The Nick DiPaolo Show - Kavanaugh Confirmation Causes Left to Lose It

Episode Date: October 8, 2018

Me On Louder With Crowder. Google’s Hogue’s Hell Wishes. USC’s Fascist Fucks...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you. Oh, yeah. I can't hear myself, fellas. You gotta be kidding. Turn it up. Hello. Louder. Louder on my headset, please. Yeah, a little louder. All right. Was that mic not on?
Starting point is 00:00:49 Huh? I can't hear you speaking to your microphone that I paid for. It was on. It was on. It was the same settings as last Thursday. Okay, then my headphones are way down. Leave them alone, even though you probably didn't touch them. Testing. One, two. I want them up louder. I don't want to eat the mic. Hello. Right there. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Mark it with a marker. Or your long fingernails. Scratch it. How are you, folks? Welcome to the show on a shitty Monday. 833-599-NICK. 833-599-6425. If you'd like to join in, folks. it's like a radio show slash TV show.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It's like a simulcast. Welcome to you people watching live on YouTube and Facebook Live and other places. Mixler, you're listening to the audio. And I've got a lot to talk about today. Didn't, what, last time i left you i was leaving for dallas we'll get into that and crowder uh louder with steven crowder that was a fun a fun time right from the time i got off the plane got into a cab and get into it with a cab driver but some accent that i couldn't identify yay for diversity once again let's build those
Starting point is 00:02:01 barriers even bigger uh real quickly dates dates Saturday, October 27th, Lucy's in Pleasantville, New York. November 2nd and 3rd, I'm at the Governor's in Levittown, Long Island. And Tuesday, November 6th, Fat Black Pussycat, New York City. Friday, November 9th and 10th, Comics, Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Connecticut, Friday, November 30th and Saturday, December 1st, the Corner Comedy Club, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, and then Monday, December 31st, the last evening of 2018, I'll be ringing
Starting point is 00:02:43 in the new year at the Tarrytown Music Hall right down the street. From me, not you. Go to for all your ticket information. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be a good time. I can't wait for that New Year's Eve. I haven't worked on New Year's
Starting point is 00:03:00 Eve in a long time because, like I said, comedy clubs didn't know how to handle it. They're handing out noisemakers before the show. And champagne. Well, that should work well, huh? Fucking idiots. Hey, a shout-out to Rob Hartle. Who's Rob Hartle?
Starting point is 00:03:17 Well, he signed up at the Michael level, which is the $30 a month level. Rob, can't thank you enough, buddy, for having that kind of dough. Sharing it with me. But thanks. People still signing up. Added over a thousand people last week on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Can't do it without you folks. And by the way, happy Columbus Day to all you people. Or happy Indigenous People's Day or happy white man, fuck the Indians in the Ass Day, whatever you're calling it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Not even Columbus, Ohio calls it Columbus Day anymore. And I think more than half of the states don't call it that anymore, whatever. Yeah, whatever. Some PC horseshit. Like the Native Americans, states don't call it that anymore whatever yeah whatever some pc horseshit like uh the native americans the only one you know that experienced violence at the hands of somebody trying to take land that's what you'd like to believe if you listen to your history teachers in the last 35 years and it's working apparently as you know columbus day has a special place in my heart because i'm like elizabeth
Starting point is 00:04:27 warren i'm two percent cherokee and half a percent blackfoot and uh you know that type of stuff but uh no because uh the sopranos you guys we do this every year and my fans tell me to do it i uh was lucky enough to be on the greatest show in the history of television. You heard me. And that's not just me. That's Screen Actors Guild. I voted it down and everything else where I got to play a cop during it. Look, I wasn't crazy about the episode either. I know there was some guy
Starting point is 00:04:55 poo-pooing it on Twitter today. I wasn't crazy about it either, but it wasn't the worst. The worst was when Carmella and Furio were having that faggy love affair like we're watching you know just had chicks fingerprints all over it it's like as the world turns one of those 70s uh soap operas that your mom used to love so much um but here is me and we'll show this
Starting point is 00:05:22 every year until people get sick of it. And don't blink because it was faster than a subliminal message, my part on The Sopranos. But when I got the dialogue and I read it, and, you know, I have a little run-in, and I refer to Stevie Van Zandt's character as Syl, so I'm thinking, ooh, I have a relationship. Ryan, relax.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Fucking. Autistic. No doubt about it. No doubt about it. I was going to ask where on the spectrum. I put you at number one, whatever. What's the hurry, kid? Where are you going?
Starting point is 00:06:00 Huh? Where are you going? Straight to hell. First of all, it takes him five minutes to realize he has to push the button and talk. You know, he's only been here three months. Anyways, here's me on the Sopranos and it was a freezing day in Columbus Park in Newark and froze my ass off, but here it is. Better not be Columbus! Take it down! He's going to burn the way our ancestors did.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Don't sit down, cupcake. Cupcake. I'm not taking anything down. I'm going to fucking hang you up there. Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Starting point is 00:06:33 Hey! Hey! Break it up! Break it up! Just break it up! Hey! Hey! We will make arrests!
Starting point is 00:06:41 What the fuck is this, Joey? They get a permit, Phil. Everybody, come on on let's go everybody i'll remember this show hey come on come on you too i remember this joey apparently still didn't remember because I was gone. That was it for me on The Soprano. I was so excited when I got the script. I am a dirty cop.
Starting point is 00:07:10 There's got to be a future. It's The Sopranos. But no. You know what was great? I got to direct myself. I told the story before. I'm standing. Nobody's paying attention to me.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I walk up to Van Zant, the director. Van Zant? Van Patton. Excuse me. Van Patten. And I said, I go, what do you want me to do? Just sort of time it, fight my way through the month? He goes, yeah, that's good. And that was that.
Starting point is 00:07:34 So I should have had a director's credit on there. Get more money. That's how that works, you know? And the funniest, the funniest scene in that episode is when Ralph Cifaretto, played by Joe Pena-Leon, has a sit-down with the Indian guy, Cody Blue Eyes, whatever the fuck his name was. It's the funniest thing. He couldn't have been more hateful. I'm talking about Ralph Cifaretto. Couldn't have been more racist and hateful.
Starting point is 00:08:01 And just watch that scene. You want to laugh? But I agree. Very mediocre. Very mediocre episode. I agree with that. more racist and hateful and uh just watch that scene you want to laugh but i agree very mediocre very mediocre episode i i agree with that but not worse than furio and turning into a big girl and carmella drooling over each other like fucking high school kids i really really anyways happy columbus day it will always be an ital holiday. Just not here in New York. I don't even know why I'm worried about this. I did that
Starting point is 00:08:30 I'm more British and Irish than I am Italian. I'll get upset about this St. Patrick's Day parade when they start making us think about the drunks. You know? But, uh, anyhow, uh, yeah. I talked to you last what wednesday so i'm my excuse me on my way
Starting point is 00:08:50 to uh louder with a crowder right outside of dallas still don't even still here's how it goes down folks i get off the plane i get in a cab i guys is where you going? Right away, the accent. I'm like, here we go. The name of the hoat, the Hyatt Place. The Hyatt Place, Dallas slash the colony. That was the name of the whole thing. So I say that completely. He gets a look on his face. Like I just asked him to remove my spleen. This black guy gets a furled brow with some Nigerian accent. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:26 And he looks at it. It still looks puzzled. Hands it back to me. Takes off. Five minutes into the ride, he hands me his device to put the address in. I'm sitting there for the first minute. He's going, where is his Waze? Where's his GPS? It's a minivan, by the way. And he hands me his device, which was a hybrid of a BlackBerry and a payphone from 1976. And I'm like, why am I doing you? Why am I? I'm trying to. He asked me to put the address in where I'm going. Can't figure it out because I've never seen the device. I don't know what it was. I go, why am I doing your job? And he gets mad and he pulls over, then turns around, puts it in park and looks at me listen my friend i hand him back the fucking paper he he can't figure it out i said let's use
Starting point is 00:10:14 my way now i'm using my cell phone which is already kind of low to find the hotel i put in 5200 memorial drive whatever the hell it says. I'm in traffic with him. Takes us 55 minutes to get to downtown Dallas. We get down there. We're at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center or some shit. And he goes, there's no hotel down here. I give him back the paper. Then he punches in, the colony is the name of the town that the hotel I'm supposed to be at is in.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Who names a fucking town the? The. I'm from the, Boston. If I said area, that makes sense. I'm from the Cleveland. Where you from? The Detroit. Anyways, we're 21 miles.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I put it into my ways. We're 21 miles away from a spot. So I was in that cab almost an hour and 15 minutes. And for some reason, he's got the heat on. It's 92, or the air conditioning wasn't working. And every time my Waze woman would say,
Starting point is 00:11:14 I had to hold it, my phone near his ear because he had the radio playing. I'm trying to, folks, I'm trying to be, what do you call it? I'm, you know, welcoming, collegial, but it ain't working. This is a fucking, this mixing pot, whatever you want to call it, melting pot. It's just,
Starting point is 00:11:31 it's fucking frustrating. Turned out to be a decent guy. I, you know, I said, look, not your fault, not my fault. The fucking Hyatt. I've stated 11 of them. They have nine different names and just put the Hyatt slash fucking Dallas slash the colony. There's a forward slash. I'm not talking the internet address. I'm talking the fucking real address. Oh, that's the name of the town. Oh, I didn't know that. I'm staying in Rhode Island in 1566. Part of the original colonies. I mean, what the fuck? So I was in a real cheery mood. And then go over to Crowder's. I get to Crowder's. It's like a nice little condo in this well-landscaped suburb of somewhere.
Starting point is 00:12:12 And go downstairs. He's on the phone with Ted Cruz's people. Saying maybe he can make it over here. Blah, blah, blah. All of a sudden, Ted Cruz pops up on the screen. This is before the show. And Ted's like, how you doing, Steve? I guess he loves Crowder.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Crowder's like, can you, you know, we can do this here if you're, and Ted's like, this is why I like Ted Cruz. He asks his people. I could hear negative feedback from his people. And he goes, well, how far is it away? Steve and Crowder's like, you're like four miles from me. Oh, we're going. We're coming.
Starting point is 00:12:41 We're going to do it. He just overruled his people, All the yapping broads and stuff. And sure enough, they were afraid of me acting like an ass in front of crews. I guess they were assuming once again that I don't know because I'm in show business. I'm liberal or whatever, but I like Taker. I think he's a
Starting point is 00:12:57 bright guy. He's kind of creepy. So what? But even the left admits how freaking smart he is. So they sort of tucked me in the, in the den area. So I wouldn't bother anybody. But I got to see Cruz, uh, as he was leaving, but, uh, you know, comes right in. Here he is. He's at Crowder's house or Crowder's mother-in-law's house or his dad's house, whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Anyways, uh, I thought that was pretty cool. He's got that kind of juice. So, um, that was pretty cool to get that kind of juice so that was very interesting and it was a lot of fun and the studio was much different than I thought it was going to be and we got some clips from it you guys might have saw it, not all of you saw it so at the beginning of the show
Starting point is 00:13:38 we were talking about actors and we brought up Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross he was making fun of Al Pacino and how big he is you know and we started talking about jack lemon and glenn gary glenn ross and we started talking about who's the best act here here's that clip before we get into the politics take some one uh overall if you look at the span of the career probably the greatest actor you'd have to put jack lemon in there i go with larry storch from F Troop.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Used to be a Spacey fan, but not anymore. No, but seriously, though, Jack Lemmon, think of it, you go back to Some Like It Hot, right? You go back to early Jack Lemmon, and he was just as good at that as he was in Glenn Ross, Breaking Your Heart. Yeah, he did. You know what? I'm ahead of John Ritter. John Ritter's actually a decent actor. I don't know why we went with that.
Starting point is 00:14:25 He was actually pretty good. And Sling Blade. Fellas, Sling Blade? Okay, you've seen the Star Wars movies and all the Batman movies. I'm talking to you. Let's use this stupid camera. The GoPro.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Why am I directing today? There you go. We're at the hideout. Dressed like a fucking used car salesman from Denver. Never seen Sling Blade? Oh, my aching stomach. I've never even heard of Sling Blade. I know. That didn't surprise me. You're watching all that gay porn, right? Is that the one with
Starting point is 00:14:53 Billy Bob Thornton? Yes. Okay. I've never seen it, but I've heard of it. I'm writing five movies down. Seriously, you're not getting back into this goddamn house until you watch them. Got it. Because you haven't even seen a fucking movie yet, as far as I'm concerned. What's your favorite flicks? Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:15:10 No? I didn't like, oh, fuck. I like the sequel, Suck It. Of course, I'm fond of a blank. I'm a big fan of Blazing Saddles. Blazing Saddles. Okay, it doesn't have to be an old one, but yeah, that's a killer movie. Surprise how they, I don't know how they know that.
Starting point is 00:15:25 This shirt does wonders for my breasts. Did three. Anyways, then we got into, Stephen Crowder went to TCU, Texas Christian University, and he set up a table and it said rape culture is a myth.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Changed my mind. Don or convince me I'm wrong. And he got a big letter from the chancellor or from the vice chancellor and we started to talk about that. Overall, if you look at the span of the career, probably the greatest actor ever. You'd have to put Jeff... Yeah, we saw that already.
Starting point is 00:15:59 You don't make fun of me. That's a lie. This is the letter after four tweets in. It gets better. They're treating you like you're Brett Kavanaugh. Number one, TCU did not host, nor did any group host Mr. Crowder. I can confirm. Number two, he positioned himself on a public sidewalk on a public street.
Starting point is 00:16:19 See point number one. Number three, his language and ideas, while offensive, are protected by the United States Constitution. This needed further explanation. Can you imagine? Can you effing imagine? I can effing imagine. Oh, nice job.
Starting point is 00:16:34 F***ing a**es, these motherless a**es. Oops, I spoke too soon. Oops, sorry. But what's offensive about saying there's no rape culture? TCU is saying they have a rape. That's the only thing they could be mad about. Well, they do. Have you seen their football team on a Saturday night?
Starting point is 00:16:48 I haven't. You read something before that, though, Nick. I'm just saying. The team's very diverse. I'm not joking. There's a lot of white defensive backs I was pointing out. I'm making these guys nervous, okay, on this show. There couldn't be more right wing it's more
Starting point is 00:17:06 right wing than this show and the minute you bring up racer even amongst friends they start to scratch their butt how about they had to bleep me uh because when you curse you can't monetize your youtube whatever blah blah blah but if you bleep it which they did uh they complimented me for saying you know i didn't say fuck i said the f word instead and they complimented me for saying, you know, I didn't say fuck. I said the F word instead. And they complimented me, which triggered me to spew profanities. Because what is the point of the fucking internet if you can't talk the way you, well, if you want to monetize, whatever the fuck. This guy's got 8 million YouTube viewers.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Can you take an episode off? Excuse me. Jesus H. Couple of enchiladas. Then we talked about Dr. Blasey Ford's testimony and how it was full of holes.
Starting point is 00:18:00 That's a lie. We're at the fourth... It's important. It's not that it changed as she started. That's a lie. We're at the fourth. Important. It's not that it changed as she started. You know, things were hazy and it came back to her. It changed when she got caught lying or providing, not lying, providing incorrect information. How about the fact she flew more miles than the Rolling Stones did in the 60s? I don't like planes.
Starting point is 00:18:23 What are you kidding me? She spent three minutes on the ground. Yes. You are correct, sir. It's coming out even more how much she flew and whatnot. It's hilarious. We'll get to, obviously,
Starting point is 00:18:39 Mr. Kavanaugh being confirmed over the weekend and the left is having a fucking between. You know, Trump is running circles around these guys and between the collusion which they haven't even brought that up have they in weeks now he is making them he is exposing them for the scum that they fucking are and boy am I enjoying it and uh then finally we get on to um how the networks mostly the cable news channels, they had their own facts and their own, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:10 depending what channel you tuned into to hear about the Kavanaugh hearings. Everybody was reporting, you know, what their viewers wanted to hear. So this is how that went. I was talking about it. Only Foxes. People at TCU were going, she had three witnesses.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I was like, no, she didn't. No. I guess she didn't see the Rachel Maddow show the other night. I thought she had some good points. One of them right here in her neck. If you can't hear that on the internet, you guys can kiss my grits. It was a goddamn Adam's
Starting point is 00:19:43 apple joke. And these guys were all squirming. And then they did this brilliant markup of the uh to kill a mockingbird actually jason i think you've actually seen it maybe or read the book yes did both i was supposed to read the book watch the movie instead then wound up reading it later did you see the markup they did of that i did i thought it was hilarious it was really really funny chill what's this stuff my point being was way edgier than anything coming out of my mouth, I thought. You know, which is fucking funny. Crowder's very smart, very fart, smart, very fart.
Starting point is 00:20:11 A very farty dude and very gassy from the Canada area. But I can see why, you know, the shows, he puts a ton of work into it, man. Ton of work into it. And so it was a good experience. Except for I didn't really get to meet Ted Cruz and say, you know, you look a lot like, well, my lefty friends say Grandpa Munster. I say you look like my cousin Diane. And it was good.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Let's go to Boosty online. One wants to talk about surviving liberal media madness in the Northeast. First of all, I just want to say that liberal media madness isn't segregated to the Northeast. It's a fucking national thing. But Boosty, how are you? Welcome to the show. Hey, what's going on, Nick? You have a great show.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Just, you know, on Sunday night, I was listening to this guy. He's based out of Rhode Island. Looks like a Puerto Rican breakdancer, mushy mouth, you know, lispy and all that. pretty much blocked the investigation that the Republicans and Trump had blocked the investigation. It is no way that they can interview all those people in such a short amount of time. Yeah. So, you know, the media and everything, they were basically saying the same thing this clown was saying, too. Yeah. Yeah. They they they blocked everything. First of all, they gave Blasey Ford a fucking a whole day to spewer horseshit. Secondly, this, Mr. Kavanaugh had already been interviewed six times by the fucking FBI. I think this was the seventh. Thirdly, he answered 1,200 written questions.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Not only that, he handed over more documents, digital documents, than any other Supreme Court nominee. So they can suck my left and right and third nut, as far as I'm concerned, Boosty. Rhode Island is a boil. Thank you for the call. It's a boil on the ass of Massachusetts. Massachusetts. What is going on here?
Starting point is 00:22:23 I took some sleeping pills and they're still hanging in. Massachusetts, which is as fucking liberal. I'm so embarrassed of my hometown's politics. Love everything else about it. It was just up there for a wedding this weekend in the Cambridge area. It was tremendous. But the politics,
Starting point is 00:22:39 it's fucking embarrassing. And Rhode Island's a boil on the ass of Massachusetts, which means it's filled with pus and left-wing politics. And as ignorant as the day is long politically. Brett the Gent in Vegas. Brett, what's going on? Hey, how you doing there, Nick? Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Yeah. Hey, listen, surviving that first year after that hollow blew down on the strip there. Right. One of 500 survivors from that shooting. Oh, hold on, Brett. Actually, you were involved. You were a victim of the shooting. Yeah, I was one of the 500-plus victims you don't hear about.
Starting point is 00:23:25 I mean, the 58 dead, don't get me wrong, they deserve their place. Right. By all means. I was at the Candlelight Visual last Monday. That's why I didn't get through to you. But I was one of the over 500 victims that were shot that no one hears about. They just disappeared from the office or the hospital. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:23:44 Yeah. Well, so you want your day in the limelight? What are you saying? No, no, no, no. What I'm saying is you got the sheriff, Lombardo. He goes up about the whole shooting thing. He's sweating bullets. The FBI director is hovering over his neck like a vulture on a bending day, making sure Lombardo stays on the script.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Right, right. I said, this guy's protecting Clark County, and he's sweating? I said, I told the other guy running for sheriff. I said, listen, I vote for you, but here's the thing. Lombardo's going to get in again, and the next day in the paper you're going to read, they found nothing out about the shooter. And sure enough, boom, it happens. The guy that ran for sheriff I was going to vote for called me back.
Starting point is 00:24:25 He says, how did you call? And I said, because if you won, you would have investigated. You would have been sleeping down at Lake Mead with big sand of catfish. Right. You know what I'm saying? Right. Hey, Brett, you're cutting in and out. But, yeah, hey, we're glad you survived it.
Starting point is 00:24:43 And you're right, you don't hear much about the 500, and there's 1,000 different, we weren't talking about that, it was sort of off topic here, but you don't hear anything. There's more questions to be answered about that. It is creepy. I don't know what went on there,
Starting point is 00:24:57 but nobody's getting the truth, and I see the lawyers represent victims like Brett, and thank you for being a fan of the show, Brett, and yeah, there's thousands and thousands of questions that haven't been answered yet. And that's looking, it's just fucking a weird time. Weird time. Let's go to, I want to, let's go to Nelly.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Buddy Nelly in Philly wants to talk about Kavanaugh, which is what we're talking about right now. Nelly, what's up? Not much, Nick. How you doing, man? Pretty good. How are you doing? It's just people day.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Yes, same to you. Well, listen, Corey Booker, so this morning he's already trying to, already talking about after the election, the midterm, he's talking about trying to get him impeached now already. Like, man, the guy didn't even get a chance to even try on his robe, and he's already trying to get rid of this guy. Man, Cory Booker's one of the most hated individuals ever. I hope that they bust him for like a dogfighting child pedophile ring when he gets ready to run for president. Well, how about the fact that he admitted to sexually assaulting somebody on a date already? He talked about it years ago.
Starting point is 00:26:18 And let's look into that. Is the fucking anybody on the right in the media doing your fucking jobs? I could do it better. Is the fucking anybody on the right in the media doing your fucking jobs? I could do it better. And not to mention Ellison in Minneapolis. I mean, there's so much shit out there. And but Cory Booker, he is psychotic, refers to himself as Spartacus.
Starting point is 00:26:41 And meanwhile, he was, you know, sexually assaulted some woman on a date or something. He actually admitted to. And yeah, there's a bunch of psychos over there, and they have had a meltdown since this weekend when Kavanaugh was confirmed. And it's unbelievable. I thought they couldn't get any nuttier after the collusion thing went south. And thanks for the call, Nelly.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I got a whole bunch of them here. But they are losing their shit. And let's show, we have a, since we're talking Kavanaugh, let's show the clip of De Niro. I guess he was accepting some, you know, award that people who are going to die soon in showbiz or whatever. He was speaking at some, whatever, in front of a bunch of showbiz liberal asshole.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Boys, this guy let me down. My favorite fucking actor, and as dumb as a bag of rocks, here he is trying to take a little jab at Judge Kavanaugh. Now, one reminder, the drinks, wine, and beer are flowing, but be careful. If you have too much, much may end up on the you may end up on the supreme court nice delivery bob and there's a woman corpse in the eye he can't even deliver i don't know how this guy ended up being the greatest actor of all
Starting point is 00:28:00 time first of all he didn't make that joke up. Somebody wrote it for him, and he fucking booted it like a ground ball. Just kicked it all over the infield. Can't deliver a fucking two-line joke. I had a little scene with him, and the comedian, I don't even bring it up anymore. After fucking the fuckers 19, what a fucking
Starting point is 00:28:20 liberal horse is that? New York City, you've churned out more fucking lib morons. From Barbra Streisand to Chuck Schumer to fucking Robert De Niro, the raging pussy now. What a disappointment. He fucking couldn't even deliver the joke that stunk anyways. How the fuck did this guy in Cape Fear, he's in the river talking tongues perfectly in a scene for 25 minutes. But, oh, that takes a lot of balls to get in front of people that fucking think just like you do in Hollywood and let them have it.
Starting point is 00:28:51 You best don't drink too much beer or wine. You could end up... Uh, hello? He needed Pesci to get him through that fucking scene. End up at a fucking Supreme Court, you motherfucker! Oh, what a horse's ass.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Jesus, what a disappointment. Fuckers 19 coming to a theater near you. Um, but, uh, oh, they're having a meltdown. Let's go to my, uh, let's go to my fucking least favorite senator, the little poi, pineapple
Starting point is 00:29:22 eating, man-hating machine from the great state of fucking Hawaii. And apparently Hawaii is just like San Francisco, physically beautiful, but the politics are fucking horrendous. Here's the first clip of Hirono. She said this at the beginning of the Cabinet hearings. I just wanted to play it again. You notice the women on the left, how cold and fucking hateful they are?
Starting point is 00:29:43 And again, they all look like Yogi Berra. Here's the pineapple poipoi-eating push. But really, guess who's perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It's the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country, just shut up and step up. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!
Starting point is 00:30:03 Fuck you! Fuck you! That's all I want to say to you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. That's all I want to say to you. All the men, remember, except the twinks. They didn't include them as far as sexual assault. Might have been a few Eagle Scouts that were crying. But this fucking
Starting point is 00:30:17 hateful... I throw in the same league as Rice and Valerie they're just cold. They're half men. They're just penis they're half men they did just penis envy fucking oh I just and she's like the new hero she ought to announce that she's running too
Starting point is 00:30:32 and then we she was on all the Sunday morning shows because she's such a great inch she's got the charisma of fucking a snow tire just a fucking anything that's that hates men, it goes right to the top of the food chain as far as the Democrat Party goes.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Here she is on one of the Sunday morning shows where, you know, if you're a lefty, you go on there and you get jerked off a finger depending on your gender. Here she is. This is kind of funny. Do you view Justice Brett Kavanaugh as a legitimate justice he's gonna be
Starting point is 00:31:08 on the supreme court with a huge taint well there's one senator that did do her investigation apparently she dug really deep apparently kavanaugh's got a huge tank that didn't come up in blasey ford's testimony i mean for's sake, they're on their bed together for almost 10 seconds. You didn't see his huge tank? Oh, God help us, you pineapple-poor-eating fucking... I want to see that again. Let's watch that again. Just another one.
Starting point is 00:31:42 No personality. If it's too hard to queue up, fellas, I'll find somebody else. I mean, view Justice Brett Kavanaugh as a legitimate justice. He's going to be on the Supreme Court with a huge taint. As opposed to you being in the Senate with a huge taint. And you got a dick. We all know that. Hirono is Hawaiian for cock.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Oh, my fucking aching stem let's go to matthew in texas my favorite state by the way i enjoyed myself in dallas i didn't even talk about that the the show that night. I didn't do any press. It wasn't a huge audience. It was, you know, but you know what? They all stood at the end, so I have a new state, and I think if I shoot another album or special, it will be in the Dallas area.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Matthew, what's going on? How are you? Ah, I'm good. I've been driving in the car. I mean, I can't drive yet. are you you gotta go we're getting feedback you got your speaker on guys ask them if they're in their cars we can't we can't do it let's go to a Raphael in Texas all right who wants to talk about dr. Ford Henry Ford or Blasey for hey Raphael what's going on hey how you doing all right oh man you know a long way while I'm on hold I'm always waiting. But I hear you talking about different things,
Starting point is 00:33:25 and I want to comment on those things. But originally I called, I don't know, I started watching some YouTube videos. You go down the rabbit hole, and you start wondering if her whole shtick is just fake. Like, does a doctor really, you know, walk around like that, talk the way she does, you know? Well, she's not a real doctor.
Starting point is 00:33:47 She's got a PhD. So keep that in mind but uh yeah no i know i get your point uh you know and then i read about her we went over this last week about her her grandfather uh cia working at stampin and blah blah blah all these cia connections uh there was a little bit of truth to it. But I don't put it past anybody who was a professor today, a psychology professor on a left-wing campus. Remember, fucking politics is their religion. They put it before their families. They put it in front of everything. And I wouldn't doubt for a second she has enough hate in her heart
Starting point is 00:34:20 for Republicans and guys like Kavanaugh that she would partake in something like this. I don know that for sure and but I I'm with you I'm with you Raphael I was watching you know this weekend looking over stuff and going you know first I found her a little bit compelling or credible but now after fucking reading all kinds of stuff her just just her how she lied about how she's afraid to fly and shit. And she talks like, like you said, a 12-year-old Valley girl. I fucking, I'm sort of with you. I was growing more skeptical the more I looked at this stuff. It went from, you know, Kavanaugh didn't do anything,
Starting point is 00:34:58 but we think something might have happened to her. We're not sure what, but it definitely wasn't him. And it's grown to to she's full of shit about everything yeah yeah it's uh that that's what it's starting to sound like but they never pay attention to uh apparently these this guy keeps coming forward i'll see it every now and then that says uh i think the thing that she's talking about has to do with me but that's not getting any attention well those would probably be, you've heard that. Well, but, but I, I would think if somebody's,
Starting point is 00:35:30 if they're getting these random calls from guys, but I think it had to do with me, if I was on the left, I'd probably be thinking, well, that's probably somebody on the right trying to take pressure off Kavanaugh. And then, then, then, then you can't trace them down any further. So I think that what that might be. But I want Julie Swetnick and Ramirez and all these other broads. If Julie Swetnick made up all that shit, I want to see her fucking hanging from her dirty, hairy toes.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Are broads accountable for anything? Fucking Hillary, that thick-ankled chocolate eater, fucking should be in a fucking jumpsuit or a boat tarp, whatever you fucking put them in. And then Swetnick, because you have a pussy? You're not accountable to the law? I mean, what the fuck is going on? Who's supposed to be doing the arresting on the right? I'm getting really fed up, man.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Raphael, great call, buddy. I'll talk to you soon. Love Texas, by the way. My racial stuff in the Dallas area. And people always assume, oh, southern cities, your stuff must go over. That's not the case. Most cities are very liberal, whether it's in downtown Atlanta or Austin or whatever. But Dallas, the shit that gets groans here in New York, that might be a little too tough racially, whatever, it was getting applause breaks. And I'm like, like oh I think I found my home and not racist by the way this shit that can be
Starting point is 00:36:47 construed as racist but it was a killer show and I really do I gotta pay attention when I go back to that market I thought I first of all I thought Crowder show aired like you know early in the afternoon and I'd plug my gig or whatever but that's not how it works. And that's on me. We have another clip as we talk about Kavanaugh here of, you know, what's her name, Susan Collins from Maine? You know Susan Collins? She's got this voice like this.
Starting point is 00:37:27 But she gave like the vote that put put kavanaugh in the deciding vote she gave a half hour stem winder of a speech if you can stand with somebody talking like this um i thought she was on a sit-down lawnmower in the cold uh anyways she gave a a killer speech i wasn't gonna read it all but pointing out all the flaws in the testimony and blah, blah, blah. And there were a few others, right? But Joe Manchin sat on the sideline and waited to see how Flake would vote, how Collins would vote and blah, blah. And then he jumped in. And Joe Manchin, he's a Democrat, but he's in West Virginia, a very red state that Trump won by 6,000 points. So he was in kind of a precarious position as far as this goes.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Because, you know, if he fucking, if he voted no, he would have went back and taken it in the ass in West Virginia from his constituency. So he sort of played it cowardly-like. But he ended up voting yes on Kavanaugh. And, of course, he was, while they were on the on the floor of course the left-wing loonies came in and uh you know the feminists the broads who can't get laid and here they are again making their appearance clerk will suspend the sergeant at arms will restore order in the gallery the sergeant at arms will restore order in the gallery. The sergeant at arms will restore order in the gallery.
Starting point is 00:38:55 All right. All right. And there it is. There it is. Keep voting Democrat. I don't know how the fuck you can listen to that. And you know what that reminded me of? The Mansonon watch the Manson movie that they did in the 70s what was the name of it fellas? I told you
Starting point is 00:39:12 I can't remember anyways when Charlie Manson's giving his testifying in the courtroom and all his broads fucking snap swastikas cut into their foreheads and they start screaming and kicking. They have to be dragged out of the car.
Starting point is 00:39:26 That's just, but that's the mating call of the young left-wing progressive barrage. Just shrill. Yes, sir. It gets me hard. It gets you hard. Yeah, because it sounds uh you probably have flashbacks to girls running out of your house screaming like that shame shame on ryan shame i went into his room and i found a
Starting point is 00:39:56 leather assless chaps under his bed and a couple nipple clamps and a ball gag. You are correct, sir. But, can I ask you a question? And I know. I guess legally, you're allowed in there to protest and stuff. But those rules, again, were made back when people
Starting point is 00:40:18 were civil and shit. But there's a, you know what they need? Remember we had Bo Dietl on last week? We need that bowler wrap. Let them come in and scream their fucking titless bodies off,
Starting point is 00:40:31 their mustachioed faces, and their thick ankles, and then hit them with a bowler wrap. Wraps that fucking, if you didn't, if you know what I'm talking about, it wraps string around you. They use it on suspects now,
Starting point is 00:40:40 or they're going to. That would be perfect for that, would it not? And then stick a rag with chloroform on it in their mouths. I want to see the equivalent of fucking right-wing broads out of their minds screaming like that. I want to see it. I'm sure it's happened somewhere, but for every one time a right-wing...
Starting point is 00:41:03 Can you guys... Why do you insist on having my football picture that fucking cut out? Who keeps putting that in this room? I think that was Andy earlier. Yeah, well, that reminds me how unhappy I am. I used to love that thing. Now I want to punch it
Starting point is 00:41:18 in the balls. We'll get rid of it right now. No, no, no. Sit down. I didn't ask you to do that. Sit down. Thank you. Jason gave me a ride to the airport, by the way. He sits with his seat. I'm not exaggerating. This is the steering wheel. This is the dashboard. This is the stick. Here's his hands. I'm not shitting you. This is how close he is to this. I was taught to drive scared. No, you drove like a nine-year-old Asian woman. You were fine.
Starting point is 00:41:53 If I can give him a lesson on side view mirrors. Anyways, no, he did fine. He saved me some money. All right, let's get back to it. I just want to show you one more clip. Excuse me, of the reaction of the left as Kavanaugh is inside being confirmed. This is them on the steps of the courthouse or whatever. Watch these douchebags. Shut it down! Shut it down!
Starting point is 00:42:42 How about the woman trying to open it up like it's her girlfriend's clam? She's trying to open doors that are about 600 pounds apiece, made of solid oak. And she's got her Lee press on nails in between the cracks. And then you got a guy. And boy, this speak volumes of guys who are for this hashtag me too horse shit with his sweater tied around his neck. Boy, if anything says force and threat, it's a woman in a dress and a guy with his sweater
Starting point is 00:43:10 tied around his neck like Mr. Fucking Howl. Oh, just, it's all symbolic. They got on TV. They got on the internet. They got online. They got on the Nick DiPaolo podcast, so they're happy. It's the same people that show up after a mass shooting. They show up at a mass shooting uh they show
Starting point is 00:43:25 up at a park with candles and shit and you can see them looking at the camera and they're winking and giving thumbs up because they're on tv it's really an american phenomenon that i worry about but uh boy was that a futile effort them trying to open those doors and shit cavanaugh's in there laughing drinking heinekens cutting beer farts and he's in a room celebrating with Trump. Probably have a hooker in there jiggling her tats, but she doesn't mind because she's getting paid. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Let's go to Roddy in Boston. Roddy, what's going on in my hometown that the politics really suck? What's going on, Roddy? Hey, what's going on, Nick? So I don't know if you heard about that teacher in Minnesota that made the threat to Judge Kavanaugh on Twitter, saying that, yeah, she was looking for someone to take one for the team, basically, and kill Kavanaugh on Twitter saying that, yeah, she was looking for someone to take one for the team, basically, and kill Kavanaugh.
Starting point is 00:44:29 She's, like, currently being investigated by the FBI. And I think it's a good day for vaginal accountability. And we're actually getting something. Vaginal accountability. I got to have that hat made up. Yeah, you know, they'll investigate her, Roddy, by just, you know, they'll go, did you really mean that? And she'll go, no, of course not.
Starting point is 00:44:52 They'll go, okay, fine. I mean, she's been put on paid leave, which I guess really isn't, like, much action that's been taken. Right. I mean, that's, like, really, like, teachers are pretty protected by, you know, like with tenure and everything. You know, she's pretty young, but they still protect teachers. Was she a college teacher or a high school or what?
Starting point is 00:45:13 I think it was a special needs school, actually. But still, I don't think you want someone that's probably special needs herself teaching other people of the same IQ. You should probably get someone with, you know with a little bit of a grasp on the brain. She probably got all her students together and said, I want you to take off your helmets and fucking slam them on the ground out of anger. Yeah, they probably gave her the idea for the tweet, because I don't really know how you could think you'd get away with a death threat like that. Isn't that the kind of hate speech that the left is against?
Starting point is 00:45:47 So I'm not really sure about the hypocrisy on that. They're against the speech, but they're for the actual actions. They're actually the most violent people. Oh, okay. That's the big difference, I guess. The speech is worse. Yes. They're scared shit of words.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Which is worse. Yes. They're scared shit of words. However, we actually have a clip of Antifa I'll show later surrounding a guy, you know, a guy with white hair like in his 60s and fucking threatening him. And I'm ready to go, Roddy. I got my shotgun. I'm working on a handgun permit.
Starting point is 00:46:16 I'm building a cannon in my basement. I'm ready to get this fucking thing going, you know. Thank you for the call, Roddy. Roddy from Boston. Roddy, Roddy. Relax. Roddy, Roddy. Relax, Ryan, will you? He really is a fucking, it's like a kid of Chuck E. Cheese with fucking three chocolate donuts in him
Starting point is 00:46:34 and a fucking eight ball. Settle it down there, Titmouse. I'm telling you. What else? Oh, so D telling you. What else? Oh, so Dershowitz, my go-to guy. Boy, did I hate him during the OJ trial, but boy, do I love him. He's the only... Ryan, yell again.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I'm going to come in there and knock your fucking head down. Seriously, I'm going to cave in those beautiful white teeth. Thank you. I fucking spent 80 grand on a soundproof booth. It's like he's sitting on my lap. Fucking. He's like a, yeah, whatever. He really is.
Starting point is 00:47:14 He's got a touch of autism mixed in with mental retardation with just a touch of fucking heroin addict. And we got to get a new mic stand. I can't sit on this fucking pillow any longer. You know, I had the right pillow, but of course somebody who, uh,
Starting point is 00:47:30 works here changed it. Apparently didn't match the crack of my ass, the pattern. Oh, my mother's box. Let's stay on. Let's go to my favorite Jew, the smartest guy on the planet and a liberal by the
Starting point is 00:47:47 way and still a liberal okay that's how left this country has swung that alan dershowitz is the voice of reason and all this shit whether it be collusion whether it be this kavanaugh hearing the guy actually you know he's a constitutional scholar and he's uh revered by everybody even the people down at charlesab and Salino and Barnes. Anyway, Alan Dershowitz, and this is a quote, Dems shooting themselves in the foot by floating Kavanaugh investigation impeachment. See that? floating Kavanaugh investigation impeachment see that following Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation this is to the Supreme Court some Democrats have
Starting point is 00:48:32 adjusted investigating and possibly impeaching the new associate justice if they retake the house in November's midterm elections only house you're gonna retake is the doghouse how do you like that for strong language? I really told you fuckers off, didn't I? How are they going to retake the house? And it sounds like it's going to happen. Can somebody fucking explain to me the economy is through the goddamn roof. Unemployment at record lows. Haven't heard from ISIS since Trump sat in the goddamn chair. Fucking had a summit with North Korea. The stock market is setting records, yet the fucking, there's going to be a blue wave. If that's true, this country deserves what it fucking gets.
Starting point is 00:49:16 You have lost your goddamn minds. So you're for identity politics. You're for pitting men against women, gay against straight, black against white, Japanese against... Pick something. Native American, brown rice, fucking... Seriously, what do you base a good president on? You don't like his personality. I don't either, for Christ's sake. But you base it on results. And all this shit about Kavanaugh. I mean, let's hear from one smart Jewish fella.
Starting point is 00:49:44 And this guy lives in Martha's Vineyard. He has a home there. So he rubs elbows. And he's lost a lot of friends. I've seen him on TV saying this. Because he refuses to bend and to fucking, you know. He has the balls to leave the Democrat plantation and think. He's as brilliant as anybody.
Starting point is 00:50:01 They can't argue that he's not smart. And he's still fucking liberal, but not liberal enough. He's still for due process. That makes him a real troglodyte and fucking asshole. Here's my good friend Alan Dershowitz. Impeaching Kavanaugh? I mean, does it look like Democrats are planning a
Starting point is 00:50:18 strategy to do so? That would be absolutely foolish, inconsistent, and hypocritical. Those who believe that Bill Clinton should never have been impeached for allegedly lying about his sex life are now going to lead the campaign to impeach Kavanaugh for allegedly lying about his sexual and drinking activities back when he was a 17-year-old. It's hypocrisy run rampant. The Constitution would not permit impeachment of a sitting justice for actions he took while a private citizen 35 years ago, nor, I think, would it permit using the laws of perjury, which are very tough. They have to be about a material fact. It has to have been a deliberate lie, not forgetfulness, not a boast, not an exaggeration, but a willful, deliberate lie
Starting point is 00:51:08 about a material fact. I think that the Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot. We ought to be moving forward. Let's judge. You are correct, sir. Don't take it from me. Take it from Alan Dershowitz. Okay? Don't take it from me. Take it from Alan Dershowitz. Okay?
Starting point is 00:51:27 Don't take it from any fucking lawyers like Jeffrey Toobin on CNN. Who got their law degree at the Vry, or wherever. Dershowitz, respected on both sides. Anyhow, he could be wrong, but he never has been before. Good luck with that. So that's the plan for the Dems. Hey, what happened? All the callers just went away.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Yeah, that was backbone. We have no idea. They dropped all of a sudden. Really? You didn't spill a bottle of Yoo-Hoo on the fucking buttons? If we brought a drink in here, you would crucify us. Yes, I would. It would be fun.
Starting point is 00:52:04 We would record it, actually. The thing would go viral nice generation passion of christ well get those callers back god damn it they were waiting and i want them back sitting here i had a bunch lined up i'm like this is beautiful 833-599-6425 833-599-6425. 833-599-6425. Oh, there they are. Was it backbone, Ryan? Or did your skinny elbow hit the button? Jason, did your barrette fall on the... I get a real smoker's laugh, you hear it? Anyways.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Anyways. Let's go to uh let's go to john in uh missouri because i like missouri apparently he's a big fan of harano himself john what's happening oh yeah oh i just love how these supposed educated you know senators and we put them in office and they don't even know how to use the word taint correctly. And they look like an idiot. I did a little editing on that one, but yes. Yeah, I don't understand it, but Hey, how do you like how Kavanaugh is already pissing off the left, uh, hiring a full female staff? Yeah. Which was no secret. I mean, during the hearings, they revealed that he had, before he was on the Supreme Court, he had all female.
Starting point is 00:53:28 And here's my take on that, too, John. I was like, well, that's pretty good. It proves a point. Then another part of me, just a tiny part of me is like, well, you know what? If I was a horny bastard and might have tried to molest somebody when I was younger, and I really love broads that much, I'd probably hire a bunch of females to hang out in my office.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Kind of like something Bill Clinton would do. Yeah. But, you know, big difference. There is a big difference. But, you know, have you noticed, though, how the left has just bolted in the opposite direction of Ford? opposite direction of Ford, especially when she came out to her lawyers saying that she does not want him impeached and she is not going to cooperate with the FBI any longer. I didn't hear those quotes today. I was too busy reading.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It came out, I think yesterday. So yeah. And the, and she said, go ahead. She's no longer going to try to, he to, she doesn't want him impeached. She just wanted to come and say what she had to say. She doesn't want to cooperate in any way with the FBI, and she's done with it. Well, there you go. Hey, great call, John. Of course, she saw that it didn't work.
Starting point is 00:54:39 She saw that it didn't work, and she's like, that's the best I can lie. I'm not going to come back and try to dig myself a deeper hole my reputation has been tarnished i didn't know she had made those quotes now what is the left going to say because they're whining that the the supplemental investigation wasn't thorough enough they didn't have enough time it was all a sham they're like children. Keep moving those goalposts. Unbelievable. All's we know is that Judge Kavanaugh, and I know
Starting point is 00:55:10 this for a fact, because when I see him now, he's tainted. I didn't think, oh, the new Supreme Court Justice. I thought, oh, this guy tried some shit when he was young. It didn't stick. But you can't tell me he's not tainted. As the Gerardo said, he's got a taint.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Have you had the poi with the pineapple taint? I'll tell you. What a hateful little cold witch, huh? Just another... She's a Hawaiian he-she. Lack of cock makes him crazy, I guess. I don't know. Uh... lack of cock makes them crazy, I guess. I don't know. So that's what Dershowitz says.
Starting point is 00:55:51 They're going to be shooting themselves in the foot, and I have to agree. Is that what you're going to run on in 2020? If you win the House, we're going to impeach. We're going to impeach Trump, but we're going to continue that makeup collusion story with Russia, and we're going to go after Kavanaugh. So that's what you're going to impeach Trump, but we're going to continue that makeup collusion story with Russia. And we're going to go after Kavanaugh.
Starting point is 00:56:08 And so that's what you're going to run on. You know why? Because they don't have anything. They have no message as far as real policies go. And like I said before, the economy's booming. Haven't heard from fucking ISIS. And good luck with that, though. But apparently they're going to win 24 or more seats in the House. I still don't understand it, but I want to find out who voted that way,
Starting point is 00:56:30 and I'll come to each and every House myself. I'll bang on your door all angry with my Lee Presson nails, and I'll scratch your door. See how you feel. Hey, whoo-hey. See how you feel. Hey. Let's keep. Let's go to the. You know.
Starting point is 00:56:51 The tech giants. And their bias. As far as. They've had me on Twitter now. They've had me at 101,000.2. Between.2 and.7. I'd say the last seven, eight months. It just goes up and down.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Somebody's fucking with me. They must know this show. Watch this. He's going to get all excited. Another part of me is going, well, I added like 500 followers this past week, but that's probably because I was on Crowder or whatever. Or maybe not.
Starting point is 00:57:21 I don't know. I don't know who's seeing my tweet. I don't tweet that much. I just tweet like, hey, I'll be at Skidmarks in Buffalo on the 11th. Or maybe not. I don't know. I don't know who's seeing my tweet. I don't tweet that much. I just tweet like, hey, I'll be at Skidmark's in Buffalo on the 11th. I hope you guys. And then I'll be at Shitstains in St. Pete the following night. But on to the high-tech giants.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Here's the headline, ladies and gentlemen. Google design lead David Hogue. This is his quote. Evil Republicans will descend into flames of hell. That's what he said. Your mother sucks cocks and hell. Your mother sucks cocks and hell. This is his tweet. You are finished at GOP. You polished the final nail for your own coffins. You shouldn't be talking about your own party, you cum stain? Fuck you, it says. All to hell. In capital letters, posted.
Starting point is 00:58:11 And then in quotes, I hope the last images burned into your slimy, evil, treasonous retinas are millions of women laughing and clapping and celebrating as your souls descend into the flames. Wow, I guess that's some dark poetry, isn't it? That was pretty fucking dark there, fella. Your mother sucks cocks in hell. This is a guy, one of the heads of Google.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Lead design. Probably designing those algorithms that crush conservative consent. Hoag soon deleted the post because he's a left-wing ballist goo gobbler and made a follow-up tweet condemning the Republican Party while also adding that he should have been more eloquent
Starting point is 00:58:52 and less condemning in the previous post. Why? Why? No, you shouldn't have. You showed your true fucking colors. Fucking quiz! Yes, I deleted that tweet. Yes, those opinions are mine personally and I'm responsible for them.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Yes, I should have been more eloquent and less condemning, declared Hogue. Yes, I still believe that the GOP is wrong and not serving your best interests. Yes, I still believe we can do much better. According to Hogue's LinkedIn profile, he's worked at UX design lead at Google in San Francisco you should call it Google since December 2013 of course
Starting point is 00:59:37 he has I'm just saying if we get hit please let it be the west coast again we get hit by you know i don't want that to happen but i'm just saying isis take note that we've already had an east coast tragedy uh what a scumbag yeah so this there's no political bias at these uh giant tech companies they're not they're not influencing the elections are they every bit of information that you and I get every day goes through Google, basically. So they're not going to influence the midterms, are they, right? Plus, now we're trying to get people to vote on cell phones and shit. Do you see where it's all going? Wake up, white people.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Even though it's white people I'm talking about. Yeah. So he thinks the GOP is going to help because they don't have your best interest in mind but the Democrats do the Democrats do the Antifa mob they have your best
Starting point is 01:00:35 interest in mind you know by trying to drop a spy into Trump's campaign while he was running Hillary with her fucking server who dropped a spy into Trump's campaign while he was running, you know, collusion. Hillary with her fucking server. The Steele dossier.
Starting point is 01:00:52 All that shit turned out to be a hoax. And then Stormy Daniels. Now we have the Kavanaugh, the worst fucking smear in history. But they have your best interests in mind, so you keep voting that way because that's what they represent. And apparently you find it attractive. There's going to be a blue fucking wave. Although other people, you tell
Starting point is 01:01:10 the number is closed on the generic ballot that the Democrats were leading by, I don't know, 10, 12 points. A few weeks ago, it's down to two. So apparently this whole Kavanaugh smear has backfired in the Dems' face, and it's going to unite the party. I read that, and then I'll pick up the next article, say how the Dems are still going to win all kinds of seats.
Starting point is 01:01:30 So I'm very confused. But don't forget what the media told you on November, you know, what was it, 8th? Is that when the president, whenever Trump got elected that night. Remember, the whole media was convinced that Hillary was going to stomp him. So what do they fucking know really what do they know i mean you gotta think think about you got pelosi harono that hateful witch harono um diane feinstein she's got your best interest huh she leaked that letter like her pampers and her fucking 80-year-old wrinkled ass.
Starting point is 01:02:09 That could have made sense. I was taking a drink of my Bacardi and A&W root beer. So, David Hogue. He works for Google. He's a big shot over there. Keep that mom and you pull the lever.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Let's go to Ramsey in San Francisco because it's still one of my favorite cities. Mine is the politics. It's just so goddamn pretty. I love Chinatown there. I got drunk after playing the punchline, wandered into Chinatown, ate three live ducks.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Ramsey, what's up? Yeah, check your shoes. Yeah, I'm over here in San Francisco, man. You got it right in the middle of it. Check your shoes before you leave the city. I know. Hey, one time I went to go pee in a San Francisco bathroom. There was a needle right there in the toilet.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Lucky you. Did you rinse it off and use it? No, but I probably wouldn't have gotten in trouble for it anyway. Of course not. Probably could have did it right in front of the cop. He would have walked right by me. So what do you want to talk about? The midterms, Ramsey?
Starting point is 01:03:32 Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about the midterms. You know, they just confirmed them, obviously. But where do you think the midterms are going to go after this? Do you think they're going to vote the Republicans out? Or what do you think is going to happen? Well, that's what I just mentioned right before I took your call, that it seems to be, again, from today, it is a few weeks before the midterm, but it seems to be galvanizing the Republican Party
Starting point is 01:03:53 and people who vote Republican. That's what they're saying today. I don't know. People have no memories whatsoever in this country, very short memories, especially politically. But right now, it's supposedly, there's something called a generic ballot, and the Democrats were a couple weeks ago up by 10, 12 points, that's down to two. But like I said, then the next article I read,
Starting point is 01:04:13 says how there's a bunch of Republicans sweating their balls off because there's these districts that they've owned for a long time that they might lose. And so I don't know what to believe. they've owned for a long time that they might lose. And so I don't know what to believe, but this did not hurt the Republicans. Let's put it that way. And I think a lot of people saw what a sham these hearings were and to what fucking level that the Dems have stooped to. And when you get Cory Booker on TV and this hateful bitch from Hawaii, Hirono, and a steady diet of Nancy Pelosi and Ellison. I mean, they're real creeps. I don't know how you could watch that shit and say,
Starting point is 01:04:49 that's the party I want to be a part of. So I, if I had to bet, I would say, yes, it is going to help them, actually. Thanks for the call, Ramsey. Appreciate it. Love your city, minus the feces and the needles. San Francisco. I played there twice a year and I don't know what happened Bobby Slayton who's as politically incorrect as any comic
Starting point is 01:05:15 he could have ran for mayor of San Francisco I don't know if it's still true or not they fucking ate him up with a spoon but that was years and years ago I mean we've taken it to a new level of sensitivity. You know?
Starting point is 01:05:32 Real quickly, I gotta go to David in Texas since he was nice enough to come out to the show, I think, in Dallas. David, what's going on? Yeah, I just wanted to thank you for coming out there and you know, did a live show out there and it was really went over really well out there so yeah i thought you know i'm gonna tell you
Starting point is 01:05:49 really kind of tired there toward the end you had like a long day with that cab ride and the prouder shit man but you went all four quarters man you went all four quarters for us and that was really appreciated well you know what that audience was i mean i was having a ball it was the funnest part of my day it really was was, David, because it was kind of a stressful day. And the bits, like I said, that usually get groans here and there, the real edgy shit that might not kill here in New York City. I mean, it really, really killed at that theater. By the way, it was the theater where Oswald was arrested after the shooting, and I sat in Oswald's seat. Oh, did you go back there? I had to. Lucky somebody didn't try to pick you off there, man.
Starting point is 01:06:34 But, yeah, David, thank you for coming out. And I'm serious. When I tape my next album or shoot a special, I want to do it there. I mean, I love that theater. It's just a meat and bones theater, nothing fancy about it. And like I said, the edgy stuff that scares a lot of people, people were eating it up with a spoon.
Starting point is 01:06:51 And I thank you for coming out. I'll see you next time. Yeah, it was refreshing. I mean, too. They didn't moan at anything. I mean, anything. And I was, you know, letting it fly like I always do. There's usually a couple of dead spots, but these fuckers were game.
Starting point is 01:07:07 All 11 of them. I'll tell you, I really put some press work in there. No, but I will. I will go out there two days before I shoot an ad, whatever, and we'll try to pack that out. But met a guy after the show, right? You could tell he was for money. Older guy, white hair. He's with a hot blonde uh uh his wife or girlfriend or whatever and uh he owns a he owns a restaurant in arlington he'd been there for 30 something years and then the cowboys moved their stadium to arlington is that what they play
Starting point is 01:07:37 arlington or is it irvin no it's arlington right I don't know. Sounds right. Jay Gilligan's. Google it, fellas. It's the only way. I can't believe I can't remember where they play now. But anyways, they opened that big, beautiful stadium right next to his restaurant. So this guy's rolling in it. Can you imagine? Right next to where the Cowboys play?
Starting point is 01:07:59 But Hammond, he was saying how his wife or girlfriend, I can't remember, said, you got to watch his podcast that I watch. And he's like, I ain't going to watch that shit. And then he sat down and said he watched 10 minutes. He was hooked. And they came out. Hey, fellas, I didn't ask you to break down the DNA genome. What's the, Jason?
Starting point is 01:08:18 Where do they play? They're in Arlington. Thank you. Talk about anticlimactic. We're still working on the genome. Don't worry. Yeah. When you get back to me when Ryan...
Starting point is 01:08:26 Anyhow. Let's move on to some more crazy left-wing PC horse shit. And another reason I don't understand why you get both this way. 833-599-6425 is the phone number. By the way, I think I'll be doing a show on Friday also for you folks. Why? Because I told you about this web series thing that I'm going to shoot with these guys who apparently have a
Starting point is 01:08:52 deal with Netflix and blah, blah, blah. They wrote it around me, supposedly. It's about a scab retired baseball player who owns a hitting batting cage, whatever. And they keep moving it from Sunday to Monday. Then they moved it from Monday to Tuesday. Now they're saying, the last I heard, they want to do it Monday and Tuesday of next week. So I'll be in Jersey shooting this thing.
Starting point is 01:09:11 So I will give you an extra show this Friday for that one. And we'll figure out something for the second show. Okay? So that's five days. Oh, my God. That's a lot of work. That's a lot of radio. Let's get to some more left-wing fucking pussy tree, shall we?
Starting point is 01:09:28 A professor at the University of Southern California, we call that USC, has come under fire after sending a reply-all email last week to the student body stating, quote-unquote, accuses sometimes lie. But it's all lies. This is his email, his quote. If the day comes, and he's sending this out to students like in a mass email,
Starting point is 01:09:56 and this is what's going to get him canned maybe. If the day comes you are accused of some crime or tort of which you are not guilty and you find your peers automatically believing your accuser, I expect you find yourself a stronger proponent of due process than you are now, Professor James Moore wrote in the email. Accusers sometimes lie, he said. You are correct, sir. Okay, can you imagine this is enough to set off these fascist little cum stains that you are raising on these college campuses, these liberal indoctrination camps, these intolerant fucking groupthink one-way cocksuckers? I'm sorry, folks. That's all I could come up with.
Starting point is 01:10:40 That's how the news should be done. You want to see writings through the roof, Hannity? Drop a few of those. Speak TV clean for like the first eight minutes of the show and go, these cocksuckers have to be beheaded. Am I right, you motherless tit wonders? You watch the ratings. According to Tony Erikson of PJ Media,
Starting point is 01:11:00 Moore's email was in response to a Believe All Survivors email and led to hundreds of emails from students and alumni who were concerned. Nearly 100 students reportedly attended a rally called Time's Up for James Moore on Monday in protest of Moore, who was tenured, demanding that he be fired. The students marched to Dean Jack Knotts. Old Jack Balloon Knotts, old Jack Balloon Knotts, to Dean Jack Knotts' office, who later addressed the crowd telling them, listen to this, this is what the dean says at USC,
Starting point is 01:11:35 and here is the problem, the spineless white guys, I'm assuming he's white. Why are you doing that, Nick? He's a dean at a college. Yeah, I'm being racist for a second. Play along. This is what he says he tells the crowd what professor moore sent was extremely inappropriate hurtful and insensitive now let me go back to what the fucking professor said he said due process he's for due process that's basically what he said he said accusers sometimes lie that was the gist of his quote and this is the dean telling the students what he said. He said, accusers sometimes lie. That was the gist of his quote. And this is the dean telling the students what he said was extremely inappropriate. This is West Coast fucking ignorance to the thousands. This is the dean at fucking USC. Against due process. Good luck, America, and even 10 years from now, I'll be living in Switzerland with four male cheerleaders.
Starting point is 01:12:26 What? That was Ryan's idea. We are going to try to do everything we can to try to create a better school to educate the faculty. That's what the fucking ignorant dean said. Shut up! Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut up! Shut up! Who the fuck, shut, shut, shut up! Shut up! Who the fuck said that?
Starting point is 01:12:48 The dean. Hold the slimy little commoner shit-twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant. Jack Knott. Sarge. Knott also announced USC would take action including having a faculty meeting around implicit bias sensitivity
Starting point is 01:13:03 towards sexual assault according to the daily trojan oh that sounds gross you might want to throw those out what do you do rinse them and put them back on your phone more watched the rally and thought it was well organized that's in quotes but said the whole point of a university this is the guy the guy that got in trouble is that it's a place for points of view and discourse. Noble idea. And if they happen to disagree, the way to respond is to engage rather than terminate the source of the information that you disagree with. My primary objective was protecting the interest of folks
Starting point is 01:13:37 who might be falsely accused of misconduct, he added. My goal was protecting students, not traumatizing or bullying them. Exactly fucking right. You are correct, sir. This one blew me out of the water, all the stories, that the dean said this guy was being insensitive, and by saying that you have a right, you're innocent until proven guilty.
Starting point is 01:14:04 And the dean... Now, is somebody going to investigate this piece of garbage? I am. I'm flying out there tonight. Well, actually, I'm taking an Uber. What do you think that'll... Goddamn Coke drip. Anyways. That's about it
Starting point is 01:14:25 because I got to save up we're doing five shows this week I'm going to do one of them in a tuxedo the twinks are going to be in red leather shorts yeah I'm going to save these for tomorrow but yeah we'll do a show on Friday too
Starting point is 01:14:42 I got to still learn my lines it's actually a funny script, folks. I say no to all this shit. I read three lines of it, and I go, I wouldn't wipe my dog's ass with this. And this one was really funny. Ran by a couple of guys. And the character's like a broke-down athlete,
Starting point is 01:14:56 but he likes to gamble, kind of a little bit of a ditch. And I brought up on the conference call, how about if he smokes? That's funny, you know, him in the batting cage with a cigarette in his mouth. Because I pictured Artie Lange a few years ago when I was with Artie doing Nick and he went out. He showed a clip of him in Vegas.
Starting point is 01:15:10 They had some female pitcher on the mound, a baseball pitcher. She was like the top female prospect, whatever. Artie gets up. It's like 8 in the morning in Vegas. He's still drunk. He's got a drink in his hand and he wants to face this girl. Artie could play baseball in high school. He's actually good at baseball.
Starting point is 01:15:25 He gets up there and I'm going, even he's not going to make contact with this. So she throws the first fastball. He lines it right up the middle. He's got a drink. And I was thinking, and I shouldn't be saying this, he'll be calling him. He'll be getting this role too. But that's what I was thinking. This character
Starting point is 01:15:43 would be funny. So I brought up on the conference call, how about if he smokes? Sure enough, well, you know, we're going to have to check that out. But then I understood we'll be filming at a real baseball facility. So I kind of understand, but for Christ's sake. Jesus, can we have any fun anymore? You soccer moms
Starting point is 01:15:59 have sucked the life out of this country. That's about it for today. My ass crack is, I don't know, it's a little damp. I've had enough and I look very pasty. I look over, Ryan's giving me the gayest smile I've ever seen in my life. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:16:18 All right, take it easy. Take it easy. Yeah, let's save these tomorrow. We got a reporter at CNN in trouble, a female one. And then, hey, guess what? They're going to erect a social justice park. Where was that, Ohio or somewhere?
Starting point is 01:16:36 Huh? No, Jace? Fucking Wonderland, it sounds like. Yes. No, a park dedicated to social justice, which I'll give you my take on that. I already have a great line for it, but I'll save it for tomorrow. I'm teasing you.
Starting point is 01:16:49 That's about it, ladies and gentlemen. I'm going to go smoke some more cigarettes. I've coughed up about six lung clams, and that's not enough. Get that batter up. All right. Remember, you think it. I will say it.
Starting point is 01:17:01 We'll see you kids tomorrow. Take care of yourselves. Rinse those filthy asses. © BF-WATCH TV 2021 Thank you. We'll see you next time.

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