The Nick DiPaolo Show - Jesse Lee Peterson | The Nick Di Paolo Show #245

Episode Date: October 21, 2019

Hillary thinks Tulsi is a Real Russian Piece Of Asset. Times Square Billboard Targets Trump. 49er's have Emotional Support Dog. Jesse Lee Peterson, joins Nick. MONDAY - THURSDAY 11AM ET #Trump #MAGA #...ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The American Pronunciation Guide Presents ''How to Pronounce Arminius'' Get the fuck out the way! Get the fuck out the way! Go! Get the fuck out of here! You get the fuck out of here! Oh, yeah. Here we are folks, on a Monday in my home state of Georgia. How y'all doing? I blow people away when I talk like that down here. Here comes a greasy Yankee from the north And I go, how y'all doing? Good to see y'all. Want a little Chick-fil-A sandwiches, please? Heading to the gun range, whatnot. Anyways, good to be with you. I must live in the healthiest neighborhood in the nation. There's people jogging by my house. It starts at six in the morning till 9, 10 at night. Jogging by.
Starting point is 00:01:47 And I feel like a gynecologist. Some of them are really hot, and then you get the 300-pounders with the crew cuts. And it really puts a damper on my day. Excuse me. Coming to you live on a Monday. We love you. We'll do it live. Okay. We'll do it live.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Fuck it. How was your weekend, everybody? Was it good? I laid around like Stephen Hawking and watched, I'd say, 11 college games and hockey. I'll tell you, if you are a sports fan, this month is the best. If you're a Haitian choreographer, maybe the worst month. And I see again the pink is leaking into the NFL.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Not as bad this year. Maybe some of the guys have said, I've had enough. The brothers like pink, though. They fucking love their pink. But do you notice that? They're sort of laid off that every three minutes somebody dies. We know. How about prostate cancer month in the NFL?
Starting point is 00:02:47 You have the quarterback come out with a pair of those rubber gloves when he puts his hands under the center. Huh? How about that, man? You know, our body parts rot too. God damn it. But nobody cares in 2019. Nobody cares.
Starting point is 00:03:01 So what else did I do? I can't even remember. It was all a blur. Let's get right to it, huh? The latest thing I saw was, and you guys, you have to give me some credit here. My instincts politically are pretty damn good. I said Pete Buttigieg was the smartest one on that stage, even though I think he's a radical little puss and a phony. He's definitely smart and a good politician and a midget. Iowa caucuses are up for grabs as Pete Buttigieg surges into top tier. Takes him eight phone books to do that and a stepladder, but congratulations, you lying midget, you. Pete Buttigieg has jumped
Starting point is 00:03:41 seven percentage points since June, according to a USA Today poll. So it must be true. It was accompanied by a beautiful pie chart and different pastels. Joe Biden was by far the candidate seen as doing worse than expected in last week's debate. Joe Biden is committing. He doesn't. I told you this. The day after he said he wanted to run, I could see he didn't.
Starting point is 00:04:04 He's I'm telling you, he's see he didn't. He's I'm telling you, he's tanking on purpose. He's just he's stunk. He didn't do anything. Sat in the background like a mamalook. So it's a new three way race in Iowa. You got Pete Buttigieg initially seen as a long shot. Contender has surged within striking distance of Biden and the titless wonder Elizabeth Warren in the first at first in the nation Iowa caucus. The poll was taken Wednesday through Friday, put Biden at 18 percent, Warren at 17 percent. And here comes the lying little holier than thou midget at 13 percent. Pete Buttigieg. But why get excited over this poll? It was among 500 likely Democrat caucus goer.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Wow. In a country of 330 million. That's quite a sample size. I don't understand how it works. I really don't. Those standings reflect significant changes since Biden and Warren. They used to lead in double digits. and Buttigieg trailed at 6%. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:05:09 Kamala Harris, the empty suit? Yeah. Remember she was in second place after the first one? She's plummeted 13 points, is now back to reality in a three-way tie for six. Poor Bernie Sanders, the original communist, earned 9%, the same as last month. So Buttigieg should be excited about this, I guess. He's a fan. Oh, that doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Anyway, Buttigieg has found a lane and is accelerating toward the front of the pack, surpassing Bernie Sanders. Here is, we have him. We actually have footage of him surpassing the pack, don't we? He is now, in fact, passing Mike Berger and is in front of him by a... Oh, my God, he's raising a fucking camel. It's a midget raising a camel. Oh god.
Starting point is 00:05:53 So, good news for him, I guess. Oh, he does, but that doesn't matter. Anyways, our last president was gay, in my opinion. Come on. Remember Obama in his mother-in-law's jeans wore a helmet when he rode a bike? That's the sign of a big, big girl. Nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:06:13 The number of caucus goes who say they're undecided has spiked eight points since June to 29%. What have I said here on this show? None of these idiots you're watching in the Democrat candidate field are going to be the nominee. It's either going to be Mayor Bloomberg jumping in two feet or the thick-ankled dog face who keeps making noise. This bitch won't go away. She is like herpes. She keeps recurring and she just won't go away. I'm telling you, it's going to be either Bloomberg or Hillary
Starting point is 00:06:42 jumping in or maybe even somebody else, but not these people. Among the second tier candidates, Tom Steyer, the billionaire, was at 3%. Three other candidates also reached 3% because of rounding. My girlfriend, Tulsi Gabbard, Kamala Harris, and Klobuchar. So they're pulling up the end of the pack. But Hillary Clinton is going after Tulsi. How dare she? Anyways, Buttigieg is the youngest contender in the field, and he's the first openly gay candidate. And believe me, in 2019 in this country where everything is gay, men are getting their periods and we're having menopause and growing tits and pussies and dicks.
Starting point is 00:07:26 That means a lot. I'm telling you. Even though they only make up 5% of the world population. I did the math. I flew around the world twice. I counted the number of guys with tight jeans on and fucking tank tops. And girls with army haircuts. Came to 5%.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Among those surveys who watched the debate last Tuesday, 4 in 10 said Buttigieg was the candidate who did better. Do you remember what I said after that, Rich? Remember what I said after that? I said Buttigieg was the smartest one on that stage. And that doesn't mean he's right. He raised his hand when they said, who's forgiving illegal aliens? You know, Medicare. He was a dummy that raised his hand.
Starting point is 00:08:03 He's way more radical than he pretends. I don't like him. Yes, he served our country, but so did Tulsi, for the love of Pete. Anyways, I guess the question is who likes men more, Pete Buttigieg or Tulsi Gabbard? Oh, for the love of Christ, that's an irrelevant question, Nick, and you goddamn know it. But speaking of Tulsi Gabbard, who I think Tucker Carlson has a crush on, she's on once a week. Of course, it's smart. He gets huge ratings, and it's dumb for her to say no to that show.
Starting point is 00:08:30 But she's on every week. I see a glint in his eye. Anyways, Hillary Clinton, this is what she's saying. She's saying that Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian asset and that they're grooming her and all this. This fat bitch, she's lost her fucking mind. What's left of it? Let's show Hillary bad-mouthing Tulsi. I'm not making any predictions, but I think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate.
Starting point is 00:09:04 She's a favorite of the Russians. You fuck. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far. And that's assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not because she's also a Russian. You know what she's got? You know what she's got? She's got. What was Bill Clinton's vice president? The energy guy?
Starting point is 00:09:29 Gore. She's got Al Gore syndrome. She's lost and she's losing her mind. Remember fucking Al Gore put on 180 pounds, grew three beards, fucking lost his tits. That's what she's got. Can you imagine saying that about a veteran who, you know, active duty, saw action? Can you imagine? Hillary said it.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Who the fuck said that? Yeah, I know who said it. Who's the slimy little commoner shit twinkle toe cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? It was Hillary. Clinton never names Gabbard, but there are only five women running for president. Clinton never names Gabbard, but there are only five women running for president. Gabbard, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, if you want to call her a woman, Amy Klobuchar, and Marianne Williamson. What the fuck is she?
Starting point is 00:10:14 I think I saw her doing yoga in the park in Atlanta. And none of the other women have been accused of being boosted by Russia. Clinton did not provide proof about how Russia is grooming Gabbard. She only knows that Gabbard's prettier than her. It looks more like a woman. She and her team pointed to allegations. The Russian news and propaganda sites often report on Gabbard's campaign and that moments in Gabbard's campaign have been reportedly amplified by trolls and bots on Twitter with ties to Russia. Well, why don't you show us the evidence of that? And while you're doing it, dig out those 33,000 emails you deleted.
Starting point is 00:10:50 You entitled, she is the face of white fat privilege. Gabbard has denied those allegations, but you cannot be, you can't do that. You can't be picking on Tulsi Gabbard. I love you. Yes, Rich? Let's not forget about Bernie Sanders being in the Russian saunas. I mean, if anybody is more Russian, it's Bernie. Yeah, but his politics, we know that already from his politics.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Yes, on his honeymoon he was in Russia or some shit. Takes trips to, remember that video of him drinking with all the Russians around the table and shit? Yes, they're not socialists. They're communists is what they are. They all suck. shit. Takes trips to... Remember that video of him drinking with all the Russians around the table and shit? Yes. They're not socialists. They're communists is what they are. They all suck. And if you vote for them, you suck. This show is, by the way, opinion and not fact-driven. Actually, those are facts
Starting point is 00:11:39 I just gave you. Good point, though, Rich. I forgot about Bernie and you know, Bill Clinton when Vietnam was going on. He was over in whatever, in England at fucking Oxford, marching in anti-American rallies. Yeah, a bunch of leftist fucking assholes. They hate this country and that's all there is to it. Oh, Jesus. That could have been disastrous. My mic has the grossest shit on it. Can anybody see it? I don't know what.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Look at the spuge. It looks like a boom mic they use during a porn shoot. I don't know what the crustaceans are on that thing. I brush and I floss four times a month. Anyways, let's get back to it. Down to two times a month. I'm in the South. What the hell did that mean, Nick?
Starting point is 00:12:24 But the anti-American fervor is at a peak now. It's getting to the point. Did you see this Times Square billboard? It's put up with this fucking company called Devani, D-H-V-A-N-I. It's a billboard. Times Square shows Trump being hogtied and tortured. Look at this. Let me remind you.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Do you remember the rodeo clown put on an Obama mask and he was fired immediately? But this is okay. Are you fucking dog styling me? I would pay to have that woman do that to me. You think that's bothering Trump? Seriously. You guys call him a pussy hound and a sexist. You think that would really bother him?
Starting point is 00:13:07 He's tighter. It's the perfect slipknot. It's perfect. Look at the bags on her. Look at those bags. You tell me Hillary didn't take the old big dildo out when she saw this thing. Sounds like a jackhammer. It's got two things she likes in it. kind of a sexy looking lesbian and Trump having his face. I can't stop. That was in Times Square. I almost want I almost want the Democrats to win
Starting point is 00:13:39 the House, the White House. And I hope it's a female or a minority, which it won't be. Fucking Obama. Fuck that up for black people, the rest of the time. But I, you know why? So we can treat that president with the same respect they treated Trump with. I'm almost hoping. You see what I'm saying? Do you believe that was in time fucking square? You know how radical that was?
Starting point is 00:14:00 Planned Parenthood. Is there any more radical fucking group? You know, the group that kills babies at nine months? They said that they don't support that ad. This company is taking that money and putting it towards abortions and shit. And they wanted to link up with Planned Parenthood. And Planned Parenthood said, no, we don't support that, which they really do. They said, we don't support that because our clients suffer violence
Starting point is 00:14:25 at the hands of domestic partners and bullying, so we don't support any kind of images of violence. But we'll kill a nine-month-old baby. We'll kill a whole fucking ton of them. But, ooh, helicopters. Can anybody hear it? He's being, look at him, by an angry female Marine Corps veteran. It's an athletic clothing company.
Starting point is 00:14:47 So you know the NFL is going to be buying all this shit up. On the company's Instagram page, Devaney claims the image is a backlash to Trump having 26 credible accusations of sexual assault or rape against him. By the way, none of them are fucking credible. rape against them. By the way, none of them are fucking credible. And after the whole Brett Kavanaugh thing, you guys blew that out of the water, the whole sexual assault against women and all your other horseshit, all your other propaganda.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Remember they put out years ago, women get beat up more under the Super Bowl, and they had to come out and admit that was wrong. Glad, that's when I knew they were. That never happened in my house. We used to beat each other up. Anyways, that's why, that's how they're trying to justify this. It's backlash against 26 credible accusations, sexual assault, or rape against him, as well as him having no respect for the rule of law.
Starting point is 00:15:38 How fucking dare they? Grab him by the pussy. You're raping me. This is rape. This is rape. This is rape this is rape this is rape that's that's trump screaming in that poster the president receives daily threats the guy who wrote this tweeted charlie kirk secret service had to arrest an armed man outside his rally and and this is what's plastered in times square a literal depiction of violence against him another image on
Starting point is 00:16:03 the company's instagram page shows trump on the toilet with his pants down, having, I think they might have got that from me. Every time he tweeted for the last two years, I said, you know, he's on the bowl at four in the morning, banging the shit up, having his phone swiped from him by a brown woman and a brown woman in skimpy camo gear. The company has said it will donate a portion of profits from the sales of its clothing to help kill babies. Yeah, that's what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:16:41 It's kind of disturbing, wasn't it? I put that together, and I was even going, hmm, that one rings a bell. But anyways. The company, yeah, it's going to die. And Planned Parenthood said, fuck that. Imagine that. Planned Parenthood said, no, that's too much for us, actually.
Starting point is 00:17:02 So they're ridiculous. Planned Parenthood publicly distanced itself from a controversial anti-Trump billboard, the one I just talked about. By the way, this is why Devani put that up there. It's the first in a series of images meant to protest the Trump administration's gag rule prohibiting doctors at Title 10 funded clinics from referring Title 10 or Title X. I don't know. Huh? What is it?
Starting point is 00:17:33 You think it's 10? Well, how would you know? What the fuck? When's the last time you had a Planned Parenthood? X stands for 10. Yeah, I know that's stupid. It also stands for X. Jesus H, how do you make it in the fucking world? Malcolm X funded clinics from referring patients for abortion. The rule prompted Planned Parenthood to pull out of the federal grant program in August.
Starting point is 00:18:07 But the company said, we are proud to join Planned Parenthood in defending women from assaults on our reproductive rights. What a bunch of horse shit. There's plenty of back alleys all over the place. That's what they always say. Women are going to end up having back alley abort. Really? Okay, maybe in 1960. Now you can do it in the fucking bathroom at Starbucks, McDonald's, plenty of breastfeeding rooms at LaGuardia,
Starting point is 00:18:26 plenty of places to kill kids. Devani's chief communication officer, Chloe Mason, said Trump administration policies are threatening the health and bodily autonomy of women, especially women of color, of course. Low-income women. Can you imagine her saying that? Yeah, low-income women. Yeah, Planned Parenthood kills more black babies. Last year they killed more black babies in New York City than were born. But Trump's the racist.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Keep that in mind. You guys are so fucking retarded. It makes me sick. But it was all lies. Yes, it was. It sure was. You fucking hypocrite. Hey, take it easy.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yeah, Devani also provided a statement to Fox News stressing the company does not and will not never condone violence of any kind, but that it'll push forward to fight reproductive rights. It's more about the women. It's got nothing to do with the babies. You can't tell us what to do with our bodies unless you're paying us 200 bucks on a Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And I say, you know, put your left nipple in my ear and beat me with that rubber hose. Then they don't have a problem with it. Oh, Nick, that's ridiculous. But they're right out there. You fucking hypocrite. I'll take it. Here's my grits. This episode of the Nick DiPaolo Show is brought to you by
Starting point is 00:19:43 Look, guys, what are we, seven weeks in? Six, seven weeks into NFL season? Patriots are undefeated. That's right, rest of the nation. And there's no better time to bet. Like I just said, October, if you're a sports person, you like winning money, who doesn't? I'll tell you where to put your money down at If you're trying to bet on the NFL, baseball, MMA, whatever,
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Starting point is 00:21:12 Friday and Saturday, November 8th and 9th, the Kansas City Comedy Club, Kansas City, Missouri. That'll be here before you know it. Friday, November 15th, the Cortland Repertory Theater in Cortland, New York. I've been there many times. Great gig. Saturday, November 16th, the Comedy Works,ertory Theater in Cortland, New York. I've been there many times. Great gig. Saturday, November 16th, the Comedy Works Saratoga Springs, New York. Friday, November 22nd, the Historic Ritz Theater, Brunswick, Georgia. That's my first appearance in my new home state. And then the next night, the Saturday, November 23rd, the Tiff Theater in Tifton, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:21:39 New Year's Eve, the Tarrytown Music Hall back in Tarrytown, New York. And then in 2020, my first date is January 24th, the Richfield Playhouse, Richfield, Connecticut. Saturday, February 15th at Kelsey Theater, Lake Park, Florida. Friday, April 3rd, Morgan Hill Event Center in Herman, Maine. That's right. I'm an event in Herman, Maine. Rich, you want to do super chats? Oh, real quickly, and I should have done this at the top
Starting point is 00:22:06 of the show. Contributions. I want to thank Leslie Funk and Joseph Longobardo. Longobardo. Contributions over $50. And Sean Rager has signed up at the veto level, which is
Starting point is 00:22:21 that means Sean's a huge fan, and we can't thank you guys enough. Remember, you can contribute at and No. Yes, Rich? We didn't have any super chats, but somebody said, go Packers in chat. Oh, great. Did he pay to say that?
Starting point is 00:22:41 Did he pay to say that? He didn't? So why would you fucking slow me down? Packers are always good during the regular season. Then there's a little team called the New England Patriots, who are the greatest dynasty in the history of the National Football League. That's all I'll say about it. And they better cover the spread tonight, or I'm going to be one furious puss.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Know what I'm saying? his puss. You know what I'm saying? The country's getting more radical to the left, and it's unbelievable. They're trying to remake our society from the ground up. I look pudgy. I had a lot of chili last night. Look heavy.
Starting point is 00:23:22 I'm very excited about this, and you should be, too. Ahead of National Period Day, see red. I'll give you some menstruation visibility. That's right. We're going to have a National Period Day. You don't think the fucking feminist movement has lost their fucking minds? There's women throwing up at this, going, are you shitting me? We've been trying to keep it
Starting point is 00:23:46 a secret from guys. Now we're going to celebrate? Huh? And you know what's based on this? Because I'm going to read the article. Patrice O'Neill used to do a bit about feeling bad for women having periods. And he goes, imagine if your nose bled every month. You had string hanging out your nose. I should have pulled it up. One of my favorite bits from the late great Patrice. In more than 30 states across the U.S., menstrual products are subject to sales tax since they are not deemed a necessity. I'm with him on that one. All right. Drop the sales tax. But the rest of us, I i disagree with they're saying it's not necessary yeah it is come on is there a sales tax on toilet paper i'm not sure but i know that's god well you could blow
Starting point is 00:24:32 it dry but uh i'm actually with the uh angry lesbians on this one i mean feminists uh one non-profit is trying to change that via the first national period that you always go too far you have a good, you know, we agree with you in principle on some shit, but you don't have to fucking make it. There's going to be,
Starting point is 00:24:50 now there's going to be, you know, junior high girls walking out and protesting. It's like climate change. There'll be a million girls storming the, whatever,
Starting point is 00:24:58 leaving a trail of blood like fucking World War II in the streets. On Saturday, October 19th. Oh, did I miss it? Was that this past Saturday? Huh?
Starting point is 00:25:10 What did you do for National, fellas? What did you guys do for National period? Not too quick now, asshole. I made chili as well. Callback that doesn't work. Why are you so obsessed with callbacks, Rich?
Starting point is 00:25:24 I legitimately made chili this weekend. I thought we could bond over that fact. I don't believe you for a with callbacks, Rich? I legitimately made chili this weekend. I thought we could bond over that fact. I don't believe you for a second. I still have some. I'll take a picture. It's in my fridge.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Next to a head of a 12-year-old boy. Fucking made chili. 30 states across the country. Saturday, October 19th. I go there all the time. I go between and
Starting point is 00:25:52 Will whole rallies nationwide to address the issue as well as call for greater access to menstrual products in schools, shelters, and prisons. Oh, for Christ's sake. Jesus, I had three sisters and a mother growing up. Really? It's that hard to get a fucking tampon? Jesus Christ. I used to hand them out at nightclubs in the 80s when people needed them. How fucking hard is it?
Starting point is 00:26:15 Carry a roll of bounty in your book bag or... For the love of Christ, you can get them anywhere. Rip an old tree branch down, plenty of dry leaves, jam it up in there. Nick, that's an immature type of, yeah, whatever. I'm fucking fed up with this country. National, how about National fucking Skidmark Day? To spread the word about National Period Day, the organization tapped BBDO San Francisco,
Starting point is 00:26:41 anything fucked up like this comes out of San Francisco, to create a video called CRED. That's S-E-E, not S-E-A, like sea of red. Encouraging people to rethink how society tends to treat and talk about periods. How about, see, they say right in, to rethink how society. They were literally trying to, I think we talk about it just about right. I don't think we need to talk about it anymore. You know?
Starting point is 00:27:11 I think we have it right on the nose. When we see a girl, we go, oh, what the fuck? Clean it up. And girls go, oh, Jesus, I'm getting my period. That's all we need to know. You know what I mean? What are we going to chat about this at Thanksgiving? You know, this cranberry sauce reminds me.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Shut up, Bill. Seriously, we really have to rethink periods? I think we have it about right. We don't appreciate what you go through? Oh, for the love of Christ. Well, baby, me so horny. I know. Me so horny.
Starting point is 00:27:44 You keep lying. Me love you. Yeah, me love you. Leave six-foot stain on the rug. I know. Yeah, me love you. Leave six foot stain on the rug. What a show, ladies and gentlemen. There's a crisis that's being ignored. See, this is a crisis now because we don't see it according to the video. Yeah, that's how it's supposed to be. Noting that taboos and taxes surrounding periods have particularly adverse impact on low-income women who are often forced to use rags, tissues, and even paper towels taken from public bathrooms while menstruating.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Get a better job! How about that? Really? You can't afford it? Come on! Although I got to tell you, there was an episode of Sopranos, this homeless woman. I don't know if you remember this, Rich. She's a homeless, big, heavyset black woman.
Starting point is 00:28:30 She's homeless, and she's only thing covering her ass is like the New York Times. She has like an old paper jammed up in her, and she gets up and walks away, and there's like a bloodstain. I was trying to get my horoscope. It ruined the whole scene. It is not a goddamn crisis. Jesus Christ. You can act like a man. Yeah, that would help.
Starting point is 00:28:52 What's the matter with you? Society might be getting over so slightly more comfortable. Sorry. Society might be getting ever so slightly more comfortable acknowledging that periods exist. But until we're okay with... Listen to this, here's the, with women free bleeding in the
Starting point is 00:29:08 streets. What the fuck does that even mean? That's what, I mean, that's what you're shooting for? Free bleeding in the streets? What does that mean? Only women I want see bleeding in the streets after a bar brawl between a couple Irish chicks in South Boston. That's the only free bleeding. We better work harder to make pads and tampons accessible to all, said Kate Katalinak,
Starting point is 00:29:36 who has nothing better to do with her fucking time, creative director at BBDO San Francisco. Oh, my God. Huh? Is this really a crisis? Raz, did you have sisters, Raz? Yeah. How many? I was raised in a house with six women.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Six women? You must have been so... It's like a cotton field. And that wasn't a black job. Jesus Christ. When I see a woman having my period, I used to say... I'll clean it up! I'll clean it up! I'll clean it up.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Nothing rich. Fucking asshole laughs at the dumb shit. That was a great fucking sound drop. I thought you'd get a kick out of it. That's a nice look you got there today. What are you, Donny Osmond, 1978? He's a fan. No, he isn't.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Just dresses like one. is a global nonprofit founded five years ago with a goal of ending period poverty. Did anybody know there was a period poverty? That sounds like we have a shortage of periods. Period poverty Yeah how we doing Running in the red Dudes
Starting point is 00:30:50 I just came up with that one I gotta lay off the cigarettes I got the fucking teeth in my hillbilly And stigma through service Education and advocacy Anytime you hear education and advocacy Jesus how much time do you have on your hands Feminists The see red video which is running on social channels you hear education and advocacy. Jesus, how much time do you have on your hands, feminists?
Starting point is 00:31:06 The See Red video, which is running on social channels and was sponsored by sustainable cleaning brand Seventh Generation, comes just weeks after period-proof underwear brand Thinks. I picked up a pair of those. A debutant ad. I put them on my dog.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Our dog's dead now, but we had a little Yorkie, and I was, you know, this is right after we got it, female. I'm watching football on a Sunday night. She runs by me with a fucking little diaper on with, like, a blood spot coming out of it. I didn't know dogs. Kind of ignorant. I should have figured female dogs have their period.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Little Japanese flag on her ass. She ran through the fucking. Oh, my God. Anyways, the company thinks, debuted an ad that images a world where men also get their periods, which we played last week. And that's where we are. That's what this is about. That's what this is about. We don't have something like a period, so it's unfair. How much do you hate men to have that point of view? Two years ago, Walter Thompson, New York jerk-off, created an ad for nonprofit Period Equity. I think I put, that's a slush fund, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:32:19 I put about 10 grand into Period Equity. That featured Amber Rose. Who's she, a porn star? I don't know. Is she an actress? In the video, Rose keeps her tampons in a diamond-studded locket around her neck, which serves as a not-so-subtle dig
Starting point is 00:32:34 at states that tax menstrual products. I'm with him on that one, because it is not a luxury. I'll give you that one. Knock off the tax. Something should be free in life like that. I bought toilet paper the other day at Publix, and I put it up. It's a border wall.
Starting point is 00:32:54 The lady's trying to look over me. It's like 48 rolls. And then she goes, it's a pretty good price. And I go, not really. She goes, what do you mean? And I go, well, consider what I'm going to do with it when I get home. I'm going to wipe my ass with it. It should be free.
Starting point is 00:33:08 We all have assholes, don't we? Rich has two, one on the back of his neck. Anyhow, just more evidence we're losing our shit. Hey, quick question, and I forgot to tease this at the top of the show. I'm always a little late. Jesse Lee Peterson, I had a nice talk with him that we are going to play towards the end of the show. I really admire this guy. He's an advocate, and he was on Fox News a lot, and he's a black dude who's very conservative to the point where I was blushing at some of his views.
Starting point is 00:33:41 But you know what? Deep down, I wanted to say, you know what? You're right, but I didn't want to get kicked off the planet. Anyways, Jesse Lee Peterson is coming up in a few minutes. I should have teased that at the top of the show. Rich, remind me. And Raz, you've got to start writing this shit down, even though I didn't remind you.
Starting point is 00:34:00 How long is that interview, Raz? Do you know? It's about 23, 25 minutes. Is it that long? I thought I cut him off at like 18. Anybody know exactly? You can look it up. You could be right.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Kellogg's, let's stay on the left is losing its shit. Kellogg's, listen to this, altogether cereal promotes inclusion. If I hear the word inclusion one more time, I'm going to exclude myself from the conversation. Promotes inclusion for spirit day. When does spirit day come? After period day or before osteoporosis day or cancer of the tit week? Help me the fuck out. This guy says, oh God, unbelievable, the major food company is teaming up with GLAAD. There's no gay agenda on the planet.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Somebody please, gay, I would say call the show but we don't have calls. Somebody explain to me the agenda. Gay people make up about 8% of the world population.
Starting point is 00:35:03 The major food company is teaming up with GLAAD for its new altogether cereal, a limited edition box that promotes inclusivity and anti-bullying efforts, which are both overblown. Can I just say this GLAAD, LGBTQ, we have accepted your lifestyles. Okay. It's not about the actual sex and whatever you do. We've all accepted that. You have to admit that.
Starting point is 00:35:26 But it's you who keeps saying, accept us, accept us, accept. You've been accepted. You fucking, we're getting deluged with this shit. They made a joke about it on The Sopranos. Carmella, this is back in 19,
Starting point is 00:35:41 what, 2000. She mentioned it on The Sopranos that everything's gayed up now. So that was 19 years ago. Why are you smirking, Rich? Go ahead. I thought cereal was gay already. Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes, I mean, you have everything.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Yeah, there you go. Oh, my mother's ass. Help me. Nothing gay about cereal. How about the ones that make you shit out a whole shag carpet? The brand. There's nothing gay about that. He thought he saw gay Froot Loops. You don't think I saw that the minute I saw the story? That's too easy.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Let me tell you, Count Chocula is as straight as anybody. I'm just so tired of talking about it, goddammit. It's an inclusive cereal. And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. Those are the Snap Crackle guys applauding. Fucking quits! Take it easy. The special cereal which debuted on October 17th,
Starting point is 00:36:52 two days before period day, in honor of Spirit Day, features six brands of the most iconic mascots. Basically, you can get all five of your favorite cereals in one box. I used to do that when I was drunk in high school. I'd come home, I'd mix Kellogg's, you know, cornflakes with Froot Loops and Count Chocula and, you know, Raisin Bran, all in one box. It's way more cost-effective than buying separate boxes, mixing them together.
Starting point is 00:37:20 This isn't just a marketing stunt either. The company's donating $50,000 to GLAAD in support of LGBTQ advocacy efforts. I'd like to know where that money really goes to. Huh? Does anybody ever look into that? Where's that 50? What's it do? It's buying assless chaps, bull whips, ball gags, all the shit that I'd like this Christmas.
Starting point is 00:37:41 At Kellogg, listen to the buzzwords. I've got to wrap this up because we've got to bring Jesse Lee Peterson on. Listen to the buzzwords, the politically correct buzzwords that makes this show crazy. At Kellogg, we are firmly committed to equity and inclusion in the workplace, marketplace, and the communities where we work and live. We have long been allies and supporters of LGBTQ employees, their families and the community. So why are we still whining? For more than 100 years, Kellogg has nourished families so they can flourish and thrive. Yet that's not enough.
Starting point is 00:38:12 We have to make an inclusive box of cereal. They're already admitting they've been doing this for years, but it's not enough. The cereal which is available online for $20 a pop, they kiss my ass. I'll blow a fella before I spend $20 on cereal. It includes Frosted Flakes, the Very Gay Fruit Loops, Rice Krispies, Frosted Mini Wheats, Corn Flakes, Raisin Bran.
Starting point is 00:38:34 We are proud to partner with Kellogg's again. They should help extend the important message of Spirit Day by Senior Director of Development and Marketing, GLAAD. Listen to this. The altogether cereal encompasses the values of diversity, equality, GLAAD. Listen to this. The Altogether cereal encompasses the values of diversity, equality, and solidarity that Spirit Day is all about. And we hope that LGBTQ everywhere receive the message loud and clear.
Starting point is 00:38:54 I can't take it anymore. What message is that? I suck cock, and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. That's how I feel about your cornflakes. Leave them alone. Anyways, last week I had a nice sit down with a good friend of ours from the show, Jesse Lee Peterson, a very interesting guy. He's 70 years old, still relevant. So that should tell you something. Let's run this and see what you guys think. It was an
Starting point is 00:39:20 interesting discussion. My guest today is a guy that I really admire. He's he's a you've seen him on Fox News. He's an author, you know, provocateur. And he's big on the Internet. And he's well, he's actually going to be debating David Pakman at Politicon on October 27th in Nashville. Please welcome Jesse Lee Peterson. Jesse, how are you? All is well.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it. My pleasure, Jesse. By the way, I said earlier, I really like your studio. You look sharp in the background. Yeah, I'm not good with my hands, but we found a cheap place where I could save about two grand a month. And me and my producers were at Home Depot, you know, all weekend buying plywood and two-by-fours. And somehow we got it all together in a weekend.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Yeah, great job. Yeah, and we love it much better, actually. It's more intimate. And, yeah, I'm actually proud of people saying nice things about it let me ask you jesse uh uh first things first uh who's this guy you're debating and do you need help because he sounds like a punk no i'm just kidding who who's david packman you know uh i've had him on my my show, TheFallestState.TV. I believe he's been on a radio show or something like that.
Starting point is 00:40:53 He's just another little young liberal who has no idea of what he's doing or what he's talking about. He's one of those intellectuals who has no sense of common sense at all. So I'm trying to help him find his way back home. That's a nice way of putting it. How do these kids get so lost? Kids, well, I'm 57. I guess I can say that. How do they get so lost, Jesse, today? And why are they so susceptible to a lot of this left-wing PC garbage culture?
Starting point is 00:41:19 They seem to ingest it. I know it goes back to college campuses and even further back. How do you undo that? How are you going to get this guy home? Well, it's really due to the lack of fathers. When you don't have a father and a mother who are perfect examples for you, if the father is not the head of his wife and the children, then the mother tend to take over and women tend to be emotional and so the boys and girls are turned away from the father so they take on the thoughts and ideas of their mothers and the feelings so when they go out into the world it's easy to deceive them because they are women tend to be intellectual and men tend to be logical and so when they go out into the world,
Starting point is 00:42:06 it's easy for the world to deceive the children. This is why the children have to be turned back to the fathers and the fathers back to the children so that when they grow up and go out into the world, the world cannot deceive them by way of the intellect. So we're trying to turn them back to the fathers. I think I just heard a bunch of feminists pass out in Manhattan and bang their heads. You know, it's funny you say that because with this culture, this liberal culture, if you watch sitcoms and commercials and whatnot, they always, a lot of the commercials will lump the dad or the husband in with the kids. Now, you just sort of did the opposite.
Starting point is 00:42:46 You lumped the wife or the mother in with the children, which will drive modern-day feminists crazy. But I notice in a lot of commercials, it'll be the woman going, I'm busy. I have a job. I have to take her, my husband, and my kids. They always lump the dad in. And that's interesting that you phrased it like that. That makes them crazy, the modern-day feminists, saying that they're emotional. There is an order to life, whether we like it or not, accept it, believe it or not.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And that order is God and Christ, Christ and man, man over woman and woman over children. And so love comes from above. It comes through God, through Christ, through the man, to the woman and woman over children. And so love comes from above. It comes through God, through Christ, through the man, to the woman, and to the children. And women don't have love if they don't get it from their fathers when they're little girls. They become strippers. Yeah, that's right, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:43:38 And when they grow up, if they don't get it from their husbands, then they have no love. So when these women are turning their children away from their fathers, they're really turning them to anger and to darkness away from their fathers. And so another thing, too, if you notice, every time the man listens to the woman, he suffers because... I can attest to that. It's not my wife.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I shouldn't say that my wife is instrumental in my career. But, yeah, there's days where I'm sure she suffers. But what do you mean? Explain that. Because women don't, everything they do is based on emotions. It's based on what they think and what they feel. It's not based on what is right. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:44:26 You can't say that, Jesse Lee. You're going to get in trouble. Do you get a lot of pushback? What's the reaction when you make a statement like that from women? The liberal women who hate God, who hate men, they have hissy fits. But those women who have been raised by their fathers and love was right, they see where I'm coming from. And those who have not been raised by their, some who have not been raised by their fathers, they began to understand what went wrong. And when they understand what went wrong, they start to forgive their mothers for turning them away from their fathers.
Starting point is 00:45:01 And when they forgive their mothers, God forgives them and turns them back to the father. And it makes sense to them. But we cannot hold back with the truth simply because the children of the lie, they hate the truth. And so we've got to tell the truth because if you notice, as the women are taking over government, when they
Starting point is 00:45:19 take over the families, when they take over the communities, when they take over the schools, everything go to hell in a handbasket because they're so emotional. They accept everything that's wrong because they feel so sad for them. They feel emotional and emotions are not good. You have to be logical and not emotional. It reminds me of a quote. We're talking to the great Jesse Lee Peterson, by the way.
Starting point is 00:45:41 It reminds me of a quote in the movie The Godfather with Vito, you know, the patriarch of the family. He actually says that in one scene. He goes, men have to be women and children can be careless. Men can't be careless. That's right. He actually says it. And every time I watch that movie, which is every other week, I can picture like liberal women's heads exploding all over the place. But you're right. The evidence, the we have empirical evidence.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Yes. I mean, and for a party that loves science so much, the Democrats and they they love empirical evidence and science. And they sure don't. When it comes to that, they sure get upset and ignore it. But I mean, like you said, you look at the inner cities and illegitimacy rates and, you know, both in black and white community, but more so in the black community. I mean, we have a ton of evidence saying that there should be a father and a mother. That's right. When I was growing up and I grew up on a plantation down in Alabama, I was born there. You weren't a slave, were you? You're not that old. I'm 70 years old, so I'm not a baby. I can't believe you're 70.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Yeah, you look like you're 55, and that pisses me off. But go ahead. And so, thank you. But when I was born on a plantation in Alabama, I grew up under the Jim Crow laws. And I remember for colors, only signs and all that. But I wasn't bothered by it because my parents and my grandparents, they never put down the white people. They didn't say all white people were evil and all that. They said, treat others the way you would like to be treated.
Starting point is 00:47:18 And they knew that was good and bad and all races. Right. I remember some bad kids and families that we were not allowed to hang out with. They were black because the parents were no good. The kids were no good. Right. We were not allowed to hang out with them. The family protected us from evil. Right. Right. And when I was growing up, abortion was unheard of. I never heard of abortion growing up. Right. It was embarrassing to have children out of wedlock. If a woman got pregnant out of wedlock, she'd have to leave Alabama, go to Chicago somewhere. Right. Come back. Many women.
Starting point is 00:47:55 There was that order. Women, for the most part, respected the man because she knew who he was and he understood her role in life. Right. But that all changed when the civil rights movement came along and the black people came up with the civil rights idea and the black men and women became the leader of the people and the government, the Democratic Party government became the head, became the provider. They gave them free stuff. And so black people gave
Starting point is 00:48:26 up individual thinking, loving God with all their heart, soul, and might. They gave it up and started following them, so-called black leaders, and following the Democratic Party, and it's just been downhill ever since. When the men became weak, they lost the women and
Starting point is 00:48:42 children, and now it is completely out of control. Oh, yeah, it's worse than ever. And you're right. The father figure was replaced with a government check. Yeah. And now they actually, it's beneficial for young women to have, to not have a husband, right? To not have a husband in the house.
Starting point is 00:49:01 They get more money from the government. And, boy, we have to turn. We've seen the effects of that. Who was the senator? I think I want to say was it Monaghan or Leahy back in the 60s? He wrote about this. Yeah. Patrick, I believe I think it was Monaghan. Yeah, I believe it was Monaghan. He wrote and tried to warn the people. In the 60s, he was warning of this. He tried to warn them of what was happening. And now it started to, now that the blacks are wiped out because the average black man act and think like a woman.
Starting point is 00:49:35 He's very emotional. He gets angry. The anger that you see in black gang members and black men, boys and girls and adult men. That's the anger of their mothers. It has nothing to do with white people at all. It has nothing to do with slavery. It has nothing to do with so-called racism. It's they resent their mothers, and they're yearning for their fathers. Until they forgive their mothers so that God can forgive them,
Starting point is 00:50:01 and they return to their fathers, they're going to only get worse instead of getting better and it started to happen to the white community yes yes and that's why white men are so hated white white straight conservative men christian men of power are the most hated species on this side of heaven because they're trying to turn him his family away from him right so they should usher in the same government and all that and it's the same way they did with the black right once they do that it's over for the country because socialism will take over yeah well the the the feminist movement today to me which is the most insidious and they're the most militant and crazy they grabbed
Starting point is 00:50:45 they grabbed hold of the civil rights movements coattails yeah and they use the same playbook and i think they've surpassed the civil rights as far as the sway they have in our society and absolutely right and we're watching the uh i i can't count the number of times i've been in a a supermarket and seen a woman dressing down her husband, just like you see in the commercials, on sitcoms. I was flying this weekend. I was at a terminal, and there was a guy at Savannah Airport. He was on the speaker working for the airline, and he actually said this, Jesse,
Starting point is 00:51:20 and I thought of you when he said it. He said, and for those of you traveling in families, make sure you have your passport or your ticket. And wives, make sure your husbands, if they're capable, of holding on to their boarding pass. I mean, can you imagine if a guy said that? Make sure your wives are capable of. He was trying to be funny. But I thought of you right away. And this stuff is so pervasive.
Starting point is 00:51:44 trying to be funny and but i thought of you right away and this stuff is so pervasive it's gone from tv now down to airline terminals where people trying to be funny on a speaker taking shot at matt it's really frustrating it's crazy it's not uncommon now for men to be beta males beta males right and they i know they're proud of it. I know. And but it started to change on my show, my radio show. I get phone calls from around the world for men and women who started to realize, you know what? My mother didn't turn me away from my father and play victim and identify with the mother. Right. And I tell them that mothers are not victims. Mothers are victimizers. And they know how to play victim to make the kids feel sorry for her.
Starting point is 00:52:31 And a lot of these men and women around the world are starting to realize this and they're starting to overcome it. They're returning to their fathers. They're starting to speak up and stand up. And that's why we have to tell the truth. Because if we continue to allow, especially liberal women, if we continue to allow them to take over America, we're not going to have America because they bring in, if you notice, they bring in everything that's wrong. We now
Starting point is 00:52:57 have so-called same-sex marriage. That's ridiculous. A marriage between two men or two women is not a marriage. That's a fake. It's not real. You sort of blame the women's movement for that? Absolutely. Because the men are afraid to disagree with it. If men stood up and said, no, we're not going to accept that. That is wrong.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Don't hate them. But it's wrong. We're not going to accept it. It wouldn't be. Aren't men sort of to blame for acquiescing to this and letting this happening to us? But if you are, if you stand up then but then you call the bigot. And yeah, right. And I'm sexist. They don't really understand what they are dealing with.
Starting point is 00:53:35 They don't understand the spirit of the woman. That is not a good spirit. And they don't know how to deal with it because they have not overcome their mothers. When they forgive their mothers, then they can deal with the rest of the women in the right way. Now, when you say that to this guy, David Pakman, on October 27th, I hope he's wearing a helmet to keep his brains. He's going to. I mean, I can't.
Starting point is 00:53:58 I would love to see that. It'd be a fly in the hole when you say that to him. What's his argument back going to be? Just be in a massage. He's going to start calling you names right you're misogynist and women are you know totally superior to men and blah blah blah he's just going to cry about it like a little beta male but you're probably right it's not going to bother me because i have perfect love in my heart i love all people i don't agree with the wrong things that are happening, but I have no resentment toward anyone because I can now see it. I see
Starting point is 00:54:30 where they are coming from and that they can't help it. The never Trumpers, which is the liberal media, the Democratic Party, the never Trumpers, the rhinos and all that. They hate this president because he is a real man and men are sons of God. And when you hate the son, you hate the father. So they can't handle this president. They don't know how to deal with him. So they hate him. And that's what's happening to all men in this country today. Speaking of, we're talking to Jesse Lee Peterson. Speaking of never Trumpers, I wanted to get your take on the recent rally he did in Minneapolis and all the violent attacks against the Trump supporters. I saw a woman interviewing an older white guy.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Some guy, somebody comes by and spits right in his face. Yeah. And they were literally chasing another older white guy down the street. What are your thoughts on that? These are so-called anti-fascists. Yeah. Isn't this the silliest thing you have ever heard? I mean, they're projecting.
Starting point is 00:55:27 They're the fascists and they're the haters. And how do you, what do we do to turn that around? If somebody spits in your face, Jesse, and you're at a rally, what are you going to do? They're going to have hell to pay. I know you'd bring the Bible into this. They should have held the pay. This white guy just went, oh, you know, whatever. You know, no, not that I've been punched in the face by a woman about a year and a half
Starting point is 00:55:54 ago. And, you know, I didn't want to lose my house and end up in a lawsuit. But but it's never going to happen again. But right. Because we have a right to defend ourselves. Right. And if we attack, it's time to defend yourself, you know? I would encourage, you know, I would decide to go out there and start a physical fight.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Right. You should speak up. You should get involved. Right. But if you attack, you have a right in America to defend yourself. And these people, they know that you're not standing up and defending yourself. Right. They're going to go out of control. They're going to only get worse.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Our battle is a battle between good and evil, right versus wrong. It has nothing to do with being a male or female or black or white or whatever color. That's a great point. Yeah, and so we're fighting against evil, and you cannot just let evil attack you. It will only bring out the worst. Look what happened to white people. I have been saying to white Americans for the last 29 years. Wake up, white people.
Starting point is 00:56:54 They need to start speaking up to black people and not allow blacks to just accuse them falsely and they don't stand up and speak up for fear of being called racist. And the whites have not done it and now white people are physically attacked the women are being raped they've been falsely accused all kinds of things are happening because they've only brought the worst out of the blacks rather than being honest with them and speaking up and helping them to overcome by being honest with them well i mean you're right yeah i mean, the one thing I do know, I'm not a big Bible reader.
Starting point is 00:57:27 I'm not as religious as you, but an eye for an eye might be my favorite thing in the whole. It seems the only way to stop political correctness is by being politically incorrect. That's right. And if one side is getting violent, and like you said, if you don't get violent back and that's not what I'm but but you I mean, we're on the verge. Yeah, we're on the verge. I'm not encouraging it. Right. But you have a right to defend yourself. Right. And the fact I remember my grandparents used to tell me all the time, don't start a fight. But if someone started with you, make sure you finish it. We have a right to protect ourselves. Look at the president. They hate him. I call him the great white hope. Right. Four more years. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Look how they're attacking him. He's not bagging down. He doesn't get angry. He speak up when you're wrong. It doesn't matter what color you are. It doesn't matter. You're a female. You're wrong. He tells the truth about that. He's exposing these people, and they don't know what to do with it. They're going nuts because they're being exposed. But doesn't the Bible say, turn the other cheek?
Starting point is 00:58:36 That was one of my least favorite things from the Bible, because that's what George W. Bush did, and that got us Obama, who inflamed racial tension in this country. I don't care what anybody says. That's right. When it said turn the other teeth, it just means don't hate.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Don't hate your enemy, but overcome them with good. So what it means, stand up and defend yourself. Right. But don't hate them because once you hate, you lose control. You become like what you hate. And so just don't hate, but definitely stand up, speak up and get involved. You know, I heard the president give it a speech the other night and he said that Joe Biden, you know, Joe Biden was president. I mean, vice president to the fallen Messiah, Barack Obama. He black. He black.
Starting point is 00:59:23 He black. He black. He half black. Yeah. And what did he say? What did Trump say? And the great white hope said that the only thing Joe Biden did for eight years was kiss Obama's A. And I said, yes, that's how you be a white man. You speak up. No, but that's true. I mean, the late, late great patrice o'neill a comedian friend of mine uh we would have these discussions all the time uh and his point was you know and and colin quinn who grew up in brooklyn around black people he has black black relatives but they would always stress that that's who black people respect the the white guy that will speak up yeah i mean it might get you shot in a parking lot of a uh 7-eleven if you tell them to turn their music down but um but but they really do
Starting point is 01:00:09 they want to know where they stand with a with a white person and that like you said it's not about color it's about right and wrong and right now we're on the we're on the wrong track i mean uh real quickly i wanted to get your opinion on possible impeachment. Is this going to happen? And if it does, where does that lead us? No, I predict this would not happen because the president hasn't done anything wrong. And they've been doing these type of excitement, build up lies for the last three, almost three, four years. How long the president been there? Right. And the media jump on and help support the liberal media.
Starting point is 01:00:42 And it made the Democrat voters feel like, oh, the president's on his way out, right? And it made the president's supporters feel a little unsure. But no, the president has not done anything wrong. Impeachment will not happen four more years for the great white hope.
Starting point is 01:01:01 You know what? You got your head screwed on straight. I mean, I talked to you and I wish I was brought up more religious sometimes actually uh but Jesse uh Jesse's got a book uh the antidote healing America from the poison of hate blame and victimhood I suggest you read it he's one of the uh one of the straight shooters out there and he takes a lot of guff it's not easy to have his views in this country. It's tough enough for a white guy, never mind a black guy.
Starting point is 01:01:30 But, I mean, 70 years old and he's still relevant, which means he's on to something. Jesse, I can't thank you enough. I really admire what you do out there and hope to have you on again. I totally enjoyed talking to you. It was amazing. And I want people to go to or rebuild the demand dot com and check out of a nonprofit organization as well. There you go. That's the great Jesse Lee Peterson. And we'll be back. My thanks again to Jesse Lee Peterson is an inspiration. He's out there taking the punches and a straight shooter.
Starting point is 01:02:03 We've got some super chats before we go real quick. Show's going a little long, but it's Monday. It's free. One of our show regulars, Joshua Roberts, our buddy, said, Nick, you are the funniest man in comedy and you get no respect. Well, I'll tell you, Josh got a point. I'm saying. Yeah, well, I took the road less traveled, as they say. But, you know, I believe we're on the right track.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Thank you for that, Josh. Lucy Howard from the United Kingdom said, big love from the U.K. Nick, you are the man. Lucy, good to hear from the U.K. Big love. Now, does that mean she's over 300 pounds? I'm kidding.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Thank you, Lucy. Always good to hear from overseas. Pastor George contributed, and he said what we know is a drop what we don't know is an ocean Isaac Newton he said was and is right progressives think they know everything and if you disagree you are an ignoramus he's right on everything except for the Isaac Newton that was Isaac Hayes by the way who did the theme for shaft I believe and that's actually true. David Kraft, I love the interview.
Starting point is 01:03:10 And he said you just earned it for that interview with JLP for the win. What does that mean, JLP? Jesse Lee Peterson. Oh. I hate JL. I always think just for laughs, the Montreal comedy. Thank you very much. Yeah, Jesse's an interesting dude.
Starting point is 01:03:24 He's easy to interview. Huajatala Chick said, I freaking love these two. Referring to you and JLP. And Stabinjo Scarborough said, if somebody went to spit in my face, I'd block it with my Bible. Is that what he said? What a stupid haircut. Would you block it with your Bible? Is that the one you use to prop?
Starting point is 01:03:47 What's Brzezinski's first name? Stupid Brzezinski? Whatever. Micah? Mika? Mika Brzezinski. You block with your Bible, Joe? You wouldn't block it with your bass guitar? This guy's fucking, he's every white guy in a Lipitor commercial playing with his band members. Anything else? That is it. Hey, thank you so much. Again, Mondays, don't forget to go to if you want me to send a personal message roasting one of your friends or whatnot.
Starting point is 01:04:15 They're starting to come in again, so it's a lot of fun. Don't forget Breath of Fresh Air. It's on YouTube. We might hit a million views maybe by, I would say, Thanksgiving around there or something. Thanks again hit a million views maybe by, I would say, Thanksgiving around there or something. Thanks again.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Remember, you think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you people most years, a lot of years on Patreon tomorrow. So go to if you haven't signed up for that. You think it, I'll say it. You're welcome. See you tomorrow. Bye. guitar solo Outro Music

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