The Nick DiPaolo Show - Kash Patel | Nick Di Paolo Show #621

Episode Date: November 4, 2021

Interview with Kash Patel. MSNBC's 7 stages of grief. McDonalds CEO Vs. Lightfoot. Public autopsy. Afghan father sells daughter....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television or from the White House, now more than ever our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed. And that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show. And that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning,
Starting point is 00:00:26 honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much. Let's keep this freedom fight going. The accidents. So today, let's have a happy accident and see what we can make out of it. Just gonna grab this and lift it upward. Let's just lift upward and blend this out. Just lift it upward. I'm gonna get all those scrape marks out. Just blend all together. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. How are you folks? Welcome Thursday, final day of the week. Good to be with you. Good show today.
Starting point is 00:01:49 We'll be talking to Kash Patel in a few minutes, who is... I'll read his resume when we bring him on, and it makes me feel like a child. I don't know how he can be. He should be the Dos Equis guy. He's more interesting than anybody I've ever... It's unbelievable. But let's get right to it, shall we? In the N-Word segment tonight, a love letter I wrote to Joy Reed. Dear Joy, do you realize how everybody finds it hilarious that that's your first name because you're so filled with hate? It's irony defined. It'll be like Rachel Maddow's parents naming her pretty, or Whoopi Goldberg's
Starting point is 00:02:30 naming her funny, or Colin Kaepernick's mom, I'm guessing he doesn't know his dad, naming him human. You know, like that. I still can't believe Harvard let an ignorant slut like you near the campus. Then again, their admission standards are lower than your average audience member's IQ that loves you. But they let a slug like you in anyways. I guess it's more proof of a white racism, huh? Stupid. Why do you hate everything that's white, Joy? Were you molested by an uncle named Ben?
Starting point is 00:03:03 Were you forcibly touched by the Pillsbury Doughboy or forced to, I don't know, were you molested by the Michelin Man? I don't know what it is. Your hatred of the white man is only allowed on national TV, you realize, because the white people that run that business hate themselves more than you could ever hate them. This country is so racist, you went to the top college in the country. God bless affirmative action, huh, Joy? Because without it, you might have been lucky to get into DeVry or the Pork and Beans Project Cosmetology School. Watching you rail about racism every night is like watching a fat welfare queen, like there's any other kind, tell us how her kids have to go to bed hungry and how it's this racist country's fault. Meanwhile, she spends a third of her day threatening the life of a high school age Mickey
Starting point is 00:03:50 D's manager because they gave her the wrong sauce for her 450-piece McNugget set. Joy, white people don't hate black people, just ones like you. Always pointing the finger at Whitey instead of looking in the mirror at themselves. Then again, I understand your reluctance to look at any mirror with that god-awful, hey look, an NBA point guard fucked a basset hound's face. Well, I gotta go now, Joy. Unlike you, I don't get paid a million and a half dollars a year to do my so-called racist rant because I'm a white guy who apparently is to blame for everything you find wrong with your life, which from where I sit is very little. So shut your festering black gob and comb that
Starting point is 00:04:32 I hate whitey hairdo of yours and pretend to go back to work for dumb man. And that's the N word. Our guest today, I think he should be the new Dos Equis guy, one of the most interesting men in the world. Kash Patel. I'm going to go through his resume real quick, folks, okay, just to give you an idea what kind of fellow this is. 2014, he was hired as a trial attorney, United States Department of Justice National Security Division, where he simultaneously served as a legal liaison to the Joint Special Operations Command. During this period, he was embedded with a special mission unit at a secure facility and in 2015 received accommodation from the CIA. 2017, Patel was
Starting point is 00:05:16 appointed senior counsel on counterterrorism at the House Select Committee on Intelligence. He was an aide to Devin Nunes, who chaired the House Intelligence Committee. I think he actually wrote the memo. That's an understatement. I might be wrong. During which Patel played a prominent role in promoting Republicans' discreditation
Starting point is 00:05:35 in the investigation into Donald Trump's Russian interference, in particular, connections with Trump campaign in Russia. He was the primary author of Nunes' memo, which alleged that the FBI was biased against Trump. particular, connections with Trump campaign in Russia. He was the primary author of Nunes' memo, which alleged that the FBI was biased against Trump. Also, principal deputy to the acting director of national intelligence, directorate at the United States National Security Council, acting director of the CIA agency to replace Gina Haspel, and in November was made chief of staff to acting secretary of defense, Christopher C. Miller.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Come on. Now, let me tell you my resume. University of Maine, Business Administration, 2.4. I cheated off guys that look just like Cash and still only get a 2.4. Anyways, Cash, thanks for joining us. Thanks so much for having me in that generous introduction. And look, you've got an audience that people can't buy. I think you're doing okay.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I appreciate that, man. We're slugging it out here. We need shows like this because, as you know, the First Amendment is shrinking by the minute with these bums. But my first question, why are you Indo-Aryan guys so smart? But my first question, why are you Indo-Aryan guys so smart? You're going to have to blame my parents for that because they were like, you're not going in the military. You're going to education. You're going to school. And if you don't come home with A's, we're going to we're going to, you know, we're going to have some problems. So it was degree, law school and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:59 The immigrant dream, you know, as they would say, you got to get an education. I'm telling you. And by the way, he's the same. I did my research. Same type of Indian as Mahhatma gandhi you know one of the good ones whatever um um speaking of the you you were there uh you know along trump side uh uh trying to uncover this deep state thing i'll get into the today's news in a few minutes but i was going to ask you i wrote this last night what's the latest on the durham report and then we had sort of breaking news today about this igor denchenko arrested in a durham spy gate probe how is this first of all he was working at the
Starting point is 00:07:38 brookings institute like 10 years ago how do you let a russian into a think tank well you have people like fiona hill who uh was eventually going to work in the trump administration right work against the trump administration and portray me as a ukraine falsely portrayed me as a uk spry that fiona hill connected denchenkov to christopher steele let me just break it down for you as a guy who led the russiagate investigation under chairman nunes look we found out as as you know, it's cataloged in this great movie, The Plot Against the President, which everybody has to watch if they haven't seen it, because it's all coming full circle now. All trains lead to John Durham. Christopher Steele, hired by the DNC to perpetuate the biggest fraud in presidential
Starting point is 00:08:17 history with false information. The FBI knew it was false and submitted it to a FISA court. Okay, part one, part two of the act accountability john durham why is it taking so long because this stuff takes time as a former federal prosecutor who used fisa and used these and put these cases together what did he do he's at he's on his third indictment now he already indicted the fbi guy for lying to the federal court about carter page he already indicted michael sussman the guy who was paid millions of dollars by the dnc in the hillary campaign to perpetuate this fraud and oh by the way who does he indict now the man that christopher steele paid to get his false information
Starting point is 00:08:58 to the fbi literally christopher steele's source for the garbage information he said was true from russia is now indicted five times over for lying to the FBI. That's where we are with John Durham and Mortimer. Who's the FBI guy specifically he indicted already? What was that guy's name? I can't believe I'm blanking. Lying ass. Mid-level lawyer. Mid-level lawyer. Jacoby and Myers. We'll just throw that out. mid-level loyal jacoby and myers yeah we'll just throw that um anyways okay that's that's interesting then you have this uh russian guy today so that broke um real quick question before i move on how much would you like to punch adam schiff in his face well you can ask me that after i'm done testifying before the januaryth committee nonsense, which is a whole nother reason why we got to talk about
Starting point is 00:09:48 We'll get to that. But Adam Schiff, I will tell you this on your radio show. He is the biggest circus animal on planet Earth. That guy has perpetuated the biggest fraud in United States history with the willing media. I think he is as culpable as Christopher Steele and these guys that are currently being indicted because he went up to the microphone day after day, month after month and said, I've seen the collusion. I can't tell you about it, but I've seen it. Well, Mr. Schiff, where is it?
Starting point is 00:10:14 It doesn't exist. And now we know it's fraudulent. And I noticed he disappeared after all that was disproven for a while. And then he comes out from under his rock lately and he's starting to get cocky again. He makes me ill. He's psychotic. He's not just biased. He's psychotic, in my opinion. Anyways, what else did I want to ask? Oh, let's say the White House, let's say the Republicans win back the White House in 2024. Don't we have to purge? And I don't know how you do this because I don't know how long it takes
Starting point is 00:10:46 to train and replace people, but the FBI is still filled with anti-Trump vermin, isn't it? Don't we have to purge the DOJ? Here's what I'll say about that. Rick Grinnell and I, look, I was a DOJ attorney. Rick Grinnell and I were running the intelligence community at ODNI. I was his principal deputy.
Starting point is 00:11:01 It's doable. You can do it. And where it has to start is not just the leadership but the one two three four levels below the leadership the assistant secretaries the undersecretaries the chiefs once you fix that i know for my 16 years in government that the overwhelming majority of people that serve do so to serve i work with them i know that but the corruption is at the top right now right you can believe it it's at the mark millies of the world the lloyd austins all these people and look here's the thing i tell
Starting point is 00:11:29 people we have a bench we republicans have the right bench in place they're there where the trump administration probably the only place i'll fault my former boston friend is that he relied too heavily upon the establishment base to put forth people like rod rosenstein and chris ray who are total frauds yes but the guys exist i he goes back i go back we're there for him and this time we're going to get it right but the midterms we got to keep our eye on the midterms i think we're going to take both houses and we're going to do so because of reporting that you're focusing on right now americans are starving for accountability especially when it comes to russiagate um and things like that absolutely i uh and don't you think um trump relied on wrong people because
Starting point is 00:12:15 he sort of he was uh a novice when it comes to politics he was never in government right he was one of the world's most successful organizations and if he said x people did x in government you know you don't necessarily have that but you have to have the right team in place. You've got to have the Rick Grinnells, the Johnny Ratcliffs, the Devin Nunes, right? The Mark Meadows, Jim Jordans, the list goes on. You know, you've got to have those soldiers in place. And it took us a while to get, you know, break through the logjam, because if you remember when Devin and I were first investigating this, they all thought we were out of our mind. I do our mind. They were like, these guys are total hacks. And they came after us personally and they defamed us and deplatformed us. And that's
Starting point is 00:12:53 why we started suing to clear our names from defamation cases. I'm suing Politico, the Times and CNN, and I'm helping other people sue for their day in court and fight with cash. So we started a movement and we're not stopping. We're talking to Cash Patel. And who do you hire when you need a lawyer? Who do you hire? You know, hey, as a lawyer, you know, that's the whole point, right? I would.
Starting point is 00:13:17 So this is what it started as, right? It started as they were coming after me. And then, OK, they started making fun of me, whatever. I can take it. I'm a guy from Queens. No problem. A career hockey player. I got it. But then they started I can take it. I'm a guy from Queens. No problem. A career hockey player. I got it.
Starting point is 00:13:25 But then they started putting out false information. I'm Trump's Ukraine whisperer. I said, you know what? Time to fight back. So I sued him. And Devin has this great tour called the newness freedom tour that goes around the country. And we go to every state and we, and we drop in and we talk to the local community. You know what they say?
Starting point is 00:13:40 I've been defamed. I've been deplatformed, but I don't know a good lawyer and I don't have the money. So I was like, you know what? I'll start with a k and what I'm doing is raising money so that everybody who's been defamed over platform can have their day in court we're going to pay for it and we're going to send your lawyers into court and we're going to publicize the information and I'm not going to you know and I also look after January 6th after Adam Schiff decided to hit me with this vendetta subpoena that he hit me with, you know, I got to spend 100 plus grand on lawyers. So I need everyone's help at Fight With Cash to help support me and America clean up the media.
Starting point is 00:14:14 And we put out tons of free content. My show's on there, Cash's Corner. You want to do a Durham deep dive? It's already up. I have to meet Rick Grinnell. It's coming. So we'll have some fun. There you go.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Go to that, folks, if you want an education on how corrupt it's getting. My question to you now, as far as what just went on this past Tuesday night and the big wins and victories, where do you see, what are the Democrats as a party going to do? To me, they just threw the kitchen sink at us the last year as far as radical agenda and policy. Where do they go from here? I mean, are they going to, I think my prediction is they go, oh boy, we're going to get smoked in the midterms, so we better step on the gas double. Or they can't back off. That would be too cynical and
Starting point is 00:15:02 transparent. Are we going to be more moderate now i mean they're relying on the race card for everything where do they go from here no that's right look virginia's gubernatorial race and some of the other down ballot races showed that on issues republicans are winning because we're talking about education we're talking about our children we're talking about critical race theory we're talking about the southern border we're talking about vaccine mandates and their impact on our military we're talking about critical race theory. We're talking about the southern border. We're talking about vaccine mandates and their impact on our military. We're talking about Afghanistan. We're talking about things that matter. What are they talking about? January 6, Christopher Steele and Russiagate. That's what they're running on. That's why they
Starting point is 00:15:36 created this January 6 commission. They want this narrative to stay alive through the midterm so they don't have to talk about the issues and they can try and pass a $3.5 trillion spending plan. But America is too smart. They've caught on now, and they are going to continue going further and further left with AOC and company. And you know what, Nick? That's totally fine with me. Yes. Because America is now hip to it.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yes. And if I had money, I'd give it to AOC. Great point. You hear that, everybody? Donate to AOC. Well, first donate to me at Fight With Cash. Oh, yes, yes. Give him the majority and throw five bucks to AOC.
Starting point is 00:16:13 She can get another $40,000 dress and go to a gala and toss some at that. Chuck Schumer needs a new jacket. Dick Durbin's out of Whiteout. All these assholes. We can't buy better advertising than those guys. We can't. out of whiteout, all these assholes. We can't buy better advertising than those guys.
Starting point is 00:16:24 We can't. That is so, I mean, that is so true, especially after this election on Tuesday. People have had it. I mean, can you imagine having the gall to come out and go, hey, I don't think parents should be telling schools what to teach. That's like going up to a grizzly bear, a female, and kicking a cub in the face. I mean, you're just pissing on a hornet's nest yeah and yeah it's uh that that issue alone i think is what
Starting point is 00:16:52 helped turn virginia because parents in public schools said wait a second you're going to tell us what you're going to educate our children on and we don't have a say in it right whatever happened at the pta and i think suburban women lit up and said, we're not taking this anymore. Yes, thank God. Suburban women haven't been the best friends of the Republicans, at least in Philly in that area for the last few elections. But maybe they're coming around. I think they're coming around.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I mean, I never knew. I knew the left, the Democrat Party hated this country a little bit. knew the left that the democrat party hated this country a little bit i had no idea how deep their hatred runs for this country and how they they biden comes out and labels everybody who disagrees politically a domestic terrorist that was even shocking for the democrat party wasn't it a hundred percent and and it's on full display and what did what did Nancy Pelosi do yesterday or just today after the gubernatorial loss? She was asked in the hallway on television, are you changing your agenda? No. She literally said no and walked away. So there's your answer, America. They're not changing. Oh, I can't wait to see what they have in store next. It's's gonna hand us the house of the senate and um uh what else do i want to ask you
Starting point is 00:18:06 here i honestly believe i'm you'd know this because you're right in that you were right in the middle of it and still are there 10 guys in a room smoking cigars running the world if there were i wish i was one of them smoking cigars with them yeah you know with my good buddy at girk i've got a lot of cigars to smoke, but I just feel like the world is run by the United States of America and it's duly elected president, unless your name's Donald Trump and the media hates you and they want to excoriate you for actually succeeding. And here's what I tell people I do. I talk to, and this might, maybe this will offend you or surprise you, but was cheering against joe biden in afghanistan i wanted the guy to succeed because if he doesn't succeed you get 13 dead americans you get a
Starting point is 00:18:50 thousand americans right you have people falling out of planes so yeah i was cheering for the guy to succeed but they politicized the national security apparatus so much so that they said what did president trump do he did x we're Y. It didn't matter if it worked, the border, Afghanistan, Iran, China, Russia, space. They just said, even though we were doing good for the American people, they had the audacity to say, just because it was Trump and the media will hate us, we're going to do the opposite. We're talking to the great Kash Patel. How does a guy like millie move up the ranks
Starting point is 00:19:25 in lloyd austin whatever is that how do they climb the ladder um how long has it been infected with this woke ism the military well i can tell you look i did a multiple tours in the military as civilian and i was fortunate enough to lead them 99 of the guys i work with and gals i work with they do it to serve. Absolutely. They serve the mission. You know the difference between them and the Millies of the world? Millie thinks the mission exists to serve him and his ego.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Right. He has politicized the National Security Apparats. He would say one thing behind closed doors. And then, oh, by the way, instead of having a conditions-based withdrawal for Afghanistan continue, he was taking time to talk to Bob Woodward and leak to the media. That's how much, just to remind your audience, Mark Milley is a chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, by law, the most decorated and highest ranking uniformed officer in the military, who's not supposed to be political, who has now become the most political figure in American politics, if you can believe it, which is why I call him the Kraken of the Swamp now it, which is why I call him the
Starting point is 00:20:25 Kraken of the swamp now, and which is why I dedicated an entire episode of Cash's Corner just on how bad Mark Milley is failing America. Instead of planning for Afghanistan and Iran, this guy is talking to people about books and selling his name. Yeah, he wants to know where white rage comes from. Well, it comes from people like you moving up the ladder and white people going, what the fuck? Anyways. He was that when he was working for me. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:20:52 So I guess that's about everything I wanted to ask you, Cash. And I really appreciate it. Oh, real quick, hockey. Who's your favorite? Yeah, man. Who's your favorite hockey player? I'm from Boston. All right?
Starting point is 00:21:02 I'm a New Yorker. I know. I lived in Astoria for three years, too. All right. There you go. Yeah. You don't look like the hockey players I played against in high school. Yeah, I was breaking the mold back in the 80s and 90s in New York.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Look, I'm a New York Islanders fan through and through. If you watch the plot against the president, you'll actually see a jersey of me in hockey that I come sliding into as I'm introduced into the movie. And obviously the best team in the world is the New York Islanders, four straight Stanley Cups, one of the greatest players of all time, Brian Trottier. Look, I'm a Bruins fan. I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:21:37 And, yeah, I hated Billy Smith. But anyways. Everybody hated Billy Smith, but I loved having that guy on my team. Of course. Money goalie. Something Tuka Rask could never be. Anyways, I just wanted to, did you play in high school, too? I played all the way through high school.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I still play. I still coach. I coach youth hockey. I still play. Hey, look, the beer league's where it's at, man. You know this. My brother plays in the 50 or over, and I played football in college. My hips are kind of, I have the hips of a 90 year old woman
Starting point is 00:22:06 but uh i would love to get out on skates but i don't think i my knees aren't going to handle it anymore we'll go we'll do it together but all right i appreciate you guys having me on and anything you can do to help me put fight push fight with i really and where do we see that movie you were talking about the plot against the president wait a second you haven't seen it i haven't okay you're gonna haven't. Okay. You're going to watch it tonight? Yes. You're going to have me back on tomorrow. I guarantee. The Plot Against the President is on both
Starting point is 00:22:31 Amazon Prime and iTunes. It's the number one documentary on Amazon Prime. They buried it, but it's the number one documentary for the last six months. You're going to watch this, and your audience is going to watch this, and you're going to be shocked that you haven't seen this movie yet. You know why I didn't watch it? You know why I haven't seen it?
Starting point is 00:22:46 I've been boycotting Bezos. Anyways. Check it out. It'll be worth the one break in your rule. All right. Absolutely. Cash, thank you so much for doing this, and keep up the good fight, man. Thanks, brother.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Thanks, brother, and I'll be back soon, hopefully. Absolutely. Thank you. No touring this weekend, but next weekend I'll be back on the road for my 48th year, headed to Las Vegas. I'll be at the Plaza Hotel and Casino on Friday, November 12th, and Saturday, November 13th. One show each night in a beautiful theater, just the way I like it. I'm working now on a New Year's Eve date also, and then I'll be back in upstate New York,
Starting point is 00:23:24 New Jersey, and on Long Island early next year. Get tickets to all my shows at and click on the tour button. Let's get right into it. MSNBC, seven stages of grief. Commentators on MSNBC and CNN were ripped on social media Wednesday for having a meltdown after results showed Glenn Youngkin pulled off a stunning upset against Democrat Terry McAuliffe and became the first Republican to lead the state in more than a decade. Here's a little bit of how they reacted on some of these phony left wing outlets that should be banned. But here you go. When this election is over in Virginia, we will know. Have we seen the emergence of the Delta variant of Trumpism?
Starting point is 00:24:15 Same disease, but spreads a lot faster. It can get a lot more places. At least Van Jones is clever. I think he's a frustrated rapper. But that was a good analogy and stuff, like Trumpism's an actual disease when it's really the cure for the disease, which is leftism and liberalism and all kinds of progressivism and horseshit that people are so fucking tired of.
Starting point is 00:24:38 It's why you lost, you people still. Why don't you just come out, as Quint said, you college-age boys don't know enough to make me wrong. Just fucking wake up. People are sick of being called racist, even on your side now. Anyways, let's go to this handsome guy right here. Which was interesting that the coronavirus or that the virus was a very low salience to many voters. It was education, which is code for white parents don't like the idea
Starting point is 00:25:06 of teaching about race. Pause. Pause. Yes. Because if anything has been missing in the educational system in this country for the last 40 years, it's, you know, discussions of how racist the United States is. We haven't really touched on that enough. Even though my niece was bringing books home about slavery 15 years ago, she's now 30-something. But yes, we haven't drilled it into the white kids' heads how horrible they are. You fucking evil people.
Starting point is 00:25:33 You made me mad. Go ahead. ...insurrection flag at his rallies. He played dumb about a Zoom rally. He did not really put much distance between himself and Donald Trump on the big lie or the deadly insurrection. The announcement.
Starting point is 00:25:50 The big lie. You're the one spreading it, you festering yeast infect. The big lie. They came up with that phrase, you realize. Because the election was stolen. There's more than enough evidence. How can you sleep at night,
Starting point is 00:26:06 fucking Wallace? Forget your first name because you repulsed me. I know how you sleep by yourself with a big pink dildo. Just like me. Go ahead. Any more of these assholes? Biden will not be happy to hear. And it also shows how incredibly divided this country is. They don't understand they're the ones dividing it. Oh, my God, you can't. They're impervious. God. Late Tuesday, Youngkin beat McAuliffe by 2.1 points. And I'm telling you, it was way more than that, because I believe cheating is baked into every election from here on in since it worked so well for Biden and the Democrats last time. 2.1 points when 99% of the votes were counted and the victory was met with shock and venom on MSNBC by obviously Joy Reid. She called the candidate dangerous and racist. I have the audio I've heard doing that. What folks says about this family, I does. I has told you and told you that you can always tell
Starting point is 00:27:10 a lady by the way that she eat in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkinson and eat like a field hand and dabble like a hog. These Republicans are dangerous. That isn't a party. That's just another political party that disagrees with us on tax policy, this is nitwit talking, that at this point they're dangerous, Reid, railed alongside that handsome fella, Rachel Maddow. She's a malignant cunt. Oh, come on, she's got a nice head of hair like a young Elvis, and there she is showing how she jerks off.
Starting point is 00:27:42 They're dangerous to our national security because stoking that kind of soft white nationalism eventually leads to hardcore stuff. It leads to January 6th, you know, when the FBI helped us out, staged an insurrection, then blamed it on Trump supporters. That's what it leads to. What you just said
Starting point is 00:28:00 is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul. She has no soul. She's filthy, filthy, hateful pig. There's nobody on the right more racist. You could even come up with a Klansman doesn't have the hate she does for white people.
Starting point is 00:28:22 I could prove that with a sketch pad. Reid warned that a vote for Youngkin would open the floodgates to hardcore racism, the kind she practices. On CNN, commentator Van Jones questioned if Youngkin's victory is the emergence of the Delta variant. We just showed you all this. But anyways, I thought that was kind of clever. And of course, conservative radio host Buck Sexton compared the reaction on MSNBC to the seven stages of grief, which he was right. And my girl, Ann Coulter, who should have her own show everywhere, wrote, if you want to give yourself a treat, turn on MSNBC, which is really, it'd beat any sitcom or The Bachelor, all that horsehit, to watch these people who just hate this country
Starting point is 00:29:05 and get paid millions of dollars. Joy Reid makes a million and a half dollars a year to spread her fucking anti-white horseshit. At least Rachel Maddow tries to disguise it with a PhD from Oxford. But that's because he's a good guy. Let's move on to some more, oh, outrage, faux outrage,
Starting point is 00:29:27 because that's what this country does best. McDonald's head honcho, Chris Kamsinski, I didn't know a Polack was running the Golden Arches, excuse me, is under fire over a text message he sent to Chicago Mayor Laurie Beetlejuice Lightfoot. There he is. Looks like Mike Singletary being sworn into the Hall of Fame. You fucking dumb, ugly person. Chicago Mayor Laurie Lightfoot about shootings in the city that critics say. So he sends a message saying the shootings in the city,
Starting point is 00:30:07 blaming on Lori Lightfoot. And, of course, critics say it was racist and ignorant. And I think what they said. No, they're ignorant. They are. That's ignorant. Protesters say the message sent on April 19th, oh, we're getting to it now, but revealed Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:30:22 What do they do? Sit home and go through shit? Just looking for shit? Appeared to blame parents who failed their children. P.S. Tragic shootings in last week, both at our restaurant yesterday and with Adam Toledo.
Starting point is 00:30:40 With both, the parents failed those kids, which I know is something you can't say. Why not? That's where we are. That's where we are. You can't say that. That's considered, the truth is considered racist. You can't handle the truth. I know it's something you can't say, even harder to fix, he said, according to WBEZ Chicago, which obtained the text through a Freedom of Information Act. So they sit around with FOIA and go through everybody's shit. You people, I fucking, oh my God, can we just split up or have a war? Please, I'm ready. Look at this shirt.
Starting point is 00:31:21 His text was sent shortly after Lightfoot had visited the McDonald's headquarters and appeared to be referring to the deaths of Jazlyn Adams, seven years old. I'm sure she had loving parents, who was killed the day before the text in her father's car outside a Chicago-area McDonald's, and Adam Toledo, 13, was fatally shot by police the month prior. I don't even know. What are the odds they came from a two-parent
Starting point is 00:31:51 family house? Seriously, I don't, you know. How can't it be the parents' fault? Did they join gangs at age seven? You're in the car, and you get, yeah, please.
Starting point is 00:32:03 As the mayor has said, and this is why we're failing. As the mayor has said previously, families do everything they can, moms, dads, grandparents, to love and support their children, and tragedies can still happen. That's an absolute fucking lie. Most families do, but not all of them do. See how she speaks in generalizations? That's just,
Starting point is 00:32:27 that's absolute bullshit. All the shootings in your city on the weekends, young black kids killing each other, you're going to tell me they come from loving homes and you're full of shit. Now you can argue about why that is but how do you, again,
Starting point is 00:32:43 she didn't get elected. They were appointed, you can't be that dumb and run a city like Chicago. Victim shaming has no place in this conversation, a spokesperson for Lightfoot said in a statement to the Post, and again, you can't handle the truth. Activist groups are reportedly, look at this, this is what, fucking A, wow. Activist groups are reportedly planning a protest Wednesday outside the McDonald's headquarters. They said they'll show up if they get McNuggets and that sauce that they love. The group of 12 organizations, can you fucking imagine?
Starting point is 00:33:25 This guy made an honest statement, McDonald's CEO, made an honest statement you can prove on paper, and they're going to protest about it. You literally can't handle the truth. The group of 12 organizations, including Fight for $15 and the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. These have to be, let me tell you something, I don't know who the next Republican
Starting point is 00:33:49 president's going to be. Here's the thing, and I don't care if it sounds like Mussolini or Hitler, when you get in office, first thing you do is pass a law, no more activists on the left. How's that for bias and racist? Anybody that has the word
Starting point is 00:34:06 oppression, racism, community cannot gather more than three people at a time. And will also publish an open letter addressing the text according to Insider. McDonald's area workers will also walk off the job.
Starting point is 00:34:23 You mean the only company that'll hire you fucking dumbbells out of high school? You're going to walk off the job to join the protest? If you invite them back, Mr. Whoever Runs This Franchise, you're an ass. These blacks. Take it easy, Livia. I'm not going to take the wrong way. It's a dangerous situation. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Oh, for Christ's sake, will you stop with the doom and doom? Take the wrong way. It's a dangerous situation. Come on, man. Oh, for Christ's sake, will you stop with the doom and doom? It's clear to us you're the one who has failed here, reads the open letter, which was viewed by Insider. Your text message was ignorant, racist, and unacceptable, coming from anyone, let alone the CEO of McDonald's. Again, a company that probably hires more black people than you can count. A company that spends big money to market to communities of color and hires people in communities of color and purports to stand with black lives. We can't even, it's like adults dealing with fucking hateful children.
Starting point is 00:35:20 It's never going to work. Never going to work. The letter adds that McDonald's has a rotten racist culture. That's never going to work. Never going to work. The letter adds that McDonald's has a rotten racist culture. That's funny. I haven't been served by anybody but a black person at McDonald's for the last 20 years. Noting that the burger chain was sued last year by over 50 black franchisees and a $1 billion racial discriminator. Yeah, that probably was an employee or a shakedown complaint that alleged systematic and covert racial discrimination. Yeah, that probably was an employee or a shakedown complaint that alleged systematic and covert racial discrimination
Starting point is 00:35:47 on McDonald's part. I got to pinch myself. I fucking... It's so stupid. It's so stupid. It's so stupid. Here's an idea. Go work at the Waffle House
Starting point is 00:36:04 or Burger King or Arby's. Jobs are a dime a dozen. They can't get people. Are they racist? Of course they are. They're probably run by Whitey, too, so it's a better idea. Go somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Get away from me. Take that the way you fucking want. I've had it. Public autopsy. In a related story, that's where they get that play of fish. As we move on on the Nick DiPaolo show, and again, and I want to thank Cash for sitting in today as a guest. He was tremendous.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Just, you don't meet guys that smart that have a sense of humor and stuff. Great guy. Event organizers, this is the next story, sold tickets. Now, this is my favorite story of the day. For up to $500 to the public to view an in-person autopsy and dissection of a human body. The event is part of the Oddities and Curiosities Expo, which I was a part of as a kid. I had, my penis had two heads. We had no idea what to, which travels across the country.
Starting point is 00:37:18 They put this poor old guy, his body, in a freak show, like a traveling freak show, so people pay to look at it. Hot dogs, get your hot dogs here. It makes me really feel saddened that this gentleman, this is a guy talking from wherever, was not given the dignity and the respect that he deserved and what he thought and his family thought would be happening to his body. He said Mike Clark, a funeral director in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Clark handled the preparation of Saunders' body as it was handed off to a private company that the family thought would use his corpse for medical research. Instead, Saunders ended up in a Portland Marriott Hotel ballroom.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Imagine you have a wedding reception next day. You guys smell formaldehyde? As the centerpiece of an autopsy and dissection before a live paying audience. Hot dogs, get your hot dogs here. All right, let's show what Mr. Clarkark has to say who also gives me the chills but it's what happened after his death that some people consider an atrocity it makes me really feel sad that this gentleman was not given the dignity and the respect that he deserved and what he thought in his family thought that would be happening to his body.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Pause. I'd like to know what happened to his body when you get a hold of it. Why? This guy's giving me the chills, douche chills all over. I don't know. He's in transition. I swear to God, they go, whenever they do a local news story, they go, do you have any gay people transitioning?
Starting point is 00:39:04 That's who we want to talk. This man was, it's disgusting. And can I get the camera shooting up my nose? That's a good angle for me. I like my 12 chin. It's disgusting, this man. His family thought he was going to be buried, and they put him in a window like it was a Macy's mannequin. I got to tell you, he smelled really good to me.
Starting point is 00:39:29 The cut. So what do you think? We have a man who died from COVID who's in a hotel ballroom being autopsied. What do you think about that? I think it is beyond imagination. It is not conceivable. Clark said MedEd Labs. First of all, I don't do business with MedEd. Somebody thinks they're clever at this. Hey, Bill, how about MedEd for the company?
Starting point is 00:39:59 MedEd Labs, a Las Vegas company, of course, that solicits body donations purportedly for medical and science research, never told him or the family that Saunders' remains would be used in such a manner. He also said the funeral home has stopped working with MedEdLabs. However, the events organizer, founder of, Jeremy Silberto, founder of, Jeremy Silberto, told King 5 that the donor and his family did give consent. He's dressed like a fucking local magician from Vegas. Let's hear what he has to say, this guy. Jeremy, I want to be crystal clear about this point. Did that man or his family know that he would be part of an event where tickets were sold to the public and he would be on public view? Did he know that? Yes be part of an event where tickets were sold to the public and he would
Starting point is 00:40:45 be on public view did he know that yes that was that was in the contract but the events organizer jeremy siloberto told us in an interview that aired last week that the donor and his family did give consent i can guarantee that he knew his body would be used for medical education. You never trust a guy with like just a $40 black blazer and t-shirt and says he runs the company. An administrator for MedEd Labs, the firm that sold Saunders Corp to Siloberto, said Siloberto was beyond dishonest in his dealings with MedEd. Obtine Nassiri said Ciliberto claimed he would use the body for a medical class. Nassiri could not explain why he supplied a COVID-infected donor to a client. Can you imagine the body was, people are going, yeah, that shit's from China. No doubt about it.
Starting point is 00:41:45 You taste his liver? God damn it. It's riddled with fucking corona. Although he said his company usually checks those things out. So that guy's admitting guilt. Not this guy, the other guy, but you know. I'm going to find out what the hell happened here. No, you're not.
Starting point is 00:42:04 They're going to hide that. Can you imagine? That is, I've read something. When I was in New York, there was one guy who got buried, and then they exhumed him for some reason. I don't know if it was a murder case, whatever. They exhumed the body like a year later, and there was two bodies in the casket stacked on top of each other.
Starting point is 00:42:26 The funeral home was trying to save money like that. Part of me goes, that's horrible. Part of me goes, whoop, yeah, the fuck. You're gone. Nothing we can do. He's gone. He's gone. Finally tonight on Meet the Press, Here's what's going on in Afghanistan
Starting point is 00:42:46 since our fucking commander-in-chief, shithead Joe Biden, pulled out of there. This is the type of story and why anybody would live in this godforsaken... I know there's not an Amtrak train from Kabul to fucking New York, but somehow find your way out of there. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:06 You understand why these people were hanging off fucking C-117s or whatever, whatever was taken off. Anyways, Afghan, that means a man, sells his daughter. Parwana Malik was sold, that's the daughter, to Corbin. What scares me is this guy's 55. This guy's 55. Are you shitting me? Did they have, is it like dog years for Afghans? Like an Afghan dog? So he bought the daughter, this guy here, who she described the daughter as an old man because of his white
Starting point is 00:43:46 beard and eyebrows. We'll call her the detective. As the man was leading her away, Parwana's dad, Abdul Malik, pleaded with him not to hurt his child. Abdul broke down in tears as he told Corbin, this is your bride. Please take care of her. You are responsible now. That's an Indian. Who gets, please don't beat her like I did. Now what? Please don't beat her, You are the responsible now. That's an Indian. Who cares? Please don't beat her like I did. Now, what? Please don't beat her, according to a CNN report. Pawana's family said they had no choice in selling their daughter and are just one of many families in Afghanistan who are destitute
Starting point is 00:44:18 and are forced to sell their young daughters into marriage so they can survive. My dad did that, but we had plenty of food. I still don't know what the... The situation, though, deteriorated following the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August and the virtual collapse of the country's economy. Again, Joe Biden, thank you so much. Joe Biden, thank you so much. That's the wedding celebration. Abdul was forced to sell Parwana's 12-year-old sister months ago in order to help his family survive. That's the only way, man. You ain't got no weed on you.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Parwana told CNN, my father has sold me because we don't have bread, rice, or flour. He has sold me to an old man. Abdul told the U.S. news outlet he was broken with guilt over selling his daughter, and he was unable to sleep at night because he sold his daughter. Oh, poor you. Oh, leave him alone. He said, we are eight family members. I have to sell to keep other family members alive. Well, whose fault is that?
Starting point is 00:45:31 Parwana had hoped she could change her parents' minds as she didn't want to leave her family or her education and said she wanted to be a teacher when she grew up. education and said she wanted to be a teacher when she grew up. Corban, who only has one name, though turned up at the family's home with a payment last week, during the exchange Corban agreed not to beat her before grabbing her arm and led her out the door while her dad watched. When they reached the door, Parwana tried to struggle and dig her feet in into the ground. How sad is this? But was unsuccessful, and she was led away to a car and taken to her new home. Corban said he would look after Parwana as a child and claim he had a wife already. Parwana was cheap, and her father was very poor, and he needs money, he told CNN. She will be working in my home I won't beat her I will treat her like a family member he said Durka Durka Muhammad jihad haka Sherpa Sherpa a bacala I have that rug in my kitchen however Abdul said he will have no
Starting point is 00:46:40 power over what happened to his daughter and said the old man told me I'm paying for the girl and it's none of told me, I'm paying for the girl and it's none of your business what I'm doing with her. Imagine that, that prick. Shut up, mind your fucking business and shut up. He added, as I can see, we don't have a future. Our future is destroyed. I will have to sell another daughter if my financial situation doesn't improve, probably the two-year-old. wife has a voracious appetite I might have to adopt how horrible and he wants to say thank you Joe Biden he didn't but I did I want to thank our financial contributors as always Kevin O'Brien of
Starting point is 00:47:17 New York Robert Curley New York Michael a League, Illinois, David Hertz, California, it says Lar Ramey. That would be Larry Ramey, Ohio. Buddy Sean Powell in Florida. Joe Not Biden Stickle, Pennsylvania. Douglas Young, Paul Sagnellar of Connecticut, obviously. New monthly supporters, Sean Baker of Missouri, Richard Gee or Gee, Michigan, Julie Johnson. And again, thank you guys so much for contributing to the show. Anyways, that is the show for today, ladies and gentlemen. I want to thank our guests. Kash Patel, great guest, very important dude. I hope you see him back in the White House again. Don't forget,,, if you
Starting point is 00:48:13 would like me to roast a relative or friend or whoever. That is it. You think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. Oh, yeah guitar solo Outro Music

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