The Nick DiPaolo Show - Joel B. Pollak | Nick DiPaolo Show #382

Episode Date: July 23, 2020

Joel B. Pollak, Editor-in-Chief at Breitbart News joins Nick to discuss his new book Red November. Ted Wheeler hated by his own community. UGA teaching assistant says, "White people are not people". T...he NFAC (Not F***ing Around Coalition) to march in Louisville. Thank you Jeff from Philly, PA for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. How are ya? I'm here to say one thing. Give me the money, understand me? Give me the fucking money, you hear me? You hear me? I said come here and bust my body! Give me the fucking money! That's my way of asking. You know the show is free, Monday through Thursday now, okay?
Starting point is 00:00:17 And your daily contributions make it possible to do this show. Sounds like a commercial for PBS. Look at you sitting there not contributing, you selfish cocksuckers. No, you guys are great, but we rely on you guys to make daily contributions at or sign up at, become a monthly member.
Starting point is 00:00:38 You get an extra story a day. You get to ask me a question, access to the archive shows, or if you have a company and you want to sponsor this show, go to We can do that too. Especially now, folks, with what's going on in the world
Starting point is 00:00:54 and the rioting and just the COVID. This is one of the darkest years. And because it's so racial right now, you're not going to be able to hear any of what I say anywhere else. And I know that's what you're black, white, whatever color you are, that's what you're yearning for. Just to hear some truth. It might not always make you happy,
Starting point is 00:01:17 but, and we still find time to laugh as bleak as this world gets. anyways don't forget to hit that subscribe button when you're watching my youtube channel alright and we thank you so much for supporting the Nick DiPaolo podcast guitar solo Tickle that French bat. Yeah. How are you, folks? Welcome to the show on a Thursday. Great to be with you. Now you scared, Lee?
Starting point is 00:02:21 Yeah, man. Man, fuck you and your bone spurs. Yeah, don't start already there's enough racial tension in the world all right run through a motherfucker face i said lay off a lot of angry black folk out there about what oh lots of things nick anyways i want to thank those of you who chat live during the show at 5 p.m as you know we rely on your contributions in super chats are a big part of that. Plus, I get a list of them after the
Starting point is 00:02:48 premiere and get to read them all. Anyway, here's one that came through during yesterday's premiere. This is from Mike F. Is Larry Bird the best basketball player ever? The answer is yes, he says. Okay, that was easy.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Thanks, Mike. This is kind of a racially charged question. He is not the best basketball player. He's the best white basketball player ever. Even a few of the brothers will tell you that. But no, I'm going to go with Cornbread Maxwell Robert Parrish And then No I would say Jordan and LeBron Next and Colby and LeBron Maybe tied neck and neck I don't know And then Larry
Starting point is 00:03:36 Oh wait you got magic oh come on it's a black man's game Who are we shitting Kareem Fuck Kareem Fucking angry Muslim. Ooh, big talent. Seven foot nine. The basket's 10 feet.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Fucking sleeper hooks or whatever he called them. Anyways, here are my dates coming up if COVID doesn't cancel everything. 17th through 19th, Plaza Hotel Casino in Vegas. That's September. October 2nd, Jonathan's at Gunkwit Main. October 10th, Stand Up Live Huntsville, Alabama. October 11th, Zany's Comedy Club in Nashville. Please change the name of that.
Starting point is 00:04:16 November 19th, The Improv, Raleigh, North Carolina. Please come out and see me live if, like I said, who knows with the COVID stuff. Anyways, big show today. We're going to open it up with a great guest. This guy is the senior editor-at-large and in-house counsel, that means lawyer, at Breitbart News, graduated from Harvard Law, winner of the Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship, and just a tremendously smart guy. I quote his articles all the time. Please welcome Joe Pollack to the show.
Starting point is 00:04:50 His latest book is Red November, which, what's the choice? Whether people choose Trump Red or Socialism Red. And you started following the primaries, the Democratic primaries, like late last year, right? Into like May of this year, the book goes, that's the span? It really started in early 2019 because that's when most of the candidates for president declare. So the idea for the book started in late 2018, actually before the primary really started. And the coverage began in the spring of 2019. And then throughout the summer, when they had their first debates, the town hall meetings,
Starting point is 00:05:30 the campaigns going to early primary states. So I've been working on this for more than 18 months. So you started covering it when there was like 20 people. It was a really crowded field. It was about 25, I think. Yeah, there were a huge number of candidates. You know, I think Democrats felt like there was a big opportunity for them, not so much because they felt they could beat Trump, but just because there was so much interest on the Democratic side in who the candidates were going to be. And they had nothing to lose. Trump encouraged a lot of people to believe that even an outsider could get into the race and win. So I think that had a big impact in terms of encouraging people who might normally not have run to run. Yeah, like Beto O'Rourke. Yeah, Beto is sort of funny. He actually kicked me out of one
Starting point is 00:06:18 of his campaign events for no reason whatsoever. It was one of the more embarrassing moments for him on the trail where they ejected me from a meeting with students at an historically black college in South Carolina. And there was no reason for it. I mean, the students were fine with me. Some of them had actually helped me find the place because I couldn't find my way to the auditorium where it was being held. And they had a police officer escort me off campus. I remember them reading about this. And they tried to say that this was for some reason, you know, because I was threatening to the students, which was just ridiculous. And then even the CNNs of the world came out and said it was ridiculous. So, Beto backed down. But it was one of the signs that his campaign was doomed, I think. Yeah, if you get Don Lemon on your side, you know they're out of line.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Sounds like out-and-out racism to me, Joel, but it's the times we're living in. I was surprised. I didn't know this about you. I cite your articles all the time on the show because you're a great writer. I didn't realize you were a lefty at some point in your life, which isn't a surprise. I mean, the real bright people out there seem to have, you know, the David Horowitz's and the Tammy Bruce's and whoever else. What made you jump from kind of leaning left to where you are now? What was that? Was it any one incident or? No, it was more a sort of series of things that happen over time but you know there's the old
Starting point is 00:07:45 saying that if you are not a liberal when you're young you have no heart and if you're not a conservative when you're older you have no head i said that to my sort of like that a little bit look i think that a lot of young people like myself grow up uh thinking that the purpose of college and the purpose of being young is to help change the world. We're taught that. And what we're not taught, or maybe not taught enough, is that the most profound way you can change the world is actually by improving your own life and improving the lives of the people around you. And that's the most important work you can do. Instead, I think a lot of our youth today are very disconnected from family, from tradition, from community. They find a sense of community in these protests, but they're not really connected to things around them, to things that make our society work. We've been unsuccessful
Starting point is 00:08:36 in many ways in transmitting what freedom means, what America means to the next generation, and not just in an abstract sense. We've also just failed, I America means to the next generation. And not just in an abstract sense, we've also just failed, I think, to tell people how to best prepare for life. I saw today there's a new bill the Democrats are proposing to allow people to get rid of their student loans in bankruptcy court. You know, until now, you can't do that. If you take out a student loan, you have to pay it even after bankruptcy. And one of the reasons that happened was to encourage the banks to give lower rates to students. So the banks will give you a lower rate if they know they're going to get the loan. If they think you might not be able to pay it back, they're going to charge you more. So we made student loans a little cheaper by saying, well,
Starting point is 00:09:18 you can take them out at a cheaper interest rate, but you have to pay them back even in bankruptcy. And Democrats want to cancel that now. And part of the reason is that a lot of these kids who go to college study things that have no application in the real world whatsoever. They come out and they can't do anything. And that's unfortunately something Democrats have encouraged through their past subsidies of the student loan industry and colleges and so forth. And as a result, you get kids who live quite comfortably in student dorms, borrowing money from the banks or maybe from mom and dad, but basically taking out loans to live very comfortably, three square meals a day at the
Starting point is 00:09:57 cafeteria, all you can eat, and you can study whatever you want. It doesn't matter. And then you come out and you've got a degree in women's studies, but no one will pay you to do that. And the only thing you can really do with it is protest in the street because that's all you really studied. You learned about great protesters in the past. You studied the history of the civil rights movement or the feminist movement or whatever it was, but you haven't learned how to put bread on the table.
Starting point is 00:10:19 And that's a crisis. That's a real crisis. That's gross. That's capitalism, Joe. We can't have that. Isn't academia, it really is a national i heard i read somebody some they said this a few months ago it's really a national security threat academia what we're churning out for the last 30 40 years how do you how are we going to change that how are we going to turn that ship around
Starting point is 00:10:40 i mean it took the the the uh libs. They got their closet to it 40 years ago. Now it's generation after generation of fucking moron, in my opinion. How are we going to change that? People who lean right, can we change it? The most important way you change it is by succeeding. People imitate success. So what people on the right have to do is just succeed and be unafraid and unembarrassed by what you believe in. And that's hard now because you get punished for it.
Starting point is 00:11:10 You get kicked off social media. There's a survey that came out from the Cato Institute this week saying that 77% of Republicans are afraid to express their political views. And 58% of staunch liberals are very comfortable expressing their views. The media allow the left-wing people to get away with saying whatever they want, and it intimidates conservatives, and we have to stop being intimidated. We basically have to say, look, we're going to succeed, and we're going to be proud of our success and the reasons behind our success. And you see that with the McCloskeys, this couple that has come out,
Starting point is 00:11:42 very wealthy couple, successful attorneys. They defended their home with weapons that they didn't fire at anybody. And now they're being prosecuted by the left. And you're starting to see people wake up and realize, unless we stand up for our rights the way this couple did, unless we stand up for this couple, we're all going to be in danger. But we also have to stand up for ourselves when we succeed, not just when we're threatened. And I think that you just have to assert, look, this is success,
Starting point is 00:12:08 and there is a million people out there who are willing to help you achieve the same success. You know, you can take classes on YouTube for free. You can learn life lessons just by listening to podcasts. I mean, there's so many successful people who've made it as capitalists or whatever who are eager to share their knowledge, maybe not even through the goodness of their heart, but just because they have big egos or whatever it is. But there's a world of information out there. And conservatives and people on the
Starting point is 00:12:34 right, people who've been successful should share that information and be proud about it. And I think eventually, you know, that sort of pride, that kind of confidence does win converts. And I think eventually, you know, that sort of pride, that kind of confidence does win converts. I know if I hear one more person on the right, apologize after, you know, they called out on something. It's like you're actually saying, OK, whoever's accusing you is right. It's like, will you stop already? Stand up. I know the cancer culture and everything, but the way they go after Tucker Carlson, I don't think there's a fairer guy ever on TV. And they're making him out to be some right-wing nut and going to his house and giving his new address out.
Starting point is 00:13:12 It's just unbelievable. Now, with your book, you said it's Bernie Sanders you say is responsible for how far left the party is today, right? That's what you got from the – Well, it's partly Bernie. I mean, Bernie definitely inspired a lot of the left-wing stuff. But he's part of it.
Starting point is 00:13:31 He's not the source of it. I mean, this has been a long time coming. Oh, yeah. And he was the person who organized it and gave it some political expression. And he's not a Democrat. He's a socialist, but he ran as a Democrat. And he gave a lot of these left-wingers who'd previously been kind of disjointed, he gave them something to organize around. And when Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, her wing of the party,
Starting point is 00:13:58 which had been the establishment wing, the dominant wing, they're kind of shell-shocked. I mean, they still have the money and the power, but they didn't have the direction. And they couldn't find a direction. They chased all these Russia conspiracy theories and so forth. The people who understood where a direction might be were the Bernie Sanders people. Now, the party didn't have to move in that socialist direction, but they were the only ones organized to push their agenda. And they did push their agenda. So now they represent the base of the party. And even though the establishment made sure Joe Biden was the nominee and not Bernie Sanders, the establishment has to go along with where the base is in terms of policy issues. That's why you see Joe Biden running after the left, moving further left, talking about revolution. That's right. Joe Biden is actually talking about
Starting point is 00:14:39 what he calls, quote unquote, revolutionary institutional changes. I mean, he's adopted the language of Bernie Sanders. And you're going to see more and more of that because he's not able to assert any of the mainstream alternatives. He's going with the flow. It's the only way he can win. And he may not win. I mean, I think Trump's still got a good chance of winning, but. I, yeah, I don't, maybe I'm stupid. I still don't believe that Biden's going to be the nominee. He's going to have to come out of his mouse hole and speak for more than 30 seconds. And it's going to expose how fucking old and senile. And like you said, you just if I was Trump's campaign manager, I'd take, you know, clips of Biden from 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:15:19 And just I'm sure that's being done right now. Just showing that this is how I look at it. I see Biden as Kermit the Frog and like AOC is Jim Henson with a hand up his ass. And he's going to say anything that they tell him to. He's a perfect vessel for them. But I really don't think like once he gets exposed even more, I think whoever's on the ticket is going to jump. They talk about Liz Warren. Is that possible? It is possible. Is that possible? It is possible.
Starting point is 00:15:49 It's possible that she could be the running mate. And she's had a huge influence, apparently, according to insiders that were quoted by She's had a huge input into Biden's policies. A lot of his ideas mirror hers. But he's also being influenced by Bernie. I mean, he came out the other day with an idea of taxing real estate investors to pay for some new entitlement he wants to do, $775 billion. He wants to tax the money people make on selling a property they don't live in. Now, if you know anything about the housing industry and the construction industry, you know that taxing real estate transactions would just kill tens of thousands of jobs, at least. And many of those jobs are union jobs, unionized construction workers.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Who wants to do this? Biden? Biden's running as the union guy, but he wants to tax this industry that keeps everybody employed. Right. And that's an idea that comes out of Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders proposed a 25% tax on real estate transactions for houses you don't live in. He's got three of them, by the way. What's that? He's got three houses, by the way.
Starting point is 00:16:48 That's right. Mr. Socialist. Right. So, yeah. Now, let's move forward to today with the social upheaval in this country and what's going on. Isn't it pretty clear i think it's pretty transparent like these mayors like wheeler in portland and um the idiot in seattle they did
Starting point is 00:17:13 they don't want trump coming in there with federal troops because if he cleans up their mess that's going to get them or help get them re-elected so this is all a farce isn't it i can't believe i'm watching whaler out there with rioters uh last night in in portland what the fuck is going on joel well the funniest thing about that is that he showed up and then they booed him you know he wanted to show solidarity with the rioters and then they threw things at him actually and then they start throwing flaming bags of garbage over the fence at the courthouse. And he's standing there talking about peaceful protest.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Then he gets tear gassed. And, you know, he doesn't like that. Nobody would like it. But he gets tear gassed there. And he's, you know, showing how much solidarity he has with these poor, peaceful protesters. And then he decides or his security detail decides he's getting too dangerous. They want him to go. And people throw things at him as he leaves.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I mean, that's the typical position right now of the, you know, quote unquote privileged white liberal where they've created this monster. They've created these protests. They've endorsed all this ridiculous mayhem. And it didn't start here with Wheeler. He did it two years ago also with Occupy ICE. There was a group of left-wingers who tried to barricade in the employees of ICE in Portland. ICE, of course, does interior enforcement of illegal immigration. They're not the Border Patrol, but they catch people who are not supposed to be here. And the Trump administration has targeted criminals. So they're not just going after people willy-nilly, they're going after people who've not supposed to be here. And the Trump administration has targeted criminals. So they're not just going after people willy nilly, they're going after people who've done something wrong, and who are here illegally. So something wrong in addition to being here illegally, but
Starting point is 00:18:52 they barricaded these this Occupy Ice building in, and Wheeler let him do it. And in fact, there was a congressional resolution, I think, to get Wheeler to resign, but he's still there, of course. And and this is their position. They've created this monster, this radical, violent protest, and now it's coming for them as well. So they're still trying to show that they're on top of things, they're in control of the situation. The liberals haven't figured out yet that the radical left hates them as much, if not more, than conservatives. The left wants to destroy it all. So there's nothing more appropriate than to see Wheeler out there trying to show he's in solidarity with a mob that hates him. And that's pretty much where the liberal left has let itself. Well, I've been saying that for years. I hang out
Starting point is 00:19:37 a lot of cops. I got a retired buddy who was a cop in Miami for 33 years. And when we watch these riots on TV and see these white kids we would all he would always say to me don't they realize if this shit really goes down they're the first ones to die they don't want them there it's true they don't want them there it's almost i'm almost feeling from from uh blm the actual black members of blm they're furious that it's been hijacked by white kids you can almost you know feel the tension there. But the white kids helped organize it. But they don't want him there.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Can I ask you this? You went to law school at Harvard. So maybe you can answer this. These mayors are talking like Wheeler. Isn't he in dereliction of duty? Don't they take an oath? Don't they swear an oath? A constitutional oath when
Starting point is 00:20:26 they become mayor correct are they going to be accountable for any of this and you know you've got to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic it's you know usually some based on based on that yeah and and that's the end of the story and they don't seem to be interested in living after that at all. And, you know, it's just an extreme situation we've got where Democratic mayors are absolutely just refusing to govern. And the victims, of course, are the residents of their cities, particularly minorities, because in many of these riots, the businesses being smashed and burned are owned by black Americans. They're owned by immigrants. And the Democratic mayors are doing nothing to protect these people, nor are they protecting the victims of ordinary crime like in Chicago. So it's an absurd situation. And yet here we are, as you put it earlier correctly, they're doing it because they don't want to be seen cooperating with Trump. They would rather let their cities burn than be seen to help
Starting point is 00:21:25 Donald Trump. Now, contrast that to Republicans. Republicans gave Chris Christie a hard time in 2016 when he greeted Obama after Hurricane Sandy and he gave Obama a hug or whatever. But that's what a responsible approach is. I mean, I didn't like that Chris Christie was sort of fawning on Obama. I think he sort of sensed Obama was going to win, so he wanted to get in his good graces. But the point is, Christie felt like his first responsibility was to the people of New Jersey. So he wasn't going to snub the president of the United States. And that's a responsible approach. I mean, you can say what you will about it. It happened during political season. But Chris Christie said,
Starting point is 00:22:00 you know, I'm not going to bash the guy for doing his job, especially when he's sending us aid. There's been one or two Democrats who've been sort of responsible. I mean, Gavin Newsom in California, very political, very anti-Trump, but he hasn't trashed him on the coronavirus. He's actually been working with Trump on the coronavirus. So, you know, that's what you expect out of leaders. Now, California is not exactly run very well and our mayors are just terrible, but, you know, it's at least something that you might expect but it's the exception i mean in chicago and these other cities you know i used to live in chicago yeah i mean the mayor's in complete denial and they're basically letting these black
Starting point is 00:22:36 kids die on the south and west side because they want to spite trump she is blinded by her hatred of trump and doesn't surprise me. She's a black lesbian. He's a white alpha male billionaire. But she is blinded. Like you said, her own citizens are getting shot up at funerals. And she comes out a day later with a tweet saying, I will not take any money from him. They're not allowed. Can I, again, on a law question, they keep saying Trump is it's unconstitutional.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Him sending the feds in to quell these riots. How is that? I don't know the Constitution as well as you do. Is that is that how is that unconstitutional? What am I missing here? No, it's perfectly constitutional. There's nothing unconstitutional about it. I mean, unless they could argue that, you know, the federal law enforcement somehow exceeding the, you know, limits of their authority, it wouldn't be unconstitutional, there might be some sort of administrative hoop that they fail to jump through or something like that, you know, the lawyers will always dig up something. But there's nothing unconstitutional about it. I mean, George Washington ordered the
Starting point is 00:23:38 military into the field to crush the whiskey rebellion, you know, people in Pennsylvania, farmers in Pennsylvania were upset about the way the whiskey and the taxes were being handled. And Washington said, to hell with this. You know, you don't get to just rise up against the government. So, that was federal, that was a federal army basically marching in Pennsylvania. It's completely constitutional. It's been necessary at various points in our history. And we may be at one of those points now. And there's legislation on the books that allows this to happen. So the idea that it's unconstitutional revolves around the fiction that these people are peaceful protesters. There's nothing peaceful about it. You know, you're lighting garbage on fire and throwing it at a federal courthouse.
Starting point is 00:24:19 You're firing fireworks at federal law enforcement. You know, it's really, I'm writing a column about this tomorrow, but it actually undermines the tradition of peaceful protest we have in this country. You know, there is a proud tradition of nonviolent protest. To call these people peaceful is to insult the entire civil rights movement. It's really a disgrace. Amen to that. We're talking to Joe Pollack, the editor-at-large of Breitbart. It's really a disgrace. Amen to that. We're talking to Joe Pollack, the editor at large of Breitbart. It's got a great book out called Red November.
Starting point is 00:24:51 And I won't take a bunch more of your time. How about the COVID thing and how Trump handled it? Let me ask you this. Let me put you on the spot. If the election was today and you had to put money
Starting point is 00:25:03 on who's going to win, would it be Trump? Well, you know, I always hedge my bets. You know, if you go to the casino and you got some money on black, maybe you want to think about having some on red. So, you know, I think I would bet on Biden to win if it were held today. Right. But I also think that there's a long way to go. And I think that what's happening right now is you've got an electorate that's looking at Biden and thinking about whether he can actually be president. They're kind of wrestling with the idea of whether this guy can be president. That's why you see him talking a
Starting point is 00:25:33 little bit more. That's why you see people looking a little bit more closely at his policies. He knows he's in the spotlight right now. And I don't think people are liking what they're seeing. First of all, he can't really function. He's not really there. I mean, I write about it in Red November on the campaign trail. There's one speech he gave in South Carolina where he had his back to the audience most of the time. It's just bizarre. So he's not entirely 100%. I said that on stage as a joke one night. I said he was the only guy facing the wrong way during the debates. So that actually happened. I can't believe it. Well, I'm watching this event. He has a bunch of people in a gym at a local college. It looks like a high school gym.
Starting point is 00:26:09 He barely fills up, you know, half a basketball court. And there's a band behind him. He spends most of his time talking to the band. I couldn't figure out what was going on. I mean, I don't think he could either. So, you know, it's just strange to have someone like that actually as a major party nominee for president. But, you know, the other thing is that Biden's not doing anything about this disorder in the cities.
Starting point is 00:26:32 You see Trump trying to do something. Biden's not doing anything. It gives you the impression Biden supports it, but it also gives the impression he can't control it. And I think if the Democrats win this election, we get more of that kind of thing. Remember, it started under Obama. He can't control his matter. Black Lives Matter in 2014 and all that. Right. So I think people are going to look at this and take a real close look at it over the next few weeks.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Plus, you've got Trump who's really doing a good job lately. I mean, he's got the coronavirus situation in hand. You know, it's still that was my next question. That was my next question. Well, he's coming across well in most of his communication. He's projecting steady leadership. That's what Trump has to do. He basically has to say, look, we've got to move forward.
Starting point is 00:27:12 We've got to finish what we started. We've got to finish the wall. We've got to decouple from China. We've got to make sure that we get our economy back, not by taxing it, but we've got to make sure we keep deregulating, keep creating opportunity. There's so much that Trump has done to initiate reforms, and those reforms will just be forgotten and thrown away if Biden becomes president, because Biden, of course, is very close to China.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Biden wants amnesty for illegal aliens, does not want to finish the wall, and so forth. So I think Trump is basically doing a pretty good job. Give him a few more weeks. I think you're starting to see momentum turn around already, but there's a lot of time to go. And I think people just have to focus on the issues. I say losing campaigns count days, winning campaigns count votes. So the Trump team really has to make sure they get everybody who can vote out there, because this is an election that's more important than most other elections, probably more important than any election, because the Democrats, they're not just going to win if they get more votes. They're going to
Starting point is 00:28:04 change the rules of the game so that Republicans can never win again. Trying to get rid of the filibuster. Are you shitting me? Yeah. I mean, yeah, they have no qualms about turning this society upside down. And Trump's winning, according to I think I read it in Breitbart, actually, the seven of the 10 swing states he's beaten Biden. So there is a long way to go. And I think you're exactly right. I don't want to take up any more of your time, Joe. I appreciate it, man.
Starting point is 00:28:30 We read you all the time. And you're a great writer and sharp as hell. Go get his book, Red November. You'll definitely enjoy it. Thanks a lot, Joe. I appreciate it, man. Thanks. Great to join you.
Starting point is 00:28:41 All right. All righty. I want to thank our our guest joel pollock read his stuff man i'm bright part you know andrew brightbart called me at my house a couple times when he was alive i'm still i'd put that on my resume guy was a mover and a shaker former lefty by the way and uh yeah just a tremendous guy what a loss that was. Anyways, yesterday we labeled the show Maggot Marxist Mayor, talking about who? Ted Wheeler, right? The mayor of Portland.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Well, guess who's back on the nose in my first story again? Because this guy is the biggest asshole, as we say say in Boston in the history of the planet. Yeah. Mayor Ted Wheeler joined a violent demonstration in his city Wednesday night at which protesters threw flaming bags of garbage at a federal courthouse and where he was jeered by the crowd before being tear gassed by federal officers. What have I said about white libs? When the shit goes down, your throat will be cut first. I've been saying that forever. He's out there.
Starting point is 00:29:53 They didn't even want him there. Jeered is not cheered. He was jeered. That's a bad thing. But he's out there, you know, because he's one of them. Watching people throwing trash at the courthouse. Have we lost our ever fucking minds? USA Today reported the mayor was caught in a chaotic display of violence and mayhem
Starting point is 00:30:15 that began around 11.15 p.m. after some protesters threw flaming bags of garbage over a fence protecting the local federal courthouse, prompting the federal officers to fire tear gas at the crowd. Video shot on the scene captured Wheeler at the fence around the courthouse with flames. We got a couple clips. Here he is, asshole himself. Put a deep breath in. Put these safety goggles on.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Put a deep breath in. Atta baby, Mayor. Eat that shit. Get out of there. Eat that shit. Eat that shit. Eat that shit. What a fucking... How is this guy not arrested and Kim Gardner
Starting point is 00:30:58 and all those other people for derelict of duty? You're a mayor. When you're a politician and mayor of a mayor, you sign an oath. A constitutional oath, I believe. You know. Yeah, so here's the other clip of him.
Starting point is 00:31:24 What the fuck? He's being protected. Some of those guys wanted to beat him up. The guys, he thinks he's on their side. Nonetheless, the Oregonian noted, the mayor, who's also the local police commissioner, have been determined to stand in solidarity with the crowd against federal law enforcement.
Starting point is 00:31:46 The reason I am here tonight is because I'm a self-hate, white-hating jerk-off, is to stand with you, he told the crowd. If they're launching the tear gas against you, they're launching the tear gas against me. Who said that? Wheeler. Who the fuck said that? Fucking Wheeler. Who's the slimy little communist shit-twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Wheeler fucking Wheeler Ted Wheeler
Starting point is 00:32:10 jack off that solidarity did not win the hearts and minds of the crowd apparently protesters greeted Wheeler's arrival at the start of the night by chanting his name preceded by an expletive the crowd often shouted to drown out what he was trying to say.
Starting point is 00:32:32 The guy's so hated, even anarchists fucking don't want him there. Wheeler attempted to acknowledge systemic racism and his own privilege to no avail. What a fucking asshole. I'm smart. I'm like everybody says. Like, fucking asshole. I'm smart, not like everybody says. Like, no, I'm smart and I want respect. You'll get respect, all right.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Wheeler condemned what he called an egregious overreaction and blamed Donald Trump for urban warfare before he was escorted to safety by his security team. Even after these jerk-offs wanted to beat him up, he's still blaming Trump. It really is a mental illness. It's not even liberalism. This is Marxism. He has to be arrested. And all the other mayors, like Lori Lightfoot, that are refusing help.
Starting point is 00:33:26 According to their logic, these rioters are doing this shit. Trump's want to send federal troops in to quell it. And you know why they don't want to let him do that, right? Talked about it earlier on the show. Because if he quells it, it's going to help him get reelected. So let's keep it going. And let's keep the COVID thing going. Oh, Nick, you're paranoid.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Shut the fuck up. The fuck up, not the fuck up. Earlier, USA Today noted Wheeler had been accused of racism. It's not even enough that he's out there burning shit on behalf of black people. He's still considered a racist. One white mother pointed out that Wheeler only showed up to the protests after other white mothers attending the demonstrations
Starting point is 00:34:08 over the weekend were tear gassed. Doing all this shit and he's still considered a racist. You're a real crumbum. You're a real goo gobbler is what you are, you fucking jackass.
Starting point is 00:34:22 That goes for Kim Gartner, the fucking prosecutor in St. Louis. Unbelievable, folks. The inmates are running the asylum. Look at this white piece of cheese. Look at this fucking eunuch. His wife or his life partner
Starting point is 00:34:39 has his balls in a mayonnaise jar on the counter at home. Fucking fruit cup. Desgraciar. Let's, oh, let's go from one dumb whitey to another. Joe Biden is getting nervous. By the way, they asked him to come out of his fucking mouse hole to speak, and he wouldn't yesterday.
Starting point is 00:35:03 You know he's in his jammies. This guy's going to die choking on a bingo chip in about a year in a nursing home. That's how he's going to die. Poll results released Wednesday. This is good news for Trump by American Principles Project, that's APP, and Surprise Strategies found that President Trump leads Joe Biden in seven of the ten battleground states with a narrow lead in four of them. So that's good news for Trump. I am your voice. According to the poll, Trump is currently leading Biden in Georgia 49-46. Kentucky, 60-34. Michigan, 50-45. Montana, 52-42. North Carolina, 49-46. Pennsylvania, 48-47. And Texas, 49-45. The results also indicate Biden is leading Trump in Arizona, which is a very red state, 49-45. Iowa, 48-46.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And Wisconsin, 46-45. How the fuck is Iowa? How's he losing in Iowa, where all retired cops and military moved to? Jesus H. Christ. While Trump currently trails in some battlegrounds, he also leads in several states where many political pundits have already written him off. You can't handle the truth. Can't handle my machine here. Piece of garbage.
Starting point is 00:36:38 What the? Get out of the way. I'm an old man. I can't fix the way. I'm an old man. I can't fix the machine. Anyways, real quick, I'll give you some of the polls yielded the following results in nine U.S. Senate races. In Arizona, Democrat Mark Kelly leads Martha McSally, 48 to 41. In Georgia, David Perdue, Republican. Leads John Ossoff, 46, 44.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Georgia special runoff. Doug Collins, 29%. Matt Lieberman, Democrat, 23%. Doug Collins, Republican. Kelly Loeffler, Republican, 19%. Ed Tarver, whoever the fuck that is, pulling up. Republican, 19% Ed Tarver, whoever the fuck that is, pulling up last. Iowa, Teresa Greenfield, Democrat, 45%, Joni Ernst, Republican, 43%. She's the current governor, isn't she?
Starting point is 00:37:35 Iowa, you're disappointing the shit out of me. I mean, Jesus H., Christ, let's pick up the pace. I am your China. Because it came from China. It's a Chinese virus. Zipperheads created this shit to ruin me. Let's move on to Portland, the most fucked up city. They're on day 58 of rioting, by the way.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Every night. Because their mayor tells the cops to stand down. But some more shit's going on in Portland that's pretty interesting. Like what, Nick? Like this. Portland Fire and Rescue Commissioner Joanne Hardesty, pictured here, a real piece of ass. Anytime I mention her name, just pull it up, Rez, okay? That's Chappelle doing a character, isn't it? Look at this piece of ass.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Could be any point guard for North Carolina in 1971. How did she get elected? Just on her fucking dreads alone, I know she has bad judgment. This is Whoopi Goldberg with AIDS. Whoopi with sickle cell. She's banned all law enforcement agencies, federal or local, from using any of their 31 stations to prepare for tactical operations. This comes after Hardesty demanded the Portland mayor, Ted Wheeler, give her command of the city's police force. Black people just fucking bossing around, Whitey.
Starting point is 00:39:17 An extraordinary insurrection in Portland City Hall. City Commissioner Joanne Hardesty this morning issued Mayor Ted Wheeler an ultimatum. Mayor Wheeler, if you can't control the police, give me the Portland police barrel. I don't know what she means by that. Is she upset that they're standing down and doing nothing? Or
Starting point is 00:39:34 what is she upset at? Because the cops aren't doing anything. Hardesty declared in a letter to the mayor, but she doesn't know. This is stupid. This is stupid. This is stupid. Mayor Whaler, if you can't control the cops, give me the Portland Police Bureau. You are putting our community in danger. You are putting my staff in danger.
Starting point is 00:40:02 We need you to be better. You snotty little bastard the mayor rejected her request and said listen skinny bitch no instead he request he turned down a request instead we'll continue uh to retain command of the portland police maybe she's on my side here she thinks he doesn't have the cops doing enough, but that can't be just by her hairdo and her fucking rainbow African colors in the background. Wheeler said in a statement on Monday, I will punch her face in with my white fucking tiny girl hands. Oh, he says, I will continue to serve as police commissioner through this time of transformation. And I will continue to work with elected leaders from the county and the state to ensure that we are examining the criminal justice system as a whole.
Starting point is 00:40:53 You're a whole. Filled with pus. Portland Fire and Rescue announced at 7.30 p.m. on July 20th that the city's police force is no longer welcome at any of its stations. You have to be dicking me, really. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Recently, a story has been circulated that federally contracted law enforcement agents
Starting point is 00:41:20 have been using Portland fire and rescue stations as staging areas for operations against demonstrators. PF&R would like to make it very clear that these federal agents were not and will not ever be allowed to use the fire stations for their tactical operations. I wonder if they'd be saying that if, like, China invades us and starts killing people. Would you say that? We don't need your help ever. The fire department said the Portland police have historically been permitted to stage their rapid response team personnel at fire stations for pending tactical operations. So they usually work in tandem.
Starting point is 00:41:57 This is what leftists do. They even have dissension between the cops and the fire people. They're just a cancer. They're a blithe. They're a blithe. They're a fucking barnacle on the ass of progress. The Portland police issued a statement about the policy change shortly after the announcement saying all firefighters are big girls and bitches. The cops said this. Portland police will continue to proudly serve
Starting point is 00:42:26 with the brave men and women of the Portland Fire and Rescue. We work together every day, placing our lives in each other's hands to serve the community, and we'll continue to do so. Well, maybe you're not reading the missives that are out there. He's lying. He's lying.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Mayor Wheeler, on Monday, again, said that he wants federal offices to leave Portland and join mayors from other cities across the country, including Seattle. How's it going in Seattle? Shithole. Atlanta, shithole. I mean, they're good cities before all this. And denouncing the federal administration's deployment of forces. Okay, so that's what Mayor Wheeler wants.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I suck cock, and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. Why aren't they, seriously, are they going to face any, are they accountable by law? They're not doing their jobs. You have to take an oath when you're a mayor of a city. Are they going to be accountable when all this is over? Of course not. Meanwhile, if I get shoplifting at Walmart, I'll do 10 years at a Turkish prison. Nick, do you shoplift at Walmart?
Starting point is 00:43:40 No, the place is cheap. I don't have to do that. New sponsor, ladies and gentlemen, this episode of the Nick DePaul Show brought to you by ExpressVPN. If you guys are like me, you're on the internet, you might go to a few sites your girlfriend might not be happy about, and your wife will snoop around and find you on for about 14 hours, or high school cheerleaders get drunk. You know, the good ones, the ones that might hurt your career.
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Starting point is 00:46:02 I can't see how that's not going to work. the show. It's a great product. I can't see how that's not going to work. Unless you're a lonely guy, you know, in a basement by yourself on food stamps and haven't seen a girl in a year. And more double standards as far as race news is concerned. This one fried my nipples to a nice medium well. UGA black teaching assistant, I had to put the word black in there, because if you were listening to this story on the radio, you'd be going, why is this a big deal? UGA, that's University of Georgia at Athens, black teaching assistant and BLM activist. Okay, do you get that? He's a professor at a college and he's a Black Lives
Starting point is 00:46:48 Matter activist, which again is a domestic terrorist group, a Marxist group. That's not anybody's opinion. You just read their mission statement. So he's that and he's a professor. Does that sit well with you? What did he say? He said, this is a quote for him, white people may have to die
Starting point is 00:47:03 for black communities to be made whole. Oh, there he is. There's the racist. There's the whitey hater. There's the racist. Guess what? He's still working, folks. That seems fair, huh? What's his name? Arami Osei Frimpongong just his name makes me sick to my dirty stomach a university of georgia phd candidate in philosophy so his philosophy is kill whitey brilliant and black lives matter activist said that he was under investigation after making an inflammatory social media post where he stated that some white people may have to die for black communities to be made whole and to pretend that's not the case is ahistorically and generally naive the brilliant man there's something wrong with the black man's mind there's something wrong
Starting point is 00:47:56 with his mind frimpong in another post wrote fighting white people is a skill and after receiving criticism for what seems to be the advocacy of political violence, added that he is confused why that is so controversial. Well, let me explain this to you, you ignorant bastard. How about we say, oh, you know what? This country can't be made whole until we get rid of all black people. Would you understand why that would be controversial?
Starting point is 00:48:23 You'd have a problem with it, wouldn't you? Answer me, you jerk off. What's he, a golfer? Nice hat. Though he claims he is not calling for violence, you just said some white people might have to die. How are you not calling for violence? Do words mean anything to you you you fucking moron oh he's not calling for violence frimpong believe it should still remain as an option when speaking with local media it's just a fact of history says that racial justice often comes at the cost of white life the phd candidate explained
Starting point is 00:49:07 i didn't advocate for violence i was just honest of racial progress what a fucking piece of shit you're lying and you're a piece of shit killing somebody white listen to this killing some white people isn't genocide it's killing some white people isn't genocide. It's killing some white people. He's a philosophy major. No, we haven't lowered the standards in this country out of fairness. Are you dog styling me? Maybe if we'd killed more, listen to this, we had to kill some white people to get out of slavery. Maybe if we killed more during the 20th century, we still wouldn't talk about racialized voter disenfranchisement and housing education and employment discrimination. This should not be controversial, he says. To that I say. Fuck you, mother!
Starting point is 00:50:00 If you know who she is. Fucking. You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend the nation. Those are some white teeth there, Professor. How'd you like them knocked down your throat? Fucking dink. But the whole important thing about this, Raz, is he's still working there.
Starting point is 00:50:25 That's the gist of this story. Here's some of his tweets. Pacifists stigmatize all war, including the Civil War, and conservatives don't mind white supremacy. This is why we can't get a real conversation going about what forces needed to bring the bear in order to secure justice for black people. You can't have a multiracial working class solidarity with a white population whose primary financial commitment
Starting point is 00:50:54 is tied to sustaining the racial hierarchy. Getting poor bigots raises just makes them more effective bigots. Does that go for black bigots or you don't believe in that, Professor Jerkoff? A lot of white people crowing about the father and son charged for murdering Arbery. No, there aren't a lot of people, number one, white people crowing about that. If they are crowing, they said it was horrible. It's easy to crow when no money nor land has to change hands. If those same people aren't pro reparations, then they are trash.
Starting point is 00:51:32 How about your sister's box? A good number of conservative black dams aren't conservative because of principled politics. They are conservative because they think that white people are psychopaths who can never be trusted to do justice by black communities. Yeah, you're not too fucking paranoid, are you? Oh, my God. I told you a long time ago, you fucking little monkey, not to fuck me. Anyways, he's still working. He's still working. One more for for you white people are not white people they are
Starting point is 00:52:07 white men and white women with distinct complementary roles and sustaining white supremacy this is why transgender folks are so destabilizing it's less uh anxiety about sex and more about we don't know how to fit you into the system of white rule oh Oh my god. You are mentally fucking ill. No country has been more welcoming to black and brown people on the fucking planet. And I'll say it again. You've heard me say it a hundred times. That's why millions of them are trying to sneak in here
Starting point is 00:52:37 each year. And this guy has a PhD in stupidity. Dr. Shithead. He's still working, by the way. He was cleared after a review, an investigation of his statements. He's still working. Just reverse the races.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Put a white professor in and saying shit like that. Equally as inflammatory. He only wouldn't be fired. He'd be kicked out of the country at this point more good news this is a louisville kentucky a black militia is planning to hold an armed march in louisville on saturday to demand justice for brianna taylor according to a video from the leader of the group. That'll be fun, huh? Hey, where are the white women at? John Fitzgerald J. Johnson, the self-proclaimed grandmaster and founder of the NFAC,
Starting point is 00:53:38 which stands for Not Fucking Around Coalition. God bless black people. That I like, actually. There should be more cursing in titles of groups and at least he's being honest. Look at him. He recently flew American Airlines.
Starting point is 00:53:55 They gave him those wings like a little kid. He said in a video posted on Sunday that those wishing to march must come in a specific uniform. Black boots, black pants, black button down shirt and black mask. He added that members must come with several types of guns. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Oh. Celebrate good time come on he looks like the keyboard player johnson met uh electronically with kentucky attorney general daniel cameron and louisville metro council president david james i'm guessing james is black on monday according to james who added that he organized the meeting. Cameron is investigating the killing of Taylor, a 26-year-old black woman who was unarmed in her south end apartment when Louisville police fatally shot her on March 13th. Can I explain what happened? They had a no-knock thing, a no-knock warrant. In other words, you can bust right in.
Starting point is 00:55:01 But they knocked anyways to let them know they were coming. They opened the door. The cops right in. But they knocked anyways to let them know they were coming. They opened the door. The cops bust in. She's in bed with her drug dealer boyfriend who shoots at the cops. The cops fire back, killing her. You don't see that in any of the headlines. It's just cops kill unarmed black women.
Starting point is 00:55:20 And I'm not saying it's justified. You understand? But we live in the United States of America it'll be investigated and if the cops are found guilty they'll be found guilty but just remember and those they have to make split decisions in 100th of a second in situations like
Starting point is 00:55:36 that again not saying it's justified I'm just saying if you date a drug dealer and he's got a gun in his bed, shit, bad shit could happen. Just remember that. So that's why they're having this protest. The militia made waves July 4th when roughly a thousand members of the group marched in Stone Mountain, Georgia, where there was a
Starting point is 00:56:02 mountainside carving of the three Confederate leads, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson. Remember when they did that a couple weeks ago and they said, hey, where are the white supremacists? We're in your house. They might show up this time. Protesters have taken to the streets of Louisville for 55 days to demand justice for Taylor, who was shot as police served a no-knock, blah, blah. Taylor's boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, who was also in the apartment, fired one shot in response, hitting Sergeant Jonathan Mattingly in the thigh. Mattingly in office is Brett Hankison and Miles Cosgrove return fire striking Taylor five times. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Johnson says, I would be so remiss not to tell you that there are a lot of people nationwide that are ready to descend on your city to extract justice if you cannot give us some type of guarantee that something is coming soon. OK, so he's threatening. You want to go to war? Come on. Do you want to go to war? We'll take you to war. OK? to war we think it's a war okay Tony Cuno he's threatening you know the politicians that you know if these cops aren't fired or whatever there's going to be hell to pay uh anyways wake up white people I have a patreon question thank god the show's on myself Jeff Philly Nick do you still think Biden will not be the nominee? I still do, Jeff. I know that's probably a crazy theory to you, but I'm telling you, the first time he has to speak for more than five minutes on national TV or maybe a debate, he's going to crumple. He's going to melt under the lights. He's a fraud. He's senile. So they're going to put somebody on the ticket.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Right now they're talking about Liz Warren. That he, she. So I really do, Jeff. I really think. And if he does get elected, he might be the first president that dies like six months into his... I don't mean assassin. I mean something's going to give.
Starting point is 00:58:11 I think he's going to die soon. I don't think he's healthy. I mean, I'm not wishing that. I'm just saying. So maybe throw Oprah on the... I don't know. Raz just made a face. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:58:24 She good, people. Hey, guys, I want to thank all you fans who continue to buy Nick DiPaolo's show merchandise. We have a picture of a fan right here drinking out of the Nick DiPaolo podcast mug. He's got me on TV. He's got the T-shirt on. He's one of our new patrons. he's one of our new patrons. That's Todd, who is a recent veto-level patron,
Starting point is 00:58:50 showing off his mug and his shirt. You get that when you join at the veto level. Thank you so much, Todd. Speaking of the mugs, you've seen me using this one on the show for almost 400 episodes. By the way, it's more like 800 episodes. We're not counting the ones that I did by myself. And we are finally selling them at By the way, it's more like 800 episodes. We're not counting the ones that I did by myself. And we are finally selling them at
Starting point is 00:59:10 Didn't realize we weren't. Not only that, we are making them ourselves right here in America. That's right. We're using underage labor. I have these two girls tied to a kitchen table that I found at the mall. Or should I say, those are my manager's kids making them.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Check this out. Look. That's Tommy's kids. They are the funniest. He sends me videos. They are so funny. But anyways, we're putting Americans
Starting point is 00:59:41 back to work. They're working from home like the rest of the country is. Look at their little fingers are bleeding. Tommy's standing over them. These kids can do anything Chinese kids can do, except for math and science. So, yeah, go to and grab a mug or two and have a drink with me while you watch the show. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Real quick, speaking of thank yous, these are people who have contributed since yesterday's show at Johnny Laverne, Louisiana. Jeffrey Fulgione of Massachusetts. Michael Klakowski, California. William Cummins, Canada. Manusar in your mouth. Something in your mouth.
Starting point is 01:00:29 My nuts are in your mouth. That's what it is. West Virginia. That probably happened to West Virginia. Tim Raleigh, Iowa. Thomas Daniels, Florida. John Straparo, Pennsylvania. Sue Gabagool, Florida.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Paul Sagnella, Connecticut. Cal Zone, Ohio, Thomas Sloat, Arizona, Charles Wood, Nevada, Tyrone Shoes, New Mexico, Anthony Dingalow, California, Mike O'Loughlin, Nevada, Nicholas Chapel, Minnesota, Bron Shuey. Braun Shuey? Kansas. Chester Morton, Nevada. Will We Wong Wang. Virginia. Virginia.
Starting point is 01:01:11 The Powerful Purple Helmet, Pennsylvania. Mark Fleming, Illinois. And here's the people that signed up at Patreon. Monthly subscribers, which please, if you can do it, do it. Mercer London. Monthly subscribers, which please, if you can do it, do it. Mercer London, Stephan Garno, or Stephanie, Marius M., and Carla Clark, or as we say in Boston, Carla Clark signed up. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 01:01:42 You're the lifeblood of the show. That is it for this show today, folks. I'd like to thank my guest, Joe Pollack from Breitbart News. Remember, you guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo Yeah.

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