The Nick DiPaolo Show - Murder Victim's Mom Speaks Out #104

Episode Date: January 17, 2019

Mother of One Punch Homicide Victim Joins the Show Today. Pelosi Tries to Delay State of the Union. Trump Delivers State of the Salad.   ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah, how are you folks? Welcome to the show on a Wednesday. Streaming live on YouTube. We'll do it live. Yes, we will. We'll do it live! Fuck it! Do it live! I am, Bill, relax.. We'll do it live. Fuck it. Do it live.
Starting point is 00:00:46 I am, Bill. Relax. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy. This episode of the Nick DiPaolo Show brought to you by Gentlemen, you remember the days when you were always ready to go, back when you would finish with a lady and then be ready to perform again? And when you performed, it was never a three-quarters mask.
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Starting point is 00:02:44 Saturday, this Saturday, I'll be at Bobby B's in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. Friday, January 25th, at Comedy Palace in San Diego. That morning, I'll be on with Joe Rogan on his show. Sunday, January 27th, at Ventura Harbor Comedy Club in Ventura, California. Friday and Saturday, February 8th and 9th, at Black Box in Boca Raton, Florida. Friday, March 8th, Wood Theater, Glens Falls, New York. Saturday, March 9th, Cahos Hall in Cahos, New York. I'll be shooting an hour.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Friday, April 26th, Steel Stacks, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Friday, May 31st, Jonathan's at Gunkwit, Maine. Saturday, June 1, Whites of Westport, Westport, Mass. Saturday, August 10th, Newtown Theater, Newtown, Pennsylvania. And Saturday, October 19th ridgefield playhouse ridgefield connecticut nick for all the ticket information as you guys remember by 833-59-nick is the number 833-599-6425 you remember this summer i reported a real tragedy um this young guy from Florida
Starting point is 00:03:45 came to Queens, New York, Long Island City for his stepsister's wedding. After the wedding, he left the hotel. He had called an Uber and went outside, knocked on a few cars. They didn't know which ones were his, knocked on the windows, whatever. And then somebody went by in a white BMW,
Starting point is 00:04:03 a black dude, rolled down his window, said something. I guess things escalated and the black dude who's an assistant coach at Wake Forest punched this kid this young guy who wasn't looking for any trouble kid ended up getting knocked out and banging his head when he fell and died a couple days later uh we talked about it for a while excuse me and it's just horrible and and right now joining us his mom Donna Kent the her son's name was Shondor Sabo and Donna's gonna join us right now on uh skype i believe and uh to talk about this and what she's gone through um just in a horrible tragedy donna how are you i'm good thank you thank you for joining me and again my condolences i i can't imagine what you've gone through to lose somebody like that senseless act of violent and and this human piece of filth that uh did it those are my words not donna's by the way but um i i appreciate you
Starting point is 00:05:11 joining us i talked to you on the phone yesterday and you were telling me uh more of the details of what you went through it's hard enough that you went through this tragedy but then to go to a legal system thinking it's going to be just, and it turns into even a bigger obstacle for you because in New York, they don't know how to define this. And, and you, you had some prosecutors that, uh, were more worried about winning, you said. Right. And they are because they're, they're, they, they want it on their record as a win. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:42 And, uh, so if you could explain, uh, explain to my listeners, Donna, what do you think this, what's his first name? Jamel. Jamel Jones. Jamel Jones. Assistant Wake Forest Coach, who's been suspended. I don't even think he's been fired yet. Has he, officially? He's suspended with pay.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Yeah. And he's not been fired yet. Unbelievable. But tell us what you were expecting as far as the legal system and what you ran into. And if you could explain to me what you told me yesterday about the prosecutors and. It took 21 days for anybody to reach out to us from New York, Queens district attorney. We called day after day ever since the day my son was pronounced dead. We started not knowing what we were supposed to do. Took him 21 days with us begging every day to even meet with them.
Starting point is 00:06:31 We had to hear everything about my son's case from the news. And, of course, the reports were all over. We couldn't imagine, you know, our son, our brother doing the things that the news was reporting he did. Right. doing the things that the news was reporting he did. Right. So as we finally got to meet them, insisting to meet them,
Starting point is 00:06:51 our first meeting was so bizarre. They seemed to accuse Shondor for his own murder because he was drunk. So we had a hard time understanding what they were saying. They said, well, he was punching on cars. The head DA in charge of the case said, well, any reasonable New Yorker would get out and punch somebody. And I thought, that's our DA saying that.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Was that the woman, Jackie? Is that her name? No, his name was Daniel Saunders. He's the criminal. But Jackie Risk was in charge of our case. Can I ask you a question? And again, this is me, and this is how I think. I know Jackie was a black woman. She is. Well, Mr. Saunders was what? White. He's white. He's just the head DA, very worried about his success rate. He came in and boasted for probably 20 minutes on how his prosecution rate was nearly 90 percent. He doesn't lose a case, but how could you if you prosecute
Starting point is 00:07:47 somebody for murder and charge them littering? You're going to win. There's no way you're not going to win for having such a low charge. So the meeting was a disaster. They kept on telling us that that's what Chandra was doing, and so my younger son insisted on seeing the tape. Dominic? Dominic. And there are two tapes of the entire murder. So I, of course, didn't want to see it the first time. Of course. But after everybody came out, our attorneys, we've had to hire attorneys to watch the district attorneys because they've been doing so many things that are
Starting point is 00:08:22 not right, that are absolutely against their code of ethics, what they promised to do as prosecutors. And so we've been forced to hire attorneys to watch what the district attorneys do. But as victims, and you learn this, I had no idea, as a victim, you have no right to choose your attorney. Whereas Jamil Jones can hire any attorney he wants, the most famous attorney, we're stuck with public prosecutors who don't care. They're just getting them through the system. And so we have a team of attorneys,
Starting point is 00:08:53 Pierce Bainbridge, they're amazing in New York. They have every reason to say why this is a homicide. How did you find them, Donna? I was listening to Fox News and one of their legal analysts, Emily Compagna, was on talking about our case with another attorney. And as I listened to the argument, I thought she's right. This is the right argument, the way she was expressing it. So I actually emailed her and she got back to me and said, this is who you need to use because we know nothing about attorneys in New York. So it was amazing that she actually took the time to respond. I'm sure she gets a lot of emails. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:29 But this was such a tragedy. I mean, it was national news. I mean, Fox News is talking about it. And a miscarriage of injustice, I'm guessing. That's why they were discussing in the first place. And tell us a little bit about what, what, it's murder in my eyes. And what do they, they pleaded down to what? What are they trying to charge him with?
Starting point is 00:09:52 It's a third degree assault, which is a misdemeanor. And that's it. Possibly no jail time at all. Taking somebody's life with a punch. They're basing it on a 1983 case. They kept on telling me, it's the law in New York. That's just the way the New York law is.
Starting point is 00:10:08 It's a third-degree assault. And I kept on questioning it because that doesn't seem right to anybody. Was that the Romero case you're talking about? Well, no. Romero was recently. Recently? Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:20 One of the very first cases that New York did was in 1983. And it was called People versus Irby. It is not similar in any fashion to my son's case. But New York tends to kind of go back to that very first ruling where the judge did rule third degree assault. But since then, there have been a lot of cases in New York where it has been a negligent homicide, criminally negligent homicide. So we are trying to understand why are they basing it on people versus Irby, which is in no way similar to my son's case, where there's people versus Haller, which is exactly like my son's case in New York. That was that was found to be a homicide. So we can understand why they're taking that case. There's no reason why they have to choose that case, except for they might have to fight.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Tell us a little about the first prosecutor. It was Jackie Rask. Yeah, she tell the people, and we talked about this on my show too. If you guys remember a couple of years ago, there was an incident on the Upper West Side with a bunch of bikers surrounded this guy in his car. They thought he had cut him off or whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:28 And they started banging on his car and breaking his windows. And he took off and he hit a couple of people. And there was a cop involved who was actually threatening the guy in the car. And that is Jackie's husband or boyfriend? Jackie's husband or boyfriend? Jackie's boyfriend. And so as I was trying to understand where Jackie was coming from, she responded to four of 37 emails I wrote to her. Yeah, there you go. She was dismissive, didn't answer a question. The response, she'd go, oh, I'll ask the higher ups.
Starting point is 00:12:00 But no, I was trying to figure out a way to say, what does it take to prosecute this? And so as I did research on her, I saw that she was arrested for disorderly contact assault because she and her boyfriend got drunk just after that incident. They were drunk at 10 a.m. in the morning, and the police were called. And so when they were called, the boyfriend got angry, punched the police officer. Jackie jumped on the police officer's back. They were hauled to jail. And he's a cop.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Her boyfriend's a cop. Exactly. He's a cop. She's a prosecutor. And this is how they behave. Can we lower the standards anymore in this country, folks, out of fairness? Again, I'm saying that not Donna. But what's so hard to understand is two weeks later,
Starting point is 00:12:46 after that, she sues New York City for $10 million. And after that, we can't find anything. So did she go to court? What happened? Because you and I, if we would have done that, we would have had a record, something. We can't find a charge. So it's interesting that they want to uphold the law as long as it's not their friend. So it's I'm seeing corruption and it's just really hard for us. Jamil Jones didn't even show up for his first court case on December 2nd when Jackie was still our D.A. And the judge was furious. She was like every other defendants here. And his attorney was like, well, pretty much Jamil didn't want to show up. He's famous. He didn't in that city on the spot like and the judges
Starting point is 00:13:28 you cannot just not show up for court cases so on so i'm he said that uh... it is well how about if i try to get in here this afternoon said the judge said to our d a i have every mind to issue a warrant for his arrest for failure to appear and i was just that how do you feel? And our DA went, nah, it's okay as long as he shows up this afternoon. Instead of taking that opportunity to say, yes, he's not here,
Starting point is 00:13:54 she said, ah, it's okay as long as he shows up. And again, I know you don't think like, I assume you don't. But I've been saying, there's a racial component. Your son was a white, blonde-haired, blonde hair blue eye white boy this guy's black i i'm sorry and i've been saying this about black juries and again not all black people but i'm sorry i don't think in situations like this when and it wasn't racial i mean there was a black guy and a white guy involved i'm not saying uh that's what escalated it. But I'm just saying I don't trust, and again, this is me, folks. This isn't Donna Kent saying it.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I don't trust that some black people in the legal system or when they're jurors can be objective when there's this type of stuff involved. As long as we have this mentality in this country because of slavery and past injustices and they have a chip on their shoulder, I'm telling you, it affects stuff like this. That's my personal opinion. And I know a lot of other people agree with me. I'm not saying necessarily that Donna does, but I can't help it. I read the papers and I, you know, and I'm sorry. I could understand that. I could understand what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:15:05 But our very justice system, we've become victims of. And I never thought that that was possible in America. How could we be victims of the very system that was set up to protect us? Yeah. And they do really a lot more to protect the criminals instead of the victims. And so when and there was really no when you say I don't know that the term you just used, but there was no interaction with my son and Jamal Jones, not a second of interaction. There were no name callings. Nothing happened. My son was simply trying to wave down a car. But you talk about the legal system, you know, you know, it's supposed to serve us and not the other way around number one
Starting point is 00:15:45 number two are you going to tell me if if if the if the races were reversed in this situation you know i mean and and and your your son got out of the car and punched a black guy and he banged his head you're going to tell me he'd be treated the same as your son was i don't believe it for a second not in new york city i don. And I tried forever to not make this a racial issue. I know, I'm sorry. I've been trying and trying. But every single thing I see with people, because you can imagine the tweets,
Starting point is 00:16:11 the things I get in email, the Facebook harassment or the Facebook nice things. And a majority are saying to me, and I don't know Jamal Jones, I don't know what it was in his heart. It's never been on our family's heart. If you're bad, you're bad. If you're good, you're good you're good you can be white black whatever but he is a bad person and they said everybody knows he hated white people and so we've had anonymous
Starting point is 00:16:34 calls saying that they know exactly what we see the video we see exactly what happened that we don't hear the words he but you said he used the word white boy. Did he not? That's what we were told. We were wondering when he passed by my son. My son had zero interaction. No punching on cars like you may have read. Not one punch. Jamil drove by my son. My son waved down.
Starting point is 00:16:59 It's 1.15 in the morning. And so you see his brake lights go on. He reverses his car. And so obviously my son's like, Oh my gosh, finally an Uber after sitting there 20 minutes on the corner, trying to wave somebody down, not hurting anybody, 20 minutes standing there, Jamel backed up. You see his part, his brake lights go on again. My son approaches his car on the passenger side. And then for some reason he walks to the back of the car and for about two seconds you can't see him because the brake lights are so bright it's
Starting point is 00:17:30 interfering with the camera yeah and then my son turns around and starts walking and Jamil got out not just walking casually he got out with such force with such he bolted out of his car and he had a very tight shirt on so you see his muscles as he's running, like a sprinter would. And my son's back was toward, you know, face was toward him. He obviously heard Jamil rushing at him. He turned around, put his hands up, like,
Starting point is 00:17:56 I give up, you know, and Jamil just punched him. But what was the most disturbing is, after he punched him, he sat down and looked at him, squared off his shoulders like, I'm the man. I'm the man. He's a punk. He's a piece of human trash. And he saw what he had done to him. He said, I didn't think he was hurt. He walked six steps, turned around again to look like, yeah, you're down, buddy, and drove away. Didn't didn't show up four days later turned himself in after attending a gala in wake forest university yeah so it really weighed on his mind what he did
Starting point is 00:18:31 because he doesn't have a conscience and guys like him don't and uh i love that he's uh you know working at a college at wake forest and uh hasn't been terminated yet but uh so you said there was two you said there was two sets of footage, right? Yes. Either one shows actual contact or no? What you see is him approaching Chandra. You see Chandra's hands go up. You see Jamil's arm go back.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And then you see him swing, but you can't see Chandra's face at that point because Jamil's back and muscles are just right there. You see Chandra land, but you only see his legs kicking up and down. face at that point because Jamil's back and muscles are just right there. You see Shondra Lamb, but you only see his legs kicking up and down. But you don't see his face. Your son was what? This guy was the basketball coach. He's like 6'6", isn't he? 6'4"?
Starting point is 00:19:20 6'6". About 240 pounds. Exactly. And my son is 5'10", 170. Oh, wow. Can we put up pictures of... We don't have the pictures of his... Huh?
Starting point is 00:19:34 Just one second. We can get them. Okay. We're going to put up some pictures of Shondor Sabo, and we're talking to his mother Donna and You know, I I can't imagine Donna I I can't imagine losing somebody Something this senseless and and It's it's this isn't like an isolated thing
Starting point is 00:20:03 I've read so many case since I've been in New York in the last 20 years. I've read a bunch of these things. And, you know, he looks like the type of guy that we bang in our windows and break in windows. That's good, guys. Handsome kid. Can we get Donna back? Donna, so they were cute. They said your son broke his back window.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And was any of that true? None of that is true. Even at our meeting, the DA kept on telling us, and he broke the windows. So finally we said, can we see the tape? And you don't want to see the tape. And we're like, no, we want to see the tape. There is nothing on that tape. And we're like, no, we want to see the tape. There is nothing on that tape.
Starting point is 00:20:50 So why are you trying to pursue this narrative that somebody else on August 10th, Jamil Jones came out and just started this narrative, his attorney. We weren't even back from New York yet. We were driving home. Just started this story out of all these false things that didn't even happen. And I believe there were 21 days they did. So after seeing the tape and seeing that none of that happened, although I'm going to admit my son was definitely drunk. He was so drunk. And Jackie Risk actually said to me, well, you don't want people to see this tape because I asked for the tape to be seen. I want the world
Starting point is 00:21:22 to see it. I want the world to see that it's just not a mom protecting her son. Of course. I want the world to see what happened because there will be outrage and the DAs know there will be outrage. They know that if people are allowed to see that tape and they see that none of what was said happened, apparently Chandra in the beginning of the night,
Starting point is 00:21:41 he was looking for a Zuber, so he was tapping on cars. And then he tapped on one kid's car, and the kid did call the 911. We were able to listen to that tape. But the boy was saying, yeah, there's this guy who's tapping on my window. He thinks he's my Uber, and I'm telling him to go away,
Starting point is 00:21:56 and he won't. But he keeps on tapping on my, you know. So he's like, he's still tapping. And they were like, well, are you afraid? Well, I'm afraid to leave my car. What if he hurts it? So, so... Oh, God. And that was it. But he didn't sound like, you know, oh, my gosh, he's still tapping. And they're like, well, are you afraid? Well, I'm afraid to leave my car. What if he hurts it? So, and that was it. But he didn't sound like, you know, oh my gosh. It was just like, yeah, what if he hurts it?
Starting point is 00:22:12 So apparently then the guy got out of his car and Chandra was walking. And so the guy came up to Chandra and said, hey, what do you want? And Chandra was saying, I want my Uber. So the guy tried to take his phone from him, but Chandra's phone had died, and that's why he couldn't find his Uber. You can track your Uber, but he had lost his cell phone charge.
Starting point is 00:22:32 So that's why he was so confused. I don't know where my Uber is. I don't know New York. People are driving by. Maybe you're it. Maybe you're it. And so apparently when the guy tried to take his cell phone, Chandra punched out at him.
Starting point is 00:22:45 And I'm like, okay, were you hurt? No. But so then that became, oh my gosh, he was punching. And that may have happened earlier in the night. But if we sit there and see a video, 20 minutes of Chandra just standing there trying to get every card to stop. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:02 There was no contact with Jamilones for a second before that moment when jamil jones drove by and then decided he was going to take his aggression out on my son and this is the second time he's done this and then before the media had the facts they they ran with the story making shonda look like he was the instigator and they ran with that for weeks forever forever i was so upset because you know people there's so many haters i got everything John looked like he was the instigator. And they ran with that for weeks. Forever. Forever. I was so upset because, you know, people, there's so many haters. I got everything. You know, you have to teach your son how to take a punch.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Or just really mean things all the time. I love me some Jamil. You know, you need to back off. So I'm getting phone calls from people, breathing, saying mean things. What a filthy, horrible planet we live on. Honest to God. This is after you lose your son. Why? I don't understand how people
Starting point is 00:23:51 can be so cruel. We're just slugs. We are the lowest, I swear to God. So you're getting hateful phone calls on top of what you're dealing with. Then you find the legal system is not on your side. And so where are you?
Starting point is 00:24:09 Can you imagine? Can you imagine? You have a whole team of very respected attorneys and they are giving case after case that say this is this is definitely a homicide. Yet you have DA sticking to a 1983 case that cannot apply in any way to my son's case, People vs. Holler, absolutely. What happened in the 83 case? It was found to be nothing but a misdemeanor.
Starting point is 00:24:33 But it was two guys who actually had gotten into a conflict with each other. Which is different. Very different than somebody who is innocent just sitting there. It's not a bar fight. There was no words exchanged. There was none of that, no starting to push. Right. And also, you know, Chandra was absolutely not able to even defend himself.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Could it be even against a 6'6 college athlete? And so they were like, well, now the DA has been amazing. First they said, oh, no, it's New York State law. We have to charge. And then when we brought up all the reasons why it's not, they're like, okay, well, it's really not that, but well, we can't place Jamel at the scene. And we're like, excuse me, we just can't place him at the scene. And he admitted to it. Oh no, he didn't admit to it. His attorneys admit to it.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And we can't put his attorney on that. So we're like, okay, a GPS can track his car. He's admitted. No, no. Then they kept on changing their mind every time we said, well, that's not correct. That's not correct. And, you know, oh, you don't want Shondra. Any reasonable New Yorker would have punched Shondra.
Starting point is 00:25:38 For what? That's before we knew he didn't do anything. So they have they have changed their story with every reason why our really capable attorneys. So imagine when we're sitting, they would not, they refuse to meet our attorneys. Why didn't they get, sorry to interrupt you, why didn't they get back to you, you know, the first 21 days or 20,
Starting point is 00:25:58 did they have any answer for that? But neither did the medical examiner. And he ruled it a homicide, right? The medical examiner. And so did the police detective in charge of the case. They both said it's a homicide. But it's up to the DAs have this unbelievable power of what I've learned. There's nobody who watches over the DA.
Starting point is 00:26:15 The DA, they can do whatever they want. So they can apply whatever case they want. And it's usually the easiest route because what if, oh, what if they're like, what't stick well i've already lost at a third degree of salt i've already lost so what do i what do i have to lose i have nothing to lose they took my first jamil jones took away my son and now they're taking away my son too so there's nothing all i can do is keep on fighting fighting this and and and my ultimate goal even if I can't win for Chandra, because they're being, I just can't understand it. I've got to tell you, the first DAs were taken off the case
Starting point is 00:26:51 because they found so many of the things they did to us to be corrupt. And so we were given another set of DAs who equally are doing the same thing in a nicer way. So I'm like, okay, lip service the whole way. You're telling me this, but you're not doing it. in a nicer way. So I'm like, okay, lip service the whole way. You're telling me this, but you're not doing it. I'm telling you, it's a symptom of America in 2019. There's people in this country who believe because of past injustices, some people get a pass.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I don't care. I'm sick of hearing about how racist our legal system is. Because that's when I read stories and I hear about stuff, it never goes Whitey's way, in my opinion. Again, but I read about gun busts and guys are on the street a year later. They have a rap record this long
Starting point is 00:27:33 and it's just a revolving door and you're not getting, your son's not getting the respect he deserves. But who would think that this basketball coach, we all thought it was a thug. You know, when it first happened. Well, he is. Exactly, he is. He's a thug who happens to be a basketball coach. Well, they're telling us, well, he didn't mean to. It's the
Starting point is 00:27:51 intent. He didn't mean to kill him. And so that he wouldn't have known that his punch would have killed him. And so as I've done research, every NCAA basketball coach has to take concussion protocol training. Weight force is very big on it. And in that training, they have to learn what happens when there's blunt force trauma to the head. What happens when somebody takes the force? You don't need training to know
Starting point is 00:28:14 that. He knew. The fact that he used the language white boy, if you reverse it and your son said black boy or whatever, it's a hate crime. It's a hate crime. You can get into a fight. You can get into a fender
Starting point is 00:28:30 bender and beat up some guy and turns out the guy's gay and you didn't know it, but if you use the word faggot or whatever, it's a hate crime. I just can't help it. The double standard is amazing to me and it sounds like this thug is being protected. I'm so sorry, Donna, for your loss.
Starting point is 00:28:48 We talked about this when it happened, and you're a courageous woman and a strong woman, so keep up the good fight. I hope these lawyers, you know. Yeah, fight. I mean, come on. Fight to the end. I will.
Starting point is 00:29:02 We appreciate it. I appreciate you. Thank you. God bless you, appreciate it. I appreciate you. Thank you. God bless you, Donna. Donna Kent, everybody. Aye, aye, aye. Can you, I just can't. I can't even fathom.
Starting point is 00:29:17 I mean, it's one thing when you lose somebody in a car accident. But, and then the legal system, and it's racially tainted. I don't give a shit if you think that's bigoted or racist on my part. I know cops, I know lawyers, and you're pretty naive if you don't think that comes into play. I don't, show me a case where a white guy dropped the N-word and then knocked somebody out and didn't end up with a hate crime charge. It's the reason a legislation was created in the first place.
Starting point is 00:29:45 But anyways, I know it's a heavy subject to open the show with, but, you know, we cover the story and we always cover interesting stuff. And I just wanted to give her some exposure to, you know. Put up the, we have the, the have the the the jameel thing yeah so this this is obviously photoshopped by somebody right after the incident and and whoever put that up thinks he's cool uh you want to romp with me i'm the original wake forest uh don d. And, you know, so whoever did that, you know, thinks this guy's a badass when he's a piece of garbage.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Well, it's a pre, yeah. Anyway, Scott, my heart goes out to her. But she seems determined. I'm glad she's got good lawyers. And imagine the first prosecutor has a record herself and her boyfriend's a bad cop who was involved in the, she's got good lawyers and imagine all the first uh the first prosecutor has a record herself and and uh her boyfriend's a bad cop who was involved in the let's lower those standards though out of fairness anyways 833-599-6425 833-599-6425 i don't want to go on to other stories because i'm
Starting point is 00:31:02 guessing the first few calls would be about this maybe i would think so i don't want to go on to other stories because I'm guessing the first few calls will be about this maybe, I would think. So I don't want to move on to Chinese workers forced to crawl in the street after missing their sales quota. I'm not making that up. And we have some good footage of a CNN panel melting down because Trump made a joke about his wife making salads. And, of of course that's sexist and he should be burned at the stake for that buddy drew in Virginia who's a law enforcement guy wants to talk about his father was shot and killed by two 14 year old black kids and the kids got off because his dad was larger
Starting point is 00:31:40 than them drew walk welcome back to the show, buddy. Drew's a... You're a former cop, Drew? I forget. Sorry. Refresh my memory. You're still on a job. I got two more years. Your phone's...
Starting point is 00:31:58 That was awesome, man. Thank you. Your phone was cutting out there. I hope it'll... So your dad was killed out there I hope it'll uh so uh your dad was uh killed by uh two young black kids December uh 20 Drew Drew you're gonna have to Drew Drew you're gonna have to call back on a better line or something you're breaking up we're not hearing anything
Starting point is 00:32:19 try try calling back on a landline or something sorry uh too bad i think he's a former cop he's called the show uh before um i don't want to move on this is i'm in a tough place here bad time to put up the gangster hotline thing don't do that. But, you know, somebody slugs you. What's the difference? That's not a weapon, especially a sucker punch. We have videotape now. You know what I mean? It's one thing. Look, I can't even get the girl to the girl that's sucker punch me after the show. I can't even get her. They have her. That's the first thing the assistant DA said uh we're gonna get it down to I don't even remember now second degree harassment not even the word assault in it when it's an assault my I still have a dent in my face and uh now she might not do any she has
Starting point is 00:33:18 to go to anger management and uh she has mental problems and if she does that, blah, blah, blah. You know, again, 2019, she's a chick, I'm a guy. If I, you know, if I punched her, everybody's telling me I should have, even people, everybody I talk to. But I couldn't even get her charged with what I want to. And I'm not done with her, by the way. Let's go back to Drew. Drew, you there?
Starting point is 00:33:48 Yeah, I'm sorry, Nick, can you hear me yeah go ahead tell us about my dad this is the 19 yeah i'm sorry 74 you know my dad's working for a plumbing company right before christmas come home to my brother my mother and. I'm two years old. My brother's five years old. He's 14 years old. Drew, I'm sorry. You keep cutting out, man. I like to talk to you, but I can't.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I don't know if you have access to a landline. It's an interesting story. His father was killed by two 14-year-old black kids, law enforcement. Let's go to Rich in Virginia, former Air Force guy. Rich, welcome to the show. Hey, thanks, Neil. I love you, man.
Starting point is 00:34:44 It was September. It was awesome. Sorry, didn't hear a word of that either. The direction you're going on. Okay, I can't hear you, Rich. I got to drop. Guys, is it us? It's us. I have no idea what's going on.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I'm looking at it. All right. Phone calls are off the table for right now. Technical. Jason, any idea what uh no clue we're just gonna close and reopen it okay turn yours off real quick and turn it back on all right but yeah what bothers me about that story is the whole idea of intent he didn't intend to
Starting point is 00:35:23 kill him so that that means he gets off with a lesser sentence. That's ridiculous. Yeah, well, that's the law, you know. That's how lawyers keep things going. What am I opening? Backbone again? All right. That's probably not going to do anything, but we'll try.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Try back, guys. Those are interesting stories, and they were relative to what we were talking about. Yeah, when you sucker punch him, he doesn't even have the balls. He's 6'6", like 240. The kid was what? 5'10", 170 pounds. Doesn't even, this punk, this human piece of garbage, doesn't have the balls to face him face to face. Real badass.
Starting point is 00:36:07 And Wake Forest, you haven't fired the guy yet? Really? But yeah, no, race has nothing to do with it. You know. Crazy. I don't want to move on. The minute I do, you know.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Maybe we could talk about it some more. Okay, your thoughts. Well, yeah, I mean, going back to the intent thing, that really bothers me because you try to apply that same logic to someone getting offended. You say, well, I didn't intend to offend you. It doesn't matter. You offended them.
Starting point is 00:36:40 But reverse that with murder. I didn't intend to murder them. Well, yeah, yeah words it's a great point words are more dangerous today than actual actions you know um when you wind up and try really and you suck upon somebody you're not intending to try of course you are you're not trying to kill no just trying to knock them out oh in that case we all know that knocking somebody could lead to them banging their head let's not make make it like it's mutually exclusive but uh i don't give a shit what anybody says is when there's black and white involved uh there's a racial component
Starting point is 00:37:15 and the legal system is tainted and and i'm sick of hearing how it's tilted towards whitey because there's plenty of these something like this proves you know otherwise but absolutely ridiculous we'll try one more time it might be on our end guys not that we can do but I'll try drew again drew it the problem might be on our end, Drew, so I apologize, but let's try it again about your dad. No, I apologize too if it's on my end too, Nick.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Do you hear me right now? Yeah, I can hear you good. Okay, cool. Yeah, so in 1974, I'm two years old. My brother's five years old. The night before Christmas, my dad's loading up his work truck to come home from work. Two thug 14- and 15-year-old kids try robbing his truck. So my dad instinctively approaches them to get him away from his truck.
Starting point is 00:38:20 They pull out a gun. They kill him right on the scene. He's dead. his truck they pull out a gun they kill him right on the scene he's dead and so my family obviously going through the court process and thinking okay well these kids you know should be at least go away for a little bit even though they're juveniles right no my dad was bigger than them so he intimidated them and they were children so they walked nick they didn't do a day in jail you gotta be kidding they walked away you know the rest of my life i i didn't do a day in jail you gotta be kidding they walked away you know the rest of my life i i didn't have a father figure me my brother my whole life the whole family
Starting point is 00:38:52 was in shambles after that and all that's justice all i hear about is how how it's so racist against people of color the legal system you don't you don't hear these you don't hear these stories do you do i mean look what they did. Where's my white privilege there? They tried to bury Donna Kent's story. I mean, they took before they had the facts in, when they
Starting point is 00:39:16 had what they thought were the facts, where the white kid, her son, looked like the instigator, they ran with that in a second. And now you probably can't find it, so when the truth comes out about the piece of garbage who actually killed them, you know, there's a racial... Let me ask you this, Drew. Do you agree with me on
Starting point is 00:39:31 that? I don't. And again, people aren't going to agree and say it's racist. I just... Whenever I see a story that involves race and there's the suspect or the defendant is black and there's black people on the jury, I believe he has a better chance of getting acquitted. I'm not saying all black people.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Of course, look at O.J. Simpson. I'm not saying all black people. Look at the O.J. Simpson case. Well, yeah, you can look at... No, there's plenty of them. I really... I don't know what the answer is. And they'll tell you,
Starting point is 00:39:59 well, Whitey does the same thing. But Whitey doesn't have a chip on his shoulder about what happened 400 years ago in this country that's all I'm Nick when I was working as a paramedic during the OJ Simpson case I was working with a black partner yeah and we sat in the ambulance and listened to that verdict happen and I looked at him and he looked at, hey, man, he goes, we won this time. You guys didn't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:28 And that's what he said to me. Yeah, I counted it. So if that's the feeling, where do we go from there? Yeah, we don't. We don't. I'll say it again. As long as the black community, and again, this is not all black people, but a majority of them. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:40:41 but a majority of them. No, no, no. As long as they hold up slavery, hold that, you know, keep falling back on that and that they're owed the world now entitled to anything. You know, as long as that's the mentality, it's never going to get fixed.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I got to run, Drew. Thank you, buddy. And I'm sorry. I did not know that about you. No, good night, man. All right, thank you. Great call. Let's go to Rich, the Air Force guy.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Rich, what's going on? Welcome. He just dropped. What the? I don't know. I got it to work for Drew. Did you kick the answer button or the drop button? I hit the answer button.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Okay. Did I not? I can't tell if I'm in this room. Get him back. Tell him to call back. I'm moving on to the answer button. Okay. Did I not? I can't tell from in this room. Get him back. Tell him to call back. I'm moving on to the Chinese workers. We'll get him back. Chinese workers are forced to crawl in street after missing sales target, which...
Starting point is 00:41:40 which workers for a chinese company have been forced to crawl on the street after failing to reach their annual target sparking an outcry among web users come on we should do actually they stole this now the chinese i i mean they're stealing our secrets, cyber attacks. Remember, what's his name? Ryan fucked up last week. He uploaded the wrong show on Monday, and I punished him. How did the Chinese, huh? Are they tapping my house too, or are they fans of my show?
Starting point is 00:42:24 But they had their workers crawl in the streets, and I came up with that before they did. I did this to Ryan. Could be China. Could be a little footbridge. Ha ha ha ha. I came up with this and I'm being ripped off by the Chinese. Better than a septic tank, right, Ryan? How's your knees after that mile and a half trek on cement? Not a badass. Ryan, you'll never fuck up again, will you?
Starting point is 00:43:45 Never. Show the Chinese guys crawling. I've never been on my knees so long. Yeah, that's a fucking lie. First of all, that's how you get this job. Chase, pull up the... They're on the fire. Sure they are.
Starting point is 00:44:14 They should start doing this with people at Google. Couldn't get through the goddamn streets. You did not make quota! You sell five shrimp shrimp you're supposed to sell 12 shrimp genosau chicken down this week that's kind of sexy a girl in high heels i've seen that in front of a bar in boston when i was in my 20s uh dave in california says the narrative they try to push with the white guy is the bad guy and the black guy is the hero. The Gillette commercial and Andrew's story are examples of this. Dave, how are you?
Starting point is 00:44:51 I haven't heard from you in a while. What's going on? Good, bud. How are you, Nick? Pretty good. Yeah, I was just commenting on that. And we've got to stop paying taxes for funding these liberal professors in the colleges, you know, this brainwashing with this communist narrative and the old patriarchy,
Starting point is 00:45:09 the white guys, the evil old white guys to blame for all this stuff. It's like, come on, man. Right. That's where it starts, but it's infiltrated. Do you agree with me? I don't, you know, I'm sorry. If a black guy's on trial, and O.J. was a great example, as long as you have white liberals who are the real problem,
Starting point is 00:45:28 they're the ones who tell the black people, hey, look, man, you guys are entitled to everything, rep for past injustice. I'm sorry. They carry a chip on their shoulder. They're the ones who bring up how oppressed they are. So don't call me a racist when I say, well, then you can't be objective when it comes
Starting point is 00:45:45 to race if you're sitting on a jury. Right or wrong? Right. Exactly right. And I tell you, I lived in North Carolina for a while, for 15 years, and I'm back in California helping out my mom, actually, because she needs medical attention. But it's not that way in the South, necessarily. This is the elites on either coast.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Yes. You know, California, L.A., and then New York. And I hear it, you know, but you don't hear it as much down there. You don't hear that reparation stuff down there. You know, it's a different scene. But you're right. You're right. We've got to change it somehow.
Starting point is 00:46:15 And I think it's effective with people like you and bringing a comedic aspect to it. And that's how people are getting taught and getting red-pilled, so to speak. Red-pilled, yeah. Through the Internet and through, yep, to get them off this narrative, man, aspect to it and that's how people are getting talking in the red pill so to speak red-mailed internet through yep to get him off this narrative man because people are waking up to a hazel when you think i for president trump him calling out the fake media to their union and the fake news and the mistake propaganda about
Starting point is 00:46:37 old white men are the reason why there's so many problems bullshit the best western civilization the best in history of mankind has been brought people out of poverty at out of so much. Oh, wait a minute now, Dave. You sound like Steve King from Iowa, that congressman who's in hot water for saying, you know, such things, which I'm sorry, but he the guy's exactly right. I don't give a shit. He wasn't he wasn't touting white supremacy. But he said, you know, why is it controversial to say white national?
Starting point is 00:47:04 I say that on stage thank you for the call they have good hearing from your buddy I uh I say it on stage I'm a nationalist and I think I'm white I know people think because I have Italian blood in me I'm not but everything I check on applications for the last 40 years white white white when it comes to taxes i'm certainly white i know that um uh so you know i i don't uh i don't know i just um i just it's slanted but uh for for the congressman just to ask that question you know why is it I say it on stage, I go, I'm a nationalist and I'm white, but you don't want me to say those words?
Starting point is 00:47:50 So the very reality you want me to ignore because the words, you can't control people unless they agree with your shitty words. It's called linguistic bullying. That's what I call it. It is such fucking nonsense. That's like going what I call it. It is such fucking nonsense. Um, that's like going, um, Asian and I like, uh, rice, but don't say that. That's a stereotypical thing to say about Asian people or Chinese people. Yeah, but I'm actually Chinese and I love rice. It's fucking ridiculous. And that's the right has not come up with an
Starting point is 00:48:28 answer to that. The left is again, because they got their claws into education 40, 50 years ago, they have changed. Again, they control people's behavior. You do that through language and the left is controlling the fucking language. So are we all gonna stand up and go suck my dick i'm not getting kicked off the oscars because i made a couple of fag jokes i'm black my people are oppressed fuck you i'm doing the oscars and then what oh they'll be boycotting so what let's have it out oh yeah yeah you know oh and I love when I hear people and I hear comics I hear like comics who are minorities
Starting point is 00:49:10 going yeah this PC thing's killing comedy well it's all benefiting you political correctness was invented to shut me up straight white Christian male what are you fucking whining about oh yeah those lesbian comics getting a lot of trouble when they make fun of straight people
Starting point is 00:49:24 and those black comics they're getting so much trouble shitting on whitey and and uh female comics when they go after men oh my god there's picketing and boycotting but it's corporate weasel white corporate weasels with no spines that give into this shit you know but what what that guy steve king sorry, don't have a problem with any of it. He wasn't touting white supremacy. But once again, the New York Times, the New York Times, you know, takes everything out of fucking context. And he said he's so dumb to do an interview with the New York Times and not record it on his own. But but then then the GOP, the GOP people, you know GOP, people supposed to be on his side.
Starting point is 00:50:05 These little fucking rhino weasels, you know, oh, he should be booted immediately. Just fall in line like the pussies that you are. Nothing's ever going to fucking change. Let the left keep controlling the narrative by controlling your language and on and on and on it fucking goes. 833-599-NICK. The phone number. Oh, how about this? This is a good one.
Starting point is 00:50:31 By the way, that poll just came out. I think it was Media Research Center. I'm not sure. But 90%, last year it was 93. 90% coverage negative on Trump in the mainstream media. But there's no bias in all that horse shit. And who's the fucking worst at that? You know who leads the way, don't you?
Starting point is 00:50:48 This is CNN, the most trusted name in news. You want some of your members? I know what you get. You're a damn tenor. You guys having a rough day in there? Not really, I mean. CNN panel accused Donald Trump of being sexist Monday night because the president made a joke about First Lady Melania Trump making salads.
Starting point is 00:51:16 The president cracked the joke to the national championship winning Clemson football team during their Monday visit to the White House. Here's the footage. So I had a choice. Do we have no food for you? Because we have a shutdown. Or do we give you some little quick salads that the first lady will make
Starting point is 00:51:32 along with the second lady? They'll make some salads. And I said, you guys aren't into salads. Or do I go out, Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott, do I go out and send out for about 1,000 hamburgers so we actually now watch how they handle this that's appalling it seems to me like the president will not be happy until there is not one single female Republican voter in the country it's incredibly sexist it also I mean I
Starting point is 00:52:03 don't know why I'm stuck on this, but Ivanka is not the second lady. She is actually, I don't think she deserves this position. She's actually a senior advisor to the president. So the idea that he would demean her specifically in that way, he shouldn't talk about the first lady that way. We aren't all here to make salads for men. It's disgusting. Pause. Did he say all you women here to make salads for men. Pause. Did he say all you women here to make salads for men? Is that what he said? You fucking leathery face dope. Jesus Christ almighty. That's appalling.
Starting point is 00:52:35 It is un-fucking- The feminist movement have turned normal women into just- They just sit home and they watch. Oh my God. He was in front of a bunch of football players trying to be a guy's guy. Okay. And you find that appalling. I find your earrings appalling, miss. Anyways, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I mean, I'm presuming he was talking about Karen Pence when he said second lady. Oh God, I'm sorry. No, I presume he's doing it. But I mean, I mean, I mean i mean scott look that's crazy this is one of those things where sometimes what people say when they're being funny is exposes exactly who they are pause yes oh my god what a horrible concept being honest while you're doing comedy that's exactly what it does you get to speak who you really are you actually they find that appalling onalling because they're fucking anchor people,
Starting point is 00:53:26 political pundits on shitty cable networks. She literally said, oh my God, when you're being funny, you reveal the truth about yourself. What a gross concept, Ms. Burnett. Then of course they have to bring on the Republican who I've never seen before in my life. I only watch 78 hours of fucking television a day. Yes, you reveal things about yourself, warts and all. It's called being
Starting point is 00:53:50 human, not a fucking talking head. Go ahead. Thank you. Not that there was any question, but this is pretty clear. Oh, yeah. I certainly didn't take his comments to be sexist. I think that if somebody took them that way, you know, that's fine. Probably they want to take everything that Donald Trump says as being evil. Scott, can I just ask you, how in the world do you not perceive that as sexist?
Starting point is 00:54:13 Pause. This is how, you dumb bitch. This is how. He was joking around, talking about his wife. He didn't say all women make salads for their how the that's how he was joking in front of a college football team a hundred guys you ever talk off the cuff in your life no you haven't all your shit is on a
Starting point is 00:54:36 teleprompter you read it you haven't been on your fucking in the public eye and you're never honest your job is to fucking read other people's words on a teleprompter oh my god it's so sad is that all you have to do with your life lady on the left to sit the never-ending list of fucking whining yuck back to the show go ahead assumption that his wife's gonna go make salads for the bunch of football players what is she like the cook yeah she is i didn't hear it that way His wife's going to go make salads for the bunch of football players? What is she, like the cook? Yeah! She is! I didn't hear it that way. She's going to read almost every...
Starting point is 00:55:07 Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich! Go ahead. Night for dinner. I mean, we make a lot of salads in the Jennings household. Does your wife expect your wife to make them all for you? I mean, maybe she does. No, I make some.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Pause. Maybe she does. She just caught herself. She just caught herself. You expect your wife to make all? She even realized what a dumb statement that was. Oh, well, maybe she does. Yeah, there's a lot of women out there,
Starting point is 00:55:36 a lot of wives who make great salads for their husbands, and they're happy to do it, you fucking dusty veg. You expect your wife to make a salad? It's appalling. They think we're going to make salads for them. I mean, Jesus, we have Mexicans to pick the lettuce, don't we? I mean... Oh, fuck the salad.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Fucking bitch. What? Oh, my God. Is there more? Are we done with that? Come on, guys.
Starting point is 00:56:20 When I ask a question, can you get on the mic fucking quickly? Jesus. I'm so sorry. Go ahead. There's a little more if you get on the mic fucking quickly? Jesus. Go ahead. There's a little more if you want it. Yeah, go ahead. Okay, but that's not what he said. I didn't take it that way.
Starting point is 00:56:34 If somebody took it that way, that's fine. It didn't strike me that way. I think he was trying to make a joke about feeding hamburgers to football players. I think you might be overreading this one. I'm not overreading it. He made a joke that was sexist about women. I guess maybe what we're disagreeing with is whether it's funny and whether humor is something that's serious. I think Scott's disagreeing that it's sexist, which he's entitled to his opinion.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Oh, thanks. Thanks, you leathery nipple bitch. It didn't strike me that way, and I'm surprised that you all are taking it that way but it's fine wow okay oh wow look at her wow get over your vaginas now i i have to say i'm all right shut it off before i spit in their faces get over your pussies okay jesus go make me a carb salad and if the bacon's not right i'm gonna going to... I'm yelling at Justin, by the way. I mean, Justin. Do we have a Justin?
Starting point is 00:57:29 No, it is Jason. I meant Ryan. I didn't even mean you, Jason. Oh, my aching stem. Oh, my God. The old woman makes pepper. Matter of fact, when I go into the store, or my supermarket to Chico's they have a whole salad
Starting point is 00:57:48 thing behind it and they make the salad you pick whatever you want in it and you know what all broads work in there uh at least when I go in there and they make the best salads Jesus CNN you have reached the depths of diarrhea How the fuck you still exist is beyond me. Oh, that's right. Democrats. Watch that shit. What do we got here? House Speaker, speaking of twatsones, Nancy Pelosi, took extraordinary step Wednesday of urging President Trump to delay his State of the Union and said,
Starting point is 00:58:21 I'll make you a salad if you do it. She wants him to delay the State of the Union address until the partial government shutdown ends or submit the address in writing. And Trump responded to Ms. Pelosi by saying, Make me a sandwich. Make me a fucking sandwich. Fucking bitch.
Starting point is 00:58:43 The president has been slated to deliver his televised annual address to a joint session of Congress on January 29th, but with no compromise in sight to resolve the standoff over the government funding, a stalemate that extended into its 2016 blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. On January 3rd, this is Pelosi's letter to the president. On January 3rd, it was my privilege as speaker to invite you to deliver the state of the union. We have to fucking wait for her to. You know, I hate that picture because it makes you look cute. I'd like that if that gavel was right up her ass.
Starting point is 00:59:20 She's it's my privilege. I'm inviting you is the point. The state union just on the 29th. The Constitution calls for the president from time to time to give the Congress information of the State of the Union. This is her explaining it to us in her condescending, liberal douchebag way. Pelosi wrote, but noted that since the start of the modern budgeting fiscal year in 1977, a State of the Union address has never been delivered during a government shutdown.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yeah, how could we do two things at once? How could we do that? The only superpower left on the planet. She concluded, sadly, given the security concerns, and unless government reopens this week, I suggest that we work together to determine another suitable date after government has reopened for this address, or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to Congress on the 29th. Oh, it's the security problem?
Starting point is 01:00:10 Pelosi detailed the need for proper security at events such as the State of the Union. Oh, oh, oh, the anti-gun woman? Oh, you need to be surrounded by guns. Security. The people carry guns that you don't want us to have? You can't give you,
Starting point is 01:00:28 be it the dumb speech, somebody might show up and shoot a bunch of politicians? That's one way to drain the swamp, not encouraging it. Just saying, remember the fucking left-wing kook that shot up Steve Scalise?
Starting point is 01:00:44 We need proper security. There's nobody there when they do this. You couldn't call the local D.C. police? Hey, we'll give you triple time or whatever the fuck. There's nobody there to fucking... The door's going to be wide. Are people going to be running in throwing rocks at Trump?
Starting point is 01:01:00 I love it, though. She brings up security. And again, what she means is people with guns to protect her and her fucking do-nothing colleagues. The U.S. Secret Service was designated as the lead federal agency responsible for coordinating, planning, exercising, implementing security for national special security events, Pelosi wrote in her little chicken old lady scribble hand fucking crayons. However, both the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security have not been funded for 26 days now, with critical departments hamstrung by furloughs. Oh, my God. What are they going to do? Don't give me that smart-alecky shit. despite her suggestion to come to an agreement on a new
Starting point is 01:01:49 date pelosi did not rescind the president's invitation that decision ultimately rests with her as speaker of the house go ahead rescind it you're gonna fucking eventually impeach him anyways why sit there and when he gives a great speech you're gonna sit on your old wrinkled ass and all your fucking jerk off liberal friends are gonna to poo poo anything good he has to say. And then you'll give a rebuttal. You and fucking Dracula Schumer looking like two fucking post two fucking cardboard cutouts. Look at her with her million dollar purse. She's a multi-zillionaire.
Starting point is 01:02:21 She pretends to represent the working class. And you people, is that Schumer looking down at his own cock with his glasses? And the guy on the right looks like he hasn't taken a good dump in three weeks. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Well, let's hope they can do this. You know, last week, a tense White House meeting ended abruptly when the president walking out of the room after Pelosi pulled down her panties and showed everybody her giant catcher's mitt. When Pelosi maintained she would not accept a spending package. How about an old wrinkle package with wall funding?
Starting point is 01:03:03 Pelosi, after the meeting, said Trump was petulant. And Schumer added that Trump slammed his hand on a table in frustration. He had a temper tantrum. Unlike you who cried like a bitch a couple of years ago to get your way. What a dirty little man. This week, Trump instead decided not to invite Pelosi, listen to this, to a border security meeting at the White House. But he reached out to other rank-and-file Democrats to join his lunch with Republican members of Congress.
Starting point is 01:03:30 All the Democrats did what? That's right, they declined to come. Why? Because they're gobblers of goo, of the fucking, anyways. Stop! Thank you. I can't even read anymore. I wish the guy behind her would grab that scarf and tie a nice knot.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Choke her out. Wouldn't you? Wouldn't that be fabulous? We got the... All right, fellas. Nice going. You got that cranked up. I wonder what with Backbone's problem was today.
Starting point is 01:03:59 It was just a matter of rebooting, huh? I rebooted it and I pulled every wire out and put it back in. He has to go to if it was a reboot that fixed it let's not get ourselves no you know what i'm giving you credit ryan ryan came through see what happens when i punished him chinese style even though they stole that movie that music was from kung fu wasn't it i'm sorry nick is it is it not better to upload the right show on a monday than to that's what that's what that music you guys probably remember the kung fu show tremendous show they should do remake it with nathan lane and sandy duncan can i slip in a super chat i'd
Starting point is 01:04:38 like to slip my fingers right in your eyes yes go ahead so northern jackalope says nick my tribe tossed all of our gillette razors no jackalopes will ever use that product again jackalopes are not toxic and we are very hairy he says tribe what does that mean i guess his family uh that sounds very it could be a jewish thing they refer to jewish people that tribe i hope not that could get the show and all kinds of hot water the tribe he says tribe and he says Harry I'm going with Jewish could be Italian could be great yes I have a bunch of Gillette raises upstairs that I fucking wanted to
Starting point is 01:05:16 bring down once again because I have no memory but Ryan made up big. He fucked up, but he came through. I'm sorry, Nick. What's it say? I can't. The cameras are in the way. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm a fucking idiot. Look it.
Starting point is 01:05:33 He does anything to get his face on the show. He's fucking. He thinks there's a couple Boy Scouts out there. They want to finger pop him behind a dumpster. When we all know it's not a dumpster. It's the bus stop in Yonkers where he meets these kids. Anyways, Florida politician says
Starting point is 01:05:51 Rep Rashida Tlaib, oh, that terrorist whore might blow up Capitol Hill. A Florida city commissioner is under five is saying the first Palestinian American woman, that's a sign that we're finished, ever elected to Congress might blow up Capitol Hill. Oh, that's a sign that we're finished, ever elected to Congress, might blow up Capitol Hill.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Well, that's a little over the top. Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! That was her family celebrating when she was wanted. An Islamophobic rant. Hollanda Beach Commissioner Annabelle Lima Taub, who is Jewish, compared Rep Rashida Tlaib, Democrat
Starting point is 01:06:25 Michigan, who is Muslim, to a suicide bomber. I love this woman. I love this Jew broad. I got to be honest with you. I do. Durka, Durka, Muhammad Jihad. Hakka, Sherpa, Sherpa, a-bakalow. Allahu Akbar!
Starting point is 01:06:41 Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Durka, Durka, Muhammad Jihad. Hakka, Sherpaaka Sherpa Sherpa. A bakala. Listen to what she says. This is the Jewish woman talking about Rashida Tlaib. You know, she's the one who said,
Starting point is 01:06:56 there she is, attractive. Aren't they, those Middle Eastern women? Look at that. I wouldn't fuck that face for practice. Got a nose on her like Groucho Marx. Fucking goggles. She's got the hands of fucking Tiny Tim and a really ugly...
Starting point is 01:07:09 That's considered classy over in Shitville. Anyways. Excuse me. This is what the Jewish woman, Annabelle Alima Taub, said about Miss Tlaib. A Hamas-loving anti-Semite has no place in government.
Starting point is 01:07:26 She is the danger. I would not put it past her to become a martyr and blow up Capitol. I fucking love it. I'm going to vote for this bra. I don't even live in Florida. Alima Taub wrote that in a January 8th Facebook post,
Starting point is 01:07:45 which linked to a petition demanding Tlaib be removed from Congress. The Florida lawmaker's online outburst came in response to a comment that Tlaib had made. Remember when she got sworn in, taking aim at the president and vowing to impeach the motherfucker? Haven't heard much from her since, have we? Why would you draw attention to that face? You look like a tattoo of a clown my friend has on his back.
Starting point is 01:08:08 God, are you fucking ugly. And you're probably the hottest thing in the Middle East. Nick, that's unfair. I know. On Tuesday, Tlaib criticized Alim Atab and blamed Trump and his supporters
Starting point is 01:08:20 for fueling a political climate where fear and racism thrives. This sort of hateful anti-Muslim rhetoric doesn't happen in a vacuum. No, it happened right after 9-11 when you created a vacuum and your people knocked over the Twin Towers. Yeah, this all happened a couple years ago
Starting point is 01:08:34 when Trump became president. You are too dumb. I don't give a shit. You are too dumb. I don't care what your gender is to be leading anything. I don't care what your gender is to be leading anything. The president embraced it and Republicans have happily gone along with the Council on American Islamic Relations.
Starting point is 01:08:56 That's care. They're really a fucking terrorist group. They've supported everybody that wants to kill us. Later called on the Florida Commission to resign. And she said, Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! That's my good Jew lady. I love her. Xenophobic stereotypes must not be embraced
Starting point is 01:09:15 by any elected official. Care Florida's communications director, Wilfredo Ruiz, said in a statement, what a fucking mishmash this country has turned into. You know what, Mr. Ruiz? You're a wormy cocksucker. You know that? That's all I got to say to you.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Mr. Ruiz, and he's working for the fucking... It's just... What a clusterfuck. Huh? What a mess. Anyways, let's end it on a light note. Tonight. I bought a pickup truck recently and I was mad at the guys last week they fucked up the show and they were leaving my house so I got my truck and this is what I did it's going up to
Starting point is 01:09:56 Ryan Boulder is now sitting right over here and then also tire tracks he noticed right by this park guy so he looked at the surveillance footage he says what the fuck is that go ahead let it fuck is what is that is that the story asked wow i'm gonna sit here in dead silence until they fucking figure Wow. I'm going to sit here in dead silence until they fucking figure it out. Did I not give you the order of the show? Walking on the sidewalk in front of the house, but then 10 minutes later. I got in my truck.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Something that I totally did not expect. Get, get, get, get, get, get, get, get the fuck. Be honest. A driver plows into the group. There I am. Someone goes flying along with a boulder strewn into the road. Another angle. Yeah, stop it before they show it again, Jason. You wouldn't want to see a funny thing twice.
Starting point is 01:10:52 What the fuck were you guys doing before the show? Anyway. Setting up all the other stuff. Am I giving you too much work? Is that the... Nope. Is that the excuse? Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:05 What would you rate your performance today on a scale of one to ten? Ten really sucking. Ten being the worst? Yes. I'd give it around an eight and a half.
Starting point is 01:11:15 All right. I'd give myself a ten. That ten is bad, you realize, right? Oh, I'd give myself a one then. Oh my God. See how fucking ignorant he is?
Starting point is 01:11:26 You are as dumb as the day. You're as cute as a button, I have to admit, you realize, right? Oh, I'd give myself a one then. Oh my god. See how fucking ignorant he is? You are as dumb as the day. You're as cute as a button, I have to admit, but motherfucker, how did you even get out of high school? Oh, Ritalin. I don't want Jason's mother to watch. I want your mother to watch your show so I can scold her. Can we have her on, uh, can we pull her up tomorrow on Skype? I'll see
Starting point is 01:11:42 what I can do. Alright, that's enough. These guys can't handle it. They have their heads up their ass. The fucking sound thing was not their fault, but I don't know. Did I send you the wrong fucking time codes, Jace? What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:11:54 No, I have an excuse, but I figured it wouldn't be acceptable. Well, what is it? So it was a video embedded in the browser and then the browser reset. And so I lost the place. Yeah, I don't care about that. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:12:03 That's what I'm in the morning and I'm pulling stories and I can't go, know this browser thing did that you know oh yeah no that's not your vise have to keep better track of it yeah could you please we already have one mama luke in the fucking that is it ladies and gentlemen god damn it i did the boxes workout so i'm coughing cigarette shit up that I had two months ago. That's what will happen when you do 10 deep knee bends at once. That is it, folks. You Patreon members, I'll see you tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:12:36 The rest of you should subscribe if you'd like to see more hilarity. Remember, you guys think it. I will say it, and you're very welcome. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye. © BF-WATCH TV 2021 I'm going to go ahead and do that. Take care.

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