The Nick DiPaolo Show - Kavanaugh Accuser - You be the "Judge"

Episode Date: September 17, 2018

Browns Kicked To Curb Again. The Cape Cod Killer. Sesame Street Stupidity....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh yeah! How's it going, folks? It's a Monday, a 30 Monday. How you doing? Welcome to the show. 833-599-NICK. 833-599-6425 is the phone number. A little late getting on the air, trying some YouTube chat thing, which I fucking was never into. And this is the reason.
Starting point is 00:00:52 You know, but it's technology. Supposedly, I know nothing about it, but I predict, you know, I predict the difficulties ahead of time because of my positive attitude. But anyways, hopefully I'll be addressing some of your comments as my staff works feverishly. Rita and two young Guatemalan kids in the back. Anyhow, what's going on? Real quick dates. You get these at, but I'll read them anyways. Real quick dates.
Starting point is 00:01:24 You get these at, but I'll read them anyways. This Friday night, September 21st, Orpheum Theater, Flagstaff, Arizona. No show this Thursday because I have a corporate gig my agent lined up before the Flagstaff gig in Phoenix. So, Saturday, September 29th, Fat Black Pussycat, New York City Thursday, October 4th I will be in Dallas live in studio with Crowder than that night performing at the Texas Theater in Dallas, Texas
Starting point is 00:01:54 November 2nd and 3rd Governors at Levittown, Long Island, New York Friday, November 9th and Saturday, November 10th Mohegan sun casino, Uncasville, Connecticut. Uh,
Starting point is 00:02:08 hope to see you there. Folks go to Nick for all the, uh, ticket information, eight, three, three, five,
Starting point is 00:02:15 nine, nine, six, four, two, five, uh, the phone number.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Great weekend in Arlington, Virginia at the draft house. Um, good numbers. Saturday night, both shows, not an empty seat. First show Friday, almost the same thing. Killer weekend. It's the only place in D.C.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I love these guys because I've done comedy at the Improvs and the other places. It's D.C. It's the political capital of the world, whichc it's the political capital of the world it's which makes it the politically correct capital of the world and they really fucking rub up against guys like me and uh this place draws a different crowd and luckily i've been doing it long enough they know it's coming and it was killer people uh somebody drove from west virginia and uh you know who was there oh you know who you're gonna get a kick out the log West Virginia and you know who was there? Oh, you know who?
Starting point is 00:03:06 You're going to get a kick out. The Log Cabin Republicans, you know, the gay group, the Log Cabin, about 15 guys there. And I took pictures after the show with them, which I think we're making headway. When guys like that come out and I, you know, I say the word faggot three times on stage. Again, not in a negative way, just, you know, you know how. We've talked about it, but it was, they came out, they loved the show. And who else? Oh, Art Levine, who's an author.
Starting point is 00:03:39 He's a liberal. He's an author, and he writes for a column in the Washington paper. He comes out to see me all the time. He's an old-school liberal who a column in the Washington paper. He comes out to see me all the time He's an old-school liberal who actually believes in looking at both sides very eccentric guy who writes books He's very smart and he follows the podcast and it was funny after the show He comes up to me because he's heard me talk about my sleep problems and he has the same things So he hands me a baggie with a bunch of pills in it. Well, 20 people are standing around waiting to take pictures and and I just you know real loud I said this is Lipitor like I asked right and I can put this in a syringe and in his
Starting point is 00:04:14 stall he called it and assist install I n o I s t o L some shit I took it after I ate a medium pizza by myself when I got back to the room so it wasn't really a good barometer if this shit works or not I loaded up on carbs and I have a lactose problem I ate a whole pizza by myself and I the pizza was through me in 30 minutes it didn't even stay it looked around my intestines and went what the fuck is hanging on these walls? It looks like bad art and gonzo. But he came out, he brought a buddy of mine and a buddy of his, I should say, and gave me these pills
Starting point is 00:04:53 and loved all the new religious stuff I have in my act. And I'm telling you, if you live in that area, if you want to see comedy, you know, unadulterated, go to the Arlington D house it's it's fast becoming one of my favorite uh favorite gigs of all time because you can cut loose there um anyhow i think the other thing i want to mention real interesting before i get to the stories of the day the uh the cavanaugh and the what i consider consider politically charged charges against him by his accuser um the uh we we have this uh oh i'm also going to talk about the nfl and there was some interesting
Starting point is 00:05:36 the nfl is actually interesting the storylines this year um we'll talk about cleveland's problems and a vicious hit some guy took not helmet on a helmet he had lost his helmet we get footage of that and and the refs almost got him killed in my opinion and a few other things North Carolina looting you know the usual suspects uh we have a guy we have an electrician that we use here at my house a guy named Vinnie been using him probably for six seven years now has to be in his 80s and uh he came out to fix something today we're talking to him he's got lyme disease which can be fatal if you're 25 and healthy never mind in your 80s and we started talking to him about that while he was working out
Starting point is 00:06:16 front and uh we started to get on other health issues he has and he mentioned he has uh you know his spine is fused there's no more cartilage in between each vertebrae and whatnot and then we said well why you have such a bad back and as he's walking away casually he goes uh it's called the u.s military i was in a couple wars and uh And the guy has, get this, get this now, nine Purple Hearts. Nine. Had his foot blown off in Nam. They sewed it back on. He has over 5,000 stitches, just like in his legs alone. But nine Purple Hearts.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Never mentioned it. Never just, talk about a patriot. Nine Purple Hearts. didn't never just um talk about a patriot nine purple huh he was a he was a navy seal before they changed it used to be frogmen but they changed his navy seals in the 60s i guess that's what he was this old guy that comes out to do my some of my you know electrical problems at the house as a american hero nine purple hearts are you me so his name is vinnie vinnie stafford is his name and uh vinnie we salute you man no idea never brought it up and uh he just mumbled it as he walked away and and and then we you know asked him a few questions and So if you see guys like that you see an old guy with a hat on a veteran's hat or something shake his hand Or whatever, you know, I mean and what's ironic is he you know, you get blown up
Starting point is 00:07:57 I don't know how many times he said and You know might die from a tick bite up here in Westchester County in the fucking woods. But Vinny, we salute you. You are the reason I can sit here and shoot off my mouth. And they don't make them like that anymore. There's only a few left. And they're dying by the hundreds a day. So, unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:08:22 So, Vinny, we love you, man. unbelievable. So, Vinny, we love you, man. I mentioned Thursday I have to go to Phoenix before I do the Flagstaff gig. And I'll also be taking some comments on the... Anyways, let's get to the first story. North Carolina, here's one for for your political correctness strikes again. North Carolina cops complain after dollar store managers ask them to not arrest black looters during hurricane.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And. You got to be shitting me. Just the black looters. Let's show the video of and I'm not blaming black people just for looting. Meanwhile, looting is being reported in the midst of torrential rainfall and flooding still happening in the region. On Saturday, Wilmington, North Carolina, police said they are aware of the looting at a family dollar store, but said the store's management asked them not to. Not to what? Guys, I give you specific codes. Huh?
Starting point is 00:09:38 I give you specific code. That was the code. Bullshit. Then you guys have a different system than me. It's always a second. It's always a second or two short. I don't know why that is. But anyways, you get the idea. But update on the story that cops in Wilmington have arrested five people for looting the dollar store.
Starting point is 00:09:57 An incident at a family dollar store in Wilmington, North Carolina that is being described as looting has disappointed local police who were asked not to intervene. But on Saturday, a group of people took needed provisions from a dollar store, possibly without authorization. Could you fucking sanitize your language anymore? Whoever fucking wrote this.
Starting point is 00:10:22 The family dollar sits across from Houston Moore, one of the city's public housing communities uh women to police were told by management of a family dollar store to stand down they complained about it on twitter writing that unfortunately they were asked not to intervene and um here's the tweet we are aware of the looting occurring at the family store at 13th and Greenfield Streets. Unfortunately, management has asked not to intervene at this time. Now, what's missing from this story, folks?
Starting point is 00:10:51 And by the way, again, I didn't write down the publication, but you can tell. What's missing for anybody? What's missing so far? What's missing so far? I want to know what color the managers were at the store. And first of all, I'm not blaming all black people. I guarantee you most of the black people that live in that housing project didn't loot. But these scumbags, as they always do, they come out at the worst time to take advantage of such situations.
Starting point is 00:11:25 But isn't that kind of germane to the story? What color? And I'm going to go out on a limb and I'm going to be called a bigot. I'm going to say the managers were black. I'm just going out on a limb. Might not be. If they're white, they're liberal. Either way, it's the same mentality.
Starting point is 00:11:42 You tell them to stand down? Thumbs up to fucking lawlessness? Isn't that going to spur on more lawlessness the next time something like this happens? But shouldn't they include that in the fucking story? What color is the manager? Well, then why is that important? What do you mean, why is it important? Are you shitting me?
Starting point is 00:12:01 And if it's a white guy, I want to know how he voted the last 20 years. Then you get the real story. But you're not going to see that on the fucking news locally in North Carolina or nationally. You won't see a snip of this. But isn't that kind of germane to the... What colors the man is? Just wanted to know.
Starting point is 00:12:21 So if white looters showed up, you wouldn't have the cops stand down? Are you fucking kidding me? Come on. Ridiculous. But this is how I know it's a liberal publication. I forgot what I got. On Twitter, the announcement angered conservatives, it says in the article.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Some of whom called on the police to shoot people getting supplies from adults after living for two days without power just just that sentence right there first of all how do you know the conservatives the people are tweeting that well how do you even fucking know that okay you don't don't you move you motherfucker blow your brains out like that would be a wrong thing for the cops to say uh secondly say. Secondly, they add after living for two days without power, letting their fucking their bleeding hearts fucking leak into the story. Like that justifies it. Oh, they had
Starting point is 00:13:15 no power for two days. So did a bunch of other people in that neighborhood, I'm sure. And then they put some of the tweets in the article. I don't care if they said not to intervene. It's illegal, and you should protect and serve as it is your job. They are criminals. I'm sort of with that person.
Starting point is 00:13:36 And then somebody was replying, said, Why? If you don't intervene, it makes a statement that it's okay. Exactly. Jesus Christ. Does that have to be explained and then some idiot of course uh you know this is why the second amendment exists my dudes blast them and there's where you fucking lose me stupid you don't have to go that fucking hard but but i love how whoever wrote this article you know injected their opinion you gotta you gotta look for that subtlety that after living for two days without power they should be able to rape and pillage horse
Starting point is 00:14:13 what am i looking for in here anyways guys anything interesting you want to talk about uh yeah this is what makes for great radio too uh we are supposed to one guy in here says uh conservative is shorthand for a racist, according to the media. Well, naturally. Just like thug is shorthand for upstanding citizen of color among conservatives. Yeah. You see, but the person who wrote this was writing about tweets, so they have no idea what the.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Oh, how about when you talk about codes? If on the right i do this in my act now people on the right use the word globalists the people on the left said that is that is code for jews i know a bunch of people who are globalists that aren't jewish you know i was trying to sell my car the other day. This guy was really globling me down, I'll tell you. But there are co- Thugs is not called for anything but thugs. Fucking, it's like porn. You know it when you see it, okay? But what, you know, what horseshit? And then she tries to justify the behavior by going,
Starting point is 00:15:38 they were living without power for three days. And first of all, if you're going to loot, loot an ice store. Fucking, you're going to a dollar store? It's got to be, I got to believe this. It's not the best neighborhood. I don't think this is a Macy's right there or a fucking Bloomingdale's. Who's the giant man in the middle? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Apparently the tight end for North Carolina State needed toilet paper. Look at the size of that fucking moose. Really might be wide, I ain't sure. But to tell the cops to stand down and not arrest the black people. Okay? That's just fucking liberalism no matter who it came
Starting point is 00:16:16 out of regardless of the fucking race. 833-599-6425 is the number and what the fuck? You know who is it going to be? And yes, I can hear my lip for it.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Well, it's socioeconomics and bub, bub, they're poor. And, and, you know, a dollar store right across from a public housing project. That's just asking for, I guess the mentality being is they're're not gonna fucking shoplift if everything's only 99 cents Oh, you'd be surprised What are you gonna get what are you gonna get at a 99 cent store I got 200 clock bars And some fucking pork rinds 99 cents 12 pounds 99 cents, 12 pounds. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:17:09 I love that the cops ended up arresting him because, you know, apparently they read some of the tweets and said, yeah, we should fucking be doing our job. You don't let the fucking manager of the store decide. Especially if he looks like fucking B.B. King. What? Let's go to Colin in San Francisco. Colin, how are you, fella?
Starting point is 00:17:33 Hey, Nick, how you doing? I'm hanging in there. I just wanted to call you because I almost got fired. Well, I pretty much got fired. Colin, Colin, talk into the mouthpiece. Sorry, sorry. Thank you. My apologies.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I'm this close to not taking calls anymore. Go ahead. My apologies about that. I got five from a job for asking somebody if they knew who rodney king was because then somebody who was black decided that was a racial issue when i asked a person because they were so young that they didn't know who rodney king was that it surprised me that it surprised me. Are you white, Colin? I'm guessing.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Yeah. I'm Irish. Come on, Colin. Yeah, I know, but come on. It could have been K-O-L-L-E-N, you know? Yes, sir. So the person you were asking was what color? Not that it really matters. She was actually a beautiful black girl, about 18 years old.
Starting point is 00:18:55 And when I asked her, she was like, no, I don't know who Rodney King is. And the joke was to somebody else who was turning 30. And I was like, guess how old you are. She don't know that and I was that was the joke to her but oh my god and you got fired fired from a job
Starting point is 00:19:15 fired from the job for that you know for a fact that was the comment they said for saying do you know who a fact. That was the comment they sent. For saying, do you know who Rodney King is? Yeah. That's it.
Starting point is 00:19:32 It's a racial issue. Yeah. I've said this before, Colin. This is where we are. Hey, thank you for the call, by the way. Great call. I've said this before. Just white people talking about black people in any context, this is where we're headed.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Just you talking about black people in any context is considered like appropriation now. And I believe that story a thousand percent. They don't want you talking about them. They don't want you dressing like them. It is unbelievable where we are headed I believe that a thousand percent just for asking a how is that how is that it doesn't even have to be you know in a negative light just you talking about black people it is insane
Starting point is 00:20:22 but uh and that's San Francisco, so that's not hard to believe. You know what I mean? Let's see here. This is just what I thought it was, guys. I can't sit here and I'm not blaming you. I'm just saying. It's what I fucking don't like about it. I'm supposed to sit here for 30 seconds and
Starting point is 00:20:44 look through the ones that I want to talk about? It's fucking dog shit. All due respect. Do you want us to go through them on the show and then tell you the best ones? And how would you relay that to me? Yeah, in my ear, you mean? Like this. Yeah, I guess so.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I can't sit here and go, Oh, this guy wants to talk about me in high school. This guy likes my tie. This guy, I mean, what the fuck? I'll get Jason right on it. Anyways. So let's get on to the NFL. And yes, I'm still watching, okay?
Starting point is 00:21:17 I stand when they play the national anthem. Anywhere I stand. It doesn't matter what they show. I stand for the Canadian National, and it's my favorite. But I got to be honest with you. You know I'm a college football buff. I love college football,
Starting point is 00:21:31 and the NFL kind of bores me. But I got to be honest, it's been kind of good this year. There's some interesting stories. None better than the Cleveland Browns. Did you guys watch Hard Knocks on HBO? I was watching. They featured the Cleveland Browns. Did you guys watch Hard Knocks on HBO? I was watching. They featured the Cleveland Browns.
Starting point is 00:21:47 I'm like, I can just see this kind of a hip-hop mentality. But they had a lot of talent. They had some new guys. I like Hugh Jackson. He used to coach the Raiders, I believe, speaking of race. But it looked kind of like a fucked up, you know, you could just tell the office. You could tell they have no money. You know, the coach is sitting in like a milk crate for you know, you could just tell the office, you could tell they have no money. You know, the coach is sitting in like a milk crate for a seat,
Starting point is 00:22:08 and there's candles in the room and no lights and a rotary phone, and they're looking at a projector instead of actual footage. Let's say it was a little loose and shit, kind of a hip-hop feel. But they got a lot of talent, and I think Hugh Jackson's a decent coach. But they got a lot of talent, and I think Hugh Jackson's a decent coach. But anyways, they lose last week opening against, what was it, Pittsburgh? The guy misses an extra point? They tied, actually, last week. I mean, tied.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Excuse me. But they could have won, right? The guy missed the extra point. What's his name? Well, this week, the poor bastard. Jesus Christ. Moments after celebrating his big 47-yard touchdown catch on the fourth down that tied the game at 18 with a minute and 16 left,
Starting point is 00:22:54 Zane Gonzalez, the poor bastard, stepped up and missed the extra point. It was his third of his four straight missed kicks on his nightmare day. At that point, after he does what he did last weekend and he misses the first two this weekend, I'd bring in a goddamn nose tackle to kick the goddamn ball at that point. Supposedly, he has a pull grind, which is impossible. You're a soccer-style kicker. I kicked in high school a little bit.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I also played offensive defense. Don't fucking peg me as a little. But I kicked soccer. You can't fucking peg me as a little. But I kicked soccer. You can't kick with a groin pull. Now, I don't know if he's making that up. He had an MRI and stuff. But you replace him.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I replace him after he misses the first two. But he missed two field goals, two exit points, and it opened the door for Drew Brees, who won 2018 Will Lutz field goal with 21 seconds remaining. Gonzalez, the Browns' second-year kicker, got one more chance to tie the game on a 52-yard attempt, but it's surprisingly... Yeah, we got footage of it. We got video of...
Starting point is 00:23:54 Oh, the poor prick. Gonzalez, he's missed to the left, he's missed to the left he's missed to the right and the Saints are going to win this game just a bit outside not even fucking close the poor bastard and the other kicker after the game for the Saints came over and consoled the poor prick
Starting point is 00:24:18 and by the way he got the axe today surprise surprise but Jesus do you understand they were dominating the Saints the whole game? They could be 2-0 the Browns. And it's even a bigger story because they haven't won in two years. I feel so bad because I watch Hard Knocks. I feel like I know these guys.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I am pulling for the Cleveland Browns. The NFL would be better if the Browns were good because they're one of the main staples of the origins of the NFL. But holy Christ. Gonzalez was also missing an extra point after Carlos Hyde's one-yard touch made it 12-3 in the third in a 44-yard field goal with 14 minutes
Starting point is 00:24:56 left in the game. Was consoled by his teammates and coach Hugh Jackson. Somebody left a noose on his... No, I'm just shitting. Anyways. Hugh Jackson said, I told him he's his. No, I'm just shitting. Anyways. Hugh Jackson said, I told him he's going to get a chance to make a kick that was going to win the game for us. The Browns came back even after that. I ain't can stem.
Starting point is 00:25:17 God damn it. But, you know, so he's gone. Nothing we could do about it. Yeah, they gave him the boot. Today he got the boot. Excuse me. They signed rookie... Fucking A.
Starting point is 00:25:41 I got a new microphone, you know. They signed rookie kicker Greg Joseph to probably... Who the fuck is Greg Joseph? I think he was in the manger, wasn't he? To replace Zane Gonzalez, who missed four attempts. And Joseph was in training camp with the Dolphins. He made all three of his attempts during preseason. Went on several kickers to try out for the Browns.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And Gonzalez has been kicking with a groin injury. I don't know if that's uh true or not but he's uh he's gone bye bye poor prick and here's my second favorite story uh the uh of the week two did you did you guys see this I didn't see it till this morning um a Bills player uh a guy muffed a pun and sent the Bills player to Taiwan, spelled just like the country. Taiwan Jones running to retrieve the loose ball in the end zone while evading tackles.
Starting point is 00:26:35 He lost his helmet, continued to run. At that point, even I know the refs are supposed to blow the whistle when a guy loses his fucking helmet. Maybe some of these refs didn't like this guy, but they watched as he escaped about eight guys in the end zone. We got the video, don't we? And he gets hit head on head,
Starting point is 00:26:52 not helmet on helmet, because he's lost his helmet. Let's watch this. This is fucking brutal. This is fucking brutal. Those are beautiful. The inside, the tanny follows the football. It's in the end zone. helmet comes off BOOM
Starting point is 00:27:11 oh my god holy shit only a brother are there tougher people on the planet than fucking dudes in the NFL Only a brother. There are tougher people on the planet than fucking dudes in the NFL, especially the brothers. Only a brother could take a shot in the head like that and still gets up. Had an elaceration.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I think he left the guy. But how do all those refs right there not blow the whistle? Mr. Official, let me ask you something. How can six of you miss a play like that? All six of you. The ball jumped out of there as soon as we made contact. I thought you were talking
Starting point is 00:27:50 about you being on the field. No. What? The great Hank Stram. Holy crap. You almost got a guy killed. There'll probably be lawsuits against the officials now and stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I don't blame the guy who hit him. Because you're running down there. You're fighting off blocks. You're not looking. And, you know, you come in at 100 miles an hour and the guy doesn't have a helmet on. And I don't know what he was thinking without the helmet, where he was going. He's in the goddamn end zone. What's he going to make, a 112-yard run?
Starting point is 00:28:21 But I can't wait to see the fallout with the officials. Those are my two favorite uh nfl stories the patriots look like dog shit and the uh jets look like uh dog shit they came down to earth and uh it's a weird weird year but uh and the giants look like girl scouts last night against the cowboys huh jace jace? Jace, you a Giants fan? I'm a Jets fan. Oh, you're a Jets fan? I was actually at the game yesterday. Yeah, I wouldn't mention that.
Starting point is 00:28:50 No, it was a decent game. No, it was a terrific game. I mean, there were things. I like what Darnold did. He looked like a rookie at points, but promising parts. No, no, that kid's the real deal. I'm not questioning that. It's just I'm questioning your head coach.
Starting point is 00:29:02 How many fucking chances does he get? Oh, that's right. Racism would come into play. Let's get on with it, shall we? What do you guys think of this, the whole Kavanaugh?
Starting point is 00:29:11 You following the Brett Kavanaugh? Hear ye! Hear ye! The coach's in session. The coach's in session now. Here come the judge. Here come the judge.
Starting point is 00:29:22 A woman who was accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault when they were fucking teenagers back in the 1850s went public with her name for the first time on Sunday. Of course she did. Now she's famous. Who's raping me? This is rape. This is rape. This is rape. Hear ye. Hear ye! The public allegation by the woman Christine Blasey Ford.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Can we put a picture of her up? Yeah, there she is. Hope she's legally blind. Is she going to do some welding with those glasses? What the fuck? She, uh... She, uh... Yeah, she went to the Washington Post.
Starting point is 00:30:05 They published an article on Sunday. Threatened to alter the trajectory of the confirmation process that has been heading toward a vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. You know who? Republican Jeff Flake, who hates Trump, and thank God this guy's retiring, sits on the committee, said he wouldn't vote for Judge Kavanaugh to advance the full Senate until the committee had heard from mrs ford might as well be fucking gerald ford might as well be
Starting point is 00:30:30 who's the ford henry ford's wife are you dog styling me in the 1980s he climbed on a bed drunk with her and groped her and uh she says put it put her hand over her mouth. She doesn't even really mention rape. And then another buddy, how weird is this, a buddy of Kavanaugh's named Mark Judge. It's just a weird world. Remember the OJ? Well, you shrugging your shoulders, Jason. I'm not going to make a point.
Starting point is 00:30:58 The OJ case where the cops beat up Roddy King, one of the officers was Officer Coons. So I'm just saying this has happened numerous stories um anyways uh yeah so this is this is totally political because she's a fucking I'm sorry and ladies I'm not again I know this has happened to a lot of yous out there but this is total bullshit she hit the woman's pride march with a pussy hat on and fucking, she signed some petition when Trump was trying to, you know, get his immigration
Starting point is 00:31:31 passed and she was irate that people were being separated from their families and she donates to the DNC not much money. She's a psychology professor at Stanford. Gee, I wonder how she voted. You don't think this is a... And the biggest point of all,
Starting point is 00:31:47 why didn't she report it a long fucking time ago? She's been sitting on this for 30-something years and a couple days before he's about to be confirmed. This comes out thanks to Dianne Feinstein.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Ugh. Making me fucking sick. This is total nonsense, in my opinion. I could be wrong. Ugh. Making me fucking sick. This is total nonsense. In my opinion. I could be wrong. She took a polygraph test that says she's telling the truth. That doesn't prove anything.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Doesn't mean it was an attempted rape. Just seems very political to me. I'm sorry. Mrs. Ford in the Post article said that when she and Judge Kanaugh were teenagers at a party in dc area he and a friend pulled her into a bedroom cavanaugh pinned her down on the bed groped her and attempted to remove her clothing before she escaped mrs ford who's a professor at palo alto university described the episode as aggressive i thought he might inadvertently kill me
Starting point is 00:32:40 inadvertently kill you by putting his hand over your mouth for two seconds? He didn't have you in a chokehold. I'm not getting it. I'm not making light of it. But I kind of am. Nobody's more cynical
Starting point is 00:32:57 than a fucking feminist. Especially a sociology professor at Palo Alto University. Kavanaugh denied the assertions when they began to surface without the accuser's name last week. I categorically and unquivocally deny this allegation, Judge Kavanaugh said in a statement released to the White House. I did not do this back in high school any other time.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And I tend to believe him. He was an altar boy. I know that doesn't mean much, but he was a really straight, creepy, not creepy, but creepy in the sense that a real, you know, buttoned down. And Mrs. Feinstein came out and said, I support Mrs. Ford's decision to share the story. Now that she has, it's in the hands of the FBI to conduct an investigation.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Well, the FBI says they're not going to conduct an investigation. The lawyer representing her, this woman, said her claims are not politically motivated and she is willing to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And Kavanaugh said he'd go before a Senate committee, too. But they're not politically motivated? Are you fucking kidding me? I know what you did. You're a damn pedophile. All right, just get the hell out of here, huh? But they're not politically motivated? Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:34:14 She rejected any claims or claims that has come forward now to scuttle Kavanaugh's nomination. No, really? It's not like the Dems have a history of doing that. If you guys remember Clarence Thomas and the pubic hair on the can of Coke and all that shit. They're the most evil fuckstains alive. They'll do anything, anything to win politically. Okay? No one in their right minds, this is the lawyer talking,
Starting point is 00:34:39 regardless of their motive, would want to inject themselves into this process and face the kind of annihilation that she will be subjected to by those who want this nomination to go through. This is a politically motivated action in fact she was quite reluctant to come forward and she was in fact outed after she had made the decision not to come forward she clearly considers this an attempted rape that's what you said she believes that if it were not for the severe intoxication of brett kudlow she would she would have been raped i say horseshit i don't i'm not buying it sorry for the severe intoxication of Brett Kavanaugh. She would have been raped. I say horse shit. I don't... I'm not buying it.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Sorry. Put on your pussy hat. Let's go to John in Atlanta. John, what's going on? Good. Good. I just wanted to say, you know, first long-time listener, first-time caller. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Yeah, but, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, but I always wanted to get a call and get my opinion on the Brett Kavanaugh situation. I think it's totally ridiculous. Are you on speakerphone? John? Yeah, yeah, I am. Can you get on? Yeah, I am. I think this is totally ridiculous. Are you on speakerphone?
Starting point is 00:35:47 John? Yeah. Yeah, I am. Can you get off it? I can try. Hold on. Hello? Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:36:00 Yeah. Now speak into the mouthpiece. Thank you. Okay. Okay. And I thought, you know, it's very concerning to me that all a person has to do is make an accusation, regardless of the accusation true or not, is make an accusation of you being a rapist or whatever, and, you know, your career is basically ruined. So that's very concerning. Okay. You're cutting out, but I'll take your call as we chop you off.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Yeah, especially now with the hashtag MeToo thing and after the Roy Moore thing. You don't think you're going to play this to the fucking hilt? But this whole hashtag MeToo hypersensitivity, of course they're going to do this. And it's laughable to say it's not politically charged. Like I said, it's been around forever. I mean, Dianne Feinstein sat on this since July.
Starting point is 00:37:11 That's not fucking weird. But she's a Trump hater, this woman. She has a history of left-wing political activism. She signed a letter attacking Trump's zero-tolerance policy at the U.S.-Mexico border, asserting that it was
Starting point is 00:37:27 violating fundamental human rights. Ford attended a Women's March event and even wore a version of the infamous pussy hat made to look like a brain. She donated to the DNC, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee,
Starting point is 00:37:41 and Friends of Bernie Sanders. Perhaps in an attempt to hide her motives ford scrubbed her social media presence before the allegations came to light that smells like fish too the fbi has refused to open an investigation and then uh chuck grassley he's a judiciary committee chairman uh sent out a letter on friday morning on behalf of 65 women who knew cavanaugh when he was in high school, asserting, for the entire time we have known Brett Kavanaugh,
Starting point is 00:38:07 he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect. Look, even if he did do what she's saying, I mean, it wasn't fucking rape. His buddy came running in and knocked them both off the bed. And I'm sorry. and this day and age like i said would hashtag me too and everything's political uh and and this guy is the most straight-laced altar boy uh you know coaches his daughter's basketball team for the last eight years and and uh but even so this is what we're doing. She was 15.
Starting point is 00:38:46 He was 17. We're going to dig up shit from 30 years ago like the digging up tweets of athletes, white athletes who made racial comments and is this the fucking world we're going to live in? Apparently. Sickening. Anyways. Let's go to the let's go to the chat yeah they all agree with me anyways Anyways. Sorry, politically motivated.
Starting point is 00:39:26 You guys run around for Clarence Thomas. That's what they do. Judge Bork, when he tried to become a Supreme Court justice, he mentioned he smoked pot when he was at Harvard, and that cost him. Outrageous. I'm sure they'd feel that way if it was a fucking lefty judge
Starting point is 00:39:47 who admitted he smoked pot. Really silly. Let's go to line one. Says Nick in Georgia. Nick, what's going on? Oh, shit. Oh, Nick DePaulo, how you's going on? Oh, shit. Oh, Nick DePaulo, how you doing, buddy? What's up?
Starting point is 00:40:10 Huge fan, first off. I just wanted to call you up and say how much of a huge fan I was. And I love your political, you know, where you're going for. And... The truth? The truth? The truth.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Exactly. It's embarrassing. The rest of this shit. CNN, MSNBC. I'm 24. I'm what you would call, you know, the millennial, you know? What do you think of this Kavanaugh business? Embarrassing. You don't... It's a little weird that she sat on it for 30 years, right?
Starting point is 00:40:50 Yeah. Yeah, 30 years. And then all of a sudden, just because this bullshit, I mean, granted, you know, there's some stuff that comes out. But, you know, I mean, you know, like Weinstein, obviously something's going to come out like that. But, you know, they're all trying to get on board. They're trying to get on the same ship. They're pulling stuff out of their ass. Yeah, I mean, they're a legitimate, obviously,
Starting point is 00:41:13 and I'll make light of the hashtag me too, because the Weinsteins of the world and the Charlie Roses, there's a lot of bad shit, but it gets conflated. So the minute that Weinstein story broke, you knew this thing was going to run forever. Because I'll say it again, at the core of political correctness... Stormy Daniels.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Stormy Daniels. At the core of political correctness is the fucking feminist movement. They're out of their fucking minds, and they'll do any... That's all they have in their life... It's embarrassing. their politics.
Starting point is 00:41:42 So thanks for the call. Thanks for the call. That's all they have in their life. their politics. So thanks for the call. Thanks for calling. That's all they have in their life. Their empty lives is politics. And he's going to get confirmed anyways. But Chuck Schumer's going, ah, we can't move forward yet now. It's just fucking sickening. Sickening.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Anyways. Isn't that weird? But his buddy was, his classmate Mark Judge has reiterated his strong denial of the allegations as he saying that he watched Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assault the girl
Starting point is 00:42:18 when they were at a party. And now that Ford's name and more details about her allegation were released in the post story, Judge reiterated his denial. Now that the anonymous person has been identified and has spoken to the press, I repeat my earlier statement. I have no recollection of any of the events described in today's post article or attributed to her letter.
Starting point is 00:42:40 He also said, it's just about absolutely nuts. I never saw Brett act that way. And so does 65 other women. That doesn't mean they weren't there that night and he got a little silly or whatever. But Jesus Christ, if this is the world. And by the way, Dems and lefties and shit, as long as you hold Bill Clinton up as one of your fucking idols, you can't even bring shit like this up.
Starting point is 00:43:02 How about that? New rule. Yeah, new rule. Anything in the chat room, fellas, I should be... See anything interesting in there? I can't do both. Somebody yelled out, gay. Gay.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Okay, that could be directed. See, that's the shit I'm trying to avoid, Ryan. That's why I've been keeping my mouth shut for the most part. Oh, so it's all that shit? No, no. A lot of people here are mostly agreeing with you. Yeah, which is fucking... I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 00:43:36 David in Georgia. Let's go to David in Georgia. He wants to talk about Kavanaugh and Herman Cain similarities. How you doing, David? Hey, Nick. Long time fan similarities. How you doing, David? Hey, Nick. Longtime fan here. Thank you. I noticed that this sort of thing
Starting point is 00:43:53 really kind of hit its stride when we saw during the Herman Cain, with Herman Cain's candidacy, where when he was ahead in the polls, it just came up out of nowhere and started making the accusations. Now, the thing was ahead in the polls, he just came up out of nowhere and started making the accusations. Now, the thing was, after the fact, we found out that these women, first of all, were making a bundle on going in and speaking on these shows and doing talks and all this stuff. that they'd been released from several other companies by doing the exact same thing there in order to try and seek advancement by making these accusations against people.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Now, the thing with the, once you're in the political sphere, there is no room for this kind of, especially if you're conservative, this appearance of any kind of impropriety. So the thing is, we've got a sociology professor who may or may not have been the daughter of parents whose bankruptcy trial was overseen by Kavanaugh's mother when she was a judge. Coming out all these years later, making this accusation. She's in California. She's a post-secondary education professor. Yeah, psychology professor.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Exactly. But, you know, post-secondary education, it's all ensconced with this leftism. So they're the people who are getting in a tizzy about the fact that Kavanaugh is going to ban abortion and get black people kicked out of the country and all this ridiculousness. So the interesting thing will be to see, has she already been negotiating a book deal? Is she negotiating a book deal? Is she already getting feelers for potentially doing talk shows and all this kind of stuff? This whole thing of, I wanted to stay anonymous, it's a ploy. And it was an attempt to see, in my opinion, what they were trying to do with this whole anonymity, in my opinion, what they were trying to do with this whole anonymity was going to see if they could get them to pull the nomination
Starting point is 00:46:07 or get Kavanaugh to bow out before they actually come out. Right, and when he didn't do that, they're like, okay, now we're going to play hardball. You make all great points, and I didn't realize the connection about the bankruptcy. That's very interesting. That's very telling. And like you said, when you put it all together, psychology professor, and you know what goes on on college campuses, it's ridiculous to think this isn't political.
Starting point is 00:46:39 I hate to be so goddamn cynical, but you've got to be kidding me. Sitting on this for 30 years. And Dianne Fein feinstein who by the way she was kind of moderate you know back in the day but now that the uh democrat party's moved so far left the the young progressives fucking don't like her and they they probably put the squeeze on her to release this and um it really is fucking it's's just, it's unbelievable. But the bankruptcy thing, that's a connection that I didn't read. I read five of the stories.
Starting point is 00:47:12 So great call. Thanks, David. Mike in Georgia. Mike, what's going on? Hey, Mark. How are you? Nick, how are you doing, man? Hey, Mike. Hey, Nick. How you doing, man?
Starting point is 00:47:26 Pretty good. Your thoughts? Good. My thoughts are that... One second, man. He's doing construction right now. Mm-hmm. Take your time. Yeah, so it's Kevin on a bullshit
Starting point is 00:47:49 All right, thanks for the call Jesus Christ folks I You know get to the get to the point if you call in and I have fucking three I think we can all agree. It politically motivated and charged and could be wrong. But again, and of course, she said it damaged her relationships with the future men and blah, blah, blah. You know, it's the same. How about this? In my neck of the woods, I used to, my cousin had a place down at Cape Cod, but this
Starting point is 00:48:27 26-year-old kid killed and attacked by a shark off a Cape Cod. Unbelievable. Arthur Medici of Revere, Massachusetts, which was, it's all
Starting point is 00:48:43 Brazilian now, bitten by a shark Saturday while boogie boarding off Newcomb Hollow Beach in Wellfleet. One of the first gigs I ever did was in Wellfleet, a beautiful beach. It's kind of a remote beach down the Cape, way at the tip, and just a really gorgeous place. He was boogie boarding off Newcomb Hollow Beach, Wellfleet, died at the hospital. He was the state's first shark attack fatality more than 80 years, and the second attack victim this summer on Cape Cod. We have a, we've got a clip of his brother,
Starting point is 00:49:17 his brother-in-law, his future brother-in-law. He was engaged, of course. He was an active member of Christian Church, loved hiking, biking, surfing. And his aunt told him many times not to go, not to get. She actually brought it up, and he's like, I'm Superman. I'm not going to get attacked by a shark or whatever. Here's his brother-in-law being interviewed who pulled him from the water after the attack,
Starting point is 00:49:39 and they tried to perform CPR, but he had lost too much blood. Here's his brother-in-law. I already heard him screaming, and I saw a lot of blood in the water, and I saw, like, the shark's tail. Medici, the victim of a vicious shark attack. I was water skiing in high school and with my buddies, I had my old man's boat. And I remember them joking
Starting point is 00:50:09 because they saw like a shadow in the fucking water. But they... They didn't tell me that I got into the boat, that they had saw a shadow after I wiped out. And the next day,
Starting point is 00:50:23 I'm listening to the radio in Boston and we were right off of the misery Island one of those islands water scan They spotted a 12-foot shark right what we were fucking Right where we were water skiing, but I can't can you imagine the first fatality since? 1936 but here's the thing. A guy got attacked there. A 61-year-old man got attacked there in August. A little north of there in Truro. And he was in the hospital for months.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Matter of fact, the day he was being released, the day this kid got killed. How fucking creepy is that? He was in the hospital for months. Um, I, as I get older, I'm becoming more of a pussy about that.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I used to fucking jump off the boat anywhere and whatever. I don't... And what's going on is the seals are coming in closer to the beach off this bay. That's the shark's favorite appetizer. And people are boogie boarding near the seals.
Starting point is 00:51:21 But I thought that was fucking horrific, man. Imagine his family and the aunt's like, don't go out there. I won't, I won't. I'll be fine. But yeah, 61 year old New York man
Starting point is 00:51:38 was injured fighting a shark off on Truro, four miles north of the attack. And he was just getting out of the hospital the day this kid got attacked. 39 confirmed unprovoked shark bites worldwide. There's including 22 in the U.S., most of them on the East Coast.
Starting point is 00:51:58 And then I'm watching the news today and they gave tips how to avoid it and they said, you know, stay away from the... Stay in shallow water was one of the tips. That's not where you stay. That's where the majority of the fucking shark attacks happen. In shallow water. That was one of the tips.
Starting point is 00:52:15 With help like that. No lifeguards because the beach was officially closed because it's the middle of September. And, you know, I know people who surf and shit. Don't get me out there um brendan in long island and wants to talk about kavanaugh mr nick i love this show man brendan what's happening your thoughts on kavanaugh and this crazy yeah bitch i mean woman okay so they want to go all the way back to high school right?
Starting point is 00:52:47 for Mr. Kavanaugh to get a little bit of bullshit on him let's just go back I don't know what was it less than a year ago where Mr. Ellison the Democratic douchebag that he is he's on 9-1-1
Starting point is 00:53:02 on tape beating his girlfriend beating his girlfriend. Yes. Beating his girlfriend. They have 911 tape of him. Right. Right? And nobody says nothing.
Starting point is 00:53:13 He's still sitting there on his high horse putting judgment on Kavanaugh for something he did back in high school. I'd like to see what Ellison did back in high school.
Starting point is 00:53:24 He's probably smoking meth, effing trannies in there, in there at Third Input. You don't have to go that crazy, Brendan, but yeah, no, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:53:32 He fucking had charges against him. His ex-girlfriend said he, yeah, I know. And he, and by the way, yeah, and,
Starting point is 00:53:40 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:53:41 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:53:41 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:53:41 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:53:42 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:53:42 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:53:42 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and's this is how it works.
Starting point is 00:53:47 And then until the fucking conservatives or whatever right wingers have something other than Fox News and a couple of conservative radio shows, their truth is never going to get out there. As long as the mainstream media, social media, is just loaded, you know, Facebook, and we know what Twitter does, and Google censoring all this shit. And what they put Kavanaugh through already is fucking insane. They've asked him for more documents, over a million documents, more than any other justice trying to get confirmed. It's just, what a fucking sad country right now. Ew. I'm sure this woman's fine. Clinton Cape Cod. Clint.
Starting point is 00:54:34 I tried to warn him, Nick. I told him the porgies were schooling up. The seals were moving in. The boy went in the water. The shark was in the water. I tried to warn him. You know what's funny? Farewell and adieu to the young greasy The boy went in the water. The shark was in the water. I tried to warn him. You know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:54:50 Farewell and adieu to the young greasy wappy. God. I mean, look, come on. We feel bad for the family, but thanks, Clint. But he's sort of right. I was reading another article and and This guy was furious at the beach officials for not closing the beach There were numerous days where they closed the beach for an hour and opened it back, but they knew they had a problem It was sort of very Amityville like just like the fucking movie Jaws. So
Starting point is 00:55:21 Lawsuits will follow I'm sure but that poor bastard young kid engaged of course and uh do we have video we have video of a shark video that was the girl's legs. I would have tried to swam and bit those myself. Then Mrs. Kittner comes out and... You knew the beaches... She's...
Starting point is 00:55:56 She's wrong, Martin. No, she's right. My kids were on that beach too, Martin. It's a pen, Larry. You know what a pen is. Go ahead, Chase. We got some chat highlights. Oh, do we?
Starting point is 00:56:13 Ed G says, Shark attack is because of global warming and therefore is all Trump's fault. Yes. Yes. Ed G, you are correct, sir. It's all... Global warming didn't start
Starting point is 00:56:24 until Trump took office. uh i'm sure if he stayed in that treaty and uh things would have been different but people are actually saying that politicizing the fucking shark attack because of global which is nonsense what was going on in 1936 when a guy got chewed up three feet from the beach. What was the temperature then? Eleven? Come on, you suck asses. The problem was, this kid, well, anyways. I would not be a woman having my period and taking a dip in Cape Cod for the next four or five years. I mean, that's just natural chum, as they call it. Why don't you come down here and throw some of this chum into a...
Starting point is 00:57:08 Starboroncha watching it You idiot We politicize everything Even the shark attacks, they really are They're trying to pin it on fucking Trump Because of global warming And this story dovetails right into that. This is a cute story. Pampers is ditching Sesame Street diapers
Starting point is 00:57:30 amid gender concerns. What else? The characters from Sesame, we are politicizing diapers now. We're babies dropped in nice yellow loads. We're politicizing. We're babies shit Dropped their nice yellow loads. We're politicizing. We're babies shit. Not we.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Them. Who's them? You know who. As Uncle Junior said on Sopranos. Who stole your car Uncle Junior? You know who. The Amish. The characters from Sesame Street are quietly getting pulled from pampers.
Starting point is 00:58:03 And it might be because they're mostly dudes, this chick writes. In a major move this summer that hasn't been officially announced, the world's biggest diaper brand has quietly wiped the asses, I mean, wiped characters like Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster,
Starting point is 00:58:17 and Oscar the Grouch from most of its diapers. Why? Because all those puppets have cocks. Jason, why cringe? I mean, mean it's true isn't it that's just my laughing face it's kind of cringy and a cunty i'll tell you uh can you imagine these are puppets we're talking about they have no genitalia but they're male puppets and uh i mean do they ever let it go? Do you feminist fucking maniac empty I don't know what to call you do you ever fucking
Starting point is 00:58:52 do you ever take a minute off ever? The stealthy Muppet removal was confirmed by officials at Sesame Street and Procter & Gamble but when asked by the Post spokespeople were cagey about the reasons. Shop is like Suzy Wong Benjamin.
Starting point is 00:59:12 It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. And you can project it back on you. Suzy Wong Benjamin, a mother of two in the Bronx, who thought she had bought fake Pampers when a recent batch bore generic-looking designs, said customer service reps at P&G, probably blamed the stealthy switch on gender issues. When she called about it last week, the Pampers rep said parents who have daughters thought
Starting point is 00:59:36 that the Sesame Street characters are too masculine. I don't buy that for a second. That's a fucking lie. And I'm with Susie Wong Benjamin. She knows she was being taken. Asked whether parents had complained that Sesame Street characters lacked female representation. A Pampas spokeswoman dodged the question initially before saying no in an email to the Post. Lying whores.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Lying, lying whores. Liar, liar whore, liar whore. You know it. You liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, and you know it. We learned there was a growing desire from moms and dads for modern, fresh graphics. However, when the Post asked Sesame Street spokeswoman Beatrice Chow broadly, with no mention of gender, why Pampers was pulling Sesame Street characters, Chow responded by emailing a link with, she said, details about Pampers' current support for our gender equality work.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Do you understand? Do you understand? It doesn't matter if your kid's shitting onto the face. If we're going to politicize it, let's put politicians on the diapers. Let's make a nice line with Pelosi's face and love to see diarrhea splattered pelosi's face hillary the thick-ankled dog face put her on there and um you know or or ortez the new socialist or bernie and then on the right have diapers with ted cruz that little liberal kids can can shit on and and and mike pence and all the people you hate If we're going to politicize it, if you want to take a dump on Trump's face, put it on a diaper, I say.
Starting point is 01:01:10 I spent like $40 online. I bought a roll of Hillary toilet paper so I could wipe my ass with it. I couldn't even look at it. It was on the roll and it was making me sick to my stomach. I couldn't even fucking wipe my ass with this. Anyways. Yeah? Anybody?
Starting point is 01:01:31 Ryan, don't do that. I'll come in there and choke you. So they lied about it, Sesame Street. The link was to a year-old press release titled P&G Sesame Street Partner to Promote Gender Equality, which highlighted the female character, Chamke, a vibrant five-year-old Muppet with a nice snatch. What?
Starting point is 01:01:55 Oh, she's featured in the Indian version of Sesame Street. They must have like a thousand people. You know how Oscar lives in a garbage pail? Indian characters must have about 10,000 of those. Have you ever seen Calcutta downtown? I have a summer home there. Anytime I want diarrhea, I fly to New Delhi. What?
Starting point is 01:02:15 That's racist. Yeah, kiss my grits. If Procter & Gamble and Sesame Street are scrambling to address complaints about gender, few of them appear to have surfaced publicly. Meanwhile, the quiet seismic shift away from a 15-year tie-up has sparked confusion and outrage online. This person writes, I'm convinced I got fake Pampers swaddlers from Amazon. One miffed mother wrote on parenting blog Baby Center in early June. Another chimed in saying the new Pampers have a cat on them and look fake.
Starting point is 01:02:42 saying the New Pampers have a cat on them and look fake. Wong Benjamin says she demanded and got a refund from a local Walgreens after her two-month-old son, Xavier, leaked more with New Pampers. They don't even hold the shit and piss. Which instead of Muppets, they have generic-looking designs of paper airplanes and cameras on them. You know those were made in China. Pictures of cameras on the fucking diapers.
Starting point is 01:03:11 That's China. You know that's China. And they're fascinated with paper airplane. But this is where we're at, folks. Politicizing diapers. Jesus Christ. Gender this, gender that. All take a fucking. Just go away. Jesus Christ, gender this, gender that. I'll take a fucking...
Starting point is 01:03:27 Just go away. Go away, please. Could you please go? Go find a fucking island. We'd all be happy. Because you're not... You weren't born with thick enough skin to live on the planet we live on.
Starting point is 01:03:42 You just fucking weren't. Imagine being a mother and complaining, your fucking diapers are too masculine for my daughter. And then if you put ballerinas on them and fucking flowers, they'd complain. What is this faggotry? My daughter's a fucking, do anything a man
Starting point is 01:03:57 can do. Put a drill on there and a dump truck. By the way, she doesn't even know her sex yet. We're gonna, you know. What do you do for those kids? What do you do for hermaphrodite? You put a race car and what?
Starting point is 01:04:17 Fucking ballerina shoes. I've had it with this world, folks. I really have. Anything? That's. I really have. Anything? That's all I got today. I fucking had it. Remember, Thursday, I'm doing a gig,
Starting point is 01:04:35 corporate gig, so no-show Thursday. We'll dig something up. We'll have to put a best-up together or some type of stuff like that. But, and then I'll see then seeing Flagstaff on Friday night at the Orpheum Theater.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Anything to add, Twinks? Take your time. All right. Not really. I got nothing back here. Just panicking, catching on fire, you know. Oh. Really? I got nothing back here. Just panicking, catching on fire, you know. I have a guy who did a super shout or whatever the hell YouTube calls it.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Yep. And what does he say? I can't read it. Read it. Mike Rossi, this country is fucked. Hate saying it, but it's the truth. We have 20 or 30 years left, then it's game over. Checkmate.
Starting point is 01:05:23 So sad. Agree or disagree, Nick? 20 or 30 years left, then it's game over. Checkmate. So sad. Agree or disagree, Nick? 20 or 30 years left? First of all, I was saying it was over my freshman year in college. And I wasn't that far. This guy's an optimist. 20 to 30 years? What are you, shitting me?
Starting point is 01:05:38 ISIS is setting up shop all over the city. All over fucking Newark, New Jersey. Jersey City. After 9-11, 30 years. 30 years. At that point, let's see, I'll be, shit, I'll still be around, hopefully, 86. But no, I don't give it 30 years.
Starting point is 01:05:58 I give it 25 to 30 minutes. But you're right. We are cutting our own throats. Death of a Nation see it then that's the shoes movie uh death of an eight go see it and go see how other republics went down the toilet read about rome we're in the final days of rome folks um they're here and uh and the foreign enemies if they don't take us down, the fucking progressives in this country will. The jerk-offs that are indoctrinating your kids on college campuses, and your kids don't know anything about American history.
Starting point is 01:06:39 They are convinced this is the most evil, racist, sexist place in the world because they have this myopic view, have no fucking clue about history because it's not taught anymore. And between that and rules for radicals and Saul Alinsky, this myopic view have no clue about history because it's not taught anymore and uh between that and uh rules for radicals and sololinski they shove that down your kid's throats oh no 30 years that's very very optimistic i say it's going to uh it's all going to implode right up to the milwaukee brewers when they were well actually that would be 30 years from now but I don't know but no and all joking aside we're fucking we're finished we're arguing
Starting point is 01:07:10 about what toilets to use what type of Muppet should be on fucking diapers safe spaces for white kids now on college campuses not just black kids and and people with their support camels getting on planes and just you know fucking the knockout game.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Kids online hanging, being egged on to commit suicide by adults. What makes you think we're finished as a nation? That's it, folks. We will see you tomorrow. Remember, you think it. I'll say it. Take care of yourselves. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Bye-bye. Thank you. We'll be right back.

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