The Nick DiPaolo Show - Keeping Big Tech in Check | Nick DiPaolo Show #386

Episode Date: July 30, 2020

Herman Cain dies at 74. Milwaukee Trump supporter named Razz, murdered. The NFL commits suicide. Thank you Marltin from St. Louis, MO for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Pa...treon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. As you know, my show exists because of viewer support. We need your support. And Patreon is a great way to support this show. If you become a Patreon member, you're a monthly subscriber, you will get an encore presentation story that nobody else gets. You will get to ask me a question during the show. You will have access to all the previous shows. a question during the show, you will have access to all the previous shows. You also could get a Nick DiPaolo mug or a signed CD, depending on what level you sign up at. Your support is really necessary. So subscribe today so you can hear your name mentioned on the show tomorrow when I read out people who have made donations.
Starting point is 00:00:48 It's more important now than ever. And I thank you for your time. And we'll see you down the road. guitar solo Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Casual Thursday up in this bitch. Look like a fucking guy from this old house. Today we're gonna drywall the kitchen. Folks, how you is? And how you was?
Starting point is 00:01:57 Ah, ashtray? Okay, great. How are you folks? Thursday coming to you from Georgia. It's dipped way down into the low hundreds. No. It's actually been pretty good. It rained last night. Oh, boy. As my boss used to say when I worked at the mental institution, guy with a long beard, Vietnam vet,
Starting point is 00:02:22 he goes, when it was raining real hard, it's raining like a double-cunted cow pissing on a flat rock. And I go, have you ever seen that? He goes, yes, I did actually. Hate to drop the C word in there that quickly. I know you people love it like myself. It's no big deal in England. I like the word so much, I'm looking at some property in London.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Ah! Ah! Raz brings his kid to the show sometimes. How old is Raz Jr.? He's eight. He's got a dry little cough that I'm worried about. Raz ain't even laughing. He's fucking. He's got a dry little cough that I'm worried about. Raz ain't even laughing. He's fucking looking at me. Does the kid smoke? Is he all right?
Starting point is 00:03:12 If I was sitting next to him on a flight, I'd have to fucking charge the cockpit, make him land. I get very distracted very easily. Hey, folks, as some of you know, YouTube pulled down Wednesday's show. No reason except that we violated their community guidelines. Who's in this community? What makes it up?
Starting point is 00:03:32 I mean, where is it? Is it in San Francisco between? Anyway, Tommy, the great Tommy, Nicky, my manager, fought them and won again. Guy is worth the fucking $11. So it's back online. Something else. Thanks as always to those of you who sent in during the super chats
Starting point is 00:03:53 when we're premiering the show. As you know, I read all of those and pick one to end the show. Here's one, pick one to read on the show. Here's one that came to you yesterday. This is from Joshua Roberts. Nick, do a Sunday cooking show, you greasy eggplant, and see if you can get Burger King to sponsor the show.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Why always the underlying hostility, even with my fans? You guinea this, you greasy this. Go fuck your mother, okay? I'm more Irish and fucking English than I am Italian. So maybe I'll do a cooking show and make crumpets and tea. Why would I want Burger King involved? A company that just
Starting point is 00:04:33 is responsible for me shitting out my lower intestines. Maybe I should. We could do a thing with Burger King, the fucking, you know, McFuckstain sandwich, anyways, thank you, Joshua Roberts, for being in the super chat, here's my upcoming tour dates, if you haven't fucking memorized them by now, September 17th through 19th, the Plaza Hotel in Casino in Vegas, October 2nd, Jonathan's in a gunk with Maine, October 10th, the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:05:05 October 2nd, Jonathan's in a gunk with Maine. October 10th, Stand Up Live Huntsville, Alabama. October 11th, Zany's Comedy Club, Nashville. November 19th, the Improv in Raleigh, North Carolina. That's Raz's neck of the woods. Excuse me. Diarrhea. The news has been brutal. All we've been doing for months is COVID and, you know, Black Lives Matter and some serious shit going on.
Starting point is 00:05:36 So let's lighten it up. I'll give you a little clip to make you feel a little better. Delicious. Thank you. Bon appetit. Delicious. Thank you. Dog food!
Starting point is 00:06:05 How can you be a cat person after watching that the dog is sitting there using his own hands dressed like the owner using his fucking fingernails and he looks up at the guy like i'm so grateful you gave me this watermelon try doing that with a cat cat, you know what he'd do? He'd take his little pink asshole and shit all over it and then hide behind the couch and watch you pick it up and he'd be giggling. God, that made me feel so good. Let's go from that to somebody dying.
Starting point is 00:06:43 That's how the show goes. Here's a little puppy clip. This one kind of bummed me out because I like this guy. I know all the fucking people on the left called him an Uncle Tom. All the people that called me and people like me racist. Throwing the Uncle Tom. Herman Cain, he ran for president a few years back. Guy was a business entrepreneur made something of himself you know
Starting point is 00:07:08 i mean just uh made millions very successful hard working everything that's right with america but then again he's labeled what uncle tom fucking you sold out he wandered off the democrat plantation so he's a piece of shit anyways he died at the age of 74. And you know what killed him? Coronavirus. He's gone. And we couldn't do nothing about it. Herman Cain, our boss, our friend,
Starting point is 00:07:35 like a father to so many of us, has passed away. He's entering the presence of the Savior. He served as an associate minister at the Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta and is preparing for his reward, they say. God, I hope that's right. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:55 I don't know what my reward's going to be. It's going to be fucking horrible. It's going to be like a pack of striped gum and a jerk-off rag. That's what God's going to hand me. You proud of yourself? So rest in peace, Herman Cain. You're a good man. Didn't fall for the horse yet.
Starting point is 00:08:17 But COVID, huh? That surprised me. But what have we been saying? Over 70 years of age. That's what you have to be, apparently. I'll repeat the statistic again, the only one that matters with COVID. If you're under 70, you have a 99.8% chance of surviving. Okay? Just remember that. So anyways, yesterday was interesting. You know, you know big tech well we got a
Starting point is 00:08:47 taste of it uh on wednesday when they took my show down and everybody else's show because that black nigerian doctor was singing the praises of hydroxychloroquine which trump promoted so the left had the knee-jerk reaction pull it down so uh tommy my manager, you know, got it back up. God bless him. But yesterday, the big four, you know, Facebook and Twitter and Google and whoever the fuck else, Instagram, doesn't matter. They went in front of, I guess, a few of the people in Washington, probably just Kabuki theater, but at least Matt Getz. I like this Matt Getz from Florida, and I like the other guy, Jim Jordan. They're the only ones out there speaking the truth and having to stand up to these jackoffs. Rep Matt Getz, Republican, Florida, said during a House
Starting point is 00:09:42 Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday on big tech and antitrust that Google is using its market dominance in search to engage in election interference, such as censoring Breitbart News and other conservative outlets. But before we get to that, was that the first clip about that? It is? I thought he was arguing about something else. But here's Matt Goetz with John Kennedy. But given the video evidence of senior members of your team in your presence saying that they had the intent to make the. He's talking to the head of Google. Remember undercover? They went undercover. What's his name? O'Keefe and they had people high up people
Starting point is 00:10:26 at Google right after the election saying that they were going to make Donald Trump a blip in history and populism a blip and they're going to do everything to whatever it was on tape so it's true so this is what he's asking the head of Google about now. Trump victory, a blip. Why should we believe that testimony today? He's saying we're not going to do that, Pekar said. Congressman. Hello. Good for you. We do not have a view on we respect the democratic process. No, you don't. We're deeply committed to it. As a company, we take pride in the information we provide to help people participate in free elections.
Starting point is 00:11:06 And we are deeply committed to it, as I said to Congressman Jordan as well. Do you remember that meeting? 2016. Yes, I do. Yes, I do. It was in the context of the election across both sides. There was a lot of opinions. Through the election, across both sides, there was a lot of opinions.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And as you know, elections are kind of a polarizing moment generally. Yeah, generally. Participate becomes participate. A lying Indian. I love Indian people. They come to my show sometimes. I use them as doctors. Hate their food.
Starting point is 00:11:47 But that guy is a lying cocksucker. That's dangerous because Indian people are very smart. Nick, you're generalizing. No, most of them are very smart people. But he's lying right there, in my opinion. You're a crumb creep. It's not my opinion. We have it on tape.
Starting point is 00:12:04 We've got people at Google saying that right up to Trump creep. It's not my opinion. We have it on tape. We've got people at Google saying that right up to Trump won. It makes me mad. Anyway, so what else do we got here? So we got into that, and then we have Jim Jordan who got into it.
Starting point is 00:12:21 This guy, I love this guy's approach. Here's Jim June. I forget what he's fighting about. I'm too tired. You know, you have my commitment. It's always been true, and we'll continue to conduct ourselves in a neutral way.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Appreciate it. You're back. The chair now recognizes the gentlelady from Pennsylvania, Ms. Scanlon. Thank you, gentlemen. I'd like to redirect your attention to antitrust law rather than fringe conspiracy theories. Pause! You hear the cunty tone? After Goetz gave his little thing about that Google lying and trying to, you know, interfere in the election, I want to get back to antitrust, which is what this was about.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Instead of fringe, you know, conspiracy theories. Here is the problem. Here lies the problem. The guy just stated they have Google people on tape because O'Keefe went undercover, admitting they hate Trump and they're going to stop them after the election. Now she sits there and goes, conspiracy theories. There's where you're a lying twat and the left is just so, we'll get back. Just another woman, again, unattractive, so, you know, angry about life. That's where it starts, right above the vulva. But she's going gonna get into it with jim jordan who doesn't play this shit and by the way the head guy running this is the jerk off um from uh rhode island a real left wing just a jerk off but go ahead mr bezos our investigation mr chairman we have the email there
Starting point is 00:14:02 is no excuse me it's not your, you do not have the time. Please be respectful of your colleague. She controls the time. Put your mask on. Put your mask on. Mr. Jordan. Mr. Raskin. Mr. Jordan.
Starting point is 00:14:14 We want to talk about masks. Mr. Jordan. Ms. Scanlon. Why would the Deputy Secretary of Treasury unmask Michael Flynn's name, Mr. Raskin? Pause. You hear that? He did the old mask. I swear he got that from me because I made a joke about unmasking Flynn. I tweeted about it. I swear to God, I could be running the country sometimes.
Starting point is 00:14:34 But was she involved in that? I don't even know her title. If she's the deputy secretary of the treasury, I don't know. But he just stood up saying we have the video. Go ahead. What I want to know is when someone just stood up saying, we have the video. Go ahead. What I want to know is, when someone comes after my motives for asking questions, I get a chance to respond. The gentlelady is racking. The gentlelady. How about the dried up yeast infection on wheels?
Starting point is 00:14:57 Look at this jerk. Put your mask on. Put your mask on. Shut the fuck up. Now, the Democrat. Are there any men on the left that have any balls? Put your mask on. Shut the fuck up. Another Democrat. Are there any men on the left that have any balls? Put your mask on.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Okay, dad, sorry. In other words, that's a great metaphor. Put your mask on. In other words, shut up. Cover your mouth. Sit there and obey what we're saying. Fucking conspiracy theories. They're denying the truth. They're fucking psychotic.
Starting point is 00:15:28 What's even more psychotic? I watched C-SPAN 3 at 2 in the morning. Help! Help! What is going on? Somebody. Is that it for those clips? Terrific. I think I did a great job there.
Starting point is 00:15:54 We don't approach this work with any political viewpoint. We do that to comply with law. Non-company violations, very narrow circumstances. We have to do that to comply with the law and in many cases those requests come from a law enforcement agencies, the Google CEO said. You're a crumb creep. Boy, it got heated, didn't it? You're out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order. It's very interesting seeing a West Indian lie, one that's smart enough to run Google. Do you understand they control all the information? All of it.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Do you understand they're already fucking with the election? Guy from Breitbart was on with Tucker last night. Oh, wait a minute. I think it might be the next story I'm doing. Oh, is this the heated moment? What's next, Raz? I did a terrible job of... It's another clip.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Oh, is it? Okay. Hi, I'm new to the show. How does the podcast work? Do I read the shit? Do I write it up? I mean... I didn't color my fucking goatee.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Look like I'm on the sex offender list in Denver. A lot of pussy out there in Colorado. Well, anyways, let's get back to what's going on in this country, the social upheaval. I am so tired of talking about black people and people, white shitty people. I'm tired. I'm tired of your whining. I'm tired of hearing about fucking slavery. I'm tired of it all. So are my listeners.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Let's have a dialogue about race. Oh, is that when you burn shit down and you fucking lecture white people and you tear down the statues? Is that a dialogue? Suck my European ball sack tonight. Here's some people in D.C. on a nice warm afternoon, mostly white people, just trying to enjoy an ice cream. And, well, you know, it's 2020 and uh post george floyd you know pretty mature huh Pretty mature, huh? That's it, white people.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Get up and leave. There you go. Take your polo shirts with you. Fuck you, mother! Thank you. If you're not free from the race, I'll drive you to the race. All right, Raz.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I didn't give you that much. Jesus Christ. Follow the numbers. Fucking Raz's watch. Not even paying attention. Isn't there a white person that could throw a cup of coffee in her face or grab that blowhorn and beat her silly with it?
Starting point is 00:19:06 Or even kick the shit out of the white kid behind her playing the steel drums? Jesus fucking Christ. White people, you really are the fucking most cowardly fucking racist. Well, Nick, if they do that, it'll be filmed and they'll be in deep shit. I don't give a fuck. Get a good lawyer. Mother of, doesn't anybody have a handgun when they're eating ice cream?
Starting point is 00:19:31 Trying to enjoy my mint chocolate chip. And I got a fucking angry ester roll in my face with a fucking blow horn. Black lives matter. You know what? You start not lives matter. You know what? They're starting not to matter. You keep this shit up. Every time a clip like that is shown,
Starting point is 00:19:50 Trump gets a thousand more votes. And people sitting on the fence are going, you know what? I'm sick of fucking this black shit. I don't know. We're going to get to the NFL in a few minutes. I don't know what they're thinking. They're committing suicide.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Goodell ought to just hang himself with his belt, you know, right before the Black National Anthem is played. I got to stand for that one. I'm going to take three knees for the Black National Anthem. Would that be funny when they play that, white guys, Neil? Somebody help the boss to do that. Raz ain't laughing at all. Fuck your stupid song, Raz. Nobody knows it. It stinks. You don't know it.
Starting point is 00:20:29 What's the name of it? Get off my neck. Lift every voice and sing. Lift every voice and do what? And sing? How about lift every voice and wash my car? Fuck your mother! I want white players to take a knee during the,
Starting point is 00:20:49 just one, show me you have an ounce of sack, because you don't all believe in this shit, I got a black guy coming up, that plays for the Steelers, of course he's Caribbean black, he ain't playing, he goes I'm not fucking kneeling, and he can fuck anybody who doesn't like,
Starting point is 00:21:04 there's no white guys out there, because it'll ruin their career, He ain't playing that. He goes, I'm not fucking kneeling. And he can fuck anybody who doesn't like it. There's no white guys out there. Because it'll ruin their career. Cancer culture. That doesn't apply to the other side. I would take all fours. I would lay down on my belly. How could I demean that song lift every voice and sing
Starting point is 00:21:27 lift every voice why where are they you keeping them in the basement why do we have to lift your voices black people have beautiful voices by the way I have to admit that Nick that's a generalization I know
Starting point is 00:21:40 the black national anthem before the first game. Anyways, see, the people just get up and leave. And again, because I guess we live in this litigious society. I'm just waiting, though. Isn't there one of you? Huh? Somebody.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Somebody follow a Democratic senator into a restaurant. You know what I mean? Hit him with a bowl of fucking mushroom soup. Somebody show me a little fucking spunk. Speaking of that, I got my AR-15 yesterday. Went and picked that motherfucker up. I wanted to take pictures of it and put it online, but I don't know how to hold it. No, I do.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I was going to bring it in here today, and I Googled, can you put a gun on YouTube, which you can because there's people shooting guns on YouTube. But then it went into Facebook and Instagram, and it was kind of murky how they feel about it. So I didn't want to fuck up my show by, but you know, so now I have to fucking, now I have to trick it out, man. Like a black guy's Lincoln.
Starting point is 00:22:50 You know, I got to fucking trick this shit. I got to, I got to get a scope on it. And, uh, but it's nice. It's fucking light.
Starting point is 00:22:58 It's like six pounds. I'll be spraying people. Go ahead. Come to my house. I'm no Tucker Carlson. No, Don, I'm only kidding. Can't do that. Although'm no Tucker Carlson. No, Don, I'm only kidding.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Can't do that. Although in Georgia, you get a round of applause, probably. No more. See that Guinea from up north? Goddamn. He's got an Armalat A4. You see him? What do we got here, Raz? Commercial? Oh, my God. This episode of the DiPaolo show is sponsored by Immologic if you like me you know how miserable it is to be constipated you just want something that's going to work instead of trying multiple remedies a cocktail spoon hurts our new sponsor immunologic has a product made from natural multivitamins minerals and amino acids called aloe forox whole leaf capsules and it works and it does because i've tried it aloe forox whole leaf is the world's most remarkable constipation remedy although it's not been approved by the fda
Starting point is 00:23:49 it works in just days to effectively clear parasites worms and other pathogens if you're eating in a wet market in wuhan uh it clears all that from the bowel it also helps the liver with normal bile flow and is a weight loss remedy. Seriously. Have you, if you've been constipated before, you know how good it feels when shit starts moving again. It's like being in traffic.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Immunologic is a Texas based company and you can find all the info on LL Forox whole leaf on their website at and if you go to that website now which is also displayed on the screen you'll get free shipping on your order that's and we thank them for sponsoring today's show
Starting point is 00:24:36 excuse me I'm out of cigarettes can't find my vape Jesus Christ your kid smokes doesn't he? He's got the cough. Probably got some Marlboro Reds in his Hello Kitty bag. Whatever the fuck am I? There we go. So the election's only about what, three months away or so? A little maybe more? And guess what?
Starting point is 00:25:16 Political Trump supporters are getting killed. What do you mean? Well, there's been a couple cases. Of course, they go, we don't know what the cause of. Well, here's one of them. This fucking made me. This guy, I thought he was homeless. He has a business. He had a business, I should say. And. He was all for the First Amendment. He was very, very eloquent, not to sound like Joe Biden, but this was in Milwaukee. Milwaukee police
Starting point is 00:25:48 are still searching for the individual or individuals responsible for a shooting that left a black Trump supporter dead outside his business. It's a fucking Civil War, folks. Once the right starts pushing back and gets as angry, then it's fucking on uh police said 59 year old uh brunel trammell was killed outside of his store on july 23rd this guy okay just just minding his business he's gone and we couldn't do nothing about it um he was often seen wielding a large
Starting point is 00:26:25 handwritten sign with his personal beliefs in big bowl letters. Some were in support of George Floyd, police reform, Lena Taylor for mayor or even president. See how they write it? Or even Trump. You don't have to put the even in there.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Even Trump and he's a black guy, says the left-wing publication. Fucking A. For whatever reason, the man many knew as Raz. Raz. I had never met a Raz in my life. Then I meet Raz. He's got a kid named Raz.
Starting point is 00:27:04 We did another story with a Raz, right? The chop leader. The black guy running chop was Raz. This guy's known as Raz. I'd never heard it before. I don't know what that means. Black people are taking over. Is there any white Razzes? A lot of white Spazzes. This guy says he had a right to have his voice, and he was so strong to do it alone. Friend Pia Lombardi said. Police says Burnell was killed around 1230 Thursday at his business in the afternoon where he created his signs and publishings. Neighbors said he was sitting in a lawn chair when he was shot in broad daylight why is everyone so fucking stupid hitting
Starting point is 00:27:51 me why aren't more people interrogating like me i walked to a shop and he was sitting there in a white chair uh was and he was waiting for me to come there. Debese Agoro said. Agoro runs the website. He interviewed Bunnell just hours before the shooting, hoping to give him a platform to express his current political position. I haven't seen him in the public
Starting point is 00:28:19 with a pro-Trump sign ever, so I got curious, Agoro said. I gave the man a floor, a misunderstood character, the floor to speak his opinion. And that's what I told him. Little did Aguero know his platform would be the last time Raz expressed his views. We have clips of the possible suspects. Tonight, I want to show you more of that video that Ingram angle exclusively obtained this it's footage from just days before trammels heinous murder
Starting point is 00:28:51 So today If you notice I moved a little closer Where people can interact with you on the sidewalk unlike the corner over there, right? Right where you don't say where when they tested in Holland, they can't jump off the car and knock me out at the same time he snatched the side this one yes this one I had to chase him across the street grab them sling them around get the side back well that's why I'm over here today over there they're just about ready to kill you okay predicted his own death and then people are going, oh, we don't know if it was because of his.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Yeah, we do. That's a fucking Trump supporter killed for his political beliefs. And there's a couple other examples. I was too lazy to look up. Those are murky, you know, because are you going to see that story on CNN or MSNBC?
Starting point is 00:29:44 I'm so sick of pointing out the double standard and triple standards. It's really, really tiring. That's what cocaine's for. Okay, let's get back to it. So some black, a lot of black people get it, again. So some black, a lot of black people get it, again. And they're pissed because their movement's being hijacked by Antipa and George Soros, you know, anarchists. I'm trying to figure out what Soros' beef is with this country.
Starting point is 00:30:18 He sold out his own people. He's Jewish during Nazi Germany. He was turning them in. Give you an idea how he works. Even worse than that, he's behind those progressive commercials, those insurance commercials with Flo. Is he really?
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yeah. It's one of his. It's funded by him. That's his money. It's like they work off a list of shit that pisses Nick DiPaolo off. When she comes on, my blood pressure goes up 180.
Starting point is 00:30:44 And that faggy little kid Jamie, he looks like he's got AIDS. But you know what? I have to admit, some of the shit is really funny. They have great writers. But it's always emasculating two white guys or it's, oh, fuck me in the ass. Not today, but
Starting point is 00:30:59 maybe later. All right. This young black woman, I love this girl's spirit. The United States, Tom Tillerson wrote this. He says the United States is being sold as an oppressive nation by a party that's dependent on identity politics to survive, meaning the Democratic Party. party that's dependent on identity politics to survive, meaning the Democratic Party. And that false image is being absorbed as the truth by too many young people in this country, even though it flies in the face of the reality that people across the world continue to risk their very lives just to make it to our border, which I point out every day on the show.
Starting point is 00:31:40 All of this coming on the heels of electing a black man as president. And while black Americans find themselves in a precipitous position, if they do not fall in line with a prescribed narrative that did not stop a brave young woman from speaking truth to power, this video of the passionate young woman talking about her family's experience and her mother rising above the obstacles, placed before the nation, took the nation by storm. Check out this girl. Tell us we're oppressed. Why is also my mother, my mother who grew up in and out of foster home, my mother who worked her butt off to get good grades so she can get to her dream school,
Starting point is 00:32:19 only to decline because she was pregnant with me at 18. Then she had my sister two years later and got divorced. Then we were homeless. She worked her butt off to get a job, get us a place, and start dental hygiene school, which is basically medical school. A working single mother of two going to college, black in America, and she never complained once.
Starting point is 00:32:37 In 05, she married my dad, because she understood the importance of having a father in the home. Had two more girls. She got her dental hygiene license and my dad joined the army. Then they continued to work their butts off until they bought our house in 16. Now she owns a small business.
Starting point is 00:32:51 So no, I'm not oppressed, because God damn me if I disrespect my mother by playing a victim when she never did and she's the one that went through hell. So you wake up and don't you ever blacken America me again, because this is the best country in the goddamn world to be black. I am your voice.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I've never agreed with a woman more and been so scared of a woman. Jesus Christ. That's her on a positive note. Jesus Christ. That's her on a positive note. I'm going to be around her when somebody pisses in her Cheerios? Holy mother of God. Because it's the
Starting point is 00:33:33 best fucking country in the world. You don't agree with me, I'll cut your throat. Great speech. What can you say? Some people get it. You know? I wonder if that's going to be taken down if we put that up now.
Starting point is 00:33:53 You know? Probably not because you didn't use the N-word and whatever. But man, she's pissed off. That's like a canvas own on blow god damn it she worked her way up you motherless fucks you got a question right oh i thought i saw you leaning in nothing i have one okay martin from saint louis missouri writing this as his house burns nicky apparently he knows me too i believe like yourself that joe biden will not be the democrat 2020 presidential candidate
Starting point is 00:34:33 that said in your opinion what are the chances that shortly before the dnc convention it will be reported he has contracted covid now well i said on show, you're taking it even a little further than I did, but I said he might get elected. No, I said he'd do the debates or one debate and make a total ass of himself. And then they'd say he was sick or something. But yes, because of his age and what he's been saying for the last year or so, they could say that and people would believe it in a second. But the question is, if it's not him, it's going to be whoever he puts on his ticket. And apparently everybody's fighting for that shit. Susan Rice, that cold hearted bitch and liar from the Obama administration.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Kamala Harris's name keeps coming up. You know, sweet tits. So, yeah, I don't, maybe, yeah. He could get, if anybody's going to get COVID, it will be him. Because he invades every woman's personal space. He sniffs their hair and kisses their neck, kisses his niece right on the mouth. That would be funny, wouldn't it, if he got COVID and just shit his dirty pants and fell asleep. That's the best they can do.
Starting point is 00:35:56 It's Joe Biden. I got to believe the base is angry. I mean... Anyways, don't dare call her oppressed. Back to that. That girl was pissed. I like it. She should be pissed.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And she said, don't give me that black in America shit. Where else would you rather be black? I've said that on this show too today. Do I need the glasses or not? I don't know. These are the...
Starting point is 00:36:29 Can you make glasses, reading glasses, that don't make me look like a fucking retarded accountant who couldn't get no pussy up in here? Here's another black fella. NFL's Stefan Tuitt is not going to be kneeling for the flag during upcoming games this year and has a message for those who take exception with his decision.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Screw anybody who has a problem with that, he says. Yeah, it's easy for him to say. He's probably 6'6". Fucking 299. Bench is 800 pounds. But you know why? You know why he has that attitude? He's from the Caribbean.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Tewitt took to Twitter and wrote about the successes of his grandmother, an immigrant from the Caribbean, to explain why he refuses to disrespect the flag. I'm not nailing for the flag. Screw anybody who has a problem with that, he says. My grandmother was an immigrant from the Caribbean and worked her ass off the right way. She had no money, educated herself to be a nurse. She's living good now.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I think he said she even started a business. Okay, that's living good now. I think he said she even started a business. Okay? That's black in America. Tiger Woods is black in America. Bill Cutt, a bad example. I can name anybody. Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle. Not just famous people.
Starting point is 00:38:03 People that go to work every day who are ten times more successful than me. As Joe Biden said, and these poor kids are as smart as white kids. Yeah, she said that. So he's not having any of it, okay? Tewitt joins a very short list of professional athletes, including San Francisco Giants relief pitcher Sam Coonrod. Change the name, please.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Jesus Christ. We can't get a break. But he wouldn't kneel because he's a Christian. Who else? Last Thursday, Coonrod was the only player who didn't kneel during the Giants and Dodgers game. They set a short list. They give us one other guy. Ladies and gentlemen, uh, this episode of the show brought to you by VPN.
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Starting point is 00:41:15 Great product. I don't want people knowing I'm watching Rachel Ray shows online. I mean, you can make a shepherd's pie in under 30 minutes. Come on. My friends are going, what are you, gay? I go, no. Manny, the guy, I've told this before, but Manny, the guy who passed away, the great Manny Dorman who, who started the comedy cellar.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Very smart Jewish guy. I loved him. He was like, I was close to him as anybody in show business. And I told him that I loved to cook. And he looks at me, he goes, fag. It's funny because he doesn't think like that. He was just, you know, it would make me laugh. He goes, fag.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I miss that guy. Oh, more social justice. Oh my God. I can't take it. I'm going to move. Raz, I want you to fucking Google whitest country in the world. Fuck. The NFL, the aforementioned NFL, is about to commit suicide. Like I've pointed out many times, I don't even know if this season's going to get underway with all the COVID shit, right? But as I pointed out, the last year or two, I don't even know if this season is going to get underway with all the COVID shit, right?
Starting point is 00:42:49 But as I pointed out, the last year or two since Colin Kaepernick, those stadiums have been almost empty. We covered it on the show. People take pictures of the stadiums. And it all started right after Colin Kaepernick. Whether you want to agree with that, that's the facts. So what is he doing? Goodell is doubling down after going the other way originally i don't understand are you trying to end the nfl do you see what happens
Starting point is 00:43:13 when politics and shit bleeds there was a great sports writer i forget his name and his quote was sports is the toy department of life and And guess what? The toy department has been ruined. The NFL is stenciling and racism. You have pictures, right? Don't wait for me. The minute I mention, pull it up. Be a producer. Wake up.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Look at this. Brianna. Who's Brianna? Oh, that's the girl that got George Floyd. Who's up? Both of them. Gene. look at this Brianna who's Brianna oh that's the girl that got George Floyd uh who's uh Botham Jean people are going to be googling during the football games Ahmaud Arbery we know who that is let me ask you a question NFL can some of the players put on cops who have been killed by uh black people can we put those patches on? Or helmets? Or this so-called dialogue about race? Bachman Jean is the
Starting point is 00:44:09 guy that was shot when the police officer went to the wrong room. Oh, the woman police officer. Amber Geiger. I don't believe her story either. But that's my point. We don't know. I saw black people saying they believed her,
Starting point is 00:44:27 that are in law enforcement or whatever, and that weren't in law enforcement, excuse me. But see, they put it there. Like, that story's closed. We know that was police brutality, and we don't. Could have been a mistake. But like I said, can you put on police? Policemen who have been killed in the last we'll
Starting point is 00:44:48 even go five years where are those decals i mean if this is going to be we're all in it together and we can get we can heal as a community you know i mean where's the police who've been killed additionally players will be able to don helmets decals honoring victims of police brutality from a predetermined list of names though they can also select a vist a victim of systemic racism who is not represented on this list well that would be according to the mainstream media the whole black population if it it's systemic, right? What, are you going to enlist every black person that lives in the country?
Starting point is 00:45:31 How do you prove somebody was a victim of systemic rape? If you look at a black person wrong at a fucking Walmart, they'll claim it's, you know, part of systemic racism. They'll claim it's, you know, part of systemic racism. Players can sport the name in week one or for the entire season. And coaches can wear a hat patch. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Somebody help me. Wake up, white people imagine vince lombardi having to fucking go through this what the hell's going on out here uh here are some examples from the league sent to teams the end zone statement demonstrates how football and the NFL brings people together to work as one and use our example and our actions to help conquer racism, the memo reads. So they're going to put that in the end zone, like I said earlier, right? End racism. And it takes all of us. It takes all of us, but the cops that were killed we don't acknowledge them black and white and latino and fucking indian whatever color they were that would be making a true effort to bring us together and i think the fact that the nfl uh you know has made more black people rich it's about
Starting point is 00:46:59 the league's about 90 i think that might say something about the country not being racist, but don't bring that up. And some of them who read at a fucking sixth grade level. Among the multiple measures planned is the playing of the song that Raz loves, Lift Every Voice and Sing, Lift every voice and sing, which is traditionally known as the going to do it for the week one games. That's kind of racist. Do it every game. The NFL's memo also revealed the league plans on honoring essential workers. Featured on each club's seat covering between the 30-yard lines, there'll be a message thanking these frontline workers.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Well, that puts it into perspective, doesn't it? On the seat covers that you won't be able to see when people are sitting in the seats. What better way to show your support for frontline workers than to sit your dirty ass on one of their names they're gonna put them on the seats people are sitting in those seats does that not sum it up oh my god let's put uh you know the doctor who comes up with the vaccine, put his name on the fucking seat 156G, section 119. Oh, my aching stem. Are you with me, Raz? You know, this guy this week asked me a question, you know, calling me irresponsible whatever, for still watching football. I didn't know it was going to come to this. You know, it's
Starting point is 00:49:12 such a turnoff for people of all colors. It's such a fucking turnoff. This is where we go, sports. It's supposed to be a release from fucking disease, famine, war, social and political upheaval. It's supposed to be a release. That's why people go to the ballpark. See, but it's a cancer. Everything's been politicized and fucking ruined. I think about David Dorn, that St. Louis police officer that was killed. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:44 That's a great story. Why can't you put his name on a helmet? Put it on the 50-yard line. Put a picture of him. Again, the police brutality thing. If you look at the numbers, facts I'm talking. These are facts that you can't argue with. Millions and millions of interactions a year.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Over 10 million, they said, with people, cops. You can't even do the decimal so small, how many people get shot by cops. And by the way, twice the number of white people than the unarmed black men. Okay? But see, we've been living this lie so long, it's the truth. People have bought into it. It's fucking creepy, man. And again, yes, what happened in Minneapolis, everybody agrees that was fucking horrible and that cops should burn in hell. But the people on the other side act like,
Starting point is 00:50:47 no, the Republicans and white people don't, they didn't see anything wrong with that. It's not fucking true. Nobody's arguing that. And yes, there are a few bad, and I mean very few. Yeah, what about Dornan? Andy's got a white wife. It's a great story.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Hide that one. What have I been saying on this show forever when they keep talking about police reform and the society has to change? Remember, I've been saying what? The black community has to look in the mirror and make some changes. I even asked, what's his name? Dinesh D'Souza, that, remember?
Starting point is 00:51:21 And even he's kind of scurried around it. Well, here's a guy 40 times smarter than me, a black gentleman named Walter E. Williams. He's a black professor of economics at like George Washington University or whatever. I might get the school wrong. But the headline is, is racism responsible for today's black problems? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But many Americans are supporting some of the responses to Floyd's death. You know, rioting, looting, wanton property destruction, assaults on the police and other kinds of mayhem by both whites and blacks.
Starting point is 00:52:01 The pretense is that police conduct stands as the root of black problems. I'm going to read you. This is a big I'm going to read the whole page because it's so laid out in facts. And that's the professor right there. Another example. OK, he did it. When I say that, I mean, he's fucking brilliant guy, but I'm just saying but now this is hit this is the article I'm going to read it to you he's obviously saying that racism isn't responsible I'll get into it then you'll see where I've been preaching this forever according to the NAACP from 1882 not 1980 1882 to 1968 there were 3,446 black people lynched at the hands of whites. Today, being murdered by whites or policemen should be the least of black worries. In recent
Starting point is 00:52:56 times, there is an average of 9,252 black-on-black murders every year. Over the past 35 years, that translates into nearly 324,000 blacks murdered at the hands of other blacks. Only a tiny percentage of blacks are killed by police. For example, in Chicago this year, there were 414 homicides with a total of 2,078 people shot.
Starting point is 00:53:24 So far in 2020, three people have been killed by police and8 people shot. So far in 2020, three people have been killed by police and four were shot. That's it. Manhattan Institute scholar, Heather McDonald, she's got a great book, I haven't read it yet,
Starting point is 00:53:37 reports, she does all this stuff about race, that a police officer is 18 and a half times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer is 18 and a half times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer. 18 and a half times.
Starting point is 00:53:52 The most devastating problem is the very weak black family structure. Bing, bing, bing. What have I been saying? Less than a third of black children live in a two-parent household, and the illegitimacy rate stands at 75%. There was a famous senator, it was a Patrick Moynihan, I always get the, was it Moynihan? He was writing about this in 1966, about the dissolution of the black family.
Starting point is 00:54:19 In 1960, and it's still going on. The legacy of slavery is often blamed for all this, the illegitimacy rate. Such an explanation turns out to be sheer nonsense when one examines black history. I didn't even know this. Even during slavery where marriage was forbidden, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. and biological two-parent families. Professor Herbert G. Gutman's research in the Black Family and Slavery and Freedom, 1750 to 1925,
Starting point is 00:54:50 found that three-fourths of 19th century slave families, all the children had the same mother and father. In New York City in 1925, 85% of black households were two-parent. In fact, five and six children under the age of six lived with both parents. In 1880, and the U.S. government's to blame, too. Sending checks, welfare checks, making it profitable for a young black woman to not have a husband. An 1880 study of family structure in Philadelphia
Starting point is 00:55:25 shows that three quarters of all black families were nuclear families. The percentage of nuclear families where black were 75%. Irish was 82, German 84, and Native white Americans 73. Only one quarter of black families were female-headed as opposed to today. Only one quarter of black families were female headed. As opposed to today. Going back 100 years when blacks were just one generation out of slavery, we find that census data of that era showed that a slightly higher percentage of black adults
Starting point is 00:55:57 were married more than white adults. This fact remained true in every census from 1890 to 1940. Okay? I know a thing or two about a thing or two. If today's weak family structure is a legacy of slavery, then the people who make such a claim must tell us how it has managed
Starting point is 00:56:20 to skip nearly five generations to have that effect, which is a great question just the facts problems that black people face uh give white leftists cover for all their anti-american agenda fucking brilliant see when you dig down into the fact compare that and you can't argue with that those are numbers and facts compare that to what you're being told for the last 30 or 40 years in this country by the mainstream media. It's a big fucking lie, but it's become the truth. Good time to sell some shit.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Got these great slavery mugs. got these great slavery mugs. We have two kinds, some for the black people and some for the white people. Unbelievable. As you know, is sponsors of the show
Starting point is 00:57:15 and are constantly coming up with new items. This morning, they sent over a bunch of pictures of the mugs they're selling and they are great. Check Donald Trump. He's ripped.
Starting point is 00:57:25 He's a fucking no astronaut. I won't even say that. So get one of these and send it to a Trump fan, or better yet, a Trump hater. Go to, check out all the gear, and when you use the promo code Nick, you get 10% off everything on the website, not just these mugs.
Starting point is 00:57:41 That's, and we thank them for sponsoring the show. And I want to thank these following people for contributing to the show since yesterday at Bobby Marin, Oregon. Oh my God, we have a fan in Oregon. Somebody get him out of there. Send a helicopter. Kurt Kresser, Illinois. Tamar Eichstattler. Tamar Eichstattler. He's Black and Zee Deutsch. Eichstattler. Tamara Eichstattler. Germany.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Fausti Giorgi. United States, Virgin Islands. Nancy Pelosi's melting face. Washington. Charles Hurd. Kentucky. Love Raz. Nick Faprez.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Kevin McBride. He's been around a long time, Kevin. Diener Garbalinski. Diener Garbalinski. Garbalinski. Pennsylvania. Benjamin Gase Texas who sent the biggest contribution this show has received double of what the biggest one was
Starting point is 00:58:39 can't thank Benjamin enough Larry Seidman Pennsylvania Ben Jordan, Texas. James Aaron, Kentucky. Andrew DeLuise. Chris. John Perkins penis. JJP.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Kevin Brookshire Sr. Kirk Simonitis. Matthew Lane. Philip Cade. Schmikes G, Kevin James Seri, Andrew Bocchiciccio. Holy Christ, Bocchiciccio. Great name. Oh, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Were they the, sorry, those are the Patreon. I am really out of it today, huh? Those are the Patreon people that signed up. Andrew DeLuise, Chris, John Perkins Penis, Kevin Brookshire Sr., Kirk Simonitis, Matthew Lane, Philip Cade, Schmikes G, Kevin James Seary, Andrew Boccio. They just signed up at Patreon. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Thank all of you who made contributions. And Ben, I'm telling you, I am humbled. That is it for the week what a great week it's been we're up to 100 by today we'll be up to 149,000 I just said too much coffee
Starting point is 00:59:58 man 149,000 YouTube subscribers more than Corolla and I'm so proud of that 9,000 YouTube subscribers. More than Corolla. And I'm so proud of that. Who knows how many we really should have. Again, remember to make sure you keep staying subscribed. So, yes, the show is growing like we were hoping it was going to.
Starting point is 01:00:21 And because of you guys. Thank you so much. That's it for the week. You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend. guitar solo I'm out.

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