The Nick DiPaolo Show - NYC Black Racist Terrorist Caught

Episode Date: April 14, 2022

Frank R. James arrested. Cruz quips back. Abbott has gifts for Biden. "Major" biting incident. If you would just listen......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 For your consideration for Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Gilbert Godfrey in 12 Years a Slave. Holy shit, I'm a f***ing slave! guitar solo Oh, yeah. How are you, folks? Final week. Final day of the week. What about a month? Final month of the summer.
Starting point is 00:00:57 And we are. Good night, everybody. Good to be with you on a Thursday. A Thursday. That was a quick tribute to the very funny Gilbert Gottfried, who's really a funny... Somebody sent me a clip. Jesus Christ, how much whiskey did you put in?
Starting point is 00:01:23 I don't know if it was the name of one of his specials, but the clip was Hitler had a grandson. So go on YouTube and watch that. It's about seven and a half minutes of Gilbert Godfrey doing the darkest shit. It must have been from the nasty show in Montreal. Oh, my God. And that was Steven Crowder, by the way.
Starting point is 00:01:44 That wasn't Gilbert doing the, oh, my God, I'm a slave. Steven Crowder, by the way. That wasn't Gilbert doing the Oh my God, I'm a slave. Steven Crowder That might be the best impression I've ever heard in person. That wasn't quick enough to appreciate it. It's scary how good he does. Yeah, good old Gilbert. Like I said, he was a
Starting point is 00:02:00 dick to me on the Nick and Artie show, but there were other times he was fine with me. I think he might have been mad that Artie didn't show up or whatever. But 67. You could tell, though. He wasn't the healthy. He always made jokes about himself.
Starting point is 00:02:15 He didn't look like the healthiest guy. And he was known for... Do you know what he was known for? And this is no bullshit. Even after he became famous and had plenty of money, he'd always steal these sweet and loaves and the shit from the hotels and the bullshit. Even after he became famous and had plenty of money, he'd always steal the sweet and lows and the shit from the hotels and the soap. Even though... Oh, just an odd duck,
Starting point is 00:02:33 which makes for a funny duck. Real quick, I just went over the headlines in the Post. Nothing big-breaking, but there was a couple interesting ones. I guess some woman went into a gas station and I didn't get to read the article, but like somebody had kidnapped her and shit. And she did some TikTok thing.
Starting point is 00:02:53 She held her hand up like that. I guess you put your thumb in, you go like that. And it means you're in trouble. And she did that to the woman at the register, and she knew it. The register woman knew it and did it back. And she went, and I didn't read the rest at the register, and she knew it. The register woman knew it and did it back, and she went, and I didn't read the rest of the story. I thought I'd tease it. Read it yourself. What am I, a slave? I'm a slave. That's pretty, that'll be, you know what, we don't need good
Starting point is 00:03:20 news from TikTok. We have to get rid of it. Now people are going to sign up. It can save my kids' life. Right now it's ruining it. You know, the other thing about TikTok, China cut off all outside information to Russia while the war's going on. And then
Starting point is 00:03:41 then, I can't remember, sent them stuff, like, backing them. They were disseminating information, blocking some, disseminating other positive stuff to Russia, I guess. So you could conclude that they're backing Russia, anyway. China and Russia getting together. How can't this be World War III? Right? I mean, that crazy guy they caught, I'm getting to that right now. Frank James actually said that in one of his YouTube posts. It is World War III. Even a violent,
Starting point is 00:04:20 hateful black guy can be right once in a while. Am I right, Cory Booker? You've never been right. Shut your fucking hole. Alright. Violent colored guy apprehended. Who writes this shit? I mean, it actually said Negro. I can't believe the producers, Kevin and Tom, over there, putting that
Starting point is 00:04:42 shit up like that. Are you trying to get me in trouble? On Wednesday, I'll go through this quick. You guys probably already know this. Such an interesting story. But again, I'm obligated to keep you people informed in case he breaks out and flies to your town. On Wednesday, subway gunman suspect Frank James arrested, he was arrested walking around
Starting point is 00:05:00 the East Village in Lower Manhattan. He didn't even try to hide folks. You understand? James was taken into custody on Wednesday on First Avenue between 7th and 8th Street, no, right where it is, after a bystander recognized him and called the police. His arrest comes a day after allegedly shooting 10 people, and I think he wounded 19 more for like a total of 29. Five of them critical, I heard. On a packed Brooklyn train, James has been charged with carrying out a terrorist attack. Hey, Joe, take a look at this. Study this, Joe.
Starting point is 00:05:35 This is a terror attack. Not wandering around the Capitol with your face painted and not doing anything. You know, maybe breaking a window. See, this is a terror attack, and it's a black terror attack, a black nationalist, Joe. Again, Joe, that's a black guy. And Sacramento, I think, was a black guy last week. So, again, you're finished anyways.
Starting point is 00:06:04 You're fucking finished. I'm just saying, this is why people hate you and your false narrative. White supremacy doesn't even fucking exist. If it did, we would have been in a war after Ferguson or maybe even before that. Anyhow, back to the show. He'd been wandering around the village. He was charged with carrying out a terrorist attack on mass transit. Who gives a fuck where? He was in a pizza parlor. Let it slide. Have you had their pepperoni?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Dog shit. At a presser on Wednesday, NYPD Chief of Detectives James Essig said that the 62-year-old, who had six arrests in New York was known to us. Police said a James rap sheet included two sex crimes charges and four possession of burglary tool charges in New York between 92 and 98. In New Jersey, he was charged with trespassing in 91, larceny in 92, disorderly conduct in 2007. Once again, I'll say it, three strikes and you're out.
Starting point is 00:07:03 You should be fucking put away for at least 15. Honest to God, you fucks, it's that easy. James was taken into custody on Wednesday on First Avenue between 7th and 8th, and I'm reading the article as it was written. They repeat shit they already told you. After a bystander recognized him and called the police, his arrest on Wednesday brought an end to an embarrassing fruitless day-long manhunt by the NYPD. And I don't like to pick on the NYPD
Starting point is 00:07:39 because they risk their neck every day. You already, for years, L-sharped them and the rest of the race, baited some shit on them. And you saw how bad it got in the last couple of years. They were responsible for everything. Rocks being thrown at them. So they still put their neck on the line.
Starting point is 00:07:54 So shut the fuck up. But it's a good question. I don't know how this guy wandered around right under their nose. After allegedly shooting 33 shots on the northbound end train at 8.24 a.m. from his 9mm, James ran across the platform with other terrified commuters and got onto a northbound R train. He got off at the R train at the 25th Street in Brooklyn. On Wednesday morning, he got on the train again.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Where did he stay? At his cousin's? At 9.15 a.m. in Park Slope and traveled into Manhattan right under the noses of doubled number of cops on trains. How does that happen? How does that... Again, I don't want to pick on the cops, but it wasn't until Zach Tahan, a 21-year-old from New Jersey who was fixing, ironically, a store security camera in the East Village,
Starting point is 00:08:44 spotted James on First Avenue, and then he was arrested. This kid, I read a couple different versions. Apparently, he chased the guy down and tackled him. That's what one eyewitness said, but here he is talking about it. Hi, how are you? What is your name? I'm good. My name is Zach. I was working inside that store, and I was doing security cameras inside. And I see the guy, he walking from the screen. I see him from the cameras.
Starting point is 00:09:10 So I thought, oh, this guy, let me call the police. And I call him and we got him. Zach, you are a hero. Thank you so much. No problem. We try to make the people safe always because the life is nice, you know. Thank you, Zach. You hear because the people were nice. The life was nice, you know? Thank you, Zach. You hear that? Life is nice. Now, I know, look, for a lot of you that live in the Midwest and hear that, you're like, Jesus Christ, it's typical New York. Black maniac, a guy I can't even understand says,
Starting point is 00:09:38 guys like this is what New York's about. And there's more of them than bad guys, even now, by the way. But you see how happy he was? And he says, last thing, life is nice. Probably came from a shithole. Although I couldn't tell you that accent, where it's from. Dallas, you're an expert. What was that?
Starting point is 00:09:54 Definitely somewhere Middle Eastern. It is Middle Eastern. That's what I thought. Dallas knows he has a duplex in Tehran. It's pretty low right now. Yeah. But here's the weird thing. A call came in into Crimestoppers. The guy says, you know, I think you're looking for me. I'm seeing my picture all over the news. I'll be around this McDonald's. I want to clear things up.
Starting point is 00:10:21 It was a misunderstanding. I didn't see the no parking sign there. Law enforcement sources told the Post of the bizarre moment. Frank James called the cops on himself. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. No, not there. There's something wrong with his mind. So the unit responds, and he's not at the McDonald's. So they start driving around and see a man who fits the description.
Starting point is 00:10:48 When they take him into custody, they find his Wisconsin driver's license. Oh, my God. Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out. A couple of eagle-eyed New Yorkers also flagged down a pair of cops after they spotted James sauntering around the East Village where he briefly sat down at an undor, undor, outdoor, undor, yeah, they don't have any doors anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Those are outdoor dining shed. Shed? The fuck, you sit next to a snowblower having a sandwich? And charged his phone at a link New York City hub. The NYPD swooped in shortly after and put handcuffs on. Can you, am I not, I'm not getting this. Are you? No. I thought the kid, one eyewitness woman said he chased him, tackled him.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Yeah, it's not adding up. I'm getting two stories here. Then this says he called in and was, again, does it make you wonder? Again, not to be cynical, maybe I'm just reading it wrong, but again, and for you fans of mine out there who are going, that's fake blood. There's a woman pouring blood. You don't see you got no proof either. It's fucking your point of view versus mine. I got to believe if you go to New York and when you see the victims in the hospital and shit, is that a continuation?
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yes, I brought up false flag, but I didn't say it was definitely. You guys talk like you're fucking... Or that it was that extreme. It could still be a false flag and he'd actually go in and shoot people. It doesn't have to be all fake. Oh, absolutely. No, they do kill people when they do a false flag sometimes.
Starting point is 00:12:23 But I'm reading, I read a couple of emails. Didn't you see the lady dumping blood on the fucking, whatever. Folks, again, you have as much proof as I do. And when they're interviewing people in the hospital two weeks from now, you're going to tell me it's still part of the act? What do they have, casting calls? Can you act like a Puerto Rican woman shot in the stomach? Ay caramba!
Starting point is 00:12:50 You got it! Anyways, I love you folks, but don't get too fucking cocky like you know more than I do. I could call New York right now. Hey, Colin Quinn, go up to Precinct 9. Park Slope, he fucking lived there. Anyways, at a press conference on Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:13:05 Mayor Adams, what a useless piece of cheese this fuckface is. Look at him. He looks like a healthy Al Sharpton. What I said was, Mr. O'Reilly, the black people, the progressives don't understand a black people.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Mayor Adams, who was in quarantine, had to go. He couldn't put a mask on and get out there? Again, that's odd. It's odd that he's in quarantine. The cameras weren't working. We're getting two different stories. Maybe you're right about the fake blood. If you are, I will send you one of those three-foot-long Subway sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Anyways, he's in quarantine with fake COVID, he said in a video message. We got him. No, you didn't. Zach got him. I think. I don't know. Sewell also thanked the NYPD detectives and claimed they gave James nowhere to hide. Really?
Starting point is 00:14:01 Really? As he wandered the streets right under cops' noses. But both were eviscerated by New York. You can't get anything past New Yorkers, by the way. James was able to evade cops, even on the subway this morning, riding from Park Slope into Manhattan at 9.50. Do you guys understand? He committed a mass shooting on a subway and not even 12 hours late,
Starting point is 00:14:24 he's riding the trains again? Two days before the mass shooting, he posted another video where he said black people were forced into violence by racism. Wow, there's a new song. This is what white bitches and white motherfuckers expect you to be when you blow one of their fucking brains out. This is what you asked for. This is how you wanted me to be, obviously, he said, pinning it all on white people. It's fucking insane. He was drinking white rum. He finished the whole bottle. And it was like 100 proof. There's another article. He
Starting point is 00:15:00 goes, I'm finishing this. Go to bed. He's signing off to his listeners. It's fucking insane. I'm glad they got him, but don't brag how quickly you did it. How long before Bragg lets him off? Yeah. Never happened. Not in a million years. Bragg would get shot. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Go ahead, Bragg. Well, he'll probably give him a fucking, yeah, exactly. Give him probation. He'll have to work at a car wash, and he'll put a thing on probably give him a fucking, yeah, exactly. Yeah, give him probate. He'll have to work at a car wash, and he'll put a thing on his ankle for a week. It's a great point. Forgot about, we haven't heard much from him. Is he still employed?
Starting point is 00:15:35 Unfortunately. Coffee and leche con crema is azúcar. That's coffee with cream and sugar. Or azúcar, as we say. That's coffee with cream and sugar. Or azúcar, as we say. Let's go, Red Sox! Put up nine yesterday. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:15:54 one of these senators I can't make my mind up is Ted Cruz. Brilliant guy. Even the lips will tell you. Very, very smart. Dershowitz said he was the best student in his class that he ever had. you, very, very smart. Dershowitz said he was the best student in his class that he ever had. But again, sometimes he says the wrong thing. Remember he called the people that were arrested on January 6th terrorists, and then he took it back?
Starting point is 00:16:16 You guys remember that? So anyways, Teddy Cruz verbally bitch-slaps a Yale student. Senator Ted Cruz declined to answer if he would fillate, that's a Bloa guy I was told by my life partner Dave, fillate another man to end world hunger, somebody asked him, would you fillate another man to end while speaking at Yale University on Monday. Look at the guy who's asking the question. Do we have him asking it? Yeah, but it is the end.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Play it now, please. All right. Listen to this fruit cup. Hello. My name is Evan. Assuming that would end global hunger, would you fillet another man? You snob. Dare I ask him to repeat?
Starting point is 00:17:13 Well, actually, so I do have an answer to this. All right. I actually think it is better that the Yaley answer this. You know, there was a line in American Psycho about that Yale thing. I think that's what... That could have been sexist. I didn't realize he was referring to the hot blonde. Nobody could give him shit for that. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Our questioner is alluding to, like a typical left-wing undergraduate, you are engaging in consequentialist ethics. typical left-wing undergraduate, you are engaging in consequentialist ethics. You are attempting to justify flagrantly immoral behavior to achieve a good end. And I tell you, my friend, the ends do not justify the means. Absolutely. Absolutely not. Good answer. I am curious with that young fellow, if it would solve world hunger, would you vote for Donald Trump? Look how serious Ted Cruz is. That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Asking clearly a gay guy,
Starting point is 00:18:26 would you blow Donald Trump if it was going to end world hunger? Of course I would, and I'd get a meal and... Cruz visited Yale to record a live episode of his podcast, Verdict, which he hosts with conservative political commentator, that guy there, Michael Knowles. The two address hot topics such as intellectual diversity and the confirmation of Kentucky...
Starting point is 00:18:47 Brown Jackson. She's a malignant cunt. Don't say that. I'll say it. A question from a student named Evan got the crowd going. That was Evan asking the question, being the big girl that he is. Boy, Yale, huh?
Starting point is 00:19:03 What a good comeback by Cruz. There must have been, I don't want to say conservatives there, but Michael Knoll's got a round of applause with his. So maybe they were speaking to the 11 conservatives that, I don't know. Or they're a bunch of law students who appreciated him saying what he said. Any he, any how. I thought that was pretty goddamn funny. Tonight, tonight. It was up till
Starting point is 00:19:36 2 o'clock watching Evil Lives Here. Again, a show based on the side of the bed my wife sleeps on. You're bound to be done with that at some point, as much as you fucking watch. Dude, I know. You don't understand how long it takes me to find ones I didn't watch.
Starting point is 00:19:54 You know what I mean? I got a thousand of them, and I'm like, oh, fucking hell, Bill Patrick, I know what he did to his wife. Oh, this sick fuck drowned his kids. Let me watch this one again. And here's the funny thing. When the guys are serial, and there's a bunch of these, I did a bit on stage about it. When it's a guy, a serial killer, like a trucker killing hookers, I just skip that. I go, what's evil about that? It's cleaning up America. Or when it's a black serial killer, I go,
Starting point is 00:20:25 we've seen their evil. You know what I mean? It shows that I am racist sometimes. But no, I've watched the black one. Actually, the black one was the best one. The black guy was just, they think he was the most prolific serial killer, which I wish Patrice
Starting point is 00:20:42 O'Neill was alive. I could call him and go, hey, here's the guy with the record, apparently, for serial killing. Put a hole in your theory. But God, it's fucking... Oh, here's the other thing. Again, I taught you guys how to watch TV. I almost can't watch it anymore because it opens. Every show opens to let you know it's a Christian. Like, last night it was a guy just talking like he was reading out of the Bible. You know what I mean? It'll open on a crucifix
Starting point is 00:21:14 a woman's wearing and it'll pull back. It's so obvious. I just want to meet the guys, the people who created the show and say, you know we see through your shit, or at least I do. We know you call it that evil lives here, and it's all stories about religious, mostly Christians. You understand you're not fooling anybody, right? You do get that we see what you're doing,
Starting point is 00:21:39 at least 10 of us do. You call it evil lives here. And 80% of your stories are about Christian people who are serial killers. In other words, you equate evil with Christianity. And I don't know. I sort of think Islam has done more evil shit in the last
Starting point is 00:21:59 thousand years than Christians have. So make that show. And call it fucking Muhammad Lives Here. And don't have a farmhouse when the show opens. Have a nice fucking mosque with a roof blown off it. Anyways, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:22 So I have to put the nonsense aside. They just fucking love to equate. And again, that would have been edgy Hollywood in 1958. You understand how behind the times you are? Anyhow, any he. What's the headline? I went past it. Let's see if I can find it here.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Cruise. Abbott. Oh, any he. What's the headline? I went past it. Let's see if I can find it here. Cruz. Abbott. Oh, Abbott. Hey, Abbott. Not bad, fella. You hear that, folks? Turning to the morning zoo show with my,
Starting point is 00:22:59 my wacky sidekick, fucking Skipper Burgess. my wacky sidekick, fucking Skipper Burgess. This is Abbott gives a gift to Biden. The first bus filled with two dozen illegal immigrants from Texas arrived in D.C. Wednesday, one week after Governor Greg Abbott, who I'm still on the fence with, which is actually no pun intended.
Starting point is 00:23:24 I'm still on the fence with, which is actually no pun intended. I'm still on the border wall with. Vow to transport migrants in the United States illegally to the nation's capital as the immigration crisis along the southern border grows worse and worse. Ay, ay, ay, ay. I am the Cristo Bambino. I like Cristo. I like what they do. Anyways, so he's sending, the bus arrived in Washington around 8 a.m., parking blocks away from the United States Capitol
Starting point is 00:24:02 in front of a building that houses the Fox News. That's kind of smart. NBC News and C-SPAN. The 24 migrants exited the bus one by one. It looked like the Yankees getting off the bus in Detroit, except for, say, one by one, except for family units that left together, according to Fox News, whose cameras captured the arrival live. Where were the other cameras, the other networks? Oh, they don't want to Fox News, whose cameras captured the arrival live.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Where were the other cameras, the other networks? Oh, they don't want to cover it, huh? Yeah, there you go. And you wonder why Fox, and you still compare Fox to fucking MSNBC. Meanwhile, and I think this is an actual, Tucker Carlson is getting more Democrats now, the most Democrat out of any cave. That ought to scare the shit out of you people. It's a good sign. Officials cut off wristbands before the migrants were released like feral rats. Oh my, see they don't have a right to be, let's take a look at it.
Starting point is 00:24:59 So if you're just joining us, we've been talking all week about how the governor of Texas said I've got all these buses and we can't handle all these illegal immigrants, so we are going to offer them free rides to D.C. if they want to get on one of these buses and join their family or go into D.C. and not stay in Texas. This is the first bus that we have seen that is rolling into Washington as we speak. We got word, this is a Fox News exclusive, our reporter Bill Malugian has a source that is giving him this information. And he's a great reporter and told us to have our cameras there. And we did. So we're getting this exclusive video right now of these illegal immigrants that are now going to be living in the Washington, D.C. area.
Starting point is 00:25:35 We're going to be paying for it. And I'm sure Joe Biden hopes to become his voters. I can't wait to one of them, unless AOC, She's coming out of a coffee shop at fucking 10 at night. Somebody grabs her fun bags and carves a fucking MS-13 sign in. I know they're not all like that. Most of them are good people, but that's not the point. They're not supposed to be here. That's the point. And the other point is your fucking president is doing this to our country.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Meanwhile, we fucking impeach Trump for making a perfectly good phone call or anything else. You lied about fucking Russia. You lied about Kavanaugh. You fucking lied about Hillary. Meanwhile, nobody impeaches this fuck. That's why it's all a setup. How is that even? You ever think about that?
Starting point is 00:26:23 You ever think about that once, Mike? I'm your kid brother. You're my kid brother. It's the way Pop wanted it, not the way I wanted it. I'm smart. Not like they say, dumb, I'm smart. And I want respect. Fredo, you're nothing to me now.
Starting point is 00:26:42 You're not a brother. You're not a bus driver. You're not a brother. You're not a bus driver. You're not a dentist. You're not a gynecologist. You're not a tree trimmer or a goldfish. I want to know 24 hours in advance when you see Nick DiPaolo show. To help local officials because communities are being overwhelmed, that's what Greg Abbott said,
Starting point is 00:27:01 by hordes of illegal immigrants who are being dropped off by the goddamn Biden administration. Texas is providing charter buses for the illegal immigrants who have been dropped off to Washington, D.C., Abbott said, in announcing the move last week. And Joe Biden looked out the window and saw the buses. What are we doing? What's going on right now? You don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Fuck staying back to bed. We are sending them to the United States Capitol, he says, where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately, he's saying tongue-in-cheek, address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across. But you do realize, folks, you do realize you will be paying for all the programs they're going to jump on. Do you realize that's
Starting point is 00:27:45 one of the plans where Marxists or socialists to bring down a capitalist system? You overload the safety net programs with people from other countries. George Soros wrote the book on it, and then it collapses. You understand that, don't you? But here's my point about them voting Democrat in the future. This place is going to be a third world shithole by the time they load all these people in. It's going to be as bad as the place they came from. They'll be shooting each other. We've already proved we can't get along, right? And they're going to go, what the fuck are we doing here? And they'll vote Republican if the Republican Party still exists. It'll probably be a one-party state. Anyways, the Republican governor added something. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Don't you love this type of news? The Texas Division of Emergency Management, known as DGGB, is leading the effort to transport the migrants from federal custody to D.C. Each bus will have the capacity and supplies to transport up to 40 immigrants. Bye-bye. Adios. Adios. up to 40 immigrants. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Ha-ha. Adios. Now here's my take on it. And it's not just mine. Anybody I'm sure who's following me. It's a cute thing to do, right, Governor Abbott? But he's also admitting, you know what I mean? He's also admitting that, yeah, they can go live somewhere, but they can live in this country.
Starting point is 00:29:03 You know what I mean? Stop with the theater and fucking line your border with the National Guard and tanks and flamethrowers. And like I said, I know it's a little antiquated, but landmines work nice. We'll have a bunch of people who own lawn care companies with stumps. Stumpy's Lawn Care is here. Sí, señor. It takes me a little longer now. Exactly. I want to welcome back one of our favorite sponsors, as you know, Black Buffalo. With the same flavors, texture, aroma, pack, and nicotine
Starting point is 00:29:48 as traditional tobacco products, Black Buffalo is made from edible green leaves just with no tobacco leaf or stem. You don't have to waste your time picking that stuff out. No compromise required. And its stuff is, I'm telling you, I got a can right here. What I like about it is it's a mellow it's kind of a it's a it's not I couldn't handle like skull I had friends that would do
Starting point is 00:30:18 what they call the Bermuda Triangle here here and here and that was a girl from Maine. Anyhow, this is very mellow and the flavors are great. They got wintergreen, mint, straight, peach, even blood orange. It's available in both long cut pouches, which I'm going to try next. I used to do the other in college, the leaves, pretend I was a third base coach. long cut pouches as well as nicotine free versions and that's called zero if you're 21 or over you dip or chew tobacco you have to try this tobacco alternative you really do are you still dipping traditional tobacco or those white portion things come on it's 2022 if so and you're, it's time to get with Black Buffalo. It's everything you love about dipping just without the actual tobacco leaf or stem. Head to and use promo code
Starting point is 00:31:14 NickDip at checkout for 25% off your first order. That's the best offer you're going to find, but you have to use my code NickDip for 25% off your first order. One last time, that's promo code NickDip for 25% off your order. Warning, this product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical, but this is a great product. Try it. What's up? What's next on the agenda? What a show today, kids, huh? You know what I woke up to today, speaking of illegals? And I do like them. Look, it is true. Most of them are here to make a living. And they keep using the same number, 11 to 15 million. They've been using that number for at least 10 years now.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Experts say 30 to 40 million. You're not going to recognize what Biden's doing is, and it's going to get worse when they get rid of that Title 42. They're expecting hundreds of thousands. It's, anyways, why did I bring that up? I forget. I don't remember. Oh, I woke up today to jackhammering upstairs in my house we do we have to you know bathroom was built in 1843 and so we're tearing it up making a nice modern beautiful bathroom and it was a six inch I, did I mention this? A six-inch concrete floor, jackhammer. Guy yesterday's jackhammering, piece of plaster falls because it was shaking the whole, cuts his head. I'll see you at Farrah and Farrah. What's the one with the two names, same names? Yes, that's the one. No, there's another one.
Starting point is 00:33:07 There's only one. Morgan and Morgan? What is it? Morgan and Morgan? There's only one. I told you it's my favorite one. There's only one Morgan and Morgan. The guy's lying right to your face.
Starting point is 00:33:19 That's a good lawyer. Yeah, exactly. I'll take him. Anyhow, that's what I woke up to. The hardworking people, most of them. I'm just saying, you don't have a right to be here. Just do it legally, okay? I'm out of here in a few years anyway.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Major biting incident. I wonder if it's Joy Behar going after a liver snap. Secret service agents were outraged last year by the White House's attempt to get this. They could fuck up a cup of coffee. Downplay bite injuries caused by then first dog Major, remember the German champion, even trying to get President Biden to personally pay for a damaged coat. Newly released document show. What are we doing?
Starting point is 00:34:04 What's going on right now? I'm shitting on your bed, Joe. Oh, Michelle Obama's back in a way. Secret service leaders also sought to keep attack detail. What is this, Doggate? All the shit going on in the world. The Secret Service sought to keep attack details out of official paperwork. At one point, rejecting an agent's
Starting point is 00:34:27 excessively detailed account to avoid upsetting the First Family. After Major, get this, bit agents on eight consecutive days. You know, again, it's a repeat offender. You know what I mean? He's got a record as long as his paw, and's a repeat offender.
Starting point is 00:34:45 You know what I mean? He's going to wreck it as long as his paw, and you let him back in. Eight days in a row he bit someone. You don't think after day two you might want to put him down? Look at him, though. I love German Shepherds. I think they're this proud-looking. That's a dog, man. Maybe, you know, maybe the
Starting point is 00:35:05 Secret Service man, the dog was biting, probably Jewish. What? You know, Jeremy Shepard. Good night, everybody. I'll be at the hack hub on Sunday. The records released in response to a Freedom of Information Act, we call that FOIA, a lawsuit
Starting point is 00:35:21 by Judicial Watch, that's Tom Fitton's organization, show that attacks occurred both earlier and later than previously known. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who I find somehow kind of attractive. I don't know what my problem is. I don't think it's her. I think it's her cold fish attitude. I just think, waspypie do anything in the sack.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Back to the show. Senate Secretary Jen Psaki acknowledged just one biting incident, and that was her biting Trump's assistant back in, at a briefing on March 9th, 2021. This is her lying because we know there were eight incidents, and she's just bringing up this one. Champion Major, the president and First Lady's dogs, members of the family, are still getting acclimated and accustomed to their new surroundings and new people. And on Monday, the first family's younger dog, Major, was surprised by an unfamiliar person and reacted in a way that resulted in a minor injury to the
Starting point is 00:36:25 individual. The dog was reacting to an unfamiliar, it was probably Biden himself. Hey, where the fuck you been? Napping? Go ahead. Individual, which was handled by the White House Medical Unit with no further treatment needed. It had been previously planned already for the dogs to be cared for by family friends in Delaware during Dr. Biden's travels to military bases this week. She has a three day trip this week and the dogs will return to the White House soon. You get that little red beaver right up there in front of you. I don't think it's crazy at all. that's what i think is sexy about her she's a liar and does it so well calmly and uh liar liar whore liar whore you know why would that turn you on i don't know i like liars i don't know the march 8th bite actually was the final attack in an eight-day streak. And the wounded agent, whose injuries were categorized as severe by a colleague, fumed
Starting point is 00:37:30 about Saki's spin. No, it didn't surprise me. The dog, he says, no, I didn't surprise the dog doing my job by being at redacted, as the press secretary just said now. He says, now I'm pissed. The agent wrote to a co-worker. Please give me. No! I'm as mad as hell
Starting point is 00:37:50 and I'm not going to take this anymore! I might start doing that. Yeah, just hitting random ones. Nothing to do with the story. Can you imagine though that you have to cover that up? A dog bites somebody eight days in a row?
Starting point is 00:38:09 Eight days a week. Anyhow, that was terrific. Finally tonight on... Blacks just don't listen. Come on, guys. I can't read this shit. I just did. Fans love it, by the way. I can't read this shit. I just did. Fans love it, by the way, because it's the fucking truth. But I'll talk to you after the show.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Hundreds of protesters gathered outside a Michigan police station Wednesday after officials released footage of a black man being shot in the back of the head in a struggle during a traffic stop on April 4th. Of course, the people come out and protest before they have any of the fucking facts. We've gone through this again. I can't take it anymore. I'm moving tonight to Dublin, Ohio. I mean, Ireland. What?
Starting point is 00:38:51 Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out. Patrick Lawyer, 26, a native of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Welcome to America. Was killed by a white officer. Boy, they throw the word white out there.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Meanwhile, Frank James, when he first pulled this shit, they said a five-foot-five guy, heavyset male. A couple of stories didn't mention the motherfucker's race. That doesn't endanger the public, does it? Can you fucking imagine? Some did. I think the post might have mentioned some didn't that is inexcusable and you can't there's no way you can rationalize that anyways
Starting point is 00:39:33 this guy as soon as there's a cop the white cop white officer who had stopped him for driving a car with a license plate that wasn't registered to the vehicle. So that's a good reason to get pissy with a cop. The suspect got out of the car against the officer's commands. He kept asking him to get out. No, he got out first, I guess, and the cop was telling him to, you know. And he tried to run away, the video show. He then tried to grab the officer's stun gun in a struggle that lasted about 90 seconds,
Starting point is 00:40:09 police said. We have the... I don't want to show the whole fucking two minutes because he was disobeying the cop for the first minute, you know. And then he tried to take off and here's how he ended up tussling and
Starting point is 00:40:24 this is what happens, unfortunately. No, no, no, stop, stop. Stop. There you go. You just signed your death certificate. Thank you, 15. Pause. Once again, once again, once the fucking game, you do what the cops say.
Starting point is 00:40:46 That's how it works here in America for you people who ancestors aren't from here. It's a law and order country. It's why everybody wants to fucking live here. And some people apparently want to die here. Listen to the fucking cop and all you young black guys will be alive today. That riots have started over all of you listen to the fucking cop what do you what do you think you're gonna get life for having a wrong plate on your car I mean nobody wants to see a kid this age fucking die but it's almost like they have a death wish. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Back to the video. Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Get your hands off the back!
Starting point is 00:41:50 Move! Move the back! You said he's the good one, man. Yo, what's up, man? Hey! Hey! Stop! Stop resisting! Stop resisting! Stop resisting! Stop.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Stop resisting. No, you're not resisting nothing, brother. Pause. Then the obligatory dumb friends doing the play-by-play. Come on, man. He ain't doing nothing. He's still fucking resisting. You idiots. What are you fucking hallucinating? Go ahead. That was the sound of a taser discharging.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Twice the taser. Let go of the taser. Trying to grab the taser. Let go of the taser! Trying to grab the taser. Remember what happened to the last guy that did that in Atlanta? Taser! I see the fatal gunshot in ten seconds. Drop taser! Get back! I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you.
Starting point is 00:42:51 I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you.
Starting point is 00:42:59 I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. Taser! Get back! Yeah, see, because if he gets a hold of the taser,
Starting point is 00:43:15 he can tase the cop, grab his gun, and shoot the fucking cop. That's why it's a battle, a life-and-death struggle right there. Remember the guy in Atlanta in the parking lot of the fast food joint? Ay, ay, ay. Fucking, again, nobody wants to see this, but don't blame the fucking cops.
Starting point is 00:43:39 It's like the rest of the country, the young people want the cop to just fucking, why are you hassling them? What? Here's what you do. You shut your car off. You put your hands where the cop can see them. I still can't believe they handle, they pull cars over, like, you know, at night or whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I still can't believe they do it the way they do with all the cops that get killed and shit. You'd think that was something they would change. If you want to reimagine the cops, they should be reimagining how they do their jobs, you know. I say you friggin' get out of the car if you're the cop. You know, you tell back, back up every time. Wait till another cop car pulls in front so he's pinned in.
Starting point is 00:44:29 You know what I mean? You don't, they still walk up to cars at night. Wood tinted windows and it's fucking crazy. It's only going to get worse with all the, you know, all these beautiful people pouring over the border with an eighth grade education and it'll be great. Don't worry about it, Libs. You'll keep winning.
Starting point is 00:44:49 It was a tragedy. It was a progression of sadness for me, said Winstrom, a former Chicago police commander who cited the need for transparency in connection with the incident. From my view of the video, Taser was deployed twice. Taser did not make contact, Winstrom said, and Mr. Lawyer was shot in the head. However, that's the only information that I have. For the second straight night, chants of Black Lives Matter and No Justice, No Peace filled the streets of Grand Rapids
Starting point is 00:45:15 as protesters, I did comedy there, Prince died that morning. That's all I remember. Grand Rapids, and that was the morning Prince died, rallied against the police department, accusing it of deploying excessive force and racism against the uncooperative suspect, according to footage shared by WWMTV and those MMTV. And these people ought to do... You need to shut the fuck up. Protests is his video, throwing shit at the cops.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Problem? You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. You're the problem protesters, you ignorant motherfuckers. Why don't you walk in a cop's shoes for a day? You couldn't. You wouldn't. But you can hold your camera up like little bitches. Love to judge people.
Starting point is 00:46:22 This country is mentally ill. Literally. As a collective. We need a shrink for a whole country. I don't know. Alright, that's it for the week, ladies and gentlemen. Good week. Had a good time. Where am I?
Starting point is 00:46:41 End of May, I gotta go up to Levittown, New York. I know that. Governors, my old haunt. And then the next night I do some, was it Chester, New York? I don't know. You'll see the dates. But you know, I got a couple of weeks off before I get on a plane again. And they extended the mask for a couple more weeks on planes. And there's no evidence, no science backing that up whatsoever. They're just reminding you little fucks that we own you, okay? Do what we say. That's all this is about.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Don't let anybody kid you. Before I go, I want to thank you guys, the contributors. One-time contributions, Lance Larrabee. That looks like a new one. My buddy, Paul Sagnella, I finally got to meet. Franz Grissom, Robert Deloach. Hey, Deloach is a big deal down here. Politician. This highway's an afterglow. Daniel Thornhill, James Rickleman, Dave Mason, James Young, Kit Fortney, my favorite name, Melody Watt, Mark Hamblin, Danny Dreigolch,
Starting point is 00:47:54 RIP Gilbert Godfrey, amen, Sean Powell, Albert Wodgcock, Chuck, could have Chuck, Chuck Wood, Timothy E. Perro, Brian Boyd, Andrew Keegan, here we go, Kimmy Goditis, new one. Aaron Collins, bunch of new ones. John Melton. We'll get out of the sun. Matthew Asano, Brandon Sparks, Kelly Hubbard, Russell Hartman, Robert Curley and his wife, God bless you. Marty Schwartz, Spencer Hodgson, and new monthly subscribers, Chris James, Richard Dominick, Robin Owens-Pittman. These are some new names.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Good. Daniel Thornhill, Tyrone O'Reilly, Bill Camacho. Thank all of you very much. We can't do it without you. That's it. Don't forget to sign up monthly.,,
Starting point is 00:48:52 This is the most honest show on the internet. There might be giant ones. You're not going to find it like this and entertaining at the same time. Spread the goddamn word. Look at me. I'm wearing a t-shirt I had in fifth grade. Don't forget If you want me to roast your friends or relative or say happy birthday to mom, go to Click on my profile. Tell me about the person. I'll make a
Starting point is 00:49:19 video on my phone. We'll send it to them and laugh together. That's it. You guys think and I'll say very welcome. We'll see you back here at the same time on Monday. Have a great weekend. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, guitar solo Outro Music Thank you.

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