The Nick DiPaolo Show - Obama Spied and Lied | Nick DiPaolo Show #389

Episode Date: August 5, 2020

Biden calls black reporter a junkie. Highlights from Trumps Axios interview. Schools aren't left enough for John Oliver. Thank you Doctor Vini-Boom-Ba from Tampa, FL for your "Ask Nick!" question and ...for your continued support on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. How are ya? I'm here to say one thing. Give me the money, understand me? Give me the fucking money, you hear me? You hear me? I gotta come here and bust my body! Give me the fucking money! That's my way of asking. You know the show is free, Monday through Thursday now, okay? And your daily contributions make it possible to do this show. Sounds like a commercial for PBS. Look at you sitting there not contributing,
Starting point is 00:00:27 you selfish cocksuckers. No, you guys are great, but we rely on you guys to make daily contributions at or sign up at, become a monthly member. You get an extra story a day. You get to ask me a question, access to the archive shows,
Starting point is 00:00:44 or if you have a company and you want to sponsor this show call it go to we can do that too uh especially now folks with what's going on in the world and the rioting and just the covid this is one of the darkest years and because it's so racial right now you're not going to be able to hear any of what I say anywhere else. And I know that's what you're black, white, whatever color you are, that's what you're yearning for. Just to hear some truth. It might not always make you happy, but, and we still find time to laugh as bleak as this world gets. But anyways, don't forget to hit that subscribe button when you're watching my YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:01:30 All right? And we thank you so much for supporting the Nick DiPaolo Podcast. guitar solo All righty. Oh, yeah. How you is? Welcome. Wednesday, August something. Don't matter. They're all running together.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I don't know the difference between 2014 2010 2009 2007 it's all it blends in folks when you get to your early 80s it just blends in hey thanks to uh those of you who chat live during the premiere at 5 p.m as you know you two bust our balls a little bit so we we appreciate those, especially you guys who submit those super chats like this one. This is from Jim Dandy from yesterday. Next time I'm high on meth, can I claim claustrophobia? He puts claustrophobia. Yes, you can claim claustrophobia, but not claustrophobia. A little, there's a little loophole in that. I guess you're referring to George Floyd, who said, yeah, he was claustrophobic. Did you see?
Starting point is 00:03:10 We played the new footage, okay? And there's a story out. You know who hid that footage? Remember yesterday I said, hey, where's this been, this footage? Jerkoff, Keith Ellison in Minneapolis has been sitting on that footage. And then they asked him
Starting point is 00:03:32 why. And he says this, I sat on it because I want a successful prosecution in this case. He didn't say I want justice to be done. I want a successful prosecution, meaning it has to come out the way he wants it,
Starting point is 00:03:50 which is obviously a conviction. I mean, he's that ignorant that he doesn't even know to hide his bias. I want a successful prosecution. That's not your job, shithead. What is he, the AG? Just a hateful prosecution. That's not your job, shithead. What is he, the AG? Just a hateful motherfucker. Remember he took the oath with his hand on the Koran?
Starting point is 00:04:11 Right then I know he's a piece of garbage. And friends with Farrakhan, he still preaches that shit. I want a successful outcome. The one that I want. Fuck the rest of yous. I want a successful outcome. The one that I want. Fuck the rest of yous.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And it turns out he had so much fentanyl in him. People have died with, they said like three, I don't know what milliliters or three. I forget what the measurement was. He had 11, which makes it hard to breathe, and eventually your heart stops. Again, not saying that this cop isn't guilty, but it's a lot more interesting now that we have the truth and how many drugs were in his system. But that doesn't matter. You know why?
Starting point is 00:05:06 Because they burnt down the country, and the left, the mob doesn't matter. You know why? Because they burnt down the country and the left, the mob rules right now. And if the guy doesn't get 60 years, you know, he gets any less than that. They'll burn the country down again. Mob rules right now. But can you imagine jerk off Ellison hiding that footage? Fucking disgrace. How dare you? All right. Joe Biden always gives us a fucking laugh almost every day. He's in the news twice here. First of all, it says Joe Biden will no longer accept the Democratic presidential nomination in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Just tell him it's Milwaukee. The fuck? You can bring him to fucking New Hampshire. Tell him it's Milwaukee. He'll be sitting in his kitchen. He'll think he's in Milwaukee.
Starting point is 00:05:48 What's the difference? Biden will instead accept the Democrat nomination for president from his home state of Delaware. Well, he'll think he's in Wisconsin. They don't even want him to come out for that. What a schmuck. God, help us. What are we doing? What's going on right now?
Starting point is 00:06:09 From the very beginning of this pandemic, we put health. Who's saying this? Somebody from the Democratic National Committee. From the very beginning of this pandemic, we put health and safety of the American people first. We followed the science, listened to doctors and public health experts. How'd that work out for you? We're in a fucking mess right now, right?
Starting point is 00:06:30 And we continue making adjustments to our plans in order to protect lives. That's the kind of steady and responsible leadership America deserves. You know, a guy doesn't know where he is. And that's the leadership Joe Biden will bring to the White House, said DNc committee chair tom perez what an asshole you need to shut the fuck up one official told cnn the decision was announced internally wednesday health officials in wisconsin have informed the dnc committee that speakers for the 2020 democratic convention should no longer travel to Milwaukee due to the coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah, that or the violence or whatever the fuck. They need this. Do you understand? Remember the list of things I read off from that article yesterday? Why they that includes Biden and his eventual running mate. Neither will travel to Milwaukee. Biden and his eventual running mate. Neither will travel to Milwaukee. This is the latest and strongest sign that Democrat convention is going to happen almost entirely virtually. Well, we've seen Biden try to do shit virtually a couple of times. Remember the first time?
Starting point is 00:07:36 It all broke up. The picture broke up. Nobody could hear it. They won't be ready for this. He says, this is the latest and strong. Uh, this comes from after ongoing consultations between the health officials and convention officials about the pandemic, the fear of a community spread Milwaukee with media production teams and party officials was just getting to be too much. A senior Democrat told Sina,
Starting point is 00:08:02 we don't want to risk anyone's health for this. Give me a break. Oh, you. Oh, my God. I wonder, you know, what happens if it all clears up in a few months? When is when's he accepting it? I don't even know. What did the article say?
Starting point is 00:08:19 I don't care. He's such bullshitters. Now, here's a good one. Biden story to this one was breaking this morning former vp joe biden revealed that he has not taken the cognitive abilities test or he may have he can't remember uh that president trump spoke about last week and lashed out at cbs's errol barnett for asking about it. Biden was taken part in an interview with a group of black and Latino journalists because he loves black and brown cock and he can't get enough of it.
Starting point is 00:08:56 So listen to this exchange between the black guy from CNN and Joe Biden once again showing his true colors. Have you taken a cognitive no i haven't taken a test why the hell would i take a test come on man pause that's like come on man anytime he talks to black people come on man oh what a fucking this guy's stuck in 1966. The guy just asked him if he had taken a cognitive test because the whole world knows you're out of your fucking mind. You snotty little bastard. And he responds like this. It's a sick question.
Starting point is 00:09:35 You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Go ahead. I'm saying you, before you got in this program, if you take a test where you're taking cocaine or not, what do you think, huh? To a black guy. What do you say to President Trump? Are you a junkie about his test and makes your state an issue for voters? Fake laugh. Well, if he can't figure out the difference between an elephant and a lion,
Starting point is 00:10:00 I don't know what the hell he's talking about. Did you watch that? Look, come on, man. I know you're trying to goad me. Come on. But I mean, I'm so forward looking. I'm so forward looking. Not I'm so looking forward to. I'm so forward looking too. I can't wait to be vice president. You know, James Garfield and Tony Danza, they were the two best. Huh? Fucking jerk off. Oh my God. Oh my God god he's still in it and i'm still saying he won't be the nominee not going to milwaukee he couldn't find the fucking airport
Starting point is 00:10:57 they're gonna catch him in the fucking uh ladies room at the airport sniffing some 12 year old girl's hair as she blow dries her hands hey it's uncle joe yeah that's some good shit did you see the interview uh with uh president trump and jonathan swan from axios um i'm guessing axios is a pretty fucking left-leaning outlet. I've seen this guy on TV a lot, though. And I thought I saw him on Fox, but this was very interesting. Trump does not help himself doing this shit. Why do you say no to this one?
Starting point is 00:11:39 He loves to... Listen, John, you keep talking, I'm going to fuck you up. Listen. Trump sat down last week for an interview with Axios' John Swan, for what turned out to be a wild and fascinating back and forth with heated exchanges on a number of issues, ranging from the coronavirus to Black Lives Matter. You can watch a full interview on HBO.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Let's show the first clip. I don't even know what it is, but go ahead. It's going up again. Daily death. Take a look at some of these charts. I'd love to. We're going to look. This is COVID.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And if you look at death. Look here. Pause. First of all, Trump looks like he's sitting in a kid's chair, doesn't he? He's a giant. What kind of chair is that? Look how wide his coat is. Right now he's going to show me what he had at Burger King.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Look, here's the receipt, John. I love that. They have a two for one thing going, a flame broil up. They're arguing about COVID. Trump's saying we have a handle on it. And this guy's going, well, no, cases are going up. Go ahead. To go up again well right here the United States is lowest in numerous categories we're lower than the world lower than lower than what is that Europe in what in what
Starting point is 00:13:00 we're lower than the world. You're a crumb creep. We're lower than the world, but we're ahead of Mars. A little bit behind Saturn. There's a few infections on Venus. But out of all the planets, we've sent out more tests. Look at it, John. I just drew this up. This doesn't help him.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Go ahead. And I love it. You know that. Right here drew this up. This doesn't help him. Go ahead. And I love it. You know that. Right here. Another challenge. Here's case death. Oh, you're doing death as a proportion of cases. I'm talking about death as a proportion of population. That's where the U.S. is really bad. Much worse than South Korea, Germany, etc.
Starting point is 00:13:39 You can't do that. Why can't I do that? You have to go by where... Look, here is the United States. You have to go by the cases. The cases are there. Why not as a proportionate population? What it says is when you have somebody that has... where there's a case... Oh, OK. ..the people that live from those cases...
Starting point is 00:13:58 It's surely a relevant statistic to say if the US has X population and X percentage of death of that population versus South Korea. No, because you have to go by the cases. Well, look at South Korea, for example, 51 million population, 300 deaths. It's like, it's crazy. You don't know that. I do. You don't know that.
Starting point is 00:14:15 You think they're faking their statistics? South Korea? I won't get into that because I have a very good relationship with the country. But you don't know that. And they have spikes. Look, here's one. Germany, low 9,000. Here's one right here, United States.
Starting point is 00:14:28 You take the number of cases. Look, we're last, meaning we're first. Last, I don't know what we're first in. That's us, the blue square. Look, I just made these at Kinko's, don't tell me. You. And the things I'm smart, not like everybody says.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Like, don't, I'm smart, I'm like everybody says, like, don't, I'm smart, and I want the sticks. He's always got his hands when he's talking like he's about to perform a pearl necklace on a stripper, squeezing them titties together. John, they were perfect. Now, here's the second thing I forget what it was about, but I'll tell you. Absentee voting is okay. Oh, yeah. Absentee mail-in votes. Now, he brings up Florida, who did the mail-in thing recently,
Starting point is 00:15:13 and it worked beautifully. Why would you bring that up? Because it goes against your argument. Although New York had some election. I can't even keep up with these fucking things. And six weeks ago, and they're still trying to tally up all the mail-in shit. I mean, mail-in's had a history, okay? Everybody knows it opens up more avenues to cheating and shit when you mail-in.
Starting point is 00:15:33 But here we go. You have to go through a process. You have to apply for mail-in. Absentee voting is good. Look, let's do concrete. Let's do concrete. They're sending out. Applications.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Millions of ballots. No, they're not. It's applications. There is no way you can go through a mail-in vote without massive cheating. I honestly don't understand this topic. Go ahead. The Republican Party has an extremely well-funded
Starting point is 00:16:01 vote-by-mail program. Your campaign puts out emails telling people to vote by mail. Your daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, she did robocalls in California saying it's safe and secure, mail-in voting. Let me tell you, we have no choice. That was an all mail-in race. Let me tell you, you ready?
Starting point is 00:16:18 Yeah. We have no choice because right now we have, but we have many court cases that we're waiting. We have one filed in Western Pennsylvania. We have many court cases that we're waiting. We have one filed in Western Pennsylvania. We have many court cases where we're trying to end it. We went through World War I. You went to the polls. You voted.
Starting point is 00:16:32 We went through World War II. You went to the polls. You've had mail-in voting since the Civil War. And now because of the China virus, we're supposed to stay home. Guys, Nick is- Millions of ballots all over the country. Millions and millions. You know, you could have a case where this election won't be decided on the evening of November all over the country. Millions and millions. You know, you could have a case
Starting point is 00:16:45 where this election won't be decided on the evening of November 3rd. Absolutely. This election could be decided two months later. Well, maybe two months, but what's wrong with the proper mailing count? It could be decided many months later. Have you discussed it?
Starting point is 00:16:56 Let me explain it to the idiot interviewing. What's wrong with that? There's a reason you have a specific date and a deadline. Otherwise, there's room to fuck around with the votes. Didn't you learn anything from Gore and George W. Bush? What do you mean, what's wrong with that fucking nitwit? Go ahead. Because lots of things will happen during that period of time,
Starting point is 00:17:26 especially when you have tight margins. Lots of things can happen. There's never been anything like this when you try. Now, of course, right now we have to live with it, but we're challenging it in many courts all over the country. Oh, that dirty cogsucker. We're lower than the world. That one even got me.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Why would you sit down for that interview knowing that's coming? Shit storm. Give him credit for that. When's the last time Biden was grilled about anything? Other than his Flomax prescription. Fucking dink weed ah this this uh this was great i love what a a pretty young lady has the same politics as me or if they don't i don't give a fuck they banged hitler they get nice tits i'm going in but the ludops on breathtaking did you skip over that one
Starting point is 00:18:25 for the love of my sister's ass I did I don't know what I'm doing today yes one more thing about Trump he talked to Lou Dobbs and I think it was on the phone and John Durham you know who that is the guy the federal
Starting point is 00:18:40 prosecutor from North Carolina who Barr put in charge to find out what happened with Obamagate slash Mullergate, Russian hoax. Well, he's done. He's done with his investigation. And apparently a lot of shit is going to come out that, uh, and I hope they don't sit on it. Release it now. We read earlier, remember last week they said, no, we're going to hold it till after. Get the fuck out of here. Wrap it up and get it out there.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Because you know what? Obama made what he did made what Nixon did look like a fucking pool party. Okay? Filthy, rotten, Marxist prick face. He won't go to jail, though, because he was the first black president in the history of the United States. He won't go to jail, though, because he was the first black president in the history of the United States. Him and all the jerks, Comey, Strzok, Page, everybody involved, should be steel. Fucking John Brennan, former head of the CIA, Clapper, they should all be in cuffs.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Thick-ankled dog face face leather nipple big face so this is lou dobbs just saying with trump on the phone we caught them spying now it's up to our attorney general as you know i've wanted them to do it i didn't want to get overly involved maybe i should maybe i shouldn't but i do hear it's breathtaking what they found. That's all I can say. Breathtaking. And hopefully it'll come out soon. But it's beyond what anybody ever thought even possible. How bad it is, how bad it is and how corrupt it is. But I'm going to let them do that. I'm not going to do that. It's a horrible thing that took place and it should never be allowed to happen to another president. I fucking love it. We have a sworn affidavit.
Starting point is 00:20:27 We have it. Your sworn affidavit. We have it here. This committee owes an apology. This committee owes an apology. Apology, Senator. It's breathtaking. What more could it be? I mean, we, we have them in text saying they wanted to take down Trump. We get call me lying a hundred times. How much more breathtaking can it
Starting point is 00:20:55 be? Did they find a body from the, you know, from the Clinton administration and the fucking men's room in the West. How? They all had, and fucking Obama knew all of it. We also have proof of that too. By dates on emails and texts. What's up, Rhett? Come on. You're on the phone.
Starting point is 00:21:20 You were. You wasn't? You were looking down at something. Get out of Just a keyboard. Get out of here, keyboard. What are you, a Liberace? Speaking of Liberace, I can't believe I just said that. Anyways, I can't wait to see where the breathtaking stuff is, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:39 And I can't wait to see how they put a spin on that. And please drop the shit before the election. I don't know why they said they might not. Because then people will go, oh, that was just an October surprise. Whatever. But don't forget Joe Biden was the vice president
Starting point is 00:21:55 to Obama. Okay? He's up to his knees in it too. When's it going to come out? The details. I can't fucking wait. Turns out, Lisa Strzok had a dick. I mean, Peter Strzok, whatever his name is.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Paige had a dick. That's what I meant to say. And Strzok loved it. And Michelle Obama was caught with a white NBA player in the West Wing. Hillary watched and diddled her giant catch-his-mit-like clit. And Dick Cheney walked in.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I'm fucking losing it. Now the next story I really like you know Pretty pretty girls Pretty young girls This girl This is up on social media She is
Starting point is 00:22:58 I love how sarcastic and tongue in cheek she is She's making fun of people who wear masks And why they wear Watch her eloquent speech here. Oh, my apologies. I was wearing my mask because I just got back from a full day of being a good person. I love my mask because it's a simple yet effective way to display my righteousness. Am I concerned that two children in China dropped dead because they were forced to wear masks in gym class? Nope. Am I concerned that we're creating a generation of children who will be socially
Starting point is 00:23:28 awkward and conditioned to fear their fellow man? No. Am I concerned that I'm contributing to an impending socialist technocracy that will enslave the global population? Not even a little bit. Am I concerned that my mask is symbolic of my compliance to the social conditioning that will eventually lead to the forced vaccination of every man, woman, and child on planet Earth? Not a chance! And why am I not concerned, you ask? I'm not concerned because I decided a long time ago that shallow and significant gestures are a much easier way to showcase my morality than actually being moral.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Because in order to be a real good person, I gotta stand up to a real bad person. And I don't like standing up to or for anything. I've decided that it's much easier to trick my own mind into thinking compliance is a virtue instead of what compliance actually is. Cowardice! I prefer to float through life completely ignorant to the fact that every socialist takeover has always begun in the exact same way, with government overreach, public shaming, censorship, and a toilet paper shortage. Don't believe me? Google toilet paper shortage in communist Russia. Did you think you were having a unique experience? I prefer to pretend history never repeats itself so that I can stand by and turn a blind eye every time history repeats itself. I prefer to call anyone who speaks up, fights back, or stands
Starting point is 00:24:40 their ground a lunatic or a conspiracy theorist so that I don't feel obligated to do my own research. their ground a lunatic or a conspiracy theorist so that I don't feel obligated to do my own research. Research takes away from me time. And lastly, I prefer to put on my mask and stand among a sea of masks so that I never have to be seen, be free, or reveal the deep dark shadows that lurk within me. Just the facts, ma'am. Wow! She should be, what are you doing? Get on TV at Fox or Fox Nation. I fucking, I see people with masks and I get fucking angry. Today, a guy in a truck this morning, all by himself.
Starting point is 00:25:20 He's got three masks on, a couple over his eyes. What are you doing? What the fuck are you doing? There's no proof. There's no proof. I'm listening to all the scientists. Except for the ones from Nigeria who go, you know, if you rub chicken blood on somebody's tits,
Starting point is 00:25:35 you don't need a mask. Man, she laid it down. Did she not? You are correct, sir. Imagine getting in a fight with her. She was your wife or girlfriend. Fucking cut you up like ribbons. That was called linear thinking.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Very manlike. Well, let's go from that to a hateful bitch on a plane. Man. Black Lives Matter just can't let it. They're making me nervous. I need a fucking cigarette. Raz, how's the kid? How's that cough? Huh? Oh, my God. I'd cut my throat if I had to listen to that. Yeah, we'll probably take him to the doctor next week. Yeah, wait till next week. He can spit enough blood in the sink here. I walk in, the kid's spitting big fucking chunks of lung in the sink.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Raz is like, it's a dry cough. Don't worry about it. Might have COVID. You and I might be out. Anyways, yum, yum, yum. Here we go. A woman was kicked off an American Airlines flight, forced to drive thousands of miles. How would they even know that?
Starting point is 00:26:49 You know what I mean? Forced to drive thousands of miles to where she was going. Poor baby. Oh, poor you. She told local 10 News, Leron Livingston, that she thinks it's a racial issue. No. Black person thinks it's racial. Not too much paranoia in that race. According to its conditions of carriage, American Airlines says offensive clothing is not allowed. Our Linda Johns told Livingston that she boarded her flight wearing a mask because what was written on it,
Starting point is 00:27:25 she was asked to cover up. She did. Several minutes later, the plane she was on that was about to take off busted a U-turn, went back to the gate, and she was escorted off the plane. Here's the lovely lady who fucking, just by her hat, I know she's a shithead.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Go ahead. I think I got taken off the plane because I'm black. Linda Johns was live on Facebook for nearly 30 minutes. She was flying American last Wednesday headed to Illinois, connecting through Charlotte. My mask said f*** 12 and my shirt said Black Lives Matter. Her mask said F12, which means fuck the cops. Okay. I don't know how anybody was offended that knew that on the plane. And Black Lives Matter. And she's got the I hate whitey colors on her hat.
Starting point is 00:28:11 With the weed fucking. Anyways, go ahead. Most people know her as Trey. She's a South Florida activist. Saying F12 is like saying F the police. I am an abolitionist. I believe that we need to defund and abolish the police. Is this Chappelle doing a character?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Go ahead. We need to cover this up. I cover this up. Everything she asked me to do, I did. Trace says she was in her seat wearing the new mask she was given when the flight attendant. She came back and stood over and said, I better not see that other mask. I said, leave me alone, lady.
Starting point is 00:28:55 She stood there. She said, OK, I got you. And she speed walked to the front of the plane. Trey started recording minutes later why am i coming off again coming off there i'm asking you want to talk about it up here all right come on all right come on what happens was she put the mask back on which she doesn't mention uh but she's an abolitionist you know to her i say you stupid
Starting point is 00:29:26 fucking blabbermouth cut an airline spokesman sent local tennis statement saying the plane returned to the gate after john's refused to follow crew member instructions to remove or cover a face mask with offensive language the airline says although john's initially complied later she broke out the mask again. Several officers escorted her through the airport and out the door. This is what American Airlines is doing. And this is what happened to me, she says. Well, I say good. Can you stop flying your black flag for five minutes? Huh? Can you pretend you're white on the plane? Is that asking too much? I'm waiting for this happening flight I'm on.
Starting point is 00:30:08 I'm going to frigging, I'm going to comply and sit there. I don't want to be the guy filming it. I want to get involved. Dr. Vitti Boomba. It's supposed to be Vinnie, Dr. Boomba. It's supposed to be Vinny Dr. Boomba. That's Rodney's guy. Tampa, Florida. Love your show and material.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Don't change a thing. My question is, is it true assholes come in all colors? I don't know how to take this question. Is that a shot at me? No? Why is he asking me that? Why am I the fucking last word on assholes, Vinny Boom Bots? Huh?
Starting point is 00:30:52 I don't get it. I think he's throwing a dig at me. Don't you? That's the only way I take it. I could be wrong. Yeah, that's why. That's what they do. They soften you up and then they kick you in the balls. Right back, doctor. They do
Starting point is 00:31:12 come in all assholes. And you know what? There's a ton of them in Tampa. I think he's giving me his exact. But he liked this show, so maybe not. Go ahead, Raz. Yeah, he also sent in a photo that he created. oh my god little radicals uh yeah zoom in on that thing holy christ that's barney is that barney uh yeah he likes kids jimmy nancy pelosi timmy barry
Starting point is 00:31:41 that's the little rascals. He's doing a thing on it. Little radicals. Very good. Thank you very much. Bad question. Nice artwork. Assholes coming in.
Starting point is 00:31:55 No, they're all brown. Most assholes I've seen look like a used coffee filter. What a show, folks. Hey, if you guys are Dennis Miller fans, I'm calling it to a show at 2.30 Eastern time. What we got here? Oh, this episode of my show
Starting point is 00:32:18 is brought to you by our friends at Immunologic. If you're like me, you know how miserable it is to be constipated and assholes come in all colors. you just want something that's going to work instead of trying multiple remedies i've tried dynamite cocktail spoons uh our new sponsor immunologic has a product made from natural multivitamins minerals and amino acids called aloe forox whole leaf capsules and it works aloe forox whole leaf is the world's most remarkable constipation remedy. Although it's not been approved by the FDA, that's how you know it's good.
Starting point is 00:32:50 It works in just days to effectively clear parasites, worms, and other pathogens from the bowel. It also helps the liver with normal bile flow and is a weight loss remedy. Seriously, if you've been constipated before, you know how great it is once things start moving again like they should. Immunologic is a Texas-based company. You can find all the info on aloe, forox, whole leaf on their website at And if you go to the website now, which is also displayed on the screen, you'll get free shipping on your order. That's We thank them for sponsoring this show. I talked to the owner.
Starting point is 00:33:27 He's a really smart, funny guy with a heavy South African accent. He's a white guy. He's still alive. Apparently, he doesn't own a farm down there. You are correct, sir. Would you like a nice topalo mug, too? Mmm. Everything tastes better. Everything tastes better.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Everything tastes bitter. Oh, I just swallowed air. Fuck. Northwest Film Center has canceled an outdoor screening of Kindergarten Cop following complaints by a local author of course that local author is a female who used to write for the new york times the atlantic every left-wing
Starting point is 00:34:12 publication she's a humorless fucking lefty like there's any other kind oh my god listen how stupid this is not that this movie was great but uh starring ar starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as a police detective who goes undercover as a kindergarten teacher in order to bust a drug dealer. The movie was filmed in Astoria, Oregon, and celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Northwest Film, whatever, had planned to show the film for its importance in Oregon filmmaking history. Those plans are now off. In part, it would appear due to an online campaign against the screening. You've got to be shitting me.
Starting point is 00:34:54 No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. In announcing the cancellation, Northwest Films said it came to the decision after discussions with staff and community members. There's that word again. Community. Community members. decision after discussions with staff and community members oh there's that word again community community members convince them given the current political climate it would be wiser instead to add a second screening of good trouble the new documentary on civil rights icon john
Starting point is 00:35:17 lewis let's replace a a fucking you know mildly funny movie and replace it with a documentary on John Lewis. What more do you need to know about humorous lefties? Can you fucking imagine? Because this movie has something to do with cops. That's what she means when she says current political climate. Are you fucking dog-styling me? We have really lost our fucking minds in this country. They're not going to show it because of her.
Starting point is 00:35:48 That's faggot stuff. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags. Got that right. But judging by social media, the film center seems to have been swayed by one community member in particular. On Saturday, Portland author Lois Levine,
Starting point is 00:36:03 whose writing credits include contributions to the New York Times and the Atlantic and the book Secrets of Mary Bowser, which I love that novel, based on the life of a slave turned union spy. Anyway, she took to Twitter to excoriate the organization for leading off its series with the movie. This is fucking this is not colors. This is not, you know, Prince of New York. This is fucking kindergarten cop. And it's too controversial for this fucking he, she bearded lady. National reckoning. This is her talking on over policing is a weird time to revive
Starting point is 00:36:47 kindergarten cop we are trying to end the school to prison pipeline like that's what the movie's about oh my fucking word there's nothing entertaining about the presence of police in schools which feeds the school to prison pipeline in which african-american uh latinos and other kids of color are criminalized rather than educated. Five and six-year-olds are handcuffed and hauled off to jail routinely in this country. Fucking lying whore. We report on it every time this happens, and I've reported it twice in five years. Just a fucking lefty liar. And this criminalizing of children increases dramatically when cops are assigned to work in schools, she says. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:37:31 So the next school shooting will blame it on you. Problem? You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time. In a message sent to WW over the weekend with the subject line
Starting point is 00:37:48 kindergarten cop out, why does Northwest Film Center think there's anything fun about cops traumatizing school children? Levine, elaborate. This is what fundamentalism brings. As Bill Hicks once said about the right, it brings no
Starting point is 00:38:03 irony. Everything brings no irony. Everything is taken literally. And that's what she's a left-wing fundamentalist. Humorless. Fucking humorless. She says, it's true Kindergarten Cop is only a movie. So are Birth of a Nation and Gone with the Wind. But we recognize films like those are not good family fun. Says who?
Starting point is 00:38:24 My dad showed me birth of a nation every day on my birthday it's a joke relax raz just gave me a dirty look she says they are relics of how pop culture feeds racist assumptions she's just she's obsessed thank you because despite what the movie shows she continued in reality schools don't transform cops cops transform schools and in an extremely detrimental way how is that by by by being there at uh fucking low-income uh neighborhoods where they have to have kids bring weapons to school and the cops make them walk through a metal detector? I find it odd, Lois, that you're writing this after the spat of school shootings we've had over the last few years. What is your point exactly? Blinded. You are blinded. You have
Starting point is 00:39:17 lost touch with reality. Levine also, Levine also did not immediately respond to WWE's request for further comment, but based on her Twitter response the film sent his statement left her dissatisfied I suck cock and I love it yummy yummy yummy yummy I didn't mean to do that I hit it with my fucking thing so they put out a statement and she wasn't
Starting point is 00:39:42 satisfied with the response oh my god she says this is what she says to their like apology i think what you meant to type was yes we made a grave error in not realizing the implicit racism in that programming decision we apologize and are rethinking who makes our programming decisions hereafter how deep a white normative hole will keep digging oh my god you gotta be kidding make me a sandwich make me a fucking sandwich no no no no no no no she's not even satisfied with her apology. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Kindergarten cop. That's a mental illness. It really is. I wish she was in Beirut yesterday having tea on the sidewalk. You know what I'm saying? having tea on the sidewalk. You know what I'm saying? Lois?
Starting point is 00:40:50 Are you there? Hello? Lois? Lois? Hello? Hello, Lois? Anybody there? A massive explosion rocked Beirut on Tuesday,
Starting point is 00:41:02 flattening much of the city's port. Does Beirut ever have any peace? That's like reporting somebody had a slice of pizza in New York yesterday. Oh, my God. Flattening much of the city's port, damaging buildings across the capital, and sending a giant mushroom cloud into the sky. More than 70 people were killed and 3,000 injured with bodies buried in the rubble. They can't get a break over there, can they? What the hell's going on out here?
Starting point is 00:41:29 The blast struck with a force of 3.5 magnitude earthquake, according to Germany's Geosciences Center. And it was heard, felt as far away as Cyprus. More than 200 kilometers, that's 180 miles, across the Mediterranean. For blocks around the port where the explosion took place, bloodied residents staggered through the streets, lined with overturned cars and littered with rubble from shattered buildings. One person said it was like walking downtown Detroit. No, the cause of the blast was not immediately known,
Starting point is 00:41:58 but initials report they think a Jew was lighting fire to the hotel. Say what? Initial report suggested a fire had detonated at a warehouse at the port. Abbas Ibrahim, chief of Lebanese general security, said it might have been caused by highly explosive material that was confiscated from a ship some time ago and stored at the port. Local television channel LBC said the material was sodium nitrate. Witnesses reported seeing a strange orange color cloud, which appeared when toxic nitrogen dioxide gas is released after an explosion
Starting point is 00:42:38 from nitrates. The explosion came amid ongoing tensions between Israel and Hezbollah military group. And Israeli government officials said we had nothing to do with the blast. I think there's a couple of theories. There was also a warehouse with a bunch of fireworks in it. Maybe that's what they were talking about when they said they confiscated shit. Because people saw sparks and heard like high-pitched whistling, like fireworks. That had to be a lot of fireworks, though. Obviously, it hit something, a gas line or, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:14 If it wasn't, you know, terrorism. I don't think it was from what I've been reading. It was a real horror show. I haven't seen anything like that since the days of Civil War. Mahwan Radam said, who was about 500 meters from the port and was knocked off his feet by the explosion. Health minister Hassan Ahmad said the preliminary toll was more than 70 dead, 3000 wounded Beirut's governor, Marwan Abdood,
Starting point is 00:43:38 all these fucking names. Beirut's governor, Peter bread. Uh, Hey, that was pretty good peter broke into tears as he toured the site exclaiming beirut is devastated city prime minister hassan dia bowed that those responsible with pay so he thinks it's the jews i'm sure but this is why we think it might be fireworks and they had all kinds of shit initially video taken by residents showed a fire raging at the port sending up a giant column of smoke illuminated by flashes of what appeared to be fireworks local tv stations
Starting point is 00:44:20 reported that a fireworks warehouse was involved but again i don't care how many fireworks you have in a way it's not going to cause that type of you know i mean i don't care how many bottle rockets go off it's not going to shake fucking cyprus um the fire then appeared to spread to a nearby building triggering a more massive explosion, sending up a mushroom cloud and generating a shockwave. That was fucking... Did you see the clips of it? Oh, we do. I forgot. Jesus Christ! that was me lighting farts at the high rock hotel five years ago
Starting point is 00:45:14 i survived i don't know isn't it amazing only 70 people i'm i'm sure there's there's bodies that they're gonna to find under the rubble. But my God. Horrible. One woman covered in blood from the waist up walked down a trashed street while talking furiously on her phone. Even then, she doesn't put the phone down. Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 00:45:42 Hello? Anybody there? Echo! Echo! Finally tonight, let me get to this real quick. Jesus, Rez. Let me read, Jesus Christ, let me get the sponsor. Our sponsor, has hilarious t-shirts hats mugs etc most of them surrounding our commander-in-chief donald j trump well guess what they also have a nick dipalo collection and just added new items and ladies cut versions of everything anyway lots of great stuff on the donald stuff there's some of them there dot com go there and check out all the gear. I like that one. That one. That
Starting point is 00:46:26 guy's handsome. Not him. The other guy in the cup. When you use the promo code Nick, you get 10% off not just the Nick DiPaolo show items, but everything on the website and at Walmart in Alabama.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Go to and pick up a shirt or a mug or a hat and support these guys. We thank them for sponsoring the show today. And I want to thank contributors to the show. As you know, you contribute at And we also have where you can become a monthly member. These are the people who contributed since last night's show. Ryan Laberecki, I recognize that name.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I recognize a lot of these repeats. Pennsylvania, Rich Dugan, Florida, Paul Stephan, Virginia, Matt Day, California. Paul, stop using soundbites during clips, Dalton. Shut the fuck up. I do it maybe three or four times a year, you whiny bitch. Thank you for the cash.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Greg is a faggot, Massachusetts. What? Fuck. I know a Greg from Massachusetts. Not my brother, definitely, but my cop friend, I gotta believe it, it's my cop friend's, one of his friends is
Starting point is 00:47:39 busting ball. Greg is a faggot. Never fear, Alvin is here, Illinois. Neil Allen, Pennsylvania. Franz Bauer, Germany. Nice Germany a faggot. Never fear. Alvin is here. Illinois. Neil Allen, Pennsylvania. Franz Bauer, Germany. Nice Germany. Franz Bauer. Michael Wise, Tennessee. Sean Littlehill again. Massachusetts. Beth Kress, Ohio. Mark Baxter,
Starting point is 00:47:56 Michigan. Danny Comeau, Florida. That is my old hockey coach when I played a year at JV to stay in shape for track. Suspended three games for fighting. And he was a baseball coach. He knew less about hockey than I did. He walks in during the second period at the mission. I'm sitting in the fucking dressing room by myself. And he just looks at me and goes, he comes to all my shows when I go to Florida.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Great guy. Werner Weineschleider, Canada. Jonathan Chavez, California. Howie Uiz. How Uiz. How Uiz. I said that today. California. John Vassar, Virginia.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Edward M. Spadowski, Michigan. And here's the people that signed up at Patreon become monthly supporters. Ex-Starboy Tave, John Powers, Pete Sciola, Nicholas Ferdinand, and 6079 Smith W. Whatever the fuck. A lot of people don't want their name on the show, apparently. Thank you, all you guys. Unbelievable that the Patreon, we had a best month last week, Patreon-wise. Can't thank you enough. Let me get into John Oliver real quick. This really pissed me off.
Starting point is 00:49:21 I can't stand this fucking guy. Do you know who John Oliver is, ladies and gentlemen? Just another lefty. I think he might have worked at the Daily Show. You know, all the shitheads came out of that farm system. He got his own show on HBO because the further left you are, and if you have an English accent, that makes you good at HBO. You can't find more liberal assholes than HBO.
Starting point is 00:49:50 It's safe to say that now because last time I was on, there was a 1856. I did a couple minutes. John Oliver, you remember who he is, right? You remember when Trump announced that he was going to run for president? Well, here's what John Oliver's response to that was. The Republicans better have something pretty special up their sleeve if they're going to try and beat what they did last time.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Beat what they did last time. Donald Trump, just last week, he confirmed to the National Review that he is again considering a run in 2016. Do it. Do it. Look at me. Run again. Run!
Starting point is 00:50:24 I will personally write you a campaign check now on behalf of this country which does not want you to be president but which badly wants you to run i suck cock and i love it yummy yummy yummy yummy i think your brain is going soft. I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. John Oliver argued on Sunday's last week tonight. That's still on.
Starting point is 00:50:58 That U.S. schools need to do a better job of teaching the nation's history and that state standards need to be uniform is what he had to say. Who cares? You're not even from here, you asshole. Take your fucking Marxist horseshit back to London where it belongs.
Starting point is 00:51:16 To support this, Oliver showed clips from The View where Joy Behar erroneously spoke about George Washington freeing his slaves during his lifetime. In actuality, per his will, they weren't to be freed until after his wife died. Oh, my God, what a faux pas.
Starting point is 00:51:30 And another where Fox News' Tucker Carlson admonished former President Barack Obama for speaking about abolishing the filibuster, if necessary, to expand voting rights while delivering the eulogy at former congressman and anti-civil rights leader john lewis uh funeral we don't have him saying that right no yeah that's what tucker carlson was doing that's why they want to get rid of the filibuster and he goes you know who'd want to do that john lewis yeah the bitter old black man who hated white people. I mean, he had a reason to. Fucking guy makes me sick. First, he cited a CBS report showing that there are no national standards when it comes to teaching history and that the state standards all vary. For example, seven U.S. states do not directly mention slavery in their standards. Only two mention white supremacy.
Starting point is 00:52:26 And 17 list states' rights and not slavery as the cause of the civil war. So for this asshole, for this asshole, the curriculum for the last 30 years is not left enough. And you know how we know he's full of shit and that's wrong? Look out in the streets for the last six months. Who's burning those buildings? Kids who learned that the country was great or kids who were taught that this country's racist and sucks? See, we have empirical evidence, John. Okay? It's all around you. You just want to see it. Can you imagine in this day and age, he's saying the curriculum is not far enough left. You have to be kidding.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Do you have nieces and nephews, John? I do. I look at their fucking books. I don't want to puke. How many self, how much evidence do you need? How many self fucking white hating people do you need like yourself? What are you fucking talking about? It's nothing. It's nothing other than anti-American history they teach. Are you fucking kidding me? Where the fuck am i oliver also showed a video of a teacher reading a passage from an alabama school textbook used decades ago that painted a shockingly rosy review of slavery noting that some slaves were good
Starting point is 00:53:56 workers and very obedient many took pride in what they did and loved their cabins and plantation others were lazy disobedient and sometimes. The teacher who was black then said, I wonder what kind of slave I would have been. I wonder if I would have been one of those lazy slaves or just were not willing to work for nothing or disobedient because I just didn't want to be a slave. It's funny, John, you had to go back. That was in the 70s. you had to go back that was in the 70s you had to go all the way back to the 70s to find that it says as recently as 1970
Starting point is 00:54:34 and he says meaning there are now people in their 50s whose views were shaped by that content and maybe influential figures today running businesses or holding elected offices, he says. Jesus Christ. It's a stupid, stupid, stupid story. Are you fucking shitting me, John? Are you shitting me?
Starting point is 00:54:59 There's no evidence to support what you said. None. Pick up any book, any textbook. How do you think we have at least two generations that think this country is diseased? Because of people like you. Un-fucking-real. And even if it is true, even what you're saying is true, when they go to college, all that's wiped away, isn't it? You have to admit that.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Every college campus is just an indoctrination camp for liberal assholes that hate this country. End of story. Fucking idiot. Hey, HBO, go fuck yourself. That's it for today, folks. Mr. Rogers show is over. Let me put my sweater on and go out and touch a kid. That is it, folks. Dennis Miller, if you guys listen, he's on the West Coast. I'm doing it now, but I'll be calling in in a few minutes. One of my heroes. That is it.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Don't forget I did five of them yesterday. Do you understand? That paid for my dog's food for the week. Remember, you think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Have a nice day. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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