The Nick DiPaolo Show - Nick's Best of Biden

Episode Date: October 28, 2021

Nick's recent, "Best of Biden"....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television, or from the White House, now more than ever, our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed, and that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show, and that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning, honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much. Let's keep this freedom fight going. We have fewer democracies in the world today than we did 15 years ago.
Starting point is 00:00:44 We have fewer democracies in the world today than we did 15 years ago. Fewer. Not more. Fewer. Fewer, said the Fuhrer. guitar solo Oh yeah! It's freedom, baby, yeah! Ha ha ha! Great to be here with you today.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Good morning, my neighbors! Hey, fuck you! Oh goodness gracious hell-o-ees. What kind of language was that? How are you, folks? What's going on? Watching the world implode? Watching Joe Biden implode?
Starting point is 00:01:59 He stole an election that he really didn't want. Oh, my God. Let me tell you something, you Republicans who are phonies too and suck almost bad as the Democrats. If you can't win in the midterms at a fucking, I'm talking a red tide, the type that kills millions of fish like your wife on a heavy day. I'm talking huge.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I'll be embarrassed for you. I will switch to the Communist Party. They seem to know how to cheat better than you guys do. Wake up, okay? They handed it to you on a silver platter, you fucking dopes. This poor prick has lost his mind. Again, my dad died of Alzheimer's. I think he was sharper than this guy is. It makes for great comedic fodder, I understand. But does it not send a chill up your ass? He's the leader of the free world. All the shit they projected on Trump, not fit mentally, physically, all of it, everything, racist.
Starting point is 00:03:08 You can throw it right back on Joe Biden biden only it's true in this case um his brain's fucking broken joe biden on monday delivered remarks on the 31st anniversary of the americans with disabilities act from the rose garden he must get a chill up his ass right there he's he's going, wait a minute, disabilities. I can't do what I did a few years ago. I told a guy to stand up and he was in a wheelchair, paralyzed. That's a true story. As usual, Joe Biden got confused and forgot a congressman's name. It's funny what he does here. He forgets the guy's last name. So he says Paul and then tries to pass it off. He's just a fucking confused guy.
Starting point is 00:03:50 What are we doing? What's going on right now? Then Biden got confused whether a guest mother was attending. He's probably calling for his own mother at this point. They say a guest mother, but take a look at this. And again, remind yourself, this is the leader of the free world chairman Leahy yeah leader McCarthy what senator Casey Congressman Scott Congressman where is he where is he our pa oh yep you understand this better than anybody does I want to thank you Congressman with all your work and I want to thank you all for being here second uh by the way where's mom mom she's home laughing at you she's 172 watching okay i thought she's looking up from hell it's gonna ask her to stand up but mom you can't stand up and if you're home what first so the
Starting point is 00:04:39 guy's mom can't stand up if she's home what does she live in a fucking two by two box why can't she stand hello hello hello anybody oh joey joey joey why is your brain so snowy somebody come up with another word. Anyways, what a jack off. Unbelievable. Wow. He's just a gift that keeps on giving. Mom? Mommy? Mommy?
Starting point is 00:05:17 Hello, Dad? Congressman Paul. Yeah. How do you spell your last name? Fucking ass. Can you imagine? You're going to tell me they carry that nuclear football in a suitcase, like with the buttons where you can put it? Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:05:36 He's going to think it's his fucking medical alert bracelet. I'm going to fall and push that with smoke. President Biden had a Rick Perry moment. You can tell this is written in a New York paper because they have to. They can't just, you know, they have to bring a Republican. He had a Rick Perry moment while making remarks at a Pennsylvania truck factory Wednesday where he was taking a 40-minute dump. He just pulled over.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Claiming he had sought the presidency for three reasons. The minute I heard he said three reasons, I was like, oh, no. Oh, that's two reasons too many for a guy that has onset Alzheimer's. You got to keep it to one, Joe. You got to keep it to one. Apparently Apparently he remembered two of them. But here he is stating the three reasons that he originally ran or whatever. Go ahead. So I was running for three reasons. One, to restore the soul of this country, a sense of decency and honor. Pause.
Starting point is 00:06:43 That one kills me. To restore decency and honor. Pause. That one kills me. To restore decency and honor. And how do you do that? By stealing the election, dividing the country worse than it's ever been divided, and then, you know, escorting this COVID thing, divide us further, telling families and friends and relatives to spy on each other, looking for white supremacists in your family. Boy, does he know how to restore the soul to this country. Bigger government than ever. He's fucking hiring more people. Again, not exactly what the country was founded on.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Do words mean anything to Democrats? This guy's been lying so fucking long. He's been in it since the 70s. We have a ton of evidence of it. Just, he thinks now he can just say anything and the people there watching live will probably be nodding their heads.
Starting point is 00:07:31 But I'm at home belly lapping to restore the soul of the country. You lying fucking decrepit prick. You crooked fucking
Starting point is 00:07:40 father of a crack smoking painter. Business in China and Ukraine? Putting your son on a boot, selling your name to have access to Chinese people? You know, the soul of this country. You filthy, rotten mick. I don't even know what the fuck he is.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Anyways, let the jerk talk some more. But secondly, to rebuild the backbone of the country. Fix that cup on your hand, man. Hard working, middle class folks. He's rolling up his sleeves, you get it? Who built this country. And I want to point out, unions built the middle class.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Was that number three? Joe? Joe? He went on. Number three? Joe? Joe? He went on, and I was waiting for number three. Hummer, hummer, hummer, hummer, hummer. You know you're a fucking mumbling, stuttering little fuck, you know that? I got nine reasons why I came to Allentown. Biden never revealed the third reason he ran for president.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Instead, going on to fucking, you know, blow and pander to his audience by claiming that without the support of the United Auto Workers Union, I never would have won his initial election to the Senate back in the... So that's who we blame. The fucking auto union, you pricks. Election to the U.S. Senate from Delaware in 1972. You're a loser. You'll always be a loser. So before you get upset, he says, remember, you're to blame why I got here. Okay, I'm glad you pointed that out. In the same speech Wednesday, Biden had what he called a Freudian slip when he uttered President Trump while meaning to mention his former boss, Barack Obama. This poor bastard. I can't believe he's still president.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Watch him have a Freudian slip here. Let me close with this. Back in 2009, during the so-called Great Recession, Back in 2009, during the so-called Great Recession, the president asked me to be in charge of managing that piece. Then President Trump, excuse me, Freudian slip, that was the last president. He caused, anyway, that was President Obama when I was vice president. Who's your fucking boss, huh? Who's your fucking boss?
Starting point is 00:10:08 Uh-ohoh retard alert oh god biden get back to the basement you're fired you're fired you're fired you're fired lying piece of garbage speaks in philadelphia that could only mean one man in my opinion the guy who stole the fucking election and who listens to the squad and who hates his country more than any sitting president ever uh jerk off joe biden was in philly um and i watched some of this and i literally man my blood pressure was going through the roof it literally went through the roof it went through my house and i had to go get it. I sound like Kim Kardashian using literally. He talks about voting restrictions
Starting point is 00:10:51 in this first clip. Trigger warning. This will make you fucking furious if you're white. Unless you're a lib. Then I hope you die of some type of sickle cell AIDS mixture. OK, let's roll it.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Audits, recounts were conducted in Arizona, Wisconsin. In Georgia, it was recounted three times. No, it wasn't. It's clear. For those who challenge the results and question the integrity of the election, no other election has ever been held under such scrutiny and such high standards. The big lie is just that, a big lie. 2020 election. It's not hyperbole. It suggests the most examined.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Pause. It's the most examined because I'll just give you a few examples, shithead. It's the most examined because it was the most controversial where you use COVID to keep people from going to the polls and voting in person so they could mail this shit in, which is always susceptible to fraud. And it was this time and it worked perfectly for you. It's still being
Starting point is 00:12:27 examined and we know there's a ton of evidence that you didn't win this thing. It's all going to come out. How can you stand there, you fuckhead, and look us in the eye and say that? Un-fucking-the-most-examined. Yeah, because when you put cardboard up on polling place windows in Detroit on election night, it looks kind of weird. When trucks pull up at four in the morning and deliver boxes of ballots and you watch it on the computer, you get 100,000 votes at like 6 a.m. That looks fucking weird. Not to mention the state of
Starting point is 00:13:05 Pennsylvania, the legislature changing their voting election rules two weeks before the election, which is unconstitutional. Not even the legislature. What am I saying? It was the council. The legislature has to do that, and they did it. You know, little details like that. Baseless claims, the big lie. You're living the big fucking lie. Oh my God. How dare you? How about the Republican pollsters that went in to watch? They had to stand 50 to 100 feet away.
Starting point is 00:13:37 How about the footage of people pulling suitcases out under the desk at 7 in the morning? How about 100 people, over 100 people signed affidavits saying they witnessed cheating going on. And they did it under the threat of perjury. They could go to jail. So they're all fucking lying too. You people. You fucking people. You have no idea how to run an election.
Starting point is 00:14:12 You can't handle the truth. You can't, Joey. You're not the fucking president. It's too bad. Oy, oy, oy. Now, here's a clip where he, is he done with this one? Pretty much. All right, let's a clip where he, is he done with this one? Pretty much. All right, let's go to the next one.
Starting point is 00:14:28 He's, in this clip, he's got to bring up January 6th, and this is where my eyebrows jumped off my face and stuck on the wall. Watch this. The violence and the deadly insurrection on the Capitol on January 6th. Pause. Deadly insurrection on the Capitol on January 6th. Pause. Deadly insurrection. One person died, a Trump supporter, a woman,
Starting point is 00:14:50 a veteran, a military veteran, shot by a black cop and we still don't know who it was yet, his ID. He calls it a deadly insurrection. The other few people that died of heart attacks, a stroke. Nobody was beat to death with a fire extinguisher, like they said on CNN and MSNBC.
Starting point is 00:15:10 That was all a deadly insurrection. Couple hundred people, fucking husbands and their wives and family members, and a guy in a Viking hat and a loincloth. Deadly insurrection. And you people have fallen for this shit. You should be ashamed of yourself. Not you people watching me. You like me and I like you. We think alike.
Starting point is 00:15:32 This guy wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on his rotten prostate. Let the dicks finish. I just got back from Europe. Did you? Beginning of the G7. I thought I was going to Alaska. He's going to cry. Not a joke. Oh, here we go. I thought I was going to Alaska. He's going to cry. Not a joke.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Oh, here we go. I wonder, Gov. Over to my... He asked me. He asked me. Is it going to be okay? What are you talking about? Your brain?
Starting point is 00:15:53 This is a citadel of democracy in the world. Is it going to be okay? Time and again, we've weathered threats to the right to vote and free and fair elections. In each time, we found a way to overcome. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Oh! They asked me, is it going to be alright?
Starting point is 00:16:19 I didn't know they were talking about my dementia. I said, yes, it's going to be fine. And then I went and rinsed my nuts in the holy water at the local church, thinking it was the men's room. Oh my, how about the overdramatic? He's the best actor that's ever, better than Reagan, who was an actual actor. This guy's got the dramatic shit down. And then they asked me. Then he talked about Republican bills to keep people from voting. Let's hear, again, you know, it's always Whitey's fault.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Go ahead, Dick Cheese. Let it flow. Civil rights groups and other organizations have announced their plans to stay vigilant and challenge these odious laws in the courts. In Texasas for example republican-led state legislature wants to allow partisan poll watchers to intimidate voters and imperil and impartial uh poll workers they want voters to dive further and be able to be in a position where they wonder who's watching them and intimidating them to wait longer to vote to drive a hell of a lot all fucking lies to wait longer to vote no they're actually giving them more time this is all about before we forget what we're talking about
Starting point is 00:17:39 voter id all this what he's calling suppression and the new Jim Crow, it's asking people to show who they are when they vote. And everybody that's weighed in on it, from black people to fucking Mongolians in this country, all are for it, almost two to one, to have to show an ID. And these fuckers, and like
Starting point is 00:18:00 the douchebags in Texas who flee their state, not even listening to the people they're supposed to represent. Neither is this Jackoff, who's not the president. Go ahead. Excuse me, a long way to get to vote. They want to make it so hard and inconvenient that they hope people don't vote at all. That's what this is about. This year alone, at all. That's what this is about. This year alone, 17 states have enacted, not just proposed, but enacted 28 new laws to make it harder for Americans to vote. Not to mention, and catch this, nearly 400 additional bills Republican members of the state legislatures are trying to pass.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Republican members of the state legislatures are trying to pass. The 21st century Jim Crow assault is real. Then there was a piece in Breitbart, Biden lying saying the election results case went in front of the Supreme Court. The claim, the Supreme Court, among other courts, heard the challenges to the 2020 presidential election results twice. Even I was sitting at home going, no, they didn't. They didn't even entertain it. They wouldn't let it in.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And this jerk off's up there saying this, and everybody at home's nodding and applauding. The verdict, false. The Supreme Court declined to hear the election challenges and never considered the evidence. They didn't even consider the freaking evidence, okay? So I don't want to fucking hear it. President Joe Biden gave a speech Tuesday in support of Democrats' controversial voting reform bill, H.R. what's it say, B.S. 1?
Starting point is 00:19:40 1 slash S.1, yeah. H.R. 1 slash S.1, the For the People the people act i told you right the more uh patriotic sounding the name of the bill the more they know you're getting fucked in the ass for the people act uh the legislation would radically change american democracy nationalizing elections and making permanent changes to voting rules that would virtually ensure Democrats never lose another election. You know, like they do in third world dictatorships. You know how in like, even Putin, when he has an election, he won, he got 99% of the vote. One more clip from his speech. Just if you haven't thrown up yet, I'll make you, you probably have dry heaves. now here comes the real chunks go ahead show jerk off challenge after challenge brought
Starting point is 00:20:31 to local state and election officials state legislature state and federal courts even to the united states supreme court not once but twice to the Supreme Court, said the lying whore. I'm going to fucking smash his fucking face in. Oh, don't do that. Don't do that. You'll get in trouble. The guidance was seemingly
Starting point is 00:20:59 abrupt, a reversal from guidance the agency issued in April when it eased mask wearing guidelines for the outdoors. Under those recommendations, Americans who were fully vaccinated did not have to cover their faces unless they were in large crowds. A month later, just count these flip-flops, the CDC a month later eased its guidance further for the fully vaccinated, saying that mask wearing was not absolutely necessary in crowds and in most indoor settings. Here is the fake president doing what he does best, reading lies off a teleprompter that were written for him.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Listen to his energy level here. He sounds like he's a fucking day away from death. Go ahead. CDC is saying they have concluded that fully vaccinated people are at a very, very low risk of getting COVID-19. Liar, liar. Therefore, if you've been fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. Let me repeat. If you are fully vaccinated,
Starting point is 00:22:10 you no longer need to wear a mask. Mm-hmm. You such a liar. Don't you see what's going on, folks? Got nothing to do with the virus. This is all controlling your life. And I blame you assholes who still wore a mask even after the mandates were waived.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And when he said shit like this, you still kept them on just to virtue signal or let us know you voted for Biden or whatever the fuck. And I'm telling you, the idiots who organized this looked out there and go, look at this, still wearing them. This is going to be easy.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Let's put in phase two of the program. You're being played like a fiddle. We've forgotten what this is all about. It's a fucking flu. Unless you're fat and old. People, people, people, shut off your TVs, please. Play with your kids. Do something.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Oh, people, people, people, shut off your TVs, please. Play with your kids. Do something. The greatest president in the history of the United States, Joe Biden. Cocksucker. He gave a speech. They call it the UN General Assembly speech. And, I mean, he was terrific. He showed, you know, he was very presidentially.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Used all these big words that, you know, just don't mean shit and just agreed to suck everybody's dick all over the globe and we're not going to hurt anybody and blah, blah, bleep, blah, blah. Boy, did we miss Trump. I noticed the background at the U.N. It looks like he's passed out on a bathroom men's room floor somewhere in a nice hotel. What the fuck kind of look is that?
Starting point is 00:23:46 But this guy just, he made it through with only two or three stutters. But he slurs his words. It's like Jill is putting vodka in his insure. But it was just that boilerplate left wing, we're all going to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. And I want you to do a shot of whiskey every time he says COVID. This is the most doom and gloom.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I remember Rush Limbaugh used to say, does a liberal ever have a good time? They can take the fun out of it. It really is true. Listen to the tone of his speech. Fucking waters are rising the you know literally we're at fucking stage 12 as far as the planet burning up and and um covid there's gonna be more pandemics it just it's the most doom and gloom shit I have ever heard. And then he makes up a bunch of shit how we're going to prevent all that from happening.
Starting point is 00:24:48 So I got about 10 clips here. I'm going to comment on each one of them. And feel free to play along at home. If this guy's president by the midterms, I will suck somebody's cock right on the show. Bernie Sanders, come on down. All right, let's roll tape of not my president or yours, Joe Biden. Will we work together to save lives, defeat COVID-19 everywhere, and take the necessary steps to prepare ourselves for the next pandemic
Starting point is 00:25:25 for there will be another one pause for there will be another one he says that reassuringly because he was in on this one there will be another one because the the first one actually got me elected here in the united states so there will be another one, probably around 2024. It'll be the JB variant. I'll be dead then, but my douchebag Vice President Kamala Harris, the empty pantsuit who hates fucking white men, she'll take over. But listen, there will be another one. That's great.
Starting point is 00:26:04 He just told you you're going to be wearing fucking face diapers till you're 70 oh go go go go ahead joe or will we fail to harness the tools at our disposal question you're sick dangerous variants take hold when we meet the threat of challenging climate the challenging climate we're all feeling already ravaging every part of our world with extreme weather. Pause. You guys on the left are the dumbest motherfuckers. Do you know extreme weather has existed since the planet cooled down?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Do you guys read at all? We just happened to settle in this part of the planet. Do you understand? It's been going on forever you can't fix it first of all you're arrogant enough to believe you broke the planet suck another dick and die i'm gonna go home and cut down a banshee tree to make Sting cry. Okay, let's shit-faced talk some more. Will we suffer the merciless march of ever-worsening droughts and floods, more intense fires and hurricanes, longer heat waves and rising seas? Will we affirm and applaud the human dignity and human rights under which nations in common cause more than seven decades ago formed this institution? Will we apply and strengthen the core tenets of the international system, including the U.N. Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
Starting point is 00:27:40 No, we won't. Here's your answer, fuckstate. He's telling you right now it's a global, we're heading to global. Will we all just get rid of our borders and pretend that all ethnicities alike and we can live side by side peacefully when we know we have no evidence of that over the last fucking 10,000 years? But let's pretend to because I'm smart enough to lead that charge. You filthy rotten
Starting point is 00:28:06 go ahead rights as we seek to shape the emergence of new technologies what's that and deter what new threats why or why will we allow these universals those universal principles to be trampled and twisted in the pursuit of naked political power. Pow! You're talking about yourself, Joe. You're trampling on our rights for naked political power. You're talking about your party. Does the emperor have any clothes? Just a diaper? He's not even wearing a mask. You fucking ass. Does he realize he's talking about himself? No, because he's reading it. I swear to God, AOC and Bernie writes this shit.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Maybe Kamala and a few other left-wing whores like the squad. Hey, when's Omar, Ilhan Omar, going to fucking die? What a hateful twat. We rescued that whore from, what was it, Kenya? Some refugee camp? Now she's pissing all over the country? Take you and your stupid hat and go back to your fucking camel eating. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:29:17 There's a fundamental truth. You're a truth. Of the 21st century. Within each of our countries and as a global community we're not a community own success is bound up in others succeeding as well to deliver for our own people must also engage deeply with the rest of the world to ensure that our own future we must work together with other partners our partners toward a shared future oh is that right
Starting point is 00:29:48 how about this we go it alone just the tone of the speech is we're going to drop ourselves to everybody else's although right now we're below some countries as far as since he took over see Trump will be up there going we're going to lead we look for us
Starting point is 00:30:04 look out for ourselves first, which every country does. What do you think, Putin? You think fucking Putin, you don't think he's belly laughing watching this? Or the fucking head chink? What's his name? Li Jinping?
Starting point is 00:30:17 Fucking anything, wow. Anyways, then he went on to bore us with more drivel about having to work with others. Right? Now he's on to the... Oh, he's on to... Good. I'm glad that was over with.
Starting point is 00:30:33 I was going to say. Now he's on to talking about... We're back in business with the World Health Organization. Isn't that good news? Go ahead. We are re-engaged in close partnership with covax ernie deliver life-saving vaccines around the world covax delivering life-saving vaccines around the world yet we're letting the world in as we speak and not testing them. Did you drop any off in fucking Haiti?
Starting point is 00:31:07 Hopefully? Or Guatemala? Ecuador? Did you vaccine the ones that are pouring into our country? Refugees from fucking Afghanistan? Over 100,000 already spread out. What could go wrong there? Not even vetted.
Starting point is 00:31:26 I've never been happy to be 59 years old. I've never been fucking happier. I don't. I look at pictures, you know. My family sends me pictures of, I don't know. I don't even know who these babies are. My sister's son's. And I'm looking at the baby going, oh, the poor thing.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Ugh. Is he done? Quack, quack. He's on to the military now. But can you imagine? World Health Organization, we already established they're a mouthpiece for China. They work together. What was the latest today? I didn't even come on.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Did you hear about the latest? They spread this shit during the military world games or something like that? Some type of where in 2019 or 2018 or something like that. That's the latest. But he's proud that we're working with the World Health Organization, who did their best to hide this thing for China. He's all excited because he's got unfinished business in China, him and Hunter. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I think this is just him fucking showing his command of the English language once again. Now he's addressing the military, not being a priority. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm as dumb as he is. Yeah, he's talking about the military. Watch how, what a difference, what a contrast as far as how Trump viewed the military and how Dinkweed here does. Go ahead. U.S. military power must be our tool of last resort, not our first.
Starting point is 00:33:04 It should not be used as an answer to every problem we see around the world. Pause. When was it? When was it? We tried to fucking, yeah, nation-build in Afghanistan, but we are the most, what's the word I'm looking for as far as being a superpower? The most generous, is it an actual word I wanted to use? Benevolent? Yes. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Fucking nine cups of coffee still ain't helping. The most benevolent superpower this planet has ever seen. And if you listen to him, it makes it sound like we were fucking Germany. Go ahead, joanne world indeed today many of our greatest concerns cannot be solved or even addressed through the force of arms bombs and bullets cannot defend against covet 19 or its future variants. Or against fucking government. To fight this pandemic, we need a collective act of science and political will. We need to act now
Starting point is 00:34:10 to get shots in arms as fast as possible and expand access to oxygen, tests, treatments. Pause. You're the only one that needs oxygen because you didn't get enough when you were born. This fucker will be pushing a tank on wheels like you see in Vegas at three in the morning. Some guy in his late hundreds at the fucking Wheel of Fortune machine putting his last three dollars in. He's got the
Starting point is 00:34:34 air hole. I've seen this. Six in the morning, guy's got a Heineken. He's got a Heineken or a hard drink in his hand. Fucking little tank next to him with a hose coming up into the... I can't... What makes that guy think he's lucky at anything? Do you hear this? You can't fight COVID with... Yeah, you can actually. You go after the country that created it and you fucking...
Starting point is 00:34:58 There's where you use your guns. Yeah, but Nick will destroy the whole planet. Fuck it. I've had enough anyways. I'm tired. And speaking of the old block, our president, Joe Biden. Boy, this was a fucking sad one. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Like I said, he does great gaffes. This is entitled, Get Off My Lawn. In Biden's latest bizarre gaffe, the president was filmed returning to the White House after spending time in Wilmington when the agent points for him to follow the sidewalk path into the White House. Of course he doesn't do that. I'm staying right here. Instead, Biden is seen following the agent up the lawn like a loyal dog and through the garden into the presidential estate. I made a joke about this, what, a year ago on this show about him wandering around
Starting point is 00:35:54 trying to get back to the West Wing? Excuse me. I made jokes about this, him being lost in the White House and shit. I made jokes about this, him being lost in the White House and shit. This is so goddamn sad because you can tell how he's dependent on everybody. Now, watch, as you see the still here, that's Biden going up the sidewalk. And you can see ahead of him, there's a guy facing him, Secret Service guy, who is going to point to that walkway. He wants him to take a right right there.
Starting point is 00:36:31 First of all, that in itself is scary that that guy has to direct him. Seriously, think about that. They got a guy behind him. He's like a loose puppy. They're like, nah, he's going to piss on the rug. So poor Biden, who's just so dependent on everybody, follows the guy. Instead of taking a right and going right to the doors,'s watch what happens he's gonna follow this guy he should have banged the right he's following like that like it's a guy walking his dog. Poor bastard. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Hello? Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 00:37:13 Look, he's going to end up where he's supposed to. Oh, my God. Guys, he's the leader of the free world. And normally, if the Democrats weren't being run by far-left radicals, you know, Reagan had lost his mind for a few months, but it was at the end of his term, we could put up with this. But what's so scary is AOC and the squad and Bernie Sanders, all the other far left loons have this guy's ear. Look how easy he is to manipulate. Jesus. You wonder why they're
Starting point is 00:37:54 implementing CRT and just passed a $3.5 trillion bill of all kinds of, you know, basically climate change on steroids and aye-yi-yi, aye-yi-yi, but Donald Trump was unfit. You, hey, let me ask you a question, Republicans, you dumb motherfuckers. You ever hear of the 25th Amendment? Are you going to bring that up or no? You don't have the balls to do that. That's when you say, you know, a guy's not fit. You got to pluck him out, but they're probably not doing that because we don't want Kamala. Jesus Christ, we're in deep shit here. Josh Barnett, an Arizona Republican running for Congress in 2022, tweeted that Biden was lost and clueless.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Well, you must be a detective. They literally pointed the walkway out to him, and he still went the wrong way, tweeted human events editor Jack Pasebic. The video has left shocked critics of the 78-year-old president once again surmising whether Biden is suffering the effects of COVID. Really, they're surmising? I'm drawing a fucking hard conclusion. I did it at the inauguration when I saw him wetting himself.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Mamma mia, puppa dia. This poor prick can't find his way home. So those, you know, he's making a million men, but even when he has a teleprompter, which he always has to have with him, it's like a life alert bracelet for him, the teleprompter. But this is no surprise because we have been, we had a little compilation, like physical gaffes, that we have been watching him commit. Ow, my ass bone. Please kill me if I get that old.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And then who could forget this? Rainy night, he's trying to get to the bus station. Next. Ow! How's your rib, Senator? Again! Again! anyways of course the young girl interviewing this guy heard something else a nascar crowd of talladega broke into fuck you joe biden chant on saturday but nbc reporter claimed she heard something more um benign are they ever, ever honest?
Starting point is 00:40:26 NBC sports reporter Kelly Stavast was in the middle of interviewing driver Brandon Brown after he won his first NASCAR Xfinity Series race at the famed Alabama racetrack. It's in Alabama, and you really thought they were chanting something else? I fucking don't know. Alabama racetrack. It's in Alabama. And you really thought they were chanting something else? Alabama racetrack when the crowd behind them broke into a chant.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Let's take a listen and see. I don't know what, let's see what the crowd was saying. Thank you to all of our partners. Oh my God. It's just such an unbelievable moment. Brandon, you also told me, as you can hear the chants from the crowd, let's go, Brandon. Brandon, you told me you were going to kind of hate me. You're lying. You piece of shit. Now, I'm going to try to give her a break.
Starting point is 00:41:22 I usually don't. She might be that dumb and naive because she's like an 11-year-old girl. She might, she, or she's brainwashed because she's fresh off a college campus because she know what to make of this, but God is that music. It's still not mean enough after how the way they treated Trump for me. You know what I mean? I say we start saying, fuck Jill Biden. Jill. Throw that in there. And maybe some of his kids.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Namely, Hunter. Well, everybody fucks Hunter. Anyways, you can hear from the chants, the crowd, it was clear, saying, according to the Twitter post, after a let's go Brandon is what the chick said, which is, again, very clever. She's trying to hide it.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Maybe she was worried about the word, whatever. The clip shows that the crowd was actually sharing their displeasure with the worst president in the history of the world. And we're clearly shouting, fuck Joe Biden. Everybody knew it.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Hillary's so relieved. She's laying home in Chappaqua rubbing butter on her elephant ankles after being at a dyke march somewhere in New York. Anyways, red-faced NASCAR officials initially posted the interview on Twitter on her elephant ankles after being at a dyke march somewhere in New York. Anyways, red-faced NASCAR officials initially posted the interview on Twitter, but later deleted it without giving a reason, according to Fox. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:42:55 Why'd you delete it? Why'd you delete it? Anything that's anti-Biden, anti-Democrats, huh? You just delete it. You didn't even cover the Black Hulk story. Ain't that funny, huh? Just reverse the races on that one. The anti-Biden chant was the latest
Starting point is 00:43:20 in a series of public denouncements against the first-term president. I hate even calling him president. It's just so... Primarily in Southern Red State. Oh, yeah, primarily. You shit me. New York City was front and center
Starting point is 00:43:35 last week on this show. There was chanting going across the bridge, including at college football games, a boxing match. You know, where all the dumb, blue-collar people hang out. This is what they're implying. In an event at the Ryder Cup golf tournament,
Starting point is 00:43:49 which is loaded with white privilege. Ain't that what you guys mean? Sure it is. It's like a bag of cheese. Everybody hates him, including his douchey wife. That is it, folks, for today. Don't forget Tell people to go there. That's where this show is. Don't forget Click on the tour
Starting point is 00:44:12 date. I'm going to see you guys in Port Charlotte, Florida at the end of the month. Don't forget I got a couple this week., if you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives or say happy birthday, whatever, I'll make a video on my phone, send it right to them. You go to Cameo, click on my profile, tell me a little bit about the person, and I'll make the video. That is it. You guys think it? I will say you're very welcome.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo Outro Music

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