The Nick DiPaolo Show - Lying Lin Wood | Nick Di Paolo Show #455

Episode Date: December 3, 2020

Is Trump team lawyer a liberal turncoat? Is there finally good news for Trump in Arizona? What really stole the elections for Biden?...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 All righty. Yeah. Welcome to the show, folks. Thursday, final day of the week. How you is? How you was? Excuse me. It scares me.
Starting point is 00:00:48 I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy. It's going to heat like me, and you're going to crash. It's Jason giving me my pep talk before the show. What is going on, folks? How you is? I don't know. What can i tell you unshaven tattoos peeling like a goddamn cancer patient woke up in a fucking bed of cornflakes red blue flesh colored uh anyhow speaking of red white and blue Donald Trump the president of the United States still
Starting point is 00:01:25 gives unannounced speech about election fraud yesterday he just came right out with it I think he threw it up on Twitter or whatever and I guess it was on Facebook 45 minutes I only got a couple minutes of it I mean aye aye aye and Facebook let him do that? Did it come with a warning? Because I know his Twitter shit did. It said, you know, they disputed. But fucking shut it. Oh, my fucking word. These fucking big tech motherless fucks, they really want to run us. Censoring the president.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Every time they put up a disclaimer, they're going, he's kind of lying. And, of course, we have enough idiots in this country to believe that. Oh, it makes my balls tingle. Here's Mr. Trump yesterday. Thank you. Hello. This may be the most important speech I've ever made. I want to provide an update on our ongoing efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud and irregularities which took place during the ridiculously long November 3rd elections.
Starting point is 00:02:34 We used to have what was called Election Day. Now we have Election Days, weeks and months, and lots of bad things happened during this ridiculous period. Pause. Exactly right. You are correct, sir. All planned. They use COVID as a pretext to keep people away from the polls so they would fucking mail in their ballots because they know damn well he said it. Everybody else said it. When you mail it in, there's plenty of time for fraud.
Starting point is 00:03:04 You can't look at this and fucking say there was no shenanigans. You just can't. You know, intellectually dishonest. It worked out perfect for them. What other election in recent memory they stopped counting votes in the middle of the night? Huh? And in all the fucking important swing states. This is so blatant.
Starting point is 00:03:29 It's for, and he's right. How about you have one day where you got to vote? What about the absentee? Fuck it. Get rid of it. If you can't make it to the polls, you ain't voting. Nick, that's very, I don't give a shit. You lost the use of your legs.
Starting point is 00:03:46 That's your fault. Cripples. Old people, sick fucks. Stay home. Unbelievable. But it worked, didn't it, huh? I showed you the clip yesterday. I got the truck driver.
Starting point is 00:03:59 All kinds of shenanigans go. It's just, it's loaded with caca. Yeah, so now we have election month or months. I mean, it's over a month ago, the election. Remember I said that? You're not going to know. I really didn't, you know, I kind of meant it, but holy shit. Okay, let the president finish.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Time, especially when you have to prove almost nothing to exercise our greatest privilege, the right to vote. As president, I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States. That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege. For months leading up to the presidential election, we were warned that we should not declare
Starting point is 00:04:53 a premature victory. We were told repeatedly that it would take weeks, if not months, to determine the winner, to count the absentee ballots, and to verify the results. My opponent was told to stay away from the election. It's all so clear. Don't campaign. We don't need you. We've got it. This election is done. In fact, they were acting like they already knew what the outcome was going to be. They did. They had it covered. And perhaps they did, very sadly for our country.
Starting point is 00:05:27 It was all very, very strange. Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint a winner, even while many key states were still being counted. The constitutional process must be allowed to continue. We are going to defend the honesty of the vote by ensuring that every legal ballot is counted and that no illegal ballot is counted. This is not just about honoring the votes of 74 million Americans voted for me. It's about ensuring that Americans can have faith in this election and in all future elections. It's about you being the last man standing as far as preventing globalism from taking place. And Zuckerberg went over you like a speed bump.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I got a few stories. You'll see how I got a great story coming up. It was in PJ Media. I forget the guy's name was Adam something that wrote it, I think. As far as how it was really stolen, it is unbelievably enlightening. I'm going to read though. It's like four pages, but it's worth it. Every word is worth it. It's creepy. And the gist of the article is it's legal, but, you know, not ethical. So, which is what most politicians traffic in, but especially the criminal enterprise, a.k.a. the Democrat Party. It's really enlightening how they did it and really enraging.
Starting point is 00:07:03 But, Mr. Trump, you got you gotta keep fighting i am your voice i wonder when he said that i think he's at a rangers game and uh i don't know did you see this the big news down here my new home state i can't believe i moved from new york that liberal shithole to come down to a state that's going to literally keep this country from becoming a socialist shithole overnight. I'm talking about the runoff with the two senators in Georgia. Two or four. I can't remember. There's two seats up.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I don't know. Yeah. Fucking that black guy, Warnoff, who hates this country. They get him saying it 100,000 times. And then you got Loeffler, that chick, and Ossoff, who I saw filming a commercial, and David Perdue. I wanted to bitch slap Ossoff. But anyways, Sidney Powell, who I've been praising all week, you know, Trump's lawyer, the female who's a kickass, and Lin Wood, his other lawyer, tell Georgians to not vote in the runoff.
Starting point is 00:08:14 What the fuck does that mean? Pro-Trump attorneys Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood urged Georgians not to participate in a runoff vote that will determine control of the Senate in January until state officials address unsubstantiated claims. Here's that word again. Unsubstantiated claim. You know, like a thousand after Davids, truck drivers, eyewitnesses. They hired a bunch of thugs. I'll get to that in the story in a minute. Remember yesterday I said it sounded like a bunch of thugs were in the post? Yeah. What I'm going to read you later on sort of verifies that. Anyways, unsubstantiated claims that President-elect Joe Biden won the White House, but they're very substantiated in my opinion. And they did it through voter fraud. Powell and Wood are not working for Trump campaign in an official capacity, but have waged legal battles on his
Starting point is 00:09:04 behalf. Speaking to the president's supporters at a press conference in Atlanta, Powell said state residents should not vote until Georgia overhauls its procedures and ends the use of Dominion voting machines, which makes sense. Danger, Will Robinson, danger. This is a risky play, but why would you vote again with tainted machines and expect a different outcome is what she's saying. And as far as Lin Wood goes, I think she's sincere. This two-faced cocksucker, wait till you hear what he's been up to. It's unbelievable these guys can wear three different hats and talk out of nine different faces.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Wait till this prick. Anyways, she said, I would all georgians to make it uh i don't know if this him or her saying it make it known that you will not vote at all until your vote is secure and i mean as that regardless of party powell said so it's it's a look it's a hairy play because if they don't win it we're fucked they'll control all chambers the democrats so i don't know if they're being sincere or not she says we can't live in a republic a free republic unless we know our votes are legal and secure so we must have voter id god forbid can you imagine them the democrats after all this, they'll still be saying voter ID is not necessary.
Starting point is 00:10:31 And we probably must go back to paper ballots that are signed and have your thumbprint on them. We certainly should be able to find a system that can count them, even if it has to be done by hand. Exactly. This is Georgia. We ain't dumb. Now, this is Lin Wood talking. We ain't dumb. this is lynn wood talking we ain't dumb get her done he says we're not going to uh go vote on january 5th on another machine made by china that right it was china uh you're not going to fool georgians again if kelly laffler wants your vote if david perdue wants your vote they've got to uh earn it wood said but uh I'll tell you why he's saying that. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. He says they've got to demand publicly, repeatedly, consistently.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Brian Kemp called a special session of the Georgia State Legislature. And if they do not do it, they have not earned your vote. That's what he's saying on the surface. Ostensibly, that's his reason. But he's a two-faced cocksucker. Listen to this. Georgia-based attorney Lin Wood is getting lots of attention for urging supporters
Starting point is 00:11:37 of President Donald Trump to break with the president and not vote for GOP senators, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, two Republicans, in the upcoming January 5th runoff, which you're going, what the hell? He's saying this while he's wearing a MAGA hat. What the hell's going on out here? Wood's public comments run counter to President Trump's own public statements and wishes, as the president has repeatedly urged
Starting point is 00:12:06 his supporters to support Loeffler and Perdue and is heading to Valdosta, Georgia on Saturday to rally with the GOP senators. So you got his lawyer, one of his lead lawyers, saying don't vote and he's given a phony reason. Like I said, Sidney Powell's sincere. I'll fill in the blanks in a second. You got Trump coming down here to support these senators and his lawyer going, don't do it. The system's a... Wood's comments are also in line with that of top national Democrats. What they're pushing for is Breitbart News has reported a national anti-Trump Democratic super PAC called Really American PAC. What did I say about the names?
Starting point is 00:12:48 Is running billboards carrying a message nearly identical to what Wood is saying. How creepy is that? While Wood made his comments purportedly as a self-described supporter of Trump while donning a red Make America great again ball cap. The real story here is that Wood is by no means a Republican, and there is no record in Georgia of him ever voting President Trump in 2016 or 2020. Did you hear me? No record of him voting for Trump in the last two elections. He's a lead, one of the elite attorneys in the, that was in the Republican primaries. While Wood did vote in the 2020 and 2016 general elections in Georgia, there are no records in Georgia of him pulling
Starting point is 00:13:40 a GOP primary ballot in 2016 or 2020, the two years Trump was on the ticket. Ironically, in both 2020 and 2016, a general election state record show that Wood voted absentee by mail in Georgia, the same system he's now railing against. What the fuck is up with this guy? You snotty little bastard. In addition to Trump himself, Vice President Mike Pence is making a second trip to Georgia later this week to campaign for Lafleur and Perdue.
Starting point is 00:14:13 And the president's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., has been vocal in his support for them as well. That's what is so interesting about these people claiming to support the president's interest,
Starting point is 00:14:25 telling Georgians not to back the president's candidates for Senate and the runoffs. But maybe it is not so complicated when looking at the voting history and political donation history of the chief instigator of this narrative, Lin Wood, who has long supported Democrats in the state of Georgia. And now he has a cause. and now he has a cause. Yeah, he has a cause. You're a jerk off. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. So now he has a cause under which he can try to elect those he has long supported, but
Starting point is 00:14:58 been unsuccessful in electing by misleading supporters of the president into not voting for candidates the president is explicitly explicitly telling georgias to vote for what's particularly significant about this play this uh go around however is that majority in the united states senate hangs in the balance that's the difference republicans currently have a 50 seat in the senate uh going into next year and democrats currently have at least 48 seats. Georgia records show that Lynn Wood has voted in every general election dating back to 2000, in person in 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014, and then via absentee or mail ballot in 2016 and 2018 and 2020. State records also show that Wood has not voted in a Republican primary since 2004,
Starting point is 00:15:51 but did request Democrat ballots in the 2006, 2008, and 2010 and 2018 primary elections in Georgia. That means that even when Trump was president in the 2018 midterm elections, Wood requested a Democrat primary ballot in Georgia and voted for the Democrats in the primary and the state while Trump was universally back in Republicans here in Georgia. Wood also did not request primary ballots of either party, the records show, in 2016 or 2020 when Trump was on the ballot in the GOP primary. This guy's an evil motherfucker. You listening?
Starting point is 00:16:30 Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks. You got that? Okay. Wonder why we're in deep shit. And let me give you my take on this. That's on the Republicans and Trump administration. Do you vet these people before you hire them as your attorneys? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:50 Do you look in? I guess you don't look into how they voted and shit. You got to do a little vetting. I don't think you would have done much digging to find this guy's a two-faced cocksucker. I could be wrong. After all, I'm a stand-up comedian. I could be wrong. After all, I'm a stand-up comedian.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Theory is lying about the size of a fish he caught. These guys are slippery motherfuckers. Slippery, motherless pricks. Let's stay on the election. There was some positive news for Donald Trump on Arizona vote audit. Trump tweeted about Arizona count. In Arizona, he said, it turns out I can't do him. I can't do him.
Starting point is 00:17:35 He talks like this. I can't do it. It's no good. I can't have it. Commiserating? I can't do it. In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100-count vote sampling were tainted or worse. This would be, if carried forward, Trump said in his tweet, approximately 90,000 votes more than we would need to win the state. And that's how you sample.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I never understood this, but this is, if you took statistics, it would explain it to you, which I got a D in. Just fucking horrible. I took statistics thinking it was going to be Ted Williams goes three for four, and then in the second game, one for five. What's his average at the end of the day? But anyways, so they take a sample of 100. So let's say three of them tainted.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Obviously, the math is easy. Three percent. And then they just go, well, if we took another 100, blah, blah, blah. Right? That's how it works. Kind of weird, but it makes sense. They've been doing it for years. Aristotle started it when he ran for class president. I don't know. Now he says, Trump says, now we were granted a much larger sample uh to work with in other words they're gonna look at more than 100 at a time and uh he's very excited about that so hey everybody we're all gonna get laid maybe Kelly Ward who's Kelly Ward she's the chairwoman of the Arizona GOP she gives updated details on judges ruling.
Starting point is 00:19:08 She heads up the GOP in Arizona. And she's a very sharp woman. This is what she had to say. She had a video on social media yesterday. Good morning, Arizona. Hello, Chesty. It is that time. Time for an update from the Republican Party of Arizona. Nice rack.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I'm your chairwoman, Dr. Kelly Ward. Sorry. And wow, explosive news in our lawsuit. So remember yesterday I talked about that we filed a petition to be able to examine ballots. We got to examine some duplicate ballots. And to remind you what a duplicate ballot is, it's when there's a damaged ballot or for some reason the machine cannot read a ballot. So then election workers recreate that ballot they duplicate it for the voter and it's either fed back into the machine yeah we should have known something was
Starting point is 00:19:52 up when the Democrats said David copperfield recreating the book I know right where she is uh well as far as I've been in so many hotels in my life that that's in a hotel and that's an atrium down below it looks like a high it only uh then again it could be a green screen go ahead or created electronically so these duplicate ballots we got to examine 100 of them it's a very very small sample but guess what we found two ballots that were changed one was changed from Trump to Biden. One was just taken away say there's no evidence of fraud can now shut up. The bad news is this looks like this election has been attempted to be stolen from President Trump. Now, back to the transparency. The judge said he wanted to err on the side of transparency.
Starting point is 00:20:59 But the attorneys for Katie Hobbs that has said Trump supporters supporters are neo-nazis remember and the biden election elect this is where it's really important listen to what the attorney suggests go ahead on the dem side force they called a special emergency hearing with the judge to say wait wait wait those duplicate ballots that are examined need to be examined only by our attorneys and it needs to be privileged it needs to be privileged. It needs to be kept secret from the public. Now, the judge did say, why would you want that? And then he refused their request, their ridiculous request. This shows us that these Democrats are anti-transparency. They are potentially covering up fraud. I can tell you something. We, I, Kelly Ward, we, the Republican Party,
Starting point is 00:21:46 and we, the American patriots, will not, will not stop looking until all of this is brought to light. We are going to keep Arizona great, and we're going to keep America great. See you tomorrow. See you in court, Kelly. Hear ye! Hear ye!
Starting point is 00:22:01 The court's in session. The court's in session now. Here come the judge. Here come the judge. Here come the judge. Now, we want to take a look at these behind closed doors. That's where they should be examined. What the, could they make it any more obvious? She's not making this up.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Here's the problem, folks, and why I worry that we won't come out on top of the end. All the judges are liberal jerk-offs, right? They all went to, I want to know what percentage went to Ivy League schools. They didn't graduate from junior colleges. They're all elitist assholes. A ton of them who were lawyers that came out of Yale and I guarantee you. So when they get excited about bringing something to court, I don't get that excited. Doesn't it seem like he's been ruled against a zillion times since he's been in office? Because he's not part of their future plan, their global, you know, globalization of the United States. We need some Wapners and Judge Judy's out there, although she showed her true colors when she backed
Starting point is 00:23:01 fucking Bloomberg. I digress. Anyhow, uh, nice going, Kelly wood. Somebody's on the job. Is it me or does Trump have a ton of blonde broads working for him? I don't know. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:23:23 uh, let's stay on this, uh, this election mess that's going on. I'm still stunned that I moved down to Georgia, and I don't even know that my vote, I took the time to go vote and shit, wait live for a half hour. I have no idea if that vote got counted or not.
Starting point is 00:23:39 My vote would have meant more up in New York, where it means nothing. I was silly enough to vote in New York every year. Isn't that funny? It's just, it's like betting on the lions on Thanksgiving year up the year or whatever. Anyways, Mo Brooks, he used to be a linebacker of the lions. Uh, I'm just kidding. Uh, Mo Brooks to challenge electoral college Republican Mo Brooks plans to challenge electoral college vote on January 6th. That's Mo Brooks. I did not expect that guy.
Starting point is 00:24:08 This election, this is him talking. This election was stolen by the socialists engaging in extraordinary voter fraud and election theft measures. The Alabama Republicans said, well, you must be a detective. You are correct, sir. We know that. Mo, what else you got for us? Well, you must be a detective to fucking... You are correct, sir. We know that.
Starting point is 00:24:23 What else you got for us? Brooks has been telling his plan to fellow House members and might follow without the backing of Senate Republicans, according to Politico. Those are those rhinos. Those are those pricks that don't even like Trump to pretend that they're on his side. You know who I'm talking about, Mitt Romney.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Fucking quiz! That's what I call him. He's got a rhinos. To trigger such a legislative effort, at least one member from the House and the Senate must challenge the results of the electoral college vote. Brooks called the November election badly flawed and mail-in voting unconstitutional, which it is. Let's get rid of it. Show up that day or kiss my ass. Yeah, but I have diabetes and I'm in a wheelchair. Tough shit.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Stay home and finish your Froot Loops and lose your feet. In my judgment, this is Moe talking. Get out of here. Mo talking. And my judgment, if only lawful votes by eligible American citizens were cast, Donald Trump won the electoral college by a significant margin. And Congress certification should reflect that, Brooks told Politico. He's absolutely right. Trump won this in a landslide. I don't give a shit what they're telling you. And you know, I've been right about 98% of the time on the show. Brooks also said he does not
Starting point is 00:25:51 believe the Supreme Court possesses the authority to overturn the results of this election. That's not good news. He says a lot of times being wasted in in court he said the supreme court does not have the lawful authority to determine whether to accept or reject a state's electoral college submissions i thought it did son of a whore but he goes on to explain under the united states constitution that at least half of us are following in u.s law it. It is the job and duty of elected officials, means in the legislature. And so it's the United States Congress that is the final judge and jury of whether to accept
Starting point is 00:26:36 or reject electoral college submissions by states and to elect who the president and vice president of the United States might be. Very interesting. I'd like to call Sidney Powell and verify that or Trump himself. Powell probably already knows that. Lin Wood, we forgot about him already. So he's saying the Supreme Court, it doesn't have to go to the Supreme Court. That's actually good news because it's very hard to get in front of the Supreme Court. That's actually good news because it's very hard to get in front of the Supreme Court. It's like trying to get a ticket, you know, a ticket for a REO Speedwagon cover band.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Very difficult. Or a Michael Bolton concert in 1984. Now, here's the story, folks. And it's about four pages long. I'm going to read it. I want you to listen because this enlightened the shit out of me. It was in PJ Media. I didn't write down the guy who wrote its name. But this was very enlightening, a little depressing at the same time. But here we go.
Starting point is 00:27:42 And, again, it was in PJ Media yesterday. And it's called The Real Kraken. What really happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 election? That's the headline of the article. And it starts like this. I'm reading the whole thing because all of it's enlightening. Eric Holder was a big loser on election night. He was the guy raising tens of millions of dollars to make America safe for
Starting point is 00:28:05 a Democratic redistricting. A red wave turned Holder's dreams into dust in state legislative races. State legislatures are where the redistricting action is, and the GOP flipped three chambers red, gaining 192 statehouse seats at the state level and 40 state Senate seats nationwide. Why is that important? Republicans now control both House and Senate chambers in 31 states. The country is a huge swath of red legislative control, with Democrats largely confined to the cultural monoliths on the Pacific coast and urban Northeast like it's always been. But that's interesting. The red wave extended to the United States House
Starting point is 00:28:53 of Representatives, where for now Republicans have gained nine seats. But this wasn't supposed to happen. The president isn't supposed to lose when all the Republicans are winning on the ticket. That's why, you know, it smells like shit. Something smells fishy is what he said. He's right. I'll tell you another thing. Frankly, you're beginning to smell. Indeed, something profoundly fishy happened in the 2020 election,
Starting point is 00:29:17 but it wasn't the Kraken or Venezuelan communists running remote software when they can't even make the red lights work in their own country, he says. Those shiny objects will play out with time and examination of evidence. What happened, and here it comes, in 2020 is something more fundamental and profound. What happened in 2020 is cultural and systemic and sadly, generally legal. So that's a bummer until Republicans and more importantly, Trump supporters understand what happened to them this year, it will happen again.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Two things happened in 2020. First, COVID, right, led to a dismantling of state election integrity laws by everyone except the one body with a constitutional prerogative to change the rules of electing the president, the state legislatures. Okay. Second, here it comes. The Center for Technology, write it down, and Civic Life happened. What is that? He says, if you are focused on goblins in the
Starting point is 00:30:19 voting machines, but don't know anything about the CTCL and what they do to defeat Donald Trump, it's time to up your game, he says. Listen to this. The Center for Technology and Civic Life, okay, that's CTCL, and allied groups are responsible for building an urban get-out-the-vote machine of the sort that Democrats could only dream up on a bender fueled by jugs of Merlot and all the legalized pot they can smoke. Yeah, well, they do well when they're high, apparently. The Capital Research Center has this deep dive into what the Center for Technology and Civil Life did in just Georgia. It starts with this. This year, left-leaning donors Mark fucking Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan gave, oh, a little sum of $350 million to an allegedly
Starting point is 00:31:15 nonpartisan nonprofit, the Center for Tech and Civic Life, which in turn, they take that money the ctcl regrant the funds to thousands of governmental election officials around the country to help them conduct the 2020 election so mr zuckerberg is behind this get this through your head get this through your head you jew motherfucker you hey watch that um so anyways what these grants did was build structural bias into the 2020 election where structural bias matters most in densely populated urban cores it converted election offices in key jurisdictions with deep reservoirs of biden voters into formula one turnout machines. The hundreds of millions of dollars built systems. It hired employees from activist groups.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Remember yesterday I said it sounded like a bunch of thugs working at these things? That's what activists are. Okay? These are those aggressive people on the street. So anyways, hired employees, activist groups, bought equipment and radio advertisement. It did everything that street activists could ever dream up to turn out Biden votes if only they had unlimited funding, which thanks to Zuckerberg they did. In 2020, they had unlimited funding because billionaires made cash payments to a 501c3 charities that in turn made cash payments to government election offices. Flush with hundreds of millions of new cash, government election
Starting point is 00:32:54 offices turn those donations into manpower, new equipment, and street muscle to turn often sluggish and incompetent urban election offices into massive Biden turnout machines across the country in Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, Lansing, Philly, Atlanta, among dozens of others. So it was private money. It was private money, but because it went into a charity PAC 501 or whatever the fuck it is, right? It's legal legal i think that has to do with that other ruling everybody hates what the fuck america for whatever where you remember we were all excited as republicans you could pump as much cash into a whatever anyway philadelphia's election office budget was normally 9.8 million listen to this the cltc gaveTC gave Philadelphia 10 million more, doubling the city budget.
Starting point is 00:33:47 You know how helpful that is? Give me the money. Give me the fucking money. You hear me? You hear me? I said come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. Those millions were used to hire local activists as city employees to drive around and collect ballots. The millions bought new printers and scanners to accommodate mail ballots. Philadelphia established brand new satellite election offices across the most Biden-friendly neighborhoods in the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The millions bought scores of convenient drop boxes across the same neighborhoods where mail ballots could be conveniently dropped off. Even though laws
Starting point is 00:34:25 limited third parties from collecting and dropping off multiple ballots, people were photographed dropping off bundles of ballots at the boxes. Yeah, no cheating there. If voters couldn't muster the initiative to travel a few blocks to the drop-off boxes or new satellite offices, the city went to them to collect their ballots. CLTC dollars flowed through Philadelphia election officials to the pricey public relations firm, Elius, Butler, and Clark. They designed, listen to what they did, lawyers, designed billboards, posters, bus advertisements,
Starting point is 00:35:02 print ads, radio advertisements, and street marketing. It added all to the blitz. Now, this is all above board legally, apparently. In Philadelphia and the surrounding urban counties that received millions of dollars in CLTC grants, their turnout exploded where they were located. The plan worked. In case you still don't follow, okay, and this is it, he sums it up. Hundreds of millions of private charitable dollars floated to key urban county election offices in battleground states. The same private philanthropic largesse did not reach red counties. Urban counties were able to revolutionize
Starting point is 00:35:46 government election offices into Joe Biden turnout machines. Here's the best part. All of this, or the worst part, depending on who you are, is legal. Do not allow your shock and confusion about what happened in 2020 lead you to mislabel all of this
Starting point is 00:36:02 as voter fraud or quasi-legal. The left excels at making the unprecedented real and the seemingly illegal legal. That's what they do. I know a thing or two about a thing or two. The important thing to understand is that elections are messy and in 2020, hundreds of millions of dollars thrown at lawsuits and at election officials made the 2020 election the messiest ever. Elections are also complicated. And you don't always need outright fraud or communist hackers to craft a scheme to defeat Donald Trump. Why take that risk when you can do it all mostly legally by simply fundamentally transforming the entire process? There's the word we need to think more about, us people on the right process.
Starting point is 00:36:53 It's what the left has been doing better than us for decades. It's true. There's more lawyers on that side. That really opened my eyes. Again, it's classic. Yeah, it's legal but it's really i i mean zuckerberg facebook billions of people are on it he's throwing three his money around and then blocking conservative points of view and shit who the fuck i'd say watch your ass zuckerberg because because this article go main i think it went viral but did you guys know any of that thanks to the nick to paulo show me in bed reading
Starting point is 00:37:34 a little bit about the author his name is john christian adams he's an election lawyer and he worked on the doj under bush that That's right. Very good. John Christian Adams. I said his name was Adam. So I was almost right. John. Now, a guy with a middle name, Christian, is he going to lie? John Christian Adams. It was in PJ Media. That was the best article I've read throughout this tumultuous time, as they say. Anyways, kids, I want to thank all of you for watching here on the Comics Gym. We launched sooner than we planned and are still working out some bugs
Starting point is 00:38:12 and creating apps so you'll be able to watch on TV, etc. The best way that you can help us to do that quicker is to become a monthly supporter. Just click on any of the Encore videos on the site and you'll be able to join a monthly monthly supporter just click on any of the encore videos on the site and you'll be able to join uh as a monthly supporter you'll get access to my daily uh encore show a discount on my merchandise access to the first 400 episodes of the show again just click any encore show down below and uh you can get access to that. And, guys, I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I've got some more photos here from some fans who got some Nick DiPaolo show gear, and they've been nice enough to send pictures. If you have a photo, please send it to nick at Anyways, take a look at these guys. This one's from Brian. I had to look for it. The hat. Is that what we're Jace?
Starting point is 00:39:14 Is that? Oh, it's circled. Did you circle it? Huh? Boy, you can tell they really cherish it. It's in the fucking on the wet ground no guys i love it look at the making moonshine it looks like that's a thermos and there's a hose behind it um but that's hilarious look they both got these are apollo fans and i love it i
Starting point is 00:39:40 love uh i like well i don't know why the guy in the orange doesn't have that hat on backwards. It goes beautiful with his hoodie, but, uh, they're shooting at a schoolyard. Somebody said, get that out of there. No, thanks,
Starting point is 00:39:52 Brian. I appreciate it, brother. Excellent. And then we got this one from a fan, but he didn't, he didn't give us his name. Um,
Starting point is 00:39:59 first of all, the guy's about my age. He's got a kiss post. I think he might be in. He's probably in Jimmy Norton's bedroom. He's got a kiss post behind him. He's either burning out some nose hairs, fucking, I don't know, spot welding, or smoking a joint or a cigarette, but that's a very cool picture.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I like to look into people's houses. This has been the best thing about this COVID shit. Everybody's doing remote stuff. Do you ever listen to who's talking? I'm always looking at their bookshelves. I go, ugh, I fucking broad read that. What a pig. But that's very cool, man.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Thank you. We'll call you Pauly Shore. Thanks for those guys. Keep them coming. Also, I want to remind you guys that between now and Thursday, if you use the promo code NickDip25 in the store on my website, everything is 25% off. Get your holiday shopping wrapped up quick and save 25% on all show logo items, DVDs, and the Nika shirts. That's Nika with a CK. That's right. Thanks everyone for
Starting point is 00:41:06 your continued support. You guys really, I didn't understand it. I'm serious. I've been doing this a long time and you watch people get really famous and you know, like when fucking Gaffigan does 5,000, it's 5,000, um, 5,000 Gaffigan fans come out. That takes a long time to happen. You know what I mean? And now I have this army. And I knew that when we did Vegas and the streets were empty because people have been afraid of COVID. But I had the maximum people I could have in there. And when I went to Huntsville, Alabama, I mean, I can't thank you guys enough.
Starting point is 00:41:42 As I get older and longer into my career, it's like having an extended family. And this is a fucking movement. It's a bald movement. I've been wet, but... Thank you for keeping up the fight with me. I really appreciate it. Look at this fucking age spot.
Starting point is 00:41:59 What am I, 100? I also want to thank the people who make contributions at These are the daily ones since last night. Robert McDonald from Massachusetts. G Macascore, Australia, if I'm saying that right. Sorry. John Barra, New York. Casey Armstrong, New York.
Starting point is 00:42:23 And that's it? And new monthly supporter, Josh Thompson, Victoria Aylward, Justin Powell from Texas, Brian Tometz, Arizona, Anthony Volpe, Florida, Jason's life partner, Kevin, California. Are these Patreon? Yes. Okay. Steven Frederico, New York. Wow. Wireless thermostat contribution. So Nick stops bitching. He's hot, Missouri. Shut the fuck up. I've said that three times this year. Not bad when you live in Georgia. Thank you. Thick ankle cat face New York. I love you guys.
Starting point is 00:43:09 That's a lot of Patreon members. Thank you guys. Spread the goddamn word. I want this to spread like COVID in a New York nursing home. Know what I'm saying to you? Yeah. Hey, it's hot in here. I'm sweating my butt. I'll tell you. Jason, we got to watch Rodney on his last Tonight Show.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Go ahead. Before that, we have a Patreon question. Okay. Nick, would it be a bad thing to fuck my friend's ex-wife? Not if you want to have an ex-friend. Would it be a bad thing to fuck my friend's ex-wife? What am I, fucking Billy Graham? That's in the Bible.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Never lay with your fucking neighbor witness, covet the pussy, something like that. Personally, I don't know. I mean, how long? I have to know more. How long have they been split up that has a lot to do with it um how close are you with this guy um does he know that um you'd like to finger pop his ex-wife kick that around over a few beers bring it up now if he hits you in the head with a mug i'm guessing that's a no but But seriously, I need a little more detail,
Starting point is 00:44:25 but if it's been four or five years or whatever, if you guys are best friends, though, he'd be more mad at her, I'm guessing. Who am I, Dr. fucking Ruth? I don't know. You know what? Kick the house door down. Go get her. That helped absolutely nobody. Good question, though. I like that.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Let's get on with it. Let me have a sip of my coffee. um remember how we were railing on um elton john slash bill barr attorney general and we're asking where the hell he's been you know with the fraud thing and uh he had some excuse that it's not uh the department of justice's job or whatever whatever the bar but you know we've been a little disappointed that he wasn't out there being more vocal. And we might not have been wrong. Here's an interesting story. Right now, Bill Barr, Department of Justice, protecting Hillary Clinton directly and trying to shut down all at Judicial Watch, Clinton emailed Discovery and Suits holding up release of Obamagate email slash text of Page, Struck, and McCabe.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Outrageous, Tom Fitton says. He's the one who heads up Judicial Watch. This guy does God's work. He's always requesting shit, right? You know, we have a right to know everything in this country, right? Pretty much. And this guy does it with through judicial watch he's always uh um you know what doing these foyer things freedom
Starting point is 00:46:11 of information act that's what he does and he's saying that william barr because he looks just like hillary now vice versa he's blocking all that shit about obamagate. Can we trust anybody? Again, I'm trusting Tom Fitton because he's on TV all the time and doing really, and both sides like him because you know what he's doing? He's doing the work that journalists are supposed to do. Holding powerful people accountable. That's their job.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Think about that definition. Now think about what they actually do. I didn't even bother pulling up, what's his name, Project Veritas, O'Keefe. He secretly taped CNN morning meetings. I didn't even bother because it wasn't shocking enough to me that they were saying, hey, we can't touch this Hunter Biden thing and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I mean, just, we can't touch this Hunter Biden thing and shit like that. I mean, just you guys already know that. And I was watching a good game I recorded last week. I couldn't. Anyways, William Barr, I mean, Jesus, it's like Mattis. Remember General Mattis? I thought, hey, here's a guy, fucking Bulldog Mattis, whatever they called him. And he ended up, you know, turning on Trump.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I just, I don't know. Anyways, well, maybe it's Trump. Yeah, maybe it is because he came to Washington to expose all you people. At real, Donald Trump should issue an emergency transparency order. That's what Tom Fitton says. I wonder if that'll happen. He's telling Trump, hey, your boy Billy Barr's not giving us anything. I'm very disappointed in Billy Barr.
Starting point is 00:47:52 You're a crumb creep. You're a real crumb bum. I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. You're defending that pig face. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Zero out, 9 a.m. And it's gonna be Rocket man
Starting point is 00:48:20 Burning all these f views up here alone And I think it's gonna be a long, long time Touchstone brings me round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home I don't know, I'm a rocket man Rocket man Does that mean he likes dildos? I don't know the hidden meaning in that.
Starting point is 00:48:44 I'm sure it has something to do with sexual things. I was up in a capsule rubbing out, blowing out a fuse alone. Hey, let's lighten it up. Last couple stories of the week. Let's have some fun. You know what I mean? There's been so much bad news and sadness. Let me tell you a story about a girl they call the demon daughter.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Listen to this broad. She was a fan of the Jeepers Creepers movies. You know what she did? She beheaded her mom after her mom hired an exorcist. That didn't even happen in the movie Exorcist. Well, the priest got thrown down the stairs eventually. That's when he should have had the acorn staler, but that would have been a whole different movie. The Daily Mail reports that the demon daughter, whose real name is Nancy Pelosi
Starting point is 00:49:35 Jr. Lucy! No, it's Jessica Camilleri. Oh, she's an Italian! Look at that. She looks evil. She got the eyebrows of Groucho Marx. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Anyways, that's Jessica Camilleri, the demon daughter, set up the moment when she slaughtered her mom. She said, and this is a quote, I kept stabbing and stabbing and stabbing her i took her head off and she did the 57 year old rita camilleri's decapitated head turned up on the footpath of the family home this poor lady can you imagine she gave she literally spawned a demon. The demon daughter had done such a number stabbing her mom that she cut out her eyeballs, tongue, and the tip of her nose and left it on the kitchen floor. According to the prosecutors.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Are you shitting me? There's no dispute between the prosecutor and camilleri's criminal defense attorney over whether the demon daughter actually stabbed her mother's death in july of 2019 well she seems a little bit angry and uh i don't know imagine somebody meeting her on tumblr or something well i don't want to break up the meeting or nothing but she's something of a cunt, ain't she, Doc? Yeah, it's an understatement. The question is whether she can get her murder charge reduced. Yeah, that's the big question. That's what we should all be focused on.
Starting point is 00:51:15 We wouldn't want to lock her up too long. She might go crazy. The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Camilleri had fostered a toxic love of horror films. And so what? I watched the Three Stooges for 40 years. I never poked my mother in the eyes. I took a fucking crowbar to my brother's nostrils. Also had a long history of mental illness.
Starting point is 00:51:38 They throw that in like a side note. Violence and threatening phone calls. Oh, God. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 00:51:45 Hello? McCarthy told the court that the demon daughter gave her mother at least 40 stab wounds to the right cheek and ear. He added that Camilleri gave her mother another 62 stabs or incision wounds. What the fuck? The demon daughter, who was 25
Starting point is 00:52:07 when she stabbed her mother to death, had often assaulted family members as well as random strangers over the years. She was known to grab her victims by the hair, McCarthy said, often resulting in clumps of her hair being pulled out. I don't know. After she attacked about the ninth family member,
Starting point is 00:52:25 don't you put her to sleep. Take her out back. Seriously, like a mad dog. Put one on the back of her head and go. We can't find her. Don't report it. reports that Rita was so desperate to temper the maniacal violence in her disturbed daughter
Starting point is 00:52:40 that she paid $2,500 to a medium to get the demon out. Should have hired my fucking dad a few years ago. He'd have kicked the shit. The demon daughter was a big fan of the Jeepers Creepers horror film franchise. I'm going to have to watch it now, which centers on a flesh-eating demonic creator who eats people so as to replace its own lost body parts. Sadly, this apparently became the inspiration for the savage stabbing that took her mom's life and cut off her head. Camilleri's favorite film was, get this, oh God, I actually, this
Starting point is 00:53:12 is my favorite horror film, but I ain't pulling all of his hair out. It was the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. you should show that movie to your kids when they're like seven years old and put them right to bed anyways good riddance she'll be out because she wasn't in her right mind. Yeah, give her a couple of Advil PM. By the way, that's how I acted when I used to take, you know what, Ambien. Finally, tonight I meet the press. A Texas waitress. It's like people are ruling out any fun in this country.
Starting point is 00:54:03 No concerts, no restaurants, no bars, no playing Frisbee on the beach. A Texas waitress says she was thrilled to receive, get this, a $2,000 tip on a bill, only to find out from the restaurant that she won't take home a single cent of it. Emily Bauer had only been a server for about two weeks when she was scheduled for a busy Sunday shift at Red Hook Seafood Bar in San Antonio. While
Starting point is 00:54:33 working all the tables, she kept apologizing to a man seated in her section for being slow. He said, don't worry, I know you're retarded, just keep it coming. No. He said he was just like, I understand. He also mentioned he owned restaurants, so he knew how hard it was to be a server. He was like, just cancel everything.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Cancel everything and give me the ticket. So I said, okay. I gave him the ticket. Bauer said she didn't notice until after the guy left. He had given her a $ two thousand dollar tip and wrote a note that said merry christmas keep working hard now this is her hair i gotta believe she's got a rack on her like you read about and a sick ass because that hairdo ain't gonna get you too large maybe the mask because it looked like panties. Now listen. Anyways, so she was like,
Starting point is 00:55:29 I was like, wait, I just opened it and started crying when she saw the tip. Oh my God, my kids, I'm going to spend it all on my kids, said Bauer. This is why I'm not a parent. I would have been, oh my God, this is going halfway, Half of this is going up my nose. Said Bauer, who has two sons, a two-year-old and a five-month-old. And she's going to spend all that money on her kids. I don't know if I believe her because we have her on tape. Santa, you know what I want for Christmas this year? What?
Starting point is 00:56:03 A big fat cock. In my ass. That's what she's got to spend. She said, I was like, oh my God, I've never had Christmas where I've been able to splurge on my kids.
Starting point is 00:56:14 But she said later, her excitement was quickly dashed when the restaurant told her it can't process a tip larger than $500. What the fuck? Break it down.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Even I knew that. Other servers suggested that the restaurant give her four separate tips of 500 bucks. But the seafood restaurant said no to that. Huh? Why? Oh, fucking bitch. It's unclear why the restaurant couldn't process five hundred dollars of two
Starting point is 00:56:47 thousand tip to give to bauer uh in line with its uh limits um i don't think she said the waitress it's our responsibility as a server to say oh you can't tip me that much i'm sorry oh no there's a limit i'm sorry and i agree with a thousand percent she said if that's the case there should be signs posted on the restaurants or the or the receipt to say there's a limit of 500 bucks. Bauer said the customer received word that she won't get the tip and called the restaurant to express his disappointment. The guy that left the tip called the restaurant.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Now, listen to this. When she asked to call him back and express a gratitude, her manager said his information hadn't been taken down. What the fuck? Why is everyone so fucking stupid? Why aren't more people interrogating? Like me. I'm starting to get the idea she's not popular at the restaurant. We didn't write it down?
Starting point is 00:57:49 Didn't that sound fishy, Jason? I mean, he ate there, right? He got his ticket. There's got to be some record of him. Correct? And if he really wants to give her the tip, he'll go back there and give it to her. And I bet you that happens, and I bet you I don't follow up on it,
Starting point is 00:58:09 because I don't give a shit. I got my own problems. That is it for the week, ladies and gentlemen. Again, thank you so much, and thank you to all those people that signed up to Patreon yesterday. Don't forget is where my new home will be when we really cut
Starting point is 00:58:26 loose um and we'll see if uh they come after me there it'll be they can't do it they can't do it don't forget had four of them yesterday because people like these for christmas gifts if you got a friend the family member who loves the show or just somebody they hate uh go to, click on my profile, tell me a little bit about the person. I will roast them on my phone and send them the video. It's a lot of fun. That is it, you guys.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Think it. I will say it. You're very welcome. Have a great weekend. We'll see you back here on Monday. Bye-bye. Bye. guitar solo I'm out.

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