The Nick DiPaolo Show - Musk: Free Q-Anon Shaman | Nick Di Paolo Show #1369

Episode Date: March 14, 2023

Musk Calls to Free Chansley. Polls Say Buttigieg Should Resign. Sex Pedo Killed by Antler. UK Daycare Parenting Parents.   Join Nick for bonus content at Patreon! G...o see Nick on the road! for tickets!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous. That's right. A man in my position. Sitting down 98% of the time. Ain't no doubt about it. Who decided we had to poop sitting down? Can I just ask that question? Doesn't really work.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Because if you look, your intestines are folded like this. You know? Anybody ever think of that? The Japanese got it right. You stand up over a hole like an animal. It's potty potty. You've probably been to Japan, right, Dallas? Yes, we have. Went over there with the USO, and yeah, I remember we were on a bus,
Starting point is 00:01:19 and we pulled over to a, you know what, a fucking rest area off the highway. The highways look just like ours with trees and, you know, like lined. They look like American. And I go into fucking, and there's a hole in the ground. So I held it for the next week. I had sepsis by the end of the trip. Anyhow, how are you, folks? It's Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:01:46 At least that's what we're pretending. Hello again. Hello. Quick update on my Bruins. I don't like the talk coming out of the dressing room going, we don't care about smashing the record, which I understand. You want to win the Stanley Cup. We're going to arrest guys, blah, blah, blah. Oh, come on. I think I'd rather set the record for most wins and points. And even if you get booted in the first round, you go, come on, we all know who the best team was. But yeah, they had a little bit of a blip this weekend. Fucking do. They'd ripped off like 10 in a row, which, you know. And then they lost to Edmonton, I think, Saturday. It couldn't have been Saturday, Friday or Thursday, whenever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I travel a lot. You know me. I'm a world traveler. And then they beat the Red Wings at home on Saturday. Dallas, I didn't even know this. I pick up the newspaper yesterday. They played back-to-back games, which that doesn't happen in hockey very much. They played Detroit in Boston
Starting point is 00:02:47 the next day at Detroit. And Detroit beat us. We took two out of three from them. They're not very good, but they're going to be really good in a few years, they say. Anyhow, so yeah, they've kind of, you know, whatever. Gee, our winning percentage is always only like 83%.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Holy moly. What a team, and I'm sure you guys could give a fuck. That's all right, though. When you guys get your own show, you can board me with your horse shit about the Milwaukee Brewers and pickleball. You know, man sports. Fucking soccer.
Starting point is 00:03:23 WNBA. Dallas, how hard were we laughing when we we're watching was it the wmba or was that college no that was college in the college all five people that were there yeah it was like a conference championship with broads and they win the champion and literally man i think one of the girls parents was there with a couple of friends in a stadium we were fucking dying don't you understand lady don't you understand and that's why you don't get paid when you go to the wmba do you get how let me explain it to you because i know most years first of all you're female you're feminist you're athletes you're on college
Starting point is 00:03:55 campuses so you're practically marxist and you wouldn't understand how capitalism works but the reason tom brady or whoever pick any basketball player LeBron makes trillions of dollars a year, is because millions of people tune into those stupid games. Not me, I hate basketball. And when millions of people tune in, like the Super Bowl, right, then you can charge outrageous money for advertising. And that's how they pay their athletes. See, but when you guys are playing, I don't mean to be disrespectful, and there's 11 people watching, five in the stadium and six at
Starting point is 00:04:34 home, nobody's going to advertise on that. You understand? I hope. Because I know you douchebag Marxist professors don't explain that to you. It's that simple. Just because you want something to be a certain way doesn't mean it is a certain way. Good night, everybody. Let me roll off like Stiegenhocken. Stiegenhocken, yeah, Nick. What the fuck are you making fun of? You can't even talk. Scardouche, scardouche, will you do the bandando?
Starting point is 00:05:02 A double-toed lightning, very, very frightening. Que calaleo. Huh? Scaradoosh, scaradoosh, will you do the vandando? The bolt of lightning, very, very frightening. Um, huh? Guy comes home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife. I guess I'll have to spread my legs now, she says. Why, he asks. Don't you have a vase? Why, he, why, she, why, he says. a bouquet. I say bouquet.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Uncle Junior. God, he'll probably be going soon. Hey, who did we lose recently? Who the fuck died? Tom Sizemore. Tom Sizemore. That was last week, but there were two this weekend. Bud Grant.
Starting point is 00:05:46 I keep thinking Dallas is my age. Bud Grant was the Vikings coach in their heyday in the 70s and into the 80s. He lived to 95. He's the guy that wouldn't let them have heaters on the sideline when they played outside. The other team would have heaters. The Vikings are over there. the other team would have heaters the Vikings are over there and just a hard-ass old school um just a fucking like a midwestern cold as ice dude you know I mean uh great guy off the field
Starting point is 00:06:15 ah I hang out with him a couple times at his house no anyway 95 years old Bud Grant and who the fuck oh uh hey Jesus Alou one of the Alous I think it was Jesus 80 years old he Bud Grant, and who the fuck, oh, Jesus Alou, one of the Alous, I think it was Jesus, 80 years old, he was a baseball player in the 70s, and the Alou brothers, there's three of them, anyways, I don't know how many alive, so we lost, yeah, and oh, they were, I didn't watch the Oscars, because, I don't know, I still eat pussy and like girls. My wife's like, yeah. My wife's at home right now going, uh. But they didn't
Starting point is 00:06:58 include Anne Heche in Memorial. You know, they play all the dead people, which is the best part of the show. It is. They didn't include Paul Servino, Anne Hayes, Tony Sirico, who was in Goodfellas and a few other movies.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Anne Hayes was great in Donnie Brasco. Probably because, whatever. Some people go, well, like Tom Sizemore just died, so it was too late. We couldn't... How hard is it to edit? Dallas, you know. Not hard. You could do it that day!
Starting point is 00:07:32 Right? So you know there was something wrong with it, Paul. Well, Tom Sizemore used to smack women around. And Paul Savino used to be on Gutfeld's show, so we know why he didn't get in. And, you know, Sirico, I'm guessing, wasn't a Democrat either.
Starting point is 00:07:49 But they say, the Oscars say, well, that's because they were more famous for television. Savino was? No. Tony Sirico, yes. I mean, he was known for The Sopranos. Yeah, Anne Heche. She was on TV, but I can't remember the show again because I'm a guy. Yeah, mostly movies, though, so there's no excuse for that one.
Starting point is 00:08:09 No, no, no, no. She was on a sitcom for a while. Still mostly movies. She wasn't a TV actress. Like I said, she was on a sitcom for a while that ran for a couple years, which is more than doing like three famous movies. That's what they say, you know. Yeah, Anne Heche surprised me. Come on. She was a woman. She drove a Prius. She's one
Starting point is 00:08:30 of you, faggots. Yeah, click, kick. Exactly. Ting-tang, eats pussy, beautiful. Prius. Pretty hot in her day, too. But who don't I think is hot? Well, me. Again, I'm a dyke from Sicily. All right, let's get to it. I can't think of anything else. What am I going to eat tonight? What did I eat last night? Tabbouli. Oh, I love Tabbouli. And it's so good for you, right? Sure it is. I figured I would take it a seven pound dump today look like fucking rabbit bellies very disappointed must have eaten a fucking pound and a half dehydration let's get on with it but a free Jacob musk free Jacob wait a minute is that that the headline? Yeah, Musk colon Free Jacob. No.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Speaking of the bully. Billionaire business mogul. Thanks for telling us what he does. They get paid by the word, these jerk-offs. I didn't think he was a short order cook, but he invented electric cars. Billionaire business mogul Elon Musk called for Jacob Chansley. You know who that is? That's the guy with the Viking hat and the face paint that did absolutely nothing wrong other than being in the Capitol. Musk is calling for him to be freed from prison. He did that on Friday, arguing the so-called QAnon shaman's actions during the Capitol riot on January 6th of 2021 were, and this is, quote, falsely portrayed, and more quotes, free Jacob Chansley.
Starting point is 00:10:11 There it is right there for you. That's an explosive tweet somehow. Why would it be explosive other than you should all be for it? 100% of yous. This is what I'm talking about, the left. Here's where they, you always hear both sides of fucking bullshit here's where rubber meets the road and you guys have
Starting point is 00:10:30 just you're in denial about reality or whatever the fuck because we have they have footage of him not being violent being led around by two fucking capital cops opening doors for him actually went in and said a prayer for the cops.
Starting point is 00:10:48 No violence whatsoever. Walked by a group we showed you last week, about eight cops hang out, nobody tried to stop them, and they portrayed him like he was a fucking maniac. Here's where the left, this is why I really believe the country is still majority, not conservative but leans right. Because you guys lose touch with reality on the fucking line. Oh, I saw Bill Maher again. Jake Tapper was interviewing him.
Starting point is 00:11:16 And he's comparing MAGA Republicans to woke people. Do I have to explain why that's not true? Woke people riot and burn shit down, and they're for that type of shit. MAGA Republicans, they'll hold a fucking rally then pick up their trash after, because the average person is white and about 60 years old. So suck a dick, Bill.
Starting point is 00:11:40 You still don't get it. Anyways, don't show them that I want to do a show someday. Anyways, Free Jacob Chansey Musk wrote, an explosive. I mean, like diarrhea. It's just really controversial. It's freedom, baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I like this guy. How about throwing him on the ticket? He would be perfect because he's not a Republican. You know what I mean? He'd be down. Not perfect. You know what I mean. I'm with throwing him on the ticket. He would be perfect because he's not a Republican. You know what I mean? He'd be down, not perfect. You know what I mean. I'm with you, Dallas. I'm sort of DeSantis.
Starting point is 00:12:11 The Twitter CEO and founder of Tesla. They're going to give you their, they have to refer to him differently. Yeah, exactly. You're going to tell us he had a walk on spot on everybody loves ram founder of tesla or spacex and he invented the diaper and high heel shoes and pudding said it was an issue of fairness of justice as he shared resurface footage from the day supporters of the former president trump storm the storm the capital if you want to call it Storm. See all the fucking charge language they use. The building that shows Chansley, now 35, urging rioters to go home.
Starting point is 00:12:51 He was actually telling them to go home. I'm not part of MAGA, this is Elon talking, but I do believe in fairness of justice, must continue. Chansley was falsely betrayed, he says, in the media as a violent criminal who tried to overthrow the state and who urged others to commit violence. That's exactly right. And then the left-wing media takes him
Starting point is 00:13:14 and makes him into this fucking criminal and all you shitheads who vote Democrat, buy it. What we've got here is failure to communicate. But here he is urging people to be peaceful and go home. And the other video shows him calmly walking in the Capitol building, being escorted by officers and then thanking the officers, Musk added, referencing bombshell security camera footage from inside the Capitol building obtained by
Starting point is 00:13:45 Tucker Carlson. So here's where you guys lose it on the left. Instead of coming out and going, you know what, we're wrong. You know, I mean, if you had an ounce of and didn't just want to be right. In September 2021, Changeli pleaded guilty to one count of obstructing an official proceeding and was sentenced to get this 41 months, as opposed to some thug in New York who beats an old lady senseless and is on the street within 24 hours. Just let that soak in. And was sentenced to 41 months in prison that November. We made our point.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Donald Trump asked everybody to go home, Chansley cries out. That's what he was saying at the riot. We're going to do as he asks. He goes on and proceeds to read Trump's request aloud. The Department of Justice timeline confirmed that an officer followed Chansley into the chamber as the Navy vet took the seat on the dais recently occupied by Vice President Mike Pence. The fact that he's a Navy vet and they did this to him shows you how little this administration, especially, doesn't give a fuck about the military.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Thank you, Heavenly Father. He actually said a prayer for taking the inspiration needed to these police officers to allow us into this building. Chansley intoned into his bullhorn during an impromptu prayer from the dais. It's freedom, baby, yeah. And he's doing 41 months for that.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Once again, we have proof that that's bullshit. And they're still saying, Hakeem Jeffries, you lying motherless fuck, still saying five or six cops were killed. A handful of cops were killed. Not one was killed. One guy, Brian Sicknick, died a few days later of a stroke. They said he was beat to death with a fucking extinguisher. So we know that, yet they continue to lie.
Starting point is 00:15:34 And you continue, I guess, to vote for him if you want to believe our votes count. I'm so jaded, I don't know what to say now. But I'm just, do you see the problem? Lefties, Jimmy Kimmel fucking took a shot, you know, about Tucker Carlson. They had a little going back and forth in the, whatever. You know what I mean? Sorry, the shit's on tape. You're wrong.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Just come clean, jerk-offs. Anyways, let's move on to one of the best politicians ever to come to Washington. This guy represents rugged individualism. Kind of a Sam Elliott-type character, like in 1883 or whatever the show is on, 89 or 1411. This type of guy, he's all about, oh, he's just too macho for his own good. Rotten Peter. A majority of likely voters want Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to resign for how he handled the toxic train derailment affecting East Palestine, Ohio,
Starting point is 00:16:43 a Rasmussen Report survey released on Monday. Well, that's a big surprise. Buttigieg was slow to respond to train derailment because he was out shopping for a bassinet. Not for him. Not for his baby. For him. Derailment in the Buckeye State, only opting to visit the area after former President Trump made an effort,
Starting point is 00:17:08 the latter of whom made sure the people of the area knew they were not forgotten. See, Buttigieg is everything that's wrong with today's bureaucrat. He's overeducated, doesn't know how to do a fucking thing. Just thinks having the title and showing up, doesn't know how to do a fucking thing. Buttigieg, however, only opted to visit the state Just thinks having the title and showing up doesn't know how to do a fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Buttigieg, however, only opted to visit the state after Trump, who delivered truckloads of water and bought first responders and others lunch. Already had prior to Trump's visit, Buttigieg said he would visit the area when the time is right. That's faggot stuff. You want to call it by its name, that's strictly for fags. When the time is right. What? When you're not showing? Get it? Pregnant? That time conveniently occurred after Trump's visit. However, at the time of the visit, neither Buttigieg nor his spokeswoman explained it took roughly three weeks to visit the area. In fact, Buttigieg's press secretary even refused to answer questions on camera. I'm going to show you this. I couldn't believe this is what I'm watching in America in 2023.
Starting point is 00:18:14 This is the spokesperson. Press, the fucking word press is right in their title. Press secretary for Buttigieg. Watch how she responds to journalists. I'm guessing they're journalists. Watch this. My name is Alexa Shore. I'm with the Daily Color News Foundation. Can you ask what the Secretary of Transportation has to say to me, Chair? You guys, I would like you guys to turn your cameras off.
Starting point is 00:18:41 You're not on my camera. Well, I'm on a camera. I would like the cameras to be off, and I'm happy to a little bit excessive. Aggressive. She doesn't know what she does for a living. She doesn't know the Constitution. And the fat fuck, the guy with the white beard, doesn't know what he's doing. Trying to tell people to shut off their phones and cameras. Do you know how it works in this country?
Starting point is 00:19:16 You're not there yet, Marxist. I can't even listen anymore. She's lucky I don't go over there and slap her little bottom until it's pink all over as bill hicks used to say i mean do you believe the balls on her who the fuck do you think you are who do you think you are who the fuck do you think you are who is that journalist right an aggressive a bunch of iphones being held up is aggressive. Jesus. Honestly. Can you imagine? I don't get it. Honestly, that one,
Starting point is 00:19:51 even today, I know libtards or whatever they call them, far left, you're really dumb. Dumber than any, you always like to point to rednecks and shit. They're not.
Starting point is 00:20:01 The right actually has their head on straight now. The survey asked, should Buttigieg resign as a result of being a bitch? A thousand percent yes, everybody said. No, resign as a result of the transportation department, how they handle the recent train derailment in Ohio. Most, 51 percent, said he should resign, followed by 36 percent who said he should not. So what would make, I like to ask those 36%,
Starting point is 00:20:26 what would he have to do for you to say yes? Honestly, you fucking dumb prickless wonders. Who said he should not, and 13% who remain unsure. Can't make you, yeah, that's such a tough one to make your mind up, to put you out on a limb like that. Most Republicans and independents, 68%,
Starting point is 00:20:51 and 51% respectively believe he should resign, take his own life in front of his kids. Compared to 35% of Democrats who, again, because somebody fails in public but has a D after their name, you know, the other 65 say, no, he's great. A plurality of Democrats, 49%, do not believe Buttigieg should resign. Again, you're the dumbest party and always have been. You're into slavery. You started it all. You're phonies. You're corrupt. You're a criminal enterprise and you can suck my ass. Bye bye dickhead. Further, the survey found that a plurality 41% believe Buttigieg is a bitch.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Again, is worse transportation secretary than most who held the job before him. That one's kind of unfair. Could you name one? I don't know how to make a train. The survey was taken March 6th through 8th of this year. Among 950 likely voters and has a plus or minus 3 percentage margin of error. Yeah, whatever. What the fuck ever. Petey Buttigieg. The guy sucked as a mayor, you know, of whatever it was in Indiana.
Starting point is 00:22:14 West Bend. I mean, West Bend. Where did Notre Dame play, Dennis? Come on, you're a college football guy. West Bend? That's not West Bend. Is it East Bend? You believe it?
Starting point is 00:22:33 Both of us, college football. I'm ready to cry right now. Anyways, while you're looking that up, I'll move on. Antler assault. What the hell does that mean? Christmas is way over. A Minnesota father, this is a great story. It really, it's very American, turned himself in and confessed,
Starting point is 00:22:55 South Bend. Oh, my God. One of those cardinal directions. Yeah, I know. We did the whole compass, but the right one. Some father turned himself in and confessed to fatally beating a, Yeah, I know. We did the whole compass, but the right one. Some father turned himself in and confessed to fatally beating a convicted sex offender. I should end the story there. I don't see a problem.
Starting point is 00:23:20 He believed had stalked his toddler daughter, the Star Tribune reported on Friday. Lawrence Scully, seen here. He's got, he definitely got a bag of lollipops and a trench coat. Lawrence Scully is a convicted pedophile. Look at that face. Hey, little boy, do you want some candy? Stalking and attempting to groom my daughter is completely inappropriate and needs to stop. Levi Axtell reportedly wrote of Lawrence Scully in a request, that's Levi the dad, for a protective order in 2018. Levi Axtell, a 27-year-old father from Grand Mariahs,
Starting point is 00:24:02 was charged with second-degree intentional murder after allegedly beating the 77-year-old Lawrence Scully to death in Scully's home on March 8th. Again, don't see the problem. Blood-covered Axtell reportedly turned himself in after the encounter, telling local authorities he beat Scully like a rented mule. No, with a shovel mule. No. With a shovel and finished him off with what, folks? A knife? A hammer?
Starting point is 00:24:33 No. A moose antler. Speaking of moose. That's a real Minnesota story. You finish him off with a moose, that's a real Minnesota story. You finish him off with a moose antler. Axtell told the court in 2018 that Scully had stalked his then 22-month-old daughter at her daycare. How do you... Was she walking at 22 months in a skirt home from school? How do you stalk a...
Starting point is 00:25:05 He alleged Scully would sit in his van, oh, here you go, near the daycare center, as I often do with a can of fucking pistachios. Have all those shells built up like in the movie. In his van near the daycare as the children were taken for... How the fuck would you look at kids and get turned? It is beyond. The court temporarily granted Axtell's request for an order of protection,
Starting point is 00:25:31 reportedly dismissing it within several weeks. Why? Why don't you tell us why in the article? Scully was convicted of assaulting a six-year-old girl back in 1979 and released from prison three years later. Why just three years, you sons of bitches? Axtell's bail was set at a million bucks.
Starting point is 00:25:56 There you go, huh? Again, you should have stabbed him in the ass and wore a black face. You would have been out a week. His next court appearance is slated for April 10th. Until then, WTIP reports, he will be held in custody of the Cook County Sheriff. I wonder what end of the antler. The pointy one or the club end?
Starting point is 00:26:22 How do you look at kids? Again, not only should he do no jail time, since that guy did assault a six-year-old girl at one point, so he's the devil, I don't care how old he is. That guy should get an award during the Oscars next year. All right, let's move on. Finally tonight in my show. Parenting parents. We all know the United Kingdom. That would be the UK, England, Britain.
Starting point is 00:26:51 We all know that it's a socialist shithole, and it's been that way. Let's start calling it Marxist now. One of Britain's largest nursery school groups has been slammed for saying parents should stop telling their daughters they look pretty or calling them princesses or a tomboy. The instructions are in a handbook issued by Bright Horizons Nurseries. Remember, the more innocuous the title, the more devious the horseshit behind it, which also defines girls as children who identify as female. That's how girls should be. Children who identify as female and warns parents against praising good behavior. Take a big step back and literally fuck your own face.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Parents are urged, first of all, the gall, to put out a handbook telling parents how to raise their kids. Just the gall, the arrogance, the creepiness of it all. I almost respect the guy that hangs out at the daycare center in his van more than these people. Parents are urged to reflect on how, telling you to reflect. You don't know what you're doing, parents. Although I got to be honest with you, I'm at the mall or at the airports. I look around, they might have a point. I'm kidding. Reflect on how they bring up their
Starting point is 00:28:09 daughters with one, they don't give a fuck about the little boys, by the way. Don't give a fuck about the little boys. With one passage of the handbook saying, and I quote, it is so easy to fall into a pattern of praising a girl's appearance. You look so pretty. Labeling her behavior as good or congratulating her when she does something perfectly. You're entitled to shit. What are you supposed to say? Hey, pig face. You call that washing the dishes, whore?
Starting point is 00:28:42 Apparently I'm a good, I'm a great dad. Moms and dads are also told to avoid using gendered terms. They're telling you how to talk. And warned against calling an opinionated girl bossy. How about twat? Bossy's good. That means they're in charge. It means they're a boss and they're C. The guide goes on to say, fill your home with books, toys, and decor that do not conform to specific gender. Do you understand this is pure Marxism trying to flip the society
Starting point is 00:29:21 on its head? And some of you jerk-offs are following it. Honest to God. Look, here's a picture of a young black fella in a pink shirt and a woman in a pink shirt. They're both teachers instructing two little white kids on how to become nice communists. Conform to specific gender roles, e.g. buy books about female construction workers. Yeah, there's a shitload of those. And encourage girls to engage in math and science activities. Shut up. Mind your fucking business and shut up.
Starting point is 00:29:54 As if they don't somehow? Well, this has already been covered. Larry Summers, who was the president of Harvard, who worked under Obama, whatever, fucking he was a money guy, economics. He got in all kinds of trouble about 10 years ago giving a speech at Harvard.
Starting point is 00:30:10 And not even saying that women can't do math, but he stated a fact that more women, more guys go towards science and math than women do. And he got fucking booted. Okay?
Starting point is 00:30:23 And the truth of the matter is women choose other things than math. It's just fucking, so what? Oh my God. What is this? Obsession
Starting point is 00:30:34 with women and empowerment. It's been going on for, it's the worst case of penis envy in the history of the planet. Parents are also advised to try to eliminate, oh my god, gender-based references to your child, such as princess or tomboy,
Starting point is 00:30:54 or phrases such as young ladies don't behave that way. Replace that with boys will be boys and go ahead and grab her tits a mother of a child that at nursery in kent received a handbook by email and said bright horizon is dictating to parents their own political views on how to raise their children they obviously have very left-wing views in terms of gender politics and think they are entitled to tell parents how to address their daughters you're entitled to shit and how to teach their daughters. You're entitled to shit. And how to teach them about their bodies. That don't, it's not for them.
Starting point is 00:31:30 It's for me to teach. And action. A Bright Horizon spokesman said, it is every parent's personal choice about when, where, and from whom to seek guidance, they added. For those who are seeking ideas for empowering their daughters to grow into strong, confident leaders, free from potentially harmful gender stereotypes, we offer, oh my God, somebody killed a person
Starting point is 00:31:54 that created this ideology. That and the person who came up with the techno drum machine. We offer advice that tortured me in Dallas all weekend, no matter where we went. We offer advice that encourages a focus on girls' attributes no matter where we went. We offer advice that encourages a focus on girls' attributes other than their physical appearances and their delicious tits. What?
Starting point is 00:32:11 Sisters, cunts! Anyway, that's it, ladies and gentlemen. Again, it's not socialism, it's Marxism. And it's alive and well. That was a story of the UK. It could have been out of Idaho. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It's a and well. That was a story in the UK. It could have been out of Idaho. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It's a world revolution.
Starting point is 00:32:28 You're dealing with a party that when they're confronted with shit on video, they still deny it. Who's psycho? That's it. Don't forget, you know what, if you want me to roast a friend or a relative. Go to
Starting point is 00:32:43 You guys think that I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow. And you people who are monthly subscribers, I'll see you in a few minutes. Bye-bye. Hi. Good night, everybody. guitar solo Outro Music

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