The Nick DiPaolo Show - MSM Ignores Black Teens' Burning White Man Alive | Nick Di Paolo Show #509

Episode Date: March 18, 2021

MSM displays its racial double standard. Pantene releases a new commercial staring a trans child. Dems turn down bill that would require negative COVID tests from migrant....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Good afternoon, good evening, good morning, depending when you're watching this. Thanks for joining us. Final day of the week, a Thursday from the state of Georgia. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So enjoy. My mood has changed since Biden got in office. The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. Cheater, liar, whore, whore, liar, whore, Whore, liar, whore. Anyways, how are you, folks? Isn't it great? I actually have butterflies before I look at the headlines in the morning just to see what these scumbags,
Starting point is 00:01:13 every time they show Kamala Harris, it's about this country being racist or she's pushing some woman's cause. Just a phony, just a fucking activist in a pantsuit. Yes, she looks better in it than Hillary does, but Jesus Christ, so did John Madden. That's not fucking, it's not the pern here, Edith. Anyways, I just, it's unbelievable if this stuff's gonna get through. Real quick, I wanna say,
Starting point is 00:01:38 one of my fans, I won't use his name because I don't know if he could get in trouble or not. Didn't I have glasses? I did. Pennsylvania State Trooper. Nick, thanks for having a set of balls. That's pretty good. I've been married 18 years.
Starting point is 00:01:55 And speaking the truth, your show is greatly unapologetic and honest. Hopefully after COVID-22, he says, is over, You'll find your way to Pennsylvania for a show. Thanks for the laughs, Mike. It says, P.S., fuck that Mark Chunk Opera House that canceled your show in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. That's my type of state trooper. And my buddy, the cop from Miami, well, from my hometown, you know, Zook we call him, his dad was a state trooper, scored the highest on the mental and physical in the history of the Massachusetts state troopers.
Starting point is 00:02:33 His brother Norman was a state trooper and just a great family. Anyways, thanks, Mike. I have about 10 of these when I get pulled over. But I can't, I feel weird, you know? It's like, okay, you caught me doing 78 in a school zone and there's a couple six-year-old girls stuck to the grill of my car, but I get this. Come on. So I have a ton of these.
Starting point is 00:02:56 It does help you actually. What else? Oh, I wanted to do my, I wanted to do like Biden did at that. I was so surprised the whole world wasn't talking about that deep fake video Biden did. You know, when his hand looked like this. Remember, it faded into the microphone. That's why I don't use props. Ah, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:03:21 That actually hurt. Anyways, let's get to it it i feel like i'm forgetting something i just saw this before we came on the air and i had to put it in the show uh you know pantene you should because if you're like me your wife has 7800 dollars worth on the fucking tub marketing at Pantene going after that huge that this is how you know they're lecturing you it's got nothing to do with advertising they're going after that huge point zero zero zero one trans market that woke market this ought to mean another seven bottles of shampoo so Pantene pushes LGBT agenda with commercial featuring trans child and lesbian parents. Pantene's new commercial features lesbian parents, Ashley and Ellie, and only one of them
Starting point is 00:04:15 gets to talk, the guy that looks like the husband. And I thought it was the husband when I first watched this. And again, that's neat in the area there but i'm just and their gender uh dysphoric child soya soya is a biological boy who now says he is a girl and again let me just preface this all right i have somebody pretty close to me that's transgender and they seem a lot fucking happier now i'm i'm just saying i don't mind that part of it you know i mean it would be horrible. My wife said to me when I was making fun of Caitlyn Jenner, she goes, well, how would you like to get up tomorrow if you were a girl but feel like you do now? And I say, I know that
Starting point is 00:04:58 feeling. I try your panties on every time you leave the house. Anyways'm just i'm not making fun of the i i wouldn't want it to happen it seems like a tough thing but my problem with it is this is not a commercial this is a two-minute documentary lecturing you and i on how tough it is and blah blah blah but this isn't 1966 anymore you see troy i see a lot of people today and i go i don't know if that's a man or a woman big deal and that's it but but but we don't need to be fucking lectured i am against giving kids puberty blockers and shit those people are fucked up but anyways here's the commercial i call it a mini documentary again keep mind, this is a shampoo commercial. What do you mean? Here's important for me. I'm a 59 year old. She is an old soul. She is our spunky.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Look at the husband looking at her lovingly why don't again why don't you just go get a guy that looks like Billy and Bear when he's 24 I don't I don't I guess I do you don't know what happened to this woman talking she could have been molested
Starting point is 00:06:19 or she chose it born that way whatever but I'm just saying I think you can do better. Anyways, Nick, that's horrible. I'll tell you right now, the husband's not using Pantene. Look at that rat's nest. I still use Prel. It can take rust off bumpers.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Ever tell your hair salon girl you use Prel? They throw up right in their mouths. That green shit that's like a fucking it's 70 percent schlitz beer and whiskey then they diet green okay let's hear what the munchers have to say creative kiddo so you're also happens to be a transgender girl so she was a boy i remember okay now here's my take i think the kid made the right choice right now but they but the thing is does she or he does he know at this age because there's a lot of people coming out now who were transgender who were upset that they did this and it's like having a tattoo
Starting point is 00:07:16 removed it takes a lot to go back um but that's almost a pretty little girl this kid would have got bullied i'm guessing i would taken a slap out of my eyes, but I was just a dick. No, I'm just saying. So go ahead. She was out in the community wearing the clothing she wanted in her hair and she kind of was herself.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And that was the first day where I saw her. She has always been super gender creative and hair has been a big part of her transition. Once she told us that she identified as a girl, she immediately wanted to grow her hair out. It made me feel good and confident and it made my insides match my outsides. This is a kid who knew who she was from such a young age. And as a mom, you always worry about your kids being loved and accepted. So I'm always telling Sawyer to never hide who she is,
Starting point is 00:08:17 always be herself, never be afraid to step out and exist as the person that she is. I rarely pause. I tried doing that. Ended up in court. Still remember it. Faneuil Hall. The fuck? She said she was 19. I was being myself. I like cheerleaders and nannies from Sweden. My wife says, don't be yourself. Be the jerk off at home that you are. Go ahead. Our family motto is everybody loves everybody, no matter what path you follow.
Starting point is 00:08:52 You don't like me. It means I can be who I am, no matter what. It doesn't matter because everybody loves me. My advice is just be yourself and don't let anybody tell you who you are. Honey, go out and get some beer. These kids have it so tough. Thanks for the lecture. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye. Again, 0.0000001% of the population. But again, you'd think we were the minority, heterosexuals. That's all I'm going to say about it, folks. I think I covered that well. I was trying to be compassionate, but I don't have the image. Well, I kind of did. A little bit. A little bit. Nah, nah, you offended the tranny a little bit. Nah, nah, a little bit. Pantene is on the house.
Starting point is 00:10:02 What the fuck? How is this show not huge? ABC News and PBS, as we go on to our second story today, refuse to retract the fabricated WAPO, that's Washington Post, Trump story. The Washington Post ran a story claiming that Trump called the Georgia Secretary of State on the phone, urging him to find the fraud. Remember they put that up? Are you interested in the real story? Only problem is that the story was proven false. And we now know who made up the quotes.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Remember it was the Raffensperger, wasn't it? The actual recording of the phone call proves that Trump never said those fucking words. of the phone call proves that Trump never said those fucking words. Once again, the Washington Post itself quietly retracted the story. Can you stay categorical? You are fake news, sir. Just be adults. But at least they corrected it. However, ABC News and PBS, I don't know who still watches this shit, have both refused to retract or correct the story. They both ran headlines and dominated news cycles with this bogus story from the Washington Post. You saw it, folks. Shouldn't their viewers and readers know that this shit was fake?
Starting point is 00:11:16 The fact that the mainstream media is hesitant to issue corrections tells you a lot about them, doesn't it? issue corrections tells you a lot about them, doesn't it? Newsbusters has more details on this media malpractice. During a January 10th report for Sunday's Good Morning America, correspondent Elwin Lopez, ay, ay, ay, muy bonito es el taco um eluen lopez announced in the president's this was her quote in the president's false claims of voter fraud continue to be in the headlines in a late december december phone call president trump encouraged an election official here in georgia she lives in georgia uh to quote, find the fraud. And look who was being the actual fraud. But at no point during Monday's newscast did ABC's World News Tonight
Starting point is 00:12:12 correct the record for viewers. Instead, anchor David Muir talked about the snow in Colorado, touted the New Mexico rep, Deb Haaland, a Democrat, getting confirmed as the interior secretary. I'll say that again. New Mexico interior secretary. That's what, and fawned as the interior secretary. I'll say that again. New Mexico interior secretary.
Starting point is 00:12:25 That's what, and fond over the Oscar nominations. What is that, a fruit network now? It was a similar story over at PBS NewsHour, which has been the most left-wing horseshit for so long, type of shit that Patton Oswalt would enjoy. As part of the January 10th weekend edition of the newscast, anchor Harry Schwiezenhausen pushed the false Washington Post report. As Congress weighs, this is his quotes, as Congress weighs impeaching Mr. Trump, there are new reports that the president interfered in Georgia's election results beyond his now public phone call to Georgia's secretary of state, he said. The Washington Post reported yesterday that
Starting point is 00:13:05 President Trump called the Georgia election investigator and pressured him into, quote, find the fraud in a phone call shortly before Christmas. So they ran with this for a few days, folks. See, now be now be adults, although you can't be when you get caught lying. And fucking be adults and admit it. Like your reputation is not going to get hurt. Everybody hates your guts already. You're lower than worm shit. Your ratings, people don't trust you. They trust politicians more than you. Let that sink in. Adding, he added, legal experts told the Post the president's attempts to intervene in an ongoing investigation could amount to obstruction of justice or other criminal violations, but may be difficult to prove. And I say, okay, NewsHour Weekend also had a report about the phone call on their website.
Starting point is 00:14:00 But as of the publication of this piece, no correction or editor's note had been made. And while neither CBS nor NBC gave the Post support any airtime, they did post articles about it online January 10th and January 9th, respectively. But just like PBS, as of the publication of this piece, neither of them had corrected it either. What more do you need to know? What more? Do you know what I mean? You couple that with Facebook and their algorithms and only showing lefties what they want to hear and censoring guys like me and shit, and you wonder why we're in this mess. Somebody has to destroy, and I mean destroy the media. Are you implying violent? No, I just don't know how to do it. I'm just saying it has to be douched. We should never see George Stephanopoulos ever again.
Starting point is 00:14:55 We should never fucking see Rachel Maddow, anybody. Lawrence O'Donnell, the most pompous jerk off in the history of television. All of them have to go. Well, how are you going to do that? Explosives. Again, folks, hope I get a phone call. When I say explosives, I'm talking like, you know what I'm talking about, like caps. Cherry bombs. Have them caps and cherry bombs taped to 70 pounds of tnt i no i'm just kidding
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Starting point is 00:17:11 And we thank them for supporting the show. So they're cowards, right? They can't even admit when they're wrong. And they're just like children when they get caught. And this story, it relates to that. Nowhere are they bigger cowards, more craven than the issue of race. And this has been going on since I was on tough, before I was on tough crowd, how they've been selecting stories, the media, when it comes to race that betray white people as evil blacks and gays victims and it's worked beautifully
Starting point is 00:17:46 for them and here's another examples uh asians attacked by primarily i put this in people of color that's my headline that's what it should in san francisco um you know asians are getting tacked left and right. It's a beautiful place. I'm going home to my city by the bay. These people from shithole countries come here. The shitholes. Shithole. It's Tony Bennett. Up is down. Black is white.
Starting point is 00:18:21 And you probably heard this from a shithole. The president referred to countries like Haiti and countries in Africa as a shithole. And that's why he still should be president. A suspect has been arrested for two unprovoked attacks in San Francisco Monday in which one victim was stabbed in the face and the other brutally beaten and nearly blinded in one frigging eye. My eye! Okay, and again, I'll say it because they won't. Who did it? Who did it?
Starting point is 00:18:54 People of color did it. I'm not saying white persons have attacked AIDS, but I'm just saying for every one white person that's done it in the last two years, I'd say 10 to 1 the other way. Here's a video. Look at this poor prick. I cannot see on my left eye. It's still so bad.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I cannot see anything on my right. It's okay. I hope I don't lose my vision here. Danny Yu Chang was nearly blinded in an unprovoked attack on Market Street near 2nd in San Francisco around 2 p.m. yesterday. He's a travel agent who was returning to work from his lunch break. Somebody just pushed me and hit me. And I lose consciousness.
Starting point is 00:19:32 And when I wake up, I'm all bloodied up. I didn't even see the person. I didn't lose anything. All my belongings is with me. Didn't steal anything. They didn't rob me. So I think it's a hate crime. Tonight, SFPD announced the arrest of
Starting point is 00:19:46 32 year old jorge davis milton he is linked to two unprovoked attacks in the same day the other victim was stabbed in the face in the mission and left with life-threatening injuries this morning in oakland a 76 year old man was punched in an unprovoked attack on 7th Street near Broadway at 830. A police source says when approached, the victim said, good morning. Oh, you asshole. And the suspect said, you better calm down. The victim has minor injuries, but understandably said he's very rattled by the incident. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Okay. I feel bad. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. He didn't say that. He said hello. Two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. Two chopsticks. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. He didn't say that. He said hello.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. Two chopsticks. Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Look at some booty. Okay. I can still, uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Again, the headline, reverse the races. I'm starting a new segment, by the way. RTR, reverse the races i'm starting a new segment by the way rtr reverse the races uh you know make it white make it white people and and you listen to fucking biden and he says hate crimes are up against asian americans you know because of coba implying that it's white and white supremacists doing this shit and you fucking idiots out there not my fans some lib that might be be tuning in to get me in trouble, just sit there and nod. Yeah, it's the evil white.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Those white Europeans, it's in their blood to be violent. You know, just sickening. That should be the headline if we lived in a real world, people of color attacking Asian people. And then we'd get a little balance, you know, and we might not be at each other's throat because we'd both know the truth. But no, you have to come to this silly little show to get it. Yeah, take it easy. It's a good show. I know. Monday's attack comes amid a
Starting point is 00:21:37 rise in violence targeting Asians during the pandemic, particularly seniors. Some of the attacks have been deadly, including the killing of an 84-year-old beach. We showed this one. That's the guy, the Indian guy in the driveway. I can't even pronounce his. I'm not going to attempt. Remember he was in the driveway in Ana Vista and somebody ran across the street. I think that's the guy, right? In late January and just flattened him. Black guy did it. Violence has sparked rallies throughout the Bay Area.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Yeah, but you know what, Bay Area? You fucking, you almost single-handedly created this liberal horseshit PC garbage. You've been leading it for years. Now my hometown of Boston is joining in and whatever. You guys created this. Bill Maher helped create it with his show. All the people that are coming around because now they're coming after them. You know, you had a hand in it.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Live by the sword, die by the fucking clock. So there were rallies throughout the Bay condemning anti-Asian violence and more than $1.4 million in state funding to track and stop the attacks. The group Stop AAPI Hate said over the past year there have been nearly 4,000 hate incidents against Asians across the U.S. and that the reports are a fraction of the number of hate incidents that actually occur. Yeah, but tell us who's fucking, who's doing it. But you don't. San Francisco Police Department said Monday's attack is under investigation. Anyone with Yeah, but tell us who's fucking, who's doing it. But you don't. San Francisco Police Department said Monday's attack is under investigation.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Anyone with information is asked to contact the department tip line at 415-575-4444 or text TIP411 beginning the message with San Francisco Police Department. Okay? I just want a little truth, folks. You know what I mean? It would put things into balance. Another example of a media cowardice, I say. Two black teens have been charged, this was a few days ago, charged with second-degree murder
Starting point is 00:23:44 in connection to the brutal death of a mentally ill white man. Wow, they said white man? Where did we get this, Jay? Who wrote this? You? White man in Rochester, New York. I probably wrote it, didn't I? Two black teens killed a mentally ill white man in Rochester.
Starting point is 00:24:05 There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. Zavion Perry, 16, and Adriel Riley, Jr., 14, reportedly sneaked into the home of Stephen Amhauser, 53 years old, on Friday afternoon. He's mentally ill, this guy. Sprayed him with an ignitable fluid and set him on fire until 70% of his body was covered in second and
Starting point is 00:24:30 third degree burns. Did you see it on ABC? Did you see it on NBCBS, CNN? And why the fuck don't you Republicans, so-called righties, when you get on Fox News, let's say they have you on there tonight on Tucker or whatever, talking about a bill you're trying to pass. Why don't you go? I'd like to start with this. A white man was burned to death by two minorities. And nobody else is talking about it but me tonight.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Somebody show me, other than Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin, who are the best when it comes to this shit. I guess Michelle Malkin has a show on Newsmax or whatever. But have you ever heard somebody go, I want somebody to say white? You know what I mean? Even the guys I like can't say it. A man identified as either a mail carrier or a gas and electric worker burst into the apartment to try to put out the burning man, who was apparently left to die.
Starting point is 00:25:29 By the time the 911 call was made and police arrived, it was too late. The victim fought for his life for four days in a burned trauma unit before he passed. The story was reported by local station WHAM 13 News, but the races of the individuals involved were not specified it was not they didn't mention the races of the suspects why is that? is it because we're black?
Starting point is 00:25:52 exactly Rochester's journalist and radio host Bob Lonsbury apparently the only guy with any balls made the races public and highlighted the double standard in news coverage that has contributed to the deterioration of Rochester, a city engulfed in an at times violent campaign against police
Starting point is 00:26:11 officers over alleged racism. Yes, there's plenty of racism. And here's a good example of it. Nick, black people can't be racist. They're the oppressed ones. That's a good one. That's a good one. How about the Chinese guy we just showed? They got his face beat in and they didn't take anything. Hmm, that wasn't a victim about eco-economics and poor guy beating up, you know, rich guy. That's what they say. Socio-economics is the reason all the crime comes from me. Fucking fuck off.
Starting point is 00:26:42 I'll give you another statistic. And I read this in a book 15 years ago. You know what the poorest neighborhood in the country at one point, back in the late 50s or early 60s, Chinatown in San Francisco. You know what? They had like the lowest,
Starting point is 00:26:57 I think they had the lowest crime rate or second lowest. So there goes that theory. Citing law enforcement sources, Lonsbury reports that the teens instructed the victim. Listen to this. They instructed the victim during the incident to tell authorities that it was two white men who perpetrated the crime. Well, you know what that means? Hate crime. I mean, you mentioned the race and I forgot these are young black kids.
Starting point is 00:27:23 When they initially were charged with arson and assault, like second degree, they didn't even mention murder after the guy died. Maybe he was still alive when they were originally charged, but they updated it. But they didn't even mention on the local, you know, on local TV news, they don't even bring up the race. We have a mental, I said it yesterday, it's a mental illness we have about race. And again, it's the left. It's done intentionally.
Starting point is 00:27:53 The George Soros is the world of pitting us against each other. Or the fucking Bilderberg group. Whoever you want to believe. I was going to say the Liberace. Instead of the Illuminati. The Liberace. Let's keep them fighting each other. Another example of race infiltrating everything in this country.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Columbia. You know the great school Columbia? Cost about $100,000 to go there. Columbia to host six different graduations based on race, income, self-identity, and penis length. What? No, that's income, race,, self-identity, and penis length. What? No, that's income, race, and self-identity. Hey, isn't it great? The people screaming, we need a colorblind society.
Starting point is 00:28:35 We all have to heal and come together are dividing each other up. The university will host online graduation ceremonies called multicultural graduation celebrations. How stupid. You're celebrating how you were born. The university will host online graduation ceremonies called Multicultural Graduation Celebrations. How stupid. You're celebrating how you were born. You had nothing to do with it. In honor of the students' diversity, the school website states, do they ever leave it alone for a fucking minute?
Starting point is 00:28:58 Oh, my God. The special celebrations, Columbia says, will provide, listen to this, a more intimate setting for students who self-identify in a variety of ways. The celebrations will be recorded and published after their completion. The ceremonies will include the categories Latinx, was that Latinx? Graduation. categories, Latinx, was that Latinx? Graduation. What's that, two girls? That's called Latinx graduation celebration, black graduation celebration, that I understand, as well as Asian, native, and FLI, which refers to first generation and or low income. into a low income. Could you chop us up finer?
Starting point is 00:29:48 We're like a racist hash at this point. Oh my God. You're supposed to come together on graduation. It's a show. We all did it. And you stand next to me. What better way
Starting point is 00:30:02 to show you're diverse instead of, think about that for just one second. Just think about the optics of it. I mean, what in God's name is going the fuck on? Hey, where are the white women at? Well, they be home. They don't be celebrating nothing.
Starting point is 00:30:18 In addition, a lavender graduation. A lavender graduation celebration. Well, catered to who? No, not pro wrestlers. The LGBTIAQ. Wow, we get four letters left and the whole alphabet
Starting point is 00:30:37 will be used. The LGBTIAQ community. So they'll have their own thing. I suck cock. I certainly do. And I love it. And I certainly do. Yummy have their own thing. I suck cock. I certainly do. I love it. I certainly do. Yummy, yummy, yummy.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yes, right. The university wrote on Twitter that some reports were misrepresenting their multicultural graduation celebrations, clarifying that they exist in addition to, not instead of university-wide commencement and individual school class day. It's not enough just to get them all together like we've been doing a thousand years. What's the point? wide commencement and individual school class day. It's not enough just to get them all together like we've been doing a thousand years. What's the point? It's literally racist or genderist.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I don't know what the fuck you call it. I'm so tired. Please, somebody get me a house in Dublin. These events are important, intimate and welcoming spaces. So let me ask you a question. These are welcoming spaces for students aligned with these groups. So being on a stage that day with all the other classmates
Starting point is 00:31:32 that aren't exactly like them, that wouldn't be welcoming. You guys are so full of shit and so mentally ill. May cancer spread throughout the campus. Welcome spaces for students aligned with these groups to come together,
Starting point is 00:31:48 celebrate their achievement. Oh, really? Being born with a clit or loving to suck dick is an achievement? Congratulations. Here's a trophy. If they wish.
Starting point is 00:31:56 They are organized in tandem with students in student groups. Well, that makes me feel much better. Problem? You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag arking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Not this time. Yeah, this time. Senator Tom Cotton seen here. Jesus Christ. Last time I saw a neck like that, I was at the Bronx Zoo feeding a giraffe a carrot. Look at this. He looks like a rocking sock and robot that got the uppercut. This guy's good, though.
Starting point is 00:32:31 He did something a few weeks ago that bothered me. But Senator Tom Cotton, Republican Arkansas, criticized the concept and placed blame on critical race theory. Critical race theory, and this is him I'm quoting, is the belief that people have value based on the color of their skin and that our race defines everything about us. It's not just false. He says it's dangerous. The problem is not just one woke university embracing discrimination, the Senate went on.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Critical race theory is being pushed on our kids at schools. It's peddled by HR departments and corporations. And the Biden administration has embraced it under the guise of racial equity. Fucking sick. You know, it's bad when the Chinese American Citizen Alliance, I used to belong, I get kicked out. I was making some funny faces. The oldest Chinese civil rights organization in the United States recently issued a statement
Starting point is 00:33:31 denouncing critical race theory. Okay. Even, and you know why? Because they're being kept out of Harvard and shit. We previously said that No. 91 is who? Exactly. I was saying that to Jason a couple minutes ago. Critical race theory, this is the chinese talking is a hateful divisive manipulative fraud uh the statement reads hate groups with
Starting point is 00:33:52 allies in politics the press and education pass ctr critical race theory off as an anti-racism and diversity equity and inclusion but crt is exactly the opposite. From its very roots, CRT is racist, repressive, discriminatory, and divisive. Can't we just all get along? And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. Do you understand they're segregating? The people that are all upset how racist they are. Do you understand they're doing what George Wallace wanted? That's what makes me laugh.
Starting point is 00:34:36 You guys realize how stupid you are? Do you realize it? I want to say to any big lib that I meet, just like Bob Barnes did in Platoon. Remember Tom Berringer? Actually, it wasn't his character. It was the Anthony Quinn son, who was a little over the top, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:34:56 But he said, you loved Barnes the first year you were here. Charlie Sheen goes, I was wrong. He goes, you ain't never been right. Dying to say that to Rachel Maddow or any of these twats. Express VPN, ladies and gentlemen. Okay, so we all know how a VPN, we know it protects your privacy and security online, right? But I didn't know this until recently, and it's taken my TV watching game to the next level. this until recently and it's taken my TV watching game to the next level. You can use a VPN to unlock movies and shows that are only available in other countries. Over the weekend, I used Express
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Starting point is 00:37:01 slash nickdip. It really is a great product. And thank you for sponsoring the show. What a country, huh, folks? You know, Trump used to say the Democrats don't give a shit about you. We all knew that, but a lot of people didn't realize it until Trump came along. And apparently they still don't. They care about us less. Now it's coming out. They can't even hide their distaste for us.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Democrats show they don't give a fuck about US citizens. That's my headline. House Democrats on Tuesday blocked, get this, a proposed legislation from freshman rep, Marionette Miller-Meeks. Her name's Marionette. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:37:47 She's a Republican from Iowa. That would have required illegal immigrants. Oh, this is outrageous and racist. Would have required illegal immigrants released into the United States to receive a negative COVID-19 test before they're released. But apparently, you know, that's outrageous. So so she wants i'll repeat it folks she wants illegals this is so racist to have a covid test you know the thing that's making us wear masks that's white people that were born here the big oaks anyways the illegals that are coming in from shithole countries don't have to have a covid test that's all she's asking to do and the dems are shooting it down so that's how much they give a fuck about you. It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. Yeah, I hope the fuck the the React Act would require migrants released into the U.S. by
Starting point is 00:38:37 immigration and custom enforcement and customs and Border Patrol would first have to test negative for coronavirus. Miller Meeks' measure was brought up on the floor a day after the Iowa congresswoman joined some of her colleagues for a trip to see the immigration crisis in El Paso, which Biden hasn't even done yet, El Paso, Texas. The GOP calls to consider the measure were blocked by the Democrats. Miller Meeks called for the bill to be brought to the House floor for a vote, saying that the U.S. is facing a crisis at the southern border that must be addressed. She said, we are still in a global pandemic. I don't even believe that.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I'm sorry. And we are unnecessarily putting lives at risk, wrote the freshman congresswoman. The Democrats' refusal to consider Miller Meeks' bill, what's that tell you? They don't even believe that COVID's dangerous. I think that's what I got from this. Democrats' refusal to consider Miller-Meeks' bill coincides with a challenge to the Iowa congresswoman's election win by her opponent, Rita Hart, that was voted to move forward in the House
Starting point is 00:39:46 administration committee on Monday. This woman lost by six votes to the woman we were just talking about, Miller Meeks, the Republican. This woman lost by six votes. OK, they put a committee together. They recount when it's that close automatically. Then they put a committee together of bipartisan, Democrat and Republican that close automatically. Then they put a committee together of bipartisan, Democrat and Republican,
Starting point is 00:40:07 and said the Republican won by six votes. Then they did another committee, and she still came out on top, and so she was certified, and guess what? She was certified. That means the end. You're in. No. No. Pelosi's
Starting point is 00:40:24 on TV yesterday going, it was only six votes. We're going to, you know, and by the way, she was up by a ton of votes at the end of the night of the election. All of a sudden they started trickling in. Fucking. Hart will be allowed to present an argument to the House. That's her House administration committee as to why she believes that the seat Miller Meeks won by a tight six votes belongs to her and not the sitting congresswoman of two months whose win was certified by the state of Iowa. Once it's certified, it's supposed to be over, folks.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Can the Democrats just do anything they fucking want? The committee will then present a report, oh, to the full house with their recommendation on who should fill the seats. Fucking evil mother. What exactly leads you to believe the Soviets were involved? Yeah, exactly. You know what their problem is?
Starting point is 00:41:11 You can't handle the truth. I am right. I am so fed up with these people. I'll tell you. Somebody write in and get me some teeth whitener. I can't believe they can't come up with paint i have to i i had uh asthma as a kid so i used to get fucking what they call penicillin i'm not penicillin uh tetris like tetris tetracycline yeah it stained my teeth it made them like gray
Starting point is 00:41:40 now i'm pouring coffee and cigarettes on it so So I got the teeth of a West Virginia fucking $5 hooker. And I can't believe it's not, they have all these whiteners and shit. That don't work. Anyways, how about whiteout? Has anybody tried whiteout on the teeth? Will that stick? Let's get on to more race stories. Why do you say that? Well, I'm in the United States and I'm doing the news. Wild wings, the headline, a violent reaction to a restaurant order. I wonder what the race is here. Led to chaos at a wing stop. By the way, a wing stop. You guys familiar with my favorite rapper, Rick Ross? He actually in one of his songs says Wingstop owner, lemon pepper aroma. Young, black, and Billy has a diploma.
Starting point is 00:42:30 One of my favorite lines ever. Makes Shakespeare look like an asshole. Anyways, restaurant auto led to chaos at a Wingstop and antelope. Antelope? Is this in Oregon? I got to tell you why I just watched a documentary last night Okay
Starting point is 00:42:52 You guys might remember it if you're my age Back in the 80's This fucking Buddhist Baguam, whatever the hell He had like a cult going He had thousands and thousands of followers You know, peace, lovey dovey, live in a commune love each other and all this stuff he had the long beard and shit well anyways they wanted him out of india he was getting too powerful so they ended up
Starting point is 00:43:15 buying 80 000 acres in a place called antelope oregon and this was in the 80s i don't know i must have been chasing whores. I don't know. I don't even remember hearing about it. And it ends up there in a war. The town has 50 people in it that they moved into and took over. And the 80,000 acres are like rocks. And they built the city.
Starting point is 00:43:36 They built the city. And it's called Wild, Wild Country. Jason, anything? There is a wing stop at Antelope. All right, whatever. That'll be a coincidence. This will be a huge coincidence because I, you couldn't find it really? You put in chicken wings, fight, antelope, and it doesn't tell you what state?
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yeah. All right, fuck it anyways that's why you're gonna put chicken wing in there dummy wing stop anyways it's called wild wild country it's only six episodes it it will fascinate you it's one of these things that like did they make this shit up it's and you get to see uh you know you get to see uh it's all based on real footage. They're interviewing people who were involved in and they're in their 70s now and shit. And you get to see, you know, like they show snippets.
Starting point is 00:44:35 It's all footage from back then. You see like orgies going on. Women with giant bushes. That'll tantalize you. Anyways, forget it, Jason. I fucking you'll never find it before the show's over I'd like to get out of here by fucking Sunday Antelope California
Starting point is 00:44:53 thank you again I don't know why that would take 20 minutes to find but anyways the guy's fucking lost his shit because he said five wings were missing cell phone video shows a man wild about wings getting upset over his order in a video captured by a witness a man can be heard saying i don't want the food i don't have time to wait on the food again so now what do we do and me being the
Starting point is 00:45:18 racist that i am said chicken wings guy losing his shit um again being racist or am i just going what pattern basing on history that we've seen you know like most people would uh but but check it out anyways and i know what hold on and i know why people lose this shit too but i'm just saying go ahead cell phone video shows a man wild about wings getting upset over his order at an antelope wing stop last Saturday. Get the food ready. Oh, boy, ew. Get the food ready. And stop yelling at my other manager.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I was telling him to calm down. I was like, you don't want to go to jail. You don't want to go to jail. calm down. I was like, you don't want to go to jail. You don't want to go to jail. Customer Theron Trujillo caught the violent reaction on camera of the man grabbing the register, slamming it to the ground twice before throwing it out the window. Definitely when I seen that, I was kind of shook up a little bit. They were definitely shook up behind. The ladies behind were definitely shook up. The manager of the Wingstop tells me the man claimed he was missing several wings and wanted a refund which she says is not allowed under company policy for online order uh sorry but i'm with him on that what the fuck's the matter online or not i'm not agreeing with his behavior i'm just saying were there five
Starting point is 00:46:37 wings missing and why wouldn't that what's online got to do whether he put it online or a fucking give me my five wings but i I wouldn't act like that. I'd do something more subtle. I'd go in the bathroom and clog the toilets. Shit I did in high school. You know. You can act like a man.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Farron Trujillo. That's who we just heard. The customer in the store at the time recorded the man grabbing the register, slamming it into the ground twice before throwing it out the window. It's definitely shocking and overcompensating, he said. I think it meant overreaction for five wings. But I understand his anger, definitely not his actions. I feel kind of the same way.
Starting point is 00:47:16 But let's grow up, America. It's just so ridiculous. That's a lot of wings missing. I'll be laughing if somebody ate them. Jason's wife, Christina Prado, also shocked by the video, said she feels bad for the employees. That is really sad and unfortunate, she said.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I feel bad for society. I think the pandemic is going to people's heads. Yeah, because nothing like this has ever happened before COVID-19. We don't have 75,000 of these online from 1971 to fucking now. Anyways, wake up, lady. Well, we started with a transgender story, but let's maybe bookend it with something. What do you mean, Nick? Well, Marvel Comics. I never read comics because,
Starting point is 00:48:02 again, I was a weird little boy who liked cute little girls and sports. I was a real weirdo. I had friends. I think people who read comics are fucking idiots. But anyways. Well, Nick, that's not. It's stupid. I understand if we didn't have film, TV, cameras, but to look at little thought bubbles over fucking drawings.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Wake up and smell the coffee. Marvel introduces new gay Captain America. Well, that's perfect. Figures the Captain of America would be gay. Isn't it only makes sense that he sucks a dick. The new character, Aaron Fisher, represents the first LGBTQ character to pick up Cap's shield in the comics 80-year-old history. Fisher is described as the Captain America of the railways, a fearless teen who stepped up to protect fellow runaways and the unhoused. You mean homeless? Marvel Comics is proud to honor Pride Month
Starting point is 00:48:57 with the rise of this new LGBTQ hero. Oh, I'm getting a headache from all this shit. No, he doesn't. He looks like a superhero. The limited series is titled The United States of Captain America and follows Steve Rogers teaming up with Captain and Tennille. No, Captain America of the past. Bucky Barnes.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Who are these fucking nerds? Sam Wilson and John Walker on a road trip across America to find his stolen shield. I am so glad I played youth football. Throughout the group's journey, they'll discover everyday people from all walks of life who have taken up the mantle of Captain America to defend their communities. Of course, when we say communities, you know what we mean.
Starting point is 00:49:48 The series is written by Christopher Cantwell with art by Dale Eaglesham. And he is good, Dale Eagle. I got some of his shit hanging up in my bedroom. Here are a few more looks at the character. Now, that's a transgender character? Looks like a punk rocker from the uk no oh my god his arm broke off the poor gay fella uh that this is what the character looks like why is i don't understand the arm thing and i'm glad i don't anything else that's it aaron is inspired by heroes of the queer community that sounds derogatory activist leaders
Starting point is 00:50:29 and everyday folks pushing for a better life said writer Josh Trujillo second story in a row named Trujillo who pens the debut issue introducing Fisher
Starting point is 00:50:38 he stands for the oppressed and the forgotten I hope his debut story resonates with the readers and helps inspire the next generation of heroes. In other words,
Starting point is 00:50:47 you gotta be a victim. Gotta be a, he helps victims. Victim, wah, wah, wah. Wah, wah, wah. Ugh. God, you're gonna read about three pages of that
Starting point is 00:50:58 and this is all you're gonna have in your head. Please give me a call. I want to thank editor Alan Smith and Joshua Trajillo very much for asking me to create Aaron added Jan Basladua
Starting point is 00:51:12 who draws the issue. I really enjoy designing him and as a transgender person myself I am happy to be able to present an openly gay person who admires Captain America and fights against evil because you know straight people wouldn't admire somebody who fights evil. We are the evil.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Against evil to help those who are almost invisible to society. Invisible? What special interest group is invisible to this country? We never hear about black or brown people, do we? We never talk about them. And we never hear about gay people. We just did a fucking Pantene documentary. While I was drawing him,
Starting point is 00:51:49 I thought, well, Cap fights against super powerful beings and saves the world almost always, but Aaron helps those who walk alone in the street with problems
Starting point is 00:51:58 that they face every day. Oh. Every day. Oh. I hope people like the end result. The other new captains will be introduced at a later date, probably on Gay Pride Head Penis Badge Day. That is it, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:52:22 I'll give you a long one on the last day of the week. Don't forget If you want me to roast a friend or relative, go to Click on my profile. Tell me a little bit about the person. I'll make a video on my phone. Send it directly to them, telling them what a schmuck they are or saying happy birthday to your cousin, Alan.
Starting point is 00:52:44 I can make or break their day, and I'd rather break it. It's so much fun. People love it. Don't forget Please. This is where the show is going to be based so nobody can touch me. I can say whatever I want and really cut loose. Anything else? for my tour dates. North Carolina improv get canceled, but that's because of COVID. They have a limit and it wasn't worth me going for one night or whatever. Couldn't agree on a price. But anyways, we'll refill that. You guys think it.
Starting point is 00:53:16 I will say it. I always have. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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