The Nick DiPaolo Show - If You're Going to Resist, Your Life is at Risk | Nick DiPaolo Show #363

Episode Date: June 15, 2020

Atlanta Wendy's burns. Lil Wayne, saved by white cop. Lib break downs in CHAZ. Thank you "Oliver Clothesoff" from Burke, VA for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! FRE...E! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo. I'm sure you're like me. You have to be scared at the censorship that's going on for people who think like we do. And by that I mean who are for the truth and not a politically correct left-wing jerk-off. There's very few places you can go. This is one of them, the Nick DiPaolo Podcast. If you want to do that, go to You can sign up there. You can go to, become a monthly member, and then you get access to over 300 shows I've already done.
Starting point is 00:00:26 You get to ask me a question, all kinds of benefits there. And remember, subscribe on YouTube and make sure you stay subscribed because they're actually unsubscribing people. Anyways, that's proof that you need a show like this. I thank you for your time. So now I want you to enjoy the show, ladies and gentlemen. Oh yeah, you know what that means. It's Monday. Welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Nick DiPaolo here. Slow news weekend again in the United States. Not much going on. Well, I mean, if you consider fucking social and political upheaval and maybe civil war, a little bit busy. But other than that, nothing in sports. Nothing to do with the fucking entertainment music. Very boring.
Starting point is 00:01:47 But again, the rest of the country's on fire. But ah, just trying to wipe out white history, everything that ever happened before, you know. Oh, you liberal fucks, I hope you all get cancer, including your kids. You are a cancer. You need to be eradicated. Never mind reaching across the aisle. you are a cancer. You need to be eradicated. Never mind reaching across the aisle. All the Pelosi's of the world must be exterminated.
Starting point is 00:02:11 And anybody who thinks like them, including all fucking Democrats, okay? As you know, once I leave you people on the weekends, can you not keep fucking all hell breaks loose? I try to relax and you guys let the country go to shit. Once again, another black man who does not know how to fucking behave when he's around authority
Starting point is 00:02:33 because he probably grew up with no authority. I'm just going to take a shot at that. I don't even know. But you all know the story. Rashad Brooks pulled over by the passes out in a goddamn Wendy's. Okay. I'll read it to you how they printed it. About 1030 p.m.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I think it was Friday night. APD was dispatched to Wendy's. Officers were responding to a complaint of a male in a vehicle parked in the drive-thru asleep, causing other customers to drive around the vehicle. Field sobriety tests were performed on the male subject. After failing the test, the officers attempted to place the male subject in custody. Apparently, he had a death wish. During the arrest, the male subject resisted, and a struggle ensued.
Starting point is 00:03:19 The officer deployed a taser. Witnesses report that during the struggle, the male subject grabbed and was in possession of the taser. It has also been reported that the male subject was shot by an officer in the struggle over the taser. Well, let's take a look at the footage before, you know, well, you know, same thing happened. Same reaction. Bunch of idiots don't even know the facts. Let's burn down a Wendy's. Here's the body cam from the cops showing the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:03:46 They have drinks, but you don't remember what kind of drinks they were? No, sir. All right. I read it all, Mr. Ross. All right. I think you've had too much to drink to be driving, so put your hands behind your back for me. Put your hands behind your back. There's something wrong with the black man's mind.
Starting point is 00:04:01 There's something wrong with his mind. Stop fighting. Stop fighting. Stop fighting! You're gonna get tased! You're gonna get tased! Stop! Stop! You're gonna get tased! Stop! Stop fighting! Tase him! Tase him!
Starting point is 00:04:24 He's gonna tase one of the cops. What? Right there. He gets that guy. 63. Okay. My buddy, who's been a cop for 33 years in Miami, has been in situations and shootouts.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Me and Heather, I had the same question as he did. How can two officers, two young white guys, let one drunk guy overpower them? And I don't know if the training stinks down there, but my buddy says, you never get that close to a guy with your taser. You can tase somebody from 15 feet away. That's the whole idea of the taser.
Starting point is 00:05:16 How do they get overpowered? Two guys on one. So I don't know if it's training or the cops are afraid to use any force anymore because they'll lose their job since everybody hates cops now. But you have to question the training and how that was handled. But as far as people going, oh, he didn't have to shoot him.
Starting point is 00:05:35 What if he tases the cop and incapacitates him, takes his gum and kills the fucking other cop? and kills the fucking other cop. We now live in a country where people think that it's all right for a drunk guy to steal a cop's taser after brawling with him. And that's the country we live in right now. It's just frightening to me where we are. And of course, you know, that set off a chain of events um wendy's wendy's who was in solidarity with black lives matter how'd that
Starting point is 00:06:17 work out for you here's wendy's burning the antichrist you got me in a vendetta kind of mood what the fuck two gas stations right there that could have got real ugly it looked like rambo went through fucking atlanta didn't it it's over it's not over right there. That could have got real ugly. It looked like Rambo went through fucking Atlanta. Didn't it? It's over. It's not over. Okay. Again, what is Eric Garner? This guy, George Floyd, and you can name 10 other black guys that you might be pissed about killed by. What do they all have in common? Please. Have you learned from the Nick DiPaolo show? They all could be alive today if they just followed the cops' instructions
Starting point is 00:07:09 right at the beginning of the interaction. True or false? Fucking true. Okay? Not defending how George Floyd died and shit. I'm just saying, if he, along with Eric Garner, anybody you want to name,
Starting point is 00:07:31 listens to the cops, they're alive today. But nobody, I've been watching this shit for, I don't know what, last couple, the Obama administration, nobody comes out on the right and says that. Maybe one or two cops on Fox have the balls to say it. It's as simple as that. And I say it's because they grow up without an authority figure in the house.
Starting point is 00:07:58 But I can't believe we live in a country where people think that you should be able to get drunk and fight with a cop and steal his taser. And call it unjustified. You guys don't know what the cops are up against. How about the 89 cops that died last year? Nobody talks about it, but the cops are the problem. You have to be fucking kidding me. And it's not about George Floyd. Chappelle did an eight minute and 40 second, I don't know, it was a show in front of a small live audience.
Starting point is 00:08:30 You know, I'm a Chappelle fan. You know, I know him from New York when he first came to New York. And I think he's one of the best comics ever. But even he let the emotions get the best of him. He did a whole, I'm not going to show it because it was eight minutes and 40 seconds. You guys can Google it. But he called Candace Owen a cunt, Laura Ingram a cunt, Candace Owen a smelly
Starting point is 00:08:52 pussy, and he brought up, what's the guy's name? Eric Dornan, I think it was. Black cop. Remember in LA that snapped? Chris Dornan. Fresno's. The black people know when a black guy snaps and shoots him. They're like, fuck, that's usually a white boy.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Yeah, Chris Dornan. Remember that rogue cop that snapped and shot like nine people, killed a police officer's daughter and some coworkers. And he brings it up. Dave brings that up like it's almost justified where he lost me. A little disappointing. But he's saying all this street, you know, he's saying all this street riots and shit are. You guys are doing fine, he says. And it just ain't true, man.
Starting point is 00:09:39 It just ain't. Again, he didn't address cops that are fucking killed. Go to the FBI crimes. How many white people? What is it? 20 or 30 times more likely to be the victim of black crime than the other way around. And as far as cops go, I can't say the numbers again. It's like.0, less than half of 1% ended a shooting. And more white guys unarmed have been killed last year than black guys.
Starting point is 00:10:03 It's all a fucking myth. This isn't about George Floyd anymore, which Chappelle also missed. This is about trying to fucking burn our society down and rebuild it. And Jesus Christ, if Trump doesn't win this next election, holy shit, are we in trouble.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Libs eating libs. If you want to call Wendy's a liberal, I know they're a corporation, but they were in solidarity. They were in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. Social media users have unleashed a torrent of mockery upon Wendy's and its support for Black Lives Matter after its restaurant burnt down on the ground following the fatal police shooting of Rashad Brooks. And so they're taking it on the chin on social media. If I could, I'd grab this microphone. I'd beat your brains out with it because that's what she deserves. That's what she deserves.
Starting point is 00:10:59 The rioting prompted some on Twitter to chide the fast food company for expressing solidarity with BLM movement earlier this month. Somebody put, how's that sucking up working out for you? Ask conservative YouTube Mark Dice. God, that was a perfect. One comment to argue that one of these had committed a grave error by bending the knee in quotes to BLM and that the company could have found other ways to show that black lives truly do matter. You are correct, sir. We know they matter.
Starting point is 00:11:33 That's not even a fucking contentious point. OK, unless you're like a fucking Klansman in your 70s. We know black lives. And I can't believe that we got to the point where when you say all lives matter, this to me crystallizes it. You say all lives matter, that's considered mocking black lives matter.
Starting point is 00:11:53 How is that? All lives matter. It's not even addressing black lives matter. It's just saying the truth. Unless black lives matter, really believe black lives are more important. How did that become contentious? What the fuck? Sorry, folks, this show's usually hilarious, but I can't help it. The country's
Starting point is 00:12:12 fucking burning down. What am I going to do, a couple of dick jokes? Later on, I get a clip of a Taiwanese politician who shoved chopsticks up his ass and flexed his ass cheeks to break them to get votes, and it worked. I hope Lindsey Graham doesn't throw his hat into the ring. I'm just saying. So Wendy's, you know, you know, burnt to the fucking ground.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Pisses me off. Black people love Wendy's. I know. Every time I go in here, down here, there's black people. Nick, what kind of talk is that? I don't know. Just the truth. Can I say black people love Wendy's or is that not allowed?
Starting point is 00:13:01 Hmm. Hmm. And of course, the media does their fucking usual oh richard brooks he was a great guy he was uh his daughter eight-year-old daughter's gonna have a birthday party killed the day before he planned to celebrate his daughter's birthday which makes it so much worse doesn't it that's how you get ready for your daughter's birthday party, getting so fucked up you pass out at a gas station. Good dad, great dad. He says, I just had a few drinks. That's it. It was my daughter's birthday. Brooke told Rolf, the cop, adding that he'd been intent to have a good time. I can walk home.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I just don't want to be in violation of anything right there as a fucking cop your radar should go up he was playing so nice i don't want to be in violation of anything like parole get out of here he told them in a calm friendly sounding exchange hoping to avoid a drunk driving arrest i don't want to refuse anything he said and uh he's lying the interaction only turned when the officers went to cuff brooks who immediately struggle tried to flee the footage makes it clear then people watching naturally a series of gunshots rang out with a short pause before onlookers the geniuses who always show up with their phones after the shit starts immediately expressed outrage even though they had no facts or anything because that's all they do it's just emotion knee-jerk reaction politically correct knee-jerk reaction anti-cop reaction no thought no reasoning
Starting point is 00:14:50 expressed outrage at the deadly shooting of the black man by white cops you murderer what the fuck man could be heard shouting amid unintelligible screaming and shouting, you fucking shoot him? That's totally unnecessary. Someone shouted at the officers, probably Chuck Schumer or fucking Nancy Pelosi. Well, another man said, that's messed up, man. Really? You need to shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Rolf, a seven-year veteran of the force, was fired. They fired him right away without even fucking, you know, because it's the climate. And Bronson, who joined in September 2018, was put on administrative leave. Officials confirmed Saturday. It followed calls from Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms. Any white fucking mayors left other than de Blasio and a couple of other mamalooks nick come on uh who insisted the shooting was not justified she said can you imagine uh yeah officer bar atlanta police chief erica shields also resigned over the fatal incident, citing a deep and abiding love for this city and this department.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Atlanta police union rep Ken Allen told the Atlanta Journal-Constant that rank and file was devastated by Rolfe's firing and demoralized at losing Shields' leadership. I certainly wouldn't be proactive if I was an officer now, he told AJC. Exactly. This is, even the cops that don't quit right now, that stay,
Starting point is 00:16:35 they're not going to do anything anymore, which was the left's wet dream. It's working. I'll get into how many cops have quit across the country. You should be scared. That thin line is fucking getting thinner and thinner. He called Rolf, who recently had nine hours of use of force training,
Starting point is 00:16:53 an exceptional officer who followed proper procedure in his handling of Brooks' attempted arrest. The killing sparked a new wave of protests in Atlanta with demonstrations following George Floyd. The Wendy's restaurant outside, which Brooks was fatally shot, was set ablaze. The demonstrators marched onto the interstate, blocking Interstate 75, stopping traffic before public used squad cars to hold them back. Why is everyone so fucking stupid?
Starting point is 00:17:21 Why aren't more people interrogating like me? why aren't more people interrogating like me let's take a look at the uh suspect slash victim uh you know who will probably have a burger at wendy's named after him for the next six months uh the media portrays ray shard brooks as a loving father despite criminal charges of cruelty to children battery on family member, false imprisonment. And that's how they can you say you are fake news, sir. Five, nine, one sixty five. Two white guys look like strapping. I don't know. In the coming coming days many will try to equate the
Starting point is 00:18:05 killing of floyd to rayshard brooks but you shouldn't fall for it george floyd did not put any place in danger and beg for his life rashad brooks drove drunk resisted arrest assaulted two cops stole a taser used the taser on a cop has a long extensive criminal history he's been charged with false imprisonment battery on a family member, cruelty to children, theft, receiving stolen property, interference with custody, obstruction of an officer,
Starting point is 00:18:33 and a handful of other misunderstandings. Can you fucking believe it? Just the facts, man. Cruelty to children? Oh, but his daughter got a birthday. What was he going to give her for a gift an ice pack she's probably lucky i'm not saying i'm just saying what does that mean cruel who knows it usually means you're roughing up your kids but they'll make him into a saint brian
Starting point is 00:19:02 stetzer goo gobbler at CNN, fucking MSNBC. Everybody that wants this country to change for the worse will defend him. And I don't know. I want to show you how these cops should have handled this. And I found this on James Woods Twitter. I thought he quit Twitter. But I have a new I have a new favorite bus driver in the country. This one of these punks was squaring off. I don't know if it was related to the protest or not, but watch how the bus driver handles this. Stop that shit, man.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Damn! Oh, what are you doing? Hey, I think I broke his fucking neck. You better get your ass home, boy. That's what he said. He picked him up. He's actually starting to sit up. Can we say that again, Razza?
Starting point is 00:19:58 It's like watching porn for me. Man, stop that shit, man. Damn. You better get your ass home, boy! Can I ask you a question? Is there a white bus driver that strong, even if he's that guy's size? My father would
Starting point is 00:20:15 do that to me, but he'd slam me on the couch, you know, or in the closet. He never picked me up over his head, though. Holy fucking moly. See, now, that would be police brutality if that was a cop. Anything short of that, I don't know. I'm starting to question it.
Starting point is 00:20:35 But let's burn down the goddamn country. And again, this stopped being about George Floyd a long time ago, Mr. Chappelle. That's what you forgot. God, help her. You better get your ass home, boy. I can't. I'm paralyzed now from the fucking neck down. Can you give me a lift?
Starting point is 00:21:02 Put me in the fucking luggage compartment there. My goodness. But some people do get it. This is what gives me hope. Like the next two clips I'm going to show you. I know Lil Wayne and, you know, I have all his older, I like his old shit. I'm not into it. My dad handed down his records to me.
Starting point is 00:21:23 But Lil Wayne, I didn't know Lil Wayne's politics. I didn't know, you know, much about how he stood on shit. I just know he says motherfucker and the N-word a lot. That's good rap, in my opinion. And he's got a voice like he smokes 11 packs a day. Looks like he weighs three grams soaking wet. Got the scariest voice I've ever heard. But he tells the most poignant story.
Starting point is 00:21:48 He's addressing this whole racism issue and shit. And it gives me some optimism when I see a black person who gets it. And a lot, you know, even in poor black neighborhoods, they want cops.
Starting point is 00:22:01 You know they do. Because my buddy who was a cop in Miami in Liberty City, one of the worst ghettos in the country, that was his fucking... They want cops because they're the first one who's going to be victims of this fucking psychotic behavior. But here's Lil Wayne explaining why
Starting point is 00:22:18 he doesn't believe in all the racist shit. At the age of 12 years old, I shot myself. I was in the house police knocked on the door i was right there they knocked the door down everybody jumped over my body to go get the guns and drugs and whatever they could find it took one guy to stop right then and cuss everybody that hopped over me out. Like, what the are y'all doing? They said, oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:22:49 We was going to see if it, what the are y'all doing? We called the ambulance. A ambulance, do you not see this kid on the floor with this hole in his chest? Said, you, you drive. Pick me up, brought me to the hospital. He didn't drop me off at the ambulance and say, you take him. He brought me to the hospital room and made two and stood there and waited
Starting point is 00:23:11 until the doctor said he's going to make it. He said, don't worry, my name's Uncle Bob. He was white as snow. No mother that hopped over me was blacker than me. Was he a cop? Yeah, he was a cop, and my life was saved by a white man. I don't know what racism is. I know a good m**** name, Uncle Bob, though.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I know a thing or two about a thing or two. Okay. Boy, you never heard that story, did you? Maybe, maybe CNN did play it. Or MSNBC. That should be played on a loop for everybody. And it shouldn't have to take a white guy saving your life to realize there's no racism. Or the other way around, black people have saved white people.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Again, it's the fucking media that has us at each other's throats. But it's the left-wing media. Okay? Don't just save the whole fucking media. MSNBC and then their propaganda arms for the Democrat Party. They want this fucking society to burn to the ground.
Starting point is 00:24:21 So can somebody get me tickets to Lil Wayne's next show? I'm going to be right up front. I'm going to get a teardrop tattoo and some dreads. How much you give me a committee with some dreads, Raz? By the way, speaking of the Raz, I'm reading about Chaz, you know, the fake country that the anarchists set up in Seattle, in Antifa,
Starting point is 00:24:44 the six blocks called Chaz, supposed to be a country of its own. You know who's heading up all that? You know who like the president of Chaz is? Fucking black rapper named what? Raz. I've never heard the name Raz till I met my producer here. Now the next Raz is the president of a country. You should aspire to that, Raz. You see how high you can climb? What is, Raz, do you know any other Raz's? No.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Had you ever heard, is that a black name? Apparently not, because I only know two. It's just my nickname. It's your nickname? What's your full name? Terez. T name terez oh probably with him too terez i forgot you told me that terez mischer huh what are you hiding you're on a white man show speaks the truth god God damn it. Have my back. He goes, thanks. That's why he never comes on camera.
Starting point is 00:25:52 He's going to lose street cred at fucking Boys to Men Barbershop on Main Street. Oh yeah, I see. Well, you can edit your last name. You can bleep it. I was kidding. It's really Therese Robinson. Named after Jackie Robinson. God bless you, Lil Wayne. Another round of applause. Boy, do they bury those stories, though, huh?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Now, here's a brother who I was not aware of. Brandon Tatum, I think his name, Brendan or Brandon, black dude who also seems to get it. He's going to speak on the incident itself. And I think most people, including black people, would watch that and say,
Starting point is 00:26:40 because I've seen some black people lying condemning what this guy did. But the fact that there's another segment of the popular that wants to burn again using it as an excuse to burn down the neighborhood we don't care how the black guy died it was a white cop doesn't matter that's all we need to know you know who fostered that type of thing in the obama administration with their disparate impact policies where they'd go into a school and see that more black kids were being suspended than white and wouldn't look at why and just try to change it. Disparate impact, look it up. But it caught hold. But here's Brandon Tatum, black dude,
Starting point is 00:27:18 giving his view, which is similar to my view and probably most people's of what happened in Atlanta this weekend. First of all, you shouldn't be drinking and driving. Why not? Second of all, when the cops catch you and you fail to fill sobriety tests, just go to jail. Like tens of thousands of other Americans,
Starting point is 00:27:40 just go to jail. Why is it that black folks want to keep resisting arrest? You resist arrest, they're going to whoop you. You're going to lose. You want to take that police officer? You're going to get shot. Tell me. Am I lying? Take the arrest. Go to jail fighting in court. If you make any mistake on the police officer's part, you're going to get off. They're going to drop the charges.
Starting point is 00:28:07 DUI cases are the most challenging for police officers because there's DUI. My buddy who was a cop says that's exactly right, and he's a lawyer now. He's right on the fucking money. By the way, my buddy I keep referring to, that's Mark Furman. I, uh... No, it isn't. Let's listen to brandon brandon he's right on money go ahead police experts and they will nitpick you and if any one element of the crime or any one probable cause statement factor is wrong or inaccurate or inconsistent, they throw it out.
Starting point is 00:28:47 See your day in court and fight it. Quit being idiots. Quit being criminals. You didn't even have to. You lose your life. All you had to do was follow directions. You really shouldn't even been drinking and driving because you could have killed somebody falling asleep behind the wheel.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Why are people defending these idiots? Why? Pause. Exactly. Isn't that the point we just made? Why? Because they hate this country as it is. Who founded it? And I know this is old and cliche. Love it or leave it. Get the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:29:17 There's 196 more countries. Most of us, black and white, are getting along just fine day to day. Fucking media, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, LA Times, Boston Globe, New York Times, should be shut the fuck down.
Starting point is 00:29:35 They're keeping this tension alive. They are the number one culprit. Cherry picking stories, racial incidents, for the last 30 years. This isn't fucking new. And the fucking lies become the truth when the truth is
Starting point is 00:29:50 99% of cops just want to get through their day and go home to their kids. And why is it always a black guy getting shot? And it's not, actually. It's fucking, as far as unarmed guys,
Starting point is 00:30:01 twice as many white guys get shot. But they, they create, what is it, almost 70% of violent crime is perpetrated by young black guys. That's why they're dealing with the cops. And the numbers look lopsided. It was a perfect storm when you had the kid in Georgia and then George Floyd and now this. Okay, but that doesn't change the numbers. You heard the cop from New York, the head of the PBA, 375 million interactions a year with people. You can't even do the goddamn math at such a low number.
Starting point is 00:30:40 But if you were to watch our news, our mainstream news for 10 minutes, you would have thought, you'd think it was fucking 1856 in this country. And if I meet another guy named Raz, I'm going to shit. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. As you know, ladies and gentlemen, are big sponsors of the show, and we really appreciate them for that. They also know I love to cook and asked me to share this item. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:31:15 That's me. I have a girlish figure on the left, but right after I made a nice lemon meringue pie, like a bitch. You know what I made, Raz? I made Chinese Raz? I made Chinese spare ribs again. Five pounds of St. Louis spare ribs.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Fucking my house smell like Peking Gardens, whatever that is. Oh my god. Tender? Meat falling off the bone like cancer patients. How cool is that? You got your mask shirt.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Get it for yourself, the apron, or even better, get one for someone you know hates Trump. Maybe even have a barbecue. Invite your lib friends over. You can tell Tommy wrote that. I would never invite a liberal. That's not true, actually. I had stand-up comedy parties at my house in Westchester,
Starting point is 00:32:03 and I made them stay in a separate room. Yeah, actually. I had stand-up comedy parties at my house in Westchester, and I made them stay in a separate room. Yeah, segregation. Invite your lib friends over and wear this while making their food. Why would I do that, Tommy? Then they'd be making fun of me. Hey, bitch, you afraid to get fucking sauce on your slacks? Anyway, lots of great stuff on Go there and check out all their gear.
Starting point is 00:32:26 When you use the promo code fuckingrasmataz, no. When you use the promo code Nick, you get 10% off not just the apron, but everything on the website. Nick DiPaolo shot glasses, Nick DiPaolo plastic hips, dildos, silly hats. Go to and pick up a shirt or a mug or a hat and support these guys. And we thank them for sponsoring the show. Should I get context? Got a question, Raz? I do.
Starting point is 00:33:04 How did I know that? Don't tell me it's from fucking raz jr hey uh nick why do you treat my dad like an asshole all of her clothes off get it all of her clothes off burke virginia how is your niece doing? The blonde one. Is she single? Yeah. With a name like, with a name like, a screen name like all of your clothes off. I'll give you her number. All of her clothes off.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Not bad. English guy living in Burke, Virginia. Could I have some more pussy, please? How is your niece? Thank you for asking. There was actually two of them. Nicole, they both got it. He's talking about Brooke, who's not blonde.
Starting point is 00:33:56 The picture looks like she's blonde. She looks like a supermodel. She's a fucking studying to be like a register, not a register. There's something even better than that. I forget. Smart as a fucking whip. Looks like a super, not a registrar, something even better than that. I forget. Smart as a fucking whip. Looks like a supermodel. No shit. Didn't even, in high school, should be home studying. Didn't give a fuck about guys
Starting point is 00:34:12 every once in a while. She knew what assholes we were because she watched her uncle Nick on Thanksgiving for five years. What the fuck? She, I don't think she's single. She's dating Robert Parrish's son. Remember he used to play with the Celtics in the 70s? I don't think she's single. She's dating Robert Parrish's son. Remember he used to play for the Celtics in the 70s? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:30 She's dating Terrell Suggs. But they're both doing okay? They both, thank you. I'm going off on a tangent, not even talking about their health. Yes, they both, and my sister Darlene who works, now she's in the administrative end, but she was having all kinds of fucking, you know, I think, but my two nieces, I think, have been cleared.
Starting point is 00:34:52 As they say, the great ones play hurt. But seriously, you know, we make, those are frontline heroes. Fucking going to work. People, you know, fucking dying all around you and shit. Luckily, my Nicole runs the nursing home my dad's in. So hopefully
Starting point is 00:35:14 my dad, you know, at night when Nicole goes, hopefully we have footage of, you know, some black orderly beating him with a bedpan. Or a Puerto Rican orderly. Or an Indian. Or a Polish guy. Or a Puerto Rican orderly. Or an Indian. Or a Polish guy. Don't want to be racist here.
Starting point is 00:35:31 By the way, you ever guys seen the Iceman tapes on HBO? They aired probably 12 years ago. Richard Kuklinski had over 100 kills. I was watching that. That's the type of shit I watch to relax. That's how bad the country is right now. I watch that shit like it's a comedy. The best line in the whole thing is, you know, he was on a road.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Can you imagine picking on this guy by accident? This is after he's got about 50 kills under his belt. He's on a highway down here, I think, down south somewhere. And these kids in a van kept cutting him off and fucking with him and shit. And then they pulled away and a couple miles up they had pulled off the side of the road. Lucky them. So he pulls over. Can you imagine the
Starting point is 00:36:13 fucking luck? Executed him well. And the guy interviewing goes, was that really a capital offense what they did? And he goes, apparently. Colder than fucking Hillary Clinton, this guy.
Starting point is 00:36:33 My God. But here's the fallout, folks. Unintended consequences of all this rioting and of police and of the fucking mainstream media portraying them as fascists and Nazis for the last 30 years.
Starting point is 00:36:49 And here's the fallout of it. Police officers all over America are quitting their jobs because of the George Floyd protest is what they're saying. Take this job and shove it. I'd say it's because of that and how the media portrayed him, obviously. This was written by a cop. He says, I've never seen as much hatred for the police
Starting point is 00:37:16 as we are seeing right now. And that is incredibly sad. And it really is. And you can blame people directly like de Blasio when he ran for mayor. One of the first commercials he made was with his black son. And saying how he had to sit down with his son and tell him how to behave around cops. Can you imagine saying as a mayor, that's like your first campaign commercial?
Starting point is 00:37:40 Can you fucking imagine? He says, yes, there have been abuses, but most police officers have never had any problem and serve the communities with distinction. Unfortunately, we are seeing many fine officers leave their careers behind because of how radically the environment has changed. For example, at least seven Minneapolis police officers have already quit since George Floyd's death. You know my, and this is weird. Think about this. I have an album, probably three albums ago, called, it was a special,
Starting point is 00:38:15 it's called, it's titled, Another Senseless Killing. It's a play on killing, you know, the crowd. Ha ha. Another Senseless killing. And it's a picture of a stool with a microphone like in a pool of blood and there's police tape across the thing. And there's two cops in the background. Where did I shoot that special?
Starting point is 00:38:38 Minneapolis. And then one of the cops almost died in a shootout and retired. And he put his uniform on to take that picture on my album. He's in a background. And the other cop was still a Minneapolis cop. This is probably 10 years ago, whenever the album came out. Isn't that weird, though? What is it?
Starting point is 00:38:59 That's right. It's very prescient, prophetic, or just a coincidence. But anyway, another senseless... Isn't that fucking weird? In Minneapolis, cops. That dawned on me when I was sitting on the toilet. I know I had to tell you that, but it did. That's what I think about.
Starting point is 00:39:18 It's honest to God true. Then I dropped a deuce that would fucking blow the... Yeah, at least seven Minneapolis police officers have resigned from the department since the widespread unrest began and more than a half dozen are in the process of leaving you're gonna see folks
Starting point is 00:39:36 the departures and unusually large exodus come amid a growing crisis for the state's largest police force what oh the states okay where the state uh human rights investigation underway calling they're taking apart as we talk they're dismantling the minneapolis police uh wait till you see that's one thing that's come out of this again another unintended consequence it shines the light on Antifa and these fucking idiots who hate this country and socialists.
Starting point is 00:40:08 It's shining the light on how fucking stupid you really are. So they're dismantling the Minneapolis police as we speak. Bye bye. speak bye bye also a 10 member SWAT team for a Florida police department has resigned in mass after their chief knelt with racial justice protesters saying they felt restrained by the polarization of our tactics imagine their leader taking a knee with fucking thugs you fucking hypocrite the letter of resignation from the SWAT team in Hallandale Beach, Florida was delivered to city officials on Friday.
Starting point is 00:40:51 You don't think this is scary, man? All 57 members of a police tactical unit in Buffalo, all 57 have resigned from that team to protest the suspension of two colleagues who were filmed shoving a 75 year
Starting point is 00:41:05 old man to the ground remember him get out of the way happened to bang his head and shit two members of the buffalo police department's emergency response team were suspended on thursday and are being investigated after a local radio station released video of the incident involving the uh protesters so they're leaving too. Bye-bye. Getting scared yet? Isn't this the fucking, isn't this what they want, the radical left? You know, disband the police. Where does that work?
Starting point is 00:41:36 Are there any other countries that have no police? Even in fucking shitholes, wherever on the planet, I think they have police. Yes, they're very corrupt. And you think cops are corrupt here? Check out fucking, you know, Angola or somewhere. Nick, why'd you pick Angola? I don't know. I have a timeshare there with Raz.
Starting point is 00:42:01 We were both hassled. We were golfing in Angola. And, you know, you couldn't have all this. You couldn't have all this unrest and not have Hollywood to give their opinion. Boy, they get dumber. And this is what I call California dumb. Oh, my God. Did you see this PSA they put out? These celebrities, I take responsibility. Do you? Then let's fucking lock you up. You take responsibility for what?
Starting point is 00:42:35 Racism in the country? What do you take? They're so, they make so much money that they're guilty. Like the George Clooney's. That's why it lives. Mark Ruffalo. They make zillions and they're embarrassed by it. They feel guilty about it.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Check out this PSA. These are jerk offs and, uh, and, and Hollywood. And, uh, Oh my God,
Starting point is 00:43:01 it's embarrassing. Go ahead. I take responsibility. I take responsibility. I take responsibility. I take. That's the best acting you've ever done. All of them. I take responsibility.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Take my balls in your mouth. For every unchecked moment. For every time it was easier to ignore than to call it out for what it was. Why don't you call me? Every not so funny joke. Oh, oh, listen to the music unfair stereotype pause every how about you're a fucking dope and a liberal and an actor nobody wants to hear how about those stereotypes every unfunny joke fucking racial jokes are the funniest ones
Starting point is 00:43:37 out there yeah let's get rid of richard pryor he trafficked in hate dave chapelle what's he thinking tough crowd the show let's we get rid of none of that was funny in three c people are clamoring Richard Pryor, he trafficked in hate. Dave Chappelle, what's he thinking? Tough crowd, the show. Let's get rid of, none of that was funny in 3C. People are clamoring for it now. You fucking humorless bitches. Each and every one of yous. You're humorless.
Starting point is 00:43:57 You're rich and you feel guilt. If there's any white guilt, it should belong with these people. They live in gated communities in Hollywood Hills. Go ahead, pig face. Blatant injustice, no matter how big or small. Every time I remained silent. Every time I explained away police brutality. When did you do that?
Starting point is 00:44:18 Or turned a blind eye. I take responsibility. Black people are being slaughtered in the streets. Pause, pause, you lying c***! You lying c***! Block your ears, folks, if you don't like this type of talk. It's the reason I'll be on basic cable the rest of my life. Black people are being slaughtered
Starting point is 00:44:36 in the streets? Julianne Moore? You got any footage of that? You stupid c***! let me unload on her fucking quiz I suck cock and I love it please give me cock that's all for you, Julianne. Oh! Motherfuck, I could choke her. Go ahead. In their own homes. These are our brothers and...
Starting point is 00:45:12 Killed in their own homes. Black people are being killed in their own homes, is what she said. Really? Yes, all those white people going into black neighborhoods, breaking into those homes and robbing and... You see the commercials for the security alarm systems. It's all white cat burglars.
Starting point is 00:45:29 What a dumb snatch. You either fucking know the truth and you're lying or you're that fucking ignorant. Either way, go back and make a fucking Boogie Nights 2. That's when you did your best work, when you were taking it in the ass. Go ahead. Sisters, our friends, our family.
Starting point is 00:45:49 We are done watching them die. What are you going to do, Blondie? We are no longer bystanders. Really? We will not be idle. Enough is enough. I will no longer allow an unchecked moment. I will no longer allow racist, hurtful words, jokes, stereotypes.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Pause. Oh, you won't you won't so I will no longer allow the first amendment because I hate this country I'm a left-wing fucking fascist he's not gonna allow any jokes and how about the blonde pretty girl I will no longer stand but yeah all right right, you're going to go down to Atlanta at midnight with your pepper spray and your hot sauce. Motherless fuckstains. Go ahead. No matter how big or small to be uttered in my
Starting point is 00:46:40 presence. Really? I will not turn a blind eye. Pause. Your glasses say you're a twat and everything offends you. Just your glasses. What are you, welding later? It's like fucking De Niro at the end of Casino. Looks like Joe Pertone. What are you going to weld?
Starting point is 00:46:59 Look at the fucking Hitler hairdo. Aren't they tough, huh, with making little veggies up in the Hollywood Hills. I will no longer stand by. If I hear anybody make a racial joke, what are you going to do about it? This is what's, folks, if fucking Trump loses,
Starting point is 00:47:17 this is your new world. Go ahead. Going for a job should not be a death sentence. Sleeping in your own home should not be a death sentence sleeping in your own home should not be a death sentence playing video pause what does that mean raz help me out going to your job you know i don't know about the job one but the sleeping in the home is where the trade the girl yeah who was in bed with her boyfriend who had a gun and shot at the cops and the cops shot back and she ended up getting killed.
Starting point is 00:47:48 He was a drug guy. But the media didn't cover that. Those are just details. I've had enough. I can't. I'm getting diarrhea watching these pigs. We will no longer sit by idly. We'll make more videotapes and put them on Instagram. I'm not going to get down on the streets and shit. Yes, Raz? Oh, you had a look on you like there was another question coming. Dr. Ruth writes in, Nick, last time you got laid. Let's move on to Chaz, folks. A new country right within our country.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Excuse me. I don't know what we're waiting for. I don't know why. I want Trump to use the Insurrection Act. Last time it was used was a civil war, I think. People were going crazy that he was even considering it. A lot of law enforcement or whatever, the military didn't like the idea. How long would Chaz last with their four wrappers with guns
Starting point is 00:48:42 guarding their police barracks? Even the National Guard would wipe them out. But fuck that. Send the Marines in. Send the Marines with bayonets, old school. Nick, that's horrible. I don't give a fuck. If you're going to have a social upheaval, let's do it right. Seattle police chief, there's a video of her, very attractive black. Me and Raz are going, yeah, she's fucking cutie. You know, most female police chiefs there's a video of her, very attractive black, me and Raz are going,
Starting point is 00:49:06 yeah, she's fucking cutie. You know, most female police chiefs look like who? Fucking Bonnie Rubble, J.J. Watt. But I find, you know, a cute black chick. Now, she's upset. Don't get her wrong. But, and again, are there any white police chiefs anywhere? Fucking with a dick, maybe six left.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Nick, why are you? It's what the white supremacists predicted back in the 80s would happen. And they're right on the money. And I know that from a few cops who went undercover. And they used to laugh at these predictions. But she, look, she's frustrated because she's getting orders from on high not to do anything. So here's what she had to say rapes robberies and all sorts of violent acts that have been occurring in the area they were not able to get to so you hear that
Starting point is 00:49:55 those are some lips. Those are some full lips. As Pussy said on The Sopranos, those are blow-jawed lips. I'm good at two things, pulling dents, because he's a mechanic, and spotting blow-jawed lips. And those, my friend, are blow-jawed lips.
Starting point is 00:50:21 That's a scene on The Sopranos. Don't fucking write letters to me. But her hands are tied. I don't know. Help me. But what she's saying is there's violence going on within the Chaz borders. I'll show you a Polish guy.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Remember our guy we played a couple weeks ago infiltrated Antifa? He did it again in Chaz. Saw two people unconscious. There's been reports of rapes. You know. Gunshots. You're raping me. This is rape.
Starting point is 00:50:55 This is rape. Welcome to Chaz. Hey, I want to thank the contributors to this show. We've had the best couple weeks because the news has been very interesting. And you're not going to get this type of honesty anywhere else. Okay? And you guys have come through in flying colors.
Starting point is 00:51:15 As you know, you can contribute daily at This is how we stay up. Or you can sign up at, become a monthly member. You do that to some added value value like asking me a question access to 300 shows what's the other one i'm forgetting raz or the patreon members raz i'm 58 what's your excuse for no memory? What is it? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:51:55 I'm going to have to edit this out. I can't remember what you get. You guys know by now. I say it every goddamn week. Anyways, I want to thank the one-time contributors uh since last thursday gary kazarian california gregory mcquade new jersey poop trooper virginia jamie awosniak new york mitchell lauderdale tennessee here's one for you as how he smells her muff how he smells her muff obviously a Smelsermuff. Howie Smelsermuff. Obviously a fucking German guy. Iowa. Dave Bethel, California.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Charles Hinovsky, Ohio. Greg Takvoria, New Jersey. Mark Bulger, Pennsylvania. Alexander Jones, Massachusetts. Lindsey Borchik. That's great. A broadener lesson. Chicks got the word chick in it.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Chick-fil-A. A broadener lesson. Chicks get to wear chicken. It chick filet. Get it. Hello. Brian Audie, New York. Luke Verizon, California. Derek Amberman, Nevada. Craig Mayotte, Vermont. california derrick amberman nevada craig mayotte vermont christopher ponzi new york randy urban ohio richard deschler minnesota mark barbera new york jeffrey silva massachusetts roy uh penatello ohio ed schmidt illinois matt crawley new york nancy shitty body california York, Nancy Shitty Body, California, Glenn Ellis, Florida, Mika Savitsky, Canada, Gary Kazarian, California, Erica Ferrin, Florida, Edward Retaco, Illinois, Joseph Cormier, Massachusetts, Sean
Starting point is 00:53:38 Anderson, Michigan, Jeff Thompson, Montana, Albert Torito, Pennsylvania, Jeff Kissel, New Jersey, Steve O'Reilly, Massachusetts. Here come the monthly patreon members i wish i could tell you what you got encore it's the most important thing you get an extra story every day imagine me and you we've been doing this for almost a year i don't know. I think they get coffee mugs. What do they get? Silly hats? New monthly supporters. These are the Patreon members. George Lelis, L-E-L-E-S. I don't know. Brandon Wenzel, Jessica Borlotti, Seth Fritch,
Starting point is 00:54:31 Seth Fritch, Stephen Gillis, Lucas Gilpin, Michael Ligue, J. Christopher Cardona, and Greg Takborian. Thank you guys so much. That's a lot of names. Appreciate it, man. We really do. I don't see Fox News knocking down my door. I mean, you can't say the C word, word Nick every three minutes and expect to get a TV show I know it's the whole idea
Starting point is 00:54:49 I'll do it from here by the way speaking of that Tucker Carlson Tucker Carlson who's lost a couple more advertisers but he's still bringing in fucking tons of ad revenue he is moving out of DC guy's been there his whole life selling his three million dollar home okay but he's still bringing in fucking tons of ad revenue. He is moving out of D.C.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Guy's been there his whole life, selling his $3 million home, okay? Because he feels it. He knows the turbulence is coming, and you don't want to be in D.C. It's not even safe in good times, and he's got kids and shit. He's out of there.
Starting point is 00:55:21 I wonder where he's going to move to. I heard Garden City, Georgia. I'm not sure. Here's our Polish friend, Jack Posobiec. He's the guy that infiltrated Antifa. Remember? We talked about him for years until he got outed and he took a break. Well, guess what? He went to Seattle, infiltrated him for three days, and here's his little report.
Starting point is 00:55:44 This guy's got major stones. Go ahead. But yeah, Agent Pozo and K-Pozo. Right, what's going to happen? What's going to happen when somebody ODs in there and they don't do anything? Kev, talk about the medics. What did you think of the medics?
Starting point is 00:55:58 They already did. They're not doing anything. They're a complete joke. They're a complete joke. They're just guys. We saw a guy getting strangled against a fence yesterday. And they had security and medics with their arms out.
Starting point is 00:56:12 The medics were... This is the Christian street preacher. Nothing's going on here. It's just a medical situation. They were strangling a Christian street preacher. His face is shoved into a fence. The medics were protecting the people who were assaulting the Christian street preacher. They were protecting the people doing the assaulting.
Starting point is 00:56:31 That was the medics. These aren't medics. There's just a couple of people with red tape. You know, they put a little red cross on themselves and tape and act like that's some kind of certification. This is complete. They surround and like let it play out, but don't offer any help. They don't do anything. There's a woman with like a wet blanket and no shoes on today in an active intersection, not even not even in in the Capitol Hill zone. This is outside.
Starting point is 00:57:01 And she was clear. They go they go on to say they saw two people unconscious, another girl being roughed up from another report. That's inside Chaz, if you want a new place to vacation. You know sandals? They have one at Chaz. And finally, I'll end on this. If you don't believe there's chaos inside the country of Chaz, here's one of the guys who lives in Chaz,
Starting point is 00:57:33 so he believes in the movement. Let's see how it's going for him. I'm not in any show. I have rights. What the fuck is this shit? Somebody broke into his car. I got broken, stolen, got jumped, had my phone stolen, and these fucks let it all happen. Fucking what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:57:58 Stay the fuck away from me, you fucks and everyone. Oh, poor you! Quiet, quiet like a b***h. Police around this b***h if you're mean! Holy s***! Really? Get me my keys back then! Someone get me those f***ing keys from that butt oh boy you ah not working out well
Starting point is 00:58:37 what do they think the United States came together in a week because fucking they are just the angriest people on the planet. And they get angry when the spotlight is on because their stupid dreams, they finally realize. What am I going to do after this?
Starting point is 00:58:56 Anyway, that's enough for today. What a country, folks. I don't know what the... I don't know what to do. I'm going to join the Eagle Scouts, maybe. Have a bake sale. I don't know what to do. I'm going to join the Eagle Scouts, maybe. Have a bake sale. I don't know what to do. But you should be nervous a little bit
Starting point is 00:59:10 when you see cops quitting across the country. Uh-oh. And all this chaos, this is what I'm worried about. No matter what Trump does with the economy, whatever, they're going to, you know, they're already blaming. I read these. Again, I know that people are ignorant online. Ugh, how's Trump working out? Like Trump had anything to do with fucking, you know they're already blaming i read these again i know the people are ignorant online how's trump working out like trump had anything to do with fucking you know the the guy goes the
Starting point is 00:59:31 covid shit the fucking riots yeah it's all the president's responsible can you imagine these are adults apparently kind of anyways that is it thank you guys so much for all the uh the uh you know financial contributions and the support we love you and uh go to if you want me to roast a friend i'll make a personal video send it to them that is it you guys think and i'll say it you're very welcome see you back here tomorrow at the same time bye-bye guitar solo guitar solo

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