The Nick DiPaolo Show - Minnesota Meltdown | Nick Di Paolo Show #522

Episode Date: April 12, 2021

MSM misleads on Minnesota shooting. BLM leader called out by her own for hypocrisy. Maryland vetoes protection for cops....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Hello, everybody. Welcome to the show. Another Monday morning. Do you believe it? Man, that weekend flies when you lay around watching sports and doing nothing. How's it going, folks? Black people behave themselves? I can't fucking believe it.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Let's get right to it because there's so many shootings and so much shit going on. I can't keep up with it. I come in here. Me and Jason are preparing for the show. And I go, I better check one more time to see what's going on. I can't keep up with it. I come in here, me and Jason are preparing for the show. And I go, I better check one more time to see what's going on in the news. You know, it's been almost three seconds since I checked. And sure enough, I'll just read this one right off the paper. Suspect killed three officers injured during police chase in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Boy, we're making the news a lot, huh? People are blaming me. I don't know. Three law enforcement officers were injured during a police chase in Georgia. Boy, we're making the news a lot, huh? People are blaming me. Three law enforcement officers were injured during a police chase in Georgia that ended with one suspect being killed, a second suspect taken into custody. The officer from the Carroll County Sheriff's Office, Carrollton and Villarica Police were taken to hospitals in Atlanta. Their conditions
Starting point is 00:01:44 were not immediately known. The chase began when a Georgia State trooper clocked a car going 111 on Interstate 20 around 3.30 a.m. Now, let me see. Right around the Atlanta area, somebody going 111 at 3 a.m. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it was a black guy. Now, I hope I'm wrong. But let me ask you a question. Would you take that bet if I said a million dollars? I'll give you a million dollars if I'm wrong, but let me ask you a question. Would you take that bet if I said a million dollars?
Starting point is 00:02:08 I'll give you a million dollars if I'm wrong. Would you take it? No, you wouldn't. Now, why is that? Because sometimes you can judge books and prejudge and all that other horseshit. I still could be wrong because I don't know the color. But you know the truth. 3.30 in the morning, Captain Brandon Dawson, State Patrol, said at news conference,
Starting point is 00:02:27 the trooper pursued the car, stopped, and then the car took off. The trooper used his vehicle to force the car to stop beside the road, but the driver regained control and continued on. His passenger used a rifle and shot at the trooper's patrol car, striking it and disabling it. The two suspects continued in Carrollton County on Highway 61, where the passenger leaned out the window and fired rounds into a city of Carrollton police officer vehicles, resulting in an officer being struck and another hitting a utility pole. Richard said Sergeant Rob Holloway, the officer struck by gunfire, was flown to an Atlanta medical center where he's undergoing surgery. The suspects then continued towards the city of Villarica, Villarica.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Police Chief Miguel Mansoor, Michael Mansoor said, Mansoor said the suspects fired multiple rounds at officers, striking one of the officers two times. Officer Chase Gordy has been transported to Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. They're waiting for an update on him. Again, I hate to assume the race, but you know, because the reporters won't say it. A Carroll County deputy, Jay Rapetto, was also shot during the chase. Carrollton County Sheriff Terry Langley said he was taken to an Atlanta medical center with a gunshot wound to the arm. Langley said one of the suspects was arrested after a negotiation and is being held in the Carroll County Jail. The other suspect was killed, but Langley didn't specify how.
Starting point is 00:03:56 There are no suspects at large. Now the Georgia Bureau of Investigation has taken over the investigation. What the fuck? All this with the background of the Chauvin trial going on, which is the big story, because we had another shooting in Minneapolis. I don't mean to be a conspiracy theorist, but Jesus Christ, if this such a thing as false flags, this is just how they would be laid out.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I'm not saying that's what this is. But as somebody once said, can things go wrong this perfectly it's very fucking weird i'm not saying i'm just saying i don't know what i'm saying that's what i'm just saying i it's just too fucking weird i mean you have to admit this whoever whoever the powers that be are that want us at each other's throats are hitting a grand slam for the last fucking year and as far as the covid thing and then the stolen election and then the january 6th capital incident those i don't give a fuck what you say those are fault fucking orchestrated like a goddamn rockettes concert now let's get to the story that I thought was the big story. Jesus H, am I happy that I got a couple guns?
Starting point is 00:05:12 Oh, I can use a prompt now. I'm sorry. I've only been doing this for 10 years. So we had the big shooting in Minneapolis. The National Guard was deployed in Minneapolis as hundreds of people looted and rioted into the early hours of today after a black man was shot dead while trying to flee arrest just 10 miles from where George Floyd died. Here's some video.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Poor Minneapolis, my god Can you fucking imagine, look at this hell zone Sorry sir, is my smoke bothering you? They just shot another round of flashbangs And here are the ass and peppers Bullets Even with this mask it got into my lungs and eyes round of flashbangs and tear gas and pepper bullets and even with this mask it got into my lungs and eyes.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Whose side are you on? Flashbang hit right by my feet as I was trying to photograph the guy up there. Maybe a journalist? I don't know. Pretty, pretty hectic right now, guys. Fuckin' Minneapolis, my God. Alright. The fatal shooting of the 20-year-old Dante Wright in Brooklyn Center came as the Twin Cities was already in a state of high alert over the trial of ex-cop Derek Chauvin charged with Floyd's murder last May. God help us.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I want you to get a good look at this picture because this is the one the mainstream media will show you guys. The good dad or whatever. Maybe it's his nephew or his kid. I don't know. Mainstream media will show you guys. The good dad or whatever. Maybe it's his nephew or his kid. I don't know. Charged. Anyways, Wright had been pulled over Sunday afternoon for an outstanding warrant and was shot after jumping back into his car and trying to race away. And again, that'll be the fact that the mainstream media will ignore.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Well, you have to kill him crashing crashing uh to a stop after after uh driving several blocks again ignoring the fucking cops not doing the right thing it's all it's all like a bad replay within hours of rights 2 p. fatal shooting, at least 500 protesters, boy, they're just laying around waiting for shit, had taken to the streets. None of them too busy to work, according to the Tribune. Many looting and trashing up to at least 20 stores. Hey. As many carried Black Lives Matter banners through the streets, protesters jumped on top of police vehicles and started throwing rocks and other projectiles
Starting point is 00:07:51 because they're so scared of the police. Right? That's what they always say. At officers. Police fought back against the violent protesters with tear gas, flashbangs, egg farts. No, rubber bullets. At at about here's the problem see uh pepper spray can i just say this is very un-american me and i'm always for late you non-lethal ways of doing it
Starting point is 00:08:15 i can't even say what i want about to say but I don't know. Google China and how they quell shit like this. Anyways, about 1130 p.m., Brooklyn Center police declared the crowd an unlawful assembly and said anyone who remained, including journalists, would be arrested. That was said on Minnesota Public Radio. So the cops tell even the journalist, how can you tell the journalist to get out? That's sort of unconstitutional. Isn't it? No, I will not. I will not.
Starting point is 00:08:50 The National Guard, where did we get them? From the Capitol? Was deployed, were they surrounding Pelosi's mansion in San Francisco? The National Guard was deployed and arrived just before midnight with officials announcing that more troops would be arriving
Starting point is 00:09:05 throughout Monday to help quell the further violence. Yeah, good luck with that. Now here comes the part of the story that made me so angry I was seeing dots.
Starting point is 00:09:14 You know like when you get hit in the face with a baseball? Governor Tim Walz, I suck and I love it. Look at him. It looks like Chris Farley
Starting point is 00:09:23 if he got healthy and he's doing his motivational speak character in his 60s, 60s, 70s. I can't talk too much. Governor Tim Walz, brace yourself, said he was closely monitoring the situation. It was praying for Dante Wright's family as our state mourns. Here it comes. Another life of a black man taken by law enforcement. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Stop getting cunty. Governor. Stop getting cunty. Do you fucking believe? Did he mention the cops who put their lives in danger? Huh? And it's not like he doesn't know that the guy took off and was not listening to the cops.
Starting point is 00:10:09 If I'm a cop, Minneapolis is what? There's probably six left. I know they try to defund the police, but remember when more shit started, they said, uh-oh, bad idea. Okay, how's your defund the police look now? If I was a cop and this jerk off said that, that's a very de blasio
Starting point is 00:10:25 statement i would hand my fucking badge in tomorrow fucking work in favor shoe before i'd work for this cocksucker another black another guy who hears me as the fucking governor another black kid who uh doesn't know how to follow directions because he probably grew up with no authority figures, male authority figures in his house. Looting was widespread late Sunday into early Monday, not just in Brooklyn Center, a city of about 30,000 people located on the northwest border of Minneapolis, but spilling into north and south Minneapolis, the local reports noted. I bet you the lefties behind this are going, good, it's starting to spill out to where we want it to. Wright was shot after trying to drive away. Do they have learning disabilities?
Starting point is 00:11:14 Trying to drive away from officers who pulled him over for an outstanding warrant, police said. It was not immediately clear what the warrant was for. Oh, I bet you it was because he was black while driving, right, liberals? Is that what it was? How about he's deaf while driving? There's the good father we know. His vehicle traveled. And again, we don't want anybody dead, but fucking at this point, I have no, I'm dead inside. It's really simple. You guys, it's, I swear to God, 80% of these are fucking suicide by cop i
Starting point is 00:11:47 swear to god you can't let grow up in this country watching for i don't know how many years this situation play out over and go over again year after year and then fucking do the exact same thing you see on tv unless maybe you want to die i don't know his vehicle traveled several blocks before striking another vehicle his girlfriend sustained non-life-threatening injuries during the crash. This is him. This is what you're going to see on CNN, MSNBC. But let's show you the real Dante Wright. I got a good shot out red, he gon' fetch me Big bags, big ass, fresh and big as hell Mm-hmm There's something wrong with the black man's mind!
Starting point is 00:12:29 There's something wrong with his mind! All right. And up. Wow. Will this country survive? Doesn't mean he should be shooting. Nobody wants people shot, but I'm just saying. Live by the sword, die by the fucking sword. Waving your gun.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Am I supposed to feel bad? What are the odds he'd probably shoot a cop fucking within the next couple of years? Pretty good, I'd say. Nick, you can't get that from that. Yeah, I can. Aye, aye, aye.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Black dudes, we've been saying on the show forever, pull over, put your fucking hands on the wheel, turn your light on, whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:40 What are you doing? You can have all the protests, do all the looting and rioting, as long as they're cops and there's law and order. If I mean de Blasio doesn't become president or whatever,
Starting point is 00:13:51 although what am I saying? We got somebody worse than him. You know, cops are going to do what they do and you guys are going to do what you do and most of the time
Starting point is 00:14:01 they're going to win. Was that the only incident like that this weekend? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Here's another one. It's like a fucking. I don't know. Another black guy defying the cops. Police in Windsor, Virginia, pulled their guns. I love the headline on a black and Latino man. Oh no, a double, a double threat. Immediately after pulling him over at a gas station for a traffic stop, according to body camera footage of the December 2020 incident, this happened a while ago,
Starting point is 00:14:39 but it's back in the second Lieutenant Karan Nazario, a member of the U.S. Army Medical Corps. And you're going to go, how could they treat a guy like that? Well, it's very simple. Just what I explained. Doesn't matter if you're in the fucking, and by the way, the days are gone where because you're wearing a military uniform, you'd love this country. We all know that. A lot of them just go, hey, I don't want to get a fucking real job.
Starting point is 00:15:03 And this is steady, whatever. God bless you for signing up. But that doesn't mean. Well, you saw who Pelosi put in charge of the Capitol Police, the black guy who's a fucking out Marxist, for Christ's sake. Anyways, here's the footage. And once again, I mean, you've seen it a million times. And you, like me, must be shaking your head when you see this shit. But here you go.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Get out of the car now i'm serving this country in this town yo guess what i'm a veteran too i don't know babe get out of the car get out of the car now there's something wrong with the black man what's going on you're fixing to ride the lightning son get out of the car now get out of the car now get out of the car sir just get out the car work with us and we'll talk to you get out the car you received our order obey it i'm honestly afraid to get out i'm honestly afraid to get out. That's fucking lie number one. There's the big lie.
Starting point is 00:16:07 We're afraid of the cops. You made the cops pull their fucking guns. And then they get into the stupid. I'm afraid of you guys. I know what you do to other. What a fucking crock of shit. I can't believe I'm being. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Get out. Get out. Get out of the car. Get out now. I have not committed any crime. You're being stopped for a traffic violation. You're not cooperating at this point right now. You're under arrest for, you're being detained. out. You haven't even told me why I'm being stopped. Get out of the car now. Get out of the car. Get your hands off me. What a fucking punk. Back up, Daniel. I didn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Don't do that. Sir, get out of the car now. Hey, sir. Get out of the car now. Sir. Pause. Wow, he looks really afraid of the cops, doesn't he? That's how you know it's a crock of shit.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Because he's still not cooperating. After all this shit we've witnessed year after year, it's the same story. I haven't done anything. Yeah, you did a traffic violation. Ignores that. And like the guy said, you're, you know, the guys are cops of that. Yeah, you obey, you're supposed to obey orders.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I wonder how the military, when they see this, is going to handle it. You know, whose side they'll be on. Go ahead. Get out. Okay. I'm trying to talk. Get out. Just get out of my car.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Can you please relax? Get out. Can you please relax? Get out of the car right now. He's telling the cops to relax. Now. This is not how you treat a vet. I'm actively serving this country, and this is how you're going to treat me?
Starting point is 00:17:42 Back up, Daniel. I didn't do anything. Back up. Whoa. Hold on. What up. Whoa, hold on. What's going on? Hold on. I just dropped it. Oh, not cool, Whip.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Careful, Whippy. Get out of the car. Just get out of the car. Get out of the car now. That's fucked up. Get out of the car now. That's fucked up. He just ignored cops for 10 minutes their instructions so they pepper that's fucked up no you're fucked up
Starting point is 00:18:11 we gotta show this clip that we did on chris rock a sketch how not to get the shit kicked out of you by the police it holds up for the next thousand years it's as funny as anything but But go ahead, let this guy. Sir, just get out of the car. I'm trying to breathe. Get out of the car now. My dog's choking. Yeah, get out of the car and get on the ground now.
Starting point is 00:18:36 You're going to get it again. I don't even want to reach for my seatbelt. Take your seatbelt off and get out of the car. Get out of the car now. He's a good actor, though. Listen! Take off your seatbelt and get out of the car. Look, I'm just gonna just...
Starting point is 00:18:55 You're gonna do what you're told. Get out of the car. Take your seatbelt off and get out of the... Take your seatbelt off. Look, my hands are out. Take your seatbelt off and get out of the car. My hands are out.. Take your seatbelt off and get out of the car. Don't reach in there, Daniel. Don't reach in there. Daniel, what are you doing? Get out of there. Please, look. This is really messed up. My dog is in the back. My dog is really... Get out of the car.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Take your seatbelt off. What are you, a specialist? Corporal? What are you? I'm a lieutenant. Lieutenant, get out of the car! That's scary. He's a lieutenant. Take your seatbelt off and get out of the car. You made this way more difficult than it had to be if you just complied. Get out of the car. Sounds like Alex John's arrest. Fine. Take your seatbelt off and get out of the car. Straight onto the ground. Straight onto the ground. Ma'am.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Is your commanding officer available? Down. Let's go. Still yapping. Let's go. straight onto the ground ma'am down, let's go let's go get on the ground get on the ground now get on the ground or you're getting sprayed again get on the ground get on the ground
Starting point is 00:20:00 get on the ground now get on the ground get on the ground yes sir now. Can you please talk to me about what's going on? Can you please talk to me about what's going on? Why am I being treated like this? Why am I being treated like this? He's really messed up. Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye. What are the odds he had a father growing up? Or a mother or two?
Starting point is 00:20:32 I don't know. I could look it up. I don't want to know. What, what, what? I don't get it, man. Anyways, guess what? He sued the officers, accusing them of radically, excuse me, radically, racially profiling them. Oh, poor you.
Starting point is 00:20:50 They say they pulled him over because he was driving without a license plate, though he had temporary plates taped to his window. They said they used force because he would not exit the vehicle. Yeah, I think the fucking tape shows that clearly. So what do you do if you're the military? Who do you side with? And by the way, a lot of ex-military guys go into policing. That's going to stop too. But, you know, keep it up with the city's defunding not this one, this is Virginia, but I don't know
Starting point is 00:21:26 it's like they want to I don't know if they're doing it to go look, here's more cops misbehaving they look at it as an opportunity excuse me anyways so that's you know
Starting point is 00:21:41 now here's a woman I stumbled over. She goes by Gothix, G-O-T-H-I-X. She's a black woman, conservative, and she has figured out, she has figured out that this indictment of cops all over the country for the last, I don't know how many years, as far as black on white crime and cops shooting, you know, hunting unarmed black is all absolute horseshit. And she's figured it out. A lot of people know who she is, but I'm going to show
Starting point is 00:22:19 you something. Excuse me. I had two videos. They already took one down from Twitter that she put up. And again, I've said this before, most black people get it. Law abiding citizens, just like Barclay said, most black and white people, good people. But here's gothics laying it down. Going back to my original question question i asked you which of these names seemed familiar if you were outraged about george floyd then you should be equally outraged to learn about tony tempa a 32 year old man who died by the hands of police officers did i mention that the officers were also kneeling on him but if you look at the coverage surrounding tony tempa it's clear that the story was entreated in the same way as the coverage surrounding geony timpa it's clear that the story was entreated in the same way
Starting point is 00:23:05 as the coverage surrounding george floyd she's not going to say anything you and i don't know but there's obviously a lot of people who still don't get it and and she and anytime a you know a black um conservative the voices need to be heard we need more of gothics. Go ahead. Race isn't mentioned anywhere in the story. And of course, Tony's death didn't spark international outrage. In case you haven't figured it out yet, race hustlers are not specific to black issues. There was recently a mass shooting in Georgia, and we can see how quickly the media labeled this incident as a hate crime fueled by white supremacy. But if you learned anything in my original video, then you should know that the media's job is to report the news and they're not in charge
Starting point is 00:23:51 of homicide investigations. Mm hmm. And the clip that we couldn't find again, Twitter's taking that down. You have to go to YouTube or whatever. But there's another clip of her. She makes a point, and she's like, yeah, let's blame it on whites. You know, something that's obviously wrong. She pushes her microphone out of the way, and she slaps the camera, and they put in the sound effect, which really caught me off guard.
Starting point is 00:24:19 But why? You know, so remember Tony's name, the white guy whose neck was kneeled on and nobody gave a fuck. That's how you know it's a big con name, the white guy whose neck was kneeled on and nobody gave a fuck. That's how, you know, it's a big con game folks. That's all it is. And I'll prove that even more of the stories coming up.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Um, it was nice because all these shit, uh, all the stories sort of had the same thread in them. Headline black snatch. What? That's what I put it in for jason so he has something to put up for segue the next story i put in these little headlines that black snatch black it's not what you think we don't do that type this is a family show motherfuckers and cocksuckers uh
Starting point is 00:25:00 anyways uh dramatic footage shows two men. This is in New York city on a motorcycle, Washington Heights, I believe, which is Northern Manhattan, uh, on a motorcycle, snatching a chain right off the neck of a 73 year old, a woman at a Manhattan crosswalk Saturday without even bothering to slow down. Why would you slow down? What are you going to exchange egg salad recipes? It's a fucking, they're committing a crime, you idiots. But anyways, let's take a look at the footage.
Starting point is 00:25:36 There it is. There, right there. Grabs the chain and goes. Look at him go. Do we have real time or is it all just slow? Slow-mo? There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I gotta say, I give him a fucking nine and a half on execution. Bad boys, what you want, what you want, what you gonna do? When shall the drum come for you? Tell me I love that song. I don't think that shows on anymore, right?
Starting point is 00:26:18 Because it was too honest. Yeah. The shocking clip. They say that shocking in New York. It is shocking. It wasn't a rape of a gun. The shocking clip, they say that's shocking. In New York, it is shocking. It wasn't a rape or a murder. The shocking clip was released by the NYPD hours after the 1 p.m. attack in Washington Heights,
Starting point is 00:26:34 known for its crazy Dominicans, by the way, in hopes of catching the brazen bikers. I don't have another video right now. The clip shows the two men pulling up to the victim as she crossed 190th Street. Oh, St. Nicholas Avenue. That's me street in Washington Heights. And the driver, who was wearing a black and neon yellow helmet and winter coat, and it's 80 degrees, then fled north on Wadsworth Avenue, the cop said. The victim suffered minor injuries.
Starting point is 00:27:03 No, she didn't. Minor injuries. And refused medical attention. And she said, I'm going to bitch slap those motherfuckers when I see them up in this bitch. Direct quote. That's New York for you. We had to show it. They must have circled her.
Starting point is 00:27:24 They saw the thing, right was it had to be a little you don't just drive by it you know i mean they're like oh look at that she's got some shit on willie take a left on one on 192nd and uh i guess my point is crime is out of control and a lot of big cities and a lot of the big cities are run by you know who i'm a liberal fag and they're trying to take money away from police departments and cut that. Can you imagine? Again, part of the plan to destroy the United States of America as it is. Even Larry Hogan. Nick, who's Larry Hogan? You remember Hogan's heroes. It's Pelican Man. Larry Hogan is the governor of Maryland, I believe. Okay okay now he's a left winger because
Starting point is 00:28:08 maryland is as blue as my balls his jacket my shirt uh and um he is no righty he's trying to pass some legislation so cops aren't so much you know they're trying to pass all this shit making cops responsible uh for everything you know getting getting sued. He's trying to put a little bit of a halt to that. He's sort of on the cop side. Even Larry Hogan, Maryland's Democrat controlled General Assembly on Saturday, voted to override, I'm sorry, he's a Republican, but still, I mean, it's Maryland. Governor Larry Hogan's vetoes on three major police reform measures, which included the repeal of the state's police bill of rights. They were trying to pass a bill of rights for the cops. So when a cop does his job, he doesn't end up losing it for fucking whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Okay. Does it sound in this day and age of riots and looting? And does that, doesn't that sound reasonable? The legislative vetoed legislative vetoed it. Problem? You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Not this time. I'm surprised he's a Republican, but like I said, it's like Chris Christie says he's a Republican. Maryland was the first state in the nation, get this, how ironic, to adopt the law enforcement officer's Bill of Rights in 1974. Boy, we've come a long way. 20 states have followed suit since, but Maryland is the first to revoke its measure. since. But Maryland is the first to revoke its measure. The Bill of Rights had set forth a due process procedure for probing police misconduct. See, that's a no-no. Why should cops get due process? Can you fucking imagine? Supporters of Maryland's reform say they are needed to increase accountability and restore public trust. Are you guys living in the same country as the rest of us?
Starting point is 00:30:09 One of the measures repeals job protections and the police disciplinary process, which critics said impeded accountability. It's going to happen just like it did in Chicago. Remember cops? They have new, they pass new legislation where they're responsible for almost everything. They don't get out of the cars now. And crime goes up.
Starting point is 00:30:31 A newly enacted measure gives civilians a role in the disciplinary process. Oh, that's good. Let's put the people, let's let the people, I know it's oven by the people, but the people who watch The Voice every Friday night is going to fucking decide how the cops are. Oh, boy, help me, my mother. No, they're ignorant.
Starting point is 00:30:50 That's ignorant. I agree, fella. Democrats said the measures are long overdue, the measures are long overdue, while Republicans argued they went too far. It never changes, does it? The new laws increase the civil liability limit on lawsuits involving police from 400 grand to $890,000.
Starting point is 00:31:10 And what do they make a year? About 60. Officers convicted of causing serious injury or death through excessive force would face 10 years in prison. Hey, good luck trying to recruit anymore. This is where we're fucking headed. Who would be a cop in their right mind in any of these major blue run cities? Senator Robert Cassilli, Republican,
Starting point is 00:31:33 describes the new laws as anti-cop. It allows for hindsight review of folks sitting in their easy chairs to judge people who made split second decisions in volatile situations. folks sitting in their easy chairs to judge people who made split-second decisions in volatile situations when an officer fears for his or her life and the lives of others. Couldn't say that better. So he hates this thing, just like anybody with a brain would.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I despise it with every fiber of my being. The news laws make it more difficult. It says news. They meant new laws make it more difficult to obtain a no-knock warrant and limit the times they can be, you know, make it more dangerous and limit the time they can be executed to 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Except for emergencies. One of the measures.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Jesus fucking Christ. What are they knocking on the door for? What, borrow sugar? One of the measures expands public access to records in police disciplinary cases. Hogan wrote that two measures would go into effect without his signature. One of them would create a unit in the attorney general's office to investigate police involved deaths and prohibit law enforcement from buying surplus military equipment. The other would enable Baltimore voters to decide whether the state's largest city
Starting point is 00:32:53 should take full control of the police department from the state. Yeah, because Baltimore's got a sparkling record when it comes to crime and shit. What is going on, folks? Separately, on Saturday, the legislature also overrode Hogan's veto of a bill that will ban sentences of life in the prison without possibility of parole for juveniles. Oh, my God. It's just so ridiculous. Really?
Starting point is 00:33:27 Again, what's that legislature focus on? The perpetrators' well-being. Piss on the guy. You're a young kid and you took somebody's life. You shouldn't have to stay. You shouldn't have to stay in jail. You've already eliminated the goddamn death penalty. Now we're chipping away now, right?
Starting point is 00:33:46 And now, nope. They have to come up parole regardless how heinous they are. What a fucking... Are we losing it or what? I'll tell you who isn't losing it. People who watch the show and contribute. What a segue. What is this, NPR?
Starting point is 00:34:02 For just $50, I'll give you a Jason Berkelbeck tote bag filled with songs he wrote while he was in college he was a girl at the hundred dollar level you'll get a fucking egg scrambler that you could get online for six i want to thank people who contributed since thursday to this show financially which keeps us afloat. Matthew Chalvant, Kentucky. He actually did a cameo, I believe, too. Thomas Lent, New York. Robert Murphy, Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Alaa Habba, Hamburger, Texas. Kurt Von Eschken, Minnesota. Mario Landry, New Jersey. Steven Springer, Canada. France Grissom, Oklahoma. Valerie Valverde, California. David Overbaugh, Jr., Connecticut. Danny Garrett, Indiana.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Ed Midgley from Rhode Island. Moots Arell. Moots Arell. That's a good name. Missouri. Margaret Rittenhouse of Texas. Michael Smith of Michigan. Jimmy Dempster of the state of Georgia, Harold Waits, Iowa, and new monthly supporters to the Nick DiPaolo Show, Matai Tuka, Derek Johnston, Nicholas Mills from Colorado, Carly Regling, Ohio, Jason Boothby of Maine. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:35:34 All of you, both monthly subscribers and people who donate on a daily basis. Thank you again so much. As you can see, people like me are getting banned everywhere. I mean, for the love of my sister's ass. In our libs eating libs segment tonight, a protest broke out across the country in the name of Black Lives Matter. What else? Black Lives Matter, the group's co-founder went on a real estate buying binge, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the United States alone, according to property records. Excuse me, folks. It's the vape. It's a cancer, but it's a kinder, gentler cancer.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Patrice Khan-Cullors, she's a co-founder, 37 years old, of Black Lives Matter. She also had property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort with Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods. What did I say to you earlier in the show? How all this race shit is a con... You think fucking Farrakhan could have made a living? Al Sharpton? Fucking go on, CNN.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Where do you think they get their profits? She's no different other than that fucking exploding cigar hairdo. Fucking mama leech. Yeah, so she's looking at a house on an island where Justin Timberlake,
Starting point is 00:36:55 Tiger Woods both have homes. The Post has learned luxury apartments and townhouses at the Beachfront Albany Resort outside Nassau are priced between $5 billion and $20 million. A lot of money in that there fucking black-white conflict now, ain't there, boy? The self-described Marxist last month purchased a $1.4 million home on a secluded road, a short drive from Jason Burkle's apartment complex in the Pooler area. Huh? No, a million dollar home,
Starting point is 00:37:35 secluded road, a short drive from Malibu in LA. That's another property. The 2,370 square foot property features soaring ceilings, skylights, and plenty of pictures of white people being hanged in the bathroom. And plenty of windows with canyon views. The Topanga Canyon Homestead, which includes two houses on a quarter acre, is just one of three homes Con Cullors owns in the L.A. area public records show. This girl can manage her money. She's such a fucking... Give me the money, you understand me? Give me the fucking money, you hear me?
Starting point is 00:38:03 You hear me? I said come here, bust my body. Give me the fucking money you hear me you hear me i should come here give me the fucking money don't you love it marxist making millions what a country should never say that some fellow activists were taken aback by the real estate revelations hawk newsome a good friend of mine he used to play tight end for the uh they have his father he's hawk he don't like no white people but but that's okay. Hawk Newsome, great name. The head of Black Lives Matter, Greater New York. Oh, he's the Greater New York chapter of Black Lives Matter. They're fucking, they're like Arby's, man.
Starting point is 00:38:32 They franchise all over the place. Call for an independent investigation to find out how the global network spends its money. I think we just found out. If you go around calling, this is him, Mr. Hawk Newsome, quote, if you go around calling yourself a socialist, you have to ask how much of her own personal money is going to charitable
Starting point is 00:38:54 causes, he said. It's really sad because it makes people doubt the validity of the movement, which is a good thing because it's a Marxist shit movement, and overlook the fact that it's the people that carry this movement. Yeah, okay, whatever you say, Hawk. I know what you did.
Starting point is 00:39:10 You're a damn terrible shit. All right, just get the hell out of here. Hey, Hawk, good news for you. The revolution got sold around 1966. It's going to be televised on basic cable. It's going to be televised on basic cable. Last year, Khan Colors and spouse. Oh, she got a wife, too.
Starting point is 00:39:33 She black. She Marxist. She queer. Hey, the wife don't look bad except for that goddamn fucking map of Israel on the side of her head. Last year, Khan Colors and spouse, Janiyah Khan, ventured to Georgia, you better not come near my house, to acquire, I'm kidding, folks, to acquire a fourth home, a custom ranch on 3.2 rural acres in Conyers. I wonder if my buddy Zook fucking lives near this house. Featuring a private airplane hangar. What? Well, you need one, one right after you shoot a cop or something you've got to go to cuba and talk with the two-pack chico's aunt about how to fucking
Starting point is 00:40:10 uh featuring a private airplane hanger with a studio apartment above it jesus christ and the use of a 2500 foot paved slash grass community runway god and i'm telling jokes for a living. That can accommodate small airplanes. That sounds very, uh, yeah. A lot of money in that particular way. The three bedroom, two bath house, about 30 minutes from Atlanta has an indoor swimming pool and separate RV shop that can, what is this, cribs? It's like I'm talking about a fucking Atlanta Brave All-Star that can accommodate the repair of a mobile home or small aircraft, according to the real estate listing. The Peach State Retreat was purchased in January 2020 for $415,000, two years after the publication of Con Color's bestselling memoir, Why I Hate White People and I Hate Them Some More.
Starting point is 00:41:13 No, it was called When They Call You a Terrorist. I'm called the terrorist. You got nothing on me. The fucking Pelosi and Biden are calling me and white guys terrorists. How's it feel, bitch? In October, the activist signed a multi-platform deal with EMI Records. She's going to know a multi-platform deal with Warner Brothers Television. Oh, how to go. That must be a black owned company. A Warner Brothers television group to help produce content for black voices who have been historically marginalized.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Yeah, you guys are so quiet. We haven't heard from you in years. It is not known how much Khan colors received in compensation in either of the deals. You fucking hypocrite. Goddamn right. You fucking hypocrite. Goddamn right. Last year, Chaka Khan, Chaka Khan, Chaka Khan colors, Chaka Khan and Khan were spotted in the Bahamas looking for a unit at the Albany Real Estate.
Starting point is 00:42:14 So didn't I already do this? Who did not want to be identified, told the Post. Oceanside Acres and features a private marina, designer golf course, current home for sales including nearly 8,000 square foot six bedroom townhouse with a media room and marina views. Who owns that? The fucking founder of Antifa? There's no money in peace. The price is only available upon request according to douchebags and asswipes. ConColors embraced activism and Marxism at a young age.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Trying to keep my anger up. It started the year I turned 12, she said. That was the year that I learned that being black and poor defined me more than being bright and hopeful and a born criminal. But she didn't rise to national prominence until 2013 when she was spotted by none other than Quincy Jones. No, she was, when she and two other activists protested the not guilty verdict against George Zimmerman, who shot dead Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black man who was as dangerous
Starting point is 00:43:32 as any kid in that high school. I know that from cops, by the way, from Florida. Donations and pledges from corporations and individuals poured into the movement at that point.
Starting point is 00:43:43 In February, the Balaam nonprofit co-founded by Khan Kaldas told the AP that they took in february the bail i'm non-profit co-founded by khan caldas told the ap that they took in get this hold yourself 90 million in 2020 from all the fucking idiots all the white progressive the deborah messings the pat oswell the sarah silverman's the fucking stupid corporations who are so scared shit of everybody on Twitter. That's who fucking built up their copper with 21.7 million committed to grant funding and helping 30 black-led groups across the country.
Starting point is 00:44:15 That would be the NFC West. Black Lives Matter leaders would not specify how much money they took in from prominent donors, according to the AP report. Newsom of New York City's BLM said, we need black firms and black accountants to go in. Look, you can't even have white accountants. There's white people on your side, Mr. Newsom. They'll be gladly go in there for a fee. We need black firms. Look at how racist. He doesn't even realize it. And black accountants to go in there and find out where the money is going. Why? You want to end
Starting point is 00:44:52 up in a shooting? He added that his group does not receive any financial support from BLM Global Network. Neither Con Colors nor BLM Global Network Foundation returned requests for comment. You go, girl. You got to like that she's fleecing idiot, progressive, mostly white people. Just playing them like a fucking, same way Al Sharpton did. Same way Maxine Waters has a $4 million mansion. I mean, it's just... We haven't talked about yellow people getting smacked around by black people.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Why? Because, well, it's because it's white guys doing it. Really? You think so? What makes you think that? Well, Nick, I saw this thing online called Anti--asian hate campaign it was a video that was so so realistic i mean i'm gonna show you guys this right probably to end the show i'm just saying i don't know i don't want to say trigger one because i don't believe in that shit but
Starting point is 00:45:58 just make sure your guns are fucking locked up and there's no kids in the house and uh i i'm not even gonna i don't even think i have to explain this is a thing about anti-asian hate you know you know they put out these little clips film clip it's making me crazy i just watch this and watch who the bad guys are and who the good guys are. I do not want people like that here. So they are fired. Why don't you crawl back to wherever you came from? I'm an American, just like you. Have you looked in a mirror?
Starting point is 00:46:45 You are definitely not like me. Go home. Nobody wants you people here. Said the black man dressed like a white man. Pause. I have to speak. This hasn't happened in 70 years in this country. Maybe two days after the fucking World War II.
Starting point is 00:47:08 And it was happening. It wasn't a white guy. It wasn't an office. I can't fucking believe what I'm watching. They can put this out with a straight fucking face. Daryl Hannah in Splash. That story's more believable. I don't know why I picked that. Got her tits on my mind.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Go ahead, roll it. You are definitely not like me. Just brought her mom in for protection. Any more of them, we'll have to call CDC. CDC. Asian virus. Get out. Hey, that was a black guy.
Starting point is 00:47:57 See how quick? Pause. Pause. This is called watching TV with Nick. Did you see? Yeah, I had to rewind it at home to see the guy that bumped into was a black guy. He was on camera for 1-100, as opposed to the leading roles, the white guys who were going to get their SAG cards. Go ahead. Everyone, please sit. Close your eyes. Close your eyes.
Starting point is 00:48:28 So one cold night, a woman takes her newborn baby, it's wrapped in a blanket, places him under a tree. Yeah, it's mostly white women that do that. And leaves him there. Maybe it was fate or blind luck that a young couple on their way home from dinner heard his cries and rushed over. They took him in their arms and after some deliberation, they brought him home. They cared for him and they loved him like he was their own.
Starting point is 00:49:04 They cared for him and they loved him like he was their own. When he was old enough and the time was right, they told him everything. He grew up determined to make something of himself. And he did. From nothing, he built everything. Wow. Now, if that doesn't motivate you... Who is this guy? Nothing will.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I was the boy left under that tree. And you should have stayed there, you piece of shit. And this incredible woman raised me. Her daughter, Kim, has taken on an internship here. And I know that all of you will welcome them into this family in the same way that they welcomed me into theirs. What about the white guys, though? What happened to my... Except you two.
Starting point is 00:50:01 What happened to Mike? Except you two. When I was telling that story, did it matter if the child was male or female? Listen to this bullshit. Where they grew up? Their race? Nobody comes here. There's no place for hate and discrimination in this company.
Starting point is 00:50:22 No, it's all in New York and L.A., Chicago. Black neighborhoods. You're both fired. Oh! When will we wake up? I long for the day when mankind finally transforms into kind men. Look at white girl, white woman, black dude. When we open not just our eyes
Starting point is 00:50:46 but our hearts to see beyond the hue of man and realize we are all one guy and a huge white man.
Starting point is 00:50:58 All right, get it off before I throw up. You listening? Yeah. Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks you got that yeah but
Starting point is 00:51:08 she took a white kid home and raised it what are you talking about that wasn't very nice are you interested in the real story yes i get the real story by watching i don't know uh i go online and i put black on yellow crime and thousands upon thousands of videos come up of black and brown people. You can go on the FBI website and find out that they commit almost 90 percent of the anti-Asian hate that we're experiencing. Not white guys in offices. That's all make believe. You're an evil cocksucker. Fuck you. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. He's talking about that guy. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
Starting point is 00:51:54 May God have mercy on your soul. May your sister get pregnant by a yak in fucking Pakistan, you dirty, filthy. I went to a site called Yellow on Yellow Action. I thought it was Asians broads getting all naked and shit, but it was more violence. Irvine police arrested, let's stay on the Asian thing, Michael Sangbong-Ri. Sangbong-Ri. You think his last name's really Lee in this area? Nick, that's, I can't believe that was too, shut it. A 37-year-old Asian male on Friday night for kidnapping with intent to commit sexual assault against an Asian woman. In a press release, Irvine Police Department said that Ree forced the woman at gunpoint into the back of her car
Starting point is 00:52:37 when she was outside her apartment complex Thursday afternoon. After committing sexual battery on the woman, Ree fled when she alerted a nearby maintenance worker. Rhee was later arrested and is currently being held on a million dollars bail. A BB gun similar to the weapon described by the victim was found in his apartment. However, despite the victim also being Asian, after questioning Rhee, Irvine police detectives believe that he targeted the victim because he thought she was white. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Two chopsticks? Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Like a somebody. The detectives also believe that the attempted rape was committed in retaliation for hate crimes committed against the Asian community. Hate crime charges are being added by the detectives. Let's see if they stick. It'll go in front of some liberal judge to the complaint already in process with the Orange County District Attorney's Office. In the last couple of months, protests against hate crimes against Asians have been growing across the country, along with their prevalence in the public consciousness. Media reports and groups, including Stop Asian Hate, have spun, and here it comes, a narrative that so-called white supremacy is to blame. This despite the fact
Starting point is 00:54:02 that almost all the perpetrators of attacks against asians were non-fucking white national file reported on published list of mugshots of suspected victims and anti-asian hate crimes none of of whom were white. How is this not illegal? Do you know how corrosive this shit is? Whether you're talking about Black Lives Matter, lying about cops shooting, do you understand how corrosive it is? I mean, luckily, most of us have brains to see through it, but there's enough people that buy this shit that it's only going to end in a fucking civil war. Despite this, the narrative that white people are to blame continues. Activists claim that white supremacy, in fact, pits black and Asian committees against each other. A BBC report on
Starting point is 00:54:57 anti-Asian hate crimes listed a number of hate crimes and attacks, but only mentioned the identity of the perpetrator in one when a Trump supporter tech executive hurled slurs at a family in a restaurant in Carmel, California. That's the only one they report. That's called cherry. Can you imagine being such cowards? it's called cherry picking and the media has been doing it since i was fucking 20 and if you want to blame anybody if this country goes to hell it's the fucking media case closed jen saki you know her red beaver you know you get that little red beaver in front
Starting point is 00:55:43 uh biden's press secretary put the blame squailing on President Donald Trump, the increase in anti-Asian hate crimes. I think there's no question, she said, that some of the damaging rhetoric that we saw during the prior administration, blaming, you know, calling COVID, you know, the Wuhan virus or other things, led to perceptions of the Asian American community that are inaccurate, unfair, that have raised threatening, has elevated threats against Asian American sex, he said. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:56:15 She's a malignant cunt. Hey, Jen, did anybody stand up and go, hey, Jen, do you still believe that? Well, how do you explain that almost all anti-Asian crimes right now are being committed by black and brown people? You can go to the FBI website. Well, where's that reporter? Where's Steve Doocy? Whatever his name is. Peter Doocy.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Whoever. Kevin Doocy. Lucy Doocy. Just somebody. Speak the fuck up. And it continues. That is it. Great Monday show packed with all kinds of hatred and fucking disgust.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Don't forget If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, go to Click on my profile. Tell me a little bit about the person. I will make a minute, minute and a half video on my phone. Send it directly to that person. Tell them what a piece of minute and a half video on my phone, send it directly to that person, tell them what a piece of garbage they are, or what a sweetheart she is. Either way, Don't forget You should all be there by now. That's going to be
Starting point is 00:57:17 the permanent home of this show, As far as my tour dates, go to and click on the tours button. That is it. You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We will see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Take care, everybody. guitar solo Outro Music

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