The Nick DiPaolo Show - Lying Leftists Lambaste Kavanaugh #227

Episode Date: September 16, 2019

Kyle Reyes joins the show. Kavanaugh back in the Left's radar. Iran barks up wrong tree.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The End Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! guitar solo Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Richie Castellano on that 16th fret. You know what that means? Welcome to the show on a Monday.
Starting point is 00:01:20 How are you, folks? Big show for you. Got a great guest today. Kyle Reyes. Very impressive dude. He came up with a snowflake test. You've probably seen him on Fox News. Very impressive guy. Can't wait to talk to him at the bottom of the hour, as we say in radio.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Shout-outs real quick. These are contributions. Thank you so much to Larry Kruger, to Herschel Beck, and we got a new veto, which is what, the $50 level or something? Brian Davis. Thank you guys so much. Contributions go to or wherever.
Starting point is 00:01:54 You can make them all over the place. And I need the cash, obviously. Look at the necktie. Rich has a $300 necktie. I found this behind a dumpster at Kroger's. What? We're coming to you live, ladies and gentlemen, and as we always do.
Starting point is 00:02:13 We'll do it live! Fuck it! Do it live! I'll write it, and we'll do it live! God damn right you will. What the hell's going on out here? Don't forget this show. We drop it again at 7 p.m. tonight. So tell your friends who can't watch it live, spread the word and somebody spreading the word. Why do you say that, Nick? Because YouTube subscribers, I'll repeat these numbers. This is what I'm excited about.
Starting point is 00:02:38 14,000 in January. We had today 90,000 plus.. So something is going on, okay? And Breath of Fresh Air is going through the roof. It's like 10,000 views every 24 hours or something. It's crazy. You know, Chappelle came out with a special, so people wanted to interview me. I did something with the Daily Caller. Look it up. And Glenn Beck Show, obviously.
Starting point is 00:03:02 So Breath of Fresh Air, we're going to have a million views by Halloween, I think. And when you see a clip online that's at a million views, it's usually been up there for a few years. This fucker in five months, it's done more for me. And I can't thank you fans enough. You really do make it worthwhile. Hey, bad weekend as far as rock and roll goes. First, you know, Eddie Money. Eddie Money.
Starting point is 00:03:32 He gone. That bummed me out. Bye-bye. And, you know, I'm listening. I hear the announcement, Eddie Money goes, right? And I love Eddie's stuff. And, by the way, he wasn't a cop official in New York. He was a trainee, but close enough.
Starting point is 00:03:48 His heart was in the right place. So he goes, and then last night, Rick Ocasek of the Cars passes away. He's gone, and we couldn't do nothing about it. Rick Ocasek of the Cars, a Boston band, by the way.
Starting point is 00:04:03 You know, Aerosmith, J-Gals, just to mention a few Boston bands. The Cars are as good as any of them. And the other thing he was known for, he was going out with Pauline Portsokova, who was the supermodel at the time in the 80s. She was the piece of ass on the planet. And this guy, the Joan Jetwig, there he is. And I'm sick of hearing how shallow men are. You're going to tell me if Paulina there, if Rick Ocasek was working at the city dump
Starting point is 00:04:30 or a bus driver, she would have been fucking him? Come on. I don't want to hear anymore how shallow fucking guys are. This guy was not a piece of ass, let's be honest. Looks like Elizabeth Warren.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Look at her. It's like I bite your eye. But they're both gone, and they both will be missed. I'm in the car, and they announce Eddie Money passing. And then I get in the car the next day, and I'm listening to, what, Hits of the 80s, you know, satellite, whatever the fuck. What do you call it, Sirius, the company he used to work for? And the guy comes on.
Starting point is 00:05:03 This is after they announced that he passed away. The next day, apparently, they didn't edit the thing. The guy goes, any money is going to be at the so-and-so. And they go, he just got out of the hospital. I hope he's all right. No. Bye-bye. Anyways, they will be missed.
Starting point is 00:05:20 True fucking legends, both of them. Let's get to it. Hey, the Democrats, democrats once again just showing what they're all about zero ideas no ideas about fixing immigration health care it's all about going after trump and now they're going back they want to impeach not only trump they want to impeach brett kavanaugh now this is the latest this weekend they are making it so easy for trump to win in 2020 a growing number of Democrat presidential candidates and groups are lining up behind calls to impeach Supreme Court Justice
Starting point is 00:05:51 Brett Kavanaugh after the New York Times reported that the FBI did not follow up on a woman's story that he pulled his pants down and thrust his penis at her at a college party. That boy is a P-I-G pig. The report came from a forthcoming book written by, oh, two New York Times reporters titled The Education of Brett Kavanaugh. Sounds like he's educating them, actually. The first of the candidates to call for Kavanaugh's impeachment was former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro, who plucks his eyebrows like a bitch. I don't know who
Starting point is 00:06:25 I hate more now. Hillary, you're like fourth, I swear to God. I'm not kidding. Beto O'Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, tied for first. No, tied, three-way tie. And this guy. He tweeted on Saturday, Castro did. It's more clear than ever that Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath. He should be impeached, is what this guy said... I suck cock, and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. He said that, too. I don't know if that's going to help him, but with the LGBT, you know, I'm sure. He also called for Congress to investigate the Justice Department for failing to properly investigate the matter. Then they all jumped on the bandwagon. The second candidate to call for Kavanaugh's impeachment was Senator Kamala Harris,
Starting point is 00:07:05 who was a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. This is Kamala Harris. This is the attorney, former Attorney General of California, who put people in jail for weed, kept people in jail that shouldn't have been in jail, and used them as cheap labor for the state of California. And she's saying this guy is not fit to be a Supreme Court justice. And could you be more fucking... Fucking hypocrite. Yeah, exactly. She said, I sat through those hearings.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Brett Kavanaugh lied to the U.S. Senate, most importantly to the American people. He was put on the court through a sham process. Sham process? There was over a million documents. It was the longest vetting of any Supreme Court member ever. What sham process are you talking about? And his place on the court is an insult to the pursuit of truth and justice. How would you know? He must be impeached. And then shortly after, see how they all follow the party
Starting point is 00:07:56 line? You see how they get right in line? They get their marching orders from the New York Times or whoever. Somebody's got a book out. Here's what we want you to say. It's so transparent. Elizabeth Warren, the titless wonder from Massachusetts who's won one zillionth Cherokee because 23andMe found a kernel of corn in her shit. Now she's
Starting point is 00:08:17 screaming eagle. She called for Kavanaugh's impeachment. She says last year, Kavanaugh nomination was rammed through the Senate without a thorough examination. Are you fucking – without a thorough examination? What other Supreme Court person went through this kind of vetting of the allegations against him? Confirmation is not exoneration. And these newest revelations are disturbing.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Like the man who appointed him, Kavanaugh should be impeached. This is what the, uh, the, uh, I just don't like her either. She makes me, uh. You fucking whore. Wow. What a filthy mouth for a little bookworm. And then the big girl, Beto O'Rourke, how this guy's still relevant. Talk about empty suits.
Starting point is 00:09:04 A Democrat texted shortly after also called for Kavanaugh impeachment. He tweeted, yesterday we learned of another accusation against Brett Kavanaugh. First of all, stupid, it's not another accusation. This came out during the hearings. I'll get to the details in a second why I believe they're wrong. why I believe they're wrong. One we didn't find out about before he was confirmed because the Senate forced the FBI to rush its investigation to save his nomination.
Starting point is 00:09:30 We know he lied under oath. He should be impeached. Really? Did Hillary lie under oath? Tech, you go home and play with your skateboard, you cheese eater. Fucking. You're lying.
Starting point is 00:09:44 And you're a piece of shit And then my favorite Bernie Sanders said you know all these other Cocksuckers are jumping in I'm gonna jump in too As a federal judge who overwhelmingly Sided with the corporate power in Wall Street Brett Kavanaugh Should I had phlegm I had some dairy this morning
Starting point is 00:10:00 You know how Jews and dairy Brett Kavanaugh should never have been Nominated Supreme Court Justice not above the law. Someone who sits in judgment over the nation should have the highest integrity, he tweeted, and then he passed out. Get this through your head, you. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. The revelations today confirm what we already know. During his hearing kevin
Starting point is 00:10:25 i face credible accusations and likely like the congress i support any appropriate constitutional mechanism to hold him accountable he tweeted he sort of danced around the issue he didn't come out with impeachment because he's smarter than the other fools that uh but this stuff is all a bunch of horse hockey um the new york times Robin Porgeman and Katie Kelly report in an article that appears in Sunday's print edition. Jesus, you hear that? Can you guys hear that? That's what happens. That's what happens when you eat pulled pork with hot sauce that's called pain is good before you go to bed
Starting point is 00:11:03 and three Little Debbies and a half a bag of corn chips. I was passing stuff from third grade this morning, but I digress. Listen, this is what they say. We also uncovered a previously unreported story about Mr. Kavanaugh in his freshman year that echoes Ms. Deborah Romero's allegation. Romero's allegation. A classmate, Max Steyer, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. They pushed his penis into a chick's hand. That sounds like something that would need a review in an NFL game. Let's take a look at that for the fifth time. It's a legal push in the back. Let's take a look at that for the fifth time.
Starting point is 00:11:44 It's a legal push in the back. Mr. Steyer, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the FBI about this account. But the FBI did not investigate, and Mr. Steyer has declined to discuss it publicly. I wonder why. But these two broads say we corroborated this story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Steyer. But here's the important part. The Times story, well, this is one of the best. Huffington Post reports was marred somewhat by a tweet sent by the New York Times Twitter account to promote the story that they claimed. And this was the tweet said, having a penis thrust into your face at a drunken dorm party may seem like harmless fun.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Of course, they were saying that dick and, I mean, tongue in cheek. And can you imagine being that politically fucking, they were being sarcastic there. It's coming from New York, and even they got blowback from libs, you know. Then the Times deleted the tweet and apologized, okay? Molly Hemingway, she's a conservative. She's on Fox News all the time. She's just really thorough, and
Starting point is 00:12:47 she hates liberals more than I do. Molly Hemingway, a senior editor at the Federalist who has written her own book on the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, tweeted Sunday that the Times reporter's own book contradicts the claim in the article because the alleged
Starting point is 00:13:03 victim, Ms. Ramirez, does not even recall the event. New York Times reported an essay about a supposed second Yale incident, omitted their own book reporting that completely undercuts it. Alleged victim denies any memory of it. This isn't new news. They must be really desperate over there. But what they're trying to do, folks, you know what's behind all this? So now anytime Brett Kavanaugh rules on abortion and stuff,
Starting point is 00:13:35 that's going to undercut his opinion, number one. Number two, like Deke pointed out and a few other people, they're just worried. You know, fucking Ruth Bader Ginsburg, she's going to drop dead, you know fucking ruth beta ginsburg she's gonna drop dead you know buttering an english muffin and uh they're afraid trump's gonna throw another one on and uh that's just how it goes it's timing but the point is the woman supposedly the victim doesn't recall if it was brett or not now we have a whole book on it and again the mainstream media takes its marching.
Starting point is 00:14:05 But nobody did a worse job covering this than MSNBC. That should surprise a guy named Jason Johnson. He actually said Kavanaugh is the fifth guy in the gang rape. Let's, you know, Sunday on MSNBC's AM Joy, which is hilarious. She's a homophobic black woman on MSNBC. Hates gay people. She knows. They've dug up shit from her old blogs.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Network political analyst Jason Johnson said Justice Kavanaugh was likely the fifth guy in the gang rape. In light of a New York Times report about Kavanaugh's potential involvement in unwanted sexual contact. That's their take on it. You're raping me. This is rape. This is rape. This is rape. That was the reporting. Here's Mr. Johnson on MSNBC. Then you have the thousands of legal documents, right? Things that he wrote in the Bush
Starting point is 00:14:56 administration that Republicans wouldn't turn forward. Then you have a history of sexual assault. I said last year, Joy, I've never heard of a guy who's a one-time rapist. I've never heard of a guy who's a one-time sexual assaulter. I grew up with guys like this. He's from around this area, right? He's the fifth guy in a gang rape, okay? He's the guy who comes in after he's drunk because everybody else encourages him. He can get away with it. He's been pretty much covered his entire life.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And now he's on the Supreme Court where he can move that same despicable, misogynistic attitude that he's gotten away with his entirely cowardly life to the greatest misogynist of all, which is the President of the United States. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his entirely cowardly life to the greatest misogynist of all, which is the president of the United States. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Don't you love how he broad brushes white guys? I grew up with guys like this. He's like the fifth guy in a gang rape.
Starting point is 00:15:38 His ass has been covered his own life. In other words, a privilege. Well, if you grew up with him, then you were privileged, too. First of all, you're whiter than I am. I can tell by your suits and how you talk. But I love how they can talk freely about race and say that. And unbelievable. How the fuck is MSNBC or CNN still on the air?
Starting point is 00:15:58 Just a propaganda machine for the DNC. So that's what they said on that show. And like I said, these are old allegations. When somebody's being accused of something and they can't remember for sure or not if it was him, God, things have changed. Well, I bet you Kavanaugh was in college when I was. Is he younger than me, older than me?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Right around the same time. To thrust a penis towards a girl's hand? I saw a lot worse. I saw guys fucking cutting a hole in a pumpkin and having sex with it. Well, that's not worse, but I'm just saying. I mean, aye, aye, aye. So, it's, again, the Democrats showing how desperate. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:16:40 He's 54. He's 54. He's three years younger than me. So, where's Ms. Ramirez? Is He's three years younger than me. So, uh, where's Ms. Ramirez? Is she gonna come out? Is she gonna, and why didn't Mr. Steyer, or Steyer, whatever his name is, why didn't he comment? This is a whole
Starting point is 00:16:54 book about this. Now it's gonna sell zillions. Because, uh, you know, anyhow. Like, they don't have better shit to do. Staying on the political news, United States blames Iran for attack on Saudi oil fields. Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!
Starting point is 00:17:19 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blamed Iran for coordinated strikes on the heart of Saudi Arabia's oil industry, saying they marked an unprecedented attack on the world's energy supply. Iran-allied Houthi rebels, they're from Minneapolis. You saw what they did to a white guy. I'll show that tomorrow, that clip. It enraged me so much I couldn't get to it. Iran-allied Houthi rebels in neighboring Yemen claimed credit for the attack, saying they sent 10 drones to strike important facilities in Saudi Arabia's oil-rich eastern province.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Are we being bombed by the Saudis right now? But Mr. Pompeo said there was no evidence the strikes had come from Yemen. In a tweet, he said the U.S. will work with allies to ensure that energy markets remain well supplied and Iran is held accountable for its aggression. He added that the strikes showed Iran wasn't serious about diplomacy. You are correct, sir. Here's my take on this. Fuck Saudi Arabia. Ever since 9-11, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:18:19 And now we supposedly, because of fracking and other things that the Green New Deal would get rid of, we are the world exporter in natural gas, and we have more shit going on energy-wise than the Saudis. We don't need them anymore. That might be an overstatement, a little bit of a simplification, but I don't think we do. They're the ones who hit us on 9-11. They were Saudis, okay? They're filthy, too.
Starting point is 00:18:51 They have, you know, they still, you know, stone gay people to death and cut your hands off if you're shoplifting, which I don't have a problem with that. Imagine doing that, though, in this country. You'd be, you'd see a thousand black stumps at a bodega what what do you say nick um but uh but the saudi is scum too uh you know let them fend for themselves if trump should make a deal we want oil if we need oil from you we want it at one tenth the price that you give it and uh, you know, we'll protect you. Trump called the prince and said, you know, what up, man?
Starting point is 00:19:36 Mr. Pompeo didn't explain how the United States believes Iran was to blame. Well, because he has, you know, he gets briefed on this shit. Well, where the strikes originated. But Iran-backed militias in Iraq have previously been responsible for targeting Saudi Arabia's oil industry. Meanwhile, Saudi and American officials are investigating the possibility that attacks on Saudi oil facilities Saturday involved cruise missiles launched from where else, Iraq or Iran. Okay? This is nothing.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Durka, Muhammad Jihad. Haka Sherpa Sherpa. A bakala. Said Mr. Pompeo. He doesn't need a translator. The production shutdown amounts to a loss of 5.7 million barrels a day, the kingdom's national oil company said. Roughly 5% of the world's daily production of crude oil.
Starting point is 00:20:21 The strikes marked the latest in a series of attacks on the country's petroleum assets in recent months as tensions rise among Iran and its proxies like the Hutus and the Houthis and the U.S. and partners like Saudi Arabia. The attacks could drive up oil prices if the Saudis can't turn production back on quickly and potentially rattle investors' confidence in initial public offering Saudi Aramco, the national oil company. Who cares? Let them starve over there, I say. They're terrorists. You know, they have these, I forget what, madrasas.
Starting point is 00:20:53 That's what it is, madrasas. Those are schools for, like, middle-aged school kids, teaching them how evil Jews are. This shit still goes on over there. Look it up, Deke. You'll shit your pants. They're horrible people. And so was Iran, by the way. And I think really we should turn the place, like I said, into
Starting point is 00:21:11 a Costco. Just carpet fucking bomb, all of that. Nick, that's ridiculous. Innocent people will die. Yes, that's true. That's what happens. President Trump called Saudi Arabia's day-to-day ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed, I guess he wasn't busy killing journalists, Mohammed bin Salman on Saturday, said the U.S. was ready to cooperate with the kingdom in supporting its security and stability. Mr. Rouhani, that's the Iran leader,
Starting point is 00:21:43 won't meet with Mr. Trump until the U.S. lifts sanctions imposed after the president pulled out of the 2015 international nuclear deal. Best thing he ever did. Mr. Trump has supported Saudi Arabia's leader in the war against Yemen at a time when many U.S. lawmakers have soured on the conflict and grown impatient when the kingdom's crown prince. I sort of agree with him on that. I just don't like the fucking Saudis. 9-11 was enough. We should do, isn't that enough? If that's not enough to break your, break your friendship,
Starting point is 00:22:11 killing 3,000 Americans, you know, that's not enough to fucking, yeah, yeah, yeah, what a filthy hole we live in. Anyway, Saturday's attack was the largest yet claimed by the Houthis in terms of its overall impact on the Saudi economy. The attack hit hundreds of miles away from their Yemen stronghold. Even before Pompeo tweeted, analysts cautioned against accepting the Houthi claim of responsibility at face value. An attack in May on a Saudi oil pumping station, it was a Sunoco, what? Which Saudi officials initially blamed on the Houthis and Iran. Later,
Starting point is 00:22:47 it turned out to have been launched by Iranian backed militia in Iraq. I don't care where it came from. Yemen? Well, fucking Iraq or Iran. We know who's behind it. This is a proxy war. Okay? And this is what Iran said. Iran says
Starting point is 00:23:04 it's ready for war with the United States after Saudi oil attack accusations. They're ready for it. Iranian Foreign Minister spokesman Abbas Mousavi said Washington had adopted a maximum pressure strategy against Iran. But because of its failure, the U.S. is leaning towards maximum lies. Ooh, he can turn a phrase, can't he, Jason? It's a regular fucking Shakespeare there. You know what I say to him? You need to shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:23:36 His remarks came as the senior commander in Iran's Revolutionary Guard said America's military bases and aircraft carriers, which are stationed up to 1,243 miles around Iran, were within the range of Iranian missiles. Yeah, but that means if they're only 1,243 miles away, is that your point? You know what they're going to do? They're going to lob a couple scuds at us. That fucking George Bush Sr. sold them. That'll be the extent of that. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:24:14 Emmerali Hajada was also quoted by a Tasnim news agency as saying that Iran is... Oh, all right. Holy shit. Didn't I say ceasefire? Always been ready for a full-fledged war without mentioning Saturdays. You've always been ready. Then bring it on, you cheesy fucking homiciders.
Starting point is 00:24:33 You're not ready for war. You're living in the fucking Old Testament. I see how you dress. Did you see? Who came out with the Toronto Raptors? They came out with a hijab for their fans now. Oh, my God. Please let me find another country, a world planet to live on.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Nothing says dunking behind your head like a hijab. For their fans, for the four Muslim broads. Go ahead, Rich. Suck the life out of them. And didn't they already piss Trump off with Khashoggi? Did, huh? When they off with Khashoggi? Huh? When they tortured John Khashoggi? Trump's take on that was like,
Starting point is 00:25:12 we don't know for sure. He had to play the game. Again, because of oil and energy. So, the Saudis are fucking filthy. Okay? If you don't believe it, look at their right hand after they go to the bathroom. Anyways, I... What? Nick, that's an old stereotype. Is it really? Yes, after they go to the bathroom. Anyways, I... What? Nick, that's an old stereotype. Is it really?
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yes, it is. Sure it is. No, it is not. Durka, Durka. Muhammad Jihad. Haka Sherpa Sherpa. Abakala. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a guest as we usually do on Mondays because you guys deserve it.
Starting point is 00:25:43 This guy is a hero, man. I've seen him on Fox News, and I'm jealous of guys. They make things happen. They actually have an impact on the world, as I sit here just zinging people in the back of an Applebee's in Savannah. But this guy is the sharpest attack. You've seen him on TV before. He's the chief executive officer of the Silent Partner Marketing, a full-service marketing agency that works with some of the biggest and most patriotic brands in America. He is also the national spokesman for law enforcement today, one of the largest online organizations of police officers and supporters in America.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Ray sits on the Federal Task Force on School and Workplace Shootings, dubbed Operation Innocence. It's made up of entrepreneurs, business leaders, combat veterans, school administration, parents, and law enforcement officers across the country focused on implementing common sense solutions to stop school shootings. If that's, he's got a million other things on his resume I could mention. But please welcome my guest, Kyle Reyes. Kyle, what's going on? What's up, brother? Thank you for doing the show, man. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I've seen you on Fox News, and I love what you're all about. First, let me clarify this. I went to the University of Maine. I was a marketing major and a 2.3. So anyways, that's what I know about marketing. That was my GPA. I belonged to a fraternity. I was chasing broads and playing football. It's literally what I know about marketing. That was my GPA. I belonged to a fraternity. I was chasing broads and playing football.
Starting point is 00:27:07 It's literally what I know least about. So, you know, and my brother's a head of marketing, time on a cable for years. He's semi-retired, two years younger than me. So I could have used you earlier in my career. I'd be way more famous. But let me ask you, you work, you said, with patriotic company. What are some of the companies that your agency works with to market their brand?
Starting point is 00:27:29 Yeah, the whole idea of the silent partner is that we can't really tell you who we work with. But I can tell you, I'll give you a few examples. Oh, that's what you meant. All right. I missed that totally. Okay. I'm sure you've heard of Bottle Breacher, Navy SEAL sniper. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:43 He was on Shark Tank. Yes. Yeah. I'm sure you've heard of Bottle Breacher, Navy SEAL sniper, who turns 50-pound bullets into bottle openers. He was on Shark Tank. Yes. Yeah, just a bunch of super patriotic, America-loving, God-fearing, whiskey-drinking, bacon-eating infidels tend to make up a good portion of our fire. So you have to do this silently. Tell the people why you have to do this silently. Well the people why you have to do this silently. Well, I mean, obviously I'm pretty controversial.
Starting point is 00:28:09 A lot of people have heard about the snowflake test that our company runs out to make sure that we don't have whiny and entitled snowflakes working for us. I'm going to get to that. Yeah. Go ahead. Sorry. Yeah. But, you know, what it comes down to is that most of the companies that we work with want to give the perception that they are doing all of their marketing internally. So we do all of their videos, their social media, their media buying, their advertising, graphic design, you name it.
Starting point is 00:28:33 What does it say about this country where we are in 2019 that you have to be silent about it? What does it say to you? I think that this political correctness that we're experiencing right now, America is like a wildfire burning out of control. And it's scary because we there's no stopping it. We are at such an extreme polarization right now that I think a lot of people are left sitting there going, where the hell are we going? What's going to happen to our country? what's going to happen to our country. I, and here's the point, people, that polarization, I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:29:11 and I know I'm going to sound very biased here, but they always say both sides are to blame. No, the right is reacting to the censorship and the political correctness coming from the left. It's a reaction. So I don't want to hear both sides. They always equivocate these people. Oh, both sides are to blame. Bullshit.
Starting point is 00:29:26 The left is fucking wrong right now, and the right is right. You know, I agree. I think Daddy T nailed it when he talked about the silent majority, right? He talked about people who are sitting there because we are afraid to talk about our love for our country. If you express love for country, for law enforcement, for our military, all of a sudden that's somehow equated with you being a sexist, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic. I mean, you name it. The extremes that we've gone to, to tell people who love their country that they are bad people because they have conservative values or because they actually believe in law and order. I mean, it's mind-blowing. It reminds me of something that my grandmother used to say, God rest her soul.
Starting point is 00:30:07 She said, America's going to hell in a handbasket. And I always sort of laughed at her. And now I think she might have been right, man. And we're talking to Kyle Reyes. The reason, look, we know that the left, the libs, have infested all the major institutions, whether it be, you know, Hollywood or academia. How do we in the media, mainstream media, how do we reverse that? I mean, we have a couple of right.
Starting point is 00:30:31 You know, we have Mark Levin. We have right wing talk radio and we have Fox News. But that's about it. Isn't it going to take forever to turn this ship around? What's how do we expedite? So I'll tell you what, man, it scares the hell out of me, and I'll tell you why. Because you talk about the infiltration, right? We know that communism, for example, is a slow process.
Starting point is 00:30:53 It's a slow infiltration of Hollywood and the education system. But I think what we have right now is something that's much more sinister. We have Google, we have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, all of these major platforms aren't just censoring what we say, but they are actively going after companies who believe in constitutional values. Google right now, nobody knows this, but Google is systematically shutting down the ad campaigns for a lot of big corporations that have bulletproof vests, weapon-mounted lights, weapon holsters, because Congress is no longer needed for gun control. Democrats have effectively weaponized corporate America. Not to mention that they control all the information that we get on the internet and elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:31:42 And everybody's worrying about the outside threats for the next election, China and Russia. When it's fucking Google, they're working hand-in-hand with the Chinese government to censor people over there. That's a country that was born in this country. I mean, it doesn't get worse than that. No, I mean, so many of our law enforcement officers, our military, they took a vow to protect America
Starting point is 00:32:03 against enemies. And I think we see right now a big threat domestically. I want to apologize. We're having a little bit of a breakup on some of the audio. So, folks, it's Skype. But you sit, I want to know more about this national, you're the national spokesman for law enforcement today, the largest online organization, police officers. And what do you do for them specifically there? national spokesman for law enforcement today, the largest online organization, police officers.
Starting point is 00:32:30 And what do you do for them specifically there? Can you say that without getting in trouble? I can. I could definitely say that. So I was tapped to be the national spokesman because I could do one thing that cops can't do. I can run my mouth and no agency can fire me. And so the law enforcement today is one of the largest online homes for law enforcement supporters in America. And the truth is that our officers don't have a voice like you and I do, brother. They can't speak out because they don't have the First Amendment in the same way that we do. They'll lose their jobs. They'll lose their ability to protect their community, to provide for their family. And so I'm simply here to be a catalyst to share their stories and to make sure we just have right before this interview. We had this guy, Drew Stokes, and he's an officer in Jacksonville, Florida.
Starting point is 00:33:11 He's with CBP also. He was shot five times. He was ambushed. It's a miracle he's alive. That guy can't talk about these stories and share the details of his agency and what he really thinks about what's happening in society, because he'll lose his job. Not to mention you've got mayors like de Blasio who have, you know, I mean, he's the top. I mean, the cops hate him. And you see there's a backlash. You know, you see cops in Chicago. They won't get out of their cars now because they'll be held personally responsible. I mean, they're reversing everything that made this country great
Starting point is 00:33:45 uh law and order it's it's unbelievable to me and um you know de blasio and a bunch of other mayors the asshole in oregon another one who sits by when antifa comes in and starts bashing people well i mean there you have a natural conflict of interest in portland oregon right where you have the mayor is the police commissioner who arguably hates cops. You know, I think that we have a much bigger problem here that we're afraid to talk about. So everyone fights over the red flag laws, right? I actually would suggest that red flag laws aren't about guns at all. It's much more sinister than that. The right has traditionally supported law enforcement. They're sort of tied
Starting point is 00:34:25 at the hip, right? Like you're a conservative, you believe in standing behind those who support the law. But red flag laws have now taken people who historically support law enforcement and now are fearing for their own rights and are now starting to view law enforcement as being simply an arm of the government. So how do you divide law enforcement from supporters so that you could pass more legislation to tie the hands of cops, like we see in California and the People's Republic of Connecticut, where I'm from, you pass things like red flag laws. Yeah, and for those of you who don't know what a red flag law is, the government has the right to confiscate your guns before convicting you of anything. That's the gist of it.
Starting point is 00:35:06 It couldn't be more anti-Second Amendment. Let's get to what makes everybody knows you for, and this is brilliant. This concept should be implied at every business across the country because we live in such a soft world. The snowflake test. When Kyle hires people to work for him, he gives them a little test to see what type of people they are. And he gives them a little test to see what type of people they are and he
Starting point is 00:35:27 dislikes the same people I do little entitled snowflakes who we read about every day who get triggered and if they see if a guy has a playboy calendar in his fucking office you know the girl fucking says she was raped these type of people okay I oversimplified it but here's some
Starting point is 00:35:43 of the questions on the snowflake test. So he wants to hire people who believe in this country and what's good, and they're not entitled and pampered, and there's a lot of that. I don't want to blame millennials, but, you know, you've been brainwashed by the media, and you're a little soft. Here's some of the questions. Let's see uh outside of standard benefits what benefits should a company offer employees now have you had any snowflakes answer that in
Starting point is 00:36:15 typical snowflake fashion what do they say and like the job we've paid vacation a hundred thousand dollars a year, starting salary. We had someone. Now, the irony is that we have a personal caterer and we have a gym trainer, and yet we were told that those should be standard for all employees. Massage therapy, therapy dogs, therapy dogs. If anyone, oh, therapy ducks. That was another thing somebody asked.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I swear, man, you can't make this stuff up. I told someone that if they brought a therapy duck in here, I swear to God I'm going to cook it and eat it in front of them. Oh, no, that would be appropriating Chinese food. You'd be in deep shit. Let me see what else here. How often should employees get raises? What was some of the answers to that one from the snowflake?
Starting point is 00:37:06 One of the people who said that we should have unlimited vacation time felt that they should be assessed for raises every week. And I told them that they're actually assessed for raises every single day, as in if you suck at your job, you're fired. That's that's an assessment right there for a raise. As in, if you suck at your job, you're fired. That's an assessment right there for a raise. Yeah, it's about production. You know, if you're productive, well, think about giving your raise. How about the minimum wage?
Starting point is 00:37:35 They must give you some good ones here. I mean, people at Wendy's want to be paid, you know, 48 bucks a week. I mean, excuse me, an hour. Excuse me. I was like, I'll do 48 bucks a week. I'm in on that. Big slip on my part. What was some of the answers there for minimum wage? They didn't look at it so much hourly.
Starting point is 00:37:53 They have the expectation that $15 an hour is minimum wage nationally. It was more of a minimum wage should start at $75,000 a year. And then I started laughing, and then they left and threatened to sue us. And nobody did because you can't actually win a lawsuit over something like that. $75,000 a year. It's like, yeah, but you'll be cleaning out toilets. I don't give a shit. I want $75,000. Here's a good one. I like this one. What are your feelings about employees or clients carrying guns? I think they're dangerous. You should love guns.
Starting point is 00:38:31 You're an American. We had, you know, we do carry here regularly. We work with a lot of gun manufacturers, so we shoot guns all of the time. We have, I've got a big cutout of daddy T in my office right next to my gun safe. And so if you are afraid to be around guns, chances are you're going to be pretty triggered when you have to go out on a shoot or work for a gun manufacturer on a marketing campaign. So that was a no go for us. I picture your office, a bunch of guys chewing tobacco with cowboy hats. I'll tell you what, man.
Starting point is 00:39:06 You send me a cowboy hat, and I will rock the shit out of that. How about, oh, employees. How should they dress at work? Oh, God, I want to hear this one. What's the proper attire? Let me guess, a hijab with a Nike fucking emblem on it? We had a young lady who, she was fresh out of college. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Attractive, I'm told. And she would wear a very short skirt with nothing underneath, and she would lay on our oversized beanbag chairs. And so we used to joke like, oh, it's Fallopian Friday, because it was all on display. And we realized that that was probably a lawsuit waiting to happen, so fired our hr team oh pussies really she was doing that we did no swear to god you can't make this stuff up man i i had our uh director of operations who's a female who runs the company and she came up to me and said you're gonna have to talk to her about that
Starting point is 00:40:00 i said ah you're gonna have to talk to her about that and then said, ah, you're going to have to talk to her about that. And then after that, we put in place a company policy that said you had to wear basic things like underwear. No beanbag chairs. That's how we changed that rule. Did she look like Precious? Be honest. My attorney has advised me to not answer certain questions about that. I'll ask you one more.
Starting point is 00:40:21 This Skype audio is a little bit, but we're playing this because this is a great interview. I'll ask you one more. You Skype audio is a little, but we're playing this because this is a great interview. I'll ask you one more. You asked him how who are part of the Black Lives Matter come in here. We started laughing at them and it was over. You know, Nick, I think one of my favorite questions on there was the question about Starbucks. You're sitting in Starbucks having coffee. Someone walks in, hands you a gun, and says someone's
Starting point is 00:40:58 going to come in and start shooting in 30 seconds. What happens next? It's a trick question because real Americans don't go to Starbucks. God, I love this guy. I found my soulmate. It's a trick question because real Americans don't go to Starbucks. God, I love this guy. I found my soulmate. It's a guy. Jesus. You are so right about that. I lived in New York City. I used to walk by Starbucks. I'd look in the window and all the other women had these those Janine Garofalo glasses. I always reference, you know, look at me. I'm fucking taking down Trump. And you're absolutely right. Real Americans go to Dunkin Donuts. They get two crullers and they have a pack of parliaments before no time.
Starting point is 00:41:32 But yeah. So how would they answer that? So what would they say? The the answers ranged from, well, I think the guns are bad and should be banned from society to the, uh, you would never find me in a Starbucks because I don't drink coffee. Um, and then others, we actually had one kid who said, oh, I prefer going to a bar. And I said, you're hired. So it's quite the range nine in the morning. I got to have a whiskey sour. I love it. Hey, Kyle, that's a genius thing. It really is. The snowflake does. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:42:08 And I think every corporation in the country would be better off if they implemented this plan. But it's in 2019. We're living in snowflake. But I love it. I would like to visit the place. Tell the people how they can, the law enforcement today, the law enforcement today how do they is there a link for that or get in your place they could they could follow my antics on backslash kyle ray as ceo uh they can look up law enforcement today you guys could
Starting point is 00:42:37 just come up here we've got a huge ass whiskey wall in connecticut actually next time you're up here you better come otherwise i'm bringing whiskey to you in Savannah next time I'm in town. Well, I'm going to be in Connecticut in October. They're going to tax you. I know. As soon as you get off that plane, man, you're screwed. It's over. As soon as I get off stage, I go get paid in the office and they go,
Starting point is 00:42:57 we're taking this out. What are you, shitting me? Connecticut. I lived in Westchester County for years, so I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm sorry, man. Well, it's a mandate when you're out here in Connecticut. I lived in Westchester County for years, so I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm sorry, man. Well, it's a mandate when you're out here in Connecticut. Hey, Kyle, thank you so much. And keep up the good work, man. You're doing a good job. Appreciate it. You too. Take care.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Thanks. Kyle Reyes, baby. And don't you love that? Implementing that type of test. I'm sure he'll be sued. I like the girl laying in the beanbag chair with no – really? Jesus, did I grow up at the wrong time? All the broads I worked with, you know, they had maxi skirts. Deke's laughing because he thinks I just made that up. They were actually called maxi skirts. Because I know what they are.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Oh, you do? I'm surprised. I mean, you just heard of the Rolling Stones like a week ago. But listen. Anyways, hey, real quick, you can get my live tour dates at And not this week, in the following weekend, Thursday, September 26th, Wise Guys Comedy Club, Salt Lake City, Utah. And then the next two nights, the 27th and 28th of September, which is Friday and Saturday, I'll be at the Comedy Works, the grand opening in Las Vegas at the Plaza Hotel.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Cannot wait. Thursday, October 10th, Levity Live, Nyack, New York. Friday, October 11th, the Strand Theater, Seymour, Connecticut. That's where I'll get my whiskey from Kyle. Friday, November 15th, the Cortland Repertory Theater, Cortland, New York. Saturday, November 16th, the Comedy Works, Saratoga Springs, New York. Then New Year's Eve, Tarrytown Musical, Tarrytown, New York. And then in 2020, Friday, January 24th, the Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield, Connecticut. Saturday, February 15th, Kelsey Theater, Lake Park, Florida. I got to believe we have more dates that are ready to be put up.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I've been reading the same ones for a long time now. We're going to be doing stuff in Georgia, Tifton, Georgia, I think it is, and Florida, Maine. Yes, Rich, Super Chats. Okay, we got a bunch today. Real Real said, love your show, you filthy wop. Keep up the great work. I don't like that type of talk. Tell him I won't accept his blood money.
Starting point is 00:45:07 John Cornelio said, guess any money had only one trip to paradise. Oh, yeah. That was, let me give him a comedy lesson. See, my mother called me and said that. She's 81 years old. So when a joke is too easy, you don't use it. But thank you anyways. He doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:45:24 This poor kid's probably crippled. Made me laugh. Canadian conservative said, check out David Icke on London Real. He talks about his new book on 9-11, mind-blowing. And that's David Icke. David Icke. Okay, Dave, I will check it out. What's the book called?
Starting point is 00:45:41 It says on London Real he talks about it. So you have to do some Googling. Yeah, I'm not going to do that. Go ahead. I figured. One of our Patreon regulars, Bedros, said, Keep crushing, Nick. Love you and the show.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Much love to the viewers. Bunny is the best. Muchas gracias, Pedro. This is the first minutes of the debate. They'll try to show off their fucking eighth grade Spanish. Oh, God. Next. I got two more.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I got Bubba Jones said no snowflakes. All right, Bubba. I think that was the point of the interview. I'm glad you got the gist of it. No snowflakes. And Steve Jacobs said awesome show. Thank you, Steve Jacobs, very much. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I appreciate a Jew who loves the show. A man. We'll get Jew who loves the show. A man. We'll get to that in a second. Hey, did you guys watch the debates? I started to watch them. And let me tell you, I love debates. Even the bad ones, I'll sit through all of it. But this one the other night
Starting point is 00:46:38 got me so angry. Everything was going fine. And then this attractive black woman moderator, you know, she had to bring up the race shit, and it opened Pandora's box for all these idiots to get on the... Beto O'Rourke, can you
Starting point is 00:46:54 stand still when you talk? I mean... But they all jump on the this country's systemic racism. They want to rebuild our society from the ground up. You realize that, which is infunken possible. And I'll say this for the millionth time. This country is so racist that we have black and brown people all over the planet trying to sneak in here. And it's a bunch of horseshit.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Reparations will never happen. It got so deep in the mud. They were all repeating themselves at how racist and unfair the legal system. I actually shut it off. I actually put on a football game. I think it was Hofstra at FIU. I don't know, but I've never shut off a debate. But I couldn't take it anymore.
Starting point is 00:47:38 I couldn't take the editorializing and just what a horrible country this is. Keep running on that, Dems. You're all saying the same thing. You're all agreeing on the same shit that's going to get Trump reelected. So you keep that up. Joe Biden, somebody gave him a line of coke or meth. You could tell he was making a concerted effort to be more energetic. Somebody lit a fire under his ass.
Starting point is 00:48:02 And when that happens, he starts talking really fast. and, you know, it's fun to watch. What are we doing? What's going on right now? That's Biden when they're putting him on a plane to go campaign. That's what he asks. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Get on the plane, Joe.
Starting point is 00:48:21 We're going to Nebraska. What are we doing? What's going on right now? He's in bed with his Nebraska. What are we doing? What's going on right now? He's in bed with his mistress. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Doc is giving a prostate exam. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Did you see Biden's dentures start to slip?
Starting point is 00:48:45 I didn't notice this because I shut it off. But Jesus Christ, I would have loved to have seen this. Here's a little video. Their expanded background checks died on the Senate floor. If you couldn't get it done after Sandy Hook, why should voters give you another chance? Because I've done before. I'm the only one up here's ever beat the nra let's take another that's got to be hard trying to talk and keep your teeth in
Starting point is 00:49:14 at the same sounded like he uh you know somebody was teabagging the poor bastard go ahead their expanded background checks died on the senate floor. If you couldn't get it done after Sandy Hook, why should voters give you another chance? Because I got it done before. I'm the only one up here who's ever beat the NRA. Because I got it. God damn it. Fucking chopper. I used denture grip this morning.
Starting point is 00:49:42 The fucking shit's drying up. Because I got it. I thought, watching it, I thought he was grip this morning. The fucking shit's drying out. Because I got... I thought... Watching it, I thought he was having a stroke. But it was his choppers that were falling off. But let's be nonpartisan here. This has happened to other famous people. Namely, hey, Rich, you're sweating like a...
Starting point is 00:49:58 You see your pits? Much coffee. Oh, my God. That added to the show. Trump. Much coffee. Oh, my God. That added to the show. Trump had the same problem. Watch this. God bless the Palestinians and God bless the United States. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:50:21 They're all doing rich Voss impressions. God bless you, Palestinians. God bless your night god these dentures are the best they're the best in the world i have the best teeth i didn't realize so many people with their choppers were falling out um there's been more there's been worse examples though of there's been more. There's been worse examples, though. There's been some other world leaders who have had their choppers fall out. We don't blame them. Korea.
Starting point is 00:50:55 You see that quick? Blow. Blow it out. How about this guy? Nobody even laughs over there, from the Middle East to wherever he is, India. Oh, they landed in bird shit. I don't give a fuck. That was Churchill. Alright. How about the guy that dropped him on the
Starting point is 00:51:40 street and nobody laughed? Picked his, you know, good cat shit on him. Yummy, yummy. Anyways, Joe Biden, you're bleeding from the eyes. Your choppers are falling out on national TV. Don't wear shorts the next debate. We'll see a fucking ball bag
Starting point is 00:51:56 bouncing off the... Look at, he's trying to keep him. I bet you the heat of the lights melts the glue. God, help me. Long Island judge pleads guilty to raiding neighbor's dirty panties. A pervy Long Island judge expected to become a registered sex offender after admitting breaking into a neighbor's home to steal her dirty panties.
Starting point is 00:52:33 You sniffed that girl's panties? He told you that? Fuck him, baby. Robert. I'm going to apologize. Hey. Hey, I'm not apologizing. Robert Ciaccioli, 50, had several pairs of worn women's underwear stuffed into his coat when he was busted fleeing a 23-year-old neighbor's home in March 2018. This is a judge.
Starting point is 00:52:57 This is a guy who's probably sent people to jail for life or whatever. He's a judge. And you know what? Judges wear robes. You can't tell me he wasn't wearing these panties under the robe. I don't have a problem going for the dirty ones. Who wants a fucking clean pair? What's the point of that?
Starting point is 00:53:20 I want a girl who just ran a marathon. I want to wring those out my mouth. Who's with me? There's something you don't hear on Meet the Press. The judge who was suspended from the same court in Suffolk County after his arrest was initially charged with second-degree burglary, but he admitted to entering the 23-year-old's home several times to snatch undies from her hamper, and pleaded guilty Friday to a reduced charge of attempted burglary, still a felony, with a Nassau County District Court judge hearing the case.
Starting point is 00:53:55 So, yeah, now he has to register as a sex offender. I don't know, it seems a little much. Huh? Anybody? Bon appetit. Chichalia of East Islip is expected to get five years of probation Bon Appetit he has dealt with his mental illness issues in a provocative manner and is now breaking into little boys' bedrooms. What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:54:34 Shut up! Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut up! Shut up! By the way, his neighbor, the girl's apartment, he's breaking into 23-year-old former intern at the Islip Town Attorney's Office where he used to work. Newsday said it wasn't clear whether she had worked directly for him at the time. Oh, that would change things. Oh, you know each other.
Starting point is 00:54:55 You work together. Sniff away. Look at him. It looks like he just sniffed a pair in that picture. Anyhow. Oh, did you read about, this is back to free speech. The stand-up comedian Shane Gillis, okay? New York guy, I think. Maybe Long Island guy, but he's a new cast member, SNL. Well, he's being condemned for some slurs he made, like on a podcast a year ago. And that's the world we're living in.
Starting point is 00:55:30 No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. Saturday Night Live showrunner Lorne Michaels has yet to comment on the racist and homophobic remarks made by newly hired cast member Shane Gillis. But comedians and actors are expressing their condemnation on social media because that's what we do. Some even asking that he be fired from the show. Can you imagine? That's where we are. We're other comedians that are trying to get other comedians in trouble.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Footage of Gil's podcast, it's called Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast, was posted to social media by entertainment journalist Seth Simons on Thursday. Congratulations, Seth. It's some heartbreaking news. You're doing the world a real favor. Here's the video, by the way. It's funny, too, because that's more annoying than any other minority playing music at a restaurant loud on their phone. Do you think an asian trying to learn english bothers me more than someone listening like little uzi vert while i'm trying to eat
Starting point is 00:56:30 fucking dinner that's hilarious did i send you another can we see the other one too damn chinatown's fucking nuts it's crazy it is full fucking china dude yeah chinese down there i wonder how that started they just built one fucked up looking building and people were like, all right, no one said anything. Let the fucking chinks live there, huh?
Starting point is 00:56:52 Again, look, not the most clever or whatever, but he wasn't doing it on a stand-up act, on a special run. I mean, it's a podcast
Starting point is 00:57:01 that nobody's probably listening to. And you're either free speechy or not. I mean, he's a podcast that nobody's probably listening to, and you're either free speechy or not. I mean, he's guilty of being unclever there or whatever, but don't give me the shit, oh, that word's been used to dehumanize people for a year. Those words are going to continue to be around. You're going to get in a fight with an Asian guy or a Chinese guy. You're going to use that word. You're going to get in a fight with a black guy.
Starting point is 00:57:22 You're going to say the most hateful thing. They're not going to go away, okay? The fucking kid did it on a podcast nobody's listening to. And, yeah, he's being guilty of being unclever, if anything. But for Christ's sake, really? Other comedians, he's got to go. And you know why they say that? They want that slaughter.
Starting point is 00:57:38 That part doesn't surprise me. Comics hate comics, all right? We'll stab somebody in the neck. You know, when you heard, like, a famous comic died, people all go, ooh, I move up a notch. That's like the mentality, you know? But, I mean, if you're a comedian,
Starting point is 00:57:56 if you're another comedian and you're railing against this guy to be fired, you're not a... You don't know what you do for a living. You know? It's about free fucking speech. The First Amendment protects unpopular speech, bigoted speech. That's what it's there for. But what bugs me is what do they do, the people who wrote this story?
Starting point is 00:58:18 They go out and interview all famous Chinese. It's controversial because SNL, it comes on the heels of a new staff writer, Bowen Yang, who is gay and Chinese. I'll tell you what's offensive. Lorne Michaels and everybody in Hollywood going out and
Starting point is 00:58:36 passing up like straight white guy or woman because, you know what, we don't have an Asian gay. Kill two birds with one stone. That bird being a duck, by the way. Listen. See what I did there? That's bigoted.
Starting point is 00:58:51 But that's offensive to me. You know, let's not hire the funniest. Imagine if this was, imagine if this type of thinking was going on when SNL started. You'd have no Bill Murray, no Aykroyd. Oh, the show's too white. So they hire a gay Chinese guy. That's why this story is supposedly controversial. Only the third cast member of Asian descent to join.
Starting point is 00:59:15 You know why? They're not that funny. Oh, Nick, how can you say such a... Judge Ito is pretty funny. Previous cast... Listen to this. Previous cast members Fred Armisen and Rob Schneider are part of Asian descent. That was the biggest part of the story for me. previous cast listen to this previous cast members fred armisen and rob schneider are
Starting point is 00:59:25 part of asian descent that was the biggest part of the story for me schneider was asian sure wasn't a character he was doing as a comedian here comes the uh virtue signal as a comedian i usually side with the comedians on sensitive subjects but this is just plain racist. It's truly disgusting. Wrote Silicon Valley star Jimmy O. Yang. This man has to go.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Gillis posted a statement regarding the offensive material, writing in part, I'm a comedian who pushes boundaries. I sometimes miss, he added. I'm happy to apologize to anyone who's actually offended by anything I've said, especially people the last names of Lee, Wing, he added. I'm happy to apologize to anyone who's actually offended by anything I've said, especially people, the last names of Lee, Wing, and Chang. Then W. Kamau Bell, who I, you know, I know a little bit, but another whitey hater, host of CNN's United
Starting point is 01:00:18 Shades of America, responded to Gillis' statement, as a comic who also pushes boundaries, part of the deal is getting pushback. If you don't want pushback, then don't push boundaries. Who said he doesn't want pushback? Also, the boundaries of jokes on native Chinese people not speaking English well were already published, already pushed by comics when TV was in black, which I agree. It's not the most original, but I've done it on stage. You know why?
Starting point is 01:00:43 Just to piss people off. How about that? You ever do that? Just so you're so tired of a PC audience, you just go, ding-a-ding-a-ding-a-ding-a. And people go, that's too easy. And I go, fuck you. It's my show.
Starting point is 01:00:56 You're too easy to get upset. So everybody has to weigh in, you know, and it's just fucking, I'm tired of it. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? And then they asked, always be my maybe in Lost Star, Daniel Dae Kim. Jesus. It took 45 years for SNL to get an East Asian cast member, and in that same year, he'll be joined by someone
Starting point is 01:01:26 who would have no problem calling him a fucking chink. Got to be a joke in there somewhere. Comedian and Good Trouble actor Sherry Cola. Not Cherry Cola. Sherry Cola. Kept it simple with a comment posted alongside video of Gillis, nope, in capital letters. Ooh, that makes you a good person, Sherry, huh?
Starting point is 01:01:53 Just a nope. Samu Liu, the star of Marvel's forthcoming Asian-led film Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. That's about a gay Asian guy. The Chinese-Canadian actor attached a yellow peril propaganda picture from the early 1900s. It wasn't
Starting point is 01:02:18 funny then, it sure as hell isn't funny today. This word has been used to dehumanize my people for over 150 years, yet you're still kicking our ass in math and English and every other science oh god not everyone reacted to Gillis with criticism a Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang tweeted on Saturday Shane, I prefer comedy that makes people think
Starting point is 01:02:41 and doesn't take cheap chops may I suggest Carrot Top's last special? What? But I'm happy to sit down and talk with you if you'd like. He added, for the record, I do not think he should lose his job. We would benefit from being more forgiven rather than punitive. We are all human. Fuck you too.
Starting point is 01:03:00 No, seriously. Oh, we're going to sit down and talk to a politician. You can, it's a teachable moment. Mind your fucking business. This is, you know... Previously, Gillis referred to gang as a Jew chink in an episode of Real Ass Podcast. Hosted by comedian Louis Gomez. I know him, and Zach Amico
Starting point is 01:03:28 anyhow the most disappointing thing is it's the other comics going after it and I mean, it's not surprising to me but you either believe in free speech or you don't I don't.
Starting point is 01:03:49 I don't, you know, there was nothing clever there. But it was a podcast. He's trying to make his asshole buddy laugh and be outrageous. Rich, you want to say something, my friend? I would think that all Asian comics should have a tariff placed on them. That's what I would think. Because it's a product. I'd like to put a tariff on you. Guy named Rich Wood.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Dick Wood. Now, I don't know. When I eat at a Chinese restaurant and I leave a tip, and I think I reluctantly leave a tip, you know what I mean? The service sucks, but I feel obligated. I'mantly leave a tip. You know what I mean? The service sucks, but I feel obligated.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I'm the type of guy. But I'll leave this on the check. Now, is that? I mean, I thought that was in good fun. I mean, you know what I'm saying? I'm kidding. I think we should banish all these words. I notice you don't talk about Dago and Wap and, huh, Guinea? That doesn't come up, does it?
Starting point is 01:04:51 No. Polack or Mick. You know, that doesn't really come up in the... Well, that's because people color and I... Bullshit. Bullshit. I don't believe that certain segments of the population have access to words and some don't. I just don't believe in it.
Starting point is 01:05:10 It's called freedom of speech. I don't give a shit if it's done unoriginally, if it's whatever. Let it fly. Let it fly. Use the horrible words at your own risk. Our Father who art in heaven, Finally tonight I meet the press. This is a good one. Solid gold toilet stolen from Winston Churchill's birthplace. A unique solid gold toilet that was part of an art exhibit was stolen early Saturday from the magnificent home in England where British wartime leader Winston Churchill used to drop big fucking logs. I can't believe they said that in the report.
Starting point is 01:05:57 The toilet valued at roughly one million pounds. That's one and a quarter million dollars. It was the work of Italian artiste Maurizio Cattelari. I'm sure he's proud of this. Some of his best work. Unbelievable. Let's show the boday he made out of wood putty. It had been installed only two days earlier at Blenheim Palace, west of London,
Starting point is 01:06:19 after previously being shown to an appreciative audience at the Guggenheim Museum in New York, where homeless people defecated it on and off every three minutes after having Nathan's hot dogs. Police said the toilet was taken early Saturday by thieves who used at least two vehicles. You know how heavy this thing must be? They should have passed it around like the gold phone in The Godfather. Because it had been connected
Starting point is 01:06:46 to the palace's plumbing system, police said the toilet's removal caused significant damage and flooding to the building. A 66-year-old man was arrested in the case, but he has not been identified or charged. Prior to the theft, visitors to the
Starting point is 01:07:02 Catalan exhibition could book a three-minute appointment to use the toilet. It's obviously they kept it to three minutes because they didn't want anybody doing a number two. You know what I mean? Nobody can take a dump on it. It takes me fucking 11 minutes just to clean up. I know you didn't need to know that, folks. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:07:27 It's early. The artist intended the Golden Toilet to be pointed satire about excessive wealth. Catalan has previously said, whatever you eat, a $200 lunch or a $2 hot dog, the results are the same toilet wise. Last year, the chief curator at the Guggenheim offered to lend the golden toilet to U.S. President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump. You know it's bad when Trump goes, no, it's too gaudy. When they asked to borrow a Van Gogh painting for the private White House quarters, curator Nancy Spector had been critical of Trump in social media.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Saturday's theft also comes after Edward Spencer Churchill told the Times newspaper that the Golden Toilet would not be very easy to steal since it was connected to the palace plumbing. So, no, I don't plan to be guarding it. That explains that. When I saw this story, and every time I hear, and you don't hear gold toilet often, golden toilet,
Starting point is 01:08:26 but Dana Gould, who was a brilliant comic originally from where else? Massachusetts. Real super liberal. Hate his politics, but one of the funniest dudes ever. He used to do an impression of John F. Kennedy as a stand-up comic, and it mentions a gold toilet. Wouldn't that have been great, though? You know, 1962, you wander into some dive. There's a six-foot, two-inch guy with red hair up on stage.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Man goes to a party. Forgets his wallet there. He goes back the next day to claim it. The hoe says to him, how did you recall my address? The man says, I recall the red door and a gold toilet seat. The host says, I have no gold toilet seat, but you're the man who pooped in my tuba. Yes, ma'am. It's funny when he said shit in my tuba. Couldn't find that online for some reason.
Starting point is 01:09:42 You know, I can watch a guy having sex with a chick, but I couldn't find the word shit in a live stand-up. And you're the man who shit in my tuba. I saw him do that when I was in New York at, like, Catch Your Eyes. I almost fell out of my seat. Anyways, that is it for today, folks. Remember, 7 o'clock tonight, Eastern Time. The show drops again.
Starting point is 01:09:59 And Breath of Fresh Air has just got a new breath of life. It never really slowed down, but Jesus. And same with the YouTube subscriber. I can't thank you guys enough. And, again, go to for my tour dates. Don't forget, where I will send you a personal little video roasting one of your friends who you hate or a neighbor you hate or an enemy or a relative. Make fun of somebody's dentures falling out.
Starting point is 01:10:27 I'll do whatever. Happy birthday to your mom. We can be nice. We can be ugly about it. Click on the Nick DiPaolo profile. That is it. Have I got everything, Jace?
Starting point is 01:10:36 That is it for today. Remember, you guys think it. I will say it. We'll see you guys on Patreon tomorrow. Take care of yourselves. We'll see you next time..

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