The Nick DiPaolo Show - MLK WTF? | Nick Di Paolo Show #1336

Episode Date: January 16, 2023

Phallic MLK Statue. Harbaugh Has Enough.  A&M Brags About Racism.   Join Nick at Patreon and get 4 extra mini episodes per week!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Now go home and get your fucking shine box. Alright. How are you folks? Welcome. Welcome. Welcome on a Monday. How are you folks? Welcome. Welcome on a Monday. I like Mondays like this because I just did a gig and that's out of the way.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And I get to lay on my couch for the next couple of weeks with my hand on my dick watching the USFL. That should be good. I'm a football junkie like anybody else in this country, but really? See ads for that starting in April? I'm like, what are you fucking kidding? Wow. But you know what? I think that's like a minor league for the NFL, is what that is. You know what I mean? And eventually the NFL
Starting point is 00:01:15 is going to be global like everything else. They're starting to love the shit. When they go over there, people start to understand the game. Never watch that faggy soccer again, I'll tell you that much. I'm just kidding. It's a great game, game again for gay guys from Greece. I've said it many times. Am I right, folks? Dallas, how are you? What'd you do over the weekend? Anything? Okay, great. Listen, first story. So much fun. Dallas is planning for, yeah,, we mentioned Dallas is planning for a wedding.
Starting point is 00:01:46 These guys, when they have a wedding, they have a wedding. You don't understand. He's on the phone today with like Doc Severinsen's band. You're not far from it. I go, what are you doing? He was coming in. He was texting the Willenda brothers. Remember the tightwap? Apparently they're going to be at their fucking reception.
Starting point is 00:02:02 To give you an idea, they're having it at the, remember the old Houston Astrodome? That's right. You've got to understand, these guys like to, they love to, they're production. Dallas is a production guy and his wife, they're movie directors and they like to dress up. And in a good way, not like me and my wife, but I, we do role playing. And she goes, well, what do you want to do tonight? I go, you be the wife, I'll be the angry guinea and a wife, but I... We do role-playing. And she goes, well, what do you want to do tonight? I go, you be the wife.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I'll be the angry guinea in a wife-beater. Don't forget the ball gag. And you pretend to fucking hand me a dish of pasta that's not al dente, and I fucking open your head like a ripe melon. Remember we did that last time was so much fun, I came twice. What? What are you saying saying I want all of you to
Starting point is 00:02:47 enjoy your cake we will so enjoy please can I say that if I met your wedding please even if half of the people don't get it no that has to be your speech that's the sole thing your speech is gonna be just that and that alone oh god I'm speaking this will be you don't want to do that. I can walk a room even at a wedding. At my wedding, my wife's best friend, Dana, God bless her, her brother at the time, he lives like in Ohio, owns a comic book store, whatever. He grabs the mic and just starts trying to be funny.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I mean, bombing heavily. And I love him for it. I never held it against him. I'm like, I couldn't do that. I do this for a living. I couldn't do that. He got up there like he'd done the Tonight Show 50 times and was just eating a big shit burger.
Starting point is 00:03:43 All of a sudden, you see a body come back, grab the mic, Louis C.K. Pushes him out. And Louis just gets up there, a couple funny, smart remarks. Oh, man. Looking back at the fucking wedding, I should have had a better time. Stuttering John was there. Manny, the guy, my late great friend who owned the Comedy Cellar, and SD, who runs the Comedy Cellar still.
Starting point is 00:04:09 And, God, my buddy Al Barbro's dad. Every picture he's grabbing like a... He was like in his late 70s then, grabbing somebody's ass in their 20s. We got a picture of him putting the garter belt on. It's like one fist is missing, and he's like... People at Backline are like this. Another guy who... He's in his mid-80s now.
Starting point is 00:04:37 God bless him. Please stick around, Mr. Barbro. Something just flew out of my mouth when I coughed. Let's just edit it out. You hear it? It sounded like I threw a glass against the wall. It's fucking gross. All right. Enough of the Schneid talk.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Oh, it's Martin Luther King's birthday. One of the good ones, by the way. Now, he truly was a great guy to go against the grain like he did and for the right and not to get too heavy here on Martin Luther King's
Starting point is 00:05:09 birthday. Again we work on it just to show we don't care about him. No. You know how they are. But he would be appalled with this woke shit today. Absolutely appalled. Because what was he about? Content of character. Not this. You don't get a job because
Starting point is 00:05:26 of this that you don't start excluding white but he would be a fucking paul at the riots and the burning because he didn't believe in that crap and uh yeah so for all the preaching the left does about mlk jr they're the biggest fucking hypocrites and liars because they're ignoring everything. You think he would have liked Black Lives Matter? A friggin' that we now know, we always did, that it was a big scamola to make money like Jesse Jackson Jr. and Al Sharpton have for the last 60 years. Anyhow, he would have hated all that shit
Starting point is 00:06:00 and he would be appalled today, no doubt. I'm appalled that I'm half-colored. Half-colored? What is this 19 fucking 12 man fuck you and your bone spurs don't get snappy with me you dink um anyhow yeah mlk so uh boston who again has this complex if there's a city that is soaked marinating in white guilt, just they want to be known as the most woke place and it makes me ill because it's a false religion this whole social justice it's all horseshit and the city is so liberal now just me it's so fucking gross to me. Not that so they had a big unveiling of a statue of Martin Luther King stinky statue
Starting point is 00:06:47 even some kin of Coretta Scott King I think that was the wife again sounds like a white out for Alabama doesn't it Trey Scott King I will get NFL, by the way, which was so good this weekend. You got to give them props, and it's why they dominate the planet, man. Anyways, Coretta Scott King, she even hated the new $10 million sculpture just dedicated to her and her iconic civil rights leader husband. They did it in Boston with a cousin claiming it looks like a penis. Maybe that cousin's a pervert. Anyway, I can think of
Starting point is 00:07:35 things that could look a lot worse when you're talking about a black dude. The massive bronze piece titled Cock, no, titled The Embrace features two sets of arms holding each other in an artistic interpretation of the classic photo of Coretta and hubby Martin Luther King Jr. hugging after he won the Nobel Prize in 1964 I think right hey where are the white women at see that's the now this is we're going to show you what it's based on.
Starting point is 00:08:05 This is the picture that the guy did the sculpture from. That's it, okay? And this is what he came up with. Apparently, apparently, Coretta King made a delicious stromboli. This is her bringing to her hubby. I mean, what is that? What the fuck? First of all, I don't know the cousin, what kind of penises he's seen.
Starting point is 00:08:41 It's got Peyronie's. What's that? What is it? Peyronie's disease? The one with the carrot? What's it called? So yeah, from that angle, you're like, what? He had a flat tire? What the fuck is that? Anyways, another angle seen here. Now, this, to me, that looks like MLK Jr. And maybe it's supposed to look different from every angle. That looks like him burying his face, his elbows on the desk, and that's, you know, his face buried in his
Starting point is 00:09:06 arm. Isn't that kind of a good interpretation? And then from another angle, now this one's obscene, never mind the penis. This is Coretta on top of MLK Jr. riding that thing, shaking that ass. He's got his two giant black mitts across her ass. Isn't that how you see that, guys? That's so weird. So, yeah, it's obscene from a couple angles. I like that they hate it and they've said it in public.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Boston, will you quit sucking dick, please? You couldn't put a nice statue of him watching his friend rape a white girl. Remember that? That supposedly happened, too. Maybe that's why the thing. Is that it? It's it.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Oh, good. I can't. My point being, he was a truly great man. And I just, it's beautiful, the hands. But I said to Dallas, Boston has, I don't know who they choose to do their artwork. They get Bobby Orr, who scored arguably the greatest goal caught on, you know, in a picture ever, a sports picture.
Starting point is 00:10:12 You guys know he's laid out. And when they unveiled that fucking thing, even the people there were, it looked like Barry Manilow slipping on ice. Doesn't even look like him. It looks like an accountant who scored. It's the worst likeness I've ever seen. Anyhow, the mainstream media was reporting on it like it was all beautiful
Starting point is 00:10:36 because they were told they had to say that. Seneca Scott, Coretta's cousin said, referring to the new artwork in the Boston Commons. But then when it came out, a little boy pointed out, that's a penis. That little boy, Adam Schiff. And who would know? And everyone was like, yo, that's a big old dong, man. That's an actual quote in the article. That's an actual quote. You article. That's an actual quote.
Starting point is 00:11:05 You know that's a brother saying that. That's a big old dong, man, said the 43-year-old Oakland, California, old resident. Still the cousin? I don't know who they're talking about. Anyways, and so Loretta, or Coretta, yeah, Loretta Cash said this. Perhaps you'd like me to come in there
Starting point is 00:11:21 and wash your dick for you. If you would show that statue to come in there and wash your dick for you. If you would show that statue to anyone in the hood, yeah, because, you know, the hood is into our, they'd been like, no, absolutely not. Really? Is that how they would have worded it? He added scornfully to the Compact magazine, $10 million wasted to create a masturbatory medal homage to my legendary family members. One of the all-time greatest American families, Shirley Partridge said. Listen, Seneca told the Post that woke culture allowed the expensive abstract experiment to come to fruition. But Seneca told the Post the woke algorithm is just broke. I don't know what else to tell you people. You are correct, sir. If you went through all of
Starting point is 00:12:13 that and that's what you came up with, something's wrong, he said. And I think that's exactly right. It's a nice effort, folks. I don't know. Read the wit. Whatever. Let the guy start over. It'll be another 40 years before. Let me talk about this weekend because it's always fun when I go away. It's the only time I really live life, you guys know.
Starting point is 00:12:40 If I'm not in a bar staring at a TV I'm on my couch staring at a TV or outside a store looking in the window staring at a TV so Laxington was great Comedy Off Broadway
Starting point is 00:12:56 and you guys know how I hate and I do I hated every minute of it connecting flights had to sprint through fucking you know what
Starting point is 00:13:02 Charlotte it's gonna be the second busiest airport. I've never been in there where it's not a madhouse. And, of course, I'm connecting flights. And they wait because they know who's, they know there's passengers. They have a record of who's. But, you know, I'm sprinting. Thing boarded 10 minutes when I land, you know.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And I get first class. I finally get a first class seat and I waste it, you know. I get there last, I literally get there last. And I'm knocking over kids, running over people. And I get there and I'm out of breath. And I go to put my fun black leg. He goes, wait a minute. Just like that with that tone.
Starting point is 00:13:36 And I'm like, I'm going to punch her in the face. Young black girl who just enjoys the power of a whitey. And she sits there typing. I thought it was Meet the Parents, that scene where that girl keeps typing. And then she looks up at me, she's got a mask on and I'm like this and she gives me the, anyways. That was the only, like, I just, I get anxiety. But it was great. Great club, off Broadway. This guy Jordan that's been running it for years used to work there, then he took it over and just knows exactly. Everything starts on time.
Starting point is 00:14:08 And I had a friggin' ball. The people couldn't have been nicer. I drank some of the best bourbon I've ever had, which makes me get a little fuckin' nutty on stage. And got into it with a guy in a wheelchair. This is a wet dream for a comedian. Angry heckler in a wheelchair. Are you fuckin fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:14:26 That's like throwing a slow-pitch softball to fucking Aaron Judge. How far am I going to hit this motherfucker? He kept yelling shit, and I like him. This guy would be a fan of him. I hope he comes back, but I can't spend half the show on him. But, you know, he wasn't old.
Starting point is 00:14:42 He was kind of younger. Just start with the yappity yappity I'm like shut up, I'm trying to be nice sir, take it easier in a wheelchair I don't want to pick on a cripple, that was my first little jab and then it got ugly by the way my cousin Al was in a wheelchair almost his whole life you guys know the whole story but I include everybody and I included this guy
Starting point is 00:15:02 so we're going back and forth. The audience is appalled At a couple of cracks I make about his wheelchair. I'm like, oh my god. I haven't even got to this guy yet It's literally women going, huh guys are falling over and how mean I'm being And then the guy goes hey and it gets all quiet So, you know right in the middle he goes didn't you have black hair a couple years ago? And I said it before he even finished his sentence I go did you have feeling in your feet a couple years are you bragging about picking on a wheelchair guy yeah cuz he was the aggressor fucking place was
Starting point is 00:15:35 rumbling I say that he gives me the finger I go at least you can get that up Bing Bang Boom then I go hi- oh, you can't do that? All right, let's go to FISB. And, I mean, just a massacre. I go, I steal your fucking parking spot every weekend, you know. People know that we're there. It was fucking hilarious. And he would pipe it every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And I'm not encouraging that, fucking do that. But I liked him because he took it. He thought he was going to hit it after I unloaded it. It's like Aaron Judge, batting practice. Anyways, that was fun. I don't encourage that at my shows. I noticed down south, and I don't know why, even Florida, they have a tendency,
Starting point is 00:16:17 after getting a few in them, they interject a little more in the show. But they're all so nice about it when you tell them, you know. Did you see Cocaine Bear? Cocaine, I did not see Cocaine. I saw a cousin of his who sold some shit. Cocaine cousin. I did not. I'm going to be honest with you, I forgot all about that. It was a market, it was a market employee. I did see a guy, a kid named Soft Serve, who I had to be, this lady comes up to me,
Starting point is 00:16:46 hands me a note, or the waitress did, and she handed it to the waitress, and it says, your buddy Soft Serve is here. Brendan, your producer. When I had a radio show up in New York, my producer, this kid Brendan or Brandon, I can't remember, had a brother in, I think, an Indiana jail, in prison. And we used to call the kid in prison and be talking on the, and he's at the show. His nickname is Soft Serve.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Couldn't have been a nicer kid. I get worried. I'm like, yeah, you know, this guy did a little bit of time, which means he doesn't really care about laws and rules. So I was a little nervous. The mother was right up front with a couple of relatives. And was like in the middle of the buddy of his and laughing at everything. Met him after the show, full grill work, like a black defensive back in the end. The silver grill work, kind of a mullet, tattoos, owns his own barbershop, doing better than me.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I don't like that. It was a pleasure. It was a pleasure because he was — we used to call him on my radio show. People loved it. Soft serve in the house. And the mother was hilarious. I don't get me to sound corny, but it really is fun to meet real-life people who've been through some shit. And so look, I got the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, soft serve. Anybody want to mix it up with my fans? Fucking we'll go tomorrow. And Bunny Galore, god damn it. Maybe I'll just hold the picture up to the camera.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Bunny Galore, you know who she is. Louis C.K. texts me right now. He's known me and my wife for 30 years. How's Andy? A-N-D-E-E. This guy's got an IQ of 280. Andy. Hold on. Hold it. And you don't have to pause it. I just want to tell him I'm busy. I'm busy making eight bucks. Right now he's laying on a bed of millions. Anyways, yeah. So, oh, Bunny Galore. Oh, Bunny.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Benny's been with us forever doing background shit. When I was doing this out of my house, she was a moderator in the chat room. She does everything. I don't know how she learns it, but finally got to meet her, and she looks like Deborah Harry, the singer from the 70s with the hit song, You Know What. She went by Blondie, remember? I don't know. Maybe I have to get up and walk to the camera. Oh, yeah. It's just great. Anyways, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Had a great time. I think I'm forgetting some other shit. Let's move on, shall we? I'll tell you what I didn't get to do. Well, I got to see the first half of the 49ers Seahawks. You know me. I'm a college fan. I like them both.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I've been obsessed with football forever my whole life. But the games were tremendous this weekend in the NFL. They really were. Again, folks, you've got to realize it's not parody. That's how they do it on purpose in the NFL. On any given Sunday, ba-ba-ba. And it's not so much there were so many upsets, but the games are really fucking.
Starting point is 00:20:02 The only real blowout, 49, is that Seattle. That wasn't a blowout. I mean, Seattle at the 49. Seattle was up at halftime by a point, and then it turned into a, that's all I got to see. Then I had to do a 6.30 show on Saturday. I missed all. Of course, there's a TV in the green room. I get excited when I'm there.
Starting point is 00:20:18 So I run over there Saturday night, fucking, you know. I'm getting a satellite feed from Afghanistan, fucking local access in fucking Kentucky. But just real quick, did you see those games? How about Geno Smith? He's got to be the comeback player of the year. That guy's been kicking around forever. And I think he's got a permanent job.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And Pete Carroll is a Geno. Nobody expected anything from them. The fact that they got in the playoffs to me was job. And Pete Carroll is a gene. Nobody expected anything from them. The fact that they got in the playoffs, to me, was great. And Pete Carroll jumps around. He looks like he eats and he really, you don't see. These other coaches aren't smiling, but you notice? Carroll, fuck it. And their players love him.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I think he's out at the titty bars at the gold club with them and shit. You know what I mean? Paying for their drinks. Anyways, he gets the best out of them so i was happy for that and then we had um oh god there's a whole bunch of them then we had the giants and vikings and jesus uh daniel jones is that his name running around like he was michael vick in his prime and throwing and and they just fucking were the better team so that coach do you know the giants hadn'tants hadn't won a playoff game since they – 2011, I think, when they beat the Pats in the Super Bowl, he said.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Yeah, or 2012. Me and Artie were at that game in Indianapolis, I think. You remember that show, don't you? That's their first win, so good for him. So good for him. And then you had the Bengals last night who, whoo, fucking Ravens could have won that. Can you imagine if Lamar Jackson played last night? They win.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I'm sorry. They win. There were so many times when that quarterback scrambled. And he was great last night, by the way, the backup. I think he was third, wasn't he? There had to be somebody after Lamar. Anyways, he was scrambling around, but he didn't have that. There was a couple of times, right? He couldn't turn the corner and Lamar Jackson would have broke. I'm sorry. I feel kind of bad for the fucking Ravens, but I love Joe Burrow. Burrow's my new guy. I fucking love that kid with
Starting point is 00:22:22 his cigars and his crazy suit. He looks like a suburban white kid who would hate all that shit. And he's a killer. He throws a pass. It's fucking, so that was a fucking killer game. They were lucky to get out of there with the Skins. And I know I'm forgetting one more. Dallas, you remember. Bengals, Ravens.
Starting point is 00:22:40 No, I already, we need to talk. You know, the game on Saturday night was. Yes. Yes. Yeah. I'm forgetting a couple. Jaguars charges. They were down 27.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Nothing. Is that what I heard? Jacksonville was down like 27. Nothing. And the first half. Lawrence threw four picks in one half and then comes back? Another guy who's gone to a different level. Fucking Chargers, man. Oh, some teams just have that cancer.
Starting point is 00:23:18 They can't get rid of it. And what was it, Bills? Bills Dolphins. Another one. You got to wonder if Tua was playing, right? Buffalo, I don't. They're not the mammoth thing we thought they were going to be. You know?
Starting point is 00:23:35 Huh? Squeaking them, though. Well, yeah, but they, I mean, against Dolphins? I thought that was going to be El Crusho. And that kid, yeah, so that kid, that backup. A lot of these teams,
Starting point is 00:23:48 I think they could have won these fucking games. Is that it? Yeah, that was it. And it's tonight's Bucks-Cowboys. Tonight? Oh my God, we got a game tonight.
Starting point is 00:24:00 They didn't used to do that. I got to tell you, I'm liking that. Oh, wait a minute. Are you going to be with a meeting with me and Tom? No, that's probably just me and Tom. Hadn't said yet, but wouldn't turn it down to watch a game. That's the meeting we'll have.
Starting point is 00:24:18 We'll get down. We'll go, Nick, you're playing all the playoffs. That's the marketing. But I had another comment about the Bills and the friggin' Dolphins that I can't fucking remember. Oh, but let's go real quick. I didn't do much
Starting point is 00:24:33 hard nose, and that's how we like it. Yeah. I'm tired of the fucking lying. Let's go to the, again, you guys have heard me rail on, oh, rail on this for years about sideline reporters. i i don't mean just to be i'm not being sexist i don't like it when there's a guy down there it's just a gimmick
Starting point is 00:24:54 by the network to go look what we're doing for you it's so it's so you can tell the suits think it's great and it adds zero to the game i don't give a fuck if it was a naked whoever down there, Britney Spears, jabbing away like she did in the restaurant this week. That broad. She's my fantasy. I mean, physically, I fucking love her today. And she's as crazy as a shithouse rat. I would love to have a year with her. I would just keep her in a straight jacket and spank her every time she lost a mind, and I'd shave her head for her. Anyways, yeah, Melissa Stark. Again, she's been around for years.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Cute blonde. I have my favorites. You can't... But they're all, again, the job's useless. No offense. I love Michelle Tafoya, but nobody cares. Guys, ladies, when you come back and, oh, Pam Oliver, she's got a forehead the size of a fucking billboard sign, and all of them, there's no, nobody goes like this
Starting point is 00:25:52 after, oh my God, what insight. It's always like, I was talking to the Bills coach, you know, before the game, and he said, yeah, you know, we have to be aggressive. And the locker room was very upbeat, and their focus is on more on the pass. Oh, thanks. There I am going, oh, give me a towel. That was so good. I got to wipe the, get the fuck out. Anyways, don't bother the coaches during a game after. That goes for NHL.
Starting point is 00:26:18 They do it now. They interview. Nope. The guys are trying to do their job, you fucks. And as you know, Nick Saban has gotten in trouble many times because he'll fucking snap at the broad going, get out of here. Get out of here. He's like Mickey and Rocky when the girls come over.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I think it was in Rocky 2. He's working out and the girls want an autograph. Get your little chicken asses out of here. Here is Melissa Stark trying to interview Harbaugh during the Ravens game. You told us your guys were going to be disciplined. What did you think about that last penalty? Well, I didn't like the last penalty. And so what will
Starting point is 00:26:53 you tell your guys defensively? We'll be fine. Our guys will be fine. It's going to be a hard-fought game out here. We're going to play a good game. And Tyler Huntley with that interception, you said we might see Anthony Brown. What will that take? We'll just see how the game goes, okay? Thanks. I don't want to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Get away from me. That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. I love the Harbaugh brothers. They are old school. They're like the Dutton family in Yellowstone, if you watch Yellowstone. And Melissa Stark, she's been around a long time. She was a knockout when she came.
Starting point is 00:27:32 She used to date Florida's Jason Ponder. What was the quarterback's name? Anyway, I think they're married now. I'm just saying, you know what kind of pussy quarterbacks get at big school. Anyways, God bless Harbaugh. He wasn't even trying to hide it. He's got shit on his mind. You know?
Starting point is 00:27:47 How would she like it if I walked up to her with a microphone and she's blowing her husband? Hey! He didn't like what happened last Tuesday at the supermarket. How you...
Starting point is 00:27:54 Get out of here. I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. Anyhow, we don't need that anymore. It's just way for the nfl to say look we hire women anything that's so male-centric and alpha driven has to it's wrong they can't have it in society and i can't fucking take it anyways let's move on to um the surgery head over the weekend. I'm transitioning. Anyways, speaking of college, Texas A&M, A&M full of BS, the Texas A&M School of Medicine bragged that removing photos of white male alumni
Starting point is 00:28:34 was an example of its institutional commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Let's just let that sink in on its face eliminating a demographic based on how they look white men how is that equity, inclusion or diversity do you understand it's just the opposite how can you say when you eliminate something it's inclusion just let that sink in to show you who's running this shit. I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:29:09 We need a war against these colleges. I can't. God, if I let these ideas out, I'd even get arrested here. And inclusion. New documents reveal. Really, it's brilliant. I wouldn't send my kid to these fucking places. It's brilliant. I wouldn't send my kid to these fucking places.
Starting point is 00:29:25 The institution included the response in a survey it completed for the Association of American Medical Colleges last year, which the organization used for its diversity, inclusion, culture, and equity inventory. That's, oh my God, just reading that makes me want to punch somebody in the head. The school's survey responses were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the medical watchdog group. Do no harm. And shared with the Washington examiner. Are they the people who did this research? Are they on my side or nobody can? That's the whole idea. Look at this picture. I think you got the woman in the middle to her right.
Starting point is 00:30:07 What is that? Honestly, what is that? I don't know. And obviously you got the sous chef. And then Willard, I mean, then Al Rocco with AIDS. And then you got the gay Mexican on the left in the maroon shirt. And then you got Dave, who's now Diane. Fuck you all.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Stupid thumbs up. Stick them in your dirty holes. The survey detailed the number of institutional commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion. How many times am I going to say that in this article? Or DEI, including maintaining holistic admissions, requiring diversity training for search committees, and reviewing salaries for diversity.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Who said that? I don't know. Who the fuck said that? Probably the dean. Who's the slimy little communist shit-twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? In a response to a question that asked schools if they had modified branding in communication displays to eliminate aspects that could be perceived as non-inclusive. Like, that's anybody's concern. This country is being
Starting point is 00:31:15 played. The Texas A&M, by its own self, the Texas A&M School of Medicine said it removed, listen to this, in quotes, the predominantly white male photos of the graduating class prominently displayed on the entrance to the school. So if you graduated and you're a white male, you don't really get that honor to be displayed. It's worse than that. If you're successful, you think they'll be proud.
Starting point is 00:31:43 You don't just put up any white male. You put up the ones who have done something in the world. We're taking those down because we're ashamed they were white male. Simple as that. I'm going to go into the Waffle House and tear down all the pictures of the employees of the month. All the black chefs. See how they like that. I've done this bit before.
Starting point is 00:32:02 I've done this bit before. The school also bragged to the AAMC that a faculty member of color said the medical school communicates too much to students, faculty, and staff about its formal policies related to diversity, inclusion, and equity. I think he's saying this shit is wrong. We have to keep it secret when we do it. That's what I'm getting from it. While the survey results provided a snapshot of the Texas A&M School of Medicine's internal diversity policies, the school openly touts its commitment to diversity on its website and published a DEI statement. That's equity, inclusion, and dickweeds.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Fucking cunts. I hate them all. Knowledge is power. You know, especially, yeah, unless it's white power. You people are, you know what? You wouldn't even have a school, you wouldn't have anything if Whitey didn't show up. This country wouldn't be here. Fuck the fuck off. Knowledge is power. Apparently discrimination is power now, too, and racism. And the primary purpose of a tertiary. Tertiary. God damn it, Dallas.
Starting point is 00:33:12 You're not supposed to know those words. I didn't hire you to do that. I'm like, titerary. Very good. Tertiary. And I did know that when I read it this morning. Educational institution is to uplift humanity through continuous advancement of the power of knowledge.
Starting point is 00:33:28 The statement reads, this is achieved through the creation, dissemination, and application. Listen to this garbage. I want to fucking punch the TV. I want to bruise my face. Application of knowledge and service to humanity. Will you fucking shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up?
Starting point is 00:33:46 Given that knowledge comes from diverse sources and experiences, diversity, folks, this is them driving diversity. It's a mantra into your head. That's all these things are about. Let me tell you something right now. Diversity is the worst thing that ever happened in this country.
Starting point is 00:34:00 How about that? I don't mean on a natural, I don't mean people coming from all over in that country. How about that? I don't mean on a natural, I don't mean people coming from all over in that way. I'm talking now the way you're using it. Because every time you see the word diversity, it means one thing. No white males, basically, or Christians. That's all it means. You want to take this one, Latin major? You want to take this one, Latin major? It's a sign, cua.
Starting point is 00:34:27 That's Latin. Non of excellence in tertiary education. Grounded in this fundamental framework, Texas A&M University is deeply committed to a culture that I'm, oh my God. I can't say it anymore. Fuck you, I'm... Oh, my God. I can't say it anymore. Fuck you. I'm done. I'm serious. Leave that in.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Fuck you. I'm not saying it anymore. Texas A&M did not respond to requests for comment. Did they? No, they didn't. Wake up, white people. They don't respond because they have to actually, you know, they would have to actually explain themselves and why they're doing exactly what they were supposedly against.
Starting point is 00:35:10 And it's all right to do it against one demographic now. So go fuck yourself. If you send your kids to college, any colleges, you deserve what you get. I met a young couple at the gig. They went to both shows. God bless them, too. I want to say the last name was, oh god I'll fuck that up and they'll be laughing something like blannery no Christy and Blake something anyways they had two
Starting point is 00:35:37 little girls and then she got pregnant whatever again they get I just had triplets five girl and she's like none of them are going to, I'm homeschooling them. She had the best instincts as far as whatever. As far as always, you know, getting shots. Because now they have one for babies to give back. Sheesh. No way. Anyways, that's enough, right?
Starting point is 00:35:58 That's enough now. I mean, I really, I put in almost a half hour's work. And again, thanks for all of you guys who came out. Had a couple people sign up for the year already., I did a couple over the weekend. If you want me to roast a friend or relative, go to You guys think that I'll say it?
Starting point is 00:36:19 You're very welcome. See you back here tomorrow. Take care. Hi. Good night, everybody. See you back here tomorrow Take care Hi, good night everybody Oh, yeah. guitar soloサブタイトル キミノミヤ

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