The Nick DiPaolo Show - Johnny Sack

Episode Date: October 19, 2018

@vincentcuratola a.k.a. Johnny Sack Skypes in. “Thick Ankle Dog Face” In 2020?. Dems Ballot Box Baloney in Tex. Twitter Farrakhan Farce. Sawx Slay Stros....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, how are you folks? Welcome to the show on a Friday. 833-599-NICK. 833-599-6425 is the phone number if you you'd like to join into the chat and a big show today, we've got the, the, the great Vince Curitola, AKA Johnny sack from the Sopranos Skyping in at the bottom of the hour.
Starting point is 00:00:56 That's radio talk for six 30. And, uh, it was very funny trying to set this up because me and Vince are, you know, Italian dinosaurs. T-Rex-y-a-cone-o-ne-os. And it was just hilarious.
Starting point is 00:01:11 And he feels the same way about this tech shit as I do. Keep in mind, it's like doing TV in the 50s. I'm Jack Parr, and he will be, I don't know, who is Fred McMurray? Frederick March. I don't know. Anyways, Fred McMurray? Frederick March. I don't know. Anyways, he'll be joining us at the bottom of the hour. I did Kumi a show with him months ago. He's funny.
Starting point is 00:01:32 He's a right winger. Very smart guy. An extremely talented actor and singer, by the way. Guys, as a way of thanking you for being loyal listeners, I have a 20% off promo codes for you to use at the store from now until Halloween. Facebook listeners use promo code Facebook20. YouTube listeners use promo code YouTube20. And patrons use Patreon20. For 20% off anything in the store, hat, shirt, CDs, DVDs, and signed CDs or DVDs, tampons, shot glasses, and plastic hips. We now have international shipping
Starting point is 00:02:07 to almost everywhere, except Cuba and Iran for some reason. Don't care for those fucking countries. And, you know, let's be honest. Have you seen a shot of Cuba now? It looks like the Godfather. They're still driving their cars, 1950 Buicks,
Starting point is 00:02:23 and the hotels are bigger and swankier. Also, if you're an Amazon Prime member, there is a link there for you to watch my last three stand-up specials for free. That's right, for free. Everything's gotta go, including my career. We do the show live, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:42 every day, as you know. We'll do it live. We'll do it live. We'll do it live. Fuck it. Do it live. We are, Bill. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Everyone here at the Nick DiPaolo Show would like to wish a happy anniversary to Bunny and Aaron. Their 10th anniversary. And we'd like to say thank you for all of your hard work bunny she's a integral part of the show she is the bouncer in the chat rooms and she does all kinds of stuff very good uh technically she's unbelievable so we gotta thank them happy 10th guys uh quick uh dates you can go to for my tour dates if you're just listening, I'll read them to you. Saturday, October 27th, Lucy's of Pleasantville, New York. Saturday and Sunday, November 2nd and 3rd, Governor's in Levittown, Long Island. Tuesday,
Starting point is 00:03:34 November 6th, the Fat Black Pussycat, New York City. Friday, November 9th and Saturday the 10th, Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Connecticut. Saturday, November 17th, The Comedy Shop, Bud Lake, New Jersey. Friday, November 3rd, and Saturday, December 1st, The Corner Comedy Club, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Monday, New Year's Eve, December 31st, will ring 2019 at the Tarrytown Music Hall in Tarrytown, New York. Saturday, January 12th, Fairfield Theatre Company, Fairfield, Connecticut. January 12th, Fairfield Theater Company, Fairfield, Connecticut. And Saturday, January 19th, Bobby V's, Windsor Lux, Connecticut. Again, go to for all your ticket information.
Starting point is 00:04:16 So, it's Friday, and here we go. Let's go, Red Sox! Let's go, Red Sox! Let's go, Red Sox! Let's go, Red Sox! You have to let me indulge. Last night, the Red Sox dispensed the defending world champions in Houston. And what a sigh of relief to see them go. Because they were scary talented, but not as talented as the 108-win Sox. By the way, used to 103 games.
Starting point is 00:04:46 So, and they were the defending champions and, uh, Sox are a fucking steamroller right now. You got Jackie Bradley Jr. who I would have traded four months ago. And, uh, guys like Vasquez and, and, and Devers, 21 year old Raphael Devers. Here's some highlights from last night real quick. It's game five of the ALCS. The Red Sox trying to knock off the Astros. Third inning, J.D. Martinez hits a home run off Justin Verlander to make it 1-0 Boston. In the sixth, Raphael Devers goes the other way for a three-run shot, and it's a 4-0 game. David Price locked in on Thursday. The lefty goes six scoreless and racks up a playoff career high nine strikeouts. In the ninth, it's four to one.
Starting point is 00:05:27 And Craig Kimbrell retires Tony Kemp to end the game and the series. The Red Sox are your 2018 American League champions. All right, get up. Yeah. See ya. That's right, ladies and gentlemen. Hey, Boston's title town. I know Green Bay's held that for, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:47 when the Packers were good back in 1856. But let me tell you, in the last 20 years, we've been in nine Super Bowls, three World Championships, going to our fourth World Series. Even the Celtics threw in a championship there. The Bruins in 2011. It's the best sports town in the country,
Starting point is 00:06:04 bar none. And Jackie Bradley Jr., MVP. The Red Sox are 5-0 this month on the road, I believe. So yeah, they're a juggernaut, man. Let's just hope it continues. We're either going to get the Dodgers or the Brewers. I don't know how we did against those guys. I believe we played them during the regular season. But speaking of baseball, let's get on to where they get most of their talent. A caravan from Honduras. Right there. There's El Tuve's nephew and a couple of others.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Anyways, we talked about this yesterday, this caravan from Honduras via Guatemala through Mexico. And guess what? The caravan that was heading for the U.S. turns around in Mexico. They probably got a whiff of Mexico and said, you know what? You think you're going to hold us here? You're crazy. The caravan arrived at the border of southern Mexico on Thursday, turned around Friday at 11 a.m. local time, about two blocks from the border crossing, saying they would wait another hour or so. I don't know what that means. For what? For Trump to bring the military down?
Starting point is 00:07:21 Look at that. Again, that's a truck at Home Depot. That's all I'm saying. Trump to bring the military down. Look at that again. That's a truck at Home Depot. That's all I'm saying. Uh, the disorganized crowd chanted one way or another, we will pass and we are not smugglers. We are immigrants. Yeah. Well, you don't have any paperwork to prove that. Uh, not to quote the president, but you know, these third world shitholes don't have it. They don't have any paperwork. I got a note from my grandmother saying I can come in. paperwork. I got a note from my grandmother saying I can come in. Uh, anyways, the bridge is being heavily guarded by hundreds of Mexican federal police and Guatemalan police in riot gear, as well as tall metal gates. Oh, gates. You have gates in Mexico, but we're fucking evil for wanting to put up a wall, but you have a gate to keep these people out. Isn't that kind of
Starting point is 00:08:03 fucking hypocritical? How do you say hypocrite in Spanish? El hypocrito? I mean, they get gates, Jason. I mean, for Christ's sakes. That's a gated... Mexico's a gated community.
Starting point is 00:08:14 They're probably rusty, too. It's mean. Of course. And, you know, probably have fucking graffiti all over them. Just the way the neighborhoods look here once they're here.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Nick, that's racist. Yeah, well, kiss my ass. I don't give a shit. Mexico's ambassador to Guatemala said his country would enforce a policy of metered entry when it came to letting the migrants trickle in. Yeah, meters as in four meters from the United States border metered. I don't trust them. But I heard this today that they're going to hold them in Mexico. It's a new thing that Trump came up, the administration came up with a deal, They're going to hold them in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:08:44 It's a new thing that Trump came up, the administration came up with a deal. Instead of holding them in pens where CNN can focus on them for the next 19 hours. You know. Going to hold them in Mexico. That'll be enough to make anybody want to go home. Alex in Austin, Texas. Alexlex what's going on fella maybe if i click on your name and i'll get you on the show hey alex can you hear me yeah what's up brother hey nick long time fan uh really cool to talk to you i told your call screener that i wanted to talk about Assad, but the caravan is also interesting because that thing was that picture.
Starting point is 00:09:28 So we should just nuke them, right? Like they should just, well, didn't the Mexican government send like 700 federales down there and planes and shit? Yeah. I don't think we should nuke them, but, you know, I say rub a bullet, Alex. Rub a, you know, technically. You say rub a bullet? Yeah, you rub a bullet. And that's all, technically... You say rub a bullet him? Yeah, you rub a bullet him. And that's all.
Starting point is 00:09:48 That hurts like a son of a bitch. I get hit with one of those at a frat party. And I turned right around. A giant net from a fucking helicopter. A helicopter net. I say we build a wall that should look like the Green Monster at Fenway. There should be seats at the top. Oh, fuck that
Starting point is 00:10:05 shit. Right? Hey, go Astros and fuck the Red Sox. Go Astros. You're going the fuck home, bitch. Alright, back to the show. All that chatter at the beginning was so he could say that, and I knew
Starting point is 00:10:21 that and left him on anyways. That's the kind of host I am. I'm very cordial, as you know. know hey the thick-ankled dog face otherwise known as hillary clinton uh headlines say a chance is highly unlikely but not zero that hillary will run uh for president again the thick the thick-ankled dog face just won't go away she's like the guy in the Halloween movie. He's back, so... A top aide to Hillary Clinton says the former Secretary of State
Starting point is 00:10:55 has not ruled out a future bid for president. Ha, of course not. What is she going to do, pretend to bang Bill? Possibly including a 2020 rematch against Trump. Oh, let's pray for that. Let's keep our fingers crossed. Philippe Raines, who served as the senior advisor to Clinton at the State Department, tells Politico in an interview, he thinks it's unlikely that Clinton would mount a 2020
Starting point is 00:11:15 man, I mean bid, but cautioned that it was not an impossibility. It's somewhere between highly unlikely and zero, he tells the interview, but it's not zero. Raines go on to argue that Clinton remains a viable 2020 candidate due to her support base. That would be her sturdy legs and her giant hippopotamus ankles, pointing to tens of millions of people who voted for her in 2016 presidential election. You know, we call those are the useful idiots. Her support, he argues, remains higher than other potential Democratic contenders, including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth Warren has six people and two Indians. They're one 1,000th Indian who are behind her.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Bernie Sanders has 11 hippies from Brooklyn behind him. He's in his late hundreds. He's a Jew who failed in business and politics, but let's keep our fingers crossed. Chalking the loss up, he says to her, being a failed candidate is an almost oversimplification. He tells political, she is smarter than most. Yeah, she proved that, didn't she? She lost to Trump. She's a fucking genius. Tougher than most. Tougher than what? Most what? Female softball players? She could raise money easier than most uh tougher than what most what female softball players she could raise money easier than most yeah but your husband's a crook and they have that foundation after third world countries
Starting point is 00:12:31 collapse they go in to pretend to fix them like haiti and then they walk away with a cashish uh and it was an absolute fight to the death it was the fight to the death i don't think it was trump sounded up beautifully she got slung yes she got slung a recent poll of democrats views of top 2020 contenders show sanders in second place he's in second place why all the crackling today any idea the output was a little low so we're pushing it up but the crackling's not going out to the viewers i i know but it's really fucking irritating me i'm gonna come in there and strangle you ahead of war ahead of war and betraying Vice President. Imagine he's losing to Biden. Clinton, who defeated Sanders in 2016. No, she didn't. It was rigged. If you don't, if you have to refresh your memory, she didn't beat him.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It was rigged. And I hate him. Beat him in the primary and won the popular vote in the general election. Was not listed on the poll. former clinton campaign strategist threw cold water on the likelihood of a 2020 bid it's a lot of water for president uh from the former first lady earlier this year calling the prospect a pipe dream pipe dream more like a cigar dream ask monica what can i get a little bit uh and that's it so let's let's hope as republicans that this uh fat pig was laying on a couch in Chappaqua right now. She's got an IV in her arm of heavy cream and a lasagna, liquid lasagna. Let's hope she runs. Um, you know, physically she can't even make it. I mean, she, we knew she wasn't healthy in the last election. There was subtle stains,
Starting point is 00:14:01 like a six inch, uh, you know,inch shit stain in her pantsuit when she's going up the stairs, things like that. And Trump ran circles around her. And I'm glad he would welcome her or any of them. I mean, Elizabeth Warren, even after this whole Pocahontas DNA thing, they're still considering the six-foot-eight Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, who's going to die within the next 20 minutes just from looking at him. But yeah, we welcome all of them. Maybe Ocasio-Cortez could run, too. Let's stay on the politics, shall we?
Starting point is 00:14:35 But Hillary, you hang in there. Her husband has to be laughing. I mean, he won two terms. And by the way, he used the Electoral College, too. Apparently, they want to change that. They're like little kids. Here's my best analogy of the Democrat Party since Trump got elected. He's making them look silly.
Starting point is 00:14:54 That's why they're lashing out and getting violent and attacking people, whether it's at their door, tearing down Trump signs, chasing Ted Cruz and other politicians out of restaurants, all the shit. Antifa beating up people in MAGA hats. They're lashing out because they're losing in the arena of ideas. And my best analogy, it's like me when I'm playing Monopoly or some board game and I'm losing, I tip the board over.
Starting point is 00:15:24 That's what they're doing. They're tipping the board over. They're getting beat at every turn, so let's flip the board. Fuck it. Nobody wins. It's the equivalent of punching a Republican in the head. Hit them all, you know. Texas
Starting point is 00:15:39 is in the news. The Texas Democratic Party is under investigation after being accused of sending out voter registration applications to non-citizens with the citizenship box already checked yes.
Starting point is 00:15:55 How's that for dirty porn? Son of a whore! The possible violation was first raised Thursday by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a non-profit specializing in election integrity, which alerted both state and federal authorities. Following the reports of the alleged violation, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said the issue is being investigated and there will be serious consequences if confirmed. believe that uh mr abbott but you know since hillary still isn't in jail and um everybody that was involved in the deep state and and and the whole fake russia collusion thing nobody's
Starting point is 00:16:32 gone to jail whether it be mccabe comey so i i'd love to believe you i'm sure you'll investigate it but that's all the republicans are good at they point out where the democrats are cheating and then nothing happens i'd like to believe it's te Texas, so it might be a little different. You know what you do? You find out who was in charge of this fraud and you send them to Mexico. Separate them from their families. Pilf said the applications were circulated around the Rio Grande Valley region of South Texas sometime between late September and early October. And some lawfully present non-citizens received the forms. You can't vote, ladies and gentlemen. Even I know this. Even I know this. If you're a non-citizen, you cannot vote in federal elections. Okay? We all know that.
Starting point is 00:17:29 The group published all the documents related to the election registration irregularity, including pictures of the applications where boxes asking whether the applicant is both 18 and a U.S. citizen were already checked in the yes field. That's the same application I used to hand out when I was single to girls on the road. Check that. Well, yeah, you're from this country, and I... But they had the yes feel already checked. But the Dems will tell you, we don't need voter ID. That's racist.
Starting point is 00:17:55 You're just trying to keep the people down. Apparently, black and brown people can't make it to the DMV, even though all their relatives work there. I mean, for the love of Christ, are you dog-styling me? 833-599-6425, 833-599-6425. I know from previous work experience that it is a crime to register to vote in Texas if you are a felon with an incomplete sentence or a non-U.S. citizen. I also understand that a non-U.S. citizen can face criminal and immigration jeopardy for misrepresenting citizenship status for the purpose of voter registration, Kofiri said. Well, why don't you tell California that? They're signing up everybody and anybody. Illegals,
Starting point is 00:18:41 I don't get it. They have their own system in Cali, apparently. And now the shit's going on in Texas. Again, it's about the brown vote because the Dems see that as the future, which it probably is, of the country, and they want to secure their power base for the next hundred years, and they will do anything to do so, including
Starting point is 00:19:02 fraud like this in Texas, where they're checking off the non-citizen box, already checked citizen. And thank God somebody's paying attention. It happened in Virginia in the last election, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and it's the fucking dirty Dems. They're just, just creepy. Let me take a sip of my A&W root beer and Bacardi. It keeps me high yet slim. You believe this shit? This is going on in the U.S. of A?
Starting point is 00:19:40 The Democrats, if they're not punching you in the face and chasing you out of restaurants and assaulting you, by the way, George Soros is behind a lot of that. I was watching TV last night and you get that guy Gillum running against Santos, DeSantos, DeSantos in Florida. And Gillum, he's for abolishing ICE. He said he'd impeach Trump. And right on TV, he thanked Soros and a couple of other, Tom Steyer, a couple of other filthy, filthy rich billionaires who, by the way, say they represent the middle class. That's what they're looking. What a crock of shit.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Fucking liars, each and every one of them. So Texas, keep an eye on that. 833-599-6425. 833-599-6425. Okay. Let me just do this one other story. Go ahead. You can get them on. But accuse. Here's some collusion. But it's not the collusion you think. This was from a couple days ago. I mentioned it. I teased it. Natalie Mayflower Sowers Edwards.
Starting point is 00:20:50 That's her name. Sowers Edwards, senior official at the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, is accused of leaking confidential banking reports of suspects charged in special accounts of Robert Mueller's investigation. The Treasury Department employee chargednesday with leaking confidential financial files related to former trump associates had a co-conspirator at the department who has also exchanged several hundred messages with journalists according to the criminal complaint okay more evidence that they were trying to fuck and take down trump the court papers do not name the higher ranking co-conspirator who has not been charged,
Starting point is 00:21:27 but the complaint referred to the person as an associate director, that's in quotes, at the department's financial crimes enforcement network, otherwise known as FinCEN, to whom defendant Natalie Mayflower Sowers Edwards reported. She should be fired just because of her name. The complaint states that this co-conspirator, not named as a defendant, exchanged more than 300 messages with a reporter through an encrypted application. Edwards, 40, as a senior official at FinCEN, is accused of illegally giving a reporter bank reports,
Starting point is 00:21:59 documenting several suspicious financial transactions, known as Suspicious Act activity reports, SARS, which was also a disease I had in high school. I kicked it with a couple Advil PM. From October 2017 until the present. You believe this, Brian? Huh? You believe this shit?
Starting point is 00:22:19 Ugh. I do. More collusion. Fucking bitch. I do. More collusion. Fucking bitch. The documents said Edwards initially denied having contact with the members of the media, though told the FBI she was aware that the financial transactions involved Trump campaign
Starting point is 00:22:38 Paul Manafort, Chief Campaign Official Richard Gates, and accused Russian agent Maria Butina and the Russian embassy federal law enforcement official said Wednesday. Prosecutors said Edwards saved thousands of SARS along with thousands of other files containing sensitive government information to a government-provided flash drive. You believe this shit?
Starting point is 00:22:59 She won't go to jail either. The files were allegedly saved to a folder on the flash drive of the file path debacle slash emails. Get this slash ass hat. Edwards is not known to be involved in any official FinCEN project or task bearing these titles or code names. That's how they know she's full of shit. The flash drive contained not only SARS, but also highly sensitive material relating to Russia, Iran, and the terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. During her interviews with the FBI agent,
Starting point is 00:23:30 Edwards initially, listen to this, denied any contact with the news media, called herself a whistleblower who saved the SARS for record-keeping. You have to be shitting me. You have to be shitting me. The most recent, the paper she talked to was Budfeed. There was a dozen stories in Buzzfeed over the past year and a half, including an article headlined, GOP operative made suspicious cash withdrawals during pursuit of Clinton emails. Another article was titled,
Starting point is 00:24:02 these 13 Wyatt transfers are a Focus of the FBI into Paul Manafort. The most recent BuzzFeed article cited in the charging documents was published on Monday. This is incredible. The case is apparently the first criminal prosecution arising from leaks about individuals targeted by special counsel Robert Mueller's team in the course of its investigation. She was released to her parents. What is she, six? She and her parents also signed a $100,000 bond as part of
Starting point is 00:24:31 her release. Edwards appeared in court wearing street clothes, no bra, no titties, faces two charges, unlawful disclosure and one for conspiring to unlawfully disclose. Each carrying a maximum sentence of five years and a 250 000 fine she's due back in court november 2nd more evidence more
Starting point is 00:24:51 evidence she works for the treasury department she was leaking shit to one of her higher-ups who was leaking it to journalists what you can't do it's against the goddamn law even i know that so absolutely ridiculous uh more cheating and i look at all the news sites if you think i'm being biased here okay so i want to see some evidence of republicans doing this stuff that's all i'm saying we got vince on the line ladies and gentlemen it's my pleasure right now uh he's going to be our first skype in the history of this show. I'm such a huge fan. And obviously, you know him from a lot of stuff. You know, his most famous role, Johnny Sack on The Sopranos.
Starting point is 00:25:33 But he's done, he's been in movies, Patriot's Day, Blacklist, Blue Bloods, Killing Them Softly, the show Good Wife, Person of Interest, many Law and Order episodes, Monk. He's also a jazz guitarist. Jesus, he's a real renaissance man, Vince, huh? And performs in and around Manhattan. You know why he performs locally? Which, we already have something in common.
Starting point is 00:25:52 He doesn't fly. I don't fly either. I was born with legs and two shitty shoulders. Please welcome to the show the great Vince Caratola. Hi, Nick. How are you? Vince, look at you. Look at me. Skype makes everybody look Vince, look at you. You look...
Starting point is 00:26:05 Look at me. Skype makes everybody look like they're 106. You notice? You're giving me a compliment now. We both look like we're in the waiting room
Starting point is 00:26:15 at some fucking hospital. God's waiting room, yeah. God's waiting... Yes, Miami is what we're talking about. Let me... Vince, I'll tell you, it really is.
Starting point is 00:26:23 It's a pleasure to have you on. We... Thanks. Last time I saw you was Comey's show. And I didn't... is what we're talking about. Miami. Let me, Vince, I'll tell you, it really is, it's a pleasure to have you on. We, uh, I, I, last time I saw you was call me a show. And, and I didn't, I couldn't believe how funny you were. I didn't, uh, you know, it must be that New Jersey, uh, Guinea. Yeah, it's New Jersey water. I'm going to have a well. I get a well too.
Starting point is 00:26:40 What? I get a well too. It's gross. Um, we're going to show, we're going to show, look look i know you're probably sick of talking about the sopranos but this show is very sopranos oriented and i got you and uh we're gonna show one of my favorite clips of you this is the scene when johnny sack's wife get insulted by ralph cifaretto he goes to have a sit down with carmine because he wants our you still got him okay i can't see him uh this is when he has a sit down and uh he's defending his wife's honor because ralph cifaretto made a joke about his
Starting point is 00:27:11 wife and he wants ralph whack let's take a look at that clip if we can she was having a 90 pound mole removed from her ass the implication was that her ass is so big she could have a mole that size removed from it. It's an off-colored remark. It was highly inappropriate. You want? I'll demand he's taxed. But clip him? Is it all just about money?
Starting point is 00:27:44 I'll crack him good. I'll ask for 200 grand. 200 grand for insulting my wife? What's next, Carmine? You get the fucker for a million? He wants the fucker? I'm making a point. I'm talking about my wife's honor here.
Starting point is 00:27:56 My honor. Vince, you don't know how many times I've used that line. Whether it's my, you know, my friends. Who gets the fuck up for a million? Who, Vince? That was a lot. That was a lot. A million was a lot.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you know, that's Sophia Loren. Let me ask you this. I want you to real quick, because you've told the story in interviews, uh, because I, I still go on, uh,
Starting point is 00:28:27 I mean, uh, I still go on auditions and you told the story about when you audition for this. Yeah. And, and, and what you did differently than the other actors.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Can you, can you tell the people? Yeah. Yeah. Well, first of all, I didn't want to go to the audition at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:41 I was working on NBC, uh, movie of the week with Chris Null in Staten Island. This is the third time my agent called and said, you know, you really should go read for this part. I finally went. It was on West 79th Street. I get out of cab. I'm late. Smoked a cigarette. Now I'm even more late. Finally, I walk upstairs. There's one woman left in the room. She's behind the desk. She's got like 4,500 eight by tens on her desk.
Starting point is 00:29:10 She says to me, without looking up, you're late. I said, okay, I'll go home. No problem. Thank you. You know, I'll leave. She looks up. She says, no, wait, sit down. She said, do you have the sides that they sent you?
Starting point is 00:29:21 I said, yeah, I have them. She said, come on, we'll read the scene. So we read the scene she said all right it was a thursday she said i want you to come back monday at silver cup and i want you to meet some people so i went back and that's my callback so it's about i don't know how many guys in the waiting room and i know they they were called back for the same part right johnny sack which by the way was only supposed to be a one episode character anyway i'm in the waiting room and i hear these guys saying the same dialogue that
Starting point is 00:29:51 i have in my hands but they're screaming you know hash this tony that uncle jr so i said to myself okay i got it so when i got into the room it was my my time. I sat down. They said, are you ready? I said, yeah. I whispered the entire dialogue. I just whispered it because I felt if you have any power, you only have to say something once, and you can say it in a very low tone,
Starting point is 00:30:16 and I think that was it, so I just went against the herd, in other words. It's so funny that you said no to the audition that many times is there any vince is there anything worse than fucking auditioning no i think it's it's it's diabolical actually i mean i think if you go in they want to see you for something and they just want to talk to you a little bit see if you have the essence of whatever character is that you're in for that's fine because i know how to memorize i know how to read it's not a big deal right so in other words you want me to give it back that you're in for. That's fine, because I know how to memorize. I know how to read. It's not a big deal.
Starting point is 00:30:45 So in other words, you want me to give it back to you the way it's written on the paper. It doesn't always work. Right. So I think that, and then when you get to a certain point, when you're able to say to your agent, or your agent even says to you, listen, this is not for you.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Let them make an offer if they're interested. Otherwise, goodbye and good luck. So lately, it's been happening to me. I'm appreciative. Well, I would think so, because Jesus, I mean, Gandolfini, as great as he was, had nothing on you. I watched every episode a hundred times. Oh, man, thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Hey, let me ask you this real quick before we move on to politics. Do you remember you and I acted together? Yes. Wait a minute. Hold on. The episode with, when you were on our show. No, not even on The Sopranos.
Starting point is 00:31:34 This was a live thing. Steve Sharippa hosted this thing called Wise Guys. Absolutely. Absolutely. And we did a quick sketch. We wrote it beforehand. You were a comedy club owner. That's right. it was hysterical and and i was a comic and i was bitching that you weren't paying me enough money and like that's right i was so nervous working with you this was at the height
Starting point is 00:31:53 of the sopranos i was so nervous that i i went from zero to a hundred in the scene and i'm like i left you with nothing yes leave it to stevie He can conjure up anything. That was such a thrill for me. That was in my heyday. It was. It was a good night. Oh, my God. So let me ask you this. You grew up in Jersey.
Starting point is 00:32:13 So how did you end up Republican in such a blue state? When I was growing up, it was all Republican in New Jersey. I grew up in Englewood, New Jersey, which is a gorgeous town. I had a wild paper route, Nick. it was all Republican in New Jersey. I grew up in Englewood, New Jersey, which is a gorgeous town. I had a wild paper route, Nick. My block that I lived on, I delivered papers to Sarah Vaughan, Dizzy Gillespie, Tony Bennett, Jerry Vale, part of the Isley family, part of the Wrigley family, believe it or not. So show business kind of like seeped in. Leslie Gore, a lot of people. Andre Previn. And it was a very conservative state at the time. I'm going back to the 60s. So as far as why am I, you know, how did I become, I'll become a, I'll stay Republican if I live to be 2000 years old, I don't believe in giveaways. I don't believe in. Let me take some money out of your pocket so I could give it to some schmo.
Starting point is 00:33:09 You're right. He sits around all day in his pajamas and he's Cheerios. No, man, it's not going to happen. I made that money. I'll give you what I think you need. Right. What you prescribe. But let's not go overboard because, you know, the mafia knows damn well you never kill the golden goose and you can kill the golden goose.
Starting point is 00:33:25 And you can't milk him anymore. That's exactly right. Can't milk him anymore. You don't have a client anymore if you destroy this guy financially. That is a great, great point. Do you find in this business, I mean, because you're very famous because of The Sopranos, were you out there with your politics during The Sopranos? I mean, there's no way of knowing. People always ask me this.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Well, does it cost you jobs in this business? Because it's a left wing business show business. How would we know? How would we know? Right. We would never know. Like some producers going to call you. You know what? I was going to give you a starring role in that movie, but you're all the way to the right. So I mean, they don't send you a memo. So how would you know? The only way I know once is because I had an Applebee's commercial that they wanted me for this thing. They want me to fly to Atlanta for a day and do a commercial with Chip Carey, who is the announcer for the Braves and somebody else for Applebee's. Right. And it's
Starting point is 00:34:21 a go. It's a go for two days. I think I'm going down there at the 11th hour. I get a call from my agent. They went online and they saw me at a roast comedy center roast, you know, saying horrendous shit. You know, they heard me on Howard Stern and they fucking axed me. No, ridiculous. No. It works in reverse, doesn't it? It works in reverse, doesn't it? It works in reverse because if you, if anyone would have had that stance back in the 60s, 70s, whatever, they would be ostracized for not being patriotic. Would they not? But, you know, what I believe and I firmly believe, and I'll say this publicly to any A-list Hollywood left wing liberal actor, get over yourself.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Because you know what? While you're laying out by your pool in Beverly Hills, you don't see any bombs coming over your head, do you? No, because the other side, the conservative side, says, no, we need a strong defense in the United States of America. You have them to thank for your freedom. And those people floating around in their pools in Hollywood have what around their houses? Gates and walls.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Oh, yes, absolutely. Protected by guns. Yeah, protected by guns is right. That's correct. So what you're telling me, Vince, is you don't take your political cues from Alyssa Milano? What the fuck? You know, I think that girl saves a lot of money
Starting point is 00:35:41 in publicists every month. Because she goes out there and does the stuff herself. I know. She's got to be saving five grand a month, right? I know. And she's, you know, good looking, but dumb as a fucking rock. Sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Well, yeah. What do you think? Okay, midterms. Do you think all this Kavanaugh shit that went on, which I thought was absolutely ridiculous. It was ridiculous. So do you think it's going to galvanize? Because we keep hearing about this blue wave for the last three months. Do you think it's going to galvanize because we keep hearing about this blue wave for the last three months? Do you think it's going to galvanize the right
Starting point is 00:36:08 and the Republicans are going to hold on to that? What's going to happen in the midterm? You know, Nick, I've never seen such a bad of such a such a band of sore losers. Can you imagine if Hillary had won? This would be a very quiet country right now. We'd be on our way to being broke, but we'd be very quiet. So with regard to the midterms, I think the people who have brains in their heads, and I do believe that that's most Americans, are going to say things are tremendously different than they were under the failure of Obama. And that we should continue that line. Because nobody can complain about their 401ks right now. Nobody can complain that they can't find a job. And when you go to that, I started my business 1974. I was, whatever, 19. I put a little ad in the paper. I fixed steps. I fixed
Starting point is 00:37:00 sidewalks. I fixed retaining walls. And it became something. I went to college, but it bored me. I wanted to be in business. You get a guy with a squeegee, you'll make a hundred grand in a year if he works. And that's another thing. If you see these guys out, these people that are out 10 o'clock on a Sunday night, 11 o'clock, and they're protesting, but they don't have to get up Monday morning. I know. Period. There's no way they have to be. They go to the post office, they grab that check or whatever, done.
Starting point is 00:37:34 You know, it used to be called relief back in the days of the depression. That's right. You were going to get some relief. But this is a totally, it's a dynasty now of welfare. It's generational. How did Jersey turn so blue back in the 60s? You know, Nick, that's a really good question. It really did begin locally in towns and counties.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And I think that, well, the obvious thing is the more people you come in who are dependent, the more votes you're going to have for Democrats, including the people have been buried under the ground for the last hundred years. They vote, too, in Democrat. I know. Democratic candidates, period. They do. The story I just did in Texas. Did you hear what I don't know if you were listening?
Starting point is 00:38:18 They're sending out ballots to non-citizens with the box already checked citizen. Yes. You see? You see? I mean, what the fuck? You're against federal law. The other federal law is you're supposed to pay income tax. But that one we're not going to talk about.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Let's just talk about bringing everybody in to vote. You know, do you have a pulse? Oh, you can vote for me then because I'm going to get you an apartment and I'm going to get you groceries. I'm tired of it. Yeah. You know, my family came here, my father and his four brothers. They had to have been, they had to be sponsored by a tradesman in New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:38:56 And they all became bricklayers, one a fine furniture maker. You had to have an apprenticeship. Otherwise, we don't want you. You're not coming. Forget it. Right. You had to bring something here. And, we don't want you. You're not coming. Forget it. Right. You had to bring something here.
Starting point is 00:39:09 And you didn't bring the flu here. You had to bring something good. I used to have a joke about it. You know, it was like a party. We invited everybody from all over the world to party. I said, you know, the Polish brought the sausage. The Japanese brought the sound system. The Mexicans said, fuck it, we'll clean up afterwards. But I had a whole bit on it. I can brought the sound system. The Mexicans said, fuck, we'll clean up afterwards.
Starting point is 00:39:30 But I had a whole bit on it. I can't even remember it. Before I let you go, a couple more things. Oh, what's the mob violence? I since you're played a mobster. What do you think of this chasing people out of restaurants and getting up in their face? And I mean, people are literally, you know, literally getting sucker punched for wearing a MAGA hat. I mean, what do you what's your what's your advice to people on the right? I mean, I always believe fight fire with fire. You can't sit there and take it. But what what's your advice? Well, you know, first of all, the people who are innocent and go into a restaurant in D.C. cruising his wife, whether you agree with him, you don't agree with him, whatever it is. I blame the restaurant, number one. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I saw you. You grabbed a couple of guys. Well, get on the phone. You know why, Nick? Everybody knows somebody. Listen, get over here now. Help me out, okay? They didn't do that, which tells me that they were more interested
Starting point is 00:40:21 in those scales that had $11 in their pocket, if they were lucky, those people. Up against a man like him who came in to have a meal, going to pay you $350, $400, whatever that tab is going to be. It's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I said it. They're such sore losers. Well, Soros. Soros got a big checkbook. He keeps paying these people. They're paid. Oh, absolutely. But the ones that chased Cruz and his wife out of the restaurant weren't paid. They were actually working.
Starting point is 00:40:53 They were working for, they were staff members of some politicians, some Democrats. Well, there we go. There we go. There we go. But you know something? Those are the cases where prosecution should be imminent. That's harassment. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:07 And if you touch somebody, it's battery. That's right. If it was me, if that happened to me, I would own every one of this guy's restaurants. It would only take me a week. Trust me, I would do it. I know. We have a chat room. Does somebody want to ask a question of Vince?
Starting point is 00:41:22 Fellas? No problem. Yeah. Carl McCool says, Hey, Nick, ask Vincent if he's still selling real estate. His license is hung at my company's Remax in North Bergen. One of our chat room members wants to know if he's still selling real estate. No, I had to park my license somewhere.
Starting point is 00:41:42 I buy and sell for my own purpose. Ah. He does it for his own purposes. So there you go. The if the guy has what his sign hanging in his office yeah the remix already the remix thing all right real quickly I know you're a singer and I should have pulled some clips of that real quick let me ask you as a you know Jersey G guindalone uh uh sinatra sinatra or dean martin who's got the better voice vince sinatra yeah but the best of all my book was elvis presley is that right then my book yeah yeah the tone you can't you can't suppress you put him ahead of mike nesmith of the Monkees? Yeah, well, it's close, Nick, but, you know, I got to be fair to Elvis.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Vince, do you have any gigs you want to plug? Because I know you're singing around Manhattan. Go ahead. November 2nd, Friday night I'm doing two shows at a fabulous jazz club called Marines Jazz in Nyack. It'll be my third or fourth show there. It's a very hot jazz club. I'm doing two shows, and I love being there. I just, I have a five piece jazz band and they're hot. So.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Guys, multi-talented players. And you're, you're, you're more than welcome. You and your wife, you let me know if you want to be, I know it's a schlep for you, but you'll be my guest. Hey, if I'm free, I would absolutely love it. You know me. Be my guest. If they want to know more, they can follow me at Vincent Curitola. At Vincent Curitola. And you also have his website,
Starting point is 00:43:15 Just give me one. Just give me one of these. I want you to give me the creeps on this petty pace. I'm sorry? Creeps on this petty pace. The creeps on this petty pace. Creeps on this petty pace. Tomorrow I got to go into work and I got to deal with that disgusting idiot fucking pack sucker. OK, Tony. Bingo. Vince, I can't thank you enough for doing this.
Starting point is 00:43:43 You're a talented, funny, intelligent guy, Nick. nick god bless you and you're welcome uh any time here so we'll talk we'll talk to you soon thank you so much all right ben good night bye right there you go folks nice going in the booth by the way fellas priscilla well done everybody because me and uh you know me and vince we're not technology wise he still i saw a transistor radio behind him like i have over here me and Vince, we're not technology wise. I saw a transistor radio behind him like I have over here. And again, I know all you fans of mine, 99% of you are huge Sopranos fans. I don't have to tell you. Except for the Twinks. They were just little young. Jason, what year were you born?
Starting point is 00:44:20 93. So, Ryan was 5 when the first Sopranos came. Yeah. I'm telling you, it's worth your while. Best acting, best writing you'll ever see. And he is something else. Well, I got plenty of time on the weekends, so... Do you?
Starting point is 00:44:38 What happened to your girlfriend, Emily? Are you familiar with The Friend Zone? Already? Jesus Christ. Get back on the mic. I operate fast, I guess. You took her to a movie and she's throwing you in the friend zone? What did you take her to see?
Starting point is 00:44:56 A fucking Stallone action? One of those Marvel movies. I guess that's where I went wrong. What are we seeing? The Green Hornet. Shut your mouth, bitch. You're in the friend zone. Did I ever tell you? Listen to this. You're like
Starting point is 00:45:11 my first date in high school. I was in love with this girl. Took her to see Paradise Alley, which is a Stallone movie. I think it came out before Rocky. Or right after. I can't remember. Point being, took her to the movie. The movie's over, get in the car, backing up in the parking lot. And I back into somebody.
Starting point is 00:45:32 I have my license for like three weeks. Crease this guy's door. He's yelling at me and shit. Okay. We exchanged papers. That takes a half hour. Get in the car, pulling out of the parking lot. hour, get in the car, pulling out of the parking lot. A guy comes around the corner at 70 miles an hour in a mall, a back, I pull out, misses my front of my car by an inch, leans on the horn at me. I leave the mall. I look in the rear view mirror. He's in the rear view mirror chasing me now. Now this is my first date with this girl. I pull over, the guy pulls over, gets out. Luckily, greasy long hair with a leather jacket, like six, three guy pulls over, gets out. Luckily, greasy, long hair with a leather jacket, like six, three, about 110 pounds. And I dumped them on his head and sat on his chest and I fucking pounded him. Uh, two other people pulled over like my dad's age and
Starting point is 00:46:15 pulled me off the guy. This is the first date. My, my date sitting in the car going, this is fucking bull. Just had an accident and getting a fist fight. Now, if I'm a girl, that would make me excited. But, uh, I dated about another year and a half. Anyways, sorry to hear you're in the friend zone. What are you gonna do? Let's move on to Twitter. Shall we, kids?
Starting point is 00:46:37 Let's move on to Twitter. They have a problem in the name of Louis Farrakhan. You guys hear about this? By the way, I'm being shadow banned again. After I did Crowder, I added about 700 followers on Twitter. I don't know if that's directly related.
Starting point is 00:46:55 I'm guessing so. And it hit a wall two days ago. And I wake up, and then last night I lost about 50. I wake up, there's another 50 followers gone. I've dropped about 100 in a day for no reason. When I used to not post on Twitter, I would add people anyways. So it's so obviously they're fucking with my head.
Starting point is 00:47:13 I swear to God, they have one person assigned to me to bust my balls. But apparently saying Jews are termites isn't offensive, at least not offensive enough for Twitter to ban Louis Farrakhan for it. The Nation of Islam leader's history of blatant anti-Semitism goes back decades. Twitter's even tut-tutted him for it in the past. Back in July, it took away his verified status for tweeting about the satanic Jews and the synagogue of Satan. Yet Farrakhan finds the issue funny. He joked about it in a video clip he tweeted on
Starting point is 00:47:46 Wednesday. Here's the video of Farrakhan not getting in trouble on Twitter for saying this. So when they talk about Farrakhan, call me a hater. You know what they do? Call me an anti-Semite. He don't age, does he? Stop it. I'm anti-termite. Wow. Anti-termite. Calling Jewish people termites. And Twitter doesn't have a problem with that. I asked Barbra Streisand to die in her sleep and they boo to me for a day. Anti-termite. Oh my goodness gracious. Here's some more Farrakhan. If you don't believe he's a you know, he says he's not
Starting point is 00:48:31 an anti-semite. Well, here's some more of them. The satanic Jews they control everything and mostly everybody. That is not true, unless you're talking about Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Now listen, ladies and gentlemen. That was a joke. 833-599-6425. How do you explain that he's not in trouble for that? Maybe he will be eventually, but the double standard, the message, the message,
Starting point is 00:49:05 the message, let's say Twitter knowingly is not putting the lock on him on Twitter. So they're just saying it's, you know, anybody who's anti-American, anti-Jewish, those are the real far lefties that hate Israel and the Jews. There's actually Jewish people who are against Israel and what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:49:24 I never, that's how far left, this country is fucked, is my point. I'm not, I'm not anti-Semite. I'm an anti-Termite. I'm not anti-Greaseball, just anti-Italian.
Starting point is 00:49:42 That's, that guy has an age. The devil doesn't age anyways, does he? Let's go to Riley in Missouri. He's got dating advice for, uh, Jason. Hey Riley, tell Jason, uh, what he should be doing. Hey Nick, been a huge fan for a long time. Thank you, sir. Well, here's what you need to do. Young guys aren't getting their fill of crazy broads. You're not learning how to recognize that. And you just got to do what I used to do. I'm not a handsome man, but I made all my mistakes.
Starting point is 00:50:17 You get next to a crazy girl. You find out what cologne her dad used to wear. Spritz that on. And you're in. Wait a minute. That's actually brilliant because every girl has a daddy. Holy shit, Jason. Jason, we have to get you a bottle of Canoe or a bottle of Old Spice.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Oh, my God. Yeah, Jovan Musk. That's funny, the age difference. I used to wear, what was that one everybody? Oh, I used to wear D Jovan Musk. Jovan. That's funny, the age difference. I used to wear, what was that one, everybody? Oh, I used to wear Drakkar in the 80s. I think the brothers still wear it. Oh, yeah. Remember Drakkar, Riley?
Starting point is 00:50:52 Yeah. Oh, yeah, that shit won't come out of your curtains for years. That is hilarious. Wear her dad's. Might as well dress up like her dad. Get pictures of her dad online. Put on the same fucking suit. Put on a fucking pair of wingtips you know and then spank her on the first day that is works every time i gotta say that's funny and creepy at the same time riley but uh
Starting point is 00:51:17 we thank you oh yeah thanks for the advice you gotta do all do what you gotta do. All right, brother. All right. We'll see ya. Bye. Oh my God. Put on her fucking dad's cologne. Isn't that funny that dad, I guess, you know, the mom-son thing, there's some of that. You know, you have this Oedipus complex.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Yeah, the other one's the Electra complex. Electra? How's that work, Jace? Oh, it's the Oedipus complex, but just the other way's the Electra Complex. Electra? How's that work, Jace? Oh, it's the Oedipus Complex, but just the other way around. Oh, it's the other way around? Remember Tony Soprano saying to Dr. Malfi, I don't want to fuck my mother. That's disgusting. The Electra Complex, huh?
Starting point is 00:52:00 I don't even know if that was around when I was in school. I mean, if I was one of Trump's kids, I might have the Oedipus combo. Biting on my mother's fake titties. Let's go to Zach in Pittsburgh. Zach, what's going on, fella? Hey, I can't. I'll tell you right now, I can't top that previous call. Oh, that was was funny wasn't it
Starting point is 00:52:27 that was that was great man that dad had me laughing out loud but uh i tell you what though you know what i thought you could never top that bo dedal interview yeah but man johnny sack did he deliver he is uh he's a smart guy he sits on the foundation of, I didn't write it down, of some hospital, some major hospital in New Jersey. He's a smart dude. And I thought it was interesting because New Jersey is blue within my balls as far as politics go. It has been the whole time I've been in the New York area. And it was interesting to hear that it wasn't always like that. And it just shows to me the power of the media and, and, uh, until we pull that, that blow horn away from the Democrats. Uh, but
Starting point is 00:53:10 yeah, he's a, he's a talented, talented guy and I am going to go see him. I want to go see him sing live. I saw him and we did a thing in Vegas together. Uh, me, Michael Imperioli, Steve Chirippo was the MC in Imperioli and it was called wise guys where they, uh, he sang, I did see him sing then. And I got to do some standup, a couple of standups. Uh, we did comedy. It was so good. Cause I hung out with John. I had, I hung out with Vince after the show. Uh, and I had never met him before. And we sat next to each other and I, I went up to him. I said, you are a monster. Meaning it was a compliment as far as I meant, you know, how his character and he, his eyes got big and he got the serious look on his face. He thought,
Starting point is 00:53:50 he thought I was, he thought I was somebody in the audience that didn't like what he was doing. And, and then we sat there smoking cigarettes and, and bad mouthing people as they walked by. And it was like hanging out with a buddy of mine. So I, he's a smart guy. He's funny and I love his politics. i'm glad you enjoyed it zach i i tell you what nick new jersey is a lot like pennsylvania because they say there's pittsburgh and philly and the rest of the state is kentucky i got the i got some good friends i do some shows and podcasts in jersey i'm gonna be out there in a couple months and uh actually the there's two great amateur comics out there every monday
Starting point is 00:54:25 night it's called the uncomfortably funny podcast dave hoge army veteran anthony ennis a uh navy vet he's open up for arty and and jim florentine among others and they're they're they're one of us they're just you know patriots blue collar conservative libertarians yeah and i tell you what i was shocked when i started going out to Jersey. You basically got Newark and then you got Trenton. But I fucking love Jersey, man. It's just for me, it's almost like being home. It's just you get out of those two little centralized areas.
Starting point is 00:54:57 And it's just man's man, blue collar, good time, hardworking people. So don't. And I just saw a poll that the Republican is possibly one or two points up above that corrupt Menendez. Yes. So you might be able to not, I think Jersey, I know, because I've been there a lot. Jersey's are like Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:55:16 It's not totally blue. Right. It's not totally, but small pockets of resistance. Enough. Yeah, just enough. Hey, Zach, thanks for the call, buddy. Talk to you soon. Hey, guys, can we turn this?
Starting point is 00:55:30 I don't know. Let's see what happens if we turn my headset down a little. I don't know if it's still going to crack. Test one right there. Stop right there. Yeah, that's all right. We'll have to ask, you know, Jay about that. Because it's not the level it's it's it's
Starting point is 00:55:46 still crackling but at least i'm not uh making myself deaf hey uh here we go more crazy feminism it's really i think it might be a wire problem we have to get jay on the line excuse me it's actually what we were just saying too too. All right. It's getting worse. Anyways, Kleenex to rebrand man-sized tissues after gender complaints. Well, of course they are. Did I tell you how fucking nuts the feminist movement? Kleenex maker Kimberly Clark, that's the name of the company. She doesn't make the Kleenex herself in her basement. Says it will rebrand its man-sized tissues
Starting point is 00:56:25 after consumers complain the name was sexist. I don't buy that for a second. I bet you four broads called up and that's all it took. They're going to rebrand it because man-sized is sexist. You can act like a man. What's the matter with you? The company says that following a consistent increase of complaints on gender concern i i
Starting point is 00:56:45 don't buy that for the fucking life of me all the people that use kleenex what is it one one thousand people complain the product will now be called kleenex extra large packages uh for the tissues describe them as confidently strong and comfortably soft kimberly clark tells uh oh my god this is getting it's getting worse, huh guys? I mean, every word out of my mouth is crackling. Hey, what did you do? That just fixed it. What did you do?
Starting point is 00:57:11 You mark it. We changed your volume and we also changed the compressor setting at the same time. Well, there you go. It's the fucking compressor. Because the minute we put the compressor in, this started. It was the compressor. Mark, put a mark there so we can whatever kimberly clark tells britain's telegraph on thursday that is uh no way suggests that being both soft and strong was an exclusively masculine trait nor do we believe uh yeah that's what guys want to be thought of is uh soft
Starting point is 00:57:41 uh an exclusive masculine trait. Nor do we believe that the man-sized branding suggests or endorses gender inequality. Nevertheless, as we remain committed to developing, they should be saying, nevertheless, we're as spineless as anybody else when it comes to this shit. We remain committed to developing the best possible products for
Starting point is 00:57:59 our consumers and take any feedback extremely seriously. We decide to renovate our current product and update the product sub-brand as Kleenex Extra Large. Oh, do you feminists ever stop your fucking whining? My vagina's angry. It is. It's pissed off.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Shut up! Thank you. Imagine having that kind of time to call in and complain about. Seriously, think about whoever called in, how they got to that point psychologically. Just hammering over and over again. I saw a commercial, folks.
Starting point is 00:58:39 It was for the cleanup after the big hurricane in Florida, Michael. I saw a commercial the other night. Only I would pick up on this. And it said at the end of the commercial, it's people helping other people that get, you know, hurt in the hurricane, helping them rebuild their house. It said because human nature is stronger than, and it should have said mother nature, but it just said nature.
Starting point is 00:59:02 When you talk about hurricanes, don't you talk about Mother Nature? It said human nature is stronger than nature, because if they said Mother Nature, that would have a couple of negative connotations. First of all, a female was responsible for all the damage, and second, something was stronger than
Starting point is 00:59:19 Mother Nature. They would never... I'm telling you, you think I'm fucking paranoid. That's the level that they they they monitor this shit it's about changing people's behavior that's what political correctness is through language and nobody is more fucking nuts than the feminist movement and when you when people complain about political correctness and and how sensitive the world has become i keep saying this is more feminized. Yes, guys have bought into it.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Politicians buy into it because they get some votes, but to be sensitive, not a male character. That's not, not DNA. I mean, you're always bad mouthing us would be insensitive assholes. So,
Starting point is 00:59:59 you know, it's, it's fucking unbelievable. Let's go to Luke in California. Buddy Luke. Luke, what's happening? What's going on, Nick? Not too much.
Starting point is 01:00:19 What's happening? This is probably going to be the first time we agree. One thing I hate about these feminists, because, come on kleenex really talking about man-sized kleenex one thing that they do they try to equate you know their struggle with back then it was martin luther king and now it's this it's like why why y'all try to lynch on to the black you guys aren't going through what we go through quit trying to equate the two. That's one thing that bothers me. You're absolutely right, Luke.
Starting point is 01:00:49 What they did was they grabbed onto the coattails of the civil rights movement. That's what they did. And they used the same playbook. But like you said, blacks, it was legitimate grief after what they went through, you know, years and years of oppression. And you're right. They try to. And the gays do it too. I used to do a bit, uh, you know, gay people say it's just like, uh, you know, they just like slaves and stuff. And I used to do a joke saying that, uh, well, you can't pay, can't compare it, you know, a gay guy in a slave. You
Starting point is 01:01:18 put a, you put a black guy in chains and whip them that slave. You put a gay guy in chains and whip them. It's a Tuesday night in San Francisco. And, uh, you know. So, you're absolutely right. They use the same playbook as the civil rights movement. And it really is. They're out of their fucking mind.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Who was that broad the other day that tweeted feminists with a new n-word, like, or females with a new n-word? What? Oh, God n-word oh god i don't know i didn't i didn't even see that um it was some actress some goofy old white bitch and then you know she had to apologize for it but it's just why why can't y'all have your own movement why does everything like you said the gays the feminists every it's always equated to the blacks it's yeah get your own shit your own word it's all gotta be the end one patrice had i just heard
Starting point is 01:02:14 patrice on the radio and it was something like that he was talking to a hispanic guy and he said just that he goes fuck that you you got we got our own problems don't try to don't try to jump on our coke or something referring to what you just said but uh hey good hearing from you look man i got to uh i got a couple more calls here but uh talk to you soon and nick i just wanted to say one thing yeah i would we would we would agree with y'all uh the right side if you would just reach out just just just reach out a little bit to us you Make it seem, act like you care a little bit. We might listen to you on the right. You got to be shitting me.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Why don't you check the unemployment statistics since Trump became president? Why don't you check the number of black people in George W. Bush's administration as opposed to Obama? I'm talking about your rhetoric. All right. I got to go. He had to get in there. We had a nice conversation, but he couldn't. You sound like a feminist, Luke.
Starting point is 01:03:10 You're fucking never happy now. We do reach out. Fucking four million people off welfare. That's doing something. But your party looks at it as being racist. And then your people fucking vote that way. We've reached out enough. You're either with us
Starting point is 01:03:25 or you're against us trump's done more for black people than fucking obama both bill clinton uh terms anyways finally tonight on meet the press let's talk about crazy white bitches kristen bell she's an actress i, says Snow White Kiss sends controversial message about consent. Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert. The 38-year-old actress and mom of Lincoln 5 and Delta. Those are her kids named after a car and a plane. That sounds like when the cops go.
Starting point is 01:04:06 License plate, Lincoln, 5 Delta, 4-6. Told Parents Magazine she had a serious conversation with her kids about the infamous kissing scene in Snow White. I don't know enough about Snow White because, like I said, I was a weird little kid. I liked sports and girls and trucks. So I don't know the Snow White story is she dead I thought my wife said Snow White's dead she's sleeping she's like pretty much dead and then the dude kisses her and she comes back to life what do you mean pretty much dead what happened opioids she could hit by a bus
Starting point is 01:04:37 what happened to the bitch she's an old witch gave her a poison apple and she almost died and then the dude kissed her and then she survived. So, and she's complaining about that. Can you imagine we're having this conversation? At least when Megan Kelly said Santa is white, which is a make-believe character. Actually, there is a Santa that all started in Germany or Bavaria,
Starting point is 01:04:59 whatever the fuck. And the guy was white. So this is a fucking cartoon. So are you, Kristen. She says, don't you think that it's weird that the princess kisses Snow White without her permission?
Starting point is 01:05:12 Because you cannot kiss someone if they're not sleeping, she told the magazine. Says you! Apparently you never belong to a sorority or fraternity. It's the only time I got a smooch when a girl was face down in a puddle of her own puke.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Give her a nice smooch and it tastes like Heineken and hot dogs. Can you believe this? She says, every time we close Snow White, I look at my girls and ask, don't you think it's weird that Snow White didn't ask the old witch why she needed to eat the apple or where she got that apple? I say, I would never take food from a stranger, would you? And my kids are like, no.
Starting point is 01:05:52 And I'm like, okay, I'm doing something right. Yeah, well, how about tell your kids about all the starving kids in Africa that are starving and they take food from strangers. We fly it over there. Is there somebody inspecting each bowl of mush we send to these kids? You believe this fucking broad? So kissing, it's a cartoon.
Starting point is 01:06:14 The prince kissed the broad who was sleeping. Actually saves her, and she's still bitching, number one. She doesn't tell her kids that part. That a man could actually help you out. Maybe she had a piece of apple stuck in her trachea and he sucked it out you ever think of that you ever think of that mike look at the prettier the dumber no shit look he's going right in for the move there right on the lips that's like jackie april i gotta do a soprano's reference for vince
Starting point is 01:06:41 it's like when jackie april was at a frat Meadow Soprano was passed out and he's looking down her shirt. Un-fucking-believable. She's not the only actress who questions Disney's movies. Karen Knightley, another-fucking-genius, recently told Ellen DeGeneres, a very healthy man, that her three-year-old daughter, Edie, is banned from watching Cinderella and the Little Mermaid. The 33-year-old actress said the 1950s Cinderella character
Starting point is 01:07:12 waits around for a rich guy to rescue her. Don't! Rescue yourself, obviously! Yeah, like you didn't blow a few directives to get where you were. Please! And when it came to The Little Mermaid, Knightley questioned the film's message about relying on a Prince Charming. No, go find a nice manly woman with thick ankles and politically connected. And she says, and this is the one I'm quite annoyed about because I really like the film, but Little Mermaid, she says, I mean, the songs are great, but do not give your voice up for a man. Hello.
Starting point is 01:07:49 She's talking to her kids. She's already got them hating men by the time they're in first grade. And this is how these fucking, these, this is how people like this come into play. My vagina's angry. It is. It's pissed off. You're fucking crazy and now we have a generation
Starting point is 01:08:10 you wonder how the feminist movement evolved into this man-hating machine you got these fucking actresses just you know can the kids enjoy the cartoon like millions of generations of young girls? Do you ever start politicizing your shit? Do you ever put your pussy aside and your feminist message for a second
Starting point is 01:08:34 and let your kids grow up and enjoy shit? Just fucking indoctrination. And it doesn't happen on the fucking right. Let's go to John in New Jersey. John, welcome to the show. Hey, Nick. How are you? What's happening?
Starting point is 01:08:58 I want to find out whatever happened to that the girl from the comedy club that hit you. Well, she has another hearing in the middle of November, and then I can give you an update. But I haven't forgot about her. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:14 I'm in touch. In retrospect, do you think you should have stalked her? No, because we live in a time and a place. This is probably her dad, by the way, calling it. It's not her time and your place. This is probably her dad, by the way, calling it. It's not her dad. I'm your fan, dude. I don't know. Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Hold on, hold on. I'm your fan, dude. That was her dad's last words before I was sucker punched by her daughter. He distracted me. But yeah, no, I haven't forgot about her. And some way I will get. No, I wouldn't. If I look, we live in a world where if I socked her, you know, hashtag me too fucking movement world, if I socked her back, I'd be, I would have went to fucking jail in two days.
Starting point is 01:09:55 I went to jail, period, because that's the world we live in. And none of these fucking, you know, that's just the world we live in. And a few years ago, like I said, if I was drinking, uh, I probably would have. And, and, uh, and you know,
Starting point is 01:10:08 if somebody tries it again, like I said, I don't care if it's a girl in a stroller, I'll kick her head off her fucking shoulders. Thank you for the call, Johnny boy. Appreciate it. Um,
Starting point is 01:10:18 anyways, cause you're not going to win if you're a guy today. Although everybody, I'm so surprised at how many people said that. Even Rogan, I would have leg whipped her. He was fucking dead serious. And all my, you know, almost everybody, men, women alike. You would have, you should have hit her.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Oh, yeah, okay. And then I'm in fucking, I do a couple nights in jail and I fucking lose my house or whatever. But you know what? What did Bush say? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I'll fucking blind you. I'll dry gulch you. I got a super chat for you, Nick.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Super chat. Let it fly. Let's see. Will Miller, $5. Kristen Bell is stupid. She does realize that the dude had to kiss her to save her life, right? Do you need consent from mouth to mouth too? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Yeah, that's the point I made. Exactly. If somebody's unconscious, um, exactly. You're gonna save their fucking life. And you know what? That's a great point. If you did save a woman today, they probably would. They'd be on the next day with Gloria Allred saying, I was unconscious on the beach and I woke up and this guy was making
Starting point is 01:11:30 me breathe. I did not give him permission. Then again, in this world, the guy would have probably tried a finger popper as he's giving her the fucking, uh, clearing the windpipe of calcified managot. That was actually a line in the script from Stickman. One more story before we call it a week. listen to this headline. Drake University expelled a male student after female allegedly admitted to sexually assaulting him. Did you hear
Starting point is 01:12:00 that? Did you hear what I said? She sexually assaulted him and admitted to it. Drake University now facing a court battle over their investigation into an alleged incident in which Thomas Rossley Jr. and unnamed female both accused each other of sexual assault.
Starting point is 01:12:20 The unnamed female admitted to performing oral sex on Rossley Jr. without his consent. This is sort of like the Snow White story. Is it Snow White? Apparently he ate a bad cannoli. How do you perform? First of all, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:12:42 I don't blame. I'm not buying there's a guy out there who needs consent to get blown. If I'm in the right mode and I spill, you know, hamburger juice in my lap and my dog comes over, I'm not going to stop the dog.
Starting point is 01:12:56 No consent needed. Just finish up there, Daisy. Despite the Drake University... Listen to this. She performed oral sex without his consent. Despite this, what do you need,
Starting point is 01:13:06 a note for a blowjob now? My mother says you can suck my dick. There you go, Jen. Despite this, Drake University never investigated that portion of the incident.
Starting point is 01:13:14 He was ultimately expelled from the university. Ross Lee Jr., who has ADHD, dyslexia, and word retrieval issues, it must have been a hell of a blowjob,
Starting point is 01:13:26 requested assistance at the hearing that took place after the investigation. However, Ross Lee Jr. was not provided with assistance and made to fend for himself during a nine-hour hearing. That's what goes on. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. That's what goes on in college campuses. You hear about hashtag Me Too.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Guys are railroaded all the time. And again, Obama tweaked Title IX. I'm not going to explain Title IX again. Look it up. But he tweaked it. These guys who get accused of this shit have to go in front of a kangaroo court with nobody to represent them for hours. It is un-fucking-believable.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Plus, he has all those issues, word retrieval issues. Ross Lee Jr.'s father, Tom, was fired from his position on the Drake University Board of Trustees after he argued that his son was being treated unfairly. Ross Lee Sr. then sued, alleging Title IX retaliation. A judge threw out the lawsuit over the summer, arguing that Ross Lee's position on the board was not covered under Title IX.
Starting point is 01:14:25 Ross Lee Jr. claims that the university officials told him that it would be seen as retaliatory if he filed a complaint against his accuser. Yeah. Yeah. The implication is that officials told Ross Lee Jr. that the only reason he might file a complaint would be if he
Starting point is 01:14:41 committed an assault and was looking to cover it up. What? How does that logic work? How the fuck do you get there? So that means by him filing a counterclaim means he's definitely guilty of doing something too? You made that conclusion on your own? That wouldn't even stand up and judge Judy's fucking Joe Brown. Would not. Last last week the court decided that the portion of the case that focuses on Drake's failure to investigate the accusations made against the unnamed female can
Starting point is 01:15:14 proceed to a new trial I'm just telling you college age guys I've said it before and I'll say it again just get hookers just get fucking hookers pay them to leave I'm dead fucking serious. Even then you're not safe. They come back with some bullshit. Or tell the girl you're going to have sex with. It has to be on film. You got to wear body cams, dick cams, dick and ball
Starting point is 01:15:39 cams, snatch cams. That is the only way. I brought that up on red eye five years ago and gutfeld said that is fucking brilliant i mean who doesn't want to film it anyways you half these guys have holes drilled in there you know in their walls in the closet and the guys in there with a can but that's the only way you're going to clear yourself of false rape charges you know a year down the line make sure and have her sign something saying, yes, we can film this. That's the best use of a body cam you'll ever hear. That is it for the week, folks. You guys have been great. People are still signing up. It's blowing up on YouTube and I don't have to sell weed anymore during the daytime. So I'm very happy about that. Uh, thank you so much. Uh, and thanks to the great Vince Akuratola. That was the first Skype thing. He did quite well, by the way.
Starting point is 01:16:25 And I love that his family, it was like me. I need all the help I can get with the twinks and the setting up of the tech shit. And he was our first Skype guy. We thank him so much. Go out and see him when he's performing because he can sing and talk to him after. He's one cool dude.
Starting point is 01:16:40 That is it. You guys think it. I will say it. See you on Monday. Wash those asses. Bye-bye, everybody. Thank you. We'll see you next time.

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