The Nick DiPaolo Show - MTG Exposes Racist Jailer | Nick Di Paolo Show #641

Episode Date: December 15, 2021

NYC Mayor-Elect picks inexperienced commissioner. Musk calls out Warren. Instacart driver smashes elderly couples groceries. More "racist roads" in LA....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, if you're not a paid subscriber to the show, please take a moment and subscribe now. Starting today, we are introducing the Nick DiPaolo Show phone line, where you can call up and leave a message for me to play and respond to on the show. This number is only available to subscribers. You'll also get access to the daily Encore episode, which nobody else gets, and hundreds of show archives. Plus, you'll get a discount on merch and free merch, depending on what level you subscribe at.
Starting point is 00:00:30 You can do all this at and click on an Encore episode or slash thenickdapaloshow. Thanks for supporting, and I can't wait to hear what some of you guys and gals have to say. Talk to you soon. Oh yeah, welcome to the show, folks. Where the fuck you and your phone spurred? On a beautiful, beautiful, what is it, Wednesday? Wednesday morning here in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Let's get right to it, shall we? No messing around today. In the N-word segment today, a deputy warden for Washington, D.C.'s correctional training facility named Kathleen Landerkin has deleted her Twitter account after Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene called her out on her anti-Trump tweets and the torture and abuse of January 6th detainees under her watch. Here's a picture of the biological aberration. biological aberration. Like most radical leftist females, she has more testosterone than your average guy
Starting point is 00:02:09 or Grecian bull, for that matter. This is why she's angry at the world and because the world she inhabits is still run by mostly white, straight men. And that's the target of her misdirected invective. In plain words, she's an ignorant, vile, shrill,
Starting point is 00:02:23 physically repulsive, hateful twat. And because of her makeup, she's exactly what the left is looking for when assigning people to positions other than lib progressives or actual Marxists who has more issues with American society than angry minorities and fugly women who are repulsed at the sight of a dick. Yeah, let's make her deputy warden of the D.C. jail, the same D.C. jail where a number of completely innocent Trump supporters are being illegally detained since last January 6th. Some of them have been charged with absolutely nothing and are being forced to live in squalid conditions, cells infested with rats, cockroaches, and blood and feces stained walls,
Starting point is 00:03:03 conditions that could be best described as something similar to probably what's inside Ms. Landerkin's unwashed panties that's right a headless Buffalo and she wouldn't have it any other way because to her Donald Trump is the devil incarnate because he's everything she wanted to be and never will be successful alpha male born leader with a smoking woman on his arm. So you can only imagine how she feels about the prisoners she's been abusing since January 6th who support Trump. And this pig has to go.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Let's take a look at some of her tweets, by the way. This is somebody, again, they put in charge of a jail deputy. You're a traitor. You don't get determined. She's talking about to Trump here. You don't get to determine what's patriotic. Leave the people engaging in peaceful protests alone. Why the hell are you involved in stirring a shit pot for your deplorables? Everyone else knows what a pathetic loser you are. Just resign already. That's one of them. That's probably the nicest one. Trump is doing more damage to this country than foreign terrorists ever have.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Can you fucking imagine? His corrupt staff and family met with Russians how many times before the election? Apparently zero, stupid. How many times did they lie about meeting with Russians? How many are in prison? The Trump family is a crime family, and the GOP is complicit. You're destroying the USA. Schiff is a hero.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Trump's a crime family, not Biden and his connections, you know, in China, or his drug addict son. Anyways, here's a couple more. Replying to Donald Trump. Give it a fucking break. White men are more dangerous than immigrants. Here's another one. How many Americans have been killed by white American men? Not as many as the other way around. How about a story on alt-right killers and hate crimes? Are you fucking, in her fucking mind, she thinks the news is slanted right. How do these idiots fall for your bullshit?
Starting point is 00:05:11 Please don't generalize. She's talking to somebody else. I am one of many white females who work for social justice. White person here, raised United Methodist. Jesus was from the Middle East, black, brown, or olive, but not white. Only morons believe he could have possibly been white. And there's a few more. I can't wait till you white men are extinct.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Just a hateful bitch, and I told you why. And can you imagine? And that is exactly why they hire her, right? Who do you want in charge if you're a Marxist, like Pelosi and AOC? You want somebody that hates this country as much as you do, if not more. And that's usually lesbians, minorities. It's just how it is. That might hurt your feelings, but I don't give a fuck. How long do we have to pretend we don't know who the Marxists are.
Starting point is 00:06:07 It's really, it's making me sick. Anyways, Marjorie Taylor Greene called her out. She couldn't even get into the prison. She went down there with a couple of congressmen, Marjorie Taylor Greene did, and this broad wouldn't even let her in to view the prisons, the cells and stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:24 They had to come back and they tried to clean it up. You know? Can you... How do you turn down a congressman? You're a deputy warden, and you can say you can't come in here? Don't they answer to Congress? I mean, she's a civil servant working for the government. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Anyways. So I hope she has a drug problem. and an alcohol problem and loves to drive. All right, let's move on. Delusional Joe is the headline. President Joe Biden spoke at the Democratic National Committee holiday party on Tuesday. Can you imagine they even had a party after his first 10 months? And he expressed optimism that his party will prevail in the next year's midterm elections. You heard that right. We have to keep making the case, he says. Making the case. Making the case that you don't know
Starting point is 00:07:24 what the fuck you're doing. You've already made it. Everybody's Joe. Look at your approval ratings. The case has been made. You're not fit for office. Even your party thinks of that. Biden told a crowd of about 400 in Washington, D.C., which is 300 more than he had at his inauguration. Let me say this again from the president, we're going to win in 2022, he says. You're fucking crazy. Oh my God. How can you look into the camera and say that? He doesn't even acknowledge, like he doesn't even go, well, I admit it's been a tough 10 months, but he doesn't do any of that.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Just keeps lying straight ahead. He says, I want to tell my Republican friends, oh, listen to him. Here's the video. And I think he want to tell my Republican friends. Oh, we got to listen to him. Here's the video. And I think he tries to say the word, pal. Now we look at 2022. I want to tell my Republican friends, get ready, pal. You're going in for a problem. And we need to stay unified. Get ready, pal. Keep making the case. And if we do, I believe we're going to win. Get ready, Bal. We have to keep making the case. And if we do, I believe we're going to win. Get ready, Bal.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Oh, my God. He doesn't even believe it. Look, his eyes are closed. Get ready, Bal. You're in for a problem, which is just the opposite of the truth. Republicans will never have it easier ever in their lives. Well, what if he turns things around between now and he can't? This is the Titanic. It's like making a U-turn
Starting point is 00:08:49 on a dime. You can't. There's no fucking way. Might as well just step down now, all of you. You're in for a problem. Explaining that Republicans are against everything in challenging the crowd to name something the GOP is for. Hmm. I'd say stronger borders, lower taxes, stop defunding the police. I can name a little bit of 11 things, Joe. Jesus Christ. Is his basement soundproof? Many political analysts expect Republicans to roll up victories in House elections next November.
Starting point is 00:09:29 You have to be a detective to see that coming. During his speech, Biden touted his recently passed infrastructure spending package as the most significant piece of infrastructure spending since the Eisenhower administration. Yeah, it is significant. It's what's causing inflation through the fucking roof. That's part of it. So yeah, she got that right. The president also celebrated that over 200 million Americans are vaccinated. And he doesn't mention more people have died of COVID since he became president. People have died of COVID since he became president.
Starting point is 00:10:09 How ignorant do they think we are? They used to try to fake it a little bit, but now they're just fucking. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose raggedy ass is 81 years old, what keeps her going? Of course, power. Also spoke at the event and explained how Biden is the perfect, I quote, perfect president to handle the challenging times facing the country. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt! The challenging times he's creating, you dope. Build back better. What?
Starting point is 00:10:43 How do you build back better from the greatest economy ever? Or from secure borders? It's a slogan from Home Depot on a fucking Labor Day sale. Build back better. Dumb fucker. Our country could not be better served than with this most experienced and capable hands than yours. What's that mean? Experienced and capable hands than yours. What's that mean? Experienced and capable hands than yours? Oh, he's talking. Fucking believable.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Right there, her hand, you can't tell in this picture, her hand is up his asshole making his mouth move. True story. Look at those. Combined age, 446 years. Look at those two. Older than most of the statues up front. Your hands, Mr. President,
Starting point is 00:11:34 San Francisco Democrat told the crowd. He's just perfect. I might take my teeth out and blow them myself. The timing couldn't be better. President Biden's standing with the Americans remains in negative territory, that's putting it lightly, heading into the final few weeks of 2021. You could argue he's the worst president in the history, and he hasn't been in there a full year yet. I think we're all imagining, right? I didn't, you know, independents,
Starting point is 00:12:03 I think we're all imagining, right? I didn't, you know, independents, what's it, about 70% of them disapprove of the job he's done? But you Republicans, get ready. Get ready, Bell. You're in for a real fight. Ugh. Anyhow, let's move to New York.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Speaking of more dumb leftism, chick-p pick the headline. Mayor-elect, and I told you guys, once again, I'm right, Eric Adams has tapped Nassau County Chief. Isn't that Long Island? Nassau County? Tommy?
Starting point is 00:12:37 Yes. Nassau County Chief of Detectives. Ugh. Key Chant. Her last name's cut off. Sewell. Sewell? Key Chant, her last name's cut off. Sewell? Key Chant Sewell as the first female police commissioner of the NYPD.
Starting point is 00:12:54 God, she's a black woman, and he's a black mayor. Oh my God, what are the odds? And I'll make another argument that'll make me labeled as racist, whatever that, but that's been since sixth grade, so it doesn't hurt anymore. They can't be, who's they, Nick?
Starting point is 00:13:10 Black politicians can't be objective when hiring, when voting, or in anything. Not all of them. This is like three. But really? You're going to tell me there wasn't a guy, I don't care what color, there wasn't a guy more qualified, especially a white guy. Really? You're going to tell me there wasn't a guy, I don't care what color, there wasn't a guy more qualified, especially a white guy. Really? I think he's going to try to bang her. I swear on my mother's day of history, that's going to come out.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Mark that down, Dallas. I'm always right about these. How sexist. As the first female police commissioner of NYPD, a stunning close-to-home pick, I wonder how close, from a field of seasoned top women
Starting point is 00:13:50 cops across, so did he not even consider men cops? What did I tell you guys about Adams? Yeah, he's all law and order because he was a cop, the head cop in New York.
Starting point is 00:14:01 So you got that, but the rest of it, oy, oy, oy, she has about as much experience as Kamala Harris. They mention that. At a time when the NYPD and the city offices are sworn to protect are at a crossroads over the sharp rise in the street violence and years of anti-cop reforms, her name will join the fabled ranks of change-minded New York police commissioners that stretched from Teddy Roosevelt in the 1890s to William Bratton in the 1990s. Why would you pick her? I mean, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, remember what I said. I think he finds her attractive. No, no, not this fucking time.
Starting point is 00:14:44 No fucking way. No fucking way. No fucking way, no fucking way. No fucking way, no fucking way, you make me... Take it easy. Sue will be the first woman to take charge of the department in its 176 years. It's not important if she has experience during the biggest crime wave in the history of this. That doesn't matter. She's got a vagina, tits. That's what's important.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Skin color. Gender. You guys, don't you get it? That's way important. Oh, yeah, I got fucking... What's the matter? Diana Ross wasn't available? The surprise choice of the 49-year-old from Long Island
Starting point is 00:15:21 who has led just 351 uniformed officers for the past 15 months was a gut choice for Adams. Like I got to pick her or I'll be called a racist. Sources say he had favored her for months since the hunt began. And I want to know the history, before the hunt began for the next leader of the largest police force in the country with more than 52,000 members. Hey, who better to handle than somebody who handled 351 cops for a year and a half?
Starting point is 00:15:59 New York, you get what you deserve. I don't know how you picked that fucking jerk off of your mayor in the first place. Should have dug up Strawn Thurman is what you should have did. Seriously. The pick is a bit of a gamble for Adams, you don't say. That will tie his administration's early success in combating the recent surge in gun violence and murders to a police executive who has quickly risen in the New York law. There's not a woman of color who hasn't risen quickly in law enforcement in any major city.
Starting point is 00:16:32 My buddy who was a cop in Miami in the 80s watched black women, Samoan women, who were there a tenth of the time, blow by him for promotions. It's where we're at, in my opinion. Anyways, but she's comparatively inexperienced. You don't say, but that's not important. It's not important. That's what's important. Adams is aware of the risk, but picks Sewell nonetheless.
Starting point is 00:17:02 He's going on his instinct as an officer for 22 years. No, he's going on our nice face and breath. That's my opinion. And being one of the chief critics of the NYPD, a source close to the mayor-elect told the poll, Adams was keen on the emotional intelligence. Yes. We don't have enough emotion on the streets and in our politics. Yes! No logic, no emotion is where it's at, folks. Sewell showed during the grueling interview process, get this, the end of this paragraph is going to make your skin crawl. During the grueling interview process that capped off with an hours-long mock press conference about the shooting of an apparently unarmed black man by a white police officer. I despise it with every fiber of my being.
Starting point is 00:17:53 It's built right into their training. It's built into their fucking training. They did a mock press conference about a white cop shooting a black guy. I can see things have changed tremendously. Right now, Teddy Roosevelt's rolling around in his grave. Or was he cremated? I can't remember. What did they do back then?
Starting point is 00:18:20 Throw him out in the ocean or some shit? Can you fucking imagine? throw them out in the ocean or some shit. Can you fucking imagine? She was... I'm telling you, there's a history. Look, I could be wrong. I'm speculating. I just think there's a history that we're not seeing. I don't know. They look
Starting point is 00:18:36 the same age. She's a little younger, and that's all it takes. Anyways, folks, if you haven't already, make sure to sign up at the Comics Gym or on Patreon to become a monthly supporter. You'll get access to the exclusive Encore story. Today, I'm talking about Cuomo having to give back $5 million for his book deal. You'll also get access to the Nick DiPaolo Show phone number, so you can leave a message for me like this one.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Let's take a listen. Hey, Nick, this is Vinnie in Brooklyn. How you doing? I just wanted to know, maybe Kansas Owens can run for president in 2024. What do you think, Nick? Thanks, pal. Well, after all I just said about Eric Adams hiring a black chick, I don't know. Kansas Owens, Vinnie from Boca. Hey, how you doing? Listen, I got an A-ball down here. Why don't know. Candace Owens. Vinny from Boca. Hey, how you doing? Listen, I got an A-ball down here. Why don't you come down here?
Starting point is 00:19:29 My brother's getting married. You can do some jokes at his bachelor party. I'll give you like 700 bucks, and then we'll kick around politics. Candace Owens. You know, I made fun of that at first. Hey, I'm still
Starting point is 00:19:42 making fun of it. Will you stop? You can't do the fucking, come on, Vinny. I want two fucking cranky, I want Trump and somebody meaner than Trump on Twitter. I want a white guy, over 50. No, you know what? If she gets into politics but she's too smart to, she would be a hell of a, don't you think? I think. What other black chicks are out there on the Republican side?
Starting point is 00:20:12 Lindsey Graham, he's white. Candace Owens in a few years. She needs some seasoning. Attractive, smart. Tucker Carlson has her on all the time. She really, she went to Dartmouth. She knows some seasoning. Attractive, smart. Tucker Carlson has her on all the time. She really, she went to Dartmouth. She knows her stuff. Married a guy with a lot of dough.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Anyhow, so, but too young, and I think she's too smart to get into this mess. I want, and I'm not kidding. I want Trump and DeSantis. I want a bulletproof ticket. Who's with me? Anybody? All right. It's between those two or Adam Kinzinger and Lindsey Graham. I think there's another powerhouse duo.
Starting point is 00:20:57 But I am a big fan of Candace Owens. I just don't want to see her thrown in that mess yet. But boy, do they hate her. If you study the numbers, she would be a good choice. Anyways, thank you, Vinny. I'll see you down there at the Laughing Donkey. I think I'm playing there next week.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Anyways. Again, folks, become a monthly supporter at or on Patreon to get access to the phone line and the daily encore show. Thank you guys for all the support. I mean it from my little black heart.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Speaking of black hearts, Elon Musk mashes Liz Warren. Here's a fight you don't see often. A fucking genius versus a one-eighth Cherokee. Allegedly. Allegedly. Like I said, the only thing that makes her Indian is the corn in her shit. Excuse me, maize. Elon Musk called Elizabeth Warren Senator Karen. You know he's worth 252 bill with a B? And he's late on his car payment. That is so fucking embarrassing. And said she reminded him of an angry mom on Tuesday after the Massachusetts senator said the Tesla CEO should pay more in taxes.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Let's change the rigged tax code so the person of the year will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else. Warren tweeted with a link to a story about, must be a name, the Time magazine. That's still in existence. 2021 person of the year. Yeah. How many jobs have you produced, Liz Warren? We still do, as much as you want to live in a Marxist society, we still live in a capitalistic country. How many jobs have you produced?
Starting point is 00:22:56 And how much taxes does he pay? Even if he was cheating, he'd pay more than some third world countries. Isn't it like, I think, correct me if I'm wrong, Tommy might know this, the top 1% of earners in this country pay like almost 60%. Don't they have the taxes? It's a lot. It's a lot, Tommy said.
Starting point is 00:23:14 He knows. He just opened a bar that's pure cash, by the way. So who would know better? So stop projecting, Musk replied with a link to Fox News opinion article arguing that the Massachusetts Democrat lied about having Native American heritage in order to benefit from affirmative action policies. That's right. Then he asked her this. you remind me of when i was a kid and my friend's angry mom would just randomly yell at everyone for no reason musk added please don't call the manager on me senator karen must send a third tweet accompanied by praying hands emoji how can a worth $252 billion argue with anybody about anything?
Starting point is 00:24:06 I would be out of touch. I'd be on a yacht with a line of the hottest strippers all over the world. And, you know, and watching them fucking younger guys. But the point is, the spat comes as Warren and other D.C. Democrats mull wealth taxes and other measures
Starting point is 00:24:28 that could potentially put Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Tommy Nicky on the hook for billions of dollars by taxing their unrealized gains. How about their unrealized dreams? Good evening, everybody. Musk, who is the world's wealthiest man with a net worth of $252 billion, that's according to Charles Barkley, not of Forbes, has routinely hit progressive politicians with crude insults on Twitter. Crude. Yeah, that was so mean-spirited. Here he is saying, pull my finger. My farts are worth more than your family. In November, Oregon Democrat Senator Ron Wyden reiterated his support for a Democrat from Oregon.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Are we still listening to those? He reiterated support for a wealth tax for billionaires on Twitter. Why does your pee-pee look like you just came? What is picture? Profile? Profile picture? Why does your profile, why does your
Starting point is 00:25:35 pee-pee look like you just came? Well, I put some half and half in it. I thought this was a urinary question. Responded Musk in a parent... half of it. I thought this was a urinary question, responded Musk in a parent... This guy's actually funny. Why does it look like he just came?
Starting point is 00:25:53 Do we have a pic? We don't have his... Reference to Senator's profile photos. Musk also attacked Bernie Sanders. The same month after Vermont Independent expressed support for raising taxes on billionaires. I wrote the goddamn bill, you fucking Indian. I keep forgetting.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Musk says, I keep forgetting that you're still alive. Hey, he was on a roll. I might start following this guy. He says, want me to sell more stock, Bernie? Just say the word. The mogul added in a reference to the billions of dollars of Tesla shares he has sold this year to cover his tax bill. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Take it easy. Unbelievable. Good for a... I mean, do you understand? Again, I'm not a money guy or whatever the fuck, but I understand that rich people hire a lot of people that make the world go round. Sometimes you have to look the other way
Starting point is 00:26:56 if they're stealing a little bit here and there. But they still pay almost half the taxes, like 1% of the people. So, you know, Liz Warren, don't you, why do you live here? Why don't you and Bernie and the rest of you Marxist suckbags who failed in life?
Starting point is 00:27:15 I mean, Cuba is, you know, an hour from fucking Miami. Do us all a favor. Go to Venezuela. I hear it's picking up over there. Anyways, let's move on. Make me a sandwich. Make'll go to Venezuela. I hear it's picking up over there. Anyways, let's move on. Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich!
Starting point is 00:27:30 Ooh, in our make me a sandwich segment tonight. When an Instacart driver arrived at an elderly Minnesota couple's home. That's her, that's the Instacart driver
Starting point is 00:27:47 right there. Get a look at that, will you? Look at that. Let me guess, she did something angry? Once again, DiPaolo's theory is true. Is that a girl? Looks like a kid I played baseball with in high school. What in God's, you angry, tailless one of you. Anyway, she was delivering groceries to an elderly Minnesota couple's home last week. They expected to open the door to find groceries. Instead, they found their order strewn about the driveway in a note tucked in the, a lot of balls, Christmas wreath on their front door. It denounced law enforcement as police pigs and told the couple to find another slave.
Starting point is 00:28:39 And I'll be honest and full disclosure, and I heard that anti-cop and using a slave reference, I went for the black suspect. But I was wrong. It is a white guy. Leave that thing up, will you? Oh, I just want to punch it and strangle it and leave it in the fucking parking lot for dead. After reading the note,
Starting point is 00:29:12 the couple looked toward these scattered groceries and realized the woman had run over them with her car. When asked why she did that, she said, you don't look strong enough to break eggs. Blaine Police Chief Brian Podney gave those details of the December 6th incident at a news conference. Podney said the 36-year-old driver appears to have been upset by a sign in the couple's front yard, get this, praising his officers. The sign read, Thank you, Blaine Police Department. The O replaced by a heart filled with thin blue line flag. The flag is viewed by someone as simply a sign of support for law enforcement, while others, others see it as a rebuke of the Black Lives Matters movement.
Starting point is 00:29:55 That's, I see it both ways. Is that a bad thing that you're rebuking a Marxist organization, self-admitted by the way, and you're fought law and order? Why does that bother you, ugly girl? You're not really mad at the old people or the cops. You're mad at the guy who made you. He rushed it. Cowboys are probably on at 4 o'clock.
Starting point is 00:30:18 It was Sunday. He was almost done. Yuck. Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck. yuck yuck yuck yuck a yuck we're uh the the uh sheriff so we're we're in law enforcement we get not everybody likes us pardon me i said and we understand that but don't take that out on innocent people out there especially people who are trying to contribute to this person's livelihood. Exactly. It's like a sweet couple. On the night of December 5th, the couple used the online delivery app Instacart, and I hope this girl is fine, to purchase about $50 worth of groceries. Amber Gray, Amber Gray, not those words in the national anthem, or God bless America, wrote in an online fundraising post
Starting point is 00:31:05 in which she identifies herself as a younger relative of the old couple. The couple paid attention to Instacart's online alerts as they were notified of the shopping run's progress the next morning. Fucking eyes are getting all watery. One popped up when the delivery driver was at the store, another when she finished,
Starting point is 00:31:27 and a third when she was on her way, Gray wrote. When they got an alert saying the driver was in the neighborhood, the couple headed out to help her, because they're such assholes, I guess, afraid her car might get stuck in the snow. Once outside, they saw the woman rocking the car back and forth in their driveway and worried the fears about her getting stuck had come true.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Motioned for her to get out of the car and come to them. Pawnee said at the news conference, instead the police chief said the driver yelled, telling them check the Christmas wreath where they found the note written on the back of the receipt. Can you imagine? That's, you know, Instacart doesn't pay their employees. Find another slave. What a dick.
Starting point is 00:32:14 You fucking whore. Yeah, that's it. Go home. Get my dinner ready. Don't even get it ready. Just bring me the groceries to make them. Podney read it out loud at his news conference. It says, Instacart doesn't pay employees, find another slave racist, and then F police pigs.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Anybody else want to argue who the angriest people on the earth are? Do you know why you are, you leftist jerk-offs? Do you know why you're fucking angry? You don't fit into the mainstream. You're misfits. I wish this was an episode of Rudolph This Life and you'd be on an island playing with a water gun that squirts jelly into your whatever you got in your pants. F the pigs. Just shrill, angry. After the driver took off, the couple discovered the groceries
Starting point is 00:33:00 scattered across the driveway. She hadn't been stuck at all, Gray wrote in her post, but was running over the groceries. The Instacart driver probably doesn't know how carefully those $50 in groceries were budgeted for or how devastating the recent medical diagnosis has been or how scared and vulnerable her vile act of hatred made the older people feel, Gray wrote. My heart breaks for my loved ones, she added.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Although they are still investigating, Blaine police said they've identified the driver and could, what's this could shit? Could charge the woman with disorderly conduct and criminal damage to property. What's this could shit? You snotty little bastard. property. What's this could shit? You snotty little bastard.
Starting point is 00:33:54 They're just, they, you know why they know they're wrong about everything? I think Norm said that. Imagine you wake up one morning and you realize everything you believe was wrong. I feel that way about them. I want to thank you guys so much for all the orders of Nick DiPaolo's show and Nick of Merchandise these past two weeks. We've gotten so many orders and filled and shipped them all as of last night to the point where Tommy's little girls have been up for almost 48 hours.
Starting point is 00:34:20 No food, no heat in the house. He's in Vegas partying it up with carrot talk. There's still time to get a holiday gift for your friends or family at Just like these people. This fella here who's doing a smash and grab at Kay Jewelers. This guy here who used to be a gay pirate. No, thank you guys.
Starting point is 00:34:42 And this guy who's obviously blowing his nose into that coffee. He's out of cremora. So grab a hat or T-shirt or mug by going to and clicking on store. Do it today so you have it in time for Christmas, Ramadan, or like me, Kwanzaa. A holiday that's rich in tradition goes back to April of 88. Na, na, na, na. to April of 88. Ah, na-na, na-na.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Speaking of Kwanzaa and blacks and whites, and I had a dream that one day little boys and girls would be found in CNN producer's apartment. Racist roads. Racist roads. That was my nickname in high school. Racist roads. I used to do male porn. A provision in President Joe Biden's Build Back Better Act. He's still trying to build shit. It's called Reconnecting Communities. Oh, my God. I'm already sick to my stomach.
Starting point is 00:35:40 And it's a $1 billion program. Oh, that's terrific, Joe. What are we doing? You have no idea. What's going on right now? Go hang yourself, you piece of shit. Liam Dillon, a reporter with the LA Times, who's very happy all the time. Look at the smile on this guy. Somebody's tickling his taint with a feather right now.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Way too happy. Hope that's... LA Times, who investigated whether people were displaced to build roads, said in a taxpayer-funded national public radio interview. The point of it is to potentially even tear down freeways, sort of address some of the harms from racist planning decisions with respect to where freeways were cited in the past and sort of reconnect as the program states. Have you ever in your life seen people just, I
Starting point is 00:36:27 don't know where they're living, but you know that even if that was true, it's in the past. Good luck tearing down highways in LA by the way. I mean somebody gets a flat tire and just the rubbernecking causes three-hour delays on a 405. But you tear down those highways. But, you know, that amount, again, only $1 billion. It sort of pales in comparison to the potential hundreds of billions of dollars that are essentially unrestricted where state transportation departments could use it to further expand freeway and, in many cases, continue to displace families. We had to pick up a move when I was a kid, didn't we? They tried to build a Route 128 right through my mother's kitchen.
Starting point is 00:37:22 We were having breakfast. My dad gets hit with a 75-pound jackhammer. They told us to get the fuck out. They were picking on the guineas back then. We weren't having any of it. Well, it's very concerning. Transportation Secretary Pete, Pete, Pete. Please give me a call.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Buttigieg said when asked about the Times report, it's something that we need to pay attention to so that these dollars are always doing good, not harm, like the other dollars they spent back on the floor. Those dollars are doing harm that they are connecting, not dividing. Why don't you go home and connect with your life partner from behind and leave us all alone you bag of shit. We need to make sure that every penny of the federal money that's going out here goes out on equitable terms. Isn't he great at just spewing dog shit?
Starting point is 00:38:16 These are the people that rise to the top in the Dem Party. They have a nice vocabulary of horse shit that means nothing goes out on equitable terms and in inclusive ways but it just said of the BBB provision good yes move we're gonna build something from Fresno to fucking Sausalito gonna misplace 7,000 Mexicans in one house. Nick, that's an old joke. I know, but I brought it back for the young. And now a state legislator from L.A. County is introducing legislation to block freeway expansions in underdeserved communities across the... Under...
Starting point is 00:39:00 Under-deserved? Did I read that right? Undeserved. My eyes are that right? Undeserved. My eyes are getting all slimy here. Fucking lights are killing me today. The Los Angeles Times reported on the proposed law. Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, Democrat, said her bill would prohibit the state funding
Starting point is 00:39:23 or permitting any highways that have white lines on them. We don't want white anything. Permitting highway projects in areas with high rates of pollution. Wouldn't that be all of Los Angeles to San Francisco? When I lived there, I'd look in the sky in the morning, it looked like dirty underwear that had been washed and that would just envelop, you know, the valley, the fucking high rates of pollution and poverty. You just described half of LA. And where residents have suffered negative health effects from living near freeways. You know I get cancer because I live two feet from a breakdown lane on the 5th?
Starting point is 00:40:13 She said state leaders should consider the significant evidence of racial and health disparities. Look, a sickle cell didn't come from highways. Caused by highway construction as well as research. Am I supposed to believe there were no white people who were displaced or got sick or whatever the fucking, even in your lies you have to make it, you know, anti- white. Is that her?
Starting point is 00:40:35 She looks like she'd be the life of the party on New Year's Eve, doesn't she? Aye, aye, aye. Got a hair across her ass. As well as research showing that freeway widenings frequently fail to resolve traffic congestion because they induce more car trips. Now cars are a fucking bad idea. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:41:00 So why are you going to rebuild? Can I ask you a question, you dumb motherfuckers? Why are you going to rebuild the highways I ask you a question, you dumb motherfuckers? Why are you going to rebuild the highways if you just admitted cars are the problem? Oh, my God. Garcia said the impetus for the legislation, which she plans to introduce early next year, was a recent Times investigation.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Would that be the L.A. Times? That documented the effects of freeway construction over the last 30 years. The Times found that more than 200,000 Native Americans were forced into the woods because somebody put up a bus stop on the corner of fucking La Ciena
Starting point is 00:41:37 getting fucked face avenue. More than 200,000 people nationwide have been displaced because of federal road projects during that time, and that some of the country's largest recent highway expansions have forced out residents in black and Latino neighborhoods at disproportionately high rates. Yeah, yeah, yamma, yamma. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I thought 20 years ago they couldn't play the race card anymore. I thought they were tapped. I was so far off. No idea you could label roads, apples, fucking candy, math, racist shit. You black and brown people, I love you, but not the ones in power. You guys have lost your, what am I saying? It's the fucking white libs too. If we have the data and we have the research and we're ignoring it,
Starting point is 00:42:31 that's when it starts to become criminal, when you're in a position of power, Garcia said. Didn't I tell you once? Thank you. The Times also said L.A. Democrat State Senator Sidney Kamlager is considering authoring a bill to push for funding in next year's state budget to compensate those who moved for freeway expansion and for other improvements like planting trees and beautifying. How are you going to do that? Can I ask you how you're going to get, you know, what are you, knock on doors? Hey, did you plant the tree in the last 10?
Starting point is 00:43:05 How the fuck are you going to do it? It's reparations. Beautifying overpasses that divide neighborhoods. Oh my God, you people are so lost. So lost. Can we just balk at eyes now? Seriously. It's over. That's enough for today, folks. Before I go tonight, I'd like to
Starting point is 00:43:24 thank you guys who contribute to the show um as always you're the backbone of the show you keep us alive joseph swidecki ohio sean powell still has a live of florida ed schmidt illinois paul sagnella a regular regular, Connecticut. Tammy Chase, Arizona. Jeremy Ramirez, California. Blake Bomer, Ohio. Austin Pardee of Nevada. Stephen Patak, Delaware. Ryan the Gas Pipe Foster, Oregon. Kit Fortney, I love that name, Michigan. Connor Esselin, Connecticut. Jason Oberg, New York. Jack Melton. John Amaredis. Douglas Young.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Thank you guys so much. And new monthly supporters, Bud Light, New Jersey. Jerry Ramirez, California. We love to have the Latinos. Andy Navin. Andy Navin is a name I should know. California. We love to have the Latinos. Andy Navin. Andy Navin is a name I should know. California. Joe Stickle, former defensive back for the Lions in the 50s in Pennsylvania. Thank you guys again so much for contributing on a monthly basis, too. That's excellent.
Starting point is 00:44:39 That is it, ladies and gentlemen. Don't forget and, where you can sign up and become a member, and you get perks for doing that. We appreciate it. Don't forget Click on the store, because it's holiday times, and we have discounts on merchandise. And who wouldn't want to give their 12-year-old daughter a nice knicker t-shirt. I mean, don't forget If you want me to roast a friend or a relative, go to, click on my profile, tell me a little bit about them, and I'll make a recording on my phone
Starting point is 00:45:14 destroying that person. It's so much fun for the holidays. That is it. You guys think and I will say it. You are very welcome. We will see you back here at the same time tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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