The Nick DiPaolo Show - Mass Shooter Take Down | Nick Di Paolo Show #1341

Episode Date: January 24, 2023

All but Twitter Ban Video of Pfizer CEO Shooter Take Down in LA Hit & Run Felon Shot Dead   Get an extra story Monday-Thursday by joining Nick on Patreon! tickets to see Nick, live!  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Hi. Hi. Welcome to the show on a Tuesday. A filthy Tuesday. How are you doing, folks? Great to be with you again. I need the 11 bucks, you know? Hey, the tooth.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Jesus Christ. What's it been? I've been walking around a half a year already with this fucker. Yeah, what's the next step? Next step, he has to, he said, this is George's, so relax, next step he has to he said they this is george's so relax he has to carb one out of soap and then and then they put that in a deep fryer for like they said a week and a half and then they a fat lady sits on it to keep it warm
Starting point is 00:01:20 and then um and that's just the fake one they'll base the real thing on. Anyhow, I don't know. What the fuck? You lose a tooth down there. You know, we used to make fun of the, but you lose a tooth down south, they're not in a hurry. Nobody's like, you look fucked up.
Starting point is 00:01:36 You look like my cousin. All right, whatever. Anyways, ladies and gentlemen, great to be with you. Just quick update on the, maybe one of the greatest seasons, Annie Hawk. I'm not exaggerating either. I got so excited
Starting point is 00:01:48 like a 12-year-old. I ordered a Bruins t-shirt in the mail. I had to. I got to represent down here. Jesus Christ. I'm going to shave this fucking thing. Look like Vivian Vance. You know, they won again since I talked to you last three more times.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I can't keep track, but their record is 37-5-4 or some shit like that. Literally. Like, I listen to the feed of the other team now. When I watch on ESPN Plus, I get, you know, you can pick the Boston announcers or the other teams. I listen to the other because they're like, the guy last night was really funny. This guy was for the San Jose Sharks. He's like a sarcastic bastard.
Starting point is 00:02:34 He goes, yeah, they're penalty killing is first, but their power play stinks. It's second. Just like that. The guy actually had me chuckling. First in killing penalties, second and power play uh you know percentage scoring and here's the two that kill me they lead the league in scoring goals and preventing goals that's all i need to know you're not gonna all mark who was uh sharing time with swayman last year as far as goalie he's got the he's got most wins. He's got 24 wins already. The lowest goals against
Starting point is 00:03:06 whatever the fuck. He's going to be the all-star goalie. I've never seen anything like it. And a bunch of guys who came into their own this year. The timing is fucking frightening. I know you guys might not get excited out there unless you're from Boston. I've been watching since I was, you know, Bobby York came to town in 1968 and I've never seen anything. Who knows? It's a little over the halfway mark. You don't know, but so what? Jesus Christ. If you get 100 points as a team, that's a pretty good season. That's sort of the benchmark. The Bruins are at, what did I say, 78 or 70? 78. 78 points. And they got almost a half a season of playing. Parasenac had another goal.
Starting point is 00:03:48 He's got 36. If you project that out, you know, that would be 72. I want him to get 50. This kid is as pure a goal scorer as I've ever seen. I hope he at least hits 50.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I've never looked worse. I've never fucking... I'm all puffed out. What did I fucking do last night? Oh, that's right. I ate four pounds of bolognese before I went to bed. And I wonder. Oh, wheat thins. Those are fucking gross.
Starting point is 00:04:18 You can taste the corn syrup in those. It's also the opposite of the name, thin. There's nothing thin about them. No, exactly right. Just like Little Debbie's should be called Fat Nicky's. Best line I ever came up with. Said it before on the show.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Yeah, I made a bowl of days. If you guys know what that is, that's an Italian version of a sloppy joe. Only the guineas would think of taking three pounds of ground beef and you keep cooking it down in red wine and tomato paste, and every time it starts to get a little dry, you add more liquid to it, water, believe it or not. Who would have thought this?
Starting point is 00:04:56 You keep doing that for two to three hours and it concentrates the place. It's my wife's favorite. I make her all kinds of stuff, including mental. And this is her favorite. And she's worth it. I mean, come on. Seriously. Smile on her face and me outside crying in the shed.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And then you add, here's the fucked up part. You add dairy at the end. Some people make, they say the original bolognese, here's the fucked up part, you add dairy at the end. Some people make, they say the original bolognese, there's no tomato involved. You just keep cooking down the meat with white wine and milk or cream, whatever, which I'm going to be doing next. You know, I'm the man. Anyways, that and then the fucking, what the fuck? I worked out twice this weekend. Fuck this. I'm as fat as a fuck, no? All right. I keep forgetting I'm wasting that on you, my Pauly Walmans.
Starting point is 00:05:54 All right, let's get on to the goddamn thing at hand here. Pfizer phony is the first story, ladies and gentlemen. This video has now been banned, banned on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. The World Economic Forum, remember Klaus Schwab, wants it scrubbed, and their lackeys, meaning Zuckerberg and all the other fucking social media giants, are happy to oblige. Update from Rebel News, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube have banned this video, while Twitter, thank God for Elon Musk, is promoting it heavenly. Heavenly or heavily. Both the 7.3 million views and counting of this. This is in Davos. Are they
Starting point is 00:06:41 in Davos? I believe. It doesn't matter. This is the CEO of Pfizer. That poor guy must live in hiding. He becomes CEO of a large drug. You think you're saving people, and they people want to murder you for being a lying cocksucker. Anyways, Rebel News,
Starting point is 00:06:59 I think it's Canadian, isn't it, Rebel News? They caught him in between meetings where they lighted the globe on a daily basis. And a couple of reporters, I only took one, I think, but laid some questions on him that you and I have been asking ourselves since COVID showed up.
Starting point is 00:07:18 And what a fucking, I am so, the more I read, the more happy I am that I didn't get the clock shot. Again, a couple people dropped it over the weekend. Somebody else. It's just, I'm sorry, folks. Don't mean to be paranoid, but something be up, no? Here is Dinkweed.
Starting point is 00:07:38 What's his name? I don't know if they even mention it yet. Does it? He's the CEO. You guys can Google it. A Pfizer. Let's call him dou You guys can Google it. Of Pfizer. Let's call him douchebag. How the fuck did I not put that in there?
Starting point is 00:07:50 This is him being questioned. He gave some good lengthy, as they do, they'll open up. Listen to this. Mr. Porley, can I ask you? Mr. Porley. How did you know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission? How long did you know that without saying it publicly? Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Pause. Pause. He sounds like Andy Kaufman. Thank you very much. It's Latke. When did you know the brakes were bad on that cab? Thank you very much. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I mean, we now know that the vaccines didn't stop transmission, but why did you keep it secret? You said it was 100% effective, then 90%, then 80%, then 70%. But we now know that the vaccines do not stop transmission. Why did you keep that secret? To have a nice day. I won't have a nice day until I know the answer.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission? I'd go, I guess you're going to have a really bad day. Why did you beat your kids to death with a shovel? Hello, how are you? Hello? I'm talking to you mother anybody there i don't want to talk to you get away from me uh anyways that's the head of p. Any doubts? Any questions out there? Because this is not, we're not guessing that he was lying. It's pretty much a fact. I don't like your jerk-off name.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I don't like your jerk-off face. I don't like your jerk-off behavior. And I don't like you, jerk-off. We know that's Ezra LaVant for Rebel News. Why don't they put the guy? Doesn't matter. Google it, will you, producer? Only you and I would do a story and then throw the name at you. CEO of Pfizer. Hello?
Starting point is 00:10:14 Hello? Hello? Albert Bourla. There you go. Couldn't even understand it. No, that's perfect. That's right. Anyway, that's the guy that's lying to everybody. How dare they? How dare you? How dare you? We have a story that's going to be related to this for the for the encore so you people are going to
Starting point is 00:10:47 lose out it's related to this very interesting and we have a Pam Anderson in her 20s doing it nude with technology Dells was able to put together a stop this boy was running like a Swiss watch in the show astonishing surveillance images show the moment a brave, good Samaritan, oh, this is called True Hero, tackled, you guys heard about the shoot-up in California, tackled California dance club mass shooter, who can tran?
Starting point is 00:11:21 Can you make that up? Who can tran? Apparently everybody. I'm thinking about getting tits myself. Come on, folks, you couldn't make that up in a million years. Who can tran? Who can't? Grabbing his semi-automatic assault pistol, even though he was certain he was about to
Starting point is 00:11:42 die. Even though he was certain he was about to die, Brandon Say, 26 years old, was seen dancing with this guy. No, seen brawling with a seven. Okay. And you are a hero, brother, but pretty sure I could have knocked out a 72-year-old. But, you know, it's very cocky of me to say, because when a guy got a gun, yeah. Seen brawling with a 72-year-old shooter as he burst into the Lai Lai ballroom. A ballroom. And studio.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It's both a ballroom and a studio, folks. That's like shampoo and conditioner. After already shooting dead 10 people. You know why? He came there to kill his wife. Fucking filthy, you know what? And injuring as many others at a nearby dance hall in Monterey Park late Saturday. The computer coder told Good Morning America Monday that he thought nothing of hearing the ballroom door closing until it was instantly followed by the sound of a metal object clinking together. I think he's trying to say, right? The gun,
Starting point is 00:12:50 that would put a chill up my slow dancing ass. That's when I turned around and saw there was an Asian man in his late thousands holding a water gun filled with duck sauce. I was surprised. No, I saw a man holding a gun. He said of the terrifying scene in his family's ballroom. Oh, it's his family's ballroom. Then he beat
Starting point is 00:13:17 the fuck out of the guy and he said, I didn't want to get blood on your floor. My first thought was I was going to die here. And he said, I hate i hate dancing god that would have been embarrassing we have a little video if you want to watch that too i'm sorry go ahead i needed to get the weapon away from him i needed to take this weapon disarm him or else everybody would have died um when i got the courage i i lunged at him with both my hands, grabbed the weapon, and we had a struggle.
Starting point is 00:13:51 That is pretty damn ballsy. My first thought, I was going to die here. That was it, he said. Say, who'd never before seen a gun? He lives here in this country, right? Hold on a second. You mean in person? I know you've seen him on TV. Christ's sake, anybody watches Family Feud now? When did Family Feud become a race thing, black against white? I fucking love it. Who had never before seen a gun. He said he'd never seen a gun, said it was immediately clear that the gunman wasn't here to rob us. When he was looking around the room, it seemed like, yeah, why would you go to a dance club?
Starting point is 00:14:34 Looking for targets, people to harm. The heroic bystander told GMA, recalling how the mass shooter then started prepping his weapon. He also told the New York Times that the man's eyes were menacing. Menacing, he said. Something came over me. God, I wish, I know there's a lyric in a song. I realized I needed to get the weapon away from him. But then I saw my old girlfriend in there, and I said, fuck it, go crazy. No, he told the morning show, which shared surveillance images that you're looking at here of his heroic. It really is something.
Starting point is 00:15:17 He did save a lot of people. I'm joking around here. And look at the fucking crazy old man with a hat from 1981 that I used to wear throwing snowballs. Images of his heroic fight. Wait a minute, this is California. That is a silly hat. Images of his heroic fight that authorities say saved lives.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I love that phrase because Nicholson said it 18 times in A Few Good Men. Our job is to save lives. What I do, although reprehensible to you, saves lives. Who's going to stand on that wall? You, Goldberg? I say that to my dentist. He don't like it. He knew he needed to take this weapon and disarm him
Starting point is 00:16:00 or everybody else would have died, he said. I think he deserves... He was the best guy around. The only guy around, fucking... When I got the courage, I lunged at him with both my hands, grabbed the weapon, and we had struggled to get control of the gun, he said.
Starting point is 00:16:23 He was hitting me across the face. What's the idea? Get up. They're wrestling for a gun. The guy slapped him across the face, especially in the back of my head, he said. I was trying to use my elbows to separate the gun away from him, create some distance. He sounds like a cornerback deciding how he's playing against a Titan off the line. He recalled of his heroic caught on camera tussle. A lot of people
Starting point is 00:16:51 have been telling me how much courage I had, he told GMA. But you know what courage is? Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to have adversity to fear when fearful events happen, such as this. That's pretty deep for him. I had to read that three times and put my bong down. Oh, good for him. What's the idea? He was the best guy around. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Imagine you go to the ballroom. They're celebrating Luna, you know, Luna whatever. Luna Dune. It's Luna Week out there, folks. I used to fly out there to celebrate Luna Week. Surprise, Dallas and Gianna ain't out there dressed like a bunch of chinks. Oh, that's horrible. Hey, guys and gals, I'll be back on the road early next month
Starting point is 00:17:46 because Tommy works me like Quinta Quinta. Here's where you can see me. In my mother's shower. February 3rd and 4th, the Grove Comedy Club, Lowell, Arkansas. March 11th and 12th, the Comedy Club of Kansas City. That's in KC, Mizzou. April 21st, 22nd, the Funny Bone, St. Louis, St. Charles, Missouri. May 12th, Hilton daytona beach
Starting point is 00:18:06 oceanfront resort daytona beach florida as opposed to arkansas you can get tickets to all these shows at just click on the tour button we move right along today karma's a bitch karma's a bitch what uh if you remember, about a year ago, whenever the fuck, we showed, maybe less, we showed a clip of a woman walking down an alley pushing her stroller in California. And you remember, a car came barreling down and hit. She threw the stroller out of the way and took the hit. It's some amazing footage. Well, we have an update on the story. First, to refresh your memory, we'll take a look at the video again.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Street in Venice. You see the woman pushing a stroller, then a car drives straight into them, while sending them both flying into the air. The car then kept on going. Remember that? A Los Angeles 17 year old. I can't believe how she popped up and went for that kid. Those instincts. A Los Angeles 17. See, that would have been me if I got hit like that. If I was eating a cheese steak, I would have done the same thing. Yeah, exactly. Missing a leg.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Yeah, exactly. Missing a leg. A Los Angeles 17-year-old who ran over a mother walking her baby in a stroller in 2021 and received just a few months, remember the outrage? I don't either. Of a diversionary camp as punishment. He had to go to a diversion, what is that? A diversionary camp for a few months. All you have to know is
Starting point is 00:19:46 it wasn't prison as punishment because Gascon, the cocksucker, is the attorney general in it, was gunned down. I'll repeat, that kid driving that car was gunned down in Palmdale, California this week. Oh, don't do that. No, no. That sends the wrong message. All right. When you're right, you're right. Christopher Baca. I went to school with his sister, Chu.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Imagine if his Asian first name was Chu. Christopher Baca. look at he looks like fucking john mulaney he looks like a blonde haired blue eyed what kind of name is baka bakala uh bakala yeah god damn it that would have been good christopher baka who fox news digital has previously not identified due to his youth, pleaded guilty to hit and run last year. Deputies found him dead with a gunshot wound in a Palmdale driveway on the 83,000 block of 11th Street East on Wednesday evening,
Starting point is 00:20:57 according to the sheriff's office. Sources close to the investigation said he had been at a fast food restaurant earlier trying to get pickles on a cheeseburger and got furious. No, trying to get with a girl. I love, we live in the age of guys can be girls, a guy can have a vagina, girls love to be with each other,
Starting point is 00:21:23 12-year-olds are wearing dildo, you know, fucking this, and it's a get with a girl like it's 1856. He was, what did Gallman say in one of his bits? It was a phrase that made me laugh out loud. He goes, oh I took a lover. You know how they say that? The summer of 68, I took a lover named I. And one other thing before I forget, Louis C.K.'s. I'm listening in the car a bit, it's called Little Towns and he's talking about how he hates little towns. You guys, I hate those little shops that people, you know, you walk in ding-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling.
Starting point is 00:22:04 She's surrounded as a woman, it's like Debbie's Crafts. And he's looking around, he goes, you know, all this shit she made by hand. He's like, so fucking stupid. He's like, you made all this? You made that instead of killing yourself? I'm sorry, he's the funniest guy on the planet. As he walked home alone, this is after trying to get with a girl at the burger joint,
Starting point is 00:22:29 because that's where you get your pussy, Arby's. A car pulls up next to him, and an argument broke out. Someone in the vehicle opened fire, then spat, I'm going to tell, again, I'll go out on my racist, he was at a fast food joint, and again, outside of
Starting point is 00:22:47 LA, probably flirted with the, you know, the fucking, some Mexican's girlfriend, or black dude, or if I could be wrong, he could look like that. But I'm saying, that's what probably went down. It's usually the people of color that would shoot you, you know, first. Just telling you the truth, folks.
Starting point is 00:23:04 The young mother who asked only to be identified as Rachel, we're talking about the woman that was pushing the stroller, her? Eventually, she moved her family out of L.A. to get away from what she has described as soft on crime policies. Is that what it took?
Starting point is 00:23:20 That's what it took. All right, whatever. She told Fox News on Friday that her husband was out of town. When she heard the news, she had to mull it over alone. She said she was both relieved, which I was surprised she had, and saddened by the news. Not sure where the saddened comes from. That would have been me if I was her.
Starting point is 00:23:44 The universe, this is her, and I quote, the universe delivered the justice we weren't given in court. This is actually very intelligent, but a much harsher punishment than he'd have been dealt in a court of law, she said. I think I feel shorted by the system because they didn't hold him accountable and sad, not for him, but for his mom a little.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Because if George Gascon actually did his job, this kid would still be alive in jail, Rachel said. Which is very, that's very thought out and measured as opposed to a guy like me would be good, I hope fucking it happens. I hope his brother gets it. You know, overreacting like an ass. But that's well thought out. George Gascon, who thought he was doing the criminal a favor here, actually got him killed. So put that in your pipe and smoke it, Gascon, you piece of shit. Look. Huh? He doesn't give a shit. Oh, he feels embarrassed. Trust me. Everybody has an ego. That cocksucker, like I said, he felt nothing.
Starting point is 00:24:48 You're right. You believe that shit? I couldn't believe her. Can we see that again? Yeah, let's take another look. It's like a good hit over the middle. Street in Venice. You see the woman pushing a stroller, then a car drives straight into them.
Starting point is 00:25:04 How are her legs not broken? The car then kept on going. Yeah, that's a pretty jarring impact. It wasn't soft. Dude, it was right mid leg. What the hell? I mean, I've run over 12
Starting point is 00:25:20 girls and they were all hurt. That didn't... Yeah, but she bounces. She didn't even limp when she went for the stroller and is it said it's that mother instinct that motherly instinct and uh so that guy is kaput that kid i want to know more about his sort of his right do you want to be he looks like a freaking white suburban dope um oh i know why we're not going to hear about what happened. Well, he was also on probation for having done something else.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I can't remember what it was like putting something in somebody's drink or something like that, but he was on probation for something. He put ice in somebody's drink that they didn't want it. He was a waiter. Some Jewish guy. Yeah, I would like to know the full story there. First, I want to know what Baca, this is how I look at stories,
Starting point is 00:26:09 I want to know what Baca, and I want to know, the reason we don't know about the guy pulling up and shooting, well, it was in a car or whatever, but I want the story. See, and you won't get it, right? I'm guessing the perpetrators
Starting point is 00:26:25 were, again, of a certain persuasion that they don't mention it. So you can run into them too someday. Baca is of Spanish origin. Yeah, makes sense. But his first name, Christopher, spelt with a K, makes it all the more confusing. Well, no, it doesn't. His mother's retarded. There's that mystery solved. No, that is just to be different.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I hate that. K, is it? But you know what? He got it. He got it. A death sentence. And that lady, I got him impressed with how you took that. Anyways, that is it for today, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
Starting point is 00:27:04 except for you people who? You know subscribe to a monthly basis you have an extra story coming up right now You guys think I'll say you're very welcome. We'll see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a good day everybody Hi, good night everybody We'll be right back. guitar solo Outro Music

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