The Nick DiPaolo Show - Ol' Dirty Biden Busted Again | Nick Di Paolo Show #583

Episode Date: August 5, 2021

BBC is CrayZZZ. The Nike Spikey Shoe. Covid Costume Killers....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, boys and girls. Nick DiPaolo here. Free speech lives right here on The Nick DiPaolo Show. I'm grateful to be able to do this show my way, and I'm only able to do it my way because of your generous contributions. Please go to or click the link on and contribute today to keep this show and our speech free. Thank you so much. Okay, I was wrong.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Biden did drive an 18-wheeler. Thank you. Oh yeah. All right. Here we go. Hey, folks. Welcome. Casual Thursday. How you doing? Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I'll be able to play that on a guitar. In the, uh, not, well, let's see. I don't know. Four years? No. Uh, you know, I'm doing, I'm learning the national anthem right now, Hendrix style. Man, it's a good hobby. Sure, my wife left me. But listen. How's it going, folks? Final day of the week. I can't believe I'm saying that again. It's just flying by.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Creepy. Already in the middle of August almost, which reminds me. I'll be back on the road next week doing stand-up in upstate New York. Friday, August 13th, up at the Cohoes Music Hall near Albany, where I shot my Breath of Fresh Air special. Beautiful theater. It's going to be a lot of fun, and I can assure you, no one else in stand-up
Starting point is 00:02:14 is doing the type of material I am. You can pretend Carolla is, and everybody else, I'm the OG. They all followed me. Come on. Come on out and get tickets at and click on the tour button. I hope to see you there if you're in the area. Beautiful venue. Balconies and it looks like we're linking a chart. Just delicious. anyhow what do we got on tap for today uh joe biden gotta talk about him he's the president but i'm changing it up a little bit here i'm getting tired myself joe biden also known as what old
Starting point is 00:02:57 dirty bast in my opinion anyways maria uh paesi, niece of Republican Senator Steve Daines, revealed that U.S. President Joe Biden pinched her nipple during a swearing-in ceremony in 2015. That's when she was eight. She's scared of speaking out. Her friends don't believe her, even though it was all caught on video. The ordeal was caught on camera, but the mainstream media, of course, as they always do, largely discounted the theories because it's a Democrat. So they discount the theory that Biden sexually assaulted the underage girl as a right-wing conspiracy theory. So I guess the guy holding the phone was a right winger at a Democratic swear in. She's now what, 15 or whatever the hell? 14? I don't know. Anyhow, I look, I try to go easy on these because even with Cuomo, and I'm not defending him, okay? Even with Cuomo, though, they show a montage,
Starting point is 00:04:08 and he does kiss everybody, old, ugly, men. You know what I mean? And you don't put your hand up, you know, a woman's skirt. I mean, skirt, that's what Biden did. You don't put your hand on a woman's shirt like Cuomo did or grab her ass during a selfie. So he and there's so many women coming out. So he's he's guilty, too. But but again, I'm listening to Letitia James, the attorney general in New York, and the tone of her voice. Even my wife's going, what? I go, listen to how dramatic she's being.
Starting point is 00:04:42 And I'm digressing. I'm talking about Cuomo right now. But since the hashtag MeToo, and then he rubbed up against me with his elbow. I was never right. I had post-traumatic stress disorder because I saw Louie's penis. I'll be in therapy forever. Please. Again, not condoning it. Just saying. So I try to give Biden and politicians a little wiggle room. I'm sorry on this one. I don't know what to make of it. A video of the January 3rd, 2015 ceremonial swearing in of Steve Daines shows an eight-year-old
Starting point is 00:05:22 Maria Paisi, probably saying that wrong, recoil back in fear after the then eight-year-old Maria Paisi, probably saying that wrong, recoil back in fear after the then 72-year-old Vice President Joe Biden appears to pinch her nipple. Well, that's a bit of an age gap, 64 years. I might be wrong. Let's take a look in slow motion. It's like watching the Sapruta film. You don't believe what you're seeing.
Starting point is 00:05:48 But, and again, I want to, I'm sorry. But here's what's going to happen, folks. Here's my other warning, all right? And this is actual footage. But you know what's coming, all right? We already have deep, deep fake technology that you could make this even look more real than it does? I'm not saying that's what this is, but that's coming. You know what I mean? They'll show Mitch McConnell. They'll show him whacking it in the men's room at the
Starting point is 00:06:19 cafeteria on the Capitol. You're going to see shit like that. What happens then? Because the average monkey I heard can make deep state videos look unbelievably real now. And I know a guy who used to work for Disney, a tech guy. He says they have, when they made, it wasn't Disney, but when they made, what was De Niro's last, The Irishman, and they aged them a bit, tried to make him look younger. He said they actually made it look hokey on purpose so people wouldn't freak out. That's how good the technology has gotten. So it's kind of, I'm not saying this is deepfake, but take a look and you'll be the judge.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I don't know how to explain it other than what people are saying. There, Right there. What the hell? What? Oh, that dirty cogsucker. Can we see that again? Let me get my pants down. It's a joke.
Starting point is 00:07:23 What a per... Okay. It's a joke. Take, what a, okay. You know, you go, well, her hand, it could have been his hand just went under her hair while he was moving to hug the mother. But she, you saw her wince, like, who's with me? I know I'm sounding very biased here, but how the fuck,
Starting point is 00:07:47 how do you look at that and go, he didn't do anything. Fucking girl reacted like the way my wife did on our first date. Slapped me across the face and threw a cosmopolitan at my fucking... Somebody better look into this goddamn... I'm gonna find out what the hell yeah you better
Starting point is 00:08:06 you better find out this should be the lead story this is just coming out it happened a while ago uh maria pisaci is the only child of robin uh christy pisaci i'm saying the name different every time uh she describes herself as the girl says very social and has a very upbeat demeanor uh did joe biden pitch pinch you a user by the name of jonathan passetti asked to which this is on uh in text you can actually see it um always at facebook one or the other uh to which paesi responded yes however soon after she deleted her comment uh and besetti said why did you delete the comment you know why why would you do that why did you do that terry uh and the girl said and she sounds very bright and conscientious i have friends that would no longer can you
Starting point is 00:09:01 imagine at this age i have friends that would no longer be friends with me if they knew that. I don't know if she means they wouldn't be friends with her if she took so long to speak out or that they're Biden fans. I don't know. Maria Paesi replied. And can you imagine being a kid and having that? Is that how deep this divide runs now? Mr. Passetti then added, those friends are not true friends. You were abused by a pervert and deserve justice, but only you can exact that justice by telling others. Maria Paesi then sent the user a direct message via the TikTok app
Starting point is 00:09:42 and said that she's wanted to speak out about her assault, but she fears that she won't be believed and will be seen as an outcast, which happens a lot. She said, I would do something about it, to be honest, if I thought it would help, but it would only make more people angry. And I've already had people calling me out saying I'm lying. Can you fucking imagine? And this is a bullshit, even though it's not, she said, I just don't think it would help, uh, with anything right now. Marie Pais, he said, Mr. Passetti, uh, then added the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. Exactly. I wish I could take calls on this one and somebody explain to me what that was other than what we think it is.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Imagine if it was Trump. Oh, my God. He would have used two hands. Get out of here. In May 2021, the commander in chief went off script to point out the elementary school-aged girl as he delivered an address at Joint Base Langley Eustace ahead of Memorial Day saying, I tell you what, look at her. Was this the girl he was talking about when he said this?
Starting point is 00:11:00 Or another incident? Look at her. She looks like she's 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed. Ooh. Old dirty bastard. What the fuck does that mean, Joe? Joe, what does that mean? You should be sitting spread eagle, honey.
Starting point is 00:11:18 What the fuck? Dirty Uncle Joe. At a May 2019 campaign event, Biden even told a 10-year-old girl, I bet you're as bright as you are good-looking. Who says good-looking to a 10-year-old? Oh, my God. What a creep. He's looking at you, kid.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I bet you got a nice set of tits under that little dress, don't you, Diane? Bet you got an ass like a nectarine. What are you, in fifth grade? Yummy, yummy. This is craziness. So you guys, I don't know what to think of this. Again, when something like this happens, I always go back to how they betrayed Trump. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:12:02 All the shit that Biden's doing, and they accused Trump of, you could put on Biden. Everything from frigging lying to being unfit mentally, unfit physically, just plain stupid. I think they call it projection. That's what might shrink them. But of course, the media ignoring it as usual. You know, it's another shitty media outlet. England has fallen apart. The UK is way ahead of us, as you know, as far as they were. They were touching socialism 25 years ago in London.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Bill Hicks mentioned it on an album like 25 years ago. Anyways, BBC is crazy. Z is the headline. BBC Woman's Hour. I love the show ask social media followers to submit opinions about the best way to inform teenagers about age appropriate porn that's the question should we have age appropriate porn that's a sick question you're a sick fuck and i'm not that sick
Starting point is 00:13:05 that I'm going to answer it. The woman's radio magazine program, which has been on the air since 1946, tweeted on Tuesday morning, what's the best way to inform teenagers about porn? Should there be
Starting point is 00:13:20 an age-appropriate porn? That one has been suggested so they can learn about consent and what's respectful and what's not. How do you feel about that? I'll tell you how I feel. What are you, a douche? First of all, if the film has consent in it and what else did they say?
Starting point is 00:13:42 Respectful. That's not porn. That's what make porn fun. I just sounded like a blackful. That's not porn. That's what makes porn fun. I just sounded like a black dude. That way it makes porn fun. That's what makes porn fun. Consent. And then what?
Starting point is 00:13:55 They have like a threesome? Oh my God, we've lost our, well, England has the home, the motherland. What do you think? Can you imagine? Email us your opinions at With over 2,000 quote tweets outweighing roughly 100 likes, so it got creamed, as it should, in social media,
Starting point is 00:14:19 Twitter users strongly condemn the outlet's decision to solicit comments on the topic. No responded podcast host, Ellen Beth Stuckey. Too bad. What? Very pretty. Of course she's right. You teach them that porn is objectifying, addictive, unhealthy, unrealistic,
Starting point is 00:14:40 and very cheap right now, and can ruin relationships and create self-loathing and functions as the fuel for the sex trafficking of women and children, which is true. Excuse me. Do you know that? Those sex traffickers,
Starting point is 00:14:56 those sick bastards, show young girls porn just, you know, to break them in. Y'all dangerously close to recommending that teen stars in porn. Noted comments, Elisha Krauss. Porn is bad.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Mine is watching or starring in porn is worse. It's not too late to delete this, said rapper Zuby. You got his stuff. Zuby is terrific. This guy can spit lyrics like nobody. I hope it's a guy. I have no idea. So anyways, the major consensus, thank Christ.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Stop trying to give minus point, added comments, Lauren Chen. Why do I even have to say this exactly? What a, don't you guys, if you read about Rome in the final days, you know, the sodomy and the garbage that was going on, we're here. We're here, folks. It's not the final week. It's about five minutes to midnight. BBC Woman's Hour solicited the comment days after this douchebag, GQ, who reads that anymore?
Starting point is 00:16:03 GQ, who reads that anymore? Journalist Flora Gill claimed in a since-deleted tweet that someone needs to create porn for children. I'll repeat that. She said somebody needs to create porn for children. Could I grab this microphone? I beat your brains out with it because that's what she deserves. That's what she deserves. There she is showing off her sad armpit hair.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Is that the best you can do, butch? She looks like she smells. Since when do we start listening to, what is she, 18 and sexually confused? Since when did NPR start listening? Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye. I mean BBC, I'm sorry. I confused the two-lib shithole networks hear me out guilt continued no we won't put down your arm and I might listen young teens she says and I'm quoting are already watching porn but they're finding hardcore
Starting point is 00:16:58 aggressive videos that give a terrible view of sex says you you. They need entry-level porn. A soft-core site, you know, where a fifth grader doesn't just start anally raping the girl. You know, he talks to her about cartoons and crayons. What the fuck? You sick. A soft-core site where everyone asks for consent and no one gets choked. What kind of fun is that? I like to choke you. See, the question is, if you give them that option, do you really think that they're going to choose soft core? If you do what she says, you put both out there. Who's going to do it? The point is, she should be jailed.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Yeah, no, they'll graduate. If they've never seen porn, I don't know how young they are. When they say elementary school, who knows how young they're talking. But yes, all you got to do is click the mouse, there's going to be that one kid in the class who's always ahead of everybody else, you know, the kid that's got a mustache and seven the grade, full beard, like an Amish guy, he's like I found this look rear so yeah you're exactly right they're gonna watch it's not point of this consent and respectability unless shooting a load in a girl's eye is respectable now I I I'm an old man I don't
Starting point is 00:18:17 know what's going on I'm gonna tell you something when I was a kid Gill's call is among the latest from pundits advocating for the sexualization of children, which is just plain sick. Last month, the Washington Post ran an op-ed called Yes, Kink Belongs at Pride, and I Want My Kids to See It. That would be the Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos. Philadelphia-based writer Lauren Ruello, drafted the article after taking her children to Pride Parade and witnessing dozens of kinksters mimicking sex acts, because that's good for the kids. And a bare-chested man in dark sunglasses was on a float.
Starting point is 00:19:02 He had black suspenders clipped into a leather thong. The man paused to be spanked playfully by a partner with a flog. Oh, that's good for the kids. Ah, the homosexuals. What are they doing? My curious kid asked as I poisoned her mind.
Starting point is 00:19:22 What are they doing? The kid asked. Our toddler cheered them on. The pair was the first of a few dozen kinksters who danced down the street, laughing together as they twirled their whips and batons, some leading companions by leashes. Oh my God, I hope there's a pooper scooper. At the time, my children were too young to understand the nuance of the situation. Yeah, it's really nuanced. A guy in ass chaps on a leash with another guy walking him as he slaps his ass with a fucking baton.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Yeah, boy, you got to look close. Really? You're really going to look close. It's so nuanced that these folks who are members of our community celebrating who they, this is what she told the kid, they're members of our community celebrating who they are and what they like to do. How many times have you heard the community, the word community? I'm just so fucking, well, if that's the case, why don't you have a float, right?
Starting point is 00:20:27 And I'm sure this is coming. I'm sure. Why don't you have a pedophile float? Well, it's coming. And guys are on the back doing whatever to kids. You know, it's what they like to do. Don't judge them. That's the problem with our world.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Nobody judges anybody anymore. That's called liberalism, really. If you want to cut to the chase. Good going, lady. Good going. Gee, I wonder what your son will be going at this Halloween. Mom, I want to be a butt pirate. No, no, Timmy. Leave that for your sister. Taking your kids to a... And if you want to hear the funniest bit ever on pride parades, just Google Norm Macdonald pride parade. I've never heard a funnier, unbelievable. Oh, I want to remind you to go to YouTube and, or whatever, just Google Stephen
Starting point is 00:21:23 Crowder, the Importance of Comedy. It's a thing I did a couple months ago when I was in Dallas. I did a show, and they put it up a couple weeks ago. And it's really, this guy does it right. It's like film.
Starting point is 00:21:35 It looks like it's shot on film. It probably was. And I always hate the way I look on TV. I look great. Everybody looked great. It was just, the sound is unbelievable. We were smoking cigars and drinking bourbon.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And me, Dave Landau, and Stephen. And it was really funny, talking about the importance of comedy and cancel culture and where it's going and where it used to be. And it's really informative, and we all had great quips. And Stephen Crowder,
Starting point is 00:22:03 he's like the man of a thousand voices every time we brought somebody up he did Cat Williams he did John Stossel the fuck does John Stossel remember him on ABC with him he did me he did I mean right on Billy Burr I'm forgetting a couple others no matter who he brought up, he could do them. So I suggest Google that, The Importance of Comedy, Steve and Crowder Show. I usually don't, you know, I don't like to watch the thing. I watch the whole thing. And I was like, look it, I'm really old.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Bye-bye. Let's get to some more. Let's go to the sports. Let's do it. It's a Thursday. You know, I love sports. It means I'm heterosexual. The Nike spiky shoe. Have you seen this? This is all controversial in the track and field world.
Starting point is 00:22:53 It's sort of like in golf, they come up with these new drivers where an 11-year-old girl can drive at 700 yards, and everybody's up in arms and shit. Well, they're making new sneakers. Of course, Nike behind it, and apparently somebody wore them in the Olympics. Karsten Warholms' gold medal did not ease his anger is what it says. That's him. I'm as mad as hell
Starting point is 00:23:16 and I'm not going to take this anymore. The 25-year-old men's 400-meter hurdle champion expressed frustration that his rival, silver medalist, Rye Benjamin, had those things in his shoes, which I hate, allowing him to run on air, he is quoted as saying. Those things are an innovative thick slab of Pebax foam and sprint spikes
Starting point is 00:23:38 dubbed Super Spike. The article was very unclear because he says it's in the shoe this looks like it's on the shoe either way apparently it'll knock a second off your time uh dubbed the super spike running shoe found in Nike's air zoom victory and dragonfly models which most criminals probably have on uh and what many are calling the best race everhol, that's the white guy from Norway, and Benjamin, the United States guy, broke the world record, which had stood for 29 years prior to Warhol breaking it
Starting point is 00:24:13 last month in Oslo. So they're saying it's the best race ever. You know, hundreds of, one hundredths of a second difference. Benjamin himself, that's the loser, declared it the best race in Olympic history. Mo Farah and then let's bet G'day, Joshua Chepteagle and Safran Hassan broke records last fall while wearing Nike Air Zoom Dragonflies on their runs. So right away when you start to see records falling, you got to go,
Starting point is 00:24:45 hmm, juice, ball, whatever. I don't see why you should, this is what the winner said, I don't see why you should put anything beneath a sprinting shoe, Warhol said. In middle distance, I can understand because of the cushioning. If you want cushioning, you can put a mattress there. But if you put a trampoline, I think it's bullshit. And I think it takes credibility away from our sport, he said. And I sort of agree with that.
Starting point is 00:25:12 You are correct, sir. Warholme, who ran a 445.94. Folks, that's 400 meters. It's a little under like 400 yards. Understand how fast that is? And the big point of the story is the white guy beat the black guy. Has that ever happened anywhere in a running race? Come on, I'm sure it has.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Okay, but not very often. Look at that. Warhol ran a 45.9 for Monday before letting out a celebratory scream, ripping his uniform in half and dropping to his knees in astonishment. He works with Puma and the Mercedes F1 team, Mercedes is making shoes now, to create his own spikes, which feature an upper carbon plate in the sole, and they only weigh about 135 grams, but they are not the same as the super spike, according tohol so I don't know a bit of a hypocrite there fella. Oh Righty there. Yes. We have the carbon plate warhol said but we have tried to make it as thin as possible
Starting point is 00:26:16 Why don't everybody you know what you do you make them all they all have to wear. Oh, we're older eaters same thickness same Make a fair, you know? I don't know how to make a restaurant. It's not a fear, no? All right, I'll try to help you. Paulie, what do you think I'm talking about? This guy, he'd spend another 24 hours here, he'd be turning into a stool.
Starting point is 00:26:41 It's a nice place, a lot of hooahs coming in and out. I don't know how to make a restaurant. Sit down and I'm going to eat a meal, I don't know how to make a stool. It's a nice place. A lot of hooahs coming in and out. I don't know how to make a restaurant. Sit down and eat a meal. I don't know how to make a restaurant. It's not fair, no? Watch that scene and watch how bad the editing is. I don't know if you picked up on this, Matt. He's got a cigar in his mouth.
Starting point is 00:26:58 It's there sometimes. Continuity guy fell asleep. Anyways, this guy made a pad himself for his shoe but it's very thin uh because uh that is the way i would like to do it of course technology will always be there but i also want to keep it down to a level where we can compare results because that is important which i kind of agree with you know uh if you follow baseball you know the live ball era and that steroid era, and then you think like Hank Aaron, maybe the greatest home run,
Starting point is 00:27:30 because he wasn't juicing and the ball wasn't juiced. But it makes it hard to compare, but it makes the world interesting. As long as somebody's trying to cheat, I'm going to pay attention. Anyway, speaking of track, I ran track in high school. I ran indoor track one year. And I ran the 300 meters. And me and this kid, Peter Dooley from Beverly, it was the first race of the year at Beverly in their gymnasium. 300 meters.
Starting point is 00:27:57 He beat me by a, you know, I don't know. It was almost, you know, what do you call it? A photo finish. Anyways, those two times held up for the rest of the year was the best two times, which I'm kind of proud of. You know why? And they took the sneakers I wore. They're actually, you go to my high school,
Starting point is 00:28:17 they're in a glass case. This is what I wore when I ran. And there you go. Those things. Man, can you fly in those. I want those in real life. If I'm going to learn guitar, I might as well buy the Kiss shoes. I got a terrible blister running in those, but something about them, man.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Anyways. It's a nice looking shoe, isn't it? Shut up, Hillary, you thick-ankled dog face. I ran a 4'6 flat almost every time I was timed in the 40. Where'd you go now? Well, today, that's slow, but yeah, not bad for a white kid in 1981 or whatever. 4'6 flat. And I'm telling Bobby Jewell that. Yeah, not bad for a white kid in 1981 or whatever. Four, six flat.
Starting point is 00:29:07 And I'm telling Bobby Jewell that. He was an athlete in high school, the guy that owns Tampa SideSplitters, and he just got like this smirk on his face. I go, what's your problem? I go, why? What are you running? Four, four. And I know he's right.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I can just tell he goes four, four flat. I go, get out of here. And you know why I believe him? Because he told me he slept with Barbara Eden in her prime. Oh, Jesus, should I say that out loud? Well, why not? That's something to brag about. I dream of Jeannie. And this was back in the 80s or 70s,
Starting point is 00:29:36 whenever he was a tennis instructor at a resort. Are you kidding me? Never mind the 4-4-40. I would have had my dick bronzed. Who's kidding me? Never mind the 4-4-40. I would have had my dick bronzed. Who's with me? But I'm still in shock that the white guy beat the brother. That poor black, I feel bad
Starting point is 00:30:00 when he has to go back and face that in his community. Had a cracker beat you? Hey, guys. has become the first place I go now when I need to buy something online. What they offer is great. I was on a site Tuesday actually looking for boots, work boots. I've gone through a couple pair.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And I found them, saved, I think like almost $30 and this thing is unbelievable because it's so easy to use every time I'm online trying to buy something I see the promo code box at the checkout and it just taunts me because I'm thinking everybody else is getting a deal and I'm paying full price like a schmuck but I'll be damned you know how lazy I am I'm not gonna go searching for a promo code for five minutes. I just, I don't have the time. Anyway, does that for you. They have over 17 million members.
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Starting point is 00:31:31 For crying out loud, folks, it's free. And just by getting it, you'll also be supporting this show, which is the most important thing. Get it for free at slash nickdip. That's slash NickDip, and we thank them for sponsoring the show today. As we plow ahead on a Thursday, let's stay in the sports realm, shall we?
Starting point is 00:31:57 As you know, I always say sports is a microcosm of our society, which is really brilliantly put by me when I was in fifth grade. What? You're lying. Well, the Washington football team, I still, I know that's an interim name. They needed a couple years to come up with a, is, what does that tell you about our language and how it's being limited? It's taken them two years to find a name for a football team. And the fact they even went by
Starting point is 00:32:33 the Washington football team for a second makes me sick. That is such a sign of a communist slash socialist where everybody's painted gray and the same and all the warmth of the DMV the world's going to have. That's the Washington football team. They still haven't come up with a name.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Now, how about Warriors? Or is that, again, Indian-related? You know what I mean? That's a good one. I should have came up with a list, but I've got better shit to do. My kitchen's a mess. How about the... I did have a good one at one time.
Starting point is 00:33:11 We talked about this before. I can't remember what it was. How about the tax grabbers? How about the Washington do-nothings? How about the Washington carpetbaggers? One of those terms. Anyways, what about them? Well, so they got rid of the name,
Starting point is 00:33:32 and of course that's not enough. Now this year, war paint not welcome. Can you fucking imagine? I can't imagine. How about the Washington Warrens? We put Liz's ugly face on there. She's an Indian. Anyways, a year after removing its old nickname, the Washington football team's finally taken a stand on fans dressing as Native Americans.
Starting point is 00:34:15 What, three out of the 70,000 that are there? Why don't you kiss my white European ball sack? Senator, you got a lot of races working over there? That's John Kennedy. Well, I'll be damned. The team announced Wednesday that the attendees of games will be barred from wearing Native American attire. Oh, for crying out loud. Kiss my ass.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Exactly. I'm paying big bucks. You're whacking me for $15 a beer. Parking's $40. Lick my ass. We are excited to welcome everyone back. Listen to the bullshit PC feel-good garbage they say. Welcome everyone back wearing their burgundy and gold, the team said. However, I'm like your grandmother. I'm going to tell you how to dress. However, Native American-inspired ceremonial headdresses or face paint may no longer be worn in the stadium.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Says what? Is this America? Here's what you do, folks. You know what you do. You put it under your clothes, your coat. As soon as you get in there, you should be organizing this on Facebook. All 50,000 of you. Just like, you know, how they do set up wars in the Middle East on Facebook. 50,000, you should talk to each other. All put on the biggest headdress, I mean, spears, flamethrowers, whatever. Write a pony in there. Hide it under your clothes, and soon as they kick off,
Starting point is 00:35:34 during the Black National Anthem, you rip it off. Next thing you know, it looks like a... Who was it? Sittenbold? They got massacred? No, who was the guy They got massacred? No, who was it?
Starting point is 00:35:47 What was the guy that got massacred? The team changed its name in 2020 following. Now, here's another lie in the article. Years of outcry from the Native American community. Absolute horseshit, by the way. Yeah, that's Cochise. The fact of the matter is, most of the polls said that Native Americans,
Starting point is 00:36:10 the seven that are left, actually had no problem with it. I cited that on this show many times. You see what they do? It's just, they just keep coming at you. The final straw came when over a dozen Native American leaders and organizations, sent a letter to the NFL. Yeah, like it wasn't going to happen. It was Commissioner Roger Goodell to get rid of the name last July. The following week, and I read articles from actual Native Americans who said this is
Starting point is 00:36:35 stupid and they disagree with it. The following week, the team announced its decision to get rid of the old name. We've made significant changes in our organization and our culture, and our new name must reflect these changes. Oh, God. How about the fucking pussies? How about the spineless of the spineless? How about chicken shit? How about peer pressure?
Starting point is 00:37:01 How about chicken shit? How about peer pressure? Yuck. So it's got to be a name to reflect these, yeah, call it the white pussies. How about Goodell's gonads? We will choose an identity that unequivocally departs from any use, it's almost like a contract, of or approximate linkage to Native American imagery.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Really? So I guess the golden maze, that would be a good one. What's the matter with that? The Washington peace pipes. The team has also made some other policy changes for fans in regard to COVID-19. Oh my God, are we taking the fun out of life jesus christ i i know i'm gonna get diagnosed with cancer i've been praying for it every day uh while tailgating will return the team recommends now listen to this and you guys pick out the idiocy of this statement the team recommends unvaccinated fans to wear masks and uh while making it optional for those uh vaccinated that's faggot stuff. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:38:06 You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags. Can I ask you a question? It's recommended, by the way. So that doesn't, right there, you know, it's not mandatory. How, even if it was mandatory, compulsory, whatever, how would you know who was vaccinated? Are you going to make them bring passport?
Starting point is 00:38:24 Is that where we're headed, to a football game now? How are you going to know? Little tattoo. There you go. Exactly, with a number on it. Make them wear a yellow star or whatever Hitler did. As for the on-field product, head coach Ron Rivera expressed his frustration with his squad last week for its low vaccination rate.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Poor guy's fighting name changes, Indians, disease. At the time of his remarks, the team was reportedly 60% vaccinated against COVID, one of the lowest rates across the league. And you know why that is, folks? And I'm with the brothers on this. Lowest rates across the league. And do you know why that is, folks? And I'm with the brothers on this. Gutfeld did a whole thing on it last night.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Like in the city, especially New York, blacks, 31%, or only 31% are vaccinated. Latinos, only 42%. And if you watch the mainstream media, it's all white rubes and Trump supporters who are anti-vax which is the biggest fucking lie and I don't blame the brothers because I don't want it I don't fucking trust them to put anything at me now I'm guessing this is going to cause a problem in my opinion come kick off I don't know if I'll be watching
Starting point is 00:39:38 or not because the black national anthem yeah I'll kneel in my living room no disrespect I'm just saying it's America national anthem. Yeah, I'll kneel in my living room. No disrespect, I'm just saying, it's America. One nation under God. Indivisible with hip hoppers and Klansmen for all.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Good night, everybody. They've recently seen an increase in which Rivera is encouraged about people getting vaccinated on the team. Ron Rivera, by the way, that's when he used to coach the Panthers. This guy beat cancer a couple of years ago. Tough dude. That guy was a lineman, I believe, in the NFL and a damn good one.
Starting point is 00:40:15 That's a bad man right there. But anyways, I got to believe that's going to be a real issue. Don't you think? Between the union, the unions go, you can't make them get vaccinated. Next thing you know, you're missing all your starter. You know how it is. Doesn't doesn't bother me. I'll be watching girls softball on ESPN and I'm dead serious. I would see the cost of pants. Oh, my God. Yeah. A few of them look like Johnny Bench. OK, but there's a lot of the pony.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Don't get me started. It's not like Joe Biden. Speaking of costumes, headline, COVID costume killers. What? Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Carolina Echeverria didn't think twice about opening the door to a group of people covered from head to toe in medical PPE. It's the stuff they wear, as you see here. That's her.
Starting point is 00:41:13 You know, the PPE stuff that they wear to doctors and stuff. That's what she saw at the door. Her husband, Andreas Urteco, the former national police chief of Honduras, tell me that wasn't a tough job, was sick with COVID-19. But as Urteco watched from the security camera feed in the room where he was isolating, the five supposed health workers seized his wife at Chivera. Oh, my God. Can you imagine seeing that on camera? Houston, we have a problem. They had not come to offer treatment, but to carry out an assassination. It's like one of the most dangerous countries on the planet.
Starting point is 00:41:48 He rushed out to save his wife. I went out to the hall, he said, with my gun in my hand, fired about 11 shots, said Ortego in an interview with a local radio station, who took a bullet to the leg during the exchange. When his gun jammed, the assassins brought his wife into the hall with a pistol pointed at her head. My wife turned her face towards me and they shot her
Starting point is 00:42:10 in the left temple, he said. What a sick fucking world. The assassins fled shedding their disposable gowns before hopping into a waiting taxi. Echevera, 60, was both a lawyer and a politician, two professions that carry great
Starting point is 00:42:28 risk in one of the world's most crime-ridden, corrupt countries. At this point, it isn't clear whether she or her husband was the primary target of the attack, because sometimes these sickos would rather whack somebody you love or your wife, just so you have to live with the misery. rather whack somebody you love or your wife, just so you have to live with the misery. In recent years, Erteco68, who's also a lawyer, has represented, now here's where, it's sort of self-explanatory what happened. He's represented several clients with links to organized crime. God bless these people, though, for having the balls, including a former legislature who was awaiting sentencing on drug trafficking and changes uh excuse me charges in new york so i mean they were both lawyers they both dealt you know uh with high high crime high
Starting point is 00:43:12 profile crime uh this is honduras man where they don't play and uh god danger will robinson danger no will robinson danger the july the july 25th attack on the couple's home in an exclusive neighborhood in Tegucigalpa, the capital, left little doubt that the assailants were hired professionals. In recent years, criminals in Honduras have disguised themselves as police or military officers to commit murder or stage kidnappings. But this appears to be the first time that assassins have taken advantage of the pandemic to pose as a medical personnel. Finding out how they knew that there was someone in the house sick with COVID-19 could be the key to the investigation. That information could only be known by people in the house where there were three workers, a niece, my wife, he says, my son, and his wife.
Starting point is 00:44:07 So that's the key to solving this problem. Echeverria was registered to run in this November's general election to take back her seat in Congress, where she represented her home department of Gracias Adios from 2006 to 2010. Her region is part of a sparsely populated coastal area known as the Mosquito that is a major transshipment point of drug trafficking, drug smuggling, and cocaine from South America into the United States. Yurteco said his wife, who was running for the opposition liberal party, had rejected, get this, rejected $400,000 to give up her spot on the ballot I think that might be why they came uh but that he didn't know who offered her uh the money keep your friends close but your enemies close and wanted to uh keep her out of the election
Starting point is 00:44:59 boy your lawyers dealing with drug dealers, organized crime. Seriously, you've got to admire the balls on these people in countries like this that want to change things. How many judges have Mexico lost in the last 20 years? And that's what happens. Evil takes over when good men don't step in and do something. I'm paraphrasing. I think that was said by, who said that?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Billy Martin, after they lost to the A's. Hey, we got a new woman I like on the Republican side, House Representative Nancy Mace from South Carolina. Well, what'd she do? She schools this woman named Symphonia Thompson.
Starting point is 00:45:50 It was about having voter ID, an actual ID. At a House Oversight Committee hearing on voting rights in Texas, Rep. Nancy Mace, Republican, asked a series of rapid-fire questions to Texas State Rep Sophronio Thompson about what citizens need to use ID for on a daily basis, as well as voting stats. This is the way you confront bullshit. Use facts and verifiable figures. This was a fact versus bullshit beatdown. I say Nancy Mace for president or close to. She's going to school this woman. I'll give you a trigger warning. They would have stopped it if it was a UFC thing.
Starting point is 00:46:36 It would have been a 30-second bloody knockout. But this is how you confront bullshit. Exactly right. She's just going to ask straight questions where you can't wiggle out of it, and this lady took a beating. I bet you she got yelled at by Pelosi or whoever, one of those witches, but roll tape.
Starting point is 00:46:59 We've got voter ID, and I'm assuming taxes are the same way. Do y'all need IDs to buy alcohol when you're purchasing at the store? Yes, to be sure that you are capable of doing that. Right. Do you need an ID in Texas to buy cigarettes? You can't buy them unless you're at least 21. But do you have to show an ID to buy cigarettes?
Starting point is 00:47:23 You do have to show an ID. Do you need an ID when you're getting a job and trying to get on payroll in Texas? Yes. Do you need an ID to go to the pharmacy and get a prescription in Texas? It depends on the prescription. But do you need an ID for some prescriptions in Texas? Yes, I do. Yes. prescription. But do you need an ID for some prescriptions in Texas? Yes. Do you need an ID to get social security services in Texas? You do. Do you need an ID to rent an apartment in Texas?
Starting point is 00:47:56 Yes. Do you need an ID if you're going to buy a house and finance it via a mortgage in Texas? Yes. and finance it via a mortgage in Texas. Yes. Do you need an ID in Texas if you're going to board an aircraft and fly commercial? Yes. Did you fly commercial or fly a private jet on the way to D.C.? A chartered plane. Do you have to show an ID when you fly in a private charter jet? Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:19 I wouldn't know. I've never flown on one. So did you need an ID to get in the building here today? Yes. Do you need an ID in Texas to open a bank account? Yes. Yeah, the cashier's check if you're working. Do you know, Representative Thompson, how many, what percentage of blacks in Texas,
Starting point is 00:48:44 black and brown African Americans are registered to vote? Oh, a huge percentage. 70%. Do you know what percentage of African Americans, black and brown Texans have voted on average or in the last election? About 64%. Correct.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Do you know how many whites are registered to vote in Texas? I don't like whites. Far more than African Americans. 72%. Correct. Do you know how many whites are registered to vote in Texas? I don't like whites. Far more than African Americans. 72%. If you have 70% of blacks in Texas who are registered to vote, you have 72% of whites in Texas. I think you get the point. Boy, she put up quite a fight on the other side, Ms. Thompson, huh? You should be seeing that
Starting point is 00:49:25 all over TV. And, and we've mentioned this many times this week, in all the polls, yesterday something came out, 90% of people in this country, the poll, I think it was Gallup, 90% of people think that the laws
Starting point is 00:49:44 need to be strengthened, as far as, you know, and it's all colors. Black people are at 82% as far as wanting to show voter ID and stuff. So it's not, it's, you know, it transcends race. It's common fucking sense, everybody. Okay. All right. That is it for the week, ladies and gentlemen. I've got to give thank yous before I do that to the people who keep us up and running. You contributors. I've got to thank you. My fans are the best. I want to thank those of you who contributed to the show.
Starting point is 00:50:15 We can't do it without you. And if you're not on this list, contribute now at or so I can read your name on the air. One-time contributions, Larry Ramey of Ohio, Lynn Shaw, Maryland, Paul Sagnella, Connecticut, Sean Powell, Florida. Those two guys have been with me forever. Jimmy Dempster, Georgia, Warren Dybvig, Canada, Robert Curley of New York. Matthew Guzzi, Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:50:45 David Yenny, South Carolina. Kyle Anderson of Utah. David Hertz of California. Michael DiCiccio, New Jersey. Ahmed Agan, Missouri. Edward Mount of New Jersey. Dave Venditti of California. And new monthly supporters, A.J. Boombatz-Langer of
Starting point is 00:51:08 Maryland, Michael Miller of Arizona, Isaiah Meredith, Illinois, Brooks Robinson, Missouri, Andrew Oash. I want to thank all you guys. Seriously, it pays for everything. So thank you so much. Don't forget I'll be in, you know, Coho's, New York next Friday night. Please come out. It's going to be great. Go to for ticket information. And don't forget and If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives that makes a great birthday gift or whatever, go to, fill out a little bit about the person. I'll make a video on my phone for about a minute, minute and a half, whatever, and we'll give them a real zinging, a real verbal beatdown, just like Miss Mace did. That is it. You guys, thank you, and I will say you're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Have a great weekend. We'll see you then. Oh, yeah. guitar solo Outro Music

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