The Nick DiPaolo Show - Milano Obsessed with Her Own Muff #164

Episode Date: May 13, 2019

Asshole Alyssa Milano calls for sex strike. Holocaust a point of comfort for Tlaib. Putin plunges. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh, yeah! Monday! Monday in Georgia! How are you, folks? Welcome to the show. Very excited to be with you. Can you see it, my face? show. Very excited to be with you. Can you see it, my face? Hey, this episode of the Nick DiPaolo show brought to you by InfiniteCBD offers the cleanest, healthiest, purest forms of CBD available. CBD gives you all the benefits of marijuana without getting high. Here's why I recommend Infinite CBD. Infinite CBD uses a double extraction method followed by refining the CBD. The end result, Infinite CBD products are over 99% CBD. Other companies use CBD oil, not Infinite CBD. This is the purest CBD you can find and is third-party tested for guaranteed purity.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Tony Montana recommends it. And here's... What the hell is that? I think that is a helicopter. It's a helicopter. Boy, I knew they were after me. And here's why I use CBD. Personally, this is...
Starting point is 00:01:42 I like the gummy bears. CBD gummies, they're very calming. It's like having a glass of wine if you have sleep problems like I do. For the love of Christ. The U.S. military. The U.S. military, they guard me. Very calming, great for insomnia.
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Starting point is 00:02:32 We thank Infinite CBD for sponsoring this episode of the show. God bless you, folks. Love it. The special, Breath of Fresh Air. Last time I checked, 330,000 views in a week, a little under a week. And it's still climbing, okay? Who knew? Being for logic, traditional American beliefs is so goddamn controversial.
Starting point is 00:02:51 But get this, the positive to negative comments, 19 to 1 ratio, positive to negative. So you haters can kiss my grits. Now that I'm in the cell, couldn't be happier. People need to hear a comic who is not burdened by Hollywood PC horseshit. People are thirsting for it, and that's what those numbers prove. It's just free speech, and it's funny at the same time. And people, hate speech is no such thing as only speech.
Starting point is 00:03:22 If you're offended by it, that's your fucking problem. Grow a pair is what I say, Sally O. We're coming to you live, motherfuckers. We'll do it live. OK. We'll do it live. Fuck it. God damn right, Billy.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So enjoy. All right. Let's get to it. All right, let's get to it. Trump's policies are doing the exact opposite of what Dems warned. The unemployment rate fell to 3.6% last month, which was not my GPA in school, I'll tell you that much, even though I was cheating. The lowest rate since 1969.
Starting point is 00:04:04 The economy added 263,000 jobs in April. Wages are rising. So are Dem's blood pressure. It's doing everything he said it would. He's beating you silly, bitches. In December 2017, Larry Summers, Bill Clinton's former Treasury Secretary, warned that tax reform would kill more than 10,000 Americans every year. It would kill Americans.
Starting point is 00:04:24 We all right, fellas? All right. Would kill 10,000 Americans every year. It would kill Americans. We all right, fellas? All right. Would kill 10,000 Americans? How the fuck? Yeah, from obesity. With their fridges filled. What are you talking about? The same month after cautioning that passage of tax cuts would portend to Armageddon, then House Minority Leader Nancy, I'm as crazy as a shithouse rat, Pelosi, explained that the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was the worst bill in the history of the United States Congress, and then she went outside of her apartment in San Francisco and stepped in human feces in on a needle.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Unfortunately, they caught it in time. She's a fucking idiot. Problem? You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you H, you keep looking at me, I'm gonna put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time. The tenor of left-wing cable news and punditry was predictably
Starting point is 00:05:16 panic-stricken after asserting that the cuts, Trump's tax cuts, wouldn't help create a single job. Bruce Bartlett told MSNBC the tax relief was really aching to rape, he said. He said aching to rape. You're raping me. This is rape.
Starting point is 00:05:29 This is rape. This is rape. That's how the left sees letting you keep more of your money, as rape. And you're still going to vote for these fucking cheese-eating dick-swellers? Wake the fuck up. Kurt Eichenwald tweeted that America died tonight. I'm a depression
Starting point is 00:05:49 historian. Read the headline on a Washington Post op-ed. The GOP tax bill straight out of 1929 proclaimed the douchebag. And so on. None of this is even getting to the mainstream media straight news coverage. Yeah, it's just like 1929.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Instead of people jumping off the top of tall buildings, they're building buildings. You dummy. Just come on and admit you guys have been wrong about everything. From the election to the Mueller report to his economy. Just admit on all the big things you guys haven't even come close. You should be apologizing. CNN should be running a loop. MSNBC for the next year apologizing.
Starting point is 00:06:28 You've been wrong about anything that fucking matters to the American people. In my opinion. You could be right. I don't know. Yeah, right. One third of middle class families could end up paying more under the GOP tax plan. Experts say.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Noted Money Magazine. An Associated Press headline read, House passed its first rewrite, nation's tax laws in three decades, providing steep cuts for businesses of the wealthy. Yahoo News ran one piece after the next, predicting doom. If you're getting your news from Yahoo News, I don't know if I pulled the story. They use like they use like ten sources and nine of them are very left wing. You see commercials now for Yahoo News.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I like to get my news that's right down the middle. I don't want to just get news that I agree with. Well, if you're listening to, if you're reading Yahoo News and you're on the left, that's exactly what you're doing. They're trying to convince people that they're fucking Yahoo is big tech, okay?trump anti-everything that's uh even a little right leaning uh gop tax cuts uh unstated goal is to leave the poor and vulnerable in america without
Starting point is 00:07:36 support of their government abc abc news analyst alleged all of them. You make an asshole of yourself. Trump is so ignorant. He's running circles around you. Of course, the notion that allowing Americans to keep more of their own money is tantamount to giving them something is just transparently specious. As Chris Edwards of the Cato Institute has pointed out, the reform bill's largest tax cuts went to middle class. Did you hear that? Bill's largest tax cuts went to middle class. Did you hear that?
Starting point is 00:08:08 To the middle class that the Dems pretend to represent, that Pelosi pretends to represent. And the first thing you do when they get in office is going to raise your taxes, okay? Fellas, what? What is it? Huh? Rich isn't here, so we have to kind of multitask a little more. All right, well, don't fucking talk about it.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Do it. It's a big show. This is very important to me. Some people from the Weather Channel watching this today. Can... What is going on? Is there an invasion? Is that Putin?
Starting point is 00:08:35 Does he know I'm going to make fun of him in a few minutes? And we can't put the fuck... Jason, you've got to put the air on when you get in here. It's got to be freezing, okay? Come on. Come in here. He's sitting there with his shirt off. It's got to be freezing. Okay? Come on. Come in here. He's sitting there with his shirt off. It's 111.
Starting point is 00:08:48 His tit's hanging out like he's in the Bahamas. I'm sweating right now. It's about 119. Can we hear if we put on the air conditioning? There's a low hum. You're a fucking low hum. Anyways. Even the Liberal Tax Policy Center estimated that 65 percent of Americans paid less last year's six percent paid more.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Thanks to the tax cuts. More than 44 percent Americans pay no federal income tax, although the corporation still sticking it up your ass. Listen to sleepy, sleepy Joe Biden there. He says there's a two trillion dollar tax cut last year. He says, did you feel it? Did you get anything from it? Of course not. Of course not. All of it went to the folks at the top and corporations. No, it didn't.
Starting point is 00:09:33 We have numbers saying it went to the middle class. You ought to fucking drop out now, Sleepy. Go sniff your fucking ex-girlfriend's forehead. Go grope some fucking guy at the mall. They're lying to you blatantly. Okay, we have the figures. Figures don't lie and liars don't figure. That's what my boss used to say who was a crook when I sold meat door to door.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Anyways, that's all good news. And how many times do you have to make these idiots look fucking stupid? Oh, look who's back in the news. It's Jew hater Rashida Tlaib. The Washington Post defends Rashida Tlaib's Holocaust comments, attacks fucking Republicans. This bitch needs to be... Al-Akhbar! Al-Akhbar! Al-Akhbar! I wish she would go back to where she's from and be caught out in public with a guy that she doesn't know. So she could be stoned to death and back over her head with a tank.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Even though she's probably from here, the filthy pig. Anyways, Tlaib made the flagrantly false claim in a recent skullduggery podcast. The Palestinians had offered Jews a safe haven after the Holocaust. That's what the anti-Semitic broad said. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. That's her trying to drive home the point that the Palestinians tried to help the Jews during the Holocaust. In reality, the major Palestinian leadership figure of the time was Haji Mohammed Amin al-Husseini. And I'm not making that up.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Just by his name, I'm pretty sure he didn't help the Jews. Oh, Nick, it's that kind of broad brush painting that you shut it, shut it. If I had to make up a terrorist name, that would be it. If I was doing a character hajj muhammad amin al-husseini collaborated with nazi germany and palestine's violently opposed jewish immigration before during and after the second world war that's the truth of it talib also made the awkward remark that there was always a kind of calming feeling i tell folks when i think of the holocaust what the fuck durka durka muhammad jihad haka sherpa sherpa abakala let me repeat that talib always made she made the awkward comment there's always a kind of calming feeling
Starting point is 00:11:54 when i tell folks when i think of the holla meaning that she felt reassured about the fact that the palestinians had helped the jews which we know is a total poopoo. The Post described the controversy in an article headline, House Republicans Criticize Rep. Tlaib Over Remarks on Holocaust Israel. The newspaper did not cover Tlaib's remarks on their own. Imagine, they don't just cover what she said. Can you imagine if somebody on the right said that? I get a warm, fuzzy feeling when I think about the Holocaust. Most people use a white machine to fall asleep. I listen to the fuzzy feeling when I think about the Holocaust. Most people
Starting point is 00:12:25 use a white machine to fall asleep. I listen to the soundtrack from Schindler's List. Can you imagine? Yet they point to the right and say, you're the Nazis, you're the fucking all my aching stem. They couldn't cover her remarks. They had to do it saying the Republicans went overboard in attacking her. That's the papers owned by Bezos, by the way, of I don't think his wife got that in the divorce. Imagine losing that. What did he lose, $60 billion over some snatch? I'm sorry, folks.
Starting point is 00:13:16 In the article, the Post defended Tlaib saying that Republicans who had criticized her use of the phrase comic feeling were falsely accusing her of using the phrase to describe her views about the Holocaust itself. Just put the shoe on the other foot, you fuckers. Guys, it's way too hot in here, I'm telling you. If I come in tomorrow, if it's not 11 degrees in here before sure, Jason, I'm going to punch you right in your skinny chest. The Post article written by Felicia Summers went on to accuse Republicans of distorting Democrats remarks as if that was the real issue. The episode marks the second time in recent weeks Republicans have seizedof-context remarks by a freshman Democrat lawmaker. That's what Somnath says. No, they didn't.
Starting point is 00:13:50 They put it right into context. They put it right into context. I just told you what they meant by it, what she meant by it. She really is convinced the Palestinians helped the Jews in World War II. She really is convinced the Palestinians helped the Jews in World War II. The article neglected to mention the other context. That is that this remark was hardly the first anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic statement by Tlaib. When Tlaib was asked what she thought about this, she said, Durka, Durka, Muhammad Jihad. Haka Sherpa Sherpa.
Starting point is 00:14:20 That's right. I played it again. I liked it. I'm doing Gavin McGinnis' show. I don't know if it's a podcast. It could be a hit show on Disney. I don't know. Probably not.
Starting point is 00:14:34 He's been kicked off PayPal. I'm doing that when this show is over. I'm Skyping in to him and the Red Pill Show I'm doing. Stay tuned for that. It's hotter than a fucking witch's clam up in this bitch. Is it not? Mother of God.
Starting point is 00:14:52 I'm telling you to put on the fucking air, put on the air conditioning right now. I don't, guys, if you hear a hum, tough shit. I don't want rings around
Starting point is 00:14:58 my pits before this over. My ass is stuck to the seat. It'll drown out the helicopters. I like the helicopters. It's giving this show a dangerous... So I was in Long Island, Governor's this weekend. It was okay. I smoked up a storm.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Some woman in the front row kept talking throughout the show to her husband, ruined my buddy who opened for me, Josh's set. I went on, fucking lit her up and lit everybody else up. Kind of low energy, weird weekend there. And I know the owner, James, doesn't like when I light up the audience, but that's how I've done it my whole life, and they had it coming. She wouldn't shut the fuck up. She wouldn't shut up.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Every three minutes I was going, you're fucking retarded. You have no attention to me. You're a grown woman. And she kept getting all defensive. I tried to get her a glass of water. I heard her ask for water. That's how it started. I go, could you get her a glass of water?
Starting point is 00:16:01 And she looks up and she goes, why are you picking on me? I was trying to get you a glass of fuck. She gets all the fuck. After the show, of course, she's hanging out telling the owner she's going to sue me for ruining her night. Yeah, Dershowitz will get right on that. Fucking clam. It's never guys. It's never guys.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Again, I don't mean to be sexist or whatever the fuck. And female comics will tell you the same thing because I've seen them put it online. It's always women with a yappity fucking yappity yappity shut your fucking pie hole. Luckily, my demographic is 110 to two men to women, but they still come out to the show because their husbands and boyfriends drag them out. Mother of God, help us. What is this? Oh, Mr. Putin falls on his
Starting point is 00:16:52 face during victory lap at ice hockey match. I don't know if you guys saw Putin. Every year he plays in this ice hockey game. A few years ago he had like a hat trick or four. This year he had eight. I'm sure the defense was rugged. Can you imagine trying to fucking defend Putin from getting the fucking eight goals?
Starting point is 00:17:13 It's like when he goes golf and he gets two hole-in-ones in a row. Nobody says anything. The press sits there. Oh, good golfing. Yes. Anyways, the leader had been waving proudly. His footage of him after the game he was celebrating, he was taking kind of a victory lap. And Trump, did Trump retweet this?
Starting point is 00:17:35 Please tell me. That would have been a great litmus test. That would have been a great litmus test for Trump if people accused him of being in Putin's pocket. If he retweeted this a thousand times, you know, and put, look at this dope falling on his face. Just like he's going to run a few years when we take over Russia. Here's the footage of the mighty Putin. look he gets right back up all the poor all right all, all right, all right.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Do we have a clip of him getting a goal? We don't have that, do we? Oh, my God. Guys, go watch it. You've got to fucking see this defenseman standing like this. He goes around him and puts in his seventh of the night. I don't understand. Is it a joke over there?
Starting point is 00:18:44 I don't understand. I mean, joke over there? I don't know. I mean, do they take it serious? I know the people of Russia are laughing their balls off, but I'm saying, does Putin's administration think that the people believe he's that good? Or is it all just for fun? Do you know what I'm saying? I hope it's for fun. I don't know. I mean, this is a guy that will shoot a journalist if he says the wrong fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:19:07 So, you know, it's hilarious. And after they, a guy corrected him in the paper. Putin said he had nine goals. Putin said he had nine goals. And some reporter said he actually had eight. And here's what happened to the reporter an hour after the game. Okay, it was nine nine nine nine oh how about the poor pricks that were trying to the guy that put down the red carpet i'm sure he
Starting point is 00:19:36 was shot at sunrise today there's something i like about i know he's a thug and a murderer, and I do know all that, but I fucking, at least he plays hockey. You know what I mean? At least he's playing ice hockey. Obama, what's he doing? He was riding his daughter's bike with a basket on it. Muffin's vending his fucking mother-in-law's jeans.
Starting point is 00:19:58 The basket was filled with dicks. Ugh. Fucking helmet on a grown man riding a bike. Although Putin had a helmet on playing hockey, but you have to. But who's going to take a swipe? Somebody should have dropped the gloves. You want to get famous in a hurry? I would have cross-checked that motherfucker. You want to get famous and dead at the same time? Imagine if somebody lined them up and just fucking unloaded. time? Imagine if somebody lined him up and just fucking unloaded. Just to prove, you know, I want to see Trump doing something other than golfing. I'd like to see him on ice skates and that would be fucking the giant orange man. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:20:39 his claim of nine goals with others noting just eight. Unsurprisingly, he made his team champions of the Nighthawk League's amateur 40-plus division. I wonder if you could bet on that game. I'm sure they were the favorites. It was like plus 200. You had to bet literally fucking six trillion rubles to make a fucking one ruble. If you're betting on him. Somebody should have went.
Starting point is 00:21:10 By the way, my favorite hockey player other than Robert Gordon Orr, because I'm from Boston. My second favorite all time, Ovechkin. Alexander Ovechkin. If I was starting a team, my first line is all Russians. They just play the game right, and they'll take your eye out with a stick. Ovechkin's fucking 6'4", 240. Okay? He's going to have over 600, 700 goals when he's finished.
Starting point is 00:21:36 He's already a Hall of Famer, and he'll knock your teeth on your throat. Ask the young Russian kid who challenged him to a fight. Guy for Carolina, I think it was. Ovechkin, who was his idol growing up. And he's on the ice for like his second shift in the NFL, and he gets in a fight with his idol. And he gets knocked unconscious. Now that's a Russian
Starting point is 00:21:53 for you. Oh, look who's in the news! Sweet tits Melissa Milano. Beautiful rack, but every time she opens her mouth, she might as well be a 600 pound fat man just as dumb as her fucking alissa milano calls for sex strike to protest abortions bans the actress urged women in a tweet to stop having sex with each other nice haircut too she looks like a fucking nba ford for north carolina the actress the actress
Starting point is 00:22:28 urged women in a tweet to stop having sex until we get bodily autonomy back and you know what i say to you you fucking cheeser you stupid fucking blabbermouth cut easy nick i didn't say it the guy on the speaker she looks like like, put that back up. She looks like AOC in the face there, doesn't she? Look at the rack still. Hanging on that rack. You know. She has man hands.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Actress Alyssa Milano ignited social media with a treat Friday night, calling for women to join her in a sex strike to protest strict abortion bans passed by Republican-controlled legislature. She's doing what women do. She's saying shut off the pussy. Shut it off. At least you're admitting that's what you use it for. Anytime you want something, you shut it off. You're making, that's the worst thing a feminist can say. You're just saying the only way we can control men is by a snatch. I know it's true, but you're not supposed to admit it if you're a feminist. Shut it off. Shut it down. Shut down the candy store until we have complete.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Oh, will you stop? Again, it's not about babies and whether it's a fetus at this, you know, but it's none of that shit. They're upset about the heartbeat bill, which is after six weeks. But, you know, you can hear the heartbeat. You can't kill it. Again, I used that in college when I had a drunk girl in bed. Nothing. You hit a lapsy.
Starting point is 00:23:51 For the love of fucking Christ, I feel like I'm at Governor's. Anyhow. So she's admitting that use the pussy, shut it off, because men are that simple and we'll get what we want. I don't know. She urged women in her tweet to stop having sex. Full bodily autonomy back. In other words, it's about men can't tell us what to do with our bodies.
Starting point is 00:24:17 And I've said this before. I'm saying it in my act now. But you don't mind when you're in bed with us and I say arch your back or put your tit in my mouth or pee in a cup. You don't mind it then. Pee in a cup. Turn it to Jimmy Norton.
Starting point is 00:24:35 I would never use a cup. Always use a thermos. We need to understand how dire the situation is she says across the country. It's reminding people that we have control over our own bodies and how we use them. You don't remind us of that every second for the last fucking ten years,
Starting point is 00:24:52 have you? Thank you. She noted that women have historically withheld sex. Oh, so you're a progressive, but you're going back in time. Withheld sex to protest or advocate for political reform. She cited how the Iroquois women refused to have sex in the 1600s, and that's because they had corn on the cob laying around.
Starting point is 00:25:20 They called it maize. I called it good fun. Butter that shit up, yo. She cited how the Iroquois women, you know, like Elizabeth Warren, refused to have sex in the 1600s as a way to stop unregulated warfare. Most recently, she noted that
Starting point is 00:25:37 Liberian women used a sex strike in 2003 to demand an end to a long-running civil war. No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, yeah, they did. Imagine broads doing that over here. First of all, the broads that Republicans and guys on the right, they get horny over war. They love guns.
Starting point is 00:25:59 We use it as foreplay. Like, hey, Diane, you hear we're going into Iraq in about a month? We use it as foreplay. You're like, hey, Diane, you hear we're going into Iraq in about a month? I'm coming. Mention Dick Cheney. Both liberal and conservatives also lampooned her idea, with conservatives praising her for promoting abstinence and liberals saying she was pushing a false narrative
Starting point is 00:26:24 that women only have sex as a favorite to men. I don't know if that's false or not. In my experience, my 57 years on the planet, you know. You know, let's be honest. A girl says, but I want to be promoted.
Starting point is 00:26:41 What are you going to give me? My bug. Okay. It's a deal. I'll knock you up to minimum wage. Minimum. Milano said the criticism didn't bother her because she's retarded and doesn't understand anything she reads. And she said her tweet was having the desired effect, which is getting people to talk about the war on women. Go fuck yourself. War on women.
Starting point is 00:27:10 When's the last time you looked at clips online from girls and how they're treated in Saudi Arabia or anywhere in the Middle East? War on women. Are your kids having battery acid thrown in their faces, little girls, because they want to go to school? Are they being stoned to death because they show two inches of fucking ankle? War on women. American women, nobody has it better than American women. You're surrounded by rich guys. Any country, the wealthiest country on the planet.
Starting point is 00:27:38 War on women. We've been trying to take you to dinner and get in your pants. What a fucking, what a trooper you are. Boy, does that fry my ass. What other country, Alyssa Milano, would you rather be living in? Huh? What other country treats women better? You're just an American-hated, empty-headed, nice-titted dope. Does she have kids? And what's that spot in her eye please tell me it's a leech milano said people have to determine for themselves how long the sex strike should last for her part she hasn't decided yet how long she will forego sex. And I don't know either.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial. I can't get down on my knees and show Christina my asshole. I'm on strike. You're not going to tell me what to do with my body. I just did. And this has me what to do with my body. I just did. And this has a lot to do with Georgia. The heartbeat bill thing is, you know, starting here in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:28:53 And a lot of showbiz does stuff down here. Netflix, they shoot movies because of the tax breaks and whatever. And she's just using her pussy. Just using her pussy to stand up for, you know, abortion on demand. They should have them at Chick-fil-A's right next to it. Just pull in
Starting point is 00:29:13 and I'll have the try semester. Let me ask you, does the doctor have his magic bullet going? And I'm not a pro-lifer. I'm just saying I love how she's using her vagina to get what she wants, which goes against everything feminist, supposedly. She doesn't see the irony of that because, you know why? Because she has the fucking IQ of a snow tire. But she was famous once. What was the show, Jace, remember?
Starting point is 00:29:47 I'm asking two kids 11 years old. Who's the boss or whatever the fuck. Anyhow. Hey, ladies and gentlemen, this is not updated, by the way, Jason. Is this too much for you, this job? Write the goddamn, write a list down. We gave you a Bible of shit to do.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And that's when you were brand new. It should be down to a pamphlet now. Come in, turn up the air conditioning. Or I should say put it on 11. Well, that one's new. It shouldn't be. I came in and you had a ring around your neck of sweat. I thought you were making sneakers for some fucking Nike company.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Friday, May 31st. Jonathan's in Agunquit, Maine. It's a gay town and it's beautiful. They love me. Like I say, I don the assless chaps and the roller skates. Saturday, June 1. Whites of Westport, Westport, Mass. Friday, June 7.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Steelstacks, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Saturday, August 10th. The Newtown Theater, Newtown, Pennsylvania. Friday and Saturday, August 16th and 17th, Helium in Philly. Friday, October 18th, the Ridgefield Playhouse in Ridgefield, Connecticut. Friday, November 15th, the Cortland Repertory Theater, Cortland, New York. Saturday, November 16th, the Comedy Works in Saratoga Springs. Then New Year's Eve, back at the beautiful Tarrytown Music Hall, Tarrytown, New York. Saturday, November 16th at Comedy Works in Saratoga Springs. Then New Year's Eve back at the beautiful Tarrytown Music Hall
Starting point is 00:31:08 Tarrytown, New York. Don't forget, folks. If you want me to send a little video to one of your enemies or one of your friends, you can be nice, you can be mean. I can do a mini roast on somebody you hate. I wake up every morning, I have a couple of these to do. People absolutely love them. If you have
Starting point is 00:31:24 a neighbor you hate, an old boyfriend, a girlfriend, I will talk into my phone, make a video, eviscerate them in 30 seconds, or say hi to Grammy because she's 112. Whatever you want. Okay? Click on my profile and fill out the information. Yes, sir. Super chats? Super chats.
Starting point is 00:31:42 We do. We have one from Two Gun Tommy. It says, you are the realest cracker alive. God bless. I'm guessing that's from a brother man. I'll be nice, Tommy Two Guns. I'm guessing. What did he call me, a cracker?
Starting point is 00:31:57 He said you're the realest cracker alive. Thank you. That is seriously, that is the ultimate. Patrice O'Neal said I was a fucking OG when it came to stand-up. He said that. O'Neill, who is a... I told you, black people love me when they're in the audience. Except for the four that were at Governors.
Starting point is 00:32:13 They were not having any of it. Even when I was defending them, they had that look of hate. But Tommy Two Guns is absolutely right. Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, Jamie Foxx, always watching me at Eddie Murphy's house and said, this fucking guy is hilarious. So I have street cred because black people appreciate when a white guy is honest. They don't want fuck.
Starting point is 00:32:35 They don't. They can smell phoniness a mile away. Thank God my wife can't. You have two more from Make Ohio Great Again. It says Democrats equal communists and we all know what to do with communists. You have two more. From MakeOhioGreatAgain, it says, Democrats equal communists, and we all know what to do with communists. I don't know what to do with them. I say we put them in jail.
Starting point is 00:32:59 MakeOhioGreatAgain, it's always been great. You know why Ohio's great? It's the Bill Maher's of the world and Hollywood and the jerk-offs who live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. I'm saying the coastal elites hate Ohio because it stands for America. And he's right. As far as the communists, we'll see when AOC moves up the ladder, even though she's a socialist. There's really not much of a difference. It all depends on who owns the means of production. But we don't want to get into details.
Starting point is 00:33:22 And by production, I don't mean having babies. Write that down. It might be. What else we got there, Killer? We have from Pilgrim Driver. It says, we'll have to use whores. I guess is what this last word is supposed to be. It's spelled really weird.
Starting point is 00:33:37 We'll have to use whores. And can I have a little context to that? I guess for the Alyssa Milano stuff. We'll have to use whore. I don't even know. We'll have to use whores instead of. Instead of what? Instead of your girlfriend who's going on strike.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Oh, yes. Wow. Pretty good. Deke put that together. We'll have to use whores. I know. I hope you see some whores crossing the picket line. This girl's a scab.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And she's got some down below, too. Okay, we'll use whores. I'm married. I'm out of it. You young guys. I've been saying that forever on this show, too, by the way. You young guys at college, you can't even have sex now because you'll be accused of rape a year or ten years later. I told you it's a perfect excuse to tell the girl,
Starting point is 00:34:25 we're filming this. I said it on red-eye, and Gutfeld almost fell off the seat going, that is a brilliant idea. What, are you going to bring a lawyer to the fucking... Mr. Berkowitz, this is Sandy. Can you sign this, Sandy, and let him go to town on your ass? Okay. That's what I said about the Statue of Liberty.
Starting point is 00:34:46 That's the only one that feminists aren't trying to tear down, the only statue. Well, I should say millennials, young college-age students, the only statue that they won't attempt to tear down because they need her oral consent before they can touch her. Anyhow, any he. Oh, this is a good one, man. This is over in England, but I can relate to this because I took the subway in New York City for many, many, many, many years. Rail bosses apologize after pornography broadcasts over trains loudspeakers. over trains loudspeakers.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Railway bosses have apologized after passengers found themselves listening into pornography being played over a train's public address system. Here's the video of... You can hear the women go... The blonde girl's laughing And playing with herself Is that Christ's car?
Starting point is 00:35:50 No Someone's there I don't think I can I don't think I can Is that waste? You must feel safe taking that train, huh? I'd say about 90% Amtrak accidents. It's what the guys do.
Starting point is 00:36:21 They put it on automatic pilot. They're whacking it. Everybody loves Raymond Marathon. Not paying attention. The train pulls into fucking Times Square at 280 miles an hour. Takes out a family of six. Guy's whacking it. In New York, that wouldn't even.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Here's the difference. If that was New York City, people would just be assuming it was somebody fucking on the train. Not in England, you know. But is that really, is that an effect? It makes me a little nervous, but I'm going to do a story later about a pilot who they pulled off
Starting point is 00:36:51 American Airlines for triple murder, which I take all the time because it's one of the main hubs. Who put that up? Paul Brunton put it on his Twitter account. As if in reply, the film's volume increases. More to parent protagonist grunts.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Southwest Railway, which runs the service, immediately apologized and launched an investigation. SWR released a statement saying, Southwest Railway has a policy of blocking inappropriate material, including pornography websites, on its onboard and station Wi-Fi services. Well, apparently this guy is a lot brighter than you, and he got around that fucking blockage. Huh? He's probably just using his cell phone. Exactly. What's it got to do with...
Starting point is 00:37:36 I would think it's a little entertaining. He should do it every fucking day, something different. You know what I mean? Here's Manchester winning the world championship in soccer last night. And here's me beating my kid, Sentlis. We are investigating this incident to establish how
Starting point is 00:37:51 this material was broadcast on our service. Today's incident is wholly unacceptable and we apologize to... I don't like reading articles from English papers because the spelling is different. Don't we share one language? Let's adopt to them. They probably had it first,
Starting point is 00:38:06 but apologize with an S. It really bothers me. It's so different. It is, isn't it? It's nothing like us. It really isn't, but I use it when I make spelling mistakes. I go, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:38:17 This is British talk. This shirt I thought was black because I don't have lights in my closet in the new house, and it looked black. That's why this tie, if I look like Wojo Ho, it's from Barney Miller. I have a couple interview requests, right? But you remember Donna Kent? Her son was killed when the guy punched him when he thought it was the wrong Uber car, black guy.
Starting point is 00:38:46 And I have another guy who lost a daughter. And, you know, I want to do these, but this show is so silly and stuff. You know what I mean? It almost feels inappropriate. Let the people vote on it at home. But, you know, that's no disrespect. Donna Kent is a ballsy woman. She said they found footage, actual footage, and released it without telling the prosecutor because nobody really knew the –
Starting point is 00:39:12 but anyways, I'm just saying, if I don't get back to you guys right away, we're trying to make a decision. I can't be doing something about somebody playing porn on the subway and then we go into something heavy like that. I suppose I can, but I'm not quite that talented. Connecticut man. Faces up to 140 years in prison for threatening to kill Trump. Here's a picture of the guy. There it is. Lying cocksucker Dick Blumenthal.
Starting point is 00:39:45 This is the guy that said he was in Vietnam when he was running for fucking Senate to seat in Connecticut, and he wasn't. And yet Connecticut still votes him in. The fucking nutmeg state. How about the nut state? Guy looks like a 70-year-old lesbian. Fucking jack off.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I hate this guy almost as much as Adam Schiff. Just a turd-spewing, disingenuous liar. Actually, let's show the real guy. This is Kevin James after a time from King of Queens to let himself go. Look at the great pumpkin dressed like Ellen De be a dress like Ellen DeGeneres. That might be a woman, too. I can't tell today. 140 years. What else? He sent other bomb threats and mail containing suspicious white powder, according to court documents.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Gary Greville or Greville, I should say, 51, was indicted on 16 counts, including that he threatened the president in September 2018 by sending an envelope containing white powder and the handwritten message, You Die. And Scaramucci, who was working for the president, snorted up all the... No, he wasn't. He was actually gone. He sent similar envelopes to a synagogue, a mosque,
Starting point is 00:41:03 and a chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. You're all over the map, stupid. You're threatening Trump, who supposedly is a racist. You've got to say, then you're threatening the NAACP. Get your politics. You think this guy, you think the pussy train pulls up to his house every week? Does this guy have a friend in the world? You know how Trump always said
Starting point is 00:41:26 about hacking into our elections? He goes, who knows, there could be a 400-pound guy in a bed. I think that's why this guy sent the shit to Trump. He thought Trump was talking about him personally. You'll see him in a few years in a Bowflex commercial. Look at the
Starting point is 00:41:43 abs I got. I got AIDS and I'm shredded. The no claim, the powder. They say power. You fuckers who write these articles, will you fucking be a little more careful? The power. The powder was a biotoxin, but it was found to be harmless. You ought to take some of that powder, sir, and rub it between a giant ass crack of yours and your armpits. We're getting complaints from the people 40 feet above you in that building.
Starting point is 00:42:09 You fucking parade float. Gravel also sent emails and made phone calls threatening to detonate bombs in Vermont. What are you going to do, kill sheep? Washington and in various locations in Connecticut, including government buildings and a mental health facility, which he'll be signing up for real fucking soon. I think we have an audio of one of the phone calls he made right here. I'll wrap your fucking head in with a ratchet. He was talking to his girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:42:38 If convicted of all 16 counts, he could face 140 years maximum in prison. And Gravel was previously sentenced in 2013 for sending threatening communications and had been released under federal supervision until his arrest on the new charges last year. So, bye-bye. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:42:57 See you. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Why would you send a shit to Trump threatening his life and the NAACP? Somebody sit this guy down. You have to pick a station, Fox News or MSNBC, goddammit. This guy's a true independent.
Starting point is 00:43:18 He's an independent. Independent. Sure, it looks pretty good. How about this one? This one sent the chill up my ball bag because, you know, I'm in Georgia and I take American Airlines a lot now. Through certain, you know, Charlotte and other Atlanta. An American Airlines pilot was dragged from a plane in Kentucky and arrested this weekend for the 2015 triple homicide of three of his former neighbors. They got him. They caught the person.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And you blew it. You blew it. Former Army Ranger Major Christian Richard Martin, 51. Do they do that with all alleged murders and murders? Give the three names? You never see that anywhere else when somebody does something good. It's always Bobby Smith. Pull the girl from a burning car. Not
Starting point is 00:44:11 Robert fucking Anglin. Look it. It's Tom Berringer, everybody. Won't talk about death. We all know about death. Former Army Ranger Christian Richemont was nabbed at the Louisville International Airport on Friday on a plane loaded with passengers preparing to take off to Charlotte.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Triple fucking... This is your captain speaking. Does anybody have any bleach on them? Or a bone saw? Maybe some rubber gloves. Trying to get some stains off my pants. But it looks like a clear day for flying.
Starting point is 00:44:48 The winds are out of the south. Speaking of south, do you know where I can bury a couple of three bodies? If you look to the window out on the left, you'll see me in FBI plane chasing our plane. Just ignore that.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I'm fucking psychotic. We'll be landing soon. Trade tables up, you cocksuckers. Oh. Trade tables up, you cocksuckers. Imagine him. I told you to put your
Starting point is 00:45:22 seats in the upright position. I'll come back there and cut your fucking heads off just like I did my neck. Click. The arrest came a day after his indictment by a Christian county. Oh, his name is Christian, and he's being indicted Christian county. Jesus didn't help you on this one. Grand jury on murder and arson charges stemming from November 2015 killings of Calvin and Pamela Phillips and their neighbor, Edward Densereau. Police said Calvin Phillips, 59, was found shot to death in the cellar of his home in Pembroke, Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:45:53 The bodies of Pam Phillips, 58, and Dan Erso, 63, found inside her scorched car a few miles away in a cornfield. Authorities haven't given a motive for the slaying. At the time of the murders, Martin lived across the street from the victims. In a 2016 interview with a TV station in Louisville, Martin claimed that Calvin Phillips had been having an affair with his wife, but denied any involvement in the murders. Again, this is alleged. We don't know. We don't know. Doesn't look very happy, though. That's him after he made a nice landing. Shortly after the killings,in reportedly moved to north carolina american airline said martin has been a pilot for the subsidiary psa airline since january 2018 he's in a pilot's uniform in his mugshot well you're
Starting point is 00:46:37 fucking done bye bye don't you get scared and And I get scared now. You know what the story that scared the shit out of me about flying is that, was it a Muslim pilot that, remember, just fucking decided to take the plane down? They couldn't find it for a month, remember? In the Indian Ocean or whatever. That's all it takes. It's one thing for a guy that's helping you at Home Depot. Home Depot?
Starting point is 00:47:03 Oh, fuck, is that the Indian version? Hello, I need some nails and some hammers. I don't know what to do. Home Depot. It's one thing with a guy helping you there who's a little suicidal, just had a fight with his wife and wants to, but, you know. These pilots are just like us, folks. They have a bad day.
Starting point is 00:47:19 You know? But how about this guy? Getting on, going on there. Again, it's alleged. We don't know. But I'm just saying. How about some vetting? But how about this guy? Again, it's alleged. We don't know. But I'm just saying, how about some vetting? He made a statement to a TV station a couple years ago denying it.
Starting point is 00:47:36 That's almost enough for me if I'm the airlines to go. We don't want anybody even, you know? It's a little hairy. But there's other days I get on the plane when I'm depressed and going to a shitty club in the middle of nowhere. Those days have passed after this show. I get on the plane, and I'm hoping, I hope as I'm boarding, I almost, you know, I almost want the plane to go. I almost want to look in the cockpit and see a Muslim pilot looking at a picture of his ex-wife crying, eating a giant pork shoulder. a Muslim pilot looking at a picture of his ex-wife
Starting point is 00:48:02 crying, eating a giant pork shoulder and going, go ahead, Muhammad, take this thing into the fucking mountains. I don't want to play skid marks in Vermont anymore.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Got some more Super Chats. We got more Super Chats. Let me have them. We got a from Supernova2016 says, keep up the good work, Nick. You're a legend. Thank you so much, Superva. I am doing the
Starting point is 00:48:26 best I can. I'm just a Joe living in the twilight of his life. Living on a pension. I asked to be extramarried back to Israel. They turned me down. So did India. But Sena Tlaib
Starting point is 00:48:42 is off of me. In her house. That's it. One. Yeah, the other ones are just cash donations oh i was gonna say keep them coming folks cost me uh about 10 grand to move all the furniture and shit i was dealing with that over the weekend thank god i got a wife who knows what she's doing running around to u-haul buying boxes and getting in fights with people at Home Depot. That guy get in my face, Home Depot. Guy comes up to me with a clipboard. I'm not in there five minutes.
Starting point is 00:49:11 It's like I'm a magnet for assholes who hate me. He's got bald head glasses, you know, probably 40s. Comes at me with a clipboard. I'm talking to you, fellas. Comes at me with a clipboard, and he like uh would you like to turn your house into solar you know and i go no i'm not interested thank you walk he goes but i don't you care about the invite he done the fucking i turn around and i go i'm fucking busy and he goes have a nice day but he said it in that tone that homeless people do when you don't give them change have a blessed
Starting point is 00:49:43 day which really means go fuck yourself so he he goes, have a nice day. And I go, fuck you. Louder than that. And he goes, I said, have a nice day. And I said, fuck you. I said it twice. And this people fucking jerk off. Why does Home Depot allow that shit? Is there a lot of money in solar? No. Ask Obama and Solyndra and all that horse shit. So why do you let your customers be fucking hounded
Starting point is 00:50:14 when I'm there to spend money on you? Get them the fuck out of the store. But I said have a good day. I said your mother's box. Good day, sir. Fucking, ugh. I should your mother's box. Good day, sir. Fucking ugh. I should have sat down and debated him on why he voted for Obama.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Speaking of Jews and Palestinians, Rep. Lee Zeldin blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for inviting a radical imam to speak before Congress, and I'm glad he let her fucking have it. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck! Fuck! That was a little much. On Thursday, the noon prayer was given by an imam from Texas who has a long history of not just supporting BDS,
Starting point is 00:50:58 you know, that's divestments and boycotts and whatnot, but comparing Israel to the Nazis, accusing Israel of being a terror regime, calling for a Palestinian infidata in the past and inciting violence, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, and the list goes on, Zeldin said on Sunday. But thick, leathery-ankled, thick-nippled dummy Pelosi thinks that's okay. How are they still a party? I mean, come on, man.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Zeldin was speaking about Imam Omar Suleiman of Irving, Texas, who was introduced by Pelosi and gave a brief prayer before the House of Representatives, and their prayer started like this. Amen. Suleiman is the president of, listen to this, the Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research and a professor of Islamic Studies at SM University.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Guilty. Suleiman's social media presence shows that he supports the boycott, divestment, and sanctionsctions Movement, BDS, and has compared Israeli treatment of Palestinians to the Nazis. Hmm. He compares Israeli treatment to the Nazis. I'm trying to think. We did a story earlier where the woman said that the Palestinian helped the Jews.
Starting point is 00:52:28 It's all too much for me. Yeah, exactly. You're going to fucking... I was sitting there in the first row. I was caught off guard by it. Quite honestly, Zeldin said, who is Jewish? Well, thanks for connecting the dots on that one. Here, Kurt Metzger, comedian,
Starting point is 00:52:42 is seen being escorted from the... There was no announcement it was going to happen. The speaker either... Her team either failed to vet the imam, or worse, they did vet him and thought this was a good idea to bring him in anyways. I'm going to go with the latter, because that's their... They're the anti-Jew party. I mean, look, Tlaib, Omar, and fucking, you know. So I'm going to go with the latter.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Want to know what it's like to live under Nazis? Look no further than how the Palestinians are treated. This is on his website, Daily by Apartheid Israel. Sickening. Hashtag BDS. Hashtag Free Palestine. Suleiman wrote in August 10, 2015, Facebook post. And he chaered unrest.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Oh, he put up a picture of Palestinians being delayed at Israeli checkpoints. Yeah, that's the same as being led to the ovens and shot and thrown into a hole and bulldozed. Same thing, you're being delayed for... One side of the world is just fucking in total denial and uh anyways he cheered uh unrest in jerusalem in 2014 as a third uh into fatada uh referring to periods of violent palestinian uprising against his occupation that spanned the 80s 90s and uh in which 5 000 palestinians and some 1400 israel Israelis were killed. The third infiftada starts on the 27th night of Ramadan. Oh Allah, make it blessed, he wrote in July 2014,
Starting point is 00:54:16 a tweet also archived by El Gmeina. But yes, he would be an appropriate speaker. Now think about this. Ben Shapiro can't even speak at Berkeley. Ian Coulter, they banned her from Columbia. Just think about that. But our Congress is having this guy who we have documented his hate for Jews online. Empirical evidence.
Starting point is 00:54:42 But let's invite him to speak to the Congress. Do you see how far apart we are? There's no more middle. Can we just get it on? Let's get it on. Look at this guy. Oh, God. What's with the beards in the Middle East? You guys have short dicks? Trying to hide your insecurity notice me i'm fresh shaving every day got a couple late super chats coming in all right so we got one from patrick door patty door what's up patty door says authors multiple oscar-winning actors and assassins normally go by three names if oj went by orin by Orenthal James, maybe Nicole and Ron would be around, but Pelosi would have never been made speaker.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Yeah, that's a very clever joke that you sat and worked on for a half hour, and I'm glad you did. He's actually right. Orenthal. That was O.J.'s name. And yeah, it really is funny. It's always the sitcom stars and the fucking...
Starting point is 00:55:44 I can't think of one right now, but... Makes a great point. Maybe I'll use that in a bit. I'll send you a few dollars. I'll reverse the super chat, money. We also have one from Common Sense America. Says, huge fan, Nick. Keep speaking the truth, brother.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I only know the truth, my friend. There's only one truth. As Bill Hicks said, it's all we have is the truth. And then one more we have from Edge Yoder. It says, I think Nick should be Trump's press secretary. I'd get kicked out quicker than Scaramucci did, whatever his name. I'd be like, listen, you motherless fucks. Sarah Sanders Huckabee was right.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Ignore her fucking closed eye. That broad had a point. She always looked like somebody smoked and blew it in her eye. How about this? Finally tonight, in a lighter note, an IT worker, I thought of Buddy Rich right off the bat. Should have put a picture of him. A 23-year-old chops his penis and testicles off in eunuch bid. A wacky Washington IT worker, why are you judging the guy?
Starting point is 00:56:59 Has hacked off his penis and testicles in a bloody bid to be a eunuch. penis and testicles and a bloody bid to be a eunuch. Trent Gates, 23, revealed that he used a razor-sharp knife to do the dreadful deed in his pursuit of being a nullo in 2016. Why do they bring the Italians in everything? Dominic Nullo. Nullos are extreme body modification enthusiasts who remove their genitalia and often their nipples for a smooth look.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Why would you? Oh, there he is. Yeah, well, this is not going to help you people about gender dysphoria. People say it's a mental illness, and the people on the left get furious when you say that. Well, this story's sort of going to fucking hurt your argument. This is what he said. I saw a photo of the emasculated man gelding online it was like bam first photo i saw that's me i want to be there someday how sick is this poor prick he cut off his penis at his washington apartment and then a year later removed his testicles in a north
Starting point is 00:57:58 carolina hotel it would look dumb if you just had balls hanging there. That would look kind of fucking silly. He's like, something wrong with this picture. There's something... I want to know this guy's... What happened to him as a kid and shit. Oh, he was born that way? Then he's mentally ill, if you want to take that track. But then he cut his balls off,
Starting point is 00:58:20 and he drew in a vagina with a sharpie. A friend watched him do it to make sure there were no medical compilators. Yeah, I'm sure this guy has some qualified friends to fucking watch. His friend's like, go ahead, don't be a pussy, do it. Do another shot of Jagermeister, get the balls.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Why would you wait a fucking year? Were you getting complaints from other gay guys? Hey, what the fuck? I was going to suck your dick. This is balls down there. I don't give a shit. Put them in your mouth. I'll show you.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Gates used painkiller oxy, uh, oxy cotton during his, uh, do it yourself castration. They wouldn't let him do it at the home Depot. The head shrink has apparently declared him sane. Well,
Starting point is 00:59:04 there you go. He now uses a catheter to urinate. Oh, congratulations, shithead. Oh, my God. Gates added that sex with his boyfriend is now more intense. Well, I would think so. He has to... He has to use a drill bit to...
Starting point is 00:59:26 Why didn't you just just you just should have said like it I like it in the ass you didn't have to cut your dick and balls off that's what it was the guy his boyfriend probably
Starting point is 00:59:33 is giving him bad head and he's like the only way I can force him to do the rear entry is if I cut this shit up that's my theory it's the same one Matlock had
Starting point is 00:59:41 in episode 42 and the I'm just rambling folks I understand anyways It's the same one Matlock had in episode 42. I'm just rambling, folks. I understand. Anyways. Fucking quiz! Both his parents and boyfriend have accepted his body transformation.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Why? Is his parents fucking him, too? That's probably how all this came about. Oh, my God. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This one's a case of mental illness, and I'm not sure how I stand on it, but I'm starting to lean that way with the shit I read.
Starting point is 01:00:11 In China, they said they ruled that it's mental illness. What could they tell you? You're not born that way. We fix you now. However, his mother threw out his frozen penis penis which he left in the family freezer oh my god you're fucking crazy his mother threw out the i wonder how many days she left you know she was probably using it i'm just guessing this family seems fucked up the mother was using it. I'm just guessing. This family seems fucked up.
Starting point is 01:00:46 The mother was using it for like, that's probably six months. And then her other son cut his dick off, which was bigger, and said, we'll go with that. Put it right next to the ice cube tray, will you, Tim? Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:58 All right, that's enough of that. You guys can ramble about whether it's mental illness. That guy is mentally ill. I'm sorry. Is that it, ladies and gentlemen? I think it is. Again, thank you so much. Breath of Fresh Air was over 330,000 views in about a week, okay,
Starting point is 01:01:15 and still climbing. And, again, it's about unadulterated comedy, saying what you feel, whether people get their toes stepped on or not. Like the lady who's trying to sue me because I ruined her evening this weekend. What a fucking world. Anyways, so thank you so much for that breath of fresh air and Don't forget to go to that.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Remember, you guys, you guys think it. I will say you're very welcome and i will see you guys on patreon tomorrow © BF-WATCH TV 2021 ¶¶ ¶¶ We'll see you next time.

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