The Nick DiPaolo Show - Maxine Waters and the KKK | Nick Di Paolo Show #527

Episode Date: April 20, 2021

Waters's comments could constitute a mistrial in Chauvin trial. Minnesota Governor Waltz outed as a self-hating white whimp. Chris Cuomo bloviates about shooting white kids....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you for watching the show and I want to encourage you to keep contributing to keep this show and free speech free for everyone whether they want to hear it or not. Click on this video or the link on the screen to make a contribution of any amount. I'll read your name on the show, but more importantly, you'll truly be supporting a great cause without Big Brother taking their cut or limiting the message. Thank you guys so much. Hello everybody, welcome to the show. How are you? It's Tuesday, good to be with you. A lot to talk about, don't feel like it. What the hell?
Starting point is 00:01:21 Red Sox, watch out for them. I'm telling you now. What is it, April 29th, April 40th? I'm telling you, they got to line up. They got real players. If they get any pitching, watch out. If they don't, I never said this. Aye, aye, aye, aye. Let's talk about an ignorant old black woman who's mentally ill and should have been kicked out of D.C., I'd say, 25, 30 years ago.
Starting point is 00:01:44 And she's a, well, a typical old lady. What? Yeah, you know what I want to say. Yeah, there's the basset hound. Huh? That's her as somebody performs fucking oral on her. Standing up. Look at that wig.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Are you dog styling me? I'd look more natural in that fucking thing. Somebody tell her she's got a tarantula on her skull, tarantula? Nick did you say that? Yeah I'd get a vodka and tonic with that please Erica let's get to it I guess
Starting point is 00:02:16 fuck, tired of talking about black people ever think about how much time we spend how dare you say white people race, you know how much time we spend, how dare you say white people are racist, you know how much time we spend trying to solve your fuck ups, yeah, but it all goes, I don't want to hear it, shut it, the last person who was enslaved died a thousand and fifty years ago, okay, shut it, move on, get on with it. Take a lesson from the Asians.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Get a bodega. Take a lesson from the Chinese. Get a fucking restaurant. Anyhow, Nick, that's ridiculous. I know, but that's how ridiculous the left sounds to me, okay? And they are that ridiculous. Actually, what I just said made more sense. Anyways, rough waters for Maxine Waters.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Chauvin trial judge Peter Cahill responds to defense requests for a mistrial over comments by rep Maxine Auntie Waters. Seen here with her very lifelike wig. And I have some of the audio of what she said. And what folks says about this family, I do. I have some of the audio of what she said. What folks says about this family I does. I have told you and told you that you can always tell a lady but the way that she's in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkinson and eat like a field
Starting point is 00:03:34 and die without a hole. Then Maxine That's Hattie McDaniel I think her name is. You know she died very rich. She had a beautiful house and shit. She's a good actress. I like to make fun of her all the time because I can't help it if they made racist movies back then.
Starting point is 00:03:52 But you see, they weren't racist back then. They were just making movies depicting how the times were. And now you try to apply today's standards, social values to that. Of course, it's going to look racist, but that's what the left does because they're so fucking ignorant. Got nothing to do with what I'm talking about here. Let's take a look at what Maxine Waters said to get her, you know, get her in the headlines. And here you go. I didn't hear you. What happens? What should protesters do? Well, we got to stay on the street get i didn't ask you what your daughter
Starting point is 00:04:25 should do go ahead more active we've got to get more confrontational yeah we've got to make sure that they they know that we mean business yeah because burning down 19 cities last summer didn't get the point across and uh i don't know if you saw tucker carlson last night he did a whole thing on the history of how she backs violence right from reginald denny jason you're probably too young to remember reginald denny but you've probably seen the guy get pulled out of his truck during the oj riots get hit with a brick by four black guy and you know and and she was backing that after it happened she's just violent she's the reason you don't see many leaders like her if you know what i'm saying of other countries here you do um but anyways imagine she we got to get more confrontational there's
Starting point is 00:05:17 you stupid fucking blabbermouth cut well i don't think she she realized what kind of impact her words are going to have because the judge did. The court's in session. The court's in session now. Here come the judge. Here come the judge. Judge Cahill, who's, as you know, we're waiting for a verdict to come down in the Chauvin trial. Could be today. Could be while we're on the air.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I don't know. In the Chauvin trial. Could be today. Could be while we're on the air. I don't know. But the judge, by the way, who's no conservative by any fucking stretch of imagination, he was a little disturbed at what Maxine Waters did. Here's what he had to say. threatening acts of violence, insurrection to the specific case.
Starting point is 00:06:11 It's mind boggling to me, Judge. Well, I'll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned. But what's the state's position? He went on. I should have played more of him. He got angry. He got angry.
Starting point is 00:06:30 He got angry because the legislature or the people in D.C. aren't treating his. He works in the judicial branch of the government. And he says they're not treating him like a co-equal. You know, he got he took it like personally. He got a little angry. Why? I didn't show that was beyond me. Lazy motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:06:46 So Maxine Waters, she had no idea. This is what happens. You get around your own people. You know, I get around my own fans. You get comfortable. You say, how many politicians have we shown giving speeches in front of a friendly audience? And you get too hyped. But she's always been this way.
Starting point is 00:07:00 A big mouth, old black woman. Who's going to fucking, who's's gonna punish her for anything well anyways don't take my word for what she said or judge cahill's as being uh might have an impact on the outcome of this uh trial alan dershowitz uh probably the best lawyer on the planet says uh maxine waters was taking a page out of the old ku klux klan playbook tuesday on newsmax's show, A Stinch Field, Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz addressed Rep Maxine Waters' tactics amid the Derek Chauvin trial, saying she is trying to influence, these are quotes, and intimidate the jury. These guys, to me, is the most fair person on the planet. I don't always agree with them, but he still takes the Constitution seriously and all that silly shit that the left likes to shit on.
Starting point is 00:07:51 But here's what Dershowitz had to say about what Maxine Waters said. Well, first of all, the judge should have granted the motion for a mistrial based on the efforts of Congresswoman Waters to influence the jury. Her message was clearly intended to get to the jury if you acquit or if you find a charge less than murder we will burn down your buildings we will burn down your businesses we will attack you uh we will do what happened to the witness blood on their door this was an attempt to intimidate the jury it's borrowed precisely from the ku klux klan of the 1930s and 1920s, when the Klan would march outside of courthouses and threaten all kinds of reprisals if the jury
Starting point is 00:08:32 ever dared convict a white person or acquit a black person. And so efforts to intimidate a jury should result in a mistrial. But the judge, of course, wouldn't grant a mistrial because then he'd be responsible for the riots that would ensue, even though it was Waters who was responsible. And so now, if there is a conviction, and I think there will be a conviction, at least on the mass loader charge, the appeal but on the ground that the jury was subjected to intimidation tactics not only by Waters but by others as well who threaten violence in the event of an acquittal or a lesser charge than than murder yeah does Dershowitz lay it out there though he was the best guy around um I'm telling you folks we already know the answer to that even if it goes to an appeals court they're not going to have the balls I'm sure there'll be some liberal douchebags on it
Starting point is 00:09:40 I just don't have a good they're not gonna i i don't know but i mean he's saying right there mob intimidation so much so that the friggin if it comes down to um what am i trying to say here if it comes down uh if they don't get the charges they want and and maxine waters up he's stirring up the fucking one and already like he he has to have the judge should have he said should have declared a mistrial right there i guess right is that what he's saying a grant of motion um and he didn't because why apparentlyation, the mob is already ruling is what I'm trying to say. A little bit. You know?
Starting point is 00:10:31 How about her? She thinks, she's so ignorant. She was out there talking about first degree murder. Which is not even a charge they're bringing up because it wasn't. That's how ignorant. And she's still in office. Congratulations, California. You really know how to pick them.
Starting point is 00:10:45 So this is very interesting. And I think Dershowitz is right. There will be a charge, but it's not going to be satisfied the bloodlust. You know, they want to hear that he's going to be hanged at noon tomorrow on the streets. It ain't going to happen. And can you imagine, I'm telling you right now, here's my, nobody will have the balls to overturn whatever conviction. Nobody. Which tells you what? The mob's winning. Until the cops or the National Guard start shooting people, and I'm dead serious, not unjustly, unjustified.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I'm talking about when they'll, you know. Again, and I'll say it again. You don't even have to shoot them. But you have to fucking break out the police dogs, the hoses you keep fucking sitting around watching shit happen why wouldn't they do it every night you're not gonna hurt them some of them don't get arrested our fucking twat vice president bailed some of these people out literally out of jail so why would you sit home why would you sit home because you heard one of your friends got shot fucking trying to loot a wendy's that's that's the only way it's gonna work
Starting point is 00:11:48 nick you can't yeah it's america it's very violent you guys are being violent and then the law and order should be violent back that's how it works that's why they're there to stop you you have no right if you just fucking disagree or disapprove of the uh conviction or the ruling to go burn somebody's shit. And a lot of times it's black-owned businesses and black and brown people who work their whole lives get their shit burned. So again, please come up with something. Fans at home, you can send me suggestions. Non-lethal, but something that would really fucking incapacitate them for about a month.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Non-lethal, but something that would really fucking incapacitate him for about a month. Some type of venom from a, just enough venom from some type of cobra. I'm fucking, you know what I mean? You shoot the bullet, it goes in. I mean, I like that blowfish. It's one of my favorite. Kenny Rodgerson did that. But there's a restaurant that used to serve some type of blowfish. It's very poisonous.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And if it's not filleted right by the chef, it can literally poison you, paralyze you. I'm sorry. And kill you. Kenny Rodgson. Waiter comes over. So how was everything tonight? Well, the salad was good. Anyways, I digress.
Starting point is 00:13:14 But I'm just saying the mob mentality already, you can tell it's ruling. Sorry, you have to get violent back, police. You got to fucking make these people not want to come out of their houses. And by that, I mean Antifa, all the scum. High tech's double standard. Oppress my ass. I don't want to hear about oppression anymore. Here's a clip from a show called Burn It Down with Kim Brown.
Starting point is 00:13:44 You can get it on. Here's the important part of the story. You can get it on, here's the important part of the story, you can get it on iTunes, you can watch it on any number of social media platforms like the ones I've been kicked off, none of which is, they haven't even considered censoring this twat, okay? So just think about that.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I don't want to hear about oppression anymore, because for every guy that's oppressed, and wait till I play the governor of Minnesota, I might quit the show. I literally my ears, my eyes were tearing up. I was so angry watching the governor of Minnesota. Oh, my God. It was fucking brutal. But this twat's own Kim Brown.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Again, not a huge name, but enough people follow her. She has her own show on the Internet of shit. Right. And again, the big the big part of this story is the double standard. But here's her intelligent take. This is considered black leadership. Here's her intelligent take on rioting and looting. For the record, I support all that. I support them looting the damn Dollar Tree. I support the looting of what other shit did they loot?
Starting point is 00:14:47 Like the advanced auto parts. I remember last year they looted Target. I support all that shit. Loot all that shit. Do you know why? Because black people and marginalized and oppressed people could loot every store in this whole country for 200 years it would not even come close to the debt that america owes us tear all that up tear it up because really that's the language that's the only language this country understands that you can always tell a lady but the way that
Starting point is 00:15:19 she eat in front of folks like a bird and i ain't aiming for you to go to mr john wilkinson and eat like a field hand and gobble. A, she was a hooah. B, she was a hooah. First of all, I disagree with they could loot for the next 200 years and it wouldn't. Have you seen the price of Air Jordans
Starting point is 00:15:38 and shit? That would take about, I'd say, two weeks worth of looting and you'd be paid off. Because I did my math. We owe you guys like $2,800. Somebody might question that number, but I put a lot of work into it. I had a red light in my car with a pad and pen. La, la, la, la. You know what I think, Kim Brown?
Starting point is 00:15:58 You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. I'm a fat-speaking cunt. She's cunt. Said in true Bonita, you're a motherfucking cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. A big fat stinking cunt. She's cunt. Said in true, but need to tell you. You're a motherfucking cunt. You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. A motherfucking cunt. Cunt, cunt.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Everybody knows from the end of the day. A big fat stinking cunt. You fat, nasty, black bitch. Hallelujah. That's called free speech. Soak it in, folks. Because it's going away, apparently. Any he called free speech. Soak it in, folks, because it's going away, apparently. Any he, anyhow.
Starting point is 00:16:35 In our Are You Dog Style Me segment tonight, what a pandering, self-hating, white, spineless fuckwad Governor Walz is. Governor Walz, governor of Minnesota. I have never seen a self-hating white person more than this guy. Do these people really get elected in Minnesota? What the fuck went wrong? This is the state of the Minnesota Vikings and Bud Grant and hunting. And when did you guys lose your shit?
Starting point is 00:17:04 When all the fucking little mogadishu broke out oh seriously al franken uh ilan omar i don't believe they're elected uh i think they're appointed i really believe it don't know that i'm but this this guy takes the fucking i honestly i was getting so angry excuse me i did that i was so angry and uh i didn't want to break my own flat screen i was i was hoping i i would i wish i was at a hotel like a fucking quality and i could have thrown my Timberlands right through the... Excuse me, folks. This is Governor Walz. And I don't know how you get to this point mentally,
Starting point is 00:17:55 how you get to where he is as far as race is concerned, and how you can... I could have picked him apart. I was fantasizing. I was in the, at the press conference raising my hand. Any, any, anybody with, um, who watches, follows the news slightly. He had holes this big in his argument. I'm not going to show a bunch of it because I don't know why he's supposed to not show long clips apparently because, but I'm just going to poke a hole in a few of these.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Uh, just watch this dick what go ahead systemic and fundamental changes will need to be made it needs to be started with systemic public safety reforms pause first of all let's not even get to him don't we have closed caption do i have to look at a transgender fucking thing and it or whatever fucking gesturing wildly? I don't fucking seriously. Don't we have closed caption? Could you get any more politically correct? This he she. Unhappy with her life.
Starting point is 00:19:01 What's this? Even she's even signing fucking angrily. And then white people, straight white men. It's like Bobby Knight going, well, what's a game face? I get angry at that. I know it's irrational, but I get angry at sign like they fucking oh go ahead some very simple truths that i think we can all agree on and let's work from there no one should die for a simple traffic violation pause pause pause pause let me quote what he just said no one should die for a simple traffic violation nobody has ever died in the history of this country because of a simple traffic violation. You dumb cocksucker. How can you be the governor of anything? See, when you pull somebody
Starting point is 00:19:52 over and they resist, then it's anything but simple. It gets complicated. And then when they have a weapon, it's even more complicated. Those are the people who die at traffic stops. Stupid. There's never been somebody who died at a simple traffic stop would be license and registration please. There you go officer. You mind stepping out of the car? Yes sir. No sir.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yes sir. Okay. That's it. That's a simple traffic stop. Nobody has ever died doing that You get it? Governor Waltz, you fucking Does he really believe this? Do people
Starting point is 00:20:32 I ask myself this all the time Do they really believe that? Are they that stupid? Honest to God Do they really believe it? Or are they just selling an agenda? I don't even Then look at the little fucking troll signing here's
Starting point is 00:20:47 what i did to my life partner last night with my thumbs go ahead there's enough smart people out there you know enough agreement around that that we should be able to find some answers because to be very clear if we don't find that answer yeah we're going to be right back in this situation pause pause here's the here's the answer you stupid fuck you're never going to get to it because you're allergic to the truth you go to the black community as a whole have just a zoom thing for every black person i don't know once whatever get them all get all black people the whole community even though i'm not you know it's only a small percentage of them that would fuck and say, listen, we got to fix what's happening. Do it in nice terms to the dissolution of the black family, because we were talking about it in the early sixties and it's only getting worse.
Starting point is 00:21:34 And I like to count the number of guys who've been killed by cops, black guys, last 20 years that had came from a two family household. You know what I mean? Let's start there, but you're not going to do that because that's the fucking truth you're white you're afraid to speak the truth that's the only way it's going to get solved they always say we want to have a dialogue a real honest dialogue about um about uh racism in america you know well do we do we get to speak but nobody will say that. You got to reform the, no you don't. The fucking, the way the cops work again tens of millions of interactions
Starting point is 00:22:11 a year with civilians. Tens of millions and a total a handful of these things happen. But you don't want to look at that. And the behavior of the guys who end up getting shot black or white by cops is all the same, but don't address that. Go after the cops, a model that has worked for a lot of years. And I don't want to hear, uh, black, black, young black guys are afraid of the cops either,
Starting point is 00:22:42 because my buddy was a cop in Miami for 33 years in the eighties. So he dealt so he dealt with it he goes i never met a young black kid who was afraid of me not fucking one and i rode in the car with him i saw the fucking shits yeah three in the morning they're spitting on the cop car as we drive by in the pork and beans product yeah they're frightened but this jerk off this self you see what he's doing this is more to me this is more um corrosive than what maxine water said look they're going there's a white guy saying it's unfair that is the worst kind of poison there is let the jerk off finish continue to say it we cannot continue we cannot live this way communities need to be heard. They're frustrated, not just out on the streets and say, why are you doing that? Because they're not being heard. They're
Starting point is 00:23:29 demanding that these changes be made. They told us last year, change cash bail, change how you do traffic stops. It didn't happen. And look what we got. Pause. You know what else didn't happen? The behavior of people of color when they get pulled over. That didn't change either. But don't say that, shithead. You might hold somebody accountable. Oh, my fucking word. Did you really vote this jerk off in? It's not like he became a liberal overnight, I'm guessing. Do you look at their credentials? Did you really vote in Ilhan Omar and fucking Al Frank in Minnesota? You get what you deserve deserve although i don't believe you voted a man fuck it hey look at nutso on the left fucking curly go ahead i was speaking to a a woman today a black mother and i was explaining how frustrating it is in our political
Starting point is 00:24:26 system he just said frustrating by the way well nick that's picky you know it's not he's a governor it's frustrating it always was but some ignorant fucking said it wrong on probably espn a couple hundred times it becomes the same way it's it's Joe Biden. It's Joe Biden and Martin. And I'm seeing white women do it now. I don't know where it comes from. He just said frustrated. Nick, I don't give a fuck. Speak with the King's English.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Go ahead. To try and find consensus to get stuff done. And she said, wait a minute. She said, you're frustrated. She said, you're the governor of the damn state. Think how frustrated I am. What power do I have to change this? Her point was frustrated i am what power do i have to change this her point was listen what power do you have to change it more than him teach your kids uh to behave around the cops tell your daughters not to get pregnant at 15 you have
Starting point is 00:25:17 more power than that old white man does quit waiting for fucking him you're the one who has power that's how it's going to change it's not going to happen overnight my fucking word look and even she was freaking out the sign language go ahead and make the changes don't find a reason you need to go home don't find a reason to adjourn and don't say it's hard hard is katie right after to stand in front of the press and the shame that all of us should feel to watch her talk about why her son died. She doesn't need our pity. She doesn't need our sympathies. She doesn't need us talking to her She needs us to do actions and I say us me and everyone else are a part of it But let's be very clear
Starting point is 00:26:01 George and Dante and Philando and Jamal here minutes. We can go through anything in Minnesota. The names say their names. I hear that in front of my house as I should. What do they all have in common? Did they listen to the cops? Don't draw that conclusion. That's irrelevant. They should be able to do what they want, Nick.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Oh, I forgot. This guy is making me sick to my stomach. It's a stupid, stupid, stupid. Go ahead. Say their names. They need to know that I better go to bed thinking about say their names of who died. Do you sleep at night? Say their names.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Kevin, Sean. I keep forgetting. What was it? LaShonda, Trayvon? He actually, that's the end of it, right? I didn't show you. He actually brought up at the beginning um women of color dying during during uh childbirth blaming that on a racist country they're born into a racist it could have come
Starting point is 00:27:13 from al sharpton it was so fucking tone deaf and embarrassing i i don't know if they count our votes and elections after november 3rd i don't even fucking know anymore but i don't know if they count our votes in elections after November 3rd. I don't even fucking know anymore. But I don't know how there's not a right winger running every state from here on in. Unless you like the mayhem and shit in Seattle and Portland and, you know, keep enjoying your radical lefties. But we have to make change. Ugh. Who gives a fuck what you think? Apparently a few people.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I sold two mugs last night. No, I'm kidding. Anyways. But do you guys agree with me? Is that not throwing gas on the fire? He's not speaking the truth. He's doing everything but addressing the real issue it's never going to happen in my lifetime
Starting point is 00:28:10 because it's not, I don't see a white person for the next 50 years that has the balls to speak the fuck up maybe Ron DeSantis but when it comes to race, even him it's never, what has to be said is never going to be said speaking of white spineless people in organizations boy did parlor turn into a
Starting point is 00:28:32 popcorn fart huh what a disappointment that was parlor pussies out is the headline parlor is back in the good graces of big tech right away you know a blow job is involved after caving to the political establishment and implementing a hate speech ban isn't that what separated supposedly was going to be totally free now they have a hate speech ban bye bye uh you think you went in the toilet before? Bongini, were you still involved with this? Jesus Christ, I hope not. You're going to lose all credibility. Before they started complying with big tech's demands, Parler was banned from the Apple
Starting point is 00:29:14 App Store because they were blamed without evidence of helping foment violence that occurred during the mostly peaceful protest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. After having reviewed the new information, we do not believe these changes are sufficient to comply with the App Store review guidelines, Apple wrote to Parler's chief policy officer in February. There is no place for hateful, racist, discriminatory content on the App Store. Really? hateful, racist, discriminatory content on the app store. Really? You need to shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Actually, there's plenty of room for it, you know, because there's something called the First Amendment. It's what separates us from all the third. Oh, yeah, you want to be a third world shithole and a dictatorship, totalitarian fucking government. And there is no such thing as hate speech. There's only speech that you hate actually so hey that was pretty clever I'm gonna put that on a t-shirt now Parler has effectively folded to big tech and been completely neutralized as a social
Starting point is 00:30:17 media competitor that respects free speech this has been part of a long fall from grace for the platform which has been revealed as a project funded from grace for the platform, which has been revealed as a project funded by billionaire oligarchs. Well, now we're getting into the reason. Big League Politics has reported on other capitulations made by Parler to the elites in the past few months. Parler has done itself no favors by relying on Amazon to provide their cloud hosting services and then switching to another provider who has a blanket ban on all so-called hate speech in their terms of service without defining what really falls under that classification. Well, anything that goes against the left's narrative, let me define it for you.
Starting point is 00:31:02 That's why they don't put it in there. They think you know by now. It's really simple anything that would make Don Lemon tear up a pair of pink panties when he gets home and a recent profile from the telegraph it was explained how the organization's billionaire back at Rebecca Mercer got Parler back online oh I was going to say she's fucked somebody, but I'm going to rule that out. She has fucking, that skull. She looks like the kid from Mask. These things are bad on my face.
Starting point is 00:31:33 The sun, light. Jason says she looks like a fucking ugly Madeline Kahn. Bing, ding, ding. Exactly. She's a billionaire. You really think she gives a shit about free speech? How'd she get involved? Well, she's back on the whole thing, I guess.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Rebecca Mercer got Parler back in line. She acquiesced to censorship policies that are supported by the big tech giants. Really? Christy. Yeah? Get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. How about some music? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:32:02 your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. How about some music? What do you think? Colin's solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying in a narrower way. Special. All that before he cuts a guy's head off with an axe.
Starting point is 00:32:18 American Psycho. If you haven't seen it, just watch Maxine Waters. Anyways, here's a quote. One thing the company has added likely in part as a play to be added back to the Apple App Store is automated moderating ability, which involves computer systems scanning posts
Starting point is 00:32:36 to flag offending material. Really? That's what they've added? That's faggot stuff. Oh boy, is it ever. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags. Watch your mouth. Major social media sites
Starting point is 00:32:48 like Facebook and Twitter have employed this type of moderating technology for years to varying degrees of success. But Parler had long resisted, the profile stated. Do you really think, so now we got another
Starting point is 00:33:01 left-wing platform to go to. Yay! Boy, that worked out good, Parler. You did a great job. I don't even like the name of it, Parler. Explain that to me. What is that, French for acquiesce? What?
Starting point is 00:33:16 French. It is? I was just joking around. It's French versus C. And that's how you spell it? P-A-R-L-E-R? Parlez-vous, Francais? I didn't think of that.
Starting point is 00:33:29 I was just joking when I said France. But you know what? Now it makes sense. Because what does French things do best? They retreat. Anytime there's resistance, even though there's an American company. That made no sense. Shut it.
Starting point is 00:33:42 You know who I got a crush on? Chris Cuomo. I think he's a hunk. A hunk of fucking dog cheese. Unhinged Cuomo. He actually said this yesterday on air. White kids need to be killed for gun slash police reform. slash police reform.
Starting point is 00:34:05 After putting on a ridiculous voice and suggesting people who supported police believed comply or die, Cuomo's eyes became wild and manic as he described what was needed for reform to fucking happen. He's starting to lose his shit, man. I'm telling you. I'm smart.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I'm like everybody says. Like, don't. I'm smart and I want telling you. This is how he gets respect. Listen to this. And you know what the answer is? You really do. You don't like it. I don't like it. Scares me. Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons. Oh, yeah, I know when they'll change. gun laws access to weapons oh you i know when they'll change your kids start getting killed white people's kids start getting killed your people that's right smoking that doobie that's actually legal probably in your state now but they don't know what it was and then the kid runs pop pop pop pause has that ever happened even to a black kid you're smoking a doobie and they don't know what it is i don't even get the analogy you could have said you're had a butter knife in your hand or whatever
Starting point is 00:35:11 i don't get how a doobie gets confused when the kid runs the next thing he's probably gonna say he runs to a baseball game or something go ahead cop was justified why'd you run oh he had a baseball game tonight what a white kid oh big family that house over there those start piling up what is going on with these police look at this it's theater what maybe we shouldn't even have police that kind of mania that kind of madness that'll be you that'll be the majority pause uh no it won't and here's why um even though illegitimacy rates have gone up in white communities uh no most of them uh will put a cap on it actually uh finally nobody's getting married but uh for the most part white people um listen to
Starting point is 00:35:59 orders when cops get pulled over white kids yeah whether they're poor or rich or not because they know it could result in getting shot this hasn't message hasn't got through the black community yet um but do you acknowledge any of that oh they behave because of their privilege what you ever hear a more stupid analogy oh he's got a doobie but but what he's got a doobie but what he's got a baseball game what are you talking about go ahead because it's your people your people that's racism see now black people start getting all guns forming militias protect themselves pause you mean like uh black lives matter like the rioters and looters like the bloods in the crypts is that what you're talking about stupid how many guns are in the inner cities stupid white people have guns you know what and they
Starting point is 00:36:53 keep them in their closets and they go hunting most of them stupid what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it may god have mercy on your soul better be talking about cuomo bitch okay go ahead can't trust deep state you'll see a wave of change in access and accountability we saw it in the 60s that's when it changes because that's when it's you so my job is to show you in them show you in them not in them in them other words, show you white people in them, meaning this is what's going to happen to you.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Which, no, because see, the white nuclear family is still intact as much as you're trying to break it apart. And you're not addressing the real problems of the black community because you don't have the balls to. There's nothing worse than a New York liberal, I swear to God. This guy fucking lives in Westchester, never been out of that fucking bubble. And it's a weird
Starting point is 00:38:08 they are so I don't know, as far as race in New York, I've discussed it with people and, you know, because they had to deal with people from other countries first. That was the center immigration. Everybody went to New York.
Starting point is 00:38:23 But they are so like this guy's so tone deaf i don't know how you can boy he's a handsome devil though isn't he i don't like your jerk off name i don't like your jerk off face i don't like your jerk off behavior and i don't like you jerk off make me a sandwich make me a fucking sandwich in our make me a sandwich segment tonight boy you're good at that i don't even know when they're coming up jace well done sir uh in our make me a sandwich segment tonight what do we got here um oh this is terrific i think it's uh it's the future of america um this young girl uh welcome to the real world you child of social media i wrote in anger as i read the story um you're gonna get a kick out of this kids i don't know she's in her 20s what generation is that does
Starting point is 00:39:19 anybody know jace what what are we down to z now yeah it's gen z it's like there's a weird cross-section between millennials and gen z now okay gen z it's one word polish for shut up gen z um anyways here's generation z i guess we know how uh sheltered a lot of these kids are and look i feel i i i'm not like people want to blame millennials and shit i don don't, they're actually, they're coming around. A lot of them. They've had a fuck enough. And, um, and you know what? They're even when they're wrong, when they're PC, they've, their hearts in a good place.
Starting point is 00:39:54 They've been brainwashed. You and I were brainwashed by Gilligan's Island and shit, but TV's got a lot more corrosive. It's because now we're starting to get jobs and money. Yes. Now you're getting jobs and money. He says, I don't know what that means, but thank Donald Trump for it. Um, anyways, watch why his, uh, young girl, apparently she's behind on a rent and she handles it really like a grown adult. You legally have to give me a month. No, I don't. Cause you haven't paid one brown penny.
Starting point is 00:40:23 That's right. I'm not obligated to, and I can't afford to. Guess what? Doesn't matter. You can't just tell me I have two weeks to find somewhere. You've had over a month. No, I haven't. Look, you have done nothing but dig your heels in and try and make me feel bad about your education. No, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I've been trying to educate you. No, your education is brainwashing. No, it's not. You just won't listen to me. No, I'm not going to listen to this crap. I have schizophrenia. I don't care what you have. I don't.
Starting point is 00:41:04 It doesn't mean we live in squalor. And it doesn't mean you're a bully. I'm not even a bully. You literally detonate me, misgender me, and tell me that. You didn't say she misgendered you. Now I understand you're justified in your angst. Oh, my God. You misgendered me.
Starting point is 00:41:27 And what else did she say? She says, I was educating you. Oh, my fucking word. You can't handle the truth. God help the poor kid. You're a loser. You'll always be a loser. Somebody help her.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Seriously, how old is she? 20 maybe? 20s? She has emotional level of what? Would you say a fifth, fourth grade? Honestly. How was she right in the place in the first place? And I don't know who decided on the camera angle when she made this video.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Always wanted to look up a Gen Z's fucking nostrils for three and a half minutes. My God, help us. But I like, was that the landlord or her mother? Or both? Huh? I know. I like the landlord's attitude. Y'all shouldn't help me well enough.
Starting point is 00:42:23 This better have my money. Please don't call me on my blood. Pay me what you want me. Any truth to the rumor that Sean Hannity wrote those lyrics? No, it was Levin. Ah! You can't do that. Yeah, I can.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Yeah, I can. Oh, my God. I told you I can't afford that. Yeah, I can. Yeah, I can. Oh, my God. I told you I can't afford it right now. Like, that's an argument. Oh, my fucking. And you parents who raised her, you really deserve to be pushed into the ovens. Boy, a lot of stories with judges in them today. Now, this one, apparently it says judge chased out from bench for N-word. Now what are they talking about? Nougat?
Starting point is 00:43:15 Nelly? Nowhere? Nincompoop? Is that what they're saying? Anyways, apparently we have a judge in trouble female judge by the way here ye the coat's in session the coat's in session now here come the racist judge here come the racist judge
Starting point is 00:43:35 a Colorado judge has resigned after repeatedly using the n word and of course it's not what you think right I read that far and I go, oh, let's see. I'm sure she went, hey, you fucking nigger, nigger, nigger. Colorado judge has resigned after repeatedly using the N-word
Starting point is 00:43:53 while talking to a black court official and proclaiming all lives matter in the aftermath. Oh my God, that was outrageous of her. In the aftermath of George Floyd's police-involved death. Colorado District Judge Natalie T. Chase agreed to step down from the bench Friday after she was censored by the Colorado Supreme Court for her comments. What?
Starting point is 00:44:17 For saying, censored for saying all lives matter? The N-word. In a six-page order, the court said Chase, who is white, failed to maintain the high standards of judicial conduct required of a judge, which are the same standards that are applied to, you know, grad students at Yale and Harvard and any student. In a separate incident early last year, while driving to court, she was driving two court employees
Starting point is 00:44:45 from a training session in Pueblo. Chase asked family court facilitator, who is black, why people of color can use the N-word but not white people. I think a lot of people have asked that. I have. It's a sick question.
Starting point is 00:45:00 You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. She said whether it was different if the N-word said with an E, R, or an A at the end of the word. Maybe she's being sarcastic. We all know it's you are that really gets them pissed. Isn't it? Chase used the full N word several times during the conversation. But if you were to read the headline, like most idiots on the left, right?
Starting point is 00:45:32 You just know a white lady, a judge, a Karen, used the N-word, you know? Oh, in any context. Is that what you're saying? It doesn't matter? Any context? During the conversation, leaving the black court facility angered. Well, then you're a child and dismayed while trapped in the car while the order states.
Starting point is 00:45:56 She has explained that Judge Chase's use of the N-word was like a stab through my heart each time. The N-word was like a stab through my heart each time. These blacks. Who knows where they're going to take the wrong way. According to the order, adding that the woman felt compelled to keep quiet due to fears of retaliation. Retaliation. Judge Chase then, while wearing her robe and sitting on the bench,
Starting point is 00:46:27 told the employees some of her opinions regarding racial justice, according to Friday's order. The employee tried to explain the Black Lives Matter movement, and Judge Chase stated that she believes all lives matter. Oh, no!
Starting point is 00:46:41 But the judge also made her personal views apparent months earlier, february of 2020 during a courtroom break as a discussion turned to the super bowl in front of two black employees according to the order judge chase then stated from the bench that she would be boycotting the super bowl because she objected to the nfl players who were kneeling during the national anthem and protest of police brutality against black people that's what she said what a hater huh I don't know look I'm not a fucking lawyer are you not supposed to espouse your personal opinions like from the bench even in casual conversation I don't know the rule I really i'm trying to figure out what she did wrong here see what they're doing to us hey whitey
Starting point is 00:47:30 shut the fuck up don't talk about race in any way because you're going to be wrong every time whether you're a judge uh you work for a bank uh whatever chase insisted she didn't intend any racial animus with her use of the racial slur, but acknowledged using it had a significant negative effect on the public's confidence and integrity and respect for her judiciary. So there's a judge we know. What's there? Three of them that might lean right in the country. Now we're down to two.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Three of them that might lean right in the country, now we're down to two. See, this is where black people, you lose me. The people that complained about her. You work whether you pretended to like her until then. Is that what it is? That's good. That's just terrific. You fucking people.
Starting point is 00:48:24 You have no idea how to play football. And another sign of the apocalypse and how important it is for the left to control language, right? Because whoever controls the language controls your thoughts eventually. And here's a, can you imagine with all the shit going on in the world, right? We're about to have the country maybe burned down. We have half of South and Central America pouring over our borders, not to mention a bunch of shit going on in the Ukraine. This is what they're worried about. Again, I understand these are used as distractions. Well, to take away from Biden fucking up and whoever's running the country. Immigration officials have been directed to use new inclusive terminology to describe people who illegally crossed the United States border
Starting point is 00:49:10 seeking to establish new homes. They even word that, you know, seeking to establish. Yeah, that's what they're doing, all of them. Every single one's coming here for a mortgage, and they just want to picket fence and live next to you quietly. Although these people might. They look very nice, I have to be honest.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Among the mandates is that border crossers can no longer be described as alien or illegal. I guess this song's out. Ay, ay, ay, ay. I am the C when you play that. That was kind of race.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Imagine using that to sell your product, implying that they're going to steal your product. You know what? I think, and i think i gotta be honest mexicans love uh fritos who don't uh anyway so they can't use the word uh alien or illegal the direction came in the form of a memo monday from troy miller seen here with no spine i don't know how he's standing up senior official performing the form of a memo Monday from Troy Miller, seen here with no spying. I don't know how he's standing up. Senior official performing the duties of the commissioner of the United U.S. Customs and Border Protection. That would be, again, CBP. A source with the direct knowledge of the memo confirmed its authenticity to Just the News. That's the name of the publication, Just
Starting point is 00:50:41 the News. This memorandum establishes updated language and aligns our communication practices with the Biden administration's guidance regarding immigration terminology. Miller wrote in the memo to agency officials in response to the vision set by the administration. CBP will ensure agency communications use the preferred terminology in inclusive language as outlined below. Oh my God. I think your brain is going soft. The memo includes, sit tight kids, these are important, they don't apply to you I guess, but they will eventually. The memo includes a table that lists prior terminology and the replacement new terminology next to it. According to the new policy, alien is now non-citizen or migrant. The term illegal alien is now undocumented non-citizen,
Starting point is 00:51:33 undocumented individual or migrant. Elsewhere in the chart, assimilation. Can you imagine that's a dirty word now? That is the key to this country working. We know America is an idea, right? It's a bunch of people coming from all over the world who have to assimilate. That's the key. They're taking that word out.
Starting point is 00:51:54 See, when you assimilate, that means you have to learn the language. And then we all have something in common. That's what a culture is, music, food, language. See? Now it's integration or civic integration nice cold term that nice and vague leaves a lot of wiggle room for people who who don't want to fucking behave no they're ignorant that's ignorant the words we use matter if they say and will serve to further confer that dignity to those in our custody, Miller wrote.
Starting point is 00:52:27 This guy, this is what scares me. The people in charge, even the men. They just, they all sound like gender professors at Harvard or some fucking shit. Oh, fucking idiot. The new policy applies to internal and external communications and comes into effect immediately. Well, thank God. Now we don't have to worry about people pouring in because we're going to call them the right things and they'll behave better. Imagine taking out the word assimilation. That's the key to how this thing works.
Starting point is 00:52:59 We all know. Look, I feel like the narrow and good fellas. When Henry, they're trying to talk, I'm going back to his wife. Look, this is what it is. You know what it is. The commemorate. I can't have it. I just can't have it.
Starting point is 00:53:17 All right, that's enough for today. I'm getting really. That governor of goddamn Minnesota, I'm going to fly down there or up there or across there. I'm going to knock on your door. Look at me. Looks like Chris Farley doing a fucking sketch of a guy from Minnesota if he was still alive. Can you imagine? He literally brought up women of color dying while giving birth.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Somehow that's white society's fault. You have a sickness, sir, and you are everything that's wrong with this country. You are my loser of the week. I think they do that on one of the shows. Anyways, I need porn and alcohol. Anyways, that is it, ladies and gentlemen. Again, thank you so much for tuning in. Don't forget
Starting point is 00:54:04 Don't forget cameo. Oh, not cameo comics don't forget cameo dot oh not cameo don't forget nick click on my tour date buttons and uh see if i'm in a town near you which i will be soon maybe uh if you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, I'll make a tape on my tape. I'll make a video, a tape. I'll put a VHS in and I'll call him a cocksucker and then I'll snail mail it. I'll make a video on my phone roasting one of your friends or relatives. Go to, tell me about the person. And for a small fee, you'll get a big laugh.
Starting point is 00:54:43 That is it. I'm tired. i can't think of anything else you guys think it i will say it and um you're welcome we'll see you back here at the same time tomorrow have a good day everybody guitar solo I'm out.

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