? And some of them go visit suros.
While a student, Kaleil headed up student run group apartheid divest and was lead negotiator
during last spring's protracted student protest on campus in which dozens of tents jammed
the lawn of the Morningside Heights campus.
Excuse me, that's up in Harlem by the way.
He was also a political affairs officer with
UNRWA, the United Nations Agency that supports Palestinian, it's basically a cover for a
terrorist group for Hamas, which Israel says has been infiltrated by Hamas. You know, remember
they found guys working there that were actually Hamas guy from June through November 2023,
according to LinkedIn. Despite graduating months ago,
Kaleo still lived in school-provided housing.
Of course he did, due to a policy
allowing students to remain on campus
for three months after graduating.
I wonder how that came up.
Nice guy.
That's right.
You're gone.
People be complaining about that on the left too. Oh, that's right you're gone people be complaining about that on the left to all that's unfair
jewish kids were trying to get the class and they were actually physically being
restrained to let that sink in
if somebody ever did that to a black student
you guys are just fucking wrong any how delis wrong um anyhow
dallas go away so on uh go away on whatever this weekend coming by the time i get back
we'll be breathing on april how does that happen i just said to my wife weren't we sitting on the
freaking couch celebrating new year's eve and by celebrating I mean ignoring each other watching TV
Last time I had a good time on a New Year's Eve was I was a comic and
I think I was up in Montreal and
Yeah, imagine I had the eye of the tiger. I would do fucking New Year's Eve and
It's a small club. It was great great downstairs there was a fireplace this beautiful old bar Jim Jimbo the guy that
ran it was just that he could drink anybody under the table just a great
fucking guy and he kept that place open till the Sun came up I actually sang
karaoke and I beat a bunch of Canadians in that table hockey fucking What a fucking wild night then I went back to the room and yanked it
Ball swat everybody
That's how I when I hosted the nasty show up at Montreal
One one one year I come out and go boss walk cocksuckers not even a peep what the fuck
That's when they laughed.
I go, what?
Fucking take that serious.
Oh, you're in for a long night, motherfucker.
That was so fun.
Then I brought up some guy who did about 10 minutes
on abortions and fucking describing mangled shit
like that.
Let's move on, shall we?
Just plain dangerous Air Force f-16 fighter
jets have been scrambled to intercept aircraft that invaded the airspace over
President Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida just when you thought he was
safe the second time that's happened by the way in the in the 48 hours over the weekend it happened within 48 hours twice
So I don't know
I don't know bitch. It's probably once again
Then again, it's Florida fucking people can't even
You see people getting arrested for driving their sit-down lawn mowers at a highway down there
Huh, no done that story
eight times. It's it's so common we don't even do it anymore. Here's a video
something. During two intercepts NORAD aircraft dispense flares to warn the
planes they were violating airspace. The flares were used to draw attention from
or communicate with the pilot. NORAD said the aircraft pose no danger to people
on the ground.
Since Trump took office,
he's visited Palm Beach County several weekends,
triggering the flight restrictions while he is in town.
A lady, young girl, it's not NORAD, it's NORAD, okay?
NORAD, as opposed to plenty of red, we want NORAD.
A civilian aircraft flew into the no-fly zone
over the property around 1.15 in the afternoon on Sunday,
according to a statement.
Trump was seen giving the plane the finger
as he was cooking with no shirt on in the back.
You cocksucker.
The fighter jets fired flares to warn the pilots to move out of the area, the military
I want you to follow up on the story and interview the guy.
You know what I mean?
Tell us how this turned out.
Was it something dangerous or was it just a couple of assholes?
Was it a chick behind the wheel?
Because you can find out.
Yeah, you can find out.
I'm not going to do the work.
That's your job. It's part of a raft of private aircraft ignoring the no-fly zone of the southern White House,
that's what they call Mar-a-Lago, where the president often spends his weekend.
How cool is that?
He didn't go to Camp David.
He goes, no, I'm going to my fucking 70,000-acre mansion down in Florida.
I'm going to golf and hang out with strippers
and shit since the January 20th 2025 presidential inauguration no rad has
responded to over 20 tracks of interest entering Palm Beach let What do you mean tracks? Is that on a fucking track, a fucking cassette tape?
What are you talking about?
Danger Will Robinson, Danger! No Will Robinson, Danger!
Florida temporary flight restrictions area. That's the rest of that sentence. I really did that beautifully.
See I interrupted it with my stupid sound. I do shit like that to remind
you you're not watching NBC Nightly News. This is actually honest shit. You have to
take it with what comes with it. The two incursions this weekend happened while Trump was staying
there. So again I'd like to hear more about it. Just like when the guy pulled up while
Trump was golfing down there
looking through the fence with a gun
you might want it
it peaks our interest a little bit
so you might want to thought maybe they will
uh... but they never go
you'd like to know more you'll find that out after trump you know somebody hurts
then you'll find out
about shooting one down? Nick, that's, well, I don't know.
It would make for great television.
You know what the news says?
If it bleed, it leads.
You see that with girls, right?
If they, what do they say?
Some perverts would go, if she bleeds, she breeds.
That means they're old enough I
think my dad came up with that actually good guy he's still doing time and sing
sing thing out Monday's you can just feel the rust coming off
pasta basil mmm you guys you know I'm thinking about right now I'm actually What's the deal? Tony picks him up and he's carrying him out the house and they're playing this old time
... You know the music you hear on a phonograph shit?
It's from some old movie.
I'm sorry folks.
I live in Sopranos.
Let's move on.
Rough landing.
Shocking video shows the fiery aftermath. This is the plane crash type of a small plane crash at a retirement community.
Oh, my God.
I'll make it even better for you.
I'll throw one more in.
In Amish country, in Pennsylvania, with multiple injuries reported, they lost four cows, a
butter churn, and Jebediah.
Why I say that, David Tell does a joke about it.
What if the Amish fuck, oh give it to me, ha Jebediah.
The plan came down in Mannheim township of Lancaster County.
Have you guys ever been out there?
Excuse me.
I had to drive past it a few times going out to do gigs in Pennsylvania and shit and they have like
Well, this might not even be the Amish but there's barns out there that have quotes from the Bible on the side of the bar I
Was trying to read something a letter from Paul to the Corinthians it was a bunch of fucking heifers in the way I couldn't
And then cows and then cows. cows yes I said girls chop chop
Dallas just gave a nice zinger in there anyways after it took off nearby
Lancaster at 315 in the afternoon I don't I don't know my dad's theory was
he didn't mind the small planes because if you got in trouble you could land
them anyway that was my dad's theory but they Jay Lennon used to have a great bit yeah thought
he's talking about shitty airlines he goes now you know the type of airlines
that he goes if it crashes you only hear about it on cable TV this is before we
had a million channels it was very funny thanks for digging that one out Nick oh
go fuck yourself
Anyways, yeah 3 15 in the afternoon the Amish out there just you know doing what they do whittling fucking stools and shit
Yeah, but
Melting the butter look at that. That's the parking lot
Can you fucking imagine? Did I say anybody died? You know why we don't know? There's no way they don't, they can't
get any information out of them. They're still, you know, chiseling the news. I don't know.
Anyways, multiple people have been injured,
and Route 501 has been closed in the area.
Well, horror footage shows the blazing wreckage
in a parking lot.
That'd be fucking crazy to see, wouldn't it?
Well, obviously somebody died, the people on the plane.
I'm guessing.
No, Nick, they had the wind knocked out of them.
They're day to day with a hamstring.
The cause of the small plane crash is still under investigation and emergency services
have been scrambled to the scene.
According to Pennsylvania's Governor, Josh Shapiro, who should have been the Democratic
nominee if you remember, but then what's her name get cackling whore
Kamala Harris was like, oh, that's right. I'm I'm an anti-semite and so a lot of our voters
We better not put him up that guy was seriously
The best candidate, but no, let's go with the brain dead Biden and then bring in moose face
Wow, he must still be fuming they asked
somebody on one of those morning shows last week so who's the leader of the
Democrat oh it was friggin Waltz it was Waltz who's thinking about another run
to what the Porter party behind your house you're fucking loser yeah they go
they asked him the on them on a news show,
who's the leader of the Democrat party? He goes, well, the American people. I mean, yes,
this government's for by the people and whatnot, but need a little help. This next story really touched my heart and my balls.
Like I said, 20 minute read. Thank you, producer. See you somewhere.
Oh, hey guys and girls, come see me doing stand-up comedy on April 25th at
Cahoe's Music Hall in Cahoe's New York as opposed to Cahos, LA.
Whoops, I'm hitting this to move the... May 15th and 16th, Zanies, Rosemont, Illinois. I put out
like a five dollar crack-core at that show. You really want to go to it. If you want to support
the show, go to my webpage and look at all this new stuff
We have where the hell did she get all this we actually have Nick DiPaolo mink stoles
I don't know how that's gonna go over and again the plastic hips of the big seller
That and the pasties and we have French cut underwear Nick DiPaolo goes right up your Vazooch
Anyways buy something support the show.
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subscription. Do it. You'll be glad you you did the show's getting very popular by the way speaking of that I'll be on Crowder this week
flying out after the show tomorrow be on Crowder Wednesday morning Thursday
morning and always have a good time out there always have a blast with those
guys very fun place, good night everybody. I'm gonna be a rock star I'm gonna be a rock star I'm gonna be a rock star
I'm gonna be a rock star
I'm gonna be a rock star
I'm gonna be a rock star
I'm gonna be a rock star
I'm gonna be a rock star
I'm gonna be a rock star
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I'm gonna be a rock star
I'm gonna be a rock star
I'm gonna be a rock star I'm gonna be a good boy Hey, I'm Ryan Reynolds.
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