The Nick DiPaolo Show - MSM Lying About Black Crime for Years | Nick DiPaolo Show #355

Episode Date: June 1, 2020

Cops dragged, women beaten, stores looted, and "eyes rolling". Thank you Victor from Johns Creek for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! Link to video by Antifa infilt...rator Jack Posobiec: FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. How are you? I'm here to say one thing. Give me the money, you understand me? Give me the fucking money, you hear me? You hear me? I gotta come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. That's my way of asking. You know the show is free Monday through Thursday now, okay? And your daily contributions make it possible to do this show. Sounds like a commercial for PBS. Look at you sitting there
Starting point is 00:00:26 not contributing, you selfish cocksuckers. No, you guys are great, but we rely on you guys to make daily contributions at or sign up at, become a monthly member. You get an extra story a day.
Starting point is 00:00:40 You get to ask me a question, access to the archive shows, or if you have a company and you want to sponsor this show call it go to we can do that too uh especially now folks with what's going on in the world and the rioting and just the covid this is one of the darkest years and because it's so racial right now you're not going to be able to hear any of what I say anywhere else. And I know that's what you're black, white, whatever color you are, that's what you're yearning for. Just to hear some truth, it might not always make you happy,
Starting point is 00:01:17 but, and we still find time to laugh as bleak as this world gets. But anyways, don't forget to hit that subscribe button when you're watching my YouTube channel. All right? And we thank you so much for supporting the Nick DiPaolo Podcast. guitar solo All right. Yeah. Welcome to the show on a Monday. Not much to talk about. Slow weekend in the country.
Starting point is 00:02:22 What the fuck is going on out there as the great vince lombardi i got no idea but i have had enough man and me fuck you and your bones burst damn right welcome to the show now you scared me all right leave. All right. I don't know. It's not going to be the funniest show because I'm not really in a jokey fucking mood. I got to be honest with you. I am tired of it. And black people, frankly, I'm going to speak more frankly to you than you used to be spoken to. Boy, that came out horrible.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I was trying to do Senator Gary, the godfather. Mr. Corleone. Frankly, I'm going to speak to you more honestly than you're used to. But I fucking had it, folks. Real quickly,
Starting point is 00:03:15 at the top of the show, and this is just a light note. I saw about four of these sign language people. Let's just get this out of the way. I will not vote for a politician who has a twat like this doing this
Starting point is 00:03:25 while they speak look at this fucking he she curly no no no look at this look at this huh nice nice hey the people are deaf not severelyarded. What's with the fucking twitching face? What? Fucking deaf people, you don't read lips anymore? You need somebody? Remember Bobby Knight gave that fucking press conference? They said, what's your game face? What is a game face? He goes, what the fuck is a game face?
Starting point is 00:04:01 I just pulled a muscle doing that. That's how dehydrated I am. Fuck, I got a cramp right here. Anyways, just wanted to get that out of the way. And again, it's always liberal politicians who have that next to them. The fuck, read lips. Let's get right to it.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Yeah, as you know, the country's burning. 140 cities have a curfew. And Jesus Christ, have you curfew and uh jesus christ have you ever ladies and gentlemen have you ever and i'm gonna get to it i got a clip of a guy explaining what antifa is and he has more credibility than anybody you know why he infiltrated antifa for years so much so that he got recognized now he has other people doing it and he moved to china he's a polish kid from pennsylvania real smart glasses he made a 50 minute video we're going to show a few minutes of it a little later but uh he lays out the history of antique it's fucking fascinating uh but before that everybody's coming out you, we got rappers fucking speaking out. And, you know, it's just, I mean, you're seeing fires and 50 secret servicemen hurt and fucking people, you know, burning shit right near the White House.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Are you fucking kidding me? Looks like it's go time. And that kid I was telling you about that infiltrated Antifa, he says it's going to be a summer of this. Don't think this shit's going to go away. And when you watch him, you're going to go, ooh, this guy seems to know
Starting point is 00:05:29 what he's talking about. He actually moved to China to learn how the communist government worked. This kid's like a doer. Polack, who would have guessed? Sharp as a tack. Oh, Nick, that's the type
Starting point is 00:05:40 of rhetoric that gets this country in flames. I know. Let's start out with my boy Malcolm Flex. He's got a message for Antifa. This is a brother down in Alabama. He got a message for you. So to all aspiring Antifa.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Antifa. Just, you know, if you're thinking about coming here to Alabama or, you know, getting bussed in or doing some shit here, you might not want to do that. I'm going to be honest. Stay all asses the fuck home because the worst thing that happens is you come down here thinking you're going to start some kind of fucking revolution and burn down some local businesses that we use. And you're going to get your neck broke. Hey! Your teeth kicked in.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Yeah? And your shit pushed back. I hope so. You really don't want that. Let me just go ahead and tell you. So again, all aspiring Antifa members, stay your asses the fuck out of Alabama.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Or at least just stay the fuck home and tweet about it, man. Come on now. Be safe. Be safe at the end. I'm going to break your fucking neck and paralyze you, you little cracker. Be safe. Because he's got'm going to break your fucking neck and paralyze you, you little cracker. Be safe. Because he's got the cross hanging off the... I showed that for a reason, okay?
Starting point is 00:06:50 Because I noticed the narrative over the weekend is turning into, none of these people are local. These are all Antifa. I say Antifa. And as we know, Antifa is a lot of white... I don't even know what percentage is racially, but it's a lot of, a lot of white, I don't even know what percentage is racially, but it's, uh, you know, a lot of fucking white kids who are anarchists and who want to tear down the establishment.
Starting point is 00:07:11 But I noticed the narratives turning into these people you're watching during the riots aren't from here. These are people from audit. Really? The 300 pound black woman running out of target with a pile of clothes wasn't from the neighborhood. Bullshit. Even during riot times, the fucking faggy mainstream media is trying to take the blame off black people. Like, they have nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Antifa is the enemy. Don't get me wrong. And that kid is fucking right. But what he doesn't understand is, see, the narrative now is Antifa, white kids burning down black businesses. They think it's more racism. That's not what it is. They want to burn down the whole system. You understand?
Starting point is 00:07:55 They want to burn down law and order, the whole society that we've developed over the last 200 years. And they don't even know what they want to replace it with. But let's not start this narrative that it's white kids at antifa just trying to ruin black businesses and if it is it's just to start a riot it's not about you know black people per se but antifa yeah they are the fucking scum of the earth and you notice there was a lot of clips people were noticing online that where the rioting was going on in a lot of these cities there's a palette of bricks conveniently located there they were throwing bricks like they were already delivered there and shit it's this is so orchestrated folks it's scary i i don't know where the where the where
Starting point is 00:08:37 the um plan begins look i got a cop buddy 30 years he's a lawyer, and he's not a conspiracy nut. He thinks it actually starts with the killing of George Lloyd. How deliberate that was and shit. Almost a false flag thing. He's looking at the body language of the guy, and it's creepy how he analyzed it. I wouldn't put it past. Please read the book, The Truth About the Bilderberg Group. They talk about the council and four relations in that book. The Rockefellers are involved.
Starting point is 00:09:09 They plan shit years ahead of time. It's creepy. You got to read it. So I don't know if it's a bigger plot than that, or again, just the perfect storm of that murder in Alabama of the Aubrey guy, and then this coming on right at the end of COVID. It's all very weird.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I got to believe whoever's making these calls said, look at this. People in America are locked up. They don't have any job. What better time to start a fucking, to implement our plan? You know? A lot of these people don't have any way. They're not going to work in the morning.
Starting point is 00:09:45 But it's fucking disgusting. So thank you, Flex, Malcolm Flex. I just told Rez I'm coming up with my own rap name. I'm going to be G-Hod. G-Hod, you know what I'm saying? Ah, my shoulder. But we're going to show you a clip right now okay this guy um he's a polish kid please tell me i have the name of the fuck the the title is in antifa summer 2020 has begun
Starting point is 00:10:18 jack uh post posebic can we put that link up? He put out a clip. This guy infiltrated Antifa. I keep wanting to say Antifa now. And for years. So this kid lays it out. The whole clip is like 50, 50 minutes long. But we're going to watch a little bit from about the 8-minute mark to the 28-minute mark. We're not going to watch all that. But I saying a few guys at home he lays out the history
Starting point is 00:10:48 uh here's a little bit of him speaking i didn't edit it so i hope you're talking about that what i am here to talk about is to explain what you're seeing what you're seeing is the culmination of all of these things together. Not only through solidarity and intersectionality, but you're also seeing it in terms of the cauldron of the pandemic that everybody's just gone through the lockdown the quarantine where everyone was stuck inside. It created a powder keg moment in the United States, especially at a time when certain states were
Starting point is 00:11:43 opening and other states and areas were told they had to stay shut down. This powder keg was then ignited by a series of horrific incidents, a series of very disturbing incidents, very unfortunate incidents that took place across the United States. very unfortunate incidents that took place across the united states and organic protests rose up in response to those incidents but now that gasoline was poured on them and ignited by a group called Antifa. And you could see numerous videos about this. I want to be very clear. Go and look at the video that I posted earlier tonight in Philadelphia,
Starting point is 00:12:35 where you can see a group of Black Lives Matter that are standing filming. So Black Lives Matter is standing and filming while there are two Antifa members smashing and destroying a Pennsylvania State Police SUV. Now, why is that? Why is that? And we've got the documented evidence to show all of this. I've posted all the videos. You can go see it on my timeline of course they want a revolution they want they're an insula
Starting point is 00:13:09 insurrectionist anti-government extremist group that is antifa they are an anti-government extremist revolutionary group all right they are founded on the ideals of the red guards of chairman mao and the original antifa group anti-fascist anti-fascist action which is funded by trotsky trotsky into how far back it goes the weimar republic in the 1930s okay that was the original antifa the bol Bolsheviks. They were sent to Germany to destabilize Germany by the Bolsheviks. Okay, that's the roots of it. Antifa. Okay, that's enough. Anyways, and then he talks about today's current Antifa, which is tied in with the PPK, which is the communist Kurds being trained in Syria.
Starting point is 00:14:03 You've got to watch it. This guy knows what he's saying. He infiltrated the group. And he goes on to explain there's three tiers of Antifa. There's the green tier, the people who show up, you know, under the guy protesting peacefully or whatever. Then the yellow tier comes in and starts to create the mob mentality with a chance and kill police and stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:23 And then they call the direct action, which is the red tear of Antifa, where they come in and start, you know, lighting shit on fire and breaking windows and stuff. It's fascinating. He knows what he's talking about because he spent time in these groups, you know, undercover. He actually moved to China to study China, how the communist government work. So it's fascinating. It's 50 minutes. I watched the whole thing but mark from minute eight to about 28 you'll get a gist of just what's going on
Starting point is 00:14:51 and how planned a lot of this shit is um do we have the link raz can we put you're gonna put it up raz is gonna put the link up for you guy's name is jack posebick anyways let's get right to it uh last night cops clashed with protesters and cars are set on fire on the sixth night of these protests in dc the cops are using tear gas near the white house at least 40 cities have imposed curfews the most since the aftermath of the assassination of martin luther king in. In light of the riots and violence, the National Guard members have been activated in 15 states, more than that now, in Washington, D.C.
Starting point is 00:15:31 So, what the fuck? It's getting crazy. Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Browser said on Monday that some of the protesters that terrorized the city overnight had come prepared with tools and supplies. She said they set fires to try and draw police away. We recognize that people are frustrated and mad, but tearing up our beautiful city is not the way to bring attention to what is right.
Starting point is 00:15:56 What is a righteous cause? She sounds like she's in the dark about Antifa. She said the city was prepared for multiple days of demonstrations and officials were working with intelligence agencies to determine who was coming. In D.C., fury erupted even as the hour
Starting point is 00:16:13 of an 11 p.m. curfew. Isn't that funny? We're going to put out a curfew. What are you dealing with? Teenagers in high school? We better get home or we'll get in trouble. The lights are on.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Fucking people are here to burn down the system. Oh, it's 11 o'clock. We better get home or get in trouble. The lights are on. Fucking people are here to burn down the system. Oh, it's 11 o'clock. We better get out of here. Anyways, the cops fired tear gas, pepper spray. On Sunday alone,
Starting point is 00:16:35 more than 50 Secret Service officers were injured so far after rioters threw bottles and Molotov cocktails at them. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:16:46 It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. What the hell's going on out here? As fire was also set in Lafayette Park, located just in front of the White House, where a protest to set a U.S. flag on fire, set in smoke into the thousands gathered in solidarity. Again, it's a mixture of Antifa and locals. We have footage now of the fucking mayhem. Trump had to be, on Friday night,
Starting point is 00:17:14 was whisked into a bunker with his family. I couldn't believe I was hearing those words in the United States on TV. That's how close the shit was getting to the White House. Okay? They burned down a church, St. John's Church. It's been around since the 1800s. Every president, almost every president goes to church there and shit. I mean, we're talking the real
Starting point is 00:17:36 fucking deal. And Trump actually, it says in public, he's saying what a great job the secret services do. But they said in private, and I don't know how they know this. He said he was actually nervous about the safety of him and his family. I don't know how they fucking know that. But anyways, now here's some clips that are fucking you might have seen. This is what's going on. And this is so friggin disgusting. A group of rioters were caught on tape viciously beating a woman outside of a Rochester, New York business on Saturday as her husband desperately tried to defend her. You want me to believe, though?
Starting point is 00:18:11 This is why I don't believe it's all Antifa. You want me to believe Antifa sending people to Rochester when there's so many other hotspots? You know what I mean? But you can make that call. But watch this. The footage shows a woman confronting a group of young men outside a Rochester fire equipment company on Saturday. According to the news, the woman yelled at the group
Starting point is 00:18:32 who were trying to break into a jewelry store next door. So here's the video. Watch what happens. No audio on this one yeah oh security camera that's right look at this fucking now here comes the fucking coward there you go
Starting point is 00:19:03 yeah that looks like a hate crime to me. Okay. It's a black kid beating up a white woman trying to protect their business. Another black guy hitting it with wood. You know, but it's, you know, it's all justified because, you know, a cop brutally, you know, killed a black guy. So this is, you know, this is, anyways, it's fucking sickening. The group continued hurling objects at the storefront, turned on the one puncher, beaten her,
Starting point is 00:19:38 went on a sail and grabbed her by the neck, threw her against a brick wall. Her husband said, I turned around, saw people trying to break into some stores, so I just started filming, the woman said the husband and wife came out they were trying to reason with them reasoning with uh then all of a sudden it turned violent this is a guy that filmed it who by the way was like a he was like a military guy or whatever. Put down the fucking phone. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:20:12 Yeah, they just went after a woman. Her husband was trying to defend her with a golf club. And they just went after him with two by fours. Okay? You know. That's a hate crime on camera is what it is. No, it's not, Nick. It's being done in the name of justice. Shut the fuck up. It's a country. It was a country of law and order. And if you don't believe that, we have some more great footage. This is California, Santa Monica.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I lived in, you know, in Venice Beach, so I know the area well. Of course, California has been a cauldron for this shit for years. They want to secede from the fucking country anyways with their socialist horseshit agenda when no republicans can get elected and shit so you know they're all for a big government newsom is a fucking far left socialist who's trying to steal the election with mail-in ballots anyways rioters in santa monica on sunday beat up a man carrying a hockey stick so a white guy carrying a hockey stick that white guy carrying a hockey stick That's kind of cliche To defend a woman cyclist who was pushed over
Starting point is 00:21:09 On her bike And here's a video of what happened to him Wake up White people Okay It's a white guy It is a white kid getting his kicks in because it's california yeah hey where's all those white supremacists i've been hearing about huh where where's that this is a white supremacist nation right black folks
Starting point is 00:21:41 and fucking antifa and and bernie sanders and pelosi and all you other fucking douchebag where's all the white supremacists they try to put a spin on this too by the way saying it was drug cartels and white supremacists in minneapolis that were rioting and shit which is a crock of shit the white supremacists they're lying in wait folks i my buddy infiltrated them in the 80s we talked about him he's a cop you have no idea what they have fucking planned apparently this isn't the tip-off yet uh but i didn't see many of the white supremacists supposedly so you know they just beat this guy silly uh rioting and looting continued in santa monica stores and broad daylight on sunday afternoon immediately after
Starting point is 00:22:20 peaceful protest several stores had the windows smashed as some looters ran inside grabbed items jumped into their car. There's other stuffed items in backpacks and bags. You know, the same fucking crew. Here's something that I tweeted. Here's a guy who had a sword. I think this is California too. Or Chicago, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Trying to defend his business, okay? And he's got a sword out there. And watch what happens to him. Yeah, that ain't all in Tifa. I got news for you. Yeah, there's a kick in the head. You know. Oh, black y'all.
Starting point is 00:23:11 And I'm black, y'all. And I'm blacker than black. And I'm black, y'all. Wake up, white people. Yeah, there you go. Because he was trying to defend his business. Fucking disgusting. yeah there you go because he was trying to defend his business fucking disgusting it's coming true nancy pelosi chuck schumer bernie sanders all he is your wet dreams coming true somebody's trying to overthrow the government by the way i don't want to forget this do. Do you know that fucking Joe Biden came out and said he was going to bond,
Starting point is 00:23:46 bond out people out of jail? Like, you know, apparently, apparently I don't even know if he said the peaceful protest is, but whoever. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:54 the dumb parties just, it's like money laundering for Antifa. We'll bond these people out. Uh, you don't believe it. It gets worse. Here's a Chicago cop, uh, getting dragged by a fucking mob A little hip-hop to go with it.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Fuck y'all! Hold it! Fuck y'all! Beat the shit out of y'all, bitch ass. What the fuck? At what point do the cops get to use four? That's why it seems so orchestrated to me. How nobody's doing anything.
Starting point is 00:25:04 I don't know who runs the fucking world. If you want to believe it's the Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations, all that shit, the Illuminati, whoever's making the calls, at least they said to the governors and the Democrat governors and mayors, don't do anything. Like that fucking white pussy mayor of Minneapolis,
Starting point is 00:25:21 what's his name, Fry, told the cops to fucking leave the precinct or whatever. Okay, what's his name, Fry, told the cops to fucking leave, you know, leave the precinct or whatever. Okay, that's fine. Because, and if I'm a cop, I'd be, I'd probably say, yeah, why the fuck am I going to risk my life? Because if I shoot a black kid, I'm going to be fucking strung up.
Starting point is 00:25:38 But you set a precedent when you abandon your precinct. What's going to stop them from doing it next time? And again, I keep coming back to rubber bullets. I know it sounds funny. Get assault rifles with rubber bullets. Nobody's getting fucking hurt that's burning down the police. You're setting a precedent. That might change tonight since the White House was threatened last night. Maybe some heads will get broken, but it's creepy.
Starting point is 00:26:12 And then that fucking faggoty mayor from Minneapolis apologizing to the black community. We all know it was, we all know that cop, he's probably going to kill himself, hopefully, or he's going to get killed in jail. He's on suicide watch and he should be. The whole world could agree that was like an assassination what we saw. But that doesn't give this fucking scum to burn down the country. And at what point do the cops get to fight back? In Philly, they fucking abandoned it.
Starting point is 00:26:39 There's no cops to be found. It's very weird to me. You're setting a precedent. Whoever's for the New World Order, which is, you know, anti-va, I don't even think they're organized to know what they want to replace the system with. But the cops are running for their fucking lives? I hate to say this, but that's what China has it right. You know how China does a hybrid of communism and our capitalist society? You know, they use capitalism over there to make money,
Starting point is 00:27:09 and it feeds the fucking communists. We should use a hybrid of their, the way they handle rioters. What do you mean, Nick? No due process? Kinda. There's a quote in Gomorrah. They're talking about democracy, even though we're a representative republic. I understand that. But there's a quote in
Starting point is 00:27:27 Gamora, one of the fucking mafia guys talking to his son about democracy. It never works. It's in subtitles. Sounds much nicer in Italian. But he says, democracy will never work because two angry dogs will tear each other apart if they don't have a master.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Get it? Anybody else want to see some of these people fucking at least shot with rubber bullets? There's all kinds of shit. You know what I mean? Taser the motherfuckers. I couldn't believe what I was watching in the United States of America. Cops fucking leaving the barracks and running with their tails between their legs. But again, I feel for them because what if they hurt somebody? God forbid they hit back, right?
Starting point is 00:28:12 But that's the new thing, I guess. Let them blow off some steam. Remember during the Baltimore riots and the Ferguson riots in St. Louis? The mayor, I think, was a black woman. What else? Oh, we're just letting off blows off some steam. the mayor, I think it was a black woman. What else? Oh, we're just letting off, blow off some steam. And by the way, I want to see, I only want to see old cranky white guys running cities from now on.
Starting point is 00:28:37 How's that? I mean, you hate old cranky white, let them do that. All the fucking, it's all the cities learning a lesson. Huh? How about you politicians in DC? That shit's getting close to your condos on K Street and your law offices. Now it's starting to hit home, isn't it? That's the only good thing about last night. Fucking I don't even they're probably on recess like they are there, right? They're probably home watching it going. That's the bookstore I go to. Yeah. Drain this. Drain the swamp. It's going to get fucking burned. Then they'll come out, you know, then they'll see what regular people go through.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Good time to sell some t-shirts during a fucking riot. is selling an exclusive line of Wash Your Filthy Asses America merchandise inspired by me. Has that line ever been more relevant than right now? I guess with the COVID. Yes, I think it has actually.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Here's some of the shirts. These guys make great stuff. And when you use the promo code Nick, you'll get 10% off, not just Nick DiPaolo merchandise, but everything on the website. Go to Pick up a shirt or a mug or a bear koozie and support these guys. We thank them for sponsoring this show.
Starting point is 00:29:52 See that? I'd be in charge. That's me out in the middle of the riot pointing at Antifa and then get my hat knocked off with a full Heineken and basked in the face with a brick. Get out of here, old white man.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I'm ready. I'm fucking pumping up. Do you want to go? No, I'm not juicing. Somebody, a couple people going, it looks like he's, what are you,
Starting point is 00:30:15 I'm going to blow out my kidneys at 58 so my wife can look at my washboard stomach. What the fuck's the matter with you people? I do P90X and I know people
Starting point is 00:30:24 half my age who couldn't keep up with me. But then I smoke a pack of cigarettes before and after. Oh, more mayhem in our country, folks. More mayhem. And I'm going to get to Killer Mike in a second. He's a black rapper. That's who they brought out in Atlanta to calm the fucking city.
Starting point is 00:30:41 What better guy to bring out than a guy whose nickname is Killer? Killer Mike's going to calm down the crowd. We'll get to him in a few seconds. I want to answer him in Ice Cube. Here's a twat, a white one, who threw a Molotov cocktail at NYPD car.
Starting point is 00:30:58 She's hit with federal charges. That's what she is. She's a malignant cunt. Samantha Shader, 27, of Catskill, New York, allegedly tossed the makeshift explosive into the Mark Police vehicle parked at Eastern Parkway and Washington Avenue in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, at 1.12 a.m. What are you doing? You should be home doing your homework, you little slut.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Look at her. Oh, my. As a night of destructive protests over the killing of George Floyd. By the way, the other big point, this isn't about George Floyd. It stopped being about George Floyd about a day after he was killed. You do understand that, don't you? If you don't and you're watching this show, you're too dumb to be a fan of mine. It's got nothing to do with George fucking Floyd. you're too dumb to be a fan of mine. It's got nothing to do with George fucking Floyd. It did for about a day or two.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Then it was hijacked by Antifa and the people who want to tear down the fucking society. Hijacked. Federal prosecutors, they're going to hit her. The bottle shattered two of the vehicle's windows as four cops sat inside but the gas inside did not ignite jesus christ the fed said
Starting point is 00:32:10 in a criminal report released sunday prosecutors obtained a witness video that shows this little bitch hurled the device as a man attempted to shield her from on uh onlookers. Here's the video. Watch this little white runt. Right through the fucking cop window. That thing goes off, they're dead. They're fried. From the cat skills. The fuck are you doing down in the city?
Starting point is 00:32:45 She's a little whore and a little piece of trash oh don't say that she's just trying to kill cops in the name of george floyd officers then pursued the little twat as she attempted to flee and arrested her uh in a post arrest statement shader later admitted to police that she had thrown the Molotov cocktail at the NYPD vehicles, prosecutors said. The NYPD initially pressed for attempted murder charges against the demonstrator, but federal prosecutors have now taken over the case and assumed custody. And they'll go, oh, she's a little girl who's mixed up and she has a slit. Let's let her walk. Shader will be detained pending an initial court appearance on Monday.
Starting point is 00:33:25 flitter walk shader will be detained pending an initial court appearance on monday a spokesman for the u.s attorney's office in brooklyn declined to comment early sunday on whether she should face additional charges uh why not why the fuck she's a malignant cunt yeah the feds also announced that two brooklynites colmatis, 32, and Rouge Ramon, 31, were also slapped with the same federal charge after allegedly tossing a Molotov cocktail at a parked NYPD vehicle outside of the 88th precinct in Fort Greene. That's in Brooklyn, too. Um, the pair were allegedly driving by the precinct, uh, in a tan minivan when they stopped to hurl the lit explosive through, um, I don't know. Is that her or Raz? I thought it was two black guys. No.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Through an elderly. Maybe that was, was that what this story? Mattis. And who's the chick? Oh, it was. Okay. I'm getting all my... Indian name.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Yeah, I just said it, but I thought it was a guy. Uraj Raman. Kind of cute. Kind of hot. What are you doing out there throwing shit around at the cops? I'll put cuffs on you and I'll tan your ass. As Mattis manned the wheel, Rahman hopped out of the car to toss the device in an attack that was caught
Starting point is 00:34:48 by the precinct's video surveillance cameras and witnessed by law enforcement at the scene. The two then fled in a car with police catching and apprehending them soon after near the Pratt Institute. Officers later recovered several items used to construct the explosive devices, including a lighter, a toilet paper,
Starting point is 00:35:04 and a liquid suspected to be gasoline near the passenger seat as well as gasoline tank in the back of their vehicle these defendants are charged with attacking new york city police department while its police officers are risking their lives to protect the constitutional rights of protesters and the safety of us all united states attorney richard donahue said that. No rational human being could ever believe that hurling firebombs at the police officers and vehicles is justified. Really?
Starting point is 00:35:30 I think de Blasio does, secretly. You think this shit bothers him? Guy fucking took his honeymoon in Cuba. The Eastern District of New York will do everything in its power to protect those who protect us all. Total bullshit. And that's the other thing about the governors letting the buildings burn and shit,
Starting point is 00:35:50 let them blow off steam. Well, taxpayer money, right? Our taxpayer money goes to you shitheads, you politicians and cops, but I'm not going hot on the cops because it's stuck in the middle here, to protect us, the people who get up and go to work every day and pay their taxes and have families and shit. But let the neighborhood burn. We can rebuild it with your tax money. Behavior like the attacks charged here puts you in tight.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah. All your PC horse shit. Shut it. Is that enough for you? Well, here's more. Shocking video. FedEx truck runs over man during a George Floyd protest. Again, this isn't about him.
Starting point is 00:36:32 A man was killed early Saturday morning in downtown St. Louis after he was dragged by a FedEx truck during a protest over the death of George Floyd. I love how it says a man was killed. No, a man that was on the side of a truck trying to fucking loot it was killed. Why don't you put that in a story? A video of the incident which took place near North Broadway and O'Fallon Street at 2.19 a.m. on Saturday shows several protesters approach a large white truck. The diver of the truck was forced to take a detour after protests shut down Interstate 70. us to take a detour after protests shut down interstate 70 this is almost like remember uh during the fucking la riots after the rodney king verdict reginald dennehy you remember the truck
Starting point is 00:37:13 driver he was going through florence and normandy get pulled from his truck you ever see that footage rest black guy cracks his face with a brick um this guy had to get off the highway because it was closed because of these protests by the way uh they're not protesters i'm sorry rioters quit calling them demonstrators and protesters they have fucking little thugs black white whatever he then started driving down north broadway uh toward cass avenue until he was forced to stop due to the presence of a large group of people while he was stopped several individuals began taking packages and items from his truck. And here's the guy that gets caught between the wheels. He doesn't know that. The FedEx driving his ride out of somebody.
Starting point is 00:38:27 He doesn't know that. There's the guy. What the fuck, man? Bye-bye. They dragging somebody. All right, we get the idea. They dragging somebody. No, they dragging somebody who was trying to rob the truck.
Starting point is 00:39:07 That's what happens. There's risk involved when you're trying to cause mayhem. Something like that may happen. And you hear the ignorant fucks who were trying to rob the truck. What the fuck, man? Oh my God. The level of ignorance in this car, it's fucking frightening. That's what happens. If you want to fucking play, you know, choose a life of crime, you might get shot. Something like that could happen. But the fucking, they dragging somebody behind the truck. Like the fucking, the driver's just trying to get out of there with his life.
Starting point is 00:39:44 And again, where are the cops? All these clips we show. Ay-yi-yi. According to the cops, two men stood on the passenger side footboard, showed the driver that they had guns. Investigators said the driver of the tractor was not aware that the man was caught on the converted dollar between the... Of course he wasn't.
Starting point is 00:40:03 He told police that he feared for his life and honked the horn he probably saw the original denning if he's old enough fedex released a statement saying our hearts go out to all those who are grieving uh the events of this week we're deeply saddened to learn of it is it a tragic situation when a guy trying to rob you gets killed is that tragic i don't know it's the risk you take i guess play with fire tragic? I don't know. It's the risk you take, I guess. Play with fire, you're going to get burned eventually. The crowd dispersed after a few gunshots were fired. Well, it's funny how that works.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Here's a novel idea. In Kansas City, Missouri, police use pepper spray on people marching through its Westport bar and entertainment. That's where the club was. I used to play down in Westport. Jesus, don't let that burn down. Might have to play there in a couple of years to 11 people because of the COVID virus. Is this the darkest year in the history of the fucking planet 2020?
Starting point is 00:41:01 Huh? I got a lump on my neck. I'm worried about. No, I'm kidding. People tell me that I had it. They saw me when I put out that video Memorial Day. It looked like there was a lump and they said they think it was my thyroid. No, I'm just so manly I have three Adam's apples. And a very average penis. Anyways, Kansas City Police Department Captain David Jackson
Starting point is 00:41:34 said the pepper spray was used in about 50 non-lawful protests at 1 a.m. to disperse them. Jackson said some of the crowd had thrown rocks and bottles, shattered three business windows, damaged some cars. At least five people were arrested. There's been over 1,400 arrests, I think, nationally.
Starting point is 00:41:50 You had a poor black guy. He was a federal protection officer. I don't know what that means, but he was a federal officer. He was killed in Oakland, and his partner was shot in critical condition. Just a hardworking dude, trying to keep the fucking peace dead.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Then you had an officer's neck slash during a confrontation. This is in Jacksonville, Florida. Imagine officer's neck slash. Son of a whore! Wake up, white people.
Starting point is 00:42:24 This is the mayor of Jacksonville. We're not going to tolerate it in our city. We're not going to. This is the mayor of Jacksonville. We're not going to tolerate it in our city. We're not going to let them burn our city to the ground. Both Jacksonville mayor and sheriff acknowledge that Saturday's protest downtown began peacefully. But as the day went on, the things took a violent turn. Yeah. Antifa showed up and said, let's pick up the pace. Mayor Lenny Curry and Sheriff Mike Williams said about 1200 people showed up for the protests which began at 3 p.m williams said there was a
Starting point is 00:42:50 really good cooperation then the day got as it went on got worse about 6 30 p.m after people went home about 200 thugs hung around i put that word in and began to confront police they attacked several police officers breaking that myth again how scared young black kids are of police officers and fucking Antifa. They vandalize several police cars, attempting to light them on fire, breaking windows. We have one officer who was stabbed, one was slashed in the neck. He's currently at the hospital. Jesus Christ. All this ends, he says, when these rioters go home.
Starting point is 00:43:27 This is a small group that stuck around to create. Well, they're not going to go home unless you make them go home. Again, rubber bullets, rubber bullets, rubber bullets, rubber bullets, rubber bullets. Pepper spray. Tasers. Cannons. With real bowling bowling cannonball bowling ball as the protests continue jacksonville sheriff office used a crow deter a crowd deterrent multiple times to break up loud juba speaking alongside williams carrie said the city has a history of people protesting peacefully and respectively and he said that's how things
Starting point is 00:44:03 began yeah yeah yeah but we're not going to let them burn down our city. When asked if a curfew might be imposed, Williams said, not at the moment. How to put your foot down. Jesus, give him a timeout. Make him stand in the corner of a park for 10 minutes. Folks, I want to thank the people who contributed to this
Starting point is 00:44:26 show. You go to This is how the show stays alive. You can make daily contributions at Please, when you're watching me on YouTube, click the button to subscribe. Make sure you're still subscribed if you're an active
Starting point is 00:44:41 subscriber because people have been complaining about that. Also, excuse me if you want to be a monthly supporter and if you do that you get an extra story every day you get to ask me a question archives to all the previous shows that you can watch or listen to at your convenience so that's and if you have a business out there you want to be a sponsor of the show um please go to and if you have a business out there you want to be a sponsor of the show um please go to and you'll find out how to do that i want to remind you tomorrow steven sharippa played bobby bacala on the sopranos will be our guest one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet he was so goddamn good on sopros I remember when he got the role he said this guy's gonna fucking fail miserably no I didn't but I I've met him many times I worked his comedy club in Vegas
Starting point is 00:45:30 when he's the entertainment director of Riviera he's gonna be on the show and uh he's a great guy and you probably see him on a lot of Law and Orders and stuff now him and Michael Imperioli have a podcast about the Sopranos. That's pretty popular. Anyways, one-time contributors to the show. I want to thank you. Dean Disgrenza, Pennsylvania. Sorry for butchering that one. And I'm Italian.
Starting point is 00:45:56 How embarrassing. How about we call you Dean Disgraziar. Robert Maron, Oregon. Spurgeon Kraut. Must be a joke in this summer. I'm too tired to look at Pennsylvania. Richard Cold, Kentucky, Michael Kucha, Louisiana, Robert Curley, New York, Pelosi's Purple Pocket Penis, Utah, Alexander W. Wilson Jr., Pennsylvania, Caroline Schultz, Georgia, Jordan Budgen,
Starting point is 00:46:22 Caroline Schultz, Georgia. Jordan Budgen, California. Ray Siok, Minnesota. Brent Bayer, California. And here are the monthly supporters who signed up at Steven Leith. Jarrett Koudelka. Guy named Justin.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Menin Suleiman. Jaime Rodarte. Jesus, he's a brutal. No Flav Dave. He's a good one. No Flav Dave. OK, I'm going to hear this on Fox News, you know, it's supposedly a right-wing, you know, anyway, because you can't talk about, you can't even go near it on broadcast news,
Starting point is 00:47:13 unless, again, you're NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and you want to put this whole, let me say this before I forget,
Starting point is 00:47:21 this mayhem you're watching in this country on your TVs, these fucking riots, you know who is the main culprit? The main stream media. Well, why is that, Nick? Because for the last 30 to 40 years, the CNNs of the world,
Starting point is 00:47:38 the CBSs, the ABCs, the NBCs, the MSNBCs, the LA Times, the Boston Globe, they have been cherry-picking stories when there's a racial incident in this country. They cherry pick the stories. It has to be a white cop, a black victim, or even if it's not cop related, it has to be a white suspect, black. But they pick those stories.
Starting point is 00:48:00 OK, they cherry pick them to fit their narrative, which is the Democrat Party narrative that this country is chronically and irredeemably racist. They don't show you. When it's a white victim of black crime. And I'm going to give you a couple examples that happened recently. But do you understand these people that are burning and rioting and a lot of them have been misled their whole lives the young people just watching stories about white cops shooting unarmed it's open season on young black men couldn't be further from the truth if you do your homework and look up all the statistics. Okay? Nothing backs up that narrative. Even a study at Harvard said that. And also, more white guys get shot by cops than black guys.
Starting point is 00:48:54 And as far as the victims being black and brown that are shot by cops, more non-white cops have injured minority victims and police brutality cases. This shit's all documented. You can look at it. But as long as the mainstream media keeps cherry picking stories that paints this, you would think, and I know this, I know right now because of the thing in Georgia with that
Starting point is 00:49:23 Aubrey kid and this thing here coming on the heels of this thing. It's going to happen. But why is it always young black men? Why? Because they're raised without a fucking father. And they run fucking free when they're young and get in trouble. That's why the cops are always dealing with them.
Starting point is 00:49:45 I'm not trying to justify what happened. We all want that guy to rot, that cop. But you're not going to hear this. If you've been watching CNN your whole life and MSNBC and that's where you get your news and a lot of these idiots and rioters do,
Starting point is 00:50:02 they have a plan to paint this country as just completely racist. They don't talk about white people. I lived in New York City. I can't tell you in the 15 years that I lived there, how many, every day I'd go to the police blotter, white woman raped in Brooklyn. black you know fucking muggings every day it's called the cops have a term for it slow motion riot ice cube the other day said when are we going to strike back when is enough enough you have been striking back white people are what is it 25 times more likely to be a victim of black crime than the other way around you have been striking back nobody's reporting it and until the fucking mainstream media starts giving a little balance to racial crimes and put this into perspective, it's going to get worse.
Starting point is 00:51:10 You have to show an 85-year-old white woman a couple weeks ago coming out of Walgreens gets stabbed to death by a black guy. Doesn't even make the fucking national news. Am I supposed to believe George Floyd's life is worth more than hers? A grandmother who has grandchildren? But no, CNN won't cover it. Fox won't even go near it. And this has been going on for 30 years in the media. So of course you could have the country believing that it's open season on black kids.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Fuck. They had to blame. I put them first. They're as evil as fucking Antifa. Then you got the Antifa of the world and the people who back them like George Soros who want to tear down the system. They see capitalism as fascism.
Starting point is 00:52:04 In Atlanta, this is how they hear it. I mean, handle it. Killer Mike. Rapper. Raz likes him. Raz, don't get all serious. Likes his music. Didn't say he likes him.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Killer Mike delivers emotional speed. And again, this kid's well-spoken. His dad was a cop and shit. But he gets it wrong in the end, in my opinion. Killer Mike delivers emotional speech to Atlanta protesters after mayor's press conference. Protests in Atlanta escalated toward looting and clashes with police. Run the jewels. Killer Mike appeared at the mayor's press conference.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Who better to bring out to calm down a riot than a guy named Killer Mike? You wonder why lib cities are in trouble? To deliver an emotional speech pleading with protesters not to vandalize their city. And I agree with him on a lot of the stuff until he gets, you know, to one certain sentence, which shows he almost thinks like Antifa, but here's the video. It's a charge. We want to see four officers prosecuted and sentenced. We don't want to see targets burning. We want to see the system that sets up for systemic racism burnt to the ground. Pause. That's what Antifa wants, you dummy.
Starting point is 00:53:22 He wants the system. That's our society rule, law and order. He wants to see it burnt down to the ground because he's convinced it's so racist. Yet I read story after story. We read a couple last week. Remember the guy, the rapist left one woman in a vegetative state a couple years ago and then two female judges let him get out to go to some program where he strangled and raped another woman. I don't even know if she died a couple weeks ago. We've read hundreds of those stories.
Starting point is 00:53:58 So it's not that fucking racist. But when you say you want to burn the justice system down, you're talking about the fucking law and order. The rule of law and order. Which separates us from the rest of the shitholes. Killer Mike. That's what Antifa wants.
Starting point is 00:54:22 And these are some of the stories. I tweeted that the mainstream media, you guys probably never heard it until you watched the show. Do we have those tweets? You got two. Yeah, pull them up.
Starting point is 00:54:40 This one here. That's an Army veteran. There you go. 86-year-old and his wife, 85. They were executed in random act of violence. A random act of violence. Not a hate crime. Random act of violence.
Starting point is 00:55:00 While visiting their son's grave, as they had done at least a thousand times since he died of cerebral palsy in 2017. And there's the lovely fucking gentleman who did it. I'm black, y'all. And I'm black, y'all. And I'm blacker than black. And I'm black, y'all. Okay. Can you imagine? This was on May 15th. How much time did MSNBC or NBC or ABC or CBS or even Fox, how much time did you spend on it?
Starting point is 00:55:29 Oh, they're just two old white people. Their lives don't matter. Really? He was in the fucking military. I could make an argument their lives mattered fucking more. Killed by this scumbag. And you know why he did it?
Starting point is 00:55:44 There was some Facebook, again, I saw this in one article. And you know why he did it? There was some Facebook, again, I saw this in one article, I couldn't find it in the rest. He had some, he was upset about the Aubrey case in Georgia. You know, so go out and slaughter
Starting point is 00:55:54 a white couple in their 80s who've been married for 54 fucking years. That should be, if ABC, NBC, CBS, if they played that on a loop, like every time a black kid gets beat up by a white cop,
Starting point is 00:56:06 would have some balance in the news. And people wouldn't be so convinced it's racist. Here's another one they ignored. 80-year-old woman, you got the picture. Yeah, 80-year-old woman is stabbed to death at walgreens didn't hear about it did you 80 year old grandmother but you know it's just an isolated incident right nothing to see here don't cover it though her life doesn't matter
Starting point is 00:56:54 where's all the white supremacists that I keep hearing about because this is a white supremacist side why aren't they rioting when something like this happens? Where are they? You know why? They got bigger plans. The shit that's going on, this isn't even big enough for them to come out.
Starting point is 00:57:14 But like I said, my cop buddy, he had to infiltrate these white supremacist meetings back in the 80s when he was a cop, listened to them speaking, and all the shit
Starting point is 00:57:24 that these white supremacists predicted is coming true and uh they're laying low till the big one kicks off i don't know how it can get much worse than this um but uh apparently they have a cache of weapons that they could beat some other countries so you'll know but again to my point you guys in the mainstream media, this is such a white supremacist society and shit. Haven't showed their faces yet. And don't believe when CNN shows a clip, the rioting, they have to get the one guy with a Confederate flag. It's probably bought by fucking George Soros
Starting point is 00:57:56 to hand to one of his guys. I didn't, I don't know where to put it, but we're going to throw this in here. It's got to be, yeah. I didn't know I don't know where to put it but we're gonna throw this in here what page for our question it's gonna be right it's not yeah res what's it about my haircut Victor Johns Creek Nick what are your favorite beers from work I'll try to make it relative to what we're talking about Black label. Pale ale. This clock's for you. What else can I come out with? There's a nice IPA called KKK.
Starting point is 00:58:41 What my favorite world of beer? I don't know. I don't try. I fucking, my favorite beer is Brooklyn Lager by the way I fucking love it it's like eating a loaf of Italian bread it's so hoppy and it's got a nice kick you get a buzz
Starting point is 00:58:54 but I go after some of them German ones John is this what people are writing in hey Patreon members write something about what's going on in the fucking, although it's up to you if you want to know personal shit. That's fine. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:59:11 Brooklyn Lager, and when I'm watching my waistline, Heineken Light is closest to actually, you know. But I've had all the German beers. I get the menu. This one's got like 10, 12% alcohol. You have a half a beer and you're fucked up. I like those two. Very filling. Anyways, I tried to turn that racial. Pale ale and black lippie. You know what's in my fridge right now, John? Fucking PBR, Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Why? Because that was my grandfather's beer and I used to steal it in literally fifth grade out of his fridge. And when I drank it, I smell my grandfather's house. It's a wicked and Miller High Life. My dad used to drink. So, Dad, what do you do next? Drive a Lincoln? Come on. What? President Trump announces that the U.S. is designating radical left-wing group Antifa as a terrorist organization. I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. On Saturday, Trump had accused far-left organizations, including activists of Antifa, of orchestrating violent riots across several cities of the United States and accused them of besmirching the memory of George Floyd, the black man who died under controversial circumstances in police custody.
Starting point is 01:00:28 The memory of George Floyd is being dishonored by rioters, which is absolutely true, looters and anarchists. The violence and vandalism is being led by Antifa and other radical left-wing groups in the Democrat Party who are terrorizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses, burning down buildings. The main victims of this horrible, horrible situation are the citizens who live in these once lovely towns, Trump said. Radical left criminals, thugs and others all throughout
Starting point is 01:00:54 our country and throughout the world will not be allowed to set communities ablaze. We won't let it happen. You're a little late. It harms those who have the least and we'll be we will be protecting those who have the least, the president said and warned. So he's going to go after them. What that does when you designate them as a domestic terrorist, it gives the cops the right to use the Patriot Act to tap their phones, all kinds of shit, you know. And that'll inflame Antifa even more. But let's get it out in the open. As Clemenza said in The Godfather about wars,
Starting point is 01:01:32 they're going to happen every 10 years. You get the bad blood out of there. It's going to happen. So Trump's had enough of Antifa, and he's coming after him. Now you will learn about laws, laws of freedom, laws of humanity. Now you and I will truly be the same, Chancellor. Antifa groups also claim to be opposed to the neo-Nazis, neo-fascism, white supremacist, and racism, but regards law enforcement officers and the state to be among the oppressors.
Starting point is 01:02:03 How fucking confused are they? You fucking hypocrite. They see our system as oppressing people and shit. And let me ask the black community this. What more can white people do? What more can the white establishment do to meet you halfway? I'm not talking to all black people.
Starting point is 01:02:19 I live here in Savannah and I see black and white people hanging out together, having lunch together, working side by side. So it can work. But I'm talking about that segment of the black population who just convinced that everything's rigged against them. What more can the trillions of dollars in welfare? I mean, what programs, affirmative action. But there's a segment of the black population, in my opinion, they don't want, they don't want reconciliation. They want retribution
Starting point is 01:02:54 for slavery. And it's kind of an immature way to go through life with a chip on your shoulder for something that happened and I know the whole story but it still affects people it set us back so it's still affecting us today there's plenty of black successful people who prove that wrong and go to work every day but there's
Starting point is 01:03:17 a large segment of it and it's not just guys on the street well dressed black people who make a nice living who would rather punch a white guy in the face than look at him. And I'll prove that with a guy they busted. Real quick about George Floyd, since this all started about him. And like I said, don't worry, because that cop, he's on suicide watch, and he should
Starting point is 01:03:42 be, you know? And I don't think he'll last a minute in prison. But did you know, I found this, I had to put it up. George Floyd was also a porn star, a porn actor. What the fuck? I can't hold that against him. Because I enjoy my porn. I like some of the
Starting point is 01:04:05 interracial shit. I would kill for a cock like that. Anyways, yeah, he was a porn star, apparently, and do we have a clip of him? Pretty cute. I'm pretty cute.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Look at her. Yummy, yummy. He's a motherfucker. Oh, shit. Let's see who this is. Right on time. Right on time. I couldn't believe this when they found it. Who is it? What's going on? Hey? Floyd the Landlord, man. Floyd the Landlord. What city?
Starting point is 01:04:48 Houston, Texas, man. Third Ward Projects, man. Third Ward. What's that? Young Risk Takers. Young Risk Takers, man. We're all teaming to the fullest. Big dude, man.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Big dude. If I was that girl, I'd be crying right now. I think you're going to pop a thing in the mouth. All right, man. You're a big dude. If I was that girl, I'd be crying right now. All right, anyways. That's the Habib show. I tune into that on a regular basis. Anyway. The story has it all, doesn't it?
Starting point is 01:05:23 Fucking murder by the state. Fucking sex. has it all doesn't it fucking murder by the state fucking sex um anyhow here's his record okay can we bring this up without being uh moved to minneapolis in 2014 after a fresh start being released from a prison in houston following an arrest for aggravated robbery, 46-year-old had left behind his past in Houston after being released from prison stemming from a 2007 robbery. He pled guilty to entering a woman's home,
Starting point is 01:05:54 pointing a gun at her stomach, and searching the home for drugs and money. Floyd was sentenced to 10 months in jail for having less than one gram of cocaine in a December 2005 arrest. I like how they write this article. Obviously, part of the people who believe everything's raised. He had previously been sentenced to eight months for the same offense, stemming from an October 2002 arrest.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Floyd was arrested in 2002 for criminal trespassing, served 30 days in jail, had another stint for theft in August of 1998. I'm not saying that justifies what happened to him. Matter of fact, he turned his life around, but I'm just saying, the first week, you know, every report painted him as an angel. Accused Molotov
Starting point is 01:06:43 cocktail hurler is Ivy League educated lawyer and a community board member. OK. An Ivy League educated lawyer and member of Brooklyn Community Board was among those arrested for hurling a Molotov cocktail at a marked NYPD vehicle amid the protests. It was revealed Sunday. Colinford Mattis. We have a picture of him. Was allegedly behind. See that? No, Raz.
Starting point is 01:07:12 This is. Huh? Is this? I thought there was one with two brothers. This is Mattis. Again, it's in both stories again with a hot chick allegedly behind the heat so this guy he's harvard educated excuse me excuse me a graduate of princeton university and the new york university school of law
Starting point is 01:07:41 and as an associate at corporate man firm, Pryor Cashman. Holy shit, Pryor, I just realized when I had a lawsuit against DirecTV, my lawyer was from Pryor Cashman. Holy guacamole. That means I'm famous too. But this is what I'm talking about. Princeton.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Princeton. You talk about white entitlement. Went to Princeton, he's a corporate lawyer throwing Molotov cocktails at the cops. So his hatred runs a little deeper because he can't claim that he has been discriminated against. He had a better life than most white people. He was furloughed in April amid the coronavirus, employer confirmed. As we confront critical issues around historic and ongoing racism and inequity in our society,
Starting point is 01:08:36 I'm saddened to see this young man allegedly, this is what the company points out. Do you hear how PC white corporate Americans, as we confront critical issues around historic and ongoing racism and inequity. It's a one way street. It's all, it's all white racism. I'm saddened to see this young man allegedly involved in the worst kind of reaction to our shared outrage over what has occurred.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Yeah. You think he might be a racist? Managing partner Ron Sheckman said in a statement. Problem. You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White, onking jam rag, arcing spunk bubble,
Starting point is 01:09:20 I'm telling you H. Rahman 31, meanwhile, is also registered as an attorney in New York State who was admitted to the bar in 2019 after graduating from Fordham University. This is the other guy. Other woman, I guess.
Starting point is 01:09:34 It was not immediately clear on Sunday whether she was affiliated with any law firm. She sure doesn't dress like she is. She's a pirate. It's unclear how she and Mattis know each other. No pirate it's unclear how she and mattis know each other no it's not the brooklyn residents are federally charged with causing damage by fire and explosives to
Starting point is 01:09:54 a police vehicle during demonstrations over the death of lord both attorneys are expected to be rained monday let's follow this one and see if they get, you know, if convicted, each of them faces up to 20 years behind bars with a mandatory minimum sentence of five years. I guarantee they get the lightest sentence if they get sentenced at all. I guarantee it. Anybody want to bet me? Finally, some good news. Protester loses his eye after being struck. Protester, he's a writer, you fuck.
Starting point is 01:10:26 There you go. Yay. Fucking. My eye. My eye. I know what you did. You're a damn. My eye. My eye. 21-year-old jerk-off white kid lost his right eye after watching years of CNN, MSNBC, and being brainwashed.
Starting point is 01:10:56 He was struck by a tear gas canister during the demonstration. Oh, was it a demonstration? It was tear gas. Sounds like a riot to me. there was tear gas sounds like a riot to me balin break i like the name who's enrolled at indiana tech said he ran when cops ordered the crowd to disperse saturday at the protest in fort wayne but officers started deploying tear gas one of the canisters struck his shoe uh the he then turned around and see what happened and the second can hit him in the fucking face wrong clip Lays. Wrong clip. Right eye!
Starting point is 01:11:34 I guess he was fucking him. Injuring his right eye. Other protesters then carry him to the medics. He was rushed to the hospital, but doctors were unable to save his eye. Oh, that's too bad. Do you want to go to war? Come on. Do you want to go to war? We'll take you to war, okay? Gas was deployed in the area, and the protester bent over to pick up the canister
Starting point is 01:11:55 and throw it back at the officers. When he bent over, another canister was deployed in the area, and that canister skipped when it hit the street, hit the protester in the eye. Really have to explain it but break insisted that he absolutely did not try to pick up the can who cares i don't care what he has to say he's rioting against the fucking society fuck him and everything he believes in that goes for bernie too uh those canisters are hot as hell i wouldn't try to pick one up he said but he said the injury was just a small... Listen to this. Listen to the brainwashed white kid.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Small collateral for the battle we're fighting. If you're not going to use your white privilege, he's convinced he's privileged, to advocate for your fellow people, then that is just wrong, he said. And then he said this. I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy.
Starting point is 01:12:51 That's about it. Raz is like, yeah, man, what are we doing? Cutting a double album up on this motherfucker? Well, the country is burning. I didn't get to the story about Joseph Sheldon Hutchinson, his name is. He died in police custody in 2015, a white guy. Guess what? He was handcuffed and what?
Starting point is 01:13:10 He had a knee on his fucking neck. But we didn't report that. He's a white guy. Not fucking important. We don't even know what color the fucking cops were that did it. Do we? Maybe we do. But didn't hear about that, did you?
Starting point is 01:13:27 Dallas, it was in Texas, county jail. I don't know. Anyways, we'll get to that. Maybe that'll be the bonus story for you Patreon members. Don't forget Steve Sharippa tomorrow. Bobby Bacala from The Sopranos. Great guy. He had to fucking cry
Starting point is 01:13:49 when he did that show. A big burly guy. We'll talk about how he got the role and his, you know, Michael Imperioli, how that podcast came about. Be fun. He's a good guy. Before we go, I trained my dog this weekend to
Starting point is 01:14:05 protect. I did this because we have a waffle. The Waffle House is not far from my house, and I love the fucking food there. So I was training my dog this weekend in case some shit breaks down in the Waffle House parking lot tonight. Here's me training my dog. Cool Joe.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Cool Joe. Kujo. Kujo. Kujo. Kujo. It's Kujo. I love that. If I put my face down there, she'll kiss my face. Right in the middle of the brawling, she knows not to snap me because I spray Clorox in her eyes. That's a joke, you fucks. Relax.
Starting point is 01:14:50 That is it, folks. I know it wasn't a hilarious show, but you know what? That's not what this is about when the country's burning. Still funny than any other shit you get and more honest. But I'm just saying, and again, not the whole black community community but you have to look inward and say you know we got to stop by having kids out of wedlock and shit because that's where it all starts not even so much about race it's about culture because regardless of what color you are when you grow grow up in a one parent household it never ends good it has to start there or nothing's going to change. In my opinion,
Starting point is 01:15:25 it's a cultural fucking thing. But, alright, that is it. Remember, you guys think it. I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. Stay safe. guitar solo I'm out.

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