The Nick DiPaolo Show - Italy Gets It, By Giorgia! | Nick Di Paolo Show #1279

Episode Date: September 27, 2022

KJP won't admit rising crime. Italy gets it "right". Ghana apologizes for slavery. More black crime in Philly. Moron woman mistakes dog for wolf. More fan violence....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, make sure to join me on Patreon to get the exclusive Encore episode. Today I'll be talking about a famous bodybuilder who had his face split open and believe it or not it's a very sexy clip. And if I had the choice of doing it, I'd have this girl do it to me too. You'll also get access to all the past shows including every Encore show. Discounts on merchandise and more. Visit slash the Nick DiPaolo show to sign up today Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. And now, here's Nick. How are you, Ed? You smell like shit.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Right back at you, sir. How are you, folks? Great to be with you on a tuesday tuesday great show tonight got a beautiful woman a french actress and look at the ed you catch the jugs on her bridget bardot or as you said ed bridget bardot and uh a very fine colored actor uh he's in a a great movie now it's called guess who's coming to dinner and i hope it's not a black fella that's what my father would say. He's from Nebraska. Real asshole.
Starting point is 00:01:47 And a very mediocre singer, Bobby Darin. Fuck him. Let's get on with the show. We'll do it live. I know. We'll do it live. Fuck it. Do it live.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I'll write it, and we'll do it live. Fucking thing sucks. A lot of people think that's Bill O'Reilly. That's me every day here. Anyhow, any he. What happened since we left yesterday? Anything? Sports-wise, the Giants let me down.
Starting point is 00:02:21 They were laying two and a half at home to, again, a Cowboys team, second-string quarterback, who's pretty good, I'll admit that. to, again, a Cowboys team, second string quarterback, who's pretty good, I'll admit that. But again, you're at home on a Monday night. Giants, are you ever going to fucking turn it around? Not that I'm from New York. I'm just saying I had you in the pool. It would have made a difference between 11 wins and 10. A great as opposed to a very good.
Starting point is 00:02:38 You, I'm just saying. They'll never change. You take away Barkley, whatever his name is, they get nothing. They get nothing! Oh! Excuse me for yelling into the mic, folks. I know that blew your ears out.
Starting point is 00:02:54 What the hell else? Made stuffed peppers. That's all I got. Man, can I cook? Honest to God. If this all went away tomorrow, I'd be at Arby's in the back. This is true. Dallas knows. Dallas has been over and has tried the fare at my house and his wife.
Starting point is 00:03:12 And as soon as we get these plumbers out of my house, she'll be back over. Oh, my God almighty. I get up this morning, one in the bathroom, downstairs, one upstairs. I told you about the little spill in the kitchen. That was cleaned up like Three Mile Island. I'm in there with a gas mask and squeak and I get up this morning and I can hear him and I slept downstairs last night thinking that they'd be working in the bathroom upstairs because that clog didn't go away. It did or did we can hear the goo goo goo goo there's something it's still
Starting point is 00:03:41 going on. I shoved them we had abortion, I shoved a piece of thing down there. It's a long story. It might be a baby skull that's blocking the, anyways, I go into the bathroom downstairs and there's a girl standing in there, cute, you know, the plumber's daughter. She's like 16. I'm like, excuse me. I hear him upstairs or outside banging. So I just threw my shit on and took off.
Starting point is 00:04:05 My wife comes out. She's on the front steps going. I didn't even say hi to her. And I just went. And she went, so we're doing this to each other. And I got in the car, took off, ran over here, and fucking laid cable. Like a man.
Starting point is 00:04:20 That's all I do. That's all I want in the morning. Let me brush my teeth, comb my hair, and fucking have a palmol and drop a Barry Bonds 1999 model. All right, let's get on to speaking of brown people. Brown Raggedy Ann doll full of shit. Full of shit, Ed. 1240, I believe, if we get out of here, right?
Starting point is 00:04:45 I don't know. But yeah, brown Raggedy Ann doll full of shit. Ed. 1240, I believe, if we get out of here, right? I don't know. But yeah, brown Raggedy Ann doll full of shit. That was the headline. You wonder why I can't break into TV? I can, but I choose not to because you people like it real. Even at Fox. Even at Fox. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:05:01 They call them right wing conservative. They can't even bring up. I'll give Gutfeld actually credit yesterday on the five for pointing it out but they're talking about crime and violence and he even he said but we can't allude to we can't get more specific than we are and that's why the problem of race
Starting point is 00:05:18 will never be solved in this country you're showing a hundred black kids in a convenience store in Philadelphia just trashing it breaking it not even stealing shit, just destroying it. And then you'll see a clip like that tomorrow and the next day. You've been seeing it for the last 15 years. But we can't allude to it. We always have to say it's teens, a group of kids, a group of, you know.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Do you understand, folks? Until we can actually say, we don't have a violence problem. We have a black violence, black crime problem. I'll say it a million more times. And it's, again, because of dissolution of the black family. A guy wrote a thing on it in 1965, Senator Moynihan and one of these guys. Do you understand? This isn't me.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And until that happens and you have a two-parent household, this is going to continue. Do you see the cycle? And that's how the Dems want it. They don't try to fix it. That's how they make their living, by providing safety net programs and then you vote for them because they did that. That's how they do it.
Starting point is 00:06:17 They don't give a fuck about you black people. But until we can address it and actually say we have a black problem, you can't even say that. So it's never going to get fixed, not in my lifetime at least, unless we get a broad like that Maloney in Italy who was elected yesterday. Oh, that'll be the next story. I'd marry this broad tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Then again, I'd marry Dallas tomorrow, just for a little variety. White House Press Secretary, uh, Karine Jean-Pierre declined. Look at her. She looks like a bruised banana with a wig on. That's a good one. That goes in the show. I don't give a rat's ass. Tommy, if that's not on the fucking thing tomorrow, I'll be upset. Karine Jean-Pierre declined to say whether President Biden, she's actually cute, but she's dumb as a bag of rocks, believes that America's cities are safe Monday. Did I read that right? What did I just say?
Starting point is 00:07:14 Fox News reporter Peter Doocy, only one asking real questions, pressed Jean-Pierre on the stats showing rising crime in major cities across the country. He went on to highlight comments from former White House press secretary, our old girl, Jen Psaki. Let me get that little red beaver in front of you. By the way, after watching this, Brad, you realize how good Jen Psaki was at her job. Am I right? Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:07:46 You are correct, sir. Thank you, Ed. Wild stuff. Jen Psaki, who stated that crime was a major vulnerability for Democrats heading into the November elections. Well, boy, you must be a detective. He then asked her this. Doocy did. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Cities are safe. It is not. It is not a. Pause. It is not a yes. The question was, will Joe Biden, the president, does he think large cities are safe? Listen to this. It's a no question.
Starting point is 00:08:19 It is very much a question of what has he done? Pause. That's how we see. Pause. It's not a yes or no question. It's exactly what it is, ragamuffin. Does he feel big cities are safe or not? Yes or no?
Starting point is 00:08:35 Well, it's not how we see it here is what she's about to say. So we see now we can't even agree. They have how they see things, which is just another way of saying, let me spin this so I don't make jerk off look like a bigger jerk off. This is how we see it here. We are your bosses. Try seeing it our way. Who want to choke the motherfucker? The question is, what has he done to make sure that, and it doesn't matter if it's a big city
Starting point is 00:09:05 or a small city, it doesn't matter if it's in a red state or a blue state. Pause. She sounds like me, again, taking an essay test and just filling in bullshit. Doesn't matter if it's a big city or a little city. Doesn't matter if it has trees or not. Doesn't matter if there's fire hydrants, whether they're using guns, if there's a bodega store, if Arabs live in there. You stupid bitch. Go ahead. What matters is that we have the funding and we have done the work, put the policy forward. Pause.
Starting point is 00:09:31 You've done the work? You've done the work? Yes, you have done the work. You defunded some police. Minneapolis never recovered from it. Murder rates in every major city are up. Yet you've done the work? You guys haven't done a fucking thing since you got into office. You've been killing time
Starting point is 00:09:48 until you steal the next election. You fucking filthy hoe. Go ahead. Anything else? Oh that's it. Let me just say this about her. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. I think I just said that. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please? Look, this is a president who has secured... Listen to this shit. I have high blood pressure. Never had it in my life until this fucking guy got in on it.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Look, this is a president who has secured historic funding to make sure law enforcement has what it needs. Defunding to make sure law enforcement has what it needs. First of all, that's a fucking lie. Even if it's not, the reason he had to do that was because of the riots and all the shit that people like you vote for caused all this shit. They keep going, well, he was always for not, he disagreed with defunding them, but it still happened. The vice president who he picked, she called him a racist, by the way, if you remember the debate. She was bailing people out of jail that looked like you during the riots.
Starting point is 00:10:56 So don't tell me what work you have or haven't done, fucking nipplehead. And he was able, listen, she says, and he was able to do this in the face of opposition from Republicans. Jean-Pierre responded. You want us and the rest of the country to believe it's Republicans who are responsible. You guys, this isn't, it's an insult to your intelligence. I can't fucking. Doocy then confronted her with Jen Psaki's comments. Jean-Pierre argued that Doocy was taking her former boss's statement out of context.
Starting point is 00:11:35 That's all they do. This poor girl, she couldn't be a spokesman for a high school kid. This is what happens when you choose by gender and race. But she eats pussy and she's black, so bing, bang, check them boxes. I eat pussy and I got a black shirt on. Close enough? I used to eat pussy before I got married.
Starting point is 00:11:56 You know, boss's statement out of context before punting back to claims that Republicans weren't cooperating on the crime legislation. Republicans have blasted Biden and Democrats for rising crime and inflation throughout the midterm election cycle. You're a real crumbum. Goddamn right. A Sunday poll from ABC News and the Washington Post found that,
Starting point is 00:12:21 this is again from ABC News and the Washington Post, this isn't a fucking right-wing rag, that surge in crime had beaten out abortion as a top concern for Americans leading into the November election, even though they still lie to you on TV saying it's abortion. Oh my God. I'm going to say it again, folks. I'm going to say this until election day. If this isn't the biggest tsunami of red, I mean bigger than they're even saying, because now you're getting false headlines. The Democrats are closing the gap and all that. If it's even a little close, well, I believe the whole system's rigged anyways. But I'm just saying, if it's even a little close, don't even bother voting anymore. Jean-Pierre went on to say that Biden's American Rescue Plan
Starting point is 00:13:06 included more than $300 billion in funding for states and local groups to hire more law enforcement. Yes, after all the damage you let go. That was me at the Waffle House about an hour ago. Not in the bathroom, right at the counter. I cleared that place out. We need a real leader. We need a real leader.
Starting point is 00:13:38 You know what I'm saying? Someone with some spark, anybody that doesn't have Alzheimer's and fucking and who would that be? Well, I don't know if you guys follow international news. I'm in love with a
Starting point is 00:13:52 Giorgia Meloni. Who's that? She's a right-wing woman from Italy, politician who flipped the apple cart. She's like the female Trump over there. Only a much better speaker than all of them. And you know us. I'm half Italian, right?
Starting point is 00:14:11 We sort of like the truth. Unless we're organized crime. But even then, we used to kill our own. We kept it clean. But I'm just saying. And they made great movies. Notice how when I'm complimenting Italians, I'm 100%. When I'm actually, God, did that ruin me?
Starting point is 00:14:27 I want to kill my sister for doing a swab in my mouth, saying I'm a little more Irish and English than Italian. You filthy fucking, look at me. Look like a slice of Sicilian to go. Giorgia Meloni, victory speech. Italy's new prime minister, Giorgia, and she looks like, again, she looks like a little Shelley Long, who's a little Italian Shelley Long. Anyways, Colin sent me this yesterday before I even got onto it.
Starting point is 00:14:58 He goes, did you see this speech? But I said, no. Italy's new prime minister, that's her, Giorgia Meloni, speech is very, very inspiring. Yes, sir. She just wants to be able to call herself a woman. This was the gist of the speech. I'm going to show you anyways, because in Italian, it sounds much nicer in Italian. As Tommy's mother said in Goodfellas.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Able to call herself a woman. She just wants to call herself a woman, a mother, a Christian, and an Italian. I like to call myself two of those three things. Yeah, exactly. The rest of them, I don't need the Christianity. Just want to be identified as a woman. I do look like a dyke from Sicily. I do look like a dyke from Sicily. Georgia Maloney is Italy's new PM. That's Prime Minister. She is dedicated to traditional family values.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Sound like anybody we know? Opposes gender ideology. And the LGBT lobby she opposes. Backs strong borders and seeks an end to unlimited mass migration. Fantastica! Okay? And they're saying the left, I should have pulled some clips of this. and seeks an end to unlimited mass migration. Fantastica! Okay? And they're saying the left,
Starting point is 00:16:10 I should have pulled some clips of them overreacting. All day yesterday when she got found out that she was the new prime minister, they, fascist, fascist, fascist. She's for country, religion, and what was the other one? Talk to family values. Family values. And she's a, but what a the other one? Family values. But what a threat to the planet. And these jerk-offs, these globalists
Starting point is 00:16:32 who are taking away our civil rights at every fucking turn, whether it's free speech, getting you canceled, whatever, not letting you use... You've got Bank of America not doing business with people who voted for Trump. You got the FBI raiding people's houses and somehow women like her and Trump are the fascists. You guys are so full of shit. You better steal the next election because there's no way you're going to fucking win it at the, me again unless it's stolen let's take a look at my new girlfriend listen to i love it um at the end we're going to watch the whole speech
Starting point is 00:17:12 only like a minute and a half she bolts out of there it's like she's got business to do but uh here you go this is about what we are doing. I'll translate. I'm going to talk to my agent in Jewish. This is about what we are doing here today. Pause. Why is the family an enemy?
Starting point is 00:17:38 Why is the family so frightening? There's a single answer to all these questions because it defines us because it's our identity let her talk a little because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity Because everything that defines us is now an enemy. For those who would like us to no longer have an identity.
Starting point is 00:18:16 And, go ahead, let him speak a little. And to simply be perfect consumer slaves. Bill Hicks said this. I'll give him credit. Only he was a lefty and wrong about everything, but it's the fucking as funny as anybody alive, but he said that. That's why this country's turning into a third world consumer plantation. He was talking about the United States, this is fucking 25, 30 years ago. Go ahead. And so they attack national identity. They attack religious identity.
Starting point is 00:18:54 They attack gender identity. They attack family identity. So we're not just experiencing this at home, folks. It's a global problem. Go ahead. I can't define myself as an Italian, a Christian. problem. Go ahead. Non devo potermi definire italiana, cristiana. Right there. I can't define myself as an italiana, christian, woman, mother. No! Donna, madre, no. Io devo essere
Starting point is 00:19:14 cittadino X, genere X, genitore uno. The zitti was a little undercooked and too much garlic on the bread. No. I must be a citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent two. I must be a number Genitor a duet was a new Mero Peggy quando sarah solamente un numero cuando no no no pune identitati
Starting point is 00:19:34 Because when I am only a number when I no longer have an identity or roots a condo no no no pure a DC Bay, Laura, sarah no schiavo perfecto in balia de la graff Yeah, right there then will I then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators. This gets a round of applause. Watch. The perfect consumer. The perfect consumer. Oh, Senator.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Go ahead. No, you're going gotta show her the whole thing you only had a minute on that oh Nick you asshole the ending is so great you're right it took a minute she just fucking gets more out of it and just takes off
Starting point is 00:20:21 grazie like she was gonna go fuck somebody up somebody's wearing the same dress as her in the crowd I don't know and just takes off. She's like, Grazie. Like she was going to go fuck somebody up. Somebody's wearing the same dress as her in the crowd. I don't know. But I'm telling you, man, what she just said
Starting point is 00:20:32 is smarter than anything that's ever come out of Biden's mouth. And they're calling her a fascist because she's for family and tradition and being able to say
Starting point is 00:20:41 I'm a woman and a Christian. Traditional family values. Less government. And she's a fascist. You guys on the left, I don't know if you just pretend not to know the definition of a fascist, but just look in the mirror, you dumb cocksuckers.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And then she held up a sign, which I do, after my mother used to feed me on Sundays. Grazie! Ah, muscia, muscia, porca. God, blubber. I'm loving it. I'm a lover her. The Italian Central Right Alliance, led by a firebrand conservative,
Starting point is 00:21:18 Giorgia Malone, has overtaken a left-wing Democrat party in the traditional leftist regions, smashing through the historic red wall. That would be right as a communist, of the Italian election landscape. God bless her. She's a female Trump. I am your voice. With tits. She actually kind of cute too. Put somebody with some, who gots. Election data suggests that the center-right, which includes Maloney's Brothers of Italy, what does that say? FDL. Matteo Salvini's league and Silvio Berlusconi, he was the last guy, Forza Italia,
Starting point is 00:21:56 have beaten the Democrat Party, even in former leftist strongholds such as Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna. I've been to Tuscany. In Tuscany, I had to say that it makes it sound worldly. Hey, look, I've been outside of Newark, you fucks. In Tuscany, the center-right achieved between 40 to over 45 percent of the vote in Luca, Maza, and Prado, a full 10 percent or more ahead of the left. But an even more shocking result, according to a report from the newspaper Il Giornale, took place in Pisa, where league member Eduardo Zello upset leftist candidate Stefano Ciccanti, winning 40% of the vote compared to Ciccanti's 34.9%. They had a big day in Italy. In other words, that was a leftist stronghold. The guy on the right's a commie cocksucker,
Starting point is 00:22:50 and that's been the Italian Ben Shapiro, who smoked him, apparently. Goal! Goal! Andre Chava! Goal! Goal! That was a good segment, you've got to admit. I think that proved I'm 98% Italian. Including the mustache I got from my Grammy.
Starting point is 00:23:12 All those teeth are dingy. I'm going to get falsehoods. I'm knocking these fuckers out with a hammer. You ever see old people with falsehoods? They're perfectly white and shit and straight. So what? They pop out when you're eating pizza. Scare you to the date.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Hey guys, please take a moment and click the share button to share today's episode like it's monkey parks with a friend or a co-worker. Nothing helps the show grow as much as word of mouth and a couple of Cialis. And I thank all of you who have continued to let people know about us. I really do. We're adding new, you know, what's every day.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Did we get a list of thank yous today? Nothing, eh? She's for saving them. The fuck? She said that yesterday. I'm going to go home and tan her ass. The plumber's not already doing it. Anyways, let's go from Italian to black,
Starting point is 00:24:00 which is apparently a short leap, according to my old late friend, Patrice O'Neill. Patrice broke'Neill. Patrice broke my heart once. He watched. He said, I saw this cooking show. This lady made this. It was so funny. This rolled up meat thing with it looks so
Starting point is 00:24:18 fucking. I go, let me tell you who it was. I go, Lydia Bastant. Yes! Yes! Lydia Bastant, and she made a bourgeois. He goes, holy shit, that's it. And he said, will you make it for me? I go, Lydia Bastani, yes, yes, Lydia Bastani, and she made a bourgeois, he goes, holy shit, that's it, and he said, will you make it for me, I said, fuck off, I said, enjoy your Skittles, no, but I never seen a black guy get so excited about a, and it's one of my favorite dishes, they're big on chicken tetrazzini, all the black athletes, every time, when it lists their favorite foods, it's always, it's Italian, but it's usually like, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:49 fucking chicken tetrazzini or some shit like that, which is delicious too. Ghana says sorry. Ghana, my ex-girlfriend from college, and other African nations, listen close, three black people who are watching me right now, who enslaved, I'll repeat, black African nations who enslaved and sold black people to Europeans to formally apologize. Well, where have you guys been the last 50 years? Been screaming at Whitey to apologize when you guys were selling your own people, but we can't say that over here because that would be the truth. It's time to say what needs to be said.
Starting point is 00:25:30 All African diaspora and we must have the conversation and resolve our actions and inactions as rulers of our kingdoms during the transatlantic slave trade, which that's a tough division. Baltimore won it last year. Trade which is deeply regretted as expressed by Nana Obokisi Empire. I am a guy and you. I'm making it sound Italian. I'm stuck in the last.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I don't know. But God, you're a Zipu Kingdom. Ghana. God, there's Tracy Morgan's new show on FX. Getting girls pregnant. Kingdom, Ghana. Founder and president of Oboki's University. They played Nebraska last year.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Played them tough. Division 19 versus Division 1. Oboki University of Excellence. So they have to apologize. Wearing this silly hat, I guess. And, uh... I apologize. What's the matter with you? Yeah, they were black.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I'm sorry. What the fuck is the matter with you? I didn't know they were going to be used for picking cards. They told us to... I'm sorry. What's the matter with you? What's the matter with his name? What'd you say? They told us to... I'm sorry. What'd you say? Fat fuck, I'd order a sign.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Supported by the only UNESCO Creative City of Music in the United States, Kansas City, they mean. A solemn ceremony. How does it get back to Kansas City? We were just in Ghana and shit. Now let's go right to the heartland. Like we have.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Get the fuck out of here. A solemn ceremony. Well, the fuck that. We'll be partying and blowing noise. Hey, black people finally apologize. Ceremony will include a pilgrimage to the site of the Kindaro Underground Railroad, which is always 20 minutes late. I'm sorry, that's Union Station. Underground Railroad site in Kansas City,
Starting point is 00:27:34 where dignitaries and 100 delegates from the Jayhawks, no, from Ghana will gather along with local and national leaders. Are you interested in the real story? Not really, because I know it. We know it as white people. The slave trade regularly used the triangular trade route and its middle passage, which is, again, that was a Vince Lombardi thing. It's an ISO in the AGAP. They call that Middle Passage.
Starting point is 00:28:09 It existed from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Some were enslaved and transported in the transatlantic slave trade. There were people from Central and West Africa that had been sold by other West Africans. Really? Yet when we say it over here, they call bullshit to Western European slave traders, while others had been captured directly by the slave traders and, again, the NFL draft. Traders and coastal raids. That's true. They had their people. I read a little about this.
Starting point is 00:28:46 They actually had their own people in cages on the beach and having boats come in to pick them up and shit. So, you know, I talked to this girl about it yesterday. What folks says about this family, I does. I has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady, but the way... Oh, shut it. The highly anticipated ceremony will set the tone for Ugatana Matzah,
Starting point is 00:29:08 will set the tone for the week as the assembly of over 100 Ganyanians, Ganyanians, you got big Ganyanians, is set to promote unity while bridging an international UNESO, we'll call it UNESCO, Ghana-UNESCO Kansas City initiative for a long-lasting, fruitful... I'm not getting the connection between Kansas. I know. I'm fucking real, man. You know, even when they're apologizing and admitting to some fault, we're going to bring
Starting point is 00:29:39 it back to Kansas somehow. Jesus Christ. Now, a lot of people think this is a picture of slave, which is bullshit. This is how Belichick had these guys training in the desert this summer. Embarrassed at the last outing. Initiative for a long-lasting, fruitful exchange and to foster ongoing trade, tourism, and culture enrichment. What does all that got to do with what happened 400 fucking years ago. No, I'm not. I'm Italian. My goal is to meet Prime Minister Maloney. Is that actually a picture of her?
Starting point is 00:30:13 I'm not kidding you. Holding two melons and making a wisecrack. Right there you're going to fucking go, oh, she's not a pinheaded, ugly, angry woman lib. You know what I mean? Oh, that's a hashtag me too moment Yeah, me too want to bite into the melons. Oh cut it out. You big dink anyways So again, I they keep tying it back to Kansas. Was that something I missed?
Starting point is 00:30:41 Even their basketball teams mostly white You know, I mean? 500 years later, Kansas. And they go, well, that's the point, Nick. No, it isn't. Oh, God. Let's stay on, black folk. And again, folks, you know, and I'm going to say it again.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I don't know why I have to say it. You guys vote like me, you think like me. But just in case some liberal douchebag stuck his head into your house or he's looking through your living room window at your daughter and actually starts listening to me. That's actually a white criminal. Anyways, that's actually me. What?
Starting point is 00:31:18 Anyways, here's the headline here. I think it's direct. More black criminals. That's what I put. You can tell I was tired. An early morning armed carjacking in Philadelphia. Has anything good happened in Philly since that cocksucker Krasner became the fucking attorney general or whatever he is?
Starting point is 00:31:37 Literally, sicking criminals, letting them out of jail, and coming after you fucking taxpaying, hardworking people. It's mind-blowing to me. That's what's happening. They're sicking dangerous people on you and your family. If that's not a call for civil war, I don't know what the fuck is. Anyways, there was a morning armed carjacking in Philadelphia involving a mother and her teenage daughter, who, by the way, now they're going to be mentally scarred.
Starting point is 00:32:05 It was caught on video. It looks to me like a suburb. It sure ain't downtown Philly. And this is, again, you're watching society unravel in real time. They're winning right now. So I don't know if our elections are legit or not, but they fucking something. Either way, I don't care what the outcome is
Starting point is 00:32:26 of the midterms. It should get ugly after that if it's not the right outcome. I'm just saying. It could get really ugly. That's not hyperbole. I just feel that way. Anyways, these young black fellas, again, with too much time on their hands, not to sound like a Styx album,
Starting point is 00:32:41 they're in the suburbs going, you know, that's white. He's got the nice hair. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. That's not true. You're going to tell me R. Kelly had something wrong with his mind? Bad example. Anyway, the pair were leaving their home around 6.20 a.m. on September 19th when they were ambushed by a carjacker with a gun. The Philly Police Department said in a video released Monday, asking for help in identifying the suspect. Did I already skip over the bit? No. They were asking for help in identifying it.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Why don't you fucking do your own job? How about that? Who's up at 6 in the morning other than these broads fucking? I don't know what you're smiling at, watermelon. I don't need to talk like that. It appears he was laying in wait, police captain John Ryan told Fox Philly. He rode a bicycle up there, left the bicycle behind. We have that.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Ooh, why don't you dust the seats for prints, you dink? The suspect took the woman's purse as they were both getting into the vehicle. I don't understand why people stereotype black people about crime. They're only on the goddamn fucking internet every day doing something heinous. They are heard. Oh, I forgot. Slayer before 100 years ago like my friends say. They are heard on security video screaming. Now picture this being your mom and sister
Starting point is 00:33:54 trying to just go to work and go ahead. Women are good on depression. Fucking scumbag. Can I say it again? White people. White people. You might not know it. There's a race war that started a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:34:29 It's a slow motion race war. But, you know. We see these. How many things like this have we seen over the last, I don't know, 20 years? Has there been one example when the white people shoot back and, I mean, we've had a couple house break-ins where white people are armed and shit,
Starting point is 00:34:45 but why would... I don't even know what the fucking gun laws are in Pennsylvania. Why isn't everybody strapped? Fuck the laws. All bets are off now. When people are getting fucking kidnapped and carjacked, sometimes they get shot for no reason. So fuck the law, strap, go out and buy a shitload of guns.
Starting point is 00:35:06 It's the only reason this country hasn't been invaded yet, by the way. We have over 700 million guns. I say double it. Mick, how dare you? Suck it. Our recommendation is always, here comes the cop again, not to resist and not get yourselves hurt in these situations.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Okay, Roger Goodell. Just lay down to the black criminals. That's what we want as globalists. That's basically what he's saying. I understand what he's saying when it comes to, but I'm saying not if you had a gun on you, don't lay down. Let them take your shit. And as soon as they turn around, put one in the back of their head.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Oh, but you're still going to go to prison next. I'll be the happiest guy in prison. What point do you go? That's his advice. It's not worth being injured or hurt, which I understand, but not all the time. That's all I'm saying. Who gives a fuck what you think? A lot of people. I have fucking selling t-shirts. Charles Nelson Riley, no arrests have been made in the case. Really? How many times have I read that sentence in the last fucking two years? Do you even try looking for them? It's not like you have clear footage of them.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Jesus Christ, I don't have headshots that are that clear. How do you not make an arrest there? Looks like you're in a fucking white cul-de-sac. You got the car, you got the plate. Are you even trying? Are you allowed to try? Sister's box. Ladies and gentlemen, let me calm down for a minute.
Starting point is 00:36:41 The coffee's very good. I got to work out because I'm... It's pumping through my veins right now. What happens is I start twirling sometimes and I crash. Dallas has seen it. I'm like, I'm dressed in my sweats and I'm all. Hey, guys, make plans to come see me at my house. I like to dance in the nude right after 9 p.m. Hannity gets me in the mood. Hey, guys, make plans to come and see me on my house. I like to dance in the nude right after 9 p.m. Hannity gets me in the mood. Hey,
Starting point is 00:37:11 guys, make plans to come and see me on the road. Here are my upcoming stand-up dates. And like the Stones, a much better live. Friday, November 11th, Palm Beach Kennel Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. Saturday, November 12th, Snappers Comedy Club. I can't wait to see the logo. Fort Myers, Florida. Sunday, November 13th, that's the next night, Sidesplitters Comedy Club. I can't wait to see the logo. Fort Myers, Florida. Sunday, November 13th. That's the next night. Sidesplitters Comedy Club, Tampa. That one, by the way, is almost sold out. No shit, if not sold out. And that Tampa show, I'll be doing a live Q&A after the show with people who bought VIP tickets. So grab them before they're gone. You can get tickets at all these shows at Right here, right in front of my eye.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Is this the last story? Ah, two more. Listen. Have you seen these bikes now, these powered bikes? Yeah, they're weird. What is that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:58 It's laziness. It is. They went by at my house, these two black dudes, yesterday. They had to be doing 40, though. I'm like, what? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Just get a motorcycle. I don't know. But it's pretty cool. I'm going to steal one. I'm going to turn the page, you know, reverse the road. Anyways, what are you trying to say? Nothing. Something that didn't need to be said.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Okay, let's move on. Headline, Doggone It. I put gone it, G-O-N-E, as in doggone. You'll see why. Because this lady's a great hunter and she's very bright. A Montana woman, I get embarrassed for this poor lady, has sparked disgusted outrage. Is there any other kind of emotion on the fucking internet other than sparked outrage, disgusted outrage? After she took to social media to proudly display the carcass of her husband, who didn't like the meatloaf, no, of a Siberian husky, which is one of the most beautiful dogs in the world, right? Looks like a tampon with a dog's face on it. Look at that. Dummy. Cute and stupid.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Carcass of a Siberian husky. By the way, my buddy up the street had when I was a kid. They always have a different, a lot of them have a blue eye and a brown eye. Ever notice that?
Starting point is 00:39:14 Very cool. That's a Siberian husky. She killed in a hunt and skinned it after mistaking it for a wolf pup. Uh-oh. Retard alert. Retard alert. I like to run into her in the woods,
Starting point is 00:39:30 kill her and skin her. I thought it was a parakeet. I thought it was a big snake. Poor thing. Kind of a cute face, but retarded. Look at the poor dog going, what the fuck, man? kind of a cute face but retarded look at the poor dog going what the fuck man so this morning this is her on the internet all excited i set out for a solo predator hunt for a fall black bear i couldn't even shoot them i'm as i get older i can't i understand look i had nugent on the show he explained to me deer are like rat you really do have to call them a little bit but But anything else, I don't. I could shoot again. Somebody trashing a gas station in Philly before
Starting point is 00:40:10 I could shoot a fucking... And that goes all colors. I'm not being racist here. Anybody breaking the law should be shot. Really, Nick? Yeah, kind of. Is that overreaction? Maybe. Anyways, she was hunting for a fall black bear. However,
Starting point is 00:40:26 lucky it was a black guy that wasn't in the woods. Holding the poor guy's head up. I thought it was a black bear. However, I got the opportunity to take another predator wolf pup. Another? 2022 was
Starting point is 00:40:43 a great feeling to text my man and say, I just smoked a wolf pup. Another? 2022 is a great feeling to text my man and say, I just smoked a wolf pup. Ooh, such... How high does that get you? Yeah, exactly. Have you smoked a wolf pup, folks? I did it in a bong. I've wrapped it in tinfoil. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Oh, fucking idiot! Amber Rose. She's not a stripper. You think that's her real name? Amber Rose. Look at the poor dog. It looks like a Coke machine fell on it. Look at my poor dog.
Starting point is 00:41:17 That's somebody's pet. Amber Rose. This is somebody commenting on it online that was upset. Amber Rose here hunted, shot, and skinned a husky, not a wolf, an obvious husky, one furious Twitter user pointed out. Another user see that this woman is bragging about trapping, killing, and skinning a dog while claiming it's a wolf pup. This is very clearly a Siberian husky.
Starting point is 00:41:45 I hope that Montana FWP looks into this. Why would you add that? You don't have to get nosy about it. You know what I mean? I hope they look into it. Okay, we get it, virtue signaller. It's enough that you were disgusted. The sheriff's office, animal control, and fish and game agencies told TMZ.
Starting point is 00:42:04 How do you make TMZ? Boy, they're everywhere. They're usually at an airport in L.A. watching Brad Pitt come off a plane, but now they're in the woods and fucking, that they have launched investigations into the shooting. I'm going to find out what the hell happened here. Meanwhile, Rose reacted to the condemnation by admitting her mistake, but insisted she shot the animal in self-defense.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Oh, boy. Honey, you should have left it alone. Now you're going into a lie that nobody believes. She goes, I purchased my wolf tag prior to leaving for a bear hunt in the event I ran into a wolf in which I came to encounter with what I thought could be a hybrid. Well, I mean, in a sense, you're right, because dogs are fucking descendants of wolves, but it's pretty clear now which is which, I think.
Starting point is 00:43:02 During this time, have you never seen a fucking husky? I think the fucking, the dog collar with a tag fucking Roscoe on it might have been a hint. Be a hybrid during the time. During this time, my safety was top priority. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:43:19 What do I say about bullshit is, what do they do? Always bring safety into it. Whether it's the government cracking down on your civil, we're doing it for your good. That's why you have to have an ass search at the airport. My safety was top priority. This animal's growling, howling, and coming at me like it was going to eat me. I won't even touch that one.
Starting point is 00:43:45 She wrote that on Facebook. I think't even touch that one. She wrote that on Facebook. I think your brain is going soft. Look at even Corleone knows. She killed somebody's husky. Imagine seeing that. You're on the internet. That's your dog. I'm going to ink you.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Finally tonight, right? Let's go from wolves slash Siberian Huskies. It'd be so funny if she had like ten cats skinned. They were tigers. One of them did this to me.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Let's go to buffaloes. Buffalo beatdown. Boy, I love the NFL, folks, and always have and shit. And a lot of people don't, especially nerds that get beat up by jocks and all that shit. And they say people who follow sports are stupid. And I got to be honest, I played a little bit as a young fella. I've been to many games, Patriots game, I've never I've never actually banged on the glass at a hockey game
Starting point is 00:44:50 or went, ah! I sit and watch like an adult. I get embarrassed. I see grown men on a Monday night game painted up with no shirt. I'm talking guys in their 50s. Not a drunk 24-year-old. Even that's stupid. But I'm just saying, I am embarrassed because I picture my dad in his 50s. Not a drunk 24-year-old. Even that's stupid. But I'm just
Starting point is 00:45:05 saying, I am embarrassed because I picture my dad in his 30s or 40s going, would he ever? You know what I mean, Dallas? And I love the sport more than anybody. I fuck as much as that, I should say. But you guys are embarrassed. It really is.
Starting point is 00:45:22 You're not going to find much dumber than sports fans. Ever listen to talk radio local sports in any city? Oh my god. In case you missed it Sunday, the Dolphins beat the Bills. Again, the Bills are missing four defensive starters and that's why. And they still should have won the game.
Starting point is 00:45:38 It was an absolute thriller. It was yet another win for the undefeated Dolphins. They make it sound like they're 11-0. I know, right? Yet another. I know a woman wrote this, or a gay guy. There's no fucking doubt. Fucking three minutes into the season.
Starting point is 00:45:54 And they won another one! It was yet another win for the undefeated Dolphins in what has already been a wild NFL season. And it's easy to see that the Dolphins and Bills have made a strong case for being two of the best teams in the league the bills have yes the bills are gonna win the Super Bowl but the bills have also come off of a hot season well that's my point they're loaded they're fucking loaded the Dolphins this
Starting point is 00:46:21 is their best start since 1811 AD, which makes no sense. Okay? So they haven't proven shit yet. They're one quarterback injury away from going, you know, six and fucking 11. And, of course, when you have a game that close, to talk about the Bills game, and two passionate fan bases, like the Dolphins fan and the Bills mafia, I don't know how they got that. Emotions are going to be running extremely.
Starting point is 00:46:47 First of all, they don't have to be two good teams. It can be the fucking, it could be a team that's been in the league for three minutes. You understand the average sports fan that has 12 beers before they go into the game is a moron. And after the game, when they're really fucked up, you're going to fight at the drop of a hat. And again, it's male testosterone stupidity. Although, once again, we see a fat broad jump into the fight because some dyke professor told her that she's equal to men in every way. But anyways, being running extremely high, their emotions.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Fucking, this person knows absolutely nothing. Why is everyone so fucking stupid? I don't know. Why aren't more people intelligent? Like me. And that can make grown men act like 10 year olds. I notice you don't mention the fat fucking broad right there. Yep, we have yet another NFL fan fight that
Starting point is 00:47:33 surfaced on social media, and this one might be the most brutal. No, it isn't. Not even close. The fucking, was it the Raiders and Chargers earlier this year? Guy knocked the fucking guy out. Remember, there was a white guy on all fours, and he popped him. He went down.
Starting point is 00:47:49 And then a lady came at him, and he dropped her. That was a little more brutal. Who wrote this? Some fruit cup? This is fucking embarrassing. Look at the ass. Right away, I knew that was a black woman's ass. Either that or fucking Nate Newton.
Starting point is 00:48:03 He used to be an all-pro with some lineman. Anyways, another brutal fight in the 20th. Did I miss the video yet? Should I keep reading? Unfortunately, the beginning of the fight was blocked out by a car. Unfortunately. This person who wrote this is saying this is stupid behavior. I couldn't see it.
Starting point is 00:48:21 So there's no telling what exactly started the fight. But a couple of seconds in, you see a couple of Bills fans trying to take on a massive group of Dolphin fans. And needless to say, the Bills fans get the worst of it. Let's take a look. Look at that fat black woman in the middle of it. Now this guy in boots is kicking the guy while he's down because he's watched a million viral videos. And that's how he fights now. That? What are you, shitting me?
Starting point is 00:48:58 I had a fight like that with my wife yesterday. Her and three of her friends beat the shit out of me and I paid good money for it. I mean, sheesh. I'm reading the article. I mean, sheesh. You're going to tell me a faggot didn't write this? One wrong move, and the guy could have been in a body bag. Well, if that fat girl fell on his neck, maybe,
Starting point is 00:49:20 I guess there are some people, listen to this, that never realize that it's only a game. But hey, it always makes for some high quality entertainment on Mondays. Shut up, my new fucking business is shut up. Who wrote that? One of fucking Janet Jackson's backup dancers? That was an embarrassing article. That's just all American stupidity right there.
Starting point is 00:49:44 And you think that's bad, dude, why don't you check out some soccer fights where people actually die. You want to see fucking hooligans? And they go at it before the game, during the game, after the game. They take numbers during the game. It's fucking great. I was over there real quick, Manchester
Starting point is 00:49:59 Comedy Festival, right after 9-11. Late great Patrice O'Neill didn't have the balls to get on a plane with me. He was supposed to go over there, though. I'm over there, and I'm watching the fucking World Cup in Greece. It was great. I've told this story before. I'm sitting around a bunch of English guys, the guy that owned the comedy club, up in his beautiful office on a big screen, watching Beckham.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Beckham ties the game with a kick from a mile away. It was fucking awesome watching these guys losing this shit. Later on that night, I hear, crash! I guess Greece lost. So some bar that had a bunch of people from Greece in it took a big glass coffee table and threw it off the floor.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Anyways, sports fans can be retarded, I admit. But again, I was never one of those guys. I guess when you play it, you know what I mean? You don't... I've never been... Even when I went to see
Starting point is 00:50:49 Brady play a couple years, I wasn't screaming and shit. Yes, I was naked from here up, painted red, and had prosthetic boobs. I don't know what I'm talking about. That's enough for today. I've fucking lost my mind.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Don't forget You want me to roast a friend, the relative? Go to You want me to roast a friend, the relative? Go to Tell me about the person and we'll do a little video. I can tell my wife,
Starting point is 00:51:12 Tommy, is not putting up other than this here because I haven't had any in a week or so. I'm getting upset. That toilet better be fixed. Our head's going in it.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Nick, that's sexist. I know. I'm just kidding. Anyways, that is it. You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. See you back here tomorrow for day three already. Take care. guitar solo Outro Music

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