The Nick DiPaolo Show - McCarthy Melee | Nick Di Paolo Show #1330

Episode Date: January 4, 2023

Trump Endorses McCarthy. Kamala Done as VP? Reusable TP. Join Nick on Patreon for bonus episodes!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 šŸŽµ How's it going? Hi. Hi. Guy comes home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife. A bouquet. I guess I'll have to spread my legs now, she says. Why, he asks. Don't you have a vase?
Starting point is 00:00:52 Fun with audio. Hi, kids. Welcome to the Dirty Show on a filthy Wednesday. That's right. We didn't work. Oh, we did work Monday. The rest of the world didn't. What is it, slave labor?
Starting point is 00:01:03 I almost put in 30 minutes this week. I think it's a stupid holiday anyway. Male Speaker 1 in audience What is? Male Speaker 1 in audience To observe it after the fact and nobody's working. Eh, whatever. Male Speaker 1 in audience Yeah, whatever. It's only the country.
Starting point is 00:01:14 It's only in New Year. The fuck in China, it's a whole different year. I don't know. Anyways, how are you kids? Great to be with you and I really don't mean that. So oh, Coke trip from the early 80s. Sure. I used to do a little blow. Yeah. I told Dallas, I did a, I probably told this on the air, I did a club called Wise Guys. No, sorry, New Haven Jokers Wild. And it was run by a,
Starting point is 00:01:43 and his Greek mother, who, he was, they were Sicilian and Greek it was run by a... And his Greek mother, they were Sicilian and Greek, but he was a little bit of a... Anyways, I go in the men's room. I guess I already told this. I go in the men's room, and the mother's in her 70s doing blow with a state trooper
Starting point is 00:01:56 with his fucking uniform on. And I'm like... I was all excited. And then on the way, he docked me 50 bucks saying I was late. The club wanted me there at 7.30. The show's at 8.
Starting point is 00:02:09 I don't go out until 8.20 or 8.30. I get there at whatever, you know, fucking 7.30. Eight kids. $50. What, am I going to argue with them? Anyways, that's the kind of world I grew up in. I don't know. Oh, it's off the kind of world I grew up in. I don't know. Oh, just off the top of the head.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Tried Yellowstone. I mean, I'm watching. It's a great fucking show, but every time the fucking broad comes on, and I know you guys, I'm like a broken record, but I'm not going to give up on it because it's not the only show that's been... Once again, a great show is sacrificed at the altar of feminism in the name of women's empowerment. Just fucking ruined. She might as well be, what was that green guy on the Flintstones, Kazoo?
Starting point is 00:02:54 Oh my God, I got to write that down. It's a good one. It will be more realistic if Kazoo landed on Kevin Costner's shoulders during the show with her three-minute speeches about men and her father problems and God damn it, Taylor Sheridan, you're better than that. Fuck it, hey. Watching a great episode
Starting point is 00:03:14 and she starts with a four-minute, you know, just fucking, as Sam Kinison said, using her boyfriend as the emotional tampon. Best line ever. I use it against my wife manyon. It's the best line ever. I use it against my wife many times. She's like, write your own shit, you unfaithful.
Starting point is 00:03:29 And I have to shut up. She wins the argument. I go, whoops. Apparently she likes comedy and following. I never steal shit unless I'm fighting with her. Anyways, yeah, get the fucking, I almost said it. Get the feminist broad out of the goddamn writer's room. I swear to God, they have to pass a litmus test.
Starting point is 00:03:50 No, these writer's rooms are actually including enforcing diversity into racism and femininity and all that bullshit. They are literally requiring it. Oh, I know, for a long time. But it's been going on for fucking ever. You had to be retarded not to pick up on it. But it just fucking boggles my mind. They'll take painstaking detail for the rest of it to make the fucking look like, oh, this is 1998 and this is what Colorado looks like. This is what they ate, the cowboys. They drank Coors, the yellow. And then, you know, I have kazoo come in. Did he even talk like that? And that was a bad kazoo.
Starting point is 00:04:35 It's a missing tooth. I can't do sound effects anymore. Left it in my wife's shrub. Good night, everybody. Hey. All right. One other tip for you guys out there that are married or have a girlfriend Don't get caught jerking off by your wife or girlfriend to a show called I am Shauna Ray
Starting point is 00:04:53 For people who know that show you should be laughing your balls off right now for people who don't fuck off um It's a reality show on whatever. Fucking, bro, pick your faggy channel, A&E, bro. Any one of those channels that want to fucking make us the fags that we've turned into. She's a 23-year-old girl from Long Island
Starting point is 00:05:15 who, when she was like two years old, they noticed a tumor on the back of her spine and they had to, you know, chemo and all that, and it made her pituitary gland or whatever the one that makes you grow lie dormant. So she's 23 years old, but she looks like an 8 to 10-year-old girl. Only with a, I don't mean to be gross, but she's like, you know, she's proportioned. But like a little girl with a little girl's voice.
Starting point is 00:05:41 And I'm just saying, don't get jerking off to that. Honey, if you're watching, I didn I didn't not last night I found an old bowl game I miss anyways it's a hell of a job I can't wait to use it I'm gonna put that in there with my chunk about me fucking a girl with braces and my friends like oh my god that's way too young they're on our legs i said nothing about her polio doesn't discriminate age-wise and then i do a whole a whole another chunk that is the reason i've been off tv for 30 years all right uh that's about all i had to say that i got pissed off in the way here because there's a sign flashing. Again, don't you like these fucking electric signs that say, you know, buckle up or, oh,
Starting point is 00:06:28 drive sober or get pulled over. First of all, ooh, good material. Fucking who's that, Longfellow? Fucking, um, don't threaten me. Seriously, that's the state threatening you. I remember Bill Hicks calling that out. You see these commercials about drinking and driving. Of course, it's always a white guy. But I remember him, and I said, God damn it, I felt the same way. Why was that, you know, fucking why haven't I written 12 minutes on that? Well, I'm lazy. But he
Starting point is 00:07:01 would say, quick, fucking threaten me with your horse shit. All right, let's get on to it. Trump endorses crummy Kevin McCarthy. The more I do my research and read about this guy, once again, my instincts of being cynical and trusting nobody that looks like they're from California, never mind from California. Former President Trump on Wednesday. That's today, isn't it? There he is.
Starting point is 00:07:24 He's having a fart contest with Biden. Pull it, Joe. I'll blow you out of the room. It's a bunch of malarkey, you pony-faced. Former President Donald Trump Wednesday issued a second endorsement of Rep. Kevin McCarthy. It says Republican California, which, that's hilarious. There's no Republicans in California. For House Speaker, to that I say. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The endorsement comes after Trump appeared drinking heavily on Tuesday night. No. Trump appeared noncommittal Tuesday
Starting point is 00:08:07 about McCarthy's speakership prospects. The House failed to select a speaker during three rounds of voting Tuesday afternoon. Continue voting is expected Wednesday. It's like a shootout in hockey, I guess. I don't know. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to tell you. But it's not going his way right now. NBC News, so you can count on this,
Starting point is 00:08:31 reported McCarthy and Trump briefly spoke on the phone Tuesday evening. Early Wednesday morning, Trump issued a statement in support of McCarthy. In mid-December, Trump told Breitbart News he supported McCarthy's bid for speaker, citing Kevin's work ethic. But first of all, you know what happened last night. They get on the phone and McCarthy goes, look, if I'm the speaker, you know all those indictments that are coming down on you? That's what that was. I'm a fucking, you know.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Look, I think, this is Trump talking. Look, I think this. Kevin has worked very hard, very hard. And it's true. I've seen him on TV a lot the last couple of years. He is just, he says, it's been exhausting. If you think he's been all over, meaning in a hotel room every week for two years, I think he deserves a shot.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Hopefully he's going, you've got to be wary of people that want power that much. Folks, this isn't about Republican, Democrat. You've got to be wary of people that want power that much. Folks, this isn't about Republican, Democrat. You've got to know that by now. Who any minute is in Washington and does this for a living? It's just like sports or whatever. You want to climb to the top of the fucking ladder. In D.C., it's all about power. That's all it is.
Starting point is 00:09:35 That's all he wants. Hopefully, he's going to be very strong. What's he fucking deadlifting for the Chinese? What does that mean, stupid? I shouldn't say that. I like Don Jr. And going to be very good and he's going to do what everybody wants,
Starting point is 00:09:49 Trump says. Voting is set to resume on the House floor at noon Wednesday. The House will keep voting until a member-elect receives enough votes to meet the threshold. Right now, Hakeem Jeffries had more votes and he's a left, he's a Democrat, by the
Starting point is 00:10:06 way. He's like replacing Pelosi as far as, you know. Most of the top incoming House Committee chairmen reflect the values of Democrat voters more than Republican voters. Oh, did I just say this? Is this the Daniel Horowitz part? Oh, yeah. Did I? Okay, this is Daniel Horowitz speaking, who, I put his position, oh, he's the fucking, I'm not Breitbart, the Blaze, political editor, whatever, who knows his shit. And he's a defense lawyer, and he's a famous Republican. He says, that's the legacy of Kevin McCarthy era leadership. He says, it's time for that to change and it's time to end the next in line country club politics of the GOP People have two views about this
Starting point is 00:10:53 People are you know, they're going. Oh my god, they're infighting already and shit. What are they doing that for they you know? and it's like well, they're trying to You know, we don't do it like the Democrats And it's like, well, they're trying to, you know, we don't do it like the Democrats where we're lockstep and don't say nobody can go outside and think outside the box and you'll be kicked out of the party. So there's good and bad. And it's true. Nothing can happen until the Republicans actually officially, until they select a speaker. Again, this is shit I swore I'd never do on the show, but this is kind of interesting.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I remember saying that when people asked me about the party. I go, we'll never talk about a farm bill that's on the floor up for a vote. But this is different. Mouthpieces for the failed GOP leadership are complaining that the fight for speaker is delaying potentially for a few days the amazing committee work they have planned. But with committee chairs like the ones lined up at present, it sure is worth spending a few days doing a surgery on the gangrene globalists. I'll repeat that, the gangrene globalists within the party, rather than spending the next two years, which is basically what I said. It's good to some infighting, because McCarthy has a bunch of, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:04 what I said. It's good to see some infighting because McCarthy has a bunch of, you know, Republican lights lined up, spending the next two years with chairmen who hate their base more than Biden does. It's worth the time to ensure that we don't wind up with the same chairman we dealt with during the last GOP majority when McCarthy was the floor leader, whatever the fuck that is. You are correct, sir. When Democrats select committee chairs, listen to this. This is such a great point. Again, this is Daniel Horowitz, editor for, you know what, Glenn, The Blaze. When Democrats select committee chairs, they choose members who not only fought in the trenches for every leftist cause,
Starting point is 00:12:45 trenches for every leftist cause but who are particularly intrepid that means courageous and advancing their agenda on the relevant subject matter under the jurisdiction of said commit in other words the left picks the furthest left most hateful and they fucking and it's what the right should do but my point is that i'm so cynical i know this is all scripted once again i hate to use the analogy the republicans are just the just the fucking the Harlem Globetrotters competition the team that they travel with uh it's he says picture Rosa DeLauro, Adam Smith, Maxine Waters, Jerry Nadler, and Adam Schiff there was not a single Democrat chair those are all chairs right who was moderate on a single issue these people made the most of their chairman chairman during Pelosi's first tenure as speaker in 2007, seemed like Barry Goldwater.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Okay, you get that? Barry Goldwater is a far right dead Republican, conservative. Republicans, on the other hand, chose people who thwart their conservative base on most issues. You can't argue this. This is all fucking fact. On most issues, particularly those issues over which they will take charge as committee chairs. Let's take a tour of the new GOP House majority and examine the amazing fighters, he's saying sarcastically, they have slated for committee chairs.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Shall we? My eyes. My eyes. Can I be happier? Yeah. Yeah. Who couldn't? That's my coffee.
Starting point is 00:14:20 The Energy and Commerce Committee is considered one of the most powerful committees in economic and domestic policy. One would expect the rising chairman to be the most articulate foe of the global warming and green energy agenda. Instead, Kathy McMorris, seen here with a haircut that says, I'm a douche, who has a 60% liberty score. And you go, what's a liberty score? Conservatives have this litmus test that they give. And every party, the Dems have one too, how liberal you are. And the Dems, when they do their thing, whatever their acid test is, they always score 95 as far as being voting Democrat.
Starting point is 00:15:08 It's how you voted in the last six years or something. And they always score in the high 90s. They don't step on a bow. Mick Morris here, Rogers, so this is the equivalent that the conservatives use to measure how conservative you are. She has a 60% Liberty score. She is the quintessential fusionist who likes
Starting point is 00:15:26 to validate the global warming agenda, already you want to get rid of her, and the need for green energy while merely opposing the most extreme measures of transitioning too quickly. I'm still learning McMorris Rogers that's her name McMorris Rogers yeah drop one of your names that's how you know she's a twat too recently told a climate
Starting point is 00:15:50 fascist activist who asked about her position on global warming and this is what she said and I quote I think any regulation needs to be smart I think it's important
Starting point is 00:16:00 to recognize we brought down carbon emissions yuck exactly the conservative way of doing COVID, the conservative way of doing illegal immigration, the conservative way of doing, this is the Horowitz talk again,
Starting point is 00:16:17 way of doing Ukraine money laundering, always accept the premise, parlance, and policies of the left as the starting point. He just hit it right on the head. That's what the fucking Republicans have been doing forever. You know what I mean? They always accept the wacky premise of the left instead of going, no, no, we're going, that's not even a starter.
Starting point is 00:16:39 You know what I mean? They'll start. And again, it's because they feel they're going to get in trouble. You know, they're going to get blacklisted or whatever. If you come out today and say you're against, you know, you're for more fossil fuel or whatever the fuck, you get, if you're not in Republican circles, you get shit, you get destroyed online and, you know, in the media and they're all fucking cowards. Anyways, applying Newton's law of motion to
Starting point is 00:17:06 politics, this is not exactly the sort of equal and opposing force that is going to stop the green energy agenda. Exactly. I just said agenda. Why don't I just go home and shoot myself in Boston? Which is the biggest threat to our life, liberty, and property. Again, this is the guy Daniel Horowitz writing. This is not exactly someone who will end all green energy subsidies and global warming mandates. You ain't shitting. In her opening remarks at a sub, folks, I don't mean to get too heavy on this one, but fuck it. It's my show. Kiss my fucking yellow nipples. In her opening remarks at a subcommittee hearing last year, she perfectly summarized the limp GOP agreed to the premise strategy that has helped destroy workable energy in this country for years.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Here she is again. We need a smart approach rooted in reality to secure a cleaner energy future, she said. That could have come out of AOC's mouth. You need to shut the fuck up. She's got fucking lead singer of Journey's hairdo. Listen, what? Shut it. Just like with COVID,
Starting point is 00:18:11 Mick Morris Rogers believes we need to achieve the leftist agenda from the leftist premise. See? That's what he's talking about. Just more thoughtfully and efficiently. God, I don't know what is with the lights today or my eyes i am having a lot of problems here seriously we're gonna have to do something about this uh this is a core value
Starting point is 00:18:32 at the republican governance group the rhino equivalent of the freedom caucus of which she is a member then he goes on what about appropriations this is the committee that writes the budget which is even more important than legislation. That is run by original never-Trumper Kay Granger with a Liberty score of 51%. I mean, what does that tell you? She is one of the biggest spenders in Congress. If you guys, I'm going to go back to politics 101. You guys even know what the term liberal and conservative implies? Do you know how liberals want more government?
Starting point is 00:19:13 They want to rely more, the bigger the, I mean, conservatives theoretically want less, but that's why I said I'm going back to 101 um yeah the fucking you know just remember that keep that in mind the 12 appropriation subcommittee chairs known as cardinals am i reading that right are also run by big big government republicans Pfizer, Ukraine, and the FBI more than our border. She's a little whore.
Starting point is 00:19:49 All right. And a little piece of trash. I like both of those things in a woman. The other major A-level House committee is Ways and Means, which is responsible for all tax and revenue bills. The front runner for that job so far is Vern Buchanan.
Starting point is 00:20:04 The fuck is this guy? Vern Buchanan? He's got a 57%. And I remind you again, they should be up in the 90s. What about foreign affairs? Michael McCaul, another Republican. This guy's sort of the devil to me. I've seen him on morning shows and shit blood.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Republican governor group member is slated to take over after his disastrous tenure as Homeland Security Committee chair. The last time Republicans were in the majority. That is when they couldn't get the border taken care of, even with trifecta control, meaning the House, the Senate, the White House. And the few good things implemented were done administratively by Trump himself, not McCaul. Armed services will be run by Mike Rogers. What's his score? Is it up in the 80s or 90s? It's closer to his hair.
Starting point is 00:20:56 There it is. Thank you for ruining my next joke. He beat me to the hairdo. Dallas makes a good point. Look at that. Look at that. Look at that fucking hairpiece. If he had a quarter pounder with cheese sitting on his head, it would be more believable.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Anytime you see a shadow on your forehead from the Eve, and you know what that tells me? And I'm not even joking. He's got shitty judgment. That's how I, you're like, well, this is superficial. No. He's got shitty judgment. That's how I, you're like, well, this is superficial. No.
Starting point is 00:21:28 He's got shitty judgment. Yeah, because he wakes up in the morning and looks in the mirror and says, eh, this looks good. Exactly my point. Fucking,
Starting point is 00:21:35 he looks like Dustin Hoffman a few years ago. Mike Rogers, congratulations on the hat, silly, who holds a 61% Liberty score in one of the most conservative districts in the country. The core reason we get crushed on every government funding bill is because people like Rogers believe in unlimited funding thrown at the woke and broken military without any policy changes in return. So he has no problem with Mark Milley talking about
Starting point is 00:22:02 white rage and putting out those uh what do you call it you try to induce people to sign up you know I'm talking about recruiting tapes whether you have a woke you know by transgender fucking anyway he didn't utter a word on the vaccine mandates in the military until months after it was too late. That's all I need to know about him. Now, I'm reminded, these are people that McCarthy thinks are leaders, right? Now he's advocating that those who rebel against McCarthy should get kicked off the committees. Enough is enough. I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane! Perfect way to end that one.
Starting point is 00:22:51 My God. Wow, Gilligan little buddy. Hey, guys and gals, I know I spent a lot of time on that story. Again, the show's different now, okay? Whatever I feel like. I'll be back on the road soon. Can't wait.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Here's where you can see me. Maple Street Elementary School, right here in Savannah. Looking in the back window. That's right, there's a coat room in there, and the girls take off their shoes. What? January 13th and 14th, which is scary because I think doing my math, it's nine days from now. Again, folks, don't worry. It's not going to, you're going to get a great show because that doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I just, my asshole manager, who my instructions were, less road work, Let's get the show to blow up so I don't. And what's his answer to that? I want you out there more this year. I'm mad at him right now. Anyway, January 13th and 14th, the comedy off-Broadway, Lexington, Kentucky. I'm sure these plugs are just filling the place, you fucking motherless fucks. February 3rd and 4th,
Starting point is 00:24:04 the Grove Comedy Club in Shitville. No, Lowell, Arkansas. It fucking motherless fucks. February 3rd and 4th, the Grove Comedy Club in Shitville. No, Lowell, Arkansas. It's a very nice town. I have a duplex there with Kenny Lodge. What? March 11th and 12th, the Comedy Club of KC. KC, Missouri. April 21-22, the Funnybone.
Starting point is 00:24:22 St. Louis and St. Charles. Jesus Christ. May 12th, Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort. That's news to me. You can get tickets at Kevin McGillicuddy's shit town tit twisters. You can get tickets at all these shows at You know all this fucking fuck. Kamala's days numbered. What did this yeast infection do? President Joe Biden is desperate to win a second term and is allegedly planning to dump Vice President Kamala. Why? She's been a boon.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Kamala Harris, they're going to find their hang in herself, hopefully in her hometown, Jamaica, as 2024 running mate. White House insiders say he'd prefer someone with a pulse. Like, no, I'm not making this. Inside of say he'd prefer someone like Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama. I would fucking suck Kamala's asshole before I'd put the,
Starting point is 00:25:16 look at the black vampire and the fucking female version of the Joker. Look at Hillary. That's her looking through the window as Bill's going down on an IHOP hostess. Mark that down, all right? Seriously, send it to whoever's supposed to market the show and put it in there. Fucking do this myself. Anyways, can you imagine that's who he wants? God damn it. The 80-year-old president of the United States has apparently
Starting point is 00:25:46 had enough of his deputy's failures on domestic policy issues and is said to blame, he blames everybody for everything, but even people under her hate her. Remember they're leaving in droves. 58-year-old Harris for his weak poll numbers. Yeah, it's got nothing to do with you being fucking criminally insane. Some White House insider said he's already decided to exclude her from the 20. First of all, he's not going to run. I'll fucking bet you people on that too. 2024, he'll be sick soon.
Starting point is 00:26:14 2024 Democratic ticket. So it looks like Kamala, go bye-bye. Can't wait to go to Applebee's and she makes me a nice fucking Long Island iced tea. Bye-bye. And has his eyes on another female candidate, one with big tits and a tight clit named Tammy. She's 19.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Good night, everybody. I just said the most vulgar shit and you hear Dallas go, ha-ha. It was in the military. He's heard all this shit 12 times over. It's worth noting that Biden picked Harris as a 2020 running mate, despite acrimonious Democrat primary in which he viciously attacked him for opposing federally mandated school desegregation.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I remember that. I lived in Boston. I was out there throwingregation. I remember that. I lived in Boston. I was out there throwing rocks. By bussing, I'm kidding. I'm in the suburbs. By bussing students to different districts. Remember that? Joe's no fool, whoever wrote this said,
Starting point is 00:27:15 a Democrat party source told Radar and Lane, he knows if he can add someone like Hillary Clinton. Yeah. She's a malignant cunt. Obama or Michelle Obama, because we need help with the nickel defense, to the ticket instead of Kamala. His chances immediately improve against any Republican nominee, another insider said. Joe's also looking ahead. Why? He's going to be dead in eight minutes if he wins the next election cycle. election cycle. He can't even ride a bike. His running mate will be the front runner in 2028. Kamala doesn't seem to have the right stuff. She couldn't run a fucking Arby's. The tipsters claimed Biden is unhappy with Harris' performance in getting the John Lewis Voting Rights
Starting point is 00:27:59 Advancement Act. That's what you pissed at her about? Not half of South America pouring into Texas. You had fucking numbskull through the Senate after it was passed by the House of Reps. He's apparently also steaming over her bungle handling. Oh, okay. Of the U.S.-Mexican border, she said this. That's what I hear this morning on my roof. That's the other thing. They have their radios. They don't listen to our music at all. I mean, these guys have been here a while now.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Jesus. All I hear is... Then it gets quiet. Arthur Chris Whipple wrote in his book The Fight of His Life I thought that was about him changing his adult diaper or putting on his jacket on a windy day The Fight of His Life
Starting point is 00:28:57 that Pres. DePotus referred to Harris as a work in progress and became enraged with her and Einhor after hearing their complaints about her job in the administration. The book claims that Harris intended to spearhead voting rights reform but was appointed as Bordasar instead, a role that her allies felt was hurting her politically. If you did it right, you'd be the next president. If you even faked it. You haven't been to remember that? You haven't been to Mexico? You haven't been to, remember that?
Starting point is 00:29:25 You haven't been to Mexico. I haven't been to Europe either. What? Take your hand off your giant muff. Whipple noted that after giving his vice president his task, word got back to Biden that second gentleman, Douglas Emhoff, had been complaining. Who?
Starting point is 00:29:41 Second gentleman? I was going to say. Second gentleman. Fuck. going to say. Second gentleman. Fuck. Can you imagine? Had been complaining about Harris's policies portfolio. When he heard this, Biden was annoyed and said, tell her husband to go fuck his
Starting point is 00:29:56 mother. What? Cut. No, Biden was annoyed. Whipple wrote, according to the book, the president believed that he hadn't asked Harris to do anything he hadn't done as vice president. Thank you. You did nothing. You did nothing as VP.
Starting point is 00:30:15 You did nothing as, I don't know, anyhow. Finally tonight, let's do it. What an asswipe. That's what the story headline is, folks. How far would you go to save the environment? You're looking at it. So that's what it says. That's the first question in the article.
Starting point is 00:30:34 How far would you go to save the environment? That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. While many try to reduce reliance on single-use plastics and attempt to recycle, one woman left people dumbfounded after revealing what she claimed
Starting point is 00:30:49 is reusable. Get this, folk. Reusable. Turlet paper. That's Archie Bunker used to say turlet paper. One of my favorite. He's up. you hear the opening scene, you don't see him, he's up in the, eat it, you're out of turlet paper. She goes, I'm in the kitchen, Archie.
Starting point is 00:31:15 He goes, I ain't in the kitchen. There you go. They don't write shows like that. A team member from Net Zero Company, which reportedly makes earth-friendly products, oh God, they really think we can break the earth, for everyday life, acknowledged that the item is controversial,
Starting point is 00:31:38 but insisted that it's worth it. After the global toilet paper shortage of 2020, we came out with our reusable version she explained in a tick-tock are you get out of my room you're sick cunt now what about my answer if I was what's that show called call sharks a... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shark tank. Shark tank. If she pitched that, I would have been like, get out of my room, you sick cunt.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Into the 56,000 comments and disapproval of it. 56,000 people fucking hate the idea. It's meant to wipe water off. You know, this is what she did after she got attacked online
Starting point is 00:32:22 by 56,000 people. She goes, no, it's meant to wipe water off. You know, like drying off after a shower, she added. Oh, my God. What, you added dirty tampons? However, she did note that the reusable stuff is best paired with a Chardonnay and a... Chardonnay in a... Best paired with a bidet, which we all have, right?
Starting point is 00:32:51 With which one can seemingly rinse off the cloth. That's not toilet paper, first of all. It's cloth. It's even fucking... It's a... Just put on a diaper. You're going to be doing the same shit. No pun intended.
Starting point is 00:33:04 She then suggested collecting all the used paper to make flowers for the Rose Bowl floats next year. No. All the used paper and putting it in a bag to launder and then to fucking reuse. And then to fucking reuse. Honey, get my jeans and my fucking shit paper out of the dryer. I'm going to.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Noting that 27,000 trees are cut down. Yeah, and for good reason. To make toilet paper. The reusable TP enthusiast is a big fan, but not everyone agrees. Sorry, I know. I'm all about saving the earth, but this is too far. I'm all for the reusable items, but toilet paper is too far. I'm glad they put that one in so much different than the first quote.
Starting point is 00:34:07 You fucking people can eat my ass. One naysayer crassly pondered, imagine you have guests and their skid marks are on the previously used... Well, it depends. If it's Megan Fox, I'm going to fucking suck the stains right out of it. Delicious. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:34:26 One comment also suggested a potential negative impact on the process. All the extra washing, is that good for the environment? That's actually a good point. No, I'm going to, you know, if people like this had it their way, we'd be dragging our underwear
Starting point is 00:34:41 down to the fucking river and banging on rocks for a half hour. Oh my god. Reusable toilet. But suck my ass. Do you understand they're just trying to undo everything? All the progress this country made. I'll say it for the thousandth time. Capitalism,
Starting point is 00:34:56 United States of America, founded by old white European males y'all hate, raised the standard of living not just them over the course of this country evolving, for everybody all over the world. Lifted everybody out of fucking poverty. So you know what?
Starting point is 00:35:10 I will wipe my ass in my SUV, throw it out the window as I'm eating a giant fucking cheeseburger and throwing empty Pepsi cans into the woods. No, I don't like that. Leave that for the college. All right. That's a joke, folks. You know I love you. You know what I'm talking about. That's enough. I don't like this anymore. I already did the plugs. Don't forget
Starting point is 00:35:35 I haven't done one in about two months, so you can stick that up your ass, too. When I say you, I don't mean you guys. You know what I mean. I'll roast a friend or relative if you'd like. It's a good way to get 2023 off the ground hurting somebody's feelings in your house you guys think and I'll say it you're very welcome we'll see you back here for the final day of the week tomorrow take care everybody hi good night everybody everybody. guitar soloć‚µćƒ–ć‚æć‚¤ćƒˆćƒ« 悭惟惎惟惤

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