The Nick DiPaolo Show - Kerry "Biden" Clueless on France | Nick Di Paolo Show #607

Episode Date: October 7, 2021

Hospital denies transplants to unvaccinated. John Kerry says Biden not aware of France. Tlaib lies about mask. Idaho LT. Gov. "takes over". A Florida man... Michigan students chant F-Joe Biden....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television, or from the White House, now more than ever, our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed, and that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show, and that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning, honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Let's keep this freedom fight going. guitar solo Oh yeah! How are you folks? How are you folks? I love the smell of grapevum in the morning. Don't you? Yeah, it's Thursday. Last day of the week for me. I don't know what you do for a living.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Probably have a real job. But Monday through Thursday is perfect. It's the one thing that the fucking Europeans have right. I think we should put in like a two-hour fucking siesta, too. Of course, like I was in Italy, I couldn't get anything but lunch between two and five. Fuck. It's because they have a pound of linguine for breakfast and pass out around noon. Those greasy guineas, I'll tell you. I can say that because, you know, I'm a racist.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Anyhow, what else is going on? I don't know. Oh, somebody wrote, one of my fans in New Hampshire, Scott wanted to know about the many saints of Newark. I thought I gave my opinion on that. Did I not? I guess I did. Oh, I told you guys.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Very disappointing. I got to be honest with you. And I hate to say that about David Chase, who created, to me, the greatest thing ever, including films, movie, TV, play, anything. The Sopranos was just on a different level. But it's just another piece of woke. You can't get away from it. He's independent now, so I don't think it's like studios are telling him what he has to put in there. I'm not sure. I don't think he takes notes from anybody.
Starting point is 00:02:54 But, you know, and I talked about this with Colin Quinn, who grew up in Brooklyn and was well aware of the riots, you know, right across the river in Newark. And how do you not, and here's one thing I how do you not and we talked about this is called How do you doing the thing about the riots in the 60s in Newark? You don't include this guy Anthony Imperiali This why didn't I fucking put a picture him up? this big big fucking
Starting point is 00:03:24 Thick-necked Italian thug who was a board member of the city, whatever the fuck, right? Who, he literally was on TV when the rioting was going on, in like a wife beater with a baseball bat. Yet he was, you know, kind of eloquent, saying if they come into our fucking ward,
Starting point is 00:03:42 when he ran for office, one of his slogans was, vote white. The good old days. And black people should have been saying, vote black. Well, they did. When Obama, remember, every time you ask somebody why they vote black person, why you voted for Obama, they're like, what, are you kidding me? You know what. And just, this guy was right in the middle of it. He's not even mentioned in the show. And the guy that a few Sopranos fans who know Christopher Moltisanti's dad was Dickie, who was always referred to on the Sopranos, but they never showed him.
Starting point is 00:04:14 He was an actual character on the show. The show, he's one of the main characters. But they're showing it through the eyes of his opponent. There's this black guy who he works with who turns out to be militant, and it's the woe is me. It opens with, you know, some guy reading black poetry. It just had that stench of wokeness on it. And the main character, Dickie Moltisanti, isn't even that Italian. I was talking to Quinn, who knows, what? There he is. Hey, that's the pic I,did I send you that, man? No. You grabbed the same one I grabbed. I sent
Starting point is 00:04:49 it to my buddy Al Barbro, whose dad used to look like that. That�s�that was a politician in Newark. And you know what? Some black people actually liked him, because he was all about law and order and breaking heads, no matter who, you know? But that's I wonder how he voted. But he's not even mentioned in the story. And it's all from the black guy's point of view. And once again, the black guy's the victim of the Italians. It just and like I said, the guy that played Dickie Moltisanti was like white bread. He wasn't even that Italian.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Good actor and stuff and all due respect, but not, as Colin Quinn said, back then, Italians and black, they had that fire in their eyes, you know what I mean? When shit was going to involve the cops, there was no edge to it. Now, if you guys don't watch The Sopranos and you go to see this movie, you'll probably think, yeah, it was all right, it's like a seven, not a ten. But for what The Sopranos was, compared to that quality, it just didn't capture what was going on. And Colin made another good point. How do you not have music from Frankie Valli in there,
Starting point is 00:05:55 who's one of the biggest names to come out of Newark, and knew all the Italian fellas, and, you know, a superstar. That's not even in the, it missed the mark, you know. Again, it's entertaining because it's David Chase, but son of a bitch. It's so funny because Colin Quinn is, he writes scripts. He has, when he's not doing anything, he's writing movie scripts. His mind never stops. And he's dead on when it comes to race,
Starting point is 00:06:29 and he's obsessed with it, how movies, how PC, and how they don't portray how it really is between blacks and whites. He's obsessed with it. And he was so, and he praises David Chase every day of his life. He was, his life is ruined, he told me. He was so fucking disappointed. Anyways, watch it. Again, like I said, if you're not a Sopranos aficionado
Starting point is 00:06:55 or don't really know what makes a good movie, you'll find it entertaining, I guess, on some level. But, yeah. Anyways, good question, Scott. Don't ask me anything else. All right, let's get to it. It's the end of the week. Oh, in the N-word segment tonight,
Starting point is 00:07:21 hey, jerk-off Joe Biden has restarted flying thousands of Afghans into the United States. Well, that's good news if you sell hummus, prayer rugs, or condoms made especially for goat fucking. I guess he thought 56,000 Afghan refugees wasn't enough. Do you know why he halted the flights in the first place? I thought they were done, by the way. It was nothing serious, just an outbreak on all the U.S. military bases. It was nothing serious, just an outbreak on all the U.S. military bases where we put these people, just an outbreak of measles, chicken pox, hep A, COVID-19, leishmaniasis, tuberculosis, and malaria. And no, those last three aren't bitches on the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Apparently, that's almost under control, the whole outbreak. So naturally,
Starting point is 00:08:07 the next logical thing to do is to bring 95,000 more of these people in. That's their plan over the next 12 months from this disease-ridden shithole. That's what you do next. The flights are landing exclusively at the Philly Airport in Dulles in Virginia, which I think is good. If they have a layover, maybe you can give them a tour of downtown Philly and some D.C. neighborhoods, and they'll — the Afghans will look out the window and go, fuck this. I'm safe for hiding from the Taliban in Jalalabad. Stay.
Starting point is 00:08:44 But don't worry, folks. They're being vetted at a military base in Virginia. The vetting process, I read, consists of anal cavity search for C4 and checking for fingerprints on the two fingers they have left after being punished by the Taliban when they got caught shoplifting oil filters so their wives had a tampon on the heavy days. They also check for goat hair on the men's cocks, and if they find any, they are sent to San Francisco immediately. Anyway, the point being, these people — it's not like when the Europeans came over. These people have nothing in common with our culture, especially not religion, food, language, music, values.
Starting point is 00:09:27 They're from a place where if a woman shows an inch of ankle, they would be caned on their bare buttocks in public. And they're now living in a country where a guy will pay a woman a grand to do that same thing to him in front of his wife and kids on his birthday. Hey, what could happen, right, folks? And that's the N-word for today. You know, we should end that with another... When I end it? Yeah. Because it's an awkward segue.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Anyway, and leave that at this talking, you know? I'm afraid you guys are like, this is TV. No. I'll tell you when it's really solid, I'll take it up. Anyways, what the hell else? I'm excited. I'm excited. Thursdays are like Fridays for me, you know.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Sometimes I almost, well, I do. I hit a bar on the way home. That's right. Imagine. No, you get Thursday night football. You get the Red Sox at Tampa Bay tonight. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, my dick be hot. And then you get a college footballer weekend.
Starting point is 00:10:35 I'm sorry. If I was a trillionaire, that's the same shit I'd be doing. I'm not one of these guys who's going to get on a plane and travel the world. I wouldn't even fly down to Tampa because it would make me wear a mask for a fucking hour and a half. Suck it. Let's move on. Hospital will deny transplants to the unvaccinated,
Starting point is 00:10:54 which sent the chill up my ass. This is where the medical community's at. It's been politicized. You understand this is like what was going on in Nazi fucking German. A Colorado-based health system says it is denying organ transplants to patients not vaccinated against the coronavirus in almost all situations, citing studies that show these patients are much more likely to die if they get COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Well, how many, how many, want to give us some details? How many people did you, how many people have died of COVID after they got a new kidney or whatever? Or are you just going to throw that out there like you always do? Do you believe this? You see, that's Colorado health rules. For transplants, entered the spotlight Tuesday when Colorado State Rep. Tim Geithner, Republican, said it denied a kidney transplant to a Colorado Springs woman because she was not vaccinated against the coronavirus. I can't believe we're talking
Starting point is 00:11:53 about America here. It's unbelievable. Son of a whore! Calling the decision disgusting and discriminatory. Geithner shared a letter that he said the patient received last week from UC Health's transplant center at the University of Colorado's. See, oh, even the health shit's on college campuses. You see where I'm going with this? You don't think the poison spreads from the genders class to the whole fucking... Anyways, it comes from the University of Colorado's Ann Schultz Medical Campus in the city of Aurora. The letter said the woman would be inactive, inactivated on a kidney transplant waiting list and had 30 days to start coronavirus vaccines. If she refused to be vaccinated, it said she would be removed from the list.
Starting point is 00:12:53 You're almost talking about eugenics. When you start prioritizing who's going to get medical help by stuff like who's vaccinated or not, it's politicized. You know what I'm saying? I'm watching the Boston Bruins last night, a fucking exhibition game in Boston, and they have a guy on in between periods bragging. I don't even know what his title was. Politician, I think.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Bragging that the Bruins, the TD Garden Center is one of the places where they won't let you in if you don't have a vaccination, proof of vaccination, unless, you know, you're under whatever. If you're over two, by the way, and you go to the game, you have to have a vaccination, proof of vaccination, unless, you know, you're under whatever. If you're over two, by the way, and you go to the game,
Starting point is 00:13:28 you have to wear a mask. So Boston, you're a fucking embarrassment. I can't fucking, I almost want to boycott the fucking Bruins, but what am I going to do, talk to my wife? This is fucking frightening. Geithner did not identify the patient, allegedly denied a transplant, but Leilani Lutali told Nine News that it was her. And she said she's being coerced into making a decision that is, she says, I'm not comfortable making right now in order to live.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Can you imagine being put in this situation? Because personally, I'm not vaccinated. And I can say that. Nobody sees the show. I'm not vaccinated. And I'm afraid of the vaccine. Nobody comes right out and say it. Because I do all my reading. Seems like a crapshoot, whether you get sick from it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Plus, I already had it. And even Pfizer people say, we read that yesterday, that you have a better immune system with natural immunity. You see health decline to discuss particular patients because of federal privacy laws. They always have an excuse. But the health system confirmed Tuesday that nearly all of its transplant recipients and organ donors must get vaccinated against the coronavirus in addition to other vaccinations and health requirements. A spokesman, Dan Weaver, every scene there. Loosen your tie, it's cutting the blood off the head. Dan Weaver, I believe we can get you through the night.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Dan Weaver said that other transplant centers in the United States have similar policies. So we're going to be assholes just like them because we have no way of thinking outside the box. My mother's box. Policies are transitioning to them. You know what I think of your policies, Mr. Geithner? I despise it with every fiber of my being. Yeah, Mama Luke. The policy illustrates the growing cost of being unvaccinated
Starting point is 00:15:25 and wades into deeply controversial territory. The use of immunization status to decide who gets limited medical care. The mere idea of prioritizing the vaccinated for rationed health resources has drawn intense backlash, which it should, as overwhelmingly unvaccinated COVID-19 patients, push some hospitals to adopt crisis standards of care in which health systems can prioritize patients. See, but it's not a fucking emergency like they're making it. Just step back from it all. It's not even about vaccinated, unvaccinated.
Starting point is 00:16:03 It's not about the virus. It's about control. And this is drawing a line. You can see who the globalists are. I saw a clip of Trudeau from Canada. Oh my God. Talk about drunk on power. Bragging, bragging that if you're not vaccinated in Canada,
Starting point is 00:16:21 you're not going to be able to do anything. In which health systems can prioritize patients for scarce resources based largely on their likelihood of survival. Oh, I'm sure there's a ton of people who got organ transplants who dropped dead. Right? You... Why can't the virus slip into the White House and go up that nine-year-old's ass? That's who it's supposed to kill.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Put a nice dose of pangolin piss in his coffee. Anyhow, that's scary stuff, folks. I don't know if that registered with you, but, I mean, eventually, I'm just waiting for, hey, you know, I'm waiting for this, like this building. The woman who runs it, or a politician here and wherever, says anybody who goes to an office building has to
Starting point is 00:17:12 you know. Then what do I do? I do it from my bathroom, that's what. It's much funner that way. Oh, you get your own soundtrack. Anyway, let's move on. Am I almost done? Alright. John Kerry, you know, John Kerry's got the fucking face of Mr. Ed. Says, look at the skull on him. That almost looks like,
Starting point is 00:17:35 I'll say it again. Look, they're pointing at each other. My head's bigger. Mine's bigger. Kerry, I always say this when we show them, but I'm going to say it again. He looks like when the Washington Nationals baseball game, they have that race with the giant president's heads. Look at the skull on this fucking Palomino. John Kerry says Biden literally had not been aware of what led to the United States-France dust-up. You guys know about that, right? We sold nuclear submarines to Australia.
Starting point is 00:18:06 I guess France wanted in on it and shit. So they got pissed, you know. What are they going to do, fucking not send us cheese? You can't hurt us, France. You know what you should do? Go back in memory to World War II and just go, you know what? Let's cut the united states i'm sorry during a monday interview uh with bfm tv uh kerry attempted to smooth over the international
Starting point is 00:18:32 dust up after france expressed it was blindsided by biden's administration no they were blindsided by biden's administration's trilateral agreement between the United States, the UK, and Australia over the exchange of submarine technology. Why are we going to... France, we'll give you the technology. The first thing you'll ask is if the submarine has a reverse. That's a great fucking line. How do I not become more famous? That's a great fucking line.
Starting point is 00:19:03 How do I not become more famous? So much so that it prompted French President Emmanuel Macron to briefly pull ambassador to the United States out of their country. Boy, he showed us. Wow. Wowie. Wow, wowie. Let's take a look at, this this is a horse face jackass explaining why he's to the French guys. How clueless his boss is. And President Biden asked me about it.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And I told him and expressed. You told Joe Biden that it was not the right. He asked me, he said, what's the situation? What are we doing? Exactly. What's going on right now? He had not been aware of that he literally literally what are we doing where what's going on right now transpired and i don't want to go into the details what's going on right now you actually do you watch jojo biden sounds like sounds like he was talking to a couple of Canadian hockey players. Joe Biden, he has two, three brain cells, no? Always use the singular when you're doing a Canadian. I played for the New York Ranger. I had 22 goals last year. I got in three fights. Go out, have 10
Starting point is 00:20:20 beer after the game. Met a girl, two big tit. Now we have nine kids. Carrie said towards the end of the Ten bear after the game, met a girl, two big tit. Now we have nine kid. Kerry said towards the end of the interview, and I don't want to go into details of it, but suffice to say that the president, my president, is very committed. He sounds, how can you say that right after you said he had no clue? But he's committed now, after he fucking got clued in. He's committed to strengthening the relationship and making sure that this is a small event of the past
Starting point is 00:20:51 and moving on to much more important things in the future, like a nice Bordeaux or some type of fucking French dildo for his pig wife. You know that chant? I was thinking, fuck Joe Biden. Don't you think Jill probably started it? Because she doesn't want to see that wrinkled cock. Reactions to the admission weren't good. Climate envoy John Kerry says, I don't know who tweeted this, at POTUS isn't consulted on reactions of key U.S. allies. You know who tweeted that? Senator Bill
Starting point is 00:21:26 Hagedy. He's a Republican. Pretend to say, he said, this could explain disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and Biden administration selling out Eastern Europe allies and NATO and Ukraine while waiving sanctions on Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is all true. If he doesn't know what's going on here, you know, he doesn't know about a lot of other shit. And even when you tell him, you think after the briefings he gets every day, 10 minutes after he leaves, he remembers any of it. I can't even fucking get out of my house. I'm 59.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Where's my keys? Again, again, on Monday, yelling at my wife, where's my cell phone? I was talking on it. I'm not fucking kidding you. You can't handle the truth. I can. If Joe Biden was not aware that France had recalled its ambassador, what else doesn't he know? The Federalist political editor, John Daniel Davidson Davidson similarly wondered. It's actually a good question. It's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. That was Jen Psaki. He didn't know anything. They are using him. They, you know, They are using him.
Starting point is 00:22:47 They, you know, he was always a fool, Biden. He was always, even when he was young, he was known as the dope. But he was never this far fucking left. It's so obvious this isn't his plan. He, boy, they must have got excited when he won, you know, the nomination. Yeah, won. When he stole, you know, the nomination. Yeah, won. When he stole the presidency. And they're using COVID for everything. They used it for the pretext to steal the election.
Starting point is 00:23:13 It's for everything now. And if you don't agree with that, suck my filthy ass, said John Kennedy to the Germans. Well, the Cubans. Hey, guys, I'll be back performing in my bedroom with my wife tonight. If you want to come by with a 12-foot ladder, I'll be back performing stand-up in Florida in just a few weeks. I'm going to be doing four shows at the beautiful Visani Comedy Theater
Starting point is 00:23:39 in Port Charlotte, Florida, on October 28th, 29th, and 30th. If you live in Port Charlotte, Venice, Naples, or Fort Myers, make plans to come out. I love meeting my fans, which I never did when I was younger. Just hated it. Not because I had anything against it. I just, you know, they weren't all my fans. People would wander in and, who's at the funny bar tonight? Also, I'm back at the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, November 12th and 13th. Just added dates early next year
Starting point is 00:24:09 in upstate New York, New Jersey, and on Long Island. And get tickets to all my shows at I mean, at and click on the tour button while you're diddling your button. Click on the tour button while you diddlin' your button.
Starting point is 00:24:31 I wish we could throw it to sports or weather right now. I noticed Savannah doesn't have good drainage after it rains. It reminds me of Westchester, New York, where I'd pay, oh, I don't know how much, in fucking state, county taxes. I mean, ridiculous amounts. And then a homeless guy would take a piss on the sawmill parkway, and it would fucking back up for miles. Same here in Savannah.
Starting point is 00:25:00 It rains for five minutes, and you see people in kayaks backing out of their driveway. What do you say, Unclog Summit? It's the only thing. I love this town, even with the fucking flooding. I love it very much. But what's one thing we could do? Let's get right to this dirty fucking Arab pig face, Rashida Tlaib. What a dumb name. Look at that haircut. It says, I don't like men. What, you going to go into the fucking Great Clips and ask for the clam lapper?
Starting point is 00:25:33 Look at that. She could be an angry shortstop for the Brewers. Fucking horse face. Rashida Tlaib admits lie about mask. You ought to wear the mask all the time. Since you're so proud of your heritage, put the fucking hijab back on. We don't want to see anything but your filthy American-hating eyes. Nick, calm down.
Starting point is 00:25:54 I can't. The Sanka is so good. Guys, you know what Sanka is? All right. Squad member, Rep. Rashida Tlaib. And again, I don't believe she was elected to anything, or Ilhan Omar. The fix is in, globalist twats. Anyways, Rashida Tlaib, you stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt, was caught on camera saying she was only wearing
Starting point is 00:26:20 a mask because she was being tailed by a Republican tracker, whatever that is. The fuck is that, the ghost of Rush Limbaugh in an SUV? The Michigan congresswoman, the walking yeast infection, made the admission while speaking to a maskless attendee at an event in Detroit featuring housing and urban development. That's HUD Secretary Marsha Alakmi some fudge. That's Arsenio Hall. That's fucking Arsenio Hall.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Policies that make you go, hmm. Remember that? Oh, Jesus. Policies that make you go, hmm. I actually like Arsenio. Why he put me on a show three times within like a six-month period. And whaties that make you go, hmm, I actually like Arsenio. Why he put me on his show three times within like a six-month period. And what did that do for me? Well, I moved out to L.A. thinking I was going to be a star.
Starting point is 00:27:12 I told my girlfriend Nancy to fuck off and ended up doing nothing out there and rotting in an apartment on Venice Beach crying into my sheets. I actually called her house. Her father answered at like 3 in the morning. He goes, no, she's down at Cape with some guy named Brian. He knew the whole story. I got caught cheating on her, so he stuck it right up my ass. Anyways, Tlaib told the attendee that she only had the mask on
Starting point is 00:27:38 because of the tracker who was filming the exchange after the person mistakenly thought Tlaib was scolding him for going maskless. Let's take a look's the one unmasked guy. Because I got a Republican tracker. Because I'm a vile twat. We need a translator for that. This is what she said. Oh, not you. The guy thought she was scolding him. Tlaib said, no, no, no, I'm just wearing it, she says, because I've got a Republican tracker here.
Starting point is 00:28:23 That's what she said, and I don't like her. Fucking bitch. Tlaib almost pointed at the tracker filming the pairs exchange in the video first reported by the Washington Free Beacon. The congresswoman came under criticism in August when she was caught maskless on a dance floor in Dearborn, Michigan, while the CDC prevention guidance called for indoor masking due to high coronavirus cases. And, you know, she was dancing like everybody else without a mask. You fucking hypocrite. Do you understand they hate you? Do you understand these politicians?
Starting point is 00:28:59 I used to think even Tucker, I thought he overdid it with how much they disdain us. They can't wait for fucking Whitey to get out of the way. I've been saying this for you. They can't wait for us to get out of the way fast enough. A day before the dance floor controversy, Tlaib had gone after Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky for posting a video encouraging Americans, by the way, he's a doctor and she's a yeast infection, Americans to resist the new COVID-19 guidelines. I'll go with Rand, the doctor's over you,
Starting point is 00:29:32 American hater. Remember after Trump won? She said, we're going to go after that motherfucker. That was her language. You wouldn't talk like that in front of the Taliban, you whore. She probably grew up in Detroit, right? I don't know. Probably Dearborn. Let's move on. La, la, la, la, la. Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da. Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Hound Dog is going to eat that pussy. I don't know where that's from. Who said it? Maybe it was Elvis trying to write the song. How does this line go? Hound Dog going gonna eat that? Nah, it's a little, it's not gonna fly in Vegas. Idaho Lieutenant Governor, I'm a fan of this lady's now, I had never heard of her before this, tries to send National Guard to the border while governor is away. If you guys don't know what a lieutenant governor, it's, you know, it's like a governor,
Starting point is 00:30:46 only not as big as the governor. She's right under the governor or him. So the governor's away and she sends a national guard to the border. And not only that, she bans vaccination mandates. I'm telling you, women Republicans... Oh, and by the way, I don't even know if I pointed out yesterday about the Republicans being in on a lot of the people being shipped all over the place. I forgot to mention that. Maybe it's today's show. I'm very confused. But they're actually in on it, too, as far as giving free shit. So we, you know, don't rely on the Republicans.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Start a new one. Remember the Tea Party? tea party call it the trump stick whatever the fuck where's uh lindsey where's suzy graham been lately you notice he's out of the picture hiding somewhere uh anyways back to this broad she passed vaccination mandate governor brad little Little of Idaho said that when he returns from his trip to the Mexican border, he will rescind executive orders issued by Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeechan. That exempt K-12 schools, universities, and anyone with a conscientious objection from mandated vaccination testing. Good for this broad. Who's with me? Come on.
Starting point is 00:32:07 She's a hero, is she not? Not bad looking either. They're like, what about the governor? Is he going to be mad? But let me tell you the real story, why it's silly. Anyways, Little said on Tuesday evening that, that's the actual governor, there he is, how you doing? That's Buddy Epson in his 40s. Little said on Tuesday evening that he would be rescinding and reversing any actions taken by that dumb bitch. He said, what? You can't talk like that. By the lieutenant governor when
Starting point is 00:32:45 he returned to Idaho on Wednesday and that he had not authorized lieutenant governor to act on his behalf. Well, that's what she's doing when you're gone, acting on your behalf. McGeechin, who is acting governor in Little's absence, announced Tuesday that she had issued an executive order fixing Little's executive order on vaccine passports. I'm liking this broad. She's got major. Stink. McGeechan also tried to deploy the Idaho National Guard to the Mexican border. You told this already!
Starting point is 00:33:26 But was informed by the Idaho National Guard's commanding general that she did not have the powers to activate the troops for that purpose. Then she ordered him shot at sunrise. She said, I am here! I have things to say! She said, I am here. I have things to say. Little was on a visit to the southern border to converse with other Republican governors about the immigration issue when McGeech had issued the executive. Yeah, we already got that from the first three paragraphs. Who the, how the fuck do these people get a journalism degree?
Starting point is 00:34:03 Wow. Why don't you just write in, I don't know what's out there. This is bullshit. It's like me when I used to get an essay. Right? As great comedian Teddy Bergeron said, I wouldn't bring a pencil, I'd bring a shovel.
Starting point is 00:34:17 In the absence of little, McGeechan is the acting governor. I tell his return, I've said that three times. We didn't edit this. This is the fucking how they write now. But here's why
Starting point is 00:34:30 this is so stupid. The two have clashed in the past with McGeechan banning mask mandates while Little was out of the... So she's done this before. In May when he left,
Starting point is 00:34:38 she did the same thing. You think she wants to be governor? Little overturned the ban immediately upon return to the state, calling the backdoor executive order an irresponsible, self-serving political stunt. Now, you're probably saying, why would they have this type of fucking horrible relationship? It says both are Republicans, okay? Listen to how stupid this is.
Starting point is 00:35:05 In Idaho, the governor and lieutenant governor do not run on the same ticket. McGeechan is running against her boss in the 2022. Have you ever heard of who comes up with this shit? I'm voting for her. I can do anything better than you. No, you can't. Yes, I can. No, you can't.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Yes, I can. No, you can't. Yes, I can. Yes, I can. And shut your hole. Make me a BLT. Isn't that kind of a weird system? Hey, guys and ladies and everything in between.
Starting point is 00:35:44 That's right, I do have a trans fan. I did a show up in Maine last year. Hey guys and ladies and everything in between. That's right, I do have a trans fan. I did a show up in Maine last year, or two years ago, a couple years ago. Trans, let me see, he was a boy becoming a woman or the other way around. Either way, it was cute. And him or her they and the her friends which were guys were in a band atomic dynamite i think it was called and they give me a
Starting point is 00:36:14 a fucking you know what a cd to listen to and i'm like oh god this is going to be horrendous he was a lead singer sort of you know kind of in the uh uh in the uh vein of steven tyler only like good like a cute face guy or girl i don't know i'm starting to wonder about myself but my god fucking the guitar work on this thing is wow they were really good anyways that's a long way to go uh i want to ask i want to ask those of you who love the show to become monthly supporters at Could you do that for me, please? Early last year when I was being blocked on YouTube and shadow banned on Twitter, I realized I had to do something if I wanted to keep getting my words out unfiltered and uncensored.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And so we built Thank God, that's my manager, Tommy. He put all the sweat and blood, dealt with all the headaches. So you guys, I could have a place to talk unfiltered. Every day we put the main show out for free on the Comics Gym in its entirety, but we also put out an encore episode every day that you can only get as a monthly supporter. We also send Nick DiPaolo Show merch to subscribers at the $25 level and above.
Starting point is 00:37:34 And starting in November, we are setting up a line where fans can call in and leave a message for me to answer on the air, whether you're a question or a suggestion. This will be only available to those who are monthly supporters on the Comics Gym, and we will email you monthly supporters at the beginning of the next month with instructions on how this is all going to go. Anyways, it's really important to me and to the long-term survival of this show. Just go to and click on any encore episode of the Nick DiPaolo show to become a monthly subscriber I can't thank you guys enough
Starting point is 00:38:10 and it would be greatly appreciated if you did that I mean I got two producers one of them's got a coke problem the other one's got like 11 kids I can only lend them so much money No! No! no, no! No!
Starting point is 00:38:28 I have to meet this kid in person. In our FLA segment today, after demanding that an interloper get off his sprawling lawn, a 90-year-old Florida man twice punched a neighbor in the face, according to the cops who arrested the rowdy 90-year-old for battery and resisting arrest. Police say Thomas Conrad, oh, good old Tommy, there you go. Maybe he's miserable because his wife is dressing him like Charlie Brown.
Starting point is 00:39:06 That dude's fucking shirt makes me look like a cocksucker. Oh, he does not. He looks like he's got a hair across. You know why he's miserable, folks? He's 90. I'm 59. I'm fucking irate about it. It just dawned on me, laying in bed this morning, come this January, which is October,
Starting point is 00:39:25 three, four months away, I'll be 60. Do you understand? I'm on my way to 70. Is that possible? I only have like four white pubes. I don't think police say Thomas Conrad was busted Saturday afternoon following a dispute over
Starting point is 00:39:44 a gardener cutting grass outside his home in Sorrento, a city 30 miles from Orlando. So gets it into a garden. Do you have the audio? Something about a weed whacker and clippings going in his driveway. Conrad's next door neighbor, Jack Henson, 46 years old, told police that his lawn guy was being yelled at by Conrad for being on his property while cutting the grass. Conrad recalled telling the gardener to get off his property. Get off my lawn, you cocksucker spitter.
Starting point is 00:40:22 According to an arrest affidavit, after asking Conrad numerous times to leave them alone, Henson recalled an agitated and aggressive Conrad declared, I should punch you in the face! Henson said he replied, Go ahead, but I wouldn't advise it or police will get called. Cops allege that Conrad then punched Henson twice in the face. You shit-kicking, stinky horseman who's smelling motherfucker, you. What's the idea?
Starting point is 00:41:00 idea. When police later arrived at Comrade's residence, a $770,000 3,288 square foot home. Look at that. It's beautiful. In the gated Redtail Country Club community, talk
Starting point is 00:41:20 about an old cranky white guy. This is what they love to focus on. He was resting and did not want to be disturbed when the cops came to his house. His 89-year-old wife told deputies. After his spouse convinced him to speak with the cops, Conrad recalled telling the guard to get off his lawn. You can't, how many times have you heard that?
Starting point is 00:41:40 He claimed that Henson told him to punch him in the face and at that time he punched him twice on the left side of his face. What's the idea? Deputies then asked Conrad if someone was to ask him to shoot them, would he do it? The retiree replied that I would have shot him. Don't you move, you motherfucker, I'll blow your brains out! Conrad, cops noted, advised he did nothing wrong because the victim asked him to punch him in the face. He said, Judge Judy would side with me! No. When cops tried to explain
Starting point is 00:42:22 that he had committed a battery, Conrad told him to get the fuck out of my house and began to walk away. Oh, he's a handful. Can you blame him? Who wants to be that old? Fucking A. As deputies sought to take Conrad into custody, he allegedly balled up his fist and refused to place his hands behind his back, probably because he's got plastic shoulders. After being handcuffed, Conrad was booked into the county jail for battery and resisting police, both misdemeanors. Conrad was freed from custody Saturday evening after his wife put a file in a lemon cake. And he scaled a 40-foot wall on some tied-up sheets.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Anyways, after posting $2,000 bond, he's scheduled for arraignment on October 13th, and a judge has ordered him to have no contact with Henson. I don't think that's going to be a problem. What do you think, he's going to go over and borrow sugar? Hey, Tony, greasy cocks, you're going to
Starting point is 00:43:24 get off my lawn! Your private property, you motherfucker. I want to thank people like Nicholas Anderson of Ohio for contributing. Also Brian Boyd of California. Thomas Padgett, Ohio. Of course, Paul Sagnello in Connecticut. John Huffman from Massachusetts. Buddy Sean Powell in Florida. David Hertz of California. Ed Midgley of Rhode Island. He gave us a large donut. Ed, thank you so much. I didn't know you were selling cokes.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Oh, yeah. Let's move on. Final story? Yes sir Final story Ladies and gentlemen Of the week I can't wait to get my week started I'm gonna do Pilates when I get home
Starting point is 00:44:21 Young boy like you Ought not to hear language like that I had me some french fries Young boy like you ought not to hear language like that. I have me some french fries. What do you want, the small or the large? How much is the small? 50 cents, large 75. I reckon I'll take the big ones.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I'm doing something that was popular 38 years ago. Final story tonight. Kids now, too, as they had it. On Tuesday, jerk-off Joe Biden, fake president, liar, Marxist cocksucker, traveled to Howell, Michigan, where he touted his ridiculous $3.5 trillion infrastructure plan. How can you tout something that people in your party think is fucking crazy? Oh, that's right. You probably haven't been informed yet.
Starting point is 00:45:15 You're just reading off the teleprompter. Schmuck. While traveling to his destination in Michigan, Biden was met, as we told you yesterday, by thousands of Trump supporters with Fuck Joe Biden flags and signs as he drove by. There was a funny meme. Did you see it online yesterday? It's a picture of Biden. He's on his phone. He goes, a lot of people want to have sex with me.
Starting point is 00:45:36 And there's Obama saying, that's not what Fuck Joe Biden means. He's got his hands like this. The adults weren't the only ones heckling Biden. School children were also chanting, fuck Joe Biden. It does give you a little hope. You know what I mean? Maybe there's kids that aren't buying all this horse shit in school. Fuck Joe Biden from their school bus.
Starting point is 00:45:59 How about a hand for them kids? Come on now. Fuck you and fuck you. Who's next? Guess Kamala Harris was there. Let's show the video of these lovely kids. Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden!
Starting point is 00:46:14 Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Joe Biden! La la la la la. I think they were saying, fuck Jill Biden. Have you seen her? She's lost a few pounds.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Fuck Jill Biden. No, you fuck him. He's a real horse's patoot. But that gives us hope. Because those kids, you know they're getting all the left-wing horse shit. They're told they're evil because they're white boys and whatnot. I love Michigan. It is.
Starting point is 00:46:50 It's a real all-American Ted Nugent type, you know what I mean? Gave us great rock and roll and used to play a club called Joey's in Lamonia. I used to play the Detroit Comedy Castle, which was the main room. But apparently I made a joke about Michael Jackson being a pedophile when everybody was talking about that while I was doing morning radio, and they wouldn't have me back. But I don't think that was it. I think I was just a little too edgy. Anyhow, that is it, right? That's it, kids.
Starting point is 00:47:22 That is it for the week. I want to thank you again. Don't forget if you can become a monthly supporter, that would be great because there are perks to it. And we need it. We need it. And we need shows like this.
Starting point is 00:47:37 And watch Greg Gutfeld every night. He's doing a bang-up job crushing the competition because everybody's sick of that woke shit. Anyways,,, check my tour dates, and if you want me to roast a friend or relative. You remember seeing me on the Comedy Central roast. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:47:58 I was pretty vicious, and I'd like to take those skills and apply them to your fat sister. So go to and tell me about the person. I'll make a video on my phone, a minute, minute and a half, and we'll have some fun with it. You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo Bye.

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