The Nick DiPaolo Show - Jew Hater Gay Keeps Job | Nick Di Paolo Show #1496

Episode Date: December 12, 2023

In this episode right leaning comedian Nick Di Paolo talks about Gay keeping her job, Trump dominating Iowa, Idaho growth and more! Like what you hear?  Get TWICE as much "Nick Di Paolo Show", full e...pisodes of Steven Crowder’s “Louder with Crowder” show and more on Mug Club! Sign up today to get all their content at and use the promo code NICKDIP to get your first month FREE! For Tour Dates, Merch, stand-up clips and more visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah You ever seen a grown man naked? Hi folks, welcome to the show on a filthy, you know, this fucking thing. If I was rich, we'd be getting all the equipment. But I'm going to build shit over the holiday break. I got a nice kit from Radio Shack the kid didn't want in 1978. And an X-Acto knife. We're good.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Yeah, we're good. Exactly. I'm going to see Dallas commit suicide for the New Year. Welcome to the show on a Tuesday. Don't forget I'll be on Crowder, Lotto Cup, Mug Club, and all that Thursday morning. What else? Last night, of course, I get them both wrong in the pool.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Took the Packers, laying a few points to the shitty Giants. What else? Last night, of course, I get them both wrong in the pool. Took the Packers, laying a few points to the shitty Giants. Anybody want to tell me how Titans go into Miami and do that? Anybody want to explain that to me? Went outright. Both teams went outright, the underdog. Excuse me. But I got to admit, near the end of the game in New York,
Starting point is 00:01:45 because I have a sweet spot for New York. I live there. Mark Bavaro, my buddy, was a player for the Giants. And this Joe DeVito kid is a quarterback. That's his fourth win in a row. He's ripped off four in a row. And he grew up in the shadows of Rutherford, New Jersey, the stadium. Shit. He actually played a high school game there. And he's an Italian, a fucking Italian from Jersey. And it's how funny. This is the thing. When they score, they do this, which, you know, that's my grandfather, grandmother. But what's funny is to see black football players doing this. And they kept putting their parents on the camera and the wife looks like a blonde Jersey girl. I don't know, heavy now, but she's probably back in the day.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And the guy's right out of The Sopranos, the dad. He looks like Bobby Bacala. And then there's a guy who's very Jewish-looking. Me and my wife are arguing over the nose. He looks, he's got a really Jewish face, and they kept saying, I didn't even look it up, I'm so lazy, referring to him as the agent, which my wife said first, right at the beginning of the game. It's probably the agent, but he's dressed like an Italian mobster from the 40s, black
Starting point is 00:02:56 suit jacket, big gold horn, yeah, the fedora. I mean, laying it on, as in Jersey Shore Guido laying it on, which is great. I mean, New York, New Jersey, everywhere I go in the country, any further west than Springfield, Mass, people go, you're from Jersey, right? So he did a great job. He had a great game, didn't do anything stupid. And I was telling Dallas, I know you guys don't give a fuck. Don't worry. I'm almost through this.
Starting point is 00:03:26 But I remember watching Syracuse a couple years ago. I saw him on TV like three times for some reason. And he was the quarterback. He came in and replaced a guy. That's what it was, the first game. And I go, he's way better than the guy he replaced. And then I
Starting point is 00:03:41 saw Syracuse a few weeks later, and the starter was back in. And I'm like, what the fuck's going on? And then I saw him near the end of the year. DeVito was back in. But apparently, then he went to Illinois. So apparently, he wasn't happy. I can see why. I mean, he looks whatever. I know it's a quick thing. That's it. Made beef stew. That was unnecessary. Got a face full of sodium today. And I haven't showered in, I'm saying, I think about a week. You married people can relate to that. The rest of you is like, ugh. I've worked out a couple times, still haven't showered.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I don't smell. So the girl said to the front desk, yeah, so no, I'm just, that's how it is when you get mad, you don't give a shit. At night, people get up and shower when they're laying on the couch. I got to go to bed. No, it fucking wakes me up. Might as well do eight lines of blow. No excuse not to go awake without washing my nuts.
Starting point is 00:04:32 It's a real fucking cheese fest. All right, that's enough of that. Delicious. Thank you. Let's get on with it. Let it burn. Harvard University announced Tuesday that under fire president, who we talked about yesterday, President Claudine Gay, Steve Urkel,
Starting point is 00:04:55 will keep her job even after reportedly losing more than $1 billion in donations. That's as in B as in black, B as in bum, bogus. donations. That's as in B as in black, B as in bum, bogus. Since her disastrous congressional testimony about anti-Semitism. So once again, the white establishment shows their true fucking colors. I don't know why everybody's so surprised about this. She checks all three boxes, female, gay, black. You're immune to anything. Fucking first. You're immune to anything. Any laws, any school rules.
Starting point is 00:05:33 She could shoot a baby in the head in her classroom at Harvard. And we have to mull it over. What was the context of it? So, you know, I got to believe there's still going to be heat turned. I'm hoping. I want to see it turned up so bad they have no choice. And by that, I mean destroying the campus. You know, somehow. I'm not putting anything out there. You know, toilet paper, innocent shit in the trees and shoes. That's what I mean. Is there a fly in here? No, I can't. As members of the Harvard
Starting point is 00:06:01 Corporation, oh, there's a Harvard Corporation. We today reaffirm our support for President Gay's continued hateful fucking anti-Semitic remarks, said me. Continued leadership, is that what you call it, leadership at Harvard? Having your students believe that exterminating Jews is just fine? Our extensive deliberations affirm our confidence
Starting point is 00:06:23 that President Gay is the right leader to help us because she's a black woman with a cock. To help our community heal and to address the very, yeah, it's going to heal. It's going to heal. That's like cutting yourself with a dirty steak knife and going, I'm going to stick it in again. It might heal it. The very serious societal issues we are facing what you're creating the group said in a statement because they don't have the balls to speak out individually right yeah your mother sucks big elephant dicks you got that i do acknowledge that the university should have released an immediate direct and unequivocal condemnation of Hamas terror attack on October 7th.
Starting point is 00:07:07 This is the group talking, noting calls for genocide are despicable and contrary to fundamental human values, in apparent contrast to Gay's testimony last week. No, it's right in line with Harvard's values. So stop saying that. That's what you guys live and breathe on. President Gay, and again, it's about not so much about anti-Semitism and Jewish and Israel as about colonization. That's how they see Israel. And don't think it's scoffing. It's only going to get worse and it's going to be directed at us. President Gay has apologized for how she handled her congressional testimony
Starting point is 00:07:43 and has committed to redoubling universities' fight against anti-Semitism, the group wrote. Regarding accusations that Gay plagiarized numerous portions of her 1997 Ph.D. theses in direct violation of Harvard's academic integrity policies, the Harvard Corporation said officials became aware of claims of plagiarism in late October and initiated an independent review. So in most schools, this would have been the final straw, this thing. But no. The bigger president. That's right.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Still the fellows said, in this tumultuous and difficult time, we unanimously stand in support of President Gay at Harvard. We champion open discourse. No, you don't, you lying motherfuck Gay at Harvard. We champion open discourse. No, you don't. You're lying, motherfuckers. You don't want open discourse. You call people who use the wrong genders, you call that violence. Anybody utters the N-word, you're finished for life. So shut the fuck up. They're like little kids who get caught doing something wrong and still won't admit it. At Harvard, we champion discourse. And by the way, they came in 248th out of 248 schools. They have a scale for freedom of speech on campuses. So God help us. And we are united in our strong belief that calls for violence against our
Starting point is 00:09:00 students and disruptions of the classroom experience will not be taught. Again, you're just so full of shit. That's all you do is break up classrooms. President Gay is the right leader to guide the university. During this challenging time, the group wrote in a letter obtained by Harvard. I can sum Ms. Gay up in two words. Hates Jews. Hates Jews. You hear the siren on that? It cracks me up now.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Do you believe it, though? I mean, after losing billions, you can still do that? So I said to Dallas, that's because there's money coming from shady places in the Middle East, anything anti-Jew.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Trust me. They looked at their coffers. Hey, I got the president of Qatar in line, too. We can back her. Don't worry about it. But I want to see the heat turned up I don't know fucking how
Starting point is 00:09:47 but it will did you show that box truck you did didn't you oh god help us hey in the second half of the show boys and girls I'm going to be talking about a couple things the state no I don't want to talk about that yet. That'll be
Starting point is 00:10:07 coming up next in this part of the, I'm going to talk about another tranny, trans woman steals a trophy from actual biological woman in one of the faggiest dance competitions I've ever seen. Anyways, and a high school basketball coach gets attacked by one of his players because he was reprimanded during the game. So the player and his family waited for the guy, as black people do. Nick, don't generalize. Fuck you. You generalize about white people all the time now. Take it.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Enjoy it. Let's move on, shall we? Thank you so much. By the way, that's exclusively on Mug Club, so join now to get it at nickdip.comerini. No, dot com. Comerini is my Italian porn site. I'm, you know, I got to make ends meet. Preferably two nice ones.
Starting point is 00:11:06 What are you looking at? Thanks to your overwhelming response, we decided to extend our Christmas merch sale until December 17th. Yeah, we're selling enough. I'm like Target without the tucky thing. So head to slash store now and use promo code STNICK.
Starting point is 00:11:25 That's S-T-N-I-C-K. For 15% off hoodies, T-shirts, caps, mugs, or signed DVD or CDs. Our last day of shipping is December 18th. So do it now. Unless you trust the post office to get it there in time for Christmas. That's promo code STNICK. Now hop to it, kids. Shall ya?
Starting point is 00:11:44 Sure you shall. Let hop to it, kids. Shall ya? Sure you should. Let's stay on some politics. Donald Trump crushing it in Iowa with not even campaigning. Former President Trump is now over the magic 50% mark. I'm sorry, folks. Cheers. Thank you. I'm sorry folks, cheers.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Thank you. 50% mark in Iowa per the latest Des Moines Register slash NBC News slash Mediacom Iowa poll slash Orange Sherbet slash... Since October, the October poll, he's jumped eight full points from 43% to his current standing of 51%. Holy... I told you, didn't have to show up. Kicking the shit out of him. How about all the people said he should jump into the ring? Like even fucking DeSantis must feel silly when he reads it. What the fuck? How's he doing?
Starting point is 00:12:39 Oh, here he is, speak of the devil. Second place, Ron DeSantis, who people are calling kind of the devil. Second place, Ron DeSantis, who people are calling a kind of an establishment. I guess I don't know about his background enough. Well, compared to Trump, I guess everybody has potential rhino in them. I don't know. But I think you make a decent president. Second place, Ron, I got to look more into it. Second place, DeSantis is 32 whole points behind Trump with just 19% support. And again, I find that odd. I find that odd. Why do you find that odd? Because I don't believe in any of this shit. I believe they put out numbers, as somebody said, that the polls, when you read the numbers,
Starting point is 00:13:16 they don't tell you how people are thinking. It shapes how they're going to think. In other words, like, you don't know. It could be, it just runs so deep. You know, the people that own Fox, they're not fucking right wingers. They're globalists, you know, whatever. And the latest media hoax known as Nikki Haley Mentum has just been debunked. The former South Carolina governor, United Nations rep, sits in third. Why would you want anybody who worked at the U.N. and didn't quit? Sits in third place with just 16% support and an A cup. Or 35 points behind Trump. What's more, Haley has not gained a single point since last month,
Starting point is 00:13:59 despite the media's best efforts, exactly. So they're giving you the truth here. My bad. To pretend she is Nikki Serge Coke, darling. That's the name. the media's best efforts, exactly, so they're giving you the truth here, my bad, to pretend she is Nikki Serge Coke, darling. That's the name they... Gee, I'm confused, the guy said, who wrote the article, because the never-Trump tards in corporate media assured me that as the field of candidates shrunk, someone would rise as a serious threat and alternative to the former president. Well, the field has shrunk, and now Trump is up eight points,
Starting point is 00:14:31 while Koch brothers Nikki remain flat as her chest at 16 points. And DeSantis jumped only three points. Iowa votes in less than five, what, for the primary? What are we? I don't even know how it works. How about that, folks? You've been listening to me for two years now. How do you feel? Iowa votes in less than five weeks. Oh, they're voting on, you know what, the fucking, they grow big pumpkins in Iowa, and then they have a state funnel cake thing. They're going to vote in less than five weeks for, I don't know, miscongeniality. For some real context, let's look back at 2016. Trump, listen to this. Trump, this is interesting.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Trump lost Iowa in 2016 to Ted Cruz, 24.3 to 27.6 percent. The final Des Moines Register poll had Trump up only up by five points over Cruz, 28 to 23 percent. But that's the key. In 2016, per the average polling, Trump only had 28.6 percent support in Iowa. When the voting was over, he earned 24.3 percent support. The polls were off by less than four points. Today, Trump is up over 30 points in polling near or at or above 50%. I am your force. I mean, I don't know. I can't go, that's great, because I just feel like they fuck with your heads. You know what I mean? Meanwhile, and I'm not even reporting on this, the fucking trial
Starting point is 00:16:07 Jack Smith, remember the special prosecutor? Another lefty who hates Trump. He asked the Supreme Court to expedite the fucking thing. You know, this isn't about politics and the election coming up, whatever. The Supreme Court's going to listen. They didn't say yes yet. They said they will listen to it.
Starting point is 00:16:26 And let's say they say no, of course. And oh, it's fixed. It's a conservative court. That's why we have to pack the court after we steal this next election. Unbelievable. Hey, this is kind of related. Let's stay in the, well, again, Idaho's the West. I keep wanting to call it in the, I always think of it as more for the East, but it's not.
Starting point is 00:16:49 It's touching that communist country of Oregon. Eye on Idaho. Thousands of conservative-leaning Washington residents. That's the key. I didn't even know there were thousands. Washington State is what they mean. Residents fled the deep blue state for neighboring Idaho. Voter data published by the Gem State shows that. So they're like, fuck you, Inslee,
Starting point is 00:17:14 whatever his name is, that crackpot communist governor, Jay Inslee. And they're heading to Idaho, which is always conservative. How do I know that? Well, Mark Furman, famous OJ cop, moved there. And that's where all the cops who do the right thing live when they retire, a lot of them. Probably military too, right, Dale? I bet. Anyways, they're taking off from Washington and heading there. Data published by the Idaho Secretary of State's office shows that out of the nearly 119,000 people who recently moved to the state, 65% registered as Republicans compared to
Starting point is 00:17:53 just 12% registering as Democrats, which is great news because usually they bring their cancer with them. The data showed that out of the roughly 20,000 Americans who moved from Washington State to Idaho, 62% registered Republicans compared to 12% as Democrats, 24% as unaffiliated, and 2% as trans. I mean other. The percentage of registered Republicans originally from Washington who recently moved to Idaho is actually higher than the state's overall percentage of registered Republicans, which sits at about 58%. These are all terrific numbers.
Starting point is 00:18:30 We weren't surprised to find that Republicans are moving to Idaho. However, we were surprised to see just how overwhelming it was. Of those moving to Idaho, the majority of voters from 48 out of the 49 other states are what? Republican. The data comes as a handful of expensive and liberal states such as California and New York, have since the pandemic seen an exodus. Don't just blame it on the pandemic, okay? I'm so sick of that excuse. It just expedited. It came at a great time. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? An exodus of residents who have moved to states like Florida and Texas.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Speculations and concern have mounted that the state migration changes could lead to blue state voters bringing their dogshit political politics to red states. Oh, boy. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. All right. The Idaho data, however, showed right-leaning voters from blue states are fleeing to a state with similar politics. Idaho Republicans control the state's offices of the governor, secretary of state, and both chambers of the state legislature. So I don't know how you can live in Washington. I'm sure it's this nice places like everybody you know like every state has nice and they
Starting point is 00:19:51 have apples. They're known for their apples. But you know what cancels that out? Seattle. Which used to be a lovely state. Give you an idea how much I've traveled. I probably played comedy four or five times. One of my infamous brawls broke out there. That was fun. With all those West Coast states, it's mostly the coastal regions that are the far left because once you get inland, it's pretty much conservative.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I know you keep saying that, but the demographics have changed so much well you got the mexicans but they're not like you got the mexican conservatives i mean but like orange county went blue fucking minutes after i left i would take california off that list though not even counted i mean when you have washington and o Off what list? The west, what I just said, the west coast, the coastal areas, right? So the northwest, Seattle area and all that. Yeah. That's going to be your mostly left-leaning.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Most of the rest of the state, though, is red. Oh, with Washington. And Oregon. Yeah. That's fair to say. California's just been a one-party state for 50 fucking years. So, you know, and like I said, not long after I left, it was turning orange. When I was there in California, LA, for four years, it was, that was known as the fucking one red Republican.
Starting point is 00:21:19 But not long, a few years after I left, I remember, and I'm in New York, I'm like, what? That's starting it? I'm like, holy moly. Yeah, it's been one party stay. The fuck ever. And look at it. I mean, how much proof do you jerk-offs need? Not you. You guys vote like us. Don't you? Sure you do. You're like, I don't
Starting point is 00:21:37 do anything you do, Nick. Hey, for those of you on Mug Club, stick around for the second half of the show. Everyone else, go to and join to get the rest of my full show, Steven Crowder's full show, and a whole lot more. And by the way, boy, Alex Jones, back to relevancy. I'm not saying he wasn't, but I'm just saying back on Twitter, thanks to Elon Musk. So he's also part of Mug Club. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:22:06 while you're there, go to my website and check out my one date. And again, I'm in no hurry to get back. But that's May 11th at the Count Basie Theater in Red Bank, New Jersey. And it's a 1,500 seat venue. Please, like I said I said, even if they're illegal, still hanging out in the area, bring them in with a fucking translator. You'll have a ball. I promise you. guitar solo Outro Music

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