The Nick DiPaolo Show - Joey Gaffes #215

Episode Date: August 12, 2019

Mysterious Epstein Death, Biden Offends, Pan-American Un-American Games....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Hey Jason, how about a picture? Hey, hey, welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen. I have no picture. It's Monday. Facebook Live. YouTube Live. We'll do it live. And don't forget, the show drops at 7 tonight, too. We'll do it live. And don't forget the show drops at 7 tonight, too.
Starting point is 00:00:47 We'll do it live. Fuck it. Do it live. If you want to watch it. I'll write it and we'll do it live. Where are you going, Jay? Fucking thing sucks. Sit down.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Distractions. Fucking Monday. Long week ahead of me. I'm not in the mood. Just got back from Pennsylvania. New Town Theater sold out this past weekend. Had a great time. Thank you guys for coming out.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Packed to the gills, the balcony and everything. Made some lady cry because I used the word fag twice in my act. Not even in a derogatory way. My opening act ran into her while I was on stage in the lobby. She's like, you were great, but I had to get out of there. I have two gay sons. And she starts bawling. What are you doing at a comedy show if you're that sensitive?
Starting point is 00:01:33 Here's my take on that. You're not made for this world, lady. You're a grown-up woman, and you're crying because I said fag a couple times. I'm guessing you pass those sensitive genes on to your two sons who would get. I'm seriously, and I have no problem with gay, but never did. Plenty of gay friends. It sounds like you have the problem, ironically.
Starting point is 00:01:54 But how can you come to a comedy show and not know who you're going to see and be that sensitive? I mean, who wouldn't make you cry? Seinfeld would make you bawl. I don't know what to say. Anyhow, this is the world we live in. Hey, Big Shasta, he's a YouTube follower.
Starting point is 00:02:12 He's got a cigar bar here in this town. Wants me to do comedy. It could be a great, I've done one up in Westchester. It was a cigar bar. It was great. Very intimate setting. So Big Shasta, if you're listening, hit me up on Twitter or Facebook at Nick DiPaolo. Give me some details. I want to get in contact with you. It could be great. I need a place to
Starting point is 00:02:30 work out, and it sounds friggin' awesome. And don't forget, next month, ladies and gentlemen, Ted Nugent, the Motor City Madman, is joining us. Can't wait. He deafened me in my left ear as a 15-year-old. It's a true story. Real quick, dates. This weekend, I'll be at the Helium Comedy Club in Philadelphia, Friday and Saturday night, August 16th and 17th. And here's a new date for you. Thursday, September 26th, Wise Guys Comedy Club, Salt Lake City, Utah. Then the next two nights, I'm at my manager's new room in Vegas,
Starting point is 00:03:01 the Comedy Works, Friday and Saturday, September 27th and 28th. Can't wait for that. Thursday, October 10th, Levity Live, Nyack, New York. Friday, November 15th, the Colton Repertory Theater, Cortland, New York. Saturday, November 16th, Comedy Works, Saratoga Springs. New Year's Eve, back at the Tarrytown Music Hall, Tarrytown, New York. Friday, this is 2020, January 24th, the Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield, Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Saturday, February 15th, Kelsey Theater, Lake Park, Florida. We also have some dates coming up, some new ones in Georgia. I can't give the specifics yet because the link's not up. And in Maine, covering the whole East Coast, okay? Maine to goddamn Georgia. Working like Springsteen for fucking men without hats money. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Anyhow, yeah, Georgia and Maine dates. Let's get right to it. Obviously, I'm tired of the Epstein shit, but I'll just touch on it quickly because it's all everybody's talking about. I'm like everybody else. I don't really think he committed suicide. Call me a detective. But as you know, they found him dead in his cell this Saturday morning at 6 a.m.
Starting point is 00:04:15 So. And there's a lot of questions. And obviously there's theories on both sides. You know, people are going, oh, well, Trump knew him. And people on the right are going, well, fucking Clinton was on his plane 23 times. So, you know, the Clintons have a history of leaving a trailer. They like the fucking, you know, they're like the Gambinos. They leave a trailer.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Fucking bodies. You guys can laugh out loud, honestly. You're fucking holding them rich. Jesus Christ, please. I need your help today. But there's a big mystery. I think we all know they're going to find Bill Clinton's fingerprints. Are you saying he knows nothing about these matters?
Starting point is 00:04:54 To my knowledge, nothing. I'm going to find out what the hell happened here. Don't we actually have a picture? I think we have a picture of what went down. There it is. It's fucking obvious what happened. He's... All you gotta do is sniff Clinton's dick, for Christ's sake. This shit's still fresh. If it's not an Epstein
Starting point is 00:05:18 victim, you'll find they had IHOP waitresses' pubes there or whatever. I mean, for Christ's sake. This is a... They found Hillary's fingerprint in his... I mean, they, you know. It's getting very, very interesting because he had a cellmate. Well, actually, he had a cellmate who was a bad cop, this big steroid monkey Italian guy who lived in a town next to me, Briarcliff Manor up in Westchester.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I remember reading about him. He was involved in a drug deal. We have a picture of him that went bad. This was his fucking cellmate. This is not a nightmare for you, although he's got a puppy, so maybe he wouldn't hurt anybody. Actually, he's choking that dog out right now. This guy, John Tagliatone,
Starting point is 00:06:00 whatever his name is, he killed four guys in a drug deal that he was involved with. so he's doing life he was uh epstein's cellmate they switched him out like on friday supposedly right before jeffrey epstein and then there's they say they have cameras but the cameras aren't on what's going on in the cell i mean what the fuck's the? And now they're saying that their lawyers requested that Epstein be taken off suicide. What? This smells like a big bag of fucking mackerels. Well, Hillary's ass crack. Take your pick.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Not good. Not good. We have some video here. Oh, Jesus Christ. How much evidence do you need? Look, he's got a belly shirt on that was before that cop started working out apparently in jesus anyways you ain't gonna see him no more yeah so that's the fucking that's good you guys are gonna be hearing about that you know in the news now for the next couple of years.
Starting point is 00:07:06 They're a bunch of famous people, okay? But, I mean, literally, Clinton was on the plane 23 times. And, you know, we know his history. Goodness gracious. You guys draw your own conclusions. I don't know. Somebody whacked him out nice, I got to believe. I think they might have flew in the kid that whacked out Whitey Bulger, that crazy Italian kid.
Starting point is 00:07:26 You know what I mean? Gun for fucking hire. But the lawyers said they took him off suicide watch, and another cellmate said there's no way that he committed suicide, and there's supposed to be cameras in there, and if the cameras... Who signed off on it? That, you know, the prison
Starting point is 00:07:41 psychiatrist... There's a lot of people sweating bullets. There's a lot of people sweating bullets. There's a lot of famous people going, whoo! They were fucking applauding on Saturday morning going, Jesus Christ, thank God. George Mitchell from Maine? The guy's 106. Hey, baby. Everybody would be, fuck.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I was hoping that, you know, whose name would come up beto but he's too young he would have been six all right let's get on to it that's all i have to say joe biden was out there ladies and gentlemen uh fucking biden uh we call him joey gaffs this guy he referred to himself as a gaff makingmaking machine. He was out there just showing. You say Trump is unfit? This motherfucker is brain dead. I mean, he was when he was younger. He was saying stupid shit.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Now he's three years older than Trump. He's 76. You guys, he's still the leader of the Democrats right now as far as the polling goes. This is the guy? He makes Bob Mueller look fucking sharp as a tack. He was out there just really fucking making, he must have done three gaffes over the weekend. I mean, big ones, you know. You think I'm smart?
Starting point is 00:08:57 Not like everybody says. Like, don't. I'm smart and I want the sticks. Like, don't! I'm smart, and I want the speech! Here he is this past weekend. He actually thinks that he was still vice president when the Parkland shootings went down. I wish the kids came up to me. I remember. Here's the fucking video of Joey Gaffs.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I watched what happened when the kids from Parkland marched up to, and I met with them, and then they went off to up on the hill when I was vice president. They went off the hill to go into those neighborhoods. All those congressmen were like, no, I'm not here. I'm not here. Don't tell them I'm around. What? Never mind that he, never mind that, you know, he'd been out of office for over a year, but even he can't speak.
Starting point is 00:09:51 They went off up the hill and fetched a pail of water, and Jack came down with Jill with a couple of handful of tits. What? Making no fucking sense. He can't put a coherent sentence together. You're calling Trump unfit and he leads the other jerk offs who's on his heels bernie will he'll be 102 on friday i mean what so worried about fossil fuels because he is a fucking fossil i mean this is
Starting point is 00:10:17 what else did he say yeah he met with uh he met biden did meet with the parkland survivors in 2018 but he did so after he left office. He was informed after he shit his pants and they changed his defense. Another mass shooting in 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School took place while Biden served. He's mixing up his shootings, and that's a kind of a sad statement about our country. There's so many of them, you're confusing them. And this is how they spun it a spokesman for biden kate bendingfield on sunday tweeted a link to a story about biding meeting with the parkland students
Starting point is 00:10:50 in 2018 writing wouldn't it be nice to have a president who consoles americans in their time of need so often that he sometimes mistakes that timing how to spin it dummy he's old and his brain's rotten like a fucking summer squash in February. You're not kidding anybody. But even more so, wouldn't it be nice to have a president who actually fight to prevent these tragedies? Yeah, as opposed to Trump, who's... How many tragedies happened under Obama's watch, you dumb broad? Who do we blame the fucking Pulse nightclub on in Newtown?
Starting point is 00:11:23 Jesus H. cries, hello,town. Jesus age cries Heloise. And then he says this. This is from Thursday when he's talking about schooling. We know Joe's a racist. We have clips of him going, you know, you can't go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you
Starting point is 00:11:39 speak Indian. Well, he added to that fucking list of racial gaffes. Watch this. We have this notion that somehow if you're poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids. Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids. I don't know what you mean, but think how we think about it.
Starting point is 00:12:01 But think how we think about it. You know, them dumb, poor black kids, they're as smart as white guys. I mean, wealthy kids and Asians and Hawaiians. The fucking Samoans are the smartest people out there. Oh, my God. Joey Gaffs. It's like watching SportsCenter's 10 best plays of the night. This fucking guy just keeps, the hits keep coming.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Oh, my God. Here's some more. Not video, but here's some that he's made since he started running. Last Thursday at Iowa State Fair, he says, and I quote, we choose truth over facts. We choose truth over facts. You choose your truth over facts. Oh, my God. And then the second time in three months he referred to Margaret
Starting point is 00:13:07 Thatcher who I think she died on the fucking Titanic didn't she? Bitch is deader than Epstein. And he keeps referencing her like he lives next to her. She died six years ago. It was the last time she was a prime minister was 29 years ago.
Starting point is 00:13:23 He referenced, he made a reference to her back in May. Oh, he's lost his mind, Joey boy. At a fundraiser in San Diego the other night after massacres in El Paso and Dayton, Biden, Joe Biden. I think it's catchy. I got it. Joey Biden. Biden referred to the tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan. This is what he said after the shootings. Oh, my God. He's fucking lost his mind. But it's all lies. And then you remember at the end of the debate, the first debate, when he put up, they put up his, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:02 he wanted you guys to text a certain number. And he's like, text Mickey Lose at 77X279. I'm a fucking idiot. By the way, he leads the field. Did I mention that? He leads the field. He's burnt out i i you can't be in dc that long and not be corrupted number one and not become cynical number two and i mean he lost his wife he's been through
Starting point is 00:14:33 fucking hell and i'm telling you the day he announced you could see the next day in his eyes he was doing like some town hall and you could just he had that look in his fucking eyes like when you start to work out but you really don't feel like it you're about three seconds on the treadmill you're like what the fuck should have stayed on the couch and scratched my balls this is horrible uh but he's winning he's leading in the dems because uh you know trump is unfit we got to get him out of there imagine trump going against him one-on-one. He won't even talk during the debates.
Starting point is 00:15:08 He'll just run a fucking clip. Let's go to the videotape. Joe, that was 42 gaffes in three minutes. Sleepy Joe. By the end of this, he's going to call him severely retarded Joe. Mentally fucking ill. Unbelievable. And I keep hearing how Trump is will Beto O'Rourke please go away
Starting point is 00:15:29 please what is going on help I'm like Biden I knocked over my thing somebody plug my transistor radio back into... What the fuck else is going on?
Starting point is 00:15:52 Well, this is going to touch home because I was just on a plane. Still hate it. Everything went smoothly and I still fucking hate it. I just... I came out of the hotel in Philly. The Marriott is connected to the airport. And I'm like, this is excellent. I can get there last second of the hotel in Philly. The Marriott, it's connected to the airport. And I'm like, this is excellent. I can get there, you know, last second.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I'll get up late. So I walked through the doors out of the Marriott into the airport hallway. And I see all gates this way. And I'm like, I look down, and I'm not dog-styling you people. There was a line three-quarters of a football field fucking long. I'm not shitting you. People were like, they're there. I thought there was a line three quarters of a football field fucking long. I'm not shitting you. People were like, they're there. I thought there was a movie premiere.
Starting point is 00:16:28 People had lawn chairs and fucking blankets. I have never in my life, I said, fuck it. I walked past it. I go, I don't care if I make an asshole of myself. I am cutting up front. I'm important. I just told jokes to 300 people in Pennsylvania in the middle of nowhere. I don't give a fuck about your business meetings.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I said, you've got to be. So I walked up to this little, like, Dominican girl that worked at the airport. God bless her with a heavy accent. She goes, I'll go down the fucking stairs. I take a right. You go outside, okay? Again, that was a Cuban accent. I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:17:02 But she said, I said, I'm in Terminal F. I said, hi. She goes, if I were you, I'd go downstairs, walk, get out on the sidewalk. She was right on the money. It was about an eight-minute fucking walk. But even then, I get there, and, you know, I get pre-checked. That doesn't mean anything anymore. There's a fucking 80 people in pre-check.
Starting point is 00:17:24 And they have people in wheelchairs in the pre-check line. The fuck is going on here? Get behind me there, fucking Ironsides. I was here. Do you mind if I roll over your feet? Yeah, I do. So I bought an emotional support parrot at the fucking gift shop. Why am I mentioning all this?
Starting point is 00:17:47 I just fucking hate it. If I could make money from here enough to fucking, you know, support me and my wife and my 11 Dominican kids, I would do that. United States, U.S. Department of Transportation rules, they rule airlines must allow miniature horses to fly as service animals. I'll repeat that. Miniature horses. I know this was brought up the last year or so or two.
Starting point is 00:18:15 We talked about miniature horses. But now it's official. If the airlines don't let these little fucking ponies on, they'll be punished. You've got'll be punished. You gotta be fucking... The next flight attendant says to me, you have to push your bag under the seat in front of you, in case there's an emergency. Really, how about the fucking donkey sitting next to me
Starting point is 00:18:36 in 11C? You think he might get in the way of the fucking emergency door? Jeez, what am I gonna ride him out down the ramp? A fucking miniature horse! But my bags might fucking get in the way. You've got to be fucking kidding me!
Starting point is 00:18:54 What the fuck? Hello. I'm Mr. Red. Here comes a guy down the middle of the aisle. A horse is a horse, of course, of course, and no one can talk to a horse. Where you going? 23D. Here comes a guy down the middle of the aisle. Where are you going? 23D.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Help me. We have lost our fucking collective minds in this country. You know why? Because nobody judges anybody. How about no animals on the plane? No emotional fucking support cats. If you're fucking relying on a cat for emotional support you're fucking mentally ill i can't get through the day without something that shits in a box or dogs can't have peanuts on the plane somebody might be allergic but meanwhile i'm
Starting point is 00:19:40 sitting in the bronx zoo treat a payday bar like it's fucking ricin'. But I got a guy behind me on a llama. What the fuck is going on in this country? The U.S. Department of Transportation issued its final guidance on the subject. It added miniature horses. Again, you people put your fucking trust in government. To the list of service animals that can fly in any cabin. Oh, they're're gonna fly all
Starting point is 00:20:06 right wait till i take a fucking taser to fucking mr ed's balls standing two three two to three feet tall weighing around 100 pounds think of a jockey they are not unlike large dogs in their comforting presence yeah they are it's a fucking horse that's so cute though i couldn't even kick that thing off i might put some sugar cues under my crotch and but can you imagine you're the person sitting next to that are you fucking kidding me please tell me they have to get their own row. Honestly. Can you imagine? There's no leg room on a fucking plane.
Starting point is 00:20:58 What the fuck? This guy's writing a note he's going to hand to the flight attendant. I'm going to blow this plane up. I have a bomb. And this little fucking carousel horse is coming with me. Look at the lady. Look at her. She has to steer a donkey's asshole and balls for the next six hours to L.A.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Look at the look on her face. It's Chelsea Clinton. This donkey just shit in my face. It's not a donkey. It's a miniature horse. It's a horse. Honestly, I don't know what to fucking. I know they were talking about allowing this, but I'm like, that would never fucking happen in my years. So why not a baby llama or, you know, a fucking great thing or, uh, anyways.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Anyways, the Department of Transportation statement notes that air carriers have asked us to declare that a wide variety of species, including birds, animals with hooves or horns, constitute unusual service animals that may be categorically banned. But, you know, a fucking horse, I mean. How was your flight? Pretty good. How was your flight? Pretty good. I get bit by a rattlesnake and I'm. And you know what's happening?
Starting point is 00:22:22 People, all you do is order a vest on Amazon that says, you know, emotional support, fucking pig. Put it on your fat girlfriend and you're right. Now, listen, that was uncalled for. But the people are doing that just so they can bring their pets now. You know what I mean? I question the whole concept of being emotionally, you know, relying on an animal for emotional support. I question it on its face. What if the dog becomes emotionally unavailable halfway to fucking San Antonio?
Starting point is 00:22:59 But with trained miniature horses officially recognized in the American with Disabilities Act, you bunch of cripples, as legitimate service animals, But with trained miniature horses officially recognized in the American with Disabilities Act, you bunch of cripples, as legitimate service animals, the agency has decided they must be able to fly. We'll put wings on them. Just keep them off the fucking plane. The declaration isn't a law per se, but it indicates that they'll punish U.S. airlines that violate it. Oh, excuse us, fucking Third Reich. Ooh, excuse us, fucking Third Reich.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Anytime I see an emotional support camel, by the way, that's a terrorist getting on the plane. I don't give a fuck. So anyone with a service miniature horse that needs to fly across this country would no longer have to say bye at the TSA checkpoint. You should also know that the guidance only allows airlines to specifically ban snakes, reptiles, ferrets, rodents, and spiders from the... So you can't bring on an emotional support spider. Why is that? Because people are scared. I'm scared of miniature horses. They're like... To me, they're like dwarfs and midgets. They scare me. They're supposed to be bigger than that oh my god was that offensive says who nick listen to this people aren't taking advantage of this rule the number of service animals on
Starting point is 00:24:18 u.s air carries has increased year over year this decade in particular jumping from 481,000 in 2016 to 751,000 in 2017. A few airlines have gotten ahead of the Department of Transportation by opening their cabins up to miniature horses in the last year or so. They were already doing it before it was okayed. Southwest, Alaska, American, can you cross those off my list? Guys, you're not going to see me at any comedy clubs anymore, any fucking venue. American, can you cross those off my list? Guys, you're not going to see me at any comedy clubs anymore,
Starting point is 00:24:44 any fucking venue. And United All previously stated that the equinemius, you know, equines are okay to fly. The declaration contains other important rules for service animals. You can bring up to three critters. What is this, green acres? I got... What was the pig's name in Green Acres? Three critters on a flight,
Starting point is 00:25:10 but only one of them can act as an emotional support animal. The other two must be physically necessary. What is that fucking... I don't... You got both feet up two poodles' asses? Oh, they're slippers. No, really. you got both feet up two poodles asses are there slippers no really airlines are allowed to require advanced notice for emotional support animals not physical service ones complicating both of those rules is the fact that the airlines are still forbidden from demanding proof of an animal's training or certification outright so
Starting point is 00:25:42 you can't even prove what the animal's for. They're going to take your word for it. Well, I had a nervous breakdown. That's why I got this cockatoo. I'm fucking... I'm not over-exaggerating. I've had it. Thank God I'm on the back nine of my life. Sister's ass.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Oh, let's get to some more people who are emotionally crippled, like Olympic fencer, race, Imboden. You know who this chooch is? Olympic fencer may be disciplined for taking a knee on podium. A U.S. Olympic fencing champion took a knee on the podium at the Pan American Games, and now he may face disciplinary action. Yeah, bend them over your knee. Look, this guy's used to fucking kneeling down.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Trust me. I hope the guy who won the gold in the middle just fucking had chili the night before and just burns his eyebrows off with a real fucking, look at this asshole. You got what you wanted. You went viral. You're famous now, Mr. Fencer. Who goes out for the fencing team? I'm guessing somebody who likes cock.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Cock. Let's pretend we're knights. Rayson Bowden, who took home gold in the Team Foil event, knelt during the... Oh, why is he... Oh, this is an old picture of him doing it somewhere else. If you're gold, you're in the middle, aren't you? I don't know. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Who took home gold in the Team Foil event, knelt during the National Anthem at a medal ceremony in Lima, Peru. And what he saw was a protest over racism and gun control. And of course CNN had him on because, you know, it's right up their fucking alley. Ooh, here's somebody else who thinks America is just one of the most horrible countries.
Starting point is 00:27:36 So let's listen to him. Race in Bowdoin. We don't actually have that video. I didn't send it to you? No. We were going to work it out, but then we were trying to fix the sound drops. Oh, yeah? yeah well maybe you could have fucking found it while i was doing the rest of the show can you find it now jace yep i don't know who's having a bad day you or me but i'm ready to fucking hang myself somebody call ebstein's lawyers have you or a loved one molested a 12-year-old?
Starting point is 00:28:07 See if you can find it, Jace. It's really a big part of the story. Anyways, the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee said Imboden's protests violated guidelines that prevent its athletes from partaking in political demonstrations. Every athlete competing at the 2019 Pan American Games commits to terms of eligibility, including to refrain from demonstrations that are political in nature. In this case, Race didn't adhere to the commitment he made to the organizing committee in the USOPC.
Starting point is 00:28:41 So he fucking, he knew this was wrong, but he did it anyways which is fucking ridiculous sure you did the usop said uh you got it yeah here's him explaining it thank you sir is also an olympic medalist and he's with me now competing in london in 2012 and rio in 2016 so he is back in austin texas following his victory at at the Pan American Games. Tell us what's wrong with the country, fella. Good to see you, Ray. So why'd you do that? What were you thinking?
Starting point is 00:29:09 Well, I'm on CNN, aren't I? I went viral, didn't I? Where's your collar? Firstly, let me just say thank you for having me here. Pause. Thank you for having me here. I hate that, too. When did that become fucking mandatory when you're interviewed? Well, thank you for having me on in I hate that, too. When did that become fucking mandatory when you're interviewed?
Starting point is 00:29:26 Well, thank you for having me on in the first place. Shut up. We got 30 seconds. Get to your fucking beef, you whiny maggot. He's a fag. Go ahead. My motivation was what I stated in the post that I made on Instagram, and that is that I am very, very proud to represent the U.S. in competition.
Starting point is 00:29:45 No, you're not. You took a knee, dickhead. I'm a very proud athlete, and I think that America is one of the greatest countries in the world athletically. And I would even argue that America is one of the greatest countries in the world, period. Pause. And we can see you believe all that by taking a knee when the whole fucking world has had their eyes on you. So you softened your point. This is what they do they do
Starting point is 00:30:06 shit like this then they regret it and then they come on and they backpedal like the broad uh what's her name gwen berry the hammer throw we'll get to her in a second but but but let fucking andy you know i'll be fucking ripping for me standing on top of the podium and hearing my anthem play has always been a moment for me of just pure pride. And then what happened over the last few years? I've started to come to different. I've had different beliefs that that have kind of hurt that pride. And some of those things are what I listed, which is racism and mistreatment of immigrants, as well as our president and the
Starting point is 00:30:46 things that he's been representing. I think that the catalyst was certainly the shootings this past week and being overseas and not being home and being an athlete who's on the road a lot and seeing the terrible things that are happening. Pause, pause, pause, pause. Let me ask you a question, Red. Did you take a knee fucking when Obama was president, the pulse knife shoot? I don't know if you won a gold medal back then or not.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Were you bitching about it? You're a well-known athlete apparently. When the pulse shooting a fucking new time, was that shit bothering you? Or only when it's a white president? Blaming everything. Over the last few years, I've come to become disappointed. He's just another fucking anti-Trump jackoff, getting his moment, and CNN's glad to give it to him. You're a fucking fencer. Nobody gives a shit. Take a knee in front of your
Starting point is 00:31:39 fucking life partner, Tom. Take two. Nick, why'd you throw that in? I don't know. I'm sick of it. It's not even original. Let the little girl finish. And wanting to evoke change. And I don't have a big platform. Start with that shirt. At the time, I was trying to speak to those people who followed me. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:01 I'm a fencer. And for a lot of people, I believe that i represent white privilege and i'm in a sport that all right all right fucking i didn't even know about that white privilege he swallowed all of it just like the rest of you there's no state no such thing as white fucking privilege he's he's he's swallowed everything that cnn peddled. He hates Donald Trump. You should have had the balls to come out and just say that, not soft-soap it. Fucking take a knee in front of a bus.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Ugh. And then, of course, a teammate of his at the Pan American Games, Gwen Berry, she's a hammer thrower, so the world's fucking riveted at what she has to say. I'm fucking... She raised her fist at the Pan Am podium, you know, just to let people know what's up. you know, just to let people know what's up.
Starting point is 00:33:08 She raised her fist on the podium to draw attention to social issues after earning gold medals at the Pan Am American Games in Lima, Peru. We have a clip of her, Jason. Let's see what she has. Oh my God, it must be freezing there. The fucking lips are blue. That's original. Wow, that's tremendous.
Starting point is 00:33:34 You're doing it 60 years after Carlos did it in fucking Mexico. Let's see what she was whining about. see what she was whining about uh anyhow um the usopc issued the same statement in response to berry raising her fist at the end during the national anthem said berry said sunday morning she was she was to have a meeting with the usopc later to see what was uh going to come of my action probably a viral video and you're famous again and berry said her raised fish which drew memories of tommy smith and john carlos at the 68 Mexico City Games, wasn't meant to be a big message. It wasn't meant to be a big message, really? Uh-oh, retard alert.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Retard alert. You did it at the Pan American Games. This is the most exposure you've ever got on you, but I didn't mean it to be a big mess. Listen to her backpedal with her statements. I can tell she regrets she did it. When John Carlos did it and the other guy in 1968 in Mexico City, it was relevant and original
Starting point is 00:34:35 even though I disagree with it then. That's right, I was 32 years old in 60. Just a testament to, listen to this, this is why she did it. Just a testament to everything I've been through in the past year. It's about her. Everything I've been in the past year and everything the country has been through this past year. Again, and I'm implying that Trump has caused all kinds of, a lot of things need to be done and said and changed.
Starting point is 00:35:03 I'm not trying to start a political war, act like I'm Miss Know-It-All or anything. No, don't worry. Nobody will mistake you for that. The Blue Lips kind of gave us a, it's like a Dave Chappelle video. I just know America can do better. Barry 30 said the motivation behind her gesture included the challenges overcome of changing coaches and moving from Oxford, Mississippi, where her family resides, to Houston. Oh, so the challenges you had to overcome were shit people do every day. It's called life.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Big fucking deal. This is the times we're living in. She sees that as a burden. In order to become famous, she had to move and go away from her family. You know, shit people do every day. You gotta be fucking frying my apples.
Starting point is 00:35:59 She had to change coaches. How did you survive that? Jesus Christ. She's been among the world's top three throwers each of the last three years. I'd like to see one of those hams blow back and catch her in the fucking forehead.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Every individual person has their own views of things that are going on, she said. It's in the Constitution. Oh, she's retarded, the poor thing. Freedom of speech. I have a right to feel what I want to feel. Are you listening to this dribble? The right to...
Starting point is 00:36:29 I love how they point to the founding fathers being slave owners and racist, but the first chance they get, they quote the Constitution and all the fucking guys that are so racist. And I have a right to feel what I feel. Yeah, but we don't have to hear it. It's no disrespect at all to the country. I want to make that very clear. If anything, I'm doing it out of love and respect for people and the country.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? What I did yesterday was just something I felt in my little rotten soul that I should have done. It was random. I haven't thought about it. You didn't think about it. That's the problem. I really don't want to make a spectacle. Contradicting everything. Just politically correct dog shit pouring out of her mouth for 10 minutes and then just contradicting herself at every fucking but the bottom line is these two athletes don't like america since trump became president just like a lot of people fucking where i wish i was in the pan am i would have gone on i would have got on somebody's shoulders while they were near i would have been higher than everybody and i would have
Starting point is 00:37:42 held up the fucking statistics of black unemployment brown unemployment female oh wow wow wow it's coming bugs it's coming let's stay on the the america haters first huh let's stay on that nearly 100 protests is arrested after part of a new york freeway shutdown in anti-ice demonstration. Thank God I left the big rotten apple. West Side Highway. People, uh, 100 protesters arrested Saturday. Outside an ice office where they shut down part of the West Side fucking highway.
Starting point is 00:38:24 I don't miss this shit at all. Protesters sat down and linked arms in the middle of the West side highway near 26th street. There you go. Uh, where's the guy from Charlottesville in his truck. He could have just fucking thrown it in reverse and just clipped. Look at these jackoffs. See, here's the problem, okay?
Starting point is 00:38:47 Right now they should be getting tasered and pepper sprayed and billy clubbed. Nick, that's very Chinese of you. I know. China has it right on some issues. Look, there should be a dad pulling his kid in a red wagon with a hammer. He's just down the line fucking knocking him out look at there's the dyed hair there's the fat chick who's always there she's mad at the world because nobody stuck a prick in her fucking glasses baseball cap confused about her sexuality uh there's a guy in the middle and and uh who do i see holy shit
Starting point is 00:39:22 i think i see uh is that ke Keith Olbermann on the far right? Who the fuck? I don't know what it is. We are protesting the camps at the border and the children being separated from their parents, Miriam Bernstein, dumb broad. Bernstein said the protest location was chosen because ICE offices are nearby. Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Again, were you guys sitting in the middle of the street when Obama had kids in cages? You fucking close-minded, lying, two-faced hypocrites. Disrupting traffic. I drove into one when I had my radio show. I had to go into the city. I forget. It was a cop thing. I had to go into the city. I forget. It was a cop thing, and it was fucking, you know. And I'm watching white cops guard black people as they're spitting at the cops,
Starting point is 00:40:12 and it really put me in a good mood for my show that day. The highway appeared to be shut down for about an hour before the lanes were reopened. I am absolutely infuriated by children being broken up and split from their families unless it's done with nine-month-old fetuses and abortion. Then I don't give a fuck. Then I don't care. Honk if you hate ice.
Starting point is 00:40:37 I like to drive by and hit you in the face with a cup of ice, dry ice, the kind that burns. I'm absolutely infuriated by children broken up, split from their families. As our government detains people, round it up. All these immigrants last week, said Nikki Blazik. Nikki Blazik. Wow. Those arrested Saturday were charged with disorderly conduct and released.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Wow, that'll teach them. That'll teach them. What happened to fire hoses and fucking German shepherds that are fucking foaming at the mouth? Huh? They'll be back next week. What happened? I got thrown in jail for like 12 minutes. And I was out.
Starting point is 00:41:31 A lot of anti-American sentiment going on, huh, folks? You don't believe me? How about Burger King? Hear about these mamalooks? Burger King employees fired after police officers served food with a pig drawn on it. I mean, for the love of Christ. I don't want a bad-mouthed Burger King. I've fallen in love with Burger King over the last six months. I can't explain it. That boy is a P-I-G pig. I ain't going there no more until you change this. Then again, I got a sandwich with a pig drawn on it, but I think it's because I was a little bloated that day.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Burger King employees apparently played a cruel joke and it cost them their jobs. They'll be working at the TSA tomorrow, going through your bags, you know, qualified people like that. That's a pig? Oh, they drew a star on it. Looks like an emotional support fucking donkey to me.
Starting point is 00:42:31 A police officer in New Mexico posted a picture of a Burger King wrapper he claims to have received from a restaurant in Clovis. A cartoon pig is crudely drawn on the wrapper. And the photo bears the text, when you order food in uniform. What a punk whoever did this. Fucking punk. Also, the food was burnt. The cops said they burnt the... That's how you like it, though. It's flame broiled.
Starting point is 00:42:55 No offense. You want gray meat? Like at Arby's? I better get a sandwich at Arby's. It's like old people's skin. They should call it Grampy's. The photo was uploaded to Facebook by Timo Rosenthal. Timo Rosenthal.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Somebody break that down with 23andMe. What the hell is... Jewish and what the fuck's Timo? He captioned it, While on lunch break and in uniform, I ordered food at Burger King and received this. The patties were burnt and the burger was of very poor quality. While on lunch break and in uniform, I ordered food at Burger King and received this. The patties were burnt and the burger was of very poor quality.
Starting point is 00:43:32 In a statement of Fox News, a spokesman for Burger King said, What occurred is unacceptable and not in line with our brand values. We will try to start hiring people that we didn't find on a sidewalk laying in their own piss. When made aware of the incident, the restaurant owner immediately reached out to the officer involved to apologize and terminated the team members who walked across the street and got a job at Wendy's in three seconds flat. You know that. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:44:02 The restaurant is offering free meals to uniformed officers and will provide a catered lunch to the police department as a gesture of goodwill. They should eat there for nothing all the time. Okay? They protect your business every day. At least a free soda or something, or a free burger once a week. Can you imagine some little scumbag? They didn't mention the race, and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Again, it could be a little white kid with dreadlocks. But I'm guessing no. There's a certain segment of the population who really hates the fucking cops. You know who I'm talking about. Those Scottish motherfuckers. Scottish motherfuckers. Anyways, the chief of police of Clovis said he is disappointed that a law enforcement officer was treated in a spectral derogatory way. Is that all you get to say?
Starting point is 00:44:53 You're not more irate than that? You're not going to say we're not going to protect that Burger King? You could call us and tell us that one of your customers' face is being held in a friolator. We're not going to come. We're not helping anybody there. It's a soft world, folks, and it's getting softer. How about this? Authorities in the United Kingdom, that would be England,
Starting point is 00:45:18 have warned people online against mocking the hairstyle of a wanted convicted drug dealer, or they could face their own criminal charges. What has happened? No, they're ignorant. own criminal charges. What has happened? No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. What the fuck has happened to England? By the way, we have sound issues on the SoundDrop things. Windows updated their software overnight.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Every time they do that, my world comes apart. So you can't make fun of a drug dealer's hair, though, or you might get arrested yourself in England. And they wonder why they're being overrun and you can't recognize the fucking city of London anymore. The Gwent Police Department. Oh, this was in South Wales. Excuse me. Had posted to Facebook to appeal for information about a 21-year-old Jermaine Taylor. We got the picture.
Starting point is 00:46:03 What the fuck? Oh, my god. But don't make fun of that. You might hurt the drug dealer's feelings. What? It looks like, I don't know, a meth lab blew up in his... Dude, shave that. I mean, he's not even
Starting point is 00:46:21 a bad looking guy. It makes him look like the devil a little bit. That's all I can think of. His head looks like an explosion. That looks like smoke coming off the back of his head. Why would you leave that? Some broad's going, you know, I'd fuck you, but... I'd fuck you, but...
Starting point is 00:46:44 Jesus Christ. That healthy head of hair. It's just, but you can't make fun of him now. This is where we are. Taylor received a three-year sentence for supplying controlled drugs, cocaine, after being sentenced in court September 27th. So the department took to Facebook and posted the 21-year-old's mugshot in addition to an appeal for information. But the image which showed
Starting point is 00:47:08 a receding hairline. Oh, yeah, I guess you could call it that. Looks like the fucking French army in World War II. And they saw the krauts coming over. I mean Germans. Oh, Nick, come on, get out of that retrograde speak. So
Starting point is 00:47:24 they put it on Facebook and the the image which showed quickly went viral. More than 13,000 shares, 10,000 likes, and over 81,000 comments. Many in the comments section took to making jokes and puns on Taylor's hair. I'll spare you the pain on those. But authorities found the comments no laughing matter. This is what I'm talking about in a kind of left-wing, humorless world. Don't hurt this guy's feeling who's selling junk that kills kids on the streets. He can't help it if his head looks like an exploding cigar or a fucking hairy dickhead.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Oh, my God. Please remember that harassing, threatening, and abusing people on social media can be against the law. You need to shut... Wow. Underwater. Other advice is to be... Our advice is to be as careful on social media as you would in any other form of communication, police wrote. If you say something about someone which is grossly offensive or is of an indecent,
Starting point is 00:48:29 obscene, or menacing... Have you been on social... That's what it was created for! Why don't we just all get off it now? What is he talking about? Don't say anything mean on Twitter or I'll tan your ass. Then you could be investigated by the police. Fuck you and everything you stand for.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Wow. We're past Orwell. They just write out this, and you say something mean, we're coming after you, we're going to arrest you. Nice going, UK. You're really hanging in there.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Oh, my aching stem. That guy had a beautiful head of hair. I don't know why you guys are poking fun at him. Let's end it on something light, can we? How about this fat Japanese guy eating a Popsicle? This kind of cracked me up. It's not relevant to anything, but first of all, the Popsicle's square. Japan.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Is he Japanese? I don't want to be racist, but it's hard to tell. I thought he was just a really fat white guy. Anyways, he eats a gargantuan Popsicle in one bite. Let's take a look at this. We'll end Monday. Jesus! Jesus! Jesus. Jesus. I don't know why that made me laugh.
Starting point is 00:50:11 He was doing exactly what you do. I used to have a bit that a bunch of people have stolen since, but I said my girlfriend was so frigid if I went down on her too fast, I was like an ice cream headache. One of my best lines ever. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. I brought you international news. A Japanese guy got an ice cream headache.
Starting point is 00:50:32 If you didn't like that story, blame Rich. I'm like, Rich, can we have something relevant? Oh, it is. It has something to do with the tariff wars going on. No, that's China. Anyways, Joey Gaff's out there. That is it. Again, this weekend, Friday and Saturday night at the Helium Comedy Club in Philadelphia.
Starting point is 00:50:53 It's a great club. I've been there many times. Last time I was there, they had a blackout on the Thursday night show. The fucking power went down in the hole, and it was the summertime, and the club's kind of underground. I walked in. I got a blast of heat, and the show was canceled because it was – and the bartenders were sitting around with candles drinking. And I had four Stollys on the rocks in about eight minutes, and I staggered out of their – like a kid who found out he had a snow day, like a little idiot. And then I'm staggering down the street.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I walk past a karaoke bar and the kids singing recognize me call me in no i didn't fucking sing went in there had a couple drinks with fans and and then i'd say about an hour and a half later i'm sitting in a bar by myself and i go oh i'm that creepy guy everybody was like 20 years younger than me i'm in the fucking corner almost i literally didn't finish my drink when it dawned on me. I just left it there. And on the way back to the hotel, this is true, there's a white limo. This young black girl, like high school age, gets out. Big, heavy sep. She looked beautiful. It was prom night. I said, you look amazing. She had, you know, her hair
Starting point is 00:51:57 all done up. I look, I mean, you look beautiful. Her boyfriend gets out and goes, what'd you say? I was just complimenting your girlfriend. Kid wanted to fuck me up. And I had to ask somebody where the hotel was. That's how fucked up I was. Okay? Is that the behavior? That'd be three years ago.
Starting point is 00:52:16 54-year-old. Anyways, that's it. Remember, you guys think it. I will say it. You're very welcome. Big Shasta, hit me up, will you, and give me some information. We'll see you guys tomorrow. Take care of yourselves. © BF-WATCH TV 2021 ¶¶ We'll be you next time. you

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